:ioTin:it m: sox ALLljJllXO TKAHI) .lor a aril known clubman, 1 tU dr. t J,d!,, m . . f J "v T' Carolina A. I'lntr. In a Mc i h. e... l- pl.l... that ! ,MII,V i f ,r a u.u ty unfair "" h!' fl)I 1:0,1.00 da.i.i j f8n:e,!i!,u:,"1,;:f the Vase eovfring properly at the .outh ;r coiner of We.hlnstnn and H-n-o.n. elreal.. lu the heart of th, wl.ul.. AcoomIU 10 th. complaint. hr. .n reUnt her to n I cemhrr 27. At the .time J nianatttliff lief eMtite ld .' ,,a" n3 Jd rUl of I t.-O e 'month l.d. JLnt.. Under th. leaae.lt I. .aid th defendant lM collected not lea. than v'ln "th. document th. mother .lWe that sh wtot. to another on In reaani Jo tit. valu. of th. . Im- but Klg.r failed to post th. letter, which .ha had entrusted to Ma wt..- , : ' Daylight Service, to Walla Walla. ' . Daylight service Portland to Walla WaUa via Spokane. l'rtland & .B.attlO Rallwav. "The North, Rank . Pa.co and Northern Taclflu Ballway, Leav. Portland a. m.. arrive. W alla Walla :00 p. m. ruuseiiser .tallon.. Eleventh and Iloyt .treeta, (. y ana Evcry:ruff a'Mrst -' Th. lat puff 1. ood as th J rat Th. KI 6M.-I0 "Marvel- U a long f lUoV clear Havana cigar, -It costs but 10 . cents. Try It. For sal, everywhere, .' La.t week or Miracle Painting. Meier A Frank company, fifth floor. . .L.t.l , WEATHER RETORT " Th. .torm ha moved slowly .outh- ward and now overlie. Iowa braaka. A yet It haa caused very llttW Vixto ia.bt rain. wUh snow In th. r porUon. of. tU. J'aclflo slop... Th. area, or uiKii y" - - KPraVino .tte.. causing- cooler weath. ir from Pennsylvania south. : Th. pr.e iur. hr.en rapidly over the we. ern fcalt. of .th. country and . th. conditions ir. becominr wore favorabl. for fair , weather. - Th.' temp.ratur. hai trom' ten' to twenty decree, over ) th. wsterh. elop. of th. BhH"nvJr Ther a. also beeir a iMtool the racltto ..lop O"61".1 Jfi Viand vniiev Lake rerfon and New kngianu ?fi ! ,tt t-mniratur.'ha. risen trora. Trecn Bl.ln"Wlllh. 44 , .10 .2$ s .0 ,0 . T. ; .0 .0 - .0 .19 ' " .0 T .08 .0 , .03 . ..'.0 .0 .01 .02 , .0 - .6 .17 ..0 .40 .08 ' .2 ' .02 Eoiao, Zdahq.- 44 Boston, Mass.; .... JJjf - Cincinnati, Ohio, . .. vJ Ienvr, Col. ..yt Detroit. Mich. pouge, Kana .... v Jiubuuue. Iowa Kagle, Alaska.,... Havre. Mont. ... Jo Kaliepell. Mont, .. 4U Kansas City,, Mo. . . -Swlston, Idaho . . lw -Marshficld,' Or. .... 6- Memphls, . Tf nn. J Miles City, Mont . J8 New York. N. Y.-. ;. , Nome,. Alaska J , North Head. VTMh-, Nort. Platte, Neb. 6b phoenix. Arts. .... J ' poratrUn. Idaho ...... 4 -Portland, Or ' Sleno. N ev, 4fl Roseburg. Or. J tSaltil "Utah. 44, Kan . lTancls-co ... s San L.. Obispo. Cal, 6 J flattie. AVash.,. 4; J-lsktvouX r. - 32 p Joka re. V ash. , . . 4b Tnnana. Alaxka. . . 'S Tato.-ph.,Valv BO - Valdus. Alaska . . f Walla WaUa. Wash. 60 v Yellowstone .v-Parki 36 42 84 28 . 64 38 62 ! ' S2 , '.: 64 ; . 40 3 60 ; 26 v - 41 - :o ' 40 40 44 . , I . ' 38 , 30 - 38 34 ... B(r " 60 28 , 38 V ' 6 44 12 38 16 40 .13 T. .0 .14 .0 .04 .08 .0 Vnmn AT IX. .. v fs ' .MEETING X0TICE3 . 41 NOfiLES! Assemble, for iiVimttae to Albany! Caravan ' leaves riiv morning. November A jjt.. n Is not raining ruin for us, but- nowora, By' cheer, good fellowship and 'good rjj "V: yr- your - arrangements make them through the office of 3. O. Mack & Co., 6th ana Stark at Special , train service se curel , la tertuediate stations ( on .. Una Meeting with or from Portland, on one J third fare. Fare. Portland and ""'"LrSuiS O. CLARKB, Potentate. , ti, v.. w ni x "Jt .-. V -r V t-t aj In.livA. XTrv 1 1 A A . l F. and M. Special com- munwatwn hub " , evening at 7:30 Masonic tem ple. Work F. 0. degree. Ma lting brethren. welcome, By order "W. M, . . prep it, OLSON. Sect i World, meets every jp w ; ' day night in W. o. W. , Teraple! 128 Eleventh . street. All members re- : quested 10 - ot V IU1MM n i: 'A. T. Barbu'r. Clerk. : fTERS recital hall 1 or mjnc aw r-r cltAla, lectures, meetings; splendidly lighted. Tentuatea. n1. f rOT street noises. Beating 800; equipped with pipe organ, grand pianos and automatio musleal devfeea.- For,rates apply Adv. pept,N.d floor, Eller. Piano Mouse, 851 Washington st, . FOR , RENT Ball room, hardwood floor. 60x0; on. of the best In th. city; Veil .ventilated; nicely lighted and heated; an, good carllneh rent only $12 per night. G. B. Cllne. !;th and llaw thorne. Tabor 1147. , NcW--HaU:ForRcntii: a m nMr Wash. Howe-Pavls Co. fi N A Marguortte cami. meets every - 'Tl iir.dav evening in Savoy, hall. East Pumlde street inH Orand avenue. iT v A. KVergreen "t'anip, iSi, meet. -MoBflW'fwnlV s"iliBIT HlrB0 Eids- ncntiar;; ana xamnn.1- E" N A Oreron Roc. camp, meets iFrl. aV evenings, Alisky .hall.' Third and Morrison. BUSINESS CARDS MAX M. FMITIT. floret 130 8th st- op pAlte -n.lr T-rrK-s. Main 7216. I7kTs sTIiTtTTor ml .h tmau. 1 1 r r Finn. - " - - . Tailnrrrg Co.. n9 Ptarkt ;r77(Tis'. cra. W. . Smith c, Wahlrgtofl bldg. corner 4t and DTaHKK liR'H, florlet fine ard f!orl d"!r ?' lrrnl BIRTHS TlF.ItNBKRG To Mr. and Mr. RutlJ 7 Urn berg, 411 Leo a venae, OTember lirifll'RritP. To Mr. anl Mrs. Gu teve Su'i-lorfer. J14 Fourteen ta .trctt. u i.l. T a i r. ir, 1 A. 3. H3'; 2Si i "','- r, Nivcfrtwr . a Frl. t ( SiSwF.it i Mr 4 Vr. l-'"''' I J.i. ir iser, I4 Easier eireU .S..n?ti.i-t t ' (V: 4 ( vv T vr. -.lit ' r" J-.n 'r ..