THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 23, If..). in I s cuicira are ilulu! nTiiinmn rinPM - ri If lil St, Johns Lawmakers Be fuse - to Aid Street Vaca tion Scheme by Notes. Councilman C I Johnson and a I Dohle of St Johns are ill firm In their stand against the sate of the lately erected city dock and until one of thnae gentlemen changes Ms mind or at least bla you the dock will not be old, aa It takes sis of tha seven coun until tnat 1 Tacoma upon which portions or in uoc iim m vaoatad nit sale cut ba ef fnrv'g "noun TVim tn tilftlfected. " J Councilman Johnaon Is so firmly con- TVf-sp'tlt T).ir I vlnced that he is right that It is doubt- All llll- jni. direot vote of the neonle would oauae him to chance and such vote Is the only thins; which could poaalbly POD ''fSr Says Trorress Has -Been Marked by Lonflr Trail of t. -'j Mnrivr' Tllnrwl Frnm iris, streets upon which portions ol I Jt-' 4'v -a a. a- -- - HOLDUP JOKE PROVES COSTLY Court Assesses ' WouM-Re Mirthmakers $tO0 for One Fun Piece. HE MURDERER ADMITS GUILT i IJi! TEMPLAR 0 000 I'M ' OVER TO JURY OARPM GULCH Frederick flebliariU,' Alias Alto'; flilliland Says 3fan lVsilonts of South Portland Moeller, Slew Anna Lu ther, Possibly Others. Persuaded Her to Pose Form Club for Improve- ns If is Wife, , ment of District M EOT . ' 'A .' j) ; 5 'I "it- f - CI DF Attorney U B. Read and raul D. row era, charged with holding up Attorney Daniel JEC. Towers, which they said they did for a Joke, pleaded ability this morn Ins In municipal court to pointing- a dangerous weapon, and each was fined 300. They paid tha fine, and appeared pleased to get out of the alleged Joke SO lightly. The charges of aasault with Intent to rob, carrying concealed weapons and be Ing out after hours were dismissed upon motion of the district attorney. The charge was reduced to the minimum un der the circumstances, aa Attorney row era, the victim of tholr Joke, said ha was change Mr. Doble'e action, ha having j satisfied If they would plead guilty .to rLaan t t f-flkm i mai aaisw-Tawi fA mi rniMni S On of the largest meetings of Social-j po,ulon upon w jtnown objections to iais ana sympaininra wn mw i street vacations or any aina. 'ever held In Portland eeaemblediat . He says, that out of 17 streets which Marxian hall last night and cheered to originally ran to tha river nine have the echo the story of tha life and mur been vacated and four others practically Vlr of Franelaoo Ferrer, as told In an annexed by waterfront Industries and addreae by C E. & Wood, who placed that only five-are left reaching beyond the name of the great Spaniard ia the Bradford street to the water, role of tha world's greatest martyr. Mr. Johnson calls attention to the I Following the addresses of Mr. Wood action of Portland In urging tha mayor land other speakers, the .following reeo- ,eu' tn6 j joo.OOO bonds authorised by -lutlons were unanimously adopted and a . two thirds vote, to buv a site for a! jeopy of them ordered sent to the Span- publla dock there, and calls attention to ,ibii minwier at wasnmgion: . the fact that such men as G F. Adams, ; "Whereas. Ignorance is tha greatest Herman Wittenberg and C F. Swlgert bar to human progress, and the growth I ar urglng; immediate and favorable ao- .ana spreaa ot nuiiMo l" I lion .hnna of future humanity, and that those I . v...i., "e i .h. - r - I a eV tui huiivi ma as. v mr.m aaa w who devote their uvea to me apreaa 01 iatrtmm wU, not build up tha city, ha unowiroi- biiuuiu w "' l contenda There must ba adeauate dock pointing a gun and take tha fine. Tha two young men. Powers and Reed appeared in court with their attorneys, intending to waive a hearing before Judge Dennett and allow the matter to go to the grand Jury. Hut oonalderalng tha proposition offered by the dlstrlot attorney's, office and Attorney Powers, they agreed to plead guilty and take tha fine, providing no jail sentences were Im posed. Tha fine Imposed for pointing a gun is tha maximum. ' - . Attorney Powers now. states that the benefactors and their memories cher ;lhcd in the hearts of all mankind, 'therefore be It ; "Resolved, That we regard tha murder ;of Francisco Ferrer, the great Spanish .'educator and founder of the modern school in Spain, as the most deplorable berime of modern times and a reversion to the darkest days of the darkest ages. IWe reg-ard It as a crime unparallelled .