The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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know bow to decorate thja town and cele
brate sn occasion like that, C'anai atreet
n New Orleans waa one btghUssof fir
from the electrlo lights which decorated
It. There were mure pretty, women
there than I ever saw before In all my
life." .
Mr. North says Portland has tt on all
of the cltlaa he vlnited when It comes to
development. Moat 'of the, southern
cltlen are so old and established . that
P. R, 1.8 P. CO.
Lnia Boyi Said lo Hare
Calls'Attention of Contract
ors to Condition of
Jloyt Street.
Linn ton Koad Tragedy Be
Twenty-eighth Strret Via- Nurse, Asks for $100,000. for Frohman - Illlnsfton Match
advancement la slow, he eaya. . .
Ikcn Induced to Leave
the State.
f iiflT Aired in Judge Cle
land's Department.
duct to Bo Thrown Having Been. Thrown Purely for Pelf. Says
a'-.-ai . . ... . u . - . I 1 JLLt
Open to Puhlic
. Prom Streetcar.
Divorced Actress.
am duds
Arrravated by the numbft of'Mim
plaints which have swarmed Into hi
offloe relative to' the dlnrraceful rondl-
tiou of Hoyt street near the North
llunk dupot. Mayor Nlmon this morning
called up the street contractor who
have the proposed work of Improving
tli street in charge.
"I'm letting tired of this sort of
thing-." nald the mayor over the phone,
"I am tired of hearing; all these com-
plaints and I am not coins; to stand
for It. ,
'I want that work begun at once. I
want you to get to work Immediately,
and If you don't, I will. That street
has not to be fixed."
The contractor replied that It has
been Impoaalble to work on the street
Lena Boyd, thai S-yer-old complain
ln witness aicatnat Johnston McCully
In a statutory case btfoie the circuit
court, has bt-en spirited out of the stats,
presumably by frlenda of thone con
cerned In the raae and Is at present It
la raid. In Indiana. The dlairlct at
torney has asked for a continuance of
the trial of McCully until the witness
ran he located and Induced to return
to Portland.
MoCully was to hsve been tried In the
circuit court yesterday, and 1ena Boyd
and her mother, Mrs. Isabella Boyd,
(ItHAppeared more than a week ago. In
formation haa reached the district at
torney' offlca that they are In Indiana.
t i, m kAm. .tf thj. vlrl II n i1 In All
probability went there to es.-'ape testify- during the past because water miilns
In at the trial. WBr" "la-
M.,Cullv. who U a marazlne writer Well, those mains are laid no
and who. until recently. connected roared the mayor, "and that work has
xrtth the T.vrle thrutre denies any I Ot to be done."
knowledge of the girl's whereabouts, but The reply came back that tha street
it la Bifid by members of the district at- In such a soggy, soppy condition
torney's office that the girl and her I that the cobblestones cannot be laid
mother agreed to leavs Portland any I because there Is not enough hard ground
time they weris given 1200. I on the streot now to form a aolid foun-
"There la no doubt but that someone dation. The street has been 'torn up
haa induced this girl to get out of tho aince eariy last spring.
mate," - said JJepufy District Attorney "You can get something and make' a
iugerald today, "and . I shall make foundation," Mayor Simon declared, "get
every effort to bring her back and have some Band or gravel and put In there
her testify in this case. I cannot reach and make a foundation to lay your
tier witn a aunpoena, nowever, ana it ooddio stonos on. The city Is not go
may psov a difficult piece of work." In- to tolerate any more of this sort
Others of the deputies seem to have of negligence."
come around to believing that McCully It is thought likely that the work wil
was not so much to blame In the case be taken up immediately and the 1m-
as might be supposed, and they showed provement rushed to completion,
no great enthusiasm over the prospect of " r
inducing- the 16-year-old girl to return
and testify against the writer.
The, indictment of McCully' and
Churchill, an usher In the Lyric theatre.
