Till: OlilXON DAILY JOURKAL. rOUTLAHl). FlUDAY r.yUMING. NOVEMBER 12. 1003, iionsi.s, vi:iuri.i h. i;tc. imi .Horses, YUgczs. Em FOR HALE. t mimA horaea ' haa luat sr rived; gnoil for arm, itrllv-ry and draft, among which are 4 good culte, 4 yrais Did, whlu would make good farm hui see. ' H'e have -vrrl Farm wagons, 10 delivery wagons. ' furniture wagons. i ftrti, J breaking crli ,, , , 1 vegetable wagon, , , , ft tlUKglce. ' . HAVTllOUNE BTAnT.F.B. INC., " ' f'i) I law Itiortirt An. MX A NCI A I. at UiMT AM) lOl'JCn IHitlO WANTKII to l av out ;artnra' j TH K Jol'KNAI, maintains '-" ffC fractional Inlerct lu l.0ou plant, Found Iu.ro-u to ai.l tne public In U with aplen.tid Income. Will pav luin. ; recov-ry of lo.t ariuU. If 'eat monthly, U-8U1. -Journal, lor fult anything, Inquire at I M V i i.artlriilniM nd Fuund Hgrtnu of In Journ!. and A FEW chaau horaea anil mar from $2&.to &, w.-lglit from HUO Ilia to ISiio; alao cheap I ItiQ Hi. mult-; t spring wagons, III - apiece; rubber tired top buggy Jual aa goodae new. If ytiu want a, bargain this la your chanco,. fur wa ara going; out of buHlnesM. Konllworth ' Tran-fcr Co., o K. 3th at, . Woud- stock Vrif to fjlwilatonw ave. 1 JIHLX iooj 'work mares, about 1100. , mm work horao. 1200. two farm waitona, unn spring wagon, lwo seta of heavy .double hnriitMit, at of light single ' harness, covered spring- wagon.; 4 K, - Salmon at. ( ' FOR BALrSy owner, pair orimya, , ona tehllng 8 years old. ona mare 7 yeara old. WKlgnt zsou: SIOM'V TO IXJAX 27 '-. Uutton Credit Co. Wa ate tlia only company In n city of I'orlUnd organld and Uuorporatu 1 ttndef Ilia lawa of al' -f regOM lomiiiig nioiixy un ,- t urttnure. planus etc., aUliout removal; atorage racvlpt. rel lK contracta, aalarl.a; alao con fllrtiitlat I on ii made to ludlea, no ln-dulrli-a anywhere. I jib i. a of 110 to IlOtT may ba obtained from ua on ahort imtlco, and at very. email coat to tna Borrower. It will pay you to Investigate our new credit plan. Hutton Credit Co. 611 )ikiim Hldf. WHO i , I I I I f T guaranteed aound and true ptillera; 1 light wagon, 1 heavy wagon, In good ahape., Call 40tta at. and ( aruthera. vrftifl f.i.-f A Wvv work team, wag- on and liarneaa; the team will weigh about J000; will aell cheap; muat at onca. New York , aViblea. Vancouver, Wash. llOKSKfl and boga-lea for rn by day. week and month; epeclal ratoe to bualneaa bouaoa. . - th and Hawthorne. Kaat 1i. rOR BALE One 8000 pound 1 . team, wagon and harneaa. rrloe I60. 1004 MMwaukU at.; take Bnllwood car to Ofttin' Oroya. iKmSB and wagon wanted: wairon with covered top and aide, Columbia lllver , Flah depot, Waahlngton Street rubllo - mnrKi. WANTElLlKht Kooae neck dullvery wsgon, na and a half tone capacity, with or without cover. .11. Bradley, .231 Oak at. DI6CVVKRKO TUB NpHTII That matter la In rontroveray. nut It aettled fuel that thuro ta but ona opto Ion In the matter of the beat and moat reaaonabia tiiac to .v . - - UOltriOW MONET, Thelp' name: Htate H?rurlty Co. , " Tbnlr addrena: 301 h ailing bldg.. . Tliolr houra: 8 a. ml to p. m. Weda. and Hata. until H p. m, , lio to $100. Loaned to Kmployea m plain note. . LOWEST KATKS IX VoKTLANU. - $ t j THH CltKHCENT LOAFaOENCT. 403 Rothchlld bldg.. corner 4th and Waahlngton. Tha recoirnlied bank of the wag earner, A clerk, bock keeper, maehlniet-epgluear or employe oaa ob tain money of ua on bla note without ecurlty. . !lt return to ua 4.00 a month SO return to ua ......I 1.00 a month 40 return to ua ...... Ill 14 a month Confldontlai: no unploaaant truiulrlea 6oeclal ratea on pianos, furniture, cto. you aimuld find any anl la of value and lh to fma the rightful owner. li-e It at the lsoat and kound lluril of The Journal U'Jli:N I ii hurt by atrrcU-ar . I liura rfnv fterniioii ar 21,1 and Alder eta II nuru roniatnlna- ti In jrold ami mint iliange, a rernlpt of the Women of WoudrraH HWK. uiaer i l.i reiiirit to Ura. Itoae liunyel. 4vl luine at. Itentird. PEUSOSAlt "THE FAHN" WW 11 rat elaaa hairdreaalna" eatabllahraent. TV' Ibm. toiioree. front idocra that fit hatvat atyiMi of transformation cover head all over. Ietm-tlon In our maaea linonaall.l Kn.'rlii,.il man wlamaker In attendance. Our earluelva ayalem of French hair dyeing aavea time ana money. Our tonlra and dorrnatoloav reinovca worat raara of ei-alxa. tetter and dandruff SOUND and gentlo horae for alo at 128 K' 12th, with or-without buggy. Main (I3R0 WANTED Any kind of bl tired out .,- marea,. cneap. .ppiy aiaoio, jioih nu ' navier. nve tf enr mmn . FJR8T c'laaa horxea and marea for aale "at U. 8. Stablea, S4S j"Toni ac u- llamaon. proprietor, HORSES or all klndafor aale - at Mad . Uon Street Bale SUblcg. ,186 Madl aon, near bridge. LIVESTOCK AXP POCLTRY 5 GOOD freah young; family cow; very rich milker;. very gentla. 1S33 Mis aourl ave. St. Johns car. " TWO extra good cows, Jersey, and gentle, good rich milkers. 