THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND. TULSDAY EVENINQ. NOVEMBER 0, 1903. IS IXH SALE FAKMS tj - ! hi u -i 17 $75 f Per errea, lf inllM south of Medfor-d, I milea from Talent, on una .1 ritd. Tula farm huo rr"e'uilw. t--r rights- t.n the Anderson creek, aboui t urn cleared. scrra i.rd. apple and Penr trees, whit ,o. or m; i. hnuid.. i.ut i , naed for orchards. The finest kj 1 & Mand tn tbla valley. H h -nly nt-ed development ,, 'lUf mill. - Houaa, and .vitiHilUilngH. lii.e 1.60; $i6t caxh, balhiue I. 3. and 3 years at per rem. , , n. i it aiIiiti ranging I ,1.. from 3 1.6 i to lit 1 acre a. and from moo to 130,000. . Hobcrt & Marshall Boom 7. The t'hanibera, ' f$H Alder Hi A Fine Small Ranch 55 acres miles from Oregon CI u ....... i oniiiuntion. balance inns , open pasture, creek run through P'fe. room house, barn ond other outbuild- lima; 3 horses, 3 cowa, rm Kon. harness, and all farm toola at a bargain.- . CMtteiiacn, Otto &Neill 1'6I KUrk at., rooms 17 and 18. FIUTT LANDS 43 TOU have been thli.klng for om tlmt about owning- small tract or ruuict fruit land, but on Investigating the va - rtmis--atbIhoil -sections you find prleea of land more than you were able cr wining to pay. . . Hither Hood will appeal to you be ing about 2 milea eaat of Portland, near the O. W. P. By., ana immeanieiv on the Mt.Hood Electric aurvey. Deep shot ' loam aod, Jdeal elevation, abun dance of moisture, irrigation nnneccs snry; free from late and early frosta We have recently published a booklet on this famous section; it la free; aak for It. We w"l be pleased to take you out and look the country over. Thousanda r.c nrrR at choice fruit land. In ost any size tract, from IjJ per acre up to 1100. CHAPIN & HKR.iOW. - 882 fhamber of Commerce. wj. tE-.hT3-HOOI1 APPLE LAND. Be a commercial orchard owner, the best investment proposition on sine market, and secure some of thla choice fruit land while it is ami cneap, one quarter the price or the nigniy exploited sections that are twice as far from Portland. WESTERN HOOD la only 30 milea southeasterly from the city; our free booklet tells you ail aoout it. xne closest investigation of the many ad vantages of this favorable apple sec tion -solicited; none, oetter in uregon. so claimed by -horticultural experts. Over 2200 acres 'already sola to oe de veloped. Buy now and be In. the swim. Ton't delay prices are advancing and will soon double. Call and auto will tag you out. ' VANDUYN ft WALTON, . - 615 Chamber of Commerce. .. MINING STOCKS . fSS FOR SAJLK AND EXCHANGE - MINING and Industrial stocks! tele phone and other , bonds bought and sold. C. 8FletchertJll6 Ablngton bldg. IlFdtJTwIah tibuy or sell ruining stocks, cell on J. B. Pure 11. 3(8 atari at.; room lit. Bl'8INKSS CHANCKS CO UKLP WAN'TKD FEMALE 8 I SITUATION WANTKD MAIJC 0 Bi'srrcEsa chaxcks so IttlBTAL'RANT. Nice, clean reatauratit. on Waalilng ion t., double atore, wlln laaae; rrn ItiO per month; clearing IM0 per month tot aaie ai a pargani, it (narn uukk .rl.- $700; worth 11000. Owner 'going away, and must sell. . ORIJKSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg, 4th and Oak THE French restaurant. Pendleton. Or. a moner maker and one or the oiaeat and beat known restaurants In the northwest, will be sold at nubile aur tlon. Thursday, November II, at 10 o'clock a. m. Oood reasons for selling. llcre'a a good chance for a good rea- taurant man. AHU you looking for a business? We nave one or me oesi Duys in wie miy a woodvard: horses, wagons, har ness, office and furniture, a-asollus saw nons, lease nusinees, an wi mr 1200. Shoemaker Stevenson. jit (enry bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. Phones Mai:. 44t5, A-7434. 5l room hotel at Forest Grove: 33 bed soms, all fullv furnished; z dining rooms. narlora. fine riiano. lot iuuxii books will show that this Is netting J SO per month; price $12,000. Repass & Wocdyard 800-803 Henry bldg. A-263?. M. 68E4 p$50p -" PtO S0 P v Xj -per acre L E 10 per cent B L cash, 2 per cent I, A a month; 6 , acre A N -tracts or more. This N v r apple land will be worth D $2.10 per acre when It 1s paid for . KLICKITAT APPLE LANDS, " Particulars and literature gratis. ; PAUL K. CLELAND -INVESTMENT CO.. . Main 3S2S20-22 Board of Trade. A-7030 66 A fruit, growers assoclat Ion Is now directing development in "Hither Hood." fceveral hundred acres will be set to trees itv February. . Get our free booklet-''and post up ' on thla locality, liuy 6 acres at $35 an acre and make some money. Hood River people are buying. . MT. HOOD LAND CO., 711 Rothchild bide:. Phone M. 3B10. LAKMMLK Film Bervics removed from 214-l Welle Fargo bldg. to over an- tages theatre. 4th and Stark sts. Now urcnaaing rums outngnt rrom 11 merlcan and 45 international film .man fact urere of high grade motion pic ture films. WOODWOR KINO plant and carpenter Bhon, including $400 worm or maao U0 material. Bee this. It la an op portunity to make a fortune, owner, is old and must retire. Call for part leu rs. 618 Chamber of commerce. SALOON for sale at Invoice: beat down . town location, long lease, doing good business. Owner must leave city and will sacrifice for cash or win . tag Fart in good real estate.