0 v, ;1 j . :4a 1 . mmtmi-mscmti, mm of the soxmm THE JOURNAL Hi ISMCl'EWDINT KKWBPAPrK. .PbllM JaiK.KlN. them, but water power eonsfrva-lfhlne. Perhapa there were rails at I district court would be of one party. I peopfe, and arc entitled to fair treat-fart aa eounaei for the rrieoner. n at two should not io to the eitrerae road bouse with drinks and that I la this way votera could show, that I went, but Borne of thera need to be I should tnat ne um ir inn, of preventing tbe construction of etate of mind that the glamour and they are In favor of no politics on controlled pretty strictly.1 '!r.L!'u'"' Jr!,,uJi!,!i,r"ln ,!rti!ied M - M a a a 1 a a. II . A. . 1 M BWL . I S l 4. . . I , . , i I - - " J ueeaea raiiroaaa. . line) euHemrai .ocraaionea. meitno ucuru. , . . . i . , i lj-i from & conviction unwarranted by ih But, there art many other kinds sequel to it la a life cut ahort. al . - ' I Richard Wataon Glider, who died (evidence, rt is in iha province of tin laat Mt .... . ..iii,i.r..4 I liKlite and h i only to prevent mis. 11 Who mad life bettsr worth ilvln, "' " ao evidence 01 V' " HKRR 'Ifl .framisnt n,.J.r Kir I -.--.' ,I'Z7. Of irM or crime, tna jwoae ........ - -"7-;; , " ir numuua m puipm, jn ma youtn 1 instruct the Jury. If tha jury returns ,UUM 11. iquvrin was one of tha many young men traffic why there la notation! 0f talent who highly appreciated the -H,h..e4 evarr evening l.ii.t a fuv.wi,. oi mauj, viuor aiuus .h-" m.v vu puvii, o -r Mnmur ! jtnwi j1""- of conservation f or . tha Jpeople to myatery unsolved, and one mora J'-f. rwa .M y.mt.rii learn about and become Interested mound In tha cemetery. For day inaJiS'&a In. 'principal .One being better care or two tha pollc- worked on cluea, ..... - and tillage or aoll, including tha bestltne newspapers recounted ma story,: Vii'rT.l!Ala,fc tb-7 .umTSi" use of the fertlll.era that agrlcul- the hurrying crowd paused for Juat rrt AMrM(r wbil otmrtnwm y "" mrw m jib iirucrav jiviup t ADO .uh i muiuunh imu mai ttm iui rnu, IK REALM TE-PIININL T "Th Jklother of the Knee." AftOAKicT A NOUN, the 1 wall 1 a vanllot agnlnat tha evldenca tha trlnl TT fTA RDAKlCT A NOUN, tha . Judaa aliould t It aalda. Judaa who 1 11 'i"n.. theatrical atar. attcnipA to atona for hi arrora In Oua IW I brouht many tlilnsa hoini rid by reooniinendlna- tha governor XT A h,r iiit tour of tha ' haa homa frum fukuas AVvKHiiaiNu BKi'uitaENTaTt v 1 1 gree of aoll exhaustion haa no doubt I Dorothy llyrnea la worth remember-J 'of' PMor "wiping like a tidal J which were a Ufa long Inspiration tofi commute hta-aantenve may aaaa" hia but nothing vt mora tntereat t I Ware orer many parta Of tha COUn-lMm. Tha mtiltttnHa nf Ka m I .... t.,n(. hut i.a alan nrovaa that halwonn than aoma of ilia hnautv atu-rata x.'A fifth n Tork: looi-oa ik.7d.iv- --r.n . -.- I - " " . I a . t ... ... I : . " -- . . I mhi,.h vr ---'."" t.,.iMi. - Iflnnl.t. .nt K Xtr J J ltlll vat thr rnad llahta. t'r anu wijy inrre la aiaio Wide Pro-lir xork owa miifh In him tar Kia I ' Ia4'amg in wnai anouia pa oocnicu im - inru in ina rar aaav 1 . i. in- w 1 . 1 - . . - - I r . . . iviavlal.. f l.Li aA. mra-taalv aa ah.laMa. wwaa Tvwwav ih jn..rW la . riia ta ,H,"r,;l.50?i"Jli the aoll baa been ' td .ffr tt ,ha Joarnal'i EiiflWi rpj. rnt.iiM. r. a j. Hirdy iv... no rwt than waa neceesa exhausted far more necessary, and a principal !',r,rL rT'WM 4 .d-tim.t.l work of cnnge,raton , BClentiflcal- u tba iiuid BtatM. canxta or mico i soil increasingly ratner tnan ae ,fc . M creaslngly productive, ; which In ttKrtir I great many cases can be done. Of TEACH PORTION I rB TEACH Sleux Falla." hlbltlon In eight atateg. Tha reason la not far to aeek. The House commission, and bis nownrfui fault la with thoa who. being en-lpen waa alwai-a at the service of , gaged In the bualness, have no re-J humanity. He did much work that! Oerinany'a Prcparednesa for War., tl aay. "thi auDerintendent l'1" for th' authoritya or the will live on, and on. always a UV IJ J?. ""p,n;efaent ordinary ethlca of aoclety. Here la , . I W W " - Will. I VAmimrA T.h-. . Tn.1.nT .....I . ' From McClura's Maaaslna. for Novera ... . ber. . ' ' ! There la a good deal of nonsense "" ,or r 7nr. .r: "ow. enuoua our uvea. . have brn wojl worth while bad I only bruutfht back tha toria of loytllnoaa whk-h I eoaiait from i ha beautlca of many ts!lma," liU nll. Thy were all i"--iirai ucvice adapted to tha or ait ur ua, no mattor ho uaa busy, nor ' i v .asifii.i t ,.. -i .... ... - ...'ipriaea uy ine nonce in tne aci oil .ho.. ! . i . . I vnin ana i rinuumiuu vountir. iv'- .w - iiitui iikuifo iuuiliis mni iu t"v- innRf nirnnunt nr irnnn uvi' "i ...