The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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Sunbay Services at tl)e Portland (Ttyurcfyes
nret Whit Temple, Twelfth and
T l" Kov. J, Wbit.orab lirour. U.
I. lil, 'xmt Ari-ord" t.rayer meeting
.r (, 10.30 and 7;J0j ltibl at-hool 11;
V. I I', 8. Morning wmiun by Itev. K.
J. U'liM of BliiiKul. China; evening
li'Plo. "Justice lo Women."
htvnaiwvnih and East Ankeny:
n-v. 1L B. Black. I0;.i0 and 7:80: Bible
i.m.l, H: li. y. P. U.,6 10, Topic,
i ,..nIi Feasibility. "A Bid to
S r-.MlllM.'
c.uirai Rt Twentieth and Ankny:
f?-v. W, T. JyrJon. II and 6; 8. 8..
,t; V. P. if. I II. Topic. "A Llttl
Unite, "llafor and After."
t Arlrta Key, E. A. Smith. It and t ;I9;
S. K. 9.46; B- VTp. U., 6:10.
- Highland Alberta and Blith Rev. 1
A. onar4i. pas lor. 11 and T.IO; U. 1.
t t- C .A. fi 14 1 A
Pffiwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
fi. W. Thuraton, utor, 11 and 7:10; a
b. 10; V. P. U, :.
calvary Eaat Eighth and Orant Rev.
f, S Monro. It and 7:10; 8. H. 10; B.
r. I. U., 6:10. Srrmona by K. C N.
I'arkwr. ' ,
IraroanuM Jonea Hall, Olbba and
Front. Kev. A. li. Mlnaker. 10:10 and
j so; a. ij; b. y. p. u :io.
Uraca Montavllia: Hv. Albrt E.
latch. 11 and 7;I0: H. 8.. 10; T. P.
),., 6:80. Topic. -Forgiveness,- A
U "d Xlan'a tiulcld." . .
. Inlverslty Park Rev. A. C. Jobnaon.
8. 8.. 10. 11 and 7:80; B. Y. P. U- 7;
' Sunnyald tGerman) Korty-flrat ana
lw thorn; It v. C Katdnielh. 11; 8. B..
, Hi. Johns arman) Rev. C Feld
meih. a a. 9:46; service 11 and 7:10.
BL John Rt. C X Owen, 11:19
and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; B. T. P. U, 6:80.
4 Chines Mlealon 861H Oak street.
S. 8.. 7; preaching, . a. by Bv. Fung
t First German Fourth and Mill;
i:v. J. Kr tt. 11 and 7:10; 8. S.. 8:45.
: Second Gnnan Morris stret. and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Bueertnann, 11
and 7: JO: 8. B.. 9:46. , - .
Kaat Forty-fifth atreet Corner Eaat
Jlaln; Rev. IS. C Cook. 11 -.16 and 7:J0;
Jiibl achool. 10: B. P. T. UH 0:46.
Lenta Rev. J. F. Heacock. 8. 8., 10;
11 and 7:10: B. T. P. U-. :S0.
X Mount Ollve Seventh and Everett;
llfv. B. B. B. Johneon. 11 and 7:10.
' . Swedlah Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev.
I.Tlell Scheratrom. 10: and 7:46;
a B.. 11; B. T. P. V.. 6.J0. -
Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R.
Pihwedler. 11 and 7:J0: 8., 10.
- Woodatock Forty-first and HolRate;
Rev. F. E. Dark. 11 and 7:30; & 8, :45;
i rvlcea each night. .,
Siccative Questions on the; Sunday !,
- School Lesson by Rev. Dr. .X.' S. Linscott
- '.Ulntatara.
writ Th Joyrnul
Sunday achool
tiachera and hr Interested ara Invited tt
their vlewa aa to th worth of the "quMilona,
n.pllAiil.rli. 1 4 il.atf AAnal.lAw 1 h.n . t If 1 1 1 In t hln Knrkr 1
Th International Nwpapr Blbl Study eluk la for th purpoa ' P
mot Inr In aa unfettered way among th anaaae. a wider atudv of th Bible,
th tiaea! . truth ef Chrtatlanlt jr. and th problro whloh ntr lata ever
man'e Ufa. It la eompoaM of all thoae who join a local club, and take up th
almpl eoura herein outlined, barring oaly ordained clergyman. All wha have
ot Joined are warmly Invited to do ao and to oompeta for th pricea.
pereona aiky Join th club at any Urn during th year, but muat, of
eoura. anawr-the 61 oueaUona hereinafter eiplalned. to junUy for th
prlaea. and th back queetlona may t obtained by addreaalng thla office.'
Thla paper haa aecurod th right to publish th International Sunday
School Leaeoa aueallona by Rev. JJr. Llnacott, which hav aroue.l eo much
Intereat lawbera, and they will appear weekly la both th Saturday and
Sunday laauea of The Journal. One of thea queetlona each week la to D
aniwemd lb writing and tipna the anawara th prua ar to b awarded.
. Ooa41tioM of tb wbntaaft.