- This 1 ine proposition.- X-t2, Journal. WORK1NGMANS hoteL 28 rooma also boardlngwOnly $40 rent, good jease and rine location, zuu per monio above every nosslble expense : la cer tain with thla. $1100 will buy It Call 618 ChamDer or commerce.' OLMSTKIl I'AKK. I WANTED 300 ladlea to buy their eulta Tha Portland Heights of the eaat aide, from drummer' aamplea at price, offers a p ll Inducement In genuine flemetuber, few weeks only, Hults, tapes, view lots that won't lul much longer, coats, wala4a, petticoats, etc., al H tlvery lot In Olmsted park la 10 ud- price. Come and make your trip pay ii In a. turn iinvm 'lt,la la Vfiur l oil from 111 In ilk Nmm York Vlfth chance to buy belter than Irvlngtonl Ave. Cloak and buit house. Ixiok for I have the following; property at a remarkably low price and I room Si. Hamilton bldg., 131 3d L Wei want work are open irom a. rn. to I, m, TUB CITr OK IOHTLAND TRr-M KM 1'LO Y M ENT HlUtlOAU. ' 370 Uadlaoit, bat. 3d and 4th. Home A-24 Phonea Wain 366S. i- win unimlv vou with any help ou may need on yery short notice. We II. 1 w . on eaay lerma. ' Let us take you out in I oils or ur autos and show yu CoLl'MUI A ' TKI '8T COM PA NT. Hoard ft Trade Mdg. C0AR3 Jt'Kt) CONFtPf lONtRy Nice auire on 3d St., right down town rent only IIS iwr month: turea, , Including furniture) of living rooms, for sale at a bargain, only $660, OHl'SSI it KAlxW 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. TWENTIETH CliNTUHY Uanuenl Cut. ting school; patterns cut to order; a specialty of tailored aklrts and eoa (amis made to order; nothing their equal. Chicago Coatum liuuae, m lock an1 fix- TMorrlson at . Pupils taught. M. 8411. lAVlNti returned from east, I can now take ordera for ladles' coats. II ELI WANTEDMALE aulia. nrincaaa draaaea and aklrts: re pairing promptly attended to. 676 tth. corner Orant. Telephone Main 70H. VVANTE1 raphv; Vouna ladies to atudy teleg- arood Doaltlona when oompe- strong young men I tent: day and evening clssses. Oregon pivr lrirvnwirii wanted Immediately for firemen or I Colleae of Telegraphy. 63 6lh. corner brakemen on nearby railroads. Oood Oak at. ... vlalon. Account Increaalnc bualness. O0 I Tiv'iT-l-r a il. tnAn-rii ani writes let. men sent to positions laat two months. I lAra th. fra. wek: try It one week 'if secure positions. uusinesa Worcester piock. iv-eivu pionmir, jtuiiiui ion. jtuureaa, w-m welcht. Bend I iini'.fv sin v . ' nMnuiwih - I i .i ni L'4 t hnma aiav or evenlnaa. ao- nivina- iranarera on norceiain. ii.ov nal. .Ki'.RilMlI. I ..,lv rallahla work. Wireless and railroad telearaohera In u.M.m km great demand. Ws ouallf v young men I r-. ' . J and nasjre Ihxm nnalllona navlna beain. I ' Kt1. ciaea ners 170 to $90 per month. Operating J ? alg OfflclHl telegraph achoola Indorsed p'.'1- fin I Portland School of Art. SU Dckum a ii qui rou I py all railroad and wireless companies. I WANTED Good all arouna ooog, u.sia Bnter now for day or nla-ht sesstona. I cada hotel. Katacada, r.; referencea; National Telesranh Inatttiila. 14N fith IL I atata telenhone number. WANTED Salesmen; many mage $10w ji R 11. KT KNOCRAPHER8 ALWAYS to 11 Kit ner month: aoma even mora: I 1 kUV. OOOD: THEY A RE TRAINED stocg clean, crown on reservation, far I nv THAINEHH that knkw jiuyv, from old orchards cash advance week- WANTED TO BUY, y; choice of Urrltory. Address Wash- Diamonds, any ale; alao old gxild. for Ington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. cash. 328 Washington at. WANTED Young men to study wire- Ttip v'h ll Pl,AVrK8STa STDDENTS less and railway telegraphy: railway lS wlrea in school: day and evening classes. I ..i'N.YAi.V-oV.r ui Zsiif coVnVr rv, w'.fB" -"-"," " WANTED Ladles, we trim and remodel iiD7MTnnaMi.:..n nats. curl piumes a vt price, oo. IIEADolTARTERS real estate and bus ness chances of all kinds; dealings confidential. Rooming housns a special ty.- Phone Main 78071 A-S282. Suite 813 Merchants Trust Dldg., ass washing ton st. ' WANTED A man who wsnts to bet terv himself to take half Interest In a aylng office business; Investigate thla. ee ua for business chances. j BARNARD A CO.. 622 Worcester blchr. 8d and Oak. L'MPQUA VALLKT FRUIT IANDS C. R. DONNELL & CO., 'i S38 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED FARMS 88 We want small places,.? 