The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Condemned Man's Wife Cir
culates Petition Among
Citizens)! Salem. ;
Sla Bureaa of Tha a",t, ,, ih
Bahm, ur, Nov. l.-0mr to tH
fact that additional petition, and other
information ara yet toM '" ?
tho oxecuUva in tha much
,aa Governor Ben.on
In It would ba Imjwsslbls for him to
r"lh 4ollo" tn alther of tha cases
Ufora lata tonight or ta B,"; 1
. ...i .. .. irrtiiBtod tooay
In Salem In behalf, of James Wnrt. be
hu tha fact has bean used against
JUra that thera. were -. no e"l'"e
orfelnally from thl. city, where for so
many r. inch lived and mad la his
home. Tha 8alcm petlUon 1. to ba pre
aiitri to Governor Banson this afteH
noon not later than 4 o clock. .Mrs.
1-inch, the condemned man's wife, U cir
culating the petition. V .
The governor also said that mora In-,
formation relating to tha Daly casa
had b.en asked for and -aras to ba Mr
warded today from. Portland, -and until
he had recelvad auch -additional Infor
mation and evidence h could not an
nounce a decision. Tha governor eays
ho la undecided In both caaea. .
..' invitations Art idmlUo. .
' Invitations for lh two e0""0
hav been issued . by 8uP",nteJdni
James of the penitentiary. Though tha
time set for banging both Paly and
Klnrh la 12:30 o'clock tomorrow after
noon, tha executions will not take place
.ilmuiuneously. as generally supposed,
but following each other by a few mln.
The .'invItaHona 'were , Issued to a
limited number. Those receiving -invitations
to the Finch execution did not
receive an the
tlan though one Invitation will enable:
spectators to view both executions.-. The
system adopted made it necessary only
to have printed and mailed half as many
invitations as would .otherwise be re
quired. ' . ' - ."'.',
lamette university are already prepar
ing for the next annual contest of the
State Intercollegiate Oratorical associa
tion which will take place at Salem,
lYlda?, Marcn ii. .
the local association yesterday. Guy
Smith of the college of law waa chosen
president; Miss Theodoala Bennett,
vice-president; Mary Plgler. secretary,!
. and . Wr. Van Winkle, treasurer. The
executive committee -will t composed
-at .Alfred Euster., - Guy Woods, Wary
Emmel. Charlotte Beeley and Howard i
Zimmerman. - ;
The state contest will be neia in
Salem under tha auspices of tha local
association.. Although aeveral months
away preparations will i ba started at
once to entertain the large number of
delegates and visitors from, other In
stitutions that will ba -present. Since
Ka Iem is cenir&uy .
ance is. axpected. :" i "'-'
ITS' ... ii i iii i '.. . . .,'5 v--
Var is on in .this city over the action
of the Bloom field" orchestra in violating
Its contract with the Orpheum theatre,
a local vaudeville house. Professor
Bloomfield, manager of, the orchestra,
contracted to play for the Orpheum thea
tre for a given length, of time, which
does not expire for a month.
Recently he leased a theatre for him
self, but wheh tha time came for him
nnn ii wppIc feA was served with
IV Vi-U " t
an injunction restraining all members
of the orchastra to give open air con
certs, as had been their custom, or to
play 4n any other theatre except the
Orpheom until the expiration, of bis
contract - '--"j" .:,' '.
Professor Bloomfield secured a . local
orchestra to play at his theatre the
Lyceum, and la now bucking the Or
pheum In every way possible.
Wines and Liquors.
' Special Friday only.-Don't be de
ceived. We sell absolutely pure wines
and liquor. $1.50 quality port, sherry.
Angelica or jauBCtnei wiuo, i uu imr
Ion; f 4 rye or Bourbon whiskey. I2.T5
per' gallon; $4 brandy, 2.75 per gallon;
f4 rum, 12.78 per gallon. National Wine
Co, Fiita And Stark. Phone Main 499,
Home, A-4499. Delivered.
. j
Anr ene winhlug t lu-rt u nw w""
tend It lufd l the orU edilor er loJe
lhoM It butatt 10 oVIockU tbe murnlo.)
