THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOHER 20. 1009. ron iti;vr riiTa la EIGHT rxn !. modern, Ktns lleta-hta; furnace, bath, newly pa- Perrd. 814 pinion (. Key at 100 l-almon at. j . FYiVlt iiiM";T f fnTa. InoiTrlll. hot anil rolil aler; I4 Commercial mL Alto f iirnl.hf.t a part mr-nt, (14 Commercial al J (ion Wiuxliawn MJ. y'Kv 1 rvoin flat, modern fire place, .. .i. . ........ ...... i. - ajHuntiu. iioiniimii r'ww'i. i"iiv yiv I Fttie, euO Kl"nt, 14 or r. tare. FOU HA LIS MISCELLANEOUS 19 V'iVL' flat. fii-iir 29: (talking dletanre; furnace; ronl ji.v. , In quire I l 14 th a t. sU-:VN room flai, newly papered and painted, ill modern, hot air furnace; Ink S or F car. lit Corbet! at. j ' XioltKHNT room fiat for rent: In plendld location; very cugy. 43 Tay lor et. y JjAl'KUN 4 room flats Phone and )lKhl Included, full 10 FrgO t fhona F 1711 or Main OfiO. HRE room nnAirrn flat, reaaoniible rent, lit Htanton afreet Phon Et 4400. - MOUEUN 4 room flat near ' SSd and aahington. writ aide. raaaonahle. Call morning nrt evening. Main ISM. STRNISHED corner flat. Toum7TUh, v phon. water free,, walking distance. 414 Jefferson. kHoWLY iTnled flat, modern. 43. V Larrabee ft Fhon Et (3(4. Main Corrugated Iron. , rurrueated Iron . Rubber rooiing. . Rubber roofing. Positively new. II per ayuare. T. Simon & Bro. - s 144 Kront C . r ' , MOXEV TO LOAN "7 a Money to Ixian ' In sums of 410 to lloB on furniture, 1-lnnnn. salaries, etc. on ahort noilu. t you want th cheapest rt and j eaeleat taring to ta had in ha cur can on u. You can pay th money bark In amall weekly or r.ionthljr payment. No pub licity; no delay, , State, Security Co. ' Ifll Pal liny bldg. Corfugsted Iron, lor rug nlaj Iron. Rubber roofing. Rubber roofing. ... Positively new. 11 per iusr. J. Simon & Hro. . 144 Front t. 1. AMOK A. murr. Plaaaara of 4unten and rhll1ren rlualvely. Women era ufin aaad aa vera eurgtral oneralluna ty crultlng ma. Ntrvuua dlMaaea of cblldroit a eirlalty. All the Intoat electrti al trextmeut given, Correaiponden''e ao- ii.'HtMi. no cliaree- .or ronauJiai in. r'li'inee. ' Alain A-a(T. dfflce foin K. Urand 'IbeaUa bUif . Waalf mion and far. I.IVKHV AMI STAflLKH IIK SHIAN alal.Ua II. ka. )lvry, board Ing and eaUi fuiiiiinra-mavlng. Ill I'nlun ave. fMione K. nlalit M. tut. .Ilutton Crcdit'Co. IMN8 MONET AT THE IOWEBT , K AT ICS T008. new 4 rotun flala, one furnlalie.t, on unfurnlahod. modern. 1-11 K..(0th Ht. K. Mt. Tabor. VFvT aldd. walking dlatanc. 4 room iini, yiu. i caia ai., near inapman . , lilt. (1HA (VTAMlOP, . . ' ulaeaae of women and cblldran. 1.-dlea,- you ran avoid eurgli-al eratlona by ronaultlaa; in. Uei lrlo trmtmrnla fur nervoua dlaeaaea. J'rlvate boapltal arroiinnoilatloua, Koonia IT aim J a. In Portland, on furniture, piano (with- t Hamilton Mdg. Phone Main 101 out removal), wan lioune receipt, aal-I ; ; - I WllX afll 1 good ieatera, "J pair ruriain atretrhera, 1 blue flame oil atovea, gita oven, 80 fet fine lioae And reel, vapor bath -cabinet, dreaaer Imn ben a, ana range, 2 ewlvel office cimira. i awivei atooi. a hi. AlJer at, BI-li KKNcll'KHF KR typewriter and -aupt)lle: Fox Vlalbla machine: rent- ala, repair, lnapactlon: fireproof safe. I no N. M. Hayter Co.. to h t- Main 661S. I 60 'u malu itlOhk Wahlngton Iron He, eio.; aJao loan mad to ladle. no InauiHe anywhere. A liberal reduc tion ii nam Deror flue. Hutton Credit Co. 611 nFKlTM BLno, Tl?gCREfirENT LOAW AdWNSTT"" toi Kotncolld bldg.. corner 4th And Ken Cured Oulckly ' . Hodern alortrlo treatment for dlaaaae Cf the proa tale, nervou debility, pile. ta W, L Howard. M. D- 04- Roth child bldg., 4th and Waahlniton. Tin f t.NwlS y rnyainian nl aurgean, treat woman Work holHtlng rngtne, and a half yard Hmlth ronorrta mixer; both In A-l condition, Bo87(, Wenatchee, Waeh. FOR BAtECh D, lady1 . and gent' Washington. The reoogr.laed bank ofl'nn children exclusively; cooaultatlon lii waa earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, I rrea axia oonnoenuu. aoe common maohlnlaC engineer or employ can ob-j wealth bldg., th and Ankanjr gta. phon tain money of ua on hi not without Wain 4047: A-24U. jecurity, l RAC'IfELtJR. agd 4S. obfr, Induatrlou. ' " i ii iw ua , ,,,,,. a, mviiin i , n.a ood trade. With amall meana. rriurn xo ua a monio i inv.ilrii. kii.inaa tmn n.ihiu ieaean( inquirie. i . i mm nf n. ,nillt. Mr.Mnrui .in.. Journal. MRU. J. W, m'TI.KR. colored. trln.l nurae. Ill Norllirup t. I'hona A-7771. , Ml iilU TKACJ11CU9 WKIIRKH Academy of alualc, violin, mandolin, plana, guitar, banjo 4MV niinmi if n ht. H. "SMITH, teacher of plajio. 