-''. Pf.iti'i: Mafrr'ty fs i f!'., a .!- v OREGON . Commanaery, i. a, " i TRegular conclave ivfl this evening, at 7:80 o'clocto vTr J Work in the Order of the Red Cross: Visitlnj Sir Knights T . . ...Ji.;. - "..,'.' ct.urwou.iy s-.-rRt? R-corder A Tin: HKOWN Aimed. T. Urown, tt. Vin ci, i hcmi iinl, N..ml.or JO, end it; In.. K dlt t t..iH"'- . . . ... Hl,ii All Jin., i'i --ritt at ft. No-v.iMt..-r . J if; ul'ri-.'iilola Q1'.U 'K-I'n (ju...:k. V H-x-ond ii..-t, i.ivcrvl-r y.Ia tJ; tubot- (lllof'. l;L , l't'M.'ItAL IHKIXTOna il'uti'ii! a. (iii.nArmr undertaker. 't mt'alm.r.: mcxlrrn I In evt-ry dtalL p'rveuia and I'lif. Mlo 4 )0. I m1vB"lj't'"'t- EAST-KIlJlC fuiuriil directors. co. ori 1 Jo F. S. Inmnlnifjne.- K. 6?. H-iS? EljWAHO'lloOlAIs, uTiJruiaer. J3 td.t-JJ . ' ' . jtEri:st ate TnA.vsFtns PACIKIO TttU & Trust C.. the leading ati.trBrtora" t0t-iJJnJl bids". . A. tJtHiif and wife to'L-liri. tlan KlHky et al, lot 15. block . Vernon , . .f.I.SOO J. W. Willson and wife to Itom- . tiln. II. Carey, lot. -1. . 8. . 8.. 4 '-. ' . and 6. bltv k BPoninsuU addi tion .No. j ', ;;1v Seneia Kmlth and wife to Mil--ton ;W. HeHn.an. part of -lot 4. Mock 68. Cartr"s addition to . Portland . i Portland Trust company to Id. T, ' Jonea, lot . block 4. Mrlow.., Bwlnton land company to bam Karquhar, lots 9 and 10. bloclt (0, Bwlnton ;.!;. Jlarry M. Bmlth and wlf.to John U. Ielneweber. lot 6,- block 8, 780 400 878 ' 140 I'ark View jiixiension. . l.ioa Loreu, Seward and wlfl'to Bii-, nun' K." !.- lots ; 16 and 16. block Z, Itooaeveji . . . Nellie M. Triits to Ixuis C. Otto rt al. lot 27, block 2, Concord 150 .J00 Heights .'....'...,.'-. Flnluy MoKercher to Louf. C. Otto et al, lot 28. block 2, Con, cord Heights : . m!' W H; "SVood and wlf. to N. 1 Crout et al. 25x161 feet begin ; nlng 34.5 feet north of south-. ; went corner of section is, An.tiin 1 north, range 3 east . . 1 200 9,000 The Mansfield Co. -to the Ore gon Building & Tru.t com-, piny, lot 2. block 1' and , lot i3. Hock 11 Terrace- Parte i . , ti. 8. William. . et al to Eller. -too , piano ltouse, joi v : Hancock (Street addition ..... J. C Atnsworth and wife to R. W Kchmeer.- lot 21, bloclt, i, 1 Oakhur.t f r 'w , 450 460 H? 'tSrlffUh,. lot-' 14, block. 9, .Park View extension ;. .v. Louis Oberlr and wlf e to F. . H. "1,700 Lewis, lanawj-B "". v boundary of PorUand , Mll waukie Macadam road, in sec tion 10. township 1. south, rang. Jam?. H. WlHson, lot , 4. 870 600 Vbclc1:.1 .. rm tr 'Kdmuhr P. - "Banger; lot ll block 64, Bunny- eide Third addition .. . , VMartui Meier and wife to Alfred Zaterfelt, 4 acres, commencing 660 feetast of northwest cor nerof section 17, township 1 outh, .range loast 'rS'.Vl Laura. E. EckWdt to Mary Dur- kin, lota U apd 12. block 17, Tromont Place ... . it Charles Starker and -wife to P. C. Wald, lots 7 and 8, block .900 1,400 425 675 23, Colutnma new"". r' Vri nam Jjuna, io. tr--. ..ai Roy O. Chase and" wlf eto Iva 3. f Seliwood., lot K l0ck 68. Sell- L -wood: v l: i WrmAth J.500 I" of M. fatten tract. . ... R. W. Wormoth and wlf e , to O. F Berger. lots 6 and X.t block 6, ' West Piedmont ..iJ Enios Bettencourt vtp F. li. Thateher.-imdivided , or.lpt 1. - block 10, Caruthersaddltlon . . Fannie E. Ix.ng : and hVsUand to (Seorge dylbertson, north 14 ft of -lot 2 and south 5 feet I of lot 4 and all of lot 3, block 5, piedmont .s.; i:'" V.'b'hA John Fisher to Morgan 'Robb lot 6, block B, Ladd's addition. Laurelhurst Co. to Anna r7ione. lot ll.V,block ,6, Laurel- S.400 S.000 6,000 6,600 S,50t) 1,600 425 3,500 2,500 " 600 hurst . ,- ' T.r.- xv . rhritensen "and. wife ! to 8. B. Vesey, lot -2,1 block S Tfivlor L Ttmroona to Laura MU 7 ler Watson lot ': 10, , block 4, .Highland . .. -J V B. Pombrowskl andn wif. to -F. S. Myers, lot 16, block 3, Froen a tel. subdivision . . ; Mora Realty Co. torMOrrls Sen , osky, lot and , block 6, Lor- BeffiVoMU'to'ArthurBW BeS 6406- s-ouare -fet in sec- tlon 8. township 1 south, range ChVr'les H 'Thompson " to "jacob ? Wrage, 50il24 feet beginning . ' at southeast corner of . lot 10, block S. Glencoe Park .-. ; . . Wiltom Rankin to S B Hunter Jot 7. block 1. Coliunbia Hejghta B- M. Lombari and wife to Sam uel M. W. Neff. lots 37 and 38, ''block 4, Railway addition..... . Relnholt Williamson and wife to T. C Nlner et al. south 33 1-3 ft 6f lot 2, block V Linna ad- 1.250 2,500 "too 170 883 "PirnTTFiCATFiS of title made by th. TUle afe Trust company. 7 Chamber Of commerce. LAWYERS Abstract A Trust Co., joora Board "of Trad., bldg. s abstracts a TR5TrRACT8 of title. D. Alei auder ab A atracx offlc. 