. wai returned by the grand Jury as the I ...
r..i nn,i..r. ttJnlted Preaa Leased Wlra.l
mad. fn h- neM. miiv 8&n Franclaoo. Nov; U. Clarence
Churchill en the Rovd rirL thera wai 2feyV m"a.p. "v trough
a young; marled woman and her hus- v 'Z. .roS iTPmd9,0a
band concerned in the case. The testl- Y" N!S8 Ve"u f
from' which 8uV died a few"
r- .-""' hours afterward, has been made defend-
tne two men. I ant tn h ko. m
" v v iiiuiuai, jl iiv war
rant charging Bradley with the mur
der of Clark was secured by Charles
Benedict, an official of the Odd Fel
lows lodge.
At the tim,e of the accident Bradley
waa arrested and booked for manslaugh
ter. After ,uller investigation of the
case tne charge was raised to murder.
According to witnesses Bradley be
came angry because the .crowd did not
clear a. passageway for his team. It
Is allesred that h th
FollowIng:.the - nnauneement Tues- the crowd down unless they got out of
Mrs. liaael Maddux. Joy rider.' looking
exceptionally pretty In a blue suit, black
at and a magnificent white boa reami
ng almost to her knees, was placed on
rial In Judge Cloland'a department of
the circuit court tods y. charged with
manslaughter in causing the death of
Mrs. May Real on the Llnnton road on
the night of August t.
Shortly after noon It men were aworn
to try the case, the work of finding the
required number of unbiased Jurymen
occupying less time than was expected.'
Not one out of It men examined was;
Isqusllfled by his anawera to questions
aaked, and -there were only five peremp
tory challenges, three by the defenae
and two by the state. Tiree of the
jurymen are farmers, anoiner resinos a
Troutdale and four live in the Mount
Scott district
That the name of Julius Meier Is to
be brought Into the cune. despite the
exoneration which resulted from a com
plete investigation by the grand Jury
was made evident by questions asked
of the. Jurymen by John A. Jeffrey, at
tomey for the defendant lie wanted to
know whether the Jurors are acquainted
with Mr. Meier or with George W. Jo
seph, attorney for Meier. Jeffrey, how
ever, disclaimed any effort on his part
to connect Meier with the case "except
We expect to show that Mrs. Mad
dux is not guilty, and to show that It
might have been done by others," he
said. "But we have no idea of trying
to show who did kill Mrs. Roal
Knaband ' la Court
During tho time the Jury was being
secured, Mrs. Maddux sat quietly behind
Jeffrey and Oeorge W. Caldwell, .her at'-
torneys, looking now and then at the
men in the box and the rest of the time
turning her head to one aide, as though
In deep thought Some distance away
sat her policeman-husband, and still
further , back In the narrow courtroom
were seated nearly a score of witnesses
whose names have been prominently
mentioned during the investigation of
he mystery surrounding the death of
Mrs. Real
Deputy District Attorneys Fitzgerald
and Page are in charge of the case for
the state, and will begin the presenta
uon or testimony this afternoon, as
soon as the opening statements are con
eluded. They express confidence that
the mystery will be cleared and that
Mrs. Maddux and Frank E. Rodman
Jointly Indicted with her. will be satis
faotorlly proven' responsible for the wo
man's death. Rodman's trial is fixed
for one week .from today.
The question of possible prejudice by
veniremen against the drivers of auto-
mobiles and against those Who visit
The reinforced concrete bridge across! Suit for t! 00,900 damages against
(Halted Frees LetMd Wlrs.1
Sullivan's gulch at Keat Twenty-eighth j the Portland Railway, IJght A Power) no, Nv., Nov, 11. It Is understood
street will he repaired very soon, ao-1 r,nn. t... K.. .,.,. n in th I here today that Maraaret Illlhaton. the
, i n - . . ..-. . i r . - - -
tween Mayor 6lmoo and Mamxgar Bowles 1 .H. ' T J . -LT f r..M.i f w-I Tk V J '
of the Nortweat rldge company yes- PrtUnd Mnltarlum. . who waa fright- from Daniel Prohman. the famous the
terday afternoon. . I fully Injured by pitching- from the front attlcal producer of New Vork, will go
The bridge, which was erected under I platform of a Mount Tabor car at East very soon to Tscoma, where It la said
the Lane regime, never was satlafae-1 Thirty-ninth street on tha night of May! a house haa already been furnished and
tory ana was not accepted by Lane's - . . '1 prepared for her recectlon. . It la ru.
