TO START IV on rap TUG Keel of Tort of Tortland's New .Boat Oneonia M ill Bo Laid Today. WW BUILT OF STEEL v AND COST WW IMaterlai lor the Craft IIm Arrived ii-ill.innti Iron & 8teel Works and Builders Will IK'n Construction of Tug Today. , , .. .. .1 . v - .i,,ioi la now I Tracucaiiy iu oi m n . hi for th. new bar tag " be built H s k s sr ss a uhlnvarde , of the ,W lllamett iron L'i..l wnplri Th. .io- hlnh will ba built to assl t - . t ihi mouth of tha Colum Wa river, will ba 11 foet long. 25 feet iHtam. and will cava a depth of bold of 16 feet, which la large than tb present ! tug. but aha will be ,built along practl- rally tha aama lines, 'with the addition I of Jom extra machinery for facility i- h kanlllna- of tows. Bha will ba equipped with two Bcotfch Marina bolt ers and wtll hav 850 aranteed horae- l power, which will prooawy d axceruou ,. all. ta tAatad. , rh. nrikrinni contract price Of th ! lnat, for wWch tha ama Oneonta ha .i.t Wn aelacted. wa $92,600, but - .ttionnl iLllowanca of 1375 wa afterward mad to cover tha cost. of additional towlngrmachlnery. which would ' glva her greater ease tn handling ve p!b ver tha bar. 8h 1 to be finished some time next June. . . Five carloads of material for th tug, which will be of steel, have already ar- tha VmlMnra oxnect to .begin . Jlll'U O- mmp . "the laying of the keel thl afternoon or ' tomorrow morning, a all the material that 1 necessary to Stan is oa nana. TO BUILD STEEL BAIM3B . St. Helens Quarry Co. ; Closes Con .of riih Willamette Works. . A contract waa closed thl morning by the Willamette iron ana sieei wor for the eoHStruetlon ef a- new steel - h. c ndent Onarrv com pany, to be used, for carrying crushed rThe barge will be built entirely of Btcel.- except, the aecKing, anq ,wm ISO feet long, of 80 feet beam and wiuj ' 8 feet depth4 of hold. The carrying capacity will be about 950 ton. The material has been order! from the east, H8 has that of the three new steel bar to be built for the Columbia Con and work will commence on all of the barges at about the same lime. The three barge ror me voium v.i, rrnitTuft fomnanv are a trifle larger than that ordered 1 by the St. Helens Quarry company as the ' former , will have a capacity of 1000 tdna. The one for which tKe contract, was Jnt closed will cost about J16.000. STEAMER BRINGS BERRIES large Shipment From Coos Baj on the Alliance. ' , Th steamer 1 Alliance. Captain Par- sona. which arrived at Couch street dock at Jl o'clock laat night, brought the first shipment of cranberrlea from rnn rtav thla season. She had aboard 200 boxe of, the berries, 0 ton of general freight and 40 passenger. Although cranberrlea have been com ing up here on the boat from Tilla inook for, aome time, thla 1 said to bo the first shipment from the Coo Bay country. On her way up here the Alli ance was In a northwest gale all of the time, and It Is reported that a very heavy sea wa running. ' - " FALCON ARRIVES American-Hawaiian Steamer Brings Light Cargo. ' The. American-Hawaiian steamer .Fal con arrived :yeterday afternoon at, B o'clock from San Francisco with 700 ton of freight from . New York and .Europe. Jn the cargo are 100 ton of Don't Wear A Truss After Thirty Tears' SxpertMie X Hava Produced An Appliance for Kan, , Woman or Cnlldraa That . Cnre Buptnre. . I Bend Xt Oa Trial If yon have tried moet everything else, come to me. Where others fail la where I have my greatest succesn. Send atucbed coupon today and I will The a bora la C. S. Brook or Marshall, MtcBu, wo haa ben earing Knp tnr for over SO years. If Haptnred writ him today. send you frre my Illustrated book on liupttire and 1t cure, showing my Ap I .atK-e and