12 THE OREGON DAILV JOURNAL.-PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 6, 1003. Mill 11,'JE WITH CRUSH TO -HE lUIJDEI) 10 WEST COAST . , f . . . ' ' Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Have Fixed Barkentine J. i Griffith. aSSMaVSaaSwaWaSaSaa-aMOaaaaaaH FIRST LUMBER CABGO TO PERU IN & MOXTJIS AVillinpr and .Ready to Com- r.tin Took it ship. ply With AH Reasonable n,ent of ,mb,,r to 800,11 Amcrtc , Dnrrnloii'Ano TW Mnv AprilBritish Steamer In. IVi.f A1.-traw TJn nnc! . Untohed loading Today. by Public. The Portland Dairy association has no intention of disregarding or evading tn regulations which ths city may pro vide fur the creation of a pure milk supply. They intend to obey the law and the ordinances. They are willing that the present ordinance be enforced, or they aro willing to cooperate In the enforcement of the proposed new ordi nance, if its provisions are reasonable. wnat the dairymen want is to know Balfour, Guthrie 4k Co have chartered the 'American" barkentine J. M. ' Grif fith, SSI tons net register, for a cargo of ' lumber to Peru. . She will be here to load about the middle of next month. and will take out 760.000 feet of fir to the west coast. She Is now on her way from Puget sound to Redondo with a cargo. ' This will be the first shipment of lumber, to a South American port since last April, when the barkentine Wrestler took , a cargo of 576,000 feet of lum ber down there for Balfour, Guthrie & Co, '' : : .'.. .' Hr The British steamer Invertay, wbtoh what f n A ant . . wrtistM. . th.v W n., look as the' avthority. They have de- (tak,nf a cargo jf 1,000 000 feet of ...... . ' 1 liiMtKali OA IVkltlMvtnn et a I aa a as jw ciaed mat Dairy and Food Commissioner " . VT A i; ' , " " Bailey, la not an efficient guide and have turned to the .city for instruc tions." In this way does John F. .Lo gan, attorney: for the Dairymen's as sociation, state the attitude of tha , dairymen who supply ; Portland with milk. , - , ,,. Sairymea yfrtil Assist. X "The dairymen do not Intend to op pose the enforcement, of the city ordi nances, and have no Intention Of ob jecting to the efforts being made to se. cure a pure, clean milk supply for the city, i started to enjoin the city from tne enforcement of its present ordinance Borne time ago, and the dairymen de cided they did not want to take any such action," continued ' Mr. Logan. "They told me that they desired to abide by the laws of the city, and that all they want Is some central and ef ficient authority to fix a standard to which they must work. "The dairymen have discarded Bailey. In the past they have followed his lead and have taken his advice, and they have landed in" the present notoriety - and snarl. Now they have decided to dis pense with. Mr. Bailey and "look to the clt y authorities for guidance. They will obey any ordinance and regulation that is reasonable and will cooperate in cleaning up their dairies to meet with the standard that may be set for them by the city." - Wo UUc famine. . Continuing the discussion, Mr. Logan said that the idea of a milk famine was ridiculous. . He said that the' dairymen Vrho are supplying milk to the city have no idea or Intention Of diverting the supply in case i a strict enforcement of the Iaw.s.,"':r'k;ji'i The dairymen have been in a peculiar situation, according to Mr. Logan. They have been told by Commissioner Bailey that their dairies were in good condition and that there was nothing to be desired In 'the way of improvement The stand ard of cleanliness was good, according to Commissioner Bailey. Tha health of -the cows was good. Tubercular . milk was wholesome. . It might kill pigs and calves and chickens and rats, but It was good fattening food for babies and grownups. ' The .dairies were in better condition now than they had been for many years. according to Commissioner Bailey. The milk was richer, had more body to It at the North . Pacific mills. She will probably leave down tomorrow or Mon day. She la under Charter to J. J. Moore A Co. . . ' .. The Norwegian steamer t: Christian Cascade, for Baa rranelaeo. Arrived at 7 a. nr. steamer Maverick, from San Francisco. Ban Francisco, Nor. .