executive board at the time of 1U com- The complaint recitee that sne noaro-i . . . . . ' mrrle to.
pletion. led the car at West avenue and Belmont j moTa ln ne wii soon be married to a
after M.vnr ftimnn inr.1. ffto. b. n. streets and tliat there was only one wealthy citln , of 4 Tacoma, but the
gge1 the firm of Waddell A Harrington man In charge of the ear. 8he tried to f the supposed fiance oould not
of Kansas City to Inspect the biidgi aiirnaj the motorman to atop at Thirty I be obtained.
and make recommendatlona. Their re- ninth, but failed, and went to the front! Mlaa Illlnrtnn ' with hr mnnii witt
port called for numerous and expensive of the. car. She alleges that the c leave here tomorrow. for Ban Tranclaco
repairs, ana it is proDamo inai ao.uuD ?-r - .'' r" and from that .Itv it I. ..M the .111
to Ni wnerill hrnra tha nins: at man SDeea inrew ner irora in 1 - ' " " ,
bridge is pat Into first class condition, tear. She struck on her head q '
For a long time the Northwest Bridge "boulders and was dragged about 70 Wa "S-i i tl I J.Z.'.
. a. . aw 1 raar I ' ' . . v j wbivi usi attvi sst
but sn agreement has finally been The complaint states that Miss Blue r''f.",n5. 'n.5?Ur,i..fud' Maf!ejr'
reache.1 whereby If the contractors com- waa unconscious for 4 days, suffered ""V "J"rnl M1" """arton. saia
.,1.1. .v.. v.i,. l - .1 .v.. ... hMiinrrhair. nA mnrnunn of thai . uiiiiikii iiui only reiusea to IUD
eeutlve board will pay the original cost brain, and her mentality Im Impaired. P0 "1" out he charged her with
of 170,000. The company has reserved Besides this her Jaw waa dislocated, her CRD "res to and from the theatre when
the right to sue the city for additional skuji rraciurea ana 11 is auegea mat . ' ' "or
one arm is almost useless.
I he married her for businesa considers
tlona only, because together they 'could
mane a jot or money.' " .
"V. a. North, chief deputy county as
sensor, returned last Sunday from
trip to Sweetwater. Tenn,. where he vls-
ucq nis n oroiners ana slaters and
his old home town, which" he had not
Wise Japanese Sees Nothing Smith, Machine Man, to Be for u years. Four of his broth.
to Beat It for Get-Eich-
Quick Scheme.
His Opponent for Los
Angeles Mayoralty.'
aay or the purchase or two gasoline his way. Subsequently he drove for- TT, anj w.e wuo vie
motor ears . bv the 1 Ou ; R. & N. and -,0 .i . f. Ior roadhouses at early morning hou
Southern Pacific, the rolling stock ar-1 wheel oe th. 1- ..J: J!. w.er8 careruiiy gone into by Jeffrey in
rived last nirfit and will b exhibited " """" nis examinations.
' , T ' " . VOI VT UCCXa I .11'
nn tha Fourth street line of the South- 1 wa huh
ir it should develop in this case
mat the defendant was one of a party
chased by the Harriman lines, and the GTTfiTTT Tl OTi k AT TXT nn T 0 were out on Linnton road on
third, to be (used on the line between OJtlUUiJjJ OlAI UN JAlli the n'Sht named In the Indictment and
Snlem nd rails Citv. will he showii. I . - that they visited various drinking re-
"-iinsjit, motor cars will be put on No. clemency will be shown Frank i ?orts would that prejudice you against
the run between Sllverton and Fort-1 rim ana.iiiarL Kocrord. now arv.l" l"D "" 01 case.'
land, while the other will be sent to I mg- sentences or six months in the! - wwra aro yrejuaioe.
the Washington division. Carnrble of! county Jail, by Chief of Police Cox. I Deputy District Attorney Fitzgerald
after X o'clock. Both the two cars pur- tHlEl BAYS THIEVES
making 7a miles an hour, and with a
seating ! capacity of 75.' the car will
make a round trip dally. : No definite
schedule has been arranged. .
