..IE OREGON n.v '""nNAU PDRTLAHD. THURSDAY EVCWNO. NOVl-MKKK 11, It--J. -1 . ' m Z - ' . I i VW II U JJ 11 iJ JT U i-l lTJ I Carving Set Sale A superb offer ing of fine qual ity carving sets in time to solve the problem of how to , grace fully carve that big ThanksciV' ing tarkey; stag handles a.id finest quality steel, 3 piece sets specially priced as follows: $1.25 set at. .. OS $5.50 set at. . . .SM.35 $1.50 set at. . . .91.10 $5.75 set at. . $2.00 set at.... $1.57 $3.75 set at... 5.35 $2.75 set at. .. ,?3.15 -$7.50 set.at.W.fS.CO $1.25 set at. . , .$3.35 $9.00 set at....$7.1o Mi Sfve Center of the Horthwesthe Store That Always Offers the Most Dependab W sternd BonTonCot 25 c lleckwearlOc Simple line of lace Stock Col lars . and - embroidered ; Linen Collar!, in all sixes; alio plain tin.ti rnllars ancV fancy itocK collars; regular value to ; 25c eacn, 1-nday at..... atocx i JOcl Mull Scarfs Mc Women'a ilk mull Scarfs, with hemstitched . borders, finished with embroidered dots; come in white, sky blue, pink. or. lavr ender; 2J, yards long; AQ 75c values, at tOU Ruchincj5cEach Neck length Ruchlngs, 13tf and 14-inch sixes; - a Urge rang of colors;- splendid quality and regular value 10c per " length. -specially "" priced for-Priday at....VC 75c Neckwear 48c Venise Lace Collars, in Dutch effects. Come in white or ecsu shades, and sell regularly at 7Sc each. A large number on spe cial sale for Friday and A O going at, each. ;...... ...vv 65c Ribbon 29 c Yd i . Our ribbon counter is laden with choice bargains and this special Friday value is brought forth to tempt Portland's more discriminating economists. A lot ' ' ! of fancy ribbons in Dresdens, plaids and stripes, widths Zi to 6 ins. a'nd regu far values to 65c yard.. Friday at. ... &7l TAILORED RIBBON BOWS, ready OC for use. boeciai rnaay, eacn. ...... muv Each Women's Mother Hubbard Aprons Special at 59c These aprons are large sizes, heavy weight ging ham; pockets and strings. They wear well and look well and save much more than -their value in protection of dresses; brown, blue or checks; several' sizes; regular 7.5c values Qr at, each...... , ? . CHILDREN'S APRONS in gingham or percale, made box or .Mother Hubbard style, ages 2 to 12 years; 4 grades underpriced for Friday as follows: 30c values, spe-. 1 fn 75c values, spe- CQf fnr. .... ... 1 7W cial tor . .. . 50c values, spe- 27 r ?L0 vaIues' spe'7Xr cial for,. ...Ol' cial at ...... ...I US' ; T2s - it T7 Dmss HuckTowklsatSEa A sensational Friday bargain in Genuine Lmen Hack To web. These are good size and unusually . good quality, and finished with fancy damask border.: ,By long odds the test towetbar gain to be found in Portland Friday, when.they are . OCr ARDSON IRISH LINENS-FINEST LINENS MADE. TABLE DAMASK, by the yard, all pure flax; regular no $1 00 rrrade,' special at, ;.'. . . ... $ 25 frade the yard;. .?1.05 ; $1.75 gnde.-,the yard...S1.48 timrfc NAPKINS Regular trce $4.25 dozen, special. .83.50 PAT?ERNaIlS CLOTHS AfiD NAPKINS TO MATCH-Set. of Cloths are TttVMgjMM; . SJJ1 and the Napkins a tf.5G LSct0f ONE - FOURTH LESS. tMTITCHEB LIWCOTON CLOTHS, of beautiful quality. They special low price........... J ods If, . - i F Wool Dress goods, genuine imported &ngusn,,rrencuu I lored Suitings, 58 inches -wide, very best fabrics made for Stylish tailored gowns, suits, separate skirts,' etc. Come in mannish gray mixtures and stripes. Keguiariy pncea ai qa.uw mc v.. -F-v. - for Friday at, the yard . , 'SJy THE BROADCLOTHS are guaranteed spotproof, sponged and snrunK, 56 inches wide and in 28 different shades.