THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, TORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMPER 21. 1909. mini is WNK IfJfJE THIS FALL Trice? of Brcadstuffs on Else in Metronolh Use o Substitutes Will ,Be He 7.' sorted ' to by Economica Housewives. . r cor.ip v r' CUrmc E. Bpayd. Puhllahftra' PlM iMHl Win,) ' Ne York, Nov. SO. Breadatuffa lij New Tork hava bn aoarlna for aurne- tlm. and thla waak cornea the announce mnt that butter Ja to go to M cVrnta a pound. mMk 10 crnt a quart, and rcgi o conta a don. with a'atronf Intimation that' bread wUt aoon ajthar to up Jn prlc or th rtie of the loaf will be reduced. Thla la the altuatlon ' which" confronta not onlr the million of New "Torkera, ,bu,t almoet every one llvln within a short radlua- of the Great Metropolis. ' . ". i Thla altuatlon haa arnuaed much anx lety among ret&llera who have gone to their wholesale euppiyroan ror rener. Thla ' haa reaulted In irujulrlea , goln out bow the altuatlon can beat be met. I' made a tour of the wholesale dis trict the other day where foodatuffa are bandied by the train and shipload. and found , that many aubatltutea will be made, or an attempt at leaat. on the part of those dealers to circumvent the advantage, which thoae in control aeem to be taking- of the consumer. For sometime New Torkera harve felt that they have reached . the limit of fixed rhargea outliving expensea, and the last announcement btui brought sueh a storm of protest that the wholesalers iel -me .a ; decided change it bound, to take place' to meet the demand. Driven to Substitute. "In all probability," said a whole sale butter dealer who handled carloads of this . dairy, product at one time, "the substitute for butter, now so popular Jn many parts of. the world, will find, a ready aala lrt New York Oleomargarine, butterlne, and the like, you will find, will appear on sale In grocery, stores where heretofore : the patrons' of these high class places turned up their noses ' at even such a suggestion. It Is evi dent to-me that the great multitude, which constitutes the majority, cannot mttnrA tn nnv SO cents a Dound for but ter and by reason of necessity will be driven to substitute for It. When they learnwiat the substitutes can be bought for 20 or 26 cents a pound, and that the better qualities can scarcely be told from first class butter, house wives, who, usually do the saving' for the entire family, will be very quick to 't etftlrely abandon the' pufcJhaae 'Of' but fWhlle it will be to my advantage financially to sell the substitutes for butter. I would much prefer to com tlnue handling .the genuine article, but I am afraid I Will be driven Into the oleomargarine business because of the existing high prices." Hew Signal System Possible. The wreck on the Pennsylvania road outside the Jersey City terminal the other day which destroyed four tracks, although not of the very extensive char acter. In a way paralyzed the whole s syatem. The officials of thls'road have taken warning, and because they be lieve the road was tied up on account of the defective signal system, Super- . lntendent bcrcromble may Install an entirely new system for the Pennsyl vania lines. This is a feature which railroad officials from all parts of the country are carefully watching because they have heretofore believed the block signal system of the Pennsylvania rail road to be perfect, and a model for all nthers to follow. If a change is made. It will mean the Investment of millions of dollars, and may revolutionise the method of control of trains operated in America. Prult Sbipmeata Ordinary. Borne GO carloads of - California or anges arrived In New York City during .A ........ A- Ulh - II JTU me iasi v uj. ihhu ti.ui 7 was realised on the Old Mission brand, but sales of other fruit ranged from $S. B0 to $4.25. This is considered only a fair shipment for this time of year, but it Is expected that during the com ing week the great Christmas supply will begin to arrive, It being pointed out that an effort Is being . made to avoid the transportation of this fruit during the cold weather. The blunder which someone Is responsible for in holding back of the California grape fruit during the past week, will result In the great loss to both grower and shipper. This fruit If on the marlceta here now would be very saleable, there being- a heavy demand for it every- where. '.."The apple crop of Washington has been picked," remarked the proprietor of one of the largest New York City botels today. ; "I always watch, this rrop-'and arrange- to take over the big supply because my patrons have gotten Into the habit of asking for this par ticular brand." A wholesaler with whom I talked said that a noticeable feature ef the state tf Washington ap ple crop this year was the absence of speculation, prices having been agreed upon a long time ago and growers know exactly what they are. getting and Where tbelr product la going to. From it to It cara are coming to New Tork every .day from Wenatchee. 'Wash., while from North Taklma. big ship ments are also coming to. the east dally. A local commission man told me Washington apple growers have oractlcally abandoned the shipping ef 1.- , . A .... m H a fliullnr fetftiac 1 nerk In New Tork. A prominent fruit rower on the Columbia river, whe was " New Tork thin week, on hie way to -lnd. told me be received advices London that becnuse of the ee--re weather fruit Is scarce and that e demand la greater than anticipated. exrerts te sell two tranload of ap-fli-m to the European trade. Hastens, Apple. -Montrna Is coming te the front an aa 'apple grevlng slate, and also with a record for rslelng this frmlt at nigh a! mixta. Raisin a choice variety ef healthy apples wore than a anile above me level Is a feet ncrom pile bed by a tarmer three miles uthJrt ef Butte, j A. big New Terfc torn in lesion ssan told J me today tbat he rsd Just received the ! first crop ef the fruit ever jfrewn at ; ravinr at WeehirgtAti was rsrvfully . lien'. 1 , , - - 1 l-. td tT-it It -yi' l" tti" a far 1 r t- 1'.rit"u T t rf-o-t if tit d-1 X" 1- , I OLD I0BF01K TO GET INSIDE" WIDE AIVAKE Pressed Steel Dir Company At Waterways Convention to 0ien' Offices at Gives Object Lesson In Washinglon. ' . " : .:.'eal Jioostiiiff. r f .P.l.ll.b.r' tnw UtMi Wlre.1 I ' OB Winrop. New Vofk.Nov. SO.The Pressed Steel I Old Tolnt Comfort. .Va- Nov. tO. Car company of I'lttaburg, which .was Norfolk, Newport Newa and Ports- recently In the throes of a long strike, mouth are doing what Pavlfle porta I establishing a branch at. Washington, should do; they are spending money I). C not for the purpose of acquiring liberally to bring to the attention of new business lifthat district, but to I the nation the relationship this port keep In direct touch with' governmental I bears to the Inevitable development of affatra. Thla le following out the pol-lthe future commercial system Icy of ' President If. N. Ilof atott, who claims that within a few years every corporation of any else In the United States will maintain a similar office In the national capital to keep close watch on what the government la doing and mak a report to the head office. The corporations . won't : trust to the news papers to disseminate the nation s news or executive officers and offices: they will '. maintain their own . clerical aleutha. ' ' - "Bualnesa Is taking the.plitce of poli tics in our government," said Mr. Ilof- stott. who returned from Washington, where he looked, over the new office of the pressed sleol csr concern. "The gov ernment' or tnia country is necoming more, commercialised -every day. Thla will Increase' as the years pass. My They will get vast results before long. Tonight the whole . corps . of Washington correspondents and mass- sine writers believe this port must be reckoned with as a .dominating el ment when Its natural advantages ahall have been utilised. Their belief will be reflected In 10.000 waya, permeating every article written for years to come. Five hundred columns of matter will be written within a. month, aaA direct result of this excursion mstter which could not be bought for $100,000. Tel this Junket cost the people here per haps 110,000. -Western Projeota ITot Beard Of Keen prescience plus wonderful hos pltallty made possible a combination to focus on the unquestioned strategy of Its location the attention of a corps 01 UT tHUDE . OE Hill AO Surveyors in Vicinity of Brownsville-Said to Bo in . Employ of Government. Igpert.l Dtapetrk te The lwnl.1 Brownsville. Or., Nov.. 20.