The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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mcallen & McDonnell
con jo
, ' ? ' - '
. ' ,
Western Pacific, Tart of Hill
System, Will Brin? Cen
tral and Southeastern Ore
gon in Close Touch With
3Ietropolis. - v.vJ
Portland la to hava ' Mother trana
continental ruilroad Una,' the Weatern
Pacific, In which J. J. Hill and aaao
. clatea arc now heavily interested. The
- Western raclflo m operate its train
. over tha Oregon Trunk Line, and Into
) Portland over tha North Bank roao.
"While tha Western Taclflo will have
no financial Intereat Jn tha-Oregon
Trunk Una railroad. It will possess all
essential .privileges of an independent
railroad line operating over that road,1
, aald a Pacific coast railroad than,. Who
la In Portland today. "Aa X underatand
It the present Una of tha Nevada. Call
fomla ft Oregon' will ba uaed from Ita
junction with tha Weatern Pacllo near
. Honey i Lake, CaL, northward to ia
present terminus at Alturaa, Which la In
tha aouth end of the Uoose Lake valley.
From that -point the line will be ex
- tended to Lakavlew to meet tha Oregon
Trunk Line. '.v
Throug-fc (loose Zake T allay.
-The N. C 4 O. la already built and
operating Into Alturaa, which la but 60
mllea aouth. of Lakevlew, Or., and the
intervening dietance offera a fine route
and eaay grade, through the Goose Lake
1 valley, with very large tonnage await
ing a railroad. In that valley private
capital la now developing an Irrigating
project that will water aoma lfco.ouo
acrea of extremely productive land, and
thla la an attractive field for railroad
conatructlon. The bualneaa of thla field
would be competitive between Portland
and San Francisco merchant.
More than a year ago Bdwln Gould, In
tha midst of the financial troubles of
tha Weatern Pacific, publicly atated at
Los Angeles that the; Western Paclflo
would build through Oregon and into
( Portland, "in tha near future." The
' prediction' Is now to be made good, but
through the agency of tha Hill deal in
Weatern Pacific.
Una rrom Kakeriew.
The line from Lakevlew northward
will undoubtedly come through the Sum
mer Lake and Silver Lake valleys, and
aoross the Fort'Rock country to connect
with the new projected line of the Ore
gon Trunk from the Columbia river to
Madras and Bend. Thla route has not
been openly , claimed by the Oregon
Trunk, but the Harrlman people ran out
the line three years ago and, made
permanent survey for a lino over thla
route as tho 'beat one that was to be
found from Lakevlew northward. '
JTMb . prooct verifies the " reported
large purchases of lands by Oregon
Tiunk Line officials in tha Goose Lake
valley and at various points between
Lakevlew and Madras, while It 1a a sig
nificant fact that they, have made no
purchases in the Klamath basin, 70
miles to the eastward of the Goose Lake
valley. ' .
Junction In . California.
-. This project verifies the .reported
remodeled line of the Nevada, Cali
fornia & Oregon will make a
junction with the Weatern Pacific
In northeastern California Is a well se
lected junction, located with .a view to
securing the best grades and the saving
of construction of additional trackage.
At this point the main line of tha
Western Pacific turns due south for a
distance of 80 mites, and at. a point
called Chllcoot It veers west through
3fanaemeht Reverses Utiles
of Entry and Eqiuil Com
? petition Is Impossible.
(ftneelal nUtea to Tli Journal.)
Hood River, Or., Nov. 11. Jlood
River cannot compete at tha Hpokane,
apple show this year for the grand prise
offered for tha carload of. apples of
Inula variety and grown from a single
orchard. Last year the Hood River
action waa disbarred on account of the
scoring rules adopted ' by the Spokane
managements Thla year, C H. Sproat,
one of tha largrat apple '. growers In.
Hood River valley, had been planning to
enter a car of Bpltsenberga of 00 boxes
for tha Klllott prise" and eweepatakea.
