THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ZO, 1CQ3. REPORT WE GRiD jy -JURY Officials of Oregon Trust Bank Are ScTerely Scored in Indictment Criticism jrade of Crystal Springs Sanitarium. 400 rOUEliS SEE BIG APPLES Hood Iflver Closes Its Most Task Is Difficult. Honorable Earl C. Bronangh, presid ing Judge circuit court. Multnomah county, Or. Ws have not been abla to find tlma to Tlait any of tba county In stitutions except the city and county ' Jails, which w found aomawhat over crowded, otharwlaa In food condition. The, grand Jury rnuat acknowledge tha ' courtesies and valuable aaalatanoa ren dered lta member by tha district at torney and ' bis deputlaa during tha month, but would recommend that on 1 ' account of tha vast amount of bualneaa carried on at hla office that In our Judg ment at least one more deputy should '' be added to ttila department Owing; to the necessity of Immediate ' action by thia body In the case of the ' Oregon Trust A Savings bank, during 1 the last two weeks of lta session, prac I tlcally to the exclusion of all other mat , tcrs. it was obliged to forego the ln , vestigatlon of one Institution wnich Its ; better Judgment dictates should bo i looked Into thoroughly at once. , Abases Axe Alleged. That Institution Is the private asylum for the Insane,' known as the Crystal . Springs sanitarium, and we respectfully i recommend t those who succeed us aa members of the grand Jury that they 'give this place the time and attention the grave abuses alleged against its management demand. It was charged before us as Jurors that , In this institution are confined several men now sane, denied their dis charge by reason of the emoluments 'coming to the asylum from the federal -government for their care and custody, and that two or three of these patients are held because they Were witnesses (Special DU patch to Ttt Joom.l l Hood River. Or., Oct 80.- This - Is Portland day at the Hood River apple fair. About 40t) Portlanders arrived in the city this morning on the special train in charge of General Passenger Agent William McMurray and Assistant Passenger Agent John BcottvThe Hood River band mot the visitors. The Port. landers will return tonight Those who have seen the fair are takina- a drive over the valley. ' There are over 160 residents of Portland who have apple orchards In Hood River, and a number of these are on the ground to -boost." Professor II. E. Van Deman of Washington. D. C, who Is the sol Judge of the fruit Is making the awards. He states that It will take him the en tire day to complete the Judging. Pro fessor Van Deman says his task here Is the most difficult he has ever under taken. All the apples, ha says, seem in the same class, and each Individual ex hlbit is deserving of an award. Tha rrowers are anxious to know what the Judgment of Mr. Van Deman will be, for to carry off honors with such close competition is considered an enviable achievement. , The ancle fair will close tonight Thousands of visitors are taking a last look at the magnificent display or rruit ALBiy APPLES SELL FOR S21.50 TEST CASE OH OfilOGE BONDS Joseph BuchtcL Commences, Friendly Action to Enjoin ""'Broadway.. Structure. Maintaining that the cost of the pro posed new Broadway bridge greatly ex ceeds the annual' revenues of the city of Port land. Joseph Buchtel has flVod suit In the circuit court to enjoin and 10 IRK CASES lil II. S. CNR I Wniro of . 15 Name Drawn for Jury Service at the November Term. .4' i was drawn Cannon, and tornay Mo- A venire of 4S members yesterday by Commissioner united states District A Court, from which the grand Jury of IS members will be chosen Thursday after- nAn T L . ............ n m. A 41.- ll....n. 4..M. re,traln.the city from ,a. w 'v . .k - A term Of the federal courts, i Although the sult Is said t be , fl Althollgh tno dStrlct attorneys of- .V if iu" . ,u . , Zi fle is reluctant to dlscuBS the cases of testing the valid ty of the bonds and, , for ,nVMllnitl0II, the fed- the .right of the city council to lssu 4 , to. them, the plaintiff alleges that the ia-j ,,,. ,hi " . v - suance of the bridge bonds largely In-K(m & Wat(r ooinpany, . auhml. Mstasi as A n I SI laiBlAM fl r pit a a a an WW r O S tt T 1 f F . WElIISt' SKIER LlflE SERVE HIS Tff.7E AROOiiO IIORII JUDGE WA P! Circuit Judges Deny His Ap- Competltion WithaJailroads jUc4tloor . Habeas Corpus. San Francisco lurm. crease, his personal, burden of taxation f,.dla ry.compnny of tn, Tltta Guarantee 17 V tU?..f hA" 0Wn.eJr8.hl.P ot, pro,?lT V Tt company, scoured possesion of enormous cost of the new bridge and Trri.