The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 I L. i
mil for yHiis
go up nom
VhiiKtoti, Nov. j 7. -President Taft
ui rni.'nl the Balllnger-riiichot con
troversy, according to authoritative In
..rmaiion received today. It is under
load that the president has asked At
i.rney General Wlckersham for a wrlt
n opinion aa to whether Secretary of
i.e interior Balllnter's activltlee tn the,
.HinlnKharn coal land caeca wer with-,
ti the Jaw. , ' - ' ' i
Special Course of Study to
Be Given During
Winter, v
East Side Residents Cora-
plain of Change in Rout
ing the S. S. Cars,:
Car f the ftunnystde-Morrlson atreat
line which hate baa routed oa 15 t
Mrs. Florence Roberts Ar-
rives in City to Begin
lira. Tlorence Roberta, better know a
aa 'Mother Roberta," who haa been la
Morrlfon end Morrteon atreet between actlv recue work In California for the
Sunnysid and Elaventh atreet hav Mat It years, arrived la Portland thla
Officer of th Oregon National
:iuard are required under an order which
iias been Issued from the office of the
adjutant general to study a prescribed
course of Instruction in military duties,
the period of study extending: from No
vember 15. 1909. to May 1, 1910. The
subjects to be studied ana uponwhloh
the officers will be required to pass a
satisfactory examination are drill reg
. ulattonsj firing regulations, guard duty,
official correspondence, map reading and
Held service regulations. '' :
- The following is in part the general
order issued by Adjutant General Fln
ror, prescribing the course, of study and
outlining the method , to be followed
by the officers In ' atudylng the sub
jects: ' '" . ' '
"The taking of the school course la
compuUory for all first and second lieu
tenants. All other offlcera are advised
to take the course, in order to be pre
1 Hred to participate in the two days'
school at the close of the correspond
ence school year, as provided for in this
"In order to assist the student, Ques
tions will be mailed from this office
from time to time, with Instructions to
answer -the same.. Letters will be
went to the officers, pertaining to the
subject that la being studied, and call
Ing attention to that portion of the text
book that la most essential. -
"At the close of the correspondence
school year,' a theoretical and practical
school for all- the officers of the Oregon
National Guard will be held for a period
f two days, when It Is expected that
urmy officers will be present to lecture
.n the same subjects as those covered by
correspondence school : during the
season. ,
"Th commanding officer of battery
'A," field artillery, will prescribe a spe
cial course: of atudy for the Officers Of
ills command.
"For. the coast artillery the course of
study prescribed by the artillery dis
trict commander, will be followed. "
"The commanding officer of the am'
hulahce company section will prescribe
the studies necessary, in addition to
those outlined In this order, for the of
ficers of hla command."
boon changed so that now they go was
only as far aa Third street, turning at
the loon there and a-olnr back to the
east aide.' i ,- ,
This chance haa aroused the proteata
of practically all of the patrons of the
Sunnyslde line who by thla latest move
'of the I'ortlnnd Railway, Light Fower
company are dumped out with the
hordes that have heretofore been un
loaded at Third atreet '
They complain that It causes them
needless inconvenience because- practl
cally all of them have to walk up town
several blocks farther than Third street
or else wait to transfer to cars that do
run weat on Morrison atreet and that
give a alow and uncertain service. jto
prietora of uptown atorea are alao dis
pleased with the change. It la said, be
cause it takes away one or the rew
through llnea from the eaat aide to the
uptown ' ahopplng district, where the
newest and largest of the retail atorea
are locating. -
The congeatlon at Third and Morrison
streets in the morning and at Third and
Yamhill atreeta In the. evening, which
haa been marked heretofore, will be
still further Increased by the adding of
the Sunnyslde cars to the loop line, it
la feared. The short stretch of double
tracking on Yamhill, between Second
and Third atreets, allows but four cars
to stand at a time In the loop. 1 he
convenience of a fruit stand and drink
ing fountain ar this point usually
temnts the car crews to atay aa long
as they can while they visit back and
forth., -Thla blocks the cara mat are
attempting to get on the aiding and
frequently results In delaying the east
side service materially, it is ciaimea.