. Mr. f prost had packed his fruit ac
cording to tha printed rulea governing
tha pack and manner . of exhibition,
which call for' adherence to the follow
ing: "All applea must ba wrapped when
received. Top layer of apples In each
box shall have tha wrappers removed
after being placed upon exhibition."
Mr. Sproat prepared to place
Of commercially packed apples, with
wrappers on at tha pavilion of tha Bpo
kana apple show, tha wrappera then to
ba removed- according to tha printed
. Bales, Ars Changed.
; now tba Spokana management an
nounces that It. has changed tha rules
requiring apples to be placed on exhlbl
tloft wrapped, and that tha exhibitors
may- pack their apples ' without ''the
wrappera. Those who take advantage of
tha later ruling will have apples of
much mora - handsome appearance and
also a closer pack, and will make much
higher scores - Mr. Sproat will not have
tlma to repack his car of apples that ha
naa preparea according to the rirat in
structlons sent htm. He asked tha ap
pla show management If ha could ex
hibit tha car with 100 boxea unwrapped
and tha remainder of the car with the
wrappera on the top layers, and thi
privilege waa ' denied. He then stated
that ha waa willing to take his car to
Spokane If the management would ad
here to Its first rule, that the applea
must crjme wrapped and tha wrappera
taken from the top layers after being
placed on exhibition and the applea
placed back into the same box! and place
from which they were taken. However,
Mr. Sproat waa not willing to take the
car to Spokane wrapped and place It
Into competition with a pack that had
been unwrapped at home.
Competition Is Eliminated.
Aa a matter of fact, when the ap
pies are unwrapped and placed back
Into tha same position . aa when
wrapped, the pack will ba materially
loosened and In the scoring will receive
marked demerit If the rules of tha
Spokane management had been adhered
to, Mr, Sproat would have entered his
car of fancy Spltzenbergs ana taken
the great prlxe and honors back with
him to Hood River. .
Tho changing of tha rules permitting
unwrapped applea to' ba used to face
the boxes at the home of tha grower,
bare Mr. Sproat from entering the -show,
as it would require an entire repack of
tha car, which, could not ba dona at
this lata data. :
Another special lot of Women's High-Grade Sample Suits
on sale Friday and' Saturday at less than cost of making;.
The materials include Serges, Panamas, Cheviots, Broad
cloths, Prunellas and' Fancy Mixtures of all kinds. The
styles are right up to date in every way. Regular values
lip to $30.00. , See Morrison street windows.
Long Kimonos
Heavy fleece German flannel
kimonos, in full length style,
atln-trimmed, light and dark
color. A splendid $175 qual
Children's warm School
Coats, in dark woolen mate-
. . a a
rials, neatly trimmer! ana
worth $5.00 if they're worth
a cent. On sale for two days.
' 1 !
On special sale Friday and Saturday only at this extremely
low price. Come in late styles, full length and nicely
trimmed, and are easily worth $12.50 apiece. Come with
box or semi-fitted back. We consider this one pf the very
best bargains ever offered in this city. Come, see for yourself.'
Fitted Kimonos
Best $4.50 values, made from heavy
German flannels, in. all colors. Fitted'
waist and plait over shoulders, trim'd
with best grade satin.
farsln Coats al IMF
A great special offering for Friday and Saturday only. Children's Fine Qual
ity Bearskin Coats, in plain colors and figured, well made and well lined. The
entire line on sale, Friday and Saturday at just half their regular value. A
great snap.
House Dresses
Two-piece House Dresses,", in light
and. dark colors; made in latest styles
from best quality wash materials. On
sale Friday and Saturday. '
Military (Csips
Iyook at what other stores have to show you ; then come in
and see these fine garments at this low price. You can't
help but see the great difference in price. These capes come
in leading shades and black, very latest "military" cut, With
braid and button trimmings. On sale Friday and Saturday
Silk Petticoats
Regular $7.50 grade, best
quality rustle taffeta silk Pet
ticoats, in black and all lead
ing, colors. Several styles.
