The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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U v-4
Fc!s raplhn
7 Cakes lor
Commercial Club to Try for
- Federal Uuildinff, .LarfciT
r rostofflce and Depot;
-i Vi
?i (fliMtl PlipaUh to Tb Journal.)
. RdMburf, Or., Nov. IK At westing
cf the Cpmmerclal club Monday evening
Initial t?j wera taken toward urging
. onrerffB to make an adoquate appro
V prlitlon for a federal building In Rosm
bur. -Tula matter was brought to the
attention of tha club . by - UononabU
' Blnger-Hermann, who cited the . great
. need for structure of tliia kind In
thin city. Koaeburg haa four govern
: Inent of f lcfia a poatof flee, -which . al
ready Is In need f larger Quarters;
' ynlU d States land office, tha forestry
svrvJoe' htuduuartera.. the United' States
" weather bureau. Ursldes these . there
" are postal Inspectors. special agents,
etc.; who also need pfflcea in thla city.
It ia aald a larger federal building la
needed Jiere than any other city in Ore
gon. outside of Portland. President
, Joaepheon appointed a committee con
alatlnglof Honorable Blnger Hermann,
5 Governor F. W. Benson, Judge J. w.
" Hamilton, Honorable Dexter Rica and
Honorable B. I Eddy to prepare data
of the city'a needa In thla line, together
with suitable resolutions to submit to
- congress therewith. It la probable that
the club will ask for an appropriation.
1 :ef $160,000.- ' ;
To Make.Umpoiie Wavlgafcle. v.
Mr, Harrlman also took up tha matter
jf requesting . a government survey,
. toward making the Umpqua river navt
, gable from Boottabur to Roseburg, by
'jneans f locks and dams. ' This plan Is
thought entirely feasible as there are
only about 10 places whlon need to-be
" thus improved. , The probable coat of,
-V making this survey would be about ll,-1
V President Josephson was aisa in
structed to appoint a committee to visit
General Manager O'Brien of the 8. . P
lines la Oregon at an early data and
present to him Roseburg"s needs toward
a: new, freight and passenger depot.
kIof P.'S hold pikst
5 -fy -. i. .)" -"'-r '';-,' .
I ' (Salem Boretu of The JourtwU .
Balern. Or.. Nqv. U Tuesday night
at 8alem was held the nrst of a series of
district conventions that are to be neia
during the winter In different parts of
the-state by the Knights of Pythias.
Nearly 200 Knights, gathered" in the
convention hall from different parts of
the: valley. . This aisirioi w
of Marlon and Polk counties but there
of Marion ana row counuus v'""-ition . to be discussed rrora iour j)vu"
-. tWthlona from nthif dOUn- . . In...k...l marfloal tnatl
wciv m t ; m"w - - , -T-. IOC View ' pnii!imuyv m . - .
ties In attendance.,: , - ; .. I tutlonal and eduoatiqnal. Prominent
n niminirnf npeann City ore
sfded at the , meeting, responded to the
address of welcoma mails by wV t.
Rlgdoa.' and also acted as toasttnaster
at the banquet which followed. Short
addresses were made by Ous CMoser,
P. B. Yoran, U M. ?orl, John M. Wall,
George Sohuljnericu, ueorge w, '" ward T. Devlne oi ne
fc.- B. gttnson. Leslie E. Crouch. I. T. profeor of social economy at Columbia
Nickler and Walter A Fry. Delegates niver,Uy; Dr. Thomas DafJfn.
r nreeent Trom avtoth, ouuu,w,
Bllverton. Indepenaence, wum mm Homer FolKs, eecreiary vj. w-
Falls City ana visitors jtop York Charnjes Aa .
ii irroa ornvt Portland and I A wininv- of the Massachusetts
Albany, Forest Grove,
1 '
l m..i mwm maw fnnis In A mnrlca. Albert Spalding
After a most guccessiui rauuon vi --- - ...
thi young American violinist, ha. just -ailed for Europy here he win
make a tour of the continent in concert. Including a jrliit to Egypt.
