11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY : EVENING., OCTOBER , 20. 1Q00. -JU J I Kl l-S FQn 8.1 LF FARMS ron SALEREAL ESTATK i Weit Side Snap Cottage, I room. recaption halt Cor bett street alx foot terraca. fine view, eaat face, modern, 6 mlnutea rlda, easy walking distance, prim $2600. $00 don n. balance easy term, Clarke, 111 Alleay bldg., Thlrd-Morrlon. Bargain for Someone Six-room, close In. eaat aide, Isa ment, bath, toilet hot and cold water, full Jot, fenced, amall liarn. chicken vard.. fruit, onl 70 feet ID Sunnyalda tara; owner leaving city, muit sell; It's a great buy at only $2400, my terma. Clarke, 113 Allaky bids".. Thlrd-Morrleon. . 7 Don't Miss This Three Iota and -room bungalow Just eolith of new Jefferson high school: house leaaad at 120 monthly until spring; alia of tract 83x129, $1500; 11000 caah. balance in tnree yeany payments. It a a anap. Clarke, 211: Allaky bide Sd and Morrlaon. EXCHANGEMISC. OU SWAI-' COLL MX 83 17 Under this clasatfloatloa wtll appear I all adverttaameata that ooauprtee articlaa ' 10 ACRKS, 26 cleared and fenced; one acre fruit: houae. barn, alied and etable; W mile from si hi P. O. and. hutrl. Thla la worth lluuO. but will lil'SI.VESti CHANCES CO BUSINESS CHANCES SO for IrU.I In. .....i. -....I. ' 111 wetnk. t.i-i.. i.nr.riL. u..h '! take tliOU If bought within week. vehlolea, automobUea, clot-lag, eta. The Prfx l'. "- Hn I7i. City. ronraai aaa segregate tkla elaaa of aa 2oi)o Hla baraaln. ill acrea. fairly lin- Into tae awap eoluma for the eoavaat-i proved, houae, bam, county road. I eaoa of the readers of elaaalfied ads. 1 rnllea electric line, river. Parker, 6 01 - - i,r way ,ai a wea vvr ' i r.aeil VMM- word per Insertion, T Usertlone for ike 1 ,rm mai v" Fine IUisiness Opening1 STOCK OK . General Merchandise . If AVE 11100. will buy nouse. owner, r-isa. journal. good room In a HELP WANTED 1ALB WANTED AGENTS prtoe of obarre ada t eenta omr Una bar laaaa. &INGLE shotgun, flailing rode, reeia, basket, landing net, philosophical, me rhanlcal library. Want braaa or two alntrlo), bed, rifle, camera. J 'hone East 4(ISS. evenlnr.1 FOR TRADE land, all In cul- tlvatlon; good fruit land. 1 milea from Klickitat railroad atatlon K-J. Journal. In eounty. Situated In a splendid growing valley YYANTKD-Man with 1000 fur one-half ..... .y. iniareal lit cleaning, preaaliif tr:iilce clean atock; wll Invoice, about I na .ta: do In a luatnaea 1 lluoo- doing a caati tmalneaa of $.009 per dav: too much work for me to ban- die alone. Thla la a straight legitimate proposition ana a rnint ror tte nanc man; experlunce unneoeaaary. K-26&, Journal.. '. IlXiLWAT mall olarka wajited; 8AI.KHM 1CN wanted to take our caa weekly aelllnv i lioh a iiuraery alnck. Outfit rroa. Capital City wuraery , rialnm, ttr. AGh-N18 III uibury made eelllna ou nuraery aiixki great and dye- I llnei raall cominUelon weekly. 60 to 7e Kuraery lo tsalem, tir.t demand, fin paiem -11200 eoult corner lot on Horthwlck y In ll&OO t. for a good WANTEI rAHMS $4000 Home for $3500 ' ( room a, aelected material, atrlctly ' modern, full cement baaement. furnace, content walka. bath and toilet aeparate, beautiful combination flzturea. piped for aa, beautiful tinted rooma, ahadea; will .. aeil aplendld furniture If you want It; everythlnir complete for Immediate occu pancy and a bargain; $1000 cash will handle. F. & F. Commercial & Realty .Co. ;' 40S Mcrohanta Truat bldg. P. S. Yea,' paneled dining room and ' beamed oelllnga; muat be aeen to be ap- predated. P. P. S Eaat front, half block from m r, to mlnutea from busineaa. Grays Crossincr Bargains IS75 2 room houae and corner lot ' In Evelyn. Terma eaay. $1000 cash New 4 room, plaatered nouao, z lots, fenced, cultivated, z blocks from ca,rllne. Also vacant lots on easy terma. . , GRAY'S CROSSING LAND CO., , ' Gray'a Croaslng, Ml Scott car. Notice to Investors A few of thoae choice lots left yet at fortfltnoutn; improved ana out to I rlt They are f Ina for homes or In vestment. Neal Brown, .109 S wetland I FOR 6 A LB A 7 room houae In Hlch- - land, roses, ehrubbery, modern plumb Ins;. 4 blocks from Union ave.; parties leaving; city: win sacrifice ror cash. Address H. D., 628 Alberta St, or call wood 1 awn gs. - 4ior i Mtaaenger auto. H. Peper, ITnlon ave. ti. Phone F.aat 4iS6. 020 TAaIK or for sale, horaea. wKni anil harneaa; going out of bualnea; alao fine stall for rent 14 Union ave. WANTED HEAL ESTATK 31 I WANT I or I acrea, I an proved, and 6 room modern houae; muat be a bar gain. Can pay $(U0 cash, $600 yearly. W-174. Journal. LIST your property with ua. We aell for you In a short time for caah. Portland succkhh rkalty co.. 8l Hoard of Trade. WANTED 6 room bungalow, close In, limn payment down, balance month- 1 -zi 1 ly. Journal. WANTFtIV Ferm. for about 14000. own er only. Prefer Oregon City neigh borhood: 11000 cash, balance annually. I.-Io. journal. vTANTkl-:5 acrea land cleared by contract; miles from city. Inquire linn Denver ave. YOU IlENT FAHMS 14 to 12600 per month, lieat brick corner of the town. If you want a good pay, Ing bualneaa and have the caah to pay. shall be pleaaed to give you further de- tana. HEXKLk HARRISON, $11 Uerllnger bldg. 17ROOM8. 8TKAM 1 1 BAT. Centrally located brick build I nr. every room rented, long leaae, rent only $1 per room: one of the beat Divan In Port. lanJ: ran be handled with amall amount of caah. dgUARE DEAL. kBALTx CO, U Hoard of Trade. Four Good Ones Drua stock, flna suburb, at Invoice. Central stall. Publlo Market price low. xiaruer a cnoice location in aanay aur urb. partner wanted In established com mencement aalary 1100; rapid ad- van cement to $1106 "or $1400; abort huura; examinations In Portland eoon; preparation free. 