-n ,u of the fact that the expenditures con-1 fhat The writ of hfiabue corpus applied for In thex suit of Ct ' C. Vaughn against Sheriff R. L. Stevens was dismissed in the circuit court by Judges Cleland. Morrow and Gantenbein this morning, and Vaughn was remanded to custody to serve out a sentence of four months Imposed on him on a charge of assault, to which be entered a pica of guilty last June. ' ' ' ' : 1 Vaughn admitted having assaulted A. Kunckel, who was escorting his wife, but was allowed to go on his own re- (United rru Leased Wlie.l Boattl.), 0H 30. The first sailing In a" regular line , of - steamships from Puget sound and Ban Francisco to New i York and Phlludelphla .wlM be made! with the departure of the steamer San i Mateo, whlcn Is today taking on cargo! for the lonjt voyaea. The service is I projeoted by Jlatca and Chesbro of San i Franolsco, w)in have Interested eastern capital In the enterprise. : The Ban Mateo, 1 which is a steamer of 2000 1 tons net will carry around the Horn a ! Klil.W r-m riTn ML. ID Prizewinning Box at Fair Is Sold by Auction; AVyatt Outbids Albany 3Ian. (Speeinl DIspatWB to The Jonrnel.) Albany, Or-, Oct 30. Twenty-one dol lars and ISO cents was the price given this morniner by Special Prosecuting Attorney J. R, Wyatt of Portland for the finest box -of apples at the Albany Apple fair. The fruit was sold by auc tion and the contest, was spirited for the winning box of apples. Judge It L. of this city bid for Mr. wyatt cognisance -until the further order of J V1" cargo of canned salmon, the ship the court 1 . . ' P'ng firm having offered a rate good Under these conditions the Drlxonor enough to attract traffic away from the left the state and Is now alleged to Ttihauntcpec railroad route. This ves have sent a package of poisoned tea to ! will be followed by the steamer J. JU Xuckonbackr 8193 tons net register, payers will be made to earry an xoes-C nn uirv . f -r, v, tr v. .... a L d...i..j .... him . i rit,. win n J-' . -rrifl venire or mrvmen is rnnnwa; , i nn., Vi. .iim t nhnr it. ss rn rraria i iiuinrui m imj iiiioit-ot vn til. uuuub. ,xoriuDvn - T. T A(1m R)l vfr nn ' Wll In m Irtil. I ... T v.,...u. ' ,ki. T. -la v,.. - ,..( ik. V&1-.M ho noint h tA thirds at hi ,1 7,-7: ' V...V " " " 'i" v , " ' . ' m..- . , yv....- elsotors did liefuses to; Grant Delay in Michael Goldberg 'Casa Until. After Date When ! the Lid Goes On' in No nected with It are so great the tax - iiuuko ff imia n. xi;ii..ii, -v in, mu nicipal court, this morning refused to al low tha case against Michael Goldberg, charged with conducting a house of 111 an,A frt h.n. fir until Nnvemhar SS. men behind the enterprise ls.. ti aa n h. hpard ne u,, . ,, mtAit '-s '"i prisonor penumi an appeal o me iw wuir. up , strong iraino oonneciion Thi irsiluv Ilnon motion of DeDUtV Dls- ?J? D.Bondy. Gates; Uuprem. -court Vaughn .J. awaltln, in anticipation of the completion of r7v C o..r to P t th. ! M,akL Z t SS U J- Adam"- Bilverton; William Ams- torney Jeffrey, for Vaughn, this morn- It Is J?fmSL tlw' Salfira! wllIa Anderson, Soap- lng ked the court to fix bail for the shipping lJi-JtlS a-j. nose; w- p- Babock. Balem; Z. T. I prisoner pending an appeal to the to work real estate man and property holder, and Is ald to be In favor of the; new bridge, . ' iiolliisT WELL Swan. to the kicking and beating administered aalnst P. A. Toung pf this city. The by guards to a man nAmcd Murphy In ni. w.r f?nitzf-nhersrs and were May. last year, which resulted In his j gTOwn t,y q. b. PeeWer of Albany. The "-" (judges had awaraea max dm ma ursi Both male and female attendants at the institution are charged wtlh cruelty in many Instances, and the management with criminal negligenco, which is said to have led to several deaths by suicide. Conditions, are reported to be tins&n - itary ana- tlfe' "MornWgsIde" btfildlhgi where the Alaska Insane are kept bad- i ly overcrowded. I It is further charged that insane men are worked as hard as convicts impris oned for felonies, to the great financial benefit of the asylum officials. On the circuit court records, It Is aaid, is to be found evidence of perjury committed in the-effort to retain the, custody of sane persons. Immorality Zs Charged. The fact that the ' release of sane persons ' has recently been procured . from the Crystal Springs sanitarium by habeas corpus proceedings, tho promise that documentary evidence will be pro duced to show gross immorality on the Tart of one of the officials, rendering him an unfit person to have the custody of his unfortunate fellows, the list of names furnished of those who are as serted to be willing to testify as to the Fissures in Basement of San ders Home Strengthen 4 the Seismic Theory. Drawing near a sucoessfuX solution of the strange phenomenon it the 'resi dence of J. P. Sanders, 