-... .. iuwu.. auu luiuaiuii iriaia oi i.. . r. . . n. Im.u . . . . i . . . . .1 . - i utrv nr . nr nil inniiftriminir Air m I . . . . him wunvu .v . i j i v uiri kh. ua w tmn m Kvary ona of them 1 have uaed alnca Ona TT. mil t ixn inKDii. i ., .. . . i- i mcrvinm arm a a inniirriminiiRir I n I . i. . . . w - - - . t ------- i mas a nam i r .1 n n v nMn nwn 1 1111 1 . 1 . . . 1 - - - r . - 1 mmi nn A vow frn w v haw a . .... . 1 . 1 ......1.. 1 . . .. . . . tl AA I Asa fMnntli. I .B8 1 " "" ..-iy wa I vUr leOKTaDnv WOfK W 09210 Win l.iI - j . ir.iw.u I " v-.aww auv-p, uiu ul in m arWrt Ml tunw rwifv.w urmnui My; ,'HtfW WI1 VUU !.Mikf mnA - ' .a . i ij. a - ii " - i iiau k tituru imiruiin. iitv iiaiis 111 m.j a . . . Mi. ... - m - - tnai yieias on many lanos lung cui-i DB c Brhool room then school In . i Z i . . wuiumwu crimes, oome rormauyiai mi uinwn war mm, -i now many year a did you drop whlla tlvated have Increased In recent ji" city gr.X .Uti TI L ih w,.,,,ntr 1 '' . . .I'u S""!! IJI J, BiaiO, muiru I unlA,,a ft lava tha rnnlr nlla I .... . ... I iv.rv - ntflnmr. man and DOV In tha I hir. m.k n ft.. .. .. yeara. but only a good .beginning oi ,ute- .nd UnUed states." The Bt. TV.-'vi:. 1 "i::Z mucn or ' t technicality, and woLVd ha T informed by t.lrgram iL.r v,h T.V"'." Inatruotlona. I .t,pjying. io my own Uiiftflt 1 n.ura, or wrong or rightly underalood. Our g rent eat avlt or our great .-, eat good. Popa. . A FLTURK STRUGGLE this extremely lmporUnt work has j08eDh BUDerntendent of achools i;' ,?.! v?p!, h. outbreak of hoatiuti. been made. It Is largely a matter B8y.: ..We h.Te t.ught $tr3o0ert" "Ztl"K V" 'V. ! d marole. and Judicial Pf-rJW.. of general, gradual and aetanca ea- iB OUP .rhrol for a numhr of r:.:ur:;:i "7. 1 . " VI m many cases. ,.Hnn hlM, l.bi rood d-al." Viv. .7 ." ii.. ... - -uiuurux i naugui inu u i.w uuv 1 yearn anu u gtvea auuie aeiatia. i htmatolf . Siirh OTimnlM hia In of time. More farmers are constant- It . KOOd ,d Te.ch Portland I.w " examples as bia in iv ' lAflmin. hn. f.rm and th " " . "el T?".""? the community are one of the most ,j ""a - i ursi in i oriiana scnooia. ii inouia i n..ri t .n - m r- in HE CONTEST now waging be- best of them can and will learn how De an lnBp,r,ng Btnd- Gr0WIlj peo. SHwi:"-' t " .tween power Interests and con- better from year to year ple do t know enougn about their P.nk. of those, who are asritatlna . . i . l . . i f'nn.orv.rmn ninnr rnia iinM wiiij. .... . x . . . . I - " nci miiuuioiB uvcr water njjuiB . . . .... VZ I nome city; iei me rising generation airntnBt the trafflo i iv . i.. . . I on Inns' nrnhahlv iitllizA th a-nr-I . . . .... . . I aga-Wai IU WWUO, , is uwv iuB umj uo iu is mr' " . ipe taugni to anow n Deiier ana be fought. The future will see an- ba-e of cltlesas well aa the offal of ftppreclate u moro , : other, and even a more strenuous rarma inemseivea tor ne pur-i j n really, more practically In r ,Th "apple , king of the world.? aa decided by the Judges, of the ap ple show at Spokane la an Oregon man,, or . two men Jn partnerahlp, moblilaatto'ii. .ordera that would, enable ch ha haa aworn not tbe(taivery I mada about tha eighth ,1nT,.c.lv herv- U wa - beauty of tha harem ihlI? hi w" told ,t t0 m- Th.faald aha waa tha purport of whl to divulge, every ni man ftirhtln ' machine the place aaalgned to him and what ha has to do within a tow hours after the country haa taken the field. Every officer la jn the poMHeaalon. or secret An equally flagrant' case Is. that of Fred Merrill, ; keeper of the bo- called ."12 mile houae." ,- rt , waa v..., ' mv. ,.,Z. IJ. f .wrloKtiia.-. lha V nrrwfnHn A -.r . V .1 ' . CallcHl X mi ""reepi "T 1 lDB r;;. ":rM ""c"w.w ractt D.?t ,m.me- his resort that waa .visited by the vnaiixaj, ujui n f"i 71 : ., I aiaiw anu vicinuy Burounamga man i tOT rirt narlv a. few wapVb aeo tha r. through the dictum of Its considerable distances. Suggesting facts gathered from maps and his- ."L?, l!7 irnS. Portland company, attorney the of what will be the basis for the follows; future i struggle. ' This ' claims right to the use of the water 1,, streets at night, the horrid acav- grounds and residence to city, vicin in the Willamette river at Oregon jenger' carts, these fetid streams ofhty, county, state and country, pat Cliy as riparian proprietors, said auDierranean attme wnicn mo pavement rlotism is best taught the attorney. VThi. right haa been .fris'lle ffowerTng" meaaow" Do the duty nearest, you. is an asserted by the Portland Railway, lt js the green grass, it la marjoram old maxim. Know what Is nearest Ugnt ft Power -company- and ite and thyme and sage. It la game, it Is you, Instead of trying first to learn v,ninfl' nf ,.w rirfnira served predecessors for over 60 years? he catUe. .n.ia the satisfied low of huge . . t af . off , correlative i v armK wre Te added and MnlainW that his VcnrZ evening, it la perfumed hay, it ot wn" , 8 co"eiauve at Merrill's house practically all that nfnldA .. golden corn, it bread on your ta- day; notwithsfcanding the fact tt (Die, it is warm otooa in your veins, 11 cutis lor me ieupie vi ruiuauu iu WB. enHv and that Htprrlll had 1. health, it taior. it is life, get acquainted with their own city. " J'! SdYrX? L,lfe springs from death. ; bloom fet ihtt cnllaren of today. when men & ff raL J! '!T doctrine of riparian rights. . which from decay; grain and fruits and and ' women, know Portland. V "w has been sustained by the- Oregon flowers are nourished by the ugly Teach Portland. It is "no mean itiMthnLrtTdnwu- state supreme court in numer9U8 de- and disgusUng forms of matter; and clt , It.,8 one to be proud of.' It abS JranHSL7ons It the law and cisions. the owner of land bordering one of the broadest phases of con- ,8 'one of , magnlfiCent distances, of SI d JiteSS In which they afe on a stream la entitled to the use of servatlon-Is the best utilization in BnnopK ,,fo , ua ' l.?8!!'1 ey.u"! the water to the. middle of the stream the most possible cases of this pro- Df brilliant nrosoects Teach Port- i "t, w. .r Jn JZ ,tTh . i .. Pr brilliant prospects. leacn rort- wh0, Bell drinks that are responsible irney to practical ownership of this, an exchange quotes a passage tor,e, about d,gtant acei- The8e jeju" Ivil" Mrs Ferrera was killed wn.mettevTlver. is an example in. Vtetor- Hugo'. -Lea M.serables." m later.V Besides, In teach- a5 IbafaWSS"? to win vc iu wwa ,iur im , M lag an intimate anowieage or one a i ,, Thar thft -1a n.rtv r.iid abort. Biniln"'--' Thh 'Mmnanv These beaps of garbage at tha corners. . , . .. u - 1 1 tnat tna Cal,e(? Bnort- ... -D,. --'"i"" l . w-ii. i 4ii uuiu. uiatxi uruvceuivK iiuui kuuui i. Ih. .tin4 n n..M..t n ...COO .U.llt ..W V& ...11 U W..... ...VMQ.'l . .. I IJ U1.IUI V . V U.HI ...UQ MM.WMV W U the Base Line. road, In which, the horse of Dr. Brlggs Was killed, three members of the joy part badly in Jured, and death for several escaped only by a freak of fate. , In utter undiminished in quantity and un polluted In quallty with the condition that It be returned to. the. stream un diminished in volume. Apart from its centention that it has a right .to the use of this flow of water : at Oregon City, the company, esserta a further right In the premises from GIVING IN AID OF PEACE ' land to tne cniwren, wnat it nas for tne constant and growing aKita been, what it is, what it should and tlon. People want the laws respected, may be. ' ' Tnat i8 what they make the laws Teach Portland's topography, r OP. and thev errow tired of the trans- R. CARNEGIE has been criti cised somewhat, and not al- scenery, climate, uniqueness of sit- gresslons, and tired of the men who ways without some plausible uatlon; teach the duty of loving transgress, if there la agitation, the reason, oil the character or such a city and making It constantly dealers can eaBlly and definitely see --O"- v. i.... ..a I Jll.il 1.1- - 1- I iy.ii.la. anil iiiJtai- TVTqL-q Hs hU . . .t.. . 1. ... l. k1nn, the fact ..thatahe courts have held r." T- . m" . ; J T,JL-;i J-7Za "ZiZL: wwo 11 ,a and the water code of the state nro-u . "'"1"". . "J . 2..T " -ZTi idc that actual appropriation and ns-e of water, from any stream con- tne oldest woman In the harem, and yet aha had remained alwava beautiful and 'always the favorite, ' " tf course alia baa.' I answered. Tronson and Guthrie, of Eagle Point, hlra- to taka1 up hia plaoa with hia men " . 1 .y.v ...V,'! Jackson county; They exhibited a ' - s miuuty ' chewboard of , hM j-7 n"' Un,"'"U'T wiuioui lurmer inairuciiuna. . -l-h. im Vnowlorfr'. - , ra railway would be , handed over to . a v carload of Spltxonbergs that won a I eiuuv irtie ana a KOia meaai. Tneitha mllltarv rallarav drnartment. Rogue River valley is 'getting - a I .branch. Of the aervlce that aaaumea con.r "Her name was Kutub. She had many great reputationand deserves It. tr(!' v'r the transport of the army. I oeauuea, cut tnat which moat attracted an tiltlmat ! nf war. Tha traveler I rOB leaf amoothnaaa of a h.h thm iwo nguow men who passed i through Germany will notice that every oamiy cieannena of a flower fruah away almost simultaneously were I truck, open, or covered, haa peculiar I washed with dew. It had the appear- Richard Watson Gilder, editor of heirogiypnica paintea on in a, rrom noa or transparency, it seemed ao tbe Century Magazine and William reBd a, follower -Fur it Mann, oderl to.be vlalb aa face tlnta through tha M. Laffan. editor of the New York Pferde, Gewlcht, " These figures I thtwiieat of vella. ' denote tha number of noraea, men. or "'Mot a line I exclaimed.' "And yet, the weight of the gun a that tha car Mme. Kutub. you have lived, and Uv ea n carry during war time. Germany ng make .inea. Do tell ma the a atsnda alone of all countrlea in the oret.' . ., world in belnr financially mobilised for "And In the pretty, purring way of war and in poaaeaalng a. -war fund.' the women of the orient she answered: The Woodburn Independent M i.