'Franklin Ilatltute. ient. uiu. Kocheater. N. 1. WANTKD Salaaraen; many maae $10w to $160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reaervatlon, far from old orchards, caah advance week ly; tholoe of territory. Addrraa Wash ington Nuraery Co., Toppenlah, Wash. . - EMl'EOVMEXT AGENCIES 03 ' C R' Hansen & Co.. OENKRAT. EMPLOYMENT AOENCES. Main office. 14 N. Id t . Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Waah. ata. upaialra, I'ortiana. 414 Front ave,. Hjxikane. $7-11 4th St., Han KranclacO. Ealahllahed 17. TO RENT TKN ACRK8 Wanted A renter for well Improved 10 acre ranch, )U m ute car aervice, I win give a nianwnu pi itNo wanted, half Inter. In unaeratanaa aomeining iwmi real e.tr tt im. -,.kiiv,- a cnLe'prto uMvrh-'v0. r$o"o '". ' ? v" lu "" " " 'W1""7.J X a "ober man. and references re- iiwiu iiuuvv aiiQ uiuri 1 Quired ' BOTS It AND 17 YEARS OLD, APPLY AT ONCB TO ' , OLDS, .WOHTMAJ A KINO. .WANTED Viral claaa aueclalty anlea man to canvas principal buildings 1 dreaa or call on O. W. Elliott, 414 Mar- quam bldg. with office neceaalty: big aeller: libera eommhBlony Weatern Specialty Co., t$7 Worceater bldg. oulred. Call mornlna-a after fi flarka. I WAN 1 1CI Saleamen who can sell trees 111 Allaky bldg.. Sd and Morrlaon. I outfit furnlahed; cash advanoed week- fXR SALE FA I CMS 17 ACREAGE 07 WE HAVE SOME EXCEPTIONAL bargains for ;a short time In COUNTRY HOMES SMALL RANCHES VILLA TRACTS ' -': - and : V CLOSE IN ACREAGE. All prices and terms. ' Some lnsido city limits. IT WILL PAY YOU TO HARTMAtt & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. TOU don't have to pay "after the rail 11 Eastern Multnomah Bargain 190 acres, 40 acres In high state of cultivation,. 3 acrea In good orchard; place is fenced and croaa fenced, , a good 7 room houae, water pumped Into houae by ram, overflow goea to barn: fine large barn with 40 tons of hay In it, timothy and oats; $ acres potatoes, etlll green and - f Towing, rutabagaa, carrots, kale, urnlpa, good garden; 2 creeka on place, 11,000. feet lumber; 1 span horses, wagon, and harness, 11 cows, 8 heifers. 14 hogs and shoats, S sheep, 00 chickens. Plows, harrows, cultivators, mow fers. rakes and all kinds of farm ing implements go with the place. On good county road, U- F. D. mall, milk; route by the place; close to school; 2 fine ever-running; streams on place. Eastern Multnomah, Price $50 per acre; $4000 can stand 4 years at 6 per oent . W. W. Esoev 819 Commercial Bldg.. 2d and Wash. Sta. we nave acreage on Oregon Electric branch. 1150 rer acre. .fine soil and only 12 miles from Port land; also good buys on main line, $275 per acre up. it lootung lor acreage you can't go wrong calling on us. Get our "Small Pa rms Pay" booklet free. INVESTMENT CO.. 244 Stark st Acreage Bargain 10 acres neat Cedar park on St. Johns car line; lies fine, all cleared, reaay to piat into lots; it's a money maker for low price for Immediate sale vi at.-. i a. . VANDUYN & WALTON. , 815 Chamber of Commerce. REMEMBER. Th price this week Ts $8900 on those i acres at wonlta, with terms Origi niu price a weeKS a "ring $100 per weei . . . v.nu,.u. v a... v v lunr (II, .l.i rrovedr wUl trade for home; J32O0. 414 One of the Choicest Farms in the Willamette Vallev 7" acrea 45 acrea under eiiltl. vauon tupiandi, m and 23 acres or river DOttom- land. 7 or ft acres OI Which are under rtultlvatlnn uaituiue in gooa asn ana maple trees. HOMESTEADS 47 LA KM M LE KUm Service removed from IZ'VflZl 0rJtli J,VlaWtfm.h 114-14 Wells Farao bldr. to over Pan. ry company. Orenco. Or., via Hlllaboro. . . . . . .: -. I 1 k e Vw T . 1 It s f A . - tages tneatre. tn and Htark sta now i w ain i tuu xoung ' man purchasing rums outright from 11 wllh lift To show property: must be neat and non- American and 45 international film man-1 t between 7 ana s evenings. r-tfrtir-pi rirTHA I. nrtEOON HOME- hti. aiim .Kim. i uiaciurera or jiian arint mm inn nin. ...n wnaninaion at., room iwb Wa hivi anent t months examining ture films. inn. fn, r..r.i ..r. w..ri. ..uUru is an tne uiaincia in un wrir "i. CKXJU live real estate offlco n bent weK. , gon. where government homesteads are location on Hawthorne ave.. for sale M . LENNON'S, nll ,Vi"b' nAJ??f Z'JlXUr.ZS ; or tra(lfi: new Oliver typewriter. Port- ' ' " ' : Sot ?:i.nTuUh for$io:ooor;nd can .how yli. Wp'nonV1Tarii47b't ' file vallev soil nienty wood, abundance OO OUT to Weatmoreland sea the - .... - . . . . . .... , MnmA Kill 1 In A .. A . a. am. I ooa pure water 14 to .0 reel aeep, iaeai , f; " v"';;'.'"a i"iuiom uyr S0 Morrison. willing lad to help with Janitor work In exchange for a cdurae in oooKKeeping, shorthand, typewriting, etc. 1-I-H84, jou rnal. , climate, stores, schools, churches, saw mills and 2 railroads now under con struction. Call or write. CITY BUSINESS EXCHANGE. Room 215 Commercial Bldg.. 2d Waah, POR SALE A homestead relinquish- ment; a snap. Z-267. Journal. taking place. You'll aee the reason for BOYS WANTED 16 and over to learn trade; reasonable wages, ana advancement. Apply uregon it. Westmoreland Is the place for your I Chair "Co.. 190 Macaflam road. noma 1 tyfyt t, . 