-since the burning of Guy Ordanobruno, "and future generations will so regard .It and venerate Ferrer's name, while the ;name of his bloody murderers will ba a 'Jmockery and a byword to the end of history." ' Kr. Wood's Address. '- "We are gathered together tonight." :sn!d Mr. Wood, "about the open grave , of another martyr to freedom. How old the struggle Is, how weary the way and ihow deep with the blood of men and I women! Back to the dawn of history and ever It Is the same the privileged :few seated upon the backs of the people land refusing to get Off. The constant and railroad facilities for loading and unloading vessels, which will then be found Pegging for the privilege of using them, Mr. Johnson thinks a feasible route for a spur to tha new dock can be se cured through tha holdings of the Port land Manufacturing company, tha Ma rina Iron works, and the St Johns Lum ber company, which will at tha same time be of much benefit to these Insti tutions, the ; last two of which are wanting favors from tha city and ought to ba easily persuaded. If a track can be secured this way It will be much cheaper -than the 1700 foot spur proposed from the O. R, ft N. oil tanks, up the river, to .the dock.- With this spur In, transfer of cargoes from water to rail and from rail to water would ba very simple and would aava passing through the several bridge necessary to reach Portland. : . , Another objection raised to selling tha dock is the possibility that it might fall into the hands of the O. R. & K, (UoHi Ptms Leesrd Wlr. I' 1 tir Kln inrfuMwt t ! va hor home I The Improvement of Marauam gulch w jor. Wt XLFrederics: 0D.- Kelso. Wsah- and cams to. Port land, en First afreet between Arthur and hardt. alias Otto Moeller. confessed this I where she waa Introduced aa the wife KherLlan atreet la to be one of tha ehlef i if rn whom L. me The that had and threatened bleamv. ' i.i.i.... -vr .-ii.- -.It. . k.. . : . i. . ... i.i Ini that the rltv council the Waldorf-Astoria laat night, where At that time ha told her ha had a wlfe""" the guirror maka nu ha had been living with his wife and and two children, but that, he was se " that point. An added reason for so two children under the name of Gab curing a divorce. The aooualntanco be- . " Plntei out. is tna loca hardt. tween tha boarder and Viae Ollllland de I ?r oe new oounty Hospital, wiucn iMm n.hharil) tnM th. ruillr that aha I volAruuf lnli a nnnrtahln jnrt mhm A 1. 1 win OS na mucn mora acoeSBIOIS D was the eighth woman that her husband leges. Templar told her ha wpuld aoon I "'""".'"f auica on ,rir had married. I have a divorce, and then asked her to I "w7l- Tha police this afternoon are lnvestl-1 marry him. To this she consented, and I ft; Hi "1: II I- 'I t' rntin inni urn miiru Anna, i-mumr, i or ueorga -jempiar. si" " I oiJois or a club orsitnlsed bv reeldeota he married at Newark, near Iallp, brought a statutory chares against him of 8mith Pop,i.. f.t , mirht to ba U In AprlU Ufls. acordlng to a 'l'Zili: l Pi.!5d known " h Porlland oo.ter nt given out by the Broklyn police. lrl I II year. d and waa Placed rof mliyrnl nr fc MAgm police say Oeonardt confeased '"m','"t "t'Z I ,Z tu-'i. w 'I"-1"- tha gulch at that point fell he killed tha woman because ahe Un is .mnlovarf in tha Hose Cltv shluaia ulch has become a dumping i-,-- .k. h. .nihi .,if. I m - , ground ror tin cans and other., refusa a.'a as.---- aw '-a to prosecute him for Miss Ollllland stated In1 municipal J th u.n"n''),ou" "Pinion of about eourt that she first met Templar when "0,n" )" - " e ga viisa. liO CUT CHUIiril PllllUiq JTrs. : Dea jrai Swr Inv Found in With at the jroner to The boosters organised by tha alectlo Bella suicide lies' at Ing fn to go by tha name of Mrs. prescott. Efldman as vice president. Frank WebJ other roomers In the Morrison street b" M treasurer and B. C. Jones as sed-1 rmvm.rj. ht. j, nugnea presiaeo. Tnei., v.' holdup Jokers only took 88 cents and an m?!!011 d0"r W5tch from h,mi '"" married and that she replied that she a"- "'--a - am not care, as she loved him anyway, ported. Neither did ha lose a turquoise jter on tha same day, Gebnardt says, stickpin. ' v . - .I"" Quarreled over money matters and x-uwera nnu nm were accuBoa 01 be threatened to leave her. stopping Attorney rowers wunin a lew O'Loughlin says Gebhardt told hlra feet of his home on Portland Heights on the woman then screamed and ha shot me mgnc or uciooer 13. -rney steppea i ber. from behind a clump of bushes, com- ' ..i.t h,wim mended him to throw no his hand and npeoteft a Professional MurdereS' deliver to them his valuables. A re- L Tha pathos of the tragedy of Anna