TUC OKECOJi DAItV JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10. 1 0 v 3. Tifin nnrmi rum IUU bUI.pi.ltt: ,:Sun6ay. Services at tl)e; Portland (Tl)urcl)e5 s-. r- r- aisiiistr m ' I - Private Firo Alarm System Will ProbaWyBtvPer-". ' mitted. Tha National Atltamatle Fira Alarm company, which ha lung sought a I ran chiiwt which would Allow It to altach Its system to tha wlrea of tha municipal lira alarm aystrm, yesterday afternoon at a special meeting of tit street com- nilltea submitted a draft of an ordlnanca granting tba rights asked for and of. if rui ir 1 rr rani of tha company a year ly gma earnings aa compensation. - Thl corporation made a. number of tinaui-ressf ul altrmyta to aecure the xalutibli, franchise It wanta during Mayor Ivine a administration, but owing n the dlermlned opposition of Ilia -fighting doctor." ha waa able to defeat all tha company's efforts, l'r. Leae de clared that It would ba rldtculoua for tha illy to grant auch a franohlet for the merely nominal aum offered. The rltv haa In operation an expen sive plant and aystem of alaxm wir, and tha oily electrician and tha f Ira chief hava riven It aa their opinion that tha connection, to thla of any other ays tem would ba greatly detrimental to the present service. lr. iana neia uim tne ciiy- nsa no legal right to a rant any franchise Ilka ih one aouaht bv tha Automatlo people. Tha company official hava got around thla difficulty, however, by securing an Upttt. 'Temple, Twelfth and Taylor, Hey, J. Whltoomb Brought. D. IX 10, "One Accord- prayer meeting aervlcee. It 10 and T.SO; lilbla achool It; Y. P. V.. Toplca, "Huainraa Id Mrllg Ion.1 "Narrow Minded t'rltloa: Which J the Most Narrow,-OrlhiMlux or Lib eral, Pulpit or freaa?" tevoiid-evenlti and East Ankenyi Kev. Jl. M. Ula. a. It. 10 and 7:10; 111 Mo sch.Hil, Jl; It. V. P. V.. I it: preaching, lu.jo a. in., auhject. The Return of Bat sail. Irre"; Muo-lay school. It m.. Ire aon. Acta. 14. I'. K. Hall, superlntend ent; devotional meeting, - auhjm-t, "Doubting Caatl"." front pilgrims Prog resa. Mi mm Klale (Jrenall. Jt-adnr: preaching, 710 p. ni... aubioct, "What Constitutes a uontl Conscience, and llw to Gt It," Music by quartet, Kith phorua. Central East Twentieth and Ankeny; Rev. W. T. Jordon. 11 and, 8; a a, 30; Y. P. :10. Toplia, "Redeem ing the Time," "The Foreigner la Amer Ira.' by Rev. A. M. Petty. Arlela Key. H A. Smith. 11 and 7:S0: m. B., i; n , r. t ii.. a so. Ttipica, 'Itx lt of agea, . "A Tounf Chrlatlan." ljlR-bland Alberta and Klith, Her. jc, A. leonard, ator. 11 and t.30; li. , P. U., :I0; 6. B.. 10. gellwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev. D. W. Thuratnn, paator. 11 and 7:10; 8. B 10: Y. H. II.. :I0. Toplca. "Tearleee- neaa and Faith," MWo Will Tour IM fenae HT' Calvary Kaat Elahth and Grant, Rev. J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7;S0; a 6., JO; B. T. P. II., :0;, Morning aorroon by Rev. A. H. Wlnaker. Imraantiel Jonea 7 fall. Olbbt and Front. Key. A. 11. Mlnaker. 10:30 and 7:30; a a. II: a Y. P. IT.,' 1:10. Union aervlce In evenlna at Fourth Prenby- Sucativc Question! on the SunJay , . ScKool Lcflson fcy Rer. Dr. T. S. Linacott school ttachera and jthera Intareited are Invited tt ri their viawa aa to lha worth at tnaaa 'tiuaalluna. particularly ir tiy ronmuer tham or value in their work. .allnletere. eunday write 'the Journal briefly their vlewa aa to the worth of The International Nawenaoer lilbla dtudv club la fur the nuro'iea of pro motlna la an unfettered way among the maaaea, a wider atudv of tha Plbla, tha b I trulha of Chrlatlanlty, and tha problema wbh-h ent.r Into every man'a life'' It ta eompoaed ef all thoae who Join a looal club, and take op the elinple toiirae herein outlined, barring only ordained clergyman. All who hava aot Joined are warmly Invited to M ao and to compete for the prlaea. I'erenaa may join the club at any tltna during- the year, but wuat, of eourae, enewer tha II queatlona hereinafter explained, to oflaitfy for tat prtaea. and the bark ooeatlone may be obtained by addreaelng thla office. Thla Daoer haa aecured the rlaht ta nubllah the InterRatlnnal Hundav flchool Leaaon queatlona by Rev. Dr. IJneootL which hart aroused eo inuoa ntereat elsawbere, and they will appear weokly In both the Saturday and Sunday laauea of The Journal One of theae queatlona each week ta ta be aosware4 la writing and uimi theae aniwera the Crimea art to be awarded. OoaaltOaeai tf tbt tffoittest I. Rach contestant, or hla or Thar family, iaa be ambaortber to this riper, In order to qualify for membership to tha International Newspaper UlbU tudr club and this lo.al club. x I. Earh eontaatant In thla Incal el'jti mint .nam, .i.li a , V. & writi.. An. tlona for 61 consecutive werka, commencing Sunday. March 14. and the anewera must all ba In . the posaoaslos of Lb la paper vlthla two weeka of tha close Of thla period. - . Kach aueetlon muat ba aoswered separately, and tha paper written on Rev G W lilaaa- 11 and T J0-a M 10! one aide only. No answer must exceed JoT. words in length and mar be leaa c. E. sL ' " ' - -- -e- ew -w..vw eev WU was V Ul W I Mflir H B. LUBJ lW a IjWM f! union; Itev. C A. Tollrv 19:41 and t:i; a a, :30. Kwedlah Ulaalon fleventsAth and niiuan; hev. U. J Thoren, tt aJid I; a a, 10; Y. P.. 1:10. . M. Johii'a I'enliiatila avenue and Kllpatrl.k. Hey. t.'