A THH OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOHER 24. 1003. I' Sunday Services at tt)e Hpovllanb (Turces her. V f nesting l'lral White Tipl, Twelfth end ' ijlor. Jt.v. J. Whtlcutob BrouiUer, .i in 'Ylna A-,ir.r rravar m ' rvit r. lu i ami t:38; lilble i a ool 12, . P. V., "ii.viu. "Clirlatlanlty euorm nier, ' 'in tn l.imxiiif in. i-ut-ond r-v-nlh nil tlaet Anfcany; K. v. iU 8. liittk. JO. 30 nd 7 i; JUbl ( h.xil. 1j: U. T.'V. l JO Toil'. How to nel.a In Church," "iiur Part ! i raedlna- Ifunle th Bread of Ufa" tnt rai Laet Twentieth and Ankany; v. W, T, Jordou. , U and I. H. .. U: Y. P. V.. f St. Toi.l.-. "A Prasent ' i i vl!." 'The Mur of a Man. ; ArUtrt Rev. r, A. Smith. I! and 7 So; H. a. .45; R Y. P. I'.. 110. Morning rrimon by Bv. J. K. Knodt-II. Kventng 't -flo. "A Coward Bhowing His Back." ' Highland A I bar in ana Sixth, Kev. i tl Laonard.- i.anlor. 11 and 7.10; JJ. . ! I . U., I SO; A 8., 19. K,-l wood Tanoma and Eleventh. Bar. f K W. Thurston. iutor. 11 and 7;S0; 8 , i- . 10: Y. P. L' t:S0. ; Calvary Kast KIsnth and Orent Rev. : J..N. Nonroa. 11 and T : JO; 8. K.. 10; R V. 1. U 1:30. Topics, "tlod's Associates" ; l Hit A Sanctifying Ideal. - ImmanuelJones Mull. Glbba and -lT.iiit. Kev. A. B. Mtnaker. 10;I0 and zoi & 8.. II; B. T. P. t!.. 1:30. Tnlon rvice In evening at Fourth Preeby : l-rltin church. ? r.raca Montavllla: Rev. Albert K l.ifh 11 and 7:J0: H. 8.. 10: Y. P. : 1 !. 1:34. Topics, "Our Business" and now to Re Clean." Intversity Park Rav. A. B. Walta P. R. 10. 11 and 7:10; B. Y. P. U 7; Hunnyslde tQerman) Forty-first ana IJUwthorpe; Rev. C Feldm.th. 11 S. 8- Nt. Johni (German) Rev. C. Feld rt H ih. S. 6.. :45; services 11 and 7:80. ,. tft Johns Rev. C. I Owen. 11:30 :sd 7.S0: 8. 6., W; B. Y. P. if., :0. i'pjilca, '3d "lrt In Our Affertlona," "' The Tratedv of a Great Nation." ; Ohtnene Mission J5H Oak street fi 8., 7; preaching;. 8, by Rev. Kung First German Fourth and MIH l.w J. KrntL 11 and 7:S0: 8. B.. 9:45. Second German Morris street and r.ixinev avenue; Rev. F. Bueermann. 11 H III ,.v, o. n. i r n. Kast Forty-fifth street Corner East .Hln; Rev. li. C. cook. u:i ana :su; , J.IMe school,-10; B. P. Y. U., :45. ! Lents Rev. J. F. Ileacock. S. S., 10; 11 and. 7:80; B. Y. P. U-. :o. .' Mount Olive Seventh and Everett tlev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30. " Swprilsh Hovt and Fifteenth: Rev, Trick Scherstrom. 10:4S and 7:46; ifc. 8., 12; B. Y. P. V.. 9-30. r Third Knott end Vancouver. Rev. R. Prhwedler. 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10. Woodstock Forty-flret and Holrate; ' Rev. F. E. Dark. 11 anj 7:30; S. 8., S:45; iHrvlces each Blent. Sufcfifcdfivc Question on the Sunday ! ScKdol Lesson by Rev. Dr. T, S. Linjcott lusdar arbool rite Tlia Journal briefly llietr views aa Uar tMlntalera, BuBdav i a Ilia Journal brlafl tarti'ularly If tbey eona laarhera and others Intaraated are Invited ! vlawa aa la the worth of ttieeo Maueatluoa tli era er value in tneir wora.j rile ton. Rev. A- Krauaa, 10:10 and T o; . & 40. 1'llnlty (J DRY FARMING IS RECLAIMING MONTANA The International Kewsraer bible Wtudy rlub Is for the ptvpna of pre way anions ina maaaea. a wiaer iiuot er ine uiii, motlna In an unfvttarad the baaal truths of Christianity, and the problepia which eaUr Into evarf nian'B Ufa. . It ta rnm nnaiwl at all tlieaa who tola a looal rlub. and take OB tn tlmiiit course herela outlined, barrlnf only ordained clergymen. All who bava nai t.ln.t are warmlv Invliad la da ao and to ooinDota fu lha Drlaea Parsons may join the club at any time during the year, but must at rouraa. answer the IS questions hereinafter eaplalned, to (juallfy for tbe prises, and the bark questions may be obtained ry aaareasmg (ins orrice. This paper has aeeurad the licht to publish the International gundsv sirhool Lesson questions by Rev. Lr. IJnaoott, which havi arouaed ao much Interest elae where, and they will appear weekly in both the Hatorrtay ana Sunday laauea of The Journal' One of these queatlona each week la to be anawerd tn wiitln and ui theaa answers the prtsea are to be awarded. OoadlUaa of the tJonaas. 1. Kaob eonteaUnt. or tils or bar family. naat be a abaerlbsr to'thta paper, In order to qualify for membership la the inlernatloual Newepa? JblbU btud rlub and thla local club. 1 Kach contestant tn this local elub must answer each of the written ques tions for It consecutive weeks, commencing- Sunday, March) 14. and the answers must all be la the possassloa of thla paper vltfiln two weeks of the close Of this nerlod. . I. Each question must ba answered separately, and the paper written on ona side only. No answer must exceed 100 words In length and mar be laaa Kaon answer must have the cams and address or the writer at the bottom of the answsr. 