The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Ii! ilEL
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ar mill niufi s. Ei'iiis ijiD
Jill UUILLlHU . np rrnrniTi'ni
ur r t
Representatives of Oregon
Women's Clubs Elect at
Forest Grove.
arUI rlatck ta Tfca JooraaLl ;
Forest Grove, Or., Oct II. The fol
lowing officer were elected today by
the Oregon Federation of . Women'!
m i . rr.w. Tn T,, iciuns: I'resiaent. earan A. Evans, rort-
Twenty Acre Tract Is rur- lu., flr.t pre.ident Mrs. Turner
chased on the Peninsula jZLnrl
, t' j I ing secretary. Mrs. Uraduhaw. Th
I)V J aClIIC Uir JPOUIiar Dalles; corresponding secretary. . Mra.
. , , r. . . I J. I). Hayes, Port land r treaaurer, Mra.
.nn, t'orwana; uirrciura, airs, j savin
aon. Hood Klver and Mra. - Edmunds.
riant Work to lie Start-
cJ Xeit 3Ionth.
Negotiations for the purehaae of
10-acra tract adjoining tha Swift plant
on tha lower peninsula by the Pacific
Car Foundry company war completed
thla week. This deal meana tha lm
mediate erection of an 180,000 car build
In and repairing plant, according- to a
tateraent made thla moraine; by O. F.
Martin, attorney for tha company, and
who la alao largely intereated tn It
The alt of the proposed plant haa a
front e on the channel recently
iiredged by the swirt people, ana aiso
fronts on the Northern Pacific and O.
K aV N. penlnaula anur tracks.'
Brla Vast Month.
Mr. Martin aaya that the company
will begin building operations by No
vember 1. and that Ita purpose la to du-plic-ate
a almllar plant now being erect
ed at Richmond. Cal., by the aame in
terests that control tha local corpora
tion. " ' .
Mr. Martin alao aaya that they will
continue to operate tha car building
plant of the W. I Holman company, lo
cated in Ban Francisco. Thla ia one of
the largeat car building concerna on the
Pacific coast, and haa been in succe
fui operation for the paat 11 yeara
As planned at present the capacity of
the proposed plant will be 10 freight
cars per day and eight passenger cars
a month. It la also a part of the com
pany's plan, said Mr. Martin, , to add
(Continued from Page One.) '
locomotive repairing slant aa soon aa
the main bulldlnga are completed and
ready for operation. . 1 ' . 1
On account of tha location of thla
concern in the heavy timber belt of the
Pacific coast it. ia believed by the pro
moters that they can manufacture cars
at least 20 per cent cheaper than the
came class of work can be turned out
bv the eastern factories, with tha added
advantage that ' when tha car are
turned over to the coaat customers, that
they will be entirely new and will not
have been subjected to the .cross . con
tinental trip. .
-. . SC." A. .Bowen Is President, "
H. A. Bowen. who haa had SO years
practical experience In car building. Is
to be the president and general shop
manager of the - new- - concern.-. Mr.
Bowen was -for many years -bead mas
ter mechanic of the Swift Car Bju tiding
and Repairing company in "Chicago and
leavea a - lucrative position tn Chicago
to take the .management of the Fort
land . company. - -1 r. V . ,
J. W. Reiss. who it to be first Vice pres
ident formerly held the same position
with the W. L.'Holman company at
San Francisco. . W. H. Judson who has
had 20 years practical experience in
carbullding Is the. second Vice president
of the company. ,..-.
Mr. Martin aava that the. nresent
uns or ine compHny .contemplate mat
me new piant win oe completed and
in operation by March 1, iio.
grand jury is
The grand jury .began-the Investiga
tion of conditions at the Crystal Springs
sanatorium yesterday by taking.-, the
testimony of George Clare, a former In
mate of the institution. Clare was sent
to tne sanatorium aa a government pa
tient from Alaska for melancholia. He
cnarges tnat lie was kept in the Instl
tution after he had- recovered has san
ity, tie aiso makes tne charge that a
. patient, David Murphy, was beaten by
guards McCauley and Singleton,, dying
soon aiierwara rrom me errect or the
heating. He also charges that the san
itation and ventilation and cooking are
bad and that the patients are subjected
to harsh and cruel treatment by the
attendants. ' -.
Similar chargea are ' made by Chris
topher Hansen, another Alaska patient,
who appeared before United- States At
torney McCourt and made a statement
Thursday. Ha was later arrested for
drunkenness by the police. - He may also
oe cauea nerore tne grand jury, as Ols
trlct Attorney Cameron saya the grand
jury win maas a tnorougn investigation
cr cooaitions at tne institution.
game, played tha full ulna Innings, but
nis uauai rorm was lacking,
First Xanlng.
Pittsburg Donovan hit Byrne on tha
snouuier. Monody covered second on
Lreach's' sacrifice, and. a f oread out was
prevented, jueach out, iwnovan to T
Jonea. ifrrne waa out stealing third,
Schmidt to Moriarity. Byrne and Mori-
amy collided and both apparently were
badly hurt. Physicians were called
rrom tno atana. yrne waa unconscious
and was carried off tha field. Moriarity
arose, declaring that ha would continue
in tha game. Leach went to third for
t-itisDurg. Hyatt to center and Abstein
waa caned into the gam a and took up
ma oia .station at tne rirst corner.
Clarke walked,--- Clarke stole second.
Physicians attending Byrne, reported
mat ne nan a sprained ankle. Wagner
walked, i Miller forced Waarner. Buah to
jeienanty. . imo runa, no nita. no errora.
Detroit Davy Jonea fouled out , to
Leach. Bush waa hit by pitched ball.a
Ing, Miller taking the throw. No runs.
' - -' Saooad Xnalagv
Pittsburg Abstein walked. Abstein
stole second. Wilson tapped in front
of te plate. Schmidt threw to Mori
arny. who failed to get Abstein at third.
.Gibson filed out to Bush. ' Adama
walked. Hyatt filed out to Crawford.