648 Marshall streets, Wednesday afternoon, phy slcUms aad scientific men of Portland have commenced a thorough Investiga tion. ' No more aueer oulwerlngs or vlbra- tldns appeared yesterday or today to disturb the rtanquillity of the Sandera noma worn oz cleaning we . nouso oi the debris caused by the quakes was finished, and by noon there was Utile evidence that the heme had been vt sifted Wednesday for a period of four hours by strange happenings. . , One feature of the Investigation, of , Vn lav warn IHa .riuntnfLHnn flH-MN blue riuDon. t om Ernest narps, granasou or mr. ana The second box of apples sold went I Mrs. Sanders, by Dr. V. C. BIraey, who to P. A. Toung of Albany, for 8. They were yellow Newtowna grown by W. F. Grove of Corvallla, and had been Awarded the second blue ribbon. J. R. WyatX gf. Portland also bought, box No 49, " whlcir was " awarded the "biue ribbon as the best northern apples. The apples were grown by H. Rumbaugh of Benton county. Other boxes of apples brought from J3.50 to 3-60. W. IX. Boring, Boring; .William Brown, trial in the lower courts on the polson- oaipui, a. ,tv. V.UOH, vjacKiuiiaa; AUiun ig. Charge. ... t u , ju. v. Aiiriupuii, Woodburn; James Diottey, Molalla: O. R. Dimlck, Hubbard; W. O. Dohelson, HUlsboro; Themas Dufry, Oregon Cltyj D. . Farley, Monroe; Hit Fellows, Ore gon City; Theodore Iorcier, Woodburai Levi Geer, London; Arthur H. George, St Helens; B. W. ITarrle. Wells; 7. Hauke, Astoria; M. R. Hastings, Goshen; H. C. Holcomb, Wendling; H. O. Howard, Yankton; J. F. Kamph. Yamhill; Hex JUimson, Wlllamina; John B. Larson, Junction; F. W. Leadbetter, Portland; the Panama cannL when, with that ,.j .nnininn, ha shorter and quicker route, water car. willing that It should go over for one SHE HOLD Oil IMCiMi I i ters will b able to compete with rail roads on a mors even basts. Junction; F. w. Leadbetter, Portland; mi j. i n 't.a 1 Hugh McCormlck, Seaside; Victor Mich-1 lllttl Jj AU JOpan V unieu j and That's What She Got Agreement Published. elson, Albert A. NewellrDeer-Island; Robert E. Phillips, Portland; William W. Peaslee, Portland; C. E. Waltorville; D. C. Powell, Portland; L. T. Reynolds, Salem; S. M. Rice, Rainier; James Kiv- ers. Eagle Creek; A. H.' Baylor, Sher wood; John It Scott Portland; George Webster, Clackamas; Judson Weed, Ve- ronla; W. A. Yocuni, Ballston. HILLS ESTATE III CllllOSHi , (Unltrd Press Leawd XVin.t Washington. Oct. 80.-The full text of tho Mnnchurlan agreoment by which Japan bound China In a tangle of con cessions was made public here today. It was- the Indirect cause of the recall of Charles R. Crane, whose resignation was atJced after he had started for China as the American -minister. or two days, but he considered the re quest of three weeks unreasonable, and could See no reason: why a bearing should not be had at once, since serious, oharges had been made. ', Goldberg was charged In a state com plaint made out by Attorney Hennessy and conducting a "disorderly house. Upon the former ' charge Goldberg . pleaded guilty and was given a fine of 50. ' ; . . It had, been previously arranged by ' HannfsHV nnd Golriherr in the district ' "Homecoming. Day-' Brings ttrn?" 'tlc th ,f oali v1?? -Many rOriner JieSldeiltS orderly house charge would go over un- ... M.iviiiuci , WL irmi-ll ..ilia ...VJk Police. Cox has notified all keepers of such places they must quit business.. .- was expected this arrangement would go through until Judge Bennett Insisted that an linmodiate trial be held ' ALOAP APPLE IS E FAIR DED Ihtercstinjr Addresses. : SiccUl llpatch to The Jonrnal.) Albany, Or., Oct. 38. The Albany ap Pie fair has closed. Yesterday was and the facts In the case brought out "homecomlnr dav." and a lame number On learning this new scheme of dlspos- of former residents' were In the City. " at the matter. Goldberg appeared A reception was held tn their honor 0VitJI-rPH,fHnfA . ni i v Section 4 of the agreement nrovldes I at the Aleo club last evening at . S nM hn. fhttrvnA :n)rihBr- with hatin Ithat "All tntnes alonsr the Antuna-.-Mnlc- o'clock, after which a general program! anA t 6en roadbed exceptinir those at Kushara I Was rendered in the Chrtetiaa church. ih0 compiaint was made, two wStneAnes I tenioi, snail DC exploited aa joint enter- - v-uuicy m mo uicjuii i testified they saw the assault. Before , prises by Japanese and Chinese sub- J Agricultural coucro save a iaia io a the ease was called this morning. Golrt- Jects. WHITMAN BLTJESTE3I TAKES FIEST PEIZE has been attending the family for tho last year. Following a thorough exam ination, the jysician hlmself,a student of the occult and a scientist, unade 'this statement for publication; ""'Ernest" Harps "could n6t'hawe"pos"sl bly caused the disturbance at, the 'San ders home Wednesday afternoon. He fs a normal boy, endowed with, no such Intensified magnetic qualities' as ta tho average youth. I do not, hesitate to em phatically aver that he had nothing to do with the 'quake.'" Other physicians who hare talked with and made cursoy examinations of the youth, are In harmony withiDr.