TOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. IJOVUMlir.K- OREGON DAILY tf: IT SIR Held t Diamond ! l ...MgiMBjBBgBjBJBjBjsaBjBJBBBMBaaaMBlBBB Si.lOKER OF ROSE CITY POSTPOHED t k Icsins Attell, O'Kwfe and 3Iike Twin Hay Conic . ' j. . .. North. ' Inatead of November II planned. h ram CHy Athletlo club will have Ju neit amoker racemter s. me m rers of the club having decided on a ,rtixnment yeeterday. With the Ore gon Athletic club'a Bmoker during th middle of December, the lover of bo ing will bay plenty of enjoyment neat T'!'i'?tw!.. vn fc.r that Monte Attell and Marry Williams could be brought together befora th Rose City club member, but tha signing up of Attell vith Danny Webster for a bout at Los Angelea Thanksgiving day h changed the program somewhat It waa hoped that Attell could t Induced to coma li-re. - ' ! ' "' , " Tha nert axhlblUon before tha club will probably be between Johnny U KMfe, tha Denver lad who made auch a good impreaelon, and Mike Twin Bulll ' van. Mike Twin la mora nearly O'Kaefe'a weight than Jack Tw.ln and the bout would probably b much more interesting from a purely . exhibition Ha ml point '- '' ,. ... The Oregon Athletic club would like to have Jockey Bennett and Canole fhov before them, but "they v would lather secure Dick Hyiand and Johnny Jlurphy for an exhibition. Their an nouncement will ba watched with much Interest by the fans. TEiUlS SELECTED : FOB RUGBY 0M1E ; i '''".V". . , .. v., ',;'.:. '' :' - Berkeley, "cat' Nov. 11. Although official word Is withheld .by the coaches et the University, of California, tha IB that will play Stanford's rugby team oft Stanford field next Saturday afternoon lias been chosen. The team that will po on tha fiehj first I follows: Jay Dwigglns, full back: E. I Watt, three (Uiarters; Myron .Harris, three quarters; H. S. Johns, three auartets; C. E. Allen, Tive eighths; A..W. Elliott, five eighths; Odric Cerf, captain, half - back; ,E. Craff. roar rank; R. Jordan, rear rank; j;. A. Northcroft, rear rank; H. H. Ash ley, second rank; D. P. Hardy, secona i link: R. Carpenter, -front rank; J.. Q, JUrkwart, front rank; ' C. A. phleger, 'front ran;'S. Peart, M. Morris, J. E. Ktroud, E. Hansen, BV,AV Schwarta, ,C, The average weight of the California iMm la 178 2-3 Bounds: average age 21 2-3 years, of the men In the line-up ar back, on the field. Myron warns m . .nu-ht iimt.,from his v ,r'T wdan is recent injurtesi whl e - Babe Jordan X km in form.' This evening tno o" II m iv. ... mill tudpnta will noia wir nual smoker rally In Harmon gymnaa- coaches, I t u .nnlnent arrflduateS. players and others Will be speakers. . j.Rallf a Record Breaker. - SUnford University CaWNov. 11. With the betting at 19 to 7 In favor of Stanford for the blg annualgame with the-University of California Sat urday, the studenta here are enthuaiaa tkally confident today and the grand rally tonlsht is expected to be a record breaker. . -' ; '"" Stanford believes that the team this vrar la well qualified to keep P record of straight victories since the rugby game was substituted for tna American game in 1909. ,Onlv ihe lightest practice waa In dulged in today and tomorrow thejoa rrobably will go Into the hills at Wood pule to spend tha day before the game. iThe game who were injured or on th sick list have recovered and there seems hut little doubt that the team will line ,p on Saturday as follows:, . Brown, fuli back; Cook, Roth and llolman, three quarters: S. Mitchell and M. Mitchell, five eighths; Cans, balfjwith the following forwards: Horton, Choda. 