1. Each eonteaant.' or hla or ber family, jauat be a ' aabaerlb to thia
rper, in order to qualify for memberablp n th loteruatlonal Newspaper Blbl
ludr club and thla local club. ''
I. Each nontratant In thla local club muat anawer each ef th written auea
llona for 6t conaecutlve weeka, commencing Sunday. March 14. and the aoawera
muat all be In th poaawaaton of thla papar vlthin two . weeka of tba eloa
Of thla period. ,
I. Each queatlon muat be anawered eeparately, and tha paper wrlttaa on
on am oniy. jno anawer muat axceea ioo woraa in langtn and- mav ae iea
Each anawer muat have the nam and addreae of th writer at th bottom
of th anawer. v
4. Th anawera muat b dellvared to thla of flc. and they will be collated
at th oloo of th con teat and forwarded to headquartera for indrpendent ex
amination by competent axamlnera. Tba priaea will than ba awardd ao-
rordlng to th blgheat numbr ot marke, won by mambera of Tba Interna tlooaJ
Kewapaper Bible Study club. . 1
Tna aTlaa.
First Berle A gold medal to each of tba flret five oonteatana.
Second fieri ea A allver medal to each of tha next five oonteatanta.
Third Berlea A Teacbar-g. Blpje, ,pr(c t.0, to each pf tha next flv oon-
H (lias.
Relationship la Qoi," , "rh ChUf of
Bi liners.
first Comer Park and Columbia, W
F. juagnr, mlnlaier. 11 and 7. SO; & a,
9:46. Topics. "Tha Pattern- In the
Morn," "Jmpreealuna of tb areat Aa-
A . . n . 1 . . (l u .... ...
Kern Park Pitt and KTldbura: Rav.
A. liee.y. .1 and 7 at); a 10; C ti.
Rodney Avenua Rodney and Knott;
Thomas . Ploton, 11 and; a. n.,
:46: C K.. 7 d. m. Toplo, "The New
Birth,". "How Hhall.Wa Kacaper'
8ellwood Eleventh and Umatilla.
10:10 and 7:46.
Wood lawn Rev. Edward Wright, 11
and 7.10: 8. ,8.. 10; C E.. 7. Toplo,
Jeaua Only,'' "Opportuqltlea."
United rresby-tertaa. 1
'Tha Church of tha Stranger Grand
ave. and Waaco, Rev. a Karl Du Hole,
io:io ana t:iu; b. li. interpreiaiion
for the deaf every Sunday morning.
Flrat Sixth and Montgomery, Rev.
Frank U. Klnrtley, 10:30 and. 7:J0; i
ft. 8.. Ill C. E.. 0-30. TopIcb. -rhe Mow-
Covered Attack on th IilvlnKv of Otnl'ai
..-.' k w w uvM pull, -"U f. . rr
umer Kei
From a
Age": editorial. "A Tribute to General
Howard"; ermori, "Who la Rsaponalbl
th moral Degenerata-1n th 8tatT"
1 Third Eaat Thlrty-aeventh and Clay;
Rev.. J. X Acheaon, 11 an 7:10. & 8
10. .... ....... . ,
Washington, IX C, Oct JO. Leaving
New Orleans at an aarly hour Monday
morning, Prealdent Taft will begin th
final atag of hi 11,000 mil journey.
Monday and Tueaday will be devoted to
visit om of th chief cltlra of Mlaala-
alppU Including Jackaon, West Point
and Columbua, Birmingham will have
th president ' Wdnday, and Macon
tha foronopn of Thursday. Arriving at
Savannah Thursday evening, th preal.
dent will remain there until aarly Fri
day -afternoon. Charleston and Colum
bia ar next on tha achedule. Augusta
111 b reached Saturday evening, and
th visit ther will -contlnu over Sun-
nay. . ,
Xlaotloaa as Tuesday.'
Tha Tueaday election will probably
furnish tha moat interesting newg of
tha week. No surprise ar xpeoted In
th result of th contests In .tha three
.l.ta. y,m will AfctMAam XJm m
itarharu- InV ttthi?; aachuaetta. Rhod Island and Vlrglnla
Barbaroua and , Bloodthirsty . ..,. w.... k-.
dlafranchiaement amendment la to be
voted on, appeara to b doubtful, and aa
a conaequence It la awaited with keen
Intereat. eapeclaJly In tha - aouthern
atatea, wher tha negro vota la a factor.
Th antlra country la manifesting a
lively Intereat In th-Nw Tork mayor
alty eonteat, and reader ; vrywher
Itfllian City Uccovering From .Wreck ami Kuln Worked
by Disastrous Earthquake G5,000 People'
, r Tempt Fate by Rebuilding.
fjnftad Brethrwi la ChrUt.
Flrat Eaat Fifteenth and Morrison.
irW S VWW9t9' 11 n ft B- may ba pec ted to scan tha
Fourth Rerlaa .The nook - Tha Heart of Phriatlanltv nrlu tl la tn eeush
af the next 16 conteatanta. ,
Each medal will b aultably engraved, giving th nam of th wtnner..nd
lor wnat It la awarded and in like manner each Bible and book will be. An
acribed. ......
All who ran write and have Idea, ar urged to taka up these" atudle re
gardless of tha degree of their education, aa tha papera are not valued from
an educational or literary atandpolnt. but from tu point of view of low
cogency of their reaaoned Idea a.
T. & Lin.
, rreahytartan. -
First-Twelfth and Alder. Rev. Wil
liam Hiram Foulkea. 10:S0 and 7:30: 8.
k. 12 Y. P. U.. :45. Topic. "The
Coming Campaign.' "Paying the Price."
i Mizpah Eaat Twelfth and Powell;
l:ev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:S0; S. 8, 10;
C. B., 0:30. '
Calvary Eleverifh and Clay, v Rev.