413 ;CDrbett'bldv Mala specialty. W.' R- HAIZL1P CO. One.!, absexore. first class worn. -,- "- - NEW TODAY Need Money, Come Quick 50x100 corner. Fine, new 6 room modern bungalow, worth $5000. Will take for.quick sale $3S00 $2000 cash.. Have rented for $30 per month. . ' t ZIMMERMAN ' 1 621 Board of Trade ' SUtfNYSIDE nZfirtt " comer 3th ar4 TarahlTl .li; gocl toU..ec JT-m f-rj more rottages orr . corner. t$40H.j This U r. FORTiiira' srorxfg bea-ctt co, kll Board of Trad. Bidg. . for Immediate Sale '; ieUi'- r,lrlr .Tre. re1?a H-cM. rr-i-,. r!,-xr tf.an a'ljni.inf U'- Pro. $M.-h. CKAriw nrmtow. "Ill C:.i.tf Ccn-mmi I rncu 'lhe.r.at u. unn.riaanr. LtitL.il ltdy ritalatant. D-ii 1't Iti I'it l A Ider. i jTP.'Flniey & SflalffloV4 Laity ti 1 1 1 H1 " ' . Malnj?i A . T l.l.l .K " 4i V KNf d carMMdert.lt.iia, ST5 im.i.ell,-KiHtJ0. iMdy a.i.iant. Err N 1 HK-UIi'KaONC"), umlurtiiker.: l,y n tjo Aj.1r.t.JHot h phon" Mut Sell OKIXOM , DAILY JOUKIJAL." PORTLAND, THURSDAY NEW TODAY. OWN YOUR'. OWN HOME ONLY SiO-&a .J.'-":: u . n.vlnV ient. And the t. ruiB--only ItW ( IIIUII.4. . ThlnK A "fine big lot. all Cleared lev! and ready for cultivating', beautiful view, city water; clone ln.lat honi. .ca tion of city; highest restriction, on 'lonTdel.y. And don't forget "to bring your wife. Com. -any .day oi the! week, but thl. particular houiw, niay b .old unlee. u com.toj no. Corn, to down town office, .nd go jut In our automohlle, or go to off' if Oregoiy indght. . end L""?aA?r irony-Roue City Park carllna, fee. It and you are sure to buy. 5 . Illustrated folder oo request. V4J m Yi D ITHiX-i l A.V. " w . , 418 Corbet ldg CtB and Morrison. - . law i isiiilin Ma, ' A Hoiric An Bin Reii Apples ' 'at APPLEDALE ; WHY? . Ideal fruit land. Ideal berry land, on Ue beautiful Willamette river, an hour, rid. from Portland. Plank walk ' from ; electric, lln. WdaHyValna. dalljr boat land. atAPn "dea'.pot for - bom. ana a good income Whil. your trees are growing. "..'; , . " t 5 Acre Lots r; ' ' EAST TERMS ..v, G. M. McBRIDE B50 Stark St, PortiaaaV Or. ands in tracts of 5 to 20 acres for sale or trade for any good Portland or sub urban property.--This is the bestJrrigated fruit iand in the-state, -of Washington. Located in tie Yajrcima Val ley, the greatest fruit district m the west; Call or. write for free booklet. . . RICHLAND LAND CO. -A. W.. Hover, Manager 908 Board of Trade Building - ' .. .' ' li' Corner Fourth and Oak ; Phone Main: 7466 Olmsted Park Income RICHLAND. The Portland Heights of the East Sidejv tuU house. lot xi w..t Ofters a l special lnaucemenx in genuine view lots tnat won t iasi much longef. Every lot in OLM STED PARK is to advance in a; few days. v " ! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY BETTER THAN IRV4 INGTON PROPERTY, at a re markably low price and on easy terms, .v. v- Let us' take vou out in one ox our autos and snow yoiu Trust Co. Board of Trade Building WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS tExclu.lv. Residence Property) $2 500 each. '2 very desirable lots, choice surroundings; 6xio eacu; rvier and Ralelgb st..Just west of ' : 29th st unobstructed view mojin ' tains, harbor and city hard sur faced pavements: ' all Improve ' . mnt In; W. carllne, off .t ISth. walk up to fiavier and Raleigh. A surprise awaits you. For a 'hortieslte or Investment you can make no mistake; Inside a year "at $Sf00 these-cliolne,. lota will be - eonaiderad a berpnln hurt A. H. BIRRKLL CO., . 02" "KcKar Bldg.. Third and Ptark i . . .. . . ....... J t FOR SALE BEAL ESTATE 10 NETW S room bunralow oa Hth. near Alberta;' $;QJ;- terms. Graham. Unwk Mdg. ' 'A.4121. .". LIST your property 335 Morrison U . a-4. with P!l C9. Phon. Mala 2111, 1'IVK rtK.ra ho-ie .! lot ci in on - t mi. 1"r at a bargain. Pr"- $ir.'1jlO$ , 4th.t. '- lit'Sd.'-wn an4"'$: P' r mon'h Ut 1 room ' n0.1f rn rirs htm. is'nrui P- ClOe P.itv C" . f fnmrr()l H". C. W 1 V t r.i'.MV rATTn n' rnjTlne and !-!r. T 4 1 .MItfJ"t ft a f'hoa. Wiwi.l aT?lS4 1 FaC1s", rlvr Iuiiiir.g .It. trwi 'wMt ffwlaortiV'J trat -nod " ' ' ' ' ' moin TxTbrrM;-,a. $?;. : lot. a n H .irard Lar-1 il et- la- il t'-'t ,. N il. int. ?!.. f"r..r it"t at FC H h'' a A U at rca !. ;i.a4. t a. EOK 8AU-Wi.Mj ESTATE 1 ti7f.ii r'l.i ioiiluu on Iiai','P ave., 100 ft-vt tif ccinfiil a. Ik. IlliOO 40 a.r... of l.ml 1" ilulln""" . Ill h, r..M undr cultlv .1...' i. i, um hnuaa. eta. i""ii v.. .,, - - - "! 0 II .'., 6 riiuni ho lino. el iron lot bOxlllU. ' : 1 ....... u..i.-tit ve. I HMW W IIKHII m.uww ... ... Mix 1 till, Imi.rovrmt nt .11 t'1'1' IjQO hiniuu on iliuliLion i. 110 ilw flu .-r -in. iiiui, - '.nft iili4 f-Mi kitrr In street, 1 , . down. U P'-r tn'inthl , , JAMKH t. tx;UKT. M8 MlH.in.lppt v. ' ' Phnnea. W'uodlawn a"-. Home i.n .A nmmr t rmmi hunffalows on ho'eaay'Ve, K-b,,modeV e.iii i. hm, .im. nt witn co ,-L, Vl.ir. Aemout w.lka; thl. prop rtv U iiu-to-dut. and Is a bargain If aold wliMn the next 10 lys. . MT. TAJIOIt REALTV CO.. 45th 'and Belmont. " If You Arc Looking for Clo.e In acreage, or small, well im provod farms, at low price , and on most liberal term. se. in... I handle .my own propertie J. O. Elrod . 