mmm -: ' wmmxl evge of we joxmmh . THE JOURNAL as ixdcpempiwt wsraria. C. S, JACKSOH IHbIhT rahltabed erary mlnf (noopt Baadayl ens m; Snadar aanrolnf at ! Juaraal Balk lug. ruit 4 J'asiMU trl. portlaed. Of. Entered at thm portomos at rectlaed. Or,, M train nilasloa Unul tae saalls aa saseaa-eiaae Baiter. i .. . Jtl.trilOKr TIT1) BOMB. a-SOM. All aVpartaiente raaeaed by tbese Mailwm. Tell tbe operator wait artmeot yoa sraal ronricx advbhtwino kipbksistatiti. henfaoila A Kentaar Oa, Rnmavtrt RnlMIng, trv rlfth ln-aM, bear Yorkl lout-OS Uoyee belldtug, ffclraro. Tli Jrmrnal la ne flla la teodoe, garland, t lb efflre of The Joaraal'a Knfllah repre. aerttattrea, B, i. llardr Co., M fU Mrwl, where etntecrlptUxaa a ad advertisements win oa receive. eliminated boas control of the party. I to Senator Donrne, Wsom familiarity J wu Dot adapted to agriculture, but Ever since, there haa been peace In I with all the facta waa the subject of lit baa been found that the aol la the party, peace that will go onlct-ueral comment at, the recent get- J deep and rich, and though aeml-arld, undUturbed aa long- aa the primary I together meeting la Portland. (good crops of cotton , hare been law laata, but which will break out) Full Information aa to the atatua raised, and now about 2000 acrea Into the old embittered party war, of rlrer or harbor projects la of I are deroted to that and other cropa, feudlem and atrlfe Just aa aoon sal worn value In every section. of Ore- J which are proving profitable. ; The the "iMemblj-" la ushered In. I ton. It A material that ought to I president haa no horn of his own, be In the handa of all commercial I but his millionaire half-brother baa COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SHALL CHANG 11 Oil ECO SIDELIGHTS that A hi revolution la the. only thing Wilt ralorm Spain. a I OVn ATTOItXKV GKAEIUIj It la a baaia on which to direct In F HIS attempt to abolish a part I telllgent endeavor In behalf of the of the Oregon supreme court (various projecta, and In all Oregon ahould cause our attorney gen-1 no activity la so closely allied with eral himself to be abolished.' for and promotive of. the general de- once mat official would probably re- velopment aa. these projecta. This pent Wi agility. The old maxim to information in full detail, la now, for nrai "ue aure you are ngnt ana the flrat time, available to the people then go ahead" Is one that haa lost 0f Oregon, aa waa evinced In The nothing; with age. If it bad been I Journal of last Monday. Fashion note: Overcoats bodlea for present and futnra use, lone In Texas big enough for all theJw0rB ,ln "'wr-. are being Taft a of the country. iHii DAILY. Oa yea 8 00 One swath $. M , ' SUNDAY.' 0n rear.... .... I Ona aaoeta. ...... .f . ; DAILY AKD BUM DAT. one enr." tT.M Ona anata $ M " ". To ' work for the people. this is the' treat and urgent need. "It is Important, at the pres ent time, to bear In mind that the human eoul has stfll great er need of the ideal than of the real. v . "It Is by the real that we exist; it la by the Ideal that we live. Would you realise the difference T AnlmaJs exist, man Uvea." Victor Hugo. In trimming a tree, climbed to limb and sawed It off between where ho sat and the trunk, one family In history would bare been aaved from mourning. If our agile attorney general 1b not at this moment saw ing away, on the constitutional limb on which be ia sitting, aome very good legal authority la Inaccurate In Ita interpretation of Oregon consti tutional law. Bare for political reasons, it haa never, ao far as known, been con- ALCOHOL FROM SAWDUST W HEN TUB government de cided to permit the manu facture and use of denatured alcohol without the imposi tion of the internal revenue tax, it seemed mat ue people Had won something of great value, and It seems yet that It may and should be so, although not much of con- - THB NEW FALL HAT. ! wlsht YOH would alva ma a. ltMla advice," Mid the tall complected rural gentleman ma- he stood on the corner nd held hie face In bis handa. 'Tie tlddv I rot dlsfie-xered In a a treat par here In this town, aa' what I want to know is: Kin I aet damae-e from the street car company, the mayor or the disfigured?. When I started to come 1 ud here, mr wife sea. sea aha: Samuel. shun the feller with the pleased-tc-aee- you smile and tha lov-rldln' blaneaa an you 11 be happy. Aa', I done it. But One day last week II carloads of Sheep were shipped from Baker City. e , . ' Part of an orchard tiaar Hranta Paaa yieiqaa lioos worth of applea per acre. .e e u ... i"! uri ino l runtia Tor nrnmnilnn mi i lomrk owna. . . ...... .