--alled al noon, steamer Kansas City, for Portland, Sailed last night Steamer Shoshone, for . - l unnna. , , , Astoria, Nov. I. Left up 'at :B a. m steamer Thoa L, Wand. Arrived down at 11:10 p. m.a steamer Rose City; at 11:S0 p. m., steamer Cascade. . Eureka, Nov. 6. Hailed, steamer Geo. W. Klder, for Portland, and steamer Eureka, for 8an Francisco, Point Reyes, Nov, t. Passed, Nor wegian steamer Christian ' Mlchelson, from Redondo, for Portland. San Franclsao, Nov, (.Arrived at 10 last night, steamer J. B. Stetson, from Columbia river. ' Arrived at 1 a. m., steamer Roanoke, from Portland. Ar rived it I a. m., steamer Noma City, from Portland. Schooner Eva, from -Grays Harbor, for Mahukona, put into port waterlogged and with deckload gone. Astoria,: Nov, Condition at tha mouth of the river at a a. m smooth Wind. Mit It mllaa? weathar. rl..r. Tides at Astoria Sunday High water. t:I8 a. m.. T.i feet; 9:Zt p. m.. (.8 feet Low water, 1:1ft a. m l.i feet l'S7 p. m. ,Z. feet :,' ' i tpalgn to a largo degree. The prohl blllonlsts will endeavor to prevent th sale of near beer 'In the soft drjn establishments, - .. . RED WIDOW IN HANDS OF ENEMY (Continued from Pate One.) ALOXO THE WATERFRONT. the rill With paasengers and freight steamer Alliance, Captain Parsons, be duo -to sail tonight for Coos B a?. Ths steamer Sarah Dixon, which has been on the ways at the Portland Ship building company's yards, was put into the water this morning. She had her stern cut off and the transom raised 10 inches, as it . was thought that that would mako her turn easier. The German ship - Parnasses was moved from the O. A C dock yesterday afternoon to the Elevator dock, where she. began loading wheat this morning. She took the berth of tho British bark Howard D. Troop, which moved ahead to tho O. R. A N. dock. - ' ; With a full list of passengers and about 2000 tons of general freight the Coultlard's written statement made lm mediately . after - the tragedy, ahowlng that ho. swore the "red widow" ' was tightly bound and in a position that she oould not possibly have got into herself. . Tangles Witness OcuUlard. Madams' Stelnhell would have made an excellent lawyer. JBeforo Coulllard left tho stand aha took a hand In tho cross-examination and before aha had finished with the witness he was stam mering his replies and badly confused After Coulllard left the stand tho dep osition or m. juecoq, who Is now in America, was read to tho Jury. It cor roborated Coultlard's original statement that Madame was tightly bound whn he went Into tho room. Lecoq was ths first man to answer Coultlard's cries for help following tho discovery of tho auat muraer. , Madame Stelnhell was greatly pleased : Wont Right a Good Friend. 'If ever I need a couch medicine again I know wnat to get." declares Mrs. A. L. Alley of Beals, Maine., "for, after usina- iv DouiBi oi ur. jvina a in Dis covery, and seeing its excellent results In my own family and others, I am con vinced it Is the best medicine mad for Coughs. Colds and lung trouble." Kvery one who tries it feels just that way. Re lief Is felt at one's, and Its oulck cure surprises you. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Croup, . LaGrlppo, Sore Throat pain in chest or lungs its su preme, boo ana ii.oo. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by wooaara, Clarke A Co. at the text of Lecoq'l' deposition and tho spectators apparently rejoiced with ner. -. A murmur of approval ran over the audience following its reading and when tha woman nodded hae approval to her counsel. ; . , . Today, has been' a good day for Mad eme stelnhell and she la in great spirits. She appears to bo confident of ac quittal, TRIAL INVOLVES UNWRITTEN LAW (Continued From Pago One) was living temporarily. She induoed him to aooompany her a short distance from the cabin, when two shots were heard. When tho sheriff found Armes body, , the girl ; was crouching in tho bushes nearby. She appeared dated, and tald she had intended to kill herself. Tho district attorney will endeavor to show that the girl's character was not of the best and that there never had been a promise of marriage. The state of mind of the girl will be placed In evidence by a letter which Alma wrote to Mrs. Armes on May 30 In which sho Informed the mother that her "dear boy Is going away and be with the angels In the sky." It Is dis connected, ungrammallcar. a declaration that she had Implored Joe not to go with "Minnie," and refers to her In lent, to go with Joe, "to our homo be yond the sky," where they "would be harpy evermore." The letter will la Introduced to show the state of her mind. ' i . When court adjourned today, after three days of the trial, not a single Juror 'had been accepted fjnally. "Nine men are In (he box temporarily. Tle feeling In the case U bitter and alinont every man called liaa a moat doclded opinion. Tim rase will be resumed Mon duy, when more talesmen will be called. tiie1-" i Bors Is expected to finish taking on steamer Rose City, Captain a cargo of lumber at St Johns Mon day. She is being loaded by tho China Importing A Exporting Lumber com pany, and wilt take about 3,600,000 feet to China, ' l ' ...!; Other steamers which are on their way. here to tako out cargoes of lum ber are tho Norwegian steamer Chris tian Mlchelsen, which will arrive here shortly from Redondo to load 8.000,000 feet for the orient, for Balfour. Guthrie, and the British steamer Cape Finlsterre, men win come here to load In tho neighborhood of 8.500.000 feet for New Zealand. - She is under charter to the McNear company of San Francisco. RATES HIGHER 1 Apparent Discrimination In Insur ance Rates on French Ships. In connection with the loss of tho French bark Gael, says the Pacifio Coast Review, "Shipping Illustrated' comments on tho apparent discrimina tion in insurance - rates on French bot toms by marino' Insurance underwriters, and gives figures of the total losses of French vessels for the past five years, namely. In 1904. six vessels; 1906, five vessels; in 1906, six vessels and in 1907, five vessels;, which figures are for Iron and steel vessels above 600 tons -register., The paper claims, and rlghtly.'that this compares favorably with losses of Other nations, particularly with British registers, arid appears to decry the ac tion of underwriters charglna- higher In surance rates on French bottoms than on others.. , " While It is true that total losses of French vessels are not greater In num ber than those of other flas. vet tho marine insurance " underwriters must take Into consideration not onlv total losses, but numerous claims for aeneral and particular average on the goods car ried by these vessels, and these, H is sare to- say, are far in excess of such claims on other vessels. It is rather difficult to account for thee numerous claims, but possibly iney m,ay De Que in part to the fact that r rencn . vessels sailed yesterday afternoon for San Francisco. Before ' she sailed Harbor. master - J. Sueler arrested a man for oreating a disturbance In trying to force has way aboard. Commander J. M. Elllcott left last night for Seattle, where ' ho wljl go aboard of the tender Mantanita to look at a now lighthouse alto in Belllngham bay. The snagboat Math lorn a returned yes terday from op tho river with the pile ariver, whtcn she took to tho govern ment moorings, the repairs on tho dsm and revetments at J Wheatland having been completed. Major J. B, Cavanaugh