726 Braln, ar5 at.. MontavfUa. - IF VOU are looking tor a good fr ?ali cow call at Catr'a place, Lents, 6 blocks aouth of atatlon. nl.MHTKI) PARK. . - The Portland HHghts of the east Bide, Offera a aucclal Inducement In genuine view lota-tlmt Won t lost much ,iona:r. Every lot In Olmsted Park la to ad- vunce in a few day a.; J hln is; your chunce to " buy bettor than' jrving;ton property at a remarkably low price and on eaey terms. t Let us take you out" in ona of our nutoa and show you. r COLUMBIA THl!8T COMPANY, : Board of Trade, til'lg. ' ' . v rR.'ALIdH a: GRIFF. tilaeaaea of women and children ax clualvely. Women are often aaved ae. vere surgical operations by coneulling me. Nervoua dlaeaaea of children a specialty. All the latest electrical treatment given. Correspondence so Hotted. No charge -or consultation. Phones.' Main l2S. A-H07.. Office room 10. Grand Theatre bldg, Wash ,n 'PJL. "d 1 1 rK, RKFlNRli. onleL hiiMlneaa woman o 60 dealrea acquaintance of honorable, moral man asms age. wno wotua ap nrenlnta arnnil .wife, with no lncom1 fiernncea. small means, ound aenaaand refrencea. This Is not "an agency add.: "but Junt a lonesome woman. Mrs. A. r.. Wilton, Gen. Del." . liE A BTKCiXLiST .Take a courae In . leauty culture; aulentlflo beauty cul ture aa practiced today is ona of the beat Paying- propoaitlona In tha' world, especially considering the smallneaa of tne investment both or time ami money Address Livingston's College of Beauty, b"3 Kir-ra Mtislo blili., Beattie, wash . CHATTEL LOANS. - ' TnsUlIment loans on planoa. furniture, warehouse receipts, horsea, Insurance policies, and nil kinds of eecurltica; real estate and Ioaiis from 13000 up. . NEW ERA LOAN MTu CO, 411 Abington Diag, MONEY advanced aalaned people, houae keepera and othera upon their own names without security; cheapest ratea, eaaiest payment; ofrlcca in 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms, loiman, ok iumuri i. 817 Lu EY ro. : YOUNG milch cow. a:ood harnegs, horse. wagon, 175 If- taken at oirce. See Boag. Myrtle Park. Mt. 9cott car. JERSEY yearling heifer and 20 cmcK . ens for sale, cheap. 481 Willis boulo- vard. Itnlverslty Park, fTVE tfood milch cows, first class mtlk- : era. ll Vi, totn at. w. ; . ALL KINDS of Phone East 4936. fertilizing manure. i, . MUSICAL IXSTBtlMENTS 34 MUSIC for band and orchestra; repair ing and exchange, Cnaa. E. York, J. W. York & Sons celebrated band In- struments: 8H 3J "t. ' 1600 pluno. $85: lessons, 60e, piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, yiolin, Mrs, Martin; 43 H 1st st. FOR SALE -AUTOMOBILES 4 WE will exchange your car for real estate or exchange your real ostato : fr a car. 63 N. Tth et. A44RB. FOR 8 ALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 38 H. P. Cylinder, 4 cycle engine, only tjsed off and on for 8 months, Just In Hs prime, outfit complete with Paragon reverse gear, shaft, coil bearings, etc; everything needed to operate same In launch; cost $800 f. o. b. St. Louis. Mo., will sell for 1 500 ca?h. Reasons fori selling, am building larger noai wnicn requires mora power. Address P. O. Box T20. Astoria. Or. - I HAVE for Bale 2 good heaters. 2 pairs curtain stretchers, 2 blue flame oil stoves, vapor bath cabinet, 2 dressers. 8 Iron beds, gas range. 2 swivel, chairs, 1 swivel stool. 885 E. Alder, f . Mnvrr.Y fn.. LOAN. o.il-v limni made In sums from -820 to 1600 for 80' to 90 days, on furniture, olanos or other good security. Room iiSO Lunibermens T)lilg., 6tl and btarK. MORTGAGES, contracts tor deeds or other real estate securities bought on eltv . oronertv or janas anywnere in n,..nn n, Wadilnctoa II. E. No 1-5l7 LumberroenH bldg-.. 6th ft Stark. ri r A tiitii hlffh class ladles I ilC . JrllM Turkish.- electric and Russian baths. ! Removing of su perfluous huir, moles, warts, etc. Painless and permanent by electric needle, in dorsed by all physicians. 884. Yamhill t., cor. W. Park. M. 6174, A-8544. WE CURE Rheumatism, catarrh, bronchitis, asth ma, aoltre. drone v. enllenav. paralysis. tumors, skin and chronlo diseases. Co lumbia Sanitarium, third floor Raleigh bldg., Portland. Or. Men cured Quickly Modern electrio treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, plies, etc YT. I. Howard. M. D.. 804- Roth- child bldgM 4th and Washington, IE party who was standing at corner of Union ave. and' Sacramento St. Thtirsduv u. m at 7:40 and saw Union ave. 'car drag party for half block will telephone C-2381, same will bo much appreciated. ' .. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers,. 869 Washington at. - DR.. LEWIS. . . Phvslolan and sureean. treats women and children exclusively: consultation H it Noble i free and confidential. 604 Common- Main 4047; A-241L MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates:, flra In surance. W. O. Beck. 818 Fnlllng. SHORT or long time loans, on real es tate or other security.-' A,- U Dundas. 284 Lumber Exc han ge, 2d and Stark sts. SALARY LOANS- Confld-ntiaL easy to get and easy te pay. V. A. Newton.- 61C Henry mag., nn arm $100,000 on mortgagea, city or farm nroperty,' f Ire Insurance. McKenai & Co., Oerlln-er bldg.. 2d and Alder. MORTGAGE -WANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. DESUON, 407 LTJMBERMENS BANK. BlilMK MORTGAGE money for Albina, Sunny M Hawthorne ave.. eto. : no commis sion, no agents. Ward, 210 Allsky bldg. PRIVATE money to loan, reasonable rates. Henry i.;. I'ruanomme to., ojo Chamber of Commerce.. Qt'ICK loans on all sscurltlea 8. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. .. t WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Diseases of women and children a specialty; maternity cases given spe cial attention. Women's department, Co lumbia Sanitarium, 3d floor Raleigh bldg., Portland, Or. LADY correspondent wanted by a good looking man of 85 who has blue eyes, brown hair, -weight 190, height 66 Inches. I have no bad habits.. Occupa tion stationary fireman; object matri mony. D-301, Journal. ' STRANGER with a good situation wishes to meet a widow 26 to 30 years old; no trlfjers wanted; photos exchanged;, object matrimony. C-305, Journal. ' .' - ' MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent; use Sexold Pills as a bracer; re stores lost vigor; price $1 per box, 6 boxea for $5. T. J. Pierce, 811 Allsky bldg. , ' AK.S.U LltS Wr-:l.U f ilOr UH I'M, aayrs. ana. Ivtl. ul t henil!. 304 V W 'uah, , MhH ri 'It II. Nl"ain.l 1 1. a lloia;ury,"" H Woivrater l-MSjIf and k -Jt ? M i ' N I A N A Vnty nfflue.Tabt.rat Jiy and ore letlns work 14 Morrison. ss ,r- -zz.'- -rrra ' ' AXTOH.NEYS Xi-ij-ar-r-u. i. -rm- ji insi.iii t, uniin e .siwl CliniHTOPIIKRSON MATTHEWS. Ofiieral practtoa. 411-13 ltuchanan bid. lU blMAS CAUIIS W. W. liLANEY, Mfg. of Babbitt metal, tlnimlthn' ami plumbrra' sobler, anielter and rfl:ier of droaaea. . 411 Vj t.oloimlth at. h.MBt VII, iiOWE7TAVI8 COMPANI, 10 Id St. Blank DOoka m rg; aicia. ror Improved Loon.- leaf ledgers; see th new Eureka i"afA-M8. Maln 113. GlVrCAND"TUullljsrepb. Rapid Ati- drraaing Co,, J3I i. of Trada. Main TC23. Circular letter, dictation, copying. VlIlTJ. kL" tiTf.L "CO. tat tone, a, book- aellers, OTflce outtiltera, niiniwn, draunbtmen'a anppllea. iai id cor. Alder. VV AIUIEN CONSTRUCTION" . CO. Street paving, aldewaiaa ana croap- 117 BecK bldg. - and Ml SIC TEACH Kits WEliUKU Academy of Music, vl'n. iiikimIoIih, plana, guitar, pan jo. 4nHl Wael llialotl. M. H. SMITlt "Uitther of platiu. 4i Sal. nion Main 7 1404'ot aervatoryooiif se K 'l UIWliluliN, v loll n"t each er. pupil Hevrlk. A-4 1 0. 8S4JplneMaln8046. LTh iii'a. VHkti't. violin acher. $11 ahrrman at. lPhineNlaln l Fl VNO.' vlolli. cornet, mandolin. Prof. K. A . Smith; J I Jit th mt ' u - - - "AMC , P."1."1-'"-." .7 . "- 1 " u "' V '" ' '"immv Hrn. A, 'Irylngtna) PRACTICAL nurse; referenoes, 1371 b. Iuk.r a. A.. ....... Yamhill at. B-2M3. . Hr.m Rteele I'nmtxnr - - B Hrutiaker A flenedlct OATIX)l'ATillU rilYfelClANS J Huttcrwnrth Bli-pUutua Company, Ipt, rr.tk A Co.. B. B, REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Alphabetically Arranged for the Convenlrr.ee of Journal U.adira, 500,000 PORTLAND 1912 A dollar wisely Inveated In Portland real Mtte today means dollars the '.nveator In. the near future. Portland Is yet in its Infan-y. No my en the Paclflo coaet haa a brighter future. Eatenalvs Heveloiiments ate 1 ti" In progreaa. Valuable Information can bs obtained from any of the. tlo nanied realty dtalera. v AIHRC8a-. ...MO Board f Tride ...1)1 Abtn(tn Ithlg.. ,..,...11" aeeouil St. " nmr mum- DR. LILI.EBELLE PATTERMON. spy clallat on nervee, acute and chronic, dlaeaaea. lit Kenton hlda Matn 6r ; fll7 KM ITU. araX kFrkvilie Mo., IHffi post-grad 1007. Hwelland l'ig M. 17 DrT. j. BARK, A. K.6.. 207 Mohawk hhig. 3d and Morrison. Main 3338. I'AIN'IINU AM) I'AI'KiCIXO to., a. a. ,,.,, . (h.lo A Hfrlow ria, II. T. Ce. (Woeditnck). tioldtrbmldt't Ageury llonrk. George A. (COloaltation) 40 Lahtte Bldg? Jieobs-Mla Co. '. 148 riftb St..,.. (Belle Cret. IlerkHey, X)Tr.) . ' . -TtLll'IIUM .,;,'.'. k -7M4. Mala ........kla'n SfM; A-'f ... Main ml A 2V WImUat HrlMlit. Hln a ...... JA Ufaj'tte ltUig..,.aik .k. aula -i Boa rnrbvtt Bldg ,,.f..Mla P". 41 aaj (baaibNT ( Comaierce te I- ...... Rorbmter n Tukoe.. ,'..gllw'4 ......3S3H Waihlngtoa Bt i.Vla au A-" Mala 1o .Mala 4HM. A H : Klllingstrorlli. W. If I Knapp A Mickey ! Keeary A Ce.. O. B., (Helgbta property). win K... nru rle rtht call P. A. targ UHI taad Co, Mill A Von Boratel Oregon Keel Eatite Co., The..... Ings. TIN roiflng, guttering, repairing ant general Jobbing. J. ,Loall. IlsATeffer son st Main 1 434. SllN STrON Hule aefls Chinese gonda, embroidered allka,- dreaalng gowns, rattan vhnlrs. mnttlny 70 th st. THE B A RB E R A r 1 H ALT PA VI NO Cp.. Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. TasTMoI. .WOOD Co., all kinds of ln-surttnce.retybonds.jlcjayldg k. rrlci Ioane. 104 Union. Both photiea. a & a a a raw ' L"l w a 'siTt a a. S 1 aj aJ I-.ll. I, n.yir uii I farrlfb, Wallna A Co. HlKh 8ta4,dard- I $ Co- yiot. m,jwi : 5ht"ii. M!..v:::::::;::::::::::::: R AS. MUSS EN CO.. paint, n. cor. 2d & T TJUNTINa CLEANING AX I) UYEIXQ THE BUSY CORNER We havs H Ing; flrstclaas work guaranteed; prices 11 and I3.G0. ludlea" work a specialty. All work called for and delivered promptly. Marvel Cleanlna Works. 766 23d s(., cor. Thurman. A-azbQ. fliuin uv WE have 80 yeara' experience In clean ing mnti Hvnlntf bualncaa. 11.60 Der suit .Call up and give us a trial. Har vard Cleaning CO., m iNormrui near 2Sd. Phonea A-S130. Main ll. H. W. TCRNIcR. Dycr-Carpets dyed a specialty. . 606. 3613. A-2S137 Jefferson st Main Welch-Carson Printing Co. "Doers of clever tntnga with type and Ink on paoer." 6S Yamhill at- , nil,', ir.iiii.if. pnucn INC. " CO' not In trust! close figures, .good work. 603; Ooodnoughbldg.Phorie Maln4131.j OOILBEE BROS., prlnlers Cards.' blll heads. etc. Main l5. I46H latest. rATENT xKlHNEYS ,. R. C. WRiaHT. V. 8. and foreign pat ents: Infringement esses. iu4 Dekum. Kit ling, t). C. Walker. 