1-lttlng. Mlnturn. Dole. Crawford. Pam berton and Thorp. TED COY'S II STht wonderf uL axeer . of Ted Coy as a' football hero began four years ago. when, M freshman, he stood In tha middle of the Yale fleW and eent m drop kick whirling between the goal route 65 yarda away. This occurred when tha varsity team was taking a rest, 'and the freahmen .were permitted to romp ever the gridiron for exer cise. That la Ted Coy; a freahman. re rUed M;. Camp. "He la a eon of Pro fessor Coy, principal of the school at HotchklM, Conn. An old ale man. lton't you remember hi a brother, 8herr Coy. who played on the yarelty aome years ago V i Totally uneonacloua of tha fact mat jj waa attracting attention from the varsity roaches. Coy continued to make those wonderful punta. Hla leg appar ntly had the tore of a pile driver. No matter how he kicked the ball, tha terrible force behind It would send It klma-.lng oyer.apava. DID FRANK DASH OFF THIS ONE TO SADIE? frttd frrnm Im4 Wlra.1 Chlcagm. Nov. 11 An attor- ney for Sadl Curry today made pablie a letter which the slrl ) rlalma that Frank Ootch, tha haavywrtght wreetlrr. whom aha U suing for ' SZt.Ooa for - frrarb t prtilhl. f6U t br. . Xtm derlarea that th letter rii received Oetubar II of IhU yeirr. - The letter, whlcS to pubUahed tcxUr. : . j. . . - ir 8dl I am aorry thtK ja are hvtjg ao nch troubfa Am aiire thml yoa ut have ftPiiin to ry fevr t-cr4 at .icr I rt rJaaa boieL Thy onuet J ie ';d yea ar)d that a) .-.. r h 1 rv lat aimmer. i -s-rd jf rm4 !.. rl'r nnlv waa: the work cutannll.i football a-ame between the Unt- and when tie connects, my what a swat I . mi. , i . , ... . . ., , , , POWERFUL KICKS CAREER RIVAL lit , , "A. ROOT FOR EEEVEII , . . JJradV Of ldallO anU (J5enS0n of Oregon Will Watch i . 1 the Game. versltles of Idaho and Oregon on Mult eOVERKORS I'JIEl 1 ernor Benson of Oregon will watch the he seema to step back ana mra irn ou h , -Ath Oakland.' It waa' wilda of Idaho two years ago. , pacaing w v - nomah field Saturday. that the governor -or.' the uem eiai y ttend, and ; the same Inform ., c i " " - , I tlon cama In thUi morning from Salem tnat Goveraor senson anaa numoer of tn8 state officials ; would come up tha t avan t aw a B r " f . T - - - The game will start at 2 :S0 o'clock Saturday and tickets have been placed on sale at Power & Est ea drug atora. i The offlciala have -not . all r been chosen. Frank Ixmergan will ba field judge. . . JOHNNY RpCKEFELLER CALLS JEFF GREAT MAN ! New, York, Nov 11. "Jeffries la a great man a wonderful man," waa the sincere apprecia tion, spoken by John-D. Rocke feller aa he left .the Plaaa rausle.. hall last night after watching : the big Californian go through his stage training stunts. With his secretary, the oil king occupied two "fifty-cent seata" at , the Jaf f riea perform ance. Aa tha mighty Jeff donned the . gloves for his Wrree-round go with Sam Berger,-' Rockefel ler leaned forward with sudden Interest... v , . , . Not a move of the fighters was lost to him, and he Joined heartily in the applause, at. the. conclusion of' tha bout. INDOOR. BASEBALL LEAGUE RELAUNCHED Indoor baseball has been ushered In with a rush this winter, as the Third Regimental league and Portland Indoor Baseball association are expecting moat successful seaaona. At a meeting held In the offlcea of Harry K. Smith, the Portland association was reorganized with the following officers elected to serve the ensuing season: President. Harry K. Smith; first vice president, A. M. Grelley; second vice president.. E. J. Flint; secretary, and treasurer, Oeorge Donnerberg.