David O'Nell. Stella, Wash., was ar
rested last evening on a charge of lar
ceny, in which he is accused of taking
six gold teeth crowns. The charge la
made by the New fork Dental par
lors. ' " -
According to O'Nell, he had four
teeth crowned which cost him $20. This
he paid.. - Yesterday he had six more
crowns made, for which the dentist
asked $30. v O'Nell refused to pay, say
Ins he understood the former payment
covered ithe entire bilL
H. ' A. Sturdevant, the dentist, -says
O'Neil was informed and knew he would
have to pay at the rate of $5 per crown.
Jlo paid for the work on four teeth
but when the work was finished on the
remaining six he declined to pay and
the arrest followed. J. C, McFadden.
attorney for O'Nell. says he will bring
cnarges against , tne authorities for
falMe imprisonment.
- Charles Funson. a waiter at the Hof
Brau, has charged A. Manne with tak
ing his watch. Manne was . also locked
tip, and to this Attorney McFadden says
In a breach of authority, and threatens
charges against the authorities.
- " 8pec!LPIPBtrb to The Journal. I
. . , Forest GroS, Or.. Nov. n.Tne Ab
bott; building and the K. of P. three
. atorf structure are rearing completion.
They add much to the appearance of
the , business section of town. The
.Haines bank building, which is being
remodeled, will soon be ready for occu-
ATOIIV.. . A XlWlki. Will UC PUL in
and tho floor will be lowered to the
level of the sidewalk. A concrete walk
Is being laid from the Haines build
ing on Main street around to the rear
ft the Abraham building on Pacific ave
nue.' , Several large maple trees that stood
in the way of the, walk have been re
moved. One by one they- are disappear
ing. It will will only be a few years
until the reason for calling Forest
Urove "The prettiest town In Oregon '
will cave ceased to exlat
Governor Benson has asked the chief 1 contented himself with few nuestiona
his opinion of the matter, In which I Ho obtained from each Juror a promise
friends of the prisoners have asked the J that he would require no more evidence
governor to grant pardons, to the two! to convict Mrs. Maddux than h? would
men- ; to convict a man on tne same charge.
"Those fellows were tried and con- All the Jurors said they would deal with
ylcted, and I find from their records her Just as they would with a man.
that they are two? of the worst people Twenty-six witnesses were examined
we have had, and I don't see anv rea- before the grand Jurv in the Maddux-
son why they should be pardoned," Bald I Rodman case, but all of these maj not
Chief Cox. "If they are released thev be called to testify. Those examined
Will give US further trouble, anrl T I were L. N. Rodlev. A. V. Rnhnrtn Jna.
hold they shotald serve their terms like I eph Day, Frank Snow, Emma Becker,
ouier prisoners. 1 jfithel Noss, T. F. Bush, John E. BIss-
Martln was convicted of holding up I ner, J. F. King, Lou Wagner, John
the saloon at Third and Davis streets, J Eide, C. E. Hellem, W. W. .Robinson, J.
oepiemoer zi, ana nas a police record. K. Brasier, H. I Sandy, David E. Hus
Rocford was convicted of stealing, and I ton, Charles A. Campbell, Ethel Sixty,
no nan Deen arrestea several times, and I learl Foss, Sophia Hallaska,
North, at the age of 17. wandered away
from home to aeek his fortune in the
west, and he saw them for the first
time on his recent trip.