4. The answer must ba delivered to this office, and they will be collated at the close of the contest and forwarded "o headquarters for indrpendent amlnatlon by competent examlnera. The prises will then be awarded ac cording to the highest number of marks, won by members of The International Newspaper Bible fltudy club. prises. ' V . First Berleo A gold medal to each of the first five contestants. ' Second Series A silver medal to each of the next five contestant Third Berlea A Teacher's Bible, price Si 10, to each of the next flvs oon-teatants. Fourth Barlee The book The Heart of Christianity.'' price ll.lO.' to each of the next St contestants. , ' Presbyterian. t: First Twelfth ana Alder, Rev. Wil liam Hiram Foulkes. 10:30 and 7:S0: 8. k., IS; Y. P. V., 6:46. . Topics. "Hidden i In the Heart," "The Man with Iron In : J lis Blood." ,' i Mizpah East Twelfth and Powell; lJ:ev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; ' (J, E, 6:30. : .. ; I s Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev. 5niomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:45; i Mble school, noon. Topics, "The MIS f. non of the Church. "For or Against" Fourth First and Gibbs; Rev. Donald ; Mackenzie, 10:30 and 7:30. 8. S., 12; C l, 6:30. - . -v ..: i- Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East , '.' aylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30, ;5-.10-- 12; C. E.. :30. Topics, . "K Man's a Man forA' That," "What t ! haw at Monte Carlo and My Impressfon ; vf the Viceof Gambling." Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln; fliev. Harry H. Pratt; H.and 7:30; S. S., Ju: C. E., :80.: Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; .i: v, J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; B. S., , 15. '. Chinese 145 First. 7:45; 8. S., ;46. u : Westminster East Tenth and Weld I Jor; .Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and i't.m-8. S-. 12; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:80." ' i ; .Marshall Btreet Marshall and North j - i-eventeenth; Rev. C. W. Haya, 11, 4. Mount , Tabor Belmont and Pretty' i man; iev, iiawara M. unarp, n and 8 "s. s., io. . v Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth nud Hpokane; Kev. B. At Thompson, 11 , wa f:3tt: h. e ju; u. js.j b:b. : Third East Thirteenth and Pine; Kev. j. a. 3ft Mcuraw, i:3u ana 7:4S 1Z. Each medal will ba aultablv enrraved. rlvlnr the name nt tba winner und for what It Is awarded and lo like manner each Bible and book will be In All who can writs and have Ideas, are urred to take tin theaa studies gardleas of the degree of tholr education, aa the papers are not valued from eaucauonai or literary sianopoini. duk irora too point or view or jaw rmiil) IM IMurl svnod) U'llll.m. and M-llwtMKl: J. A. itlmbarh. I " yfiifc A";Vv .rr. anJ pilncs Xow Only Small Tiirt i)f This Groat State TJoumo 7;4S; o. B., :0. ' Hwedlsh Mlaalon Beventeenth and Gliaan: Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11 and I; U. M. IS: Y. P.. 1:10. L John's penlntula avenue and KUpatrUk; S p. m. Kllm Chapel Michigan avenue and Fkldmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; & a., I o - - .... Imnianuel German Comer Wth and Leo (Hellwood), H. C Ebellng. 10:10; 8. H.. :J0. Grace Fnxllah Rodney and Ivy. Al bin a, II. V, Ebellng. 7:10. Norwerlan Kerby and Fargo streets. Rev. U. liagoea. 11; 8. A. 11:10. to Handle Shears Philippine Coal to' Be .Used by Navy. - ' OoBrregatloaai. First Madison and Park. Rev. Luther R. lyott tt 1.! Rev. Guy L. 1)1. k, saslstaati 11 and 7:41; . B., B:4. imi( lal service in morping ror oominia slonlng Mr. and Mrs. Kelloga to Foo- rhow. China. Evening addresses by Rev. O. W. Hlnman and Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg. .... Laurelwood Rev. w. iu Myers; in H., 10; C. K., 1. 10. 4 fiunnyslde East Taylor and'. East Thirty-fourth, Rev. 3. J. Staub; 11 and By Ralph M. Whiteside. (Copyrighted. 10, by tba Publishers' Press.) Washington. Oct II. Try farming has dons wonders for Montana and has mads that stats ona of tba great agrl. cultural states of the northwest" said W. a Conrad of Great Falls, whils' lo this city. "lntltl three or four years ago. It was believed that Montana was noth ing but a mining state, but wfth the introduction of dry farming and the produotion through this method of cul tlvatlon of tremendous. orops of wheat. oais ana parley, Montana is gutting a reputation as one of the foremost agrl eultural states of the west A large Irrigation plant baa been established Dave You Seen "Our Scolches" Beautiful in designs and col orings and ho two , alike. Drop in and look them over. No trouble, to show goods. Special Sale on' Overcoats by abeenoa to which they rs entitled. PfcUlpplas Oeai Proves Oood, Much importance attaches to tests I which have been na!e by ths military authorltlus of coal obtained from mines on Batan Island of ths Philippines. This coal has been used n ths army freight atajktnee 1 It v In a mum ......... n.