The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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rayne-AWrich Tariff Bill
J)oes"JIuch Harm So Far
as Trade With Canada Is
Concerned . U; S. May
" Loso TradevWith France,
Dr Fredrio J. HasHJn.''
Waahlnrton, Nov. 11.- The Canadian feature so far aa American tariff are
parliament which meeta .jit. Ottawa to-1 concerned, it la the maximum and mini
rreat weatern country to aettlrment. and ! 7) Yi'PII W Kl ' 1 f K V VV V If I
H hum tyupted many thouaaad of food'-1 iVl 1 ' "J'' 1 ,m
AinrtrHim lo move over the Hue, Thte
In the flrat cnnaldnrable Arnerlran emi
gration and that It la a good tblna- for
Canada la Indicated by the fact that
tne $0,000 Americana who croaaed over
the boundary last year carried with
them 160,000.000, an average of 11000
each. Md even the United (Matea have
that kind of Immigration . to maka It
grow? . ; ... '
And now Ctujiida. it aeema, la about to
Pily eome practical national wladom
to Ita tariff problem, a problem-to (ha
aolution of which much wisdom 1 de
voted In every country although that
wladom la not alwaya national Lit aebpe.
The result will be that the - United'
fitatea will .have to alt up and take
notice; ' If may not be 'charged ' that
Canada la taking any unfair advan-'
taea, for aa a matter of fact,' the Cana-
dlana ' for year have ' been willing to
enter into treaties which practically
would reduce, the cuatoni houaea along
tne International ' border to tha lnnocu- 1
oua deauetuda of tha two obaolete war
veaaela which patrol tha Client Lak'e
and tha St. Lawrence. Perhapa the
ffreatee littereata nt tha. ImiHran. mart'
auch treatlea Inexpedient. At any rate.
they do not exlat. - .. . . . , .
, Frealdent Could Interfere.
Now comes the queatlon of a tariff
war. The Payne-Aldrich : tariff bill.
pained in at itirnraer, Inaugurated a new
ItWillNowBcOfficial Puel
to Death of Ballinger
' (Waablngtoa II urn a of Til Jauraal.) ' i
Waahlngton. Nov. The Uluvla ar
ticle In Collier' did tha bualnaaa and
stirred the long; expected warfare to the
official death between Ballinger and
Pint-hot - On every hand the conceaalon
made that the president muat now
choose between these two officers, and
that, the decision can not be long de
layed. Moat of the cabinet members aide .
with Ballinger and seek to start a back
fire, by Inspiring the publication of
statement that In eaaence tend to con
vey their belief that the whole eoneer
vatlon movement haa been urged to
cause political conditions which will
bring Itooaevelt to the White House
asraln. Ha HI near la flchtlne- mad., and
Dr. Nathan Schaef for, state u- declare he will throw blroaelf into the
Bay. will oonslder at Its cresent session I mum tariff provision, and there la some I Derlntendent of Dubllc Instruction Of I combat without reserve. . .
matters of great .Importance affecting I evidence that the powers that be In I PennsVlvanfa haa rlven'hli tinmiali-l The Olavla article Is t Be followed by
' the trade relatione between Canada and I Waahlngton are all at sea concerning Its ' . V I many others, bringing forth, much mat
th United States. A . tariff . war be- powers for good or evil. By the pro- J.1"" "vp,vui l" -" ""'w wl r". ter from the Qlavls aide bearing upon
tween the two countries Is Imminent visions of that clause, all customs du-! "fining s cent inncneg xor tne cnu-the controversy.
and it Is probable that the business: men I ties wUl be Increased automatically 85 dren Of the public BChoolS In Penn-I
p :s
-v y it
:. II
I: I
. . , .'i
IO -i
ITALY'S 1(1116
Popular Monarch Receives
Conffratulations and. All
Italy Celebrates.
- Rome, Nov. 11 A general holiday
was kept throughout Italy today In
celebration of the fortieth blrjhday of
King -Victor Emmanuel. In Home the
anniversary was observed by a general
suspension of business, the decoration
of public and private buildings and the
holding of numerous fetes. Deputations
bearing congratulations from patriotic
and other societies throughout the klng-
U years pf active work In the ministry
he biwame rector of Bt, Mary's school
at lUletgh. continuing there until Itos.
when he became bishop of Mississippi,
lie. was consecrated by Bishops Weed.
