The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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Tovm Tbp:
ult In the circuit eourl tar dmiK
Kklnt tlx , (Shaver .Transput lailon
romiiiy. tihe allege thut !-eJ was
kllll s (ha rsauit of an di'cliloul for
ihWt the rninf.any waa responsible.
hlr of tli deceased la hta widow,
living In Kansas. . '
Portland ...The ilauhelar"
llungalow, , . .'"The Traveling Holtinun'
lufcsr "J-rn 11 1 vers"
Orpheutn . Vattdrvtlli
J rand ..... ,uilvlle
Pantagsi , Vaudeville
Star ....Moving J'hturta
all o Qaiet tltla H.nJamJn V
Kkolfleld haa brgun aol( In tli cirruM
court against M. M. Fihx i. as admleils
trator of tha estate of 'Adelaide Hlorh
, and Bertha nioeh. to nuM tli tltla to
two lota In Alblna which have brrn Nm-
veyed through sheriffs sale to the de
fendants; - He assert that lis pur
chased , th property In IN7, Prior to
itiia rendering of Judgment acalnat
the formar owners. In favor of ArirlHlct
IHorh, although his dead waa not. re-
, eordsd until af ter tha judgment had
.boon entered. In Man-It. lol, an exe
tuition waa Issued against one of' tha
lota and It waa bid In In Ihe nam a of
nertha , Bloch. Tha plaintiff assert
that It waa In fact bid In by M. M
Bloch, Tha other lot waa auld under
.execution In 1901. to Adelaide Illoch. It
la atatad, although aha had bean dead
'for four yeara. Skolfleld wanta tha
aharlfra deed aet aside and a decree
given to eatabllah hta tltla.. ,, .. .
Olril Barrio Saamlaatioaa Five
civil aervlea eiamliiullutis to be liel.l
lH.ceinler H-ll, are announced by the
t'nltsd states civil arvl; commission.
They cover positions aa ssnlntanl In tl
naval observatory, assistant geologist,
library assistant In tha bureau of ata
tlsttra at tha department of comnnre
and labor, eec'ond claaa etsam engineer
and a Junior, animal husbandman. Tha
salaries offwd range from. $730 year
to 1 1 MO, Appllratlona aliould ba made
to Z, A, Leigh at tha potoffce.;
Qlv llar la Oermaa A Qerinan play
la to ba given In Portland by a German
society. Tha play la Wurat Wider
AVuraL", catching comedy lit five acta.
and la to le given for tha benefit Of U
Joseph's society at Wind hurst ball. tor.
ner. of Fifteenth ana coucii streets, jno
Vfinber IS. at 1:15 p. m. Tha play la
being given under theXdlreutton of. lr,
A. J. Kaufmann. A.nuniBer of special
feature. Including a troupe of magi
cians headed by Herman 11, have alao
bean arranged.
ltrat piritneUst Society, Ina.. will
hold rallgloua services In their new hall,
111 flccond atreet. corner of Washington.
KllhsnvPavia building. Sunday morning.
November SI. Conreranre 11 a. nt.
Bunday evening at T:4& Mra. Dr. Dickey,
field marshal Myatler' Bunehlne rlrcla,
will apeak on "Bunahlne; How to Cultl-
rnaeral of W. JC prlnger Friday (vara It." followed by apirlt menages.
the temalna of William IL Springer, thai Come and bring your frlenda.