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:10 and 7:45;
Kible school,
I n to Jesus.
Top lea.
or Ulad-
(Copyrlght, I08, by Rv,
-,'(' acott, IX D. . '
' October Jl, 1809.
" Paur a Prlaone Tha Voyage.
I7:i-ze. - , .
Golden Text. Commit thy way unto
the Lord; trust also In him; and he
snail bring It to pass Pa. J7:6.
Vcraes 1-8 Th writer of thia nar
rative appeara to be a companion of
Paul on thia Journey who waa he 7
Who were th other that Bailed with
What resulta are likely to follow,
when a man of God la compelled to be
In the company of criminals T
who waa thia man Jullua. and what
probably induced him to treat th pris
oner Paul -with such leniency?
Is there any position In life, however
undesirable, in which God doea not irlve
i Fourth First and Glbba; Rev. Donald h'a children special corarort, even when
f-R sn 10 and ' 1 ; C1,n Prison, and can you glva some x-
1 Hawthorne ; Park Twelfth and East nyiw f.wug ? ' " -
J aylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:80, Juliu gave Paul his freedom to vlalt
T-.xo- g. B.. li; C E., :S0. Topics, hia friends when the ship touched at
J Was Jesus Only a Man?" What I Bidon; would it hav been honorable of
haw of the American Massacres Along Paul, to have mad hie ,. ,
the Coast of Asia Minor, and My Im" fT Z ItT,S T Vi !aP"
Irosslons of the Unspeakable Turk." . t0 nve returned to the ship, seeing he
orDea eeuwooa ana uantenoem; u jnruigi (
vin you xen, or point out on th map,
where Sldon, Cyprus, Pamphylla. Myra
and the other places here mentioned ar
situated? ;
When th winds aro against ua, or we
are becalmed on the voynfre of life, and
mating ; put little headway, is If a
hindrance or a help to th soul poised
on God?. : ,
Did Paul giv the advice for them not
to proceed, but to winter at the "fair
havenB," from his human Judgment or
from God's direction?
: Why may, or may not, a true Chris-
Minlsters, Kunda;
iiev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and Z:30; 8, fi.,
IV. C. E.. 6:80.
-1 riedmont Cleveland and Jarrett;
3tev. J. E. Snyder,. 11 and 7:80; S. 8
, "Chinese--145 Firstt7:45; a 8., 6:46.
- Westminster East Tenth and Weld
ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and
y.30: 8. 8., 12; Y. P. B. C. E 6:30. .
f. Marshall Street Marshall) and North
f-Vventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays, 11, 4.
. Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty.
ran; Jttev. iawara m. unarp, 11 and B;
fa. S., 10.
' Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth
iid Spokane; Rev. IX A. Thompson, 11
and 7:30; S. 8., 10; C. E., 6:80.
r Third East Thirteenth and Pine;
Rev. J. A. P. McGraw. 10:80 and 7:45:
r." S ,J1J; Topics. "Where Shall Rest Be particularly if they consider them of value In their work.1
Found?" "Bnsv Here and Thre. . 1 '
.V flChnnI iMKhaM mrtA llh.r.
wni ina Journal orieriy their vlewa aa to the worth of these "auestlona.
ttan always depend that th Judgments
ha forma In the great crises of life aa
well aa In ordinary affairs, are really
Inspired of God and can therefor ba
depended upon? (See John 14:16. , et
rse lfl-90 Whn wa ar faced
with a great problem aa to th way to
tak, or th thing to do, la thr always
In tha mind of CHd th thing w ought
to da, and la there a possibility for us
to find out with cartaiaty what It is?
(This ''question must b answered In
writing by members of tha club.)
Why ia it that God sometimes lead
us contrary to what tha circumstances,
tould suggest?
When we are lrreslstably driven by
a "euroclydon," and appear at the mercy
or tne wind and sea, la there reason to
Believe that we are just as safe, and aa
raucn in ood's keeping, aa when the
south wind blows softly?
When In streaa and strain. In wind
and storm, and w appear to be driving
Into disaster and death, will the con
sciousness that God is with us. quicken
or deaden our activities to save
selves? - .
Verses 21-26 Is there ever any us
in "crying over spilt milk?"
What reason is there to believe from
thla narrative, that when we fail to
use, and it is too late to adopt God's
best plan, he will still graciously pro
vide a good one which we may adopt?
What did these people miss, and
what did they auffer, for having failed
to use God's first beat, plan for their
Lesson for Sunday, November 8, 1909.
Paul a Prisoner The Shipwreck, Ajrta
xxvil:27 to xxviii:10.
Invited to
10: C E- 7
Radical Sixth and Mechanic. Rev. Os
car A. Martin, li ana; o. b io;
C. E., 6:80. '
Third South Mount iTabor: Rev. C
P. Blanohard.- Blbl acbooL 8.
Alberta East Twenty-seventh and
Mildred, Rev. B. E. Emerluk. 11, preach
ing by Bishop N. Castle; evening aervic
in union with First church, East Fif
teenth and Morrison; a a, 10.
Tremont Wisdom and Curtis streets.
Rev. 11. C Shaffers a a 8:80; preach
ing, j:ao. .-..,..
. I . .
By Clement J, Barrett.
(Copyright. 1901. by Publisher' Prssa.)
