The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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Victim With His Attorney
Locate Headquarters of
Ganjr .After Hhort Search
No Arrests Have Ye
Been Made,
After aearchlna; the business district
for several hours yesterday, afternoon.
Certain Baty. head of the police de
tectives, failed to find the room whtrt
Kmorv Buren.. the 'Midas. Nevada, roan
wm fleeced out of $500 by fake book
Attorney Seneca Fouts, representing
Huren. took hla client out ana witnin
, atr hour bad located tha place. Buren
positively tdebtlfled tha room, where
: lie said several men with bookmaklng
paraphernalia -bad bperated. Bnren
finally-secured Ms release rora Jail,
where he has been held several days
; as a witness.
Captain' Baty' took the de
scription of the place that the victim
: pave, and made a careful search, but
1 his efforts were in vain. This place
1 Is said by Buren to be a build In r with
a white face, and the room la No. 21,
which la at the head of the stairway.
This is. In the business district Cap.
tain Baty worked alone on the case.
Attorney" Touts took the man, and
had him trace bis steps the beat be
could from the place where he and
Frank Watson were apprehended on the
street, and after a ahort time, he came
to the building-.' --. ,,
When Captain Baty waa asked about
the matter this morning, be said he did
not know the plxce had been found, and
that neither Buren or Fouts bad told
. Mm of their results,, lie. said he was
still working on it
Chief of 1'oli ce Cox save strict or
ders that the place should be located
and the rest of the bunko gang appre
. hended. Hhe said that from the de
scription the victim gave. It could be
found, and ordered : unusual attention
to the matter, as It Is one of tbe most
flag-rant case of grafting that has
come to tbe attentions of the police.
Watson- and - another man succeeded
in inducing " Buren, a tourist, to bet
$500 on a horse race, which proved - to
be a fake.- He lost his money, and was
held in Jail four days as a witness, j
and no effort made to apprehend the
rest of the gang. Watson gave bail
of J500, and retained Attorney John
Manning to defend him.: The case has
been set for Friday In municipal court
Peninsula , Business lien
Will Engage Lawyers to
Defend Bridge.
Ten business men of - tbe peninsula
were last nicht appointed on a commit
tee to solicit funds for the employing
of counsel to nVfond the , three suits
x'lng brought against the building of
the Broadway bridge and within the
next frw days will employ the legal
talent to defend this Issue. Three suits,
one a friendly one, one hostile and the
other to condemn some of the property
for tha approaches, are now In the
courts and it Is In these tbat the law
yers employed will work.
Tightwaddd tfie Mohfc.
This action was taken at a meetln
of the IVnlnsula. development leagu
at Arbor Lodtre last night. The leagu
after a prolonged . discussion of the
facts in the case resolved no to be
caught napping and the best lawyers
that money can secure ' will be gotten
to right the case.
Besides the usual delegates from the
peninsula clubs in attendance were the
president of the North East Side Im
provement association -and United East
Side rush clubs, M. Q. Munly and
number of other members of these
clubs, all of whom were anxious and
eager to help out In tbe fight to be
made for the Broadway bridge. All
seomed enthuslastio over the prospects
and did not hesitate to declare that the
fight would be won by the peninsula
A committee reported last night that
It would be Impossible to split up the
Tenth ward and tbua gain the much
needed extra representation In the city
council till th state legislature meets,
two year nence. The city charter pro-
vldes that there shall be ten wards and
while -the boundaries can be changed.
no new wards can be - created in ' the
city without amending the conatltution
and this cannot be done till the legis
lature. "
It was also reported that there
seemed to be no reason to believe that
any change would be made In the pres
ent boulevard system on the peninsula.
Death Roll of
the Northwest
. i."-V V.' . . ,..-',, ,
The body of an unknown man, poorly
dressed, was found beside the O. K. &
N. railway tracks this morning, about
a mile and a half out of Troutdale. He
was about 30 years of age and had been
dead for five or six hours, when found
at 8 o'clock. Deputy Coroner- J. J.
Dunning has gone to Troutdale for the
Husband Had Mean Disposition.