. Iiuechlar, 10. Klim Chspel AllrhiKitn avenue and FklUmore, Ksv. 11, J. Ihorcn, 11; & a. 10. Immaniiel rierman C"rtier ISth and I -co iijrllwoodJ. 1L C. libeling. 10:lv: a a. :o. Orace :n llah lto1n y and Ivy, Al bum. II. C labeling. 7;0. Nnrlln KrrliV ami Iarea atreete Rev. O. liagoes, II. Conrreratlonat. . Tlrat Vadlaon and Park. - Rev. IvUther H. lyolt. D. !.: Itev. Ouy I J'lcK. aaaistant; It and IH; a :4a. Toplca, "Kellglttii at IteBet," "Our vuy ana tne ot rangers. laurel wok Key. y. it Myers; U; B. a. 10; C. K. :. ' Sunnyaltle r.at Tavlne and Fast I Thirty-fourth, itev. J. . h'taub; 11 and :: It: C K., g:10. Toplca. "WlndoWa Open Toward Jerusalem, "Light at Evening Time." . - M. Johns jiev. G. W Nelson; 11 and ; b.. o, in, . University Park Haven anil Dawson, cx the anawer. 4. Tha anawera must be delivered to at the cloaa of the con teat and forwarded una ail I icuiiy. However, uy vuniin , -i,,.i, . ff'whTrh 1 OralMontavtlla: . Rtv Albart U ilfil?f.a.. Patch. II and a 8, 10: Y. P. Trnnrhma If It aeea fit to do ao. With the road seemingly cleared to the acquisition of Ita special privilege so hardly striven for, the Automatic company s attorney and agent met with a new difficulty yeeterday. The American District Telegraph com pany submitted a similar franchise or dinance, end thla apparently offered the city z per cent or me gross annual receipts of the A. D. T. company for the right to connect with the city sys tem. The attorney for the Automatic com pany declared that auch an offer on the face of it waa preposterous, that no legitimate business could possibly pay such a proportion of Ita groaa receipts. He aaid that tha A. I). T. propoaitlon looked like a Joker, and that what it really offered waa 15 per cent of noth Inir. About the only thing tho rival cor poratiorr offered to do waa to put In 0 I'.. . SO. Toplca, rally day program, "Sine." .. - University Park Rev. A. B. Walt a a a. 10. 11 and 7:30: B. Y. P. U.. 7: evening; sermon, by Kev. John BenUleit, baptlam. Bunnyslda (German) Forty-first and Hawthorne: Rev. C Feldmetb. 11; & a. :4. ft. Johns (German) Rev. C Feld metic a a,:4; services 11 and 7:10. 8t Johns Rev. C 1 Owen, 11:80- and 7:30; a S.. .10; B. T. P. U, :J0. Chinese Mission S62H Oak street S. a, 7; preaching.-. by Bev. Funs Chak. First German rourtn ana uni; Rev. J. KratC 11 and 7:10; 8. a. :45. Second German Morris atreet and Rodney avenue; Rev. F, Bueermann, 11 and 7:30: a a, :46. Fast Forty-firth street corner East this office, and they will be collated amlnatlon by competent examiner The prises will then be awarded' ae- t,v,u," " ;"."" o urn oar oi maraa. won by nerobtra of Tna XnternatlonaJ Nawapapef Bible ritudy club. ., - '.- ' Tat rrtsee. . r v , ,' v First Serlea vA sold medal ta each of the first five contestants. : ecna tense -silver medal to each of tba next' five conteetanta.' . :rlirA A leachtre Bible, price ffi.SO, to each of the next fiva oon- ttatanta. . , , . e?,ourt,l f L"r'--The book . .The . Jfaart f Christianity," prioe 11.80. to each Of the next IS contestants. , s , , , . ; . E.clJ Kaal b suitably engraved, giving- tha name of the winner und h. V" ' " ewaruoa ana in lias manner eacn BlDia and book will be . in scribed. ; i -.... - who ean write and have ideda, are urged to take up these studies re gardleas of the degree of their education, aa the papers art not valued from an educational or literary atandDOlnL. but from h r.Ain. i. k.. cogency of their reasoned ldeaa, ... . , , , .. . Ilasaalo Street Fast Seventh and Ifassalo, 11 and .7:4.;-& a. 10; C 13., JiighlandF-nst Blxth and Praaoott, Rev. K. a Bollinger, 11 and 7:10: H. fl.. 10; Y. p. C, K., 6:10. Toplca. Thej ocean or Lrfve." -oriet-waaing uemona xor tna tiivoroa miu." . , First German Kat Seventh and Stanton, Ret. John It, ITopp: 10:30 and 7:80: 8. a, l:l; C E.. :0. , Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue. Rev. Daniel -P. Thomas, 11 and 7:30! j 13.. a, :4o...