Roma. Oct. 10. Messina la not re
building aa rapidly arid well aa San
Francisco, but ther la now something I
of th character of a town ther. and
the local Industries ar beginning to
flourish again. It la calculated that
over 66,000 - people ar how housed In
wooden houara and huta, which hav
been conatructed to the aodth of th
old town, overlooking tha atralta, or
which atretrh Inland In on case for
more than a mil and a half, on either
aid of a road some 11 yarda wide, un
til lately th huta hav consisted only I bounds, in order to carry through grand
of ground floor, but now aoma are I city improvements, which hav largely
being erected with another story, though I helped to place thla northern metropo-
with tha exception of churches, hospl-llls far ahead of all other Italian cities..
tala and large room a for schools, which Tb araaiier traaeapoopie ar aoreiy
ar permitted to b about 41 feet, no pincnaa worxmg ciasa cm-
bulldlng Iq new Mesalna may ba morel sen ar at their wit' ends to procur
than 30 feet high. lawauinga, ror tner nas Den no ae-
Th new buildings which ar laid out I quat increaa in hous Building, ruc-
rloua typea will ba required tor, th
purpos of experlmenta.
I JUvolt ta MUaa. , .
A revolt against th hous owners
has broken out In Milan, and mass
meeting of th peopj hav been held'
to protest against tha oppressive In
crease in rents. Business Is practically
suspended and . th atat of affaira la
rapidly reaching a crisis. .
During , th past aeven year a Milan
haa added 80,000 to its population, which
totala over 600,000. Meantime local tax
ation haa augmented by leapr and
Barer In an ei.r rt.s re to . leari "wording to an official plan border two lie Indignation threaten a genral strike
paper in an eager aeair 10 learn . . . " . Z , iaaa i...,. nni... k .,iti,.iti.. fini . u4 m.
whether Tammany or anti-Tammany la
victorious at th polls, whether Gaynor,
Bannard or Zlearat la to be mayor of
th metropolis. ...:
JTew Offlolalg Tak lag. -
Several changes among high govern
ment officials will becoma effective
Monday. On that day Georg B. Col ton
will succeed Regis H. Post aa governor
larre blooka of streets, one of 4000 huts I unless th authorities find a speedy rem-
at th left of th old town and another dy in tha temporary abolition of diver
to the right, th mora Important of the taxes. Furnltur remover and porter
two. called the Piano Moselle.' which and all aorta hav already gone on a
haa 60p0 huta, and in which ar to belsirlk, and a powerful league haa been
found eeveral churches, moat of th of-1 formed to relt by pbyalcal force any
fir la! buildings and a great many ehops. I attempts at eviction.
Within ita bordera I th ' American I Th prefect has compelled ' propria- .
village1, smartly painted in whit and l-tora to dealat from turning families Into
rreen. which, tocether with tha Hotel I the ' atreet leat seenee of bloodshed
of Porto Rico and Lee McClung will R ln'a m m churcn an4 thre pub. ghould anail.
am m aa 4NTrfja si si TTnl la1 Btal Aea t svaai sa, I . . w I
ITnlted Svangalloal.
First East Sixteenth and Poplar.
Rev. H. A. Peck. 11 and 7:80; a S..
10. Tonics. "The Burdens of the
Church." "The Power of the Blood."
Ockley Green Gay and Willamette.
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 7:80; a S
10; C. FJ., 6:80. Topics, "Tne Reward,"
"Lov Everlasting.
Second Fararo and Kerby. Rev. C C
Poling. 11 and 7:80.
Bt jonn'a ivannoe ana jonn. tier.
C. P. Yates. S. 8.. 10.
Evangelical Associations,
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket. F. B. Culver, 11 and 7:80; Y. P. A-
6:86: 8. S., 10. -
First oerman xentn and ciay. F.
Bent. 10:46 and 7:46; S. S.. 8:80; Y. P.
7 p. m. Topics, "The Things Which
John Saw," "The Curse of Spiritual
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib-
betts, Morris Heverling,. 11 and l B. S.
rree Mathodist.
church Eaat 1 Ninth
and Mill.
" David M. Cathey. 11 and 8; S. 8., 10;
Y. P. M., 7. , '
Second church East Flanders, be
tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth
Btreets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11
and 7:30; S. S., 10; class meeting, 6:80.
Olive Branch Mission Second and
Ankeny. A, Wells, superintendent
Meetings every evening at 8; Sunday
at '8. v
Church of the Good Tidings Union
hall, corner Grand avenue and East
Pine. Rev. J. D. Corby. 10:45: S. S.. It.
Toole. "Christian Living as a Man'a
job; a Message for a Man."
mass and sermon. 10.
Found?" "Busy Here and There."
. HnnA-M-MnntAvlllK. T7av. 3j R Hnnnlnff I :
11; K S.. 10. . , I Rev. C. Seroskl. Low mass. t.
f Kenilworth East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev, A. Robinson, 11; S. 8
12; Y. P., 7. ,
, , Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town
atind: services. 10: 8. S.. 11:16.
1 Anabel Rev. John A. Townaend. Serv
ices, 11:80 and 7:46; S. 8.,,il0:16; U B. T.
j rinity ijaxota street, ttev. a. koo
inpon, 7:45 p. m.; C E- S:4S; S. S., 11,
: vernon wygant- ana Ea
teenth: Rev. George' W. Anns,
m. a., :it; i;. ?,
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Youne.
