The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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ini r mill aaa n
v i mi n r
TUB TOTjR.TjALi Welch or Johns Hopkins vestlgators of psychical phenomena, j have grown up among dairies sup-clal ' Interests and high official ol
.m.m.m j -w - i uiiuijuj woo i. rcanrucu Bl lOf
a commute or renowneu sciont-i viyiun i-oruanq are condition that tha lovornmnni n ...
as iNntcrtNDK.NT ys wspapkb. j worm a leading pathologist. Shu lints la shortly to make anothor in-1 are notning else than might bare! they have alHo been looking Into the
i. . jib.iii. ... i nrr ..... "m iit-i-n iiui-nui tn, tjiin timiuiiwu vi ji.uojji i aiiouinui u4JULr, t . in i tor or syndicates that were soek-
rJIhrd w.,. ui.drj and and Dr. Oaler, reglua professor of who la to come to New.York for the As the situation now stands, .most ina; to make loans In China and to
f.7'tfK7& medicine t Oxford university, Ena purpose. Iler demonstrations of ao of the datrywea are seeking; every get a, hand In building railroads
. ,h.-,t,i-.Vorti.u4. o7T7 land. nd formerly profeBsor of extraordinary and Inexplicable jower available , means ' for effecting . a- there. Strong . hints wore thrown
fr.n.m ttiruufk th iia Maoaii-otaM medicine at Johns Hopkins. She en which have commanded the attention change In which the milk supply out In the Invitation which 60 Chi
V;',';h.-. , .TV .,;, At ter6d th Jon0B Hopkins training of the most eminent scientists for wlU be ultimately brought to a cago business men extended to Mr"
1 "it .".'Jl.clii' 'br "ih'.ua: chool at Baltimore In 1900, and years will csuse her -visit to exor- proper standard of purity. , Instead Crane to be their ruest of honor - it1
.is.i'..'j;" ,r.' .'"a i year uognn 10 uu wum s-b iui. v i?vuitai m icmmsuia tuey are ,. generally i a ainner. The invitation . Ha.
LL?.ri A,v-l:!l?ii4'N-a riNIi,T.!.T.5 NPr fr bey km of the ordl- investigations In this country. eager, for cooperation.. As The Jour- cjlned. but the Jh.
si-A rirtk avamn, New lurki luoi-oa uuc I uavi uunre.; in nor aocoua year ouoi , . vu'mi ui bowb icuiubidi reveal, many I were to be the hosts and what thev
perfected a nurses' chart for typhoid auDject or great scjenuno interest of them are actually jclvlna assist- said in iiMf- r. .u'
Jimmal la nn flla la lin1nn. Knaland. I mi Li.L . M ,i il,. far Id, mm, lh ilia m 1M1111I .-,.vi-l . .a I . a ' v4,u' lu 1 u3
.i h. ofn of ni. ionmaia K.iuh rapn u- wmc w wuiubu . - . , J, . v f - . lu"u""' i y- least are significant of the slumber
.t.iit, k. tt j. nardr o., .ho tM Johns Hopkins hospital and which theatrlcty performance and subso- tera of Inspection and surveillance. Ina- firm hnno.ii, ,, . , ,
UHmnn i .... . . . . I . . i .. . a s j j i . . . . . . . i w u . v
"i liTL rbtr'"Uo0' " "0,,,B" has attracted attention throughout quently repeat word for word and such as Is desired by Portland con.
.sufrimi,,." -i -. ha .n a, t. anr addrMa the country. .. She received her' dl- "no for line the text , or th play.
in tt LniM staiM, rnaia or Metu-o: , I ploma In H03. and 'remained twolShe can. according to the Chicago
On rrar........S00 Oua month.
On Jear $2.50 Ob month.
On rar.. fT.M f One month.
Let us not talk; 111 of our
enemies. Thy, only, never de
clv u., rHouaaayo.
a a years ' thereafter at the Jiospltal. At Record-Herald, not only give the
me age or 26, Which was in 1U5, language, duc go mrougn ine gesi
she was appointed superintendent of I urea and modulations of voice em-
nurses at the Church Home and In-ployed by those who took part In
flrmary in Baltimore, one of the old- the performance. An actor who
est hospltals-Jn the country,
she clashed with the superintendent
Among the alirnera ar nvM t
turners, it is just sucn an auituae Forgan. J. B. Korean. nMr
" caicu iruin uooerts, t-'narles O. Dawes, all bank
men whose purposes are as fair and
honorable as any other class of cltl
sens In the community. ' The ulti
mate of it will be that within a rea
sonable .time, and. In' spite of the
presidents 8. M. Felton. A. J. Karl
ing, railroad presidents; G. R. Peck,
D. H. Burnham, Victor 0. Lawson
and President H.. P, Judson. '
: Th dinner was n n..KH
There doubted her powers recently placed many obstacles, opposition and post- test against the act of. Secretary
indent her under a test that manifested re- ponements, this problem of pure Knox in dismlsBlnar Mr Crane Th
Ir in the l'nlttl States,
Irrtim Collier's M'eokty.