-Blr-i ney, All are inclined to accepttne tne season on his farm, took first and sec ond prise. The samples were not en tered In the special contests but were facts alleged, and the apparent good ! n competition with other grain grown faith Of those intereuteil in rh Inmiirv cr"Jr (Rneelnl Dlapatch to The Journal.) Colfax, Wash., Oct. 30. Word has been received from Claude Holllngo worth, ono of the Whitman county dele- i 1 t0r ?a i covery of a multitude of small rfissvres 1" Cln.ff!B!:.Wi,00W Ia!.fi in and about the cement substructure r w. .i,i,., thi. which might have been caused 'by the Rodney Adair ' and Benjamin Wlstar Morris. Ioulsa and William E. Morria will share In the receipts from the ren tal of property on Flanders street. The Couch addition block is bounded by Nineteenth, Twentieth, Everett and Flanders. . --To Hannah -Adalrr-a granddaughter. ory of bhysical foroe. following grandchildren will receive Today brought about a ctxmpBete ex- f $100; Henry Rodney Adair, Wistar Mor- (.large number of people on "Sprays and Tho full effect nf ihia nrovlsion will Spraying," and H. M. Williamson of The will of the late Hannah Rodney develop later when Janan takes advan-1 Portland on "The Supply and. Demand llorrls, who died recently, waB filed In j tage of the . concessions. It may be j 'or Apples." Among the former Albany the county clerk's office this morning:. lnter'nreteii aa ravrrlmr All mineral ri-1 people who attended the "homecoming According to the provisions of the doc- f posits In the region which the railroad day" were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond of ument, the two sons and two daughters I traverses. This territory, It Is said, will I Salem, Mrs. Joseph Weober of Portland, of Mrs. Morris will chare almost equally prove to be one of the richest m'tnina I Mr. and Mrs. Westbrook. of Cottag in the distribution of the estate. Joseph districts In the world. j Orov.j, Dr, Olive Walker of Eugene, S, X. Teal has .been appointed adminls- Tn other wavs the docnmrnf in wordo.i I N. Steele Of Portland. Mrs. Edgar Cour- trator without bonds. I so as to furnish stronir s-round for hpllef (sen of Portland, Honorable W. S, Dun Block 275- of Couch addition will be that It violates the "open door" policy. nlway ef Salem, George P. Warner of divided among the.our. children, .while The agreement Kly9 Japan a strangle money loft to Mrs. Morris by the will hold on Manchuria, making It" for ail of the late Rachel Wells Morris will be practical purposes as completely subject divided between two of them, Mary to Japanese control as Japan itself. The state department was conducting an investigation of' the provisions of this agreement, and It was through Crane's alleged premature and unau thorized announcement regarding It that he was removed. . - "" "' ' 1 . and lamination of tha .baeemant aaid founda tions or the House, resulting intne dlo- 3 11 these things combine to make it plain that in any event a searching In vestigation should take place. In the opinion of this Jury, whatever may be 4he result of such work by the Multnomah county grand Jury, the leg islature of this state should at its next , session enact a law placing all pri- - vate institutions where men are de prived of their liberty under constant official surveillance, the same as pub lic Institutions of like character, In or dfr to destroy the opportunity for such abuses as are charged against this asylum. 4 I.,-; Bank Nerer Solvent. During the Investigation of tha Ore .gon Trust A Savings bank we find by the statements of the numerou wit nesses ' examined that at no time dur- i ... . . . . . . . , i uar iu dims existence was it ever in .a solvent condition; that the bank's funds were used in investments In pri vate enterprises of the officials of tho bank; that while thus engaged In this reprehensible Juggling with and squan- ur iuiR ui uruusi lui n itiniix. 