8. T. . ....NIS Chamber of Cosimeeee. . , .... T Chamber of Comiherce . . . Office on Urlghta.. ....414 AhlngtoO BUtg ....104 second fit , ...Ormid An. and HultDoaub . , ....2M1 Alder 8t. . ...ISO Kllllngnwortb Ave ....2H4 Mlark Ht tierltnaer Bldg .. ..Corner 37th and E. Belmont li IVwbett Bi. Main T9T1 .Mala and A-" , ....A-14J4 Mala tv ..Mela end A-1C . tt ST. O-ne Mala 114 .. Weonlaira 1S1T .Mala avi. A-ZU't Mala .) Tabor 1 Mala c5i BANKS IRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Or. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,600,000. T'HVSU'iAXS AX11 HUHCaEO.XS DR. Cl B. CARTER. 401 Meielmnts Trust bldg. Hours, 10-1; 2-4; 6-a. Sunday, 10-1. . U' MTED STATES NATIONAL BASK OF PORTf-ANn. OIlrflON. . 4 Northwent Corner Third and Oak Brreete. Condncta a General Bunking Bualueaa. DRAFTS IHRUKU available In AH Cities ef the ttnlted States end Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Colleetloea Siade oa faorale tern PreaMent J. C. A INS WORTH Cannier R. W. BCHMtfelJ Vice Prealdent R. LEA BARNKd Aaalalant Caahler W. A. HOLT Aaalatant Caahler .A. M. WRIGHT GERMAN-AMERICAN BA N't Portland, Or. Corner 8lth and Waahlngton Sta. Tranaarta a general banking bualnea.- Drafta Icaued' available In all the prtartpal cltlea of the Culled State and Europe. rour per cent lotereet paid os aaylng ac.onnta. Sft depoatt raulta. . ' BONDS AXI INVESTMENTS TtEAL ESTATE CARPET CLEANING inwu nAUfW.T rr.EAN'INO WORKS. Work guaranteed. Tela. East 80; B-2236. CHIUOrOUISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Dunton, Tllford tung., room ra, imn anu jior. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. U. Hill. 4Z riiooner piqg. SfiSS E. M. WALLS graduate nurse, chiropody, oil riuxnnanpiag: CARPET WEAVING CARPET and rug weaving, 988 E. 12th st. N. Woodlawn Z1Z4. COAL AND AVOOD HOTICEpnSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load. .$1.76 J. W. OGILBEE. real eatate and loans; estab. 1HS3. 146H 1st st. room 11. lUBBEltliTAJIPS AND SEALS M D ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Munlctpnl, Railroad and Public Service Corporattow Boaila. OWNINOHOPKINR COMPANY Eatabltahed 1802 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONDS, Private Wire. GRAIN BnuRht and Sold for Caab and ea Margin. Room 1! to 204 Couch Building. Phone Main 885: A-238T. STENCILS and of flea stationery. Cun- 1 nlngham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD LEAVING PORTLAND. Aahland Paaaenger m T m . . . , in, Q A m , a A at factory prices; repaira. iockoui. Limited opened; bargains In "nd hsndjoafes. ; fftSWg J . San Kranclaco Expreaa ' , WEST SIDE. SEWING MACHINES 1 ' . Corvallie , Paaaenger ARTHUR S. DICKINSON tepalrB all Sheridan Passenger kinds of sewing machines. 22 N. 11th ; Knrent (iroye I'anaenger. , st. Main 5999. SEWINO machlnea repalrwa. all kind. Machine Repairing "o tR Isr M.?10? 1 Forest Gror Paaaenger. . . , Forest Grove Passenger. . . SOUTHERN PACIFIC. - ARRITINQ PORTtANI .... 8:15 a. m. Oregon Expree . . 7:80 a. m, , .... 4:15 p. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger ....10:40 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Shaata Llm...d :ft0 p. m. . ... 7:45 p. m. Rosebnrg ' Passenger 6:30 p. m. ..... 1:30 a. ni. Portland Expreaa 11:00 a. m. WEST SIDE. ..... 7:20 a. m. Corralll Paaaenger 8:36 p. m. ..... 4:00 p. tn. Sheridan Passenger ..10:30 a. m. .... 8:60 a. m. Foreat Grove Passenger.,.. 8:00 a. in, .... 1:00 p. at. Forest Gaoye Paaaenger 11:90 a. m. .... 6:40 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger 4:40 p. in. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. . C P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p. m. I C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane.... 8:00 a. m. Via Snattle. Victoria A Vancouver.. 8:0ft p. m. Via Vancouver. Victoria A Seattle.. :3n p. m. Via giimaa 18:16 a, m. j Via Soma and Seattle. v. ...... . 7:00 a. tn. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, i Kam nr.. ninpn f 1 1 1, ra. mans t o order. ! Tho Tntke Mfa Co I LUAVE PORTLAND, Tt"..". . ' Narlh Coast- Limited, via Puget ?RKFN 4 FOOT VOOD P miAi.oti neVaVd'old shVwcases .cabinets, 'lore North Coast ' Lrmited.' via North r SSrvRT e? load.? 33.60 nd office fixtures. 2S9 Couch. M. 2703. , nk io i -.jL.i-a Atlantic Exnreas. v a Paget M A nF PROMPTLY 1 ANI SHOW CARDS j Sound ....:..'................. MAD HKUMfllI. i . i A.t.ntle ir.Tnress North Bank THe Peruana Maowooa to, Main 8119. A-7001. Osarcoal PROMPTLY VUUl vva DELIVERED Call Main . 8767. Foot of Curry 'st i pnoTrn x, Ift FfSER alna- th larr- Twin t lt.v Ksiiress vlii Pfiget Round 3:00 p. m ?&JSrntK Twin City Bxnreas, . via' North Bank 7:00 p. m and Bvorett sts. Home A-1165 NORTHERN PACIFIC ARRIVING PORTLAND. North Coast Limited, via North ' y. .10:00 a. m. I Bank 8:10 p. a. North Coast Limited, via Puget 7:00 p. m, Sound 7:00 a. m. I Northern Pacific Express, via . .18:16 a. m. North Bank 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. Northern Pacific EKpres. via fu- get Sound . V- In the nnVthwMl' Mh Twin City Express, via North Bank T:O0 p. m. PhVTn. Prlv r?x' -RK Eastern Express, via Puget Sound. . .12:15 a. m. Phone Prlv. Lx. 65. , , K M , Nnrth Bank..,. 