gtvtng ou urt e and nurn-i t-t many p-opl who hare trld It and were cured. It U Inauint relief when a'l others fall. fU-tnember I ua no alvea. no hameaa, no liea. f nd n trll to pro-e what T aay la trun. Toa ar the Judge and one having en my Illustrated Nook and r-i it yea wtll Ve aa enthuoJaJitie aa rny hundrxla of patlanta whnae ltera yl rn lo read. rl oit freo coupon rlew and mil today. It'a well wnrh 'our time wbeiber yea try any Appll itr or nnt. ran nrroKKATiOBT ootttojk C.'E ttrw-ka. 41 Brooks bldg, Msr v.aii. vtth. riMM awtd Yy null In platn rrajir your liluetrated book an fill J" formal low alt your Appli-r- for the cwt f rmptitie. AV1r : l y . . , . ... . . .. . . lata.. ........... on ' S J v. bonded merchandise, which consist i ...-n.. ..t tllea. earthen- ..r. .uuwan and other regular freight from Kurop. Captain nonage report a outheaBtar all of lha way up from the.Hay City. I.ut nothing Particularly pad. Th Fal con will av . here Haturtlsy for As toria, where ah wilt take on 000 eaaa of Columbia river aalmon. .and will leave ther on Sunday for Ban Fran cisco. Ur-alde th aalmon, aha will taka out a larg amount of prune from hr for New Vork. ALONG THK WATERFltOXT Th teamer Stranger took a lerg lead of construction Iron down to tha Kiouvh tMa morning. Tha Iron will go Into a new aawmlll which Is to txi constructed flown i To rut off a ani.Il amount of powder which alu brought up from San jan Cisco, the ateamer Uowdoln "topped at Marline Bluff yesterday. Fha nJ up hare today to dlactmrga tha rest or ..... ........ u rmir street dock. Bha has 160 tona of general cargo, In whicn are 1100 aacka of cement. The lumbor for tha hull of tha wu . .... . iiiuuv Tnwlnu coni- lament! .. , . .u. ....... t..n,u.nt mill arrive at tne uany iw . .. -- . .. - - - h.v. With cargoe of general merchandise tha ateatner Casco and Olson at hony will be due to arrive tomorrow from San Kranclsco. They are bring ing cargoes for th Richardson Stoam shlp company. The ateatner Breakwater. Captain Parson, left laat night for Cooa Bay with 0 passengers and a full cargo of general freight ' w The ughtnouse tenuer jiii.i'"- i . fi.iti. ttir light vea- M No 7 which aha will deliver tp the ugntBhlp on her way down to aiiuf... She will leav Seattle tomorrow morn ing. her taking on furnishing for th of lusers quafw. - a.v..v... v.. Aaslstant Jtngineer r . wimi returned from Tnree.Aiue rapiuo. he lafcj oaf the llnea for the work of busting out the rock In the channel at . m. . x .v.. hu . . mi.... vrll. ranIHa "adhere I Kor rrl r Kooen T the contract for the work has his out of fit on the ground and tne worn i.bim, tha rmlrnut haa eommencea. The steamer Carlos has gone to Helens to load 860,000 feet of lumber for San Pedro. r ban reuro. - For a part of her cargo of lumber, - xr. a. T ... w.m rt tn. Tn. tia, a reamer F. . 8. LOOD went to tne Jn man-Poulsen mills laat night From there she will go to Llnnton to fin ish, leaving the latter place tomgni for the sea. She will take about 700.- nnn too rf lnmhnr in Ran FranClSCO. rri,,. rroin KnrHiin will nnisn this . afternoon or - tomorrow monuugi m. . n.l.l.U ..a.mA ' Totltltntl. . i i ney are ina diiuhu..w.iuc - i which is under charter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co., the British Steamer Puritan, loading for Kerr, otrrora Co., and the British bark Howard u. Troop, loading for Hind. Rolph & Co. The steamers, which will take out over 200,000 bushela of wheat, will probably clear for St Vinoents, and tne bara to Queenstown, for orders. - Temporary weatner rorecasier wm- son says that , the recent storm n passed over and . th weather la now clearing, his prediction being