Tlin OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 0, 100!. tx "ISITIIIG NURSES DO Jlldl 0 Report s Show That . 3faii) - Sick lVor Are Being- f Carel For. - The winter's work Among tl)9 alck p.xir of Portland has begun In earnest , shown by the reports of the three li u moii of the Visiting; Nurse fcssocla tlon at the mooting of the board of di rer tors last . Wednesday. ". ' Tho number . of new patients that received calls from the nurises was 60 of which au were school children, the work' of the school ni'i-we helns; too heavy for "one nurse to ram Jive old cases were carried, the total number of calls being 192. Among the old patients on the list of the uoMtlon In a -woman who had . been bedridden , for several years from rheumatism and, who spends tiiost of bor time slone fn her little cottage. While she has two daughters-who are nearly , grown, her helplessness has served rather to,-chill their affettloo than to otherwise. Were it not. fof the visits of the faithful nurse, she .would not receive 'the' attention necessary to kwp her deoently clean, the nurse; ha v. lng found at various 'times, that the mother's face and hands had not j been bathed, nor lier hair combed since the previous visit ' ' ." ' ' Entreaties and arguments have railed, throats to . report their neglect-1 : ths authorities are useless and result only in harsh treatment-of their . helpless . mother. As the patient will not cort-1 sent to go to the. hospital, pity for" her condition compels attention. It Is one of the saddest cases being carried by the association. v- ' ; tittle Boy . Patient. , "Little Charlie" who is known to the many friends of the work as the little boy with Potts disease of the spine, lias been placed. In Multnomah ',., hospital where he Is a bit of sunshine amongst .the older, patients and the pet of the , institution. Those who have seen the picture In the magazines of "Smiling Joe" the little-boy with ' tuberculosis : of the spine who Is strapped on a frame, may be .reminded of our little Charlie at the hospital, for whom the same treatment has been ordered. A bit of pathos, not without a touch of comedy was related at the meeting ' of the mother of pne of the association patients who had' been placed In the Hospital ty tne peoples institute, it had been "her first vacation for years, she said, "and I have had such a good time, six solid weeks of rest" VIU 'Sell Stamps. Plans are' being made for the Christ mas stamp campaign. The chairman of the stamp. committee announced that 1,000,000 stamps had been ordered and would be ready for distribution within 10 days. -The National Red Cross as sociation has appointed the Visiting Nurse association Its . agents for Ore gon, for the sale "bf the stamps and the Red Cross. Christmas postal card,,,the latter of very attractive design. ' . Through th fund derived from the sale of the stamps, the association sup ports Its work among the tubercular , poor. One nurse Is assigned to the care , of those patients who are paBt itye curable stage, for whom there la Tfl provision except the county pavilion. Many prefer to stay In their own homes, wretched though many of these homes ire. To these tne nurse prings com fort, cleanliness and the 'teaching of jireventloa of the disease,' and of the necessity of caution against the spread of infection. . , e - Those who are in a curable stage, the association places In the Open Air sanatorium. , Jteports of the tubercular work will be published in a short time. Until the state institution for the care of ; tubercular poor Is opened, upon the as sociation will devolve the care of these -unfortunate sufferers. As the associa lion is non-sectarian in Its work and in its support, the support' of all organi zations and all iaritably ' Inclined Is freely given, but 'even. ' with this gen erous response, ; the work la hindered -through lack 'of funds. It la hoped that the public will respond generously; IK Suu&a? Services at tye oran l)urcl)es ,' v Baptist. '. First White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. J. Whueomb Urouulier. Ij. O. 10,',' "One Accord" prayer ineettiui lillilo schpol li; service. d:3r ami 7:30: V. P. U . Tophs'A Triple Llf' a 3ew." - "Justice to the 8econd Seventh and . East Ankenv: Rev. 11 S.. Black. 10,80 and 7:10; Libia school. 13; U. y. p, V., :J0. Central Boat Twentieth -and Ankenv: Rev. W. T. -Jordon. 11 and I: B. S.. enent in the Blood," "Healthy Growth." Arleta Kev. K. A- Smith. 11 and 7:30: S. R, 0:46; B. 'Y. P. U., 3:80; sermons by Kev. C. 8. Owen. aimuiana Alberta and uixtn. Kev. xl. A. Leonard, nantor. 11 and 7:30: 13. IT P. U.. :30; S. 8.. 