volver was nolnted at his head, and he Luther Moeller, slain before her honey was told If he resisted It would cost him moon- had waned, gained poignancy gating the fate of tha aeven other al they eama to Portland. He requeeted ol " xieusemper as president, C. II. leged wives of Gebhardt, I her Police Captain O'Loughlln. to whom land ftftbhArdt la allt-Aif ta h.v. TnmAm tha I houaa knew tham aa mrh. t ninfulAn mmvm. a., . I. . I XOitla Tm,l. m,mm vlilltn timm nil. I W Sating Wli held In the library Of St publication this afternoon. According to llland. ha was also living with his wife Lawrence academy, Third and Shermsi rvLAtitrhiin. rv.hhi.i-rt at.. h anland two phlMran. Tamniar'a wife aid I streets, which has been offered free ot tha Tjithar wnman w.n n. AIiam I not know of tha affair until tha e-Irl I Charge by Father Hughes f or . fUtUM I "nr " "r""- t rj - ".r wi. v :r... v t.:: matina of tha i.ik . iiwtbjm iu iuu( over. some property, wnna mere, i row ncr itiiw tuning .inr m nor 1 7 - -- -.- - - 'I n M . . . . . . ' . . . . I ...a ml- . . . ... . .L.I . Irtnthn. mull r. m will K t,A1Jt Ammam. I DU unnniMT uii lAnAM nv rt vna nn a. rddq uoil i na nr aiin iihi wyn iiiml I ' -... - . . 4 w .1 v.l. .uiui - captain, he told tha woman that ha was Templar would visit her two and three j row night at the earns place, at .whloh times a week and leave her room-early "" "r ernieni or eoum row In the evening, telling her ha bad to go ?- w,u 09 runner mapped out. it was to his room near the" shingle mill. He Ith' sentiment of the meeting that South his life. After . taking tha articles he was told to go, and ran for his home. Powers and Reed were arrested down town shortly afterward, and .placed In jail. They - said - they had pjanned to hold up Powers, but that It was a Joke, and they Intended to give back his money. . .- ,' . I . w flirura In tttatnrv.lH tha hloodv ezeCU- 1 1. atrivinr iinwn tha brave men and I which now. In one way or another, con Jwomen who protest against the author- ls most of the docks on the river, ity of man over his brother. " this eliminating competition by impos- ; "The most tragic thought In history tag excessive dock charges. : is that every step toward liberty has 'The admittedly strategics position of 'been bought with the blood of millions "Portland as the only place from or to murdered by legalized power. No which water grade railroads can be built ; tongue shall ever speak" or ' pen write is Just as applicable to St. Johns and 5 their names. They 'have passed Into the matter of the bridges before spoken ERROR IS FATAL Turns on Oas but Fails to Light It Back to Bed Two Deau. tthe vast unknown like the leaves white Jnow are falling to the ground nevar itheless they are , the noble army of I martyrs, and the blood of tha martyrs S. ' hm fnrovcr been the seed of liberty. Martyrs Vow Glorified. "Some of these martyrs, spit upon ;In their own day, are now glorified as : the greatest of the human race. -Four ; hundred years before Christ there i walked the streets of Athens a plain 1 v man in coarse neglected garments, who boldly . questioned every . one and by ' his questions, skillfully brought out the follies of the superstitions ana the un .: righteousness of the tyranny . of ' tha ; times. He was the world's great eda cator Socrates. He sought the truth, he was the socialist of his day. A few ; followed - him as his disciples more ; accepted his thought but were afraid i to openly approve hlra. J "Socrates taught the people to think, 5 lie questioned the right of . authority . end no matter whence it came.' , Au thority determined he must die. He , was a dangerous citizen. , power Calls for Blood, ; "Two thousand years ago a . young Jew of Galilee walked the streets o Jerusalem, r He. was poorly clad . and j had nowhere to lay his head. He s sought not money but the truth.' He 'preached that all men are equal before - -God. He taught love, charity,, peace and Justice; yet he was called a dan- ; gerous agitator and he too was con demned to die. He questioned the au .thority of church and state and church :nd state lifted him upon the cross; . but there upon that cross he is wor shipped by countless millions, who call liim- their saviour. Whatever of truth . he uttered has lived. ; You cannot cruel zy inougnt, , ana as tna world grows Inwjirn hrnlh.rlv InvA if finlla . film flia v- Prince of Peace. "Ferrer was the last example of the perpetual truth that those who oppose existing power and authority of any form, of state would be' put out of the way by the state, under the guise of due St I Wt of is an added argument In her favor. as a shipping point. , While such cities as Baltimore, San Franslaco, Buenos Ayrea, Oakland and New York say It Is advisable to own portions at least of their own water front and while St Johns owns the only modern dock oh the rivar, with the ex ception of the 8. 