1're.ldant Tafl's declurtit ion tlmt our
criminal prmmdure In a dlagraon to tlis
country U mtttciied by the doolsratlon
Of Jualloe Drewrr of tlio aunrema court
Of the United Htatna. that 'the. ravernaJ
of a judirment by an aDoellata court
grounu or a niera technicality,
when aubatnnttal iutl.- haa i.n ad.
mlnlBtered. la an outrnire" In th ua.
of Hyers asalnat Territurv of DUIalu.nia
decided laat March, and reported In 100
ryemo epoiter, the Oklahoma court
or criminal appeala aaya: "This court
aocepta the verdict In the raao at bar
as a fair, honeat. Impartial, and hu
mans flndliis upon tha facta In the
caae, and again announces that this
court will not revered a. caae when the
record before. It ihowi that tha ne.
eusea naa a rair ttlal, by.a falr and
Impartial jury and trial Judse, almply
because some harmleiia tpc-hnli-al arrnr
may have occurred at the trial." ,On
of the law reviews, which at flrat erltl
plaed ua eevervly for eaaavlnar tha rnia
of legal critic, has recently auoted with
approval the words of I'rofeeaor Roacoe
Pound, who has declared that the near
xuiure muit see a comoleta nrartlea m, t
alon newer and simpler ltnea, and who
Charity Work for Women.
F only a little brldaa could be
throwa from the Jlnnd of WaaU
to the lulund of Want, how both
would benefit!" alghed Iidy Wol
verton when told of tho needs of
a certain charitable institution,
lAdy Wolverton evidently realised
"In Idle wishes fools supinely stay; .
Be there a-willand wisdom finds a
for she st once went to work on a bride-
of needlework which has not only stood
the teat of-yeaM, but which has alo
Krown the stronfc-r with tho flight of
time. There are now many brldgea such ,
as that flrat one, which was built at
Doraetahlre. England. In 1883. They are
to be found all over the world and are
known as Needlework Guilds.
An American traveler In England
i TIO.VS !'.: I ; r'
vt me nospuai over mauers con-i uijuio mum, no un mnwu aimiir win ne soivea . ana roruana I Invitation ' said; " "We believe that
uemea wua me insiiuiuon ana ne i "-' ;" m uui, ui nare one more spienaia aarantage i the published circumstances trivial
was VAmmrarf fw thd hn,M rr aa,. i uwn naa HVRr - Been. it a ran ina tA rmnAwA ha. m a Miiii.n,. i i. n . ... 1 ' v nig cnua 1 . - - - 7 - "
ai r.-a t.111. 4 r.!n A dtr. mlnr ll.m., nHena o...v - au, 111 I .... - . .. 7"" . : -' ttuu I i:..7 . i. . T. ?. na ID Wy I V. . x-ne
v.u ouu uiu uiuLuib aiivuiuwn wir- o v -o- . . outu o wuumuu win uo uciyiui use of m attempt to humiliate J u",ne"" r mquetrlaj Communities of I "-'"crican uuna.. wnicu was formed Itt
me vacancy. - . ? . - ' - ihuww w rvim ana swiurw. . one i aug to conaamer uaut Oairyoin. I yon. without adMinata. Ma mnA moaern world. . Air" "r ,n nsn- pattern, was
Kfianti w.tAhui an iiDt.nn ...1 itn. .. a , . , .. i . i ... - ""ivory tarra nart ni
adda: "Our etiquette of Justice In thla I fearnd of lis work of the guild, which
country Is the most rigid, the moat na(1 already grown to great strength,,
minute, tha moat subversive of the enda "n1 WM " impresaed with the idea that
Xfloa e1iIai Vv V ' 1l allnntlv wnthoH an1 llutenoj anil I ttru .t. - m. ...-1 . . . ... " I VSry
.,r..rrrr:vr".r: -7 " ..":r:au.r:.v, .w,8.a Dr.ln,8 pcy to pro. i. .. , 0i i esntuw wood 8t.w.rt m im, ha.-;
ORTLAND Is to he studied. The ready prepared for the management when he had finished she duplicated vastly greater quantities of .lt will test against such
searchlight Is to be turned on or. tne new nospitai over wmcn sne every wora boo. a without ih pe consumed, and tne : larger con-lCannot fail to have a tendenev to modem skirmlah line."
larg-e part of
methods, which curt as gold lace and red coats upon
e . . e a I Pri after the
our. adjective law '"""aea in Fnnadeiphia by Mrs. John
a . . b . , a .a II. 1 J r A . - . 1 . 0O l tiV 0W ay. felfliylA awllaKlA I J a i . A a .
oy laiereBiea ciuzens ana Civic I ' w.priuB. va mcso piaaa b 7 " '"" iuio. sumpuon,wui maxe larger maraei 1 discourage . prominent nrlvata cltl-
Untll it now number! SI 4 brancliM In
bo mates.