- 1 ' " r 1 - . I T B - - m ... Bonator Iiourne shows that ha naalni a.. . u J man uaroor neeua. t , . j , 1 a a a a I There la a v bun v.l.,m. rt K,..i 1 neaa over Ilia 1 (iren.l.Jo,-nh lirinrh uiirm acape win not encourage emersion I'ie j. i a is. to follow their example. I. e e a a ' I cereieaa unKnown hunter shot a Telenhanea. nnw In all .. IYuauie horae near Albany ao badly nouaea, and automobllea. render an aa.l " ' w inea. - v cane or nrlannera Imnm.iku . . I .a e. " . a a f juaii wild uiiukiii jm irrvi naar i.n If Dr. Cook treta anvhmlv t a nn ront a few montlia ago for I1S.000 Mount : McKlnlev with him aaain. ha "tea orrerea for It. nmf iwti iv pay in aavance. 5 if Iht RLALM FEMININE; It doean't take a hurricane to lift the a in a aoc moral towns. D' sequence haa been accomplished by temdud that th cnnafifntinn iimita th,s privilege as yet. It ia not quite Oregon to three supreme justices. fiear wh Pe haTe 1101 Since, the document does say, aa it tnemselvea of this opportunity to a does, that there shall never be more ir exieni, ior me universal ae than seven snnrema luaflrea In t.h I mand for cheaP Uht ftnl cheap fuel state, prudent lawyers interpret the 18 constantly increasing: and that maximum number to be, not three, denatured lhol, useful for these but eeven. They reason that if the Purposes, can pe cneapiy ana simpiy constitution forbade a larrer nnm- made- BeemB be an indisputable IN THE case of J. Thorburn Ross, ber than three for all time, why did fact- Tne Technical World Maga violated law la to eiact Its pen- It use the number seven at all. They I,ne 8av8: alty. The charge was mlsannro-I elan ronmn that tf a mnatltntlnnal Cheap alcohol Is here; and the dreams , prlatlon of state fnnda. and after amendment was deemed neceaaarv i1.0," ma"uf"r- ot see when I mounted that car rm talkin -. - i ico bjiu iii iu uuuaewiie nave come I nrmni to aea now rur I son n riaa rni a lair inai in a baiem court, he was I to increase the number above three. I true. Indeed, the wiideat imininn I a oenta. there nniv im annt amntv found guilty and sentenced. On an I whr nni in the number seven since of the most sanguine of those who an' I took it. The party what wua oc- appeal. the hiehest court has af - thm amA .mnrim.nt ),. ..,m ?aw commercial revolution in the free THE ROSS PENALTY Tha atateeman who can devise a e-ov. ernment without a constitution will coo ler a great boon on mankind. ... a e v, ' - According to Peary, one might sup. m moat juxaimo ooya could even vnuHiiana m rauroaa roioer, . . . e e An Albany reach measured 11U Inchea around. Now Tor Jokna about the dla- lance around a "peach" gin waist. . . , . e e .- i : Ixta of larre. luaoloua. aeconll trnwlh strawberrlea. raapberrlea and blackber- riea now tnroughout western Oregon. Th rubber trust must hae Invested hCe2?.rmUJ.'' an aeroplane. Rubber recently went ?Jrth uhorltles, mister, she overlooked the new fall hat J "Mebbe you wus never stabbed with firmed that portion of the proceed- vide for taore than three could also Ing under which is was decreed that provide for more than seven, the defendant should serve a prteon And, though the constitution thus atlvAviMei jm eMM ...... W A. M : . . . . ... """" vi iiyo jraii.; iv is me contemplates mat tne state la ex cupyln'. the seat previous to the one be ing of denatured alcohol from the tax, n,lnd herl. wu "' young battle wiii fail .hrt ifcr ship on her head, an' It wua loaded for V r--V:r... ,.. That's why im conversin' with, be made Is being made haa already "When I set down, the yard-arm an' been made in huge quantities -at a I the mlaienmast. not to say the fo'caetlo, cose or six In up from 7 cents to 12.15 a pound. ' a a President ,Taft wants to be governor of the Philippines again. Perhaps Roosevelt will gratify this wish for mm in . - , "' e . . e Sheriff Grant of Polk county proved himself a dead shot Sunday, at a time wnen aieaainess ana SKIU in snooting waa neeaea. , e -a A Silverton editor has been arrested twice ror carrying a concealed gun. A sharpened pencil is all the weapon an e Poor old New Tork city. If half what IB said about each or the ranriMatea iw the others is true neither of them is lit to do aog catcher. The subscribers to stock In the A.-T.- f. exposition will not aet much of their money back, but they don't care about ii. i nt lair waa a great success. a A mall order marriage ' contracted through a matrimonial agency has Dilapidated barns In Albany have aancea and torn down Bure sign of prog ress... . - V.' . ; . .... - e . a . ' First load of frelaht naa heen ' ear. ried from Klamath Falls to Sliver Lake. Discretion Is lite llcttrr 1'arU IU you ever have oecaslon to go over a I'llo of "'d photographs and see how many of them you no kinger careJ about! There wer probably any number of them that.' you never had cared about and you wondered how and why you ever got thom. iUd it ever occur to you at thoae times that there were probably many people who could do the amo with yiAir pUture? The mother of a prominent society gI waa once approached on the subject of giving her daughter's ploture to the paper In connection with her approach Ing marriage. . Sho waa deaf to ail arguments on' tha subject and declared that her girl's picture never had been In the paper and never was going to be If aha had anything to do with it. for it made her common. .Sha said that She not Infrequently saw papers that blew on tha lawn which often contained plcturea of other girls and she was not going to have her daughter's face made common property to be picked upoff the streets or used on the pantry shelves. . Such a policy, la somewhat extreme and if more generally followed "would work m hardship on the papers and the public at large, but such a polloy could not -be too highly recommended In tha I b1" on,y 11 ""y". instead of-22 I matter ot miscellaneous giving tff photo from Shanlko, e e ., - . .. .