1 110 riT t 1 cers of the bank kept Such inaccurate and Incomplete' records that even the expert accounanta were often pusiled In trying to determine the nature of the various transactions: that In their ehameless larceny of money Intrusted to ! It has been the opinion of wheat -Mien and farmers generally that bluestem wheat grown in the vicinity of Colfax, where the soil is a heavy loam, could not compete with that grown In drier cli mates where the soil is more sandy. . XOltTII POLE PARTY ENDS IN TRAGEDY Unite! Preai Leased Wire.) Kansas City. Mo., Oct 80. Marie Tlernan and Virginia Owen were burned last night when a Jack-o'-lantern upset at a Halloween celebration at the Sis ters of Loretto academy and died here today. Ruth Mahony and Mary Malty are probably fatally burned. , The gins ; were participating m a "north pole" entertainment and wore suits covered with cotton. When the lantern upset the flame caught tha suits worn by the little girls and before it could be extinguished they were a mass of flames from head to foot. ris, Mary Ann Adair, Alexander Adair, Mary Wlstar Morris and Benjamin Wls tar Morris. .The will was drawn May 22, 1907, and directs that Attorney J. N. Teal, In whom Mrs. Morris declares Implicit confidence, shall act as administrator of her estate without bonds. S. D. Adair. R. G. Jubltz and R. M. Doble have been appointed appraisers of the estate by order of the county court. -V . ...' Among those making ten examination was J. Gordon Turnbull, mechanical en gineer, who more particularly Investi gated the condition of the plumbing, foundation and hot-air furnace. He found evidence which would lead to tha belief that the entire house 'had been disturbed. Another fact advanced, considered ex cellent by those who are making a study of the phenomenon, strengthens the earthquake or seismic disturbance supposition. It was noticeable yester day that all the chairs and other furni ture disturbed, was thrown toward the west. Scientists believe this one fact Is sufficient to establish the belief that a seismic disturbance was the cause of the strange condition of affairs. Ernest Harps, shunned by school fel lows and made the object of curious Dr. R. C. Yenney, secretary of the stares on the part of the superstitious state board of health, has been given tho FIP illED TO 1JUU6E HE 08. YENNEY GIVES L CGUiT S i! DAIRIES INJURED MAYOR ; . WONT SUE CITY Special plstpatcfc to The Jotrnml.) ram. In tha KIloe .1 . ' ' .. . 7 . f ... straw, wno was recently injured in an carrying on a legitimate banking busl- RUto accident, has called the., city to ness these bank officers exhibited case- task, and as a result there will probably hardened consciences and the cruelest of : be appointed a street Inspector.. Mayor nPre". . robb,n8r crippled woman. straw and his wife were riding on a Our duties as an official invcstlpat- plank extension of Front street. The Ing body, having familiarized us with railing of the street is blgh up above the raets and circumstances connected the water and had bee ir- broken off In - uw exploits in njgn rinance' car- ; places. When -the mayor attempted to rled on by the officers and directors of i turn around he ran the auto off the this bank during Us history, so far as they are known to the expert aecount 'snts. the receiver of the Institution and others, we unhesitatingly and emphati cally place ourselves on record as de claring that we bellere the punlahment deserved by these persons is of a na tura which should cause Others who may contemplate crooked banking in Oregon in the future to think twice be fore they violate the law. PAULIfAX IN AIR 58 MINUTES ; - Cifl-4 Pww Tuwd Wlr.l Ijondorw Oct. . Controlling hi "Voi e!n" biplane with perfect ease. laulhan . . i . . . , , " ' mil m.i.iuiviu. tSar Hew 14 miles, remaiulns in th;-rh- ...... i-,... ...u- .w. Tf.n; 'mfulti fom trm(.t ,n Marshfleld soluble for rafl-: road terminal. ' roie te m height of TfS feet. After per-i t m isrmlns this difficult feat the erlator - .. t ni ..... n . mmoenmi toward the earth and thsl lKirr Lfly Mule Damaged. . ruh atray on bis SI snile fllaht. Plpat to Th Jrl.i street Into the bay. Mayor Straw says he will not sue the city for damages. element, has been taken away from the house and is hidden away In an Isolated suburb, where friends of the family live. Accused of being the possessor of devils and of haying supernatural qual ities the boy does not understand why he is made the center of curious Inter est on the part of nearly everyone with whom he Is compelled to come la con tact , Public interest. Inspired by the mys tery of the phenomenon, is aroused , to high pitch. . Today: the house is being visited by hundreds of curious people. Many are afraid to enter, but stand in front fastening their eyes upon . fhe house. One spiritualist, who would noti even give his name to tnembers of the- household, expressed a desire this morn lng to be allowed to enter the house and attempt the bringing of spirits. The Sanders aranot believers In -spir its an j refused S. P. Did Not Buy Coal Property. (Spwliil Dl-p.tcb to Tb Journal.) Marahfjcld. Or., Oct 