I'Oruana Dionenr or isoa, arrivru in me
' city, and will ba laid to reat thie arwr-1 jy ioM tailor' would be pleaeed to
noon In Lrnie Fir cemetery. A runerai i Be he g.rwnta w supply to our eUa-
aervlce Will DO .una in ina rnapei 01 tnmara. We ara cleaaed ouraelvea at
Ftnley'e undertakln parlora. Hev. J. I tha reaulfa w achieve. We can pleaee
Hlmnion. reotor of Bt. Mark a church
officiating; at S.p. m. today. Many of
Portland's pioneers who h,ve known
Mr, Springer and worked with him will
. attend, oeaioea ina reiaiivea ana mem
,bers of the family, all of whom have
i reached tha city. Following the chapel
" serrlce. the 'funeral cortege will pro
r-red to Lone Fir,-where a briar sernoe
at the grave win be neid cerore rinai
Hew Crag la Operation. A t (tH First
atreet you can see a gas plant that
makes tha most perfect gas In the world,
lA gaa that Is so far ahead of any com
mercial gas for ngniinjr, neating ana
' rooking and yet does not coat more
v than half. It has all the virtues, and
none of Its disadvantages. It ta odor-
you and. believe you will pronounce the
clothea wo make tha beat you could buy
any place. Our specialty la the . beat
tailor made suit In tha olty for S2B. Our
prices range from 135 to Sio, Unique
Tailoring company, SOI Stark street.
Brmiae Bet The ladles of Portland
and vicinity are invited to can and In
spect a set; -of ermine, on exhibition in
my - window, consisting of , collar, . hat
amf-muff, mada from my own design.
It Is ona of the Very finest In style and
quality ever, ahown .In Portland, or, for
that matter, anywhere. Do not fall to
see It . A. Beiner, th furrier, US "lfth
street . .' , , ' " - -
Koscup Worker, with Thir
teen Years of Service
on Visit to Portland. -
- ' 1 L i
Mra. Florence Roberta, who has re
cently come to Portland from California
will ba Introduced to Oregon tonight at
the First M. K. church south, Mullno
Utah atreet and I'nlon avenue. The
subject of hvr addrese will be "Jewels.
She will sing a. Jewel song, the words
and .muslo of whlah are her own oom
position with accompaniment on her
auto hern, which has aeon active serv
lee in Han tiuentln prlaoo, and which
was given her by a young man whose
ramie aha eooured.
"Mra. Rolxtrta. better known as "Moth
er Roberta," has come to aaalat In tha
work of the Pacific Coaat Iteacua and
Protective society, a non-aertarian inlS'
luitary and philanthropic organisation.
Mra.-Roberta has been In the work for
IS years, and la well known to the so
ciety aa a capable aod consecrated res
cue worker, especially among girls ana
children, her work covering all of Cali
For. the present she . will work In
Portland as evangelist and lecturer-at
large. In the daytime ahe will viait
tha "scarlet district" and so-called ho
tels and rooming houaeg searching for
"jewela.". Bhe will then cover the en
lire state, visiting every "scarlet dla.
trlct" large or small: every county Jail
and All questionable places; . not , with
the aim and desire to parade or make
merchandise of any poor unfortunate
boy. or girl, but to protect and aave, for
that Is tha great purpose or Mrs. Boo
erts, a well as of the society.
Mrs. Roberts' will spenk st the Sec
ond Baptiat church, East Seventh and
Ankeny street", 'Tuesday evening at S
o'clock. ' On Wednesday evening, No
vember 14; she will speak at a union
meeting In the Sunnyalde Congrega
tional church. In place of numerous
meetings which have already been an
nounced. - Mrsv Roberts will become a
member of tha society and will ill an
Important position on the board. -The
1,1 11 ; 1 1 1 " i 1 1
if ;
if i
i i
I . I
-4 m t i Li
II. -
Wmi j , I 111 i
1 I i I u 1
'- Mother Florence Roberts.
tar Infirmary af Boston, also .- was
ophibsliiilo eurgaon for the Atlliny
gatieral hoepual of llttburg. At one
lime Jr. Young was asslstaat to I'r.
John O. Ito, the president of the
Araerlran Mryngologleal asauelatlog
and a rtiwlur of International renown.
I! . 1 - 1 -
society Is now maintaining th Port
land Commons' Mission for Men, Louise
Rome Qitls' Rescue, Commons Prison
League, Commons Orphanage (to be
built) and farm, at Eagle Creek, and
the Commoni Rescue Mission.
Swimmer These short days the T.