- Rlnra iv,pvhlu1ir ; nnw ' ItMAW.'- 4 Um street pSving la a good .thing we'll, get twice as much mora of it next vaar. also a lot of new industries, says the Roseburg Rovlew. The Work of anttTlnr anil navalnnlne- the Illffh Desert la alreanv actuallv un der way, and next season-will witness graphs. lrnrrarn fas ttinf I 4 i I m a. " u a Kiuion inciuuing I wua iruuii uuwn oyer me dick or ine .ui. in vui junouruu-1 youicu ij not oniy nave rive juaees raw materials ana all manufaturina- neat an unaer ray leet. -j nen mere ence, every advantage in the average but even aa manv an ratah it nrt. processes. wus a few cannons an' the like along trial Is on the side of the prisoner, I where mentions the office of "attor ln4 which view there it assurance ney general," the office at this, mo- mac py me test of the law and the ment- so agile with constitutional racts, Mr. Ross deserves that which theses, and conspicuous in the pub has been meted out. I Ho va. it daM nnt hint at h NaturaUy, there will bo those fnjsibility that there may ever be three Portland who will express keen re- or seven attorney generals, but goes grei ai me nara lines that have to the limit of refusing to admit gathered , around the ; defendant, j that there ehall be one, even so agile mere ia a Bympatny tnat struggles an one as our Mr. Crawford. On lor utterance to every well ordered the contrary It expressly provides human heart, whenever men fall .that the district attorneys of the jruni mwBooa-i mgn estate. It Is state shall exercise the ; functions one tmng to nave been a trusted that are now exercised by Mr. Craw ana esceemea zactor m a city's busl- ford ness lire, and quite another to have However, usage, public policy and BLiajeu iuio me rorDzaaen -realms I common consent write provisions in wnere penalties ana punishment all constitutions, and onsuch a con pursue. friendship is sometimes J struction, but by no other rule, our euuugesii ana lamny ties always attorney general might officially snr uusrai wnea miBtormne is at its vlve. Oa any policy of strict con ueisui. s. iBtructlon of the written page, he iiut,' fiduciary relations ought would be cut off like the flower In never to be violated.' The care of Its bloom. As to the court of more trust runas imposes obligation to than three that our Mr. Crawford which no man should ever be faith- would abolish, it Is authorized by the less. To hold men true to these re- constitution, and will stand, either jauons is a public fluty, and the under strict or liberal interpretation, only way to do it is to punish where I In the case of both, common busl- mere is iaiiure to properly perform, j ness Bense and a desire for the beBt mere are temptations and there are j interests of Oregon, demand the re usages sometimes In banking that tention of both, and in the main it' la try men to tne quick, and It Is not mere gallery play for Political rea surprising that some ; bankerB fall. JsonB that calls for the elimination of iei, mai is tne more reason for the either. law to exact its penalty, to the end n V . , r.. . n m., L. l,n . This if true Is ccrtalnlv imnnrtBtit i .trfi .v,. ,.u marry next spring. . though . . ac: ; r.rr.Tr.. r-.;';- 'A-znr az w: ? eked -out yet. But'h, wm have no tnat others may be deterred. Such a penalty should have been Imposed in tne case of the Oregon Trust, just aa it has been done In the i me liuarantee. Failure to pun ish in the one case. is a reward of fered to other careless bankers to j V. S. STEEL CORPORATION'S SUCCESS r HE UNITED States Steel cor poration has made large divi dends not only on its actual investment but on an enormous pursue the plans that will brine I original volume of "water " Th others and still others to the lowly j Wall Street Journal says that when position of Mr. Ross. ' j this colossal enterDrise was launched with ft caDltallzat.ion of ti.inn nnn. SENATOR BOURNE'S ADDRESS 000. the financiers of tha- count rv aCTlfrfkri nAnnimtn . .1 C , u aqaress to realized that in this capitalization A I. v" . vow. wm araw tne there was "water, water every fire of innaa who nlan a ruin... I . .... . .. ... totv. Wflere, iow, it points out, ee- wuu