Ywm BmUute, who Ii grandson of A. Q. Spalding, the famous
ATivSlim-UM earned th right to he conBlderel on. of tut
"world's great vioHniirtg,;; v '
Medical ;i 3fen and Others
From Everywliere vis
V cuss Infant llortality. : ;
ir.v.ri ronn.. NoV." il. -The re
port Just issued by the United States
v.., Mtawln that ,' 200,000
" .. .
children annually, from preventable
diseases in the unitea niaies
fimeiy Interest to ' tna conierenc- u,.
H." f ' infant -.'mortality
which assemblsd.hers tedar under th
auspices oi me aoi " -
Medicine. At the Initial session of the
oonferenca held In Lampson au
Yale University rresiaen ajr
ed the Relegates, among whom many
noted educators, sooial workers, prac-
T . iin. .nl . K0nrnentatiVeS
using pny ,
of the most important medical schools
In America. . .
During the two day a1 session of the
.t,. i.foni mnrtalitv nro-
blem, with the possibilities of itsnsolu
tlon discussed from four points
among the artlclpants are Dr. Clemens
von pirquet, wjio nas junv
counfry from .Vienna., to take the chair
of -pediatrics ai mo v""
Medical School Dr. James fV Mason
Knox. Jr., associate n peaia.iric v
the Johns Hopkins seaiisi wu. - T. Devlne oi ne:-r.
health commissioner f
i (dvecUl Dlroateh ta The Jonrnl.l -T
Weston. Or., Nov. 11. George W.
etagKs,-, one of Weston's most nucceea'
ful farmers, has purchased over 800
ncres of land in the Wallowa country
near Enterprise. ' SeveraK other parties
are making investigation as to prices
of land in that section, and it is prob
able that a good amount of Weston
, capjtal will be Invested In Wallowa
.. county lands. - -.
A very pretty wedding wis celebrated
f at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs Henry Waddington, when Miss
i Ullian Waddington waa united Jn mar
riage to John It. Staggs, Rev. I! Achil
les officiating. The groom is. chief or
i. police of. Weaton, '
. . .. BRINGS HIM $1000
l.i -i'' .ii i. 1 ' 11 -'1' -r'e
- fSalow Burn of The Joarnrt.l "
Salem.. Or., Nov. II. Rev. Louis P.
tarden. who persuaded peorge Meyers,
the slayer of Policeman Tom Eckhart
' at galem about a month ago, to give
himself UP, was toaay. nunura m wh..-
rant for $1000 reward offered by Gov
ernor Benson. .H will also be given
.t,- nftcroA bv tha cltitof Salem.
n n public statement, trden declares
" that ha persuaded Meyers to give him
self up. by the power of prsyer.
Institute of Technology; Dr. J. P. Crosi
er GrlfUtn. cnnicai Pr"f ; -IVv
diseases f children n the Un "Uy
of Pennsylvania; Dr. Alice Weld Tal-,
lant, professor of obstetrics In the wo
man's Medical College ',Pennyahnia;
Professor Albert G. Keller, P'f??''
of the Sclenee of atoeletr at Yal; Ir.
Caroline Hedger of thUnud Charities
of Chicago, and Dr. Charles Johm 4
Henderson, prof essors of sociology at
the University of Chicago.
niihe Club Electa Officers.
me8SeNnii REFUSE
Gilbert was chosen president- for ne
following year. Werner Breirman was
elected vice-president; Frank Tr Mere
dith, secretary;. Joe Baumgartner, treasurer;-
Fred J Rice, F, O. f bcn' 8;
a Mnnnln. Charles I McNary and
br .W. Carleton Smith, trustees.
Kentucky Girl and French
Nobleman Love at First
., Sight Much Romance.