Abstein scoring. Jeach walked, filling
me oases, viarae waiaea, rorcing yvil
son across tnepiate. Wagner riled ou
to Crawford. , Two runa
Detroit Crawford out to Abstein un
assisted. - Delelianly walked. - Moriarity
aouoied iruo tne -crowd in right, -Dele-hanty
going to third. Mclntyre replaoea
Moriarity on aecond. - Tom Jonea filed
to Wagner, Schmidt out. Adama to Ah
atein. . ino runs. . .
; . Third Sanlnr,
Plttsburr fO'Learv replaced Mor.
larity on tnira Miner singled to cen
ter. Abstein doubled to left. Miller a-o
ins- to third. Wilson tapped to Bush,
Miller was run down trying to score,
susn to ecnmiat. ttcnmiat enasetf Ab
stein back to second. tosBins- to nl.
hanty in time to : get Abstein. Gibson
forced Wilson, Bush to DeJehanty. No
Detroit (Mnllln batting for Dono
van. As Mullln walked to tha elate ha
was greeted with tremendous cheers).
mu tun lined out to Miller. Davy Jones
beat -out an Infield tap. Bush out.
Adama to Abstein. Cobb out Adams to
AUBiein,;-; no runs. . .
i ronith Znning.
t-utsuurg (muinn now pucning ror
Detroit) Adams filed out to '-Davy
The appointment of Edward N. Deady
nil Ik Inspector estraordlnary waa
conflrmad by the executive board of the
rlty council yesterday afternoon. The
appointment conflrma upon lady tha
xiwers of Inspector and policeman. Upon
i in im iaia ine nongaiion toaiiowna un
cenaml dairy to sell milk In Portland
: specifically, to forbid any driver to
laerve milk to the people of Portland
whoae wagon hHa not plainly posted
upon it tne orrictnl license certltlcata.
Tha Inspector's duty will also he to
rather samples Of milk aa served liy
dairymen and turn these over to lr.
Kalpii C. Matson, state bacteriologist.
tor itacterioiogicai lest.
Deady's appointment waa made at tha
Instance of the Qinaumera' league, work
ing mroug n ita ntire roon commuiee.
The pure food committee will arrange
for the payment of ttje Inapector a sal
ary and has reserved the privilege of
maintaining general surveillance Over
Ms work. - He will, however. . work un
der Dr. Alan Welch Smith, president
oc tue city board or neaitn. in tne en
forcement of the license law, and under
lr. Ralph C Matson tn collecting earn,
pies fit milk for the bacteriological teat
. Takes interest In Work.
Deady was chosen for this Special
service ' to tha neoole of Portland In
consideration of previous activity and
effectlveneea In movements of popular ;
reform. His work Is expected to have a I
aalutory effect In enforcing dairy regu
lation, lie said In regard to his appoint
"I have not taken thla work without a
great dal of thought. It Is the thought
that I may bw able to aid In obtaining
clean milk for Portland people ratlW
nan a salary consideration tnat actu
ates me, -
"II la enonah tn fur In regard to tna
carrying out or the work given ma tnat
I shall know no frlwxle among dairy
nfen who do not ol-y the law." ledy'a
addresa la I tit Portias avenue: Lis tel
ephone number Woilws 146s.
Must Get Certificates.
- Dairymen will obtain eeYtlflcatee of
Inspection from Plate Dairy and Food
Commissioner J. W. Bailey. I'rellmln-
ry to the tsmiance of a license to any
dairyman, the commissioner or his dep
uty will have examined the dairy and In
giving the license certify that the cows
of. each dairy herd are healthy,, tha
barn and milk house, cooling room and
apparatus sanitary and arranged ac
cording to law. the milk handled by
methods which insure freedom from the
contamination of dirt and disease and
that the auendants-are clean and ciearir
, 7 . . ' ' '
iy appitrrirti, ,
No hardship, will be 'worked on the
dairymen or the dairy and food com
missioner, uniees tne rrea use or cieana-
Ins: a Dna rat ns on their rart. and a rea
sonable enforcement of the law on his,
can do - consiaereu naraanip.
Escapes From Oregon Ten !
tent iary Leave No Trace;
3fan Ilunters' In Auto
Leave Within Hour
Fugitives' Trail.
illlO GilG GIRL
MasnvBBassWBMBassWBsBiaBa I
Filter Residence on Portland
Heights in Broad Day-
Four Dold Illfflnva vju cn
Stop Philip Ruelmer's
Jfachlno on Rase Line
Road, and' Compel
mi 12-
- .; (Caited Press teased Wire.)
San Francisco, Oct 1. -The British
loop of war Algertne passed through
tne ioioen uate toaay, making the see
- end of the English war vessels to ar
rive at Kan Franclnco to represent the
- tinuwi- nation at tnw "rortoia TesavaL
. which opens October-10.- .
Shortly after midnight H. M. a Shear
water auppea into tne harbor after cruia
Ing from tha north, whence she , had
been accompanied by the Algerlne. Tin
last Knglh war vessel, the cruiser
Bearora. is expected to arrive here to
morrow. An aerogram received early
today stated that the ship waa 1000
miies eir wis port.
The laat finishing touches for the
festival are being put on tha street
tooay ana oy Tuesday evening will be
complete for the welcoming of Gaspar
de Portola, the discoverer of 8aa Fran
clsoo bay who will aall through the
imurn wu in u oia ppanisn galleon.
stiicr iimuin im neei or foreign
and American warships In the harbor, lie
in ikjiu ii ine asiasion street wharf,
where tens of thousands of rejoicing
Sn Franciscans will wait to welcome
jnm v in. renuui city.
Ten miles or at reels are masses Sjif
naming runners or red and yellow. In
honor of the "return of the discoverer "
At night t.t00.0 electric globes will
1'ght the thorough fa rea
Circuit Judge Bronanah thla morning
rue Judgment for A. Flesh man aaainst
1 un fuey and about It other Chinese
f t lck rent en the building coo--rticid
by neshmaa uader :-year
tr Chinese orcanancy at Fourth
i) Flanders street The court
rd-d t!e plaintiff TI per month.
