The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1909, Page 38, Image 38

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r r r j 1 i i--- a
call and explanation communicate th!r 1 Mr Ernest Laldlaw will b th solo
names to any of th following mimbr Th following program was given
HAMBER concerts hav returned
s . u m ro r a season at least, .ana l
1 it is nopea that roruand . wiu
' show enough desire for th bestl
' In mualc to malt a them remain
permanently. Chamber concert ar ail
, muc-J) a gauge Of tha standard of the!
: better class of muslo lovers In a town
;as the existence of a symphony or-
jrheetra la a gauge of the standard ofl
;tbe pople In - general. Where such
i concerts flourish you will be aure to
, find some of the truly appreciative of
'music borne of the kind that love mu
; sic for Itself and not because It is the
proper thing' to love It
Henry1 L. Bettman, violinist, ami Alf
Klingcnberg, pianist, are the artists who
nave arranged to make a new eirort in
, , this direction. , They have paid a com-
, 'piiment to Portland's musical Intelll
pence In deeming the city ready ' for
chamber concerts,
. A number or women prominent tn mu
elc affairs 'have taken hold Of the
plan and are managing the business
, end of the concerts. - A nucleus from the
. old Ladles' Musical club wnich prac
tically dictated in all things musical a
, few days ago, undertook the work and
' are being assisted by a few others
who are Interested In seeing the suc
cess of this . effort. The Working pa
tronesses are Mrs. Warren E. Thomas,
Mrs. . Richard Nunnr Mrs. Ernest F.
Tucker, Mrs. William X Brewster, Mrs.
Gordon Voorhles, Mrs, Richard Koehjer,
Mrs. Lee Hoffman and Mrs. W.. Al
vord. This committee Is. now making
out Its subscription list and Is arrang
ing for the details about the concert.
A' series of three will be given and the
first will be either November 30 or De
cember 1. probably' In the Y. W. i C.
A. auditorium.
Strictly chamber muslo programs will
be given and much ' that Is best but
. least known in music will be heard for
the first time here. ; Ferd Konaad will
be the cellist for trio work and la some
rases there will .probably be a fourth
to make up a quartet. The Smentana
trio will be one of the numbers on
tbe first program, and at .that time Mr.
Kllngenberg will give a group of piano
.""numbers.'''.''. -...- :
Mr. Bettman has been In Portland
now for two. years and in the violin
ist field "he stands at the top. - His
work is conscientious and sincere and
lie has a, wide knowledge of musical
literature.' He . was concertmelster for
the symphony orchestra the first year
of Its organization and did good work.
His return to Portland two years ago
after several years' absence was wel
comed. Mr. Kllngenberg is - a Norwegian
pianist of fine, muaiclanly feeling. Sev
eral years ago be lived in Portland but
ship committee: Mrs. Waren U. Thomas,
'. ." m, wsisier, Mrs. Mary a.
Day. Mre.' M. I T. Hidden, Mrs. Emma
u. tarou ana F. W. Goodrloh.
The Inaugural program here . an.
penned forecasts a musical. Uterarr
ana arusua treat! '
introductory, "The Kuterpean So
ety.H Jtsv. LntW R n.nii.
pean Ideals," Francis Eaton, .
Muslo aa Lanruiiaa A Teat in.
... . Listening
Piano (Duo), "Dans MaoabreM. .
(at....... . KmI n Caani
Deacrlptivs Analysis . 7 '. . . ..
'W "V,,.l!;dw, J'wer Peary
5 ,""" Tnoes llatchelori
n-L J? i . . rey J. wccraicen.
un-un oi -ainung ana Muslo.
Famous Madonnas (Stereoptloon)..
Raphael, Titian, Murillo, .
' Bellini
Voles, "Avs Maria". . . . . w t .Baoh-Qounod
ose tiiocn-uauer.
Violin obligato, Waldumar XAni: VT,
R. Boone at the organ.
ine union or fainting and Poetry
at the last meeting;
fiubjeot Women Composers of America.
I'aper Mrs. J. H. llo.ror.i.
Vocal quartot bleep Little Lady.
oopranos. Mrs. George Parrlsh and
. Mrs. blftoo; altos, Mrs. Flamming and
Mrs. Allen.
Four sonus Jessie L Oaynorl
Airs, jonn a. ixgan.
Jk i. . VilVK ,m,. . "ouoJ lw B. students just now U Jttblla-I mi
b) J '"LA Wssryln for Vou," .Uond tlon over th. mlor,' v!ctorv ' fine selectlona on
ikiaua i'tnimuciL i ' . j tnrmnr ii r ni n
Bongs Bunns of Partlnir I coin high In tha biggest football gamal w "
"The Man With tha Hoe'
.......Millet. Markham
"Tha Angelus"... Millet, Houghton
Frank Branch Rllav.