10. .. gcllwooil Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev. ; D. W. Thurston, taHtoi 11 and 7;8Q; B. ., j; i, ij., s:u. , . calvary East Eiahth ana urant. Kev, J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:30; R 8., 10; B. Y. Pi U. 8:30. . Imraanuel Jones TIall, - Olbbs and Front,- Rev. A. H. Mloaker. - 10:30 and 7:3; 8. B 13; 13., Y. P. U., 8:30. Gram MnntavillH! Rev. Albert . V. Patch. 11 and - 7:30;' u. S., 10 Y. p, V.. :30. , Un verslty Park a. B.. 10. 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P. II., 7. Morning sermon Dy ncv. jonn uentsien; uord a Muppcr, Sunnvside (Oerman Forty-first aim Hawthorne; Rev. C Feldmeth. , 11; 8. 8.. St. -s Johns 1 (German Rev. - C Feld meth. 8 S.. 9:45: services 11 and 7:30. St. Johns Rev. C. I Owen. 11:10 and 730; 8.. S.. 10; B. Y. P. U. :30. Sermons by Rev. A. K. Smith. . - Chinese Mission 863 Vk uaK street. 6..f I: preaching. . by Rev. t uns Chak. . .- ; First Oerman Fourth ana miii: Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:30; 8, B.,,:45. second tierman Morris o street ana Rodney avenue: Rev. F. Buermann,. 11 and 7:30: S. R. 0:46. - ' East Forty-fifth street corner Kast Mam;. and 7:30; Bermons oy nev. A, U. Waltz; Bible school, 10; B. P. Y. Lents S. .R, 10; 11 and 7:80; B. Y. P. II, 6:30. Sermonsby Rev. B. C, Cook. .- ' Mount CJllve Seventh and Everett; Rev. II. B. B,, Johnson. 3,1 and 7:80. Swedish Hyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Ertck Scherstrom. 10:45, and. 7:46; S. S.. -las a Y. P. U.. :80.k Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev, B, Snhwedlar, 11 and 7:30; S. R, 10. WooiiRtock Fortv-first and Holgate; Rev. F. E. Darjti 11 and 7:80; S. S. 8:46; Sucstivc Questions on ttc SunJay, Scnool Lesson by Rev.' Dr. T. S. Linscott The SUFFRAGETTES IIIIEBIIM STRIFE fly BUCK FUG - OF SCIEOTISIS write S. MOTHERS INVITED TO TAKE INTEREST 1 - The Oregon State Congress of Mothers , ls . at work In earnest: it la the purpose- to bring to the mothers of, Portland and the state as far as possible the best of advanced thought upon any- sutrject relating to the welfare of the home and ,the development of child life. '-v'. The first lecture will be announced In ; ; , - Prsbytrlan, First Twelfth ana Alder. Rev. Wil liam Hiram Foulkes, 10:30 and 7:80: 8. B 12: Y. P. U.. 6:45. Topics, "The Worth of a Man," "There s a .Wideness In-God's Mercy."- ' '- .- - . ., - Misnah Kaet Twelfth and Powell: Rev. Harry Leds, 11 and i:su; . a, iu; a E., 6:30. - - . .'-v' Calvarv Eleventh and Clav. Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:80 and 7:4E; Bible school, noon. Topic, "The Tra,ns fimired Man." "A Man's Chance." . Fourth First and Gibbs: Rev. Donald Mackenzie, 10:30 and 7:30. .8. 8., 12; C. K., 6:80. -,. . - ,, . . - ., Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor; Rev; E. Nelson Allen. 10:30, 7:30. S. 8.. 12: C E.. 6:80. TODic. "Mv interview witn ADtnn isana or A era and My Impressions of the Baha Religions." Forbes 'Sellwood and Gautunbeln; Rev. Harry II. Pratt: 11 and 7:30; R R, 10r C. E., 6:30. Piedmont Cleveland and ' Jarratt: Rev. J. JS. Snyder, . 11 and 7:30; 8,; 8., Chinese lis H First, 7:48; 8. 8., 6:46. Westminster East Tenth and Wniri- ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte,' 10:80 and 30; 8. 8., 12; Y. P. 8. C. E., 6:80. Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays, 11, 4. -1 Mount Tanor Belmont and Pretty man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 81 8., 10. 1- Spokane Avenue East " Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev, I). A, Thompson, 11 and 7:30; S. S.. 10f C E.. -6:80. ' . Third East. Thirteenth and Pine; Kev. j. a. 1: iicuraw, m:3u and Y.'45( &. w., j. topics, rne -wevine tsnep herd,, "Chrisfs Winnowing Fan." Hope Montavilla, East Seventy- eighth street. Rev. Henry Hare. S, S., iu, 11 ana :su. Kenil worth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. .Kev. A. Robinson, 11; S. 8. 12: Y. P.. t. Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town-f send; services, 10; 8. S., 11:16. . -.. ,. Anaoei-J-Kev. Jonn A. lownsena. Serv- Mlnlsters, Sunday school teachera and 'thers Interested arejnvlted te The Journal briefly their views aa to the worth. of these "questions, particularly ir they consider them er value in tneir wora-j The International Newspaper Bible Study club Is for the purpose ef pro. nutln in iinfllrul mjmw mmnnw thm mllUL a Wider StUdV Of the Bibl. the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems wbloh ent.r into evr man's life. It is eompoaed of all those who Join a local club, and take up the elmcle course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who have not Joined are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prises. Persons may Join the club at any time during the year, but must, el eonrse. . snswer the 61 questions hereinafter explained. Ao qualify for the prizes, and the back questions may be obtained by addressing this office. This paper has tenured the right to publlsn toe international eunaar School Lesson Questions by Rev. Sr. Linscott, which havi aroused so much Interest elsewhere, and they will appear werkly in both the Saturday ana Sunday Issues of The Journal. One of these questions each week la to De answema lit writing ana upon these answer tne prixes are to oe wtrur ' . CoaCitloaa of tM 0onU1. ".. ' - - " ' ' . 