TS. C. A. swimming pool is open a half
less, much hotter, gives s i brighter, bet-. nour earlier In tho afternoon, S to 0
o'clock; morning hours, JO to 12; even
ing; hours, 7:39 to 9:30. The only pool
In Portland exeluslvieljr for ladies. New
electrio hair dryer. Fresh laundered
swimming - suits furnished without
charge. ' Special rates to gymnasium
girls. ;- "
ter and steadier light It ia perfectly
. automatic, you light the' gas, that is
alL For country, suburban and city
homes, hotels and business houses. It
is absolutely safe, and-we get the same
rate of insurance . aa electricity. ' Call'
or write Automatic Qbs Light Company,
, t9Y, First street Portland. .
At St. Michael's Church St. Mich
ael's church, conducted by - the Jesuit
Fathers, Fourth and Mill streets, will
West Bids Business lot, S360O Oach
Balance long time. SOxIOO. Improved
with small cottage. ' Located on Twen-iCt, February 12, 1804,
This Date In History.
m North - Carolina ratified the'
constitution of the United States.
1840 Princess Victoria Adelaide, eld
eat daughter of Queen Victoria, born.
Died August 6. 1901. - 1
18SS Western section of the Grand
Trunk railway opened to traffic.
1871 Grand civil And military recep
tlon of the Grand Dune Alexis in New
1874 Mariano Fortuny, celebrated
Spanish painter, died In Rome. Born
at Reus, Spain, June 11. 1888,
1885 EUlsur Wright, who devised the
plan of business on which life Insurance
companies are now conducted, died in
Medford, Mas,. Born in'Soutn Canaan,
ty-first Just north of Thurman. Specu-
open its basaar Wednesday evening. De- utlv- for business, warehouse .'or , rail-
cember 1, at 8 o'clock.' Mayor Simon I road lands. Will double in value In
wui open xne resuvmea wun an aa-1 f)v, 5ars. For further Information
nresa. opeecnes win aiso oe maue oy oonsrJlt Joseph H. Johnston, Lafayette
jibmuii vimuui v.. r. vnuim anu I bulldins-. S1SH Wash In rt on street.
jt titer iiuiiiyouiij i epi rBtsiiiinfj aixii
nisnop tnrisoe. m eiaoorate mu"lc' Temperanoe allr The Women's
program has been prepared by E. 3. christian Temperance Union will hold
QuilhTnan for the occasion. Char ea B. ft temperance rally t the Taylor Btroet
Merrick will preside on- the closing u.iiuvii.t ri,,mii ,hiwh
n'nt- . I evenlnsr. bcclnninsr at 7:S0 o'clock. An
1892 Japanese cruiser Ohlshlma sunk
in collision with steamer Ravenna in
the GogO Shlma straits, 75 lives lost.
1893 Jeremiah M. Rush, former sec
retary of agriculture of the United
States, died at, Wis.
Undertaking Business Changes.
(Special OlsDiteb to Ttr Journal.)
Hood River, Or. Nov. "so. S. E. .Bart
Totk, D on -The numbers by local rfalent and addresses
New lork state society of Oregon will by prominent ministers of the city, will
a m iiBiifll ahMta ltrajtai (Art fat in . " "
be rendered.
mess who has been In the undertaking
excellent program, consisting or musical PlslneS8 in Hood River for nearly
as -usual celebrate Evacuation aay on
- the evening of Frlday( NovemBer 26,
at the rooms of the Commercial club.
Dr. Benjamin Toung will deliver an ad
dress on "Evacuation," a musical pro
'gram will be given and refreshments
served. All New Yorkers, either vis-
"Hors or residents, are Invited to par
Steaalnr Boom Benefit For the ben
efit of th North - Albfna publio read'
, ing room the womens' library board of
North Albina will hold a musical and
literary entertainment at the Patten
Methodist church. Wednesday evening,
. November 24. A general admission of
35 cents Will be charged, all of which
goes to the supplying of the North Al
blna branch library.
