The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Named by Unanlntous Vote
to. Take Charge of the
Broadway Structure.
( Sunday Services at tljt "Portland Cfrurcljes
U in i j i -
Entlner .Ralph Modjeakr appointment,-
ootisulttni engineer to, take
lrg vi th construction tjf th Broad
war .bride wu ratified yesterday af
ternoon by th city xemitlve board,
llayor Simon explained to th board that
be had vdectod Mr. Modjeskt after long
a ml careful ' consideration of tba va
rious applicant for tba poaltlon. The!
board'! vot to confirm th appointment
wu unanimous.
At th reqnest of Thoma Hlslop the
hoard valued the proposed Kaat Third
street franchise of the O. R. N. com
pony at 1100 a year and ordered It
cnt back to tho city council to be
passed upon and publlahod br th city
No mora applications for electric arc
liarhts will bo granted by the board un
til after the lighting committee and
the city engineer determine upon soma
schema for rearrangement of th pres
ent systra of street illumination.' Cer
tain districts of the city hav an abun
dance of light while others hare none
at all. Th committee will endeavor to
quails this condition.
. Baptist.
First . Whit Temple, Twelfth and
Taylor,1 Re. 4, whttyamb- ttrougher, D.
l. 19, "One Accord" prayer mooting-
errloea. 1:30 and 7:30! lilbl school II
Y. P. U.. I. Mornlha- sermon by Rv. F.
J. White of fihangnal. China; evening
topic, j arnica to women
fceeond Seventh and Last Ankeny:
Itev. H. 0. Ulack. 10:30 and 7:80; Bible
school. 12: li. V. P. U.. 6:80. Topics
Prayer It Possibility," "A, Bid. to a
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny;
Rev. W. T. Jordon. II and : h. m.
;S0; X, P. If.. 6:30. Topics, "A Llttl
While." "Pefore and After."
Arleta Rev. K. A. Smith. 11 and T.S0;
8. R. 9:5: B. Y. P. U.. :30.
Hljrhland vdberta and Sixth. Rev. K
A. Leonara, paniur. ana i.av, xj. x,
P. V.. :80: 8. B.. 10.
Bellwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
V. W. Thurston, pastor, 11 and 7:10; a
B., 10; Y. P. U.. 8:110.
Calvary East Eighth and Grant. Rev.
J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:S0; 8. P.. 10; B.
V. P. U 8:30. Sermons by F. C N.
Immanuel Jonea Halt Qibha and
front, Rev. A. B. Mluaker. 10:80 and
:80; a 8.. II; B. T. P. U 8:80.
Grace Montavllla; Rev. Albert K.
Patch. 11 and T:S0: H. 8., 10; Y. P.
!'., 8:30. Topics, -Forgiveness," "A
Good Man'a Suicide." j
University Park Rev. A. C. Johnson. I
8. a, 10. 11 and 7:110; P.. Y. P. V.. 7;
Sunnvslde (German) Forty-first ana
Hawthorne; Rev. C. Feldmth. 11; 8. S..
St. Johns (German) Rev. c. Feid-
meth, 8. 8.. 9:45; aervices 11 and 7:30.
SL Johns Rev. C L. uwen, ji:si
and 7:80: 8. 8., 10; B. Y. P. U.. :30.
Chinese Mission aot y unx street
8. 8., 7; preaching, 8. by Rev. Fung
Chak. .
German Fourth ana ,mih
Suggestive Questions on tlie Sunday.
Sen ool Lesson by Rev. Dr. T. S. Linscott
.Ministers. Sunday school teachers and .rthara Intereated are Invited t
Will a ,uuniBl uiwur f. i r vavwa n m - iu iu. uiu w iu... HMWVL(uf
particularly if they consider them of value In their work.
Th International Newspaper lilble Study club la for th puxpo of pro,
tnotlnir In an unfettered way amonr the masses, a wider atudv of th Bible.
tha basal trutha of Christianity, and th oroblema which' enter Into verf
rnen'a life.' It la rnmnn.Ml of all tlioaa who loin a local club, and take UD th
rlmpl courae herein outlined, barring oaly ordained clergymen. All who have
not Joined are warmly Invited to do so and to compete for th prises.
- Persons may join the club at any time during th year, out must, ol
con res, answer tne ax questions nereinaiier expiaineu, to miaiiiy tor
prlnea. and th back queatlons may be obtained by addressing thla office.
This nsuer haa secured the rlzht to oubllsh the International Sunday
School Lesion questions by Rev. Dr. Linscott. which hav aroused ao much
Interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly In both th Saturday and
Sundav linii.i nf The Journal. Onif at theia nneatlona each week la to be
answered Ir. writing and upon these answers th prises ar to be awarded.
KM rat
T17TT T. T'ATTT? Q'V A Wf? I Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:30: S. a. 9:45.
HUJU OlAiU second German Morris street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Bueermann, 1
and 7:30: 8. 8.. 9:45. f
Kaat Fortr-fifth street Corner Eas
Main; Rev. li, C. Cook. 11:16 and 7:30
Bible school, 10: B. P. Y. U.. 6:46.
Lents Rev. J. F. Heaoock. 8. 8., 10
11 and 7:30; B. x. P. u.. o:su.
