The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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4 iissi
t,.a 1.1 j.i--.xji . : in
Sun&ay Services at the., Uortlan gl)urcl)es j
. - - 4
flrst-Whlt Tempi-. Twelfth and
Taylor. Her. J. Wbltcomo nrous -Center."
"in the "'"''v.. Ankenri
ii:io inu ...v, -
jwir. j. in
r.SiSi,lrChurth." "Our
ta reodlnc 1-eople the Hread of Life.
'rU-U? J wontleth and Ankeny ;
Privilege' Tie 'M-ure of ft V
ermon by' Kev. J. K. Knod.ll. KT--
li.-rhland Albert and Sixth. Kev. E.
A. Leonard, paator. U and
p. W. Thuraton, pastor. 11 and
Vl v.TyEa.1 feVhth end Orsnt Rev.
and "A Sanctifying Ideal." .
lmmanuel Jonee Hall. Oiooa ana
'T Rev A.- B.' Mlnaker. 19:99 and
? 4 I II B T. P. U- I0. Union
Sortie? in ovenVat Fourth Prosby-
oUMlnt.T!U:..Ber. Albert f
Patchl and 1:30: a 8., 19; Y. P.
10. Topics! "tJur Business- and
"dow to Be Clean." nr.i..
Unlverslty Prk Rey A, B Walta.
an 10 11 and 7:10: B. T. F. u., i.
8-6u"nnV.lde rmany-Forty-flrat ana
Hawthorne; Bev. C. Feldmeth. 11; S
SU John a (0rmn) Ber.' C. Feld-
Inaaa. M tM Ml .UaT
B. 8.. T preaching, a, r
ecoidrnta $i&
Rodne? avenRTv. F. Bueewnann, 11
niFlb?fi'th itraet-Coraer
Main; B..C. Ooot ll:l .and 7:0.
- V 11
11 and 7:0: B. Y. -RU.. SO- .t.
Rev R Bl BTjohnaonT 11 .nd, 1:10.'
Bw.diebin and. Fifteenth; Ker.
Bev. fTe. Drtt 1 - :46!
serricea each, night. ; .
f ' : ' I .' .. ; jteeljyteTian.
tptraftTwelfth ana AMer, Bev. WH
In the Heart." ''The Man With Iron In
Bev. Harry iedi, 11 and 7.80, B. i.
ac?iVa64-Blewnth and Clay. Bev.
Thomas Holme- waater.
Bible achooU norm. Topics. J ls
Snn of the Churw. "For or Afrainnt.
8,Fowtm8ta7id Glbbs; Kev Donald
; Mackenzie. 10:30 and 7:80. a S, 12; C.
E"Tliwthorne f Park Twelfth and Eaat
TivloT-Rr. Nelson Allen. 10:80,
I SO- a a C. li. :80. Topics.
"V Mai'a :Mn for J? That." "What i
aw at Monte Carlo and My Impression
'of the Vice of GambMnK. .....
Forbes eelhrood ?a,n,05ie.n12:
Bev. Harry H- Pratt; 11 and 7:80; a a.
1 Plemont "Ckwieland andiarrett;
Bev. J. E. Bnyder, 11 and 7:30: . a.,
Westminster East Tenth and Weld
ler: Kev. Henry Marcotte, , 10:80 and
7-Vo- 8 S 12: Y. P. a C. Ifi- 8:30.
'Marshall Street Marshalland North
Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays, U. 4.
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty
man; Bev. Jsdward M. Sharp, 11 and I;
Spokane Avenue Hast Seventeenth
and Spokane;- Bev.. D. A. Thompson, 11
and 7:30; S. a. 10: C. E.. 6:30.
Third JcJasi i junwnui tmu nu'i
Bev J. A. P. McGraw, 10:30 and 7:45;!
S S 1ST ToplcsT "Lirve the Brother
hood" and "Element of Betrlbutlon In
thHope-Montavllls, Bev. J. a Dunning.
1fce3nlfwortn-East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S. 8.
1' Y P 7.
"kiliard Avenue Bev. John A. Town
. send; services, 10; S. a, 11:15. .
Anabel Rev. John A. Towwend. Serv
ices. 11:30 and 7.46; S. S.. 10:15; C. E. T.
Trinity Dakota street. Rev. A. Rob
i lnnon. 7:45 p. m.; C. E. 6:45; S. S., 11.
. Vernon WyKant and East Nine
teenth; Rev. George W. Anna, 11 and 8;
S. a, fi:45; C. E., 7. :
yrL: 'K, Oathollo. .
! St Mary's Pro-Cathedral Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie. D. D.
Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and
rmnn. 11. Vespers, Instruction and
Sfep'h-V German). Fifteenth and
Couch RC Rev. James Rauw, V. G.
Low mass. 8. Hteh mass end sermon.
10:30. Vespers, bemsdlction, 1:80.
6U Francis, East Eleventh and Oak -Bev?
J. H- Black. Low mass. 6, 8:80
and :80. High maea tnd aermon. 10:80,
Vespers, Instruction , and benediction.
6t Lawrences', Third od Sherman
Bev. J. C. Hughes. Low masa, , 7 and
8:30. H1KB mass aa '
Vespers and benediction, 7:10.
Ascension, Montavilla. Rev. X P.
Fitspatrick. Mass and sermon, t in ci.tAra of the Precious Blood.
RLPatricks. Nineteenth and Bavier
V it tft.n Vuiun anil
liin-n ni". . -. - -
benediction. 1:30. ' .
. St. Michaels Cltallan). Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low maea. 8.
High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers
and benediction, 7:80. -
St. Stephen's. Flrtr-aecond and East
Taylor Rev. W. A. Waitt. Low mass.
' i-30 High mass and sermon. 10:80.
" Immaculate Heart of Mary. WUllama
end Stanton Rev. "W. A. Daly. Low
mass, , 8 and . Hih mass and ser
mon. 10:30. Vespers and benedlcUon,
Holy Bosary, East Thirds and Union
Very Rev. A. 8. Lawler. Low mass. 6.
T and 8:36. High mass i and ermon.
10:80. Vener and benediction, 7:30.
c.w. ii.i-t Mllwaukie Rev. Gre-
ory Roble. O. S. B. Low mass. i. High
mass end sermon, 10:80. Vespers and
twrxMlirt.on. 7:80, .
Holy Cross. University Park Bey. J.
T. Thillman. C. a C. Low tnaaa. 8:80.
High mass and sermon, 10:30. . Veeoers
- and beaedltlon. 4. . .
Holy KHlemer, Portland ana van
courerUev. Ed K. CantwelL C 88. R
, Low mass. 8. High masa and sonwon.
10:10. Benediction. .
6t Andrew's. Ninth .d Albertar
1 DUIU8V a.iw.
Sutiestire Qucatiom on the Sunday
Scnooi Loson by Rev. Vr. 1. & iinacott
the U.l truths ef thrletUnltf, ana tne ir cu Md take p the
mans life. lk "fPf.'ilVriM 2al 'ardalned ci.rgymen. Aliwha bey
simple course r'"fu;',ilA V. 4S and to compete for the prises. la writing and up" these
Qoadlttoaa m wiwn
both the
ra aach week Is to Oe
1 Mrtk wk
- .
are te oe
be a rabMrlbef
sr.:.r-.s xvrnZezl ysMrsA
of the snswer. . . ,.,., (his afflea. and they will be eollated
4. The answer must be delivered to iiub ",,., ior independent w
at thi efose of the contest "l
Newspaper BlbU Study club,
Third Series A ieacnr . .
""rSftth .H-n.. Tb, ! Chrt.tunll7.- rU U.K. t. .
r Rif.HS Vli'lsr.ri"S turarus arts
as educational or literary, standpoi
cogency of their reasoned Ideas.
(Copyright 1801. by Bey. T a .Wns
cott, D. D.)
October 14, 1909.
Paul a Prisoner before Festua and
Agrlnpa, Acts 25: 6-11; cnapter .
Golden Text-4 know whom I have
believed and am persuaded that he is
able to keep that which. I have com
mitted' unto him against thatday. I
Tiro 1 1Z
sl-Who was this Festua re
ferred to in this verseT
From the preceding five versei what
had the Jews requested Festus to do?
Verse 7 On what principle can you
explain he btrter hatred which tha Jews
had for Paul? . ,
Will a religious bigot, who Is full of
hatred as these Jews were, stop bort
of shearing to a lie to accomplish hi
purpose? - .
q..,m anv rrhrt.dan believe or cir
culate a charge against any person that
he has not got ample proor orr
Verse .8 As a matter of fact had
Paul. In any sense, broken any Jewish
law? ... . ..- - ,
Which, at this time, vert.rraur
tne most' unenviable situation. -au or
his accusers,- and why?
Verses 9-12 When a Judge or a mag
I art ro ia favorii ths prosecution, and
makes harsh remarks against the pris
oner during the taking of the evidence.
thus prejudicing tne jury, is
man fit for a judicial position?
Whan Christian is accused Of wrong
doing, and is innocent, should he insist
Upon HIS innocenco or uo jjamrm.
sfient, and wait for the facts to speak?