of the TJnlted States engineers went up to the upper Columbia river and to the Snake river on a tour of inspection yesterday. Ho will bo gone until Tuesday. Tho German steamer Walkuro finished loading wheat this morning at tho Oceanio dock. She will take out over 200,000 bushels of wheat to the United Kingdom. Sho Is dispatched by Balfour, uutnno & co. : Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has be come famous for Its cures of coughs. colds, croup and Influents, Try It when Mason, I n seed. ' It contains to harmful sub- stance and always .gives prompt relief. sailing under hnunfv.' .J to .an Jn'oaHaS anTstS make money, are riot given sufficient time for overhauling and docking, tho owners being mora intent on makin largo returns than In keeping their ves sels in first class condition. Be that as Jt may, underwriters do discriminate very heavily against French vessels, and In some Instances refuse them absolute ly. Kates from the continent to this coast are fully SO to 76 per cent higher man on tin .isn or American bottoms, and there are corresponding differences in oilier iraaes. j' FRENCH BARK CLEARS - past There was nothing the - matter with conditions and nothing to bo da- . sired in the way of improvements. . Under tho circumstances, then, ac cording' to Mr. Logan, the dairymen , bellevad ' that they , were doing very well. Their cleanliness, or lack of it met With the approval of the state ' dairy and food commissioner and ho was the' censor of such things. Ho said their milk was good, better than for years, and-lie -also said that ho was commissioner and he knew, ; He said that he could tell a sick cow wnen b met her coming down tho road, and as he was an expert and pro nounced) tho conditions good, there was nothing mora to do. General Faidherbe Will Take Wheat 'iV: : "r.n."vl to the United Kina-dom. about the situation, and they are lii- : 7ne. rr.e.nch bark General Fald'horba lng to be arulded by, the instructions ' ,f "J.?? ,mAInin": " .the ustom of someone, who doea They are look-J ,u" wlt,l 110.71? bushels of wheat. ing therefore to ' the city ., authorities I ":"UBU .' er aestinatlon is to put them right When they are Hfenstown or Falmouth for orders, shown the road then they will travel I n b 8n under tho it says Mr, Logan, 4 and he is their oi lormer irst Mate Cheva- legal adviser and they will abide by his I ,er ho has been promoted to master uecusion. - . I " fw vi vadium ougauil, tno.lat- ier Doing confined at the Good Sum.ri. Th. .i.... rn,- tt i KUJ-uoHpiuu wun a severe caae of t. utin na.ll- ! . t, . .. . . - sen. Is at the Inmart-Poulsen mills Uk-ir. . .,1' a i-V ".owpawnoa Dy ing on a cargo of 750,000 feet of lumber r Jru'.l'""u "is company. for San Pedro. . I vessel wnicn cleared this morning was we. untlan steamer Inver tay. She will take out 1. 097.950 r.t t jienry, impure niooa maxes a muooy. I luraoer, vaiueo at llft,178.. and 17 141 '. n mnlv mmnlYlhn taAm r. V. am H,iiu..t, . - . . mnirestion. weak, pale, ters restores StopO tlchtng"tntantly. Cures Tlles, wtpm, Mnlf rl,Atim Itn). kiv.. herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment Ai any aruft store. For a tiXld, easy actios of the bowels, a- aingla dose of Doan's Reguleto Is ""High. Treatment cures habitual con stipation. 26 cents a box. Ask your "Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil is tho best remeoy ror tnat rten ratal dii . Wireless From Governor. Steamship Governor, Nov. 6. 