30. The report that the Southern Pacific has bought the property of the Oregon Coal 4c Navigation company seems to' be un founded. C. J. Mill is, local superinten dent of the Southern Pacific, Is in San Francisco having gone there. It Is said, to close up the deal. , Tle company la owned by Goodall Perkins of San Fraaclseo. The property conaiata f the steamer M. F. Plant, 1.11'ty Coal mine and about tSOO acres ef land in an j adjoining Marshfield. REALTY BOARD TAKES JOUPEY TO ORENCO Attached tojthe regular ll o'clock Ore Kon iiiectrictram tins morning was a special car .containing about 60 mem bers of the-reaKv board boun for. Oren co, five miles this side of iTITiaboro, where the party will spend several h?urs Inspecting the immense establishment of the Oregon Nurseries company. Provision has been made by the nur sery company for the entertainment of the visitors with a luncheon following a drive over the 1109 acre farm. In structive talks on the "Essentials of Successful 'Fruit Farming" were deliv ered by the superintendents of the va rious departments of the norserv. The train bearing the excursionif ts win leave orence at o clock and will resell -the Jefferson Street depot an hour later. ,"-.: . . HOOD RIVER'S TAG Marar.iieid. Or, Oct Zw. The sthoonr IJly, which sas driven on the north spit of te I'fnpqBa bar, has ba washed Bl V TlTJTVr'C? eiftA ,B "vrT w" expected. She was Al JlUui5 ?lWInot damased xtting the Iocs of her rosaer ana a tmH leak. Repairs ca t mads at Gardiner ana she wUl soon b la service again. - . II v-i liivrr. Ort i. t r4 ,y was Tr 1- in JiM River. Th women r.f t'.a i tf fc-d y tf f lh st:ir,g of - t Ttr ttt vr ). The pro--t.-.s sr f-r if r L'brary. , H t -tra for Aiut ta irmt ' 1 f f i a .:.-( tin . t- ifrint (im.a t,f aKiUats !nw Bank fStock. fvril fr'' t Te t"nrmt.i MrtffordL in., Oct. I The Capita! stetk f tha Firrt XafmiaJ V- win t ic?'aJ frcx l;.ttfl to $1 ava a 4 t- noiiTy pe;rs ar rive (ron .Washirg'twi. FIRFXVN CRUSHED; ' JSAD; HV0 INJURED rr!t Pn- LimW Wlra.1 rbils!; hla. Oct I. Ona fireman was ersshe! te death and two were se rious'y Injured fxtay when they wet caughtiunder a fsjiinr wall of the "mim ing Oao.1 block. Weea the wail fell upon" be fire fighters ether flrnin droiTr their bnse and wrt franticslly e th resco ft rhe fmvrtfmn4 men. Wba-fke inj jfd Pl-n wr rracbed mk of m was dead. The other two were roahr 4 t a orUal. wt)ea pSv-lf Una sayhfy wl'l rrcbab'.y flvs. Tfc Anm ageta the truua.rg scrrvgatrs T.1. following reports on milk taken -by Spo cial Inspector Hutchinson. The milk was taken by Mr. Hutchinson from the different s dairy wagons as they were making their rounds. The samples were submitted to Dr. Ralph Matson and the tests made, the results being reported to Dr. Yenney "The reports as made to" Dr. Tenney .follow: , Reports -for tnllk received from In spector Tuesday, October 26: Portland dairy, contained 70.000 bac teria per c. c. f. . . : Jot Chevalller, contained ,160,000 bac teria per c. c. . Dairy Delivery Co., Whltlesee, proprie tor, contained 1,000,000 badterla per a c. Ban Francisco dairy (Columbia slough), contained 100,000 bacteria per c'c. -. ir aA Brandes- creamery, contained 10,000 bacteria per c. c. v. Special sample by Inspector, contained fO.000 bacteria per c c. Sunrise dairy,- taken by Dr. Yenney, contained 2,100,000 bacteria per e. c. - Milk reports for Wednesday, October 27. Milk submitted by Mr, Hutchinson, F. Cadanay, Hillsdale, contained 1,000,- ovo oaciena per c. c. - J . i If. S. dairy, Tanler, proprietor, con tained 0,000 bacteria per c e. j- Mountain -dairy, Hillsdale, contained 60,000 bacteria per ts. c Mount Tabor dairy, contained 100,900 bacteria per e. C V- Cottonwood dairy,- contained (1,009 bacteria per c e. . - - Mount Calvary dairy, contained H.000 bacteria per c, c Milk rrom air. tarey I or sanitary hill A Cream Co.: O. A. - Cook, Cornelius, contained 1. OOO.OOtf bacteria per e. c. - i D. Anslo, Cornelius, contained 100, (o Kictorl rer c c. - . H. Cook. Cornelius, contained 44,009 bacteria per c. c. M. BilnniES, comeilus, contained 1, 14,000 bacteria Xt r. c K. Brcije, contained JO.000 bacteria per e.c- 0. R. & N. and N. P. Jointly Select Him to Run the Riparia Line. F. N.' Finch, formerly chief clerk to General Manager Horn of the North ern Pacific,' , has been selected as gen eral manager of, the joint lintt of the O. R. & N. and the Northern Pacific be tween Riparia and Gfangeville. Mr. Finch Is In Portland, stopping at the Hotel Portland, and hag been In daily, consultation with heads of the Northern Pacific and the O. It & N. since his arrival. "The Joint line, which was built by the Hill and Harrtman roads as a compromise because It was not