On sale for two days only.
Wool Sweaters
Women's wool Sweatee Jack
ets, in gray, cardinal and
white, fancy knit' best $3.50
value. On sale Friday and
ISatocoMs -ail
A standard $17.50 Raincoat on sale Friday and Saturday
at $13.50 each. These are the best produced, being made
by the American Raincoat Co., the largest makers of high
grade raincoats in the world. Best quality rubberized silk,
in fancy shadow stripes and in a full line of all popular
colors .
Bock with pas and thence southward to
Oakland and San Francisco.
The effect of suoh a development of
the railroad facilities of south central
Oregon, it la pointed out, would be to
place that -whole region in closer touch
with Ban rrancisoo tnan with Portland,
as to distance, but It Is believed that
the level srrades of the Deschutes river
route would more than offset the ques
tion in favor of Portland as a trade
center. In any event all things con
sidered, Portland would have an even
chance for the business of Lake county.
I paris InAWTTTn
ill Aaama AHowad
Corner Third and Morrison
Best Goods Lowest Prices
fleams Allowed
jiff mp
(Soecia! Disntch to Tha Journal.!
Walla Walla, Waah., Nov. 11. W. D.
Flester, a brakeman on the Oregon Rail
road A Navigation line, was this morn
ing instantly killed and horribly man-
fled while helping switch cars at Waits-
burg. Fiester was on a mixed train,
and three cars were being shunted down
a blind switch at a lively rate. Fiester
saw the hand brakes would not hold the
cars from striking an abutment, so he
Swung down between them to set the
air. His foot waa caught by a wheel.
i were severed. He waa married and lived
Notes From the
Labor World
Finland has 81,000 trade unionists.
Tn f7-mntlnn of a furniture trade
council Is In progress at Boston, Masa.
on Dnntaco District Council of
Painters has voted &oo ior xne pur
pose of erecting a monument in Its cem
etery plot
... w
Rochester. N. Y., and Washington, T.
C, are in the lists for tne convention or
the American Federation of Labor next
TKa llM-iAfrrnnhAt-ft unions of EurOT
AROUSE PATRONS' IRE Uv had three representatives in thi,
country jot some umc muuiiug mo au
ditions of the trade here, wun a view
of arransina: a working; agreement so
in thla city.
(Spclal Dispatcb to The JonrnaM
Marshfield, Or.. Nov. 11. Coos Bay
was up In arms when It Was found that
again there would be no mall. The stags
from Rosfeburg had not reached Myrtle
Point when the train left yesterday, and
aa the telephone llnea were down there
is no telling just when it will come. The
Oregon delegation at Washington and
postofffce officials are being stormed
with telegrams appealing for some sat-
iafactory . arrangement. The service to
Coos Bay never was worse, and the de
partment appears to wholly neglect to
make any better arrangements. Busi
ness by mall la practically of no use.
And Start You Out With a Free Trial
Package To Proe My Claims.
Bend Coupon Below To- i '
' day. The Trial Pack- -j
ago Will Give In-
atari.. Belie t -, f ; ;"-,y
Consider my offer, t willingly tend
you free of charge a trial treatment of
the wonderful Oauas Combined Catarrh
Cure. Tou hav everything to gain and
nothing to lose. It's tip to you. If yoa
wih tn b cured of that foul spitting
and hawklnv that wretcrwd depresecd
aeneatton fiiat "don't-dare-iooa-any.
rxxly-in-the-fare" feeling then fill out the
coupon without further 4elay. I possess
the remedy that will core you. but as 1
have ot your aMreas you must supply
It. That's all I ask. Pimply All out tha
following coupon and snail It to tne to
day. It will b the means of reatoiing
you to a perfectly normal condition.
gtrtnt- you sweet pure breatn.