a pwn ol ina 1 . -
supreme court Judges of one of our - The object of the guild ia to provide
workers.. The orbblems of has been working for several months. A all students of psychology and larier proflta for the men who n. tJL .k,L l... " w'.at . tate Ur '"l?:?"lhow 1,n8
lay grounds, JaUs, leglslaUon, aet- during which time ahe- ha. Tlslted know., the world ha. supplied nu- produce It The consumer and his We desire in thl. . manner to th- . "T'
cments, housings, admlnlBtratlon, tne principal hospitals of Europe, meroua remaraaDio .examples 01 household will be healthier and their lour, appreciation of vour charactur wh,ch provided that no Judgment should b"oiuteiy non-ecunan in character
and the other manifold public Her ascent from the ranks to a posl- atrange mental girts. Robert Brown- patronage of the dairymen more and disinterested nubile aervW ! v. f ,,d wlre the. substantial memoerahip, u 0pon to men, wo
nctivitles are to be discussed, and tlon -of capital ' Importance in the lng.; the poet, could remember and gracious and more generous. With Your MM-jHtaJSo
to be illuminated by. those who are world', work .should be a matter of recite) almost anytmng he had ever the relation of mutual good will ao wisdom and modesty have been dem- the triaicourt. The enungiement h,p mpie-two pew garments 'a
best informed on the subject of each.
For two weeks, every day) this
course in civic discussion is to be
continued, and it should be a mat
ter of transcendent interest to every
Portlander. i , v r ;'
It is not merely the form of gov
ernment-tnat makes so many mu
nicipal administrations fail. , It- is
pride to her sex and admiration fori read
men the world over.
Mozart was another wonder
ful Instance of extraordinary pow
ers of the subconscious mind. When
14 years of age he went to visit thej
Slstlne Chapel at Rome. There he
heard the : famous "Allegro , Mis-
esiaoiisnea mere win pe oeneni ana onstrated to ua bv an 'aeflnatntAtio os wf vnmvnx system is the result of'D.V . . S
blessines for both.' - 1. i century; oC Judicial hair splitting. I ' CB. " city has the simple
organixauon or a president, vice preal-
ucui, ocureiary ana treasurer, while un-
expending over 25 years of active
business and social life. So far no
OR OCTOBER, the poatoffice re
ceipts show an increase of 24
per cent over the same month
last year at Albany. The fees
conduct of your own has diminished
our confidence in your fitness."
Mr. W, T. . Shanahan,
World's Greatest Sulphur Mine.
. TlO T V .. . . ... .
"uruen i Aiaaaaine. - I .,i,k , . . . . . ------
One of the atranareat min.. . in '.th Z"" n,,.mD"r"' 'cl r wlow
wnrM la ,. 1 .v. I "" l'luUW
Tii.iQn t .Li. j . i . I There
der these, work directors Who must deal
two new garments.
REGON saw a strange sight
yesterday, ; Three carloads ofjerere," a myslcal composition which
Nebraska hogs arrived at Port- was Kept secret at tnat time. He
land, consigned to the Union listened with all the ardor of his
not Wholly the fault Of an economic Stockyards. : They Were not brought mUSlC lOVing SOUl. A i few, hOUrS I tar ral oat at a tranafora tn th r- humanlt . h.lna. I,.!.!... and comoreaaed ale Ac, ail th- .Aai, wi'ich voluntary gift of any ,
nvstfrn thai .aaa. .n nman under, contract, hiit vera cnnsfirnprl after he left the church he renro-L-i v- .,..f. ;.' ftom thla mine mora- aninhiifar-.irm I arTr"- n.a.rr!9 P'?did place for
i .. v.. . . . . -. ... , . . vuiuci a vuiio bw ma laigcDi ci a luoitnui uiisaiuuary iu muiuiuaes I u. ,L , , " I ""hm o lena tneir aid. There. Is an
atoms Into intolerable housings. It by the Nebraska shippers to be sold duced the composition almost note knowa ln that clty Much street of creatures who never knew. While Ind . auii n"" the ciotianr "
is 1101, woouy ,ue lapses or meili-1 1U uo "leu maraet hi iu yurus.
"who died .l8'--Ilhi are no tVere'ar'e'UeV 0.
last week, left a Told that it will bo and .hoveL -nd ? with them. Each di- -
hard to fill. He was a f rlmJ nf faitcUntrv mn. Ht 7. .r u,t nave -one "money member"
It for note. ,rHe went again, and It is nW been done, and of nubile a te
: ciency of the . laws . that makes so la the first shipment of the kind in I "a,d that hemade not more than ant private Improvement, the year Shanahan was devoted." nisht and auiphur producing country. . " i
a a t . . . . . fl n.A1 .. a 1 . .a t k a I rl'l If eA rllninti M l-Aan tlnvtn W. aMAaa 1 .. - - I W i il. 1 . . . - . I i .. .
many canaiaates tor jails ana pris-1 roruanu, ana prooamy ine iirst 10
tie spent I down the anajA hntv.nn lh. 1ft .nj a
movement is In line with progress. Itime. energy, effort, money in this I inch pipes, which turns the sulphur into
Albany is in tne center or
half a dozen alterations In his ren
dition. At that period In human af
fairs such 'manifestations were un
heard of and the child wonder was
ons. The holding aloof ox citizens j mo coast. Nebraska nogs have been
- of the right sort from participation j brought here under consignment to
In. public affairs is a chief cansn of I the purchaser, but not before under
municipal misrule. 'The icnorance a consignment in which the shlDment f looked upon with suspicion
-of the citizen of the real status and had to run the chances of a sale byj --.One of the world's wonders was
circumstances of local government J competitive bidding. The lot went j he famous : Mezzofantl. , ! He , was
is an influence favorable . to mls-lto'Tacoma hnvera. . . - I master of S3 different languages.
