THi: OKKGOU DAILY JOUIilJAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY LVEMING. NOVEMBIZK 11, 1003. rUBTLACD'S OLD CO-EUS' DAN 0 FIIEII IS DEAD Pclcr at Taj lor Passes .Aw aj Family Home in South Port land. itMII,X-AvA SIMIFORD SOIIG Contains Cuss Word and ftc -fera to PeerHas Ik-en ... a High Favorite. , i -j.f Peter Taylor. - , "Peter Taylor,, "Father of th Portland I Fireman." died, of oM aar this morning: at hie home J2T Caruther. jar. Taylor f Fjf iftvLll 1 'udeoMi railed to sins wa on of the founder of 4n volun-l ' . (l ulled Pith Ias4 Wlr.l Stanford University, Cal., Nov. 11. Ona of Stanford utilvernlty moat popu Jur citjlttH onj la about to tie placed under th tin 11 Ottcaoise It contain a cuss word and refer to beer. The aong wa comjoaed hy Will Irwin. eradu- ate. f Stanford, who Is now a well known magfteine writer, and la written id the tun, of "A Bun of a. Gainboller." . In part. It la a follow; Oh, thero'a the real , to. Mayfleld, ail nlulti as ul&tn can be. . And If you want to a wreck just inKe a ixk iMn. For I havi b-fn to May field and tasted I of the, beer - And that ts'why my eye are weak; I'll nave ia rst a year. .a ''r CHORUS. ' ' 'v -' I'm a aon of a son of a aon of a eon of i - . inn or a eurn Doner. i I A aon of a ton of a aon of a son of a aon . or a eambflller. Like every" honest fellow" I Ilka my laaer Deer. lima rambling wreclc Of poverty, a aon . or a gainboller. But we'll 'cheer for dear old Stanford, mnern in. nninr nr nr in ri MtWll rlin1 give the "varsity"" from our oofflna when we're ApxA And when we mount the golden atalra ' we'll give Bt. Peter the cue, To Join the, rollicking chorus "To hell wun toa, gold ana blue." , , Hons Mother Dlsapprovs. I Never alnce thl aon y wag written by teer fire department In I86S, and waa . the oldest living Portland fireman. One of his prized possessions was a certlfl- . cat Uaed In 1874 .entitling him to foreman' badge No. a. The badge were ' assigned In the order In - which the name war signed on the constitution, and bl waa second. He was also the organiser of the Exempt Firemen 'association,-' and was ' It president : until three year ago,, when ha w a. forced to resign through 111 health. HUs Taylor wa . of Scotch descant,' It at the, football . games, , track . meet and all other gathering of Stanford ins Bianrora gins nave aung it. men. too, . until the last few days, and It train have always heretofore evoked a murmur of approval. But now ha com - a .,' noticeable Chang. i Yesterday when some stu dent Joined in the refrain they ; were I met wun a storm or hisses from the I oo-ed -section. -Th -singer wers dumb- rounded. Not until today did the reason for the outburst become known among thai students. Mr., Allen, dean i of Stanford women , born in Perth, Soo tland, January 28, 1 and house mother -of Kappa Kappa pam- 1828. In 1847 he cam to thla country. and on June 14, 1848, he wa married to " Mia Sarah Heppell, In New fork City. In 18S3 Mr. Taylor crossed the 'plain to this part of the country practically , alone, and landed In Portlaad without i one cent In hla pocket He waa a cabl V net maker by trade, but a there wa ho ! call for that sort of work then he took up pattern making, and was for many year associated with tha Willamette. iron A