Dudley, Nelson, Beckwlth. Gal lor and
Johnston, Mince hla consecration Bishop
S 1 ., . ,i i .. i ii
Brattnn has rrsldrd In the rlty i.f J. k
son, whore he has takni an entire t
terest tit educations! and puMtti rfli
In addition to Ma wmk aa a churchman,
lie Is the author of several books d-l
Ing with religious and eduattuiial ir)b
Of ' the United 8tates ; will manifest I P' cent, on March ,11 next, unless the avivunia h if ta ,.nirfnn thaf I TT,VDT?Trra OUIDmT TAT)
Canadian parliament than they have In matlon shall - otherwise decree. The tblachemfl will goon b put In op- -pj A TTx'TMr 0T COASV
kn e If. Vv.. rt 4. v. nrealrlsn. tilM th 1w la ntul Or&tlon . In Philadelnhla. Plttabnrg 1 X i. XX J M. VAilOl
t a ay suvvvesui saw tai Mwm I " v i w w . m
thing for. Americans to complain of"au the proclamation of exemption I and other large cities Of thjs Btate.
BrltLsh . "Ineularltv Tint le ih . .lirn. I from the maximum duties In favov of I - , - l.
rln hil fill . IS & I. ... I al 1 nnitntrlAfl whlrh An rr,t In thai, norn I - " 1 1
Amerlcane must themselvea repent theirJ tariffs; unduly discriminate against h I TATvTlirA S 1 1 KBTFF TO
w n H iwtiHiiia rvlg BUllHifvllbVi X Uv V V 1 a v TT wa a UMUUf J
tnlnion of Canada Is a great . self-gov I depends all the law and the prophets.
krnlng nation which forma an Import-1 '.Canada has A triple tariff, consisting
ant part of the British eroolre the I of the general, the Intermediate and
mightiest political power on earth Can- I the British preferential tariff, The
ada and the United States dob sees more I preferential tariff discriminates In fa
in ooo miles of common boundary I vf or tne mother country, just, as tnei
lines, and It muat be said to the ever-I Philippines tariff discriminates In fa-1
lasting, credit of England and America vor of the United States. It Is hardly I
that It is the second longest boundary I to bo expected that any president (
line on earth guiltless of frowning for-1 would consider such discrimination to 1
tress or menacing; man of war. The I ba "undue." The general tariff Is in
two nations years ago agreed to limit I effect against all nations outside the I
their naval eoulnment In the Oreat I British -empire, with the exception ofe
Lakes to one ship each and not to build I Germany.- Canada charges a surtax of
and garrison forts along the land bosn- 33 1-3' per cent above Its general tariff J the ' fact that'the law la looked
Danes. I on uerman proauots, tnia surtax Deing
' War of Custom Houses. . I Imposed In retaliation for Oermair.ntl-
The two' countries are too close akin Canadian discrimination.. It is within
to build forts to menace each other. Canada's power to Impose such a sur-
There are no soldiers and sailors to lHX on-any or au American imports,
strut In defiance on the two sides of the I Sas Flexible Tariff.
tlne but there are men In uniform who Canada has a flexible and elastio
kit at the" seat of customs. And now tariff system. The Intermediate tariff
It appears that there Is likelihood of a.l provides for . certain reciprocal tariff
War of trade and taxes between these reductions on a liberal scale. The Amor-
two peaceful nations In which the cub- lean tariff is absolutely inflexible and
(Bpeelal Dispatch to Tht Journal ) .
Marshfield, Or.. Nov. ll.That plat
inum-. exists In Coos county seems to
be the opinion ,of experts and that the
development of, the mineral Is being
looked into by men of money there Is no
STrni7TVa TAT l?TTTTTT?K doubt- Dr. a T. Day. who has charge
UMWumu ii 4i u x f the mineral dtvlslnn nf th a-enloa-
Ical survey In Washington, D. C, has
been making investigations. He was
sent out for the purpose of Investigating
the possibilities of platinum mining de
velopments along the coast He is quot
ed as saying that he has found some
platinum In the ore examined so far
and has stated that he will give in
structions to miners as to how to save
the platinum which he believes Is now
lost In large .quantities in the process
of mining for gold. A. L. MacdonaH
of Schenectady, N. Y., where mining
machinery is manufactured. Is accom
panylng Dr. Day. They have gone down
the coast to make further investl-
Uons. The results of the-work will
e of vast Importance to the mining in
terests of Coos and Curry oountles.