feasance and graft. Lack In knowl- The episode is a concrete, example e. had such a gift In the acqnire- reglon of great fertility and enor- it outdoors all winter.
cage Dy tne social body of .the or tne excellence or tne Portland lu r""6"?.0 mous possibilities. It has a DODula-
wrctched housings of poverty and market, It means that, for the' pres- f1? ae-ugni to visit airrerent . coun- Ulon that WM pioneer in the means What the Republican
famed Willamette valley. It Is the
meeting point of more railroads than
There are probably many who nave
never heard of the guild and lta work
who would be glad to add tftolr mite
the work and h anr-omnllahArl m.iAh a liquid and this is aucked tin to th w" ..ln wleI'.auon .. ?' : suffering-
. , wa..,-WVHS . . i i ttiiiuriir ins nonr.
Treatment for the hoot worm, as .7"' "
any other up-state city In Oregon. j euggesiea py-an exenange: Take it 1 360 feet long, 250 feet wide and 40 feot
It is in the midst of an agricultural J north of the $6tb parallel and leave,n helsht They are made of heavy
viuiiAing . ana as ine suipnur ziows into
them It becomes a solid mass, like a
top through the .mailer plnea by com-171. 1" ?SY?? a waaftea with
pressed air, whence It flow, by gravity ff" ZLLVS ,ci" "15" ?'
is of these vats are um,t , .71" V.Jl'.r""
nartv nf
,J . 1 1 - ' " 1 1 . . . , . . q a Htvuwui . 1. ,U0 fcucauA I . r ...... rf v
of the effect such housings have on lent, It is the best hog market in thel"ieB' lu Jua ?l w.n.u,.'-BOW,UBBv'wland methbdsof Dublic activity. It is I Oregon needs is leaders who will
the general tone of the community j country, Chicago, Omaha and Kan- m complete zamiiiartty . not Pniy B population that has always be-lBaTe H-trom commlting . suicide by
stowed liberally on enterprises and tne "assembly" route.
are exnlanatlon of whv thpro are sas Citv not excented. The minm-lnr wun languages . put. aiaiecis, . ne 1
... ........ . . 'I . ;. m - . ..... I naseAnl na a a-in 4l ta I
tiiscase preeaing tenements. And so, price nere was even auiriclent to .,.. . . establishments that promised to aid
inrougnout tne wnoie category oil warrant tne1 long railroad naul witn . oeiau uiuuru, wuu. uvea in tne tnn eeneral welfare
social and industrial life, those I Its loss1 in weights and heavy cost early part of the nineteenth century, Albany Is type of the original
things that make for lower levels I for carriage. It signalizes Portland was a phenomenon in mathematics. J Oresron town of Dloneer ' davs that
.a al - . , ' f A aV .1. 1. j. mm .ImIaa. ...VII. 1- ILt I w . v ...
as a UVesiOCK Jjeaaauartors. and "' " yuuuc bauiui- na. raucht the Rtrirla nf nroereHB
limited time and strength, for th A vnunap
and old. for those who can knit and those
who are at a loss for some way to
spend their spare time and. money.
The work of the guild has been going
on for eight years In Portland, and last
year the organisation distributed some
thing like 000 garments. There Is ap-
Some of the alnale wells actually pro. ""'a'Y"l. ''v"ror' ". number
duo, 500 tons of sulphur daily. This -" ? VtTJW
-m.- . . i:r'u" ""fl"'" auipnur lor I Hiro(.torB in rarrv nn k..A ... Vul
ij uiLuut-oouuiKBr iunixoversy. i tne wona s use than the combined Ital-Jwork . " ' " "
lot of coal or Iron ore. When it la de-l
i siraoie to move it the sulphur is broken
into lumps with hand picks and shov
eled into cars like so much coal.
President Taf t decided the matter the cam the principal supply for all coun-
a a ... ..... f . .' In T II A
other day. The decision is copious and? na- wnlle .tn-0. "allan sulphur la aiCm,,..
a , ., vuarwuw, i .Mi auu im mv a MUU w ' ' I J 1 21B 1;HU1lLI L - I.IiH. Kt.I'lIlH m . It I I IK IfHH I a .. . . .... . , , . . I IvVIlfill r 1 na rnnr dirt anil Ahn fna
challenges the ref lection .' of Port- t ons of his abnormal powers with and ,a awakening into a new civic 'jj Verdict a -d1h'S
landers not wont to realize the ulti- He was able almost on the BTwl lni,Htrffti m it. nnKur,n with J ! 11 "g,.f 2?1,,,ldl .x"
mfA mmAr nf thl. A0t,, r instant .to answer such ouestions as. " "V," T "r.TAT.:":.:" " " f -"'"a-ootn-ways. xne
v vS i ... . . . , . , ' i iu iuv rauiH ot Bieuiuuuat; uaviga-1 presiaenuai judgment IS also reminls.