cooler to night and Friday. MARIXE NOTES i.tnri. Mnr 11 Arrived at 6:30 a. m.. steamer Geo. W. Fenwlck. from San Franclano. Balled at T a. m., aiearoer Elmore, for Tillamook. Sailed at tlS a. mv steamer BreaK water, jor iooa Bay; Sailed at 10:45 a. m.. Norwegian steamer Christian Bora, for snangnai. Ran Francisco. NOV. 11 Arrived, tan mar Ttnnnnke. for Portland. Sailed at 10 last night, steamer Majestic for Portland, j ' Astoria, Nov. 10. Sailed at It noon, French bark General Faidherbe, for Queenstown or Falmouth. Victoria, Nov. 10. Arrived, uerman steamer Walkure, from Portland, for St Vincent for orders. - Point Lobos, Nov. 10. Passed at 8 p. m steamer Tamaipais, irom fortiana, for San Pedro. San Francisco, Nov. ,10i Arrived at p. m., steamer Maverick, from Port land. Sailed, schooner Virginia, for Portland. Astoria, Nov. 11. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth; wind, east 12 miles; weather, cloudy. Tlitaa At Aatorln. Friday Hlcrh water. 0:30 a. m., 7.3 feet; .:18 p. m., 8.8 feet IjOW water, e:z a. m, a.B reet; t p-m., 0.1 feet ' Notice to Mariners. Captain Tamamoto of the Japanese aa p.Mm Mam rervrrta that on October 23, 1909, in latitude 43 degrees. 20 minutes norm longituae hi aegrees, 19 minutes east he passed a large float ing log. r ' - , . Oniala TT.nn.n nt tha American SS. "Charles Haneen" reports that on No vember 1, 1909, in latitude 40 degrees, in minute. north lonrftude 124 de grees, 41 minutes west, passed a large wnaie wnicn, at a distance, appearea like a ship bottom tip. Captain p iirien or tne American bo. "City of Seattle" reports that on Octo ber 31, 1909, a large amount of logs were obstructing Dixon's Entrance. Alamv on November 1. a large amount of loga and aawmlll refuse made navi gation dangerous in the narrow chan nels from South Inlet Graham Reach. to Steep Point. Helklsh Narrows. On Novembor z, .1909, the gas buoy i Chatham Point Johnstone Strait was not burning. Wireless Messages. S. 8. Queen, Oct 10, 8 p. m. (wirelens via North Head) 28 mile south of Destruction Island, sea calm and moder ate, westerly swell, barometer 29.90, temperature 49 degree. Ft). Umatilla, Oct. 10. 4:40 p. m. (wireless IreJess via North ' Head) Latitude 41:68 aegreea, longituae zi:9 oegreea, barometer 30:08 Inches, temperature 1 degrees, wind northweat 20 miles, rain a .....11. 1.. aa. .m. s-Ua...a . 11 . 41 Illl aWtUCLlla, lUIlft HVI tUWCB. BWC41S. MJRIXB ITTKLIJGKM;n Baaralar XdBsrs'yrailS Arrive itllin. rnnl R.V Not. 11 14 14 Argo, Tillamook Nov. Roanoke. 8a n Pedro Nov. Rose Cltr. San Francisco .Nov. II tygja .-vov. j Bus H. Elmore. TUiemoos . n Kanaa City. San FraBciaeo Nor. 23 I mag-alar User xnu e Depart. Breakwater. Coo Bay Nov. J Kansas City, fan Kranrfco.....NoV. II Breakwiiter. Coo Bay. ...... .NovM 4 Argo. Tillamook Nov. II Eureka. Eureka Nov. 1 ftnannke Man P4rO NOV. It Rna. catr. Haa Frandaco ......Nov. It Rvet. orient Nov. It w-wv;:::::- If er. aa Pedro Nov. 23 Taewels ta art. " " a. Br ah o w. V. . . 1 l.twl. Geo. W. FJier. aa Pedre tio. W. Elder i r .4..a Bmw. IKMiatai neao. Br. .. . f"T ! 4rmi lntnaiM. 'r Lk Pmrlflr t'oeat i TAuton, Br ea , ....Oceanl iChrtatuut Mtckhwew. Nor. aa 1 IaaneB-r!1 i Ra lntr. Ana. aa neinler .Fair-on, Am. aa. ....Olumb j Fr bk .f iti 1 j Mrt-i4 riCaatrte. P. rh. .Centennial jhanta. Fr. t Ljnntnm rrltfi. Br. a. ................ . Irving irirA, i V r t. ... .j, ...... tmn W. iL' Smith. Ate. ch U-t I Irr.i. Ank i.. ................ ... l . OREGON FAMOUS UAMBUliO iiirlal liuiraira la 'lltr Jouroal.l Thonmsvllle, Oa.. Nov. 11. Hamburg Bella, the noted trotter, who turned a mile against Uhlan In 2:01. tha faateat mile evar trotted In a race, died her Paranaaaoa. Ger. Bn. ,evaior" Ia Uochejaquetln. Fr. bk. . .. Oaa Dock Aliair Itr bk Columbia kraanhilt Br. bk . . . . . I:?1 Howard D. Troop. Br. bk ...Weyatora Poltalloch, Br. bk Victoria dolphins Berlin, Am. sch....... t0"1' Washington Am. ss. V,"i Neotafiold. Br. bk Uteanlo Henry Villard. Am. h. A'l?l Brabfoch. BrJk "n? Matterhorn, Br. ah ......Oceanic Olenalvon. Br: ah. .. .'. ...Oceania Gulf Stream, Br. bk. Ele,7,J;?,. 8t. Nicholas. Am. h.,.., tlob' Vlncennes. F. bk oi . .. .Ainsworvo Bn Boat to lKd Xnmser. Wellesley. Am. .San ranoo ni vnTnla. AmT aa x:-Llr " . San Francisco tUBUU f i ,cn. ... ....... .Ban t ranc boo J" Woo Xm. ,ch. ....San Francisco Marhoffer .ian 2 i r -o d..j r Am aeh. San hYanclSOO S" T""3 a Sn FranclBCO Johan Poulaen. Am. -ch..gan Franc aco wiosnone, win. ,-..... !--:: Rainier. Am. 88 can r' v Bt-lrario. Am. as ;..San Francisco jut with Cement and 0nral. Bossuet, Kr. ba. crlllon, Fr. h n.vM .1' A n omria Bossuet Fr. bk. AntwerD Antwerp , , London .....Hamburg Antwerp San Francisco i- David d' Angers, Fr. ah. La Perouae, Fr. bk...... Leon Blum. Fr. bk ..... Manx King. Jtr. sn......... .Antwerp .Antwerp . Antwerp Liverpool Notre Dame d'Arvotr. Fr. bk.. wnvenree. nr. so Arctic Stream.' Br. h. .......Tyna arrnn n I ri Grain Tonnage En Boat in Bauasv vPe f1?.?""" .Mazatian .Honolulu " . ; bk.7, Comliebank. Br. bk. ....Valparaiso .......London Dunkirk Dublin Bublin San Francisco Francois. Fr. bk. . ij nermat", r ua. Le PUier. Fr. bk. ... Pierre LotU Fr. bk. . IlAna FV. hk. Knllv Fr. bk. .... . . . .LimencK Sn Bout With coat Belen. Fr. bk. .....Newcastle. N. B i-VT. Bougainville. Fr. bk. Caard'i.f Jean Bart. Fr. bk., .Newcastle. N. S. W. . . Oil Carriers Xn Boat. Atlas Am. ss . San Francisco Aiu"cion Am si ! II 1 1 . -fan Frasclsco Argyie, Am. bs San Francisco """" ' ' $ AT THE THEATRES J - r -""3 "Honeymoon Trail" at Baker. The story of "Honeymoon Trail," the big musical comedy sucess at the Baker this week, concerns the adventures of a hustling traveling man who haS been sent to a rest cure. It Is a scream of fun. -' '-; . A Real Drama at the Portland. A drama which holds the attention of the audience from rise to drop of cur tain is "The Queen or the Highway, presented this week at the Portland the atre by Russell and Drew, under the personal supervision of the author, Charles A. Taylor. A Real Girl Act at Fantages. r thA ele.verest girls in vaude ville, Bunchu and Alger, are . winning fame and entertaining many at -aniage this week with their charming singing and danctig. They introduce many of the latest melodies in ragtime, besides singing a number or selection u are not quite so "raggy." I - 71 " "Lo" at Bungalow Tomorrow. nlrht and con- X3t ft Jiiil ......... . - - tlnuing Saturday night with a special price matinee Saturday anernuun, attraction will be the favorite come 'dlan. John B. Young and his talent company in the musical comedy Lo, at the Bungalow theatre. Seat Sale Opens Tomorrow. The advance seat sale will open to morrow for "The Third Degree." Henry B Harris will present their famous dramatic success at the Bungalow thea tre for seven nights beginning next Sun day, November 14. MaUne Saturday. At the Star.' -The Battle of Wall Street" wa th riiira veaterdar on the new midweek program of the Star theatre. The story waa undoubtedly taken from "The Pit and was mere than realistic and exclt inr. Another picture which was both entertaining and amusing was 'The Visit of a Newly weaaeo t-oupie w New York Zoo." . Russians Coming. constitute the God- . . : ........ tVii in ramlnr to the Grand next week as the headline act. Theae people give an act In which they snow tne niuwu . ..