411 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Alphabetically V Arranged for the Tonvenlenc of Jnurnal Itea Jsr 600,000 PORTLAND 1912 A dIIr ulaely Inveated la Portland real aatata IVday mana dol'nra In th . Investor In the near future. Portland I yet In Ita Inr.nrv. the Paelfl eoaat ha a brighter futurw. Kttritalv devetmenti protireaa. Valuable, Information can be obtained from any of named realty dealer. ' , , , r city i ar now in the bvlor KAUI-. ADDIEaS, , IKI.kMtl.M Barkas, A. (Irrtnf tne)..... f, Ms Board of Trade M.Ia mn Baker, A. A.. ; Jll AMoea Bid Mat : i lM mon. Main 7140. t'onaervatorr eouree. Broeg gtaela Cooiraay ...110 lecead It Mala in AV4 ErTHTh:iIOItN, violin teacher, pupil Bevclk. A-41C0. Ht flne al. Main joii. Ci'l'lo A. CHKVi'A vTiilln tacher. III Bherman at. I'hon Main lit, 1 PIANO, violin, cornel, mandolin. TroZ M. A. Hmlth. tl If th t. PA1NTH, OIL AM) ULAHS RAMUBHKM A CO.. -HI ah Ptandard paint, ne. oor.fd Taylor. M. A-1771 7- L O8TKOPATIII0 PHV8IUAM Confidential; no unpleasant Inqulrle. tiVaj o 'new cotrv7 Al SdhcI.I ratea on piano. Mrnltura. tu. T0"" fy.U 5 j, IR. WALKKR. speclalUti quickly cure dlaeaaes of men, blood and akin dla- aea, aorea, nicer, awoiion giana. ua- UK. LILLEBEIUB PATTERHON, P clallnt on norvfi. acuta and chronlo oineanea. ZIT Fenton oiilg. Main mi IH L, n. tSAIITH, raduata Klrkavllla, Mo.. Ull: poet grad.. 107. Ill Bwet- innq Ping,, wain lH7. Lit. F. J. UAHH. A. it. O.. 1107 Mohaw bldg.. Id and Morrlaon. Main 122 tlckeu, over Canadian Paclflo via Chi- 15000 to loan on improve'd-clty prop-1 rr, bladder and pile-. Ill lit U Port- I Z II-i-Jl cago, dnacrtptlon fair, yoning, weight me- I rty. Call for Tabor, 601 Swetland bldg. land. . . 1 I'AIVTIVf AVI) PAPKHtXO &.fUnUOn riCM- TI.A CJr:rn , totEfl.. Eumoni' injury nV?:!???. CNFUBNISIIED ROOMS -10 LAOY;i3 and gent'B.tlcket to - Mlnne- The Stewart Co Journal, THREE tinfurnlnhcd Toom for cheap: water furnished: conven Call 4S7H K. W'aHhlngton st. TVO unfurnlshd)ouB"keenlng room (ea coucn t., between lun and I7tn, "JtnZf mA?XXrJ irffi 1 lM: MONEY advanced salaried people, houaa- LEMON Rloiiom for all female die 7nt Tillm ,i?hml, In'uJfttiv Zl j " kep'" nd other upon their own Cur whn oth.rg falL Laue nlent I '"JbrB t''V llm- UK X-2iS7. nam without eeourltr; cheapeat rate. Prug Cq,, agent. rA,, ... S?'!?. WBiMtoj-afflefg In Plnol- TTt ROAPfiO QUININE , stores Akd omci:s u OR RENT Four lars tore. with good baaement: also bnrement barber ho: modera building, aa and Yamhill Also I atory building with 7 store and II room upstair; steam heated, eleetrio lighted; will tea for term of year., t -' JACKSON & PEERING, : ' , ' - 4 fitarit Ht.' We" have two office rooms;, will rent on room furnished with desk ' and telephone: - chean ronL good location. "Apply-at- rooms 1-4, Orand Theatre blk., Parle nd WaHhlngton sts. FIRST das ould office room for rent In new building: steam neat. eleetrio and ga light, with janitor aery Ice. N. E.-cor. 3d and Madison. iitik Union ve.. I nice room suitable for doctor.- steam heat modern.- no competition.. . John -Pick. 209 Commer cial blk.- : STOREROOM aul table for ahop or clean ing business,- 12x20 In splendid busi ness locality, 349 Salmon, near 7th. FOR- RENT Desk room or Drivate of flee, cheap; -both phone. Inquire ZBH Washington at., room n. MOVORCYCLKS and Jdcyclea, new and unn r A K . n hiiv ..1 1 w pair. Agencies for Thor and Tal Motor- I ber Exchange. cycles. Ape mcycle Co,, 1 lth. A-0 pal cities: save yourself money by get-- ung our term rirat. TOlnian, zn luuu Utora; correspondence desired. J-110, IFOR best work, price right, call P. -A. iwnt n e. io union, notnpnones. FATKXT ATTOIIXKVS It. Ce WRIGHT. IT. 8. and foreign oat eni; infringement case. 04 uritum. aeaa. Lau-t)vU or cold and la grippe. FOR 6ALK cheap, simplex churn, engine j -CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loana on nianoa. furaltura. and -boiler And cream vat. Inaulre I warehouse reoelot. horses. Insurance I 141 Front at.-fcltr. or addreaa Box 108. 1 policies, salaries and all kind of aeouri-I puverton, ur. you it nave to nnrry. BUSLVKISS UIKECTOEY PIUNTIXQ FOR 8AKJ3 lady's and .gentleman's tlnkat. over- lha finiilliin 1'nrlfln via Chicago, description fair. H-263, Jour- MORTGAGES, contracts ror deeds or lie; real estate loan from IJ00O up. tnA' LUAN ft MTU. UU. 419 Ablngton bldg-. Welch-Carsca Prictine Co. 'uoer or clever thing wltn type ana WELLS PROEB8TEL, asayr. ana- Ink on paper." its Yamhill t. - lytlcal chemists. 204 Wah. M. 7601. THE EAGIPRLNflNOCO. not In nal. ENCYCLOPEDIA on electrical engi- W-278, Journal. neering, five volumes; a .bargain. SAFES II - second hand safe: very low prices; new safes, all sixes. Port- land, Bare co..-i 7tn St. j - 20 -Edison standard phonograph; near ly new and 26 choice records. Toma are., nenwood 64 other real estate securities hono-ht on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon zr Washington. . H. B. Noble, 818-817 Lumbermens bldg., Sth Stark. - MONEY TolLOAN. ' . Quick leans made In sum from 120 to 1600 for 80 to SO davs. on furniture. pianos or other good security. Room 320 Lumbermen bldg., 6th and ' Stark. PORTLiNU analytical laboratory, 1221 trust), cloye figures, good work. 103 Worcester bldg., Bd ana uaK. m. bu. uooqnougn bldg. Phone Main 4)21 MONTANA assay office, laboratory and OG1LBUE BROS printer (ard. bill ore itminr worn, -me morruun, neaqw. etc. Main IBB, '1(54 11 l. ATTOltAETB HEAL ESTATE CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS. J. w. OGILBEE. real esUt and loan; wnerai pramice. ni-n iiurnanun estan. 