'P. & S. dock in Port land,' both Mr. Doble and Mr. Johnson say It would be ill advised at least to sell what has been secured with much trouble and expense, and which would ultimately have to be replaced, at. a greatly enhanced cost to the city. process of law, and under the plea that they were traitors to the state.' Never Favored Violence. Mr, "Wood characterized the great Spaniard as a philosophical anarchist. such as Tolstoy; but. he declared that all Ferrer's friends said that he was a peaceable man and was opposed to any form of violence. He said that Ferrer Sead for soma ., . rr-iryA TMii. h dead for some time when through tha apparent revelation that her husband, , the man whom . she loved and trusted, was a trafficker In - hearts and. a swindler of many wives. Pri vate Detective Michael Brady expresses the opinion that the man killed not only his latest bride, but other women after first winning their hearts and their money. : - '- Otto Moeller has been Identified, by description, with tha polished, clever lm poster who won, married and robbed Miss Reglna Viebelmann of Harlem, and who courted and robbed a Brooklyn girl named. Bertha Albrecht. How many other victims, dead or alive, may finish the score against htm, the police, can only surmise. One at least Is in . Chi cago, a woman who appealed to a pri vate detective agency here to find her husband, Moeller, after experiencing the same wrongs which all -who aver met him seem to have undergone. It is positively known that tha Baron Em 11 Moeller, as ha styled himself, who married Miss . vlehelmann, and : Otto Moeller, who woed Miss Albrecht, are one and tha same man, for tha two (United Prea- Iaaaed Wlra.1 .1 women have met and discussed him. and San Francisco, Oct 25.- As a result one of his gifts to Miss Albecht was of carelessness In lighting a gas stove I stolen from Mrs. vlehelmann' e hard this morning, Mrs. Joseph B. Bywater, j ware store. 20 years old, and , her brother-in-law, Charles Bywater, 19 j years old, of Loomis, CaU who ' waa ! visiting ' his brother, were asphyxiated In By water's apartments at 579 Valencia street. The bodies are now at the morgue. Tha husband is nearly distracted over the double tragedy which terminated the visit of his brother, who came to at tend the Portola festival. Bywater, a glass blower, left for his work early. His wife rose later and. according to the police, was probably not fully awake when she attempted to light tha gas stove. A. burned-out match lying beside a pot of coffee near an unlighted -gas burner told the story. Evidently she then returned to bed to doze until the coffee waa hot As the apartment was , only -two roomed, -A the. brother-in-law occupied a bed In the same room. Both had been of Mrr last bathr surra ties to In is nc : vt othn of jllth, who now pltal recover--as Inhalation, jnlng- and tha ting tha death p passed away s after . being fan a gaa filled U hotel, i l dream stances at the authori sation may lead s, tnougn mere a suicide agree- iw hi. wiu uvm viiw ii i a 1 4. - - ' - ' 'lm,. would return to his wife and family. Portland people should ba awake to sei Templar Is held under ball of $1000. through trains oiimlihesoob A St PASTOR STRICKEN BLIHO 111 PULPIT Eev. John Partridge of Peta luma Victim of pverwork Brain Hemorrhage. cure their shape of publlo improvements; SaaNaaeaiBBaaaBBaaaaaMeBataBaaaBBaBBBBBaaBS' " USUAL PROTESTS TO TAX DOARD Thla is tha last day for reception of Paul will operate through oars at least tcomPlal"" Kalnst assessment by the Into Portland as soon as tha operation crun!L.b,0'vJ .. iuon- A- of traiscontinenUl trains Is begun, waa "JT. ,Vv.i. . tha statement made by W. J. Cannon "a "ee.m"" .at.the uef f m,ioo, n.a..nff.l '-"' mnu iuoi inf. .wnea " u 1 iv..ti..,A ,ki. nin. iru.iin. in mm. I Practically all of the lata complaints pany with C. A. fox. also of Chicago. " Personal assessments amounting secretary of tha Central Passenger aa- i, " "w uuuurw . aoiiars eacn. soclatlon . .. . Compartlvoly few corporations hjive Mr. Cannon said that his road would protested tha figures on money, notes not begin the operation of through