(Special niapatcli 'to The JonrnaL) .
North Yhklma, Wash., Nov. ill.
Sheriff Joe Lancaster, who was
one of the most aggressive
sheriffs In the state last sum
mer in the prosecution of cigar
ette smokers, today, announced
that he will make no more ar
rests under' the? law for this of
fense. . He ' gives as the reason
e upon With ' so much disfavor
4 throughout the state. Several
4 of the lower courts have held
that the law la unconstitutional.
4 The sheriff has made no arrests
In several weeks, and cigarette
4 smoking has become quite gen-
4 era! here again, although it was
e not known until today that the
e sheriff would not prosecute:
dora, wefe received at the Qulrlnal and
hundreds Of fellcltoija nieaaagra poured
lu from all parts of the world
ll is now spproaohlng 10 years since
victor junmanuei was railed to the
tnrone to aucteed hla father, the aa
sasslnated King Humbert. At that time
he was among the youngest of the mon
arch sof Europe and grave doubta were
expressed . In many quarters aa to the
ability of the young rulor to cope with
tne problema that, confronted him. In
10 years' time he has more than ful
filled the hopes of his most ardent ad
mlrers. It Is not saying too much. In
fact, to state that during the past few
years the king has develoDed Into a
powerful factor In European pollttce. of
men he naa a comprohenaive a-rasn
ana an intimate and detailed knowledge.
Glazier Apal Hearing.
Lansing, Mich.. Nov. 11. The anneal
in the caae of Frank P. Glazier, former
state treasurer of Michigan, who was
convicted of statutory embezzlement.
came up for hearing today In the su
preme court
Bishop Bratton'g Birthday.
Right Rev. Theodore Du Boso Bratton.
Protestant Episcopal bishop of Missis
sippi, was born at Wlnnsboro. S. C, No
vember 11, 1862. and was educated at
the University of the South. He was
ordained a priest of the Episcopal
church in 1888 by Bishop Capers. After
New York Short Line
The difference in distance in favor of the
Pennsylvania Short Line enables it to accom
plish the through run of 907 miles from Chi
cago to New York with The Pioneer Eighteen
Hour "Pennsylvania Special" without diffi
culty and with comfort and satisfaction to its
scores of daily patrons.
On this popular business man's train, both
going and returning between Chicago and Nevy
York, while running at sixty miles an hour
over the straightest and smoothest stone-ballasted
dustless railroad track in America, Din- ;
ner and. Breakfast are served. Incomparable
Evening and Morning travel delights.
The promptness and regularity with which
the "Pennsylvania Special" is run, justifies the
practical assertion that it is "Always on Time."
It leaves Chicago every day at 2 :45 p. m.
For Particulars Address
F. N. KOLLOCK, District Agent
122 A, Third Street, Portland, Oregon.
torn' houses will play large part. Un- non-elastic. ' The president must impose
fortunately, from the nnlnt nf vlv ,.f I either th mnilmnm ilutv of 2fi ner cent
those who live south of the line, tariff above the regular duties, or he' must ACTOR DIXEY SUES
nnswf ni o v i Bin C V a cno V au will. CVPII I iial Liia i ciiuiai duijcuuid iir 3 kouu. . - ,
Avhen a nation outnumbers its opponent There Is no opportunity to give and AJuLJiljrJiilJ bLA JJXilt JKllb
In population and wealth many times take, playing 'one schedule against the
over. At mis particular stage of tne I otner, sucn as otner nations nave. (Onlted Press Leased Wire.)
game uauaoa appears to have the whip- Tne uanaoian pariiameni at its pres-i MlnneaDOlis. Minn.. Nov. 11. A
hand.- . . ent session most probably Will ratify a ten ODD la fl11 tnAav nirulnat tmnil soma tlmn at thH national nnnltal
Perhaps the chief trouble south of tariff treaty with Francei which will Savaae. croducer of "Marv Jano's and it is believed that hie influence will
the boundary line, and practically all of place, the Canadian Intermediate tariff TnH of much benefit to the bay In the
me, irouoie is souin or tne line, is tnat in erreci. inis trtsaiy, wnrco aireauy - . ' " securing of harbor Improvements
the Americans know too little about has been ratified by France, gives manager of the company, by Henry E. w v
tneirt norinern neignDors.i Tne Amerb- canaaa many, aavantages n jrancs miey, wuovwki; ui dbvuso ana i -p. ll, O . TIT 11
Can newspapers, except those published which the United States cannot obtain. iWilstach have been circulating false JLf&yilftUL oGrVlOi 10 tVailn
Smith to Boost for Coos Bay.