-' sued recently a fine special "Home- a conta! war" might"enun"yet i, J thl'V.p. 0?. .u.ned f" g seekers' Number" of that excellent would enable the country to tide over j qimrter f an tncn ln ,ron f . Sun. Though of different . types, each had made for himself a de servedly great reputation, and had done much to serve humanity. weekly newspaper, that should be of interest to all newcomers seeking homes in Oregon. Woodburn and vicinity present opportunities and attractions surpassed by few if any In the state. . I have' bestowed wm;0.;?atwbiyTei.tj and It will be a great and notable MUNICIPAL CONTROL OF PUBLIC forms to the law If the water is so appropriated and used before Inter vening .rights have' obtained." Claiming that the shore land at Ore gon City was obtained from the . original land owners early : In " the '40s, even before the territorial gov ernment was established, the, com pany's attorney Insists that any at tempt to divert the flow of . Willam ette river water for irrigation or other purposes In which, the volume would be diminished could and if of sufficient importance, would be con tested by his company in the courts. On this proposition there is cer tain-to be a future contest. On the principle involved, there will be struggles ln many parts of the coun try. ; The progress or civilization has brought new phases into human life. We did not realize 50 years ago that irrigation- would .play a heavy part In the affairs of succeeding genera tions. We do not even yet compre hend the yital consequence the use of water will play ln future foodstuff production. The ; waste lands are vanishing before multiplied popula t ion, and ln time : the combination of water with soil will be necessary in order to feed the world. In that day, Jn the adjudication of rights between men, questions .will arise as to whether the needs of produc tion and the sustenance of life for the millions will or will not weigbj heavier in the balances than the claim of a corporation to vested rights It Is the question of whether a few, shall gain and. maintain monopoly to the detriment of the many, or whether Jurisprudence will take account of the needs and re quirements of the many. Laws change to fit the time. Doc trines In Jurisprudence as in religion are subject to the processes of evo lution. ' Once. It was deemed admis- f-able to slay heretics, but it Is not ao now. Ia any event, the conten tloa that one corporation can gain Fucb a title to the Tiow of a great river that water cannot , be taken from the stream for. Irrigation pur poses, Involves" a thesis that the fu ture will dispute, and one that will be of very great consequence to ao- i ly, - ' ' " ' ually do an incalculable amount of city tomorrow. good.' ''More immediate and appre- t Not that the teaching should be ciable good could be done with mil- confined-to one's city, any more lions of dollars than ln founding pub- than to one's lot; but this Is the lie libraries, yet that these ivill tend proper beginning, the basis. Teach to the enlightenment,. Intelligence Portland, then Oregon, then the Pa- SERVICE CORPORATIONS I T IS proposed to establish a pub lic service commission in Port land which shall have authority to regulate streetcar traffic, gas and benefit of the country, cannot be cific northwest, then the country, and electric lights and other public doubted. Mr. Carnegie's bestow- then the world.' This Is the natural utilities. This might look alarming. tnent8 In aid of the peace movement j order,. las a Socialistic movement, and one may seem chimerical or impractical Begin at home. Learn the near- calculated to Interfere with vested to many: but a broader and deeper est things. Teach the home city or .rights and perhaps to confiscate view Is that they will aerve , to en- vicinity. This is needed, and It will property, if it were not proposed lighten and bless mankind through make for more patriotism andx bet- and supported by many conservative all succeeding generations. Surely ter citizenship. citizens of good reputation and war-is a great evil, and peace a I possessing much valuable