D. D., 10:30 and 7:30; S. S., 12:10; E. L-.
6:30. Topics, "Life," "The Lesson of
the Yellowstone."' ,
- Grace Twelfth and Tavlor. Rev. .Tohn
East Nlnei H- CudPP- Dj V., 10:80 and 7:80: 8. S.,
na 11 and rf2:15: Topics, "Bundles of
' Benefits," "The Homeless Child." third
in a series or rour evenings, on "The
cans ox xiomeieasness.
Norwegian Danish Thirteenth and
Davis, Rev. H. P. Nelson, 11 and 8; S. S.,
IV. .: . .... -. , ...
8unnvslde East Yamhill and Thlrtv-
flfth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30: 8. S.,
St. Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and JVirtiJ Trhfwren t n nnfr tTi
Couch Rt Rev. James Rauw, V. G. " ? il9r c Inherit
Low mBss. 8. High mass and sermon, L?fr3i"5do,mu. SfYe,r Sof??, in2
t ' V" Cathbllo.'
r St. - Mary's . Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth
and riavis Most Rev. A. Christie. D. u.
IjOW mass, 6. 8 and 9. High mass and
sermon, 11. Vespers, instruction and
Chaj veapers, Deneaicuon, :tv. - ;
' St. Francis, East' Eleventh and Oak
Upv. j. tx. HiacK. . IjOW mass, o. 8:so
end 8:50. High mass and sermon, 10:30.
Venpera, instruction andf benediction,
7:30. . '
1. St Lawrences, Third and Sherman
Itev. J. 4J. Hughes. :, Jjow mass, 6, 7 and
f.AV. nign mass ana sermon, iu:ay.
vespers and oenediction, 7:so.
Ascension, Montavllia, Rev. J. P.
tipatrlck. 1 Mass and sermon, 9 in
a pel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
t St Patrick's. -Nineteenth and Savler
ev. f. Murpny. jjow mass, . ttign
Inass end sermon,. 10:80. Vespers and
benediction. 8:80. s . ''
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and
Will Jesuit Fathers, ixiw mass. 8.
High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers
ana Deneaiction, i :av.
J St. Stephen's, Eirty-second . and East
aayior Rev. w. A. waitt Low mass,
8:30. HI eh man and sermon. 10:30
Immaculate Heart of Marv. Williams
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. . Low
tnasa, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and ser
mon. 10:30.- Visnerl and benediction.
I Holv Rosarv. Eaat Third and TTnlon
f'ery Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low. maaa. 6.
ana s:ia. Hian mass - ana. sermon.
u:ou. , veFpers ana Deneaiciion. :.
Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rev. Ore-
rnry Robla. O. 8. B. Low mass. 8. Hich
fnaas and sermon, 10:30. . . Vesoera and
penediction.-. , - .
Holy Cross, University Park Rev. J.
Thlllman. C, S. C Low mass. 8:30.
llsrht maas and aermon. 10:30. Veaoera
fcnd .benediction. 4.
Jioiy eaeemer. roTiiuna ana van
ouver Rev. Ed K. CantwelL C S3. R.
ow mass, 8. Hlsh masa and aermoh,
0:3 H. Benediction 4.
Ft. Andrew's. Ninth &nd Alberta
'ev. Thomas Kiernan. Low man, 8.
Itch mass and aermon. 10. VeeDera. in
struction and benediction. 7:30.
8t Icnatlus. Foftv-second and Powell
valley road Rev. F. Dillon. S. J. Lw
hiaaa, 8 and 8:30. Maaa. aermon and
ben-dictloru 10:30
i t Stanialaua. Maryland and Falllna
V tort V
rt Wttlav . ftotn.
nr m MAjrr rotxt,
S ervfiwiea
Nervo Beadarhe
Neuralsie Headarb
Nervee Dyprata
Nrvs AftecUOB
A.W. Allen &Co.
W ao)Mi:eaaJ Retail Drvrglat.
! I'l f':.v;'!5X Fca'iSl. Or.
Kerne eo ft AGEXTa
etltutlons Which Must Be Annihilated
Before the White Slave Curse Can Be
St Johns S. H. Dewart: 11 and S:
E. L., 7; 8. 6., 10. r "
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savier,
Rev. Charles T. McPherson: 11 and 7:30;
Wo Grow Into Freedom,". .i'Xh e Beau
tiful Gleaner." V
Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis
F. Smith: 11 and 7:30: E. L.. 6:80: 8. 8..
10. Topic, "The Loyal Full Salvation
Makes the work of the Master Easy,
"Wanted, a Hundred Evanarellsts."
, Centenary East Ninth and Pine
Clarence True Wilson. D. D., 10:30 and
7:80: ii. Li. 6:30; 8. S.. 12:16. Topics,
-rne Mission or Lire." "mo -call
the Hour." .
Chinese Mission Chan Sinr Kal: 11
and 7:80. -
Laurelwood Rev. R. E. Myers: 11
and 7:80: S. S.. 10: E. L.. 6:80.
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street, Rev. C L. Hamilton, 10:80 and
7:30: S. S.. 12: E. L. 6:30. TodIcs. "Holv
tgmrounion, iype or jnurcne.
ivorwerian uanian Vancouver ave
nue and Bkldmore. Rev. C. J. Uarsen. 11
and 8: S. 8.. 13:15.
Japanese Mission 1Z1 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Ellaen Ribara, t:80 and
8:80: 8. 8.. 3:30.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rer.