:f: i-rr, : : :r v
New Torkv Nov.. It- Before a larga
and fashionable assemblage In St. Pat
rick's Cathedral, Archblahop Farley oft
flciated ( at. the wadding today of Mlsa
Sussnne Jlennlng, a noted beauty from
the Blue Grass regions of Kentucky
and the ' .young Marquis Antolne de
Charette, son of General de Charette.
the head of the French Royalists in
Britany. " ' . ., ,
Miss MarJorle Curtis was the bride
maid of honor, and the blrdesmalds
were the Misses Helen Coster, Porothy
Hayden, Francea Alexander, Luoia B.
Hull: all of New York; Miss Helen p.
Hibbs of Washington, and Miss . Emily
U Helm of Louisville. The bridegroom
had as his attendants COmte Amede des
Cars, Baron J. de Meyronneht Saint
Marc and the Marquis de Chalrgny. ..
The wedding of Miss Hennlng and tha
Marquis de Charette is a case of "love
at first sight. When the young mar
quis met his future bride at the home
of her parents in' Tuxedo park, -the
Henninss were bitterly opposed to hav
ing a titled aqn-ln-law. The young peo
ple thereupon took matters In their
own' hands ana accompamou vj
chaperon they started on a deoorous 1
elopement to Paris, where they con- i
oealed themselves In a cheap hotel, 1
Thtre1 they were located by the mar- j
auls mother; who took , her son and ,
the runaway American girl to her ;
chateau In Britany. The consent 01
the Hennlngs.was won by cable, ,
The Marquis de Charette was born in
Paris and ir f 9 years old.' The Duchess
of Madrid and Don Carlos were his
sponsors. He spent severaT years In
Germany, and after his -Uaty ser
vice accompanied the Duke of Orleans
on a Journeyed the east He passed
two years in Portugal, and subsequent
ly paid two visits to Amerioa.
The bride of today is tha only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James- wiuiam-
son Hennlng. She has maae ner j
r ..ini .nil n York and has
also spent much of her tim,e In Wen-
lngton and at Tuxeao. .
." '; G30 - Values Now ;
A sale that will be a positive revelation in style,'
fit', quality and workmanship at the price, ihese
suits undoubtedly have never been equaled in
this city for $16.85. Each particular model fits
so smoothly and hangs so gracetullv that it
could not be distingushea trom tne vv or
Portland's smartest dress-
;.trs will recognize this as an unusual dress buy
ing occasion unsurpassed and unequaled,' Ke
Vievirnmft in the latest all wool ma
terials and some are beautifully trimmed, with
"braids and fancy buttons, VThey arc values to
- $32.50, sale priced f 1
S "J',.v '
S1.75 Long
We have placed on
sale 20 dozen ladies'
good quality flannel'
ette long kimonos in
beautifulTersian pat
terns in light, dark,
and medium color
ings. Every one cut
wide and full and
neatly trimmed ' with
contrasting materials,
all ' sizes, values to
$1.75, while they last,
... 1 J" ' "X- . . ,-,.:.
Swell Military Capes,
in the ' newest styles,
all shades, beautifully
trimmed with Jmttons
and gold braids. -Here
.is vour opportunity to
buy a $15 Cape at the ;
low pnce;ot - , '
i frM !!
ii h ii . i
it m
$4 Ualr Pnifs, $1.95
Five different styles, all
shades, sanitary j? 1 Q G
made, $4 vals, sale D J. tl
Real Hair Switches,
$5 Vals. Now $2.95
"Natural wavy hair, all
shades, long length 28 inches,
real $5.00 kinds, QC
Sale . .aPsCia7sJ
25c Silk Hair Nets, now 1,5
'50c Hair Barrettes, now 25
7Sc Amoskcag Glnflham Aprcns
Mother Hubbard Vityli
aprons made of the best
erade Amoskeag ging
hams in assorted checks,
made wide and full and
sewed with the lock stitch,
will npt rip, the AQn
T5c kinds, now,...iOC
bain Aprons Now
15c '
Skirt style kitchen aprons
01 DCSl rVlIlW0-t5 64"6
ham' in assorted checks,
these : 25c values - c.