property. blessing, and whoever helps to pre- TARIFF FIGURES AND THE WEST prominent business men have in- the first few days and to administer aliHriv h.nih the flratT)low without delay, , . We womu of th. ti.U tnn. n,i. W irtfl fiA ajrah that nAtv. t T7.l-.a. 1a... a. Flfibermen for a Thousand Tears, j do nof trouble to massage the real of waiter wooa in Bcnnners Magaaine. ine race. Why, when it la not neces- The Lowestoft fishermen aay that the aary? We place the tips of tho second method of catching herrlnga haa scarce- and third fingers upon the nerve and ly changed during the last 1000 yeara with a rotary motion maasage it for or more, ind that their neta muat be i.n nr ihm aAnnj. m. . . The Denver Post alludes to "young j the same in -principle as those which fingers liirhtlv udoo 'th n urns Hamilton, rormer aajutantgen- were empioyea . oeiure iu ""'"i massage them In ever enlarging circles eral of Oregon f ant y ii m Kaf r Wl -""t"v.u"uo luiuio or trutn in it. ana wnen we arm at our tor the Drearvation nf hr hMt. thi. thnnirh loco in nwinm-tinn n nn.i.. U.i. n ih. innoi ih ..r p-r . . wm prvation oi her beauty thla :. :rr w ..r..ir u," v,vtr;r".,. rz .n, ; i houid do twa several "UM.luu. m. "h-wio own- 7 me - y.. " win keep er muscles lng up to Ortia Hamilton, former ZvT that Gm havT been wit- ?"ra .n mooth- V l.tbe key adjutant . Keneral of Washlnntton. .'MMi men rmrta .. it waa t v wmy-': uur pnysiciana call it tha That "state is welcome to him. ..... 1 ! k. and nlisht on the vast and melancholy k..Af yo" well the eighth or . . I waste of water hidea that modernity nerve, not only will you keep tha Even salt, nnder the increased Zn? tvT::JVh ' he face weU toned and th tarlff. is going up, from 75 cents riding lights.- and here and there. P'8"11 " smooth, but you to 11.25 a ton on coarse salt and masthead and sidelights of a steamer - oreaaiuuy aiang- clghLh nerve. vent the one and preserve the other is doing a noble work. Mr. Carnegie built the Palace of Justice at The Hague, at a cost of 11,500,000, and the building for the I dorsed lt,,and say it is necessary that PHASK8 OF CONSERVATION' CONSERVATION of natural re sources la a great Idea and aub Jeet. it baa a multitude of features and phas, aom of which, ra a general view, may teem ottradlctory. Not all -ctIns of the country, or all iocalitlea la oae " rce KA-Uon, may ne-d Jot the aaoie I i ct onsfnatlon. rjther Io de- t " rr kitd. In. one rrgioa. for -',. it tiirlr ahonld belly - ' i i rt te Trcrvd; In another. i i V t It 1- ff'ld cd mar- rd K lard Jt t spies ros- !-") firm H M (o ih roue- (-"-Juf-i. rf ahooid h takrn rrr i'fr r rf4 alirbJ i- ; ii.rr.i. rr a coahise f. LLUSTRATION of the way in Un these public service corporations which many, western. Republican Bhouid BubmU to regulation and newspapers, and voters, regard j control, through a commission act- the Aldricn-Payne tariff bill laiinx for the public. bureau of .American republica at afforded by the Lincoln, (Neb.) 1 The Drooosition la a good one,- and Washington at a cost of 1750.000. News that proceeds to list a few ln iine with the progressive Ideas of He gave 17500 toward the expenses necessaries, as against an equal num- the time. We have a state commls- of the Peace Congress at Boston and ber of luxuries, and show how much gion to control to some extent the twice that sum for . Its expenses at higher the former are taxed. The I ranroada within the state, and an New York. His subscription to the necessaries mentioned, with the peri interstate Commerce commission to American Peace society is $6000 a cent of tax on tnem. are: sugar, 7 aCf similarly throughout the coun year, and he largely supports the in- percent; blankets, 165; yarns. 138; j try, and why "should not cities , have ternational society, whose expenses carpets, 67; stockings,,?!; Clothing, commissions to control those public are $35,000 a year. He also- pays 7; woolen dress -goods, 106; shirts, I service corporations .within munici for hundreds of thousands of books and pamphlets used in the peace pro- naganda. Leaving out of view the system by which Mr. !; Carnegie was enabled to amass so great a fortune, these expenditures must certainly redoflnd to the good of humanity. For edu cation of the people, and their prom lnent and representative men, on the evils of war; and the desirability of peace, cannot 'fail of eventual re sults. ' Such education la one of the world's, needs and Mr. Carnegie la helping much to supply it, LEST THEY FORGET L EST THET forget.' the fate that overtook a New York young woman should be recounted to Portland girla who go Joy rid lng. Young and pretty, Dorothy Byrnes Joined an