Famous Madonnas (tftereopticon) . ,
nmpnmai, ojurilio, jloioein, 'Titian..
Gabriel Uu . - ,
Voice, "Ave Maria" Schubert
np our sen iieea.
Mr, Boone at the organ. v
Violin 8olo, "Wlegenlied,,,...MaoDowell
waldamar I.tnd.
Voles, Invocation (From Tann- ,
hauaer), To the Evening Star".... .
pesorlptive Analysis. ,, .Francis Walker
M ; To Portland Protege
since adopted the plan, among them
Syracuse tihd 6t Louis. - The work will
probably ' spread farther when It be
comes more generally known what good
It does for UMpubUO:"- "'V.. v ;.' v5 v
Boston's free, winter orchestral con-
I eerta WPA nr1 irlnntAH hi th, mn, Aa.
eince then has held various responsible 1 nnrtment in ma an f
positions and has studied abroad exten- the cltv aave evening eonnerta in th
elvely. He has made a particular study achool halls with muslo by, a string
or the muslo of his native land, and quartet, a singer and a pianist The
is admirably adapted to demonstrate it innovation proved popular, and In 1901
Mr. Kllngenberg is remembered fondly an orchestra of nine members and later
by those who knew him during his of 16 was organised. Two years ago
: V . , I froressor Louis c. Elson of the New
turned for a visit last fal he was so England Conservatory of Music, was
urgenUy pressed to remain that-lie Kavg La .. ;Z .
v,":. w.7 thT;;iectov orthe
"7. -r:r;7...ri" ""MSram. 'Jhe programs are always of
7'.1 I rr ...,u w imo igaod quality and nothing trivial is pel-
-r -t - - r- . :'.v ."V ". ..'.' . ' " i m irrak1 m r nam . 'ii-i a i i
I v muiu, nv ui .fj sal I
; ...Mil
By Mary C Pevles. I Toung told of a trio throush Telloi
The one thought in the minds of tht Pr. Harry He nog rendered a
ix junniun gave iwg
the piano. A moat
address was given
a) Echoes. ... " been looked f. 71k .A ..-V .hi . Eu"" .nnom bolh adjourned
tb Oooabye. hi. ..hi.., . ..." "rT.. "I e lamaj-naay.
m . 7 :..-- : -' . . I mis USE rlr nr nraiuntlAn th w. I '
x-mno soio ireri)ea... - I . . . I , .. ,..w .v.. ...... .
MH IT A Dunk I IlllBUOO. ' i
Mr. v.k 'i.:.. I Several big assemblies were held, f000 program, opening with a talk on
Bongs. ' . . . ' I when the yells and aonga adopted by I "School Sprint, "by Mr. Ore net followed
al Day la Gone .T.n I the aohool wr hr.nwrf with ...r.h vim I by a humorous reading by Lowell Brad-
T .... . ., I n A 1'K . ..1... - h...
nun I nw u, . uum y am . wuil vr
are cap-l
formed a
rooters' club, practicing after school
This gives a splendid nucleus for the
entire school In rooting.
Frldav afternoon the hnv wiIIimI tn I
and the field In a "body, led by the band. The0ns tha roosjt Interesting features
, )rt - -'T ,,. tiMni jituu were praciicea wun sue
feHSfir?? -.TVn'r.iaVt.ot:?:.
JU1SB HJVCIvn Ifurl.v
ta) The Clover.-,
(b) Blue iielL
(Sopranos, Mrs. George Parrlsh
Henry Fowler and Bennet, over Nesblt
and Hall. ' Hammond, aa - temporary
critic, closed with a report.
Tba asms day the Phrenoa gave a col
lege program. Tha rooni was decorated
with pennants from all the colleges.
Mn sif.nn. .K. ,: m.7." 'D,a " ""ay, jea oy tns Dana
Mrsi Allen. """,uu, "-"" attendance from both Llnc61n and
waanington was large, the grandstand
being on6 Nmass T o(wavtng pennants,
Uuartet under direction of arth.' r.K
was the reading Of letters from three
of the graduate Phrenoa now at college,
giving their Impressions of college life.
Accompanists Mra. rrk. in..' tr- I nnrllnal an whit, nn h. nnh . .rs.i I The Phreno chorus Sana- rolleue sonars.