oi convenuons. it win also curlties of this corporation are out draw blood. figuratively speaking, to the amount of $1,461,860,100, It win appeal to the men who; re- and have a stock market valuation X ' -.ppiauaea Mr. Dimick or pf $1,525,174,844. This, the flnan "' w NM I0r mi- clal paper concludes, is evidence that ioi uueiauce. ii win Bimiiarrv nn-iiv. . j peal to thousands of men of thehv ratrr.,n nrn.r. enterprize was a remarkable in stance of capitalizing the future, The. present securities of the steel And It Is the more so because this feathers on the floor. Anyway the . woman throwed her head hack and sas- substance can be made out of one shied to the right an' the hen wings that is in large part worthless. In don thelr deadly work. They plowed ' I fmi a aAMaai 4 mi fa a an' than hafrAeirAil many cases an Incumbrance saw- tt Then, by golly, the woman planted alcohol a hat pin in the place that wuc in culti vation. Alter mat i got up an ten dust. It is asserted that made out or sawdust Is already in ihe car. I didn't want to go av wide at its very entrance. some Dlaces furnlshlntr Heht that further anyway, so I thought I might outshines kerosene and fuel that a. w?".?et." al' .tei?..t,le ?roner J"r-eB'?entTa.f.t ha Promised Dias that ' - . , sen .sua or siayin iiu i pi my nae wnen nis, laris, term expires, he and outneats anthracite, and that can be out an' comin' back In the form of a Mrs. Taf t will tpur . Mexico and be sold far chnnner than either I grewsome corpse, era tne Teller sez. l guests of tne Mexican president. It BOIU mr CUHItyer (.nun eiluer. I T hun Vln nf lrnln' tmnnil rha I fa tn ha Rlinnnaorf thai Thls Pacific northwest Is a great aldges an' welkin in the middle of the I his second term expires, which would iwdust countrv and will ha fnr road since then. Jest as soon as I find be In 1917. and as Dias is now a very to go down to the stockyards and ship I Yet, if Roosevelt, when he returns, myseir nome wun a ioaa or routes, it s i puwuiu uu a notion mai me admin- arottin' tnn hlnme rlakv rlrltn' In ran I lstratlon WU not beinar run luat rto-ht Where the fall styles is in operation." I and decide vto save the country some ie was torn tnac ne aireaay naa aoout muiacu, ihb eervice as presi- all the damages he could successfully dent would end In 1913. all Tight handle, 'and then he dodged behind a mail box while a woman passed. The air Is chill, and the sky Is nil . SLud "e. ne.vy n.d dK- ". now, a x j-.. i uuwn comes xne rain, ana who e er uio Anaer waa a eweae wno lepri may complain; tne farmer smiles on hock oi geese, i ma piow. i ne wmas awaxe, and a iiiii.i iiiiuuiat HxniuT ileal.. . u , ' - , . ' , , , , been held valid by a Kansae Tclty court. . J IV aome. daysL and stagesare loaded.' ine law cannot protect. air aorM orr . . ' - fools. j A hill of potatoes at Mist ' yielded ' - I eight fine, smooth specimens, the larg. xiia kiu King ot i"ortugai is oouna io " ivy iiicnea long ana ivt incnes in no girl is circumierence, ana ine smallest eight incnes long ana eignt n oircumrerence, meir loiai weigni oeing ia pounds. a Some children playing in a barn at Sherwood struck a match and started a little fire, which soon grew to a big blaze, and destroyed the building, to- geiner wun tne contents," which were norse, nay, grain,, wagons tools. a a - Clatskanie Chief: 'The future of this section and the. town muat depend on The giving of photographs ia a thing that people, particularly girls and women, cannot be too careful about. A photograph ahould never bo given un less there is strong friendship, not ao quaJntanoeshlp, aa a motive for the glv- i n lt : Tun manv nhnlnvranna r. m a goodly acreage into crop In that aeo-l on the spur of the moment and then re- 1 nuii, majm mo tifna Duiietin, a . A Montana man'who nwna 11 amitlnni of Montana timber - land and 22,000 acre of Montana apple land, haa vis ited McMlnnvllle. and liked It so well that lie says be is coming back. a e . ., That many neoole ara flockina- to Bend may be oroven most anv rlav bv the number of trunka at tha exnraaa of. lice, iney number as high aa 14 or gretted afterward. It sometimes takes several such experiences to teach a a-irl that she should be aa careful In the glv- ing. of her photographs as aha la In the giving of herself. . - , . , "A photograph' stands for the person photographed and ahould never be given into company from Which the, original may some day wish to remove It. If associates prove not to the liking lt lg easy to stop mingling with them with. out apparent-design, bwt It is -another matter getting back a - ploture which may have been given In some burst of enthusiasm. difficulty in finding some silly young in ing io say yes. Taft Is the entering wedge which will split the party," says a Washing- iun corresponaeni. IT Xart IS - the wedge the party must be split pretty sawdust country, and will be many