1. Each contestant, or his or her family, riust e a sabsorfber tothi 111 vra.r in tuauiy inr (n.uiuvriuip ,u um iumiuiww ,i.wiir.i Biuav ciui) ana tms local ciuo. 2. Each nonteatant in this local club must answer each of the written ques tions for 68 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14, .and the answers .mini an re in the possession of this paper vlthin tero week 01 me cioss 01 thla period. . I. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on one aide only. No answer must exceed 100 words In length and mav be less Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer. v- . f- j . 4. The answers must be delivered to thle office, and they will, be collated close of the contest and forwarded fo headquarters for Independent a miinuiun oy competent examiners. ' ine prises win men t awarara ac cording to the highest number of marks, won by members of The International fvwspuper ioie ntnay ciuo. .-. '. - Tlie rHsea, r-. - -- , Flrwt Series A gold medal to each of th first five contestants. ' Second Serleu A ailvar medal ta each of tha nmf f 1 vm nnntoatanta. . Third Series A Teacher's Bible,' price 16.60, to each of th noxt five 00a- Fourth Series The book The Heart of Christianity." prlc $1.60, to each of the next 86 contestants. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving- the nam of th winner und XOr What it In awardAtl mnA In Ilk nunmr flft Rlh) n.4 hsitl will ha In- crlbed.- "; .. ... r. All who can write and have Ideas, are tarred to take tin t' ntudlea rA wyinn vi in. aegren or tneir eauiTnuun, as me papers are not valued iron" ouucuomu or meriry iiinopomi, out irom tne point Of view or cogency of their reaaoned Ideaa ... (Copyright, .1909, by Rev. T. 8. Lins- tbw 4, toes. 11:30 and 7:45: 8. S.. 10:15: C. V.. T. Trinity Dakota street Rev. A. Rob inson, 7 :o p. m.; v, hj. g:4f; 8. 8., 11. Vernon Wygant ' and East . Nlne- teentn: Kev. ueorge w. Anns, II and 8; 8. S., 9:46; & E, J.. , the near future as Mrs. Cora C. Little has already promised to give her most : Fit ma trick helpful views upon breathing In rela-lchapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood. tion to health and growth. Mrs. Little's L m rstncK b, jvineieentn ana eavier- CatBoUo.' - , f St Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis Mont Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low masa, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers, Instruction and benediction, 7:45. 8t JoseDh a (German). Fifteenth and Couch Rt Rev. James -Hauw, V. G. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon. 10:80. Vespers, benediction, 8:80. Bt FranclH. JKast Eleventh and Onk Kev. J. ti. BiacK. Ijow mass, 8:30 ana :ju, nign mass ana sermon, iu:80. Vespers,- Instruction, and benediction, 7:30. . - - -. ' .- Bt. Lawrences . Third' arid Sherman. Kev. j. v. uugnes. iw mass, , 1 and h:3u. H en mass ana .sermon. 10:3a Vespers and benediction, 7:30. - Ascenmon, Aioniaviua, Rev. . J. p. Aiass ana sermon, 9 in cott, D. D.) ' v irovembev 1. 1909. Paul a Prisoner The ShlDWreck. Acts xxvu:zv to xxvill:l0, v Golden Text The Lord . redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of mem mat trust in him shall be desolate, Ps. xxxlv:23. Verses B7-39. Whv does God oermlt storm and stress to com into most lives, aad sometimes permits them to oontlnue until all human hope is aban donedt (This question most be, an swered in writlmr by members of the What Is the Christian's anchor which never falia him, no matter what danger his ship may be int (See Heb. -vl:19.) Verses 80-38. Are fell God's promises of help or deliverance conditional, or are some of them absolute and uncondi tioned? - ' - ..