Mr. North left Portland Octnbar
(United Preaa Leased Wire.) I fUntted Preaa foiled Wire.) I and returned November 7. taklnr a trln
ou xjouis, mo., nav. ti. saauiaro los Angeles, cai., ov, . 11. Mayor 1 wnicn lasted over a month. He re-
Satake. president of the Tokio Electric aeorae Alexander will be a candidate malned two weeks In Sweetwater, visit
company and a member of the Japanese I for reelection and Oeorge Smith will I Ing his family, all of whom were p res
industrial commission, declared here be his ODDonent at the mun Ideal elec-1 ent. except the father and mother who
yesterday that he had decided to create tlon. December 7, according to the re-1 are now dead. During the remalndor of
1 I l . . A a 1 l' . . - . I . . . . . . , . . . . lkt. Im . V.L I t . .. J r LI.
a iruoi wiren no reiurneu 10 japan, i suits or me primaries, neia yesieraay, I mi. .uun viuntiti uincago.
He said: I The count was completed at noon to- Chattanooga, Birmingham, New Orleans
"Our company controls the electric I day. Alexander was given a plurality I ana many otner southern cities. -Being
lle-htins- of Toklo pnd n nearhv town. I nt mnn than Kflnn vntea whliA Smith I a southerner, he loves tha south aa he
Within a year I expect to take in an- defeated William C. Mushet. the -third I ' this 'morning, "I never had a bat
other city and then be. on my way I man on the list, by a margin of 141. Iter time In alt my life, or ate so much
towards creating a trust, such as you The vote given the four leading can
have here, as it aeems to be the best didates was as follows: Alexander,
source of quick richos."
71S1; Mushet, $7040;
13,260; Smith,
Farish, S8S4.
Under the new municipal primary
law, which was given Its Initial trial
yesterday, the candidates names ap
peared on the ballots without party
designations. Alexander was Indorsed
by the Oood Government league and
other civic . organizations, while Smith
waa declared by his opponents to be
the candidate of the Southern Pacific
Eighteen candidates for the city coun
(Special Dispatch to Tha Journal) 5I1 were named at the primaries to be
Denver. Colo., Nov. 11. A hearing voted upon at the final election in De-
wlll be held tomorrow afternoon, when cemDer. wine or Tnese win De chosen
Governor Shafroth returns to the city. The majority of these men are sup-in-
the matter of the reaulsltion Issued ported by the elements that advocated
by the governor of Oregon for Gus A. the. candidacies respectively of Alexan-
Lowlt, accused of embeszllng a large aer na mun.
sum of money from the Oregon Trust
& Savings company on August 19, 1907.
Lowit has been requisitioned once be
fore but because of aome technicality
was not taken to Oregon.
has given the police considerable trou
ble. -
Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin asked for cl Am- I Elmer Erskln.
ency for the latter, but both prisoners j becdme the wife of Frank E. Rodman,
nave naa 100 snaay a career to be set I codefendant with Mrs. Maddux.
The Jury in the case Is constituted
aa follows:
John Suidell, carpenter; J. D. Neer.
retired; o. KleDer, storekeeper and far
mer at Lents; A. J. Morgan, farmer of
the Columbia slough section. ' J. C
MoGrew, a money lender of Lents; H.
P. Kimball, contractor; W. S. McElwee,
salesman; J. D. Johnson, a farmer of
Three teamsters have been arrested
and fined in municipal court for block
ing the traffic of streetcars. They
are George Schnell, W. H. Lanlus and
C Chfriatensen. Each was fined
Schnell and Lanlus held the track on
Hattle I the steel bridge, while 4 passengers
jjnsunt, n Lu Kelly, Chief of Police on a car waited for them to turn out
cox, Merie Sims, a. l. atanton and I Special Officer Taylor and Patrolman
.cinei bixty nas aince Leaving made the arrests. Each had
light wagon a 'Chrlstensen formerly
was empioyea oy ine company Dut
claims he haa no. ill .feeling towards it
free before . their sentences expire.