'Special Plana tell p Thm JnnrnaLt
f. i Oregon City, Kov. 11.-, Alleging, cruel
.. treatment and a bad disposition on the
Jr pnn vi iier iiubmiihu, jiyea jnunnt
, cutt, Mrs. Nena ' L. Hunntcutt, com
h menced divorce proceedings: In the cir
jcult court yesterday. They' were mar-In-
ried at Toledo,'0Mov November 2J, 1S98.
I'i,-' - . . -
The flour mills of Minneapolis grind
' ; into flour an average of , 12,000,000
n . bushels of wheat a year. . ; r
, . . r
v Mrs. William Eblin.
' (Special Dispatch to The Journal,
Baker City, Or., Nov. 11. The fu
neral of one of the best known and
most highly respected women Of this
city was held here this afternoon, when
Mra. William Eblin was burled in Mt
Hope cemetery. She died of heart fail
ure on Monday afternoon after an ill
ness of four weeks. She Is survived by
her mother, Mrs. Mary Sohaffner, one
of the pioneers of this section, her
husband, William Eblin, and two daugh
ters, Mrs. .Ernest Welch of Spokane and
Miss Rose Eblin of Baker City. Three
orotners and four sisters also survive
her, being Charles A. and Frederick W.
Schaf fner of Baker City, Dr. John
Schaffner of Goloonda, Nov., Miss
Emma Schaffner of Salem, Miss Lena
Hcnarrner of Portland, Mrs. Olga S.
Russell of Idaho, and Mrs. . Elizabeth
Walts of thte cltv.
Mrs. Elbln was 31 years of age at
me time of, her death and is mourned
by a large circle of friends.
' of Catarrh :::
A Simple ' Safe, 'Reliable Way;
t and it Costs Nothing; to Try.
; Those who suffer .from catarrh know
its miseries. ' There is no need of
this- suffering. Tou can get rid of
it by a simple, safe, inexpensive, home;
treatment ; discovered by Dr, Blosser,
j r who. , tor over thirty-five years, haa
! ?been treating catarrh successfully.
j . His treatment is unlike any other. It
I J rts not ; a spray,- douche, salve, cream.
J,;or Inhaler, but is .a more direct and
; thorough treatment than any of these.
;; It , cleans out , the head, nose, throat
and luogs so tiiat you can again
l breathe freely and sleep without that
; . etopped-up feeling that all catarrh suf-
; ferers have. It heals the. diseasell mu
, : cous membranes and arrests the foul
discharge,, so that you will not be con;
.. stantly blowing your nose and spitting,
and at the same time it does not poison
- the system and ruin the stomach, as in-
ternal medicines do.
' If you want to test this1 treatment
without cost, send our address to Ir.
I 3. W.; Blosser, 61 Walton . street At-
Isnta. Ga.. and be will send you by re
- turn mail enough of the medicine to
Katicfy you that It Is sli he claims for
; It. as. a remedy for catarrh, catarrhal
btfifciuchps. catarrhal deafness, asthma,
; bronchitis, colds and all catarrhal com -,
Mlc lions. He will also nil you free
; n liluKtrated booklet Write him im
. mediately.
Circuit Judge Catena this afternoon
took ip. the trial of the suit of C F.
Adams and A. L. -Mills against F. W.
Carey & Co. of San Francisco, in which
14500 is claimed as balance due, on the
chartering of the tug Sampson in 1806.
The defendants chartered the -tug to tow
tne lumber schooner, Louis to San
Francisco, and claimed a large rehate
because of alleged loss of, time and two
collisions, alleged to have been the fault
of the tug. First the tug- etraok -the
Louis while 'running alongside in the
Columbia river, and later the crew of
the tug Is alleged to have swung the
Louia into the Clan Galbraith in the
.harbor of San Francisco, causing dam
age of $6796, which was finally compro
mised for 12100. The Carey company i
asserts that the plaintiffs are already!
. ... . . ' . I
f WAr. a waste! Y -."'OP couESfivve
.. BUT -THEN W6. ; , WHERE 1C5UU))
Q. L dog either! ' r, 1 "'
( auI , ' ( HERE'S A MEW Hr. WlflE I
MyCTf .Aurround lUtkrr of Pi
KMituI ' KW trio lload Iletw ct-a . L ,
Onter and Turn Turn Mountain.