8 p. m. (Wireless via North Head.) Seventeen miles south of Umatilla lightship. Light, variaDie nreeze; barometer 80.02; tern perature 60 degrees. They Got Out. Last Sunday, you know. It rained, hut in tho afternoon a large crowd took advantage of the let-up, and went to Alameda Park, going to Twenty-second and Thompson street on Broadway oars. wnero iree autos . met them.' Ton had best do the ftftma Sunday, November 7. You won't bo sorry if you go. Free auto servicefrom 1:80 p. m. to S p.' m. at point mentioned. Everyone talking tobi . AJKxueuft raiK, ana mose wno have seen tho tract cannot say enough gooa aoout it Tho building permits for October in Eugene iniaien nearly ino.nnn. .raP ThfnB, hVC? "me-"" boril "aaur. of lath, valued at ' TJ1,1" ySFl,' Z?? 5S1. She was cleared by the Pif. m&Kes tne oionn ncn, red, pure I vuminj, ana ner aest res perfect" health. ., . J nation is Wellington, New Zealand. ' croup. Has been used with success In our family for eight yeara" Mrs. L Vhltenrre. puffh N. T. GAS SCIIOOXER SAILr Oshkoah Departs on First Trip on ' TiUamook Route. With a cargo of 111 tons of general merchandise, tbo gasoline schooner Osh kosh, CapUin Jensen, started on her first trip out of this port this morning at 9 o'clock, from Couch street dock. She will operate aa a freight earlier between Portland and Tillamook, run ning opposite tho steamer Sue H. El more, She was built recently at North Bend, and this trip to Portland was her maiden voyage.' Tho gasoline sloon Condor, rental Loll, will also leave from Coucas4roet $3.50 Recipe Cures Weak Men free Send Name and Address Today Too tan nave Jt free and Be Strong and Vigorous. . X have in my possession a prescription for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened manhood, -falling memory and lame back, brought on by excesses, un natural drains, or ths follies of youth, that has cured mo many worn and nerv ous men right in their own hum,, without any additional help or medicine j that I think every man who wishes to I eKain Dim main v , power ana virility, I ulckly and quietly, should have a copy, f o I have determined to send a copy off Epilepiy, Spasms, St Vitus' Dance "I; suffered, torr niany years from what some people call epilepsy. Dr.- Miles' Restora tive Nervine cured me, and you can imagine how thankful I am." V M. I. COFFMAN, . Coldwater, Mich. "My 'daughter was cured with Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, after having: been afflicted with fits for five years." .TJilJiK McAULEY, . Springfield, Mass. Tor a year my little boy had soasms every time he pot a little cold. Since '- takine Dr. Miles' JNervme he has never had one of these spasms' MRS. MYRTLE 'DAGUE, -' Rochester, Ind. "My daughter couldn't talk or walk from St. Vitus dance. Seven ,bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine entirely cured her."' MRS. NANNIE LAND, Ethel, Ind. Until my son was 30 year3 old He had hts nerht alone-. We f ave him seven bottles of Dr. Tit.' r t.1 'r tt "lias not had a fit since he began on the htth bottle." MRS.. R. DUNTLEY, , Wautoma. Wis. DP. Miles' Rastoeatlva NervlM lm inlJ by all druggists. Qivo It a thorough trial. Miku MKUiWAk WW., tiwiart, met 1MIE THAT ARE WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN om TO VI m0 BE CURED b so All MV m- I tienta Vanonall. - . r'4&0 ll""JA?, THIS DOCTOR oompaay. THAT CUBES. BB TOM A Ctrsa Is tower than any speolallsts In the city, half that others charge you and no exorbitant prloo for medicina I am an expert specialist, have had 80 yoars' practice in the treatment of diseases of men. My offices are the aest equipped la Portland. My moth ds are modern and un-to-date. .Hi cures are buick inn nnaiFiv. . r An nn. treat symptoms and patch up. I thor oughly examine aach rue. find the cauao. remove it and tnus cure tho dis Z CtTBH TarieosM Tstns. Vvdroaale. Frortatio Tronbles, Contracted AU ments. Files and Bpedflo Blood Poison and all Diseases of Men. , , . ovsa om go mm ui u.'mi Specialist la Portland who makes no charge unless the natlent la mtiralv nL xsiiea wn cne results aocompUsbod, and who gives a written - guarantee to mua wsrv ooiiar ntnn 101 aarvieaa If a eomnleto and narmanana anra la it HI FlV v,,,t " Lindsay's private aa-i Museum - of Anatomy and know thvself in health and dlaaaaa. 