10 to 40 acres, that are cheap.? Can make quick sales. Atlas Land Co., 420 Lumber Exchange. HOMESTEADS 47 FREE LANDS IN OREGON. Send your address or call and get our TooKift that tens ail anout tne szo acre HOMESTEADS in central Oregon, Three railroads now Duuaing on direct line xowara ine property. B. S. COOIC& CO,, 503 Corbett Bldg. iiOMESEEKERS, attention. Splendid free homesteads and also relinquish ments, plenty timber. - One with ten million cedar; on river," Call or write. Full particulars free. Suite 313. Men chants -Tnrat rjldr.y 326 - Washington PARTNER- WANTED Half Interest tn established real estate office; price reasonable; experience unnecessary; here's a chance for an honest man. Call and -we'll talk It over. - 23 Alisky Ding., xnira ana Morrison eim. CIGAR stand, fine business every .day. . good lease and reasonable rent. Lo cated verv best . Dart of Washington street Will make a sacrifice price for next two days., can bis Chamber or commerce. .- . ;: .-. : , tuH SALE!, by Inventor, a patented de . vice for car construction; all kinds of tarmlnv implements ana wagons, Easily - manufactured:- has no eauaL iou can treble your money the first year. -z33, journal. I HAVE a complete grocery stock, rent 130 per month; will nell at invoice.. or traoe ror email rarm or acreage. MT. TABOR REALTY CU., 4th and Belmont sts. B-26B8 automobile BuifNear" Ara dnoortunitv for the right man to get a start in this line of business by the investment of $500 for an Interview. Phone Eaat 668 1 HAVE to sell my half interest In a good paying restaurant, good locality: much experience not necessary; $300 will handle. Call If you mean business, 102 1st St. ' WANTED partner who wants to better - his condition In old established busi ness; can clear l so pet montn; 3U cash, fully secured ; no curiosity , seek ers need artfcwer.- Q-S03. journal, y ' 24 ROOM rooming house. 3 blocks from : Washington St., steam heat,' brick building, long lease. Income $350 a month; $2100; easy terms.' Peters, 16 N. 6th st. " - I have Just returned from, central Ore- 1 gon, where I located on a homestead, can locate a party on some of the finest land in the state. Call and see me at 4 21-422. Henry bldg. THREE fine relinquishments and four homesteads on good creeks, close to jroru'ino. . NIM1IO, RUNEY & DAVIS, 13 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d St FORTY acres good rich land adapted . to fruit, vegetables or walnuts to trade for 4 passenger auto. G-806, Jour- IDfBER 28 WOOD stumpage, about 8000 cords. I miles Portland. mile station. Ad ply 769 East Couch, mornings or after i p. m. iO OR 20 acres timber near O. W.' F. good for cordwood. Phone B-2606, af- Ter : p. m. - liOOMING HOUSES FOK SALE S3 . PRIVATE HOTEL. 45 rooms; dining room seats 90: the furniture, beds and bedding Is of the very best; it Is close - In and clears . 3400 per month; owner Is sick and will consider some trade; steam heat, hot ; water Included In rent ' II room, close In. modern house; fur nace heat; rent $60; clears $76 per -month. - Price $775. Must be sold. 9 rooms, close In; furnace heat: 8500. If vou are looking for rooming houses so Modem Realty, room 607, 102fr 3d. """" DIAMOND REALTY CO. 33 rooms. 2 years' lease, brick bulld , Ing; all on 1 floor, rent $100; $1760 , bandl'S. - - 24 rooms. $1000 handles, central loca tion. t9' rooms, rent $60, $ years' lease, -v$1008 bandies. BARBER shop at Oregon City. 3 chairs. well equipped, modern, $800; a good business; owner sells account health. G. F. Anderson 414 Main St., Oregon uiy. GROCERY and confectionery, 649 Mil- waukie street; good paying business for an elderly man or woman, $10 rent per month; Bold 360 gallons ice cream last summer. . WANTED Honest and sober man' with '$500, take" half Interest Tn good 'par' biag. Inig business; investigate. 416-18 Henry ag. uie collection or ronin, niwiiiiujr pay-i.. , - s r." " . l 1 i i ' ments, and make htmself useful; expert- WAN I'ED Good all around bookkeepfr. i . " I ratana V r all IT uluxa H B glfl- rf- inr ii n n rv m 1 1 nm nnm m i "ri un:ii quired, 82H Wsshlngton st. room 417.; state teiepnon numoer, 4 bakers. 3 bakers' helper.. 6 carpenter I rough carpenters. t -arienters helpers, 8 grocery clerks. 1 1 genem nierchandlae clvrkK ; 1 furniture aalesman. . '. , stenographers. ' "V t shipping clerka. K 1 lutnlViur . . . " 10 cooks, hotel, restaurant and camp. If engineers. JO firemen. . I nousemen. - . 6 marhlnlats. , , t painters. , 10 janitors. ' . 7 watchtnen. I teamsters. 1 accountant. , 1 butcher.'' v . , s . 8 blacksmiths. .'.' " , 4 chain men. I civil engineer. collectors. 1 coachman. 1 I chauffeurs. " J dry cleaner. 1 t ' ' druggists.- '- '.:.. 8 elevator operators. , , 1 electrlnlan helper. , , i 1 gas fitter. J locomotive engineer.' , mechanical draughtsman. 1 mill foreman . (sawmill). ' 1 planer feeder. 1 . 1 planerman. - polisher and buffer.' , -,. . 1 stone cutter. , . . ," ; I stable men. . . ' . y . t transit men. -' - 4 -timekeepers. . s ' 1 waiter. 8 cement finisher.- . 1 cooper, ' . . . flawmill handa. loraers. wood 'Chop pers, concrete men, farm hands, com- inon laborers promptly furnished. FUIIMSHKD ItOOMS W1CMT KIDIC NEWLY furnished front and side rooms for 1 or 2 gentlemen, all mod ern convenlHiices. 