- Board of directors: Honey man Hardware company. Nelson Bar tholomew and George Donnerberg; Gold Seala. C. H. Albert, E. J. Morton; Co lumbia Hardware company, J. A. Addle man, Frank Turk; George Dllworth A Co., Elmore McKensle, George DI1 worth; W. P. Fuller Co., E. E. Flint, R. Sny der; T. M. C. A, M. Orilley, Mr. Lea. Oamee will ba played Monday and Friday evenings, double headers being scheduled for Friday evenings. Monday conteata will b played In Rlngler'a gymnasium. Grand and Eaat Morrlaon streets, and Fridays will be devoted to tha T. IL C. A. a apaclona gymnaalum. All gamea wn.mnc promptly at S:S o'clock; Double head era are cXit to wrm Inning ronteata. Aa all the teama ar evenly matched some fast games are aaagred. 'The Dll werth DTblea and Honeyman Hardware ran nlnrs pm tha acaaoaj Moodav evening. November 11. JEFFRIES 3f AN SAYS1. FIGHT OFFERS FAKISH , New Tork. Nv, II A. pramtnant portlff aaa ele ta Jassrs J. 4effrtea declared today tfiat the f kuVous offfrs for tha Cfbt bfw-n Jtrk Johnsoa aed JffrVa wvra all 44 bd Ktt Mt. ef tbrnv he aald. waa bona fAm, rmr nad It been backed with a certified rh k. The prwler wba are In a posltloa ta te fa r,ght t-a , ar heldlng eff In the f'-ar ttst tX-j wtil rva p tha b air to kljh. ' homan new Saturday. , , t Hot of gamea for ua thla aeaaon. His v. i Word waa sent from Boise last night J,-": is not perfect but ho la 1m that the governor of the Gem State Iel" 18 ul jw'"- FOOTBALL STARS WHO CLASH SATURDAY IN PORTLAND ev : k. fc. ax. IDAHO i jr i 3 V. PI I a jy it vx" 1 am T a ..... - . . bl CONNIE MACKUKES CO AST TOSSERS Br Hlland Baiorerly. flan Francisco. NOV. ll.-Connie ,ti. to mirhtv.mill nleased with i- .n.nAn.i.iti i,A in riavina sai - cuupio r-. - larles to. Kratise and Heltmuller. Krause ha would, not sell for " nM nf n A 1 il T ri 111 KIUK UCLICi W- v- --- Her. every day. 'You know. 1 had my dOUbtS atOUl Heine-making a " -rSSJjgl P!6' J'1 iTW "Krause has turned out io oe a cor- , 7tt.h(.r He can curve that ball oi-te any time ho likes and ha has mora speed , than he looks to have. I am very fond o Krause.. He Is such a nice boy and is a great credit to the game. Hla only weakness Is hold ing runners on second. He's all right keeping men on f iret, but when they get to second they have been taking big leads off, but he will correct this In time. -' . Detroit batters were the first to dis cover his weaknesa. We were wise to It all the Season, but thought It best to let him go along In hla old way until found ! out. Krause was young and there was no nse trying to teach him too much at the start but ha will come around-all right iv".Tha-PUa4.eIPh...W8r....;..jnae extensive plana for next season. He will go into training with 60 players at leaet Twenty-five young bloods he will have- to- try out and he thlnka ha has as much promising material aa the next manager. "Of the players I have already seen In the Coast league It strikes me that the acouta have overlooked a few bets," Bald Connie. . , "There ia ona outfielder on that Lob Angeles club that handles himself like a comer. That fellow la Daley. I would Ilka to have . him with ma. , It was bia clever