believed the territory would justify the construction of two lines, has been a bone of contention between Hill and Harriman officials in the northwest ever since It was begun, and they have never Deen sdio to come to an agree ment as to its operation until now. Both lines have agreed to take Mr, Finch as gencml manager and he Will bs given soma latitude in Selecting; his staff for the operation of the. road. The Joint line is to be operated as aa en tirely distinct railroad from either the Northern Pacific or the O. R. A N., and a company has been created which will bo given the operation of the line The operation tinder this company, with Mr. Finch as general manager, will begin within the next few days. It la said. Sclo, Mr. and Mrs. Hochstedler, f MrsT'J." E.-Kriox Of ' Portland;""' WORK ON SANTIAM ERIDOF AT LEBANON v (Spprlel Plvphtch to Ttie Jonrnnl.) Lebanon, Or., Oct. 30. Several car loads of steel rails have arrived here ana were unloaded near the depot last week: Tha laying- of t-he-track from-ths city to the river will soon bcgii. Steel to be used in the big bridge which is to span the South Fork of the Santiam river, below the wajron hridcre, has also arrived. A bigs, portable jMledriver is now here in the yard ready to begin putting in the trestle work this side of the river as soon as tho track ran be laid from its present terminus to the river. There wfll be about 4000 feet of trestle wgrk to be constructed between the old river channel east of Riverside addition to Lebanon, to the river, and for this work a number of carloads of piling has been shipped to this place. The company Intends to have the road built to the river so that the heavy steel work can be taken direct ' to the bridge alte and there unloaded and put into place In the big structure. . This bridge has been" substantially started and the work on the piers at the river on both sides of the stream is progress ing quite satisfactorily. Recent rains have caused the river to rise slightly, but not enough to Interfere materially with the work of construction, berg stated to Attorney Hennessy that the two witnesses wquij testify that he had not struck the girl. "Since the complaint has been made I want to see what there is In this case," Said Judge Bennett. "1 am tired of peo ple making complaints and not making any prosecution In court. This mattor of settling such affairs as the parties wish, and doing It outside of court has become too general.' If they don't want to prosecute, they have no business to make. the. charges." ; .. i Goldberg In out of jail under bail of ' fioO, and Judge Bennott states the casn will be tried Thursday and tho matter thoroughly aired. If sufficient evidence Is at hand, he has the, power to only blndXjoldberg over the grand jury. The owners of the building are subject to a subpoena from Deputy District, Attorney Hennessy to be called as witnesses. lilFIfl!! mwmi mi k '.' " - in i n minim iiiii -iifi -hi niirun - . Kany Candidates Lining F p for Pendleton 'Munici pal Offices. WHITE SLAVE CASE AT. SAN FRANCISCO fCnlted Prc leased Wire.) '" Ban Francisco, Oct 80. Acting on In etruetlons from W8shlirton, United States Immigration Inspectors Anton De La Terra and J. Robinson today arrested Jutes Tousaaint proprietor of Jules' restaurant at T10 Kearney street, on the charge or Importing Henrlette Per rln, a beautiful French girt Into Ameri ca, for Immoral purposes. It Is alleged that Toivsalnt induced the young, wom an to come front London to San Fran cisco with him on a promise of mar riage. He will be vigorously prose cuted. The government has begun ,a strong campaign against the white slave traffic and It is reported that other ar rests In this .city ir ta follow. CONLEY nEARINO TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY T! ' case of J. Jt. Cor ley. which ram up r" : or iraniMinnrr vuuios in ina federal court this morning, was post- rorsed tiil Tueaday morning at II o'cl'-'k. Cor1r Is re!tmg xtrad!ttna to Canada, aked on a eftr-etf raving cf ra id a gviSinh laborer la a'tcrs.r f r C sly. cetuends that tha ' Auto Racws) at Ijos Angeles. tVtStt Prmm Lmum Wlr. Los Angeles, Oct 0. th tb Ascot Park track In the best ef condition for record breaking performances, two daya of automobile racing, under the ausplcaJ of the AutomebUs Association of Amer-H lea. beraa today with Roy P. Hillmaa, member of the contest board of the A. A. A,iin charge. , . The following program was started at 1:38 o'clock: s One mile spd trials r'nt world roorda; Ptanley ateanaer. Amrl"a CorMn. Royal. CT Fire-mile fre-fw-all: Corbls. Royal, AmerVan and Wlnt. Stanley Steamer. Tes-r-tia f rr-for-ell: . Royal, Aa. er ica n. TVintpa. Flfte-n miles: wlrtoa. AmtJhaa, 3IARSHFIELD 3IAY0R J WILL GIVE UP JOB ' IBpeeinl Dtxpateh te The Jnurntl.) Marshfield. Or., Oct 30. Mayor EL E. Straw of Marshfield, who has served as the city's executive for some years, an nounces that' he will not again be a candidate. : Dr. Straw says he will here after 4evote his time to his medical practice. The next city election will be held on Tecember 7. There are to be elected several city " officials. Those whose term of office expires are Mayor Straw, City Recorder C R. Butler and Councilmen Patrick "Hennessy, A. 11. Powers and A. K. Sairaga , Tiers are not mayoralty candidates as yet - It is likely however,.