Elsie Malar, living at 444 East Sev
enth street, caused the arrest last even
ly. 1 AnKacleto. Lozzeroni, who, she Gresham; Edwwd Thun. blacksmith on
xUlluwulB; UOr tne past the Powell valley road; Frank S. New.
live days, she stated he asked her toll in. rnramnn tew th ..,, ra4i,-
... iu loiiowea 1 John J. Moll, tanner; A. S. Klncald,
. " nwiuonw avenue. 1 barber at Troutdale.
cue wnn going 10 a neignDors, when Those peremptorily challenged by
he took the same car. leaving it -where the state were Alexander Abbott and R,
uo imu Been ner align t tne DrevlouSIR Metcalf. whll A. MrPnlman T TT I
eveninsr. She called Patpnlmart M,mkw I oAA. th t ... . - j iSS-
uu.u,i (.vii flbuu ii uuo wc iiui ntuiieu
wno arrested me man and took a larrelhv the defenae and wera eviMmori
revolver irom nim. miss Malar la a stu
dent In the night sthool, and lives with
ex-Sherirf Frazler. .
Lozzeronl stated in court be had not
been following the girl. Judge Bennett
nnea him 150.
Alleges Desertion. ,
Mrs. E. R. Ruffner has begun suit for
divorce from S. K. Ruffner In the circuit
court, alleging desertion In November,
1908. They were married in Shelby
ville. Mo, in May, 1895.
The Russian government, has forbid
den 'the Importation of a long list of
patent medicines, or of any new medical
substance . not first ' sanctioned by its
medical department. '
This Recipe Makes a Splendid
Remedy for Coughs
The home made remedy described be-
. Father O'Hara to lirctnre.
Father O'Hara will deliver a lecture
before the- Woman's clab In the Women
of Woodcraft ball, at Tenth and Taylor
Mreete, tomorrow afternpon at 3 o'clock.
His subject will he "Pante," and the
lecture, ta Tine ofa eriea that Father
rUara will give during- the winter.
Preceding the lrture. Utm Jennings
mill render a number of selections on
tK harp. . -
(Sseelal InaiMtcb to Tha Jooroal.t
Chehalis, Wash.. No. ll. Frank Gill
and Lawrence Losier were killed by a
HA CTT?!!?!? VOT 4 rrn Nrthern Pacific train between Chehalis low will be found a very handy and ef
. U. OlJiUJlat XiOlAlxj and Centralla last evening about fectlve thing to have in the house ready
o clock. OUl was dead and Losier died for use. It Is simple, pleasant to take.
1 Mae win or 11. otto Bteuer, who died M"f t tne uumon nospitai. It Is easy to prepare, and lasts a family
October 11, baa been filed for probate though that the men fell off the train long time. It wipes out a cough quickly,
in the county court. Caroline Bteuer, I accidentally. They must have laid by I Take a pint of Granulated Sugar, add
the widow, receives all the personal the track for nearly two hours before one half pint of warm water, and stir
property and an Interest for life in I betng discovered. Loaler's legs were cut about two minutes. Put two and one
all real estate not given to Clara o I off. but when found he was still con- half ounces Pinex 60 cents worth) in
oteuer ana lxiulaa O. Bteusr. Hmrh. sclous. The men were from Tentnn. a. nlnt battle and fill un with tho nnn.
tern, both of whom are given lota in but formerly lived at Oleaua. Thev u la ted Sugar SyrUD. Take a teaanoon-
n uuurarrr r ive otner children m-fll ra. I were middle area. Uotn were anirtur tn everv one. two or threo finnra
ueive i ana win aiviae among them oreed jnaiana coroner Stlcklln will Cough preparations, as a rule, are
.cat uiNuramea to ine widow inoia an inquest mis artemoon. 1 mostly syrup. Oranulated Sugar -Byron
Wife 3Iurderer Fails to
Make Good on Self-De
fense Plea,
(United Preaa Leaaed Wire.
Seattle, Nov. 11. Arthur George, who
shot and killed his divorced wife at her
home. ln Brighton . Beach, ,.on May 13
last, was today found guilty or murder
In the first degree. Sentence was de
ferred. The killing of Mrs. George
followed a quarrel over the children,
who had been placed in- the custody of
the mother by the divorce court.