. (Snrclal DlnDntcb to Tbe Joareal.k
Marshfield, Or., Nov. 11. O. A. Smith,
the millionaire Minneapolis lumberman
and head of the big Smith mill Interests
on Coos bay, has -been elected by the
chamber of commerce to be a delegate
to the Rivers and Harbors congress, and
to represent Coos Bay when the United
States congress convenes at Washington.
suit it is understood that Mr.Smlth will
Our special day sales are full of items for personal and household useful
ness, with quality always of the best. Phone orders griven careful attention,, free"
In -the northern tier of states, have less I Reciprocally, Canada gives France re.
hews from Canada than from Bulearla. ductions which the United States may
tt has been the custom to Ignore Cana- 1 not-hope, for. This,, on Its face cons tf-
reporta to the effect that the failure of I
the company here was due to poor act-
Daylight service Portland to Walla
Bn onrl ft. ntratfnr. .n. it h.a h., 1(arlmlnntton niralnst tha United!1" on lne Parl 01 Uixey. in M rom- Walla Via Spokane. Portland & Seattle
". ,... v, , Di.i.. i... k.ik vannttA t,-iii plaint he charged that Savaae and Wil-1 RhIIwiit 'Th Nm-tti nnnv una a " tn
the border only with the glint of an rMr. Taft consider it "undue" discrlmlna- Bl- muravunus to promote fa sco ana isortnern facino Railway.
30 Days FREE
langlo-Saxon land greed In the eye. In tionT And if Canada's action is con
the. meantime Canada has been fora-ln sldered "undue," will reprisals be dl
fchead, utterly indifferent to the Indlf-1 rected Only against France and Can-
ference of the Yankees. (ada, or 1 against England as well?
Canada Forging1 Ahead. j Only tbe United States Can Compromise
Canada has built great transconti-I These are some of' the questions
Dental railroads and is so regulating which the president must decide, before
them that A merlcan roads find it In-March 31. The tariff board, recently
crea'slngly difficult to compete with I appointed by Mr. Taft, is now at work
them. Canada'uas encouraged shipping Preparing data upon which the president
and now plans the construction of I will base his decisions'. If he should
ship canal which will lake the great I decide that Canada, by Its treaty 'with
outflow of commerce from the Great I France, Is unduly discriminating
Lakes through British channels to Eu-1 against the United States, then the
rope, rather than . tnrough American I maximum tarirr win be put on goods
ports. Canada has thrown open Its I coming In, tha states from the dominion.
w Hereupon uanaaa may, it us ruiers
K a cm mlnill rAtallafn hv th ilea Af
Wr I PPQl Yi increase tariff . duties, export -duties,
W 1 1 WUE JL M U I surtaxes and all manner of custom
hoiisa wpaimns. none of which the Unit
ed Htatea nappens to possess, as Can
ada Is the largest foreign market for
United States manufacture products
the question is of some importance. It
Is big with possibilities, hut it is too
eariy to say wnai are me proDaomties.
It may. be a merry war, it may be a
peaceful compromise. Jf it Is the lat
ter it will be bv virtue of Mr. Taf t'a
decision that the treaty with France is
not "unduly" discriminatory. In other
words, the compromise will have to. be
made south of the boundary line. In
the meantime the ' France-Canadian
treaty will be Gratified ' and its tarirf
Schedules will be in effect. By reason
of that fact Canadian exports to France
wlll'have a great advantage over Amer
ican exports. Leaving the details to the
tariff .experts; It Is illuminating to ex
arlne one schedule for example. Agri
cultural implements from Canada-will
go into French " custom houses at a
reduction of 'to per cent under the duty
charged, on American Implements. This
will make a 'difference of 13.86 on. a
mower, 4. S J on a reaper, 18.20 on a
binder,, and so -on.' At this "time the
United States sends five times as much
agricultural ' machinery to France as
does 'Canada. Whea the new French
treaty goes Into effect Amerlcsn imple
ments cannot compete with those .from
Canada In the Frc-jich market. The
result 'will hot. affect a great Amertean
Industrial corporation so very much,'
tor tne international- Harvester . com
pany will increase Its Ontario plants
and- move a large section of Its -business
across the border. But It will af
fect the Industry of the country ' In
many other particulars. Vhether or
not the discrimination . Is "undue'' Is
tne idea mat ne was responsible for the I Leave Portland 9 a. m.. arrive Walla
failure among tneatrical people. , w Walla 8:00 p. m. Passenger station..