-: ,- . ' - . - - 10 Tt i !. a, "Ti e Family of Uod,M "At Ilisuffu Idllt ItrllslLill' u.kl.y liir.n-r ait.l W!laniis itev. j iumiui n 4 t , a. a ID. t". K. ta. fcn,.mi r ifo snd Kaiby. lUv, C. C. Poling, It an.) 7 3a. fct. John I .!,;., and John, Bay, C. 1', lalee. a , is. , TjnlvarsalLst, OlUrch of lha (lofwl I'l.llnaa T'nlnn ran, corivrr llranj avenue and lat ev. jt n. t'orby. It 41; a .. II Topic, 'The Christian I'lilversallal at a i aitern or uuod Works. Mlsosllaneoaa, First lplrltual ISoolety Chrtstensan hall Kleventh and . Xaruhlll straota. i :io ana 1 :. rwn.iiiii t'or: Salvation Burnaiae, 11. a0 and s. Me.!lmn and Mlnlslnrs Association u.iminuin Iu i I 1 1 r i ar . u. g and 1 :it riwmllaA tree allaalon Mississippi " I bhater. Itev. Aug-. Olaon, l,ta and e. vw. Ullw iny Paints (Mormons) East entt and bhernmn. J. C Wsstergard, a'i"'i nirianaq Hecond, between n1. -L- """ K. Wallace Bhepard. 10:30 and 7 30. , ' volunteere of America III Burnaldt mifi, s;jir anil t:30. invlne Truth Center jot Allaky bulldlntr. Bey. Thaddoua M. Mlnard. 11; 8. a. 11. Topic, "Ivt." New Thought taat Thirteenth and Tenlno 1 li.v T i o- .ncouV'if""1 B,Tenth After Taking Careful, the Vv'omaa's rew Church BOCietV rwe1nhnr.n ln. Blxth ant Taylor, I; ma.s n.etlin r . . . 1- V l( V H C. A .itii.rv In Jsoaii Ben ai.lo.l tliori h uf Jeaus Chi 1st of l.alirr I 'ay Malnia KaM Heventv eiidi an. I Irvma: Klder Waller 1-ar-krr It and 1 10; It a. 10:41 I ..,,.,. li . . . .1 Pysrepsla la America's curse. Bur. dot u l'!4 Iilllers coixiuera dyet rpai ave,v lima It drlvea out linpurtttee. toima Iht aloinaci rraloraa parfact dl aration, riorinal Weight, tnd good healltk ItRhlnr; bleedtrig. protruding or blind nllrs yield to Itiitn'i riintmeni- Chronic caars soon relii-ved. finally ourtt Drug gists all soil It. - Dnan'a Besuleta cure oonstloatlon Army 410 I Without arlplng. bauaea, nor any weak- err enlng Ih sin. Fact. Ask your druggist II cent a per boa.' . t -j j fur For any pain, from ton to toe from any cauaa apply Dr. Thomas' Ecleclrlo Oil. 1'aln can't alay where It la ussd. IN BED AND OUT nd Alder., Knights of Py- , II- IMaln: Rev. H. C Cook. 11:15 and 7:30: Zitl7,l f. Bible school. 10; a Y. P. 1:46; , see attorney for the Automatic firm. I h rv a r Walts This they could well afford to do. he m?"" ?Z-Sev J F Heacock a B 10 .aid. in order to put the Automatic com- ..WtW. aefmin. ui or nusiness. - c i-zi. . ranv i The attorney for the A. D. T. smiled tolerantly at this heated outburst He languidly arose and said a few words and Rat down a pain. Tha councllmen looked at the rival attorneys and at each other. There were murmurs of "jokor" and like words.- Councilman Lombard then made a motion to post pone consideration of the application of DOtn companies ior two weens, ai me end of which time both should make an offer of a fired annual sum for - the franchise. In addition to this, each com pany must agree to file a bond for tha faithful performance of ita contract The companies ask for 26-year , fran- "chises. .. - - ' If either one la granted the franchise, the city will, in the opinion of some of the council, render itself liable to grant similar franchises to other companies, as to refuse to do so would ba para mount class legislation. FISH EXHIBITS WIN . . . . ALL PRIZES AT, F All? SalPtn Bureau of Ilia Journal. 1 ' Ralern. Or.. Oct. 16. Oreaon .was awarded all the grand prizes offered for fish exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon. Pacific exposition according , to...-.ad ' vices, .received from Seattle today by AJeter "isn- waraen AiCAUister. Thert.were only. three l?rand prizes orrered. .Oresron " tooK , an or . tnem. 11 BVI1U I .... X. X. hv Rev. B. C. Cook. Mount Olive Seventh and Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30. gwadish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev, Erlck Bcherstrora. 10:45 . and 7:45; 8. 8.. 12; B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R. Schwedler, 11 and 7:30; 8. a, 10. Woodstock Forty-first and Hoi gate; Rev. F. E. Dark, 11 and 7:30; T3. 8., :45; services each night a - Presbyterian, ' First Twelfth and Alder, Hey, -'William Hiram Foulkes, 10:10 and 7:30; S. 8., 12; . Y, P. U., 6:45; -morning sermon by Rev. Thomas H. Walker, Calvary church; evening address by Rev. J. R. Knodell, Oregon Antl-Baloon league, on "Three Questions About the Campaign of 1910." r v Twelfth (Copyright 1I0 by. Revs. T. . 8. Llnscott, D. D.) , .. October 17, I90tv " V , .Paul a Prisoner Before Felix. -Acts 14. Clolden text Herein do I always ex ercise myself, to have a conscience void or orrense toward God and toward men. Acta z :jb. - Verses 1-9 When a high priest or a distinguished preacher has fallen away ana espouses a 0aa cause, bow should he be estimated? Thla men Tertullua was much In the position or a modern . lawyer, can you oonceive it probable orposalble that he couia oe a consistent Christian and yet uum m Dries against fauir - If a rich unscrupulous man 'has lawsuit against a well known crood man why should a Christian lawyer not ao- cept tna case ror tne prosecution? f will an honest lawyer or an advocate of any cause, use false evidence to gain or advance his cause? -, What' accusations did they bring against Paul, and what part of the evi dence, presented to Jeiix by Tertullua w true una wnst pan untrue? 