1- , nZi tM. ...e ror rive cenisr rooa neat, quart rltv rrutut nwl SIM Ullnhan lZ i.h ii kuum rooming houae on beat Street Wlvrrn-Ynuno- man hla- mnnev whila In cltv: lnn leaaer hricic KniiHin-1 VVA 1 oung man, oig money wnne turn h. nn.l i.T. ; et-- iVn'a -.'r'n: amaji capital FRC1T LAXIS 45 steam heat; p above rent. $ ;YlteTm.?Trrwul ?ake ll'"- 416. required. Call half In city property. Peters, 15 N. 6th. I WANTED at once men to learn the auto 80 acres irrigated land to trade, price L,mobU business;, must have $10 to In- 14000: all fenced r,4 lmnmv.H A I veai. . ' the miles from railroad on Deschutea river: I WANTED Team to liaul crushed WESTERN HOOD APPLE LAND. Be a commercial orchard owner, the beat investment proposition on the market, and secure some of this .choice will take merchandise, hardware nre. irun lanu wiuio .ji ia biiii ciiunp, uu. iirrrvu. nox as, laiaiaw, Ur. t.A n.ln. n U A kl-kl., ..nlnlll ' i 1 : ' i . , Phone Woodlawn 1647, .ir.W. thi r- m UKUl;EKI' od tec tlonery and delicate- tlons that are twice - as far from I aen' e-ond .nm lu-atinn- ranA 7 tland. WESTERN HOOD is only 30 ,u,?Ai? ,d ,?SZ?rJ"?l. .Ml lies soutneasteriy rrom tne city our 1 1. . k-i . ntn n. ' i roaa prices now n you aetu wun us. rl- t r , ki" i " " " S " r , . ' projected line or ii,r S.V '"--S1 fruit land. There are about 2An trees Set out. one half of thnm huarlna -. . . -- iura aeason; s room nouse. Darn 40x4 4, Rood team of horaea. new mnwor urnirnn rake, disc plow, harrow, large cream separator and 6 (rood cows. Thla la spienaia piace ror a trucK or dairy .ni.ii, winy iiirce mnes irom tne coun ty seat - Price $7000: terma. 9Rnn cash, balance easy, terms. Would con aider trade for vacant city lots to the vaiuo oi aooui a mou. Otto & Harkson . T33H 1st st 15 ACRES on Estacada line, 1 miles from Curranville, 10 acres In orchard, all cleared, fine water, no buildings, fenced. Will sell all or part. $160 per mra iemii, i oung urea., uerllnger oldg. I HAVE an extra nice 10 acre niece. V. - mile from Salem electric at Green- ourg siauon, nair cleared is fine ih'uvct meaoow; Daiance is big timber; $300 per acre; terms. Owner, 244 Stark. obv EN acres, 4-room house, well lm- proved, 12 miles out, $1300; worth MODERN REALTY CO- poy, luzj Third Bt. GRESHAM land for sale; S acres adjoln- is cny nmiis. xzouu; iii&ft cash, bal ance 2 years. Phone Tabor 1480. 1233 Ti. Main st. SIX acres, Powell Valley road, price :- reasonable, well improved. , Owner, 207 Mohawk bldg. $10 DOWN, $8 month, buys fine acre nacts; snap. see Angeles, . 826H Washington, room 417. ? 71 EXCHANGE -REAL ESTATE 24 SIX acres . within 2y2-mt circle, with frontage on car track; will exchange for im proved acreage near Port' land, value $6500. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg., Third and Stark. A , Bargain Near Newberg 156 acres fine soil, all fenced and crossfenced, 70 acres cleared, 15 acres almost cleared, fair 6 room house, barn ana apple treea, cherries and.wa.l- fi-ood teAm Terc he ron mares, e mine cows, 6 young cat tie. harness, waaon and ail farm w piements go at $70 per acre; terma This is a great bargain as owner Is anxious to sell. Adjoining land selling i, -with terrns Origi- almost cleared, fair 6 ago was $4500, drop- 60x60, 100 large pear ek until taken r also io acres In peaches, 5 acre close in, im- nuts, good spring. r sec Port m free booklet tells you all about It. The closest investigation . or the many aa vantaaes of thin favorable apple eec tion solicited: none better in Oregon. so claimed by horticultural experts. Over 2200 acres already sold to be de veloped. Buy now ana be in tne swim. Don t delay prices are advancing and win soon double. Call and auto will taKe you out. VANDUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber of (Commerce. A FEW ADVANTAGES Hither ,Hood already has: An organised fruit growers' union; Ideal location, only 26 miles from Portland: rich. , deep shot loam soil: abundance of moisture: Irri gation absolutely not necessary to 'grow best of apples. Elevation from 1200 to 1500 feet. Perfect air drainage. Mt Hood electric line will soon pass through tms great section, .trices at ? 'resent dirt cheap. When the electric Ine Is running what will prices, be? We will let you answer, call and get our booklet on Hither Hood and talk matters over. Chapln & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. rock in city. or Kast 3 71. 1 WOOLENS guaranteed .not to shrink; 81H Washington St.. room 216. like mother used to do. Phone Main 307$. . Hand laundry, 263 3d. CO., WANTED Men to have their shoes half CITY OK PORTLAND TREE EMPLOYMENT OKKICB. ' 270 Madison .B;rur.Thh,,d ,' Mala and Female Help ' Furnlahed Fr of Charge- , Main ICIS: A-R4I4. llANLEY TAPLEY EWPLOYMENt CO.. headuuartora . for R. rv. d at. It work. SITUATION WANTED MALE 5 YOL'NO man attending bualneaa college wants" place to work for room and Hoard. M-H6B. Journal. - ilANDY man of good hablta wanta poal tlon In hotel, city, or country. W-270, ojiirnal. , V6UNG German, good character, de alrea position, ' a porter wholesale grocery nnuae. Z-J70,' Journal. TRINTEIt First claas union printer iltlon In cltv or country. J40 JC; 3d St.. Albany, or. O. wanta rali D. Ainolif 10 MARRnoD man .wants work on farm; with aerarate houae. P-J63. Journal, ROOMS and no AflD IS un! llld Bachelors . A few moat dealrabl rooms, aape- rlally fine during the rainy aeai ram beat, private phnnaa, hatha, h.i. table and other cfutroom ai-oommo-daiiona, new furnliura, grill room equaled by few In oily; gentlemen of sd taata wll find here a moat home like place. , . - SARGENT HOTEL ' Corner f, rn.1 ,nl luanmrna avaa W. W., W. it. U, U, Q. W, P.. orKaU taka you to the door. LA mill front room and board In'prlvata family, all modarn eonvaalaneaa. r.t- aonable, aullable for two. phona B- tH. or 1?. 