MlSS Florence J&nkinn. Mr. T. . . . UMMmawmn .n n .i. . .t. ' land crownln. rfnll.tit th. -!rl. ..rwufl
ii . I fn ' ' " " i-l Hmiwi nail . VV. Ull VIID I1UIII1. Wll I " ' ... .... wu. . w
Tha Columbian Choral club will give
m. Mcicq concert Wednesday evening at
the Mlnpah Presbyterian church for the
splcuoua ' among the colors were the I daltcloua fudge.
maroon and gojd caps worn by tha W.
ti. a. boys.
The rooting of both schools was ex
cellent, the yell leadera havlnr their
the following la taken from the New
York American of recent data aa a spe
cial dispatch from France. It is of
mora than ordinary k interest to local
readers, because, besides emphasising
the unusual talent of the blind lad. It
gives credit where credit la due and
shows that Portland philanthropists
have not showered , their gifts on an
Ingrate. Mr. Rlchter's progress is be
ing watched here with most eager In
terest. Tbe clipping follows:
"Three years ago the citlzena of Port.
land, Or., discovered that they had a
musical genius in Francis Richter,. a
bltad boy of 18. the eon -of a local
musician. They raised a fund and sent
benefit t thVih JJX ' I"! factions under splendid control W.. H.
w....4 , J,VI.UWI1I 10 VI1Q 1 a - M . m . ,. , .
program for the concert which la under ; "1"! ,1 7 p ,
tH direction of Mlsa Catherlneovach: ! ela.n Jaml ?ecUr,n .tnat h
Ha Shall Reign Forever'.. Caleb Sunper JC! fi" .V!? ?1 Lr ". ne of
Columbian Choral eluh. . - .uiM.un.mmiw was wie presence
Kronung's March (Coronation March)
...................... John Bvendsen
Misses Fealey and Covach.
"Tbe Lord Is Mindful of His Own";-.,.
j Mrs. Im Hammond. ,
Adagio ...... i i .Da Berlot
"I Waited for the Lord". ..Mendelssohn
Misses wells and Holllater.
In the grandstand' of a small. bodv of
4.UKS, who. aa a"n initiation stunt, were,
required to come In ' the oldeut clothes
tney could find, and at-various lulls In
proceedings, to entertain the crowd with
yells of their own.
r; ' Thanks riving &ena.
Tha material for the Thankssrlvlng
Lens went to press Wednesday. The
"llrst Miracle" :.."Tr r mi t..,h n..'.. Pap"1 win probably be out about Novem
Miss Kmma Perley Lincoln. De.. :.lnl " apeciai number, and
"Quando Corpur (Stabat Mater). i.-
? Rossini
Columbian Choral club.
"Lead Kindly Light" ...Hawley
. Mr. Robertson. .
Les Adleux"..,... Sarasate
Professor Schuff.
The Thirteenth Psalm. ..... . . . . .. .
Pianist Who Will Be Toured by Mr.
" Edna D. Jones.
will be the most unique and beat Lens
ever gotten out. . It will contain- 48 lit
erary pages, as compared with 9. las I
month. - The fiction and verse are un-1
usually good, and tha "Under the Lens"
department, the pupils' favorite, will I
contain five pages..- The big feature,
however, will be the illustrations. . The
AAV., .'til . .V.. U - I
nhinn nCri..KH v' rootbaii boys on Multnomah field, and
the . pages win "be brightened up by a I
numoer or rins new cuts. ' -.
Camera Club Zntertalns.
Tha Camera club. 'tha very name of
which calls up visions of picnics and
outings by land and water, has made fori
usetr a new and enviable reputation fori
entertainment by Its hugely successful
masquerade party on Halloween. Tha
Columbian Choral club.
Tha members of the club ara: ' fin.
pranos. Miss Eva Wells, Mlaa Zeta
Wells, Mrs. Malchester, Miss Nettie
1 Graoa Taylor; altos, Miss Bosa Friedle,
l Miss May Breelln, Mra T. L. Coleman,
Mra L. Hammond; tenors, John A
flhlelda Am.n.lli Ttr it.j....i
. . -".", ... viiuciwuvUt xwu
erioon; oasaos, Joseph Furcher, B. A.
F. M. Case.
Wlnneman. R C. Cearns O a rm.r '""i"""8 parxy on jMaiiowoen. The
directoV, tkfherlne M Covach- 2k'rt' wf on.e of Lloyd
Mia Em Per -v T; Jr!' LJl QUnes, the club president, 80 member. I
accompanist. Mlaa MabelFarlevV vinHn. '"f..?"6!1 G.,n pre8en The amusing I tabllahed in Portland In 1878 and ha.
1st, Professor Schuff. 1
The Wiley B. Allen company was es
costumes and unique forms of enters) had a steady growth' until It bow has
talnrnent. as well as the , appropriate I a chain of stores extending from Texas
uanr.uum ana rexresnments maae tns i to British Columbia. The Portland cor.