The streetcar company's reason for
shorte-lng the run of tho Sunnyslde
cars la unknown. : F. J. Franklin, gen
eral superintendent of the railway de
partment of the Portland jiianway,
Light & Power company, could not b
seen thla morning,. frequent calla at hla
office being met with responses eitner
that he was busy or out or tne oiuce.
Patrons of Eaat Morrison lines, how
ever, who have depended on having the
Sunnyslde cara carry them up town
will probably aend a oommlttee to pro
test to President Josselyn against the
Vast Organization of Men of
New Ideas Outlined . in
Prospectus. -
Prosecutor Heney Will Ar
rive Here During Latter ,
. Part of .the Week.
" WIlhTthe arrival of Trancls J. Heney,
special government prosecutor. In Port
land the latter part of this week, prose
cution of the 13 indictments against
Binger Hermann and a multitude of
others accused of conspiracy and other
charges In connection with Oregon land
frauds, will bo begun without delay.
Announcement was made at the of
fice of the clerk of the United States
district . court today, that one of the
federal Judges would, Monday, . com
mence setting for trial all criminal and
civil cases on the government docket.
Only one flay's'session will probably be
consumed, and then, .without doubt, wll ,
follow tbe Immediate calling of the fed- .
eral Jury panel for trial of all the prin
cipal indictments,' all of Which will be
beard at the coming term of court.
, Coming so close upon tUe announce
ment of Mr. Heneya trip north to Port
land, .the fact, that all criminal cases
on the' government docket "will --be act
for trial, immediately, spells plainly that
a wholesale prosecution Is to toe begun
by the government prosecutor. : :
Beside the Oregon land fraud cases
to come up for trial, as. Is now shown.
during the coming term of court. Indict
ments are pending against J. Thorbnrn
Ross, Frank Holbrook and John E.
Altchlson.-- other criminal-, cases .of
minor importance will , also come ' te
trial. - -.'w . -
New York baa followed the example
ef Philadelphia and established a free
permanent exhibition of building materials.
Cures all humors, catarrh
and rheumatism, relieves
that tired feeling, restores
the appetite, cures paleness,
nervousness, builds tip the
v.hole system.
A scheme of national scope, by! which
all downtrodden inventors of the United
States may unite in one brotherhood,
beta each other in their ideas, and at
last bury each other. Is unfolded in a
J remarkable document filed in the of
fice of -County Clerk Fields by George
M. Champlin, Jt is entitled. "Prospectus
of the American Order of Inventors."
Champlin himself is not the origin
ator : of the Idea. He gives - all the
credit to John J. Luckey of Hood jRlver
and occasionally he plunges into poetry
to describe the splendor of thla Idea of
linking the genius of all the Inventors
in one great movement. Listen to this
"Its effect upon generations to come
can hardly be realized and will be
truly wonderful.' Now comes the elegy
of Thomas Grey: .
"Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark, , umatnomea caves or ocean
,' bear,-
Full many a flower is born to blush un
And waste Its sweetness on the desert
Champlain sees - ahead of him 'still
another great order, which he thus de-
scnoes: -.:.--.-.
There win be another body that will
work in conjunction-with the U. B. of
A. as ' time rolls on, that . will be its
most powerful auxiliary, the American
Order of Inventors, a corporation, and
the two will be .as perfectly Interwoven
aa genius, justice, equity, law, tact tal
ent ana proDity can aevise. watcn
the growth and development of these
great brothera and the brotherhood of
man. -... '. . ' -..
There la no order or society that X
know of in existence today that touches
on this most vital of all organizations.
Ita - field, its scope is limitless. Mil
lions .of, others covering.-, multitudinous
subjects have had their existence, but
this thought of the brain of J. J.