1 Ad. mission free Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questious. Of fico hours I a. m. to t p. m. Sun days, 10 a, m. to 1 p. m. only. DR. LINDSAY liJH Second St, corner ol Alder, Portland. Or. Dr. TAYLOR'S GIO.OOO MUSEUM OF ANATOMY OPEN FREE TO MEN All men visiting Portland should see Dr. Taylor's Free Museum of Science. , A far ahead of all other advertised museums as the Dr. Taylor methods of treating men's dis- eases are superior to the old, haphazard and guesswork treatment. An exhibition prepared at a great cost of time and labor. No charve -.to see museum, which is entirely apart from meaicai oiuccs. . ;. .. ... -,v :,. - CONSUtTATION AND ADVICE FJUUt NOT A DOLLAR NEEDvBE PAID UNTIL CURED, -Offlct Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Daily. Sundays, 10 to 1. J , If You Cannot Call. Writs for Symptom Blank. ' I The DR. TAYLOR Co. S&KSSK SB. TATLOm. ' . Ths leading Bpeolsllst. ' ' T, Every IVcnian aumsmananonu now about the wonderfal m am till nnirumj 5pry iMMftSUMn Julie. neaosa Sutiton. Bwit--ga& OH-Moat Convenient M S Avaw Siaillit Oja ML If h oannotsncply tbo MJiRVEL, aouept no ether, but send stamp let ' lllutLratd boot Milrf. Tt full partlealan and dirartlnoa In. valuable to ladles. MtSVKkCi JB. 8d ST SKIT V3SK. gar sale by Skldmors Vnim Co.. Waodard. Clarke Co.. and Laoa-DsTls Drag Co. atoraa. I Kaaiai Inlnlli, avftirvtvm I mm II A ... .-Jl I if I URirJARY DISCHARGES MXTEVED IK 24 mm Sach Can- sale bears (MlOrl the namV toKrttfeiterftiU I AIX DBCOGI8TS ' m MAM is mwN And Out Until He Has Lost Con fidence in Himself and Refuses to Try A wrongdoer' is often a man that - . V.v ; . haa left something undone not al- ways ho that has done something. Neglect Is as much a crime s over action.. Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings, but quits often men call at' my of fices who are so skeptical of physi cian that fear of failure haa cost them many months of unnecessary and frequently disastrous delay. When a singer starts a song too high ho is sure to strike notes in tho scale that ho will bo unable to reach tho same as a doctor-who makes dogmatic and extravagant claims : I make no claims that aro not sup- . ported by the facts. The -company commenced business in Its? present quarters over SO years ago, and aro doing more than double the amount -now than 10 or 20 years ago. Refer ences aro tho best banks and busi ness men and grateful patients cured all., over Oregon and Washington. I have given my entire time for years to tho four diseases that wreck men: TAKICOSE TEINS, BLOOD POISOW, TXTAXt WBAX1TB8S AND . ZHrSO- nous sxsoxsEJts : avb tkxib BXBTJZ.TS, and I cure them to stay cured forever. nor A SOIUI WEBB SB PAID VJKTXX, CUBED ARE YOU A SUFFERER? You Can Be CuredOther Men Are Bel ns: Cured Every Day Come to Me and I Will Cure you MY MOTTO: The Best Treatment at Reasonable Prices Don't Give Up Before Consulting Me-UIl at Once If in Trouble . My fees for cures are lower than the general family physician or surgeon. : j Medicines furnished from our own laboratory for tha rnn. venience and privacy of patients; from $1.50 to IS. 60 a course it you cannot can, write ror -our free self-examination blank. Many case ore cured at home. BOUXS a, m. to f p. nu, and Sundays from 10 to la. ' SI. Louis Medical Company Cor. Second and Yamhill ' PORTLAND. ORE. any ma ireBcripuon xree - or cnarge, in Diain. orainarv sea lea enveiona tk man who will write to me for it. This nrescrlotlon cornea from a nhvat. elan who -has made a special study of men and I am convinced It is the surest acting combination for the cure of defi cient manhood and vigor failure ever put together. I think I owe It to mv fellow man in send them a copy In confidence so that any nVin anywhere who is weak and discouraged with repeated failures may stop drugging himself with harmful patent medicines, secure what I believe is the Quickest actinar restorative. niv. building, 8POT-TOUCHINO remedy ever devised, and so cure himself at homo quietly r and quickly. Just drop me a Una like this: Dr. A. K. Robinson. 