1140. lflX V 11th al R0O hi aiij board for V gent leiimn Ijl l) rival famllv n vr iih Mir.., Davla. " near F.lla at.. taa(. . neat and comfortable newly furnlslioa rooma. Everything firm rlaaa. rii i I'uiuiortubi riMiina for men. alaa front room, with i.i...,. i.n.r.1. 476 Morrlaon, corner j 4th at. J ROOM and lwi noma comforts. 661 Morrlaon rd In private family! iiockkkicepi.no rooms WKSaT SIDE , A Secret In getting tenants for your housekeep ing rooms. Just let the Reliable Rental Agency rent them fnr you on abort no tice. " We have parties' waiting' now. Rooms $-4, Grand Theatre bldg., Main i. SITUATION . WANTED FKM-iLE 4 SMITH PREMIER" Employment De partment Competent - stenographers furnlahed upon application free of charge. 3S2, Yamhill. ' furnlahed houaekeeplng rooms: 3 for ti. a for 111 month: front of . eoitaa-e, $16; four room lower flat. $14; houses. 126. 364 North taUi.at. wear - aide river. W car from depot, or Thirl .: or Morrison to 26th. block north. OXH connecting. suite $20. running wa ter;. single suit $12: quiet people; prU yate family; walking dltanca. 4 01 "4th. ' '-114 Sherman, South Portland,. II $ week up, large, clean, furnlahed houae-' i keeping rooms; parler. laundry, bath. CAMBRIDGE bldg. Furnlahed houae- ' A LADY wishes .position as compan ion or care of Dsrtial Invalid. - J-264. Journal. ' ' YOUNG ladv wlahaa nosltlon as book- TWO front rooms for keeper: references. Phone Woodlawn I. well furnished, light' laundry 1243. ' bath: close In. 10 f lav at LADY wants position as housekeeper. hOUSEKEEPINO rooms and basement i-qone Kast B4a 1."'"" lur nouseaeeping.. Ttn, near jrine. keepinc rooms. Id and Morrlaon at Apply room 86. ' - , housekeeping; and DRESSMAKING 40 1 1 SUITE of rooms In front nicely fur- ........... w..u w.i, mi. soled for 60c 221 Id st. BOYS wanted in machine, shop; state age-. P. O. box 273. city. $400 OF YOUR spare money and an hour of your spare time each week i win naa zo to your monthly Income. See me at once. M. A. Albln, 817 Wor- i:eitwr piag. THE only short order restaurant In Hlllaboro for sale; big business, with 4 rooms furnlahed? flat nrlc tisn.'nn letters answered. Come and aee M I once. 308 Russell st Main Street Oyster House. Hlllaboro, Or. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call- CEMENT finishers wanted at 49th t and Belmont; long lob for right mam WE secure positions ror our members. Special membership Y. M. C. A. WANTED A boy to work In bakery at MOD1STS All kinds ladles' tailoring. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnlahed,' all cauca ana irincesses. , reasonaDie i inuuern. dub f rom at. aiain 4ai pici-s. pertect satisfaction guaranteea. ' . .' 4 rtood st. Phone A-2098, Main 7566. HOTJSKKKKPIWJ noonrai Jkiain tauorea suits; coats, sKirta, prin- . , nvacT RTDK Am reaa n rf mm vam. Awn m.frll ITllta I " iaaies xanors. b4S Washington, near 18th st LINGERIE made to order; prices rea- sonable. Tabor. 924. 119 Millard , ave. Phone Torn la Wine Depot 164 Id. FOR SALE BIGGEST BARGAIN niSyT-r.07?,!?.1?; HIGH GRADE I WANTED First class salesman. C-269, ...V1" nuuDUi Jotu Mucimx journal. axiun. 416-18 HENRY BLDG. r HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 THE best business proposition in city. Requires $500. Want ability and energy. Don't let this pass without in vestigating. 323 "A Washington St. riwi"r oitttjt- a. rtntxrw nrnovrno KnA-. OA ' I K n . J. UU I . , 1TVIUU3UO. room g. Permanent positions to thoroughly ex- WANTLD Reliable partner in real es- I perienced and competent workers. Ap- tate business; will guarantee $100 1 p. y to Mrs. Richards, in charge of a. uiuiiiii Ba.Lo.ry, aiso unare proina; money I teration aeparcment. requirea securea. particulars 117 Uoara of Trade bldg. Cor. Hawthorne Realty Co. E. 34th and Hawthorne ave. u-aDor 5 is. We can locate you on 160 acres pr 320 acres of goodl wheat land In central Oregon, non-Irrigated-. the dry farming belt If you have already proved up on a quarter section your right is still g-ood for 10 acres. PAUL E. CLELAND INVEST MENT CO., 620-S22 Board of Trade. ACRES Sutter count v Calirnrnla house 4 rooms, full concrete haaement ; electric lights and cars, chicken houses and parka, 4 acres, set to orchard and ueniea, Daiance aiiaira; price $3600; ex . change for roomlner houaa. - 3 acres near St- Mary'a school, house m luviua, cnicaren nouse, rence, etc lor rooming house; price $2450. PACIFIC REALTY CO., Room 320 Bwetland bldg.. 122 6th St. A Good One for the Price 80 acres. 3 m'iles from rsnatnn. is acres In cultivation, 25. slashed and seeded: this is hill nn-h k., of It tillable and all good soil; good . wan miu xv. r . mj.. Kuiio Rnnnpfl ann wan at house; house la old, 1 new and 1 old barn, fine orchard. 2 horses, 2 cows, 1 calf, 8 pigs. 6 sheep, 6 doxen chickens, 1 wagon. 1 set harness, half lntnr in binder, 1 plow, 1 harrow, 4 tons hav, some straw. 125 bushels oat so h.i.i.ni wheat: price, including personal prop ertv, $4600; cash $2600, balance 2 to 6 years at 6 per cent iNeal Brown, 709 Bwetland bldg. Acreage to Exchange 168 acres, 100 In cultivation. 68 in see end growth timber, good 6 room house and barn, water; 5 milea from station, on good county road; will trade for city property, all or part. 620 Lumber Ex change bin's. FOR EXCHANGE For northwestern property, any or all. 1200 shares -f$100 shares) in Ramona Gem Co. Cal ; 1S aharea Gem Syndicate. 