Luckey haa never to my knowledge
been given to the world. The thought
almost . Jnvadea the home of deity it
self."- .' - V V
Thla lucky thought of Luckey la the
subject of a dlaeourse'or nve long type
written pages, which it cost li.60 for
Champlin to have recorded in the coun
ty clerk's office. It waa recorded In
the miscellaneous book another slap at
the downtrodden -. Inventors. 4 In the
course of hia story Champlin aaya he
waa first Impressed with the genius 'of
Luckey in 1884, when he saw the man
of the great Idea tempering a piece of)
steel. He said he then predicted a great
career - for him. Now the Idea has
popped out and Champlin gives It to tho
watting world. - -
The parent Organisation, bo aaya. shall
"take place" In Portland at a date "not
far distant." with a membership "of
about 2000. more or leas." Every man
who has a patent, ever tried for a pat
ent, made drawings In the rough or 'liad
aa idea, of something new," la Invited
te Join In and contribute 20, which
will be used to build op the organiza
tion. All members who have been in
five years are ta be buried by the or
der and at least 21 fellow Investors
most attend the funeral.
County Clerk Fields aaya he met
Champlin and Luckey at Hood River';
during the recent apple show. They
stopped him oa tbe way to lunch and
fired conversation at hia for II tnln-j
utes, until be brake away. vTbea Champ-
Ha snt In bis proTectua' the county;
cierk at owe- recognised Its origin.
morning and will remain an Indefinite
length of time. , Mra. Roberta cam on
the Invitation of -the Paciflo Coast
Reacua and Protective society and after
reeling and investigating for a few days
aha will begin her active campaign.
Mra Roberta was led Into rescue
work It years ago through a wonderful
vision of the cross and & ' kneeling
figuie which said "Coma." She aald
she realised that her, life had been
wasted and that thero'was a work for
her to do. She began ber work right I
men ana is xnown wrougn an oi vaur
fornia. Her work la anything that will
help, save and uplift mankind, aha hat
never yet received a salary and declares
that aha never expects to take one. Her
sole souroo of livelihood la the entertain
mnt aha receives wherever ah may be
and auch free will offeringe as people
may car to make. ,
Mra. . Roberta carrlea aa auto harp
which waa given her by. a young man
whose carol aha secured from Ban
Quentln. She la musical and aaya that
when she talks In pubUo she Is pretty
likely to sing. Both th mualo and
words of tha songa are of her own com
position and generally relate to some in
Mra Roberta la of English birth and
education. She aaya her work la the
most glorious In the world and that ah
expects to continue It all th remainder
of her life. - She says ah wanta th
people to know that eh haa not com
here for money for herself, but that ah
doea expect to get money for the cause.
Mra. Roberta will make some publlo ad
dress later, arrangements for which
huve not been mad. '
Dr. Moore Says Arthur E.
Mitchell ilay Be Con
scious Tomorrow.
-.mjm -ssij.j-ev ii'- - -
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Attorney for Frank Watson
. Declares Client Js J(eady
for Trial. '
Resolved not to b outdone by th
bunko gang or attorneys representing
them. Judge Frank & Bennett la going
after, them rough shod. He haa asked
th city attorney to secure ait order
from th circuit court, setting aside
th order of Judge Gatena In which
''rank Watson waa released.
If thia order la aeoured, Judg Ben
nett will issue a benoh warrant for
Watson, and th man asked to put up
ISOO cash ball or go to th rock pile.
Watson Is also supposed to hav left
Portland last evening;, and th next
question will b to find him. In this
connection Attorney 1 McDevitt' today
assured Judg Bennett that Watson la
ready to appear for trial at once.
"If there la any way to punish that
fellow, I shall see that h get It," aald
Judg Bennett. "II la crook, and 1
working with band of crooks. They
hav been fleecing visltora to th olty
al summer, and It Is high tlm they
atopped it It baa been th custom
when ona of theaa gentlemen la con
victed th next move la to get them
out Tbey ar no hotter than th man
who haa no money to "hlr an attorney.
and I propose to aea that waieon is
handled like all other men."