.on sale at. ........ lul
, (Special PlPtch to Th JoornaU
Marihfleld. Or, Nov. . 1 l.--C0 Bay
apparently must be satisfied with tha
plan of the government engineers for
rii- w Carleton Smltn. trusrees.; . , oreaging mo ir .- -----
? ThT'llUbeV the -capital ,oTty proyement C. B. JPecfc attorney for the
. .Tri '-ioi nr..niiton. ' l; I imrt of Poos Bay. has conferred with
principal Men's social organisation
' Cruiser Calabria Departs.
Saa Francisco, Nov. 11. The Italian
cruiser Calabria, - the last of tha for
eign fleet that Visited San Francisco
i... tha Pnrtola festival in Oc-
tober, sailed yeatarday afternoon for tha
orient. Mayor Taylor and members Of
the Portola committee oaae nrewtu w
the officers and men. Toasts were
drunk tooths', president and King Em
manuel of Italy ana xosens or apmw
tlon were presented to -the men.
t ; ; Many Women Have
Diseased Kidneys
"And ' Bladder. Troubles Who Suffer Endless Torture, Without
, : I&iowing ' the Nature of Their Ailment, or; Its LCause, ,
This Is because womea are told that
their every sickness is due to "ailments
of their sex." Tha notion that to cure a
woman's ailments, it is only necessary
to treat tho distinctly feminine organs,
is one that haa caused much unneces
sary suffering-. - ' '
y The tortures and discomforts of weak,
hme and aching-back.swoU en and bloat
ed feet and limbs, nausea and fainting
spells, lassitude, despondency.sick head
aches, painful, scalding- sensation, in
of the kidneys and bladder.
- And unless there is proper healing
and curative treatment for the organs,
which are diseased -and out of order,
therweanbenocureof the woman' ail
ments. For the cure of these conditions
,and as a safeguard against even morel
serious and fatally dangerous diseases-
there must be a thorourhly good and
' effective kidney and bladder medicine,
De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
art at once and with the mast benefi
cial results on the organs ia question
insure prompt and permanent relief
- in any caws where the disease haa not
been too long" Beg-locted. These pills
maybe depended upon w do all tha is
claimed for them.
They are thoroughly antiseptie sur
ErUins-? bealinjr and cleansing, purify
an f reconstructive in "-ry and,
e-nta;Ein co opl'"' narcotics, or
? her harmful sntK aaeea, may be takaa
la perfect confidence.
Tbrrjnds of wotnea all ever the
Cc':wel S stes a"! rta the mar
;) e"c'"y of th" IV- a.
DtWit sK"TSDan..!.rn:har
fit ia s.r-t.t, .Uiary, f.w con
tainers (yo preserve their full ttrmgth
and curative qualities) and are sold by
.11 Awnmtriei t &m and 1 1.00 a box.
t . -a r. in t V nd ran In
the least sutplcicm that they are ai "'
It Is a ear Havana t-irar, s
. .Mil. m hit fnT Ul
to at orxe wr.: tfceia, ana a tnai ca
ct ihr IM'.s wiTl I ?ct free by ret are
ciaJ postpa.i. Dj it W-dy.
port of Coos Bay. has conferred with
the engineers Jn an endeavor to have
them build a. new jetty insi,eau vi mous
ing. Us reports that the engineer re
fuse to .change their plans until the
dredglna shows Itself a tallura The
executive committee of the chamber of
commerce has delegated WlUlam Qrlmea
to attend the Rivers and Harbors con-
..4 tn wnrir with the rlvsrs and
harbdra committee In the United Slates
with the government en-
glneers In the Interests of the Coos bay
Companies Incorporated
SalemTOr.. Nov. 11. ArUcles of in-;
corporation were filed In the office;
of the secretary of state today as fol-
lows: : , , , '
Acme Lumber company; principal f-j
flee, Acme. Lane county; capital stock. ,
$150,000; Incorporators, J. F. w,.8au
bert. T. C. Saujbert, C. C. Bhay and p.