Steel works. H retired from a tive buslnesa service 18 year ago. Mr. Taylor waa tha - first president ; and one of th founder of th Portland '- St. Andew society, whloh Is a benevo lent Scottish organization. Mra, Taylor died two years ago lost March, and the .old home at 237 Camther street ha never been brokti up. . Definite funeral arrangement; have not yet been made, but Interment will be In Rlvervlew ceemtery, and - It .,- 1b probable that the fiineral will be held Saturday from th Fourth Presbyterian church, of- which Mr. Taylor waa a mem bet. Mr. Taylor la survived by, one aon, PouIaVr i Taylors i ex-clty engineer! three daughters, Mrs. J. W. Pratt,lMra, M. K. Shipley, Misa Nannie E. Taylor, a nnleoe and nephew,Mr.; and Mr. Robert B. Beat; 13 grandchildren and .two great grandchildren, all of Portland. KOSBODRflE'S TROUBLES RETOLD ma sorority, ha placed the stamp of her disapproval on the ong. Thia ba- c&me : known today when a fair co-ed announced: Mrs. Allen told us to his the son. She does not like th cusa word In It I nor the reference to beer. 00 'S WATER TESTED Board of Health1 Members and Others Meet With Cit izens on Eve of Election. . ISnfftal D! arch to The Journal. Hood River. Or., Nov. 11. Dr. E. A. Pierce, R. C. Yenney, Of J. Smith. A. C. ! Smith, members or the state board of ! health, and Ralph R. Matson stated bacteriologist, and J. P. Newell, civil ! engineer, are In ; Hood River today ex amining the source of th clty'a water aupply and will address a mass meeting at th opera house this evening on the local water situation. . The bond elec tion will be held tomorrow to ote 89000 for a municipal plant The elec tion .Will be-close. Blames Motheivin-Law, Mrs. 11. L. Stevenson, , for Everything. (ITnlted- Press Leased WIr.l , San Francisco, Nov. 11. In a state ment published today,4 Mrs.- Lloyd Os- hourne declared that her mother-in-law, Mrs. Robert Ixrais Stevenson, widow of the -noted author, ta responatble for the trouble existing between, her 'nd Os bourno) which resulted In, their separa tion, and tha aubieiiuent litigation brought by Mrs. Osbourne In an effort i compel him to contribute toward the maintenance of hla wife and two chil dren. The suit la now pending - s ' - A week ago Mrs. Stevenson cam td , this city, but left soon 'afterward, when " attorneys for" her daughter-in-law at tempted to obtain her deposition in re gard to the financial condition of her aon. She went to Santa Barbara, her home, where, Mrs. Osbourne aBserts, her " deposition will be taken. ' Th friction between the two women began ' shortly ? after Osboume's - mar riage In -189.- according to the state ment ' : '". , ,"Mr. SteVehson took a dislike to me," atttd Mrs: Osbtvurna. "That was all. . Tliere was friction between Mr. . Stev- of m I cannot tell. I . refused to ha vn my home dominated, by any one. And, there wa the rub.' -Out of the midst of ' thin nettv. llttl llf.. mv.huah.nri K.nt - to 5?ew York. There wa no agreement to separate, but I suppose w both fait that he had Joined his mother and glXfOj in 'to her pleadings to leave me. ', "Whilahe was in New York he wrote m affectionate letters. In one he re- , Icrred to Mrs. Btevenson attitude aa a "horrible inquisition. and In another he wrote, I wonder at the stranfre patience