-..;... If these men had forsaken the shin, as they planned, how would that affect the saving of the rest of theml , Here Is a case of castmgvaway a boat to save a ship, what principle does that suggest, in human lifer t v : Verses 83-38. There are two things. at least, possible no matter how e-reat tne distress; one is to wring your hands and bemoan your fate, and give up hope; the other Is to be cheerful, and see how best to save, the ship; which Is the better, and how can it be .accomplished? Why Is it that the courage end good cheer of ! one man can save an entire crew from despondenay ana defeat? May praying and fasting, when you ought to be eating and working, be as great a practical crime aa souttllng the swp? , 4 Why does God generally need our help when he would save ua from any Im pending calamity? (v:38.) - Verses 89-44. To a true man Is It al ways so,, that", after the .night comefi the day, after sorrow comes Joy,- and after so-called defeat comes victory? Does God In' these days, ever save a family, a business, a community, or a nation, for the sake Sf one man, 'as he saved the passengers and crew of this snip for the sake of Paul? Jullua prevented the killing of the prisoners ror the sake of Paul; is there any analogy, between that and the sav ing of sinners for the sake of Jesus? God told Paul that all hands should be saved, and the ship lost, and this in what happened; speaking from your own experience are all God's promises equal ly dependable, : whether - of a general character as In the Bible, or given to tne individual som? Chap, xxvlli:!. Where Is the Island of Melita, where this wreck .occurred? Verse 2. Are uncivilized people be fore they , have 1 had - experience with white men, generally kind to strangers? Verses J-4 When an accident or sick ness, or . other natural calamity comes to a man, is it any sure sign that be is a sinner? Verses 6-6. If a poisonous viper should fasten on a good man's hand to day, God would probably not prevent the poison from taking effect; Is that a;fact tO" be regretted or otherwise? . "Verses 7-10,-Is there always "a sil ver ' lining to every dark cloud"? t. Are there any circumstances In which a good -man cannot help his fellows? Lesson for Sunday, November 14, 1909. Paul a Prisoner in Roma, Acts xxviit' 11-81. ' , - Ranner Inscribed "Votes for Leaders Criticise Action of I Fupper In Chrlntlan Churche i;iii;arrhalile itk'ht'S Of Christ. ' Kern Park Pitt and Midburn: Rev. A.' A. lico.y. ,1 and f.30; 8, R, 10; C lu. 6:80. Rodney Avenue Rodpey and Knott; Thomas fl, I'lcton, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8, 9:46; C. K. 7. p. m. Tonics, -Keeping the Hart." "The Way That BeemetK Right." . riMllwood 'Eleventh and Umatilla. 10:10 and 7:46. Wondlawn Rev. Edward Wrlaht 11 'EJno?i0tion ' S" -Tna0, rharaeter01'' b,ttc,t "a boar'n the lnacrlptloiv "Vptea the action; of the First church. Chris- vnriKt Women'MJnfurled on Pike's Teak. (Untied Ptm Leased Wire.) Colorado Bprlngs, Colo., Nov. 6. A Ner York Church Af fecting Mrs.' Stetson,- ' (Onlted f'rU LaiMd Wlra.l New York. Nov. 6. Commenting on for women" today flirts with the broose lmn "donee, of New York, in exonerat- at th summit of Pike's Peak. The ":l"L'' u""lf ",ewo? ' w iimiprugiico . 01 t.nriatian , Kr-l m (, . I .,11 hlni,. ... n .1 . i. . 1.- j peak by Mrs. Helen , Rein Haker of dy's mother church of Boston; Judge Spokane, 'Wash,, a wealthy suffragotte, Clifford Kmlth, first reader in the First ne was accompanied to the summit cnurcn at Mew York, suld: r by six Denver suffragettes In A speolal "The report made by the New York train charter by Mrs. Raker.i church's committee or innulry was the The banner was made by Mw.' Oliver natural product of Mrs. Stetson's teaoh- It P. Belmont of New York, and waa Ings. , In view, of the fact that Mrs. Frsnk IX Flnrtley,. ,10:80 and - 7:80; I vent to Mrs. Baker that It might be I Stetson has heretofore dictated the vot 8. 8.,' 18; C. E. 6:80. Topics.' "The I unfurled on the mountain. . ' I of the whole church, It appears that the- Doctrine of the Dollar," "Choosing Up . ., I congreaation has mada ranlii .trlrlA.. "Thrrd-EaTt (V-serenth and Clsr: EPTLEPTTfJ -PALTiS IN - motion l her favor Thursday night Rev. J. L, Acheson. 11 and 7:80. 8. fi. 7- ""T . ' IT" "'cu. ?.'y D' mal .mJO"iy 19. ., . . I ; ' FUltjl lLtl MAY 111 tim Zy ?'.L0 . ' . ' T ue oecession or me fint cnurcn from the mother church Gladstone Rev. A. If. Mnlker:v B. 8.. 10. 11 arid 7-1S n'nnlrH. "The .Father of Missions," "The Horrors of the Final Confiscation." , t Vnlted yresbyterua. ; : The Church of the Btransers Grand ave. and Wasco. Rev. 8. Karl Du Bole, iu id ana y:su: b. b.. iz. interDreiaiion for the deaf every Sunday morning. rirsi Bixm anq .Montgomery, itev. 1 Halted Brethrea In Christ, First East Fifteenth and Morrison. ffloeHd DilDitrh te The Journal ' - White Salmon, Wash., Nov. 6. W.(M- Rev. Russell 8. Bhowera, 11 and,8; . fl.. McGee, a farmer living about alx miles "Radical-Sixth and Mechanic, Rev, Os- .?L.l7JtV. ".nd Pel" car A. Martin. 