-.- and sing their native songs. ' Crlmmlns and Gore, who hav mad thousand . a. n.w1aaa. Ir. (h fnailt. A.rtt TA iKUtlt 1-U X KJM VttailU A w -m turnlBc wltlx m. new UK tic a. Chvsino at Orph?uiBu i h. wonderful abadow- graphlst Is on tha blU at th Orpheum thla week. By the mere twlatlng ot mi finger and some small caraa ne accom n.h.. nimlnii feats. Ther 1 BO end of comedy tn hi act tor he make z ,K. hi Httl ehadow plcturea do th moat i .. .,...!. ihlnn 1 tnfi rlnAnl A - hi little ehadow pictures ac laaghabl thing jltnaglnabla Report Shows Damages. . i CBalroi Banraa af Tbe ioeraal galem. Or, Nev. 1L Th , Oregon d.iim.4 a .'arlrallnn company naav ubmltted a report to the railroad oom- 0; wl ja Oregon for tb flv years and a half beginning Jaanary X. 190V and ending jne to. 1908. was 112.139.12. The . . . ... 11 total fr sroured wool wa 3t.l and for wool la the grease 11(3.12. For Sale Everywhere. The El fill -To "Marvel" 1 Carried by U wiri awake dealer. II la I t Inch clear Havana, cigar that sell , for 19 cnta Try It. - . It wek ef Ur. Palattrg. Metrr aV Fraek cotr-peer f.ftfc f)or,- . : . . 1 V PORTLAND. THURSDAY BELLE, TJ.OTTEK, DEAD yeaterday of pneumonia, 8hortly after th raca the great roar wa oid by tha Madden brother to Mel Hanna of Clevelaud, for $60,000. The record waa made laat aurhmer and tha mar waa expected to do better next year. -, I'll ARREST IF ORJIt BETS DUE Oakland District ' Attorney Will Take Race Track Gambling to Court.- (Cnlted Pm LeaMd Wire.) . Oakland, Cal. Nov. 11. District At. torney Donohue of 'Alameda county has announced that despite the decision in New Yoflc that oral betting is not a crlm he will make arret if oral betting i attempted .at... Emeryville when th raee open there a week from Saturday. He said that he Intended to teat the Oti-Walker antl-bettlng law. passed last winter. "l shall enforce the Otis-Walker law in Its entinetv," declared Donoho thl afternoon, "i cannot say whether oral betting will be legal under thla law. If the court decide that it la, , then, of course, we will have to get a law that makes it Illegal. r "I have read of the decision unaor the Agnew-Hart law in New York and I will have a conference thl week with Assemblyman Otis, the author of th California measure. "If betting Is attempted, arrests will be made and the law will be enforced according to the Judgment of the oourts." t It has been announced that oral bet ting will be employed at the Emeryville track, and In view .. of Donohue's an nouncement today some V lively times are expected when the -season opens. . OltEGbXS TAKE THREE GAMES FROM PROSPECT The Oregon took three games from the Prospect at th alley ' last night Raymond rolled both high game , and high total. 41 In the second game he bowled 4 241 and his total for three games was 694. Shreve rolled 217 in his last game, and Arena rolled two high games, 200 and 201. The game tonight between-the 4 Pin Knights . and Klickitat v should be a good contest and is arousing considerable .a tntereat aa th Oreiona Port ! , . . ' : ' land Trust Co. and Pin Knights will b tied for first place If the Klickitat take two games. Results: OREGONS. ' Garnet let 2d. . Ambs ....173 Raymond .180 Martin ...171 Drake ....182 Arena ....301 907 877 PROSPECTS. ..161 149 111 Hague 411 405 432 565 497 MkAleney.127 Campbell .166 Shreve ...165 Veld ..w.167 134 144 126 ' 151 178 217 139 191 765 721 814 BAT NELSON CRUSHES INTO "WIND BIDDING" New York, Nov. 1L Battling Nelson, the world's lightweight champion, broke Into the "wind bidders' " circle today by offering $85,000 for . the Jeffrles- rv... eihf Neither nf the fighters. however, have heard anything