wrhtsth linhiilrt Vnu SA lrtnr' ttlit Via AlA J BAt return, t -'. ' 'The whole story, together with the letter, will be produced in court dur ing the hearing of the suit If It Is nec eaaary. , I am arklaa f,r nothing more than ia just for nV'elf and nty chll- have borne this state of affairs for sev eral-years, and that Is long enough. My friends and other have heard noth ing hut aae slde of the story. rndoubtHy ' the srtlsttc temperw ment and Mra Stevenwon's dislike for me are euffltlent masons for my h- bands living in New York, bat there was another a proealc anit material ar gument. Mrs, 8evenon h rontrol of the Ftevenann tutate durlr.g her ll(Umt It Is her custom to srd my bashand eufcatantlal remlttanrea, and prha lhee reralttnr mlatt If well, he la under the thuitih vt fit mother, anil knowing hf as I do. I can hej-!jr tlam Llm. All I want of Mm now la jroper provision frr the child A wealthy German contractor Is hav ing built a huge dirigible balloon, the gas bag of which will be enclosed In a rigid cover of vu'canled hard rubber.. BURNING ECZEMA QUICKLY SPREAD ..- . . r . '..- , : Started Like Ringworm on Hani - Hand Swelled, and Then Humor Spread to Arms, Legs and Face It was Something Terrible." , PRESCRIPTIONS FAILEL7: ; CUT1CURA CURED HIM A Mlnaxftota mru. ha f-atected a new lTri!Tie.t for eleaaing c withyt rmTlr,f th-m from the feet, a com tMnt'ii of e-rpr ff-r " h v,e mrA br(-ha fT the et-le. the tatr h-,d t;. ! t'-r"'"r 1 y er-r:r?e. : . - .A "I have tued tha Cuticura Romediea . or a very bad can of exiseuia with com plete success. About fifteen or eighteen years ago the disease developed In the shape or a large pinhead on top of mr hand. It burneci and itched so much that I waa compelled to show it to a doc ' tor. He pronounced it ringworm, and made very light of it, He gave me a wash and told ma to apply it before go trig to bed and all would be over in tha morning.;' But tho next morning my band was all swollen up and I poulticed ' it. When the doctor came to his office I showed him the'hand and to my sur prise he told ra that lie had never e " perienced such a case in his practice and aaid it was well I poulticed it. After trying his different remedies the disease) imreaaed and went up my arm and finally to my thighs and lers generally -and finally on my face.. Tha burning was something temblA. Alter I naa tnod this doctor, as I thought, long enourh, I went to another doctor who , had tbs mputation ueang ine Desc in town. He told me it waa a bad case of ero-nna and that it would take quite a while to cure it. His rrwdicirn checked the advance of the diteas but aa fur ther. " ' - "I fnally eoncliidAd to try the Cutl pura Remndie. I bought a cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuticura Oint-rrr-nt and a bottle of Cuticura Itevlrent and find reii in the first trial. I con tmd until I waa oompletHy free frcira the di.-aje sod I have not been tmubied with another attack since. I ettlt us the Cuticura Ointment in my family aa it in one c the brt remed"1 to hal a anre or other In jury rapidly. I can f"Hr ani tnjthfui''v aav that the Cut coa rr-rwdjes are tvA t s far aa my eTr--tee went with them and I art tui rwvwrrr.linf tNem. feehnj mr I am skH rri"e a mutalfa. t". feuHc h vt. s.ia W. ir St, Chambertmr, I a, Se U I'i. I,." . r mm y.i .m t- eal "Nl s r i 4 ; r .