Th -charter : nrovldes ' that where
eases ar aDoealed from the municipal
court' that such appeal snan p ursi
Slakes Blunder in St. Fran
cis Hotel, San Fran
cisco. Posing as a traveling salesman from
New York and operating In San Fran
Cisco hotels sa a "gentleman burglar,"
William Hofer.-allaa Joe Novae, alias
Carl Meyera, known to the police of all
the targe, cities of th Paolflo coast as
"Th Tajam Kid," has been arrested at
the St Francis hotel, San Francisco,
Hofer'a arrest which waa followed by
an Inspection of bis record In Portland,
came while h waa In the room of an
other guest at the hotel. . ' -
Hofef'a last visit to Portland - waa
Just prior to September 18, 1909, when
he waa arrested by Detectives Day, Car
penter and Price while loitering near th
Belvedere hotel. Fourth and Alder
streets. Acknowledging his Identity,
Hofer, or Novae, aa he was known tn
Portland, waa ordered to leave town. K" TTin.nn TTZr.
and departed, to th best of th knowl- f!"
r .i.. i i -.-..i... v... opinion la expressed offhand that th
wiVnit r:,;l Iiir: " merger will b prevented under the
a rai wsT iTk. " ""- Sherman anti-truat law
v-T.. Jlf , i....- i ... Legal talent la admit
Wasliington, Nov. u.. Tho tiherinan
antl-trut law will In all probability be
Invoked to prevent the consummation of
the merger of the telephone and tele
graph systems of th country. It Is
stated at th department of Justice that
an investigation will be made of th .
merger of the principal onmpantos Into
a billion dollar corporation., Horn of
th ' officials predict that a suit for
dissolution will, be started.
If it la true, aa reported, that th
Postal Telegraph, company already con
trols th American Telephone & Tele
graph company, which haa absorbed the
Novae's release caused oult a sens.
tlon In polio clrolea at th tlm. De
tective, complained that they were un
able to secure enough evidence agatnat
the man to aend him to the jeockpile, and
recommended to th court that h-be or
dered to leave town. ,. .
Hofer. or Novae, waa caught red
handed at San Francisco the the act of j
Legal talent la admittedly puszled by
th situation. It la acknowledged that
th telephone and telegraph companies
ar engaged in Interstate transactions,
but . whether they can be classed aa be
ing, engaged in , "interstate commerce",
is a. difficult question. -
It Is certain, however, that the an
nouncement of the billion dollar organ- ,
perfected and aatl.factory to th lower robbing the room of ha- attracted lmmedl.t atten-
ivm viii fjwv . itiitvii va aa v t
court This waa not done in thia case.
'. Bays Gang Zs Broken TJp. '
"I still contend, that there haa been
a . s-ansr or ounKO men lniesima iu
city, and that they received protection,"
mm Judra Bennett thia morning. "I
have ; partly aucceeded In doing what
I hoped to do, and tnat waa oreaa up
this gang. They have gone, ana may
atay away awhil. If they eyer do come
back, and I find any evidence of their
operation. I shall go after them If the
proper official do not f
Admissions nave oeen i
the exclusive St Francis hotel. Aroused
from his slumbers by the presence of
me man in nis room. Woods snapped on
the lights and found Hofer prowling
. ITTnlUd Prees Leased Wire.)
New York,; Nov. 17. Reliable Infor-
miil.iil liulmr Inlnst.a (hoi ,hr lit
h?-0" .Ilfer 'Jf down-tn, h"way be no actual merger qf the Postal and
v a twits,- WWW T a ll miCU m glial I Waalarn ITn ah n1arsanBi flnmna lsi
hofel . ? ' hollowing th acquisition of th AVest- P
ittl'Vmn, Telegraph company, for fear of gov- ?
In .Woods' room, but conflicting atate- ,Z,,rtarJ'. it i. i
Semi-conscious, delirious at times,
yet with a ateady though alight . im
provement in his condition being noted
from time to time, Arthur E. Mitchell,
the chauffeur hurt In the automobile ac
cident -on th Base Line road Sunday,
now stands an excellent chance to re
cover. After a visit to the unfortunate
man's bedside this morning Dr. A. W.
Moore, who is attending him, waa very
optimistic aa to the young fellow's con
dition and expects him to be in full
possession of hla senses before another
day is passed,
"Mitchell is getting better right along
and I am now . sure that he will com
pletely recover," aald Dr. Moore thla
morning. "He is only semi-conscious
as yet and I have been unable to draw
any statement from him regarding the
accident He is delirious at. times and
then requires much attention owing to
an inclination to fight with the nurses.