- A large party of aurveyors have .been In thle vicinity for the past two montha. There are about H men In, the party. It la tnougnt tney are surveying and running levels with the view to Irrigating an Immense tract of land lu the upper end of the valley. , The government has had Irrigation engineers and experts. hare evsral times snaking estlmas on Irri gation oost. ete. j - The surveyor have" re ported that there Is enough water In the Willamette (taking In consideration the waste water that during the winter could be stored up In an artificial lake) to Irrigate the whole Willamette valley. It la thought that the party now her are government surveyor. 27 CAltS FAL0USE WHEAT -FOB THE EAST ' ' " ' - ' (PuUl.hor' PrM Uee4 Wire.)' Cincinnati, Nov. 20. The vanguard ef the flrat wheat to be sent over the Rocky mountains from the state of Washington In 10 years has arrived here to be made Into flour and cereals. Twenty-seven cars f bluestem and red Russian wheat, grown In tue'ra louae belt south of Spokane, were shipped to this city and St. Louis this month. SELLS WHISKEY; PLEADS GUILTY Two 3Ien Arrested at Con don; One Will Stand Trial Boot legging. (gpeclal DUtrk te Ttm JaaraiLt Condon. Or., Nov. 10. Jsmes Camp bell, a former saloon man of Condon, pleaded guilty to selling whiskey con trary to the local option law before Re corder Kltsmatirlee this morning, and David Anderson pleaded not guilty to a similar charge. Campbell was placed under 1200 bonds and will be antenceU MoinUv at S p. m. AniT-i n. h i I as brtntr. k-.t rur timo t, 11- his drfenee, and wes f'UcJ tiitttr t Iwnila. Ills caee Will le IrlrU VI n.,i , , at 141 p. at. Ill attorney will lx- I . R. rarkrr and vllnai will Ini eum moned from the country. Jay l'wrr man. president of Ilia state ni i I act aa tattorney for the pteKrutlun. glme the departure of Merstuil vt,,i-t two weeke ago. liquor baa hewn flu iiu freely In Condon and It Is hoped will end 'bootlegging" In former ri that have come before Recorder Jilt m ear Ice. those eonvlctd have been flnl 1X60, but more severe penalties ti4 hioked for In theee rases. A Smoker's Delight. Every one who smokes appreciates a saving on their t-tgars. The Kl Htjelo "Marvel", la worth a bit, but sells for 10 crnts. It la five Inches of the br Havana. For sale everywhere. The lMtlle will pave another strert next springs n I. that Inliiat.lal I IU I firm .hnuld k.n in tourh ih the do-lrttera who, largely, can make or un- Inga of the government and particularly those departments devoted to commer cial and Industrial Interests. M.rv llof stott 'wss' asked about poli tics. What! 1. go Into polltlcaT" he ex claimed. "Why, if a man wants to have his name sullied and hi" reputation dragged down In thla countryall he has to do Is to get into .politics, It Is anticipated- that the other big corporations or America wilt, follow the idea outlined by the head of the Pressed Bteel company. There are agencies already In existence represent ing the two biggest corporations In the world In Washington, namely, the Standard Oil company and the United make great . projects. These people I chartered a steamer, hotels and every thing Incident to such a Journey, achieving unprecedented success. Presi dent Taft was chief guest, while sen-l a tors, represeutatlves and 'governors! had their special provision. There was talk of a great project for a series or canais just insiue me -coast line, from Boston to Galveston, and of deepening the Ohio and Mississippi riv ers. Yet the 'Columbia. Snake. Willamette, Puget aound and California waterwaya projects were not even heard or. Up on Kind &egs, Bowling. Whv? Because, perhaps, our repre sentatives have not used what political States Steel corporation. But as for dynamite would club the Mt nt r business offices with regular corps ol workers snd in