(Special DU patch to The Journal.)
Hood River, Or., Nov. 11. The Busi
ness Men's association at a meeting
last night dlscuased the matter of se
curing for Hood River a daily express
delivery. ' The express business has
grown to such - proportions here that
the merchants feel justified In asking
for . free delivery by the express com
pany. The local organisation has also
taken steps to persuade tha wholesaJera
to cancel their' chargea ror boxing and
cartage. The movement Inaugurated
by the Hood River association will ba
one' of tha live wires at tha approaching
state convention, ,
TMa coupon Is gov4 for or-e trtel
package of Combined Catarrh
Cur. maltM "Tree In Plata peM-Ffwr-lv
f 11 Tur name end eddreos
O d"1ted lfe tvefnw a.pi1 Tn!l t
C C I7l Main U
Marshall. Mlfa.
log 3mm Cleared..
tltnmrlmt DiaMteh Tt JosrnaLl
Aberdeen. Wash., Ne! 11 The great
tog jam on the Chehalla river above the
Northern radfle bridge naa bean cleared
up. aod navigation ha a been opened. It
baa been found that but little loea has
resulted from tha logs that eraped from
the Chehalla Boom company's boom, aa
Uiey wera picked up by toga and Indi
viduals, and did rtot get over the bar be
fore tba tide turned and brought there
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial
' Package Mailed Free to All
In Plain Wrapper!'
We want everr man and woman, suf
fering from the excruciating tortur of
plies, to jusc sena tneir name au ma-
treaa to ua and ret by return man a
free trial packaa-e of the most effective
and positive cure ever Known ior in
dleease, Pyramid Pile Cure.
Tne way-io'pro wmt m ini
pmetv arlll do In vour own case, is to
i.ot rfll out free couDon and send to ns
and you will get fcr return mail a free
trial treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure.
Then after you have proven to your
self what It can do, you will go to tba
druR-elst and aet a cent oox.
tvin't underro an operation. Opera
tlons aro rarely a ouoceea and often
lead to terrible consequences. Pyramid
Pile Cure reduces all inflammation.
makea ronrentlon. Irritation, itcbtn
aorea and ulcers aieappearend the
piles simply a,"1-
For sale at all drug stores at 19 cents
a box. ,
Blagrr Hcrmana Diowiirtl.
Msrshfleld. Or, Nov. 1v WBUa re
tomtna" home from a visit to a you eg
womaa friend late Sunday night. Htn-
gr lkminn. Jr olLManafl. llrr-i
ma no and nephew of Hon. Btnjrer Her
tnann. famserly i of the land fftoa at
Waa'.lrrton, was d'oarM in the Co
juL'.o riser cear VlirtJe Point. . -
rtUout Ina blank lines below wtta
your name and addreae. cut out cou
pon . and mall- to tha PYRAMID
f.RVO COMPAXT. 114 PyTamld bld,
Marshall. Mlfh. A tHal parkeae of
the great Pyramid Pile Cure will
then ho sent you at one by Ball,
FREE, In plain wrapper.
C!ty Vd fUta
that mutual aid might ba rendered In
case of trouble.
A - plasterers union was organized re
cently at a meeting held In Nashville,
Tenn. Howard Ferguson waa elected
president and A. M. Sawyers secretary.
General Organiser James Mahedy ad
dressed tha meeting.
The headquarters of the new Window
Glass Cutters' and Flatteners' Protective
Association of America will be in Pitts
burg, Pa.
Statistics given out by the bureau of
immigration of the department of com
merce and labor report tha number of
emigrants who arrived in tne United
States during the fiscal year ended
June 30, at 751,186.
A label'for the Amalgamated Society
of Tailors and Tailoresses has just been
adopted in England. As heretofore only
the British hatters have had a label,
thla move may mean the promotion of
the trade union label In Great Britain.