automobile party. and aped away to Coney Island. Dis illusioned, lonely and broken In mind and body, ah died In a hospital five daya later. Dying, the girl gave only the most meagre information about be ride, and what happened. "I waa In an automobile, the men In- ulted me and I Jumped out to es cape them. The ear waa going fast." waa all the hospital physician ould get from her. But the girl's pitlfnl condition told more. She was bruised from bead fo foot, and there waa. a disco or a tlon ot the ball of the left ere, which the surgeon declared could not have been rau4 by a fall from- aa au tomobile. He believes she was batea by the men- In' the speeding And this la all there ta of the try. It was a abort, qcTck trip from re-nth and feeahh to the la etftaMe churchyard. The party was Jir4 h4-iia the MMfrg rrne villi fckh ao triiar yosts womea maternp a fie ia a vrHicf oi- 60. The -duties on tne luxuries dia-1 Dai limits? monds, champagne furs,: paintings, if the corporations supplying the automobiles, etc. are mucn lower, people jvlth transportation, lights. An argument can be made in favor gas ana telephone service do so sat- or comparatively low auties on iux- ft,faetorily and reasonably, very wen; uries, on the ground that with high DUt if not, then the people should duties they would hot be Imported, have a medium of authority by which and revenue would ke. lost;" but this to change conditions for their bene furnishes no excuse for such exces- flt in a word, all these public ser sive dntiea as those necessaries men- vice concerns must submit to public tioned, or many, others that might control. ; This is what- the move be named. I ment of these gentlemen means, and The people of the west are noticing thev are not anarchists, or Socialists, these facts and figures, and discov-Jor cranks, or demagogues, or even erlng what the tairr means, more Democrats, either. and more; and the more they do so j the more possible it becomes that SDeaker Cannon has been in Chi the high tariff party will lose 8omecag0 talking in favor of the election hitherto solid Republican western I Df typical machine "interest" -man states next year, if not ln 1912. . ho succeed Loiimer ln congress. The ' ' ' - I sneaker repeat what he has said Judge Martin L. Pipes made a fine before that he la not a czar; that argument before the recent meeting! the majority can always do what lt of the state bar association In favor I pleases, etc., but those who have or a non-partisan juaiciary. ne looked intb the methods or prganlza started out by saying: The Jodlci- tioa and manner ot legislation know ary has nothing to do "with politics, that he Is dissembling and dodging and politics ought to have nothing tne Question. To put it In a word. to do with the Judiciary. The na- the interesta" control legislation. ture of Judicial duties excludes the .nd Cannon and hia coterie are their consideration of political questions." j tools. : Hence those who are for. Can- And be argned that thla Is true evn(non are not for the people, and men If the term 'politlcar be used in Hal whom Cannon desires - elected will broader aense. The Judiciary should j not and cannot serve the people. , not be concerned at all with politics.) . . .... . i . Courts In fact have usually refused It is only fair, when speaking of to consider political questions. There j railroads and other great corpora Is much in Judge Pipes address that I tions. to remember IhaV their atock- a-nino. nnrth nr nmitht hut the ateel and Ung thirty lines.' By theaa X dO not Iron hull" are only guessed by some rnen tlie thirty lines in the face. Allah cbance glimmer from a port or dec! could not make beautiful the faoo that- house. .i had graven in it thirty lines. . No, I And the meh have changed but little, mean those few short, irregular linea. surely! Their dreaa for work la prim-1 perhaps a half dozen at moat, that form itlve, hiding all that Is suggestive of the I in front of a woman's eara about tha. modern landsman. There is the jumper I time sue is thirty. That ta the reason which the skipper and crew wear a I they are called tha thirty lines.' Ninety miles of newly paved garment made of stout canvas and I ."Thus ended the lecture of Kutub. streets in Portland for next year are Bmlxta at mi niLa nrnw Tkl. mL nd .lrunk.nerJy h? tnS wlth mouth and woman eyes, and -"" i""""-"' muvu hu- i almost as toe coarae imocn garuea un I court esierl and went back- to hr hlna provement win neip a gooa aeai to- serf or oia. ana tna men or nia ranx Bllk cqucn to munch at her Turkish ward making a city beautiful. Be- WM.Tal!' -,noM ,aayf: 7 sweets." $2.25 a ton oh1 table and, dairy salt. A small matter