""" "" ub io 09 rememDerea. Aiporation Has a capital OX 1100,000.
flashlight picture of the group was! - Tha policy of thla well known house
(alien., ine camera club is preparing lis to do business In a legitimate man-
The soloists are Mrs. E. S. Miller Mia . "u'Yt'" m""Der8 oeBl pic- ner ana not resort to schemes of any
kvalvn HiiriU w u . .IZ.ZZ I "reo, which wut oe open to me stu- sort. The largest assortment of stand.
it win be wen worth l ard pianos, is carried; every one la
tiutist.. Stanley Bakeri corneti.t. Mr "B .. . v;- margaa . in plain figures. The "one.
Ledbury: organist. Miss Laura iT wZnLl u".erB " asnington-g ciuo or priced", feature is Carried out to the
The pgram follows- . amateur writers, held an unusually In- letter. By paying cash for all good?
Organ. -Marohe Funebra ' et Chant . Z'''I'.tX l
. .Alex Ouiimant I . .7 " . bituu ui jutii irau. rooua.
W. H. Boyer and chior of the Taylor
street Aietnoaist church will give a
sacreu concert this evening at 7:30.
Th. Brttftlota U.. 1 I c . . i 1 ...
...w aii ni jis o. juiiier. JUL 1 S3 I
l..,.lm -W ' 17 v. . ... . I
rt:,r;';vr.f.;'fu?ir.7a hne dents next week,
Mosai t appreciation- A poem. "High School Three well known Portland business
ways free and tbe attendance and popu
larity are constantly on the increase.
(T EAUTIFUL MYRTLE f rThe ballB eat bou 1000 peop1' each.
t rV--W tir : ' "' l'iajwrntr"Iwajrg wU flllod.'.
iJLJ h,lvvn in Western Tour II The man is siiarhtiv ,iftvrnt th.
sTane3 W111 Sing Thur8day Under Steereoman DirecUon:
mere is no more striking examnla of I day entertainment, as that is whri th.
the success that awaits the American I crowds are .left on the street with no.
artist of ability than that of Myrtle J where to go for amusement or shelter.
jivyn, ma oruiiant American pianist J The Boston concerts are largely edu
Though one of the youngest artists be- I catlve for the masses and are riven li
fgrBh-s-ptrbllff-lodayrMIss ErvyR has! eVehTngs; .ZKtfif that jnhaaa may be
rvpuiaiwio, ana IS I "V uui ac present.. 11 IS I nh ni., . .,, ....
Indeed a credit tn hoe . I lxrw-lr . mnft.r e ,..i.ti . wea piu a me non v ascondete
. - -"-- VMV B T - mrm. a, MA IllOlttUfj Sj X. C I . -j . .
sentlmentallsm; bis strength Is truly
virile. : . 'V : ' . . . .
Follewing is Mr. Hamlin's nroe-ram
land the words of all the sones will be
tjHtntea on tns tot
y !-. sttr--.-r
Godoweky. Miss Elryn will be beard J honra of pleasure and comfort for those J whene'er 'Ton 'w.jV " '
lu Portland In February, and will come Kh are not in the position to get it Ein iroehllcrOesa7. om rr. J
aa natnnMr. I for themselves. . ; .T . I -iroenncA uesang Old German
quaiinea success here last season art he
May festival.
Miss Elvyn will make her New York
debut, as Is most fitting, for this tal
ented American, with Walter Damrdfech
end the New York Symphony orchestra
this month. ' She appeared with the
New York Symphony orchestra with lit
tie short of sensational success recently
In Chicago, and was immediate! v en.
gaged by Mr. Bamrosch to open her
eastern season In two concerts under
bis direction.. Then will follow appear
v.';?', i,.: IL
I Der Musenanhn
-B Still Thranen
J lO llebllche WangeH
. .Schubert
......... . . ocnumann
Vj Tir:u c: m .... f l ' . :
- w oing i uursaajr I I Er ist's .......Wolf
y r h -s ciinKt aer Thau '......... Rnblnsteln
u-L- . """"' .....v............ Strauss
iimoB wnu rememDer oeorgo Ham-1 v- iv.