9:00 a. m. SIONS THAT ATTRACT Portland ' Sound Missouri River Express via Tuget Call Main, ami. rvvi vl vuiry an YAMATO Wood & Coal Co. All kinds of fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones E. 818, B-1S67. E. 6th and Main sts. 8 1 gn Co.. 2X7 Stark. Pacific 1B6. SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Main 2163. A-3842. Blockwood, $4.60; dry inside wood. $3.60; greet slabwood. $2 no ti.ov. .10:00 a. m. . 7:00 p. m. SPRAYING MACHINES Miasoflrl River Express, via North Bank Portlnnd, Tacoma A Seattle Ex nrpiK Hrnrs Harbor. Olrmula THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. ' prtlMd-Vahneonver bpelT!". ! 1" '.10:00 a", m. Manufaeturers of hand and power i pueef Sound Limited, (irnys Bar sprayers, nozzles, rods. etc. i bor and South Bend branches 3:00 p. m. 22 Front St.. Portland. Or. . Yscolt Pasnenger 4:00 p. m. lHflflo Kvnre lis North Bank.... 8:00 D. m Pacific Express, via Puget Sound,... 7;O0 a. . Western Express, via North Bank. . ,8:00 p, m. Western Express, via Puret 8ound.. 10:80 p. ro. Missouri Klver Express, via North Bank .- . 8:00 a. ui. Missouri Rrver Express, via Puget Sound :00 p. sj. Portland. Tacoma A Seattle Ex press, and from Olympla, South . Kend and Grars Harber .. 4:00 p. in. Puget Sound Limited 8:35 P- Vancouver-Portland Special ,..10:!!0 p. m. Vncolt Passenger 9:00 , m. TAXIDEIOUSTS ' AND FURRIERS'! r Ii M Voe th a.skinir. tel. The Jjoan to., i it ueKum diobj. salary or cnat- MONEY to loan oh all kinds of security. W. Hpll. room . Washington bldg. SUMS of $200o upward on real estate. Goddard AWeldrick, 243 Stark. VARIETY of launches and houseboats nnrt rnwhnata for aala chean: launches from 1J4 to 60 horsepower. Ferry land ing, St. jonna. x. s: juevena. rnuuo Jersey 1421, ' . . BL1CK ENSDERFER Typewriters . and supplies; Fox Visible machines;- rent als, repairs. Inspections; fireproof safe. N. M. Hayter Co.. 90 6th st Main 662a. MOTORCYCLES end bicycles, new and second hand, buy. sell, exxhange, re pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor- cycies. Apex recycle jo., ia in. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, firs Insurance. 381 Sherlock bldg. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc German, English. French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for elgn books of all kinds. Schmale Co., Z29 1st St DR. Cf 8. CARTER, Portland's popular nnysician ror women na cniiaren private sanatorium if de-sired, 402 Mer chants Trust bldg., at 6th and Washing' ton. Hours: 10-1; 2-4; 6-8. Sunday. 10-1 LOANS WANTED TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt, ab solutely guaranteed, all bargains, $15 to 366. Northwest Typewriter Co- 820 Abington. Main 8870. ' ' '. Wi MTirn rrH mrv Diamonds, any sliei also old gold, for casn. '328 Washington st. WE wish a line of business that we can work on a commission basis. W de sire a brokerage contract lii a good, re liable line that will Insure fairly good returns. Any reputable proposition considered.- Holt & Bracy, 15 Hamilton bldg. ''" - , NOTICES 26 fSBEDS, springs, mattreases, stands and toilet sets, usea very inue; snap, aiv ' Broadway. - THREE full blooded fox terrier pups .(femal)j $3.00 eacn. call ibi Morris St.. "U" car: . ONE handsome robe of 12 buckskins, u-23ts, suitable for automobile robe. Journal. ' - SAFRh li second .hand safes: very r' .. Iah. n.tn... mavT hI.i nil . I Tn, Pnrl. iann Kara co., vi nn st. - SHOEMAKERS, attention! For sale. cheap, planlnar machine outfit, new motor jacks, register. S-293, Journal. FOR SALE A good L. C. Smith hot- yun, a 2 gauge, e-z vs. journal. CANARY singers, price $2. M. Johnson, Hillsdale, fir,, route- 2. LLEWELY'N setter pups for sale. 1463 E. 7th St., Woodlnwn. Or. y ANTElUSCl?;LIiANEOPS O WEWILLBDYk Your old " 8TOVES AND FLRNITURB. Or take It in trade for new. V 185 Front st Main 684)1. Be' 'ISE; get more for" your second nana Turniture oy seinng it to r ora Anctlori Co.. 311 1st. M. 8961. A-1416. PROMPT attention and highest prices oald for furniture. Hawthorne Fur. Co., 184 Grand ave. East 6204 PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES, OREGON STATE INSANE ASYLUM. The board of trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum hereby Invites sealed proposals for furnishing supplies to that institution for the six months ending June 80th, 1910. All bids must be nnclosed in sealed envelopes and directed to C. N. Mc- Arthur, clerk board or trustees uregon State Insane Aslyum. Salem, Oregon, and plainly marked on outside of en velope. "Bid for : -for Oregon State Insane Asylum." All bids must be. accompanied by a certified check in a Sum of not less than 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. Tha name and address of the bidder and class of supplies to ba furnished, ti total amount of bid and the amount of the certified check must be Indicated on sheets furnished by the undersigned, and attached to the bid. In order to avoid confusion, the name of the bidder should also be plainly written on each separata sheet of tha bid. Lists of supplies upon which bids are Invited maybe obtained bv .addressing the undersignen. no oia -in oe-con REPINED widow with best reference lovely home, will give elderly invalid gentleman every care ana attention, who can assist her financially; no triflers need reply. B-307, Journal. DR. WALKER, specialist'; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid' ney. bladder, and plies. 181 1st St. Port land. ' DR. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cot ton Root Pills, sure remedy for de. layed periods, $3 per box or 3 boxes for la. a . j. fierce, an Aiisity mag., ,;od Morrison. EXPERT hand and electric vibration treatment given by Matiame HUJyra and T. erar. . tne uinnisn graauates from Helslngfors, Portland, Or., 143 inn at., corner Aider. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental sclen- tist, 312 Ajisky oiag.; wetmesnay meetings, 8 o clock sharp, fuDiic welcome. MEN Dr. Kotchem will promptly cure all your private ailments; aqvice.rree. Hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., 170H. 8d, near Yamhill, wain 8770. LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lorenss Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c box, 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe, Tavlor Drug CO.. 289 Mor rlson. Mail orders promptly ruieo, WILL do hairdresslng, scalp treatment, shampooing, at you own home, east side prererreo. fnone seuwooq 03. WANTED For adoption, boy or girl, age between 6 months and 3 years, light complexion. B-304, Journal. HYPNOTISM Lessons given by Prof. Ellermann.'self-hypriotTc champion of the world. $76 Yamhill, Portland. WOMEN, use Femolds when others fall: sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund nr., a- CYv 105 N. 6th at. Main 8108. sldered unless made on blanks furnished LAUIESuBe Dumonfs Sanitary reg- hv the underalaned The board reserve the right to re ject any or all bids, or to accept or reject any part of a- bid. Bids will be opened at the capltol. at Salem, Decem ber 20th. 1809. at 3 o'clock p. m. Bv order of the board of trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum. . .. 1, w. a Aitinun, Clerk of the Board. Salem, Oregon, November 8th. 1909. . Highest prioe aid for second hand furniture. East S!o Furniture . 4k BargAIn House. Phone East 488. WANTED Babies to care for, by duy snd nreht Mrs. A. O . trained nurse. E. !&th N. Phone Woodlnwn f4 THE Peoples Auction house pays well for all article. 167 Front Main 6470. WANTED 100 second hand chairs. K-300. Journal. CASH for household goods. Savage A Pennell. 645-34T.lst st Main 346. EPOT cash paid for furniture; prompt NOTICE of Stockholders Meeting of the Portland Fair 4 Livestocn exposi tion Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of thePort land Fair livestock exposition win be held at 10 o'clock a, m. on Monday, the 32d day of November. 1909. at room 605 In the Commercial building;, 2d snd Waahlngton, In the city of Port land. Multnomah county, state of Ore gon, for the purpose of electing di rectors of the corporation. . , JOS. M. RIEO. ' Secretary' of tbe--Corporatlon. LOST AND tUND - SI attention alwars given. East 1P47. FIXANClAli 61 J$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 MONEY to loan without delay and $ I i I itrlctty confidential oa real estate, fumlt-jra'snd pianos fwtth cit rt'vrovsl), storage raelpta, life Insurance tllci-a, Jewelry and diamond and ail kirds of Prokeraae Ca.re-orn 12 Hatnilfoa' bldg. 111 3d st Phone Mais X644. LOST, a t raved or stolen, wblta English bull terrier p"P. amau oiaca spot on right evelld. r Finder pleaaa return to 242 Alder St.; no questions asked; re ward. ' STRAY KD or stolen from 3: Park at, ona black and white Japan pug dog; parties haying aa m return and no questions asked or phone A-3470 or Main FX ulators; correspondence J-180, Journal. desired FOR ALL nervous troubles use "Make , Man Tablets." Price 60& Bridge Phar macy. 186 Morrison at. ' . BALM OF FIGS for all female dlaeaaea 660 Gllsan. Main 8816. GOOD dry slabwood, boxwood, cord- wood and coal." Multnomah Iiuel Co. Main 6540, A-2116. . NEER & FARR, dealers in all kinds fir j OREGON'S Des: tax' and hardwoods, tie blocks a specialty, j Bll branches. C. M. lib water st. jviain on. 1 FURS remodeled, etc. Fina1 taxidermy work. . B. Flnlcy. , Roo-Spokane-Portland 249 Columbia. .Chicago-Portland Special Salt Lake Kxpress OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. LKAVINU PORTLAND. i ARRIVING PORTLAND. Harris. 4 95 Wash. . 8:00 . IB. . 7:00 p. m. ,10:00 a. ni. . S:(iO p. ro. . 6:88 p. m. Soo-Spokane-Portland Oregon Express ........ Chicago-Portland Special racirtc Kxr.ress Oreson-Washlngton Limited. . ... 9:00 S. m. 8:40 a. m. 8:00 p. ro, , 6:110 p. no. 8:00 a. m. COLLECTIONS TOWEL tiLWLV ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER LEAVING PORTLAND. , ARRIVING PORTLAND, DEBTS anywhere. "We get the money." -.,-., .'v," ' " -.-WW : s-mslde Exprpss CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap,'' Rainier Passenger II per month. Portland Laundry & I Astoria Express Wells Mercantile agency, 703 B. of T. Towel Supply Co., th ana couch sts. . Kainter i-assenger PhoneMain tin. -ttm. J 8:00 a. in. 1:15 p. to. 6:30 p. m. 0:10 p. m. Portland A Rainier Passeneer, ..... .10:23 s. as. . Portland Express 12:15 p. 01. Portland & Rainier Passenger v. 6:20 p. m. Portland Express .10:0 p. m, COMMISSION MERCHANTS TB pay the highest spot cash prices ( for dressed veal. hogs, hides, egg. 1 butter, cheese, furs. wool, cascara. hay. I grain. Write what you wish to sell. Ruby- Co.. 284 Couch st., Portland. Or. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS E. DAVIS, cesspool contractor. SellwoodH 526. Route 1, box 376, Lents. I DANCING RINGLER Dancing AcadSmy, private and class instruction, afternoons and evenings'; positive guarantee; east and west Biuo Bcnouia; piivncp. TlilVCIt'h'lt AVII STOI! 4IJI,: " . ......... 