. Go Gow Causes Arrest W. J. Far.
num.- one of the , proprietors of the
horseshoeing shop at 809 Ankeny street,
''was arrested yesterday afternoon at the
instance of Go Gow. The latter Jives
at 809 Pine street and accuses the
.. blacksmith with throwing an iron bolt
through his window. . Farnum states
th work was done by mischievous boys,
- Debate This Evening A debate will
be held at Marxian hall, 20814 Stark
street, near First, at 8 o'clock this
evening,' the subject to bo "Resolved,
at prohibition" wilri not "benefit " the
working class. " J. Goldralner - has the
affirmative and F. J. ' McHenry the
negative. ,
: dood - tocatlon Irving ton section
two ' blocks from . Broadway car line,
eight room house, all modern Improve.
ments, $4660, on terms. Price will sell
it, a thousand dollars profit to you and
only 8650 down. Phono Sunday, East
,728, or week days, store phones B-1362
or East 93. .. '. . . .
. Eyeglassss and BTpeotacles accurately
- made and fitted to your eyes perfectly,
comfortably. Eyesight la my exclusive
i business. Dr. George Rubenstein, op
tician, lis vimra street, opposite usaer
theatre.' .,. :i,-.,-;; '-'...-.:
.i Will pay good pries . for limited
-amount' Oregon Trust claims. Conn
Bros., 180 First street. '
"Would Sne for Uamarss Katherine
,W. Pope, administratrix of the estate
of John Joseph Lee, has applied to the
county court- for permission to bring
' Appraisers Pile Sleport R, B. L. Sim
mons, R, B. Wonefee ana M. A. Mo
Eachem have filed their report as ap
praisers of the estate of the late Lois
B. D. ' Tuttle, They value the prop
erty at I592S., ". ,,r, '
quarter of a century,' has purchased' the
W. S. Nichols undertaking; establish
ment and now has one of the most
complete ana oest rurnisnea .establish
ments east of Portland. Ths transfer
waa made . today,
Grand Thanksgiving ball at Christen-
sen's hall, Eleventh and Yamhill streets,
Thursday evening, November 26, under
auspices of Clgarmakers' union. Tick
ets 50a Ladles 25c. "
9. O. Btavart. tha horaeahner. nrw
focated at 90 North Eleventh street,
between Everett and Flanders, will ap
nreciata tha trade of old customers.
w-- - '
Thanksgiving Sale of useful articles by j
the Woman's Guild, at Trinity parish
house, Tuesday. November 23, from 10
a. m. to 5 p. m. Afternoon tea Served.
Steamer Jsssla Karklns, for Camas,
Wasnougai and way lanamrs, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street !
dock at a p. . on
"Iffert's" pure gold seamless wed
ding rings, an sizes, engraving free;
nrice. 85 to SIS. 273 Washington at. I
Albert BsrnL the drtfgglstr-aa Moved
to 229 Washington street, two doors be-
low former location."
Pireparing Apple Land.
(Special Dispstcb to Tha Journal.)
' Chelan Falls. Wash., Nor. 20. The
Chelan Falls Milling company has men
below here clearing the sagebrush from
the lands that the company will irri
gate next season and plant to orchard.
Where to Dine.
Royal Canton Grill, 262-354 - Alder.
Special chicken dinner with lea cream.
40c; merchants' lunch, 26c. Royal chop
auey and noodles. Open day1 and night.
A special 60c chicken dinner today.
Hall's restaurant, 330 Washington at.
Sand Cribs at Foot Ankeny
Threaten to Collapse
Under Heavy Load.
Teamsters are preparing to: file com
plaint against the owners of sand cribs
at the foot of Ankeny street, charging
maintenance of an unsafe structure.
Appearance of the cribs seems to verify
the correctness of their complaints.
Supports insecurely founded bear the
dead weight of many thousand tons of
sand, gravel, and crushed rock.
These supports have slipped as the
upper structure has careened until they
lean at an angle of nearly 45 degrees.