John Ova 11. 11 and 8: S. 8 . 10: K. L.. 7:
Sermon by Missionary, Eric Fernlund.
First . German Fifteenth and Hoyt
O A. Waasa: 11 and 7:80.
- Second German Stanton and Rodney.
Rev. E. E. HerUIer, 11 and 8; a 8 8:46;
m. Li.. 7:u.
Sell wood East Fifteenth and Tacoma,
Rev. Lester C. Poor. 11 and 7:80: J. E.
L., 1:80: E. :80.
Th Cllnton-Kellv Memorial Thinly.
ninth and Powell. Rev. Ernst Leon
Jones; 8. a. 9:45: 11 and 8: E. L-. 7.
Montavllia Eaat Pine and Eighteenth
atreeta. Kev. Tiaroid tJDerg; 11 and ;
S. 8.. 10: claas meeting, 12; E. L-. 7:15.
woodiawn William J. Uouarlaai 11
and 8: a 8 10: E. L T.
University Park Dawson and Flak.
Kev. w. k. jerrry, J-T n ana r:it.
African Zion Thirteenth and Main.
Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and I; a S 1.
Mount Tabor Eaat Stark and Blxty
firet. J. W. McDougall; li and 7:8.
Woodstock jr. D. Voces u and :
a X- 10; F- I. 6:30.
- Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, D. A. Watters; 11 and 8; a 8, 10;
E. I. 7.
Lenta Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W.
Boyd Moor. 11 and 3; a 6, 16; E. L,
High matins and litany, 10:16: evensona-. 7:30.
Church of Our Savior Woodstock.
11 and 8.
St John's Church Multnomah and
xoyior. ii and 7:so: 8. s., 10.
Good Shepherd Graham and Van
couyer. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and
i :ao; a. 8:46.
f race Memorial. East Seventeenth
and Weidler Rev. George B. Van Wat-
' i-rayer ana sermon, 11 and 7:30;
o. o. XV.
All Salnfa. Twenty-fifth and Savier.
Kev. Roy Edgar Remington. Morning
J""J' ana nermon. 11; n. ., lz:lo; even
'1 prayer, 8. Holy communion Monday,
-V J. V tt. III.
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights.
S. S.;- 9:30.
St. Paul Wood mere. Rev. J. C. For
sythe: 11 a. m.; S. S, 9:45.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel, Good
Samaritan hospital. Rev. William R.
Powell, chaplain. Holyt communion.
7, a. m.; ward services, 8; prayer and
sermon, 7:16 p. m.
Church of Our Father -Yamhill " and
Seventh, Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T.
L. Eliot,, D. D., minister emeritus, 11
and 8: S. 8.. 9:46; adult class. 12:80;
Y. P. E., 8:80. Topic, "All Saints," "All
assume office aa United State treas
urer, succeeding Charlea P. , Treat
. The completion of the great McMech
n dam. In the Ohio river near Wheel?
Ing, will be made the occasion Wednes
day for ft big celebration in which offi
cial representatives of the federal gov
rentnent and ' half a doten atatea will
Japan at Washlcgion.
The Japanese commercial delegates
will reach Washington Monday morn-..
tngand according to present plans will
spend three days In th national capi
tal. The first day will be given over to
sightseeing. Including a visit to th
tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon.
Secretary of State Knox will entertain
the visitors at luncheon ' Tuesday. On
the third -day of their visit the dele
gates will participate in an appropriate
celebration of the birthday' of the em
peror of Japan at the Japanese embassy.
The cases of, Oliver BpUzer and the
other employes of the American Sugar
Refining company, Jointly Indicted on a
change of conspiracy to defraud the gov
ernment by false weighing, will b
called for trial in New York Monday.
, Pellagra Conference.
A national conference on pellagra will
assemble In Columbia, S. C, Wednesday
for a session of two days. The fact
that pellagra is getting a firm hold, in
the south ha caused the conference to
be called. It will be attended, by repre
sentatives of different atatea, many pf
whom have had experience In treating
the dread disease.
Other Interesting and important gath
erings of the week will include the an
nual reunion of the Society of the Army
of the Tennessee, at Columbus, Ohio;
the annual convention of the Farmers
National congress. In Raleigh, N. C,
and a meeting of tha Tennessee River
Improvement association, at . Harriman,
Tenn. ' . ''
11c schoola, were all conatructed of wood
sent f rom America, and built under the
supervision of American carpenter.
B11tm In Airship.
Th government ot thl country evlr
dently does not shar th opinion of
the German war minister a to the
value of military airships.
came to the conclusion, , after the
cent maneuvers, that when alrahlps are
high enough . to b safe from modern
long rang firing, they ar at too great
a height to carry on practical observe
tlon. In Italy, however, faith In tha
utility of military airships Is still
A new business enterprise conducted
hv woman. Tha ODenlnar of th 8tand-
Th latter ard Sut Company will" be the first
Instanc of a business , of this kind
being established by women in' this
Th woman Interested ar Mrs. E. It
Whit, who own and has made the
Need lec raft Shop famous, and Mrs. II.