He never mentions th accident In his
While Mitchell lies atlll unconscious
at tha St Vincent's hospital, tho two
young ladies who were In the machine August 22. 1905. to Elva Brown
was used as
believe that -la th way .to deal with
such character. Why are they allowed
at all If they ar known to b crooks.
And, how do they make; their living if
they do not work tl.elr trader-
Not satisfied with getting fh gang
out of the city, Judg Bennett wants
to aee - Watson bandied like all other
man accused of crime, and not given
hla liberty because he had money enough
to get him out . -
txronn It. ormaoA nt atAArinar KmorV
Marjorie St. John and Klra St. Joan, Buren, Midas, Nev, into a fake book-
wno nare aesertea tneir nusDanas. making gam c in tn beiung-mrson
r K.t.... w.. o I building, wners n iosi sovu.
John, who have been living with their was caught with Buren and "rfstf.
wives tn separate apartmenta In the and all tho erldenc for a conviction
Ohio hotel, are wifeless today. It alao was ODiainea. in aome way curru w
looka Uke there la a man In the case, secreted Out of town, and is supposed to
Aocordlng to Walter, th only excuse Mv oeen amjnaanuy, uu-wi.w
for his wife leaving Is his refusal to prosecut. Aniion s rewg mui
take ber to the football gam last Sat- however, to get Buren back to testify
urday. Sh then Induced hla brother-a before th grand Jury, and to find out
Hofer, when arrested, had been living
at th fit. Franola hotel tar si
they wer In . town, and that tn gang aa during hla atay burglarlea had oc-
.3 atool pigeons, oui i aon curred In different rooms on six oonsec
ment. caused th police, t, hold him for ,'-111 -b. roTy...'
-puainesa unoerstanainar- regaraing ter
ritorial rights.
The report is prevalent that the Pos
tal tnteresta control th American Tele
phone & Telegraph company, but this
cannot be confirmed.' . ' s .
. Th Poatal officials V declare their
utive nights. -Among Hofer'a -effecta
were found diamond and Jewelry valued I
at thmtM.nfla Af In v .... , I
7 According to Portland detectives who compa.ny wilt.b inducted. Independent-
know of Hofer, or Novae, th man works
usually In , the deep of night, clad only
In a suit of pajamas." If accosted In the
hallways, or even In tha reoma, of dif
ferent guests, he tells a glib story of
having sleepily made a mistake, and
proceeds to hla own room.
It la understood that the Goulds will
retire Immediately from th Western
Union and that President Clowry will
also rtlr.'f-'.'-':--:,,v:'..i!.;:.;'--,'i :--" )
William H. Baker, former vie presi
dent and general manager of tbe Postal.
Telegraph company, Is expected to suc
ceed Clowry as th head of the Westeri
Union. .... i
nru.ttA at Rn1 rMtv. Trlnhn
-TDesr-buabitnd -Pleae dont follow tpearane rrom t w
ua. We hav gon to Taooma. Your Chief COX Wavers.
Wlf.H . . Chief of Pollc- Cox la wavering on
"Up Ordinance on Liquor
Suit for $10,000 damage against Dra.
R. J. Marsh and Louis Buck has been
begun in the circuit court by Anna V.
wif to go with her, and th.y hav. bean who was re,ponsibl for "fl" Rf - Allf1l'ftrf fpq Ti(r rU
oi mi ttuoion 10 property --- orun
In th complaint if. la stated that the .
tibia and fibula of th right leg . were,
broken on November 17, 1907, but. the,
physicians failed to discover the, fracu
ture of one of the bone when they at-.
tended her at the Good Samaritan ho-,'
pltaL They ar alleged to hav made ,
th limb several inches horter- than
tha other and to hav failed to remove
a silver from one of the bones. .
Ten days after the first setting an
attempt was made to reset the bones by '
th same physician, tha complaint aaya,
and on January 19, ah was told sh .
might go horn and use th limb freely. .