-ti. and Bea'tHe, and reports are favorable I Finest of domestic atlff iTTl- o me extension, or Its use. Ths ooal I $20to 80: H 8.. 10: C K.. f:S0. Toplo, I h. P ronrl mnA thfii.nri-i . t eewv... tk.. - -.M 4k Mvlal Un'a Unnan . .. . v avi vs I IlSg l UVUlf) Kl L IIW VIII ., m MVUB Your Life's Great Architect cogency of their reasoned Ideas. (Copyright 10. by Rev. T- a Uns- -xtt D. D.) - October 84, 1M. Paul a Prisoner, before Festus and Agrinpa. Acta IB: t-lt: Chapter 26. Golden Text I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he Is ablo to keep that which I have com mltted unto blm against that day. Tim. 1:11. Verse 6 Who was this Festus re f erred to In this verse T f rom trier nrecedlnc five verses what had the Jews requested Festus to do? Verse 7 On what Drlnclnle can vou explain 'he bitter hatred which the Jewa nad Tor Paul 7 Will a religions bltrot who is full of hatred as these Jews were, ston short or swearing to a lie to accomplish his purpose Should any Christian believe or cir culate a charge agalnat any person that lie nun not got ample prooi 017 Verse 8 As a matter of fact had Paul, In any sense,-broken any Jewish law? Which at this time, were really in t.ie most unenviable situation. Paul or his accusers, and why? Verses 0-12 When a Judge or a mag istrate favors the Droseoutlon. and makes harsh remarks against the pris oner during the taking of the evidence, thus prejudicing the Jury, s such a man fit for a judicial position? W hen a Christian is nnniMpd nf nrnnr doing, and Is Innocent, should he Insist upon-his Innocence or be natient and silent and wait for the facts to speak? Paul was no doubt wise in refusing to go to Jerusalem, but was he equal ly wise In ot Insisting that his trlil be finished at Caesarca, and In his ap peal to vaesar? If you were a minister to be tried for heresey. which tribunal would you rather select a prejudiced conference. 8. S., Topics, "Love the Brother- i.ood'V and "Elements of Retribution in tne jsoui. : 11: s. &. io. :. Ken 11 worth East Thirty-fourth and i Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S. S. , 12; Y. P., 7. ; Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town- send: Benriees. 10: S. S.. 11:15. . . Anabel Rev. John X'. Townsend. Serv- f loes, 11:30 and 7:45; S. S.. 10:15; C. E. T. - Trinity Dakota street. Rev. A. Rob ! inpon, 7:45 p. m.; C E. :4B; S. B., 11. ; Vernon wygant and East Nine teenth: Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8; S. S, 9:46; C. E, 7. ' . ' j - . Oathollo.. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth ; t"nd Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D, - IjOW mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and " t-ermon. 11. Vespera, instruction and ; benediction, 7:45. :: St Joseph's (German). Fifteenth and ; 'xiucn hu ev. james Kauw, v. G. ; low mass, d. uigti mass and sermon, ' 10:30. Vespers, benediction, 1:30. St Francis. East Eleventh and Oak - J Jlev. J. H. HiacK. Low mass, g, 8:S0 ; nd 9:S0. Hlen mass and sermon. 10:30 ; 'eBpers. Instruction and benediction. - i :.i. St Lawrences. Third and Sherman , Hpv. j. u. Hughes. iow mass, 6, 7 and ; :. uign mass ana sermon, iu;30, espers ana peneaiction, 7:30. i -Ascension, Montavllla. Rev. J. P, - IMtzpatrick. Mass and sermon, 9 In chapel or Bisters of the Precious Blood. St Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savlcr t liev. f. Murpny. ixw mass, 8. High nass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and rrneaicrion. s:su. , Rt Michael's (Italian), Fourth and "ini -Jesuit Fathers. low mass. 8 High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers j eno oeneaiciion, i:bo. . St Stephen's. Flrty-second and East : r or synod, or general assembly, or con Ministers, Pun flay school teachers and others Interested are write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these particularly if they consider them of value In their work. venllon, or a committee of secular high court judges 7 Chapter 29: 1-11 Who wss this Agrippa ana what had brought him to laesarear If a man's cause Is jit, will a knowl edge of- all the facts tVTways help him? vvnat are tbe leading points here out lined of Paul's defense before King Agrippa? "Whv should It bs thought a thing incredible with you that God shot raise the dead"? v-8. . Was Paul any better when he per secuted and caused Christians to be put to fl.ath, than the jews were then in wanting to put him to death? How do vou estimated Paul's charac ter before hie: conversion? Verses lt-18 What nnlnts of resam- iDiance are liters Deiween i-'aui s con version and that of a sinner's today? Why did Paul so freuuently describe nis conversion? What