about a certified check accompanying no unci. The fight fans are incredulous, aa u.lmn nrnnoaea to Btaae th' fight On hi Nevada, mining property, wner ther Is neither an arena or raiiroaa, Nationals Beat Ahgels. ' Ta Ami No. 11 The Allstar Na tional league team opened Its post saa aortea with ' the Loa Angeles club at Chute Park yesterday, winning 10 to 6. .Walter jonnson 01. in. vtmu lngton Americans occupied the box for .... wi i...... .ith -wrlA ' flnndgrasa of thecTve' Ydrk Giant behind th bat For the local Koetner ana ur-a-dorff did battery work. Score: n. n. u. All National. . 1 Xo Angeles ...... Batteries - Jonnson ana enouirawj Koestner and OrendorffV ' ' She WM Haaaaatly frorpzlaad. Mia H. E. Bell. Wauaau, Wit, writes: "Dtfora I commenced to take Foley Kidney Pill I had ever pain la my back, could not leep and was greatly irouum -an - - - doeta of Folay Kidney Pill gav me relief, ana two ooine curw . quick results surprised tne, and I can v. .11. nmmnt IhMlL SkldmOr t uunvir . - - .. Prui g CO 111 Third treet Hiving taken yocr wonoerfnl Casca- rg cured of Stomach Catarrh And-fl jrpepaia, i think a word of praise is due to CascareU for their wonderful compost- . t - i hi., nkefl flnrnernni micx s called rerncdkJbttt without ava, and I find that CseartU relieve mors tn a oy than all tbe dtbers I have takra would in .-rear. - " James acvune. l(jo Hercer cu, viy. i rVesae. rHlaraWa,. IVf-t Taata Good. ' Mim) Nm S W W nil r ca. He, 2V 50a. New sU ta ti - The r ., imttr Wim CCC troaratstsed - Vs 3d. 144 170 48T '241 173 .694 137 180 488 155 166 EOS 200 177 678 EVENING. NOVEMBER I ju- ' . i ii m A FMH TALK Ml UGKI'3 iKASES How to NOTHING MEW Nerve-Tlrta Art yoo losmf jrotir ambition HtveTou dull hadachs or pain t . th bM of tht brain? Art you vsry nrvou and irrtubls : with. fellnf yoa want to U alontrV ; "'.'.".-,'- Ar you reitl and slseplcss? ' . . Ars you gloomy with fear of ', 1 dread from no apparent causa? Hava you palpitation of th heart, la your circulation poor?y ; Do. ytm havt hot flaahes? ' . Do you feel you ar not tha "man v yoo net wertr ' , If so, you don't want to remain tn this condition. You need special , treatment to act direct on the seat of thl trouble. Come and have t friendly talk with me. ' Come today to the SUCCESS FUL Specialist, who will cur you quickly and permanently, and at a price wunm your rnsaua. 1 NEVER DiSAPPOPlT tlY PATIEfTS ATID HY CURES ARE '. -r rrDyr-nr. itABiB4 ajt vbo With theae diaea you may hav more complication . than are pre antarf bv AST other d!eed organs. n n BMrchlne Illumination of tn bladder I determine accurately ta disease and by mlcroayoploal aaaml natlon and urinalyi I niak doubly ur the condition of the kldneye tbua laying fosadatlon for solea tlflo treatment : . rMra ibro. whar the mental foroes era impaired. tired. Spli aplnal where thai spinal rantare are lnvoWred. Vital, wnere avmnathatio narVOU ytm IB deranged by reflex effect of ae. I treat the eondlUons and all weakness Induced by nsrvous wrn pllcatlons and exeesaes and pUtjrou on Ue right track to health, restor ing the condition eassntlal to your future lbfe and happlneea . v ! 1. m ' " - ' k ; w--.-. Consultation, Examination and: Expert Diagnosis -Free VUllJlAa441XVa. -vaaA w nn rM rnMCIIIT MP PDPPl future life and happinee. FREE ;.