1 11 . i 'i' ? . v n LbAtlitU I ,(,.1 1." . , , m , . O 'Oft 1 Iti OreP"On 1 ranSier CO. 1 Eor fblrago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansa City, KiTri i7 St. Louis. Wall Walla. Pasco. Kooaevelt Established 1870. j (-randfIalMj white Salmon. Stevenson. Van- Transfet and forwarding agents. j ,.OIT ,d intermediate etatlona. Storage, free trackage. I Nortb Bank Limited 7:00 p. m. Office 810 Hoyt St.. bet. 6th and 6th. I For Chicago, St. I'aul. Omaha. Kna City. fnones: muni og, i Ht. Loula. lipoaane. rirituG. Kooaevelt. uranuaauea, none hiuwh, Paaco, r:c itSSni Vnconver and C fireproof valuta for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos itnd furniture moved and packed for ship, ment. Main 696; A-1996. Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSENGER STATION. AKH1V1.MI rUKfUSU. Prom Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kan City, Bt. Lonls, Walla Wall, Pasce, Roosevelt, -Oranddallea, White Salmon. Steven boh. . Van couver and Intermediate station.. North Bank Limited 6:00 a. , From Chicago. Bt. Paul, Omaha. Kansaa City, St. Lou I. 8pokane, Sprague. Rltxville. Ltnd. Pasco. Roosevelt. Oranddallea, Ooldendale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Inland Empire Expreaa. .......... ., 8:15 p. m. From Cliffs, Oranddallea, Lyle, White Sal. mon. Camae, Vancouver and all intermediate atatlona. ;ohimbla River Local. .18:26 p. m. m . aa loan o.w i. ui. White 'salmon, Lyle, Ooldendale. Granddalles, Cliffs and all Intermediate stations. DIAMOND DRILLING HARRYD. STA LEY, 315 Worcester bldg. Diamond nrm contracting, main bu. Woodlawn .2476. Estimates furnished. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PACIFIC Electrio Engineering Co. Motors for rent or sale, 218 Zd st ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. m. u: hiii, izv r neaner. OI.SON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage, safes, nranos, and furniture moved, packed and 6 n 1 ppeu. 3Qg uax ai. inmii oil, f.--i I. Jefferson Street Depot ' Portlnnd to Uallw. . . . 7. , . .7 r, v. r. . T:40 a. m. J Pktlai to 'Portland ".T,";.....,... .16:15 a." m. Portland to Dalla! ! 4:30 p. m. Dall. to Portland 6:05 p. m. Portland-Oswego Suburban Leaving Portland ; m., 6:80. 6:30, T:80, t:40, 8:60, 10:25; n. m.. 12.60. 2:06. 8:30. 4:15. 6:20. :aa. T:o. 1U:10. 11:80. INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer j Cot Storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. j A-4 169. ' ! TYPEWRITERS and p. Cars leave East Water and Morrison treeta: FOR OREGON CITY. , 4-S 6-85 a m.. nd every 80 minute after REBUILT Smith-Premier and Remlng- ! Includlng 9:t p. m.; then to ,10:06. 11:08; last tnn tvnewritera. xcoa aa new. aa aowti cur Why pay more? and $6 per,month. at $22.60 tO,47.60. ! Gresh.m a-d n ermeo, - I . ua..niwror one i:2o bI si. year. U m. Aiexanuc s wo., agenia u I "-. ",:- ... nv.,1.hJ H :4a. :. 6th Bt A-1674. Main 674. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun nlngham Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. 8:45. I0i45 a- in-! 12 43. 2:45. 8:45. 4:43. 6:45, 6 :4ft' p. tn. Portland Ry.. Ught & Power Co. . rOB YANCO0VEB. Ticket office and wasting room Second and Waahlngton atrerts. k. M. :5. 6:60, 1M, 8:00. 6:35, :10. 10:80. 11:30. P. M. 11:80. 1:10. 1:50, 8:80. 8:10, 8:W, 4:80. 5:10, 5:50, 6:SO, T:OS, 7:40, 8:13, 9:23, 10:35, 11:45. . Oa third Monday la every month last ear leave at 7:06 p. . .-- " Dall.v except Bnnda.y. Pally except Monday. GASOLINE ENGINES UMBRELLA REPAIRING --..v.---------------w-----.- i mrrklLA repairing. 486 Wash. St. STATIONARY and marine; electrio j Lfar nth. Main 8880. F. Lavy. eoutoments: launches. accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Releraon Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. VETER1NAK1AN vLEATHER & FINDINGS LEAVING PORTLAND. Salem Int. Sua. local ............. . Hlllsboro-Forest Grove local Salem Int. Stas. local. ... HUlKboro-Foreet Grove loI Salein-'i'niilatin only, limited . Sulem Int. Htaa. ..... "s-i i iv.Mt ftroTe local wince i ,!,, int. !ras. kii Oregon Electric Railway Company DEPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. leather of every description, tap uk. v , mfrs. findings. yr"- ' '" , u v THOMPSON. D. V Hawthorn Stables, 420 Hawthorne : Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. . ave. phones P.ast psi; o-um. Salem Int. Stas. local Union ave. East LIVERY BRO-CAPSO QUININE For cold and la grippe. ilCK . veterinary ' Hlllsboro-Forest Grove l-al. mersons srtabire! ! "Tl'u, l 772..B-283, a'f-JS: sT, loci! Y AND SALE STABLES . !' HUM A NtTV ETK hlNAR Y H OSPI T A L j Hlll'shoro-Ferest' Grove lwal. - t . i-.it.,- I tit Johnson. 131 15th. M. 6841. A-4287. . Salpiu Int,,Sta. lo al v, 'aUTue'movTngm j WUsTlE JOUiiEltb ! sVTO.I y HESSIAN tna- and Union ave: Phone K. 3563; night M. 306. 6:.':0 a. m. ...8:4.5 a. m. .. 7:40 a. a. .. 8:;w a. m. ... 8:50 a. tn. .. 9:53 . m. ..lO:10 a. tn. ..11 -..".S a. m. ..12:15 p. m. .. 2:00 p. to. .. 2:15 p. n. .. :S0 p. m. .. 8:4.1 p. m. ., 5:15 p. m. . . 5 :.15 p. m. . . :2i p. m. .. 8: p. a. . . 1 1 :Hi p. a). ..11:13 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. WllsonvUle Int. Sta. local 8:58 (. m. Hlllsboro-Forest Grove local......... 