-- a -t- prvr. f r-iT l, 1 ( '- f I f - i l - r i-r jf a l nrm. J . (,,- . . .-. . t. . v.- 1 Vs r I u t aa Hm I'M . I "CROSS" LONDON GLOVJLS, ALL LEATHERS AND SHADES PAIR, $1.50 rRLE Delivcriei to '- . ' I Open a Monlhly Ac- All Fart, oi .he Ci,y jMlBCSj AIIIS , . count anlLOnjcrJ,y and Suburban Points - - sa-uio 7 -, n . u , -,-. Either Telephone Otg: mik gritfay Barsate Sale . i I . iin i ii i ii I ii i ii i I. a ii i i i i i Thaoksgivi'g Gtit Glass On Sale 1 v VWJM r - A -.4 I I Fourth Off $2.50 Vase on ale at.-....f 1.8T $3.00 Comports,-each.. '.f 2.25 $15.00 . Comports, each . . ,.f 11.25 $3.75Rowls, during- sale..f 281. $14.00 Bowls, during sale. .10.50 $50.00 Punch Bowls spe'l. .S37.50 Punch Bowls, soe'l. .$ 56.25 . as . m t . . a a ..,'"' af uanuiesticks, eacn...,.w $7.00 Candlesticks, each.. ,.f 5.25 $8.75 Finger Bowls, six. ., .$6.56. $11.00 Finger Bowls, six. ii.f 8.25 $5 Cake Trays, on sale for.. f 3.75 $6.00 Celery Trays, each.. $4.50 $7.00 Wine Decanters at.;..f5.25 $15 Wine Decanters at.. ..811.25 $3.50 Tumblers on sale for.,2.?a $9 Creamers and Sugar.... S6. 75 $9 Cigar Jars' on sale for.... 86.75 -$4.50 Ciearette Jars for $3.37 "$5.50 Cruets assorted, for.. $2.62 $4.00 Mayonnaise JBowls.. .sm $27,00 lmps,' special,. ;i,f 20.61 $5.00 Pitchers, each, only. ;.$3j75 - $20.00 Pitchers, each ..... .8 15.00 $1.25 Nappies, on sale at, ... . .93 Smon Travs. each ... .81.68 $2 Salt, and Pepper, pair. . .,81.50 $y.W liquor ugs, special. .o.7o Art China Half Price Oar entire line Imported Hand made Art China, values 50c to $50 each, hardly two pieces -alike. Choice of hundreds of pieces. On ale at. ONE-HALF PRICE SPECIAL TABLE. NO. 1- Art China in ' fancy ornamental .Vases, and Art Pieces, all imported wares, mostly one of a kind; values to $4.00, special at,.W..... ...95 SPECIAL STABLE. NO. 2. Value Jto $6.00 Artl China, such ware and the .Amphora, Tepleta, , Royal Bonn and other "well kneiwn " wares, beautiful designs, at f 1.45 . Vals. to 75c Framed Pictures 29c Best Values Offered This Season , THIS ASSORTMENT INCLUDES GENUINE CARBONS, framed in ltf inch quarter sawed oak, glass sir 8x12, about 25 different subjects including copies , of old matters ............i......... SPECIAL 204 REPRODUCTION OF FAMOUS WATER COLORS, fepr6dflcetl irt their or--iginal colors, framed in dainty 4 inch antique frames with hand mounted corners, - glass Size 3x1 4. making in all a very handsome picture, on sale for ........... .29K LINE OF WATER COLORS. HEADS, 0 IN NUMBER, each one better than the other, framed i dainty 1-in. gold moulding, with fancy corner ornamenti v gi ass size , ' 10x12 ..4,.. , .SPECIAL 20 -? FACSIMILE WATER COLORS, EACH A. WORK OF ART, motmted on heary embossed mounting, 2 -inch margin, large variety of subjects, both. in landscapes and marines, fraffned jn new 1-inch gold moulding, with fangr corner ornaments, , glass size 8x14 .n.....,..'.....i.......,v, ....i. SPECIAL 20) GENUINE CARBONS, FACSIMILE WATER COLORS, hand colored etchings, ' oil paints, about 280 in all, suitable frames; values to $5.00 .......SPECIAL 81.95 Sale Pure Drugs 10c Sodium Bkarbonrate, pound.. 10c Alum- (powder and lump), lb.. 10c Japanese Sponges (Loofah),. 