calindustry. , ; how many seconds nil years. The tlon wI11 KlVe K an Immense impetus cent of Jack Bury. ec
Most of all. it is Indisputable tea- range power lert Dim gradually as wnn tne WInamette river is finally or 1 right, so Js Forester Pinchot
. in the average civic standard are
due to the llstlessness and non-ln-
. tcrest of powerful men and women
in their immediate social environ-
; ments. . ' . . , '. i ,
The average heart of mankind la
centle; the average purpose gen-jtimony to the Oregon farmer of an he received instruction in ordinary j opened to free navigation .Time will j Con"rvUo, of the natural resources
fro us. i nere are comparatively iew i advantage mat ne nas put WMcn he .- densely people the sparsely peopled Ior in" UM future generations is
men of the sordid and erasninc tvnel isi fAilinip tn AmhraeA TT la vithtn I Hudson in his "Law of Psvchlc I r a 1 1 settled policy of this, as of the la
" I .- . v i - j viuuu,. auu. um i uia ucauuiui admlniHtrAtlnn Th.
In on,, axiaraaa.,r Thri,alll,. . II ...1. ,. i i I t) n . ati l..Mn. ....1 . . . .... I AtlIHIIII.intl.IOII. XHI
j ? vj, u.v viuiuiuuibj . , a uwou i iuu ouauui ul a iivcstuca uiai At'L I .viia u- otiuH vaoD i Ann irioa in rnor nav r 1 1 I .1.,
In the distribution of garments the ln-
about 60 per cent dirt and other for- ",vlau.a Poor are sriven tho first
elgn ubstancca. the Louisiana nroduct inount. and after that he Institutions
i, ..:. . t " . 1 are "annniirtd ra nn..ihi. mu.
is o per cent pure,
who hold society as a whole to be! that brings hogs thousands of miles (in Germany. A young woman whojDe Albany.
to be sold, put is falling utterly to I couia neitner, reaa nor write was
supply that market. : The Nebraskan seized with a nervous fever during
has the cheaper corn for feeding which she incessantly talked a long
purposes, but operates on higher-"! string of Latin, Greek and Hebrew
priced "land, -passes through colder I in very pompous tones and with
winters, and has a long transporta- most , distinct k enunciation. Her
tion haul to pay. The Oregon man sentences In the foreign tongues
has cheaper lands, is actually on the were intelligent and coherent, but
It is a plan that Has been pursued I scene, has every advantage in cli-1 had little relatloij,wlth each other.
with vast profit in many of ; the mate, but fails to seize his opportu- Eminent psychologists and ; other
leading cities, Seattle has pursued nity. - - . - I scientists visited her. . 'It was final-
However, time and '.'events? right ly discovered,, after, a., long lnvestl-
all things, and 'ultimately Oregon j gatlon, that as .a child she hadyed
farms will supply Oregon markets WIin ner uncie,
and more.
mean and cold are wrong. Scarcely
. any man is so steeped in selfishness
that he will not, when his attention
is called to the need, throw a life
line to a struggling fellow mortal.
With this as a . basis, a study of
Portland's civic conditions can even
tuate In nothing but Immense good.
such an . activity for several, months,
and many reforms in civic condi
tions have been the outgrowth.
Whatever benefits one social unit
NE OF the .truest sentiments
voiced by the president during
his tour was spoken at New
Orleans. It referred to the broad
'spirit of tolerance manifest among
the religious organizations of that
city, and .urged a liberal sympathy
of all such organizations with each
other. - - - "
Tf fa a nf a In ntviiHar riDrmnnv
He was a preacher, J,iu tm. Tho .,nin.f
Ia..JI A'-.TA.- A A- 1 I " "A . V A ' AAV UU1 V W UU1 bA vuu
in tne meantime. It Is u.wai.uw vwi 10 wais: oacx ii,, . -. .
in Portland, directly or Indirectly, worth while to remember that Port- and forth In the hall of the family closer bond of union mr tioopera-
VMWM " ' (.iiu vw act vr liana is swiiuy ascenamg in;o a-po-l " VMk" ." ;wrltloii The follv of denominational
flat thatjs blotted out elevates the Ution of supremacy as a livestock sentences that In ber highly 'nervous antagonisms and Its adverse effect
tcuum luiic. f cij aium i """icenier. ana mat tne iuture nnsnand-1 "-c' uj iuo uuiei-
provement thrown into the commonl man of the northwest will immense- tered girl
mass Helps to . leayen ; the lump.Hy profit therefrom.
Every added gras. plat, every added
rosebush, every patch of wood cov
ered with new paint, and every
thought planted In any ' mind for
betterment is an advance made.
Every interest aroused In the public
welfare, every added citizen enlisted
for a higher civic Ideal, every squalid
home replaced with one that Is can-
OBODY of right mind ever ex
pected that a milk famine
would result from the good
milk campaign. The , inslst-
upon the social . body has come to
be understood 'by the" tehurch so
cieties. The bewildering doctrines
and creeds and the rabid disputa
tions over them that was once the
vogue, kept many gentlemen and
women out of the : congregations.