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett
li ana , i
To be gone nearly a month, during
which tlmo he Is slated to address citl-
sens and oomradea In t3 different cities,
Colonel James. P. Shaw, commander of
tiie vregon department or me ia. a.
lftft Portland last nls-ht for eastern
Oregon. Colonel Shaw will make his Rev. li. B. B. .. Johnson.
first stop at Hood River, wher he will
deliver a lectur tonight at the apple
Monday Colonel Shaw will speak at
. Th Dalles,, Tuesday at Arlington, Wed-
BwedlRh HOyt and, Fifteenth; Rev
Erlck Scherstrom. 10:4o and 7:45
o tt iv.ctr TJ tr a nil
Third--Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R
Sehwedlar, 11 and 7:30; 8. B., 10.
WoodstocK orty-rirst ana j-toigaie
nesday at Pendleton. Thursday at Union, I Rev. F. E. Dark, 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 9:46;
Friday at Baker City and Saturday at aervices eacn mgni.
Huntington. , His furtber Itinerary fol
lows: Richland. November 8; Ontario,
November 10; Elgin, November 19; Jo
seph, November IS: La Grande. Novem
ber 15; Athena, November 16; Milton,
November 17; Heppner, November 18,
and Wasco November 19.
During the year Colonel Sbarw make
an attempt to visit every one of the 7
posts of the G. A. K. in the State.
Colonel ' Shaw wtll make - the great
work of the Q. A. R the subject of his
lectures. He will' dwell not Qnly upon
th impending dissolution of the union
: which the veterans averted, but on the
different campaigns for good taken up
by the army since the close or the war.
' , Presbyterian.
First Twelfth and Alder. Rev. Wil
liam Hiram Foulkea. 10:30 and 7:30: 8.
S., 12; Y. P. V.. 6:46. Topics, "The
Coming Campaign," "Faying the Price."
Mlsbah East Twelfth and Powell:
Rev. f Tarry Leeds, n ana 7:30; b. a., 10;
C. E.. 6:30.
Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev.
Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:45:
Bible school, noon. Topics, "Looking
unto jesus, ine uospei 01 uiaa-
ness." .
Fourth First and Glbbs: Rev. Donald
1(...A.,- tA.aft o a
Hawthorne Park-Twelfth and East
Taylor; Rov. E. NelBon Allen, 10:30,
7:30; 8. a.. 12; C 6:30. Topics.
"Was Jesus Only a Man?" What I
Saw of the American Massacres AlongH
tne uoast or Asia Minor, ana my im-
Ul VrI . 'Vl-f A 11 NM pressions Of tne unspeanaDie Turk."
IIVXEjIJ XXkt2iUJU Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbetn;
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; 8. S.,
10; C. E., 6:30. ,
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarre tt:
Rew-p-JTirt :fc Snyder, 3 11 and 7;30; a, a,
Contrary to expectations, hotel trad
la Seattle since, the closing of the Alas
ka-Yukon-Paclfic exposition has been
unusually good. .While there haa. been
. less demand for rooms in the last two
weeks than previously, the hotels are
all practically full and the prospects
for winter ' business are . unusually
bright. , ,
According : to A. Cheshire Mitchell,
special representative of the Savoy
hotel, who Is registered at th Portland
Chinese 145 First, 7:45; a S., 6:45.
Westminster East Tenth and Weld-
ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte. 10:30 and
7:30; 8. 8., IS; T. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30. -Marshall
Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays, 11, 4.
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty-
man; Rer. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 8;
S. 8., 10.
Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth
Conditions of th contest, - . ,v .
1. Each onntnafant a, hta or her famllv jnnit ba ai 'anhaorltMl t thla
paper, in order to qualify for membership in th International Newspaper Bible
btudr rlub and thla local club.
1. Each fonteatant in thla local club mint answer each of the written Ques
tions for (2 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, Mnrch 14. and th answers
must all be In th possession of this paper vithia two weeks t ttv close
or tnis period. .
I. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on
one side only. No answer must exceed ?00 words in length and ma v be leas
Each ftnn.r mnat hn ua lha rmma .nil arfdraaa fif tha nrrlta- M t tha' H1 1 1 o.ll
vi me answer.
4. The answers must be delivered to thjs office, and they, will be collated
amlnatlon by competent examiners. Th prise will then be awarded ao-
coraing to the highest number or marks, won by members of Th international
niwi)ipor mot muay ctup.
Tb Prizes.
First Series A gold medal to each of th first five contestants. '
Secona Series A silver medal to each of th nest five contestants.
Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price 15.60, to each of th next flv con
Fourth Series The book "Th Heart of Christianity. pric 11.80. to aoh
of the next 15 contestant. .
Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the nam of th winner i.nd
ior wnai it is awaraea ana in UK manner eacn Bib) and book will be in
scribed. ,
All who can write and have Ideas, are urged to take up these studies r
gardlees of the degree of their education, as the oaDera are not valued from
an educational or literary standpoint, but from the cotnt . of - view of tow
9:45; a V... T. p. m. Top!a,.Th New
Birth." "How Hhu w koiot ' .
mmiwood Kievenm ana untawiia.
ninnurn nnninn
II IV W WW ww m w m
woowV-RaT Edward' wright, ii t?ct-TogctIicrVitir:Kcnnc. jPomoIoicabFind-Promlsea
Wnl'&r. poVtS,iW '?p! wick's Council and Work to Surpass Any of Bur-
; bank's Triumphs. ;
.. Ualtod rrsbytrtaaj' '(
rha rhnreh of tha 8trans4rs--Uarand
ave, and Wasco. Rev. H. Enil Dd llols.
J0:30 and 7:30; S. 8.. 12. interpretation
ror tne oear every ounuay morning.
First Sixth and vMontijomery, Rev,
Frank D. ' Flndlev. 10:30 and 7:30:
R H.. 11: C. .. 6:20. Tonics. "The Moss-
Covered AtUck on th iJlvinlty of Uod's
Is to Bo Kuslicd.'
: IRnln1 rtlnatia ta Thn Jiturnal.1
Kennewlck,. . Wash.. , Oct; SO. The
North Coast railroad, after several,
8peUI rtapateh ta The Joarbd.)
Spokane, ,Wnsh Oct. 30. Coreles
well as seedless are tho apple produced
months of surveying, buying of option on .. f .;wr,n variety
nV via0-r Utlnav twU h tha r4rv in1 nma. I. .
- a.w v.b... .. rvi. w.w ws W W I lM i a kt M . . -Al.a.a..l . IfAMiin UrQ .
Rooks Sd of iiod. 8on."and . Fw" rty owners, la now practically fre. to Jk Vwncd ,
Other Relic That Have Come Down build its lln through-- thi oity along 3(1 to
From a Uarbarou and Bloodthirsty it original survey. At th wlndup of 'f f'" , it? .
Age"; editorial. -A Tribut to Oeneral on of th most Interesting council .f t ,nLnM ,n.
Howird" srmW"Who I. Res a yellow
th moral Deganijrat on th StateT" """-J , n,"rre:w.J"i-n P"" groen, streaked with rod. ' Th ap-
C K. Woods, agreed, to build a concrete,
brick or ston depot, with cement plat
form, and to maintain, a private cross
ing near th depot and electrlo light at
Third East Thirty-seventh and Clay;
Rev. J. I Acneson, 11 ana i:av, b. b
United Bretbren ta Chxlrt.
First East Fifteenth, and MorrUon. f U crossing in th clty. Th company
pies have deep . pink uliccka, and th
flesh 1 firm-and iOf excellent flavor.
Tha tree, is between 12 and 1 years
at an' altitude of 222S foeL Short don
not claim credit for developing thw coro-
this week, Seattle' hotel business sine nd gPokane; Bey. . a.. Thompson, 11
the fair ha been a surprise even to the
most optimistic. The uptown hotel
and apartment bouse ar all flourish
ing, he says, and are expected to do a
big business this winter.- In many Of
the more prominent hostelries It has
been necessary to utilise the halls and
parlor In order to accommodate the
guasts until the last week,
and 7:30; S. S.. 10; C. E.. 6:30
xnira jksi xnirteentn and Fine:
Kev. J. A. f. lacu-raw, iu:s ana 7:4;
cosency of their reasoned Ideas.
(Copyright, 1908. by Rev. T. a Lin
scott, D. D.j (
October II, 1909.
Paul a Prisoner Th Voyage, Acts
Golden Text. Commit thy way until
the Ixrd; trust also In him; and he
shall bring it to pass Ps. 87:5.
Verses 1-8 The writer of this nar
rative appears to be a companion of
Paul on this Journey wno was he?
Who were the others that sailed with
What results are -likely to follow,
when a man of God irf compelled to be
iu the company of criminals?
Who was this man Julius, and what
probably Induced him to treat the pris
oner Paul with such leniency?
Is there any position In life, however
undesirable, In which God does not give
n?s cmiaren special comrort, even when
In prison, and can you give some ex
amples of this?
Julius gave Paul his freedom to visit
his friends when the ship touched at
Sldon; would it have been honorable of
Paul to havo made his escape and not
to have returned to the ship, seeing he
was an innocent man on parole?
can you tell, or point out on. the man.
where Sldon. Cvcrus. Pamnhvlln Mm
and the o'thcr -places here mentioned are
situated? -.
When the winds are against us. or we
are becalmed on the voyaye of life, and
making but little headway, is It a
hindrance or a help to the soul DOised
on God?
Did Paul give the advice for them not
to proceed, but to winter at the "fair
havens," from his human Judgment or
from God's direction?
Why may, or may not, a true Chris-
tlan always depend that the judgment
ne forms In the great crises of, life a
wen as in ordinary arfalrs, ar realty
Inspired of God and can therefor be
depended upon? Se John 14:26, ct
Terse 13-DO When w ar fod
with a great problem as to the way to
tak, or the thing o Ao, Is tber always
In th mind' of God th thing w ought
to do, and 1 tier a possibility tot ua
to find oat with ortlnSy what It if
(This question must b anwrd la
writing by members of ta olab.)