11 ana i:o; tt. iu; is considered Hkely to be the result of th present COnfllCt. :(-( -, -.v,, Thfrd Soutfi; Mount TaW: Rev.' C, P. Rlanchard. Bible achool, 8. Alberta Kast Twenty-seventn- ana haps .fatally burned Thursday afternoon. He Is subject to eptleptlo selsurea, and In one of these attacks fell Into an open fire jiear which he was standing. Ha was . brought to town Immediately Mildred, Rev. B. B, Eraerick, 11, preach- .nil hla.lntiirlna dreMed. iftw hi.h k. ing oy uisnnp pt. jasue; evening service In union with First church. East Fif teen in ana Morrison; o. 0., iv, was taKen on tne evening train to a Portland hospital. His burns,, while nnar lot a 1 avtanalwe mmab HM Tift..,! S-t..4l- e- I --tw. . w 1 w J VAVs.os w VVYDl- ReV.7rrihVffe"r? SI 3:80; prK '" Urge part of hi, body. . -.OA T' It I T III I 1 III I ing, j.jv. r VatteA StaareUoaL I - First East Sixteenth and Poplar. Rev. H. Ai Deck. 11 and 7:80; 8. 8., 0. TodIos. "A Solemn Warning. " "The Missionary Passion," .. Ockley Green Gay and Willamette. Rev. J. Bowersox.' 11 and 7:30; S. S 10: C. E.. 6:80. Topics, "The Trium phant Life," "Th Relation of Yester days to Todays." - , Beoond Fargo ana nerny, uev. c v Poling, -11 and 7:80. Bt. John's Ivanhoe and John. Kev. C. P, Yates, b. o., iu. i , ., 1 . L i mi- I-'.. " r. '.::.'. - Bvangelloal Assoolatloas. 4 First English East Sixth and Mar- Ket, f. a. cuiver, 11 ana- :v; x. jr. a 6:30; a S., 10. . 4W -. ... - First German Tenth and Clay, F. Bens. 10:46 and 7:45: fl. 8.. 8:80; Y. P. 7 p. m. Rev. Theodore Schaner, P:, E., preaches morning and evening. Lord's supper will be celebrated.. : Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib betts, Morris HeveTltng. 11 and 8; a S. 10. 10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m.: 8. S.. 9:30 a. m.: Y. P. 8., 7 p. m. Evening union to Women's Home Missionary socletv. Mm. 1 j. x. viapsiaei ana Mrs. r. w. Howard. Christies Bolence. First Church of Christ Scottish Hits cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11; s; a. o., n, suuject 01 lesson sermon. Arlnm mil Vnllnr, Man , V. C. STRICKLEIt SAYS ' ACTION DISGRACEFUL Boston, Nov." 6. While future action of the mother church regarding action 01 tne irsi cnurcti of Christ, Scient ists, New York,' In' accepting the report' of the committee that Inquired into the teachings and practices of Mrs. Augusta , F. Stetson, Is not known here, two of the leaders In this city believe the ac tion In New York will produce good re sults. .Alfred Farlow, cnalrman of th committee on publication, said: " 1 "As I understand the situation, the Opinion of the New York -church 'con ; cerning the findings of , the mother church does not In any. way affect these findings. As a, matter of course. It. la. not within my .' Jurisdiction to foresee Adam and Fallen Man. Second Woodmen's hall. East Sixth lesson sermon, 'Adam and Fallen Man," j mother church In respect to th New York situation,' atlsoellaneona. ' First Spiritual Society Chrlatensen halL Eleventh and . Yamhill atreatu 11 and 7;6. V Church of 1 New Thought Selling Hlrseh hall, Henry Victor Morgan. o p. m. . St Burnside. 11. 4:80 and 8. .- Mediums' and Ministers Association Auditorium building, 11, S and 7:46. ' Swedish Free Mission - Mississippi and Shaver, Rev. Aug. Olson, )v;46 and . Pre Methodist. - .- First church--East Ninth and Mill. David M.i Cathey. 11 and 8; S. S., 10; Second church East - Flanders. 1 be tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth streeta -Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 10; class meeting, 6:30. Olive urancn Mission eecona and Ankeny. .: A. Wells,- superintendent Meetings every evening at 8; Sunday at s. j".:. TJnfversallst. ' Church of the Good Tidings -Union Mr. Farlow last night made public a statement by Virgil C. Strlckler, succes sor of Airs. Stetson, as first reader of the First Church of Christ, ' Scientist, New York, lh which ' Mr. ; Strlckler de nounces the . methods which ha . aava wedlsh.Corpr Salvation Army 4301 were used by, Mrs. Stetson's friends In securing the vote of that church In her favor. v. 'n ',. ... .. ,. ; . "The vote," aaya Mr. Strickler, ti taken . at a late hour when fully one taird bf the congregation had gone. Mrs.; stetson s adherents., were determined IL corner urana avenue ana usst I tht' hn tt ..n.iA. I.f Vi Pine. Rev. J. D. Corby. 10:46; S. S.. 18. RniehTT.ii.t .oiX--i: Topic, "The Message of All Soul'a Day." hall, St Johns, 8 p. m. Non-Sectarian Odd . Fellows' " ' hall, East Sixth and Alder; 1:30, up to date Latter Dav Saints fMormnnal Tenth and Sherman. J. C- Westera-ard. I . i.i.h.j ...... . . . firnlHln , , m . a a -in." I uiuu suuiuicui m Willi well. presiamg elder, ll and 6; S. 8., 10. nn in .rf .,,nw n,..n.. Aavent unnstian second, between li." . , , Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Shepard, 'hou,1 ,b6 disclosed. Their efforts in 10:80 and 7:80. this behalf were disgraceful. -A rising -Volunteers of America 285 Burnside vote was taker!, an actual count show street. 