Between the rows of supports are wa
gon roads used by those who carry
away sand and gravel and by team
sters going- to he plant of the Diamond
Brick company, just beyond. Said a
teamster yesterday:
" "Don t go to ' work down there to
day,' my wife says this -morning. 'I'm
afraid you won't come back to me , and
the babies.' I .am afraid of those sand
cribs," the transferman i concluded lm
Experts pronounce the structure un
safe and likely to fall at any time.
rv. Vr
Colonial Holidays
rE ope fire. I
place, thai
crackling log. I
tha loaatiBg cheat
Butt, tha jingle el
leighbslk tha
the tpotleai linen
' the quaint, old
china, lbs family
s3fr brought boa
fci hiding placet Tie
prsJa in that (3 ml
And sow your
family suvof? b k
in the hiitona old
town of Newbury.
port, Matsacho
setts? Uio, you
hare equal pride
in jrotn.
ThU tpWSd
pattara in Sterl
ing; Silver re
flects all the court
ly grace and dig
nity, with which
your great-great
grandare led me
cotillion or di.
pensed thehotpi
Ulih'et of the least.
Are you pre
pared for your
Holiday carving?
We propose a
bird set in the
"Colonial- for
your own use, or
as aa acceptsble
gift. Made in a
complete table
XM. B. x. Wauosrr
For the Highest CIam of Dental
. 1 Work.
Gold and Porcelain Crown., f 3
Gold Fillings. ...f l.OO ind up
Silver Fi!!ingt......SO nj up
Cement Filling! B0f
Enamel Fillings ...... .,f 1.00
Porcelain Fillings, ft and up
Full Set of good Teeth ( ;
on rubber ......... 3.00
Best Set of Teeth on
rubber . . . ....... .;..f8.00
Best Set on celluloid.,.. fT.50
342 J Washington St.; Corner Seventh t
OFFICE HOURS S a. m. to 5 p. ro. SUKDAYS 9 a. m. to 12 m.'
, . Phonei Main and A-2119Fourteen Yean in Portland
To Locate Here.
H. Dudley Young, M. D., recently ar
rived in Portland from Mexico City,
where he has been located for the last
10 years. Dr. Young is very much im
pressed by the great possibilities in
Portland, and has decided to locate here
permanently. He was connected with
the Massachusetts Charitable Eye and
This is only one of the many beau
tiful pattern we carry in solid
silver. If yon are looking for some
thing" new in silver, give us a caii.
You will find all of the latest pat
terns at our store.
Jaeger Bros.
Leading Jewelers and Opticians
266 llorrlson St., Between
Third and Fourth
pur Optician Za an Expert. Have
Tow Glasses Pitted Bate.
To oaav-500, 6O0, $1200, on city I
Improved property. j. I wells, 638
Chamber of Commerce.
Shorthand and True wilting, taught I
by expert, 5 a month. in Fourteenth,
near Jefferson. o' - ? .
T. S. Beaeh, ft Oo tha Pioneer-Paint
company, JS6" First street., Phones M.
1314, A-13S4. '-v . r "
T, A Wise ana associates, painless!
dentists, Third ana Washington.
TTnele Kysrs has.
Look for the name. .
only one - store.
Bod Tank Oil Co. have S phones
East 18S ana C-1IJ4. , .
Sr. Carlton
.Watte, 602-SOS -Dekum
Abendroth, Jeweler, S4S Wash-, hear 1.
Chiefly About Diamonds
How often we hear the remark: "Heitkemper's
:". the place to'buy diamorKis; they permit no misrep-
resentation as to true values there."; . This f ixeci
. business policy has made this store the pre-eminent
diamond center of Portland. , t V1
Diamonds as an investment are better than a
bank account this year they- paid five times the
usual rate of interest by sfeady increased valuation.,
Start that diamond accounts once. x : .
- , . . . , ---- - .