was God s obleot. as hers de scribed In Paul's conversion, and what Is Gods object in every conversion? Verses 19-23 Is it possible that some sinners get a call from God fully ns marked as Paul's and yet refuse to comply and go on In their sins? what Qilieraaee is there between a man before and after he turns to God? (This Question must bs answered . In writing by members of ths club.) Verses 24-32 Why did Festus in terrupt Paul and say he was mad? Why did not Festus and Agrippa both turn to God. seeing that they were clearly convinced of the truth of Christianity and their need of salva tion? Why are not all persons Christians who have heard the voice of God call ing them to repentance? Lesson for Hunday, October 81, 1909. Paul a Prisoner The Voyage. Acts 27: invited to 'questions." Taylor Rev. W. A.-Wa4tt JjOw mass, $:80. Hleh mass and sermon, 10:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. -Daly, Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and ser mon, 10:30. Vespers and benedlotion. f :3U Holy Rosary; East Third and Union Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low mass. 6. 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon. iu:bu. vespers and benediction,. 7:30., Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rev. Ore- gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Holv Cross. University Park Rav. .T. Jf. Tblilman. u. 8. C. Low mass. 8:30, fiien mass and sermon. io:so. vomers and benediction. 4 Holy Redeemer, Portland and Van couverRev. Ed K. Cantwell. C. SS. R. Low mass. 8. Hi eh mass and sermon. id:bu. Benediction. . St Andrew's. Ninth 2nd Alberta. Rev. Thomas Klernan. Low mass, 8. Hi eh mass and sermon. 10. Vespers, in struction and benediction, 7:80. st. Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell -Kev. b Dillon, a. 3. Low sermon and Valley road- mass, 8 and 9:30. Mass. peneaiction. i:3U. St Stanislaus, Maryland and Falling Rev. C. Seroskl. Low roaas, 8. Hleb mass and sermon. 10. . - i Secrets SOW TO HATS A BXAUTIJTUI. SUCK 8BOW3T JUSAD OP HAXR. Sand for a Trial Package Today. ' v k t 4"' r mr : ".If Bear Woman. Xf Torn' Would Only tree xcra. rcttars wains t-llnt : ftalx, As I XX, STo Oao Would (rr Know Tom Staiaed Too.r xau. It enly taka you a few mlnotts one morth to aprlr iira. fotters v ainu t 'nt Hair Stain wttb your comb and . tie a ni-. rkli brown head of hair. c h as all admire Stains only the i .r. t rwb oft, ontatss ro pris- - ! ofM. suit r;ur. ieai or ror.rx-r. Hi -er. no liiT,it, ro griae. One f Sirs l'uttera ainat-Tlnt ir fiin t' wifl lat a yr. 8n ' It a bot'J at firat rlaao dnje- , We ru.UBt. aatiafa'tion. tvd mt r m rt arf-irwa oa a s1 p nt t-r. r. adi rt l-trri-t aa In Ii-t h'wm t-r t-mr) and we i r'.l 1 fcirt. a. c rr id. a trial tn r-.ti. eid rri-". wee twi 141 bi 4 len . " f'-.'r Co, (4 1 o rvton tiSg. Episcopal. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev, A. A. Morrison. 8, 11 and 7:30. .3. S.. :4D. cervices or song in evening. St. Matthew's, First and Caruthers Rev. W. H. M. Breek. Holy communion, 7:au; h. b., io; service ana sermon, 11. tro-catnearai or St. Stephen, the Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. M. Raansay. 7:30. 11 and 7:80 p. m S. o. :45.- St Davids East Twelfth and Bel- mont. Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy communion. 7:3U; prayer and sermons. 11 and 8: 8. a.. :6. St. Andrews, rortsmoutn Holy eucharlst and sermon, 11; prayer and sermon, 7:30; S. 8., 10 a. m. Archdeacon Chambers will officiate. St Mark's. Twenty-first and Mar shall. Rev. J. E H. Simpson. Holy eucharlst 7:30 and 11: S. S.. 9:45: matins and,31tany,'10:15; evensong, 7:30. Church or our savior Woodstock. 11 and 8. Archdeacon Chambers will officiate. St John s Church Multnomah and Taylor. 11 and 7:30: S. S.. 1. Good Shepherd Graham and Van couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:30;. 8. S., 9:46. Grace Memorial. East Seventeenth end Weldler Rev. Georaro B. Van Wat- ters. Prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10. Ascension Chapel Portland Heights. B. S.. 9.S0. All Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savler. Rev. Rot Edsur Remlna-ton. Morning prayer and sermon, 11; H. lZ:lo; even ing prayer, . e-t. psui w 00a mere. Key. J. tJ. ror- ythe; 11 a. m ; S. 8 . 9:45. Utshop Morris Memonai cnapei., uood Samnritan hospital. Kev. William R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. m.: ward senrlcea. 8: prayer and sermon, 7:16 p. tn. "Revival Services." - Centenary East Ninth and Pine; Clarence True Wilson. D. D., 10:30 and 7:30; E. U, 6:30; S, S., 12:15. Topics, "Lessons From the Temptations of the onrisi, "wny Oregon is Going Dry in 191V. I Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11 and 7:30. , Laurelwood Rev. R. E, Myers; 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10; E. L.. 6:30. Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo street, Rev. C L. Hamilton, 10:30 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 12: E. L. 6:30. Topics. "Holv Communion," "Types of Churches." JVorwerlan Danish Vancouver ave nue and Skldmore. Rev. C J. Larsen, 11 and 8; S. S., 12:15. Japanese Mission 121 North. Fif teenth, Rev. Ellsen Rlbara, 9:80 and 8:30; S. S., 3:30. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev. John Ovall. 11 and 8: S. 8.. 10: E. L.. 7: Topics, "The Fatherhood of God and the Brotnerhood of Men," "The Sure Foun dation of Eternal Happiness. First German Fifteenth and Hoyt; v. a. waasa; 11 ana :au. Second German Stanton and Rodney, Rev. E. E. Hertzler. 11 and 8: S. S.. 9:45: E. L.. 7:30. Sellwood East Fifteenth and Taeoma. itev. tester c poor, n and 7:30; J. E. L.. 2:30: E. L.. 6:!n. The ciinton-Keiiv Memorial Thirty ninth and Powell. Rev. Ernst Leon Jones; 8. 8., 9:45; 11 and 8; E. L., 7. St Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson! 11 and 8. K.. 10. University Park Haven and Dawson, Rev. O. W. Rlgga; 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; E., 8:80. Hasaalo Street East Seventh and Hassalo. Rev. George H. Paddock, in troductory sermons by the new pastor, ana 7:46; a. a., iu; u. jej., : Highland Fast Sixth and Presoott. Rev. E B. Rolllnger, 11 and 7:80; S. fi., 10: T. P. C. E.. 1:45. Topics, "Life's Best Investment." Praise service. . First German East Seventh and Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:30 and 7:80: S. B 9:15; C. E.. :30. Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue. Rev. Daniel P. Tbomae, 11 and 7:30; B. 8.. 9:46. j Christian. land that heretofore bays been arid will bs brought under cultivation. - This land will produoa three times ss much to ths- aors as tbe farming lanas or tba Dakota. By dry farming w tavs raised as high aa 40 bushels of wheat to ths acre. 76 bushels of oats. and 60 bushelg of barley. I should like to know If IDT other farm In a- land In this country can show a better record. or course, we have not under cultlva lion as much farming land as tho larre agricultural states of the northwest, but it may not be many years until Montana will rank with Iowa. Kansas and ths Dakota as an agricultural stats." Mr. Conrad at ths Denver convention was prominently spoken of as a can- Central East Twentieth and Sal-1 dldats for vies president, but declined mon; Kev. J. r. ft- TllhlM anhrMil . ... . . . . . , , ,, o.. Clirist. "Alio itcaveniy uuku - states senator In xfnntan. it h. mons by associate pastor, Rev. F. L '? f ntan..an ltJh Cook. Mxt 'ff"lturs Is Democratic,' Mr, Con First Corner Park and Columbia, W. rad will doubtless b sent to ths upper F. Ohormlay, D. D.. 11 and I to permit his name to be presented. He 10-- T-opJ?;..Rr.nJ! n" twc been a candidate for United Realtor, minister. 11 snd 7:80; S. 8., 9:45. Morning sermon by Rev. Bruce Wolvsrton on "Forward to Christ." Eve ning address at ths graduation exer cises of the teachers' training class, by Rev. Charles A. Phlpps. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott; Thomas O. Plcton, 11 and 7:46; 8. 8.. 9:45; C. E., 7 p. in. Kern Park Pitt and Mldburn: Ray. A. A. Beery. .1 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; C. K. 6:30. Topics, "The Purpose of Lire," How to Study the moie. : Sellwood Eieventn ana umaiiiia. 10:30 and 7:46. Woodlawn Kev. o. M. xueiiinger, 11 and 8; S. 8.. 10; C. E., 7. United Brethren in Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. G. E. McDonald. 11 and 8; 8. B., 10: C. E.. 7. ' Radical Hlxin ana mucmnio, rvov. v- car A. Martin. 11 ana 7:30; . a., iu; C. E., 6:30. . - , ' Third Boutn Mount xaDor; itev. v. P. Blanchard. Bible school, 8. Alberta East Twenty-seventh and Mildred, Rev. B. E. Emerlck. 11, preach ing by Bishop N. Castle; evening service In union with First church. East Fif teenth ana Morrison; h. o., iu. Tremont Wisdom and Curtis streets. Rev. H. C. Shaffer; a. a. 2:30; preach-, lng. S:30. United Svangelloal. Flrsf East Sixteenth, and Poplar. Rev. H. A. Deck, 11 end 7:30: s. o.. 10. Topics, "Lights in Dark Places," 'Why Men Hold Aioor from tnns- tlanlty." m Ockley ureen May ana nmnraouo. Rev. J. Bowersox, 11 and 7:80; S. S. 10: C. a. 9X0. . t - Second J argo ana ivemy, ev. j. j. St. John's I-vanhoe and John, Rev. C. P. Yates. S. S., 10. house of congress to succeed Senator Carter, whoso term expires in 1911. mstlri&ff Hoard to Meet. - Army officers are awaiting with In terest the findings of retiring boards on ths Pacific coast before which have been ordered for examination Colonel Edward B. Pratt Thirteenth Infantry, and Colonel Leonard A. Love ring, Twenty-eighth infantry. Colonel Lover lug will be examined by a board at San Francisco,-of which