18M. 146H 1st St.. room 11 AJJSTHACTOK8 Bsses.i Shi aa- isi-a1, PlMasiaaMsassaj liUBBElt 8TAU'S AND SEALS 17000 or to loan on Improved I'ort- LADY'8 lrsi class ticket to klnneap- Realty Investment Co. 805 Ablnaton W.'R. KAIZLIP CO., (Inc.) abstractor, STENCILS and offlce stationery. Cun- olls; cnap If taken at once., young, I bldg.. Main 1976 ' i um ciass worn, an-t v.oroen uiog. ningham Co.. 211 Stark. Main 1407. M nm. ' - V.I7I. Jnnrnil - . I : r - . " ' ' i . . i . 1 WE LOAN money on diamonds an1 lew- medium. i . ... . ' . . a WOMAN 8 ticket to central Kansas. Choice of routes. Z-271. Journal. innwijiuun cBBjr. i snort time, BUSINESS CARDS SAFES 149 Union ave. N. Store building 2Sx 70. basement: neat furnished: rent cneap. jonn hick. zu uommerciai-pix. THREE good 'office rooms, best loca tion, rent reasonable. 30JH Washing ton, room 26. -' - I DESK room for rent In large, airy, cora- pleteiy rurnlsned onice; use oz tele phone. 402 Commercial blk. GROUND floor 6f f Ice for rent; McKay bldg.. Stark St. side. Apply IIS Mo- I Kay bldg. STORE close in. $9. Call 380 E. Wasb Ington. Ei8t 116, B-1437. J I FEW nice office In the Couch and Chamber bldga. 601 Couch bldg. FOR SALE Lady' ticket. Portland to I - Chicago; medium, dark. Cheap. Z-272, 1 journal. . 1 t WaghTnWt1, Del0VaKe- Werar' HOWE DAVIS COMPAITY. 109 2d t tTto Mciw Safe Co.. 101 Id at. gaf. r i g ' , , r , Blank book m'fg: sgt. for Jon' at factory price; repair, loclout ?, LOST, AND FOUND 21 Lmr0,f,iVt!'L a' iKt!SiiSet opened: bargain In second hand safes. BrstMker A Beaadtet K)l MrKar BMs.... Vladau lUIxkta itila 1 Bultarwcrla-ateplMseaa Caapaay. I a IS Urajr:te Blg....ik and Weak. JMla e3 Caek A Cm.. II. a. , JKJt Cortelt Bid au, A-M Ckieia j nertew ,...M1 Ctusber ef fassMrea Mala IU1 riae, D. T. C. (WaMbtort )................. .Bet4tf and yBktt.............Bllal .'f Oelserkaildt' Aseary 2A.1t TV.lntoa It Mala a4 A-Kt naaek. Oeerge A. (Obloatsatloa)., 48 Libba bldg.....,.,. ...... ......Mala IW lecobe AiIm, c. 144 flth Mils m, A-Il , 4BeUe Cmt. Berkalry. lKTr ""llniUMft. W. M MS rkamue f rvmiMM Mala TT( . ........ ' laanurr at uistaMro. .. . . Haia aaa 414 Ablngtoa Bldg ktaia 131 l.M aMn Si U.I. A.149 Raa but Cb. Tb Orand Asa. aad Hltoooak..,.Kt . C-tTIA farrUo, Watklaa a n ao iM st i Mala 14 fL'"'" 'ae.ii.o Cvajpan.... 12 Kllllngaaartk Ave. Woadl. Hit Sttal . "If M Ut"k " A-X."-tt4 "UAg, O. C. .....a tfif M7Ui lid k. ..l.bu IN Walker, ft. j. jH CotimlK bidet Mil ftaai Bin Land C. 4 To Buretal ,...1 BANKS Fimt national bakk. portuod. o. . CAflTAL AND BOBPLUS 11.500.000. U KITED gTATBB KATIyNAL BANK 0 fOBTLAND, UBBOOIf. . , Northweat Curnrr lolrd and Oak Ktreeta. Coadnets s Oeaeral MuuAlua Uualuaaa. UUArm IshUKLl ATallahU ta All Cltl eg tbe DnltU Mute and aiurope. tluufkuug and klanlU. OellecUwoa suae ea tamable teres. FraaUteot J. C AlMViUUlU UaaHIrr ,8. V. aaiMIKit VU-a frMldeat K, L&a BAUMLt Ca.bler .....w. A. UOLJ Aaalataot Caatiler A. M. WHIG HI KailAN-AMBKlCAN BAMK ParUaod. Or. 0ror Blxtk and Waablogtoa gta. Xrauaacta a general banking buaUieaa. bratta laaaed- avallabl. la all tb arlaetpal clUra ef tba Uailed bUUa Bd iUirviie. four out cent Interest lx14 a aarlaga a roanta. safe aepuelt vaults, M BONDS AND INVESTMENTS OUB1S BuOrUKag. cauunber ef CumuMrc Building. lianlclpal. Ballraag and PvbU Bar-tire Oorporatlo Boada. r OV. .MNQ-UOPKINS COMPANY Batabllabed BKOKEBA. J DTOCK8, BONOS, UBAIN Bougbt and Suld for Cash Dd on Uargla. Private Wires. Koome )l to 904 Cucb Building. Pbonae llala 138 1 A-93AT. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD FOR SALE Gentleman first class ticket, Portland to Chicago, limited, to I uctooer oj. A-zo, journal, THE JOURNAL maintain a Lost nd CEAN towel daily, comb, brush soap. Found Bureau to aid th public In thL.,i.,per?"t fSSS, itl SPCOND-HOND CLOT HI NO recovery of lost articles. ' If you lose i?wel f uVIly Co., tn ana t. NOTICE Will pay highest price for ..,. oij-,' -vi ; . i . l anyining, einqutre at once at the Iioet I z """" " , u , rnia casioii cioming. Main imi. WmKSa rLn"JJ- The ..Journal, and RTLANDJMultlgraph Rld Ad-' EfST price, paid for .econd hand furni 260 Fast (let at. " wtu ue maiuo oi your lumu. 11 1 jfi?,"s .,A lure ana ciotiung. Main 2080. IMEW Iireproor eare. 3S; also new ana , wish to find the rightful owner. THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book buggy pole, 7.60. Call at S84 Pa-I leave It at theLot and Found Bureau J seller, office outfitters, engineers'. C'ro or The journal. draughtmen' gupplles. 