12H 14lh. block from Wnahlnatou! may walking . dis tance, phone Main SoOO. Cor. 8d slid Main f urnlahed rooms ne; HOTEL' LENOX alnrls or eneulte, at reasonable prlne modern ennvanleneaa? nun. the Plata, IvlTS' pleasant front room; welTTiet ed, every convenience; best reaidence dlatrlct; walking dlslAnca, Mala 8313, UBl.ioth at. . . VVAsiUINOTON. Alder and 1 7th ate. Tha Norrls Abaolutely new, all out side rooms, strictly tnodern conven iences. $4 to 1 weekly. FIRST CLAWS transient and other rooms; good place or traveling peo ple, i blocks irom rY J. iA-zsb.; water in room. 211 12th 1101 'si:s 1 on iti.nnr. FLILMTHIK M)U NALK 83 Il-JIOOMM. PAIHC AND YAMII1LU -11 room lioiiBB, rent only $60; with $100 worm of rooms rented; furniture ia good and for aula at $1100; $600 caan. $26 per month. UHl-'HSI & ZADOW. 817 Hoard of Trade bldg, 4th and Oik. F m :m tcti in,! room. Sa-ae, $ : u: , 1 wo rooms now rented bring more than rent . Going east; must sell J Hood. room", suitable for 2: one sleeping porch, fine location, bath, neat, pnone, jo mm. from A , O. let. at. sY. sti west Park. N'lt'KLV furnished rooms, suitable for l DeODie. 13 and 14 tier week: all con venience; close In. Aster Alouse. 7th and 'Madison. C'HOIC fci room, cosily furnished; niod ern conveniences; close in; gentlemen preferred,., $8.60 per month. 410 Jef- irmon. llE Angelus, modern rooms, $3 to $S ttanslent, 60o up; free baths. f a Din. NICE, desirable front room, suitable for two- gentlemen not and cold water bath. 271 Montgomery. 478 Taylor Spacious f r VVANTED Youne- men who references to become traveling men: experience unnecessary today for full particulars. Bradstreet system. Dept. 170, Rochester. JV. Y, YOUNG man, highly recommended, late- ly arrived, wisnea position wnn gry noune, rny wi ft Lovejoy St. 1IMVTrn lnrVTB ' - I WANT to buy 4rJ room bungalow WANTEDAGENTS P trom owner. If Ybu have a bargain - - - - . . . . . a, n afl .4- 1 .M T. OQ leu me mn bdous it in mo. cn furnish feTEAbY 'i.A' goos" othlnT 'orshoe ho eling salea- "" 7M7;tOWvV..r(8t." A,eB country. ' G. Aphro, 693 H r; writ to- cy. room jy. 32 wasn. st. city. - C ANTED Youn man for cartner: a good paying business, can make $35 1 WANTED Salesmen wMo can sell trees: I Tnlirnal per week; $860 required, will make good outfit furnished; rssh advanced week-1 , -,,BHT , dr,dgar man wanta posl terms to right party. Inside or outside hy. good territory. Addreag Oregon Nur-1 A ?B1 of dredga or aa wnrW m. an.n 7.9Qn Tn.irn.l . I nHM 111- via Vllllahnrn I tiOn tO taKS Cliarga Or OreOH Of S.S - - -' - v -. ...... 1 . - --- , .-, - - - -1 - -. - - - - -(... whbm Linv intirnfl jkj. Kr-. . . . 1 r j r 1 T .' 1 . CUUivs man ana wire want positions 1 BALIiSMt,. wantea -to um our oana aa cook and he logging camp or write w. Aicnis d wife want positions SALESMEN wanted -to take our oash . chief engineer." steady elper in country hotel. weekly selling cholca' nursery stock. JfiLrcl"M ifJ- Msmoru ' W00. sawmill, experienced. Outfit free. Capital Cltr Nurserr Co, T ' W " PO8U,0n' 861H 3d St.. S. Balem. Or. Jour"'- , ront rnnm k arol I rurnisned: heat, phone,, bath, ; gas; ni'ii 111, wrm or nar, NEATLY furnished rooms. " 107H 4th, near -Washington ; from $1.60 to $3 a week. '.--.., T wtiAii,! rurnisned bedroom In a cleanly place; front and outside roomy. yvasnin gton rJICE FLAT. JEFFERSON ST. - I Modern room flat, only $37.60. some rooms rented; furniture Is nlca and cheap at $Mio; $350 cash, $20 per month. ... r, ORUSisi A ZADOW. , ll!JJ!TAj?l't tlas-- 4.thshid Osk, UP-TO-DATE 8 room house for rent furniture In first laa nonunion In u.,-on1. months; rent $S0; Income $76. K. 816 Cherry st. 1'liono Eaat 6270. FUIIMSHKD HOUSES aa , ? Furnished' Bungalow. . Completely furniahed, modem, SO minutes' car ride, all new, 6 rooms; $26 per month, 42$ Lumber Exchange, 2d and jrk. . Wk LLjTu rn I s Led cottage, west aide rlv er, $30 month. Apply t4 N. tth. W. J" from depot, on 3d or Morrison, , to MODERN house, 8 rooms, well fur- ' ' nlshed. Holladav addltinn 1 riir,. $56. Phone L. A. Rrown, Exchange 71. WILL rent neat modern $ room fur- nlshed flat, reserving 1 connected with other rooms. 147 N. list. FUR-NlSl!E"D 6 room cotUge, gaaT"bathI phone. 401 Marguerite ivt. Knunn. able rent. : , - . , L'WO room cottage, , well furnished $ month. 666 6th st. MAXWELL -HALL, 207 14th. modern lurmanea ; rooms, Bingie, en suit ransient.- - .