- They are the very finest ma terials for ultra-smart, high-quality tailored suits opera P, etand are specially priced for this sale at this low price of $2.50 to $3.50 yd. SPOTPROOF VENETIAN CLOTH, very finest quality, all shades ; suitable-for tailored suits, .capes, separate skirts, etc. Reg. CO.fiQ price $3.50 the yard. On special sale for Friday at, the yard. P.UJ 85c and $1.00 Silks on special sale , for Friday r 1200 yards, in the lot Come in every conceivable colorplain, fancy etc Several different . -n.. L;- it ,;ti cm nn sa e for two davs. Friday and A 1 weaves. amu sw t - ; . - ur , --ij ntipmmrnallv low once of. the yard HTMV $3.50 Blankets $2.65 ffte Pair YARD WIDE BLACK TAFFETAS, a new shipment, best quality ever soia at uic ynu, u XUf cial sale Friday at the extremely low price, yard. U 7 W THIS SILK is in active demand at regular price,- and this sale is sure to urmt: a ucurcuuuw iv-owov, ' HERE EARLY AND BUY WHAT , YOU WANT. WOOL DRESS GOODS, imported English and tailored suitings 58 r.-TrZ fcWre mnrlP for stvlish tailored gowns, OA . . i . m en t., -cnri3 Krinav 'vara . .i4vy SPOTPROOF VENETIAN CLOTH, finest quality in all shades, regular $3.50 the yard, special , . Fleeced Cotton Blankets in - very attractive pink and blue plaid ef fects, finished with wide silk bind ing. 'They are specially adapted to the construction of .bathrobes or good for lounge throws, slum ber throws, etc. 1 Regular $3.50 values. Special at, the 65 The Undressed Dolls Dolls that you are going to dress for , Christmas- gifts must be bought nearly or you will, find there's little enough time' left to do this out of odd moments and odd hours you'll have -left. If you are -: presenting a" favorite daughter .or some fastidious miss, 'tis best to giVe ample time to the making of the' doll's wardrobe. nits for i Women's Handkerchiefs 20c Values Special 10c These dainty Handkerchiefs are pure Irish Linen with hemstitched border or you. may select fine sheer lawn Handkerchiefs with embroidered cor ners. Both lots are '-included in this sale and any Handkerchief in the -assortment is worth ;J A 20c. Choice for Friday, at only. ...... ...... 1J WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS of fine quality sheer; linen, hemstitched or scalloped edges;, ex quisitely dainty designs and qualities.: Regu- iO. lar values up to $1 each, your choice Friday.. tOt CHIFFON VEILS, 40 in. wide, 2 yards long; cood range of colors;' values, up to AO $3.50 each, special for; Fridayat only jj) 1 VEILING, in plain mesh or chenille . dotted ef fects ; black, ' navy, brown . ancT two-tone Olp effects. Values to 35c the yard for Friday 12L (S) r ' . W&rttiio$38Ml ' .One of the manufacturers frbm whom we bought iome of r r ; : rr? ' . il.i .. UA Viie cpa?nn. had some ,-tne Pest selling suns tnat wc vc nau short patterns left in the cloths for thejejarmentand . , . .-... - : i-9ttii ATked us if we would IHr maue us a pi ice uu a . take them all if the price was made this low. Looked nTur stock and saw that we could use them, for we knpw that Portland women would buy all we could give thm at a price like this. They're here, ready for you Fn; . ,1 - - mnrninn' rlait1 . rnlnrs and the best of the seasons itzZ. tvu,4;; tlnA ht fall modes. Some of them arer identically the same as those that sold for up to $38.50 m the beginning ot tne season, aimwuut we have duplicates in stock those have ; u.n AArA tn the. assortment. All sizes iUI Uf vv ' " $19.98 $2.69 Women's Silk Petlicoats Friday at $4.98 Lustrous, shimmering-Taffeta Silk, in all shades and ' ' colors, remarkable values, .and skirts enough to supply jj t m mrrif A lot that wc ve been expecting for weeks, and now they are here. Lome and choose. Well madesupertTquahty. tfJJ AO Reg. values up to $8.50. Special.... :&tUU 5 ' i if S2.00 Handbags $1.39 Eaci ' Another ' ttandbaff sale Jthis ntae'we Have a full 200 of. them, splendid quality of black . leather Bags, well finished and fitted, with extra coin purse; new style bouRht v to sell for $2 each, pe- M QQ f cial Friday at.. Men's Underwear $1. 19 Heavy grade wool Shirt ; and Drawers, in a full range of sizes cp to 50; regular $1.50 $110 frarmenM. Friday at......Pf ' MEN'S WOOLEN SOX 100 dor. fine quality cashmere - Hose that sell regularly at 25c, special 1 fl ier Friday at... ............ Ve are Tortland agents for Stutt garter and Staley Underwear, in union suits, or two-piece They come in all sizes tip to 52. In Girdles Women's ' Girdl Corsets, made of mercerized "'pink or blue tape; $1 values, to close .f":;.37c out, day Nightgowns Women's on ting flannel Gowns, best quality, soft flannel, striped fiiaterials.- with "V" neck or flat roll collar, neatly finished with braid; $1.50 vat each.... $1.17 Umbrellas $2.75 Values $t.t8 Each Men's and Women's Union Taffeta Um brellas, rainproof fitted with Mission, ,, fancy trimmed and natural wood handles.. Values worth regularly $2.75 ;t AO each. Special Friday ...... ..tDlctO WOMEN'S GLOVES, tan cape gloves, ; for heavy wear, soft "quality cape, 0T $1.25 and $1.50 values, Friday. ....Oil TORCHON LACES, ma chine lace,' to 2 in. wide. Keg. vaLto r 10c yard. Special ... JL Of' Our Monster' Thanksgiving MoeSale Drawers Women's cam brie- Drawer s with nicely fitted tops, wide floun ces finished with embroidery nj cluster tucks", all $1.50 val- 7Qr ties, pair. Underwear Women's ? elastic ribbed Vests and Pants, sizes 4, 5 and 6. flee c e lined; also odd line . Vests and Pants; 85c gar ments,. ; CQr special.... Women's 85c Hose Friday 39c Fast black lisle with silk' embroidered boot, in large range of patterns; also fast black, medium weight mercerized lisle; 75c arid 85c values, special for OQ Friday'att -; . ........ . . . . ....... CHILDREN'S HOSE, fast black, ribbed cotton m meaium or neavy wcigi regular 20c values, special Friday, 1 1 the pair. , . . . ..... ..... . . . . . WOMEN'S " CORSET COVERS, sisres 3 and 4 only; low neck, sleeveless; siik and lisle materials; regular val- OQ, ues up to $1.00, Friday at. .... WOMEN'S VESTS AND PANTS., in natural mixed; . .sizes 4, 5 and 6; medium weight, elastic nbbed; QQr v regular - ... . .. .- envo TTMriri?urT?Al? ' Shirt and Drawers, sizes 24 to o4, J7-- f - kriHi v flt j ............ regular UJC vaiuc, yt.'.' .v... . . .mm BOYS UNDERWEAR, natural gray mixed shirts -and draw- O-f-erT, sizes 24 to 34, winter weight, elastic knitted; 50c values, at J I i- ' J' it lv-y i Friday ends this three days' sale, and no true econ omist should miss it, for here is an opportunity that comes but seldom. Every sue and width is to be found in all styles offered Shoes stamped 13 sell at $3 5a and in the best Fall styles, including the ultra smart, ii-Dotron, ciom-iop v - .v.. tiui iiiiiall'r da. so here s wnere tou save. A sale to suit every foot and every taste; $350 footwear for...., ere wnn c ;f $2.49 Style 211 Women's patent colt Jux . edo blucher, extension sole, rnednini tr irulitary heel, specul M lor this ule lt,..........f Style 15275 Young women s gun nittil eaM button shoe, with broad, umi bd. mte round toe. heavy extension oSe. dull ea'f top: xtr good qaaiiue ai v tj Style B201 Voung women's pateni colt button shoe, with g-od weight extension sole, medium low heels; made on common-sense AQ lines, special, the pair, at Style 275 Women's gunrnetal calf shoe in-Tuxedo Hwrher My le, with hnvy extension soles, mi'itarv hel. riull ca!f top, neat ff out- 4Q door wear, special, the pairT' Style 200 Women's patent colt but ton shoe, in new snort Tamp paum, dull kid top and extension M sole, special, the pair. ...... We a!so include H this rwo-forty-rnny Mir 1700 rsirs e eur rvrutsr S3 S3, M nd IS grades in breken ire. If ymr M is in This lot yon w.tl sae Urge'y. ..S5.00 YM $20.00 :a 7 rv VAL...OI.0U - mil j - . yy v w Startling Sale of Trimmed Hals . .t t-.. .t.- .rT'i-"f Kt tatr wear." A A rreat purchase and a ere at saie oi xnc uu mn ; TV 7 tothtt we boipht for far less than the original value, and added to this lot are many of our otigina! lock hals, making. the tswrtment one that will P'";e rnst exactir,? Mtje-eekcr.' Trimmed in wines, quill, etc. JJJv shapes apd toot Xrirv SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE AT J?3.50, ?3.(X, S7.50 I,..