133 8d cor. Alder. I ARTHUR 8 AtCKJfix to cnioago via Bait iaks, i i-uax a. pucxsKin purse witn (nun WARKEN CONSTRUCTION CO cheap: young man, fair, medium build. amount of money, on Morrison At car strut ' M vltity ollawrt lira. mtA r A-i. v nf- n w i ' I 4.,4 a Yt i 4 . w - A-iI a al. " J'" 7 "'.. " -- uai ft ii an. vjia i nai SEWING MACHINES arrivine at P. Urrom the north at 9 I in i f di; ku range, Detroit Jewel and water l?h "gStf Wwhlnllon'Ind t "ire? TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and Tj i"lf CMh;. KoaA. orter- Pnon ward. Washington and get re-I gtMnl iobbn?. j. fgu, I12 Jiffer. son st. Main 1424. klnda rrf aewlnar manhin.. 94 7 ink st. Main ds. GAS Seliwood 69. SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. jaacnine rtcpatring Co., 335 1st. M.Z10Z,0lt1 t0 In1i"5?. t WhanlePdaumbJella "msIs1, &l' Frsnki SUN SOON Hule 'sells Chinese goods. 9SS- 5i'.P.ftta- younf ". rk. JJ"a-f .Ilks. dressing gown. K-228, Journal JouVnai'offiSe: aa'y l.'knonT nS hlrm, ttlng. 70 6th St. "WANTED -TO RENT Your House Empty?. Then let the Reliable Rental Agency rent It for you tomorrow. Don't, waft any -Jonger.- Room 8-4 Grand Theatre bldg.. Main 1144. - .' ' FIFTY aero fine level lnd, with good running stream.' close to station. Ipoltofflce. eto.jtflne for subdividing; 40 minute from union depot; buyers only. Owner, 64S 6th st. Main 4120, WANTED October 21, furnished ' 4 or I tt VAnm 4Ulln!naa In e aaMlll W.a 4...Ma IW S WUIll Ain'v VOW lllj Tt III UUJF A Is II I turo If cheap and good. Phon A-416S Or Mam 7860. INDIAN relic; 1000 stone arrows, stone I questions. oowis, aiono naicnoc ana oner relics I T rm , , ' . i for sale. 266 Holman st. LOST A' valuable package on Sd, be- aiiWurim'.. fri . ' . . . iween nonigomery ana urani sts., TICKET to Denver, Dakota; flrt olass, Sunday, evening about I o'clock. Phone never - shown. mal .mndlfim - 1 i IJ,,. . . . . v, iiT:a.y , iuqup Aug vxtri i a-tu V, aj V Uracil, . THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. tween Montgomery and ' Grant sts., JAS. Mcl. WOOD & Co.. all kinds of ln- SUOWCASEB AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, uar mig acura iixiures maue to oraer, mi mixe Mrg. co. iirtp cat g t..'. J,-ii 1.1 1 - ouw spaniel pup dog; collar bear FOR SALE Lady s seal' skin coat at name El H. Houser. Can have same u ranee, surety bonds. McKay bldg. f CARPET , CLEANING THE JAMES L MARSHA I.I. MFQ. CO new and old showcases; cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703 for ad. about 1-3 cost at 390 Morrison at 1k T.i A iina iil'i. j j .. ) IONB3 CARPET CT.TCANINO WORKS. Phone A-8219. . . -7 I,' 1 "e" v WorK guaranteed. Tels. East 860: B-2216. PARI'ET WEAVING CARPET . And rug weaving. 138 ffl. 12th st N. . Woodlawn 2124. 5u??7iho-; 1 f?101?" ,a1y'" PARTY who took wrong grip in train ticket to Chicago. D-269, Journal. arriving at Portland about 5:1 p.- m. CANDIES, purest, sweetest, lowest Oct 18, "kindly exchange and write me, prices: 1 lb. 10o. 880 3d. City Market Y-279, Journal SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER. alma: the lrr. est sign makers In the northwest: Kth biiu juvercu sis. arnone ATiv. H.X. ea, Home A-l 166. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland cign vo zti Btarn. Pacific 1596, I WANTED Nov. 1, modern unfurnished . i or lu-room bouse. wKhln 8 blocka I . . . . . y. nam . i . Ioi pryBtoiiica. vr-ei, journal.'- . REFINED- couple) want housekeeping rooms, close In: a-lv '.narticulara. ia-i!it, journal. IYOUNG counle want to rent 3 or I room furnished cottaare. W-277. Joun nai. rr.? : . .'' EfORSES, VEincLES. ETC 18 " ' For Sale ;jQrses;Wagoiis; ; 'aid Harness - - ' W hay om , 50 head of tried out horse and mules for -eale, which we wiu aii unaer a gruarantec; biso 10 delivery waronC. T bUggleS. : : . , . . , surreys. - f 8 farm wagon. -1 furniture wagons. WTHORNB AVE. STABLES, INC. - - 420 Hawthorne ave. GGIES. harness and waaon at cut I - prieea, good, guaranteed, well known Jbuggle at 157.60; big sale and small jprofits, Th sacond largest stock of (gqoos in I'ortiana. - . t , , d L. BOSS & CO.. , , 120-828 E. Morrison st. ' : jHORSES and bugglea ror rent by day, 1 week and month; special rate to Tbuslnes 'houses. : (th and Hawthorn jast T2. ' ". - - iPOR SALE One "pair of work homes, I iouo ids. ; one pair ponies; one iignt Dumber waron. Stratton' Feed Stables. J1638 tfacradam st., Fulton. ' A CARLOAD of horses and . mares. weighing from 1100 to 1500, now on I hale, 605 Alblna ave. Take "L" car. K1RST CLASS horses and mares for sale at U. S. Stables, 248. Front st vunameoii; prop. tTPEWRITER, nearly new, cheap or LOST Rdan cow, with white stripe gxnange. yaw, journal. i aown oacx; return to K. ueniey, 11118- PIANOLA cheap for cash, or might o'e- "-,r- rtewarq. cnanga, vivt. journal. LADY'S, first class ticket to Duluth limit cot 31. Lr-265. Journal. JlO New Home sewing machine, per- irci,,, an auaenmenta. sea ju. Morrison. CHIROPODISTS SPRAYING MACHINES FOUND Boston bull terrier. Write V-277. Journal. male. NOITCES , SO THREE horse D. C motor and shafting, cneap, orexenange. u-u4, journal. NAT'L cash reg., 6 drawer, late model. Arcner -.a genang, etn and Oak. GLOBE filing cabinet, cheap, or ex- c-ru change. 