Wby is it that God sometimes leads
us contrary to what the circumstances,
-ouia sug-gest? '
When we are irresistably driven by
a "euroclydon," and appear at the mercy
of the wind and sea, is there reason to
believe that wo are just as safe, and as
much In God's keeping, as when the
south wind blows softly?
When in stress and strain, In wind
and storm, and we appear to b driving
into disaster and death, will the con
sciousness that God is with us, quicken
or deaden our activities to save our
selves? i
Verses 21-26 Is there ever any use
In "crying over spilt milk?"
What reason Is there to believe from
thU narrative, that- whB we fail to
use, and it is too late to adopt God's
best plan, he will etill graciously pro
vide a good, one which we may adopt?
wnat aid these people miss, and
what did they suffer, for having failed
to use God's first best plan for their
Lesson for Sunday, November 9, 1909.
Paul a Prisoner The Shipwreck, Acts
xxvii:B7 to xxvitmo.
Rev. Russell a Showers, U, and 8; 8. 8., 1 also to assume the responsibility and i4.B,..M.di,-a anDle deoiarini it la a
10; C?K.. 7.. . " ' liabilities bf abutting property owners i"u PPJ . deolar,n
Radical-Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. O. alon, the north side of Front etreet so ''Xl n.m nt,i- w.e. Uht"'
car A. Martin. 11 and WOi.a.B, 10; to br, th,m Jn for'any llnprov. ;B!n nf Aht ffl v-Hnn-i
C. E? t:80. i v , . " ,. . . to th, of flees of ' th National Apple
""Third-South , Mount Tabor; Ry. C J JTL nt Jl -how in Spokane and quat tared In th ;
P. .filanchard. Hlble choo . 8. . h.0rougbfare Ihi. in ubaUnc If the pre8enc- 0fRoa H. w . bwretary
'iiharin 'Fnt Twenty-seventh and I Outcome of ' a controversy between the
luildred, Rev. is. K. Ktnerictt, ii, preacu- North Coast-and property owners over
Ing by Bishop N. Castle;' evening service I the vacation of certain streets In the
in union witn rirei cnurcn, iwiat n- city ior tn oenellt of the. railroad,
teenth and Morrison; 8B 10. ur. Wood ha agreed ' to meet all
Trmont-Wisdom and Curtl ftreet, reasonable demands, and In some cases
Rev. H. C. Shaffer; B. , 2:30; preach- M far w pveba.e th. hoVd.
ing, s. jo. - . ' ( Ing of certain property owners rather
fTnitaA . fivanrallcaL . . I than enter Into litigation.
irirat Enst Sixteenth and Poplar. Nortl 9?!,t now wn neri
Rev. H. A. Deck. 11 and 7
to. Tonics. ."The Burden
Church." "Th Power of thi
ager. Professor August . von Holdr-
beke, formerly state commlsioner - of
horticulture of Washington, und sevt-ral
growers from various part - of th
northwest, but nona wa abla to classify
th fruit. Professor V. S. Thornber,
hortioalturlst at the state oolluga of
Washington, has been ticlegated by J.
J. Browne,, regent,' of Spokane, to. make
a thorough examination of th tree to
Ockley Green Gay and Willamette.
Rev. J. Bowersox.-ll and 7:S0;-s. S.
10: C. E., 6:80. Topic. "The Reward,"
Second Fargo and Kerby-Rev. C. C
poling, Ji ana 7:so. -
Bt. jonn ivannoe ana joun, r,
C P.' Yate. S. 10.
' Bvanglical Association.
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket, F. B. quiver, it ana i:v, . r. jx
t:ib', S. 3.. 10.
mm airman Tenth and Clay. F.
Ben, 10:45 and 7:45; 8. a, 8:S0; T. P.
w, m. xopic, in AuniB" wuicu
John Saw," "Th Curse of ! Spiritual
Blindness." 1 ' .
-Memorial East Eitrnteentn ana, tid-
betts. Morris Heverllng, 11 and 8; a a
10. .. "S,
Frse Methodist.
Flrt church East Ninth and MU1.
David M. Cathey. 11 and 8; a 8., 10;
r. P. M- 7. . -
Second cnurcn wast uiatKiera, oe-
tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth
streets. .Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11
and 7:30; S. 8., 10; class meeting. 9:30.
Olive Brancn Mission secona ana
Ankeny. A. Wells, superintendent
Meetings every evening at s; aunaay
at .
Church of tho Good Tidings Union
hall, corner Grand avenue and East
Pine. Rev. J. . Corby. 10:45; S. H.. 12.
Topic, "Christian Living as a Man
Job; a Message for a Man."
; Unitarian.
Cburch'Iof Our Father Tamhlll and
Seventh. Rev.r W. G. Eliot Jr.r Rev. T.
L." Eiiot,, D. D., minister emeritus, 11
and 8; S. 8.. 9:45; adult class, 12:30:
T. P. fe, 6:30. Topic, "All Saints," "All
Criminals." .
30: 8.' S of Beach's Edition to Kennewlck. and ;.t""'Y"f ',f!"iV',l
"of the it 1. berAhat their freight hed and ?.et?aai .ad
Blood." switching yard, will b built . The ma- h' v 5. JT,
terial yard which hav been established !
her continue to fill up, and the actual
laying of steel wilf begin soon.
three watchmen, .
each to work eight hours a day, as
guards to -his orchard, to prevent '.njuiy,
to th tree.' .He .intends to . graft the
solon on other tree the coming sprlug.