xears to come. Hundreds of sawmills are making great piles of sawdust daily, and will continue to do bo for an Indefinite periods,. Why then may not this almost worthless substance be converted into fuel and light In the form of denatured alcohol? In the cost of living to Amerl cans, liquors, distilled, vinous and malt, and tobacco, are large items The wholesale cost of liquors is around S600,000,000 a year, and to consumers perhaps three billions. In the year ending June, 1908, we con sumed 58,747,680 barrels of beer of 31 gallons each; which at five cents a drink would amount to over Sl,- 821,177,080, about the same amount as the total debts of all the states and cities of the United States. The tobacco bill also runs up into enor moos figures. Long Indulgence may have made tobacco in one sense a necessity, but this can scarcely be maintained of liquors. Bame type throughout the state. Whether they like or dislike Sena tor Bourne, it la probable that nino- fMh. f a . . I "awai. b. .rr. Tr JZZ. " r 71 vreon ae corporation are: f399.797.000 first mortgage bonds at 100; $193,469, sire the primary law to remain tin- h"l,. r4rP DT"Uen"' 500 second mortgage bonds at 105; conventions, the citizens' conventions. me regular conventions, tne fusion conventions and all the other herma phrodite and mongrel conventions within the Republican party are still a green memory. It was in, and by means or these hybrid assemblies" that a few ringleaders worked their personal schemes. Jobbed and Jug pled the Republican . masses, spilt the party Into irreconcilable frag ment and kept the state In ferment. The crowd that did not win at the convention, especially la Multnomah county, got np a rnrap convention fused with the Democrats or Popn- liasa, dubbed itacif "regulars" "independents" and often managed to beat the real Republican ticket. No men spectable baa ever been or eer will be seen under the primary law, but before that law went Into rfft It was as reirslar a proceeding ws the biennial process of nomt ra'.lng candidates. Indeed, it was i gH ri J of this raonrreilied, pop i:?Iied and free riotlied Rcpnblicaa- $360,281,100 preferred stock at 129: $508,302.500, common stock at 90. The . Wall street paper says that though successful the venture was evil; has brought about evil, and Is evil because it has set a precedent which may encourage men of less ability, strength and character to undertake similar enterprises, large ly on water, depending on the future. VALUABLE IXPORMAITOX i n tlst the rrlmiry law was a-!''-I, std the bo!e state knows lew :i it did l work. ; t-i tfe f jMesiafa and fs t ; h fl'Lr t'.trSl cotsr-B- . - tt,e ! frocks . OT BEFORE In Oregon has a newspaper given readers so comprehensive a view; of the rivers and harbors situation as or J that contained In Monday's Journal. A page was devoted to the subject and full Information, given about each. project. Its history. Its present stage of completion, the sums s pended and the amounts estimated as required for completion. There was a review not only of pending projects but also of such projects as are classed as new, and a statement of the congressional situation with re spect to all. Ai InMrnate knowledge of the statu. f each project was rwcfiil In order to pfre ao atthea tlc and so detailed a statement of all tte facta, sad fn !b!. both The Jofast.! asd IU readers are indebted! A writer in Popular , Mechanics says that when Alaska was bought, a railroad in that country was no more Improbable than that tourists will some day . include the trip to the pole as one of the essentials to the well traveled." It , would take an inflamed Imagination to discover any verisimilitude in this suggestion True, an Alaska railroad was not dreamed of a generation ago, but it does not, follow tpat there .is any similarity between Alaska and the region around the North Pole. Tour ists up there will be few and far between, for the next million years He picked their nockets every fall and frolic make; they revel and romp o'er me mnu, biio qui at sea tney snriek in glee, at the wrath of waves they com mand. But the winds and the sea, and the storm clouds that flee, and the rain that soaks the earth, are all working together, in making such weather, for another great harvest's birth. then he sold the fleece: He'd pick a goose when it was ripe and then he d pluck a gander, Twas ladies first, for courteous and kind was Ole Ander. Jerry Anium owned a sheep. Its clothes were woolen goods. And lt would hang them on a limb while roaming through the woods. Now Jerry's brother wasn't smart, for once no Drone , nis cranium. And so they made a handsome pair. mis Tom ana jerry Anium. It is not particularly pleasant for young girl to marry one man and know that half a doien others have her pic ture among their belongings. She would give a great deal to get them back and wishes that she had never