820 Corbet t Bldg. .- CLOSK TO LAURELUURbT, Ifyouve got 61800 cash and want to move Into a nice modern '"tr,y, "room houae, a-lve It to me and I pay mn balance ($2000) later on. Mighty good Investment on a nice terraced enier on carllne. "If you ain't got no money you needn't come 'round. t ' . 8 T. WALKER. 604 riorhett Bldg. A Snap We Can Convince W YOU .;'?"t' $2600-14400 cash. $20 per J month. 5 room new bungalow. .",p"w.lt4Vll,"iV large Dutch, kitchen, on ' B. 85th. V, blo?k to car. Bee this at onc Story c Ralney, 428 llenry bldg.. r, rcilKAP llOMES. - i 11350 New 4 room house, I lots, eor ner, good, basement, electrio lights. Vr?00 room btingnrow, bath. 'full basement, electrio lights, 1 block from car: $200-cash. $15 per month. . ; - NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO.. ,a.3iaiV hldk.. 2d and Wash. .U. l 'a. i n Knii nw bun 1 am just piaiiiiiiia ri. i iralows. 2 blocks from car on 46th st.. anyone wishing a home can have either one of the above built tosult their plans, by a small payment down, $350, MT 48th and : Belmont et B-2696. $6500 Ten room modern .house and 3 V. at near Rus- ' sell. Room for one 4 and one a room flat building. Close to .business district and oar .hop.. 821-525 r-namber of Commerce $1500 4 -room modern i( bungalow o.o i to oar a3 nii'iuwo i" , . tcelaln bath, toilet, boiler. nfc cabinet. rtc view lot, nn purcireoi " "... bofhoodrr price for tni.-weoK only 1250 cash required, balance monthly, 'as C. Logan, -til .Washington st Room 404. . ..iMi.rl' "! A iroiR? . We have them, air sixes and prices. In all partayof the city, on easy pay rnenti Got'a .nap in 6 room cottage, 1.317x100, on EW 26th st.; before you buy call on the Modern Realty Co room 607, 102 8d st. : FOR "SALE hi lots, .BOxlOOeach, good manufacturing site and fine gravel nit reposition, east side near o.- K. at N. R R. Price $5400; $1000 cash,bal ance time to suit. Call or write owner 199 Portsmouth ave. Phone Main or COZY 6u room house on a beautirui level quarter block, newly .fenced; fruit, ornamental trees, best soil, love ly corner; Ideal home spot; close to . i i. titon- heat huv In " 1 Portland. 212 Alisky bldg., 8d and Mor rison. Balance In 6 years, buys a very desir VbU .6 room house, ' within walking dis tance, from owner; modern. splendid vU?w fin. neighborhood, high lot and I W, JiVn at " 3 200. M-29?, Journal. TWO 5 room modern houses, on iuu 100 In Sunnyslde, for sale, either separate or together, to settle claims of rlirats Waldemar Seton, attorney at law 431-433 " Worcester bldg. Port- land, Or. 120x68 8-S, corner, 80th and Yamhill, 8 e-ood cottages, room lor & rag tS nn corner $4600; this Is a Snap. PORTLAND rnsCfcESS REALTY -CO 618 Board of Trade bldg. i LOVELY lot on Tibblts St., Waver lelgh Heights, between 33d and 36th; Improved; surrounding lots $800, $1000; this goes for $675, only $125 cash need ed. Clarke, 212 Alisky bldg, 3d and Morrison, oriMHTCinl! , 128x58, corner, S new modern 6 room houses, bringing good Income, room for in itTcessrealty CO.. If 618 Ttnrd of Trade bldg. Seaside Lots Two blocks from P. O.. 1 block from inT. int 0x100: will sell or trade for anything of value. Will pay jinn. ir nmMtrv. 15 IN. o cash th st U ' I 1 1 VV " - i . SACRIFICE SALE and Harrison, being numDer a, a block, from Hawthorne ,ave. car. No agents. T-290. Journal. I have an order good Tor payment oi $90 la any lot In, Rose City park. Bell Crest or Berkley, to be used In the next months. Will sell for $75. Ad dress A-307. Journal. FOR SALE In Newberg new 6 room bungalow and 2 acres of best kind of land, also house and lot In town. Ad dress K M. Heacock. 262 N. Cottag. st. Snlem. Or ' FiOO down, balance like rent; will fur nlsh lot and build a 6 room bungalow, fireplace, beam celling, sleeping porch, etc Near Ladd'a addition. Holbrook, 403Couchbldg. TWO 4 and 6 room housea, fine repair, renting for $14, near- school; fine bearing fruit trees; these can't last long $1300 cash gets the two. E. Melllen. Willamette hotel. Oregon City, Or. , KAST 12th and Powell ats 100xl6o, fine site for flata and .tore.; $2200. POUT LAND ' S UCCKRS REALTY CO, 18 Board of Trade blda. . S'itE room house, plastered, el-trlc lights, good basement 60x109, corner lot South Portland, west aide; $1600; 1600 cash, balance 5 year. 7 per cent Owner, A-29 J.. Journal SIX. lots, unexcelled view of city a, unexcelled view or viiy. "'" J mountains and Tualatin val- eappe 1 tr"j iuvui.i.'... ' ' . . ley the first lots aeieciea on v-ouncu Crest- for aale at a bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Main 34. OH svle by owner, i room house. 50x100 lot, woodshed, chicken yard and bouse. 