15c Licorice Powder, pkg.. ...... 20c Denatured Alcohol, pint....... 25c Sweet Oil, bbttle 25c Castor OiL bottle . ... ........ 25c Powdered Soanstonfi. nk. 40c Boric Add POwdef CMerkjtb. 50c Pure Cream Tartar, lb 50c. Imperial Floor Wax, lb.... ,;.5 ...5 ...6 .'.. .13 .1T .14ei .13 27 ,35 40 Rubber Section 15c Celluloid Rattles... ......,.... 8 25c Rubber Rattles, on sale at..... .13) 50c Rubber Glove, guaranteed. 33 50c Bulb Syringe, 3 H, R. pipes..... 33 S5c English Friction Towel for....53et $1.25 Atomizer, 3 tip, for.. ".,.. .63 $1.25 Water Bottle, special.. ...,63 $1.35 Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe . . . . . .98 $2 Comb. Water Bottle & Ft. Syr. 81-73 $3 Fountain Syringe, best rubber. f 1.98 ; $1.50 Ladies' Tine Handbags 98c $1.50 LADIES' HAND B ACS, in all shades of walrus leather, double strap handles, moire lined, on sale Friday at, each.. ......................... ......... ,..., 98t 50c Gentlemen's Coin Purses 39c 50c COIN PURSES for men in Pig, Calf and Pin Seal; hand stitched, double in side pockets, choice Friday, each.. .............. .............. ,,....... .... . .39 50c Elastic Belts for Ladies 33c 50c ELASTIC BELTS for ladies; handsome buckles, full line of colors to match any costume, on sale Friday at, each ,.33 " ' -I- '. , , ' ' . ,'. ' .. 1 ; . ' '.. Mark Cross London Gloves, Pair $1.50 . .' " i i in I. .I , .i 1,1 i in i Sl.SO buys pair of ladies', gentlejnen's, youths', misses' or children's genuine im- orted Mark "Cross" hand made London Gloves. At our store only, here in Port and, as we are exclusive Portland agents for Cross London Gloves and Leathers, $2.50 Burning Outfits Now $1.49 $20 BURNING OUTFTT, complete in every detail,, each article guaranteed; les sons furnished free by an )ap(t,'SiEClAt7.,;-;V;Vv ace T APfiR OVAT. PAMETLS. mila In 3 nlv ban wood, larsre variety rtf auhiert on sale,l ONLY ...,29) 25c SQUARE PANELS, large variety of designs; on sale or......... 10 S5cOVAL PANELS, large variety of subjects, special ...................... ...16 35c WHISK BROOM HOLDERS in very neat and artistic shapes, suitable de signs, carved wood front, on sale for , ......15 40c MATCH HOLDER with well known Frog design, made of 3 ply bass wood veneer, first quality; a very useful article ......,......... .24 35c LACE BOX, strongly built, brass hinges and catch, new designs.. ....... .24 9w PARI) RACKS. Stationery Racks and Letter Holders, all of the best aualitv and workmanship, neatly designed ..........15 Family Liquors at Lowest Rates 'Open regular monthly account at our store and 'order your Family Wine and Liquors by phones we deliver to all city and nearby suburban points free of charge. Wilson jf... .. , ..81.15 Canadian Club ......... ........ .81.25 Old Bourbon .....$1.00 Cream Rye - ....fl.00 Cream Rye, pints .50 CreanTTRye, pints 25 pewars'. Special Scotch 1.25 Black & White Scotch ... 1.25 Malt Whiskey . 