Mrs. r. W. Bingham announces the
engagement of her daughter, Lee Todd
Bingham to Tenney Davis Williams of
Tucaon, Arls. Miss Bingham Is a well
known Portland glrL Bha is extremely
popular. with the younger set, and is a
clever scholar and artist She Is tha
daughter of one of Portland's ablest
lawyers, the late Hugh Todd Bingham,
and the granddaughter of the last pio
neer Stark street ferry owner, Lea
Knott. The announcement will come as a
great surprise to her many friends who
have been anxiously awaiting bar early
nhira'tinma Mr. Williams la S DrOS-
perous young buslnessman prominently
connected with tha banking Interests of
Tucson. Be is from San Jose, aStan
ford man, and was for some time before
going to Arisona connected with his
father, C W. Williams, In the publica
tion of the San Jose Kvenlng News. The
wedding will take place in early spring
at Tucson, where Miss Bingham and her
mother have been sojourners for several
months. : . .
... ,...,.. .
Mrs. A. I McCuIly entertained about
it women . yesterday afternoon at her
Welt Park street residence -With the sec
ond , party in the series of delightful
bridge afternoons at which she will be
tbe hostess this season,- ;.. .'"..
The. Hawthorn jZTterary club met
yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
R. E. Bondurant, 389 East Thirty-fourth
in In teroutlno. nrorram. much
profitable ..discussion and, refreshments
were features of the afternoon..-'..
,..,...,. .. .. . : .
n. TM.Iftluh will hold Its third
meeting for this year In the art room of
the public library tonignt at o ciock.
Father0'Hara will lecture on the sub
ject "Influence of St. Augustine on The
Divine . Com?dy.' " The meetings are
open to the public. " ; . , ;
, .... - : -.- ... -
Silss Marie McMillan of V Klamath
Falls is at the Nortonla, where she has
taken apartments for he wihter. ,
J. McComb of B15
Thompson street. Irvington, left Satur
day for San Francisco, t At ter a brief In th rutldem Gits City tin Mo-
nrnh rni mW for Honolulu, where
thev will visit relatives of Mrs. MoComb.
As Miss iJess unHrcn,: wtouiuu
often visited Honolulu, and was always a
much feted and popular visitor.
xMimm ra withers, a topular Lebanon
girl, is a guest at the home of Mrs., A.
M. Houck, Sou jaaaison sireev.
trihArt Aldrlch Is entertaining
at' five hundred . this afternoon at her
home, 723 Halsey street, Irvington. ,
mtv. "t TT. Howard Corbett -wa8 a
bridge hostess yesterday afternoon to a
bevy of friends. The Corbett home on
North Twenty-nrst streei wm
lshed with autumn flowers.'" There were
four table of bridge, and , the lucky
tn th Mini .vert Mra
Frank Freeman and '.'Mrs. James Canby.
' The ann-uai;exhibltion aid, tpa; of the
Krtwnric tuUd was very successful
affair of yesterday afternoon. About
2000 garment that had been collected
v.. ntnn nrpsldpnts and directors
uy uiu ...uM . k .
were displayed at the Unitarian chapel.
and win : toaay nmruwiw
locaf charities and , deserving private
cases. Among those assisting yesterday
afternoon ' were Mrs. James 8. .Beea.
Miss Anna cremen, airs, aib curuswu,
u.miitmi .. frm. v William. Jones.
Miss Failing and Miss Katharine Gile,
Contributions of other garments will be
received today at tne cnapei or
of the above mentioned women, or by
Mra.,W. C. Alvord, Mra.. Hannah Robert
son. Mrs. Sherman, Mlas Dr. Fries, Mra
W. F. Woodward, Mrs. Herbert Holman
or Mrs. William Brewster. ,
Miss llasel Tiehner was a charming
hostess yesterday' afternoon at her resi
dence, 15 North Twenty-third street
complimentary to Miss CecUe Wiley, al
one of the most elaborate and beautiful
parties of the aeason. Palms and ferns
u... h. . or the interior
decorations, while the floral motive of
chrysanthemums and rarnaiions wae -poolall
y elaborate. Clusters of chry"-,
anthemums made the central adornment
Mrs. Abe- Tlohner ' was -handsomely
gowned in pink brocaded satin. Miss
ivt her ruests In a strlk-
J lng red peau de chine frock, with over
dress ei lace ana siivwr . iii.i""
The guest of honor was exquisitely
gowned In a shimmering blue silk with
Iridescent trimmings., Miss Maurene
Campbell, who assisted Miss Tiehner in
entertaining, was very pretty In ecru
Mna. . con whist was the
AtH , tnr tha ffuests.-for
. Vt. J, . V , - . " " '
which exceptionally .pretty .prune ...
offered. First prizes were little foot
ball with" hand engraved beauty , pins
enclosed, and were received by Mrs.