:.! six -months are unpaid, this
1 '""i-.k te l5 Fteehman asked for
I . "'. tMe lacludine- aa amount claimed
a tf.rnxee.
1mit th rtV
"--- "e t -. rvMnic 1 it tle
fit the farn
- Ai twi ee lv.
a-l Tird
- K l.rt . .
' - . ft t . . f
. r - t , . - i "v t T ; i: " . . I
Jonea. Hyatt- walked. Leach - singled
to left, Hyatt reaching aecond. 'Clarke's
ount was. rielded by. Mullln, Hyatt go
ing to third, v Wagner walked. Miller
singiea to rignt, scoring Hyatt and
Leach, Wagner going tof third. Miller
atoie second, t ADStem ' ranned. - Two
runs. . .
Detroit Crawford out. Leach to Ab
stein. ' Delehanty singled to. rla-ht.
O'Leary popped to Wagner. Tom Jones
singled to short right. Delehantv ta,kln
second. Smith forced Delehantv at third
on a grounder to Leach. No runs. .
ruth Inning-.
Pittsburg Wilson filed out tn Pn.
ford. -Gibson ---i out Bush to T. .Tnnea
Adama waa easy Delehantv to t. i
No runs. ; ...
Detroit Mullln out Leach tn-,
Davy Jones fanned out' Bush out
; Higuer iu Aosiem,. no runs,
Sixth " Xnztlag'.
Pittsburg Delehanty threw out Hy.
att. Leach - doubled into the crowd In
left- Clarke walked; Wagner hit one
into left field for three bases, scoring
Leach and Clarke, and reached home on
Davy Jones high throw to third. Mil
ler filed " out to Crawford. Abstein
filed out to Bush- Three runs.
Detroit Cobb out. -Adams to Abstein.
Crawford filed to Clarke. Delehanty
filed out to Leach. No runs.
Seventh Inning-.' ,
Pittf-iursr Wilson " filed to Daw
Jones. Gibson doubled to left Adams
out. O'Learv to Bush to Tom Jones.
Gibson -reached third 'on the play. Hyatt
out, Delahanty to Tom Jones. No runs.
Detroit O Lear y- rou led out to Gib-
(Halted Press Leased VTIra.) '
Brighton Beach. N. Y.. Oct. 1. At
the twelfth hour of the 34 hour automo
bile race, Chevrolet's Buick had broken
all former records for a 11 hour run.
The record held before by Strang and
Basie m a Renault waa bis mites, wnue
Chevrolet completed 624 miles.
The accidents occurred during the
forenobn. Charles -.. Bowers, Hubert
Brown's mechanician, sustained a scalp
wound when the ,car plunged off the
track and tore Its way through a fence.
His Injuries are not serious,
Elsie Roberts, IT years old, was run
down while crossing the track and her
collar bone broken.
- Soon after completing his 12 hour run
cnevroiet oroae awneei ana was com
pelled to withdraw. Thla threw the lead
to Patchkes, who Is driving a Losler,
and at 10 o'clock he was still In the
lead. - - c.
On completion of the first naif of the
race Patchkes was 12 miles behind the
Chevrolet. At the same time Seymour,
In a Losler, bad completed 10 miles,
Burman's Buick 690, Disbrow's Rainier
676. Basle's Matheson 486, Strang's Ma
rlon 416 and Lesault'a Palmer-Singer
669, ; .. . -' .-; : . ; ,
0 GI
' W t A v. ., IIU III, A 1 i " B V.
a farewell salute or zi guns by a crew
rrom tne government lire saving sta
tion and the singing of "Auld Lang
Syne" by a chorus of thouaanda In the
natural ampmtneatre, tne Aiaeaa-xu-kon-Paclflo
exposition will pass Into his
tory on tns stroke or.ix tonight.
- The closing hours of the exposition
win oe maue tne occasion ror merry
making and the carnival spirit will pre
vail among the- crowds, that will stand
watch at the passing of the great fair.
Brilliant fireworks and music by many
bands will provide a gorgeous spectacle.
The closing ceremonies will begin this
afternoon, when the official exDOSltlon
band will serenade' all' of the principal
buildings on -the-grounds.- -The evening
will be given over to various celebra'
tions along .the Pay Streak and else
where. V .
' The closing exercises will be held in
the natural amphitheatre, the conclud
ing feature of which will be a farewell
stieech bv President Chllbera. As the !
president finishes his remarks he will
turn a switch which will extinguish
the exposition lights promptly at mid
night In the ' darkness a . bugler will
blow "taps," the audience will sing
Auld Lang Syne and . tha fair will be
over. j . -
While tha grounds will be open for a
short time after today, the show will
TIMBERED LANDS &Ccwl!f be opened again and the
fay HtreaK, tne amusement , way or tne
' ' (Sales Bureau of Tba Journal.)
Salem. Or.. Oct 16. Thoush an auto
mobile carrying eight guards from the
penitentiary ' started within an hour
arter the escape of the five convicts,
who yesterday overpowered the guarda
wnue returning rrom work on the mad
near the Institute for the Feeble Minded,
no trace has been secured of the five
men. At a given signal the crmvlct
rushed on the two guards, disarmed
them, took a purse of money contain
ing : rrom one or the guards, then
seised a horse and buggy standing near
ana Grove aown tne roaa.
There were 16 convlcte In the road
gang, in charge of two guards, Felix
Davla and L. 1L HlrtseL A 68 calibre
Colts waa taken from one of the guards
and a Luger revolver from the other
These are the only arms the five oon
victa possess. The horse and - buggy
belonging to 3, M. Eskew, forman of
tne rock crushing plant near where the
convicts were employed.
During toe time the escape was er
fee ted the two armed convicts kept
tne auaras and tha ramalnlna- 10 con
victs- undef cover of their weapons.