But the trouble waa not over, and tho
Such waa th wording of th not each hi, stand, and Is Inclined . to discredit
wif left her respective husband on the jth statements that the town has been
center table In their sitting room, and Infested with bunko men. This attl-l Mow that St. Johns haa saloons, the
was round wnen waiter returned borne i tude comes rrom investigation among police are waking up to the fact that
Saturday evening from the football j his, officers,-who give the report thatjthere are certain city ordinances and
game. th town naa Deen cieaner-oi mis eie- state laws that forbid tha sal of liquor
It Is alao indicated from the brothers I ment than for several years. I W(thont a license.
that both wives recently formed the ac- He admits, however, that there may Vesterdav th driver of the North Pa-
qualntanc of a young man whom they have been few fake bookmaklng I cIf 16 Brewing wagon was arrested for
reported to their husbands waa "awfully deala pulled off, and that the Harvey f seiHn a nas nt tMr to Thomas
nice." . I Dal gang has been here. In explain-1 niovr. h'n nm a nionn there. , and
Walter gave his wife $185 Saturday, Ing his reasons , for allowing them tolhftrt to hLii tn the aiim of tifi to
and this was to keep for him. I be here, he says they promised to be- appear jor xrltii Monday ' v .
Walter was married February 21. 1906. have, and h took them at their word. t,. i. ,. ,.. .-.. -r,i.
to Majorie King, and Ward was married In explaining the deal of Emory Bu- offense since tha town first went drv. I f.-LI. .. .7-1 ta .V.-
. however. Chief Cox Is unable to aHho-h-;he '.
Walter ren.
with him of th tlm. nt th .M.nt or-. I. .mnlnwit wt, an .Yminlln. nnm- 1 .nnniint t i,h or, .lahnrstelv fnrmnt .ve w-b-..- . -v - v...- I COnBUltaiKin, sne WBB UV1BU vu It
, Z. - i v v.... -------- pre wers nave maae weeKiy ana semi-
, u..u. j . (V..HQ a gtcat 1 a.- ... i. ...1.0111.11 .ui n 1 R.bvui .vjb viuvmu . tjeeitiy trips to St Johns ; during all
FILE DtfilUlffl
improvement was reported today and it candy company.;
is expected that they will be up and I Both families hav lived happily to-
about In a day or two. . I gether, and the husbands are at a loss
to unaerstana in disappearance or their
idPrtPn-TT1 TT TTTTinrQ I wivea. They hav asked Constable Lou
in mm jljkj wagner and hia office to assist In lo-
inPH TH PAT AT.Trt eating them, and word haa been sent to
UTU-EjQ 1U lALAJ A.IUU Bolse city to arreat the women.
George H. Hlmes, assistant secretary
of th Oregon Historical society, will
leave tonight for Palo Alto, CaL where
he will attend the sixth annual conven
tion-of th- Pad fio -coast- braach-of-th
American Historical association. Owing
to the absence of Benjamin Ide Wheel
er, who la president of the association.
Mr; Himes, vice president, will preside
and deliver , th president's speeches,
The Historical Unity of American
States West of th Rocky Mountains,
will be his chief topic ,
Professor Edmond S. Meany of Wash
ington university will deliver an ad
dress on the; following . topic: "The
Towns of th Pacific Northwest Were
Not Founded on the Fur Trade.
were newcomers, and would soon have I
been caught
Wants Certain Evidenc.
Journal want ads bring results.
rc than 4n,X0 tftimonia
ri rm Ittmi n 1
rurd jn two Vfar al nar vart drciT-d another r-olat trwu. as
1 rcrrrJ are tbe lirAj.l i" ruit f tb ariuBrmetit tfcst
, ... . . ire t
;s c.a;m.
't'r J J f-t;risjr,
C-"P tt f'.r in .1.
T t-ck f!l
mktg a total
Is Fu el
-'-"' i
Some foods
' make Slag
- and Clinker
and Clog
Life's Drafts
Others ;
Make Heat '
- ' and Power"
Is in the
Power Class.
MTfcerei a Reason'
retttm Oml C 114,
ttls Cmk, Krt.