paa- an- accounts, this having been- a o- senger' trains to the coast until next llflc aourca of complaint last year. July. when, the large machinery firms aad "Tha question of gretting Into Port- othera argued that as their main of fifes ikiiu j. ueiievB nam uwn icii iu tuo i au uuufti were jtept in otner states lipy management of the Chicago, Milwaukee j should not be taxed here. Apparently & Puget Sound tn Seattle," said Mr. I the most of them have become recta- That tha , Chicago, Milwaukee so n M h C t t Cannon, n "and - we have not been In formed by them yet what will be done." It Is generally believed In Portland that the Milwaukee will operate Its through cars over the O. R. fe N. as is done by the Union Pacific for points west of Omaha as far as Denver. It Is probable that both through coaches and sleepers will be run Into Portland on ciled to tha Oregon way of taxation. Ion Lewis asks for a reduction of tiie Improvements on block 824 from I15.0W to J12.000. saying the building js for years old.: Louis Langa wants his fiaV nlture cut from 12000 to $600, and D. Morris objects to 11500 on mt ehlhery. Ha says he owns none. j The Karo-Klapper company contend Delegates from all parts of the state will gather at the T. M. C. A, tomor row afternoon to. attend the regular semi-annual meeting of the Oregon Antt Saloon league. The trustees in particji- lar will be present tomorrow to outline i tTnitt dmm t.Ji nrt mo poiiuuiu ww. oi ie lenguo iur uio Petaluma,: Cal. Oct 25. No change' for iom'n eaT' . . ; , . . the.better has been discernible, m the 7T"Ta -IZ neighbors condition of Rev. John Partridsre. who I -ami" -. c. i.r t o . w-.' broke, into the room after smelling the was stricken blind yesterday while pro- t iLMn- "This O H A M train a Messrs. Cannon and Fox will be In lnal u" toct merchandise, in Marc Portland all dav. . leavinar toniaht fori- was epietea and was wortn not i Puget sound. It ' U the first . time In exceed 4000 instead of $9600. Bert! 10 years that Mr. Cannon has been here I & Martin objects to a raise 'front 148' and both he and Mr. Cox are staying J to J6000 en, the improvements on a 1 over on purpose to see the mountains, j in King's second addition. ; The pla cost J7O0O nine years ago. f : ( 'V akti-saloon; league jsv;.sim"ci -I '- w wuaaaj huub lTVWOlC(t TO OUTLINE PLANS 1"'. complaints that have been made. vestigation will be made of the me of protests and when desired hear! will be granted. escaping; gas. was a friend of Kllsee Reclus, the great French geographer, Anatole France. Ce- sare Iombroso, Edward Carpenter and witness to the fact that Ferrer was lov. 1UAHU 1AJ 1) X JlAIJI) nhl. A-am.Ia ( A .- nnA .. 1 . I advocated violence. j. 1 CASES IN COURT i ne speaxer classed rerrer as an edu cator una eocraies ana cauea attention l fSnarf.i Tngoateh t Th. I.n,.i to me lact, inai ne was promoting Moscow. Idaho. Oct. 25. -Tha TTnitod schools in Spain of absolute free I States district court met here tnrtnv I .(ff- nouncing the benediction at the morn- work ,8 t eecret Up till the time It is actually; ready for operation and in this manner we hope to keep our op ponents In the dark and hinder them much In their opposition. Committees I ing service at St. John's Episcopal church. ; At that point "in the service the members Of the congregation saw him totter and then suddenly stop. He stood aa If paralyzed for a second, then turned to bis congregation and an nounced calmlyr-My sight is gone." He was; Immediately assisted to his the church, and GA3IBLEES PAY FINES - IN MUNICIPAL COP The crusade of Chief of Police against gamblers Is on In earnest .' men were arrested yesterday for I ling, and each ware fined $10 in clpal court this morning. Patrolmen Humphreys and W arrested the men Sunday even! covering. each branch of the work will I 748ft Thurman street in the ml be appointed tomorrow and ' the work wui be organized In sections. We ex pect a big attendance at pur meeting tomorrow, The meeting of the league tomorrow will be presided over by Rev. W. B. Hollingshead, state president He has the work well In hand and expects that tnougni wnere tne umie was not taKen with Judge Deitrich nresidina. ThBl.i .mn,nnaA h . . . , . . . . al . . - " I lit B1U B7ausuvawvia V W mmU WIOUq V a at 4- a Intl mt ra K.I a tnti4 n.A 4 I m naV tam.i. a. . a- I . . .. - K ' r . I "! " tnea are xne i bas been noticeable in bis condition. wnere au aogmas or religion, science I ttester-itettenDacn land fraud cases. At Th. kiin,ii..M imnniinr i