' (SpMltl M.Mtrb Tbe iursl.l -
Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 11. A rrty
I of surveyors passed through Vancouver
yeeterday on their return to Portland
from completing the survey for the pro
posed electrlo railway between La Cen
ter and Turn Turn mountain. They
stated that carefulness waa tbe -watchword
of the company causing the, sur-
vey, and that no money was spared In
selecting (he bent possible' route:, that
much time waa consumed In running the
survey, and a grade vt only II Inches j
runs through the heaviest timbered part I verely Injured
iMfino nn nnnrn
iniiiuo ur uiiucn
Jlan .Shoots Bank Cashier
and l'msiilcut rursucd;
Takes Toison. 1
(fultrd tnm IfiMd Wire.!
.. . i, . . . . .
"w Aiuuny, ina. ivov. II. a young
unidentified white man entered the Mer-
chants National bank about noon today,
ordered who were In' tbe'bank to throw
up tlMilr bands and then started shooU
Ing. Cashier J. W. I-'awoett was killed
and Fresidunt J.-.K. Woodward was pe-
-fOnited Prem Lr.sed Wire.l
Victoria. B. C. Nov. 11. The steamer
Aki Maru of the Nippon Tus'en Kalsha,
arrived - early this morning from the
orient With 81 passengers, most of
John D. Porter of Spokane, Wash.,
of the contracting firm Of Porter Bros.,
having charge of the work on the Ore
gon Trunk line down .the Deschutes
them for Seattle. They included Baron canyon, arrived m Portland today, to
Iwakui-w, brother of Duke Iwakura, remain a few days on business.
minister of the Japanese imperial house-1 "Work In the Deschutes is progressing
hold. He Is to travel through the raDldlv." said Mr. lorter. "and as vet place they"came,
United -States and will then proceed to I we have aat struck obstacles usually I Tn patients, who "were - well undef
encountered In railroad building. About 2ntro1' havo Den tbe asylum . at
Paul Wagner and Boy Jenspn, two pa
tients from the insane asylum at Salem
were taken to Washington this morn
ing in charge of Immigration . Officer
c. B. Green, and R. O. Uoodin, an at
tendant .Jrom the asylum. Tbey are
being taken back there for deporta
tion to Hamburg, Germany, from -which
Europe. ,.
The steamer had 2660 tons of freight,
2roo mn or ,Ainff tent it wrk -mi. I Sata. tor hout a year, but as .they
I matic conditions have been favorable, ?"ir fT0Vfn, t0 have, contracted their
inoluding 618 bales of silk and quanti
ties of tea, matting, rice, bamboo u i!,. .T.MilvrJ... k Tt.. ?. lnflrmlty before coming to this coun.
evening. u, 1 the work r ahuolntelTiintr.nL" under the Immigration laws, y Wagner .,, havik k.
of Clarke county and terminates In one
of the richest agricultural ctlona of
the sute, ChelatchJe prairie. '
Who is promoting the proposed road
Is aa yet a mystery, and considerable
peculation la rifle on that account Thu
land owners along the proposed route
have signified their willingness to do-
hate the .right of- way, and It seems car
tain tbat the road will be built
. Tbe new road WIU open up a section
Of oountry rich in resources and hither
to undeveloped on aoeounc of no rail
road or waterway facilities. Chelatchle
prairie. . the terminus of the proposed
road, contalna In the neighborhood , Of
2oaa acres of land Which la particularly
adapted to fruit and berry oulture. Thla
rertue spot is advertised all over Wash
Ington. and numeroua enterprises have
nea mer oniy tp rau through on
account of ao way to trcnaoort the
products; . a display of app.'es can be
seen in a Vancouver real estate office,
which , waa picked from an old aban
doned orchard , there a few day ago,
Which are without blemish and nf nr
navor. u he . old orchard was planted
some la years agoj and young fira have
grown -up to the height of the apple
trees since it waa abandoned. . , ,
(Speelil Diapstrh to The Jonrnall '
Oregon City. Nov.. 11. The eeennA
banquet of the Conareratlenel Brnthap.
hood was held last night a( tha church
.a vi mm won snenaea. too aupper was
furnished by the ladlea of the Aid' So
ciety. xhere were fully To men preaent
and ahort talks -were given by many of
mose present, among them being F. 8.