fielding that beat us out of tha two games we lost. He made some beau tiful playa and I liked the way ha stood up to the plate and looked tha ball over.' He acted like . a player that ACADEMY WILL PLAY Portland academy and Lincoln High school will play their annual football game tomorrow on Multnomah field; the kickoff being at 1:15 o'clock. Both teama are in good condition with chancea about even. Tha annual game betwaen tha senior high achool and Portland academy has been the big event In local scholastic football circles for years and there Is always a big outpouring of fans and fan net tea. . John I Sullivan plcka Jim Jeffries la tha coming go with Jack Johnson. John L. aaya that Jeff will -torn tha ..trick Inside of 1 rounda. . SEATTLE CHURCHMEN TO F0R3I BOXING CLUB f'" (r!s IX" l4 Wlr.l L..t; wh. Nov. 11. Box- w lag bouts and wreatltng matchee 0 with tha mwubara of tha organ- tsatlon on tha mat. will ba among a " lh' winter ameaementa to ba frivra by the men's rlub or Trla- - Jtf. pariah church, according ta the aHnoacBat of Cyril Ar- thor Playar. recntly from Ox- ford. En a Una. the aw aaalsU act' rretor - a4 atTetary. wba cam ta 8attw twa weeka ar. a -We ara gotag to- anaka thla A club tha liveliest rgaalattina ef a Its kind la atlle. be aald a . -Raaltxtng that It la dif 0 Jl-lt ta gvt saati to rom Ml v ta prarT meetings, we are - . isg ta roraisa tora i: enter- tstnaneata that wiu nip io aep thetr tatrmt Ml cnoroa wr-rx. I. . 1 WA..W 4rA nrM tft Mttl -" " " ' . : JJ.,.MM..,M-aaMiiiMia ne tanaa,- irw w , - - 1 - -.ammmmmmmmmm Kim hat Atraln-t A SOU th DAW. H6 WOU I -a-aMM---"B-B ---- -m Lincoln TOMORROW lJii.l would be bully to lead off. J can't tin- " fu, him "Delmas looked awfully good, too. His 1 . r. . . .... - - w new ng waa nne. rne screngin vi vu - , mnreaaed me to. In the box. Koeitner, Toer. Thor- lien ana jna-gio imuuiou uiBHiawt) I . a. It. .LMaH Haa 1 IV-A finlahed . artists. I don't know I , " ...,.. A mlnnr .ST Ma M irking bunch, to have kept Lo. . An- c: Our grand success in business during the short time we have been here has encouraged us to Tbecome bold and bid for ven a larger business. We wanthe future business of - hundreds of men, many of whom right now need a new suit of clothes, overcoat or, cravenette. To secure the future business of you men wo are offering you. (until fur ther notice) the pick of our large and well, assorted stock of cloUimg at special trial , sale prices, We are going to give yJU a chance to try the class of clothing we sell, at our expense. We want to prove to you we are selhng a superior grade and the finest w kind of fitting clothes. We want you to buy one of our Suits, avercoats or Cravenettes -, at our special trial sale price and compare, them with any in the city or what you may have bought heretofore. Compare them not at the price we will sell them to you form at this sale but at our regular price. You wiU find them better,: for Jess, which will in sure us your future Dusincss. t Look " - T . - " 1 ' ' . -" ' The foUowing prices here quoted represent a heavy advertising" expense to us, but your v future .business will gratify it in the end. So don't delay coming early and get the pick of odr offer. None charged. ' 4- ,:' - .' ' . . .. S3S MEN'S 30 SUITS MEN'S suits MEN'S SUITS MEN'S SUITS 125 18 We hoM' re in reserve. Blue Serge Suits and Black Suits included, enty-five per cent discount In cur Trouser -2d Hat dartme during this sale, which begins Friday. .November 12, and, continue, until further, notice. 