t,hiih. of politics could be examined. In fact the Instance of Peyton Gordon, special waa caused by a hemorrhage of the he said that Ferrer was trying to found 1 prosecutor for the a-overnment. and theiKm . : tn Spain Just such free thought schools I attorneys for the defendants, these n PrtriH tna'hXm ninm nt at I much wilt be done tomorrow, w .vuii. uuAum uuueiau7 a 1 1 . c v lumvi uw uim ii i jotin churcn ror is years, it is said Baltimore. ling. A special venire waa ordered sum- the hemorrhaae was caused bv overwork. "Ferrer was killed." said rtSr. Wood. I moned for the grand Jury, which meets n. t. nn of th beat known ninrvvmen Decause no oeuevea mat government is l """ """'""ib- - - in thl ritnnvs and a-raatlv hu nvni in oesi wmcn governs least ana mat tnei 1 uuiwiunu -mmis mo cee tor i petal u ma. inequality OX tnis world IS due to the! s' jury are ine unesea Dana ae- kind of government that Is maintained. I falcatlon of the Lewistoa National bank a lively game in which betting order. The -men are E. S. Fox, Bernick, C. Isakson, Augustus S- John Concannon, H. Tuthlllj Sajierer and M. Hall. The 1 charged with keeping and mail the game. - H. S. Cooper was tair the players, and charged wit on the premises, but hot playii; hen. - Hall was arrested, t) permission to Bee his wife befij frt lall ... anA th. Affln.M ONCE PE0UD BRUIN to go Into another room. W were reaay to start 10 tne eta) rUNSfcEMLY END FOR by a former bookkeeper and teller, G. W. PROMISE MAY CAUSE Kobnett and J. ii. Chapman, Bobnett was Indicted and convicted with Kester and Kettenbach for land frauds. The convictions were set aside on appeal. It is now rumored that Kobnett will APoInt To R( Remembered And here are two points the style nd the price. But OUR STRONG POINT is STRENGTH in our Boys' Cloth ing. This season we have elimi nated all weak spots, and you will find our Boys' Clothing as near perfection as it is possible to make. We're strong on $5 and ?G.50 Suits. .. He assailed the right of tha privileged few to ride on the backs of the many, and, he was slain for it Was Alan of Peace. 'Ferrer declared at his trial that he had nothing to do with the revolution ald tne government in prosecuting Kes " uu "'iter and Kettenbach, uie . wttv. r if i if r waa a man . wno was 1. n .. . . . . .. f i w . . Bpam tried to get rid of him, but VAJliUXOOXVxl VUiXVUUa found it Impossible to connect him with the attempt . to assassinate Al fonso. This failure and the testimony of scores of his friends, many of whom are men of eminent character and at tainments, together with his own state ments, ought, to have weighed far mora than tne teatlmony of convicts upon whose evidence he was condemned. -Violence." said Mr. Wood, "is not I tT.I- .- ....V .II advocated by any sensible man and is "'' V T r 'u " 'Ll Curator-CF. Wiegand of the city S?"" J" hsa .no an A tha aerv C.I tt of" .. UIMQOM.I . 1 F . V w. . .... .. . w- LAND GRANT TO CITYtvatlnglknd remounting the animal and Manager jJ P. O'Brien of the Harri man lines in Oregon, has promised Mayor. Simon that ha will lay the mat ter of a gift of CO acres of land border ing Marquam gulch to the city for park purposes before tha eastern headquar ters of . the railway system. 'Mayor Si mon expects to receive a f avorabte reply to his request in the near future.' - ' The mayor visited Mr. O'Brien some time ago and pointed out that it would be greatly to the interests of the .rail way if it should give the city part Of Its immense land holdings on tha hills ris ing above South Portland. The city could utilise soma of tha steeper por- v..r. i- .,. u t tlons or ina niu lor Darn ana oouievara only resorted to ty rrenxled. disordered , , , of th- BUlt. agaln.t tb- purposes and the remaining land would told tire Patrolman Humphreys search man through the night, and 1 this morning, and will be bean c4pal court Tuesday. ' All fines. -' -.. :. . RAILWAY STATIONS Albany, Or., Oct 25. That the state of Oregon can legally -sua a railroad company for a statutory forfeit of $10,000 for failure to obey the orders of the state railroad commission regarding railroad stations, was tha decision of PRICE SAID TO BE CLOSE TO M (Continued from Page minaa. some selr-consututed execu tioner bad no more right to kill Alfonso or Maura than they bad to kill Ferrer. Corvallls & Eastern Railroad company. The decision sustains tbe right of the commission to regulate tha manage- be rendered thereby. much mora valuable E!iLBKb'r'! " railroad depW BM1 tr ? rS CLOTH! harm than good. Tha