3:30 and 8:80, ". Una- 436 votlnar In her favor. The vol buffi RTlad?4 ? WM 5. taken. Th. S. 8.. 12. Topic. "The Silent circle." fvo" T ," ,S " Pner" W Mr stet New - Thought East Thirteenth and on- 14 "hould not restore her license Tenino, 8. Rev. P. J. Green. to teacn or practice Christian Science." cnurcn or Nazarene Kaat Seventh ana n. , TrmrnTir trnT T rt tiati New Church Society (Swedenborgen) Y XKjX JLiU, 1 EjXiUQ J? Ult -r.iQTciiiii anu aiubi, xknignts or rj-1 - - ttmm -ri- sn-t -rr -r. TTnltarlaa. , Church of Our Father Yamhill and (Bible studies. .' TMIftisters.-i Funaay school teachers and others' Interested are Invited to write The Journal briefly their Views as to the worth of these "questions." particularly If they eonslder them of value In their work. " Rev. C. Seroskt. : Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon. 10. work Is not only well known in this country, but also In England and Scot land, No mother can afford to miss this op r'portunlty of being set tight UQon so Im portant, a suDiect. it win , oe rree to .all. The congress meet the third Tues- day In every month Jn vthe. 'committee room on the second floor of the city It not only Invites all women to attend its meetings, but -urges mothers to come and learn of Its work and have the ad vantage of Its inspiration. .... t r , C0M3IISSI0X 0R POKT X OF C00S BAY LI-GAL (Rpeelil Diopatch to The oaniaLi Marshxield. Or Nov. s. The com mission of the port of Coos Bay need have no fear of not .being properly ap pointed, according to a written decision riven by the attorney general to C R. ,1'eck, attorney for, the port. There was some talk of a suit being : started against the commission on the grounds that the appointment Of the members was not correctly made. Mr. Peck wss in Portland and secured the attorney Funeral's opinion. - Rev. E. P. Murohv, Low mass. 8. Hlh mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 3:80. r fit. Michael's (Italian), 1 Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers, . Low. msss, - 8. High mass and .sermon, 10:80. .-, Vespers and benediction, 7:80. St. Stephen's. Firty-second and East xayioi Kev. w. A. want, low mass, 8:30. Hiirh mass and sermon. 10:30 - Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams and 'Stanton RftvW. A. Daly. Low mast, 6. 8 and 9. High mass and ser- mon, iv.iir. , coci "ina oeneaiction. 1 .0". Holy Rosary. East Third and Union Very Rev. A. S. Lawlar. Low rn s 7 and . 8:30. Hlgh"mass and sermon. iv . vciner ana uneiicuonr t :ae. Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rev. Omt- gory nonie. u. s. b. i-ow mass. 1. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7:80. . . f Holv Cross. Unlveraltv Prlrnv l.T P. Thillman, C. 6. C Low mas. ;S0.' Hljrh mass and sermon. 10:30. Vinwi and benediction. 4. , " Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van- eouvei- Rev. Ed K. CantweM. C. SS. R. lAw mass.- 8. Hlith maaa and aermnn. 1:S0. Benediction. . St Andrew's. Ninth d Alberta-Rev.- Thpma' Klernan, " Low mass, ' . High mass and sermon. 10. Vespers. In struction end benediction. 7:30. Ht Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell Valley road Rev. F. Dillon, 8 J. '-,lvw mass, 3 and 6:30. Mass. sermoa and oeneaiction. 1:J. . m 8t Stanislaua. Maryland and Falling Methodist. Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young, ix L)., io:3u and 7:30; a. a., 12:10: k. u.. 6:B0. TodIq. '"The Athenian 1 Message and Modern Life." . Sacred concert In evening. - Grace Twelfth and Tavlor. Rev. John H. cuaiipp. l), D., io:30 and 7:30: . S. 12:15: E. L.. 6:30. TodIcH. "Holy Com munion.' -"ine Homeless ennst ' rourth In a series or five evenings, on "The Dane 01 nomeiessness. -c 1 -i Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth and Davis, Rev. K. P. Nelson, 11 and 8, 8. 8., Sunhvstde East Yamhill and Thlrtv- rirtn: w. x. Kuster: 11 and 7:.-o: 8. 8. 9:60: E. L.. , 6:46. Mornina-. President Fletcher Homan of Willamette univer sity, evening tonic "The New Church for the Vse of the. Young People and tne commg ueneration, Laying . 01 cornerstone at 8 o'clock. St. Johns Rev. F. N. SandefUr; 11 and 8: E. U, 7; S. S 10. Epworth Twenty-sixth ' and Savler. Rev. Charles' T. McPherson; 10:45 and 7:80;' S. a,-10; E. L.. 6:46. . Topic, Rally Day program, "A King Eating Grass. ' Remedies are Needed V wr we Mrfect, which we are act, mediciaes wonld 'dot often be aeedeel. But sine our syttemi bsv be roroe weakened, impaired and broke dowa through iediecretioas which have (oa on from th early afet, tbroofh count!e generatioot, remedies mrt eeeded i aid Natare la correctirg oar inherited end otberwit acquired weaksesee. To reach th eeat ol stomsch wekne and coatequent digevtiv trouble, there is thing o ood as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dhvcov. "T. a i'ycerie compound, ritrartrd from okA. ial root sold (or er forrv em.witk 4rt r:.l..,L.. .n r V etk Siomwb, B.IioMne... Liver, Paia is the Stoaacb after Mtief, I leertharo. Bed Breath. Belchief of ood. Chrome DurrW, ..4 other Uteettaal tow uitoavcry - is nme-erorea aad saoet efeeteat reaedy. Tfi0 d err a Ine ha on ita - S 7 cutslde wrapper the C? iJ . Yoa eas't or4 to eeeert aeeret otniai ae a eaherrrwt for this aoa-afe. fvr "5T" f .V'" c.