Stelnway. who at one time owned a
atronsr. and it haa been decided to build I suit ahnn In San Francisco.
a fleet of them, 24" In number, corre-1 Mr. Stelnway ha held an important
spending with the number of the dl- position with one of Portland's largest
visions of the army. , The dirigible in I suit establishments and haa made hosts
question will be of special Italian de-1 of friends in. this city.
sign, and will possess a double envel-l Mrs. White has gained an enviable
ope In order to exclude the possibility I reputation In the business world of
of a dlsaater such aa that which befell I Portland, and her hosts of women and
the unfortunate French . airship Re-1 business friends will watch the growth
publique. In addition to steerable bal-lof this new enterprise with much ln-
loons, a number of aeroplanes of va-1 terest
, ' Zpiae4d. '
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Hv,
A. A. Morrison. I. 11 and 7:3. a 8,
9:46. Servicta of ong In evening. .
St Matthew. Flrt sad Caratbe-
Rev. W. H. M. Br, a &- 19: aervic
and ermon. IL
Pro-Oat edral of St Ftphl. th
Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H.
M. Rim-tri S.te. 11 aad 7:39 sx m.:
a a 9 46. " -
ft I'm FJkat Tarelf'h and Bl-
BWMit Kev. Htt RoeeiI Talbot Ho!v
fommonlm, 7 19, rrayer and aermona.
11 ana II F F, f:4.
Pt- Anrwa. rnrtatnotirTi Hotr
r1rt Tid e-n"n. li. jrayer and
senr.on. n. le a m.
F "rka. Tertr-'rt and Vr
ev;jr,v. J. K. H. t-ic..' i. H-.'y
t-;.Jin, and 11; v 6, ...
St James' English West Park and
Jefferson; J. Allen Leas, li and. 7:46;
8. S., 10; L. L.,, 7 p. m. Reformation
service. "Paradise. What is it? Where
is It? Who Are There?"
Swedish Immanunl NlnetAsnth an
xrving, ii ana 8; s. B.. 9:46.
Norwegian Synod East Tenth and
Grant: Rev. O. Hagoes,' 7:45. Right
itev. lj. j. uoss wm assist in reforma
tion service.
Betanla Danish Union and Morris;
Rev. J. Scott. 11 and 8; S. 8., 10.
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth;
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 740; a S 9:45.
Zlon's German Chapman and ' Sal
mon; H. H. Kappelmann, 10:15; 7:45; 8.
a 9:16. . .
St Paul's German Eaat Twelfth and
Clinton. .Rev A. Krause. 10:30 and
7:80: S. a. 9:80: confession and holv
communion, 7:30.
Trlnttv Oerman fMlanonrl avnodi-.
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbach.
:io( a. b., io: 7:so.
swedlah Auaustana Rodney and
Stanton; Rev. C A. Tolln. 10:45 and
7 :4B; a. a.. :io.
Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
Qllaan: Rev. B. J. Thoran. 11 and
H. B.. iv; x. f.. S:80.
St John's) Peninsula avann and
Kiipatrtck; 8 p. m.
Ellm Chanel Mlchiran avenua ' and
BKiamore, Kev. B. J. Thoren, 11; a 8.
Immanuel German Corner ISth .and
Lo (MllwoodA a C. Ebellng. 10:30
b.. :ju.
rriends' Church.
Sunnyside, Main and East Thirty"
rirtn. iinaiey a. wens, li ana 7:80:
Bible school, 10; C. E.. 6:30.
Lents, Center street Myra B. Smith,
11 and 7:30; Bible school, 10.
BS. 13. Church South.
Union avenue and Multnomah streef-
Rnv. R H. Mown. 11 and 7-30- R ft in'
E. L., 6:30. , '
Seformod. ''
First German Tenth and Stark
streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services
10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m.; a. S., 9:30 a. m.;
x. p. a., i p. m.
Interurban Line May Bnlld.
(Boeclal DIspstch tft Tb Journal.)
Boise, Idaho, Oct 80. The city coun
cil has prepared a franchise for an in
terurban electric line, allowing the use
of the city streets from the suburbs to
tbo business center. The company ask
ing for the franchise. It is said, will
construct a bridge across (he river Just
west of the one at the foot of Eighth
street and will have a termlnua in tho
heart of the business section. The line
will run from Boise almost due south
to Kuna and will probably be continued
on to the Snake, river.
Christian Scienc.
First Church of Christ Scottish Rita
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11;
: b, ib., iz; suDiect oi teason sermon,
"Everlasting Punishment"
Second Woodmen's hall. Eaat Sixth
and Alder, 11; 8; S. S.. 12: subject of
lesson sermon, "Everlasting Punishment"
Still Sinking City Well.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Athena, Or., Oct 80, The city well la
down about 900 feet The rock through
which the drill ia passing is the same
hard crust as that of the last 100 feet.
The flow of water shows no Increase.
Some do the good ones, and aom don't the
poor ones, and th safest method , to follow
when purchasing a piano la fo get On of the
good ones.
Are aold with a written guarantee for twenty (20) years. They
are aold directly from the Portland store of the Bush & Lane
Piano Co saving you tha retailers' profit. As a matter of faot
there Is no higher grade piano made than the Bush A Lane and
none which exceeds It from a standpoint of exterior beauty and
finish yet they are aold for -.. t
v- . ;,-v . . ' .V " ';: '.: .!''": ' .t -..
Cash or Easy Payments
(A Liberal Allowance on Your Old Piano)
386 Washington St.
Bet, W. Park and Tenth
Grace ErrMti Rodney and Ivy. AI
bina, H. C. Ebellng. 7:30.
.Norwegian Kerby and Fargo atreejs.