Demurrers In the six cases In which
E. E. ' Ly tie waa indicted on charges
connecting him with tha wrecking of the
Oregon Trust & Savings bank were filed
in the -circuit court this morning by
nis attorney, , jonn h. iiaiL The de
murrers were two days . late, but thi
does not affect th case, which will
proceed along with those of the other
indicted officials. All of th five men
indicted have now Interposed demurrers
except Leo irieae, to wnora an. exten
sion of 10 days was granted because of
th illness of .hla attorney. ,
In ; th Lytle demurrers th around
Is th allegation that the indictment
fails to state faots sufficient to con
stitute a crime. The chief argument to
be made, by Mr. Hall is that the statute
under which hia client was Indicted
was not in fore at the time th alleged
wrongiui. acta were commuted. . :
Ous Lowlt is still la Jail, and there Is
little probability of his getting out on
bonds this afternoon unless the required
$10,000 is brought forth, no Indication
having been made so far on part of Pre
siding Judge Bronaugh of th state cir
cuit court to red ace tb bond. A bond
In favor of Lowlt by a bonding company
for izto was leit at the court thla
afternoon, but Ita purpose could not be
explained by any one ther. aa tt la
considered not at all likely that the
amount first asked would be reduced to
that extent
Toronto. Out, Nov. 1 7. Tbe law eom-n-ltte
of tb American Federation of
Labor, which has been considering th
electrical workers' case, today advised
th appointment ef - a cronmlttee of
three representing both factions of th
electrical worker and the federation,
to pas upon th compronise arreesnent
adopted st Denver. &ar-B faction claims
that tbe other -violated the trrnemfnL
The rTort ef the Isw committee was
V.rt- snd tH. d"lsioa ef the cobs tee 1.1 t tlui.
this time, and at no time has it been
necessary to order In advance to se
cure , beer, win or whisker in any
Th chief s reasons for considering amount larger than a auart This etat
less of th reports is on account ff of affairs, it la said, has been known
lack of positive evidence that the buniy to the officials bign and low during j
men were in town ana operating. -Heithe entire time and would, no doubt,
further demands specif lo instances and j have been allowed to continue but for
proof , that the Jobs were pulled of f I th emphatic protest of th saloon men j
Deior ne win . uuie tne matter sen-1 who pay a heavy dcehse for the
ously. . , , : privilege of selling liquor to all comers.
When it Is pointed out that the buko AB a result of this protest, th mayor
men wterou ivtr Trmr inoucn i t&rough th chief of , police, . has given
as possiDie. ana mat tne eviaenc or order that th brewery wagon be
their, presence ana operation ia witn i closely watched, and If caught deltver
them. the chtef v hesitatingly admits lng g00ia Jlx thia manner, that they be
they may have been here, but feels more lrnnti
proot , must f, p ngiven oezore peiieving
th reports. In the Watson case, how
ever, he believes a clear case of bunko
was " made out, and ' that Watson waa
working In collusion with some gang.
It 1 also hard for him to believe there
haa been any crookediess in the de
tective department and implicitly re
lies upon , what bla men tell him. -
. . " OF BUNKO MAN j
About S o'clock aa X was passing out
of the building I saw the attorneys in
th hall and I told them I would b in
my office, at 8:10 o'clock If they desired
to come in at that time. s .
"They did not . com back. : and made
no effort to find- me. If they stated
to Judg Oaten that I could not be
found, thla waa untrue, for I had told
them where I might -b found. Of course
Judg Oaten or any other of th Judge
ha a. perf ecurlght to act in such mat
ters when th presiding Judge ' cannot
b found." . , ' . - ? - .
Circuit Judg Gatena this morning Try VfiPO-'llTPrimTAVfl"
mad a statement in reference to his I UIXixJA UXjO m J-Vjj XlJX0
action tn releasing ,. Frank Watson,
bunko man. on $100 cash bail last Mon
day night asserting that he has been
misrepresented by the district, attor
ney's office and the law governing the
matter twisted and misstated. -
Deputy District Attorney Fitzger
ald quotes a part of section I3S of the
city charter,"" said Judge Gatena, "but
h - omitted quoting part of th same
section that shows he is wrong.- In th
first part or that section any on can
see by Inspection that it provides that
the procedure on appeal in the muni
cipal court shall be taken in th same
manner as provided by the code for ap
peals from the Justice rourt' The only
difference la that an appeal must be
taken within five day from the mu
nicipal court, while SO day ar allowed
In th Ju stlc court '
"In section 229 Of Bellinger and Cot
ton' cod It I stated that th circuit
court acquire Jurisdiction as soon ss
th transcript on appeal 1 filed. So
ther is no question about my Jurisdic
tion. Because the defendant already
had 1800 eaah deposited In another ease.
thought 1109 more In cash sufficient.
