The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Troublesonio Timvs Ahead for flinncrllor Von Hull wig,
' as JJoult of 3Iiiuich Congress Government
, to Widen Kiel Canal.
, By Ulolm Clark '
Berlin, tiov. :. -Uennan women
fcav become Jnnoeulated with the suf-
frasett bWlu una Chancellor von
jlolllf la llkoly In th future to bav
h am unpleasant xicrlni- that
hv born th position of Mr. Asqulth,
and other member of the British gov
7 he Leagu of German Women Suf-
friLKlaia la crowing; Into formidable
force, aa ahown by the congress held
at alunlch MUiier tba presidency of
Fnu Aulta Augusbourg. It la decided
at Ibla gathering to send a depuutlon
to J I err von Bethmann-lJollweg to lro
presa upon him tba justice or confer
ring upon German, women tba privilege
of a vote. ' As yet no women In Ger
many have made martyr of themselves
by coins to prlaon and threatening to
starve themselves to death. Tba more;
ment however, may develop In thla dl
reoUon, and It will be Interesting to
how the German autborltlea will
deal with tba fair recalcitrant In auch
circumstances, v , ... ,.,
;:, Canal Work Frooeed.
TUa vlalt to the Kiel canal of the
minister of the Interior, Herr Delbruck.
has drawn attention to the fact . that
it la Intended to widen tha canal -at
the bottom from 22 meters to 44 meter
and deepen It from metera to 11
meters, at a coat of 100.000,000 mark
it 50,000.000). At prcaent the work in
prorress Include tha building of new
offlcee and workman' dwelling: at
Brunsbuttel. tha weatern entrance of the
canal, and a beginning haa been made
n tha excavation at many different
points. About 100,000,000 cublo meter
of aoH have to be excavated and de
posited on aoll bank or, aa In tba .case
of the sew lock at Kiel, In the sea off
i the northeast entrance of the harbor,
formerly secretary of toe Imperial
treasury, rejected, the Idea of an Im-
xiial unearned Increment tax, which
the conaervatlves wished to substitute
for the government' death duties in
the ftnanc reform schema, although
the mlnlater mentioned tha poaalbtllty
of approaching tha matter at a later
date, when thla form of taxation had
been mora widely Introduced by tba to
tal governments.
Local unearned Increment taxes al
ready exist In upwards of 100 German
Tor Aerial Warfare.
Airship maneuvers havs been taking
place In the neighborhood of Cologne,
although great efforts have been made
to keep tha fact a secret
Airships of three types Zeppelin.
faraeval and Cross, have taken part.
under tha direction of high military
offlcera and two companies of tha air
ship battalion. Tha object of tha
maneuvera la officially atated to be to
train the men and to acquaint the offi
cers with the complicated mechanism
of tha dirigibles.
j&rtipp nas constructed a special gun
for use on the airships, Unge torpedoes
are. being Imported from Sweden, and a
new explosive for the use of alrahlps
nas oeen invented in Cologne. Tha real
object of the maneuvers Is to study the
value of these new, weapons.
A Modern tady Macbeth.
A correspondent of tha "Berllnger
Tageblatt" has . been deacribing the
troubles which their Germans are ex
perlenclng at the hands of the Em
press Taltou In the land of tha Kogus.
una went out as advisor to Jienellk,
another as tutor to tha heir apparent.
snd tha third, as physician to the
potentate. . The doctor Is loudest In his
complaints against her majesty, who,
Eugene's New Fountain 1 ,
Attracts Much Attention
o if
' IsallalaalsSBSaiaHaiSMiHH
Park prnament Secured Thromh Efforts of Eugene Women.
f Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) .
Eugene, Ois, Nov. 20. The bronse
fountain just erected at Eugejie stands
at tb foot 'of Main street and forma
the center and connecting link of tha
two parts, of tha fin depot park laid
out by the Eugene Commercial dub,
The money for tha fountain was raised
by the Ladles' Auxiliary of tha club,
who at the request of Manager Ilartog
of the promotion department lent their
servtccs to make th entrance to
gen on of beauty. , .
The fountain attracts great atten
tion at night because It la lighted up
along th edge of each bowl with elec
tric lights, and from a, distance look
Ilk a hug torch. Th fountain cost
over 11000. The park cost 14000. th
greater half of which was paid for out j
of the advertising fund of 10.