In addition to his -suit for alleged Eleventh and Hoyt streets.
slander, Dlxey has filed another suit . . -
againnt oavago. ana vYusiacn ror at- Last week of Miracle Painting.
icac-u vum.iuu un cunifuci. 'Meier & rranK Companj', fifth floor.
A Fountain Pen fin
Reg. $2.50 Guaranteed,.for
These pens are made especially for us
and have our name stamped on them.
We have been here for nearly 50 years,
and when we guarantee an article you
must know that you will get positive
satisfaction. Take a pen on trial.
WT )1ii art'Tll tima mm Mm iii
Blood polxm ean oew be cured with merrerj!
sr potaxh. Vou tnltht well knnw ttite -f Irat at
lt. ; Hfdln aatharltlos ax, . The moat thes
ingn can do la- to trln tbe hlnod phtou hack
Into tbe iTikm and amotber it for mtttk! Teem.
Then when you thluk you are eurrd. pitiful mei
eurjr aymptoma, will brrak out end jou find that
rer bonm bae been rotting all tbe while. Your
teeth will begin to Inoten and your ttaauoa,
glands, bra la and vita) orana l)l abow .the
mxi.ra aimrun powfr or urn mercury and
iviara. uwmoror anm, l'araljalg. Imlevll
Mr and Preraatnro rjath ara than .im.
luble. Any medlnl autborlty will corroborate
thrte (tatemenia. .The remarkable vaeUbl
vint miuwHt laa BOX UTlTe in tne
Blood Poison
bat drlTea It eat It Dnaltlelr nntaln ni.
era nolaona whatever. o that onr nirad h, th
r'uu,c jnwuami wttt run ine,. lerrinie.riftk
it uanna row oonfa pmim, joiir tierTea rol
lap, oor teeth Tall out. itmr kidtmr drarn.
rate or yonr brain WMken. The lUi Trat-
mrnr u a mrrr(, proaerirwr remarkaMa rbaoaea
la .tnly an day. This l vh wp off tn auy
c n - hi potmm Tiruai Jirififf, no natTer new Im d a
eeae, a i '
30-Day Treatment FREE
Toe want-te be evred aad enred ol.k ot
pownnea wna merrerr ana oin tnr frn. A
w ear treatisent la yearn r the aaklng. Tae
will r-ea "r rtn at what ft Will do ft jtm la
a month. We treat vna free for a mouth. Ju.t
write te and art the treatment free. T1in If
yoe are aattnd n h tU aaoat rniarkahl
tivatment roe erar took, rrm ran ronilnea If
Tn wtah. N-rr ta yoer life will yon rrer
araia ewa aa woortimity roe a eettntete
cr, aa u girea yum by tbn
Great Obbac Treatment
" Thr Is a equare oVL Toe lxa Butklnff.
netM. eiake as a prmalaea, emcrvt te take tbe
Tbe wonorfal Weaaarasu Taat. tte entr
Dime peiaoe lfaat annva t erwttata. rt7
tbit tha hr-ty la cnwir-Mely pertri4 br tbe
U!bee TTWeUnaet, a4 t!t SDen-nry m4
aak d ant rvra blnd aiw, 8i( 6ma 4
write ke as. ri'lne a full hJatnry ct faer tea
Is !!- we will trrat tf ea
aatred ooaTIVw. rneeltatwi a4 rc
t". W will .-r4 iim tbe netitiUl
berk. "ItrlTleg Oat rU4 P txr.
for the president ' to decide.
- The . maalraum and minimum clause
of 'the Payne-AldrJch tlll la supported
by eome'able arguments and even Ha
enemies admit1 that It has much merit.