After their departure the remaining 40
convicts walked to their cells behind
the disarmed guards without making
any effort to escape. ' . . : -
XTames of tha Convicts. .
The' escapes were George Carter and
George , Duncan., serving Indeterminate
sentences ror horse stealing, and sent
un from Malheur county May 11:
Albert Ferris, serving one year and a
half for larceny in a dwelling, having
been sent up April 2t rrom uiackamaa
county; Mike Nlchollch, serving; two
years for larceny - and sent up from
Marlon county, , October 24. .1908, and
Albert Murray, sent up from Umatilla
county ror arson, June 4. ivun ana serv
ing an indeterminate sentence,
The convicts deserted the norse ana
pants to Give Up.'
After Mndlnv and tii.lne Miss I
Sophia Hamre, a maid In the home of
Utxirse K. WagR-oner. 715 pattnn road,
on Portland H.i.hts, and tossing tier
In a closet, twu boys about 16 yeara oil,
Pillaged the house yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock and .took Jewelry and sil
verware to the value of I1U0. So clever
waa the lb done that na trace of thi
youthful holdupa haa been secured by
lie piiiire. - -
1 ne gin .was alone at the time, and
tateM IllMft tha Ktivfl ..m. tn tha Iiaii..
Inquiring' for Airs. Waaaoner. eaylna
ne waa their aunt, and left the place.
'hev refur-fin.1 aiwin mnit mMtA tmv I l
wait fur her. Once inside the home.
they threw the girl to the floor and
shoved a handkerchief In her mouth.
After placing her In the closet, the
house was ranaacked.
Whn Mr. Uflt.nn. Mtnm m1m
discovered the disorder, and attempted! Oulded by neither elua nor deaorlpttonj
to can me ponce, ine telephone wire I deputy sheriffs and city detectives arc
thVoertmVnt "! tor the four bold, big f
a half dased ? condition, and told thelw,'rnlon who' last night held up and
l,ry' .v . . I robbed, an automobile party pf soaletjl
Pravloiis tn thete anlnno thai . . ... ... V
WiMiii..r knm i. iv. iZZ PBOP neaaea by FhUip Buehnea )
home of Arthur Bowman and ranaacked I prominent timber dealer and lnmbefrnani f '
uu iu. ou. a jne roaa aoout a nail xaum
west tf the Twelve Mile house. ',
When Deputy Sheriffs Archie LeotWj
ard, Robert I'hilllps and Harry BulgatN
arrived. In Mr. Buehner's machine, at :
tne scene or tne robbery about 10:30)
o'clock, leas than two hours after 11
had been committed, no "trace 0 th1 "
daring robbers could be found. I -
. Reinforoed later by posaes of deputy ''. .
shorlffs under the leadership of Chlerf"
Ikinilttf Uhariee U- u unIll...i. '
and Deputy Sheriff Joe Jonea. and again, 1
by a squad of policemen, tb officer 1 ,-
"v ui. lui jiiKiifc Bawua wiiuousi .
result ,
Immediately after tha hoi dun. vrhlrh-i
occurred at 8:46 o'clock, Mr. Buehner.
with Frank McDonald, hla chauffeur,!
speeded the big machine to town, send!
Ing the remaining members of the party '
to their homes In taxicaba. But H waa
not until :30 o'clock that the robbery
was reported to the office of the sheriff, "
Mr, Buehner offering- to join tha posse.
Tlslt Soene of Kobbery. .
the Mr.- Bowman saya noth-
ins or vaiua waa taaan.. tm Ttnw-
fnan family was not at home.
Air. waggoner Is a real estate dealer.
Jil l offices in the BiMrrd of Trade
building. Arthur Bowman ia detri
ment manager for the Portland Seed
company. . . , ...
"Grafter" Is a word ihit mnat
used with care at tha nourthoua . uvt
Ouy of No. 4 Union avenue uaed It once
too often this morn in n,t v
Wu,f. k y. the decoration being-1 Taking the timberman's machine, tha
S'"" vvuuiy viera nermui 1 tnree uepuues, , accompanied by - Mr.
cnnelder. , j . v . Buchntr mid th ehaiifinr eimt vini.-
Schneider - nresldes at f h a mii.tuiih. n .u. ..v..... mi. . .
where hunters licenaea are laauawi. nn I a.a.h ,-e .h. .
?u 5? ln. tnl" morning1 to .ask fori made. Throughout the night tha search
uupucaie license, saying ne had loat kept up. Mr. JBuehner did not return to
one prevloualy issued to him. Duplicates I his home until o'clock this morning. '
are not expressly authorised by law. but! Today Deputy Sheriffa Harry Bulger.
u .ra jssuea. as an eviaenoe ( rrank Baty and 3. S. Huckabv are amino-
rer tna countrysiae. jivery orrioer
within a radius of fifty miles has been
notified to watch for the highwaymen,
who are believed to be members of a
gang of desperate yeggmen.
Mr. Buehner today waa unable to fur
nish a good descrlntlon of the rnhhra
He said one was tail, another short, and
(Continued from Page One.)
claim contestants: carrying out a con.
certed action of those who. contemplato
filing on the land. When this story
reached hla ears, tne latter denied : it
absolutely. - - - - -
Still McDonald and his men kept
building the cabins.. . There are no cab
ins on the Quarter sections which have
been filed on bv contestants, but there
are cabina on every unfiled quarter sec
tion. Thev are little 12 bv 14 foot
cabins, with one small window and with
one door hung on hasp hinges, and are
built entirely of shakes boards split
from the trees. The sides, roofs and ,
floors are shakes.
In buildlnr the "IraHs ara cut from
the last built cabin through to the sits
of the next cabin,, for a half mile of
intervening forest, and- another new
shake home awaits another-, fake set
tler. -,;.' -S
TO Thwan Bonarie uemara -
A nromlnent-lawyer of this city.' a
man engaged by those filing land grant
claims In the county. -stated today that
fair, will aoont be deserted.