First Madlaon and. Park. - Pv
Luther Ft- Dyott D. D.; Rev. Ouy L.
Dick. aeslsUnt; 11 and 7:46; 8. a. 9:4.
Moraine; aermon By Kev. wl nam A.
Klc. U. D.. of New Tork. Evejning aer
mon by the raaor.
Laurel wood Rev. TT. ft Mverar 11:
a. b je; (j. i-, i ig.
EMinvaide Fnmt Tmrinr " mA Faat
Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. J. Ktaub; 11 and
I: B. 8. IV. C K f:xa. Tonk-a
A Day of Divine Commendation.
Fvenicg swrmon by Rev. WUliam A.
Kic or Ntw York-
St John Rev. O. W. Nelson; 11 and
University Park Haven and Dwan
Rev. O. W. Riga: 11 and 7.39; a 8 19:
Hasttaln ftrevt Fet ftynlit and
Haaaln. Rev. Oorr E. a-3do
Hiarlajtd Fat fitlh anl PrMratL
Kv. t- n. .BOiiinger. 11 and 7.1; . a
T. P. C. E- . Tonlca. -Th
rark f the Christian." "A re the
crura- FeopU Safe at tb Stat Cnl
vernfty?" Flrat Garratn Et -vrtn and
Star.tnm. Rev. Jhn It H-rt: 19.89 and
I l: a S, 1 11; C F... IV
Pilgrim B-trrTTi M ) ri yean.
Rrr. rr.fl p. Tboroa. 11 ad 7.34;
a a. 9:46.-
C!t1 ftaet T .,'?. Ssl
t"i; !. Frcti I m. t 11 at 1
First Spiritual Society hrlstnnaen
nail, isieventn ana xambiil streets.
li, i:80 and 7:46. . -Church
of New Thought Selling-
Hlrsch hall, Henry Victor Morgan.
8 p. m. ' , i - ;- - . .
Swedish Corps Salvation Army 430
Durnniae, li, ;v ajia a. ,
Mediums' and Ministers Association
Auditorium- ouilding, 11. 8 and 7:46
Swedish Free Mission Mississippi
and Shaver, Rev. Aug. Olson, lw:46 and
Latter Day Saints (Mormons) East
iran lira snermin, j. u. westergard.
ymming eiuer, 11 ana ; IS. O., IV.
Advent Christian Second, between
Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallac TBhepard.
10:30 and 7:30.
Volunteere of America 285 Burnsid
street, i: ana :sg.
Dlvin Truth - Center 501 '
V. . . 1 1 . I . rr- l . . . . . .
uuiiuiiiK, nv. Auaaucua m. aainara. ill
S. 8., 12.
New Thought East Thirteenth and
Tenlno, 9. Rev. P. J. Green.
Church of Nasarene Eaat Seventh
and Couch. 11.
New Church Society (8wdenborgen)
Eleventh and Alder, Knighta of Py
thias' hall. Lay service and sermon. 11.
State Spiritualists' association Eagl
hall, St Johns, 8 p. m.
T. M. C. A. Gymnasium of new build
ing, Sixth and Taylor, 3: masa meeting
for men; address by Rev. J. WhltMrnb
nrougner on -up Against It" Bible
Class, 4: ID. .'
Non-Sectarian Odd Fellows . hall.
East Sixth and Alder; 1:30. up to date
Blbl studies: 3:16. scriptural discourse
for Christians. '
Center of Right Thlnklna W. O.' W.
temple. Ill Eleventh and Alder streets,
Mrs. E. Sherman Olney; 6 p. m.
Reorranlaed . Chnrch of Jeaua Christ
of Latter Iav Saints Eaat Seventy
alxth and Irving. . Klder Walter Bar-he-.
It an 4 7:30: A 8. 19:46.
T. W. C. A. Seventh mixA Tirlnr
4 n. 8'jrdy Afternoon for fllrla
Music and Halloween storie.
- - - 1 - -- - L J
Wo Pain! No More fear Jentist
5.00 6 2 ; ;
4 '
Yoif Have Possibilities for a
Great figure Under You Fat
From t year onward fopl grow
fitter. So many do ao It seemi th
natural' thing. Instead of that, getting;
fat ia a -tad alga. From that moment
nn' tissue are. going to get gradually
weaker. I
It I eoay to corr t the trouble, how.;
e-ver. Cr tjonfol rter raeal nd ;
t r-e1t Ime rf te follwrg pteount
"1tare: . Xarmoia, W a. Fliid
itrart ra ea Aro"tie ae1 IH oa. :
r-TJrftnt Water wlil rit rrfc Irt
-if hkH that rr.itf;l enrv
hlf f re -- rl gett'rr ft rr ,re 1
- T v eit f t;r la FUil tbre.rfr
y"f let, rrttx nt her. tt cut wi--
f-H-tr .-e ; t It 1 ;i lake fff
li it ft y-e a f j .ivit arj
V flss aMsasTBsa -
" 1 i 1 1 a
-.Call and have us give your teeth a free examination and get our estimate on your dental workl
If you are nervous or have heart trouble, the Electro rainless System wfil do the work when
others faiL AH work warranted for ten years. . ..
E. G. AUSPLUND, D. L S Manager
Corner Fifth and Washington, Acrosa From Perkins Hotel
Open Evenings anil Sundays
Bank References'
Lady Attendast
I..j tiLr . tT f.fL -