Lowest Priced Jewelry House for fine Goods
286 Morrison Street ."
,,The Harvard Optical Co. has recently and
' permanently established in Portland and de
sires to earn a reputation for careful and hon
est dealings. Eyes are VERY, VERY: IM
PORTANT, We are well aware that we are
dealing with a skeptical public,- who have met
with many deceptions, through those who take
up' this delicate branch and style themselves
under various names pertaining to the optical
science. 'Your best judgment must convince
yoa and any reputable physician will tell you
that no one is capable of properly examining
and prescribing for the eyes but an OCULIST
All' our examinations are conducted entirely
is a graduate of Harvard University and of
, considerable experience.
We invite you therefore to take advantage
" of. this opportunity and if you are in need of
glasses you will find everything to your en
tire satisfaction.
V I , jj ii uriu,,,,, ",'
ill;- fm I
toil lit. list'
ii - - - wvlv ii
1 1 " 1 ' 7 ; v "1
IXT Sol,d Tlirougla Train VvP
RIorHicrn Pacific W.v
J Standard Drawing-roorn and Tourist Sleeping Cars.
Dining Car Meals a la carte. Day Coaches
Steam Heated. Electric Lighted.
5 An Individual Light in Each Berth.
' Tickets and Full Information !
At Corner Third and Morrison Streets, Portland. ?
A. D. CHARLTON Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent.
Don't Handicap
v Children
Are vou sure that vour child's eves have
been properly attended to? D5 you realize that
these most delicate organs are developing the
same as any other part of the body and that
any existing defect may seriously retard their
development? How ' can-your child advance
under such conditions?
Many a child suffers in school from poor
vision, dizziness, headaches and even sickness;5
oecause ineir eyes nave oeen neglected.
A careful examination will tell you all and
who knows how much benefit your child will
REMEMBER, this examination is EN
Glasses PROPERLY fitted give SOLID
COMFORT. If vour grasses bother you,
OSOBOS WOOBSOSTX, City risoal Act, Ooxbett Bafldlns;.
The following additional shins have recently been equipped with UNITED
WIREIJ3S3 apparatus:
CANADt AN PACIFIC R'Y CO,, "TEES. - - - - ----
8HENANGO a 8. TO, "WILPEN mmoflfl
NEW t-fCJKtiUjni ts uif' Altars i
ROTAi. MAIL OiHiAJM. t-AViviuj. K.U., uniAiiA.
Are Wo Growing?
Tou will ba Interested to know that
we have more safes and vaults In daily
1 use than all other companies combined.
We ruaranteo our safes to ba superior
to all others. Portland Safe Company.
agents for tne werrins;-au-iarTin
Eaf Company, manufacturers of the
genuine Hall's Safe Lock Company's
aafee and vaults. ! Seventa street.
Painless Dentistry
Nickel plated cable spectacle or eye glass frame, complete S1.00
Alumnico cable spectacle or eye glass frame, complete ......91.50
- Fine gold filled cable spectacle or eye-glass frame, complete, guaranteed 5 years $2.25
Finest gold filled cable spectacle or eye glass frame, complete, guaranteed 10 years. . .$3.25
, Latest styles in line rimless eye glasses, gold filled and guaranteed 10 yrs complete. 53 to 55
Latcstin fine rimless ?pectacles, gold filled mountings, guaranteed for 10 years.. $3.25 to $6
tsi local glasses (near and distant vision combined) S3 UP
ylla goiairames ot an styles at equally low prices.
Everything guaranteed or money cheerfully refunded. . Prices most - reasonable in town.
Pore Beautiful Jad Jewelry
I Gold Bracelets and eis
aet Rlns ot all aesenp
tlons made to order.
American names en
graved witk tbe. three
cardinal Chines lb ara.
tera. vuu Glory. Proa
rrity and Longevity.
Cbarirea rcasonahte and
orders of any destga
proasptly -execated and
sat prvpald to any part
ef the U. a Tho 8kia4
r.-rooi uyo co.
S44 ns at.
1 11,1 "'
1 mni bridaora t '
i.had la
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;(jmssI r.ngs It )
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ay Ti vammw, a
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tfaltad te rorlr Tr- (
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- l hrfiita 7.'
wosk sutttxriro row IS (
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Christcnscn's fi'c.v i.f
AJTT srwoct. JTC"!
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