Paul was no doubt wise in refusing
to go to Jerusalem, but was he equal
ly wise in not insisting that his trial
be finished at Caesarea, and in his ap
peal to caesari , . : - . . , .
t vAu a minister to be tried
for heresey, which tribunal would you
athor a.iftot. a weiudiced conference.
or synod, or general assembly, 0 con
vention, or a coromlttea of secular high
"ThUer""..: 1-11-Who wa. this
Agrlppa and what had brought blm to
iTVntaV. cause Is Just. wUl a knowl
edge of all the facts always help him?
What are the leading points here out
lined of Paul's defense before Kin
Mwfyhould u be thought thing
Incredible with you that God should
raise the dead"? v-8. - '
Waa Paul any better when he per
secuted and caused Christians to be .put
to death, than the Jews were then in
wanting to put him to death?
How do you estimated Paul's charac
ter before his conversion? 1
Verses 12-18 What points of resem
blance are there between Paul " con
version and that of a sinners today?
why did Paul so frequently describe
bis conversion? , , .
What was God's object, as here de
scribed In Paul's conversion, and what
la God's object in every conversion?
i-,.4ji3 la n possible that some
sinners get a call from God fully as
marked as Pauls and yet refuse to
comply and go on in their sins?
What difference Is there between a
mu bafor and aft ha turns to God?
(This question must be answered In
writing; by members of tha club.)
Verses 24-82 Why did Festus. in
terrupt Paul and say he was mad?
Why did not Festus and Agrippa both
turn to God, seeing that they were
clearly convinced of the truth of
Christianity and their need of salva-
UWhy are not aU persons Christians
who have heard the voice of God call
ing them to repentance?
Lesson for Sunday. October 31. 1909.
Paul a Prisoner The Voyage. Acts 27:
nrotnerhood of Mn " -The Sura Foun
daOon.of Kternal lUppln-ns.
Vlre Oermaa Mfto-nth and lloyt;
O. A. Waasa; 11 and ?.3. y
BeolidUrinsn Stanton anj; lUKWey.
Rev. is. E. Iteruler. It and 6; aV 8 t.4i,
sVniood East Fifteenth and Tacoma.
Bev. Lester C Poor,. 11 and t;S; J.
1. 1:10: K. L. 8
he cimton-a.eiif' """'- . ' . "
ninth ana -oweu. f
Jonas; & a. :5; 11 and I; R. L-,
Montavilla Kest l'lne and Klghleenth
struts. Kev. Harold Obergi If and 8,
k K; claas metlng. 13 K. U. 1:1-
WoodYawnr-Wllliam J. Douglas; II
anu SI . Ka i
University Perk Dawson im nil
Rev. W. K. Jeffry, J.; liana :, .
African 7-lon Thirteenth and Main,
Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and 8; S. a. 1.
Mount Tabor ICea SUrk and BUty
flret. J. W. McDougall; 11 and 7:30.
Wooilstork J. D. Vocaj ll and t:0:
Atin-Mlc1il,an''avenue and Carpet.
tyr. V. A. Watters; 11 and I; a a, 10,
WLTntV Seventh and Gordon. Bev. W.
Boyd Moora, 11 aud la S 10i Ev 1.
t. - . - .
St. James English West .Park and
Jefferson; J. Allen Leas, 11 ana t.-.
a a. 10; U 1. I P. Toplca, "Was
r. ----- . .i,.,. fn.-r-.t-d are Invited to
UD!T!Srfft "cuestlon"
particularly If they consider them of value in their work.1
High mass and sermon, 10. VesP" ln'
structlon and benedlcUon, 7.30.
St Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon, a J. Lw
mass. ana :. -
benediction. 10:30. , .
St. Stanislaus. Maryland and Fail ng
Rev. C Seroski. Low mass. 8. High
mass and sermon. 10.
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev.
A. A. Morrison. 8. 11 and 7:30. a a.
8:45. Services of song in evening.
St Matthew's. First and Caruthers
Rev. W. H. M. Breek. Holy communion,
7:80; a 8., 10; service and sermon, 11.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen, the
Martyr Thirteenth and. Clay. Rev. H.
M. Ramsay. 7:80. 11 and 7:80 p. m.;
"st dIvW's East Twelfth 't and -Belmont
Rev. Henry Ruasell Talbot Holy
communion, 7 :30j prayer and sermons.
11St!'d A'mfrWs, ' Portsmouth Holy
eucharlst and sermon, 11; prayer and
sermon, 7:80: a S.. 10 a. m. Archdeacon
Chambers will officiate. .