- Medicines f unlisted from our own labcory; the xnYenience amf priracy of our patients; from lrnrlt?iTffiON AND ADVIt.FREE TER1SS reeeonabWand made to suit the conYenlence of tfon blank and free. literature. Many cases can be cured at home. OFFICE HOUKi. V A. . to e r. u. daily; Sundays, 10. to M M. only. MED S . ; . ' - . mm ii . mil j...iiuiUiiJ MaaMSaaaBaSaSSSiaSW MEM f CURE TOE CASES TDAT OTHERS CANNOT CURE A bold statement but Just as true a It Is bold. Not all ewes that others fall to cure ar curable by , my methods, but fully per cent of them are. The way to learn whether your case Is curable Is to consult ma I know exactly what can be done In every Instance. I ought to know this, for I have done nothing els other than treat men' ailments for 25 years. If It Isn't. I will not. . '"'TOirTiU.cnfiii Ajxasxarrs 'V' I cur Contracted Ailments thoroughly and In lss time than Is commonly re auired even to cure partially. Do- not en anger your health by relying upon patnt nostrums or other uncertain, measures. i : Yoo Pay When Well r My' method of "curing dbstruo tlons is new and entirely original. No CutUng or dilating. Th ob struction is dissolved and all af fected membranes thoroughly cleansed. oomrxrATiov i4n Weak end nervous men,' or those suffering from ease, shouia can on mo i M ai once, x friendly talk, and my advice -win b UAJser Curs to Stay Cr.dT"iidn.y 234' Morrison St, Cor. D R. W I DR. WlrSCJ LED . ' wm 1 m .jswr( . f Gel Well and TO PAY UNLESS CURED IAT.1 FOntlEN ' Est a idlzr Reed Ce P&IJ Dstll f fa Are St!s!Itd Dy rets for SSsrl Tlsse QUICK, SURE; AND LASTING nUJFf UsUBl rMaraarard af existing hernia ha aost ssany- Uvea. , The txnallaat her nias are, the most dangerous to nfe bscaass of the lnrad liability to strangulation, I . our rupture ' In selected cases with perf ot safety and acttell no suffering, and do set dtarn you from business, under gnaraatee. . Many ases cored ta on reatsneat ' :,. .h , .. - : KUI AVB TI9TVXuS ' Th sequelae -of these aff ItoUon ar dlstrlna- nervosa refleie and ealnful eondltlon. Mytreatmnt and success are the rt t of years of experleno. I eura TV wltaott Sotting. I oar you without pain or stontloa from blnaaa under guar-i aate. MUSEUM FOR MEN ONLY ilrniifa TIT 1IMTV tir.lT.TH AND DISEASE --NO MINO 4DMLY 'PR. TAYWR, The Xesdlna- 'Specialist. wAmxoosa znrs. ; I uss neither knife, ligature nor caustic In my treatment for Varl . cose Veins. I positively cure this by sn absolutely painless method, and without detaining , the patient from buBinesa . --i-s l.VW 111. J " I make absolutely NO tHARGB for maae aoaotuceiy nu .nAivua i . available, whether , treatment 1 be- ronbl. and AU Hoed Blsordsrs. Sto. Second, Portland, Or. N Q L. E E The Great Chinese Doctor LOCATED IN PORTLAND SINCE 18A0 Hi la eIled v the great because he curesalj diseases ' without resorting to the knife. Call and have a free examination. Be will tell you the exact nature of your troubla He treat uccee fully every form of female complaint, all prlvat and blood disease, cancer, naralyala, tamora rhea matlars and all disorder of th atomach, liver and kidney. H has had great ueeea la curing con sumption when the victim is not too much run down by the disease, and will stop hemorrhages In an. incredibly short time. Me brews his own medi cines from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, bark and vegetable teas, all of which are entirely haraiesa and whose medicinal properUee r unknown to American doctors. He naea la hi practle ever SO different Oriental remeulea. Hundreds of tes timonials fro grateful patlenta. - " roTTwo 6aroiv Every Vcman Sll aasaii 1 a r it r ilit kaew lii in 1 KAXYTl VWrWf SsraY mmlaWMM A. e.aewiMaV'V . aw, ije f.rt.,.r, .a4 la. ; A a sas ii. its ijta. mmm aala k. SMaa, frag ".. Okru Ca, aa4 LaaDa Ura Oa. i Journal Ads Bric Eesalta la. (mil ai aav. C ...., u.Maaa. ......a WaaAaet. Keep So Experience Counts In - Curlna uiscasc , I concentrate my factiltUi on a Ingle line of dtcie. I treat Va ricose. Hydrocele. II ami. Nr you