887 Luck Building. Datroit. Mich., and Young Ming j? Chinese Medicine Co. Wonderful reme dies, from herbs and roots. Cure Cancer, Nervous-1 ness. catarrh. La Grippe, Blood poison, Dropsy, i T, t. - . T Liver, Kidney and utomacn TrouDiea. vVo euro allohron la Private Dls-I eases of men and women when others fail. Hundreds of testimonials . from grateful patients. No operations. - Hon est treatments, consultation free. Young Ming, 147 Taylor St, bet. Beo- ana Tnira, fortiana, or. NATURE'S MEDIC Nl will send you a copy of this splendid re. A greai 1 to 15 for IP tlrely free. recipe in a plain ordlnany envelope free prescription like tnis but X send It on f charge charge Is A rreat man v doctors would to 15 for merely writing out a Bing Chong OEUBXATITD cxzvxia doctobi cures all diseases of I men and women by use of tho famous Chinese herbs. OmOB ZOITBS $ to 11 a. m. s to 6 . o. m. Office, room 1 1, SUM Alder St.,! or 133H 1st St, i li a. m. xo II Aa kthaUUoa tor VhocpIng-Cough,' Croup, BronchltiSs Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. faarskO'wMsa lm tt aat aara for 4taaM. la mm la w aii ii as a SJaso ee AsttwoHco. i am aSri ta braatW la a al taa krauaiaa araaa iaaa f lata UN MC M, t Omlww raiaa min taa sir, mini I awjf aKUarptio, M aarrud arar UM) t ar.a fenaia. r' aa4 mm .at lmiiM It a) In-m-osSw (a , oaui caa raa. T a af ra l 4 lBai. r.M ALL CUGC!Sr. - 1,4 mi a-.aa -r(ra fea.ia. t sea f, i.imi Osa , t.v. a i a .a ) -.a. dock tomorrow morning with a cargo of -nrra.i ireigni, I or aid pert and Newport. BRINGS CI3IEXT StranMT T. I Wand Arrtreo 'With - Large Carg-o, The Richardson line steamer Thomas L. Wand. Captain Peterson, arrived this morning rrora Pan Francisco and is dis charging at tho Oak street dock. She brought MS tons of cwment and general naerefcandisa Another of tbo a team era' tho Wel- rmm rwifun on toa oame Y.l rold in dar aa th. W.i -1, k . y. Jl. ZZ'.Z : r.u rr . f.ery lr.. Addrea. T. J. I rraeai (no gvseral fr.is-ht- hnt mm - 1 . bad tfc. orbooner gal va tor la taw aha! haa not yet ibevi vp. MARIE XOTDJ. Aatnria.. Nov. f Arrlred frva cNir Irg th night, arhoonr CTshia Pali-d at .to a m ateamer BCity. far Fas 1 i ' i ( ii a. m. io i p. m., I to 11 p. m. SSB riaaders Bet. 4th and Stft. dlsckarsoe. iaflaavV I sutioaa, irriutloaa or I ' 1 . alcenttloas of macoas VJ ' ;Va oMibeaaea, Goatalao I -T I alcohol, wkfcck Is aa Irrttaatj I . lor narcotic, which affords I .--T, 'P teeiporaiT relief. , l(Stl Bio 0 Cusse . ' OtD BT OKUG6ISTS x TH tnn CkKsical Ca, A . enetsMa sail y, . I I . .-. Ii IP.fij'ulll iilsoisonoeo "I have used your vaJaablo Cascarets and I find tbem perfect. Couldn't do tntnont theto. I care csea tnem ior some time for Indiireatkm and biliousness and am now completely cured. Reoom mend them to everyone. . Once tried, too wui never be without them In toe UmUj. ' 'Ed ward A. Marx, AJbanj, N.Y. Pteaaest, Palatable, Pctent, Tasto Good. PaOood. Krrar &tck.V, aaiaa or Grip. )e.l5c. 50a. Nmr sold la bulk. The res etna tablet stamped C C C feosrsstoed to anre or your saeaey back. St Most people believe that the only. way to cure 1 disorders, chronic disorder m nam f is to swallow a lot of drugs. , When you find yourself ailirig in any way you run to the. drug, store and get bottle of 'some ;, patent medicine or have your r doctor write out a prescription for probably the same stuff under another name. What trood doea it fin tti vmi : Just stimulates, like whiskey. Couldn't do more than that, for recent exposures have proven that nearly all the dm tr vmi hnv 'in combination of a lot of alcohol and little V poison. You know alcohol is what makes . whiskey