The work of packing exhibfts wlll be
ain at once and while the exteriors will
remain beautiful the buildings Inside
will nresnt scenes of confusion and ac
Tha total attendance at the exoost
tlon, not- including -today, - has - been
3.677.799. a daily average of 26.842
From a financial as well as an artistlo
standpoint, the fair is declared to have
neen a success.
tnat tne license has been paid. - But
wnen uuy came xorwara several others
were In line to be waited on, and Schnel-
AtT a air a A him tn wa I , r,m . . 1-
buggy after driving it about two mllealwhen ha waa nnt aA k,ia
south, where it was later found. From Guy went away, but soon "returned,
there the convicts are thought to have Schneider says Guy then gruffly de
gone westward toward the river, where I manded a license - a.nd Rnhn.M.; iA
it is thought they are hiding in th him h. um h.v. rn. ii..r;. v." ?" ."i "V ?
hlMr uaHarhmah that alrl-t. ha rHv.r 1 -l-I v,. ;:.'. I " . V awuv incuiuw Bile
, -- 77 T ' ; . I X . rv wvuau umrv III wait men, imia OUUCL.
oonneioer says. tuy Decanie abusive and
threw down a dollar on tha .counter.
saying: ;'-. . - . - , - , '
"You are rraftera Take that dollur
and put It In your pocket for aide
money." .
- Sch nelder saya ho then warned Out
nui iu win mat way, dui uuy Kept re
peating Insulting; remarks and vile
for several miles South of Salem, ; They
will probably endeavor to escape north
by floating - aown - tne river in sman
boats. - . - - - .
. Mike ' Nlchollch. . tha convict who es
caped yesterday, la believed, by. the
authorities to be a desperate character
and one. that will not give up without
a fight. It Is believed he is one of
Officers ara annalled bv tha hnlilnui
of the robbery, and the testimony of the
victims as to, the Calm demeanor of the
men. During the 'five or six minutes
consumed In searching the party the
men talked easily and several times
Sprang Jokes, laughing at their own wit '
With Mrs. Buehner. their txrn ilanrh.
tors, Miss Marguerite and Miss Lillian
. Queeney Fense, a venturesome young
woman of 26 yeara who Is charged with
he had been exnecting some auch dee-1 defrauding John Fresell. a railroad con-
perae move on the part of the SouthernJ tractor, out of $1200, was brought back
worked upon the Portland man to sep
arate him from his monav. r
While the Fense woman first renre-
sented to Fresell that she owned largt
tracts or grazing land and wished
money with which to stock it she is
also said to have deluded him into the
Dener - tnat sue wanted him' to marry
ner.- accorama to jcreseii. sne told mm
he waa the kind of man she has been
looking for these long years, and that
they could be happy. When he stated
Jf.L!.,wSBra kane, where she was arrested Wed
S'aitiLInt? JShinTif lucf day.' With her arrival comes ano
fake settlers Into tnase eaoms lr juaga torv of tha , aihama u i .n,
Wolverton's decision were adverse And ZSLfi tf?,'
to aell the . land to them at 12.60 per .rate him-7Jom"hTs 7.V
. Those who have followed! the land
grant litigation in Portland are- sur
prised that there is evidence of the
Southern Pacific company making any
auch crude and desperate move to hold
Its lands in the event of an unfavorable
decision by Judge Wolverton. It - has
Keen believed for Some time that the
S2' Tn.Joi?f".0uS a?fr,.to Abstein. J southern Pacific was not as sanguine, as that he was too old for her, she readily
uuBiii. ue.uicr ua .11 vno inrei u 1 waivea. tnis leaiure asiae and said she
court, and various plans for saving the! wanted a man e hi. . o- rhih i. a
landa have been expected to materialise, j years, and one who could manage her
dui nvi aucn na ouiuuvu an ma uiaiiHica larnia. - -; - , .v . 1
from Marshfield. .1 After many talks and much apparent
It la argaed that the cabins may have I affection, she outlined their future hap
been constructed by heavy ownera oflpiness and made the plans so appealing
timoer una. mere, wnu urn puruauea msi t resell rinaiiy consented to a mar
from the Southern Pacific, and who may I rlage. In order to cinch the affair, ahe
oe preparing; iw nvtjc sainsi. vn ju. mkcu uim cor kii - engagement ring,
of title by having settlers colonise these which he accordingly purchased, and
lands for them Tn case the court rules further proceeded to give her money
s gainst the company and thus vftates with which to get her wedding gar
their tltla menta. This money was given in
Tlt might be that some syndicate. I checks, and cashelat!lhebank-Jjy her.
not now in the field, is preparing . to I Upon being asked at the bank about
get In on the ground rioor in the event) caanmg ao many cneck, ahe smilingly
the Southern Pacific loses its suit by f remarked that aha and Mr. Freaell were
being tn a poaitlon to Immediately flood
the land with applicants. Further; de
velopments will be awaited with much
interest '
those who participated In a Hot at Sweet names. Finally Schneider went over the Buehner: allof whom T live Tat the famllv
Hum. In T.lnn countv laat fall . few I Miinla, Mm H - I Jr " wuuiu iiyb hi iiie family
waeka before he was' caught and con was a .1 rv nnr 4'V .J . iT"""
vlcted here for-tha larceny of a watch Schneider, but the deputy
and some coin &oms tent. .. . -J received . only a finger nail scratch un- J ing at 444 Twenty-fifth Tatreet Poland
When taken. th officers found bullet der, hla, chin. W Then hla left vane IntnliiSJl, a TV;.- VJla"5
fcnl, In nla trnn.ara whae. v1,1a tallv i f l. , a j...inb-iiZ 1 it . 'Jr." l .r mra, i m
UVvv M . wvuwvp i, ii-ui u -ar w a-vaw mirmm j I u.v Lllfll BIIU a, W U UlUa UV IlUk (ff II V Bill fl -,ta B' 11 Aa I ST ft MM V WMT Am. a- - Mnn mm AW lir . ai-l
he had been Shot, presumably at Sweet of fightint trinj. Guy staggered back j Robertsor T of tha Robertson Hardware
Home In Linn county. The Interpreter 1 somewhat srroe-e-v and mula hla
-?.."""'.' . Oviiiiv imir aaia no (ninns nut aar laaf airaniiir In hla hlar (nnv na
ha lanA lt,M. k n .k-M. . I " - "
tlnJiyJi fa mi yev I Sklmminf along the Base Line foad.