McDanlel of Portland,' Rev. Bollinger.
xormeriy pastor or the First Congrega
tional Church in thla oltv: Juda-e Thorn.
as F. Ryan, Professor F. Toose, Oeorg
axeue, superintendent T, J. Gray. B.
T. Avlson, tha president, waa unable
to act as toastmaster, because of a bad
cold, and hla plaoe waa filled , by Vice
rresiaent uert Hoche, whose' humor ad
marablv fitted him for the posttion. .
A committee consisting of tbe follow
ing was appointed to meet and confer
with Congressman Ha wley, November
80, when be comes to Oregon "City,, and
to tell him the needs of this city, O.
U Freytag, U Admas, O. W H. Miller,
M. V. Phillips. Percy Caufield. George
Lazelle, And Colonel O. H. Oye. It was
decided to hold these banquets on tha
first Tuesday, of each month and efforte
will be made to make them the most
enjoyable events of the month.
(Speelal fnspnteb to The JoariwL)
Oregon City, Nov, 11. The Women's
club of this city held a very enthuslas
tio meeting yesterday afternoon at the
Commercial club rooms. . Mr. Alice
Weister, of the art department of the
Women's club of Portland, gave ant In
teresting talk on physiology. Tea and
cake was served.
The members were very enthuslastio
over the outlook for the rest room, aoon
to -bo. maintained by the club and for
the use of any person who wants to
rest for a while. The' president. Mrs.'
J. , W. Norrla,. has spent quite a while
The bandit was followed bv a vonth to
the river bank, where Jie was pointed out
to the police.
Seeing escape 'wag Impossible the man
took poison, and Is now dying.
The bandit came here from Louisville
today in an automobile. ! v
. The youtb came here In a taxlcab
driven by Chauffeur Walter Tucker, '
negro, who waa shot In the hand during
the fusillade. The negro drove the ma
chine to the rear of the bank, where the
bandit forced Tucker to. aocompany. him 1
He did not wait for the bankers to "
comply with his command to throw up
tneir hands, but fired 19 shots and ran
through a rear door to the river, where
he Jumped into a small flatboat and .
crossed tha river. 'He waa captured aa
he stepped on tha Xentuoky ahora.
Before landing, however, tbe young
man took poison. 'Four revolvers were
found In hla possession with the chant '
bars empty. , ' t't .
- ' " " ' '
tavllla, one of Oregon's .pioneer resU.. I
B, Johnson, 21 East . Sixty-seventh
treet north. Mra, Alderman was 61
years of age and had Been a resident of
Portland for the past V 41 years. Bhe
waa born in Muscatine,. Iowa, coming
here in 1888. . Two brothers. Oliver
Terry of Seattle, and Louis Terry, of
Camas, .Wash., survive her. She will
be burled at Bralnard cemetery, east
of Montavilla, tomorrow. j ' '- -
Plana for the entertainment of 500 or
more delegates and visitors to the an
nual convention of the) Oregon. State
Dairy association, to be hold In Portland .
December and 10. were arrana-ed at a
meeting -of - local dairymen yesterday - ,
afternoon at the Commercial club. Many
entertainment features r blahnned. It
is probable that the session of the dairy- ' ,
Imen will be held in conjunction with
the meetings of the Oregon- State Horti
cultural association December. 6 to 9. r
Eyos Cured
$ ;(-,
' V. 4(1 -O-Z
"- Hotel ArriTsl8.