- . i- - . i rw pnone ana patn. at: rooms per -week. AHhi BUTLER Large, comfortable li7 iv c'" , reavaonahle .rates, w 71 vvasmngton. ELEGANT rooma, $10 up. en suite or '"S"- oat itin st. - mone Main' 2498 rAaTur!J,?.I,ed TOom for rent cheap. a3&a Aw. 1 mi mr.i . CICELY furnished room, furnace heat. 1 . . m v ioiuciictr. , icy . ijovejoy. FOR easy inside work learn to-operate I AGENTS Big money made selling our CTTT Triv .v. vxirnirir!Vf AT.K 4 motion pictures; operators earn $26; nursery stock; great demand, fins SITUATION WANTED HAIAIaB, lessons reasonable. Washington st. bAiEKMEN, experienced In sale of I health and accident insurance: hos pital and doctors' 'attention combined, Call 414 Rothchild bldg. WANTED Bright boy about 16 or 16 Particulars 6264 tin, cash commission WeMjkly. nurwfjrjr v-u., ooacfii, vi HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 i 10.008 POSITIONS -.9 i 1 . - w.... I a...M 1... mM al wa. I . ,.b ui oku. ui aiiiiie duufd. a. hub-i rur Briuusw, Ann. " i waui vwu l tier can make good wages. John Duck, I men learn barber trade In weeks 1 help I 10 chambermaidg. Va em St. ' - . IIO secure posiuyns; grauumies earn 0 COOKS. to fia i. cegiy; expert insirucior: igois free: write for catalog. Moler System THE CITY OF PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 170 Madison, bet 3d and 4th. TJnm A.KK4 Phones Main 8665. w - win atinnlv vou with any help you may need on very short notice. We have tne following female help who STRONG boy. 18 or over, fairly edu- cated. well recommended, and "living -7"C0,Te"V; l N 4 th st Portland with parents; steady position; general Jg?"'1.' 4 -u- worK about store, y-zaa. journal. -BIG bowl of rice 6c. best coftee, cocoa or ra beans bowl. Owl Rice Kitchen, 68 H 4th st NIGHT SCHOOL for bookkeeping, arith- mewc, grammar, ecu. iuw in ine rjat time to enter. Eclectic Business Uni- verslty, 629 -Worcester block STENOGRAPHERS, any system, should take our drills in nignt. classes ror 26 advancement. owi 01 rice oc. Dest coriee, cocoa u.,rh,, ti . WXXW B-"-aiU. c'. B--'-t,n .a nl Wo?ce"r block! ' 6c, 'fruit and all cereals 6c per of,p- . KTrx LEARN tailor cutting and designing, ladles or gents; -posltlona guaranteed soon as competent; open evenings. W. Brown, zuo Aiisity biag. WANTED Energetic party; lntrest office business; small investment: splendid opening., Q-307t Journal. EXPERIENCED presser on cleaned ana dyed garments. Vienna uye vvorKS, $88 3d st. . WANTEI? 8 acres of land cleared, one third mne nortn or xigarcx station., jtv. Hoffarber, -owner. - - - . BOY wanted over 16 years of age. Port land mirniture co., iz aiaoauttui road. ' - 1 -'' I . STUDY LAW in day or night class: enter now. rortiana law tscnooi. vau Woroester block. ., WANTED A barber with small capl ta 1 , alan a aundrvman. ML xaDor realty Co.. 46th and Belmont Phone B-2696. DOCTOR to locate in good Interior town; young, single man preferred. Address Box 10. Spray, Or. " r WANTED TO BUY. Diamonds, any sise: also old gold, for cash. 828 Washington st. SHORTHAND taught by private or class instruction. 629 Worcester block. Positions secured. Enter now. 16 women for day work. 6 housekeepers. ' E bookkeepers. ' 2 cashiers. ... 3 clerks. 5 stenographers. 6 exchange operators. 8 waitresses. 6 nurses. ' - ' 3 office girls. GIRLS or boys wanted for wrapping soap. Mt Hood eoap, xoa tn. EMFLOYAIENT AGENCIES 85 C. R. Hansen & Co.,' GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d at, Portland. Iadtea YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO GET THE BEST PRICE ON A PIANO OR PLAYER PIANO AT SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. WE BELL OUR GOODS ABSOLUTELY ON TH3D. ONE PRICE SYSTEM. " ' . A MIDDLE aged lady would like a po- , .FURXlSltED ROOST3 . EAST SIDE . 82 LARGE front room, bath, phone; will give . oreaKrast ana dinner; rurnace heat. 814 Holladay ave. I'O RENT Nicely furnished rooms, sln gle or ensulte. 93 H Union ave. Phone ;ast tut; steam near. - , - - - TWO neatly furnished rooms, 496 WiU- lams ave., s eacn. ; . .1 FIVE rooms furnished, close to steel oringe. cam - . - . - HOTELS 84 HOTEL PORTLANp. Kuropean : plan oniy; ta. oay. , THE CALUMRT HOTEL, 160 Park; Eu ropcen ana American plan. BELVEDERE. European. 4 th and Alder. 11 . " BOOMS AND BOARD 10 TWO connecting front rooms suitable for tor 4 neonle: board If rieslrerf- heat, piano- 368 12th; walking tllstance. NICELY furnished rooms, with board If nrAfArrat mrv rMRnndhl -7 7 rr.v -4.1 .( t.,,.1 I. .mlll am I t . .1 r ",C8- "J-w"""' a a-ood housekeener and a Dractical IJa . "."'c' 'IT. ' ... ' ','..- QfiJa7 Porta"""' ?.nlr " ""WZJZ TO 424 Front ave.. Spokane. 87-88 4th st, San Francisco, Established 1876. - lid. Phone Tabor 660. REFINED German lady wishes engage- and 14 th: ments to wait on table ar- ,Z LreV,r,.on'. TfLV1!."""1 Inments, dinners; days -yY'"'. ? , , uwmnuai nom FURNISHED house, 8 rooms; referencea required. 816 Clackamas. FURNISHED 6 room bungalow for rent 716 Patton ave., near Tremont FOR SALE Or rent, modern S room house, furnished. B-296, Journal. Bargains in Pianos Used pianos from our renting and' ax change gtock - ,-....