343 Washington Street Near hi j : I j' : . .J j' . f W ;. r t 'i d1 " r j' I "j II W., . . "JT : eight iiAi,F.o&&GGrrK a wonder they weren't snapped op. Mack will epend the major part of the winter in California. - He would have been here last 'winter but for having tha work of building his new grounds, which are a thing of beauty, on his hands. Tha winter of 1907 ha spent on tha coaat and it waa then ha looked Krause over for the first time.' In a quiet way ha will do soma - scouting among the small elubs of the state. f nv a. hrlsrht 1ewel has been discov ered In unheard of - places. - Look at Walter Johnson, who waa found In tha wilda of Idaho two years ago. Spccifflll TFSal . Sflop.X Listtcri 2 . OVERCOAT or CRAVENETTEi OVERCOAT or craveneite: OVERCOAT or CRAVENETTE OVERCOAT or CRAVENETTE AND imLr-EACJK. . ZJMlfO. HUllTllie DOGS SPOT PLUHOER Five Hundred Alaska Ptar migan Discovered Illegal ly tin Steamer Senator. PFfce Sale ODD0 El TRIAL SALE price TRIAL SALE PRICE TRIAL SALE PRICE TRIAL SALE PRICE ' Seattle. Wash., - Nov. 11. Game i vvaraen xvjbi b - iiuih.iib. u6 , Veto rrj ntJ MEN'S EXCLUSIVE CLOTHES SHOP iSTEP INTO RIHG GETS JEFF COIH Billy Brady's Fcelinjr : To ward Ilia Former -Meal , Ticket Crops Out. f , Dnll.4 Prea Ud Wlra.l '. ' New, York. Nov. , 11. William A. Brady yesterday afternoon poated $10. 000 with Max Elumenthal with the un derstanding that it waa to go to Jamea J. Jeffrlea If he will atep Into tha ring with Al Kaufman, the battle to ba fought within 0 daya. , , . lirady atipulatea hat tha fight U to be for JO rounda, and it may ba held either privately or lrv public, aa Jeffrlea dealrea. If H la held In public Brady an nouncoa that Jeffrie may have, the en tire gate reoeipta. Brady has offered alao to post a alda bet of , 11000 that Kaufman will win. , ' '- . Brady'a dialika for tha alfalfa farmer la well known. ' In case- Jeffrlea ? " V vl i la u.ld that Brady will put up, any amount that Jeft de- alrea . tnat .Jonnaon wi knockout route. -,. , ; ATTELL AHD WEBSTER BATTLE TEII. l ; ' '!. Kov. 11.- Bantam Champion Monte Attell and Danny Web- ROUIIDS -tap of tills city nave -v..--. . ... m.iia tnr th title and a u ......inMhin diamond studded belt at- tha -Naud junction ..w. - M.'i' V ' llitla ' fellows fought 10 vicious rounds TJlefora McCwejfr W ,!"" letlo club in Octoner. Dut . , j - v.., tum. irnimntir to tha winner Ivrtu 17 ' i- v.- was withheld because neither received a majority newspaper decision.- - For the coming- nam ma - " welah In at U6 pounds at S o'clock in, the afternoon. Wo ; referea- ha bean named. ' - ' '--:.' - ' yesterday nd. the. result waa tha dis-. covery of 600 Alaska ptarmigan, whloh latopaeixed by th warden after a chasa latlng nearly all day. , . For , tha exporting or An -gan, a fine of from 10 to $100 per bird v, imv.M hv thi federal ., court. ; t;u w .... - ----- and Blef figures that somebody will be out a larg um or money.un " .. shipment. 11 " " Tha game waraen vianeu i,c . irht from Nome.. He saw his dog "pointing" a plain packing caa .jj..... "i.lndhorr. Ban Francisco." Ha hurried away to examin'th hip' manifest, and wnu n was gona a j man carted off - th : ahipment. . Rlef started In pursuit and spent most of tho day trartng the birds, rmaiiy una--Ing tbem at a transfer barn. . : Ptarmigan ara. a species pi nonuera 62 Seventh -