Colonel Pratt Is president, and Colonel Pratt himself will be examined by a board at Van oouver barracks, Washington, of which Brigadier General Marlon P. Mausls president If these officers are found disqualified for further active service, the dates of their retirement will de pend upon tho amount of accrued leave ported fabrics includ ing Rain Proof. Satisfaction an a ran lead In all caaea Garments to order in a day If required. Full dross and tuxodo suits a specialty. .7.08TXIXRP Sl V. ' ' Is of a free burning variety and leaves practically no ; ashes. - Special grate pars ana means of firing have to bs mpJoysd with It... Ths ooal is also being used by ths various bureaus of ine Philippine government, and It Is likely to displace foreign ooal In the islands to a great extent. , - ' Wlrslssg Xs Satisfactory.. Rsports recently received by ths chief I aignar oirioer or tn army from First lieutenant E. A. Jeunet on duty with ths signal corps In Alaska, indloats ths vary satisfactory operation of ths wlre- isss telegraph stations In that territory. Messages were axe hanged between the unions at Mom and Fort Gibson and I tie steamer Minnesota, sn rout from Beattl to Japan, on ths night of Sep. I commute charged with making a thor- ismoer is. in steamer at that Urns lough Investigation of why tba outflow uuiween iauu aoa 1400 miles from I or aovsrnment funds has reached era. the stations. I portions far bevond anv Dravlous record Senator Jonathan Bourn Jr. sf Ore-i in ths history of tha country not ax. gon is Jn charg of President Taft'a oeptlng ths war periods. In accord with pruning shears crusade to save monav I tha earnastaesa of Prealdant Taft Sana. for tha national government Behind tor Bourn Is dolnff his beat to get st me coraiaj social rotations existing be- 1 tn root of.tbinga He has- brought i wren in executive and tho lawmaker I two experts of hlarh reputation from-- Is ons of th most Important under- New York In tha work and thy are takings of th administration that of I now busy In Washington burrowing Into uniigiug aDout a greater economy to ths vast national accounts. The unci sarn s expense accountf. 1 t perts ar working quietly, making in Oregon senator Is a member of I fhoruuarh . everhaullria-. aavlnar nothlna. tue oommitt on nublio expenditures. I and racosnlxlne- no authorltv ta whom but his more Important relation lies In to mak report or explanation other vne ract tnat- n is chairman of a sub- than Senator Bourns. Evangelical Associations.- First English East Sixth and Mar ket, F. B. Culver, 11 and 7:30; Y. P. A, 6:30; S. 8.. 10. , . First uerman lenin ana i-iay, Bens, 10:46 and 7:45: S. S.. 9:30; Y. P. 7 p. m. Topics, "The Things Which John Saw," "Wishing to See Jesus." Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb betts, Morris Heverllng, 11 and 8; S, S. 10. -, . United Presbytarlan. The Church of the Strangers Grand ave. and Wasco, Kev. s. jsari uu B013, 10:30 and 7:30i 8. S.. 12. Interpretation for the deaf every Sunday morning. First sixth ana Montgomery, nev. Frank D. Findley, 10:30 and 7:30; S. S., 12; C. E., 6:30. Topics, "The Church and Her Prayer Life ;S pulpit editorial, "The tSacrlflce Hit;" sermon, "A Taste of Womanhood." Third East Thirty-seventh and Clay; Rev. J. L. Acheson, 11 and 7:30, S. S Tenth and Sherman. J. C. Westergard, lircoiaing eiaer, 11 ana 0; a. a,, IV. Advent Christian Second, between Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Bbepard. 10:30 and 7:30. - Volunteers Of America 285 Burnside street, x ;so and g.so. Divlna Truth Center 201 Allsky uuiiuuiK, xtev. i naaaeus M. Allnara. 11; S. S., 12. Topic, "Ideal." ' New Thought East Thirteenth and xenino, b. Kev. p. j. Green. Church of Naaaren East . Seventh ana tjoucn. 11. New Church floolety (Swedenborgen) Eleventh and Alder, Knights of Py thias' hall. Lay seryics and sermon, 11. State Spiritualists' association Eagle hall, St. Johns, 8 p. m. Y. M. C A. Gymnasium or new build ing. Sixth and Taylor, 8; mass meeting for men; address by Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher on "Heads I Win; Tails You Lose." Bible classes, 4:16. v, Non-Sectarian Odd Fellows' hall, East Sixth and Alder; 1:30, up to dat Bible studies; 3:15, scriptural discourse tor unristians. Center of Right .Thinking W. O. W. temple, 128 Eleventh and Alder streets, Mrs. E. Sherman OIney; 8 p. m. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ or Latter Day Saints East Seventy- sixth and Irving. Elder Walter Bar- leer, ll and 7:30; S. S 10:45. , X. W. C. A. Seventh and Taylor 4 p. m., address by Kev. Luther k. uyott on "'ma complete Life." 100 MUTES FLEE FIRE SILENTLY, IN PANIC Pro Methodist. . . . . i Tl..w ...I I'lll Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth I David M. Purhev. 11 and 8: S. B.. 10: BiicciB, nvv. nttruiti ueric: 11 ana n; 1 v. T M . 