Th park contain . nearly C00 rose
plants, several thousand bulb and over
280 varieties of trees and shrub.
o. p. in my
I Only. Institution : Except the
Government to hmi- .
ment With Wireless. ,
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 10. Th Union p
etrt a 1 going In for e' tensive experi
ment e with wireless telegraphy, and
A. I tlohler. general managwr. has or
dered Hr. Mlllener. of Umalia, to oon
tract for a larg fifty, K W. 10,000
volt transformer for wireless expert
mental work, , .,
. Whan this hug, transformer Is com
pleted it will be tha most powerful of
Its kind In this country used for wire
less. If not In th entir world. - It will
sign about sooo pounds, will atand six
feel high and will operate on 140 volts.
Th heavy power lln from" tha Vnlon
I'aolfla power plant-at th. shops in
Omaha to Dr. Ml Heller's , laboratory la
now being constructed.
The equipment will be uaed for test
Ing wireless a I glial a, to Just wha
Interferes with wlreleas wav.ea. The
Union Paclfle will alao have a machine
for teatlng and measuring all, aorta of
wireless an vices. .-, ...
, Th road la th only institution, ax
cept th United State government, now
experimenting along these ' lines. Dr.
Mlllener has don ivnu sensational work
and It Is hoped that som practical de
vice will evolv from the experiments.
Il first attracted publlo attention In
Omah by operating an electric motor car
in th union Pacific shoos by. wireless.
Afterward a - wlreles davie waa . at
tached to a steam locomotive, and the
experiment , proved .-.moat - successful,
Last spring Dr.. Mlllener startled, th
entire world by lighting the Omaha
Auditorium via wlreleaa during th eleo-
trleal show. . ., f :'
these little disks or tails revolve aa
ispiiily that Ilia? sppt-tr to U a circular
etrnak. j.
The Instrument I cnlleil n antJiiionie
ler, It I used to record the velocity
of tha wind, and until ret-antly It ha
pel formed " Ita task faithfully," with
never a hitch. ;. . ,
A few days ago, however, when a ty
phoon awept over th I'hlllpplhes. on
of tha Instruments waa upon (to
register such an enormous velocity that
It balked. It was hlown off Its feet.
SO lo apeak. The Machine recorded a
wind velocity up lo 1)4 ntllea an hour
and thru It atnppad. That was the
limit -No provUlon had been made to
register tha a peed of a flash of light-
As a, result Professor Willis Moore,
weather bureau chief, haa turned, his
attention to tha construction of a lna
chin on a new principle designed to
withstand any storm. ,
l workmen are kept tus' Ihs er
rotntd turning out tlgarettea for ll
sullan and Uuim of hi favored leletlve
and filoiiita upon whom he itetah t. iw,
aiow the precious m A . "
i:erytxxly about (ha shop Is ld lt
white, summer and winter, while tha
workmen actually handling the tohat
and claarell paper .wear veils over
their moii th- l-ing obliged lo breath
through tha nose exclusively. . .
At Knoop a deep cuMIng Is being made if bis allegations b true, Is a kind of
ment purposes he conceived - th Idea
of Inviting moneyed acquaintances to
attend, the. seances of the spiritualist
on th south side of ths canal In order j tanned Lady Macbeth. He asserts that ,0St,rt(J. W!"'h i1''4
eh attempted to poison , Menellk, just
at the time th doctor was restoring her
iora to neaith. ..Th empress, h says
has but on Idea, and that Is to send
th advisor, -the doctor, and the tutor
back to Germany. ' Th correspondent
calls upon the German minister at
to do away with a sharp curve. Twenty
four barracks for workmen are being
built this autumn, each to contain from
40 to 120 men. Twelve mora will be
required later. They comprise, beside
eight bedded dormitories and bathrooms.
a dining room, living room and sick
room. By th beginning of next spring I Addis Abeba to thwart the plans of this
ait in earmworxs ana ins wgn level amiable lady.
jtnag at iiouenau wm De in progress, i jraw Promotion Crank.