Chief Denuty PrasD says other wit- !,. n,t,in. w,..h.A . .t.. -
nessea to the affair declared that - they half mile west of the Twelve-Mile
.T.. o.t!:;rj " J.j v i . nV1-u'- quictor i House, when Chauffeur McDonald dls OvIIUclUvI U1U UBU BUUII IlgLUICga LttCfeIm I nVOra1 ho Ha ' wut m K A mn mm
5U--le.fih!.m-i.5,ly I,t.e'-the manlblocked with pieces of timber; tha
time wear a memento of the occasion.
Whether or not h will cause Schneider's
arrest was not learned. ' . .
informed the authorities -that Nlchollch
waa an outlaw ln his native . country.
hold ram
trunks of small - trees and brush.
Drought the. machine to a stop.
Schmidt doubled to left Mullen filed to
Clarke. Jio runs. . ..-,. v -
'-. -'" "-.' ''.;'. Xighta Zaaing. '-.'
Pittsburg Leach out Mullln to Tom
Jones. Clarke walked. Clarke atole sec
ond. ' Wagner f lied out to Crawford.
Crawford dropped Miller's fly. Clarke
scorinr and Miller went to second. Ab
stein filed out to Davy Jones. One run.
Detroit Davy Jones .filed to Miller.
Bush fouled out to Wagner, . Cobb filed
to Clarke. ; No runa.. -:
- 'il' Vinth Xaning'. :7
PltUburg Wllaona fliedl to O'Lears
Gibson nit one too hot ror Bush to han
dle. .Adams sacrificed to Tom Jones un
assisted. - Hyatt fouled out to Schmidt.
No runs.
Detroit Crawford out Wagner to Ab
stein. Delehanty doubled to left
O'Learv fouled out to - Leach. Tom
Jones filed to Clarke. No runa
The official score; - . v
AB.R.H. PO.A. E.
Byrne, 3b. 0 0 0 0
Leach. 3b.-cf. ....... t I .. St 4 0
Clarke if S 6 0
Warner. sa S 111
Miller, 2b t J S
Hyatt lb.-cf. ........ 11 0
Wilson, rf. 4 -4 0 0 0
Gibson, c 6 12 1
Adams, p. ........... S 0 1
Abstein, lb. 4 1 146 6
engaged and were to be married soon.
Several visits to the' .woman were
made, and at each the plans of the wed-
amg were runner - laid, until Fresell
. (rnlted Press Leased Wtra.1
Santa Barbara, Cal.. - Oct 14 John
Pollttt a laborer, la dead and four men
I a gas explosion in the city water tunnel I municipal court pleaded not guilty. Her
in tne PRnu inn mouniaina near nere I - i ii.v, wnicn ene couia
suspected that all was not well Intended
and quit Issuing, checks. She soon af
ter aisappeared. and he made his com
plaint which , resulted In her arrest at
Mais Fense would have nothing to
say this morning, but admitted to offi
cers tnat sne nad received about 11000,
and that Fresell had voluntarily given
it to her. She waa stylishly gowned
wnen Drought tn me station, and tn
A meeting of the United East ? Side
t'iubs was neid jast mgnt at which an
ofS the Improvement clubs on the east
side were represented, The purpose of
the Joint meeting waa that the differ
ent cluba might co-operate ln pushing
matters of interest to the whole of East
Portland, and there was a large pro
gram xor discussion.
In the matter of the Broadway street
bridge, a committee was appointed, of
wnicn wmtney fsoise was maae cnair
man. to wait on the congressional dele
gation and see that the bridge matter
came properly before the War Depart
ment, and aiao to taae up tne question
of the Immediate building of the bridge
with the city officials. The members
of the committee are as follows: v Whit
ney Boise, Joseph BuchtelH. A. Hepp
ner, L. E. Rice. - -
M. C. Munlv. president of the North
East - Side Improvement association,
discussed at .length the question of the
beautifying of the city that has been
presented by Senator . Bourne, and it
was recommended that at the next ses
sion of . the legislature a bill be pre
sented providing for a boulevard from
Portland to mi. tiooa. ino action waa i lw" " ,1, , 1 " on.iuiou,
taken on the recommendation, however, nd Biddie s story sounded so good that
Kan Spring from Brash. -
With hoarse commands, four rouahlv
dressed men sprang from the brush
fringing the roadway and ordered tha--
six persons ln the automobile to alight,
holding their hands above their headav
Three revolvers gleamed , ln tha moon- .
lignt. -s , v - jI.-i- . .. .' -
' Than, while one highwayman watched .
for approaching vehicles, the three pre-
fared to search the six frightened violins.-:
Lining them up at one side of .
the biaad -roadway: the small man. who
wviuvu w i"w a?suva arista i I iviva rLla
Buehner and Chauffeur McDonald. Tha
other two stood at one side, with re-t
Vol vers' leveled. '.-?---;. :-,-,-: ,
'This is no Dink tea." observed ona
of the highwaymen, coarsely, recoa-hiz
Ing as society people. "Hold ,
up 'your handa and hold them high, or "
we'll drill holes through you." - - - -.
When Mr. Buehner'a watch waa taken
from him he protested. -Telling tha rob.
ber the timepiece had so many memo -.
rles surrounding It that he would fain '
not lose iu ne asked to nave it r iji
ToUls .....10 6 I 17 t t
...... 4 1 1 1
D. Jones, If.
Bush, aa ...
Cobb, rf. ...
Crawford, cf.
Delehanty, lb.