given them. "Re aura vmi ara rfarht than an ahuii1' and SOme I annla to lh. arlartna. n nl.l.i... a a everything else, and take a good long. time to do sure you are right. Beware of sudden friendships, for they are not usually lasting and one of tie first temptations is an exchange of pnoiograpna wnicn will pronaDiy be re gretted before many moons have waned. dairying, fruit ralsine- and a-eneral farm. ing. The lumberinar and mllllnar Intar. esta which have so lonar orcunlnd the attention or neaas or ra mines cannot go on forever, and tne time haa ar rived when this haa begun jto be real-j If necessary be put of pictures for the ' -' . ' I tlmo belne until vou can tie aura. Tt la Union should keen hammerina- lat Photograph. at the woolen mill project until that rul. " """fluenuy too late to get one institution Js started up again, says thef oacn, ana ir gtris wouia only remember nepuoncan. jnere is a nne plant nl- r tnis mue trutn a great" many unpieaa- ways a money maker, standing idle for tne simnie reason tnat ora-antzen prrort has not been made to ret it under wav again. . - a a The Italv of Oroa-dn amtthom TVtiiar. las county is proving her risrht to the name, remarks the Glpnriala wa are having balmy spring weather, with strawberries in bloom, and outdoor flowers and doarwood Tnvnrtnnt win. blossoms. ' while our eastern nlarhhnra are preparing for their usual all winter freeze-ups. .. .. Chris Anthemum possessed a cat; It wore a rurrv coat. One day Chris tried to drown it, but . the cat unset tne boat: When Chris fell in the moist, damp ' sea. be thought his time had come. But pussy built a cat boat and lt saved Chris Anthemum. Now Ole, Chris and Jerry, too, went out' to keep a date. For they had sold . their heavy crops and thought they'd ceieDrate; They lasted twenty-seven rounds and tnen tney got too gay; big policeman picked them, for he wanted a bouquet. Since it has been ascertained thai the suburban towns, cannot be brought into the city in time to have their population count In the next . census, there is not as much reason for urging such action as there would be if their people could be counted as part of Portland's pop ulation next spring. But long be fore the next census is taken, . in 1920, they will be parts of Port iana ana win neip men to enow a big Increase in the decade from 1910 to 1920. All of us won't be alive in the latter year, but a good many more .people will, be. Letters From trie People ; GOOD ROADS AND BAD ,1. From tne MedTorcl Trio une Lettn to Tia Journal ahould be written en ona aide oi toe paper omj nna amaia aa H eompaoled by the name and addreaa of tha writer. The same will not'benaed If the writer aaka that It be withheld. The Joernai la net to be ukderetood indorsing tba views or atatemeota of eorreapondentt. I ft lira ahould be made a brief aa poaalble. Thoaa who wlab their letters returned whaa not need aboold la- cloae neatace.. Correipondenta are notified that letters el eeedlna 800 words la leiurtb. mar. at the dis cretion of tha editor,, be cut down to that Unit. "Somebody haa been trying to throw a scare' Into -people by say ing it Is unlawful to draw a check for an amount less than $1. The man with money on deposit can check lt out in sums from one cent up." Oregonlan.' Ton started It. The Journal corrected yon 10 dayf.h s rapidly city on tbe co 'love Oregon ( The winter borne of Charles P, Taft in Texas, where the president. his half-brqther. Is resting for a few days, is said to be the finest ranch residence in the United States. It overlooks Corpus Christ! bay on one side, and many miles of tbe Taft ranch on tbe other. The ranch com- prices 125,009 acrea.'raoet of which Is yet covered with a low growth of toesKjnlte tree. Until a few years ago It was supposed ttat tbe land, Annexation of St. Johns. St. Johns. Or- Oct. 1. To the Edl tor of The Journal I notice that cer tain writers 1ft the Portland press. In speaking of the annexation of St Johns to Portland, erroneously assert that the people of St. Johns are opposed to any such nalon. I feel quite sure that they are mistaken. I feel that there la very strong sentiment in SL Johns In favor of annexation, -and it Is growing stronger overy day. The tendency of the times Is toward union In every department of human activity In religion. In politics, in In dustries and eommercal development Union is strength: diversion is weak neaa New Tork. as large aa she is, long ago saw this, and she annexed all the sur rounding cities Boston saw tbe neces sity for doing the same thing. So did Chicago. Seattle, and nearly all tbe pro gresaive cities or tne union. And why shouldn't theyT It coat a little more to govern 190.00 people than it does to govern 80.009. Why should all the sub- rba of Portland bare separate govern ments, earn with fire engines and em ployee, polico service and aU the other paraphernalia when one set