--riLtbeh the iT(eat ictltt stay ti'trr aifke e buier rrost. - . LV. r itre't -f lrtn Pellrfa rrt,.tm mmd ' t: A -"'""-0'e4. tier (main, rT te.take raady.' Trlnltv East Teh th and Grant- Lewis F. Smith ;11 and 7:80; E. L., 6:808. 8., 10. Topics, "The Lord's Spirit Brings Llbertv." "The Sinners Blind to the Ben. efit of the Gospel." r,:-. centenary-Kast - Ninth and Pine: Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:30 and 7:30; E. L.. 6:30; S. 8.. 13:16. Hon. R. A. Booth delivers morning address. Evenina- tODlc "Breaking - Soma . Old Bawt5 -' s . - . l ...... : , Chinese Mission Chan Sins- Kal: 11 and 7:80. . - Laurel wood Rev.- R. E. Myers: , 11 and 7:30; a 8., 10; E. L.. 6:30. central Vancouver avenue aniVFara-o street Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 10:30 and J:3C; 8. 8.. 12; E. L., 6:30. . , Norwerlan Danish Vancouver ave nue and Skldmora, Rev. C"3. Lareen, 11 and 8; a a, 12:16. Japanese Mission 111 North Fif teenth, Rev, EUsen .Rlbara, 3:30 and 3:30; 8. S., 3:30. - Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev. John Ovall. 11 and 8: 8. S.. 10; E. U. 7; Topics, "Holiness," "Tho Wages of Sin and thetJift of oed.-: r First German Fifteenth and Hovt: u. A. waaaa; 11 ana 7:10. Second German Stanton and Rodney. Rev. E- e. Hertzier, ll and 8; 8. 8, ;46; FKidmore, Rev, B. J. Thoren,-11; a a. C. U. I .V. ' I ,V, ... Sellwood East FlfteetitB and Taeona. I Immantiel nerfnin rnmi, fti ' mr. Rev. 'Lester C. Poor, H and 7; J. E. I Leo 8ellwood. IL a Ebellng. 10:30; The -471IDton-KeIlv Memorial Thiatv-1 -Grara KnrHah RoHnav rA Tn At. ninth and Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon bina IL C Kbeiins. 7:30. ..' . b. p.. ,: m ana : r i. ?. 1 evangelical Kerby and Fsrro streets k a , 1-' , n a .nil r .kiu.,k I D... ,A 1 1 . . . i . .. I . ... . . .v, . . - . . . " . .iu cixniOTiiui , i.c . maun. , i . n . : 1 1, kct. mmia uo-rn; n ana s: euchartst. 7:30 and v 11; S. 8.. 9:45; matins and litany, 10:16; evensong, 7:30. -Church of Our - Savior Woodstock It and 8. St John's Church Multnomah and Tavlor. II and 7:80: S. a4 10. ?. . Good -; Shenherd Graham and- Van couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:30; 8. R. 8:46. Grace Memorial, Kast Seventeenth ana weidler Kev. George a. Van wat ters. Prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30; s. B., 10 ' All Salnfs. Twentv-fifth and Savier. Rev.- Rpy Edgar Remington. Holy com munion and sermon. 11: S. S.. -iz:is; evening prayer,- 8, Ascension Chanel Portland Helehta B. e., s:30. St. Paul Woodmere. Riv J. C. For- ytne; .11 a. m.; a. h., ):&. Bishon Morris Memorial chanel. Good eamaruan nonpitai, Kev. t William H. fowen. Chaplain. Holy communion 7 a. m.i ward services, 3; i prayer and sermon, 4110 p. m. l-utheran. ' St James English West Park and Jefferson; J. Allen Leas, 'It and 7:45:1 S. S., 10; L. L., 7 p. m. Topics, "How Does One Know When He Is a Chi ra ttan r "The State of the Soul After Death." w 1 Swedish- Immflnuel Nineteenth and I Irving. 11 and 8; ,8. 8., 9:46. ' Norwegian 8ynod--East Tenth and Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 7:46; communion services. -' Betania Danish Union and Morris; nev. j. ocoti. 11 ana s: a. 10. United Norwegian 4S N. Fourteenth: petraar Larsen. 11 and 7:80; a S.. 9:45. Zlon's German Chapman " arid Sal mon; H. H. Kappelmann, ',10:16; 7:46; a St Paul's German East Twelfth and ennton. Kev. A. Krause, 10:30 and v:so; o. a., :so. - - Trinity German (Missouri ' synod) Williams ,no- Jiuwpoa; J.-A. Rlmbacn. :io; b. iu; i-.zt. -.-; Bwedleh Augusuna Rodney and Stanton; Rev. C A. Tolln. . 19:46 and :o, b. a.. :. 8wedish Mission Seventeenth and Glisan; Rev. B. J. Tboren, 11 and 6: o. o.j j; 1. r, S7u:'v Bt Johns Peninsula avenue and tLiipsirica; 1 p.- m. s t-nm Chapel Michigan avenue and I Seventh. Rev, .W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. 1 Eliot. D. D.. minister emeritus. 11 and 7:45:- S. S.. 9:45: adult class. 13:30: jr. j: e:m. topic jn morning, j-a X. -X, Jli.' D;dV. r IUJ1U JU lllUi-lllIII, Plea for Christian Heresy'1 evening, address by H. W. Storm of Y. M. C. A, on "run, iteugion ana jviaKing a iiv ing." Friends' Church. Sunnyside, Main and East Thirty nrth. Lindiey Av wens. 11 and 7:30; Biblo school, 10; C. E.. 6:80. . Lents, Center street, Myra B. Smith, 11. and 7:30; Bible school, 10. , XX. X. Church Botith. ' Union avenue and Multnomah street Rev. E. H. Mowre. 