8imic1r1 Dlnoatch to The Journal. '
. . Vancouver, Wash, Nov. 11. The fol-
lowing are registered at the Hotel Co
lumbia: W. S. Dale, Vancouver; J. H.
h heon In th. " usnwq, oui;
vvuaj kilt ICBiB I hA .Hnttn mV r. 1 mmJt
and Jensen has been here a year, , go- The club will i hold a market t
harrtvld :Um S B00n a Saturday. and John Adama has given
the use, of the large central -window-of
Queeuie Feiue Indicted, r The next meeting wil be in December
Indicting Queenle Fense. alias Mrs. I at which Mrs. Ines F. By an will address
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 11. Mrs.
Augusta Barts, alleged to have swindled
hotelkeepers at San Francisco, Oakland.
Berkeley, Pasadena, Lob Angeles and
oiher amrt cities, occupies a cell in the
city "Sail today pending the passing of
sentence for the theft of artists' mater
ials from the home of Mrs. J.'C. Rock-
hold of this city. Mrs. Barts was found
guilty late yesterday afternoon in Judge
Williams' court.
While Mrs. Barts waa beina- tried.
her daughter. Miss Nina. Barts, known
to the local police as "the girl with the
cork 1pi" occupied, a seat Inside "the
rail. The daughter was released on
condition tbat she leave the city immediately.
Police Station News.
(Special Dlnnttc!! to The Journal.)
Brown and Albert Ried, IS yeara of age
Martin. SDOkane: A. J. Morgan. Seattle: I respectively and claiming to have come
J. W. Dunn Portland; ThomaoCloone, lln on a feightfrom Tacoma were ar- Finch, for violation of the postal laws, the club on -Mexico." ' j
Mlnot, N. IX; - J. G. Wilson, Tacoma; Treated last night by Officers Gasaway the federal grand iurv veatarrtav- ,.m
William Cummin?, Tacoma; William J. and Dawson on suspicion of being mem-I the woman for trial in United States f "P A TtV "RflCTQ TAVP
Buford. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hobsrerg. Snow-thereof a holdup gang. In their posses-1 , . ,, tr I lift JtHi XiUoHiO vVIUJCi
den, Wash.: C. H. Bogart, Etna .Wash.; Is ion was found two large heavily load- with violating the postal laws in -that
f5 wyvers ana, ammunition auincteBt ,n la Mcewi of .fleecing en aged see
to hold up the town. Their wares. In- Uon h. nt .,,.
.l.ln .Inthu TA nthoa limb- nra .. . r . u-
m , " j, " " Vh .i J i,n v.i.l vert"'ment wherein she called ' for a
uiouiajw was aw i-huiu , V"av ina-Tnat f hnaiat aa ! ....
H. G. Samuels and wife, city; D, F.
Dean, H. F. Wilson, Spokane, Wash. .
Allen-Denton Case Non-Suited
(Special Cilspatch to Tbe Jonraal.)
(Special Dinpateti to The Journal.) ';
Oregon City, .Nov. Al.rMrs. K. L.
her. Also, sha ; Is innnnuui I Kewton. who resides at 111 - John O.
Oraarnn . ntv. Nnr. 11 Tha nnurt I arise in' one s mind, could two men I ,,,,,h .....j ... V. i .!. r..r (,. nn-r...w .
f T - - - - - i , . . i at u a viiva ajtlJV4 VliO UUItUUCIICw' ' OY Lnn I a 4C U i u ( E,wa wast via --. mbbwi api
granted a non-suit in the case of Luan- a"' B thTrl,,'th" ?KIgfh! man Promise of marriage, and thus shipment Of rare roses from Germany,
na Denton vs. Alfred Allen tried before Pree" ,ala,ls!m f!'. tban thf? mada the securing of his money an easv They were sent from the Old Rose
garaens,, av sua tiiuouia, vuica are
conducted by Sehulthaia Bros., wqrld
wide known rose growers. One of the
the circuit court yesterday. UI carrm cmreu wt"J""- i I matter.