communication with the affairs of the government, they do now- exist. ' OIJNTY AUDITOR IS NOT AN EJIBEZZLEI? (Special DUpetch to Tbe Journal.) South Bend, Wash., Nov. 20. A. P. Leonard, former county auditor, charged with embexzlement.of public fuaMs, was acquitted by. a Jury. In superior court this morning. (. Shortly after Leonard left his office his books were experted and ' saloon license fees amounting to nearly'. $5000 were found to have been 1 conVention that will be crucial, nsnltinn of the coast s possibilities, or nerchance ' because our business men have not come to a reallxatlon of howl much, how tremendous, must be the I power exerted to overcome the Inertia I of conversation wnicn prevents aae- anate action by congress. In answer to my remarxs, a jxonoiK man said: You all have got to get on your hind leas and howl if you expect attention, and keep that howl going, too." Oregon'a Quota, 033. New Orleans will sent 600 delegates 1000 miles to Washington to attend the Rivers and Harbors congress Decem ber 2. Proportionately Oregon should send SS3. It is apparent that Is is a ore- We have many lines of good merchandise that are appreciable purchases at this season. We serve the best quality and obtain for our patrons the lowest prices. Goods delivered free and Canadian money taken at par. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY To more thoroughly introduce this new department we are giving' the best goods' for the least price. Always none but pure human hair. . Royal Regal Clusters, $5 values. .$2.50 German Braids, 22 to 34 in. long, up to $20 values, for $9.00 FREE Beautiful Barrcttes given with each purchase of hair. MM Every one we have is good in every sense of the word. Best quality of leather, honestly made.. Handbags, assorted styles , $2.50 Black or Pin Seal, 10 in. Bag $3.50 Black Seal Bag, 11 inch $4.00 Mat Seal, Gunmetal,. 9 inch $6.00 Mat Seal, Gilt, 11 inch $10.00 retained by him. He immediately made gon Bhould see to it that her projects the shortage good to the county. A are backed by men enough to force at- grand Jury afterward indicted him on tentlon, instead of throwing the entire art embexilement charge, which resulted burden on a few brilliant men who in the present trial. The defense was heretofore have borne the brunt that no intention was shown on the Norfolk slept 100 years, but is now pan or me aeienaani 10 aeirjiuu io i awakening. county, all records being Intact and the 1 Portland has slept B0 years, and now shortage promptly paia wnen no was hB should awaken. informed oiosame.-. . , .- . Hugh M. Smith's Birthday. Dr. Hugh McCormick Smith, deputy commissioner iof the United States bureau of fisheries, wae born in Wash inston. t.' C Novemoer 21. 1865. and received his education In the public schools of 'that city and In the medical department of the Georgetown univer sity. He entered the fish commission in 1886 aa an assistant, and througn various promotions attained his present office In 1908. He was director of the fish commission's laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., In 1901 and 1902 and was one of the special agents In charge of fishes In the tenth census. He has gen eral charge of the biological survey of the Philippine waters and Is familiar with fishes not only from a sclentiflo standpoint, but from every other stand point, having visited many foreign coun tries to study fisheries and represented the United States at various fishery congresses. The El Sidelo "3rarvel." Pld you know you; -could, get a five Inch clear Havana cigar for, 10 cents? And, that It Is worth , a Jlt?. For sale everywhere. v" WALLA WALLA SHOW WILL BE ENLARGED (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joaraat.) Walla Walla. Wash., Nov. 20. The premium list of the Walla Walla poul try show Is being mailed out to prospec tive exhibitors for the show which will be held January 22-24. Twenty cups are offered besides S250 In cash and a number of specials. The show 'last year brought fowls from many sections of eastern Wash ington and Oregon, and assurances re ceived by Secretary -Dickinson who at tended the Alaska-Yukon-Paclf ic exposi tion in charge of an exhibit from Walla Walla were that the entire entry lists would be greatly swelled at the coming show. Rent a Pianola Drop In and arrange to rent one of our genuine Pianolas to attach, to your silent piano and enjoy music this win ter. Reasonable tqrms. Rent applied If purchased. Ellers Piano House, sole representatives for the genuine Pianola and Pianola Piano. 