Begin AVork on Water System. u successful he will hav mad a d)-'
iSpm ! Dptck ta toirui ) - covery-of greater commercUil Import- '
Forw Grove. Or.. Oct SO.-'rhe com- Jno. 7than any yet 0altea t0 Luthan
fnSy .naTnl 0 'SnB-"I,if Burbaak and other plaut wisard They,
and Installing the conduit pipe for .hot Whii the afidias mmin la nJ
the new.gravlty water system ha. taken gr a aoveltt the f p?odu!:tftn of a'
rJ.ZlrV CTrK on7. loVsought by grower:.
r. .ii zir,., 7.x:T.r t,iwio im fH uitiuot ui-
" r xrjLizri :p Ppi ouitur.,
A UU1 avv ainutlUB t, kldTOl ' .V
KA iiuail In Via Mnna4iif Inn a U
ervoir, which will be located on Buxton MRS. PANKHURST ON
mil, one mue norinwest or town.
sermon, "Everlasting Punish-1
Ministers, Kunffay school teachers and others Interested ar Invited to
write The Journal brieflv their viawa a. , A ,k. nn.,k v,
S. S, 13. Topics. "Where Shall Rest Be particularly if they consider them of vsfue ' in ihelr wortl
jjHopeMontavllla, Her. Jv 8. Dunning. 10 Topic, "The Loyal Full Salvation
Kenilworth East Thirty-fourth and V?r2, r
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; 8. A
12; Y. P, 7.
Millard A vennw kct. John A. Town-
Transient trade between Portland and send; services, 10; B. B., 11:15.
Seattle ha fallen off very little since
the exposition, and th daily trains are
packed with travelers. : The numbers
coming to Portland are as large as
those" going north. .Many of the visitors
who earn to th coast thi summer
hav settled and gone Into business, not
only in Seattle, but all along th line.
. - Richardson to Visit Lebanon.
.(Special Dispatch to The Journal.! '
Lebanon. Or., Oct. 80. Plana for the
visit of Tom Richardson, tha well known
Portland booster, have been perfected
and a crowded bouse will probably turn
out In spit of tba cold and disagreeable
weather. Vocal and Instrumental muslo
will fill In the evening. The Business
Men's 'league aim to make' this occasion
on that will bear repeating, and hope to
Impress Mr. Richardson with the fact
that Lebanon is on th map.
Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv
ices. 11:30 and 7:46; 8. 8.. 10:16; C. E. T.
Trinity juaxota street, itev. a. kou-
inson. 7:46 p. m.; C. E. 6:4f: 8, 8., 11.
Vernon wygant ana East Nine
teenth: Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8;
S. 8.. 4:46; C. E- 7. .
it .
i frenchMe
j Developing the Bust
' Mdmev DuBarrle Explains How the
Bnst May Be Developed 2 to
. 8 Inches in 80 Days. "
"I am explaining for th first time to
th ladle of America," save Madame
DuBarrle, "the French method of de-,
veiopmg tn bust. - it is muen more
effective, the results appear much mora
CjuicKiy. tn oreasts become more rirm.
plump and symmetrical, the method 1
more, simple, tne erxects more lasting.
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth
end DavisMost Kev. A. Christie. D. D.
Low mass, 6. 8 and 9. High mass and
sermon, 11. Vesper. Instruction and
benediction. T:46.
St Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and
Couch Kt. Kev. jamea Kauw, v. 11.
Low mass, 8. High mas and sermon,
10:30. Vespers, benediction, 8:30.
St. Francis. East Eleventh and Oak
Rev. J. H. Black. Low. mass. 8, 8:30
and 9:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30.
Wanted, a Hundred Evangelists.
Cetltenary East Ninth and Pine:
Clarenc True Wilson, D. D.-, 10:30 and
7:30; E. L. 6:30; 8. 8., 13:16. Topics,
"The Mission of Life." "ThjuCall of
me nour,
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kai; ll
and 7:30. V
Laurelwood Rev. R. E Myers; 11
and 7:30; S. 8., 10; E. L., 6:30.
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
Btreet, Rev. O. L. Hamilton, 10:30 and
v:3o: a. &.. ll: fJ. JU 6:ao. Toolcs. "Holv
communion, xypes or onurcne.
xsorwes-ian, uanish Vancouver ave
nue ana SKiamore, Kev. c. J. Larsen, li
and 8; a 8;. 12:16.
Japanese Mission 111 North .Fif
teenth. Kev. JDiisen Kibara, 9:30 and
8:30; 8. 8., 8:30.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach, Rev.
John Ovall, 11 and 8; S. 8., 10; E. L., 7;
Sermon by Missionary Erlo Fernlund.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt;
G. A. Waasa; 11 and 7:30.
second uerman Stanton and Kodney,
Vesper. Instruction and benediction. Rev. E. E. Hertsler, 11 and 8; 8. S.. 9:46;
.. r... .-a eui E. L,t7:30,
St Lawrences'. Third and Sherman-
Rev. J. C Hughes. Low mass, 8, 7 and
8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30.