. . 4
Moriarity. So. ....... 1
T. Jonea, lb. 4
Schmidt c .......... S
Donovan, p. ......... t
O'Leary. lb. ......... 1
MuUln. p. I
ToUls ...!! 17 Jl
Plttsborg. ........ e f 1 a I
Hits eeriaiie l t
Detmit ..... a e e e
Hits 1 1 1 1 14
8 CM MART. '
i truck out R-r VuIHti ! hr iaa.
t. Bases on balls Off DMiana. 1-
off Uuliin. 4; lf Adama. 1. Twa M
its Moriarity, Anetrtn, Irk, oit
at hmldt rveniar,tr. Tltra baee
it V aanef. I WtiMi r-la v Buah ta
l-smiot t !erttr. s-arrirvc Mts
tea. Wlipnr. liralL (larke. A4a
fi,..iei .'k I, Artetn. M,1t.
Hit If ptrte4 ba!ia Pjme. by Ianmo-
1, nr.t ta na errwa
II: Ihiti
an. 6.
I. rm Imi
has hits ff tmrnmn, J.
J-T1 wart al. nrt 1
cnt a aerl
early today.
The Injured: --
Joe Fox en, laborr; right leg and left
arm broken. e
A. It Tiffany, snirt boss; seriously
Thomas Martinet, two ribs broken,
badly burned. " .
fieniel Roeish, bamed. ' . .
The explosion occurred In the tunnel
when a strong flow of gaa that had
been tapped was Ignited by a workman's
randle. ttescuers eniereo tna tannei,
from which amoke and flasnea were
pouring, and -carried the Injured to
Pamnel M-Otire. millionaire lu'mNer
naa. of Stiliarafer. Minn, with letereats
on tba Pacific coast. Is at tha Portland
hot eL lie cornea a eat on a baeineae
trip. - . .
I. t. Bak. head cnnsul ef tha Wwwt-
mei f the World Tor the western lis
trlct. la In fortlael today. He la rea-
ltre-4 at the Portland bote from Dea-
ver. Colo.
not give, and waa placed in a cell In the
woman'a department . - -
Upon her arrival at SpoMne she In
serted the same kind of sn ad. In the
papers that she used here. In which she
asked for some business man to fur
nish money to stock her ranches. Seneca
Fouta hss been retained by her, and
Attorney Walter Wolf has been engaged
by Mr. Fresell to aaslat In prosecuting
the case. j
While In Portland Miss Fense posed'
upon numerous occasions aa being mar-I
rien. anti introduce a man who was
with her frequently as her husband. Phe
Is from California.- but little la known
of he-e!f or the man. He waa held at
Spokane, but wsa released, ho complaint
betng made against him. .
hern una of laPlc of time.
A resolution waa ad on ted ursrinrHhai
a special election be held to settle the
question of city water mains, arfd an-,
other recommending, tne consolidation
nf thin cltv and coilntv a-overnmenta
Other reaoldtions were the urging of
the incorporation or outlying suburban
tnwna for census nurnoaes. the consoli
dation of the office of the city engi
neer and that ef the water board, and
a resolution authorising the purchase of
aome vacant lota near the high school
at Albina and Killlngswortb avenues.
The funeral of Major William H".
Bam hart who died at his residence, (OS
Third street Thursday night will be
held in the chapel at tha Portland cre
matorium at 1:36 o'clock tomorrow Af
ternoon. Rev. W. A. M. Breck of BY
Matthew's Epl"ropal church, wDl read
the burial service. . . --
Ma lor Barnhart waa a pioneer mer
chant of Portland, locating In this cttr
In 1650. He waa a native of Xew York
and was 61 years of age. He is sur
vived by the widow, two brothers and
a sister, cnaries K. uarnnart and Mrs.
Roaa Buchanan live at Comellua Or.
and Walter 8. Bamhart Uvea In Canada.
Major Bsmhart 'Served darlnr II
veers aa government agent at the lira
I Ilia Indian reservation, and later en
paced ln the mercantile business at
Pendleton. He returned to Portland In
117 and rnoa afterward retired front
active bueineea - i
Fred Siedow and J. Blddle.- prison
era who escaped from the countv tail
Wednesday and were recaptured yeste.r.
a ay at M.aiama, wasn., spent last nigni
in the dungeon at the jail and today
they ware sent to the rockplle to serve
the balance or tneir time. Had tney not
run away thev could nave roiiowed an
eaay lire aa truatiea at tne jau.
Siedow and Blddle took advantage of
their employment as truaties in carry
ing garbage cans to slip away ; early
vfi1.,rnlnirVw iT le "fv00!" "Nothln doln," growled the TObben;
and hid in the brush that day. waUted to -rou don-t get anything back." i
n nwii., "is" ueaides Mr. uuenner s watcn, -about
maH. ahle WAw htr .fill trt fitbila V a J . . . . . 1.1,1- a
"" w - , I in goia ana paper diiii ana a raiu-
terday morning they crossed the Colum- I ,ble stickpin composed the robbers loot
Tha stlckoln waa taken from Mrs.
Ruehnar. - - - - - . - . .
Then the robbers thoroughly searched V
tne automobile, throwing cushloqj. and
wraps aooui promiscuously.
L Oo Tau taa Sheriff."
ieOtr-11 ,.. U , L M)
clared the smaller of tb quartet 'ow
go ten tne anerirr. .
cnaurreur iwcponaidwag ordered ta
tirh the machine around. Mr. Ruehnee
ana tne women were packed Into the
tonneau and sent streaking back to tha
city. , ixioKing oaca, iar aown tne road.
Mr. Buehqer saw the men dive into tha
bla to Kalama and were nabbed by local
orricera on descriptions sent out oy
Sheriff Stevens. .
siedow aave tha name of Otto Rhine
ahd said he came Xrom ' Tacoma. The
two men claimed not to be acquainted.
lid. w , rtrantu, ui-.pilB kilo IMt Ul.l
his picture was In tha hands of the ar
resting officers. The picture was taken
when ne was thin and he had fattened
so much tn Jau tnat ha succeeded tern-
forarlly in fooling the officers. But a
uller description convinced the Kalama
officials that they -had acted too hastily
and Blddle waa again picked tip to await
the arrival or orricera rrom Portland, v
Denutv Sheriffs Archie Leonard. H. B.