George Insisted, that he loved the wo
man at the time of their divorce and
up to the moment he killed her. His
defense waa that the shooting waa in
self-defense, claiming that the woman
threatened him and then reached into a
bureau drawer aa if to get a weapon.
The jury-was out all night and re
turned its verdicl at: V o clock this
or slept so well. I'm going again and
I won't wait 21 years this time either.
Next time I go I will stay there."
One of the pleasant reminiscences of
his trip was his Impression of the city
of New Orleans which he Visited on the
same day that President Taft was wet- j
oxic bowels; dcaxvscs
abxa nsXxpoXxou.
To Oct fe bcttcjicXoX
cjfccSAways)u IW
F10 Syrup Co.
PORT ARTHUR, Ont, Oct It. ! a
communication received here. Honorable
L. P. Brodeur,- minister of marine, an- .
nounced that the government has- in
view an extensive wireless telegraph
service for the great Jakes, and that
the same would be put In operation aa
soon, aa possible, - '
Recently the United Wlrelesa Co. of
Chicago eptered Into a contract with the
city of Port Arthur to establish a wire
less service,- but the. Canadian minister
of marines refused to permit the con
summation of the negotiations with the
United Co.. .,
The government will look after the'
corned to the city. "I hate to admit it, ' Canadian ports with an up-to-date sys-
said Mr. North, "but we trople don't tern, using the Clark Wireless apparatus.
when she die.
estate la 14500.
The total value of the
Sara Victim Broke Up Home.
traltea rrrm Vr-mtri Wire.)
anta Crus, Cat. Nov. 11. Rdward
Pierce, who yesterday afternoon was
ahot by- John Oafat. died here today at
a local boepltat Oarat, who declares
that he "hot Pierce in aelf defense,
rlalms that Pier broke up his home.
Both men were well known rancher of
ROLLED ON THE LAWN nd " r!ch ,n th ng Pme ie-
" I vnavn faa
Is both cheap and .excellent Pinex is
tne moat vaiuanie concentrated com
pound of Norway White Pine Extract
' . ; 1
1 aizo Hiiro B ytomQ Quinine
mro'Tur w&um evnt to cvf&A couv tm cm oat.
-- t.u r w ,
A scissors hold with a hair- e
4- Kelaoa was what Mrs. Iah Nu-
e Cleman. 6Z East Thirtieth 4
w street, got nn Patrolman I. M.
Mcculloch this morning when he a)
went to ber home to place her
e under arrest, "he tightly held e
e ,tne omcer ana botn roiled over e
and - over on the front lawn
0 until neighbors came tn and took
the woman off the man.
Mrs. Nodlemaa was nnable to
understand why tbe officer
wanted her to go to tbe station
on a rbarge of allowing her
chk-kens at larg. When be took 4
ner 17 tM arm. aha grabbed him
arevBd th aett. woued her feet
aroand his waieC and defied Lira
to take ber.
MoCnII-h called the nation.' 4
mm 3 mm officer was eent out. Mrs.-
"5:erDn was then tr a-4 to 9
roo-.e to IK tatioa. ' Fh eaid )
that Iter s4gtthr let the cfcW-k- 4)
et.a et eortrg the alght. She a
e reetiy r barrel the aara 4)
e r-ijrfchor wlUa kUllng It cboice e
e fcia
None of the weaker pine preparations
can eorapare with tbe real Pinex Itself.
If your druggist hasn't It he can vastly
get it for you.
This recipe is also splendid for chest
pains, whooping cough, hoareetoesa,
bronchitis, etc.
Strained honey can be used Instead of
tho syrup, and make a very fine honey
and pine tar cough syrup.