2 lots Ocean aide, Cat Particulars furnished; bar gatn. Luther Swain. Pendleton, Or. A Real Farm Snap 70 acres with 35 In cultivation, bal ance nearly all slashed, burned and seeded to crass, 10 acres of good timber, all fenced and croas fenced, flna itnrV soil, very rich and productive, good well and spring and land lies slightly roll ing, fair 6 room house and all neces sary outbuildings, small family orchard, near school, church and store, R. F D mall, milk route, 7 miles from Oregon City, very good road. $4000) terma $1200 caah, balance long time, 6 per cent See ua for snaps. REAL REALTY CO.. 622 Worcester bldg. . Hither loof Apple Lands . 80 Miles East of Portland. ' Soil Elevation Air Drainage. Equal to Hood River. . No dust storms, no irrigation, good automobile road from .Portland, near 11 ROOM, house, well furnished, long lease: rent 14R? one of the nii.ut piaces in city; always run of best class or people. rice iiooo. Young Bros. Oerllnger bldg. OLDS. WORTHMAN & KING. x , i , i' , CIGAR STORE . On best street In the cltv ilnln tan daily. Will sell at stock Invoice. Peters. IB Xl. VIII Bl, TWO salesmen In permanent well es- tabliShed - business- (Inml rharna foe mourn noon electric survey; asa lor I uib jiruuor person. Aaaress wru de- DooKiet. I tans. j. w. Day, 874 Kerby st MT, HOOD LAND CO., FOR SALE Good Paving hlakamlth 711 KOthcnild Dldg. 1 hnn In roM location AMn lltnu . UMFQUA VALUiY FRUIT LAND, 'tyear; steady trade. Inquire room 40 Among the best offered In the north-1 Hamilton bldg.. or phone Main 6048. Otis n.uT'a,"aH "r ,r ', i iw?.Kr for: SALE RESTAURANT and acre. This includes clearing of land, setting- to fruit and caring for th trees 3 years rrom date of Diamine:. If in terested. call or send for descriptive lit erature. C. R. DONNELL A CO.. 838 Chamber of Commerce, LUNCH COUNTER: DEPOT Tf!A- TION; CAUSE DEATH. ? ... 416-18 HENRY BLDG. Pi V vmi - una r i f nar mrn t h 9 T4 tru can I- have a good investment for J u "A.V-E'' al oargain; nrst class RESTAURANT, musfbe sold at once, at your own price; board three - for rent; will trade. Call on owner, 1101 E. you that will continue to grow. Hotick. I-iaDDe Din. UMPQUA VALLEY FRUIT LANDS C. R. DONNELL & CO.. 338 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER 28 CORDWOOD stumpage on electric line ana river, near Portland, ror sale or trade. Call, see rne, Parker, 602 Cor- .".'B' MIM.ti STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE confectionery store in one of tha hut towns lfi the Willamette valley; owner's health reason for- sellinr. AririVeaa Itemlzer Realty Concern, Dallas. Or. ONE HALF Interest In the best real estate office in the cltv: man to hna property; .a small amount of money. Z-278. Journal. PARTNER to take half interest in a ousiness estaDiisned z years; a money maker; a claln sober man: a few hnn. area necessary, zi-iig, journal. $325 will buy 600 cords of maple and fir ; wood, only 4 miles from city limits, on main road, must sell a t K-254, Journal. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced and compe tent wanted in. a number of our de partments; permanent position to tha right persons. OLDS, WORTHMAN & KING. GIRLS to work in candy department racirio coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. TWENTIETH CENTURY Garment Cut , ting school; patterns cut to order; a specialty of tailored skirts and . cos tumes made to order; nothing their equal. Chicago Costume House. 188 Morrison st. Pupils taught M. 2435. SPECIAL sale ladies' felt hats, 98c; la dles' hats trimmed. 60c; old hats re- blocked into latest, shapes, new hats. beaver and fur turban, 15. Hat Reno vatory. northeast cor. 6th and Alder, basement. NEAT, respectable woman housekeeper, widower's family, another town; Swedish or Norwegian preferred. St. Louts. 245H Washington. Main 2039. A-4776. " WANTED 200 ladies to buy drummers' earn Die suiur. coats, eic;. at manuiac- turer's price. Save -half money and run no risk. Room 38. Hamilton Bldg., 131 Sd st. NEW parlors. Suits, shirtwaists, etc. gooa worn, reasonable. 629 least Mill. tnone mornings. B-20S8. FUflNISHED ROOMS WEST BIDS HEW SCOTT HOTEL 7th and Ankeny sts. -"In the heart of the city." Newly furnished, newly decorated. Steam heat A delightful winter home. Free hatha n. nhnnoa hue Very low rates for Dermanent guests. .Parlor roomm and suites all have nrlvate baths. The New Scott is "homelike." TWO modern furnished , housekeeping; rooms, adults nnlv furnace heat frmm phone, gas and electric 'lights, all con yenlences. 664 .Union ave. N. . . Phone Eaat 6111. -' t TWO unfurnished connecting front rooma in un-to-data new flat, nhean . for the winter; no children . or dogs, 444H E. Burnaid st THREE rooms for rant.-furnlahed foe' SeUwoodhOUekePl' 8 Tacom Bt THREE well furnished rooma for light uouseaeeping, gas, bath heat, adults. N. Fho 169 Ek 80th st lone East 4056. 203 H Stanton st, U car $1.26 week up. Clean, f umiahaii bnuaelceanlnv raoma- bath. laundry, furnace heat. yard. I FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. - ptara st. cor. iztn; no cnimren. ; FOR RENT ROUSES ia WHEN you move you'll need new fur niture. Buy it Judiciously and the . sanings will exceed your moving ex penses. 1 . our no-RENT PRICES made us ona Tile Moody House . 3D AND JEFFERSON STS. t aww rrom tna noise: a minutes' waia. Washington and 2d7Tuat comnleted: new Ue' r""i..fl1.Vm"5 u" ?na RI.ta5!.0 !:. 