8t Mark's. Twenty-first and Mar
shall. Rev. J. E H. Simpson. Holy
eucharlst 7:80 and 11; S. 8.. 9:45;
matins and litany, 10:16; evensong. 7:30.
Church of Our Savior Woodsto-k-11
and 8. Archdeacon Chambers will
""'st1 John's ' Churoh Multnomah and
Taylor. 11 and 7:30: B. 8.. 10. .
Good ShepherdOraham and Van
couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 ana
7 ' Ore ei Memorial, East Seventeenth
and Weldler Rev. George: B. Van Wat
ters. Prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30;
s s 10.
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights,
a S 980
All' Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savier.
Bev. Roy Edgar Remington. Morning
prayer and sermon, 11; 8. 8., 12:15; even
ing prayer, 8.
St Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. a For
sythe; 11 a. m.; S. 8., 9:45. '
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good
Samaritan hospital. Rev. William R.
Powell, chaplain. Holy communion.
7 a. m.; ward services, 8; prayer and
ermon. 7:16 p. m.
' JCsthodlst,
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D D. 10:80 and 7:80: S 8., 12:10; B. L
tt 'ia. Toplca. "The Glory of the Grand
Canyon of tha Yellowstone." "Tongue
and Temper." T
Grace Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. John
H. Cudllpp. D- D.. 10:80 and 7:80: 8. 8.,
iJsT K?yL:. Topics. "Christian
T iv "rh, Homaless Woman, see'
ond in a seaies of four evenings, on "The
Ban of Homelessness."
Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth and
Davia. Rev. K. p. NeUon, 11 and ; a a,
18unnyslde East Yamhill andThlrty-
rtrtv,- xv t. duster: 11 ana 7:e; a.,
9:50; E I. :4. Topics,
Leadership of Jesus Christ," "The In
stitutions of Evil Thr Theatre."
S; Johns-a H. Dewart; 11 and 8,
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Bavier,
Rev. Charles T. McPherspn: 11 and 7j80;
8 8. 10; ' E. -I. 6:46. - Topics, "The
Minority Report "Working Out Our
. Trinity East Tenth and Grant' Lewis
v Smith- 11 and 7:30; E. L.. 6:30; S. 8.,
10. Toplps, 4e Filled With the Spirit,,(
"Revival Services." -
Centenary East Ninth and Pine;
Clarence True Wilson. D. p., .10:30 . and
7:30; E. L.. 6:80; a B., 12:15. Topics,
"Lessons 'From the Temptations of the
Christ" "Why Oregon Is Going Dry
1910 " '
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11
nLau'relwoodr-Bev. B. H Myarg;. 11
and:30i. S a, 10; E. L., 6:30 -rra
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 10:80, and
7:80? 8. 8 , 12; E. L 6:30. Topics, "Holy
Communion," "Types of Churches.
Norwegian Danish Vancouver ave
nue and Skidmore. Rev. C. J Larsen, 11
"Japanese3" Missfon-lU North Fif
teenth. Rev. Ellsen Rlbara, 9:80 and
S: SwemsMorbwick Beart. .Ber
John Ovalt 11 and 8; S . S ..10: E. U. 7t
Topics, 'The, Fatherhood of God and the
Mailt What la It? Where Is It?
a jh 9) r9 T
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth
Irving. 11 and 8; 8. B., s:s. . -
Norwegian Synod East .Tenth and
Grant; Key. a Hagoes, i:. ""'
servlca in pecona jtsubomu
'Bft0.nT Morrt.;
Rev. J. Scott 11 ana s s. w'.-a-f..
United JMorwegian S a a
Detmar Larsen. 11 and T:80 a S-
n.,rinmin and Sal
mon; H. IL. Kappelmann. 10:18; 7:45; a
fit.' Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clfnton. Bev! A. Krauaa, 10:30 and
7-80: 8. a 9:30.
Trinity German (Missouri nod)
Williami and Sellwood; J. A. Klmbach.
: Swedish AuguJuom Bodney and
Stanton ' Rev. C. A. Tolln. 10:4 and
7:8Uedl.h'M-lon - and
Gllsan; Rev. B. J. Tboren, 11 and 8,
St' "'olTn'a P5enfnsula av'enua and
ifm CChaU-M:h.gan avenu. gnd
Skidmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11. a B,
"immanuel German Corner 16th and
Leo (Sellwood). H. C EbeUng. 10:80;
S. S 9110
Grace English Rodney bnd Ivy, Al
pine, H. C libeling. 7:30. .
Norwegian Kerby and Fargo streets.
Rev.. O. Hagoes, 11; 8. a. 13. 10.