75 XXX Brandy 1.00 Gin fl.OO Rock and Rye 85 Port or Sherry, gallon .fl.OO Malt Extract 12 White Rock Water 19 Thahksg 1V1 g Art Pottery ArourthOff $2.80 Set of 5 Asl Trays. J. ...t. 82.10 $1.40 Ash Tray on sale, at.... Sl.OS $2.00 Ash Tray on sale at. ..fl.SO $2.40 Ash Tray on sale at. .fl.80 80c Call Bells, for table. .50 $3.60 8-inch Jardinieres, each,.. ,f2.7Q $6.00 10-inch Jardinieres, each.... f 4.50 $3.40 Cigaf Stand, smooth brass.. f 2.55 $2.00 Fern Baskets, on sale. .. ... fl.SO $4.00 Fern Baskets, choice ,.f3.0Q $8.00 Fern Baskets, choice J fe.oo $13.60 Umbrella Stand, each . . . . . .f 9.QO $12.00 Umbrella Stand, each.... ..f 8.00 $1.60 Fern Dish, 5-inch, each 05 $2.00 Fern Dish, 6-inch, each . ... . .f 1.25 $2.80 Fern Dish, 8-inch, each: .fl.75 $1.40 Basket, choice, each. .80 $2.80 Call Bell, on sale at . . , . . . . . f 2.10 60c Candlestick, smooth brass. . ....45 75c Candlestick, smooth brass. ., . ..60 $1.00 Candlestick; smooth brass. .. j. 75 $1.40 Candlestick, smooth brass. . .fl.OS $2.00 Candlestick, smooth brass. fl.SO $3.60 Candlestick, dull brass. .. ...f2.70 $6.00 Candlestick, dull brass. . . . . ,f 4.50 $4.00 Candlestick, dull brass. .fS.OO $5.00 Candlestick, dull "brass f3.75 Artificial Hair Reduced Prices V v 75c Barrettes -, $1.00 Barrettes 75c Combs $4.00 Corantine Braids . 10c Hair Ornaments 20c Hair Ornaments ... 50c Hair Rolls ......... $1.50 Curls, special ..... $5.00 Switches, .only.... $6.00 Switches, only 25c Buffers .....;...78 ...... .63 . . 4. . f36 7 6 ...... i... 16 .37 ........81.18 ........ 8V63 f 5.59 ..........17 See our extensive line of GRECIAN BANDS, in metals of all colors, set in stones of great variety. Also individual Combs. Barrettes and Artistic Pieces for hair decoration. ' - 50c 100 BOXES CRANES LINEN LAWN PAPER, only.,... .........29 75c 200 BEAUTIFULPOST CARD ALBUMS, special .....37 $1.00 PLAYING CARDS, imported, excellent quality;. 98 different designs on backs, Friday 69 Sundry Section 50c Tie Holder, special .................... 65c Bath Tub Soap Dish, only ............. 75c Tooth Brush Holder, on sale for"....; 85e Tumbler Holder, during sale 85c Wath Cloth Holder, oh sale at....... $1.00 Towel Baf $1X5 Sink Soap Holder, for . J1.20 Match Haider, special .. $1-25 I'jiameled Combination Fixture, only.. $1X) Enamel Bath Tub. .Sea v on sale fotu.. $3 00 Glass Shelf, only.............. J5 00 Oral Plate Gla.s Mirror, special 38 ...9 ...58 ...6s ...64 ...73 SO 69 .94 f 1.19 82.25 f 6.S8 Toilet Article Sect'n 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder, on sale for.. ...... ..17 25c Sanitol Tooth Faife, on sale at 17 25c Grave's Tooth Powder, special.. .....2 for 25 ,25c Swansdown Face Powder .'. , .... 35c Java Kiz Face Powder, on tale only... ....26 50c La Blache race Powder, special 37 50c Dickey's Cream Da L, only .............37 50c Wisdom's Robertifle. during tale only 33 50c Hind's Hony an4 Almond Cream, on sale.. 37 10c Cake Jap Rose Glycerine Soap, on sale"..... 7 ,J0c Aiiorted Soap. pciL.i...ii....,.3 for lO 20c Cake I'aker's "Ideal" Soap on sale at 3 fof 25 25c Bar Castiie Soap, 2 lbs, special..... ...... 17 Bristle Section 20c Dr. Cooper's, Tooth Brush, special.. 25c French Tooth Brush, on rrV at .. . 35c Pro-phy-Jac-tic Tooth Brush 65c Flexible, Celluloid Dressing Cotr.t sorted colors, special ,., 7Jc Hard Robber Dressing Corals, cr, 25c Nail Bmh, on tale for $1.00 Imported Japanese and Frrrch Trashes . . . $1 50 Lie! Hair Eruh. No, 2. $1 f-1 Mifl TM' Gentlemen's H r J r 12.7$ CelluJ'-id llt'f Brush. -n tt'.e h-r . $4 00 Llx-ny Hair Brush, extra jri.o4 If. 14 19d ..3 s, at- !y 5 7 lb lU.r ...... PI.' s S . . I . . r I,' i'- .1 :