Vesper and benediction, 7:80.
Ascension, Montavllla, Rev. J. P.
Fitzpa trick. Mass and aermon, In
chapel of Slaters of the Precious Blood.
St Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler
Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers and
benediction, 8:30.
St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and
M il Jeaultratnera low mass. 8.
High mass ana sermon, 10:30.
and benediction, 7:3.
St. Stephen's, Firtv-second and East
Tavior Rev. W. A. Waltt Low mass,
8:30. High mass and nerraon, 10:3
Immaculate Heart of Mary, William
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low
mast, 8, 8 and 9. High mass and er-
Sellwood East Fifteenth and . Tacoma.
Rev. Lester C. Por, 11 and 7:30: J. E.
L., 2:30: E. L., 6:30.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty
ninth end Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon
Jones; 8. 8.. 9:45; 11 and 8; E. L.. 7.
Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth
streets. Rev. Harold Oberg; ii and 8;
S. 8.. 10: class meeting. 11; H. L., 7:16.
Woodiawn William J. Douglas; 11
and 8: 8. 8.. 10; E. L-, 7.
University -Park Dawson and Klska.
Vesners 1 Jnry, j.; ii ana 7:so.
vespers i . ,,... trin. Thittv. jt it.i.
.. U. W I I .UIIV.VHMI MIU 11 1 1 i.
itev. w. Matthews; n and t; 8. a, 1
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first J. W. McDougall; 11 and 7:30.
Woodstock J, D. Vocaj 11 and 7:80
B. H.. 10 ; K. L., f .fO. V
Patton Mlohlgan avenue and Carpen
10':80. Vesper and benediction, J j"rjj-. "Wttar; 11 and 3; & S 10
Holy Rosary. East Third and union
Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low ma, 8.
7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon.
10:30. Vesper and benediction. 7:30.
Sacred Heart MllwaukiRv. Gre
gory Roble..O. S. B. Low mans. 8. His;h
mass and sermon. 10:30. Veaner and
berfcdlctlon. 7:30.
Holy Cross. University Park Rr. J.
P. Thillmah. C. a C. Low mass. 8:80.
Hleh mass and aermon. 10:89.' Veaoer
and benediction. 4. -
Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van
couver Rev. Ed K. CantwelL C. SS. R.
Liow mass. 8. Hixh mas and serraon.
10.30. Benediction. 4.
St Andrew's. Ninth ind Alberta
Rev. Thomas Kiernn. Low raaaa. 8.
Hirh man and aermon. 10. Veaoerav In
struction and benediction. 7:30.
St Ia-nstius. Fortv-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon. 8. J. Low
mass. 8 and 9.30. Masa sermon and
benediction. 10:30.
Ft. Stanislaus. Maryland and Fa Ulnar
Kev. c. 8rokl. Low maaa, 8. llicta
mass and sermon. 10.
Lenta Seventh and Get-don. Rev. W
Boyd Moor. 11 and 8; a 8, 19; B. L,
ard altoirether beyond eomparlaon with
the. results produced her.
"Tou kaov th French popl have
the development of the bust and form
down to fine point
"Bv this French method, the. breast
mar b develop"! from 1 to 8 inches In
! days. Thla applic to womn of al
tnnt any ace. tr.rt young girls to l
driv tcatroiiB. ti-thr th buat Is ab
a.H'jtly rot dve,'ir'l at all. or ha
rrewn waic and f:hhv and banga a
ma'ter from what caoae.
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Toung; I "
D. 10:30 an 7:30: & 8 . 13:lr E. lATViZXi
:. lopirs, -uia, in Lesson t
th Tello atone.
Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. Joha
IL Cudllpp. D. P., 10:30 and 7:3: 8. 8,
12:1; K. L., ;J9. Toplca, "Bandle of
Benefits." "The Hornet Child." third
In a eerie of four evenings, on "The
Ban of HotnclrssneBa." ,
'Norwestan - Dulsn Thirteenth and
Davis. Bev. K. p. Nelses, 11 and 3; a it.
Trinity, Nineteenth and. Everett Rev,
A. A. Morrlaon. 8. 11 and 7:30. a a.
v.ia. atsr.iuva ox kd in .evening.
8t Matthew. First and Caruthra
Rev. W. H. M. Breek, a 8 10; aervio
ana sermon, 11.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen, th
Martyr -thirteenth and Clay. itev. H
m. namnay. ir and 7:30 p. m.
St David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy
TOuimuoiun, , prayer ana sermons,
11 and 8; 8. 8. 9:48.
8t Andrew', Portsmouth Holy
mcniriK ana sermon, n; prayer ana
sermon. 7:30; 8. 8.. 10 a. m.
St Mark's, Twenty-first and' Mr
halL Rev. J. E. IL Slmpaon. Holy
eucharlst 7:3 and Hi- 8. 8.. 9:45:
matin ana utany, ions; veniong, 7:30.
. tnurcn oi tmr eatio woodatexk.
1 1 and 8. t
bt. John' Oiureh Maltnomah and
.11 and I lfl: l B i .