una recuai nere two seasons agj will I June ........................ .Rummel
not hesitate to pronounce the concert I WeeP Y ou , No More. OMlatresa
of this week one of the most lmnortant I . .Mine. Blow. Blow, Thou
and pleasurable of tha seasoni aW Winter Vk ind QuUter
ancea with the symphony orchestras of "f :"B " i Bnntow " Thursday Hymn to the Night '. . .Campbell-Tipton
Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and venIn nder the Lola Steers-Wynn Your Eyes, Flower Bain
7 u. . xnomwwchestrs. In I eni. . - . . .Edwin Schneider coming i0 the Pacific , u'" nn"n was announced Th Mmp of Love Salter
.w , , j . - wv .i . ..u w veopie naa neara or -
Miss Elvyn s, marvelous technique 7m f,n1 hl" n" naant little mora to MnArua. ... -l -l -I u -C - - . L II
verges on th phentmenal and Is due th Portland ; Pbllo than any other ) AUm nr
ro doubt In s. large measure to he" trM ama However, a large crowd COMPLETED PLANS
taorough traininarwith Godowsky. How. f??5' bJm,-4aking Mies Steers and 1 VJ For Euterncsin Truman ral
ver. she has more than this wonderful Co&'1" auffielent guarante for l4 JOT ''""W inaugural
tecnnicai equipment to recommend her wurl'" ever nas a more delightful T- 1
m- sound muslcUnshlp, abundant tem- urPs been givn to tha nubile than hnniirt i.t.ti.. ln .
s.r,.l.w-3 wiJMaa SSSa
lever heard here.
public today. ,;rth ;.Vrr,.JDr.16'Dul clety. which h ha founds w
most nntn.. . 1 "- . ""uiuw xiez- T-h. ..i, , .
Art-' lowing iponh iT1
f Nature has been
.7 wonoerrut laicnt, and guch ezaolslte taste in th. int7rW,..f J. Temple. Members and Invited guests
tl ambition and determination to make Son of eveev i "v..,, . .T1 ar requested tob ..seated at Til
lb. most of this uient. a moat attract- trajlo or comic hether !roii o?'- "xas th program' Vll Tbegn at I
Ire and charming personality. , 4 !I?.C. fL.eVrl wn?.tnr. he.1?1.0 or. o'clock. The lna.irur.l Mmmi LL!
him abroad to study ' under the beet
European masters.
"As th blind lad was unable tn trav.l
alone, Mrs, Alma Rogers- of Portland
consented to accompany- - hhn " on "his
travels, and was deputized by the citl
sens or Portland to look after - their
protege, she cams aoroad and has ever
since devoted her, life to the blind
genius. For two years Rlchter studied
wun escneusky in Vienna, where h
made marvelous progress. , Recently ha
came to Paris, where he Is now study
ing the higher branches of nlflnn tiq v.
ing with Professor Henry Eames. the
American virtuoso. -..
Rlcliter tbe other day gave a recital
in the Eames studio, playing a varied
program from Scarlatti, Bach ' and
L-nopin, as wen as a number of hla own
works for h ha already done admir-
aoio wora as a composer, though only 21
years of age. Rlchter has a beautiful
touch, plays with wonderful expression,
and. though blind, has a great sense of
coior. Musicians ar unanimous in nr..
dieting a brilliant future to this young
American, who owes the possibility of
making nis career to the generosity of
un, luuniu ivrori oi roriiana.
HPLktM ...11 f .... .
...ui. i, r. in .it. . rrcuHi . r uiiuii'.
a, in ijonaon, jnovember l.
Phnrn. "atnrla'i-
" ............. I I .. . .. . - . ' - I ..w " . w.
urgan, "Uood Wight" . .evia I rnu090Pny' "Y Lucia Macklln, met an men constitute the personnel of the
ou.e Boio, xav Bought and 1 entnusiastic recepuon. Following these I Wiley B, Allen company ot this city.
r, ' . . .xveiier came me poems a loast" and -"A Foot-
C0"1,"? li n "u". "Art. . ball Poem," by Elllce Shearer, and Th
Violin solo ""The SwaA".V.sVint fiaens r'; nd Lure of the West.1" by
wnio a cuinpuHiie iory, in groups or:
Soprano solo and chorus, "O. Lord,
E.rr0.m,V. ;"..... Braaa
Tenor solo and cnorus, "A iream of
Paradise- .....riamUion Gray
wsbanai.v DV1U VSlUrUif. J. nO UttV
Is Euued" . . ......... BarUeU
. " oun- uongato,
Inflammatus tstabat Aiater) . . . .Rossini
Cornet solo, Mr. Ledbufy
-Urand Choeur". .... Th.
w. w
John J. Blackmore entertained a larJo
audience Thursday evening at Eilers
hall with a recital under the auspices
of the Enna Amateurs. Mr. Blackmore
played a varied program of commend
able selection, and was areeteA with
much applause. " The Beotuoven sonata
in E flat, with which he opened the
program lacked ,ln depth, though his
ircniuutu , accompiisnments throughout
three, the first group, writing one in
stallment, the next taking up the story
at that point, ana so on. The members
have started a novel and exciting oon
test, choosing up sides, each side writ
ing a number of stories, poems and so
forth, making a collection to be read be
fore visitors. The side wrltlna- the.henf
la toVbe given a party by the losers. Any
studeVt of Wj H. S. is eligible to the
club, but must win entrance by writing
a story poem, or essay, which Is voted
upon by the club. All are urged to try.