of officials can do all the work required, and do It better and cheaper. I am proud of our commercial capital. rapidly- becoming the greatest coast Every cltlsen who Oregon should be proud of Port land. It Is an honor to be classed as one of the citlsens of enrh m metropolis. une er tne ecreta or Seattle s remark able sucree is duo to the fart that she has made the crataide world believe that ber population la greater than that er any other city ct tba northwest Bhm may not have so many citlsens aa aha claims, tut the people toiler she haa It therefore, becotrrea the boundeo duty of every adjacent em barb a pvh Port land to the front The rftr with the Urareet. population S the grtt aronnnt of bua'reaa, the snort trade and rrorer1ty. It us he'p tn rvnehipa Mjr ca beautiful rity to the front. aM In doiag ae we ktlp curative. At tin, Tho difference between good - roads and bad roads Is the difference between profit and loss. Good roads have a money-value far beyond ordinay con ception.' Bad roads Constitute the great est drawback to internal development and material progress. Bad roads mean abandoned farms, sparsely settled coun try districts, and congested populated cities, where the poor are destined to become poorer. Good roads mean more cutivated farms and cheaper food prod ucts ror tne toners, in the towns: bad roads mean poor transportation,' lack Of communication, high -prices for the nec essaries or life, the loss of untold millions of wealth, and idle workmen seeking employment: Good roads will help those who cultivate the soil and reed the multitude, and what ever aids the producers of our country will: in crease our wealth and our greatness and benefit all tha people. X3ood roads mean progress and pros perity, a benefit to the people who live in the cities, an advantage to the peo ple Who live In the country, and lt will help . every section of our vast domain. Good roads, like good streets, make habitation along then most desirable; they enhance the value of farm landa ! facilitate transportation and add untold 1 ant situations might be saved. wealth to the producers and consumers of the country,; they are the milestones marKing tne aavance of civilisation; they economize time, rive labor lift and make millions in money; they save wear ana tear ana worry and waste; they beautify the country, bring it "in touch with the city; they aid the so cial una reugious ana the education and industrial progress of the people; they make better homes and happier nearth aiues; tney are tne avenues of trade, the highways ; of commerce, the mail routes of information,, and the agencies of speedy communication; they mean the economical transportation., of market able products the , maximum burden at tho minimum cost; they are the liga ments that bind the country together In thrift and -Industry and intelligence and patriotism; they promote social in-: tercourse; prevent intellectual stagna- wuii, ana increase tne happiness, and uie prosperity or tne producing masses tney contriout to the alory of the country, give employment to idle work men, distribute the necessaries of life --tn p.roaucts ox the fields and the forests and the factories -encournara energy and husbandry, inculcate love for uur auesic wonaers, ana make mankind Deuer ana greater and Va-ranrier rwi oroaaer. v - A photograph la something more than a mere picture t and a request is not sufficient excuse for giving one. A girl should, put a price upon her photo graphs and, see that full Value la always paio. sue enouid always remember that the thing which is hard to attain Is the thing which is most prised and tne thing which is easily won and at tainable to the many soon grows com mon. ' ."- ' ' This is true of photographs and the girt who makes hers common should remembers, even though they are asked for, they are. not appreciated nor prised as they would be If she were more ex clusive In the giving. t K J ,Two Sweet Potato Dishes. S WEET POTATO SHELLS Boil SIX 1 even,, good sised sweet potatoes and mash while hot, season , welt with salt and pepper and. moisten with cream till they are. like, pastry, then line buttered tin patty pans and bake In a nan of water till firm. Have ready some creamed corn or peas and heap tha Shells with this. This makes , a very nice luncheon dish where meat Is not desired. - , . Is but a question of a very short tlmo when St Johns must form a part of the Greater Portland, Why not now Now Is the time, and 'Judging from some things I know now is the day of her salvation. By entering the union our taxes will not be increased, our lights will not go out street improve ments will sot cease. Then where Is the danger? If at any time after we become part of Portland we should meet with disaster we Shall have a great rich mother to help us out I have heard tt stated time and again tbat Portland does everything ah can to hurt 8t John a - How absurd. have lived her for three years, and I have never noticed that she has ever done, anything to Injur aa Asa mat ter ef fact Port tend baa never been la a position to help us tnucb, because) we in no way helped her. .But let us once become a part of this great metropolis and ah can help ua. It will be to ber Interest to do so. To injure ua then would be to Injur herself. To make us great rich and proeperoas ' would be one of her alma . We shall gain more by annexation than ah will. To tnr mind we shall have everything to- rain and nothing to lose. For tne, I feel proud of Port land. I want to ae her population Increase. I want to ee her nam go ahead. I want that her growth and prosperity snhy keep par with her beaoty. We ran help by voting for an nexation. The Idea bat she wants St Jehns to pluck her. is prepoete roue It ia hat the emanatloa of a email mind. Let tboM'vlis hare rfartM this aariLatio keep on. Tbev will h anir ptix4 at tba Bt Johns will roll up for unto with erne ef tha -ra tt and tnoet N-autlful rltte ef tba t'rlted State. J. H. FLETCHER. ii, oorn In Durham, Conn. Died In Hart- rora, August IS. 181a. 178J Virginia ceded to congress Its claims to territory north -of the 'Ohio river. ,. ibzo spam ratified a treaty ceding nuriua io ine united States. c , isoi wiinam -- woodbrldge, second governor or Michigan, died in Detroit. orn in .Norwich, Conn., August 20 itso. . .. IMS The Red River fnaurrx.f Inn h vartaaa organ. 1885 Fire destroyed X0A hnnau Algiers, oppoalt New Orieana 1100 Charles Dudley Warner, nofarf author, died at Hartford. Conn. Rnra at ar-iainneia. AS a SB.. September IX, JIZ, ioi iame A- Walker. ex-Confeder. ate general, died at Wythevlll. Va. Bora In Augusta county. a i, int. , . . . Itos The American battl-shln fleet waa received wtth honors by the Jan- In This Pate ta nutory. 1TI Ch.rcv Oodrtrh, U'l'e-J Tho. Q. Scabrooke Birthday. Thoma Q. th well known comic opera Cornell in. was bora in Mount VernoA N. T, October SO. lMo. nd received his educatioa tnr tha nan. He schools' of his native town. Aftar leaving eebooi b was rmplor-d tot ia years aa clerk Io a bank. His first connection with the theatrical nra. feesioa was aa manager of a theatre Newark. IS. J, and though th vra- tar failed. It lad t Mr. Beabrooke adpttnsT tba stage as a raUlna. Ills detrnt aa aa "ator waa made In New or la IMS. He later played win varlwue exrrrnle ia comedy role, r-t nt wftU 11. j.. npTarad Ta Tbe tela f Champs awe,- jj t attain ateir promlwenc. ;nr the Mr. r-s-h'-aofce haa appeared with eu-re at tb bead rf f.ia cwa and O'ber ora and Sweet Potato Pie One cud of mashecV sweet potatoes, one teaspoonful of clnt a (Iflmfin nnA tiaie taaennanful ant m 1 ... . - - w ..h., UVWM . u. VtM.tA. V salt nutmeg and ginger: one half cup ful of sugar, one cupful of milk and one egg, well . beaten. Bake one hour In, a slow oven. .... t It tt ... The Strength of Hair. From the Scientific American. A HUMAN hair of average thickness can support a load of six and one quarter ounces and : the average i number of hairs on the head ia about JO, 000. A woman's long hair has a to tal tensile strength of more than five tons, and this atrensrth can be increased one third by twisting the hair. The ancients made practical use of tha strength of tha human hair. The cords of the Roman catapults were made of the hair of slaves, .and It ia recorded that the free women of Carthage of fered their luxuriant tresses for 'tha same purpose when their city was be sieged by the Romans. i Gold Briclts v I la J ( Or. tri bated ta The Soornal he Wan Wi raaaoee Xanana poet. Hla proas tin a ass ara a renlar teatare.ot tbla jo4uana aa Tba Dalle iaaraal. . :. . - If your abode's on Easy street : and trouble's out of reach, most aH the fel lows that you meet will tell you you're a peach. -.-.They'll .tell you that in all their day, they never, never knew. In II this wilderneas of Jays, as smooth ' a bird as you. -While you have bull Ion In the keg and rhino In the Jar, they'll ; come around to pull your leg and say how smart you are.' They'll glory ;st i, ynur growing fame, tney'1! ' bow and : srrar and fawn; they'll load their ba bies with your name and sleep upon your lawn. But when misfortune come long, and Jolla you In the ne-k. an.l . everything Is going wrong, and even hope's a wreck, and when with ram Iertr you anp. and have your fill of woe. your gold brfc k frlenda will pan yon ap. and say: "1 told yu ao And the some quiat chap will rnme, anl prwve to be yr-jr friend; hell aar: ' "Wbe things are on the bum, they're always sure to mend"' And he wl'l dry your mining a yea. and guide your weary Tee, an Help ra once aasln t ria- e'ear hark to Cy tra.f A4 "t will B"ta that be la cm who lirr rw aerri'i tares, wben yia mere loaded dparn vtlth tnnn', and lrienra ard 7 r. tana state nat' from tac(.jt 117- lMl (ZjJkf4 . n w alMii IViXeV' teX