1. S. S.. 10: class meeting, 12; E. L.. 7:15. Woodlawn William J. Douglas; 11 ana ; H. H.. 10: Jfi. 1,.. 7. University Park Dawson and Flske, nev. w. k. jerrry. j.; ji ana African Zion Thirteenth and Main, Kev. w. Mattnews; 11 and 8; B. K., 1, Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty- ursi, j. v. Mcuougau; 11 ana 1:30. Wrood stock J. D. Voce; 11 and 7:30 a. a.. 10: E. L.. 6:30 Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter, u. a. waiters; 11 ana t; s. s., 10 J. L., 7. Lents Seventh and Gordon. Rev. W. Boyd Moore.- 11 and 8; S. S 10; E. L., Second! church East Flanders, be tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth streets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11 and 7:30 S. S 10; class meeting, 6:30. Olive urancn Mission oecona ana Ankeny. A. Wells, superintendent. Meetings every evening at 8: Sunday at 3. St. James' Jefferson: J. 8. 8., 10; L. Zintheran. English West Park and Allen Leas. 1! and 7:45: Ia, 7 p. m, Topics, "Was SOtbodlst, Taylor 8treet Rev. Benjamin Young. D. D- 19:39 and 7:89: 8. 8. 11:10: K. L.. 30. Topic. "Tbe Glory of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone," "Tongue and Temper." Grace Twelfti and Taylor. Rev. John H. Cud 1 ! pp. Ix !., !: and f C: B. B.. 12 U; E. L. 6.11. Toplr 'Thrletlan Liberty." The Homelea Woman." ec- nn4 la a aerlea ef four evaolngs, on "l b Uan CI liomeieaanesa orwrIas - I -an'ah Tr.irteenth and rvla. Rev. II P Nelson, 11 and I; & 8, is gnanTatde Tmi Tamhllt an,t THrtT. fifth: W'. T. E"ter: II and 7:1: 8. B.. : E. L, 44 Toplra. "Th P-raonal LarfTh',p ef Jsua Cbrlat" Tbe In- sutuucia f F!i The Theatre." ft Jobs H Dewart: II and I: K. 1 T; B. B . 1 F.:."rlli Twetr-!xth snd Bv1e. R V.brie T. 4cP--ru: 11 and T t: P . 1; tl L 6 . Tcplca. rTh K'-.ortty RTorL "Working ot Our f-;rT.,-vn." Tn"1 Fat Ti' a4 Off"!: L' F r-:- nr; 11 T t L. IP: B B II. i na. -it Ii.me Wlib Ue wri." Jesus Christ What He Claimed to Be?," Hell! What Is It? Where Is It? Who Are There?" Swedish Immnnuel Nineteenth and Irving. 11 and 8; S. 8.. 9:45 Norwegian Synod East Tenth and Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 7:45. Morning service in Second Evangelical church. rargo ana K.eroy. Betanla Danish Union and Morris: Rev. J. Scott, 11 and 8; S. S., 10. United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth; Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:80; 8. 8. 9:46. :3U. ion's German Chapman and Sal mon: H. H. Kappelmann, 10:16; 7:45; 8, 8. 9:16. St Paul's German East Twelfth and I WILL GIVE $1000p Universalis. Church of the Good Tidings Union hall, corner Grand avenue and East Pine. Rev. J. D. Corby, 10:45: S. S., 18. Topic, "The Business of Religion and gellgion In Business." The pastor will 1 assisted by E. 8. Hooper, Denver. Colo. Unitarian. f!hurch of Our Father Yamhill and Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. L. Eliot. D. D., minister emeritus. 11 and 8: 6. 8.. 9:45: adult class. 12:39 Y. P. F., 6:80. Topics, "Art and Char acter." "The Present State or Psycho therapy. ' Christian Science. First Church of Christ Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison ana iownsaaie, 11, 8: 8. 8., 12 subject or lesson sermon. 'Probation After ueatn. , Second wooamen s naii, risi nixin and Aider. 11: 8: 8. 8.. 12; subject o lesson sermon,. "Probation After Death." Jkt. B. Cbnsoli Boats. TTnlon avenue and Multnomah street Rav. E. H. Mowrt, 11 ana :: h. is: E. L., -4:80. Morning topic, "Why Men Do Not Accept Christianity as Readily Tbey Lo bcienca- IF I FAILTO CURE ANY CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE IT POISONS DEEP GLANDS 1 Without WIFE or PAIN Nt Pay sjflta Curad, NoXRavorot her s w i a d in An laiaad plnt mkaa the f tt-. ASJOLUTt W ARAST1X. A i usmr. L-umo er, Snre nn Ux Bo, laeo orLvw aaTBlwn mix nvmh 1,1 , vCaaav. THCVBCVIg I . :l 1 ' IM-rA&C BOOK fn taatiiaiai ts-wa-i . at WRITE TO TE ANT LUMP 1,1 WOMAN'S BREAST b CASCCg, ad if Mwwd it anil always rn a 4mb t'nit ta . a Trt. al In' qijk I V, AiA-ess CI & IL'aS. cjl ckaklct teal y, - 4'i' erJ1 f ftsV"" 4tp- - r-f fjdf, atataBUSBBBBTsV 1 v zsi m V aaaTaS. I V r . t V I J Tit VT " rrlsads Ok urea. v Sunnyslde. Mala and East Thirty- fifth. Llndley A. vteiis, 11 and 1:30; Bible school, is; wo. k s is. ienta center sireei, aiyra a. bmitn. 11 and 7:J; Kibl scbooi. 19. Ssefonaed. - First German Tenth and Stark street. . .Hafaer paator. Hervicoa 1 41 a. m. and p. nv; S. ftV. : a. a.; P. B 7 p. m. SClsoaDisaoua. First Sri ritual Society Chrltesea hall. Eleventh and TagiDiil streeta 11. 1:8 ana T.4. Church of New . Trnueht flilng- Rlrsch ball.. Henry Victor- Morgan. 8 p. m, adireas fy Dr. O, H. CbapmaJI on h lleareniy worn. Bed!a!i Corps flvauM Army 429 Born)4 It, 4 11 and a. irr ai Ministers Asanclatfoa AiH'irlo"! bun-li-J-r. IL t "d 4. U TUlrd Str-UU raAUSC0, CU.Ir1 Shajer. lU-r. Awg. Ulsoa. 