The court will try the suit of O.I """ oonj, iu w y u 4
w. jsaitnam vs. james 1 racy toaay. 1 - " j-"-. 1 r ,T ., , .
to tht. tn r. "th. ni.inMfr . i ..t... rested yesterday on West .. Eleventh I Latouretfo Entertain-
firm of this city, is suing Tracy for j atreet while in the act of trying to col-j Oregon City, Nov. II. The Wednos
I133S commission due them for sell-1 ,ec- waier renva unuer laiaa preienaea. 1 oiuo was enter-
There is no food
- equal to. " ,
Ojiaker Oats
for. brain
F. G. G. Smith, a member of tha
faculty of the University of Oregon, at
Eugene, Or., Is at the Cornelius hotel.
Judge F. T. McBrlde, an attorney of
cune. Mont, is at tne eewara hotel
with his wife. '
George F. Anderson, connected with
the fiwlft Packing company., Omaha.
Neb., and wife are at the .Seward hotel.
James Keedham. a lumberman of Cen
tra Ha. Wash., is at tbe Seward hotel.
N. A. Butler, an attorney of Seattle,
Wash Hr-a-guost at the Bevrd hotel.
C A. Logus. proprietor of tbe Hotel
Albert. The Dalle. Or.,
the Cornelius hotel.
T- IX Page, a Seattle attorney. Is
taring at the Portland hotel.
D. D. Bronson. formerly local super
visor In Portland for the government
forestry service, and an rannart with
Jthe "a me department In Washington.
4 D. C, is at tbe PorUand botaL He will
Irrmain hr for about a worth. -
I " E- Barker, a contractor of
jSalom. Or.4 at the Comeliua hotet
f R. P. Lytle. a lunrberman at TTr4,,.t.. 1
Wash, Is registered at the Cornvltna
botet - 1
ing some property for the defendant
Mrs. Stntz' Will Filed.
(Rnadal Dlsnatch to Tha Journal.)
Vancouver, Wash.,. Nov. 11. The will
of the late Paulina Stuts was filed
for probate yesterday. The estate con-1
sista principally of Clarke county real
estate which she bequeathed to her son.
Carl Stutx, and several grandchildren.
Mrs. M. Rtuts was named as executrix
of the will.
John was arrested a short time ago forjtftined yesterday afternoon by Mra C.
stealing chickens. xiourete at her Lome, J17 Fifth
Clarence League, member of Battery street sne was assisted in the enter.
B. Vancouver barracks, was arrested I talning by Mra . R O. Scott of Portland.
last night for Interfering with an offi- I During the afternoon the popular game
bushes Is a new variety recently grown
by these rose culturlsta. and to which
no- -name" haa been given as yet" Ttfe
roses were aent by Mra Newton a son
Dr. Edward A. New(ton, of Philadelphia.
I fa,. .. . ,,-,, .. V
eer while In discharge of his dutlea. ,
Newg In Brief.
' (Spacial tHapatek to Tba Jaenal.t
Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 11. Evangel-
waa Indulged In. The rooms were dec
orated for tha occasion and light re-
I iresnments were served. Mrs. Linn H.
looses won tbe first nrize and Mra. xi
u. Latourete tha second.
Brief News Items. ' -
8peeii.t Dlapatch to The Journal. 1
Oregon City, Nov. 1. -Mrs. J. H.
Wlacner : haa returned to ber homo In
Chicago after a atx months' visit with
-. . a , . ., -- 1 iriarir. aira. Max Kllarb rm .
vrgm a aeuea ui mceuofa ai law k.ona
tlan church in this city
L. I Comoanr O. Third regiment O. N. O..
Adama Mra Eb. It 'Chsoman. Mra far makin oreoa rations to aive a an-and
unovrniw n. u. iatoureua. un. iveisnn 1 m ur hall nn Near Tur nlirhl
a .uuuo in u.d uu.iov. "".i". !. iiciuni, nn, jari. iivon umDnrey. . Afiaa r"i
causea aamage approximating more i a. r ieiscnman, auditor or Skamania I Barclay Pratt, Mrs. L. E. Jones, . Mrs.
than $260,000,000, more than twice the I county, waa In the city yeeterday on I L. L. Plokens, Mra Hush 8. Mtmnl
average ainnuat ioti iruio inai cau lousiness at tne courmouae. laiins Aisry MOimea, Airs; .A. 1-k Beatie
Will Play Sonth Portland.