Anderson M. Cahnon,-Mrs. Oliver King
Jeff ery. .Mrs. Harry Gaylord and Miss
Frances Jeffery. ? Second, prises were
handsome bunches' of vollots and went
to- Mrs. s Wheeler, .Mrs. , James Thomp
son. Miss Pans5 Sweetxer and Mies
Hilda Hagedorn.' Accepting Miss Tlch-
ner's hoapitaiity were: . juir
Alexander Ellis, Mrs. Frank Watklns,
ui.. nrlH Wllov. Miss Cecil Wiley.
Mrs. Irving Stearns, Mrs. John Francis
Daly, Miss Lillian O'Brien. Mrs. J. H.
Crook. Mies Ruby Crlchton. Miss Alice
Forbes, Miss Katharine O'Hara, Miss
Kathleen McDonald, Miss Eleanor
Rothermel, Miss Katherin Hunt, Mrs.
Anderson M. Cannon, Mrs. Carl Jones,
Mrs. Wheeler, Miss Alma Laurentxen,
Miss Pansy Sweetser, Mrs. Cut tis Hol
comb, Mrs. Harry Gaylord,. Mrs. Harry
i.ii . aiio MiMrfl L Mever. Miss Irene
Flyiin, Miss Mayme Helen Flynn, Miss
Vlda Reed, Miss Ines BtocKton,
Charles JJierke. Miss Sadie Joyes, Miss
Mildred Long,. Mrs. William Barker,
Mrs. M.H. Spaulding, Mrs. Ira Powers,
Miss Frances Nordon, Miss June Ster
lins:. Miss Margaret Boot. Miss Gladys
Donahue, Miss Monte Maegly. Mra
Tomllnson. Mra. Oliver King ijeirery.
Miss Mabel Shea, . Miss Helen Doble,
aire. . j nines , i uuuiyDun,
Hagedorn. 'Miss Frances Jeffery, Miss
Mary McArthur ana miss warjone
Th. iHmntnM nt thtk Portland HelchtS
club met last night with the games and
social committees of the club -and ar
ranged a program until tne first of the
year. - Tuesday evening win mire ira
opening of the men's bowling tourna
ment, and- Thursday , evening of next
week the . ladles' bowling tournament
and the men's billiard tournament wm
begin, also bridge and five hundred will
be played on Thursday with Mra.sW. D.,
Jellison, Mrs. T. P. Wise and ; Mrs.
George C. Flanders as hostesses, xnis
mill l VBtV TlleS-
day anaTTttursaaj evenin until after
the holidaya Thanksgiving eve the
club will, give a formal dance, at which
Th.nVi-Mnir fpRtlval donations will be
expected from all the guests,' The fol
lowing day a narvest noma pyramiu wiu
be formed and the donations be dls-
. Hit various charities.
December 8 the club will entertain with
a card party, the afternoon of Decem
ber 9 a cniiaren's innsimas tree wiu
be the order, and New Year's eve will
be the occasion of the .usual watch
party. ..-, ' . .
Friday and Saturday
COATS AT ?4.35. ;
An unusually good overcoat, in
colors that wear and look well,
all sizes from 6 .to 16 ; special
fortwd days only at. . . $4.35
AT 91.45.
We have about 200 pairs of
Boys'-Shoes, in , sizes from' 9
to -fyirXi widths, regularly
selling at ?1.85 and $2.00 ; vour
choice at '... ...81.45
We're showing an exceptional
ly strong line. .of 'school pants
and none better than cords,
sizes 6 to 16; offered-special
at ...r. 00
If joa are eufff-rl-r from billounea
ii.-.t p'ktfti tndlirestina. chnvnle fcced.
, v lnt cril ta a ttl
j ! . ii8 our rsrne nd ed
t - i . . y ii tht nA tr.'T
fcr-a-a ard iJTtr Tab-
........ ... . . By-'a w..-- r;..-:; ,
invervone admires persistency and
. .... n&'. 4oi1b It this
persistency shows any substantial re-
suits one aomires . i i
n.miin itnira tonlfirht at
UCUlga jiitvinui " -- " "
the Bungalow under the Steers-Coman
direction, has done more for the song
recital in this country than has any
other one man or woman.; as eum.
.. . .i .,. V.H m n am to raise
the song recital to the elevated plane
which It enouia ueuujiy, u.
easily holds in Germany.
Whlla he moaesuy uuoi
for the change he admits hat a dosen
rears ago . lt was air one could do ts
get 1100 out of a song recital, but now
? i. k common thing .to realize $500
or even $1000, and In a recital In Chi
cago the other day Madame Oadskl
-. - .oenn hmiiia. Hamlin was one
of the first singers to champion the
exclusive aong reeiuu. u
.h c.inintr afternoon recital
that now ' prevails in Chicago.