1 Apart from the mortality of-lying, what good or evil does a lie accomplish for the liar or his cause? - ? . Verses 10-21 Does a good causa ever need false evidence to strengthen Its position, and If not why not? Bead Paul'g defense critically, and see if you can find any false statements and if so, say what they are?. Contrast the compliments paid to tha governor by Tortullus and Paul, and state wherein Paul excels, both la truth and in skill. What points did Paul urge In hit de- What' is today "heresy" and what Is "orthodoxy?" What is Implied in "having a "con science void of offence toward God and toward men" end how can auch a condl- How does Paul show In his. defense that the heresy they accuse him of Is the Jewish doctrine which they have forsaken? ' . . . , Verses 22-21 Who was Z.vslaa ' the chief captain that Felix wanted to ex amine, and what part had he taken In this matter? v: . - Verses 24-25 Why dl FHx : tend for PsnlT . a. .. : Ta If rrrhaVla haf VnM ra . .tnMA- i thf. Blhle.1 ly Investigating the Christlsn rellaion? . Sell vood - Eleventh aT.ee . . . 10:30 and 7:15. what art the chief things which Chris tianity stands for? (Thla question matt bt answered la writing by mambera of tht OlUB). ' - v ',,r;v What la Christ himself -the emhodl. ment of In his personal character? What made- Felix -tremble when Paul urged UDOn him riarhteouanesa and, tha judgment to' come? . , Would Felix likely have heoome ; a Christian If he could hava kept on In his sin? - " Verset 2S-27 WTrat part does money Tonic. J!rs. Kills of Uvalde Says S.Ic'FccIj , UKe a , ";. . . New Person Uvtlde. Tex.- "I wag In bed and Topia I p. m, "Chrlatlan 6oienct and out," writet Mrt. Thot. G. Mill ef cantM 1yktmhi ry.tnkine w w thU town, "and could not do any of teinph'ri0 hent my housework. I hive t.ken three Mrs, K Sherman Olney; I p. m. bottles of Cafdut, the woman toniCr i. ni. . a. uimnsaiura or new build- l.nri am nrur ah tr rlo it mvaelf and feel like a new person.. . -; , "I am go thankful for your advice my Kleventh thine" halt. l,ay aervloe anil i.rmnn ritate arlrltuallsta' association Kaglt iii. riu oiins, p. m. Non-ftectarlan Odd Fellowr hall, Faat Bixth and Alderj X:I0. up to data Bible studies; 1:18, scriptural discourse nr i-nristiana. - Church of "New ' Thought a-UIng- TTI rani. k. II ' , I . . 1 . . K . '""-n onry v loior Mlirtllll Word to Freest tht Boal. xoor son has contumptlqn, His cass ,nrl will aiwtvs keen Cardiri in arnrili I : .. r -' ' S CThilstiaa. - - ' Central East Twentieth and Sal mon; Rev.'-J. F. Ghonnlej' D. TA, 11 and ; Bible school. , 10. Topics, "What Must I 'Do?" -"A ChrlsUan Then and Now:" sermons by associate paator, Rev.'F. U Cook. First Corner Park and Columbia, W. F.-Reagor, minister, 11 and 7:10: a a, B:45. . Sermons by Rev. J. R, Knodell, superintendent of : Anti-Saloon League, nil w. v. wain. .- i -After tnree weeks use," writes Mr.l - vt . ,. - Kodney Avenue Rodney and Knott: 1 B evena "ha wis as wall aa aver, l ""c " wcu aa you Thomaa O. Picton, 11 and 7:45: & a, 1 would not take all the money in the I whether you - neecV one or not. fa hnr.AlAa -TKa 111 . - , were apokea to Geo. E. Blevens, a lead- house. lw- 2v"r,T.. AJrLz"stt:1' K.c- ,bf Vou should certainly waste no time 1st Then was shown the wonderful in getinS "' Of Cafdui, if you , power or ur. King s New Discovery, lieei tnat you need a tonic. Ing the Churohea;"; "How .To , Study and ' Umatilla. Woodlawn Rey. G. M. Melllnrer. ' 11 ana o; o. a., iu, j. n, i. generally play In preventing succesaful adulta from becoming Christians? - When a man trembles on account nf his sins, does that necessarily add any- loinx 10 ma creuui wnai was a Deserting am or Tnll and how would you size "up tbt char acter of any man that wants to bt bribed to do right? Lesson ror tiundav October 14. ISOfl. Paul - a Prisoner Before Festus and Agrlppa. Acts .25:8-11, chapter j 28. i particularly If they consider them of yaloe In their work.) though la competition with the state j Bethany. Gethsemane and Cafvary- Mlspah East Twelfth and Powell: Rev, Harry leda. 11 and 7:80; 8. S, 10; fen'g; : to he Mwsationi ;iV,t 1? CaiVaEieyerth ' and i ' Rev. LdmTT of? hw d Thomaa Holmea Walker. 10:30 and 7:46: B ' - .- Bible scnooi, noon; morning sermon oy i - iminisiers. nunray scnooi teachers and otners interested are invited to nev. -iraoy u. u-riswoia, ansieiani nas-1 write i no journal orieny tneir views aa to tne wortn or tnaaa nuatlnna iwr; rw.omiiatvyiiij -,. A'tVrvuuT,iiliiuiqu, bufto Revolt." r - - - Fourth First and Gibbt Rev , Donald Mackenila, 10:30 and 7:30. a 8., 12; C E., 6:30. - Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor: i Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30, 7:30; 8. S., 12: C, E.,:30. Topics, "The Truth Seeker and What He Should Do When He Finds It"; stertopticon sermon on the "Holy limd," showing 8:4$; C. E..