to each consumer, one doesn't notice it, it may be said; yet it Is a specimen of the system of robbery of the many for the bene fit of the few. sides it will do much to make Port- sea to fish. The jumper in its long I variety is like & nightdress, its short land a better city to get around and form ia generally favored, but skippers 1 "I? LSfaLa do business In, often use the long garment, as the cov-l :r"mPyr: 7H.' V erlng keeps the cold out, ana skippers, l ..Tv: " 0 v. . w ij. .n tim. n .hi.i, - tour friend of th harem ia rlaht. personal t0 feel th draughts that Invade all un- "owfc ,a th08, secludedr women loam WO, protected crevices. There are rough, I "w muaciea oi thick, woolen stockings, and boots which ar conironea in two ways, may be thigh boots, or half boot, or y electricity and by tha control of tha , dumpers, according to the weather, and r(,at facial or eighth nerve. It would, - aa for headdress, that ia anytning n raosi reacrut ntmt to mu- the way of covering which cornea handy; that nerve lightly once, twice, but mostly a cap, except in bad weather, even five or, six tlmea a day. . Tha when it la the aou'weater. woman who does thla will never have an aged face.' w , Assemblies. ,v ' , I "It was from an Australian beauty X wneeaiea another secret of the illusion , '..Colonel xiofer.thlnks that an aasemblyJ ?i'iyout'?', -J?Pm least ..aglna;.. lines are: should not have been convicted of any that would make a platform and adopt ",u wmcn rorm n a una Jlttle Bet- hoh.i. iluru' nf muntw (hon tha U..nI..Mnn, Initnritio th rull oi ha I WOrK aDOUt th eyC8. Bh Said. TlllVlU . ond. and that , his conviction of murder peopla and rthe . expreased will or the j trouble about them. I have heard men in the first, degree waa due to popular people should help harmonise th party. I wh0 'r connolaaeure of beauty aay ' crlamor and prejudice ', growing out of Bo lt would, cqlonel, ao Jt would. But tnartney were beautiful to them. They the killing of fisher; by Finch about what in thunder would that do to the Bernd the echoes of laughter, the ln- the time of the trlai. big- . and little ple-hunteri ' whe have of a joyous heart Merriment is The Question that would naturaJly been running with tha . machine" for 40 waya infectious.' Happiness la a aual- euggest itself to the mind of the lay years? Don't they need an office? I T that always attraota.' man is:- What kind of Judge is this? I Would not one -of them rise and ln-I "The lines that most a-the face. '5 What manner of man Is ho that will ait quire, "what are we here for If not.for my Australian friend telle me, are those on the bench and permit a Juyy to con- office?" Without an assembly nomlna- which extend from the nose to the cor- vict a man of murder in the first de- tlon what hope have any of them -for nera of the lips. Study the facea you gree, when tinder the law. the evidence office from conatable to governor. Sho! meet and you will see that this la true, would justify a conviction of no higher Sho! Colonel, something must be done The lines are not only tha most arlne. degree than the second? I for these , heroes who have run every I but they are the moat disfiguring. There Blackstone said tha trial judge should primary .since Lincoln was nominated. I are three ways, ao I. learned from my Australian rriena. ror removing theaa A woman writer says adornment is not everything. but it Is a great deal. In known in stances' nature did not supply more than 1 per cent, , Jndges and Justice. From the Medford Mall-Tribune, A few daya ago one of the circuit judges of Multnomah county wrote Governor Benson, atating ln effect that Marry Daljv. under sentence..of death. FAMOUS GEMS OF PROSE Protest Against TrarKia in Slav By Joab.ua R. GiaMiags should commend Itself to voters, and especially . to lawyers. What la wanted on the bench ia the pnt available talent, and the parest, cleanest men possible. What party they belong to should make ao dif ference whatever. But If any dia tinctioa la thla reepect la to be made, and Candidates being nn aid er! equal la merit, (he rectrolliag ida should M tn divide the Jadges hrtwea the rartlrs, ao tat not all ct MveraJ ' mecl-era cf a state fcr j holders comprise a great number of people. .The Pennsylvania railroad haa 60,000 share holders, the Bell Telephone 24,100, United SUtes at eel 22.100. American Sugar 20.000. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific 16.000 each, and so on. The New Tork Commercial mentions 11 cor poratlons Shm ahare holders lum ber 24,700, and whose holding! repreaa-nt aa arrregate of f2.5tS,- eoO.rioO of rapital. 