I A trial which recently took plao la
Accoraing .to tne -TnKiurter : zei-1 Dresden shows the remarkable influ
meg iu, imijcrni iiru.ui, in, e-iencs wnicn spiritualism has over cer-
questea tne various reaerai govern- j tain classes of people In this country.
menia iu tumiao imwraiMiwa re(ruiii i -jne aerenaani is a man named Berr-
the Introduction of ; an imperial un-1 mann, mahager of the toothpaste Works
earned increment tax capable of yielding I carried on under the title of "Bombas
ine exenequer a minimum sum ox zu,-
coo.OOO marks a year, and susceptible
of expansion to a greater amount.
; Those municipalities which ha,ve In
troduced an Increment tax only ; since
April of this year, will be granted as
compensation the average yearly yield
if the tax i In their district for- five
bears after tha Introduction of the lm-
"lierlal Impost.
, Regarding the above Important an
nouncements it' Is Interesting: to recall
that soma months ago Herr von Sydow,
The "ghosts" which Bergmann called
up mad a specialty of stock exchange
"tips." and waxed particularly eloquent
of th possibilities of Bombastus shares.
Th spirits of Martin Luther, Theo-
phrastus and Paracelsus appeared with
admirable regularity, and, after confid
ing th secrets of th preparations
manufactured at the Bombastus works
as evidence that t bey- had "Inside In
formation," they would praise tha in
vestment possibilities of th shares In
language worthy of professional pros
pectus writer.
One man who was sceptical was, It
Is said, - convinced by a, "communica
tion" from the spirit of his departed
mother.- Another said, "My capital Is
(Sped Dili tea to The Jaaraal.)
- tend. Or., Nov., JO. Work has begun
on the large bridge for the Ilarrlman
line over" Willow creek canyon, craws
now being at work . blasting for. bed
rock upon which to build the abutt
ments. The entir . length of .th
i. . a : i ' . ...
-v v. ... v. v. . i unuKQ. mciuainr .xiiar iDnrounffiL win
i in I'll ul'uiii n'v bin. . r '
' ' All i J j 1 1 i i jii i hha nif i m over iivu reel.-ana it win have a
pan or 130 feet. When completed this
brldga will be on of tba noted scenlo
points on tha Deschutes - railroad.
Whll there are no aalartea, still th
expenses of th hall, advertising and
the Ilk amount- to a considerable sum
for th. eaaon." (
Constantinople, Nov. ZO. Abdul
Hamld, tha deposed sultan, smokes tht
most expensive cigarette of any maa
In th world. They are manufactured
for him in a shop, within tl palac
Incloaura, In airy, tilgh-relllnged and ex
ceedingly clean room, th walls of
which are covered with glass and
marble. Ther are several tobacco cut
ting machines, and similar devices snd1
IIo4mI IClvrr on lUmixisr, .
Mood Hlver, Or Nov. !0. On of th
heaviest snd nioat prolonged rajns that
has ever vlslied tha Hood River valley
Is now history In the making Tor tw
days and two nlKhia It has been raining
pretty hard. The cllv streets are a
creek of mud and debiia. Water and
tnud are overflowing the curb llnea and
washing down the walka In tha residence
and business sertions. Hood river Is "
a matldxnlng torrent. The light snd
water company haa extra men employed
to watch th head gale at ths dam.
Hundreds of large logs and ether heavv
debris I rushing madly down th
stream. The high water. ' rauaed bv a
rein last year, that washed the Hood
river bridge away, will be exceeded If
th rain continues,
The Brailllan government has rite.
mined to develop the .Iron and Steel
Industry to make uae of that 'repute- "
He a vast ore deposited and ths rrenl-
dent has asked. substantial aid of con
All Five Toes
nave Room to
Necessary to
the ChUd's Health
(PDbliJbars' Press tasaed Wlre.1 J
Fes, Morocco, Nov. 20. Mulal Ilafld.
the sultan bent on betnar a saint If be
cannot be a statesman, is engaged in I I SA M IVF.FinS
V W .V- -U- - I - -
aus." He is accused of Inducing wealthy alreadjr tied up in other seciiriUes."
residents of Dresden to invest in Bom
bastus shares on the advice of spirits.
among which "was tha "white swan," al
leged to be theg host of Martin Luther.