804. Journal NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS Notice is hereby a-ivan that the state land board will receive sealed bid un- u -a O'ClocK a. m.. .December 14. 190. for the following described school lands, Section 16 and 36. T. 31 S, R. 7U E. Sections 16 and 86, t. 34 S., R. 28 E. Section 16 and 86. T 34 S.. R. 2 9 FT v Section 16 and 86. T. 86 B., R. 28 E. section is ana 36, T. 3i 8., R. 29 is. Section 16 and 86, T. 35 8., R. 30 E. Sections 16 and 86. T. 87 S., R. 29 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 87 6., R. 30 E. Section 16 and 86, T. 87 S R. 81 E. Sections 16 and 86. T. 88 8. R. 30 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 38 S., B. 31 E. All bids must be accompanied hv a BE WISE; get more ror your second 1 !f 2lapH., cui!5 J?JlIJl2llti!Li: Pur' nana furniture by selling it to Ford Sr i' lrt ij,t i?k i . WANTED MISCELLAJTEOUS 8 WANTED Showcase, office furniture, Eneiving, pool and - Din lara table, dox oowiing aiieys, etc. Newman, 026 H TTBBii. rnons main eo. NEW STORE STARTING. Top price paid for new and second hand furniture. Phone Seliwood 64,; , Auction Co., Jll 1st. M. 8961. A-2446. PROMPT attention and highest prices oaia lor furniture. Hawthorne irur. CO., 194 urand ave. East 6204. WANT , to buy small ptee, close In, wwi Blue Duainess real estate, flu,- ovu to 4Jguuu. t;-zut, journal. dor, for at Jeast one fifth of thftawnount No bid for less than IS ner acre will De consiaerea. , The rleht is reserved to relect anv ana an oi as. , Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, clerk state land poara, aiem, or., and marked. "Applica tion ana . oia xo purcnase state lanas. 1. li. KKUWN. CASH for household goods. Savage A-l Clerk State Ijinri Hoard. Pennell. 846-847 1st st Main 860.. I Dated this JRth ,lv of Snittmh.r ians- VVANTED A 6 h. p. alternating current I TO the Taxpayers of Multnomah Coun motor: 220 volt Y-272. Journal. I tv. Or. Notlw ta har.hv Hon th.i nn THE Peoples' Auction house pay well Monday, October 18, 1909, th board of ror an articles. i7 Kront. Main 6670. I iuu ui inunnuiima county win IvANTKh son-hand a-.V. t tbe offloe of the county clerk DR. O. O. FLETCHER, D. C. foot spe clali 806 Ailsky bldg. MalrK 8762. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. - manufacturers or nana and power I nyrayerai .nuzzica, roas, etc. i front Bt.. Portland. Or. MISS E. Mi WALLS, graduate nurBO, t chiropody. 611 Buchanan bldg. CLEANING AND DYEING THE BUSY CORNER We have 19 year experience in cleaning and dye ing;-, firstclass work guaranteed; prices 82 and 12.50. Ladies' work a specialty. All work called fop and delivered promptly. Marvel Cleaning works, 766 23d St., cor. .Thurman. A-S260, Main TAJCIDERMJSTS AND FURRIERS SKINS tanned free with head mount. fur work. Fi B. FinleJ. 249 Colum bia st. - OREGON'S besi taxidermist expert in mi 1,'rBnciicp. v. ivi. narris. 4tfo Wash. EXCHANGE furniture nouse. 108 1st. wain 4Zu. Buy ana sell everything. - must be cheap. W-272, Journal. FINANCIAL . SI I v ir to 1400: well broke. Star Stable., 808 PVont st-. SLIGHT ',, team, harness and spring wagon, zoos East-Alder. Tak Moh- avllla car. Phone Tahor 104 for sale at 161 IORSE 5 years old i ntra B ,- HAVE a good road horse to let out for feed nd care. Y-276, Jmirnal. - . -,, LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 60 HEAD of cattle, two ar thorough nrea jersey cows, years Ola, ome j utchers' stock and calves. Georca iore, Mciarum station, uregon city arllne. L'WO fresh cows, 1 Jersey, 1 Jersey- MOIBiein. 49 By. iuaoison. e"dw7 jou?c!i. de8lt; 2lJS9LSVA -th? ...c.iiiciii ivijb xur ma ywar- xvvv, -ana correal an error in valuation, descrip tion or qualities or lann, lots or other property, ana it la in. rtntv or an rer- sons interested to aDDear at the tkn ana piaun appointea, ana ii ic nan ap pear to such board of equalisation that there ar any land, lota or other oron. erty assessed twice or in th nam of a person or persons not the Owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots of other prop erty not assessed, ia board or equali zation shall make the proper correc tion. - B. D. SIGLER. County Assessor. r-oruanq. ur., ricpt. Z6, I9P. I I 1111$ IS fit I till! - MONET to loan without delay and ' - trlctly confldential on real : eetate, furniture and piano (with- , out -removal),, storage receipts, Ufa . Insurance policies, jewelry and diamond and - all kind of securities, at lowest rates In city. ' : On easy weekly or monthly pay ments. U. 6. Real Estate ft Brokerage Co., room 12 Hamilton bldg., 131 Id st Phon Main 2034. : I f t 8 1 I I II I 18 3 13 tiff MONEY loaned, salary or furntiure. Room 11 Washington bldg. Main 9481. LOANS WANTED 30 LET th W. R. Halillp CO., (inc.) ab stractor, loan your money, good t ennty, gooa titles. - szy-b coroett oiog. WANTED Loan of 260 for one year; jrorHi Bwcurny. rr-iit, journal. 'WO fresh cows. 4 gallons day, with calves: one Jersey. 