- that Several will seek the of flee. , 'The city political affairs have not yet indicated on.just what will be the,divldlng issue. It has been rumored that Patrick Hennessy, at present a council member, would be a candidate for mayor but he has not de clared himself. A caucus for nominations -has been called by the city council for November rrfrse in stTv is Kt cvrH in rba I n.i,L O-Mst'k. traiv ttwec-n the totTd Staffs ar.1 j riff y-vr.ilt fr-f -r-a!l: r&lneT-F!g. Gft ErltaJa. ; ,. tr. CorfeJn, R?jal. Wlrton, Cba3k. HAS FINE YIELD OF - " UNCOMMON APPLES A " young orchard at Sunnyslde, Clackamas county. Is yielding a splendid crop of apples, of tw4) -varieties - not common In this section of Oregon. A few years ago L. S. Johnson engaged In the spple business, raising chickens on the land while the trees were growing. He set out Red Cheek Pippin. Bald win, tb King. Roxbury, "Russet and fZr hv.r th lattAP hfnS- In fn.n tlonafiy nigh flavored and ieliclous sp- pla; Tbis year it matured perfectly, coloring beautifully. As a winter apple the Ron bury Roaset baa proved Its un usual merit i Mr.. Johnson's success Is but an evi dence of what can be done by the proper cultivation of Oregon soil under ordi nary condition a Mr. Johnson lifts learned the apple and the chicken bust- tts by close sr plication while his trees were developing to the beHng age. TWO OREGONIANS - DRAW AT ABERDEEN fa-ta r7te- ' T WTt ' Aberdeen, 8 t- Ott J. In the lsal drawirs tocay r, ajs W. Ptl of Pon laftfl. Or, drew Na srd David K. Lut. v of El"n. Or, drw Is a. 1S.?1. Tin drawing will be completed this af-j traoon. ' - (flpwclal Plapatca te The Journal.) ' Pendleton, Or., Oct. J0.-"-Mayor E. J. Murphy has announced his candidacy for' reelection, a petition of nomina tion having been circulated. J. P. Win ter, the other candidate, has not yet Withdrawn his name, but It Is under' stood he will, as he only consented to enter the race with the understanding that Murphy would not run. - The latest aldermanlc timber to be brought Into the limelight by friends consists of R. II. Wilcox from the Third ward and Len Sharon and E. L. Smith from the Fourth. Joseph EH has filed his petition for reelection as council man from the Third ward. f COOS BAY SHIPPING SHOWS HEAVY GROWTH Marshfield, Or., Oct. J0.-In prepar ing figures for the Portland Chamber of Commerce the commercial body of this city has brought out some inter esting facts. The Portland Chamber asked that statistics ie sent -to present to the Oregon delegation in congress. The figures show that for the past year there has been an increase or luu.ouo tons In freight and ..lumber In and out of Coos Bay, an Increase of. 68 per cent over the year previoua This Increase, It Is pointed Out, will give added weight to the demand for further Improvement on the bar. The people are asking that the Jetty be re built Instead of the bar dredged. The figures will be presented In support of the claim that the Jiarbor is rapidly coming to the front and is deserving of consideration. CIRCUS CASHIER IS ROBBED OF $5000 Pine Bluff. Ark. Oct 30. A report has reached hers that a special train bearing the Tsnkee Robinson circus wa held up St Poole today ana me casnivr roboed Of $5000. Details are lacaing. Minister Says Ta Bachelors. Los Anselea. Cat, "Oct 80. The Rev. n Bancroft D. D-, of Los Angeles, ws- ii- that all bachelors who have resched the age of S should contribute n th suroort of widows and orphans. lie Is of ths opinion that Hi per capita Should be the annual aswsment levied upon the pursuers of single blessed- oess. ' - la a lecture delivered last ev.Mng ir the auditorium ot tn uo Ans-ics M. C A., Dr. Bancroft dlseusaed "Di vorce Causes' td young men con tamp lat ins matrimony. - e aaiu; -WKrn yoti prcpoce. do it like a man Stand ycur two- feet and say what you have to say; nevrr grwel on your -MarTr your equal in mind," purse a'" body, lux traane aiioald fteter marry ex lr.mi Of snarriajres Imsod on finaccl. coral lf at !'n. hkh I have 4restigated. h-.v yet to fin one that ended la s berry union." - ... .