- $6 cash, $5 monthly. . , -1 - - Graves Music Co. " 111 4th st. WHEN you move you'll nee new rur . nlture, ' Buy . It ludtnlniialv. an4 tha savings will exceed your moving ' penaes. " ,. .. - Our NO.BRNT Pfltfica aiii. hi m of the largest furniture houses In tha city In less than two years.. ., Lookers ara abown the sama courtesy as buyers. MORO-AN-ATCHLBY FURNITTTRB CO, - - Granif a V, im, m Alarlr mt Eaat Ankeny, Montavtlla and Kast Side line cars pass our floor. $4 Per Month . . Rent Applied on Purchase .Graves Music Co.. 111 4th St. ' rOUR room house, one or more acres; barn. : lots fruit, good place for cow, chickens, garden, $19 month; snap. Ap ply 864 N. 36th. W. car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north;- - SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. RENT RE- WANTED Cabinet makers. Oregon furniture Mrg. CO., iau jaacaaam. road. WANT 2 laborers for excavating. Broad- way and aotn sts. - - , PIfOTO coupon agent Rembrandt's Studio,- 5Z5 Abington piag. CITY OF PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT, OFBICm 2U MADISON gSTSrSP Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charga Main 3666: A-6634. HANLEY A TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters for t R. work. gH N. Zd st. ,' SITUATION WANTED MALE 8 WE secure posluous ror our members. Special memoersnip I. aa. v.. a. A MONEY making proposition for In dividual or partners. No experience needed. Small capital required. Call 282H 3d et room 118. Phone Main 8363 PARTNER wanted for cash store sell ins- light groceries; pay energetic man 8125 month. 417 Board of Trade bldg . . WANTED Good solicitor. For particu lars call Main 3879 toaay. WANTED -2 good Woodchoppers.' 808 Board of Trade bldg. ERRAND boy with wheel. Chapman Adv. Co., 8d and Oak sts. PARTNER wanted; used to farm pro duce: guarantee good salary, also share profits. Particulars 417 Board of Traae oiog. rOR SALE Butcher shop and grocery, doing a good business; will trade for horse and wagon, rest cash; in center of city. Call after 3 p. tn. East 6133. FOR SALE or trade, - a good butcher - ah on. on account of sickness. Inouira 416 Oregonlan bldg., or phone Main 7064. , BAKERY and confectionery for sale. cheap rent long lease, terms. a. Newburn. Centralis, Waah.. 637 N. Tower Bt. ' REAL estate owner wants reliable part ner: this requires very little money and will pay. energetic man izoo month. Particulars in fcioara of Trade bldg. ADVERTISING . solicitor, 311 Oak st. upstairs. - CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call fnrnla Wine Denot. 164 3d. WANTED Men to have their shoes half MARRIED man, 15 years' experience in office work, desires permanent posi tion In . Portland: thoroughly . familiar with accounting, 'correspondence and traffic matters; Al references. T-298, journal. YOUNG man who has had experience in watch .and clock work would like em ployment, in Jewelry store; can furnish good reference. Phone Tabor 1680. CARPENTER work by day or contract, workmanship and prices right H. A. Guetzkow, 287 -13th' st or phone Main YOUNG man just out of barber school wishes position, low wages. Satin-days or by week. Will work rush hours. T-272, journal, soled for 60c. 222 2d st HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 XAILORESS for alteratlorM. coats and skirts. Harris, lzabtn st Vv.NTED Waitress, short shift. Mar ket restaurant, $03 Washington at WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. S92 2d st. WANTED A girl for general house work. Call 863 Stark st WANTED A young girl for light housework. 826 3d st. TEACHERS fer mission school. Apply 206 4 Second at. 7 o cloclc p. m. WANTED Housekeeper for widower's iamiiy. .-2o, juurimr. POSITION wanted by business college graduate,: experience more essential than wages. M. C, 606 Main st. Ore gon City, Or. ,., YOUNG man desires position in grocery store, learning the) business; speaks isngusn, German, g-303, journal, YOUNQ man 21 wants some kind of work where he can board at., home. G-304. journal. range for entertain lor nights; best references In. town. z7, journal. WANTED Matron's oosltion. manag- - ing housekeeper or care of invalid, by retlned American widow. Address ma tron. 492 Spokane , ave. Phone Sell- wood 716. . EXPERIENCED Irish girl, 21, desires cooking: heat, biano. eto. ROOM and board in private family for two gentlemen. Phone Eaat 1329. WANTED BOOM AND BOARD 30 situation child's nurse. SL Agency. 246H Washington. Main 3089, GENTLEMAN and daughter wleh board or housekeeping- rooms with nrtvata lAia 1 family. Y-298. Journal, SMITH PREMIER Employment De partmentCompetent stenographers HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE a LIABLE NEW PIANOS AT 14 PJT.H MONTH r BIX MONTHS' RENT' AP PLIED TOWARD PURCHASE PRICE. SEVEN room house, pantry and bath, tint tanA r.,.11 1 V.l 1, University Park, rent $16 month. Phono flamn iiiiiior cay m J-fecg ning. $30 Brand new7-rooms and bath; modern- and fine; furnace, shades, etc On Hawthorne ave. Inquire 291 Glenn ave.- Hawthorn' car," .- r....v; ' 676 COUdH-7 " room home, good for rooming house; central location; rent $40. R.-H. Thomas, school clerk, city hall. . ; SR?110"011 ".' ' WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; fharge. 888 Yamhill I 2 for $9, 3 for $12 monthly; front of A LADY who understands Storyea ays-! cottage, $16; 4 room lower flat $16; iem wouia like wont witn dressmaker, i "uusea, i, tm, ;i.o. at iv. ztitn, G-80S, Journal. west side river, W oar from depot, 3d LADIES To seirour Una ff""-; " " ""mlron IO tn.