'ie? iVHn Uss thanrtryea7.U!." " lavatory, nvenlent rooms lirge. light as buTS " courxe.y VnX'iiDg ,'oom cr suites; permanent MORCrAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE COv Phone A-7731. Main 8639. East Ankeny. Montuvllla and East Slda Tf rkTTT-ir t TTrtw mA Main I . Une cars paas our door. ' nW El JL Ell UI A furnished rooms YOU will - go away satisfied and well aingie or ensuite, at reasonable prices; paia lr you can on us. modern conveniences; opp. the Plata HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Kentai department Chamber of Commerce. WHEN you find the house you will want a nice piano. We rent new nl- anos at $4 and $6 per month; all rent The BlsmarK 291 Alder, cor. Kth. Mm Uu Mc ! uunougn. Furnished rooms, day. week. montn; reasonable. . - . . . - w i K3iiriiiiH.ii i.ihv av i o . finTiniii in nriRTfirrifA. Biae rooms, strictly modern conven- ,;-" ' 'r ' ' ..: lenoea tA In n ..l,l. . . IFOR RENT Partlallv fiirnlahe1 holme. .w...M. , . w T . I . . , . , .... NEWLY f.imlal. h-lroom 77a Z?""1' . CITIO llgnts; heat hnt .ii oJer." f lw" 'ocaiion. vyui taxe part or. rent MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds boueht and soia. (J. ts. r ietcner. izt ADington bids;. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt ab solutely eruaranteed. all hara-nina ais f to $65. Northwest Typewriter Co- 320 Ablngton. Main 8870. stocks, call on J. B. Purcell. 268 Stark I $300 and services secures position and iiiiereBi.' ju. MiauiiBnea real estate business, experience unnecessary. Call BiVYl waaningion bl, room 417. girls 16 years of age wanted at once. Apply to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. ' EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing or heavy work; modern conveniences. , 393 14th st, cor ner Harrison. - ' st, room 19. -FARMS FOR BALE. 40 acres, good Improvements on rail road, adjoining town of Brush Prairie Wash.: price 16000: 85 acrea rtartlnii Improved, adjoining town of Brush Prairie, Wash., on railroad; price $8600 Either of above will plat In town lota or acreage; 20 acres adjoining above town, price $3000. Will take part pay- ii-iii Aiuciia n iimi iioas, ix location aulta. C G. Brown, owner, Brush Prairie. Wash. WE WANT A LOT To value near $f0 as first payment on a large, new, modern home, full lot, 100 feet to car and the biggest bargain In the olty. ii9 Owner. M. P4. FOR 8ALE OR TRADE 245 acr-e d lad In Wasco oonnty, 15 milea sooth of The DaUea. For particulars, write r adilreaa owner, George E. Uulaaie lAla IU .. - . . - ,t. inn iv, Vancouver. "Bah lee to 2 acrea of Klickitat county' Waehlngton. fruit landa with good timber at $16 per acre, for sale or trade In stork of clothing, shoes or gen eral mrc henlae. T-tt, Journal CORNER k)L W'l building, on Main t. In Grants Paaa; value IS- to trade for what have you? ml Regis ter a Co, ;l OerMnrer Nda. tW.IX e ilt-p-l blackamtth 5T7 Portia 36 acres 18 miles east of city. acrea cleared, $2260. 80 acres 4 miles from North Bank road, small Improvements, $16 per acr 24 acres near Moaier, cleared. 7 acres set to apples. $3000; terms. ATLAS LAND CO.. it Lumber Exchange. WE have several high claas dairy farma wm VUIUIII iIB J aa a" niiirnni I v f a I for sale, completely furnlahed: alfalfa " i peneruon; freea rraas all the J ear; alia of farms from 200 acres up ' " i nana ! any or theae properties. Don t call unleea you have the) money. .nriN MERIXJW, III Chamber of Commerce. BOOMING HOUSES FOB SALE 03 NICE little house of II rooms, close In, well furnished; doing good business; price $1400, lease 18 months. 89 rooms, near Tenth and Jef ferson, rent $160, price $4500. This is good. Transient house, '82 rooms. Third st, near Morrison, rent $150, long - lease, price $3000; terms. 60 rooms, near Park and Stark, very fine, steam heat; price $5000, rent $260. 60 room, near Front and Clay street: leaae 3 years. This can be sold to Japanese. , 26 rooms, near the postofflce, rent $140, lease X years; price $2500. Eaclfic Realty Co., room S20 Bwetland bldg., 122 Fifth at FOR SALE Cleaning, dyeing and re pairing place; good location for tal Ipr; almost for nothing. 263 H Wash ington st., room o. PARTNER I have a' half Interest for sale that -will secure your little in vestment and make you a nice living for ynur wrYicpa,- ;m n waeningion, Hm. 6. PARTNER wanted used to farm dto. duce: guarantee ISO month salarv. also profits. Particulars 417 Board of xraae Diag. CEMENT business, partner wanted, ex- pertence unnecessary; wiu Tay ener getic man $160 month. Particulars 417 Board of Trade Diag. ' PARTNER Half Interest In 57 good" business and a good Job also. 253 Washington, room 6. OLD established real estate office for . sale cheap, or trade; corner, around i noor. low rent. a-z4, journal. Homes for All 19 rooms. Jefferson, $1600; 9 rooms, fefferson, $700; 14 rooma. Park. $850; 0 rooms. Main, $800: 12 rooms, $750' 39 rooms. $2800; 46 rooms. $2700: terma on above and many others. Liat with us.. Buy from us. Fair treatment to everyone. RE ID, Modern Realty. Room 507, 102 8d St. A imkuai. 9 rooma. all occn pied; muat sell this week. 614 Everett cor. join. rated In Portland: rent 11 !: exchange for vacant lot PtMe V ". Jfil rVerlinger Mdc hop lo-( 67 ACRES, all fenced, level land, fine la. long, anil 1 acres cleared; ecrme h-arr saw. ia 1 L,"."!,.iiV BlU ,to bft 'snding. at TliKf K acrea, 6 rom rena at ham. liOwu; ajao t acrea, $ee: ar.nf rl 3r.c or farm. 8 Board of Trade vTk. 11 a K VfiaM. leia. farms, tlmbar te ira-la. for bat y have . !