The Independent metal polishers' local
of New York has voted by a large ma
jority to affiliate with the international.
The brass workers' unions of New York
city, Jersey City. Pittsburg. Hartford
and Chicago, which, were previously In
dependent, have already obtained .char
Politics and
Parsons, Kan., has adopted the -commission
form of government.
Tha Michigan Equal Suffrage asso
ciation will hold a convention In Grand
Rapids this month t6 start a campaign
for the enfranchisement of Michigan
Janesville will probably be the first
Wisconsin city to vote on the question
of adopting the commission plan of gov
S. E. PrOuty of Des Moines has made
formal announcement of his candidacy j
for member of congresa for the Seventh J
Iowa district, now filled by Representa
tive TAT Hull i
civil engineer, Robert Lindsey of San
Francisco, now an engineer at tha Canal
sons, bade her farewell apparently with
out resentment In police court here to
day. The couple have been married 13
years. Lindsey and his wife appeared
In court to arrange for the disposition
of jewels and clothing which he had
given her. Later Lindsey la said to
h&ve taken them away from Mrs. Lind
sey, and she caused his arrest. Lindsey
returned the articles and tha separa
tion followed.
(UnltedPresa Leased Wira.l
Philadelphia. Pa., Novell As the re
sult of a duel aver Mrs. Jennie Nelll,
Louis Festl Is dead and Angelo Delasco
is fatally wounded. Mrs. Nelll la the
widow of the man who committed tha
"Manayuank mattretft murder," tha
most revolting crime in the history of
Philadelphia.' Nelll . murdered : a man
eight years ago, out up the body and hid
it in a mattress, which ha- threw into
the Schuylkill river. Nelll later com
mitted suicide In prison. Festi and
Delasco boarded with Mrs. Nelll, and .
both are aald to have been Infatuated
with her.-- : ' : -?f"r?:':"i:
Daylight Service to Walla
. Walla.
Daylight aervlce Portland k to Walla
Walla via Spokane, Portland & Seattle
Railway, "The North Bank Road," to
Pasco and Northern Pacific Railway.
Leave Portland 9 a. nr. arrive Walla
Walla 8:00 p. m. Passenger station.
Eleventh and Hoyt streets.
Flouring 31111 for Underwood.
(Special Dlapatrh tn The Journal.)
Husum, Wash., Nov. 11. O. H. Brun
ton. representing the Dement Bros. Mill
ing company of Walla Walla, was -at
Underwood recently. In the Interest of
tha large flour mills to be installed
Mtere. As soon aa side track facilities
can ba ararnged with the railroad com
pany It la aald Dement Bros, will push
work on the new buildings aa fast as
it HAIR NOW, and they don t have to
. i. .i
wait weeks and months lor results eitner.
You will aotice marked improvement after
Dandertn is quickly and
Five Wires Face Him in Court.
(Unite trees Least WtraJ
Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 11. Luclan Pick
ett, alias ram Carson, has been found
guilty by the federal court on a charge
of using tha mails to work a bunko love
game. During his trial. Pickett waa con
fronted with four women, each claim
ing to be his wife, and it Is said be haa
et another.
Xew Pastor for Vnltarlan- Church.
rspecla! Ptapatrk to Tba JrwrsaL)
Hood River, Or, Nov. 11. Rev. Ar
thur Hares Sargent Jr, from Corinth.
VL la tho newly elected pastor ef tho
Cnltarlan church In this city. He Is a
graduate from aoveral eastern, coileses
and theological seminaries. His church
here la greatly pleased with him. sad a
year of prosperity la predicted.
. Want WUtTk a Oaad rnnl
It ever t need, a euh snedleine
again I know what to rt." declares V rm
A. t Alley or tieaia. Mama., tt. alter
wain la tot t lea of Dr. King's New I!
coyery. ed eeela- If feilet reoults
tfl wnr earn Tatt!y and eter, I am con
vinced it fa f-.e revt mi"f ma fee
Cose. C'vlde a.r-1 l-tw trt;We." fcVery
c-ae who flea It feeio Jt that war. R-
Jief 1 felt at aad Ua aairk rura
aurj.t yf. t r Brw t!. Aet r t.