Good ProgTam Tuesday,
Tuesday, November J. a laree crowd
of students filled the lower floor of the
big assembly hall, when the Baraca
Phllathea program was given. The open
ing aaaress was ty j. c Clark of the Y.
M. C, A. Th instrumental duet by
lowen ration and Hersog, and the hu
were aatlnfantnrv ni. h..) ...
in the Leschetizky andth. Li8 num- mfUL"?'n5.y.,D,Ug1.;. ,m
ty re
'gave -a delightful solo."
Iss Cleland
:Tr: Benjamin
bora at thoenj of the "Droaram. nr"Rr.
miu..ut, m ittuiuqua is me chief re
quirement The Toccata was esnn,i.iiv
Jj!?f v'.n"; Mar 'BO'n-Bcbwab "Ave . Maria," Miss Ellen Driver; "Des
r-;,- ,T: 'V 1 " r ciear 1 Maeascnens n.iage,". "uu blst die Huh,"
," w auvuniage. . r'Aui flcra Wasr su alngen." Mrs. ct
w, Sherman; "Der Wanderer," "Die!
Foreiie,'." "-Frueiingsglaube," Miss Mad-
- X
liiii. , i- '
: t -
; -A ; '
, .. V ." ZTT'
O. A.
u. A. tiorrman, F. M. Case and L P.
The Chamlnade Muslo club of -Wood-1 elin Stone; "Der Doppelgaenger." "DerlBruce' Mr- Hoffman has been ldenti-
biock wu give a recital xnursaay after- ljeiermann, Aurentnait,- Mrs. J. V.
noon, at z.-au at tn home of Mrs. lom-1 Monte.
son izbo tasi ortietn atreet. The pro-1
Mrs. E4na Jones, wb has managed
is Portland Symphony orchestra fo
tee past two seasons, has been enaared l'.. F
to manag. Mls. Elvy-. Pacific "coiat mSd. V.."
' T. . " nas managed I every number llv with a hnmi. h.h l"'"1" 01 ; eenjamin xonng. Rev.
the Portland Symphony orchestra for jlBgcfcl Whitcomb - Broughar, .Rev, - Ws -H.
to past two seasons, k.a wn . Til , C toucn-.. on live as a Foulkea. Rev I. it m,t o-vVI
R. Dyott. Rev. Rabbi
J. H rSidllnn r. T
'"f'"11" nP.ber work wlQ, th, i. du'e afle'r H. John Oair MonteithT'Freder-
"M"?. n "vot au her Urn to thl.lon. of ths most ..ti.r.tor- I ,c" w, uooariea, Mesdames H. C Wort.
, . Jone has just returned I vr heard. It Is safe to T say that Tkir ?,, T.0"' "nn R Rocker,
from a trip through the northwest and Hamlin on bis appeXVncr this JZ Henr' Jd Co. George M. Weister.
'Z ? r".-' tot--t mam- wm be a' wam XS-khPjI:
nuuui Jlllltncu -lrL 1 ,.m . 1 . . - .. . I . '
. , - 1 1 , v um nu, uiatiThomas and T. M. Otinea
' "trr.r."VD Budl- - Its object the
l-r- - rtr for-v. V J a v:. v.w "Tm-UT" ., cuiuvauon I intelligent appreciation of
( r-H v V MUSiW I .I .V,.-1;;". ' 7k. . "?.ra-f ,h Utsratur and music from
i- JL flourishes in Wh ""1 tSil'S
5 7 i ir. .?!w.ta" L.rri'1 5 ret-hsr. llttl. : toVai;. theTtns
I ' " "-gsraiess or arts Th working principle of tbe .T-m.
r7.ef .that knowing, of certain klnda
wT.lir..r It l. V 7i.T - rt.t molt always precede the Intelligent n-r!I-
L. ?r fr th Joymnt of every work of art Th
Arent th plan of lstro4aclng popular
r unasy ccicerra I or in RtertalBnieat
i vae r,Bfiui street crowds, which
l.M tir sasteialis lot otthiag
- ' " ii ".ni m icierestlcg to
irtw something of stmilar tindertak
itti in otlier etUe. Tbe Poetoa board
f nuste trsstea Is caaklrg prerara-
ti-w.s f'vr Uv turn! winter erchtrai
?-rm to be glrea Is ttrletu halls
; t.ifl erhool buil(l; In Greater
! brter.t!g arly m TWetrtwr
1 a the f rt c'ty ! AmeMr,
'r hj HW vf free Iftfef eoncts
' J ' I r lt r iiKie ain-r anoal.