As a result of the seances, at which
Bergmann played the role of "medium."
between 1160,000 and 1175,000, It is de
clared; flowed into the Bombastus , treas
ury. Bergmann is stated to have start
ed his toothpaste business with a capi
tal or szttv, contrmutea y ms wife.
'Sell them and buy Bombastus," re
plied "Martin, Luther."
The advice "was followed next day,
the -transaction representing, it is al
leged, $60,000. v .i.
Improved Hws Brvio,
According to Information which has
not thus far been confirmed, the gov
ernment proposes in the estimates to
be submitted to the veichstag this
As that was insufficient for develop. g f oVth neZ
Jen tly Located
Best Equipped,
Best Known, Fairest Priced, and
the Most Reliable Dental Offices
in Town. t
ill know whv we eniov
Largest Dental Practice
whole Northwest
service, both political and commercial,
in connection with the principal em
bassies and ' legations in Europe and
other parts of the world. The 600,000
marks will be divided up into ' annual
allowances of from 6000 to 15,000 marks
between about 25 different posts. '
Trade Unions Protest.
The trade unions of the; Ruhr dis
trict are protesting against-the decision
of the Rh'enish-Westphallan . Collieries
union to establish a contrallsed system
Of labor exchanges.
The representatives of the four Ruhr
unions, which. In spite of all efforts
to unite them, have remained , apart
since the last great strike some years
ago have decided to take common action,
and it was unanimously resolved to pe
tition the union colliery owners tor an
nul their decision. It was further de
cided. In view of the gravity of ths
situation, to request the Intervention
of the office of mines and of the min
ister of commerce.
The objections of the miners appear
to be based upon the fact that the ex
changes will be centralized, which will
enable employers to direct , the stream
of . labor at their will and . that the
But In this unOertaklng he meets
with, dlfficu I ies. Having .reached the
point at which he must decide who waa
the most saintly woman in the Moslem
haglology Ayeaha, the favorite wife of
Mahomet, or Fatima, the daughter of
Mahomet by another wife the literary
sultan summoned the "Ulema," or men
learned in the law and traditions of tha
Korasi, and put to them the question,
The learned men retired to consider
their verdict, and, being doubtless aware
that the Shereenan family of which
Mulal Hafid is so distinguished a mem
ber, claim descent from the prophet
through his daughter, Fatima, they came
to the natural conclusion that between
Ayeaha, the childless wife, and Fatima,
the mother of MoorisH - kings, there
could be no choice. Accordingly.' they
pronounced for Fatima," Thereupon Mu
lal Hafid, who had decided in favor of
Ayesha, on the ground that she sold her
property for the defense of Islam (is
tnis to be a new pretext, for exactions?)
fell into a rage and commanded the
learned "Ulema" to consult their
sacred books and their brains. ,
The saintly advisors accordingly re
tired and, after -a night's considera
tion, returned with the same Verdict for
Fatima, being doubtless convinced that
the sultan had laid a. trap for them and
would overwhelm them with shame for
degrading his ancestress. ,
: But Mulia Hafid Was obdurate, and
dismissed them in disgrace. M Ayesha and
not Fatima will be the saintly heroine
oi ma commentary on the Koran.
Washington, Nov. 20. Most persona
in big cities have seen, usualtv on ton
of federal buildings,- little instrument
which ' In some respects resembles . a
"horlsontal windmill" disks orr balls
revolving rapidly around a spindle.
When the wind Is blowing sufficiently
hard to make one pull his hat on tight i
' Kvery parent shosld look earefallr to the nMtnse
fitting of tb ehUd's feet, it 1 really more lav
pertao t health sad temperament than nrooar die
and aiothing, fot the Ills sometimes eaoaed by poor
fitting hoe are sot aiwara apparent on la foot.