The division and distraction seemed
a poor exemplification, of that spirit
of tolerance and patience preached
never before on psychical , re
search. .1 There is wide belief
that undiscovered powers offence that there-would be was a slan
the human atom are to be brought der on the dairymen. In this whole ftnd noticed bv jMn..ihri.t
Into play for the use'ef future gen- matter the. interests of the consumer Ui.f t i'
II... nA .hnUonn,. lm.l.. ...fl... A VII. A , . ..... j", . . I uc,-uu" VUU1IUUU1MUW
uwd.vujc, c.t.j uuyum ci ouuuo. uuwi juuug jxiaa in 1 ana me aturymiiD are muiuai. - mat I .ai.iin. .
. , 1- A tn Uh.ll 1 I Jl 1 ..II... . VI . I .... , . . . . . .. Mil ; ,UII - . W.UUU UU
a.aAvucu fo uvuaw. ui a. uuiiuuiiicu "rcmioi wkSo t vuicbju la amaz-1 wnicn 13 gooa ior one IS gooa IOr tneilntn a fofflnn at war with nrhor aa.
cuv. --j . 1 fu6 ov.v-w.v. w..u. , - Diner. mere , is bow iue siigmest 1 iietoua bodies -It all the denomina,
won.. It Is a work paramount, be- i Though sightless from birth he need for antagonism or mlsunder- g i til ionrnl!
cause u is a work m wwen tne re- seem, to nave a bu;miim with standing between hem. It is a rule Uon destination, and all' membeTs
uu..v.... iu wm . ca iuv iuuuiuu ol i oi trade inat wuoever proauces seeks i anMiAr.' in thA 1,,.
..f study in which Portland is. to his friend, and classmates and by to please his customer. Thl. is a Cored splits' fSions and wide
coaV tn flnH nn ahnnt rA lli.l nun. i.ii.I a . Ik. k.... u,- . - . numorea BpillS, ISCUOnS, BUQ W1Q6
r , . .,7 " , : .r . . . oaB1,s "na "uniuier,""B 1 maxim nr inharmbny was to thousands of
herself is a splendid conception, jind Jiaowledge they obtain through bard every. business, and a first funda- minds a most unfortunate conditio
It should ring with a pleasing har- study. In silence, hi. roommate mental to success. ..The man who ther iKjS ?Vvlif?iT
mony-Jo the ears cf Portland men studies his lesson, for the following sell milk is neither a pervert nor chanrfni order and a day of nnl
f.nally turned off. ' blind student who ha. aat by his as any business man to. please those r.of n.vr the orniMHn,.
ecretary - of " the
ne- wrona? In settina
.Blue tue xtooseveician reservations, and
II. ' Tl kL.i. A - . .
mi. riuciivi ia commenaea ior his seal
in behalf of the principle of conserva.
tion.- But if coal; lumber, oil, or mineral
lands or waterpower sites are "to be
preserved, i ney must be nreserved nn.
der forma and by processes in strict ac
cordance with lesfal requirement a The
irienas or Mr. Baliinger say that he
has been "vindicated." The partisans of
.r. i-incnoi rejoice that he had been
sustained. " .
Hesitantly enoue-h. I uv ihat Proai.
dent Taft'a decision shows him tn hA in
ravor or tne Koosevelt policy of conser
vation of natural resources "in- a PlnltJ
wicaian sense." He is In favor of it un
til the cabinet officials charred with
such conservation can find that there
is some detect in the law that is de
signed to make the conservation effee.
live, insistence upon legality" is all
well enoug-h, but we've had ton munh
worship of "lea-aHty" that is the an.
utnesis or natural justice and common
sense. - The resources' are to be eon.
served until the grabbers can find le
gal quibblea on the atrenath of vuiiinh
they can break in upon, enarosa and
forestall the land upon and about which
future generations must labor, and mak.
those future generations pay the grab
bers for the right to labor upon what
is inalienably their own property.
George A. Harter's .Birthday..
George Abram Harter. president of
Delaware college, was born trr Lelters
burg. Md.. November 7, 1853. and re
ceived his education principally at St
John's college, Annapolis. After his
graduation he- became - an Instructor at the conditions of abje(t poverty which
Delaware college, Newark,? Del., and are found in the east but there la still
two years later he was appointed prln- a great work to be done here. ' Of the
clpal of the Leltereburg grammer thousands of people who, through varl-
school. In 1881 he resigned, this noai- oua adversities, veariv
are supplied as far as nonsiblo. Th
guild does not wish to depreciate the
value of suitable castoff garments, but
according to its charter it cannot ac
cept them. Great stress is laid upon
the word "new." for It Is asserted bv
workers among- the needy that a moral
Influence Is exerted by new clothing.
jroruana is rortunate in not bavin
tion, going to iHagerstown to accept
the position Of professor in mathematics
and 'modern languages at Delaware col
lege, becoming In 183, professor of mathe
matics and physics., He Was (elected in
189 president of the college. nr.
medical and other charitable Initlin.
tions of thi country, many are insuf
ficiently clad. It is said that u-lth all
of the munificent legacies left for char
itable purposes there are eeiifcim .n.
funds which can be used to supply anlt-
Harter is a member of , the Delaware I able clothina-for
state board of education and is nroml-1 donations of the Neiiiiarir n ,i.
nent in numerous educational and I not begin to meet , the demands in these
scientific societies. - I directions. i
Take the case of the Bova' anil fiirta
People Vs. the Rosm. " " f Aid society. Jn Portland. It la heneiiHaru1
From the Woodburn Independent (Rep.), j , "rn the clothing of nine out of ten
Next year, promises to be a very in-1 children who are received Into
tereatlng one politically In tha hiatorvl"' hne. It requires sir garment to
of Oregon. An atl.mnr in ...K.Ki.t'lt out each child, and tha sns f-hllrlror.
be made to ring In the "assembly" plan, ?f that ,nt"utlon needed 1230 garments
and the ones selected by that "assem-1 year' Tn . aoelety has no means .