First Madison and Park. Bev,
Luther R Dyott D. D.; Bev. Out I
Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:45; 8. a. 9.4a.
Special service in morning for commis
sioning Mr. and Mrs. Kallojii to . Foo
chow, China.,, Evening addresses by
Bev. G. W, Hlnman.and Mr. and, Mr-.
KLaure'lwood Bev. w:H. Myers; 11;
S' Bunnyside feast 'Taylor and East
?htrtv-fnurth. Rev. J. J. Staub; 11 ana
0 ys ft, 10; CL E., 6:30., Topics,
'the Theme of the Christian's . Song,"
"Your Life's Great Architect
St Johns-Rev. Q. W. Nelson; 11 and
University Park Haven and Dawson,
Bev G. W. Rlggs; 11 and 7:30; a S.. 10;
ai&ssalo;Street-Ea1 Seeni ,and
Hassalo, Bev. George B. Paf dock. In
troductory sermons by
lland 7:46; S. S. 10; C. E., :46.. J
Highland-East Sixth and , Pteseott
Rev. E. a Bollinger, 11 and J-.SOB. a.
10' TR C. EL, 6:45. Topics. "Life's
t, PralRA service.
iseei invMu..: o .s an
Stanton. Rv.'john H. Hopp; 10:8 and
7 : Wrimlba-ver'and- M's.Wavenue.
Rev. Daniel. B. Thomas. 11 and 1.30,
B. S.. 9:45. r : ; ...
. . . nrnrantlaffi and Sal'
mon- R?v. X ri GhoJmley. D. D. U and
S?'4wf .Aooi. 10. Topics, "Learning
Christ" 'Tha Heavenly Cltiien." Ber
mons by associate pastor, Rev. F. 1
46&ermo-n to " Rev Bruce
Wolverton oh "Forward to Christ Bve-
na :; o- o..
The Personal
tnioy What You tit Don't Be Ablid of Afler-diitresi.
Eat drink, and be aserry. and do It
evr sgnin the nest day.
Thou-aads will say. TSK I wish I
rovld! I only wish I roold eajoy a good
auare meal, but I caaX It almost klUs
ma rary time I try to eat one."
Tb"uards of pwvls bare chronla tn
(irMtioa, end other twrwting
t tit tba vtoraafh, aad tho"aJ
inors are rffg tke way erirply bo-
rTi tHy wot dtand bw te
tat a care f the twwrK
tiitrYm ktT a bat of btwlag
( ta la a wv.; crcry sto--t
v .a irt cf work te p-form Hi l-
.., t- f--4 tat e pMt t-ta It, ar4
f! ' ia rri iv,
art ' !-. a refl 'mnfm
tan t rr.(.4 )s f.rmj i fa-o, T.
mlnates by Ml-o-na tahleta. which are
guaranteed by Woodard. Clarke Co. to
euro tadigeetloa or aoooey back.
jaj-evaa ts the prescrlptioa ef a physt
rin who Is a vory sucoeosful specialist
la the treatment of dioeasos of the stem,
ach. In tho cp4"ioa of thonsahda who
bavo ba rewtorod ts bealtn, im is
tha arratrat rreocrtptlow for btdlgeotlen
aiul vmiioM stoenach dlstarbaacos ovoc
viat la ootd by drogfisW every
whoro at 8 caots a b ad Is pealthraly
rwaraato-d to care dyspepsia, tndlg-o-tum.
aWk boavtecbe. waoewa. bearttoum,
prmr otowMMh. belehlrg of gas. d)r1na,
havy eto-Barh. arveosaess, 'r-rTV-r
mw. and car i' ktr. vomiting of
r4a'-r. ar.4 the after efforts of eer-
aafrr or arlT.ktrS or IMt'T back. Tat
..r., a fraa freoa DoeU S Ml o na. Bef-
tJOaaftMsjihjlsasMtaVassVJassr :
frA - - -
- - -
' '4
I '1 .s'
1 - A .9'
r"" 'A '' )
k V J
Th RfT. Mr. W. A- ElklM, p-
polBtcd ehgplaia of roBrtn regl
ment, O. K. O. r ; -. . Grove, or, Oct. l ThRv
W a rJklns ef this rity baa Juet re-
rlrd a life commvalort frx-a Governer
Beoa as ehrli of the rtturth regl
went O. N. O. Mr. FT.kin serv-d ta the
"ponleh-ATtiertran WTir as a wenber of
tke sharpahoot-rr lrire.
natlvo Oregon'.aa.
for the dcf every Sunday morning.
Wrl-6Uh nd W.nioinery, Bev.