-7 .p. m. Topics, "Prevail- world for what It did for my boy." In- Vou feel weak, tired, lintruid ' larv. mg rrayer:" "service or eong." nrat I fallible .for Conarha and CoWa (-a th. .ti... ' -!'. 7' r: lna series of studies In hvronology. safest surest cure of desperate Luna U"D c. IO wor.K or "K n n'eresi,irt Kern Park Htt and Mtdburn; Rev. A. dlaeasea on earth. , 60c and 11.00 Guar- lne tilings and people arotmd you; It tL'f?'9, satisfaction. Trial, bottle free, you are cross, irritable, easily vexed, t-i:H?.hS' ,Al:?,fdd;lw Co. . y - . feel like cryinR over trifles. . and ir, rgeneral what folks call "put of BortB," you need a tonic you need cardui, the woman's tonic- v ' ;; ; ,- ;. You need not be ' afraid " to- take Cardui. freely and regularly, for as long a time as yotf feel it helps you.1 It is perfectly harmless, contains no drugs to form a habit, and can do you nothing but good. - : , ., -v; -v , While Cardui is a medicine, it is 'a mild medicine, not a powerful dan gerous drug compound, that may. ex ert possible dangerous after-effects. No. , its mild.' beneficial action is perfectly safe, and does not interfere with any other medicine you may be . . " .a. - ...1. taking, but its tome action will help any other. eood medicine to do you more good. - Try Cardui today. ' ' Tjrnited Brethren la CfcxtsV First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. "G. Ev McDonald, 11 and 8; & &, 10: C E.. 7. Radical Sixth and Mechanic. Rev, Os car A. Martin, li and 7;o: a a. 10: Thirds-South 'Mount Tabor; Ray. C. I P, Blanchard. Bible school, 8. Alberta East Twenty-seventh and Mildred. Rev. B, E. Emerick, 11 and 8; Tremont Wisdom and Curtia streets. Rev. H. C Shaffer; S. 8. 2:30; preach ing, 4.6V. - ., . .. ,a k a' a --.ctImK ..a 1.L-. i v... ft ' i i "I'.;a in.r'-'.i.V8: ' t""' eon, nana I; a ;VIVi..'' Jl wfMaf'.Bar MU WUOUIVIaVMf of Washington, and four golden medals and two silver moaais. The exhibit waa prepared under the direction or the . master risu warden A grand prize waa awarded for the best fiatcnery. ior tne ran. iive-nen ' x . hlbit and for the best preserved fish ' exhibit Gold medals were awarded for -the Oregon oyster exhibit,- forHhe-shell fish exhibit, including clams, craos and crawfish; for the best preserved trout ' in this case Dolly Vardens, and for the - general appearance or the exhibit. lie Fides these prizes, - two silver medals were won. BAKER IIIGn STUDENT BODY xA3IES OFFICERS fflneflaf Dltnatch to Tba joarnaLt Baker City... Or.. Oct. 16. A.n organi sation of the student body of Baker City iiigu scnooi was perfected yesterday at the close of . school by the election, of the following officers: Ray .Finley; piesioentj ciyoe Oliisoaugn, vice presi dent; Earl Castle, secretary treasurer. Tne entire student body voted. . . The juniors and, sophomores com bined to defeat the senior, candidates, and were successful, "-all the officers be ing memners or tne junior class. A con stitution and by-laws were also adopted by the students. The Australian ballot system was used and of the 160 votes cast not one was faulty. It is expected that greater Interest will be taken in all student Body affairs at the result of ins organisation. - Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln Rev. Harry H.- Pratt; 11 and 7:30; S. 10: C E. 8:80. ; . Piedmont - Cleveland and " Jarrett Rev. I. E. Snyder,, 11 and 7:30; S. S.. : Chi'nese-i45U Flrst"7:4'5V a a. :5. Westminster hjast xentn and weld I or ; Bev. - Henry-- Marcotte 10 :80 - and 7:ao: s. b.. iz: x. p. b. c e. 8:ao. Marshall Street Marshall and North oeventeentn; Kev. c. w. Hays, li. 4 Mount - Tabor Belmont and Prettv- man: Rey. Edward M. Sham. 11 and 8: ripoKane - - Avenue East ' Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev. I. A. Thompson, 11 ana y:B: a. .. 10: en;.. o:so. i'hlra iiast Thirteenth ' and Pine: Kev. j, A, p. Mcuraw; io:su ana 7:45; S. 8.. 12. Tonics. "Man and the TJnl- verse," "The Christian Religion a Fl- nall.v ' wope Montaviua, Kev. j. h. Dunning, n, o. o., iv. , Kenilworth Kast Thirty-fourth and Uiadstone, - Rev. A. Robinson, 11; 8. 8. 12; Y. P 7. . Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town - send. Services 10:30 and 7:30: ; first third, fifth Sundays; S. 8., 11:40. AnaDet Kev. A. hum. 11 and 7:45. Trlnltv DaJcnta atreet Rev A. T?nR. inson. 7:45 p. m.: C E. 8:49: 8. 8.. 