Dly" wm have hard worka eouarlnrl"1 PPyng tneso clothes except
themselves with in. h..i v.n.i. u... Itnrougn donations and the rnwd or ih.i
It may he that the Democrats will also! one '""Mut'"" Placed beside the 2000
have an "asaemblv." in ahM ... .u. I garments which the guild distributari in
fate of the direct nrlmarv .v.i.M n I Portland last year, a Ives a fair Mm f
be left in the hands of the people. If ha fret value.of the guild's work and
tha "nnHnmhlv' la inilnra. h k. ...i. I the imperative need for mom. -
a a vwf "aV a, a u frUH I . a, -...aaaa.- .
at the direct primary. It will come here D,r"nlp'
to stay and the bosses come into their I ' , . ' "" "".'l... ,
own again. t ; . : -.' , Two P',n' new garments a year Is
side. Is, as a result of telepathic j to whom he sells..
processes; more familiar, than theji It ls.not the fault solely of dairy-
reader witn tne topic nder invest!- men, but largely of those in author-
gation. "When a newspaper corre-Mty that unclaaa milk has been de-
Portland. The dairy
Baltimore has been selected nondent met and was abont ta in- iw. fn
t.tkVb".r? of. tn Rke- tervlew him la a class room recently, business Is one in which there has
merger of many-ef the organizations
that were formerly disunited, and
tha liberal spirit of sympathy man!
fest ; among all for each other are
evidence, of the new order. The
common ground that many organ-'
for Medical th. .tndAnta.toni.ha-i .it . " 11 ' .rr""-. em to Do nnaing is prom-
She 1. oo. br .Utlnr the .-H.r'th r.tZT?: .tr... I." 8Mr fflore widespread nnlon with
feller Institute
"l ,cw . ou " one py tnating the Question, the cor- la the memory of the avera-a man
Z WA0n?n ln to rPondent wa. about to ask him. The uncleanliness and dangers that
te at the head of a boepltal of great The correspondent, during the inter- lurk 'la milk are a revelation by
"- .I'wiuiiuvui iKuautri rpaii in iumm a i nn la . I it.i. v..
Its Consequent gain in strength and
enlarged influence.
ihe abUity of women to become fac- afternoon newspaper and the blind few year. past. A state dairy com
tors in fields tt very large useful- youth at once repeated IU content, fmlssloner 1. created In almost every
a comparatively j a DISMISSAL AND ITS. SEQUEL
ness ana a credits tne theories of
:boe bo have been wont to hold
them as of Inferior mental and A
ii !a!trtive mold. The ea with
buh a Brooklyn young wnruaa
UM)k first fconors la a medicl class
f 3? la bl h all Ihe others wre
jo'isg n'-a and became bouse sur
i n t a le-aditg fcfj;.ltal im recent
r:'rtry (a tie same line.
V K"":.- t ha airrady begus
rrk ' I (-r A'tiaa ma
, t ifr f-w 1. - j V a ! ii t'd to
.'. ite lr.'-:. r. e cf Vt. vr.h
accurately to all present.
. One of the most sensational tes
timonies fn the current mystic re
vivar Is William ' T. Etead. aatei
tlon that the dead premier Glad
stone has been communicating with
tilm from the spirit world with ref
erence to the English budget. The
elaiari of the world known editor is
of coarse met with general doabt,
but lomlr jt as ft does at a time when
mankind Is sthred by many Inex
plicaMe demosatraUoss it l tneet
ftg Kh fce wida aitesUoa of in-
state to inspect dairies and to see
that the processes are sanitary and
safe. It Is a business that has to
be done by public authority because
the average individual Is too busy Xo
go out occasionally to Inspect the
dairies that supply a city with milk.
It has to be done by public author
ity because the average Individual
fcas not the means of making milk
analysis, and through chemical and
tiwterloinrical prorrases ' to dtcr-
ru'oe whether H is tlan or. unclean. J
HE RECENT dismissal of
Charles R. Crane from the Chi-1
nese mission is an episode that
refuses to be quiet, It has
been, tbe occasion of a small storm
that has already burst In Chicago.
Mr. Crame naa many and powerful
friends and as a result of inquiries
they bare made they Insist that
someHbiag more practical than mere
questions of diplomacy were in
volved In the summary dismissal of
the newly appofnied minlffer. They
cJaim.tOL.hata Jarectiated tb re-
Union eountV. aaaeaament will tnt.l
about , $17,000,000.
Tha Frozen Ocean By Eutfcns Sue
not much for moat women to give, yet
if 1000 more Portland women camo Into
me iruna. wnai a wonderful work their
two garments each would do, and how
little Individual effort It would cost.