98 E. Yamfiill. M L'SICAL' INSTRUMENTS 84 JUSIO for bnd and orchestra; repair- las and exchansa. r.baa. EL York. J. TV. Tark ft Sons Celebrated band la- Mruments. MU 8d t FOR SAIJ AUTOMOBILES 44 MONEY TO LOAN 27 f 100.000 on mortgage, city or farm property, fir Insurance. McKensl A Co.. Oerllnger bldg., 2d nd Alder. 11600 to loan on good real etate e- ton curlty at I percent S:t Waahlng- n st, room 215. x SALARY LOANS Confidential easy to get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton. Ill linr Mdg.. 4tn ana a. MONEY to loan on Improved city prop ety. J. L. WeU Co III Chamber of Commerce bldg. , ON first mortgages at I and per- rnl" nn Irpi.t, rt T rnmrnlulnn. R. VILL trade f lots In Montloello addition ) brief -.flret letter. W-275, Journal. for X paswenger runabout of not lea I u, ,vr r itT. in.h. . . i ban II h. p.; or will take first .riae I hniiiiln. r.t- rir- til THE firm of Carter ft Staley, cement contractors, ha dissolved partner ship, aince October 1. 1909. Signed C. H. CARTER. D, H. STALEY. t WE have 80 years' experience In clean ing ana ayeing ; Dusiness,. per cult, can up ana give us a trial. Har vard Cleaning Co., 747 . Northrup. near 23a. r'nones A-aszu, main n. DYEING, cleaning, - pressing, repairing; hats cleaned and blocked. Main 1512. Portland Cleaning Co.. 4861, Washing ton ana hid ana uusan. TRANSFER AND STORAGE H. W. TURNER, Dyer-Carpets dyed a - specialty. 606 Jefferson at Main 2513. A-2618. COAL AND WOOD NOTICE special cjt Atnmm PRICES ON5JL.l W VUV GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load. .11.76 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. 12.00 INSIDE PRY SHORT, per load. .. .33.50 ALL DELIVERIES , , MAf'E PROMPTLY. Tbe Portlana SlabwcMJd Co. Main 3119. A-7001. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, free trackage, v Office, 810 Hoyt st, bet. 6th and 6th Phones: Main 69, A-1169 C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co f' flee and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separata iron rooms and fireproof valuts for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shln ment. Main S96; A-1996. P OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO ' General transfer and torage, iafe. pianos, and furniture moved, packed an shipped. 209 Oak st. Main 647? A??? INDEPENDENT Baggage ft Tranife? Cotorage, 324 Stark. Main ,07 LtAflXO pobtlanh. Aabiand Paaaenaar IH a. aa. Cottage Orov 1'aauoger 4:14 p. B. Sbaata Limited 6:00 p. as. wauiurnia a,xpreaa 7:45 p. BE. Baa a'raucUco Kipreea lQ algbt WKsT BIDS. Corral 11a Paasenfer 7:90 a. - Bberldaa Paaeeoer 4:00 p. in. forest Ursve Paaaenger 8:60 a. B. Poraat Grove Paaarnger 1:00 p. m. Forest drove Paaaeng-er 6:40 p. an. BOUTHERN PACIFIC, ABBIYlnQ romii Oregoa Kxpreas T:80 a. m. Collate Grove Paaaeoiar ......10:40 p. na. fitwata Umlted : p. at. Hoar burg Paaaenger l:BO p. a. Portland Eipreae ...ILK a. BJ. WEST 81DH. rorrallls Paaaenger 6:39 a, am, Bberldaa PaMogr 10:80 a. m. Forr.t Grove Paaaenger S:00 a. la, Foreat G" Paaaenger .....11:60 a. Ba. Korrit Orove Paaaaoger 4:4 . m. ... CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. 0. P. It. Bbort tine via Spokane.... 7:00 p. m. I 0. P. B. Snort Mne via Spokane.... a. aa. Via Seattle. Victoria ft Vaaooaver.. 8:00 p. m. I Via Vancouver, Victoria ft Seattle.. 9:83 p. at. Via Eomas 12M a. m. Via Bumaa and Beattle ... 7:00 a. a. . s w nABfrr a wr Portland ft Brattle Expree B:l a. Portland-Vaneonvor Special. 10:00 a. na. Pnget Bottnd Umlted.. 8:00 p. a. Vacolt Paaaenirer. . .' 4K p. m. North Cooat Limited, via Sound 12:lfi a. m. North Coaat Umlted. via N. Bank.. 8:45 a. in. NORTHERN PACIFIC. ARRIVING PORTLAND. North Ooaat Limited., via Sound...., f:On a. aa. North Coaat Limited, via N. Bank.. 8:60 p. m. Portland ft Seattle Erpreai. ........ 40 p. at. Pnget Sound Limited t:M p. a Vancnnver-Portland Special ....10:90 B aa. Xacolt Paaaenger $M0 a. m. OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION COMPANY. LEAVING PORTLAND. Atlantle Eioreaa 80 m- KnonnkaiM-Portland 7:00 p. m. Cbleeiro-PortLud 8pec1al 10:00 a. m. Rait Lake Expreea 8:00 p. m. Oregon-Watbington Limited 6:86 p. m. ABBIVINO PORTLAND. ' Soo-Spokane-Portland 9:00 a. . Oregon Eipreaa 8:40 a. Of. Chicago-Portland Special. .......- 8:00 p. na. Pacific Expreaa 6:30 p.m. Oregon-Waablngton Limited ........ 8:00 a. m. LEAVINO PORTLAND. ASTORIA ft COLUMBIA RIVER. Seaelde ltxpreae . Balnler Poeeetiger Astoria Expreae . . Hainler raaeenger ....'8:00 a, m. .. 1 :1S p. D. p. m. V 0:10 p. a. ABBIVINO PORTLAND. Portland A Rainier Paaaenger.... ..10:23 a. n. Portland Exnrrea ........12:15 p. aa. rortiana naiEicr raeaenger. ...... n z p. rortiana Express ........ Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway LEVIS NTH AND HOTT STKEET PASSENGER STATION. i.iiiki PORTLAND, Inland Empire EPre";-- .... " For Chicago, bi. r.ui. """"""",;' St Ijonla, walla nniin. Gr'anddnlle.. White Slmeo. 8tvenoq. Van eonver and Intermediate station. North Bank Limited. ... ...........