Karvosame. dullness f thought, awkward eerrlag. -wk
ankles, te., w Bin time hi tea traceable
iaiproparsao--tMroiaary kino, k
Wlf',OoIambs'Tlestilheg grad. '
Signed especially to protect the ehUda teaser -
feet, wliboqt Infrfsanne wlta th growth ef
bosea and stasoJss. KaturaJ fittlsg, wlta" '
stmaaaat to reoas and aomfortabl bus-
port tot we area asa aasus, tbey keep th
hud's toot healthy sad shapely, reliev
ing toe strala oa tba anun astvoua
I Shoes
Are Guaranteed Good Wear
Or We Give o New Pair
ar atyliah and economical th moa( satisfac
mnvw mr sui eaua ran at te fXwO
leasaaa aeat to
. dealer
n .Wfift Ere. Shoe Ct,
(Htvimavt. OHIO.
to $2.03
y " TH
I You wi
I the
A) -S m the
Kansas City. Nov. 20.An old woman,
blind, decrepit and heiplasa, stood before
Judge John, J. Phillips in the United
States district court hers and admitted
that she had attempted to defraud the
government by making a false affidavit
to aa application for a pension. .
Both the woman's counsel and the
United 8tate district attorney asked the
court to be merciful in imposing punt
"She cannot well go to prison," said
Judge Phillips. , "I, wAl. continue the
case for sentence to some future time." i
The old woman was ..Mrs. Mary B.
Taylor !Milledeg, who at one time pre-
lenaea to be tit wile and later the wld
ow of George H. Jenkins, an old soldier,
whose murder in September, 1900, is one
Of Kansas City's unsolved mysteries.
; Roast Lamb a la Trolley.
Hr,tford. Nor, 20. Almost everybody
in East Hartford had roast lamb for
dinner recently, and paid not a cent for
It, In spite of the high prices prevail-)
in a. it waa an uecaun a crercain motor
Sl DAY EVENING CLUB '"'n Ust trip and get home. The
TO UIDT'fn OTVircs cr- nnl" at great peed. struck a
lo JLAtLivhiD JSLLLrXS flock of It sheep and killed half of
them. - The residents In the neighbor-1
liAnd nrnmrtllr Afeentr1 th. inn,ipii,iW f
fpr free f casta t
system Is compulsory insofar as mem
bers of the Collieries . union bind them
selves not to engage German labor ex
cept throTighrthe exchange. 7T" -Trr-Kaiser
Goes Hunting.
The kaiser has worn pink for the
second fime . this season, - enjoying a
gallop of SO mlnutesaacross the pretty
country a dozen mile from Berlin. His
four sons accompanied his majesty. The
kalserin. with her daughter, followed
the hounds as far aa possible in a light
phaeton .drawn by four horses. Two
hundred persons, including eight ladles,
took part in the hunt The quarry, a
wild boar, took refuge in a swamp.
Prince . Joachim, the kaiser's 'youngest
son, was first In. His majesty so much
enjoyed the exercise that he declared
his intention of Joining th next day's
court hunt, t ; ? ;. -
The Greatest Triumph in Piano Building
'Weber GmM Pianola Piano
Now On Display at Eilcrs Piano House
ing the Grand Piano with the
PIANOLA, the makers.- of
the Weber Grand PIANOLA.
'Piano have achieved one -of the
greatest triumphs in-piano history
GOLD CROWNS, 22k. .. $3.50'
BRIDGE TEETH, 22k $3.50
Evrryono is delighted with the way our New "Anchor Dcntare"
l ine Tits snd atari in the mouth This rlt h. -. .r it
enrpatses all plates that have. Comfortable from the start. Easy to
take out, clean and replace. - Enables you to chew well and thoroughly
majficate any food.- Shown and demonstrated iree. We are the in
venter and sole maier. The "Anchor Denture" caa be had only of
us. All extraction made painless. , , -
Call and have us give your teeth a free examination.' and ffrt ear
euimtte on roor dental wrvrk. If yon ,re nervous or have heart
trmitle. the l.leftro Pamless System wifl do the work wheal other
iL All work warranted for ten years.
Electro Painless Dental Parlors
Acre rrora tha Perkina IfoteL Ol.Va Opea Evening and Scndayi.
mct ystxarix in Anencance.
Chicago, Nov. 20. With th begin
ning of another seaaon for the Sunday
Evening club In Chicago, something of
what the organization 'Is accomplish
ing, ita aims and Its needs, waa told
by David R. Forgan. president of the
National City bank, who la an.enthusl-
astle worker In the club.