" ' '" (Roeclal IMapatcfc to Tb JlnrDal.l
r -1 . w . T .1 . n-i . .
v . . . . . . -- ' J ,.-.,.ww.... ... . . m . , wts. tt, ... 1-ieiUM, I . .V. A y4 . I.. 1 1 . .
... tw. I .11.. v.ili. o...l i iiul ..cbm v-.ij iwvtuxi .nam
r-itl.J t fJ. T. v.n -k..ii.- ' have -signed up for a game next .Sun
raiKeuucinniueasiire . pw-tun. u.
One Slarrlage License.
be played at Canemah park. The Or-
PrAtron Wnlniga?: Plf lei t P Nov- " A warrlage gon City high achool will play a game
rrOVCn 11 U lOre S liCSI I " I !??" .J Qrg-1 h Gresham hfgh at Gresham next
Fat Is food turned Into the wrong kind j
of material for the body. Instead of the!
blood taking up the food we eat and giv
ing It to the body In the form of good.
At Hagrr's Theatre.
fflfartal trmtr ta Tba iraal.t..
VsBcnurer, Wash, Nov. H. An rx-
Pratt and Miss 8. . Bluings.
'Saturday afternoon.
Lcl I r . . .1m11.i, Kill fa Kfn nrmmntA mt tlmm'm
is stavlnar at nard. sound nean, nerve ana txinf, I . . " . - . '
" ml . . . .. I theatre for tonlarht and tomorrow ala-hl
is tnrown into tne iimupi and la paries - . - . . 7 .. " ...
around th organs and beneath the'skln.f 1 D .Z.TT f rn,cn
This at last tears down all the lul ln ?rtB frlf .ln
rnn.M r tha ai.4 .atmia am I Boer war. "Lnder Sealed Orders.- a
only manly health and comeliness, but Production, give the uninitiated
Ukewlse resulta In death. Th ear way fn method and workings of
mnA tha tat nr ia ta t.k. a Marmnla ,b loited Ute0 secret Service. A
tablet after each mL To may then RJ"!!,Ir .5 th AndVZ U ' Kr- ,tor
muscle building.
Hat it every day.
Ml what you WIU. and when yon will
and the stomach and dlgeatlr organs
will turn the meal Into th very kind of
nourishment you moat need. Fat Is
stopped at once-an th fat re bar
l removed la a way that natur berseit
Lr. H.rrr LmiefiehL -f Ks. ""- " mm 1 tB.
Or ia at tt- -.n... u-.V, nvmm yrr our, man ar nn rnnnr
a 2L It? 0!" bot roils ofWn and U-p wrtnklr .left to
KOenMtt. prominent New York 'remind you f the da ha you wer
Ranuractur.r. la her visiting his west- i Tm I. Evrr nn;rii th. tahWa
rn rrraf)tative. Sana Nmtre. llli r trade after th ftmmii Mir-
J. P. O Erten. rtierl iranaa-r of tha . P"u Prwrlptlon. Tb.y ar baj-mia.
I O. R. N' ft tnr mm. u.i.i..r01 tnoyaanaa proy that tfcey do rMx-
f ritls t4ay and tunerrow. j do rr-ff-r wl ? -ts, tt j.rWa f t
", to i re Pamela r.mtir, ln.
'. r-trolt. Wkh and thjr w-r 4
arr to jru tr rf!ur tail ia 4 .J
ad samarM-d packace, i
f f Mtraca raTrtlng
i K- i-T at rai.k tcw.ptcf, fifth fieor.
of South America. Th Bogus Heir"
and "Th Vlllalae PtUI Pursued lilm"
sr two roarisg eotna-ly films. -My
Wife lias Gon to tb Country.
cat-hy comic song by of Us Harnaoa. was
well received.,
.ii. t.