-piock nortn FOR RENT 4 room cottage, St Johns Heights, ons. Willamette boulevard; rent $13 per month. Inquire Win, B. Mart, room 85. Lahbe'bldg, ' . FOR RENT Partly furnished; 469 E. 10th Nj 146 B. SOth, Sunnygido.-' Ap ply 146 R. 80th. $20 9 room house, chicken houses and yards. 6 acres, lots of fruit. kle. Phone Tabor 374. Milwau- chance of a lifetime: wa furnish tha NEWLY furnished housekeenlno- rooma- capital; give telephone. W-296, Journal. hot and cold water, electric lghtsgas WANTED By tailoresa; buttonholea "to If!?'1- l"1 a,1t phonamw16th or W;icar- make. 988 Garfield ava V a.V"''""' .-tu"""' iruuno T All T N2mstn NlcorialP08iUOn- 508 U00"8 "'eiy furnlshea: hath; T X?! 1' Mico'M-,. ephone. 1 room convenient foi gas. tel- S p n Vi??1 ' worI by day man.t0 batch; $2.50. 3 per week. 241 DRESSMAKING ONE connectina- suite of honaekaanlnar 10 I room. Jlrst f loor; riuinlng . water, i close in. nrivaia ramii-r- . annua . nniv uj yuu Know me im L,aaies raiinrs e-n. . n,Vr,(.i Si , ' .Vom y?up wn NEWLY furnished1 front housekeeping "a, . , ' 7 ' r-"" ia.yi.aa wajat .utJiavv vo-Kir W Jr?rM . -rIIC 010 ng&t, pnone, to -54. 684 2d tit TTooiiiiifiVuii. ix, A-ZrOt, noif. . lV,4- AAn.aal . " 11 -' 1 J aail mi , . - -- w -' a J- USIIU V81 W TTI1I' AeHiuxsAui!. dressmaking parlors; ent 3 room furniahed housekeeping t-. u.vbob, . cfciuui; Kuwna. i Buna, .. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, 74? Corbett st., $17. Inquire 741 Hood st or Main 3246. , GOOD, honest man, good habits, clean . ing, scrubbing, wash windows, attend furnace, good panitor. Main 4303. ' WANTED--Ry a young man attending business college, work lor Saturday. O-308. Journal. WANTED Position as engineer, rapa- bie or nanaimg any size plant pnone C-1174. WANTED Blacksmith foreman with exneriencs modern manufacturina-. 84 E. 76th st, Portland, Or. FOR excavating, clearing, plowing, etc. lawn 2467. , " - lawn grading, lot Phone Wood- 208iraekynbfdg MrS- BrWn 0f P"10; VERY' convenient ; housekeeping rooms', nx- V a a. . - ar PTVA TV fthlt fihMilntM flfttl no- V-aaoAn. f 0 XT t 1 t u 1 ithtt SMUr 8643 - r ' n S" WANTED-Two unfurnished rooms, 10 l ' "e r Jnlu- 1 J minutes' . walk frnm n Alt. CHILDREN'S and plain sewing. upsnur st. ' fnone Mam hdzi. 646 minutes A-7411. Tbi CW. O aW V. '.'i . -a' ' Woodlawfi Til . r-- """"- ww up, large, clean, rurniahed BOU. woodlann Z477. - keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. FURNISHED ftOOMS , , B F URNISHED .h2yS!keln."u't'8' WKSTSiiiP ....""i'' 2 Washington, e 549 ult- near NEATLY furnished nome. 291 loth st. VfCIR TJ ISAM . ...- room, modern! keeolnc suite. 12C BTOOrf InnJtLtlin bav NICELY sfurafehed rooma, ateam heat a tlt pt TT!n u ki' v... and bath. 471 MorriBon, Main 6581, keVlnV roorn se- st 85.60 MONTH Three room cottage. 10S Gray st Kern Park. Apply Mra. Wolf, 147 Warner St.. Stewart Park. SIX room cottage $10 until spring. 3 -blocks from car. Inquire' 763. E. 32d st., Woodstock car. - - $20 9 room house, first class condition, 2 lots. 227 East 49th at.. Phone Tabor 623. ' '. ' ' ' v- - - . FGUR room house $7; 1 block ' front" car. Piedmont; plumbing, city Water. Phone Wood lawn 1942. $27 7 rooms, bath, laundry trays, eleo- . trie light gas. 15th and Eaat Pine. Phone Sell wood 69. FOR RENT An 8 room house, all mod ern. 221 Morris St., east side, $18 ' montn. fnone Mam 1747; A-4S6. FOR RENT Nice. room house, hot and cold water, furnace, plenty press room. Phone' East 6171. , . ' . A NEW 6 room cotUge for rent -Inj quire 488 Bowman, cor. E. loth at 6 ROOM house and bath. Inquire) 628 Irving st Main 3223. , FOR KENT FLATS 13 Used Upright Pianos FROM OUR RENTING DEPARTMENT, , $5.00 Monthly . rett . Phone Main 8122, WANTED Reliable partner, well pay ing real estate businesa. Particulars 326 H Washington st. Merchants Trust bldg. suite 313. Call today. AM looking for a good newspaper prop- osltKw. -rem r .uyi or win taite po sition as editor or manager. Z-399. Journal. HARDWARE store at 60c on the $1 to close an estate: win invoice about IS00. Box 176, lone, Or. PGR SALE Rooming houses. 1 with 43 rooms.-modern: 1 48 rooms, for $3000, H cash: one t room, for $476: 1 ii rooms, for 1109. All close In. Call J(m 4th at. Tel Main 7678. FINE furniture, J room modem, house, cheap rent with lease; this is a fine lit 1 1 place and price Is right Learn "erttriilers at ;S7 13th et. OR 8ALE Established motion picture theatre in foniana; easy terms, azs vk Wsshlngton. CENTRAL restaurant Clearing $200 month. Particulars room 417 Board of Trade bldg ' CIGAR and confectionery stand doing good bualness. for sale at actual cost. Csll and Investigate. 222 3d at Jus FT ROOMING bouae star IJ'h and Alder; 10 rooma rent $3 per month; clear ing $4i per month. $80. Spencer at Co., 12 HconJ . TKN room lodging house equity for lot contret t tortgare or eaey terana; - reuat ae)L IIIH Morrison. rrKim S. MKcV LT.VTB ul.lCl. I?fOMlNJ noCSEeV. UKA I. EfTTATal W MBflon a . tmtrr aa-4t. IINIX STOCKS . KS IY)R SALE AND EXCHANGE - BURLING VR T!