Fiai.k ! r'lndley, 10 2i"ui
V H lli tt hi. 6 80. Toplrs. "The
(hurch and Hr' Prayer ti-;" puljjll
iduirlal. "Tha cr.f ice Hit." S.rinon.
A Teats of Womanhood." .
Thlid tet Tlilrty-seventb and ClaVl
Bey. J7 U Achson. 11 od T o. a.
10. ; ,. . . . , ;
Tree Methodist. ' .
nrot church-Keat Ninth and Mill.
David. M. Cathey. .11 and ; . B...10.
beoni churuh Bast nnlrs, ba
tweiri Vlfiy-lhird and r If ty-fourth
s?e"s Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11
InT7 8: S. .. 10r class maatlng. :3.
Sllvi Bnon Klla.lon H" and
Ankeuy. A. Well", uperlntndint
Meatliiga ivery evening at 8; Sunday
at . v , . -
Church of he Oood Tidings tno
Colo, -
nhnrih of Otir Father Yamhill and
Beventh. Rev. W. O. E lot ,J
rflPF 6:30. ,Tplc;r "Art" M.1 Chir-'
aoter." 'The Presen Biate ot i-syouw
therapy.". . ' ' ,
. Chrtstisa Solsnoo. :
First Church or nrl";""ii. ii
athadraL Morrison and Lownsdaia, 11.
'ln,a,", . ...,a of lasson- sermon.
irnhatlon After Death.".
Second-Woodmen's hall, east
SSen' obVtto"J Aft;;
Death.r. ' , ' ' , '
" X. SO. Church gouts.
Union avenuo and Multnomah atreet
Itev. 15. H. Mowre. 11 and "-i .
W. L, 6:10. Morning tM'lo. VV?,,V1,1'J?
q Not A-e.t Cl.rlatlanlty aa Heaaily
as They Bolaiio-."
rriaads' Obareb,
Bunnyelde, Mato and Jn'f.t
fifth. Llnujey A. W-H . ,,;"
Lrnta. Cnter street Myre B. Bmltn,
11 and 7:10; alible achooU 10.
- 1 1 " '".,
- 1 , ' ' Bef ormed. '
First Oerman Tenth and B'ark
streets, O. H.fner pa.tor. ,.
10:45 a. m. and I p. n l H. a. 1:80 a.
x. y. a, t p.-. .
First Spiritual Society ChrWtenseu
halt Eleventh and YamhUl atreeia.
11. 1:80 and 7;45. . ,,,
Church of New . Thought Selling
Hlrsch hall. H-nry Vlotor ' Morgan.
I v. U address by Dr. C. IL Chapman
on "The Heavanly World." v
Swedish Corps Salvation Army -419
Burnslde. 1, 4:30 and 8. ;
- Mediums' snd Ministers Association
Auditorium bullUing. 11, I and 7:46.
Swedish Frre Mission Mississippi
and Bhaver, ReAag. Olson, lu;4lnd
''Latter Day Balntg'.(Mormons) East
a.-. A U K.r n. . n , t C. V' UkM t fT W A.T &.
I PHI I BHU PllBllM.- w. . - "
presiding elder. 11 and llM, ; n
Hall and Lincoln E. Wallace Sliepard.
10:30 and 7:80. - ... . .
Volunteers of America 185 Burnslde
treat 8:80 and :30.
Dlvino Truth Ontor-I01- - AHsky
V..,11H1 flaw Thaililaua M. Mlnard. Ill
8- . it. Topic. "Ideal." - .
new 'inoiiFni i,....
Ten 1 no. 8, Rav, P. J. Green. .
vChurch of Naaareno East Sevsnth
a?td Couch. 11. . ' . ' .
New Church Society (Bwedenborgen)
Eleventh and Alder. Knights of Py
thias' hall Lay servlco and sermon. 11.
- State Spiritualists' aasoclation-rLag)e
ball. 8t Johns, 8 p. m. -
Y. M. C A. Gymnasium of now build-
. . n, . . - . . cnaas anaattng
f." m-n; alarms hV K, J. llm
.r..ue,r n u
Non-C.-..n..i-1'.U Kllowar bn.
F..I Bltth and AlU.r; 1:89. ..!?
HiLla tu.llrs; 3:l. scriptural dUoouraa
for Christians. ' a w
Ont.r of Jtlght Th,"V.T'..ata:
tmiipta. Il Havunth aud AMer gueeio,
lira hi hlit-nuan olnayj I p. W.
JteorganUi..! Clittrcto of JeauJ Christ,
of lamttrr Day B.mtaEa.J
Ulh and Irving. l.lder Walter War-
krr. It and t;l0; a B. 18:46.