", ana Fit tsi kh. mhni f. .... .1 . . . . v , .
" "t Wnllser. presenUng at each meeting a program
LTV???.. as Back a I of pictures, poetry and mu.!c liluJSaS
. v. t,""i i" I oom worms art moil nearly akin In
73 -I .T' l,jerpr.,oB- The rewu.t is t. W th2
mm -V U. T. " 00 PPI interested in tnes different de-
rn7 ,p hU ,rt Utmenti of suitor,
Itt U'.l L 'iTr!1!0 " '"aM1 ta taPMa . errantzer to
tioMon Ilrraid. tn th followtnc. 1i. i .n .r-,.i!- ,v v " T
um.l hi. ...VTlli BTJTOnTes-1 irterrtKJ, and a D-snbrh!p b
HrriatLin.1 "'-M"-" tho esrelied bef orr,,-
A Si.r ,f stber e!u be. t, aTkZS i.t'l.JL ul" tl" eempleted. It I ruested tiat
SBarsed.. Mia Uoaerness 1, aot ' members having friends h desir a
t- : - - b
The choir at th Westminster Presbr-
terlan church, will hav a valuable ao-
qulsltion from today on In th person
of J. Rosa Fargo,- tenor, who has re
cently returned from Nw York. Mr.
rargo baa attracted a good deal of at
tention since bis return and most com
plimentary things are said about thai
improvement is nis Vole sine his east
ern study. H has opened a studio in
th Stearns building, and will remain
Her Ull April, when he returns to New
I or to accept an excellent church posi
tion. -
Th muslo at Westminster today will
Include a solo by Mr. Farm. FaHo.
Ing is th program: Anthem. "O.
Saviour of th World" f Goes)! offer-
tory. tenor solo, "B Thon Faithful l n
to Death" (Mendelsshon'S 8L p.,,iv
organ prelude In th Phrygian mod
luuumantj ana improvlsatlona Even
ing Anthems. "O, Saviour of the
World" (Palestrlna). and "Merer a.d
Truth Are Met Together (Sullivan,
organ anaanie aoioroso (Griesl anrl
melodi (RacbsaaBinorf) and lmprovls.
gram will constat of Chamlnade music.
ana wiu be under the direction of Mia
Miriam Gertrude Lynch. Miss Lysh
has the direction of tbe club. She iOrud-
( oH Iwa VMH In T i.Hin .. . A m
.th' . ' ,v,,. r......' ' feeUl pispsteh te Tbe Journal.
'"' """ ' . 'r mia i Garrield, Wash., Nov. 6. F W
h?-"Cl". tr!.M"' F'nes, the "pouto king," has harvest:
fled with the piano business since 18SS
ana has taken up every feature of
piano building. He Is recognised as
being a thorough Judge of tone, aualltv
and piano construction. ' By. straight
forward dealing and honesty of opinion.
Mr. Hoffman has made a' nrnmln.nt
place for" himself in the clano trad.
of the city. He has had the manage
ment of th Wiley B. Allen company
W President, and MrsTid. j from 70 acres of TandT 10 000 bushels of 5r.W!i'a Md n0W ic P'
secretary, in addition to splendid tatoea Imd is and a director In the company,
rork of th. program, the ui? 5? the'ot! ' ?0carload-P 5 J!i'?tm ""ly, familiar
W5 Oaterho-ut,
the regular work
club win study musical his'tory. ancienl .old 7o7 cent, a" hundred unds'.nd
and modern. tn, remalnder brought 45 centa a nun-
' dred pounds. The potatoes were shipped
". Susie FenneU Pipes, th talented "j 'l. oni. . W v . ...
violinist who has-just returned from JZ . Z nlr P0Y.lmtth
study tn Berlin , with flnlerlnT . P"4 tw aeasons has mad money rals-
enn.rt t th. thtr. IT g poiaioes. xast season be sold bis
mad 60 an acre.. This season he will
concert at th theatre in Eugene last notatoe. foe 11 TT 1 ' a B,i
Friday night. Mm. Wpe. la a'favorlti KS. 'li '1 n.1
ootn m Kugen and Portland for her - maka net. from th. 7 a 7
cepaonauy muslcianly work. Shs was f. wi... .-.T .wl T.1V . " w
Ml.M ht J H,.hl. t I . -J " """ in oena-
77. ",", - " " " iui, tor jacurosaey, paying for same 1160
pianist, and J. Ross Fargo, tenor, of an acre cash rent. Mr winu it
Portland, recenUr of New York. Mr. I rL?. t v,L..' v"" ?.W."-
smb. Jiin t,. v. a, .. IT," . " : I"- potatoes
-- .. ww w.,w.,uu v. uib 1 uw.Ti command a 1! nrt.. ...
concert. It 1. th.t u.. rn I i.t. .v. 1 , ". "uu
.in .w. . . I , . -
jp, . . . m wuwr u. roniana.