3 blocks from I carilnea. 1784 K. lth.U Sell wood.- Call ba trn 11 and 6 o'clock. lTh and LlvUlon at., ivuxioe. corner, fine bnv, right across from Ladd KTitLAk'nSrccVa realty co. I a Roard of Trade bldg. rno ell f To e.atlful '.ere tracta. .t South Mount Tabor reservoir. $10 and 1C. half caah. baUnce terms. Phone Tabor 1 V $200 Down I room modern burs r alow. Irvlngtoit r-ark; tr-.r' wrr. H-iH. Journal. fc.i"i jf7 ina t. on t John, car Una, for ti7 td 10 txt cnt ch Call 216 , -tiT eii.c IiT Utltt FEET. fno $li. v irm.l emt tearfara. s iwe.rvi4Bard ? Trt , ll 't" Kill. Il wMt.l)f, fofBT lt-n r-,n. tiowara Ln4 Cn, H gwet- i do n. I'rf rer.t, I'rni la .u.t irv 1 ti carlir. aauat rn ii ?...f . if,"vl 1 4 T. Z-X is n, i r'"' "ir i". tht . 1 .mir - .! fr. terma Hol- t s J . fbuti. Xs vaa Jt 4. KVKNING., NOVi:Mfil!K 11. 1 t)It SAM-Iti:AL KSTATK 10 Read This List Carefully 4xtJ ruiiiilng throiitfh Mock facing J stro.w; n"r lirw M' a.-li-dj ri-.r -Allilna. A sP. Illuu; Irnna. , Fractional U ' b'l.xk on 1. 19h. near ImvU. This 1. a .nap . U Improvements will soon tart in tliat. section.. $li'0. , . . ' 1. lots In peninsular "Add..-. In block 4. Thl. Is adjoining Ivn. ton. Price onlV $:i00. Oauer - iiueda money. . . . .. 40x116, 1 block from car, weat of 25th. F1n View of Wt Sldeu A'up. . $i50. - 100x100 on Ka.t A.h st, near , ' 19th. with Una 7-room liom. com plete In evry detail. This I a . lilnh-rla.. ai.trlct and value. In crea.lng rapidly, owing to per ' souul condition, will .ell at reas ' onabl. ngure. $1400 down balance. ; tfi auit , . ; ' ; ixt 67HxllO. -room new mod ' ern house, two blocks from car. ' $3000. Ka.y terms. . E. R. MAKKHAM, ' 205 Gerlinger Bldg. . -lead .This $ rooms, new and .trlctly modern house on B. 24th st. near Alberta,.! bedroom and bathroom on first floor. halls, flreplac, full basement. Urge pantry, wash trays, wood lift bu It-ln china closet and bookcase, J linen oloseta, clothes chute, paneled and beam celling In dining room, seats in library, window seats, bullt-ln steel safe, fine plumbing, cement steps and columns, plpedftr gas and electrio wiring all in. price $3600. $1600 cash, balance tib per month. -There la nothing. better for the price In Till. city. Sea us about this. : ALAMEDA PARK. , ' ' Tf you .re thinking of this highly re stricted district we can save you money If you will se. u. before buying. . " :' EXCIIAHfOE. ' 160 acre, at Coolldge n B. P. &mS. Ry., 30 acres under plow, 8 acres under water and In crop, pumping plant, 5 room -house,- woodhouse, ntorchpuse ana burn; will exchange 10 acre, of the im proved lund ami improvements or will exchange all for city vacant property, or house and lot Complete Sunnyslde Home rooms and large hall, fine sleeping porch, sliding doors between hall and parlor, dining room paneled, large china closet, gas and electricity, full cement basement cement floor, coment walks In front and around house. 2 toilets, double walls and floors. $3160. $1000 cash, balance monthly payments with Interest r this place bt hist being com pleted, If you want something real good call today., Hawthorne Realty Co; Cor. E. J4th and Hawthorn, ave. Tabor ' 616. " " " ' .. fSIX room house, modern; gas and elec tricity, newiy nuteu wa.ua, ment basement, all furnished complete, with fine furniture; new house and fur niture.. A sacrifice sale, leaving for the east; price complete, $3250; $1000 cash, balance $25- per month with Interest. For further partieulars call at 110 E. Lincoln, or phone Tabor 1126. or call at 303 y, - room 14, Washington st, owner. No commission. Phone Main 6571. 4 6, 6, 7 and 8 room, new modern cot tage, just finished, must be sold. tri. iiiino to 12500. Terms $100 to $250 down and $10 to $20 per month, all close to carllne in restricted dis trict; no ahantles, full concrete base ments; best of bath and plumbing; one has full view of city; will take lots, diamonds or mortgage on furniture. Take the Mount Scott car. get off at Millard ave.. then ask for Joe Nash. FINHK BUILDING LOTS. 900 Sunnyslde, E. Alder St. $800 Corner 26th and E. Brooklyn sts $650 Rossmere, block from car. $626 Kenilworth ave,, on Woodstock carline. . , SmalJ payment down, balance month- Iy" NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO. 605 Commercial blk., 2d and 'Wash sts. " NICE HOUSE, $100. Nice 5 room, story and a half house, . i . i. .man. K.a,mAiit. norp.elalil bath, south front on Mason St., between Williams ana union vc., j v.i rj xiou casn ana tu pe muun,, fng rent. TT.ccr . w , 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. t AAA AAA .af nf fl fifTl'- ber, in Columbia county, for city prop erty; price fiiuo. L Repass &;flyart-- 300 Henry bldg: M. 68S4, A-2532. FIVE room new house, lot 60x100, wide porches, bath, pantry, concrete cellar, large cistern, woodshed 14x20; party, leaving city, must sacrifice; price Vnnn TxrA di.n.1 rAu A v to loan Dur chaser $700; must go this week. -411 Couch bhlg. WEST SIDE HOUSE. $500. Ai.j i .. n 9 ctnn.' hrttlHA. tras. brick basement, cement walk and street paid for; on uoroen. bi.. i'ttlkw easy walking distance; price is 600 casn, $i!0 per monin; piavo wwi.... 3000. You will make money on this. $17 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. A 8M1P 1BAA a vnm h.itan mTOnd hflSfimellt. linoleum on kitchen, Brussel carpets on 2 rooms. E. , 67th and Mt Tabor. $100 .m hndlA this: balance like rent 4 bearing fruit trees, r - JNOKTH rAunw r.AL,i . 