The number of garments to be contrib
uted by each member Is not HmitArf t a
two and. in addition, two pieces of
household linen" may be substituted if
preferred, . :..- ' ...
The annual collection day In Portland
November , and there is yet time
for non-members who wish to contrib ute
to do so. The annual exhibition and
tea will be held in the Unitarian chapel, -
1 rom the Troloeu" te "Tha Wan. ton of th. .h...... -.i-i.
derlng Jew.") I strike with terror all animated hcinn
The month of September annroachea 1 -'rom the most dartnr 'to the most
It . aIaa. . Th. miiUm t... l.I timid.- An ajirArn. hnr. I!. IK.,
back darkness and the northern temn- n,lcent "ixctacle ao frequently In the I ?!v,IJIn "i Jfmh."1; November 10.
eat.- nla-ht 1b ahnu . M.t... ... l""nr "B'uns, suaaeniy Dursta forth. In 1 7 .i,n.u ,mv ueen con-
fh-'.hnfr "P -nf tfto "orison appears a half circle ." Mb" foT this yer are open to In
the short and aloomr dava of h. I .is..n .i.:rrri "'i..,!.. , ... , . .
poles. The aky: 'of a sotnbre violet I Iifihi. i"'' ente.' distrt
color. I. feebly t by sun without mnV of "igh j.V Vrth. which ri-ln. Th K
-Kaoa ka. .4 . - ' 1 wemovw viKom iar-iKjiiB. ututzi ins heaven I : mvni unfiui Tfiar
dtLl .hn-. Af! .befre JhJfNrth n1 Then the reflUon. of ,UbU "rraB'"t,on" ln th country, and
aazsuna wmteness of the inn whlrhlih... . . . . . " sua whioh la ii...nH . -,.
black and atsantlo rock.: at th. fn. Z' aL.Z .!T"rl mn9 MO'.T, Ilk. t' h.H(;
of the ptaolo pile. lie. chained thli rw." ettnent; After haVlnc ar p eKtensTveTy ,7
".T.T1"' tbl "Ottonles. fined thla maanificVnt cMnTix .V. l . 'eed, difficult to find Jv aiititu; KlVinST I Such
mite, two new garments a year, could
luminous mist At thla moment. P iaro to o .great a power for
billow, hure mountain, of Ic. whOM aurori Cm9ViZZ JJ1W ' th'
. 7 pr . . . . : la a luminous tniat. . thl. .
' aunac. under a Iran . ai,h..,.i. ...
AtccrdinslTa to- condiUons that j lationshlp between New York naaa
This Date in HLstarv.
,,1 1I0S LewU and Clark', party arrived
It I at the mouth of the Columhi. ,hw-
vault. The allenc. become, eolemn: But be thrown from . IL "If1" 77"" 'rw,n """r-nced hi.
toward the strait, of Berln a Jm. I 1 c,,"1 m" worl1 e other, second term as rovernor of Georrla.
light appear. In the horian." At tint ta a.UTI,. VJ22? . ;.""r:,rr? ""' defeated the
U of a soft brllliancv.
fa AA w ...rl. . A .. 71.. . w .iiiivUB-
It Mem. black: th. a.u .i.r. VI. m an .arm or the
light which precede, the
moon; then lta brlghtneM
ran ana uiumri a roiteate
tint. - in tne other quarter, of the
heaven, the darkness increases; It is
with difficulty that the whitened ejr
tent Of th. drMrt, lately risible. Is
dl.Uncalshable from the black v.olt ef
th. firmajnant. In th. tnldat t in.
obACtirltr Btrnnra and renfuwsd avonls
,r nrmr. i ney remind on. ef t
fllaht. by turns sharn rr a,,ii .e h.
t.rr 'rht bfrda. Who. t-Trird. k(m
t lar'icn of Ike t.n.a ..a ri..n.
alirt therV e rr Is Tha
fearful SUence fceraloa tke trrroarii tl
"blue' JT. W- .-.tow-;, Tmert! iZ&T2e?U
V.. k! a W U n W of mAMurele. 1114 General JackrHh. h.A
ri.lns- of the deep. r. On the American promontory f th. mUHl-. J. X
neT,.' '"-""' worn. a nZ Bnltlah fm Pen7.cX Srer,th
ed to thl. f'-atur ef dolat wretchd
nee. by 'pointln. toward bnv iw
aooid. thAA two tall flfurea
arpeared tho. sale and Bh.dpwy in th.
prtlrs rare ef the aurora bArel!, But
' mlat thk-kened arayf.,. h . .n
ioi in ice rrowlra At..r.
Whene. came thcM two k.i... - .
in rn m ir. alar flarlera. at fn
r 7 iritmt or th. artb
rat aat for aa taaia.t
eteraitj t
.r'',t ins.
hw A -!.rA.ff-
T.C. B. . I .. .
.u.u Meaary, rovernor of
" territory, died at rvi. k...
m narj im. 1AI.
) I Tl Alexander Mack.r.le
bl. rnrarnment I. Canada.
i.rovar Cleveland
vrrnr or isew Tork.
frtlZ?m'r wrecked m
"rr1- i,h r ivr.
iy. Ta
elected ov-
SiTJ4 ...