(-merthaa-e, rr. n. UOrlfrA Sire
t-m I. r ' K t nr 1 : r a ltd
and ll.ea. Tril l.flle freo.
I ci jarar.ieed I
ty 1 ovdard, C'ia: at Co.
Opposition among West Virginia Re
publican leaders to the reelection oft
Senator Scott apepara to be fading j
away, and the indications are that the j
senator will be reelected when the leg- j
Islature meets in 1910. !
The fate of the saloon In Alabama
Tor years to come will be decided at
the end of this month, when a vote Is
to be taken on a constitutional amend
ment placing prohibition in the organic
t ... Ae , V a .t.i. While tmttttnr that
there have been desertions from the tfc very first application
ranks, the Prohlbitlonista express con
fidence in their ability to carry the
amendment and assert that tney tiae . fc y y .beorb d by I he scalp
made more than enouch converts f rora , "T1 : mamna a r r
the opposition to offset the votes of ,snd tha hsir soon shows me
thoae who have gone to the other side. I effect o! ita wonderfully ex
hilarating and life-prodycing
qualities. It is pleasant and
easy to use simply sppiy s
it to the scalp and hair -
Waphlngton. Nov. 11. Two thousand once a oay until tne
delegates from 100 or tne ieauing hair begins to grow.
thurchee in the national capital are tak-tBB two ,nre-
Ing part In the big convention or tho
laymen's missionary movement, whlcli
htld the first of Ita three days' sessions
today. Tha Hat of speakers la headed
by President Taft. and among other men
of note who are to be heard are Rear
Admiral A. T. Mahan. former Secretary
of State John W. roster, Robert B. j
Speer. secretary ' of the Preebyterlan '
board of foreign mission; John R. Mott, J
reneral secretary of the World a f5tu-1
dent federation; Rev. Arthur 8. Lloyd, j
Mahoo coadjutor of VlrTtnia. aad J. A I
MrDonalX editor of the Toronto Olobo. '
The convention Is one of a swriea to I
ba "held during tho coming winter and
sprtnc tn more than of the leading
cltlea af the Cnlted Stajoa, with tha
purpoao- of inspiring m era here of the
different ehurchee to avrttra missionary
work. The movement Is entirely Of aa
interdenominational character.
i rVS. (
Hair .",
ad w can
TaTmaTwi; 7T71
limes a
New Tfrk. Nov. 11. ieftta tho fact
that Ml wife had et?wutn4 that a!e
Ietev4ea to Cat) f 'v. aurora a
(Jirort aid tarry A- L. p.otlnaKm, a
A lady Irons California writes
in substance as follows:
I BBTbea atlas rear wood er
rs! aatr taalc ror aevaral BMNiiaa
aa4 at last I am bow b leaaea wtta .
waoaarfal valtet katrthat saaaa
area t are tar aea ta lcth ; Ua
rata Is stst ( taokaa aroaas. .
Aw bar from New Jersey!
After oata strth aaata 1
an bam lo ear tat t kaea aa
atra a bead at hair aa sayane la
Kew Janvr-
Tais Crnnt Hair-Grow
iac Ramady can mm bo
bad at all dreg iste ia tbreo sirea.
25c. SOo aad 91.00
par bwttla.
r.a a Ta akew ew aarir I
I llllpudeHaainax
ul vCtwXt uyiwm r-ea I
I WftMnati aafeMvktl
Tfca a. ftM ne . ...a aa tlu
mW0ftt& sasnrtat CnV CVtasf,
rrr fc-s 4
rwi !: ! -JC wf lf4
.a i . 1 '
, ii iil . i: MV I . I . !