Debility, Kidney. Bladdar and Prostatic DiMase, Pile. FUtuIa. Blood Diseases, Skin- Disease and ALLIED DISEASES OF MEN. I am certainly prepared to cure by experience and equipment, which are ihe keystone to success.. I hare the best equipped medical of fice in the city. Contact with many patienti ha given roe practical knowledge. I have record to ihow that 1 have treated more cae in my pecialty than any other specialist in America. A few boors or dy nndcr my treatment may add years ind tieiith to your life. If you are tuf ferinff from dieae I will examine you, if necessary make a micro icopkal and chemical anarjrii of secretion to detect pathological and bacteriological conditions. Ev ery" tent leman should take thla.op- portunicy v in an true cunvuwu. Impair vlUUty. I dally dmontrat that Varlooae and Hydrocele caa b eured, in nearly, all 7 case, y one treatment, in men a satisfactory way that th dlee4 parts ar pre served and strength an ed, pain eeasa. swelling ssbslde. a healthy elroula tloa I rapidly reestablished, and in stead of th depressing conditions I guarantee you a cure or refund tbe money. - i . . i . . ' ' BXeOOO snBtn. . Brlentifle treatment only hopld be used In oombatlng this loathsome diaeasa I eur Blood Diaeas by wnmtmvl SoeolflOB I Introduce a . - . v. . v. 1 HVI.k 1 1 .Aa. neutralising and expelling dlaaaae. My ataad of locking It in. Don't wait until too lata Be eared In time. FftEE MEI THAT ARE WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN f nilfF TO ME AND BE CURED f Z See AU My P-( X hire no substltntaa aqd hava no medical oomnanv. THE DOCTOR THAT CUBES. B FOB A CXrB i lower than any specialists in the city, half that others charge you and no orbttant prlc for mediclna ' '' ' . I em an expert apeclalist. have had SO yoars" practice In the treatment or disease of men. My office; are tho aeat. equipped In Portland. My metti ids.are modern vand up-to-dat. Mr cores are quick and poeltlv I do 'not treat ymptom and patch up. I thor oughly examine each ca, find tn cause, remove It and thu cur tb dis easa ,; r'T-.-. . -:; - 4: -. I CTTBB Taricos Tain. HyJUroesls. Frostatlo Trsubl, Contracted - Anr menu. Pile and SpecUlo Blood Poison ana svu v .y,..-. CTintB OB NO PAT -x am th only peolaust In Portland who maks no charg nnlasa tb patient i entirely at Uf led with the results accomplished, and who give a written guarantee to refund every dollar paid for Barrios; if a complete and permanent our Is not ffctd. . .-i 'M-;' Ik IfCKI 'Visit Dr. Lindsay ' prlvat IllIliiN Mueum ' of Anatomy and know thyself in health and disease Ad mission free. Consultation fre. If un abl to call, write for list of questlous. ; Offlc hours a. m. to t p. m. Sun days. 1 a, m. to p. m. only. DR. LINDSAY ItlH Second St.. corner et Alder, Portland. Or. ' - VoungfiMing Chinese Medicine Co. ' Wonderful - rem- die from . herb 1 and root." .Cur Cancer, Nervoua n. Catarrh,. I Grippe, Blood . Poison. propiy, Throat. Lung. Liver. Kidney and Ftomach Troubles. We cure all chrnn- I. Tri,tU IMs- eanea r men and woiwen when Other fail. Hundreds of teetlmonlale from grateful patlenta No operations. Hon est treatments. Consultation free. ar. . ui.. tit T.rldr Bt bat. Beo- and Third, Portland. Or. - . FOR WOMEN ONLY Pr. Baodersoo' Compound FiTln and Cotton Root Pllla The best and only reliable remedy for P ELATED PER- I... tn 1 to 10 days. Price 11 per box or three boxe ft . Sold br eiri erarywher. Addreee T. J. PIKH r-. Ill Ai'"T 'l"K. inn". .1. Th rcliar prorertles ef Chamber lalns Cowgh Beraedy have been thor oughly tea ted during sf in fluewsa. and when. It was taken In tlm we have t beard of a singl ets ef pneumonia. - " m j r