-! AKK A BVfclVWVjf. I IT H-ry t .tf T Y-mi A-J4I4 ' i' a-rea .ttirp laa4. irada tor i of iand e.r nr.an rTr . WAI K H KAL I"T ATI! CO, 1 4 fw.t'1 t- Ag. i'iM ' vo fe fr V K r P. ,ir Ca ll t tll!! Puttevllle, on Salem efa-rt: houae, hophoua an1 bsjra. Price $2"a. STATE LAND CO. P" L I11H let st li. 4 room 6711. AlHFyA. aU rood aoli. rood buiid-tnga.- floe stock and implements, rood orrhard, 1 mil to station, rloaa to Foreat Greve, $i$0. This la a ow7.r"- Will bu , e terma, or chere for rood Port ia od r.ron erty. Call 111 Chamber Commei . MRS. LEVTB Aiit-NCTt ROOMING HOU8E& REAL ESTATBV H) waanintrton u rooms 40407. BUSIXESS CHANCES 20 GROCERY Fancy, tjp-to-date grocery aiora, gooa ciass parronare, sales about f0 per day; will Invoice, stock and flit urea, about $1009. Call room 1 04. ,tierlinger piay. PARTNER wanted by old established contractor: OaUiea easily learned; quired for half interest Particulars, pwm v-rnnaer "lag. !' Reataurant, cigars, and confec tionery, rood ioratloo, I years' lease- rest lie, living rooms; terma 629 Lun- rr t.cnanre r-og. - COITEE botieej Weil located, good bualneas, $lfi. Room $06, GerUnger HALF Interest ia an etabiiehed 1 a ra tat-, tr i t irt '-! -.--. . Mm". r rr. 2:i Abirg- -r 1 , Ma, ' K - .UWj. Lairb t(t- 1 M a la'v dairy rarh.very rloa- . "TrT"''?f tr v1. veil at aarrifh- Iremxll- FR-'M 1 1 to I l.ao to lneat bual- goodL tl well tref" X-tlT. Joair in bu.. ufact'irlra- Knaineea. M hat have you? ! w aaMrgte-n et, room (. tT r. r liar ef roe to rortajwi iw ow a"t W.nrfH f' . l.naa. I MAM i ATI RINiJ bua,r,eaa, :- a s - M L'RFM T a- CA rLt I MH ef Tr bHr 1 nAiMij l A any, r a f f . m . . . I T Tawrowtae :rc Tl J Mala I HAVE a few good cigar and grocery stores ror saie cneap at invoice, zosvk Washington, room 6. ST. LOUIS REALTY CO. Good bual neaa opportunities) all kinds. 246 Washington St. Main 2039. A-4776. BAKERY for rent; in one of the llvell- est towns In eastern Oregon; a gold mine for the right man. F-264. Journal. WANTED Partner for muaical comedy; muat invest little money; large r turns. Look this up. V-279, Journal. . -. . FOR SALE! " tl Restaurant tables, with linen and silverware. 287 isaimon st WOMAN or girl wanting good borne, write Mrs. J. W. Gearhart. White Salmon. ' Wash, or call at 695 Front st. October 22, In forenoon. A GERMAN or Swedish girl for general housework; must like children; even ings and Sunday afternoons off. Phone Tabor 1681. Thursday. WANTED GlrI for general housework, new house, every convenience. 662 Myrtle st., Portland Heights. Phona Main 3666. ' ' -.. - WANTED Experienced hands on Jack ets: must be -good .seamstresses and understand alterations. Eastern Out fitting Co. WANTED Lady shirt waist Ironar, one wno can operate Doay ironer. Apply at once. Pearl laundry, .353 Russell. FIVE girls wanted-ixperlerTced hands preferred. Oregon Paper Box factory, 93 Front st. PRIVATE School of Shorthand and Typewriting. . 269 14th st. near Jef ferson. ' NUMBER of ladles can find empl in c ii v wiui liio ureiun Liuzm Henry bldg. - " lences. Apply flat 10, 494 Morrison at, tor, tatn. . . - HANDSOME parlor, suitable for genth men; everything strictly modern; oom pnonea 4oa 6th at. Hot water all tne time. T W i ... nlA.B 4 V. . A J 1.15,, 1. 1VI . T 1UI I..'., . wina, furnace neat, light and bath, 294 10th, cor. Columbia, NICELY furnished comfortable rooms, , $1.60 to $5; free phone, lights, . bath, etc. z m. inn In carpenter work. Main 1963. ONE or more acres. . house, bam. or- cnara; near scnooi: rood ror aarden. cow, chickens; $10 month.- 416 Ore gonian bldg. $30 Brand new 7 rooms and bath:'. raonern ana nne: rurnace. anadea etn. On Hawthorne ave. Inquire 291 .Glenn ave. jt-tawinorne car. 11 room house, Nob Hill district, in nrst ciass condition; electric lights. gas, fine furnace; rent $55. Smith's lie n n , 1 A aama.. , nr a. .,. NICELY furnished bedroom, bath, gas, I h ntiOM iinn.i t,o. c'ij".,.i.."u' xhaa.. niiM.. nr.f.naii . he J koum house, hot and cold water, H i nineir rrom arntfon tlw nn.a n c3a tlon Line road. Phone East 6236 or call and ohone: trentlemen t referred. Everett, cor. 15th. TWO well furnished outside rooms by the Cay or week; modern, centrally located. 164 West Park. NEWLY furnished rooms, Tnodernl house, winter rates ll.ao up. jet SI. at mill office at- station. $5.50 month,, small, - clean cottage - for rent, ivern rarK, Apply J. Wolf,. 665 Washington st. ONE large well furnished attic room. separate entrance, suitable ror l or men; close In; reasonable. Main 7285, SPLENDID front room, suitable for two gentlemen, running water, rurnace neat, modern. 341 Harrison, corner 7th MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th, modern rurnisnea rooms, single, en suite: transient. ' " " Hotel Mason -y Telle" rree pnone ana bath. DESIRABLE front room, walking dla- tauce. bath, two carllnea. cor. Hall. A-6301.. 414 2d at, 667 Eve- TWO nicely furnished rooms, rett Phone Main 8122. STEAM heated, newly furnished room, 649 Washington, flat B. Main 7689. FURNISHED rooms, very reasonable. 466 South 6th st. NICE furnished mora, furnace heat very reawonanie. an . zist pi. TWO nicely furnished rooms: alao attic roms. 667 Everett st Main 8122. WANTED Lady presaer; permanent po sition, good pay. Call 4SH Washing ton at . FURNISHED ROOMS , EAST SIDE ' 82 WANTED Good, experienced girls to work . on men a coat a hnttnnhnt. maaera. jj pin stf fnoenix bldg. WOMEN Division. and girls wasted to work in fruit cannery. Apply at E. 8th and Holme canning Co. WANTED Partner In real aetata busl neas. Only $50 required. Call 20J H 4 th Bt., E. Crampton. GROCERY and. bakery, good busineaa in both linea; bargain, mono Main 704!". A-7e88. Owner. WANTED--Ladies, we trim, remodel hata. curl plumes, at A nrlca Modal Millinery. 