353 Washington street Guaranteed Gem Jr., with 7 blades. ........ .$1.00 Ever Ready, with 12 blades $1.00 Gillette Razors $5.00 to $12.00 Extra Blades for all makes. Auto Strop, self stroping $5.00 CREAMS - Fresh, Fresh, Fresh, Lowne'y's choicest , varieties. Half pound boxes 25 to 50 One pound boxes 50 to $1.00 ATOMIZERS $1 .00 gets the best Perfume Atom izer made No failure to operate. De Vilbiss Per fume Atomizers are guaranteed. TOILET REQUISITES These cut prices always prevail. Wisdom's Robertinc -i ..40 Sanitol Tooth Paste ...19 4711 White Rose Soap .!5 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream .42 Java Rice Powder ,.35V Lyon's Tooth Powder ,'..19 Swandown Face Powder .2 for 25 Pompeiian Massage Cream 33 Santiseptic Lotion 50 Nettie Harrison's Hair Restorer ...83 Cuticura Soap ......20 Benzoin and Almond Cream ,.25 Bathasweet ..19 Hot House Violet Water ..75 Azomis Greaseless Cream .150 Brookside Violet Talcum .25 Rubifbam '. .22, Myer's Grease Paints, per box. .,45 Myer's Burnt Cork 22 Theatrical Cold Cream, 1 pound . '; , .50 ELASTIC APPLIANCES Send us your measure and we will supply the best J ,..r,nnt .Mil J-. vj, quality Stout Silk. . ..............$2.00 ............. .$2.00 $2.00 I ...... ........$3.00 ...$1.50 Anklets . . . . Knee Caps.v , Leggings . . Stockings . Elastic Truss 71 We carry the very choicest class of Hair, Cloth, Hat, etc., Brushes. Genuine Black! Ebony, Genuine Turtle, Ebony, French Ivory, Fiberloid. siKiPMOiisE mm company 149 and 151 Third Street RALPH CRYSLER, Proprietor laife If Large I 0 SJP-E.GIALi Complete Line OF - Silver Knives, Forks,' Spoons, T " Belry Sets, . Salad Sets, Oyster Sets and Ladles " SPECIALLY PRICED V Stock OF Savory and Lisle SELF BASTING ROASTERS of. Both Steel and Granite SPECIALLY PRICED Consisting of Stag". Celluloid, Horn, Rubber and Bone Handles 3-piece Sets. SEE SHOW WINDOWS. SPECIALLY PRICED.,. STOVES HEATERS RANGES FURNACES 130 FIRST ST. ASSORTMENT OF CARVERS $2 to $9 THE HARDWARE i MAN 130 FIRST ST. The Swastika Mines are located in the Lake View district, on Lake Pend O'Reille, northern Idaho, one of the richest silver-lead districts in the world. ; Organized under the laws of Idaho and capitalized for $500,000. The development work is in charge of J. W. Ferguson, a mining man of unquestionable integrity, and abil ity. Mr. Ferguson has had much experience in mining, and has spent a number of years in Idaho, and is thoroughly familiar with the conditions existent' there. He has aided in making many mines in the past, and it is his opinion that none of the properties on which he has operated were more promising than the Swastika group. v ' ' The Present Management Has owned this property but a quarter of a year, and already has five hundred tons of ore on the dump, worth $6000. This ore, it is expected and confidently be lieved, will be marketed within the next ninety days. It is announced that the Panhandle smelter, which is only thirty miles distant from the Swastika, will reopen January 1. What We Desire to Boi Is to sell sufficient stock to defray the cost of continued development, until we can realize from our ores, when stogk will be withdrawn and our books dosed. Adjoinine O. W. P. Waitinc Room. Near Corner Alder. Steady Situations. Secured by a Journal Want Ad T1M Is a epOTlb Prop 1 And it affords a wonderful opportunity for the investor to make a quick and large profit on his investment, whether it be $10 for 100 shares or $100 for 1000 shares, or larger sums, however great. . . . SEE THE VALUABLE SPECIMENS Of ore taken from this property at the company's office. Stock for sale fcr a i or installments. Room 16, 263 STARK ST. SWASTIKA MINING & DIIVIX OPINGCO. ;