Win Entertain ITswley.
fMaarlat Dtrrafck TV. inraaLl
Oregon City. .v. 1L A apecu. meet
lag of tb board nf am.i jt f tb
Wi"er-1al dub will be held thl after
aooa for th purpe of arraacicg for
s. r. trta!rnri! t for Cor.grsmaa
Hawr, who W1T1 b to Ornn Ctty
aturday, Nvtr S. Is ail proba
bility the cldb wi'l arir a dip.r at the
ra tmr, to W-!fh T1 of l- r
me ef U.-g'n C"i:y mil t-tirj!!.
t ,
Ingredients of Aycr's Hair VIor
Sulphur. Destroys germs that am dandruff and feUinj
nan-, curt runes ana eruption of scalp.
Glycerin. Soothing, healing. Food to the hair-bulbs.
Quinin. A strong tonic, antiseptic, stimulant. V
Sodium Chiorid. Ocanilna, tjuiets irritatioa ot scalp.
Capsicum. Increases activity of elands.
Sage Stimulant, tonic Doroestk remedy ot high merit.
Alcohol Stimulant, antiseptic. Water. - . Perfume
$5 ssBaaBaBaaBaBanBaaaaBanaaaaannaaanasa
Show this to your doctor. Ask him if there
is a single injurious ingredient Ask him if
he thinks Ayeis Hair Vigor, as made from
this formula, is not the best preparation
you could possibly use for falling hair, or
for dmdrufi Then do as he says.
Ooes not.Cofor the Dilalr
IVifhout thoKnifo
Orataful Patrona Tall of ' Aunoat ' Hiraouioua
Curaa of Oataraeta, flranulatod tida, - Wild
Halra, Vloera, Weak, Watery Eyea : and
i All Eye Diaeaaea Bead Yanr Kama
aaa Addrnaa With -Two Cant .
t Stamp for rre . Trial Bottle..
Tha rurea belnf made by thla marie lottos
sverr day are- truly remarkable. -. I hate re
peatedly restored, to . light person, nearly blind
for yeara. .
almoat utataotly with tbe oas of thla magic
remedy. Weak, watery. ya ar cleared la
noKio DlgDt ana quickly roatored to perfect
health. It haa repeatedly cured whera all
other remadiea and all doctors bad failed. It
la liuioed a ronute remedy and I am glad t ,
five this free trial to any auf ferer from aor
eyi- or any - eye trouble.
Many bar thrown awaylhMr irlasaea aftet
oalns It a week. Preachera, teacbera, doctors,
awyera, eofineera, atuclenta. drewmakara and
all who nae tbeir ey under aUain find with
mi ngic ixiucm a aa re, aura and quk-k re
lief. If yoo ha aore eyea or any eya trouble,
write ma today, I am in earnest In making
my offer of a free trial bottle of this lotion.
I am glad to fnrnlah proof In many well pron o -and
authentic caaea where It baa cured cata
ract after the doctors aald tbat only a danger,
ous and expensive operation would mare tbe aigbt.s
If you bare eya trouble of any kind yon will
make a aerloua mistake if yoa do not aend for my
rei 01 iui magic y ltlon. ad.
arraa wiiu mil ueacnpiioo or four troubla atvl
a 2-cent stamp. H. T. Schleael Co.. SS Til
Home Bank bids.. Peoria. 111., and rat will
receire bv return mall, r-rcuald. a trial hntti.
ef thla mag le remedy that baa restorea many
almost blind to sight. .
La Grippe r
'I had suffered several week's
with LaGrippe. Had pains in
my head and eyes. ly felt as
though there was a heavy weight
on the top of my head, until: it
seemed that my brain .would
burst." I was so nervous that
I could not rest or sleep. When
I dozed off I would awake.with
a sudden jerking of my whole
body. Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart
Remedy and Nerve and Liver
Pills cured tne. , A number of
friends have since realized the
same benefits."
Seabrook, N.' It.
The after effects of LaGrippe
are oiten more-6eriotis than the
disease, as it leaves the system
in a. weakened condition that
invites more serious troubles,
such as pneumonia, etc v -
Dr. Mile.
Restorative Nervine
should be taken for sofie time
to thoroughly restore' cen-
strength. . . -
Dr. lie' Naeyln 1 aeM few afl an.
Set. It the first battle 0oa net banrrt.
your ATugaiat will return yur fnny.
0IIL.E.S ME3ICAL CO, ftVkbtrt, Ira-