It is also fraught with possibilities of
trouble, for it opens, up a game at
which two nations can play. No three
men "gathered together toy chance will
agree upon any pnase or the tariff
question la America,-' perhaps, but It is
the, earnest hope f j the majority . of
business men on both side of the Inter
national boundary that a tariff war
with Canada will be averted. Canada
has proved Itself possessed of a liberal
spirit la' Its . actions concerning wood
pulp and. pulp wood, .a. that it haa sot
gone nearjy so far ha lt might tn protect
ing its natuna monopoly or tea white
paper eopply. Tbi United States will
prove equaJiy aa liberal. . tn all prob
ability, and. there will b tie tariff war.
But the custom -.hcueee arw there on
the border and men In uniform eit In
tha seat ef : customs. Aroerloaae wlil
look to Otuwa and tbe Canadian par-,
liameat aa they oever'have looked te-
foret ard Mrhabe soma of ten will
regret Chat they eo leig refused to
know . anything about toetr nortberw
neigh bora Tbe Cansdla tariff s may
J rt reeotna. a paramount leeuew - .
ifo you know how much you are losing by not owning
ai Edison Phonograph ? ,
IThis instrument was made for you by Mr. Edison.
It is intended to bring music into your home. It will,
help you entertain your guests. It will amuse you
during your leisure hours, tt will help you to bring
, up your family to love music.
' This is what Mr. Edison meant when he said that
' he. would like to see a Phonograph in every home.
How can you let any consideration of money stand
in the way of your owning one of these great enter
tainers? The Phonograph will give you so much
more in" return for the money than you can get by
spending it in any other way.
Do not take our word for it. Go to a dealer today
and hear the Edison Phonograph play the Amberol
Records, and you will know, why we are so positive
that you'eannot afford to do without it.
Toilet Articles
No. 151 Hair Tonic.Sc size. . 55
Java Rice Powder .29
Pebeco Tooth Paste 37
Violet Toilet Water, 75c 63
Egg Tar Shampoo, 25c 17.
Charles Flesh Food .33
Cuticle Acid . . ... , . . . .. . . ...... ..18
Nail Luster, Books 18
Bath Towels, $1.00 value ....... . .83
Hair Brush, $1.25 value, ; . . .94
THEATRICAL SUPPLIES full Stocks of MeyersVand Hess' Goods
Extra Specials in Pure HUMAN HAIR
$ 3.00 Values for, special 9 1.50 ,
$ 5.00 Values for, special 3.50...
$30.00 Values for, special .... ; $15.00
Our new Billy Burke and Salome
Curls, prettier than ever.
Ask to see the German Braid.
Latest styles in, hair dressing demon'
strated free.
Glycerine and Rose Water, 25c for.l2Jr
Beef Iron and Wine, pints 1 .42
Soap Bark, 10c pkg. .......... . . 5
Petrolatum, 1 lb., 25c size .....; 13
Rochelle' Salts,' 20c ........... . 10
Soda Phosphate, effv. 4 oz. . . . . ... .28
u.garllilk, 3Ierks,v I lb. . .-23 ...
Soap Bark, pkg. .10J
Olive Oil, pints .......... . ...... 42 ,
Gold Fish Food, 10c pkg. . . , . ilm . 5
CREAM OR WASH. This regular 50c value
at half price.
Edlaoa PhonoeTapha - . $12.50 to JL25 00
Edieoa Staodard Records - - . 3Sq
Ediaoa Amberol Record (twice aa long) SOe
Edlaoa Grand OpeEaKerorda . . 750
There are Edlaetf iJealert everywhere.
O-o to the oeareat and bear the Editoa
Pbooocraph play both Edieoa Standard
and Amberol Record. Get complete -catalogs
from your dealer or troca u.
Netieaal rfciearrma Ceeapway. 71 UheeMe Av. Oraage. N. X
a a
, A." TKI rC3SrTTJrf OQCD CHEtl Of
tmj nocrr nccucr or tki est cr kaitlajcts t ajnous t-rmflas
Cultivate the Habit of Wearing
Thousands of men who are particular about their dress have
already done so.
$25 to $45
$20 to $40
$20 to $60
III ---a. vlir . j
311 Morrison, Op. Pc
- aw ,t mm e 1
J t k.' I I I '
ll Rccltr th:c235. I!1.J
Tftnwew "Tl!
1 n 1 r Lia . 1 poi-
tlotk" .