80S Commercial blk.. 2d and Wash sts. $350 down buys brand new 5 room bun galow; fiber plastered, concrete base ment and foirndatlon. enamel finished, bathroom and kitchen, bath sink, toilet hotwater tank, house well finished. 50X 100 .fine lot. fenced. You can move right In; price $1800; $350 down $15 month ly. Portland Homes Co.. 204 Morrison. Almost Given Awav 1450. half cash,, balance $5 per month. for-new 3 room house and pantry, lot 40x100. In ureniwooa auuiiiou. tw . car. Take Mt Scott car, get on at in niont lnrulre at new store In Brent wood addition. HOLD an equity In 8 lots In Railway addition which 1 will sell for $150 less .v Mrt. nald In on them : this of th fer Is only, good until the 13th;'theae are a bargain, so act quickly. 618 Board of Trade. ' KkW 5 room house on elegant lot lOOx 100. well fenced, near car ana icnooi, good surroundings: place better than we advertise; 'twould be 4 bargain at $1650. but we" offer It at only $1250. tit Alisky bldg.. 3d-Mornson. XM.-W dim. vvfitivrp. Tabor .Heights, 160x106. Valuable camera. Who wants soreettung real wnrui Thla nrotx-rtv la the key to the alta.tlon. Iook this up. If will talk. : Sob hill. On Kearnev at., good room house. eh p If taken at onoe, give ua your purr. , POltTLAM aUXWSI KfcALl I CO. .11 nnurn pi i i .'ic v m . - RIHJM Iv'jw. furniture, 2 lots, young fruit trees; $7. '.-down; price h: will trad. A C Harris. IJneola Ixurelwood. Mount icott rr th sod Broadway, let x,.hail cash, hulnrnv t wr cnl POUTLAWD isrcci-. REALTY CO Frl of 1 rsee far. m LLIVXS 3 addition. tOxlM. comT. on lot !th. IM: a Laram: In- $11 wmii,iT, llowara laa awtlnd .'?. H i tLK Mo.Jra rowm hungalow; t isa; p.r wsuat Sil. goina t: 6 blyV. oo" of end of M.'tta- , rr W r H tt fc "'' r t rr .( a i.i f ..... 1 Ti e $.;(. lot 'a at 1003. FOII SAIJ-i KKAI. I1STATH 10 Suburban Acreage 7W acres. of which la la cul tivation. Unrllrtt p.mra, cruli-aw'lr-t, chorrlr.. grai., nulncrs, apples; tre. all bcrln: II rooin hoiiaa with full baarincnt and Imtii, giM hami piic. $56ua; trri.i. Thl. I. on. uf th tnoat d.'Hti utile suburban homr. ever placed n the market at thl" price, only a few minute, out on a good - Int.rurb.n carrln.. Uoo.1 K.hool and church close by. Everett & McLcod 517 Rotlichlld bldg. . $'45sd(0). Cholc. quarter block within B blocks Of union depot, cloae to ewucii n-. w.rehoiia. uUtrlct. Heat nuy in land today; $:0.000 cash, balance to suit Ward Realty C 305 AblngtonbM' ......... . .... . ,-. , . . n.. . r. . i . .. 1 1 ( i. , m nt il. aat sine. offers a apeclul Inducement In genuln.i vlow loi. mat won . i" ..... .. Every lot In Olmated Park Is to a vane! In a few days. Thl. Is your . t uh,. ihitti Trvlnaton property at a remarkably low Pr,r'an ' . i ... 1.1,. ',. nut In on easy terma. j one of our auto, and show you. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board ef'Traua oiog ' . 1KY0U REALLY WANT A' nice little 6-room cottage at. a bar gain I've got It ..If. modern and only two block, from o carllne about 80 minute, out. The rook bottom pr loo la $1480. Only takes $875 to handle It Now If you want It. "come a runnln and bring your wife and money in your jyVjWALfcER. 664 Corhett.Pldg $100 Cash Must Sell ' Owner leaving city and must dispose of his lot. .60X-100; Alberta car line, worth today $600, hi. price $460; terms. Ward Realty Co. ; 305 Ablngton bldg.' Main 197. ACREAGE 87 Fruit Valley Fruit andOGarden Lands $25 Per Acre and Up 1 Within 1' hour's ride of Port land. A growing town on tract V Boll that is very productive. -A. clamoring market near. Trans portation by rail or water. Cheap freight rates on account of com , petition. - A chance to getja start and make a nest egg for the - future on i small capital. Tflce will be advanced before long. Write, us or call at our office at your earliest convenience. . Columbia Count? Inyest ; 'Blent Co. 1018 Board of Trade bldg., Portland, Or. Acreage - At Fairview Station on O W. P. And d R. & N. Ry., a very desirable 10 acres, fruit of all kinds, including 12h Lambert cherry trees; will Rive Immedi ate, possession and leave everything on place, Including hay in barn, potatoes in cellar, horse and buggy and range. Don't answer this unless you mean busi ness and willing to pay my price. - I have also other improved places of 1 acre with fine house; will trade for Portland property. . 9 acres, very best of Improvements. 