"The Bundar Evening club haa berun
Its third seaaon of religious' services
it Orchestra. . hall With everv prospect
of continued success," said Mr. Forg&n.
i The Inception of this useful club wss
due te its president. Clifford, W.
i Barnes, who saw a golden opportunity
for Christian service auk unlike roost
people. setse4 it with- energy sad de-:
votloiu . . . j
"Mr. Barnes resolved that there
should be an opportunity for the strang
er visiting th hotel and th Young
people who " f look to the theatre to
h""i an stiracuT religious svrnc.
(.filing to tits aid a board of Icadlnc
busings "men. without whom I notlc
g" worn goes very far. he or
ganised the. Sunday Evening el ubC wblch
hired Orcbeetra haJI anal .mi i.
I "Why. whn moat charrhe ar sd
, poorly attended on Funday erenln-.
, did thi arrv1' at enC attract epIeadM
vdiencr For aeroral raeona la
th firt place. It ba4 attractive Bnuskc
and thoroughly practical ddrs.
often hy very well know. men. Then.
t-o. It la undenmi national Di.tjn
gu!hed CathoJlca. Jews and rroteetanU
r addraed the nevtlng. But the
ot.ief reason. t mj mrv. I that the
t j vn inm m r.e e. n is a werv tTs nI-
rr.en will fees prnad to t eon-
1eertA wfh. fyike ! eb'e rod ttir (t.
It ensit ! aipifted ty f.naccaj R.
-Alamnl Beata Eogene.
Soceltt Disixtrk to Ths Joarasl.l
Eugene, Or., Nov. 20. Junction City j
mgn tk'iiooi looioau team railed' to ap
pear here this afternoon for a sched
uled garse with the Eugene high school.
The game was played between the high
school and members of the Alumni, re-
suiting in victory for the Alumni by j
a score of I to 0. The high school 'plays I
Salem high Thanksgiving day. ' I
w,a out KXinmrum
N fsy mrtl C&Tsd.
He X Rav or h r
iviidlt. As blaod
pt.n mtke. th et
A Tumnr. Laam r
Bare a tb. Up. fem ar
an, . lxn r x mn'Ss
M-a4r. aooK
H r MtaKR!aJs f
r-ir4t e "4
anuil:?ii vvei'An eeeast
U CASCIS, Mi 0 ceertd it wi, '-.r fni.
una etMnp a nd i. 1 n( qoirt'e.
liinzi VL t UZS. CJL CHALET ft Cl
-o4 7'ieTi) f as-v er'", PTHf."
J 23 Third ft, IEUCISC0, OL
Vzi'.j Jr.J ti S:r.f:r.t ,th Casctr
The Grand has always been regard
ed as the finest example of the piano
maker's art. ; Now, by making the PI
VANOLA an integral part of the instrur
ment, the Grand assumes a new mu
sical significance and becomes of in-f
terest to persons hitherto content with
an Upright.
Additional importance-: is
given to this achievement
. by the high standing of each
f of the instruments
volved. For over half a cen
tury the Weber has been re
nowned for the richness and
beauty of; its tone; while all
oyer the world the PIANOLA
is recognized as the Standard -PianO-Player.
; " The Webe'r Grand PI
ANOLA Piano's reception has
been remarkable, prom musi
cians, from leading, manufac- :
turers of musical instruments j
fand from the great number of -"musical
people who have seen
it- have dome indorsements nV
valing in ; their - enthusiasm
those evoked by the invention
of the PIANOLA itself.
It's equipped to plav t :
regular Standard. roll, and also
the full scale roll, covering
every note (88) of the entire
keyboard. . . ., -
' taasi lover ao a latertd
la Jnusio, r th Aavelopaaat of '
mean for prodnelaa; music, eaa af
ford to remaia la iraoraao f tha
Web Oraaa rZAJTOlVav riaae.
" A cordial invitation to call and hear the Weber , '
. . Grand Pianola Piano is extended to everyone.'- '
.?- .' : irrespective of any question: of purchase. - -
-.. , . , t, , . ,. . r . - - i,, f - - - v . v . . - '.''
All Instruments Selected Wow Will Be Delivered at Christrnai Gifts at Any Homt
' " - and Day Desired. Make Reservations, Now. ,
' . , , v - . -. - ' ' - .
fe ,4 If
m-M ,1.': !1
m - . . . . . '
353 Washington Street, at Park (8th) St.