E. Bralnard. ' , ,
The Carson company; principal ornca,
PorUand; capital stock. . $5000; lncor, j
orators. Robert Treat Piatt. Hugh
Montgomery and. Herbert F. Clarke.
Chamorlow company; principal office.
Portland; capital stock. 15000; Incor
porators, A R. Morgan. W. H. Chapln
and E. C Huerlow.
- Morgan-Btansble company;- pnncip
offlca Eugenes capital stock. $20,000;
Incorporators, Roy C. Morgan, Jamea
A. BunsDie ana w. . xvd.
To PodJcato I. O. O. P. Hall.
.m. - - - t. n Aitniel.i '
af...kuu r . Vnv. 11. Thtt Blm
k.J f the local lodge of Eagles are
making preparaWoaa to -dedicate their
nAr bulldlna December II. Jt is
.tnutnH ua will coniain nm
f.i v m w
n tha loAra aasiaea
inq pines i - - - - -
affording space to oe femwa xur . (
The lodge nas launcnou uui.,
.ca namhara ajtd thaM will
Hcun w
be Initlsted an the oocaaioa i uw
dedication of the aew bail.
Through Service Portland
. to Omaha.
'mtmiAmrA alatar Portland ta
inruupi. " " ' - -
Omaha via Hpokre, Portland Seattle
Railway. The Norta nana roea.- in
connection with Northera Pacine Rail
way ard BorUnirtoTi Route. Trala leaves
...naap atation. Elaventk and Hoi-t
streeta, T;St p. m. -iy omcw. romw.
. . - . . m 111 Tklrl
,Aur; iiv yi..i ..v,- i 'i f. Ira ana iuni"vu 1 - --- -
no esse work Imurr to tne syweni as .trL and iff TT.ira street
rrupy, alooholie, liquid preparatlong j :
are ar v iv.
E. C DeWltt A Co., O.Jesyo, CL,
want every man and woman who rave
Do-Yon Smoke? . i
Try tfce Kl SldMe Tkfarver IS eat
tv cf W"1 Palstlsf.
V r rmnk rmrr. nft floe
I I i "' 121. J-r--
WANE FIMST Ieh' iM IPsicISIc MoFtliiwestl o
MANY PEOPLE ASK THIS QUESTION The ar i. WT oI aa.isfied par. can ... yo -W,
ha hundreds of letttr, on filtfrom our that aMW!r thl, queation. . m, .mrtnnl
The reasons are too numerous to mention but we will fllve you a tew ol the most Impprtan
S ::::::::: i::;::;:: II nr-rrp Tr-irTHT
XL . J J jj.Xi.JJL
9 1
Porcelain fillitiffS
22-karat gold crowns
Logan crown
Fnomal rrnwn
Bridgcworjk, per tootlu
Uood set Qt rcein
Fine st of teeth
.. . . .
, . k . . a
is; aa
ttet nn
We will forfeit $1000 to any charitable in
ititutioa for any dentist who can make a
crown or a bridge at $10 perooth aa good
as thoae made by our expert crown and
bridge maker at $5.00 per tooth.
And thoe afraid can now sit in the dental chair
with great ease. The mansrernent W the Ch4cjjo
Dental Office will give $100 to any charitable
Institution for a tooth that an operator fails to
extract without pain or bad result.
H You Wear Artificial Teeih You
Will Come to Us Sooner or
Later for Our Whalebone .
PlatesWhy Not Now?
They cannot be excelled, as they maintain a condi
tion of cleanliness, freshness, sweetness and purity
to the breath. We are the original makers or this
tsectat pliable plate and give an absolute guarantee
for fifteen years. ThM plates give the mouth a
perfect sppearance and cannot be detected from
natural teetn.
Kao Regular $15.00 Whalebone Plate for $10.03
& Office Houra: 8 a. m, to 8 p, m-i Sunday, to L Lady attendant
: .r, rnr rvxlr - PIIOKCS: VMU J"3: A-.1