. 1. W. O. A.-tleveitth and. Taylor--4
p. in.. a1.iress by Sev. IvtilUer R.
Dyott tn "i'h Compute Life.
Marquis, of BaJUbury' nirthday.
James Edward Hubert Oascoyna Ce
cil, fourth Marquis of Saltaburg. was
born In London, October 33, 1841, and re
ceived his education at Eton and at
University College, Oiford. rrom 1616
to 1693 ho represented the Dsrwan divi
sion of Lancashire In the house of com
mons. In 1900 he becams tinder aecre
tary of foreign affairs and continued In
that position until 1903, when he became
Lord Privy Seat He succeeded t the
title In 1908, upon the. death of bis
father, the third Marquis of Salisbury,
who waa a famous statesman and for
mer British premier. .The present mar
quis was married in 117 to Lady Cicely
Alice Oore, daughter of tha Earl of
Arran. He la tho possessor of inagnlfl
e.nt estates aggregating 10.000 acres In
Hertfordshire and Dorsetshire.,
. A-. -
' Estrada Proclaims Election.
Blueflelds, Nicaragua, Oot !1-Pcel-dent
Estrada 'has lasued a proclam.
Uon stating that a presidential election
will be held late In November. Estrada
declared that he did nyot consider him
elf tho permanent president, tha
people had notapoken. ' .
First-icorner Park and Columbia, W.
nl'addres. at thegraduation ,r-
cises of the teacne .
Rodney Avenuo -Bodney and Xaott,
liomao G. Ploton. 11 and T:46; S. 8..
A Reerv. 1 and 7:30; B. B.,
10wUlawl-Wa M. Melllnger. 11
and ; S. S... 10; C T.
Titai Brathren In Christ.
First-East tA W0
Rev. G- E. uwosuui
1 Vdlc-Bxth and Mechinio. Hv. Os
car A. MarUn- 11 and. 7:80; a a, 10.
GThTrd South Moun ts Tabor; Bev. C
P Blanchard. Bible school. 8.
f. tjiani-uB.u. frnrantv.saventh and
MirldrB B? B. Emerlck, 11. proach
jmiiorou, raatle: evening service
Hnon wnVrst chore. East Flf-
Trenwnt-WIsdom nd Curtis atreets.
Bev HCVShaf f er; a a 3:80; preach
ing, :... '
TTnlted rogolloaJ.
First Ea-t ' Sixteenth ' and Poplar.
Rev. H. .A. Vfem. 1 , '"i,."- ."
iwhyTO 3SF?t From G&jf
tlanity." ..V Willamette.
rBSSTIrao T30; a a
"seSon-Firgo and Karby. Rev. & C.
St 'johnWvanhoo and John. Boy.
C. P. Yates, a a. 10. , y
Srahgelloal AssooUttona.
First English Eaat ftxth and Marr
ket F. B. cuivor. a"
First TTfftS Snd,',Co,arY ?'
Rena. 10:46 and 1:46: a 8.. 9.80, T- r.
T pm Topics, "Tho Thingo Which
r b- - 'wishing to See Jesus."
ManTorTal Eaat Efghteenth and Tib
botUTMorrU Hovorling. 11 and ; a, a
Tfnltod Fresbytorlan, .
Tha Church of the Strejis'? Qra?d
- . U I. m r 1 t m KY1V
11. and wascw,
rr a i..a.
10:10 ana
8. S..
S. Earl Du Bola,
13. Interpretation
r any Ills come 'from tmpuro Wood,
"nave pure blood with faulty dl
tlon. lesy liver and sluggish bowels.
Rurdock Bood Bitters strengthens atom
ach. bowels and liver, and purtfleo tho
blood. ; .
Itching, torturing skin- eruptions, d1o
flgre. Sinov. drive one wfld. Den
Ointment brfnro eiulck relief and lt
tagoareo. fifty cents at any drug atoro.
After a heavy meal, take a eeuplo of
noon's ReauletA. and give your stomach.
Mrer and boela the help they will nd.
peg-ulets brlag oasy. regular paasagea
of the bowela.
rverybodfa frtesd TH- Tbomas
Erlectno OIL Cureo tootfcacho, oars Be.
mT threot HeoJo enta, bruloeo, oeajda.
gtops any oJn- -
A apraiBod ankle wm nasally disable
tho Injured peroon tt three or four
ntka Tbta la due to lack of prep-r
treatanont When CXrobrlal Lini
ment ts applied a core rnay bo effected
la thro or four days. This liniment ts
eeo of It bevt sad most remarkable
preperatlws U tM.
t .-
On Sale
Ik TEW music, the best,' brightest, most
lN popular t and most entertaining, is bfFered
on the hew Edison Records, , both the two
minute and the four-minute size.