7:50 a. m, Salem lot. Htaa. local :I0 a. m. Hlllsboro-Forest Grove local. . .i... ... t.3& a. mv Salem Int. Stas. local I1:'HJ a. m, Hlllsboro-Forest Grove local...1. 11:25 a. m. Salem Int. Sta. local.. ...)2:ii6 p. m. Salem Int. Sta. local 1:15 p. m. Klltnooro-Foreat Grove local,..,..... l:.1o p. m. Hlllsboro-Foret Grove local ..2Mb. m. Salem lat. Sta. local ift p. m. Hlllsboni-Foret Grove lor!. ........ 4:86 '?' m. .Htlem-Tualattn only, limited. ........ 5.-OS p. Hillshoro-Forest Gtot local......... 8:25 p. ai. Salem Int. Stas. local. ............. 6:13 p. B). , Hillsboro-Foreat Grove local......... . 8:10 p. m. Salem Int. Staa. lomi. ............ . g in p. . , Salem Int. Staa local .tO:( p. m. . Hlllshnro-Foreat Grove local . ....... 1 1 :t9 p. ro. $ and diamonda and ail kirda of Ii"'- " " $ s-curltiea. at lowvst rate In city, 6 j "'1 Cotum-ia and 11 I $ Cm ey weekly cr morthly par- lrn.irr plaa retarn to J menta. U-K. Keal rtt A f LI" . : minnnitiiiinn ytF.'t r-!el. at.ary 1 'urniiJ'e. fioem 11 Washington t,!dg. Maia 8413. ON K pair of lady's aleevre, - between Wclfs Fargo. Mdg. and 24 and Wash ington, - Retwen to A E.- Nel-wt, car Old. Wortman AY King, and feceire t- rar. CoST Lady's d watih. 4r.n.r.gram I L. C ." between Aider and Oak, "n thj c- 7th, between txnirs 11:4$ arJ 12-16. finder call up or rmrn to l'a rlfle laundry and te reward.! L Iff T e t.orkkln glore bt 4th and Columbia and Id end Mvr'ia, Iurnal cfnce; LT.. 1 -Tr' n ai.af,--l d.ar. I.e-r. 14H. retu-n to 144 K. 4tH r pnnne R-1 S I f rrd L4-!T WS-1y er,lr -'av ll lira roi ff e-n west e'.ie t't i. V p -r HiCi revard t't rclum. Tat-oc lii. It MPS 1 ' WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers, . i manufacturers and coffee roasters, ilh and Oag sts. i..,lnr Portland ,.,mMll,t stations 6: 15 Time Card United Railways Co, for Burlington ant in-. Arriving Portland from Barliugtoa and In termediate station 8. , 10. It A. M.: IS aom ; a, 8. 4. 5, a, T. P. If. From Llnntoa On Finding or Renting a Qood Room : Home la a magic word. If 70a lur bobs, th text best LMa is to gbart th tood horn of om m Is. Tbi la a city of tood hone, ltany hav aa ex tra Koom. Do yon vaat oao ? Our littl , , Want Ads will toi what roa want. Aad If ytra who read this, kar aa extra Boom to Rent cm a littl Want Ad in . this paper to tell th score Hut want oa. Caooa th on 70a want to tax lot Ttnjr horn.- AS for a lew penniesl And ret to mukt dollar to hl pf Tur rest- ' , mww - , Read and Answer" ......... . ef ,-- w- Today's Want Ads 15. S:13. :l.i. i EVERDINO ft FaRRELL. produce and j 10 15 n i5 A. M.: 2 15- :,' 4 commission rnerc.iiii. i w r . u. s 1S. e.w f. m. rr and intermediate stailoii. Saturday a ad Son. --.i.nH .1- Phnnn Main 179. i.,. .,.flon Satnrdav and Sunday 0017 1 8:10. iu:'i", ' 1 ' M. A. GL'NST ft CO DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOAR8 PORTLAND ORE. ' ALLEN eVT."EWIg- Irtaj onty:3. 11:18 P.- M. TlL.VSPORTATIOX TRASSPORTATIOX San Francisco Tortiand S. S. Co. Only direct steamer, daylight sailings, j OPEN RIVER CO. I From Alnanorth (lock. Portland 4 p. m. SJ. . Kaaaas ony, exov. u, -. -to. S. 8L Bos City. Hot. 19, Dec. 3. ! From pier 40.. h-n P-ranciscn. 11 a. tn. a. m. Koe City. wot. 13. ST. B. m. Xsaaas fjity. Hot. 80, Dec 4. g-.l 4B nlt A. . W-iUn J. W. Ransom, one aaentr Mata I8. UuU 5 fc. LfOClA Ageat. Alnswortb dock: M. J. Roche, city tick- 1 ri 994UI. A-358T. eA agent. 148 Third t-. Main 402. A-1403 WOMl Matt 8f -. ' For Eureka. -jlTrVni"'1 and San lie - Yft'trx J Angeles dire t Sail The amlle 'iJ .V'-IA'' 1 every Tuesday at And upper Col . 1 V,l. m Ticket office point. , rty": VIIJ TMrd. ne.r A gteamer J. K f . ..' J1-- 'R""! 1nr rIrf- a. nv Ha. W Lewlatoav IdalM. pascev Waah. Keoaewtck. WaaB. The ami lea luobia and Bnake river TeU J-aree Port U a I Wed. ava Frt arriving Phones M. 1314 par)- at The tallea Passenger lava boera steamer me aignx cwrerav and A-1814 If YnrVO Ag'-r-t. mmwS: !' CHUISE CRIE.VT r- r-awe Wv-a par T. Smmmmrt I S I O. j fc,. Xedxer-ae . o-l a ;) -ft.eMnewta at r --ee--rri tmi i tii iarlM Im II taia, at )4e mm Bw rtitr tfH. a arte ur Ue. .gntt r Arte COOS DAY LINE 1 be steamer 4 a( KA klWATt.lt Weave Portland W tdaeMir ! I t m (rem A mawon h Oecfe for lTerth Sea. Ma. flel e Co Say p-eiava. resgnt,r ie4 aatil a. a. n Say f Mi.ni Itasenrer far. Oret tiaaa. $19: sererl !. t. Inri)dl bert eed eoeala ia uire city Orket o'rif-, Thl-1 a4 W a o. l-y-ioa ra ear AlBarth a. I bw AlaAB A - i CI4SSIFIEL AD RATES CAJH AOSi " IS reeaa ar lesa IV- mmt tna-rtnai I 8 - word, inrt XI t 89 word. X. Lost sail Feead. H-lp Wanted, gtrasttee Wsated. Te aat Ada and Wasted Ada, tkrrm tweet W-na tne the ion . AH rher elustneaUens luwia 4W .tke gvtc ef eia. - CRABI3I AM: Orker rkaa e-arraet. Te twe eaaieted Ph Ore mmmvw rtatrart tm a- aaed ta II ex"-. o Mo- r Mte4 ' lone ttaM ......mt mt nuled ll-M )e oie ne -r ae e ev e-attd I AU elMetfted errrtatog rg k IW a eetaal n- 1M CT8 T Tata MOTH- I wtk a-aiaa 18 ewetaa. 61 - rm Ua rev mm, 4orr-T books; fas mm Ora-? mt V- f- Pee -... e-v -eied - pee mm . ... . . re e. ! . rm i mr a t- ei" Cmi" er-r r . m mm ni'ts - " I. as eat. f T feira roT it a ta a T- . W- tl I m . lor t -t- Sf-l7 ret" e.-.. e-H r. r t '-t -, -- .--.. f - i Te J' t ' T U S. l. . a 1 ' ' - pi., s : s i i, ' t ... fl mmr ....It S pm -