"Hd dyspepsia or Indigestion fori
years, no appetite ana what I did eat
d'etressed me terribly. Burdock leed
mttere cured ma" J. H. Walker, Sua-
oury, wniev
Don't let the beb-r suffer from
me, aorea or any Itching of (ha kln.
to.a's Ointment aivee lnatant relief,
earea quickly. perfetly safe for chil
dren. All druggla sell It
Cocat'patlow causes hesdaeh. muM
IrifBeft, - laTiemor, heart i-alpttat (on.
rrsatl nhyl' srip. alcken. weakea
t-e bow'i snd don't euro. Dntn'i He.
jieta at softly .end eure constipation.
1 cent a Ask yoar drvggist.
rrr nr raffer a rvt, h-oie. burn or I
e'H.d. Be prer-ored. I T Thomas' Fv-1e oenpUiSOi
tre Oil Mvetanily ri(nn to paia I punlahmnt
orly ees the Jt4. . Iw II daya.
Adolph Brunswick, husband of Mrs.
Josephine . Buchanan .' Brunswick, says
that he and his wife have effected a
reconciliation, and that in the future
there will be no further dissensions In
the ramlly of Brunswick.
' In discussing the redonclllation this
morning Mr. Brunswick said that the
difficulty between himself . and Mrs.
B."unswlck had been caused by relatives
of Mrs. Brunswick, who were in reality
working against her interest
"I think more of my wife than of
anything else," said Mr. Brunswick,
"and in what I have done in the past
I have been working for her best In-j
terest. I believe that she realises this
to be a fact and all differences between
us have been adjusted. There will be
no further trouble in the future. I am
sure." ;
Tbe difficulties of Mr. and Mrs.
Brunswick were taken Into court aome
time ago. -vFlrst Mrs. Brunswick .filed
suit for divorce. Brunswick, tn his an
swer, set - out sensational charges
against th family of his wife, charging
that they haa influenced her In her
hostile attitude' lo him. He contended
that through tbe Influence of the pres
ent Mrs. Buchanan, widow of Captain
D. & Buchanan, the mind of the aged
man waa poisoned against his daughter
and aha waa cnt off from beT share of
the estate. Mra Brunswick filed
cross-complaint charging that Bruns
wick caused her to procure a baby while
In Chicago, tn order to deceive her fath
er and thus Influence) him In providing
for ner in nis win. sua also charged
Brunswick wtut cruelty.
It Is understood that formal dismissal
of the court proceeding will be aaked
Our First
'. " 1 ''
and Ladies'
Special lots of Trimmed Hats,, SI. 05, $2.05. $3.05' and
$5.00. All. Hats $10.00 and over ONE FOURTH OFF.' v
Untrimmed Shapes worth up to $3.00 at 05. .
modern ten
dency to com
bine business and
sociability. Punctual
ity so becomes at once
a duty and a courtesy
it's best backed by an
- V- L2L
at - ... " . . .
Artlrle of Incorporailcm. ".
Robert Treat Jlatt. Hugh Montgom
ery, and Herbert P. Clarke harvs filed ar
ticles of Incorporation of th Carson
company. With a eapniU of IS aw.
Last wk ct . Mlrarle pa lot inc.
Meier V TYaak company, fifth floor.
sorr Sleeptessneaa. a Chi.
for murder. Is fatal cine
LORD ELGIN,-Thin Model
Pendant Winding and Settint Stentef
orhlteniewrl. Kuhy and uroha-tbalaac
' and center arwela. Comoenutuic balanoc
Vrruct hair apring. with sucrofsttnc ref -iatnr.
AditKted to temperature. E.xpoed
wmdinc w beelt. Patent recotlinfchck a4
-M-totV'nf aenma trvlre. bvnk-arcood
duL Plate dinmkrwl Caacd aad
tuned ia cae at the tactorf. .
. ta niW CoU Casas.Srl sad wav.
la AoUd Cold Cases. (H sad mm.
Other Dta sWeta s ofVr rHces. sccard
N U iwniwnt "4 re. A9
I .a U '.hr are Uf'r rearasieed. Sad
art sold kt feweiers cverysbcrc
Eg. ChaoteJ
71 JKN m)L 111 I P i I