11. Vernon Wvaant snd . Kast : Vine. teenth: Rev. Georire W. Anna. 11 and B. S.. 9:45; C. E- 7. . - ' ,iaouc, . vbers will officiate. Cathedral, 4 Fifteenth 8t Mark's, Twi iev. A. Chriatie, D. D. shall. Rev. J. E.' Catholic, St Mary's Pro-' and Davis Most Rev. Dow mass, 6, 8 and . High mass and TSevr CorraorsTinns. ?erm?.n'.. ll- . vespers, instruction and - - r ,i .it i nanrifi rnnn : ISalont Sarean of Tli JTfmrniil . . , I fit- TAaar.h'e r!a,wmAM 1 ri4ia .'a C-t ' 4 " , , ' .. I wF" VIDll0-Mf lalCQUUl S1U DgvlVUIt Vlii Vlvk' A B.-w LI CI MM OT ID- rflllfrWHr KAtf .. I tt maB MOIITJ V - fl corporation were. filed In the office of j Low mass. 8. High mass and 'sermon! ... .bu.uu vi piniu vKma.j m.rn iui-iiv:su. vespers, oaneuiciion, s:au, lows: , , . e , , , gt Francis. East Eleventh and Oak. Drewsv Telephone wimnniw- nrlrx-tnol I Rev. X H Rlsrk Tjiw maia a a -so jiiace vi Dusinesa, urewsy; capital stock, I ana liign mass ana sermon, 10:30, owu, iiiuuriwraiura, 15. o. v imams, J. I v vyi ai, $ .uuiruvuuu : cmu . ueneoiction, I- Lita. Jfthn ft T I 7:80,, " , . Gorge L. Baker. ; . . , j St Xwrnees Third and Sherman- Eugene Fuel Feed comnanvf nrlnnUIev. j. c. tiugnes. xw mass 6, 7 and . I . 1 . . 1 , ' ' . . IB. an . TTIO-H ... u h . .nJ mawmnw i-". ui vi uusineva. ibUKene: CAnifiLi 1 . "L-"" mass, mon. 7:80. Holy Rosary, East Third and Union Very Rev. A. ,8. Lawler. - Low mass. 6, 7 and 8:80., High , mass and - aermon. 10:30 Vespers and benediction, 7:80. . Sacred Heart . Milwaukie Rev. ' Gre gory Kobie. u. s. H. j Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. 'VesDera and benediction. 7:30. . s, Holy Cross, University Park Rev. J. P. Thlllman, C S. C Low mass. S:80. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Veaoers and benediction, 4. Holy ; Redeemer. - Portland and Van couverRev. Ed K. Cantwell. . C. SS. R. Low mass, 9. High masg and sermon. 10:30. v Benediction. 4, ., .. St Andrew's, Ninth and Alberta Rev. -i Thomas Klernan. - Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers. In struction and benediction. 7:80. St. -Ignatius: Forty-second and Powell 1 Valley road Rev. F. Dillon, S. J. Low mass, 8 and 9:30. Mass. sermon -and oeneaictton, iu:u. ' St Stanislaus. Maryland and Faillns? Key, u. eerosKi. IjOW mass. a. tm:h mass and sermon. 10. 10. a Centrar Vancouver avenue and Fargo treet. Rev, C. 1 Hamilton, 10:80 and ii o. a., i; la., ttyio. v Norwerian Danish Vancouver Ave- s ay mm. m.wmJM C lr I h a " -w J - and 8; 8. S.t12. ewedlsn Borthwlclc an r-taah r... John Ovall. 11 and R: 8. S..in- m t. 1. Topics, "The Source of Balvation R bibu, ine greatest uanger to Man kind and How to Avoid it" r j-irai uerman Fifteenth and Hoyt; , ' TJTnltad Freabytarlaa. , First Sixth and -Montgomery, Kev. Frank D. Findley, 19:30 and 7:30; S. a; II; C. B., 6.80. Toplca, sacra ments of baptism and the Lord's sun-, per: reception of new members;' pulpit editorial, "Tht Recall of Ambassador cranes sermon, " jenovan ziireh."- , The Church of the gtrajngers Grand ave. and Wasco, Rev." 8. Earl Du Bolt, 10:80 amd, 7 :30t v& .v-42. Iaterpretation for the dear every Hunaay morning. Third- East Thirty-seventh and Clay Rev. J. L. Acheaon,, 11 and 7:30, a a., I i- ' 1 - i . ' -f :4 ' , ; ." Evanga Ileal Aasoelatloaa, Vi First .Ensrlish East Bixth and Mar ket, F. B. Culvtr, 11 and 7:30; Yr P. A s:ao; s. 10. r Bena. 10:45 and 7:45: 8. S.. 9:10: x.' P. ! 7 p. m. Topics, "The Message Bearer or uod;" "The conditions ior a (success- - ful Protracted Meetinar." Memorial Eaat Eighteenth and Tib- second uerman Stanton smi t)mi..v ibetta. Morris Heverllna. 11 ana a: a. a. U A.r TT IT- TT . -''I. A ah iMiiHor. 11 .ana o : h. h s:4B. 1 iv. TT. n .OA 1 Japanese Mission 121 North tnth, Rev.; Ellacn Ribara, 9:30 0.0 v; o. o.r a :ou. Flf- Free Methodist, and I First church Eaat Ninth and Mill. iiu: n. n. a 11. " . - - - - - - -- t - . Sellwood rcastvifteeeti..., -r I Davjq M. Cathey. 11 and 8; S. a 10 - - - -- - a aui.riiiiSL. iv u mn t t-. . . L rio- FIT U n1 7:30: J' ( Seeon church-Bast Flanders, 'i be- Jones: 8 a . s-.s-H-; arV wu H, 1: class meeting. S:80 . . - -"-- . - uw v a Jt-tm XJ.i a . - I I 111 mm UMHiih Ulaaliui k7anAnJ i m:m mum Mi e-, m -) i-i- ; Episcopal. , Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett Rev A. A. Morrison. 8, 11 and 7:30. S. 8., 9:45. - : '-' ." .-- - St Matthew s. First and Caruthera Rev. W. H. M. Breek. a 8.. 10: ser vice and sermon, 11,, . pro-cathedral 01 St Stephen, th Martyr Thirteenth and day. ' Rey. H M. Ramsay. 7:30. 11 and. 7:30-n. m : a- a 9:46.- . V' 'v'- ' St David's East Twelfth and Bel mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy communion. 1 :au; prayer ana sermons. 11 and 8; 8. 8., 9:46. St. AnrlrAW'i. : Pnrtammitt, 11 n 1; S. S., 10 a. m. Archdeacon Cham S a l?n.KeY- litLrola, Oberg; U and 8; Woodlawn William J. Douglas; 11 and 8:- S. S.. 10; E. L.. 7. t,wusm''' 11 University Park Dawson 1 and Flake, African Zlon Thirteenth and Main ftev. w. Aiattnews; u and 8; 8. 