6 ucres unimproved. ' . Blocks of land and acreage of 1. 2 and Address owner, box 64, Cleone, Or., or A-302. journal. 10 acres, 3 blocks to Oregon City car, exactly zo nunuwo .' i."" . cultivation, choice variety fine fruits, berries, etc. Price $7500, $2500 cash, balance long time, fine platting pro position, suitable or one or more sight ly suburban homes. Must be purchas ed inside 20 days' if at all., Jas. C. Logan, 3261A Washington st. R. 404. SIX acre home on carline 8 miles out, on Salem Electric R. R., 8 room house, running water, barn, chickens, cow. 1 span of " horses, wagon, some fruit, all improved, R. F. D., Joins carllne, for $4000; terms. Get off at Metzger,, in quire for C. Johnson. 37 acres level land, part bottom, partly cleared, good creek, mile from sta tion, etc., .40 jroinutes Unioa depot All or divide $125 per acre Terms. c. DeGraff, 672 6th et Main 4120. 14 acres, lying fight on i carllne, 15 minutes from Portland, 40c fare; half PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. FOR SALE 4 acres, Joins carllne. In cultivation, near Metzger Station, on Salem . Electric R. R.; price $4t0 per acre. "Get off at Metzger Station. In- ju i re cnaries joimwn. 7. ; n u. li.lnD plwhl nn'rftr. 1 .i m III- utes from Portland. 10c fare;, half PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. . Io'" ACRES, near 6 cent fare, rich sell. a beautiful tract: $500 per acre. Spencer & Co., 102 2d st. ; . EXCHANGE MISC. OR 'SWAP COLUMN 5 tinder thla elasslflcatloa will appeai all advertisements that comprise article, for trade: for example, hous.aold gooda. watches, bicycles, typewriters, Uv.stock, "ahlcler automoWlis, elothiag. "to. Th. Journal ha. ..g-regat.d this olas. of ad. Into th. swap oohuna for the conveni ence of the xaadera of elasatfiaa ada The rata for -awap" ad. ta 1 e.nt p. word par insertion, 7 insertions for th; price of , for cask ads. Fnone and cbarg. ads 7 cants per Un. per Issue. WANTED To trade launch for team, harness and farm wagon. Wood lawn 1695. ' . Vf ANTED To trade lot in Necarny City i en ten rn or cows. Wood lawn 1696. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Notice. I have a $700 equity in a nice $1600 corner lot on Commercial et, street im proved, cement aidewalks snd sewer all In and jald for; also a gilt edge mort gage of $500 secured hy a ISO acre Farm, run ring 1 years. 7 per -cent; will trade one or both of these for good horses, a good driving toam . preferred. Phone Main 8S49 or Woodlawn 1610. ask for t hanes u. fqnn. . . i& ... w.. .la fnr v.fi.nt lotm. eloC In acreage or farm, good room house in Portland. In good location, lot 59xl0; it blocks to car; also two good teams, harnesa. wagons, plow, .craprs. concret e tools,; business all goea Price $.1000. What have vou got to ntcbthls. Plw maker Istevenaon. 627 Henry bldg. Phone. Main 446. A-7434. rti IeLL or trade for vacant lot on of the best darce halls in the cit. . . lit Hi np wwkr lodges are more than paying rent Ptk-. i ... a j4I a K 'i m 1 4 an w hint . , t l.A.nr. h':t lnlrit in valua ble United State patent for atMH or lota. Box 144. Arleta, or phone t.Mi cil 1 Or e' haiia 3 acre iruit. berrle and ganleo, f.ne he)f, all hiiikjiTiga tvhoae, tv rH-e. Bear Otk CTTT pfOpeitjr. 1 ni i, ro el aid umrn croied, to n.-henc t-r acreage ir It luU aTt t e-IS, t.v cr m. "..oe""er iefn. ill ;"-r M11 l'n t H'T A - T 1 1 1 T "feUMii-. - - v ' -: 1 f Ltt. t lK. V I ' h , nc; i i; i: l 1 r vi FOR KVI.1J- I'nrt tr.le, (ri.rral r cIimihHho Ktuio, (lr)i....U, f.v.n l nlMiia an. J ahuca, ll. n .i IIhimi Bio. k, r.'iit. H :4. i wami ii m:.iL i st.mi: &i WK IIAVI-; several utoiner. f r I. 4 and 6 room liotiaea. undr $ I. '., with small payment iloH, Ha. ua at """'north PACIFIC RKALTT CO. 605 ComniercUl block. 2d and .ett. Ington sts. LTiTi butMevii All.'-rl Slid Killing. aorth, west of 25th St., inuat b. cl.m and on term., raat front pirfrrr.d, il at with owner, only, 'l-'il Journal : v'ANTi;ir"vuii Cah. " , , Good building lot north of llolll.lav and aouth of Klllln.awortii. blnnln lot or blin k will be consider d. A - 8 Jo nrnal. rFyoT"wtiit to .ell your property, ft It wltb nie. ! have customor.. . 310 R 7th at Plione Tl-264 4. FOK SALE FARMS IT 8S8SS88SS8SHS8SSSS8 a ...... 1 1 Oregon FARMS' H llnAD u acres. ' $ mile, from 8 K S H S S" 8 H S 8 r 8 8 S .S K 8 S s 8 8 8 8 S s 8 S s 8 8 8 Sherwood. 1V4 miles front. It K- station; la acrea in tuiu"". 8 acres very raslly cleared, balunce I r. . . . w. ... .......I an, nr anil Io nrusn ana mniwi . -l 8 creek, good hop yard 7 acres, good ra m n ii ii r.Ail m T T flL' 11(11 1 worth $3 per cord, on tract, ft " haul, miiall- house, good barn, small orchard, beat, of sold. ; .; 8 Camaa R. It station and boat land- Inar: 12 acres In fine staie u u-- H tlvatlon; 600 bearing frull trees. S new 6 room house and barn: beau tiful view of Columbia river; n best of soil. "- , . '-$160035 acres. 