- For Chicago, . -.. Za' fit Lonle. SnoKane. Bpranr. . Z..JT RooeeVelt Oninddallaa. White Balmoa. StevenaoD and Vaneonvar. Colombia Elver Local for Tanconvel ' .and C. mas "1'J.''"Am .i. a.r.AAti white Salmon, wwuuin-, aifft and an Intermediate stations. ARRIVING PORTLAND. ' Fipm Cblcafio. St PaoJ. Omaha. KanM City, St. Lot I a. Walla Walla, Paaco. Boosevelt Granddalies, White Salmon. BtevenaoB. Vaa eoover UDd Intermediate station, , North Bank Limited 1:80 .' n. From Chicago, St. Panl, Omaha. Kanaa City. ' St Louie. Spokane, .Sprarne- BltsvtUe. Llnd. Pneco, Rooaerrlti Granddallea. Gotdendale, White Salmon. Stevenaoa. Vuramw Inland Empire fvpreea tliBO . ex. From Cliffs. Granddallea. I.vla Whit. a. t. mon. Cam a a. Vanconver. and ill hw.ji.t. Granddallea, atatlona. Colombia River Local. ..............18:00 noo Portland to rmlla. Portland to rtaiiaa. Jefferson Street Depot 7:40 a. bl I Dallas to Portland. . . 4:80 p. ai. I Dallat to Portland and Liand-Oaw"go'"subViaiiiaVlng Portian a. m.. 6:80. H: 1, I W VoC, 8:80, 4:15. 8:80. 6:28, 7 hi. 10:10. 11:80. .........10:18 a. m. 8:05 p. m. SO, 7:80. 7:40. 8:80. I0:23i Portland Rjr Light & Power Co. ea leave Fet Water and I Morrlaoa atraet. FOR OREGON CITI. - . - a.m m. and every .80 mrnotea after SM. the to 10:05. 11:06, la.t j; 2S,m and TnT.rmll.fe. JK.Int7:00. T:B0. ra fi'no 1P:B0 a. m l su-A aw a.a. an 7:80. 11:0p, m. ' i. ,08 ANCOTTVB71. 1 Tlrx.t office and watting room Second and Washington etreets. ; ; lolilit16? TiW ' P. M. 12:80, 1:10. l:BO, 8:80, 8 10 8ilL 4:30. 8:10. :S0. 8:80. T;0S T:L 8 1A SIa T.m onnuar. --iauy except Monda y. 45. 10:45 45 P TYPEWRITERS Osarcoal Wood FROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Currv st YAMATO Wood ft Coal Co. All kinds of fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones EL 818. B-1867. E. 4th and Main sts. SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Main 2163. A-3842. Blockwood. 84.60: drv Inside wood. 18.60; green slabwood. 12 and 32.5D. REBUILT Smith-Premier and Reming ton typewriters, trood as new ta J." and $5 per month, at $22.60 to 847 so Why pay more? Guaranteed for V,. auan T. HM A nvnnjlaK CL - . w " ca. a. a. aoiiuci oe v-o.. axe lit at r. C. Smith & Bros, typewriters. 170 6tn st. A-1674. Main 574. 170 ALL niakt-s rented, repaired, sold. Cun" ningham Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407 TOWEL SUPPLY- STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. All kinds cora ana slabwood. coal. 47 Alblna ve. C-177J, East 424. PERSONAL .23 GERMAN! books, msgsstnes, novels, etc; German. English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries: for- elgrr book of all kinds. Sohmal C, Jll 1st at. MEN When weak, nervous or despond- ent, us Hex old Flies a bracer; re stores lost Vlaror: nrlc 81 ter box. boxes for. 16. T. S. PUrc. Ill Alleky biog. - DR. SANDERSON' CO Savin nd Cot- ton Root Pill, lur remedv for de layed pertoos, 12 per box or g boxes far la. T. J. tierce. 111 Ausky bldg, 36 Morrison. XlE.V Dr. ' Ketchem will promptly cure an your pnvai ailments: aovtc rrea. Hour 9 a. m. to I n. bl, 179 i Id, bear lamnni. .Main mv. i7 WI1K.IWKK of 84. with good home. would 1-ke to -aorreapond with honeat lady of about aaun .age; confidential. T-J7!. jcnrnai. NEER ft FARR. dealer in all kind fir nd hardwoods, tie blocks a nne.-l.Hv 806 Water st Main 4594. A-4647. MULTNOMAH Wood Co.; box wood, fir nd oak cord wood. Ex. ,80: A-1773. CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, aoan 11 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch t phone Main 410. A-4410. TURKISH BATHS TURKISH bath. 300 Oregonian bids ladles days, men night. Main mi-A-1938. VETEItlNAiilAN Orearon Electric Rnilway Company DEPOT FRONT ANP JEFFERSON. - f.EAVlO PORTLAND. . oVr., i-l 6:80-a, "Mf ",i.;;;" Orove local 6:45 a. m. .. t: a. m .. 8:80 a. m .. 8:B0 a. bv 8:55 a. ..10:10 a. m. 11:S5 a. m. ntllabore-roreai m ini- o- ??. fro "'iI Grove local &-fn.c1n.lted H",r.t vf local... Hlllstwro-Foreet Grove ---Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local..., Ralem Int. 8t;a .'J1, KM : KnorTForeet Grove local ..12:15 p. IB. ,. 2:00 p. n. ,. 2:15 p. ). ,. 8:80 p. m. . 8:46 p. B. . 8:15 p. m. . B:S5 p. a. . C:90 . m. . 8:25 p. m. .110 p. m. .11:15 B. B. ARRIVINO PORTLAND. ' W llsonvnie Int. Staa. local...., ;5S fc a. Illetwro-roreat Grove local......... T0 a. ea. Slem Int. Staa. local. .............. fi-oo , Rniebom-Feat Grove local....::::: 8-5 . m. Piilaboro-Foreet Grove local ,...11:25 m. ml Ssh-tn Int. St.t fceai Ji:05 t Salem Int. Staa. local , t-js 7 nill-boro-Foreat Orov lecal.:::::::: m It Rlll.boro-Fore.t Grove local I:B3 ! only. limited:::.":::: 85 p. m. Snlen, Int Stra. Rcal. 6.19 m. 8j,vm it. st... ioeai::::-:::::::::::iS.'5 Hiineoro-Foreet Grore loeel. ....... .11 -on p. Time Card United Railways Co, Leaving Portland for Bnrllngton and Int. st i n Tt5 8-15 9:15. 10'15. 11:15. a. m lr,,:s15 - allB." 4:15. 5:15, 8:15 8:10. 10X 1:15. t in.tnn and - Int. atatloni p. m. 