8., 1. mvuih, J.UDOI- iiiast Btarn and Sixty- Woodstock J. D. Voct; ,11 and 7:10 a, o., iv, cj. i., s:av, . Patton Michigan avenuo 'and Carpen wr, v. a. wattert; 11 and 8; a a,-10; IS. la., 7. . Lents Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W. . una s; b.. h io; B.-', Meetings every evening at : 8: Sundav Onltarlaa. Church of Our Father Yamhill 'anil I eeventn, Kev, w. . u. Knot Jr.; Rev. T. T . T-'I I nt rt Ti eilnl.t.- -.mevl,., a. -wh, v. ..- .v. . ,VUB. 11 I and 8: S. 8.. 9:45: adult class. IS :ao; i. jr. r.. e:au. - xodics. "t:air anil uoa: TJne xeara : CIVIC Prnarresa In jruriiaiiu. . :.: - .- . ; Christian clanot. ' C First Church of Christ Scottish Klta catnearax. Morrison ana lxiwnadaie. 1 1 ? b. io. o., i. buuibci ui lesson sermon. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Oeary Street- abova TJnion Square Just tppoaita Hotel St Francis :. ;- European Plan S1.J50 a day up . - American Plan $3.00 a day up ' Haw steel and brick itruetnrt. Ftrrnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and oon venieaca. On carlloes transferring all ever ; city. Omnibus meets train and staamara. Sand for Booklet with oun of Sao Francisco ; POL I hay aufferc4 with pMet lor thirtT six years. One year aero last Aorfl I be gan taking Caacareta for conatipation. In the course of a week I Itoticea the piles began to disappear and the end of six weeks they did sot trouble me at all. Caacareta have done wonder for tne. s I am entirely cured and feel like a new nan.' ueorge jsuyaer, iMapoieon, u. Pleasant Palatable. Potent, Taate Good.1 Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or GriDe. 10o.2So.50o, Never aold in balk. Thsgen- vfl nine tablet stamnadCCC Guaranteed to r I Cure or yoor mooay back. ' 80 stoca, : 810,000: lncomoratora. John F. Allen. Burt A. Seely, Charles F. Schwale bh'i rt. a. couits. . . Dr. William Pf under company; prin cipal place of business, Portland; capi tal stock, 11000; incorporators, Louis fi. Clarke. William F. Woodward and E. L- Clarke. . , Xotarial CommiMtions. CStleta Boreas of Tba Joeraal.) ' Palem. Or.. Oct 11. Notarial com missions hare teen Issued to J. J. Odet and James 8. Strickler. Portland; Dan iel Boyd. Enterprle-i. Vespers and benediction. 7 :80. Ascension, Montavilla, Rev. " J. :- P. Fltznatrlck. Masa and sermon. 9 in Chanel or Bisters or the Precious Blood. St Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler Kev. J. p. Murphy. Low mass, S. High mass and sermon, 10:10. Vespers and benediction. 1:30. ' St Michael's - (Italian), Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, , 8. High mass and sermon. 10:10. Vespers and benediction. 7:10. . J. St. Stephen's. Firty-second and East Taylor Rey. W. A. Waltt Low mass, 8:30. High msss and sermon. 10:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams Daly. Low and Stanton Rev. W. A. TFSiat - Jf Ve J-J il i. JIard coughs are bad enough, to be ' sure. But it's often the little, hack- ; ing, tickling, persistent cough' that means the most, especially when there is a history of weak lungs in k the tamfly. What should be done? Ask your doctor. lie kndws. Ask him about the formula on the label of every bottle of Aycrs Cherry PjecioraL Ask him if this medicine has Ms full approval for throat and luntrcublcs. Then do as he says. J r trrn rr iryiTT.1 1, vm. Twenty-first and Mar El H. Simnann. Wr.lv eucharist. 7:30 and 11: a n. s-s- matins and litany, 10:15; evensong, 7:30. The Bishop of Oregon will preach and confirm at the 11 o'clock service. ' j Church of Our Savior Woods toe k. 11 and 8. Archdeacon Chambers will ymciaie. -. . - Bt. John's Church Multnomah-' and Taylor.-vll and 7:30: S. 8.,- 10. ' Good Shepherd Graham and v Van couver. Rev. John , Dawson. 11 and :ain--a 8i-t45. and Grace Memorial. East Reventeenth and Weldler Rev. George B. Van Wat te ra. Prayer and sermon. 11 end 7:30: B. 8., 10. ' ' Ascension Chapel Portland Heights. & 8.. 9:80. -r . -All Saint's. Twenty-fifth "and Savlar. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington, Holy Coro- " Lutheran.' Swedish Tmmniiii!-. Wln.n. Irving. 11 and 8; 8. S., 9:46. iMorwegian Bynod East Tenth and mnV ,Rev-.- Hagoes.. 11 and 7:45; 8. S. 12:10. Mornina aervlr-A- In NMWMttl Avanseiicai cnurcn, f argo ana Kerby. - Betanla Danish Union and - Morris: St James' -English West Park and Jefferson; J. Allen, Leas, 11 and 7:45; S. 8.. 10: L. L.. 7 r. m.- Tnnlon "Th. ckjui s i-ioture viauery. -soot Strap Re- -UTI niteff N'OrWetrfsn i!T"WTirn,, . . Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:tn: fl a o.ie' 9:80. ' , r- ..... 1 Zion's German Chapman and ' Sal mon; W. H. Behrens, 10:15: 7:45: 8 8 . St Paul's German Eaat Twelfth and Clinton. Rev. A. Krause, 10:30 and 7:808. a, 9:30; confession 10. Trlnitv Herman Vf, - , tnunion, 8; morning prayer and sermon, j Williams and Sellwood: J. A.