Frederio Knight Logan, a gifted com
poser snd th musical director of the
ghauneey oicott company; and Miss "A He
jfarreu or tn same . company, were
given a dinner October 5. at th hem
of Dr. and Mrs. Jonn Flanders .Beau
mont, ivt taugnn. air. Logan and
Miss Farren met prominent .musicians
of rortland, and tbey demonstrated Mr.
Logan's songs before tba Monday Mnsl-
osa ciuu.
Wpertsi t Tk Josnal.t
Walla Walla. Wash- Nov. . ink.
which would permit the. Northwestern
corporation to run freight trains
mrougn tne streets during the daytime,
baa been found In the new franehiae
assea by tn corporation of tha city
council. Whether by accident or de
slg th clause. Inserted In every other
franchise th company has asked. w.
Th Flrat Universal 1st church.' which omitted. In their old franchise th.
cam lata promlnenc with th larlna-1 cia,,M reaas as roiiowa:
of the cornerstone by President Tart. I Provided.. That no freight ear shall
has formed a chorus choir to provide I ran ovrT the tracks of said company
ia munc jonn uiair afenteith nasi 01 ocioca a. m. and
been encasod t direct tha MhUri. I n'elock p. m."
... 4.k ... . 1 . I Th. mrlHlnM . VI. . .
v. . " . via OM WOtl 1(1
with all branches of th piano business
and Is a salesman of exceptional abll-
Th Monday Musieal elob bad a
ncniinr eugnirai mevung last WMk
wasw in aaoiuosj te u rwgalar program
rrederte Knight Logan, th clever m..
poser and th director with th Cbasnem
Olcott company, was Introduced and with
tbe aid of Mlaa Farrll of the aameonr.
pany gave sereval f Mr. Lnn i sonr.
1 e snnsie pMasd so swl that the
text saeeting will bear more of hla
song SBEg oa th regular rrrrrsm.
and with the Voloes -irrt I The otrleelon
results seem assured I gtv tbe company a right to h.t .11
v v I ainos or rreignt tnrongn th stru of
I in ciiy m any oour tny chose, and
when the ofdlaano granting th fran-
iag uiis aiiemooa and arentng at the I rnl come up ror its mird reading and
n.ww nnt rreaoyterlaii cbureb. I "Bm D round i otlnr
VS. a! mm mm .t mm. S 1 . . 1 S mI .k w - - .
wiji iim o Ins snlolstl "--7 ". 'to. wui c a spirited
tMs afternoon at the meeting f the M11 toY th rltlsen against th
1. . jl. . a ruling t u..viniKiUM
riajintnjr Kig OrrhartU.
A Schntwirt prog-ram was gfren at t?
tsat mwftirg of Ut Toceay Aftemoot
club. After a short sketrh Tf n-h..
t1ltrT,hr Mr CaVs- f the ri.BtirT f n "Tard fa
Halden-Reee.ia,- "rvt gegrt. 1 preparing t arVe. to b. set .rrleX
IBvmeimi Dkf.H Sk T. mm Ml -
Ontan. Or.. So, t -utKr .a ...
Scha-jpeard ar prerrtrg IH a Tea ef j,,,.
' 1 '' v-:. ? 'V
i, ' .:
') '" ". 5 )
' .
i L. P. Brace.
Ity. Wherever one finds an arqualn-'
tane of Mr. Case, they also find a
firm friend. ' - .--
L. P. Bruce 1s at tha head r h.
flayer plans denartmant. It. t... h
tdentlfled with the larer piano sines
" mcepnon ana rirst-introduced them
In-th nrthwet. Mr. Bruce I. an
Inetrt authority en all matters rt.i.
Ing to these Instruments. Ha has nM
owr a recital to player pis no
aa g vi Ktmwi't.
Tbe Wiley B AII " "
Pnrtland auk It an Irrmelad rule lo
deal- -vrttxie!f. - hvfMtlv m'nA i" ."
busia l.ka manner with all custom
ers. Intll arrsrsetnents raa be irsla
for barger 4 better uartera the .r.
"isted en Cak ! reet b,l.M, nfii. ...