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portland from BnrllntrtoB and In, H.oo. ji.k p. m. Local fnn t.lantn. . atatlona 7:15 m. Lecal from Linntoa and in. COLLECTIONS t-iotor cycle and baJanca cash. C-24A f ovi rn a 1. - (V A N T t7 i jiT.r to 7 paangr automobile- wiu tra.le real eetate or ay ram. phon A-44.1, or call 62 N. in tt E ARE offering great baislr.e. In Slightly uh! n1n'bllea, raafl'or rt.dei " rorttd Auti Commlrfeloa Co phr-ne A-4-. 41 N. 7tH st 1 R 81 K or tr1. IVpe-TrTlm In f .' e M""!, f t T? at. A-4!S nrtnra. W. O. Pec!r 111 Falling LARGE and small loans, 1 month, to I year- Prudhomm. 641 Chamber ef Cnmmeroes. (tOO to loan, real eetate ec ir1ty, 3 r I years.- 4,'ail 118 Henry Mdg. jt'ICK loane on all serurltiea. A W. Kir a;. 44 W'ttMn 'n M g. Mln 41 . To A.N for th a-.tcr nurt a' cNaa- lel. The Loan t'o 414 Iekun bids. LOST vitality rtore8 y Dr. Lorensa Nerve Tosle TaMeta, 16 box, 6 boxes IKir. Ftlpe. Trlor Iru Co 219 Mr rlann. Wail orders rrorrptly filled. P.HKI-MATIPM. ek'n affectiona. dta- eaae e T women. klJnets llvtr, atom-SJ-h, nervous troubles oulfklr cvrr-d; lady e't Dr. P1rr. Ill A)ey IMr r-r.l-I.lN.J out. will ;i 10.-4 . H. R- THOMPSON, D. V. ,8. Office Hawthorn stables. 420 Hawthorn ave. Phones East 697: B-1369. DR. GEO. KIRKPATRICK. veterinary" 2., rtrMin hnsriltnl lai t ra,a. . ' 1 4 Union ave. Ea st 772, B-2 8 3 2 ADJUSTMENT and collection aa-ene- -Wlll adluat. AOllAct. advfha uwii,.,!.,,..! and el act talc when desired; reliable! HUMANK VETERINARY HOSPItalTT counsel- reasonable term on result c-l Dr. Johnson. HI 16th. M. 6841. A-4187. bermen' bldg, M-7310. DEBTS nwhere. t'We get the money." mwti wti in warfnt-y, ma a. or X. COM3IISSIOX MERCHANTS T7K py th highest spot caah price for dresaed veL hoga. hides, egax batter, cheeee, fur, wool, eascara, hay grain. Writ what you wlh to eiL Ruby C.. 284 Couch t, Portland. Or ELECTIUOAL SUPPLIES PACIFIC Eleetrio Motor for rent or sale. Engineering Co. 11 -Id t WHOLESALE alOJiilEItS AUAMB ex wnoiesai grocer. rainuiBi-iuiiii auu tuiiH rvasierA 4ia ana mi eta. E V ERDINO A FhRRKLU produo and commission merchanta 140 Front t Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. -' TRANSPORTATION OPEN RIVER TRANSPOR TATION CO. M A. GUNST ft CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGAJtS PORTIMNP. ORE. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES." TRANSPORTATION ELECTROLYSIS NORTH PACIFIC S, S. Co. For -Kurrkx. San Francisco and I r saT...... . j; . r. - jit WWk aa.aJa avmuu V II III I ft U9J 4l( IfOt'SKTlOLD AKEOS j S P. m. Ticket office 132 Third. n.r ' f- PK4r.n4B Vf till rA A.I Mi T Batn 1 a."- "-'' ev. a a -v a ai a - lb 7l J?.f i'tTP""- H. YOUNG. Agent i Oak St. DocK g Bkonti Mala 29a A-35B7. rsiiaHT BECirrsD dally roa Lawistbn. Idaho. Pasco. Waah. Kennewick. Waah. Th Dalle And upper Columbia and Snake river Stamr J. N. Teal leaves Portland 1 a. m, M0114 Wed. and Krt. arriving early at The Dalle Paaaenger may board steamer th night before. COOb DAY LINE The atearaer BBEAKWATER leave Portland Wednesday at I p nx. froa Aloswairth dock for BTortk Bend. Ki se lla Id sad C Kay poiaia. Freight ra- ealved until t a na. an day of sailing. Paasengtr far, first claaa. 1; aacoad elaaa, 4 7. Including berth and Baeala gulr city Ucttet erTica. Third and Wa.o.-j tr.gtoa era, w AlaswortA aocs. Main i CLASSIFIED AD KATES 1 Bffeet May 1. ISO. 11 , , . AH PrevVm Bate CaDeeted. : CASH .ADS: - "."'0.rJ " leaa 1 15e per towtloei 16 ta 3 word-IiV; 21 to 25 vrora. 2Sa. .Lot . sed Fpaad. Help Wanted. Situation - .i-I. Rw,i " ted t. Bret Ada. thraa Inaertioaa foe the price af tva. AH atber eUaalflcaUua a. tea InaertWna fc toe gnre of ig. " ,. CHABCB ADS; Other thaa eeatraet 7e per eneate ti. Ora apae eaerract ta t eaed la 12 n-', l.ono Itnaa ....e per rovrie.) j r. S.000 II Bra. 1k, mt Mia 1 , . llnra or awre. ..... .ir tme eoai.i.a 1 v. Ail elaaairie adrartlai. tmrrmA k, it... i, - aetoal aoajat. ADS IW 81 Tni alONTN: I BwrrtX.. f1 v fine p-r nMt f aMta......... f fl mt n., M . 11 awalb. 81 M ae bae at a.. CPrPOX BOOKS: Cb ea Pell tare ef 2"- Pea kt.,..M,,.,S ii r A.r4 hie r- A ...V rr .--i4 : , 1e It. m a... 4r t--r -,4 j . IMiew -: ee--ar..-r r OH SALi: JUSCELLAN I-Ol g 19 W'.u r.a ir r ir-a f r IZ. l,err:. HI E. M' 'NET I on all klnda ef aciirlty. W. l'f-M. tw.m , v- -ft"? t,Je of f!K nritr4 an real 4ta'e Of-.rd A W lrt 1 14 tt at T?AAi"l ftjiiTK, mo-r-rr o laan. f.ra Issuranca 111 fhnor tiig. I . : 1 ) . , I - i,nm-mm iruit it m r-er quart 2" i ---''- j x s lllllllllll ' 1 r"i ranriaco roniAmi r. n. v o. 1 -v . . . . , . , , . . , TamMit. , j ATP..NARI rd marine.- electHe I HWiWae I I f f I I 1 I 1 " . ' OxJy Alract teeuaer. dayMlt aliu-a I " ', ,""' r BTINrroU-K no driver, glwC;.nd .''.7:, I I ' r MlliUllll frr, "fk.TO " W trifl.ra r--4 to x-r. W-1T1 Jor-.L , Sl'lJ.' Iliaa. t&Vl19 illllllJUj 1. -VS. Hats .45ity, Oct.-9, Kev. 13. ' !f,.,- ,. , ,. ,. , rr-: ii ' ."JXjr? a;.v i. mastic ,4 .SSSSl -U .rn: it, n - - WUZ KIT' ""T frrwi-' cr, ?fn in 717.', . .4