Good Phepherd Graham and Van
couver. Rev. Joha Dawson, 11 and
Grace UemoriaL East 8eventnth
and WHd1r Rev. Oorr B. Van Wet
I era. Prayer and ermon. 11 and 7:30:
8. , 1.
- All galnf Twnv-fffth amf Caviar
"it li 'fc-autr or r.rra that attracts fiunnyslde East Tarnhfll anj Thirty- T all knowlr Bnrrarr or-rt...
m.i h nr tan the To, wUl iPUh; W. T. Euster: lWM 7:89: R. i. uln wbi e? .h?!S?,V
alw.v. ftnd It wlh bth waei . 9 .0. E. L, 6 4i. TepiriC "Why Bnaim iciaVlca. 1 .VmhTir iik h . . 1 , '
"I will b n5r too .led tan ,rta. Little Children In Order o Inherit Tkeyraf. lna ".'h !
wrria who Is lntrft-d what thla sin.-i tne Klfirdorn of naren" -froe I- to h r for a h onT. , , , t. J ? V
rU .'- wr.I1r tnat will PUin . J-ha H. Dewart; 11 and ; itrJm w.n 'ZTyljtl
Kev. Roy Edgar Remington. Morning
prayer ana sermon, ll; s. 8., 1Z:15; even
ing prayer, 8. Holy communion Monday,
t IV . III.
Ascension Chapel Portland Helghta
S. S., 8:30.
St. Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. C. For-
sytne ii a. m.: S. S.. 8:45.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel, Good
oamaruan nofpital, Kev. William R.
Powell, chaplain. Holy communion.
7 a. m.; ward services, 8; prayer and
ci ravn, i : j a p. m.
St James' English West Park and
Jefferson; J. Allen Leas. 11 and 7:45;
S. S.. 10; L. L., 7 p. m. Reformation
service, "Paradise, What is it? Where
is it? wno Are xnere?"
Swedish Immanuxl Vlnetnth an
irving. n ana 8; 8. S., 9:45.
NorwefTian Svnod East Tenth and
Orant: Rev. O. Hagoes. 7:46. Right
nev. li. vj. russ win assist in reiorma-
tion service.
Betania Danish Union and Morris:
Rev. J. Scott, 11 and 8; S. S., 10.
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth;
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30: 8. S.. 9:46.
Zion s Oerman ChaDmhn and Sal
mon; IL H. Kappelmann, 10:16; 7:45; 8.
a 9:16. -
St Paul German .East Twelfth unri
Clinton. Rev. A. Krause, 10:30 end
7:80: S. 8.. 9:30: confession and holv
communion, 7:30.
Trinity German fMlasourl svnod)
Williams and Sellwood; jr.. -A. Rlmbach.; a. a., iv; :su.
Swedish Augustana Rodney and
Stanton; Rev. C. A. Tolin. 10:48 and
t:s; s. a.,
Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
Olisan; Rev. B. J. Thoren, n and 8;
O. D., 1, I. B.SV.
i Kt Johns Peninsula avenue- and
H.iipatncx; p. m.
- Ellm Chapel Michigan avenue and
Skidmor. Rv. B. J. Thoren, 11; 8. a.
Immanuel German Corner 16th and
Leo (Sellwood), It. C. Ebellng. 10:80;
a 8., 9:30.
Grace Enailsh Rodnev and Iv. a l.
bins, H. C Ebellng, 7:80.
Norwegian Kerby and argo street.
Rev. U Hagoe 11; 8. B.. 13:10.
Jfrienas' Chnroh.
Sunnyslde. Main and East Thirty
fifth. Lindley A. Wells. 11 and 7:30;
Rlhla arhool. 10: C. E.. 6:30.
Lents, Center street, Myra B. Smith,
11 and 7:30; Bible school. 10.
M. B. Ohnxob Bonth.
Union avenue and Multnomah street
Rev. E. H. Mowr. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10;
E. L, 6:30.
First German Tenth and Stark
streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services
10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m.; 8. 8., 9:30 a. m.;
Y. P. 8., I p. m.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ Scottish Rite
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11;
8; 8. 8., 12; subject of lesson sermon,
"Everlasting Punishment'
Second Woodmen's ball. East Sixth
and Alder, 11; 8; 8. Si: 12; subject of
First SDirltual Society Chrlatenaen
nan. ifiieventn ana aninui,r'treeta.
11. 1:30 and 7:45.
Churfch of New Thought elllng-
Hirsch hall, Jttenry Victor
8 p. m.
-malted Preaa Leased Wlra.t
New Haven, Conn., . Oct 29, Mrs.
Julia Pankhurst head of - the uff ra
gett movement in England, in discuss
ing the act ef Mrs. Chapln, a British
suffragette, in attempting with acid to
destroy ballot cast at th Bermondsey
Morgan. J bye-election yesterday, said:
I "I would not aar that I a.m dlia-htd
Swedish Corp Salvation Army-430 with the method adopted by Mrs. Cha-
lMedlm an Mntare'ra" A.aoC.Mnn Cannot aX that her action
Auditorium building. 11. S and 7:45; wa? rvBot JUS"V .a . v , .