11 and 7i30; S. a. 19; E. L., 6:30. - First Streets, Reformed. German Tenth ' and Stark Center of merit fhlnlrlnaW", n," W temnlA, 131, Vlpvpnth. anil AlHar mtraaim Mrs. E. Sherman Olney: 8 d. m. . Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints East Seventy- biaui una irving. xnaer waiter.. Bar ker. 11 and 7:30: S. a. 10:46. Y. M. C. A. City association. Sixth and Taylor streets. : Meeting for men t a o ciock wm oe addressed by Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher on the subject, "Dr. JekVlI and Mr. T-Tvrtn." 1 Umln hv 1. ta. k;. j. orcneKtrs. Y. W. C A The Vnnnf Wnman'a Christian association cordially Invites all girls for an hour by the f irealde Sunday afternoon at 4 n. m Thr win be a short program. Soprano solo, Mrs. Elfreda Heller Welnstein; contralto solo, Miss Metta Brown: addreaa. Kev. Hran Marcotte. " . , Spiritualist meeting at Allskv nail. corner Third and Morrison streets, -un- any evening, novemper i, at 9 ,f. m. G. Hafner pastor. Services t Questions on Spiritualism "and readings! lUnltfS Press Leatad Wiie.1 - - San Francisco, Nov.. 6. Because be shouted for help when held up by two highwaymen with whom he had been previously drinking In a Barbary Coast saloon, Louis Salana, a marble worker, was shot in the ' head by one of the thugs and perhaps fatally 'wounded at tho corner, of Broadway and Stockton street early today. The robbers secured 36 and escaped. Salana was taken to th Emergency hospital .where he la In a -precarious 'condition. ',.- Buy Portland Hotel. . Chehalis. Wasb.. Nov. 6 Mr. anil Mrs. A, G,. Henderson of Chehalis, have Dougnt tne Motel Buckingham In Port- . land,-and will make their home in that City, Mrs. Henderson baa already gone to Portland, and as aoon. as Mr. Hen derson severs his business connections at Raymond he will also mov to th Oregon metropolis. - - j . 1 . S. 8., 1: class meeting, 13; E. L, T:16, Wood lawn William J. Douglas; 11 end" 8: 8. 8.. 10: E. L- t. University Park Dawson and Flake. tev. . 2v Jeriry. j.: 11 ana jAtv. Afrl'-an Zlnn Thirteenth and Main. Rev. W. Matthews: 11 and 8; 8. S., 1. Mount larmr tut Burn and Elxty- Iirpt, 4 . v.. MCiraiicau: 11 ami 7:10. Woodstork J. n. Voce: 11 anil I II: a 8.. 10: K. L. 6:10 Pattoo Michigan avenue and Cartten- ler, D. A. Walters; 11 and ; a , 19; lyents Feventh and fiordon. R W Bojd Moore. 11 and 8; a S, 10; E. U. i. . . - CptsoepaL ' Trlnttv. ?Tlnteeflth and Fverett Rev. a. a. iorri"n. s ana 11. .venlng t Jlatthewa First ind rim.ti-, Fr. . t- It. JimL B, g IB; fcal rcmmunion. i I . Martvr i rariTiti and nir. P.ev. 11 M. tutmrnnr. I ., ji ana . g fl 4t - Pt. I via Kaat Tw!fti and T n"r.t H. Heirr Ril Tlbt Holy'oii. i -o: Trayer ana tmwii. 11 4 S T tUi t-X, And'-'ws. Prlnotjtti llnff errhariM r4 nnrn. ii; prayer sod lr-rton. 7 : ; 8. Ma m. - t -t'r. Te-y-r'rt ' B4 vr. hfcU. l.r. J. E. IL b.n.wo. . 111 j Congregational. First Madlaon and Park Luther R. -Dvott D. D R flnv t.' Iirk. assistant; 11 and 7:46; S. 8,. 9:4s. Tories. "SDirltual StrMith." rir.A m Chance. , r ' T Sunnyside Lait Tavlov mi Iff Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. J. ttaub; 11 and 7:10: a 8. 10; C, E, 6:30. Topics, "PauTe Analysis of Christian Motives," Ft Johns Rev. a. W. Nnn 11 nA H , . . . Unlreraltv Park TTavn anil Ttawann Rev. a. W. RIses: 11 and 7:10: R fl in V- r. I II. , Haaealo Street East fevnth and rcain, nv. ieor t. raldock. HlghUad East Sixth and Prescott Rev. E. 8, Bollinger. 11 and 7:89; a S . I. M. -. :!. " TonlrtL 'TVim mualon and Brrtlon of Menfbera,' "The Fsmr-lee" We Crry. nrst i.rm ll i- Vnmt n.m.,tti ..l p'UBKnir tte. nnn ft-H-rp; J9.39 and o. r 19; r... is. Plirilm Khwvcr and WImimH r-n Rev . Jinlel p. Tbomaa. 11 and 7 39; Carutlaa. . ' CaUl r TmlMk d Hal- J"o: Pev. rvcis L. Cook, 11 and I, feth). ,hU It . ' rirvt 4Vmer Park and C'-iiH. W V hMfr. FT-.lrl.f.T, Jl an4 1 g f.4. Ic;i.s, ""ite at xae Lords THE.APPR0VAL of the most . EMINENT PHYSICIANS and its WORLD-WIDE ACCEPTANCE by the WELL-INFORMED. BECAUSE ITS COMPONENT .EARK ARE KNOWN TO BE MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EF FECT; HAVE GIVEN TO r : & U ftp n - - ELIXIR of &ENHA THE FIRST POSITION AMONG FAJilLYLAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO IT5 GENERAL USAGE WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL . SATISFACTION, TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS, MimsBwriiiEGEimm. flAWFACTijRCD EtTKtCAUfDnS'nOSYnlTCa FORSALfeYALLLEADIN'C DRUGCISTS Cxtsizc CKtY.Rrcinju rwee 53' pru orrte ' f ' ft' i t I . (Lit :uui iHOlififioiii so1.