"I ravOT iiTno""f v
a few years ago. n , u. t
did not know what to think of It. I
reasoned that women can
ing concerts alone and so often men
won't go or If they do they are bored
.""A.. l. aa t,. a weekda after-
noon the musicians are teaching and
would have to sacrmce e "-
liiira Now almost all the recitals
are given Sundays. A few weeks ago
when I aang on ouu"""'",,
four recitals the same day and allwere
well attended. And Chicago "now, has
a recital-loving pnblio; more so than
New Vors -wmc
PThe solo recital Is the onlr kind to
. iviniiistent urogram. Pat
several musicians together on a pro
r.m and feach la performing for him-
ielf and the result Is a s-f
Program building is a 01111. "''-
-r- i three toWne Where
you give only one 'recitaL instead of
airing songs rrom v
. v. .. . tn Hn a comDrenen-
sive a program as possible to show
what you can do. I have a- repertoire
of about TOO songs and te select 1 of
these to show what I can do. and still
to make the program harmonious, ts a
Trf Be naee ca EahlerUes mm reartft
Tbrre aewly Invented gaeolin motor
rare V T pancer iraneporiamra
tne i. n ac r . --. - - -
t W. arrived In Portland ytrday
frwn-OJBah. where . lby- w-re te
factured. will be placed on exhibition
o the - Smtfcrw acsfi - - tw k.
Konrth trt. In front of the Board
of Trade and Chamber of Cmimm
buUdinr tomorrow fi?r aft?-rrvi3
ttwn ee t flat k. T r j-t-
hc is ronSallr inv!td to Tlit and lo
spct the baM'a care tfore thf
are r- 1,1 rfar r TT3ce.
matter for study. In Berlin you can
give four or five recitals a season and
devote one program to one author.
Here you can never give ' enough ' to
make anyone acquainted with a . com
poser. , -..''- .' ; :
"In America people hardly know Huro
Wolff's songs and yet be Is one of
the greatest of aong writers. 'And on
a tour auch as this you have to ar
range your program to suit ; the town
that knows as much about musio as
Portland and the town that knows lit-,
tie. I have found the coast cities most
appreciative and ready to express it
There are so many musicians in the
west and tt shows-tn tagTindeTStaHdUnr
auuiences we get."
' Buy It Ttom. TTa .
We Can Save Ton Money.
Good. "fsrtrt-rtrtOTr"Engtt1r" Gloria. '
Paragon frame ..--SI. OO
Runtproof Ejiglish Oloala, finest
. frame ..."..'. SI. 50
Hercules rust and wlndproof . .. -S2.00
Ladies lrectolre .Umbrella SI. 50
rull-lenirth, gold and pearl tape
- edge, Uk GloHa . . . S3.50
Tape-edge real silk warp Gloria SI. 50
Pure Silk, red sad btae. Prtn-
eese handles -S2.25
An Immfnw line of flrie ldt'
and gents' S5.00 to SZO.OO
We Save te
Tarrtr gteek a ike
ta t ala Liae. ...
Xt Vs Cor' Tear Vm6reUas Kak Zt
. . . . U-oo as in.
Olorlas ...... SI. 25. Sl.SO. S2.00
Silk. aU colors S2.50. SS.OO. S4.00j
All goods mvr rmn mannfecture. Ttut-
prwf. aitndproof. folding, datachabla, i
aelf-Tlr unbr!laa . !
y-clElr"T ffit.rUaa
tit traakixftoa, rLt aad tRa.
We Not Only iUconnea4
But agree to koep tLenj preeeej,
Lapel? and mended (orwvea
Cor. Fcsrth zzi licit boa Sis.
... al
larecst and teadiri? fURRItRS and IXCIUSIVE OUTflTTCRS
i w wnaancw 11D mm TiatU. ...... -
. .. , , 1
New ' Fur Styla Book
Upon Request
Wear Silvcrficld
"Merit made them famous."
;; ( ..''.' , - - " "" .
SnverfUld's tor Tnrs of Spaclal Mjrli and
plendld Qnality at Bailable rrtoes ....
We show the largett ttock of Genuine
Alak London Dye Sealskins on the coast.
Our factory is one of the largest and main-. ,
tains its hfsrh reputation for executing and
designing Coats, Neckwear and Muffs m ;
the most exclusive models and choicest se- ,
lections of skins on the shortest possible ,
Friday Special ,
Furs, Slolcs, Mulfs
A Wrnok kink." olain and fancy '.