"Now. th transcript of th municipal
court over th signature of Judge Ben
nett, shows that ha did not fll any bail
pending th appeal. He. certifies that
h transcript is a complete record of
all paper and docket entries In that
. Two marriage - licence within ' thre
month Is th record of Berthal A.
Downey, Who has within that time
switched his choice from Marl Hewitt
to Ethel M. Clow. Thia morning be se
cured a license to marry Mis Clow,
while th date of th license for Miss
Hewitt waa September I.
Juat why Mis Hewitt did not be
come Mra Downey he did not explain.
Mr, Downey gave hi age at 2 and
his residence lit Fifteenth street. The
girl of hla choice la 2L Downey la a
musician and formerly was a member
of th orchestra at the Grand theatre.
turn to the hospital and have th bonea
set third tlm. ; She refused to go.
She says she ha suffered greatly and
claim th treatment of the physician
was In high degree unskillful.
.'" Two" divorce complaints alleging de-
aertlon have been filed tn the circuit ;
court. E. W. Goddard wants a decree,
from-B.-HrGoddardr alleging that hia -wife
left him in .October, 1908. They
were married in Huron, S. D., In 1898. C.
M. Moon wants a divorce from A. G. ,
Moon. They wer married In Marshall
town, Iowa. In 1902, and it is alleged .-
tnat .tne uetenaant aesertea in uctODer. r j. t
1905.1 ' ,v- .".;. - ... .T5f
AFTER the dentist has re
paired the damage youi
teeth have suffered through
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will cleanse, .preserve and
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drives out;
When th blood bocome OTrcharrl with urio acid It contlnuaUj
grow weaker, mora acrid, and poorer la nourUMng qualities. Tt aerrev
muscle and Joint, instead of receiving their necessary nutriment from tha
circulation ara rr dually fUlad wita ta aharp nratio imparity wita whicb.
tb circulation 1 loaded, and tha pains and aches of Rheumatism ar th
natural mult. Ko amount of rubbing, or th application e external raed
ir.inea can bar anr direct and c-araUv eCect oa tha blood; th mot to ba
court. It I therefor rot true that I eTpectd from snch treatment ia temporary relief from th pains and aches.
rau-a mo mi "j -faagm cm- , Ther it but on way to cur iiumatum. ana uti is to clean ta mora
FTming jaag urcmnrn Mrs tnat i . . v. 1. k f h.ih. m mr TMrtirle
If RC Kin and Tom McDevitt ri- i uowa ""rr L . ITT
resented to Judg Gstns
mm. 1 A ..a. rifla th. nr.Mln.
renins ther misrepresented th farta to a rich. fcaalthT airam. which cnieti th raln-rackea Derres, rauscies ana
l wn h8t frwn the curthui inlets, cool th feTerish fh. rntly rrnovea th caca ana artvai ivsen
only bont 2 nlruts frem i ei--k Tn.Msm fmm th sntera. B.S. 8. reaches Inherited cases a well as tho
that afteroooa until 'rlvli at r.iehi," v , v. -. ..4 .1 t r ileiti rrTirrieA front
. c-i.l Kwik- tm T;V-nTr,t'rn fv.r. ts. ir. !r a mrr ralafcl sra r r
"tuft i ,Tr 1 1 . -w " tti rrun iy
ftT 4 oclxk snd Mid lhjr IM
ir.tle le 1 at!f r. I i:rr.)d frr.m i
ts list bail bad airway tn -.&. I
of tha urio acid impurity. S.S.S. Is th. proper treitraent, becaus it poet
Acm and attacks th disa at its fcad- and by filtering out every particle
n that they th nntio matter and strenr-henin and enriching th tlobd, cures
tn j jdr that i Kheumatirai la Try form. 6. 8. 8. changes th aour, acid-burdened blood
and sct medial adTic Ire to all who wr-.t.
tzz ciriTT srrcnic co., Atlanta, ci.