8o the eorpora- Uoaa are thempelvea a rart of the (From a speech upon a bin in the United 8tatea house or representatives which provided for tlie distribution of an Indemnity fund that waa obtained from England for ' two ship loada of American slaves. Tha vessels, in atorm. were driven1' a shore on the Island of New . Province, one of the Bahama group, and the alavea. upon landing upon British aoll, became free men ard free women. . Tha ownera of tha "Amerl can' property" petitioned the president (Jackson) for relief, and tha result waa the awarding of an indemnifying amount by tha British government Con greasional action for tha distribution of the. award waa sought, and aa the record ahowa. It waa granted on Feb ruary U. Il3.) Mr. . Hnraker I protest against all participation in eucb. a-utlt I will not bathe my. hands in tha blood of theae victima. I will not b mada a party to these crimes. I will not insult my oonatltuenta by voting for this bill, while their voice la not permitted to ba beard In favtvr of humanity. 1 will not lnd my Influence to carry out this apeculattoa in the bodies of vomri and tf children: to aid mn who Araerx tha galMwa and halter tiatrad of legis lative e.ncouraxement Patriotism. ar,f-rat,- tha hotter of oar rar. forbid that we ahoald lend Oar lilat!ve aid In. faror of tMa a!av trade: Mr nr r rtrtu. juatwe and hainanitT im-MI It: the voire f Chriatialty. tb law ft God. fnrhld that abnuld , ta-oia part!r 1y thtt trlmea f the far a rar-rbarla.' t !! rraixta and en;- rt.rMnia iim f our aRiasaiar at Lon don. . I dreaded lines. Ona is a rotary motion of the fingers over the cheek muaciea, working backward toward tha ear. An other la a motion upward toward tha hollows of tha eyes. A third is a light pressing of tha -tips of tho flngera from the cleft of tha upper-11 d avesoaa tha Sir. place thla subject, in whatever I line and toward tha chaek mtiaeiaa. a attitude you please, throw around It I ,!aht 'ironing,' .... ao to apeak, of thoee whatever sophistry tha human intellect . - -. is capable f eallln Into eferclae. yet " .'. E?T that wt,mn MA the dlaguaung fact will .Und portr-yad tg? " to tha world In commg time, that in w baffling, but that If tha hands were tha year 1I4S. this American congress not cared for with a view to deceiving sat gravely legislating in aid of thla the observer, they alwaya ravealed the ' traffic- ln human flesh. Let It go upon are of tha owner. the record. : Let tha archives of this " The hand grow old faster than the body bear to comlnr generations the face," she said, and after atudvlnr tha proof that 241 American statesmen were I handa of thoae I know i' have leairnad on thia day engaged In granting relief that aha la rlgbt It waa tho Egyptian and encouragement to peraons engaged j woman who told me aleo how to keep In that execrable .commerce which Mr. I the hands young. It Is ill taste to Mint Jefferson Oclared had "rendered ua the out an evil without citing a remedy, acoff of Infidel nations." But let not "'If lha handa have a puffy look and my name bs found among It advocates, the veins are swollen be mors than aver Let not my dewendaaTa In future yeara careful about the circulation. aha said be called to blush for their anrestor I Uton lacing. ' Tight corsets ra uaa mi. on reading ths record of thia daya pro-j le handa By a paradox tha habit of eeedlngs. Sooner, far sooner, would 1 1 despair Is alas the" preservative of nave u erased rrom taa records I youtn. t wring tns handa aa though you or inn nouw, frm, ooouer would . I have It blot ted. from existence than e It -r'ecd on record la faror of tbe bill bef nre' urn. . Yet. sir, t am ronii lous that tb hill ill become a law. ttmtiiemen from the free states, representing conatttuents wbs det.at the slats trau). t;i vete for the bill. The- bouse la committed In favor of Its paamge uni members are I n pa t lee t at tee nor alne4 by ray retrrlra P- oa I rlos it win ho rreeeed to ihe final t. and a dd will be ronewTnmsted wMeh will eieite d'eT sod leettng rt"r'vrnFl tn Iht Hit"-. ef lne wh, im tu'mr ) e ra. Mil r4 1 1, a atory of u..a Ja a- latian. wera surrerlng a groat grlf. Thla will reuse the blood to flow evenly through ioo nana. i ss a an . rresm whllo wringing tha handa And wear big, loose rubber glovee at nlgbt.' -I met It the far eat a .woman who t: mo t.at It waa her oplnioa that If tbe throat could be kept young Joofc. Irg. neililng ! mattered, or rather Ibat aa also tat waa ynatfcful followed. Tho olrlnsy iwk la the hano of 1H womaa who Is r-di-tr:, eK mM. Tt s a atrnog as-jjnfit snt rediirg too faat. f nn qui', rediirtlnn rt-,a tl !.,. mf Mteen t tn-(fe. Vlntrat re-' ""'na la ren. V.tf t 4 he t Ua ii;"i ty gtatJe tnassaga with rirk eo;i crsara."