I ' Fur Stoles,-also Fug and other style Huffs
1 t V VM to match; best tjnality of , fur-and. lining.
I.Sl' .?:l " " . ; ! ein.'...i... r?A,, aiV !
Keguiar i ana eu viwo, tm v-vM s
mm i ,
1 n
. 1T1 5 ' - fin- .
v. ,J
That Win a Woman's
: Confidence
. Tailored' Suits for Tall in many goodX
cloths. In tomorrow's euit offering we
'arc justified in promising you a suit -at
this price tnat win surprise yvu. . xuc
suits arc made of all-wool broadcloths,
cheviots, plain and fancy worsteds and ,
diagonal serges, cut in mannish tailored ,
styles. First complete showing tomor-,
row, values to $0.Q0, , ' ,
r '
: . ,i a.
1 , .
The celr-brated De Bovoise BRAS-
SIERE tight fitting Corset Cov- ;
ers,- all sizes; regular $1.00 values,
Two dasp Kid Gloves, all sizes
and colors; "regular' $1.50 values,,
A beautiful line, values to $1.00, .
The house of origin for most of Portlands tlats.; What,
with the fully, equipped and gorgeous display the bilverfield
Company presents, is it any wonder that it: is Portland s
headquarters in a millinery way? . ,
Friday Special
Dressy-to-Wear Hats, all , shapes, latest trimming, with
wing and leathers, underpriced tor . -
Friday $2.95, S3.95, $4.95,;$6.15
LadieV and children's KNIT UN-.
DERGARMENTS; 50c vals.,-Fn.
" Lisle Hosiery in black and all col- ;
, ers, both plain and embroidered;
75c values. Friday - .-
SillcBows N
Bows in all colors, values to 50c,
'f omei s Uedermeslles . SIHTS.' -OVERCOATS
. . f ' : .
Never were Undermuslins more dainty and beau
tiful than those just received at the "Style Store.
A special lot of matched sets-gowns, drawers,
corset covers and skirts made of fine French Nain
sook, very elaborately hand embroidered; German val.
lace or embroidery trimmed, finished with narrow
- ribbon threaded beading. Also a large assortment of
combination garments corset covers and drawers ot
fine Nainsook or allover Swiss embroidery, exclusive
French and eyelet effects. Neck and waist have bead
ing run with, ribbon. Our Undermuslins have all
the appearance of imported garments,, but are mod
erately priced. : . ;
The Knit Underwear we carry is of exceptional
merit and our low prices are unequaled by any store.
Ill ruilkuiu. , .( '-'":..'
Snedailv Priced- Petticoats
4 -
-I - s
;.' .Vj
.When you see these gar
merits you'll be tempted , r
to take two or- three of i.
rthem. They're excellent
values arid the . price Is
most tempting, -iney
are made of fine , cam--
. . . a a
bnc, have wide Knee
i , tef If
I..-.'. 1 11 , '. - J
a 4 . 1 . ' J' ' t. " . .n
flounce tnmmea witn , . , ' n , "
, e i iu-u-A -r j:4.:. rlnrartr. The kind that fit well. look
riiTsrers - ui uciuuiwi&u ui uuuttvi. --- .. ..
. . - - ' . ' . i j i j . r- ii .r show them in all correct !
tuck; ede-ed with runie ot emDroiacryi unuawy uiu ;Wcu wiu w ( . v i . , .
:STva1ue1S snlcU. . . . . . . . . . . yp. ; ing for a conservative style or. for an extreme fancy
. : . , ; , ; model we can suit you to your enure sausiacuon. x
- Every garment carries with it an assurance of per- -feet
service and yet they are not costlier than other,- ,
clothes lower in rank, vt ; . V .
Range in price from $45 down to $20
; Made by .the BRADBlStif SYSTEM the best
. ' . . clothes made yet. . (
Nifty all-wool Sweater Jackets for children, 4 to 12 ;
years old j colors, cardinal edged with blue, gray with :
red, white with sky blue, navy blue and oxford grayv
Made with protective or cutaway collar and . QQ
ribbed at cuffs and bottonv Values to $1.75 at. UV
TWa ITntinmo Furs
aivii uiivt jfca. v w - - - j -;i
Cash or credit. If you prefer, you can arrange to have your purchased charged, remitting to . in weekly or monthly payments.
ind we effer
piece, muffs.
1 1 fl lV II II
11 Ji