1A miles from miles from cultivation, of soli; no 8 Camas. Clarke Co.. 22 8 Portland: 6 acres in anirx. fl-lllt. VWV beSt 8 rock or gravel; a .nap. I ' $2000 20 .ares. "tfU mile from 8 Portland: 5 acres in cultivation, 5 S acres Umber, balunce very easuy 8 cleared, all tencea. an ibi 8 rustic house, on. main county roau S 14 mile to Bchool andxhurch. l j 8 location, very best of soil, give 8 good terms. - ' , u), - I '$650080 acres, 3 miles from S Canby, 20 miles from Por t land.. .J 8 acres In cultivation; several more S acres nearly cleared, family .or- . t a r f . MnMnci - itvpi uRianPts 8 S 8 s s 8 s 8 8 S 8 8 S 8 8 B 8 S 8 8 S 8 S S s s 8 8 slightly rolling, new 6 room house a moaorn :m', nrw " h ",: 8 of soil, fine location new hool, 8 team worth $600; 1 colt 6 cow". 4 8 calves, 18 hogs, J wagons, buggy. 8..ancsa. food chopper. W10! 8 oil fSrm Implements; terms. S cash, balance 8 percent. I ' $240018 acres. 16 miles from S Portland, mile from ' good town S on 8. P. ? in fine state of cultl- R vStlon.balance very eas ly elear d: S U acre orchard, mostly apples, 4 S room house, good barn chicken S house and park, good well at door. 8 land all level, all fenced and cross 8 fenced, very best of soil, fine loca- a i.-r it Arinn. - .. i--.'.. ,"'.' ... J. H. SMcldsV ... ' I Alde5,0' -g.J 8 dencei Woodlawn 2169. Portland. 1 8 S 8 S S SSSSBSBSBSSflS 1 SPECIALS. FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS. - EIGHT ACRES. 8 acres, 10 miles from Aan- couver, 7 acres Under cultivation, balance in chicken park, new 8 room cottage, good barn and out-... buildings, family orchard of as sorted fruits m -full bearing, fins stream througn land. 1 mile trom country town, R. F D. and tcle phone service, ideal chicken and Berry , ranch. Price , 82100. $11 J cash. bal. at i par-'-efnt to suit , THIRTY-TWO ACRES. 82 acres, 10 mUes from Van couver, mile from country town, church, school, stores, etc., new 7 room house, large barn, dairvhouse, fruit dryer and other ' necessary buildings; assorted or-, chard in full bearing;. 20 acres in good state of cultivation, liv ing stream and good well at . house; personal property: one horse, buggy, wagon, spring wa gon, cultivator plow, rake, etc. Price, $4250; $1600 cash, balanc. at 6 per cent. FORTY-THREE ACRES. ' 43 acres, all good rich land, 37 acres under cultivation, story and half 6 room house, rustic, barn 34x69, and necessary .outbuild- - lngs;r good family orchard, fine well place adjoins country town : and "10 miles from Vancouver, on good road. Personal property : J milch cows. 16 tons bay. 300 bushels wheat and oats, 100 Backs potatoes, cream separator, etc. Good buy at $4800; $2500 casn, ; balance to suit ..' THOMPSON & SWAN, . - . Citizens iiank Bldg., J i ; Vancouver, Wash. . . 110 2d "t Portland, Or. - " FARM .WITH STOCK. . ten a rkt-A 11 tin dee fence, rood creek. well and spring, some timber, orchard. arood house ana nam, a o. -kouu .. . ty. .fioaon'a crop including the winter's hay In the barn, poiaioes, nm, " ' -... n . n.illee and ail mower, raw, r 7 Tii plows, harrows and email tools. All 68 acres, all fenced, 1 mile from est line. 28 acres 'in crop, orchard, good buildings, large spring near buildings, with good stream of water flowing over the fields. $65 per .acre; s . v.otti. 80 acres apple land. In "Cascad. fooi hllls"lstriet $!300. 40 acre, of th. T 101 and 20 "acre tract, at several noiits on the O. W. P. Ry. 1 Improved Snd unlmproveyl.. Good terms. Sea ua. " w i.AXT) CO. 1st and Alder r-t. TWO- BARGAINS 29 63-100 acres, 10 mile, from Port land, on good - toad from electric station. 2 to .-.,5 acre, in cultivation, balance timber. X HMng springs: price $150 per acre, term 320 aorea. 13 mile, from Vn,uveT on proposed electric line, only 5 u acrea readv for- plow, small house, barn 40x40. 100 acres easily cleared. 3 ml", from It- R. station. ,fod ". road. 1.500.000 f.t .aw timlwr. Lilcks piling, 60 feet or ove r In V en t .. 4oe cords hard wood; price $a lr CrC' THE STROUO-WIGI.E CO " 434 (liamher of Commerce Mdg " fA MH I LTrYR t I T LAND. 655 acres, near Sherlaan. part n in orchard, clover and alfalfa, tiumer. ous Spring. nd creeka. g rcr '..-". herns, aranariea. a-hool good nij and neighbors, some flrat anj H arowtU oak and fir; x elletit for . cut. and fruit. Way under -.:rr....... inir land, at $30 00 per acre. tah ' J HAIU MAN A TIM M FPON. Oamber of fi-immerca. W. Ha others. One Acre or Thfueada . "It wlil pay you lo e.e ,,,.r l a' trST 115a' re'f a"'t.t In " r ' -,i I i - ina district ri(it en i . A 1,. j deer. rtrK let el. biark l-mm ; 1 l-vel; oa cannot afford t V"''1- tiae. tie bet In !" a,.ev. . - I ' -In r'siit and t"- lerma a f-r " ..' i ... h t.T'i. 4th at, b-t.n "i - 1rE.f.n a-i J 7Ter b t " i a ! " '( " f-em a a 1 " - ' P.rt.."d i. ' ' ''" ' ' " ' ' ' tut- I- t"i-' - ' " and (!':. 1 . ' . i 14 Mrr a -id an,--1 ! ' I ' " .' - . . - i. - ' - ' r " , . ' i , ! 1 .