killing of Ferrer bad all to do with the putting down of absolutism and the reinstating of the liberal government la Spain, but If Alfonso or, Maura bad bean killed tbe balance would have swung just as far tha otber way and the people would bare Insisted upon a strong, absolute government. t-very assassination,, no matter how apparently Justified, can only result in barm to tbe cause.' Mr. Wood deplored, the lamentable I t hi. ia. ui iii.ri c.i im r 14 mia tuu n 1 ry over tha execution of Ferrer and eaid that all feeling tn tba matter eeems to ba left ta tba Sociallet press. He declared that Dona of tha great dalllea bad aea fit to publish all the facta Vloweverv ba said that Charles Stewart Kuropeaa manager or the Unlfd Preaa. bad written aa excellent artlcia aettlng Tha state ia aulng tha Corvallls A Eastern for '110.000 because tha com-j pany failed to obey the order of the commission and built a depot at Lyons. una county, me company demurred! to tba complaint by attacking tha legal ity of tha procedure, claiming tha leg islature could not delegate the power to a railroad commtesloa to regulate , sta tions. The demurrer was argued last! term, taken under advleement and da- ESTRADA ADVANCES; . ZELAYA COUNTERS bird collection at the city hall. Many of tha specimens are so badly eaten by a species of small parasite wnicn at tacks the skin that they will have to be destroyed. . Jf any one wants tha big black bear that has stood on the ground floor of the city ball -foftfiese many years, he should at once file an application with Vila V U I U LU A W w " . . . . . 1 . , , . , be consigned to the garbage Incinerator f ":""Jf ourct, laJ unless somebody takes him. Tha one uc "'y'Y..'' r , Mm. ..l.l.. aleener ia still ver much . -ne notei raoianowas B ... . .. .. - . . . IVmfl CI rn hw a MniilnH a bear aitnougn tne motn - Daiiauons i - ' - hava olaved havoc with his fur. Still wuin . hu ojr nan - t - - aa tnan Ithn faMHaa aV Dai ham Mtirht If rhfllnMl tn fhA ant tan TlrtHf. I a-1 v.a. ca nun: ui AT V . " ' . . 7 loro-a mo lvliar V- a.!. o i-bijh. tug to vvrv ra by the estate of H. W.. Co inally tha hotel was conceit Villard, builder of tbe Nor railroad, and a large sum by him In what is the.eto the present structure, b TH p. J. I Osborne intn . C. Swarts. who, wltt the hotel, and rent felt and tha man wht I ba her husband. er trs. Osborne told Mr. desired to take a bat per with a key to tha ithlrd floor. Tha tin- Jlock. Mora than an . . warts passed tne ba' . tnd it bolted on the lni Osborne was still In ' through the tran- id Mri-Swartx ra- i repiy.f 'passed. Worried, i-,'i. nother. guest of the r,;j ('associated with the : ' las declared himself ... f Smith's sister, and itinued oocupancy of ho woman. , man, -whose name, day ho thought was ias not. been at the morning, rushed up id the door. It was pemands for entrance Finally the man drew 'transom by his hands h. ... , . 'V ne greeted his eyes. ' at the floor, .In a par jress,. lay the worimn, : Stretched apross her twisted from, contor- iloat ' was called. The 1st help. 1 The man of "life. Removed t ipital, the woman died 'oday the; man's corldt as Improved, i ; " -J, J. Dunning will .vestigation this aftef I the circumstances are to lead to weird conjoc giving tha woman the , ithroom, Mr. Swarts In fully In the lighting of under the water tank. i lighted them thousands . said. . : . .t of the gas burner under experts today proved the ts in good condition and 4 showed. Strangely pecu ct that when the two wera on the floor the . burner aslng merrily. Neither, ao r. Swarts, was the smell of oom but faint , known of the two. Smith, . i is now given, is supposed : mter. What occupation the : Mr. Swarta doea not know. , Vt to the effect that the agaged to be married. Smith to statement. ' u m'S ILLNESS 1 XS SENATOR H03IE George El Chamberlain will -tiand. tomorrow morning, go : tly to Mississippi. He .has ; his engagements with - the .on comjnittee of the United mate, of which too Is a mem- meet, them in -Jenvef, October- i unexpected aeparture tor mis waa brought about . by the re-tth- of'a brother and the pre iCondltlon of his mother, who ears old. Senator Chamberlain 9 dVertake the reclamation com before they reach tha Klamath !,: In- southern' Oregon, November will not return to Portland until jongress adjourns next summer. scare away Durgiars, so it s a gooa chance far Mr. -Isolate of Lonesome villa. - - -' STRONG PROGRAM TOR CULTURE CLUB Z'IT .la' schema In the northwest. Tha art and psychology departments I taken over by tba local cc of tha Woman's club wiu meet' Tues-1. Welahard S bares day in Women of Woodcraft balU Tha interest in the hot Tentb and ayior. .at s Welnhard estate was t aubject wUl be. "Tha Most Noted Works ..