18? Tamhin at WANTED A woman to do washing and Ironing for family of 4. Muat do work at ner own nome. :an iz E. 16th N. WANTED A middle aged lady for light iitwie-Keeping. Apply ll yy. jeagiip at. BEAUTIFUL large modern . rooms; steam heat, bath, toilet and phone; euitahle for 1; on .the carllne. 1121 Union aie.. Walnut ' Park. THREE room flat furnished, walking distance; rent $6, furniture for sale; 576 complete for i days only. , Y-277, oumal. . ' NICiCLY furnlahed front room, close lit; gentleman only: private; rent reason able. Ig Larrahe. East 444. LARGE front room, bath, phone; wilt FOR RENT 5 room house. North . Portland, $12 per month. Phone A-6695 or A-3807. 7 ROOM bouse In good" order: rent rea sonablo to right party,, 165 E, 85th at., near rjeimont. $8 Four-room house, sink, small ata. ble; conveniences: snap. Inquire 114 , Cherry at, Reservoir park. Mt Scott COTTAGE for rent on west side. In qu!re ' H. Slnehelmer, . 73 Jd st, be tween Oak and Pine. EIGKT room house, all modern, electrlo. S lighted, throughout 221, Morris st Phone Main 174?. A-4652.' FOR RENT 7 room house and bath; on, E. 18th between Pine and Oak. Plica 118. Call 128 8d st. Thompson. - MODERN 8 room house, cor. . 2d and Meade. Phone Main 6872. HOUSES FOR KENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 EIGHT-ROOM "rooming house." large rooms, ngm ana . ciean; everything new 8 months ago: for sale by owner cheap. Call Main 8383. v fURNITURE of 39 rooms, close In; low rent: house full: clearine- flKd per month. Phone owner. East 3376. EIGHT room housw. for rent furniture; for sale chean: all ner; wi w.tin. for roomers. Call at once. U N llth. FURNITURE of 8 room house. In flno . condition: will sell chean.' 1109 Bel mont st. Tabor 1493. EY"n Hit v rih,'' .i. . . Lt a 6 room fiat, for oniy $225; rent $20. Call at' 806 3d st F YOU want a bargain In a 6 room fur- nished flat call at once, : 564 Couch St.. flat I give breakfast and dinner; furnace A- SNAP Furniture of 9 room for beat 314 Holladay ave. THE only ortainat perfect Ruaaiaa bath on Pacific eoaat .Corner Front and Sherman. Main 461. - YOUNG man. do you want $35 per week: partner wanted. 1200 rwaulred. Woodlawn 177. lCre bualneaa cards $2; 609. $1.26: 200. 16c. Rose City Printer-. 192 VA Sd St. Just south Baker theatre. DRUG STORE and bulldlnra, also gen eral mercnanaiae store and botlfllnse at sacrifice. Dr. Everest Com elloa. Or. GIRLS wanted. Applv Troy Laundry Co.. 201 E. Water at EXPERIENCED coat and klrt' hand"a Apply to Mr. Farrell. Tull 4k Olbba. 5lRL wanted for general bouaework. giwiq ..nr.. "nwrmq a 1.. TWO nlcelv furnlahed. front rooma. $1.60 per week. each. 411V E. Waah Ineton at., near th. - FURNISHED rom for rent reaaont - ble. 102 E. llh st, one block from car line. - ' HELP WANTKD MALE AND -FEMALE 20 CHEAP. 1 or 2 rooma, fumiabed or un- 1 f ijrnUhed; large froat room included. .1. tv. napniniinn BARBER shop for rent In suburb; new tuna. Appiy ab KOtnccua bid a- 4th and Washington. 12 ROOM houae on Washington at- rent 140: I2t terma. ir taken at one Pete l. 1 Jf. 6th t 19.999 POSITIONS For rraduatee last year; tea and o na lea i barber trade In weoka; blp to aecure iMMttiona: graduates earn lit 2t eek!y; expert Ina'nx-tor; tools free: writ for catalog. . Moler Irate ef CeHerea. H N 4h at. Pnrtlard. . Sl'Pl'RBAN grocery, with living room, coed chance for man and wife. Phan. i a tn i 1 7 FOR RENT Hetel tmiMmg. tt la Ira 1 Macleay bid WANTED Wo I tutilrr contract or more fri T-!"4, J a I Hi re-MHtabie. vi lt. JoarnaL HANUrACl 1'Rl.Vi hajain , $l'v; soap, f p-r.it r A Co, 1.1-21 at ' ADD tii to your aaiarr while iployed. 1 boar a week and 1409 ar-are mnmry seenrea thla; e-e a at once. . M. A A l -i. 617 Worceater btd g - WANTED AGENTS furnished sleeping room. cloa in. rent r lenaMa. 416 E. BumaiU at.. nrnr K. th et. - THREE partlr fu ale chean: aood condition. Phona Main 7765. ' - NEW furniture of ( room flat at a bar vain if takn at once. 809 6th. A-7946. FOR SALE Furniture of 6 room flat Call afternoons, At Clay st. i FURNISHED HOUSES SO fir $1. 47 Five rooms -r lahed large rooms Everett brtCr" fumiabed. East 42 2. ctoae to ateel HOTELS f4 WA NTEX--Ls -1 y wntt Cm WiMU' p..,X.,lor t a ro-ij--a raw t to aell prx-to A., more Grove, 241 li TITR CALUMET HOTl.t, It part; En- rof" ar air a "n flaw. HOTEL rtTLAVD, c't; IS It y P"fv Fi-f r v. y fcaropeaa p. -a ' "i -a i, -h a-id Al ir. TOU will go away "satisfied and well paid if you call on ua. . HARTMAN THOMPSON, ReBtal IVrartment ' Chamber of Commerce. ' Kl'RNIPH F l cottaxea. 6 rooma $20;' 7 rooma. 127.60; flat, 4 rooma, f 16; -unfurnished bouse. $i month. Apply 34 N. Jth. car fr--m depot, on 3d or V(o taon to 74th. Mock north. WILI.. rert neat riel riat. r at fr lami- AGKJ.T8 MitM. 11 RaJe!gi k-ilg.. noovs ami no a cr 13 1 tv rt-nice rr.o ia. Arm hi mn1 )r,r', ti f t'l" l---.T r,iltf f f.iat rtaa, , J. v r,Mf l?'n IP.' VI r- 4tta'..e f J. i h'-rre cc-alrg. f,.t - ' i. 141 lith U io i I room f jr errlna 2 rooma not . corce.'0 m 1 1 n ot I , er ro"m. 147 N. 71 at. F't'R KE.VT roorn f n rn ! a "e.fhoui fhP to aulta. Wooiawn N I CELT i -j'Tiiehed-- Km houae I- ouira E ih N.. coe- Fearer t Ti Li i f rat fi"r. I HM.- ' a. S"orfnh-r 1 Por I 'an ! t'a'l 4I4. AI'AKTMKNT. 43 Tltr. WICTV!VTCFV. a'a . ti(smto, " 1 '-.e r' a. t h ard w'i roora apartraect