-L1"0 RAPHING - TTl EWHITKit. , . V offfr f r flu- eata a !o-k ef t to t t l to 11 i Tr ahare, pay a' o'ir-tritrd rH ar4 belftDca in I I., i 'If et the f'rrtt , n tr ..'f. rJ in t!,!l lili kill -i .r t.i AK!- t - 1900 bualness cards $2; 100. $1.2(7 300, 76c. Rose City r-riniery. M St, ust south . Baker theatre.' RN'ITL HE of 4 rooma and small ctn- dv and stationery stork for sale cheap st 16i E. 18th St.. Hellwood DRUG STORE FOR SALE If you mean business, write to L L Oear hsrt White Salmon. Waah. - , 1 1-, fit a tk" m rxi ' it c (-ir ihT- t ' e ' '.ramt f-T-na 't- --- -r , 1 -'a rr e.'are. C'l . t . . t ' - e V - t IbsUs ;$ t rottfr iJg It ROOM house on th st clearing l a month. Al transient house, $768; 3116 down. Peters. 16 K Hn L WANT ED Ielra ble Udy to ehare rooms 76 N. th sc. or Tet Main 1ST?. Call ev-r.lmr. FOR f ALE Well eetabliahed ' book business; goo epport unity for the rtrh tnan. t-itt. Journal. . Fvtt rALl-i ttabiihel craning and aye works: a-9o4 lostkon; go4 buai- ne. Bore and rig; Hit cash if takes at iw i, J"ml. BILLIARD and m-1 twin. 6 U)-i Let ua aiow row a n-t profit 9t Ii0 rr rwontn: $;?i. ;a l.nrat Kw-hanr. lnc.!lr. alxrKt $i:S, UH-XIRI r4 rar, g-vM bufrs t' i-T'in iw: t-ergaia. uom Mala " cb-ap. 417 C'Tr. . t ' f''4 tMtf.nM Wants Phone Your " - - . ' V ' - " ''-. ' and Every Day Mi .1 T J The Superior "Want Adw Jelephone Service Of The Journal is unsurpassed. 1 a- Anybody who has a telephone can call up The Journal, Main 7173 A6051 And haTe a "Want Ad" printed as ordered. Bills for ads will be sent to owners of telephones after publication. , In the Telephone Directory Is Reference Enough for Us Your ads will appear fn The Journal the same day if received at the office before 11 a. rn. They will be properly classified, too. Your Name NEVVLT papered housekeeping rooms, - ' - J, . - I a.!8, T.'5 VP' bh- fcundry anj phone, i, . Graves Music Co. 687 Washington st - ' - ' jjj1 tn gt LIcnVenr?M5rr'is01VafnaKV MODERN 6 room flat, for rentl IS - .??"Z. - - Morrison. Main 868L Bplendi4 locaUon; yery ooay. 436 Tay BUITE qf 2 small rooms for housekeep- lor st uA"1' '."J tl th Bt . TWO new 6 room flat, modern conn- HOUSEKEEPINO rooms, rurniahed. all lences, adults preferred, 1 block from modern. 696 Front st Main 461. fl. A F. car. Inquire 187 Whltaker at TWO nicely furniahed housekeeping MODERN S room flat; ' walking- dls- rooms, 887 Everett Phone Main 8122. tance; 820 per month. 1T2H E. 3d st. SINGLE room for light housekeeping; N. TeL M'oodlawa 362. phone, bath and gas. 108 10th st MODERN flat for rent, reasonable. In- a oulre 3144 Eugene. : HOUSEKEKPIXO llOOMS MODERN. 6 room flat walking distance, -. EAST 6LDE ,48 322.60. Main 7167 or Kat 1173. 7 n.T , . L"'. FIVE room choice, corner flat at onca. THREE nlcelyt furnished single bouse- Inquire 402 Park St.; no children. be3S?iv"TtbwnTA.hd THREE room flat for rent reasonable! Pin? - t,nlon v,- between Ash and ll gtanton St., east side. t'OR RKNf--urnlah4 boukepln,; L",W.i.-i rm M- M bath, bet and cold water, eieitrio ,, Wllilmm. light, furnace. 641 Leo ave Sail wood ROOM flat; In good order. Inquire 727. - . ' 898 Salmon st - - TWO nice light rooms furnished foi . n-nvicurn tt-T a-rsi ki housekeeping, brick building, electric .KX'..lrl'tt.1ATr.'. lights, free phone and tomttu The Iola, ' 2jJ,I"L n "l""'"rV ?"' ' i ".n 2 ,VJ 8&0H Hawthorne pbona East 2o3. FOUR room flat well furniahed. walk- ,, vi i 1 , . In distance; no small children. Call -m i'ii I.-furnUhJ rMm- at 604 K. c'ooch. Phone B-J4ES. , all modem conveniences, prt rate, no - Children. 453 Williams ire, East 1046. APARTMENTS " 4V3 oue- cen FIRMSHED rooms for light keeping, modern ronveniencen. trat, rj re . -lotn. rhone Y. ita. TWO furnished or unf urniahrd rooma. light houaekeeplng. 1 block from car line. 8 33 Kerfo luR RENT Housekeeping room, fur ntshed, gas. bot and rotd water and bath. Call sftr I p m , tti E. Mrr1an. 203 H Euntoa lU U car ll.Sk week aa, riean, rrninm notifirepuit r bath, laundry, furnare beet ra-a. THREE rooma for rent fu -rue hod for liht bowaekeeplag. 488 7 atoms u Fe)iwo"4. FOI R bo-iaeeplr,g roome tnera. $ ROOM apartment with private bath, furnished complete. Including BilTei ware and table linen, Ionian Court. Mala 112. ' STOKES AXD OFFICES 11 FIRST elaaa outside efflce rooma fef lectrle s"d gas llrht witn Janitor arr-' Ire N. K. cor. 14 and Maflleon. lirPK room for rent In large, elry, com- t-it,T rumianeis oriire: use or teie- "Tte 4f7 tOWlftKUl t;. txiRRENT One office, top fitKr G'-r- jiBt;er . Biag, norta ugtl. AtV'T.'t HOl'H Ml f-XR n r.MTiRE ixm halt. n. Fat i sr . oiog, norm in , j san e RETT, ISTpUITE of eti la rf.'t FT'R "AIT: Fum'tufA s "t new, ef a C rw-i f t. fct r.'y till. teLt '.. CaU t li II it- fir rent ii m. T'r MeKiy rr'r ' er-a Ht'hL 1 KoTiaon, ueat mi ''-.- In rltr; rHap F; I.. (lh 1 1 ti n tap. ST'-Fii;. with Ivi'.t r-orn cn 6 3' I" ? Fc rr Uirf m VaAcouftr at a