-. .nd b.,.. , GUT IN ACT OF SELLING LIQUOR F. Raimes, saloonkeeper at Knott pelay streets, was arrested Sun Or violating the closing law. Pa .an J. t. Gould was walking past place yesterday morning at 11 ck, when he noticed the Knott ;t entrance open. Upon entering, ound Raimes behind the bar, and men on the other side drinking. 4 had a glass of beer, asserts the ber, and the proprietor grabbed glass and hid It Tna otner waa red aa evidence. The men in the ia wera Pitt Field and Thomaa mard The case will ba heard Tues- t In municipal court - HILL'S COMING IS 4 RUMORED ON BAY rCatted Press Leaae Wire.) Bluefields. Nicaragua, Oct 25. The Af-ASWi 44 1ekai I Saf t IT t f-ta1 St St W S ai4- vanclng on tha main body of former I or. .Km)""et'. '".71. ..... , limtnary to -tha sale of President Zelaya'a troops and are pick- "r-, " ' J : Lii,i 7Tu- ei! Norm"n Broa- lag up relnforoement. a. they on. J L!!, Jl"?" I Rumor has It that tb Zelaya Is at Managua and is prepirlni . VTi.. --..i r. been made in tha inter to begin a counter movement I " 1 .1 " .7 ' w ,C1 IZfi,- .ii -Vhi. ern Pacific In line with sa-w a t a t at Inmnmiw with th ' srlrl Xew Water Kut Schedule. tha are of 1 years. Following this I PHwtcfe ta tbe JoaraaL) JCr-170 THIRD STREET ET j rapher. tPlwtal Mnat-k ta T Jbarnal I Marsb.ieid, Or, Ort ii. Aorna time aro It waa noalllrelT idmiiiimJ hr fortb all of tha facU connected wtthlthOM mha eUlmed ta know that Jh- Ferrer'a trial and execution, which waalv vim overwhelmingly in favor -of tba coo j visited Coos Bar and Curry cotmtr. demned man. - I Farther rrrlfclnn of that tt.o.i now t-oma frm Cmuilla Cltv. tha. 820 Acr ItacMrh RriBur fJOO0. j countjr aat f Coot rovaty. Tbe story i (Sneriol P.ntr M -rfc, kntLi. I la uutt PTeveas vlalted Aae-ftr Thrift Nona Powder, Or., Oct Si. Tha land made a careful (lamlnatkra f met 110 acre raw-h. eear Telocaaet. I tha tax roU f fha eountr. Ibrr baa ba aold by CharV-a Ena-land tl"f late te-a a feeling here that the Hendrirks; a La Grande jbotcg-1 Hill read wwald aadouud: reach tkia for . pa.. fnerlal Dtatcft ta Tb JoaraaLl I ari71 manalna readtnrs and text book v a,lo a, ur. (KL . At a ape- I work. rial meeting er tna city counc1 Mon day a new acned-Jie or water rente waa I ot-tti tci TTrvTT! TTT1 eatabllahed and. tba ordinance commit- j D Ll 1 lo DiiVtUIll tea was directed ta prepare a new or dinance In accordance with tha new I schedule. Xorth rowder Xe-wa Hold. tSoarial ltnra Tbe Jnaraalt NnrtH, I'owd'r. Or, Oft - ... The North Pewder Kwa baa been aold by MIM r. I. Rotrts to Glea IL Paling, late leasee f the Touch t. Waalw. Pio rer. Mi Rrerta and her etetrr. Jgr. Oraca. r for tha freaent ta Pe! to rtait thefr brother. J. E. Roberts cf Ui Jdaha VrJociat ON THREE COUNTS Pult for 1500 baa been begun in the circuit court by- Tbomae F. Saunders acalnat J. P. Mjem. launders ia suing on a note for 1 W hy Myers personally, another note for S given by R. J. White and eaid to have been guaranteed ry Vrera. and II a!lerd ta bare been advanred ta Myrre la May r June by tbe FTa Trriaated Farn-.a ctm pur.y f California, ta ba repaid ia l eaja . , ect to eatabllah a chain i at the principal - poin reached by thia rallroa rumor, however, la dent saem to be well Info proposed deal. Although It waa tmf view Norman Brothers, that they contemplate of large euma of money and that in all prob practically rebuild It both Its rapacity and I Notarial Con Via Br-a f Salem, or, ut ii. fiorts bava been aan Atoria; IX T. Lewtf Taw klna. - Toledo: . PorUar.d; L. T. Moo - - . . L - T. More Than 20 "iflredlents giva to Hood's Sariaparilla oraat curativa power power to cur nany and varied complaints, including Jiaaaaea ef tha blood, ailment at tna itomach, troublaa of tha kidneys and livtr. . r t Many of tha lnuedlenta ara jatt .Vhat the profession rre scribe tn tha .ailments named, but tba combination and propoTtlona ara peculiar' to this medicine and giva It curative power peculiar to Itself. Therefore, there la bo real rabsil-j tute for It. If nrged ta buy any prep aration a!l to ba "jut at tood" yo ir.fcjr b sure It Is Inferior, cost ler-r to make, and jS&. tba deader a larrerl profit.-' Get It today la tie timaai UfftiU trtrrt or In rbocoiafed tablet form raUe4 1 Caj-aataba. 109 Doaea Oct DoUar. . I