such a stimulant. The other poisons that you get in drugs are too numerous to mention. The poisons that are used most frequently are mornhine. l cocaine, mercury, arsenic rand - potash; , They wreck the nerves and stomach nA . cause Jiver, kidney and bowel troubles.'; Drugs will kill pain air right by stupefying the nerves', but wait until the effect has passed off; the pain returns' worse than ever. Then you have to take the drugs again, and .con tinue to take it until nature is kind - enough to remove the ratine of the Tialn. ... -The only-wav to rnre nain nr ' V disease is to help nature. Drugs don't do that Nature will cure the disease if she has the power. I give her that power; that's why I am so successful. 1 If you are sick or ailing in any way . it is be- FOR-WOMEN ONLYI Dr. Sanderooo's Corapoand avln and Cotton Boot Fills. The best end only reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. Car the moat nhatin- ato raaeo ia s to IS days. Price $t per mx or tnreo ttoxaa ia. For Suffering Women cause of the failure or breaking down of some art'ea t A . a ,a y,ii ui gau. j, nc reason any organ tans to do its work, is because it lacks electricity. - When it is doing, its work right the stomach generates, electricity- for the support of the body. and itself. When it is not able to generate this v -r , needed force it must have aid. .Thia airl U electricity, artificial electricity, as applied by Electro-Vigor. ' ' :.. . ' Electro-sVigor is a relief from the old sys tem of drugging. It does by natural means what you expect drugs to do by unnatural " means. Instead of swallowing a lot of -,- Poisonous drugs, which wrerlr tha ,.. apply Electro-Visor about vnne mnA - feel the soothing, glowing force of elec tricitr penetrating your vitals, giving health and strength to every part - ' Electro-Vift-or I nnl an is a dry cell battery and makes its . own power. ' Your letter received, and t have used Electro-Vi tror ninetv days and never' missed it ' I used it in the evening as ad vised, and it has certain! Ann ' more for me than anything else i nave ever tried, it real y has ' , brought me result he vnn4 tnv expectations, for I aim strong and healthy as I ever did in my life. I am scvmiy-mree years ot age and in view of this fact, it is no little accomplishment to find a treatment capable of bringing such retilts at this age.' Yours very truly," GEORGE W. COX, Roseburg, Oregon. Mm f V T s V ' S, a - v f DOCTOR'S BOOK Tor Ailing Men CHICJ.ESTER 1 a aa aia. F .r a r r , i. a , i j tt B-lAa llt riUAhil m,na.)M.,aM.,. To say person who will mall mo this coupon I will send free (closely sealed) my finely Illustrated book retarding tho ratio and ture of diaeaao. This book la written in plain language, and explains many serrets you should snow. It talis you how yea can euro -our-oelf in the prlrocy of your own homo without tho use of drugs. , Don't sovnd another eeat on doctors and their worthlees medicines. Natures remedy cures to star cured. Ton should know about it. " It yo euff.r from female troofcle of ony kind, rheu matism, aria ttro, weak -rrea, . Inamn la, orranlc palDS. or etomarh. liver, rt1nay-r oewsl disorders too tnust nnt foil to get this book. Doa't welt anotl,e- minute.' Cat out lie eoupon riaht now an4-rra!t It I'M send the hook .a it hunt delay, aranlateiy free. Call and test r lectro-V igor free of sll cost. Conaul tatioa frea Office hours. a. m. to S p. m ; Sunday, IS IO 1 p. SB. Ton might to rosd my free. ISS-psr. Illustrated hook 1-erardlng the cur of dtseaa without drura This book explains manv thins you should know it l!11 "J ahou,t t;"t";nor end cost of treatment. It I absolutely free. If you'll bring or mall mo thia coupon. Cut out tho coupon now. . Dr. S. A. HALL Co. Ulft. a Aro, oatUe, Wo a. Pteaa oafl ma, postpaid, your fre. -rre U lustrated bak. ll--i XAMB ...V X . i.ma, ci.rt at a a t r