- Rlmbach. 11: a 8.. 12:16; evening prayer, 8. I 9:15; 8. 8.. 10." 7:30. r.ui- n uuuiucro. ner. aor.1- Hw,n an in.n.t.. . x, I . avthe- 11 a m - B i-iS I " nouuey Bishop Morris Memorial eharr!. Good Samaritan hosDital. Rev. William R Powell, chaplain. . Holy communion. 7 a. m.; ward - services, 8; prayer and sermon, 7:15 p. m. 'Doctrine of Atonement" Second-e-Woodmen's halL - East- flirt h and. Alder. 11; I; a 8.; 12: subject at lesson sermon, . Jjoccrine or Atone ment. . -. Frltads Chorch. Sunnyside. Main and .Eaat , Thlrtv, fifth. Lindley A. Wells, 11 and 7:30: Bible achool, 10: C. E.. 8:80. ; -' ;' Lenta. Center street Mvra R. flmlth n inn .i;u; jpipie scnooi.. iv. Xstfonntd. First German Tenth and Stark itreetiti CL Haf ner pastor. Servloes io:45 a. m. ana s p. m.; a .B.. 9:80 k m.; , ' 1 X. X. Charon South. Union avenue and Multnomah street Kev. js. rt. Mowre. 11 and 7:30: s. R io- th a.aa ' Cfc 11. . v.av. ., Tnlted SSyaagaUeaL , First East Sixteenth - and . Pontile and 'Rev. H. A. Deck. 11 and 7:80: a 8.. FfiEE TO Y01H.1Y SISTEfl Katliodlst. .- - J .' ' Taylor Street Rev.' Benlamln Tnune D. D 10:30 and 7:80: a 8 11:10: El L.. :30. Toplca, "The Leason of the Au tumn Leaf." "Hollowing the Leader." Grace Twelfth and Tavlor Rev. fnlia H. Cudllpp. Dl D.. 10:39 and 7:10; 8. a. 11:15: E. L.. 8:30. Torlca. "Tha Olorv of Hnmilltv. "Tha Honnrfeaa u.- first in a series of four evening ser mons on "The Bane of Homelessnfsa." Sunnyside East Yamhill ami Thlrtv. fifth; JV. T. Euster; 11 and 7.30r a a, 9 68; E. L, :45. . . St Johns a H. Dewart; It and I; n i. 7; a s.. 10. Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savief, Rev. Chirles T. Mcpherson; U and 7 11- 8. S.. 1: E L.. :45. Topics. "The Love of God." ajid Xireet Eplola,- by re quest. Lessons from Mrs. Kate Col lins' murder case. TrlnMv Fast Tenth and Grant- Lewis F. Smith: 11 and T 10- V. t. 1 tii-' a a It. Toj-lca "ur Olorlmia Irherltanre.' "A Revival Our Great Need." Centenary Ka Vintn .- txne- Clsreoce Tree Wilson. D. D, 1 It aad . p: fc. L, :l; a 8, 9:45. Mrnirf Hermnn by p. I Hti-r. erenirv torc, " M-lern t-llvIIHllM fr.r The Re!iir,n cf Christ Chrl'tiss Science, Tbeoaoi fcy Pf-l- tus ism, etc" C tie,lU saloa Clian S?ng Hal; 11 arid 1 is. lwreirr1p.v. R H pryaJlt; 11 Fred to You and Every 8feter8ur ring from women's" Ailment. Iamawomaa. . ' I know woman's stiff arlngs. . Ibevefoandtkeenre ilTK f,11 tTT T "aarft, taytn fisat twat with fuu laatnicikuistoaiiy enfierar fMn woman's sUmeota. 1 want to tU si worn en about this cars sis, my reader, for yourstuf, 7 oar daughter, your mother, or your sitter. 1 want to eil you how to cure yottraeiyea at home with oot the barfp of a doctor. M an saasst enderetaad womea s suaerinjrs, w hat we woman kDowtnsi tna nam a. we know b-HU-r thaa any dueior I know tna my hrMtae treatment k. ane and snre cure for lanrtai ar tt'-nt nrn-ttt, Itavstatit v stasat mt Ht mi gM tea. wa. Urn m Hmt4 rem. Star a at Kviaa TaMra. at m.mrt mam - kaai. sacs sa kaxt, Ivsnag teas Immi. n inini aa, avaaiSan. et cr. M Bf avilimn aaiaiaa to ear a-x. I wast to aead yoe 1 eatsy tta w preve te y-ni t aat yoa ewa cere yraraeif at lorna easily, e, a I e k I r and orT. IweiatbiT, that.g re eaal yas a to wwa tt eoBBtnia, ft wU Cost rmoalt ahoet lictaa are or laa tai ta o c- ta a r.v Jt ' tl ? T":, cxv-nr,v-v. tm1 aea. ae e saaa) e sent fr. br'v-s, ajjwuroi wwh. aad I wij avid ta teeavtaaent f e Ttnt- e-rtT- f-. (n ,.(... arear-y-ar, fcy faun nail I art, I ain aeexl y-n Vat mt my r - k au 1 l lm ; . f- mVZ0a72rmtian 71" ir wr m-f "r- M"1 h" ''" aeeir f l v T anS-il) bare jt avl i-ai-n W- tu aer--. Tee Ui i, w aare Wwwrae with ray bnm r-ar. 1 1 roa a4 faaaa. Ti ftAe, a hv-w I v- j ei ta. eMrr,.kvn. tr-tt vhkhe, !:.r.,M .i!ZZZm JZlm? mM Vmtr-.fj or Irraror Men-M-uev a ta ytg Lsrja. l'.Time and fc-w : k aiv.nnKui trZL. tta ' r'"v ' ae -t yeaj Vvm I e r-e v- to W ' Hf -rr mm-m I T-.'"f v a V- r aM "Tee tna U Saaa Tvteena . am u r-w-w r. .... , r. n-,av .IV J It: urn Mm, Mntl J III li I IIIXJI TT l-f--TT 4W nuii 111 I I 4w Ill Lf'JI , 1 ' - -A r Ill lU II 1 1 1 I Jl A1U Ill I . ill llWV. ,n WAV : . fj - '; r Ml I t I N X I 1 . X. A vv - reif. n mi ; SASTER SNOW Tho new bookry , . The Author or THE LADY OF THE DECORATION Very beautifuHy illustrated with twelve pictures in full color ' hy the Japanese artist CcrJL-o Yztod ji rrklL00ncpoetb 7 cent THECEURyca UNION-SquARE. NEW-YORK k 1 "a it- 1 l ' t art envt att-4. I itt bat Uxaavt it t-' -. !'.-:' t -.::i be mtk m. pMit ;,' i e Was wmrmi tt jLm,-.mm t--a- ne mm ftm r.ar a.i l.i -. -. .Sorae.ua-l.at.i.h 1-Mrte.rUi ar d ! tt R 3. M, E U M t RS, H f I C t TO D3 IT! O, I P CJ., V. . A. s-e-rr-g. v f avl r-htaal. M m, m ani U.I ! 1: '