Wood and H. W, Phillips reached Ka
lama late m tne arternoon and quint ly
Identified the escaped men, - returning
tbem to tne county jau last nignt.
Kab 4i. llae
-sT-j at tr tirvti TifTntinnn 1 . .
bushes and disappear.
otner remarka the men made. Me.
Buehner does not remember, but he saya
they kept talking durins tha whole tim.
the process of searching waa under way.
LAugning ana jomng in their rough
way. they told the women thev hail a.
periect rignt to oe rngntened,
were oaa men.
Dlff Darnaire Done.
rater- ripa riir tn
lr btji'-
Tae Pevnfii Ward Improveiriant
Iaua. mmprlalnf ntne civic erranica
Hone representing a district ef 14 equare
mi lea " r rrom ta.eee t set reed-nta.
V . ei m a . Iilliw. r m Ha. n U....
l--t and tha rltv water htri ia j
which the wlHe nt 1h Ml)a arltai
lor ine nonp Tru.nwj. x-trwaa
defeated recently by OKeefe ia
Wster t ra b-rrsnea tn th ram.
r-rtla tmi .isg lrte . rrvf-Mri- aii
et4nb laiMrt ta t ai-arfe of m l-f Ft the r(tnn Irt'S na te V
i n-T. run. -.- ! r r) erilrla the Inrw rw o..nT-4a t
V ' ; ' A M'la'.tt"!!- T inw-iel afinrv'w. ff a itlnrh rr,ain !.'. r a --n
rtamaa-a "a mo tw tmat4 at ifceje i -mrr rM.rt.r -n Un.t t
N agalbst loaa er asar fcy ai' i -v n- ;a k t ,,.4
Xraia t jff M"vat 7 b r rervc.r.
C. C Vaartia'a attempt to be freed m
wrl, mit . a Hm m mrnua w-l'l h. t.Mr.1
1 Kefore Judge ' .a teas tn the circuit court
this afternoon. Busline attomeire
rlaitu he Is lilerally reatralne-1 tinder
that he
Artlclea of Incorporation founded 'on
acrlotural texts varied the uaual form
ula of aiuch records when the papers of
the Apostolic Faltn mission were rued
this morning. The- texta named are
Matthew 18: 19 and 10. and Mark 1
16 to 18. "as Interpreted by the board
of elders of the Apostolic Faith mission
of Lr Angeles." The trustees filing
the articles are Jennie rc. Seymour. Ma-
llnda A. Mitchell and Edward . Doak,
The corporation owns property worth
tralfeal Praas Leaaed Iflal
San ' jsranctaco. Oct 14. Johnny
OKeefe. tne Ienver miOdleweignt will
leave for Portland tomorrow night
where he la to meet Fre-ddle Brooke of
Roeeburg In a 14 rund tit scheduled
for October J. KM Harr1ea and Kid
Scaler, who will meet In the pr.ltn.t-
to the O K-efe-Broa S't. left
defeated recently by OKeefe la. 16
rounds at Alameda.
Rlea-aer Damage Dork..
tre1te4 S-r mm 1 1 ! Wtra
Lnrtdn. ' ' 14 Thomas I.lrtan and
ru" "an wsier f)-ln 10 tnat sec-, .f4 fur retK in tall f rr a.aatltt. Jamea J. Jeffrie. re f."w paaaan
tim sr el:ltM li. r,!eedMt n.-illr wrml mo-tK a. ; ra r-i tfce I,niian". arh-h ied tr
rrr the ret-,n yt-g rm thm Vr i mA m mm a,.rnll r, t-i.' from K-it-T: tit frr K. lax
y.i-'rfnise that 1e sH v etit,l7t arr tut r- tc ed and shnlr .ea
ah'ii a f t -to d. Haiti a . ir' In rntirg the rriie fhter.
ermr'l-it h-.s h- f,'l1 araie.t . ,m !n , fc r 7 h.-n-a sail:
t h r"riw mui t t mrf na I im a ' 1 I - '7 a-n $ .4 ta !? fi J rvm-mm
..n-'-r,, a fata-d af .,iaon.I ta j era --! trj irg to d tl. t'll.l rr'vft'Tf
tr f-.i.n trtma.i." It
one of them said. -
were not afraid ta
la PUEslad to know
what class of criminals oernetrated tha
crime. Evidently it was planned per
fectly and was committed by men famil
iar with tha surrounding country and -with
the fact that the Base Line road s
waa the favorite drive of autolsta.
The trees each about 10 inches In di
ameter were sawed In a lot nor far
distant aa the. stumps gsve evidence.
The limbs had been chopped eloeely off
and strewed a Ion a the roadway. - But
neither aaw nor ax eould be found near 1
tha seen a of the holdup. -
Cortlalnt has been made to tha no
lle that ooya have hen ratting open
araln aa'Vs In the AlHne freight tarda.
and stealing grain. J nie wot a Mas ten
e-olng on for two Wee-ka, and fully lb
tuHl of
Ii bare nern atola by
sura rnethoda. Tha method ef operating
Is to walk past the p'ta of grain aa ka '
and slit a haif dnsm orn, and later ra
ta ra with a sack and tKk It up.
Hr Iant 2-Teat-oH ef V..
a"d Mra W'an Utt, (,( Fterett
strt 3 d tlx't-amr arerft ft-"-n
Mt'rt ttt rf t-t pf r'wl i: ret j-r.
Jttm t 111 ii'.m h'. r, H. aa la
e -i It an4 ate ', t m m
-i hr w.a T'"--t l', an .tif i-i.
t rf t t 4 t-r " .1
t ,-.;y if r -'.".- :-e ar a ta
i ' r. fc.