Swedish Free Mission Mississippi When asked , If h believed any
and Shaver, Rev. Aug. Olson, iu:4S and woman was justified. In burning eleo-
" i"-., Uon omcer to gain tho ends of th
Tont ndheK9 i. W.aeTgrd! 11$" Mr" .urstl
PTivennKt rTstla between 'cannot ay a, to that but.X am
Hall and Llnooln. E. WaUace Shepard. Positive that she did not do any more
10:30 and 7:30. than the men would have done had
Volun teer of - America 286 Burnsid I they been-4n- her- placa- and- Xound ..UiJ.- ,
street 3:30 and 8:30. Innn. ,v,-. mk. --..IT
. . uuiid auncau a a. o. i a & a k. liiiiiii. a ii n iT.n.nn i
11 iMa T'o.a V. tA-. OHI a I "a - -, -a-
New Thouarht East Thirteenth end
Tenino, 8. Rev. P. J. Green.
Church of Nasarene East Seventh
and Couch. 11.
New Church Society (Swedenboreenl
Eleventh and Alder, Knights of Py
thias' hall Lay service and sermon, 11.
State Spiritualists' association Eagle
nan, hi. jonns, s p. m.
Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium of new build
ing. Sixth and Taylor, 3; r mass meeting
for men; address by Rev. J. Whltoomb
Brougher on "Up Against, It." Bible
classes, :i
Non-Sectarian Odd Fellows hall.
East Sixth and Alder: 1:30, up to date
Bible studies; 3:16, criptural discourse
for Christiana.
Center of Right Thinking w. O. W,
temple. 128 Eleventh and Alder, streets,
Mrs. E. Sherman Olney; 8 p. m. .
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints East - Seventy
sixth and Irving. . Elder Walter Bar
ker. 11 and 7:30; ft. a, 10:45.
Y. W. C. A. Seventh and Taylor
4- b. m.. "Sunday Afternoon for Girl a."
Music and Halloween stories. 1
Royal Pumpkin Pics. ,
Rich juicy rounds of toothsome good
ness. A wholesome dessert for children
and big frlka. Two for 260. Royal
Bakery & Conf... Inc.
New Opera House for Kennewick,
(Sperlal Dlptch te The Journal.)
Kennewick, Wash., Oct. 30. Ground
has been broken for a new brick opera
house, to be erected by C. E. William
and leased to Hammond & Coulson. the
present managers of the New Dime
theatre. The new building, which wilt
be centrally located on Second street,
will b of modern construction coal of
sufficient size to accommodate traveling
Mr. Williams, owner of the new build
ing, also ha a 850,000 store building in
course of construction here.
First Madison and Park. Rav.
Luther R Dyott X. D. ; Rev. Guy L.
Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:46; 8. 8.. 9:4.
Mornlna- sermon by Rev. William A.
Kic. u. u.. or Mew York. Evening aer
mon by th pastor.
Laurel wooo Rev.
To Dispel
C olds and Headaches
To Cleanse the
Systenl Effectually ;
Habitual Gonstipation
Permanently ;
' Msc the -
Pleasant and Refreshing
Laxative Kerne dy
W. IT Mvara
a 8.. 19; C. E.. 6:30.
Buncvslde Et Tavior anfl Ikil
1 mrty-rourtHi Kev. J. J. Staub; 11 and
j;a: a. 10; t:. e... :o. Topic.
A Day of Dtvln Commendation.
Kvenlng aermon by Rev. William
Rice of New York.
EL Johns Rav. (.. W. N.'ain 11 a nit
s; 9. .. is.
Unlrernltv PsYk TTavan and nim
it . t. w. nian: ii ana i:io: am. m ii
C. 6:30.
IlaaaaJo Street Iaat F.r.ntn a nA
narMio. Jtevi oeorr EUPaddoclt.
ltgnjano tvlxth and Prescott,
ev. E. S. JioUtnrer. 11 and 7:80: 8. a.
: x . t: . . :i. todics. Tha
Mrk of th Christian," "Ar th
ironr feocia Bare at tna Htata I i
Firit 0rman F!aat atrartti am
Ftanton. Rev. Joha H. H'irp; 10.39 and
Itlxrlm fiharrr and Viimrl awnna.
Rev. Daniel P. Tbomaa. 11 and 1 11:
(3. EV, 1 11,
- Ckriartiaa.
Ontral Eajrt Twentieth and (al-
rnnfi; Rev. Francl L. Cook. 11 and i:
Ma x-hftol 1. Tories. "Paul a vital
RaMnr,hl t God." The Chief- of
1 1 ri Correr Park d Olnr-ibla, W.
P. Rearer.- wilnlrr, 11 -and f;39; a SL.
4t, Tr'Pica. "Th Patiera la tt,
i m." "imjrMdnni r.f ih Great it
Arr,al t P1irs-
Kra Park rut m"i Jnahtini; Rev. A.
A. H.y. .1 ar,d 5;a. iv 8V, 10; C L.
$ f
"hw.iii nil mmmmm nu ,.'m i a i m ny jibi
YWA&ffi: '
:8 Ifefc
Acts jSently yt promptly without dis
turbing the natural functions and withr
out any unpleasant after effects and there
fore it is the best for the mother and the ;
infant for the invalid sick-abed and the