1 tl at, 4 UzXj Seal ta icztsac i& Usccri 1 &tx r.y B.i.t. (k.-rt Chicago, Oct 23. One hundred men, jostling and pushing, yet uttering not a word, scrambled out of the building at 167 Washington street when fire was discovered on th fourth floor. On the sidewalk the men proceeded to wavo their arms and direct the' attention of passersby to smoke Issuing from a win dow on the fourth floor. , In th rush to the street one of those who had participated in tha "silent panic" bad (fallen. While his companions were attending to his " injuries th?ir signals of distress were Interpreted by a pedestrian and an . alarm of fire brought half a doxen engines-to the scene. The group which had established record for decorum, were members of the National Fraternal Society of the Deaf. They bad assembled for their regularly monthly meeting and were dis cussing plans for their coming conven tion when President Louis . Wallack who had the floor, paused In bis speech or tne sign language. , "There, Is danger; I smell smoke," he said with a quick manipulation of hln fingers, pointing to the dynamo room of the building across the corridor. Instantly there was a "babel" of "finger talk" and the excited scramble to th door. So silent was ths fight of ths deaf men that TS members of the Carpenters' union. "In session in the Knights of Pythias hall on the third floor, knew nothing or the nre until they heard the clanging of engines on ths street below. Jn tbe Graves Music Douse 111 Fourth Street, Portland Nearly 100 pianos, in every sue, style and wood of ome of tne oldest and most celebrated manufacturers jn this country. Grand pianos for music rooms. Small pianos for small apartments. : ' - A large variety of the popular styles and sizes shown in our uufcrent piano panors wnere tne piano win. sound and nave tne same appearance it wul have in your home. This is an ad vantage that you will appreciate. , - One parlor devoted exclusively to the artistic Kranich & - xxn.ii jjidnu. ine futi.j vi iutiiv?auamy ana artistic musical vaiue, one tnat win appeal to you and that you will appreciate. The world renowned dickering Bros.' piano, the true grand piano in an inverted style, making the grand piano in tone with thevsaving in space. We want you to compare the tone of the Capacou9tic Chickering Bros,' piano with any grand piano of any make. '.. ' .,- Vfc have a, surprise in store for you here and something we want you to know. " The popular Steger & Sons piano, the piano of quality and reputation. Steger & Sons' piano have just been placed in all of the public schools in Gary, Ind In -competition with other pianos and the order has been placed for Steger & Sons' pianos for the new schools as soon as they are completed. We rent pianos for long or short time and apply rent on purchase price when you are ready to buy. We are not the only house in the wprtd selling pianos, but we offer you every opportunity for selection and comparison in our 5 piano parlors and every purchaser of a piano from us will recommend our pianos and advise you to purchase from us. You will be as satisfied and a pleased as they are if you do, that is one thing we are particular about. Your inspection and correspondence solicited. raws Music Co. Ill FOURTH ST., PORTLAND. OR. Everything: in Music. Wholesale' and Retail. NEWLTWED PLACARDS v USED TO PAPEK DEN Darby, Pa, Oct. S3. Declaring that the 19 signs 'and placards which be found decorating the entire front of his business place and residence were Just what bo wanted to paper. His den, B. FT Kewcomb. a Darby merchant and member of the achool board, turned th Joke on his friends on bis arrival with his t rwe. Alias Maud M. Janney. to whom be was married recently. In sddltlon to placard! rg tbe enllrs front of tbe house with signs, suck as "My wife came from the country, hur rah," "Wanted Soma one to ret break fast before 7 a. tn "She le not clay. but sachet" snd ether expressions, a big Americas flag was run op from tbe pole towering far above the third story, at balf mat "I will preserve every sign snl rH- eard," said the erldrrxvmj. s.-d will tbem ta paper cf my' mnrns Thar er exactly I f iacarda and I think hat wt'l be ewevch to corr try 6r-a rauttfaUy. Tblr.k what ea lr.artrtDon will be to sit la such a ftxim rear hawe and all t nice thiras tr Ir g Jeti la the tacr" . Special High Class Tailored iSuits Values to $40.00 Monday at $24.80 AH recent arrivals in high class Suits, broad cloths, worsteds, serges, homespuns and di agonals, long coat models, Skinner satin and silk serge lined; every new color is repre sented; all sizes, values to $40.00, special Monday and all week as long as they last at - H $24.80 Swan & Winkler Go. 415 WASH ST. COR. 11TH. I