Here is popular, sacred, dance and classi
cal music for your choosing, all of which can
be heard at your nearest Edison dealers, and
afterwards heard in your own home as you
select it. v
tM Starsend Stripes Forever March . . . Sonsa'i Band
fM Juat Plain Folks. . ..... Ada Jones and Chorus
tor Selections from "Little Nemo" ,
Victor Herbert and his Orchestra
t How She Gets Away With It is More
Than I Can See. . . . -. . t . .Grace Cameron
m Flannunn and Harrigan. . ... Porter and Meeker
10M7 Powhatan' Daughter March
jSAiiaa'a Rand
. Manuel Remain
990 Oypey Airs (Sarawte. Op. 90). i . Albert Spalding
.01 nr.nilM'i Muatard Plaster . . . . .MurryA,HUI
tot Waiting and Watching for Me
A nOum. tanil TTarrlattn
909 Eglantine CapftPe. . . United State Marine Band
104 Panies Mean Thought. Pear, and
, ThoughU Mean You. . ...Manner Remain.
tJ A Thousand Leagues UndeT the Sea . GueReed
M Lasca . .... . . . . . , . Edgar L. Davenport
W7 Jaet eUmi -rs
HeLesdethMe. . . . : Edison Mixed QuartetU
tf Wedding Dance Walts I '
American Symphony Orchestra
900 The Song I Heard One Sunday Morn 1 .
James F. Harrison and Mixed Chorus
001 Run, Brodder Poxum. Ron I . . Collinjand Harlan
oo Carnival of Venice ...... Ollivotti Troubadoum
09 My Old Kentucky Home m
Knickerbocker Male Qaartette
904 A Georgia Bart Dance . , New York Military Band
JEdtioa Phonographs . . . fH-W 9 e186.?9
Standard Record . . . ....... . Je
Amberol Record (twleo at long) ... . 80e
fir Onara Baeorda . , ,.... 700 .-
10m Fennyland . . . , . . ... . . .Manuel gemam
lotso She' aa Awful Nice Oal . . 1 Edward Meeker
. n. . T - 4inHn. Anaarlan NvmnliAlit Orrhaatra
10M1 I Want Somebody to Play with -
. Bvron O. Harlan
lot TheteTI Come a Day ... SUnley and Oil letto
104 Sadie Salome ......... Edward M. Favor
104 , Oakley Qulcktep a . ... ... .Oily Oakley
' ..... ' ,,,1 VII. fLa ffa Tut.
. Will Oakland
lotM Whiter Than Snow , .. . . AnUioajL Harrison
10I4T Arran, Come in Out of the Ralri . .
. Barney McShase. Ada Jone .
1MM TheCoqnetto. . . . United States Marine Band v
,M4 Ohl Doctor''. . . , . , . ... Grace Cameron
' 1050 Baboon Bungalow ...... Collin and Harlan
. lotai If Hard to Kiss Your Sweetheart When the
, ' - Last Kiss Mean Good-Bye . Arthur Cv Clough
10999 'Ripples A Serenade "
American Symphony Orchertra
. 10199 Uncle Josh at tha Opera . . . , 1 . Cal Stewart
1094 Zep Orson's -Alrhlp '
Ada Jones and Len Spencer .
Ifttss Dnblln Daisies. ... . . .. Peerlea Quartette
1059 Daughters of America March ' .
. . New York Military Band
Wo deairo seed Bra dealer W sell BdUosj
Phoaorrapha la every town where we ere not
' now well represented. Dealer having established
' ure .noniq wrive op at out.
Get complet catalog ef Edison Phonograph of your dealer or writ n
National Phonograph Company, 75 Lakostoo Ay.. Orange, N. J.
I , , N' . ' . . - I I
I -. ' ' ' ; I
C o c.6 a
a c -t
No. 25
TVs frak ef the cocoa tret
it nrrt frccn fat color, rum
red, the yeCow a k bejir.
to ripen, and when dried
become cboeoktc brown.
Tb fruit is artacbed to tho
tree by short stalk ad a
fpei-anca aeenrwhat Lk
very thick rot-urrbera.
;;. - ';vlm-,ih: time- the Bteans
mahire on the trees, to
fte time the aromatic
brovn cocoa is put in tins
.1 VaV -
retains its natural purity
;V and full flavor.
. ' mf -
Don't ask merely for cocoa
ask for Ghirardclli's.
, -
. 1 '