The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Don't Pass This By
i:r.oo. hair t-i, un- time. huy
1U (i farm, Hb l.oou.uoa reel "
I -r: over loo boaring frull Iraea,, also
email irutta: Boll rirai cinaa. t-:
l.ouae. lama. Id tier Impnt"
...1....11.1 .r,rii a. inlla ai liool. mile ant
l air eiora. boatofftce and boat landing
il.i.'.Iu., 1 1 ml, a from Wood
i.tnd. Wean. Think Umbr will bring
$:&!( In l year. .
1 2100 buye I" ecra farm, hair n
proved, level land. wltU new house, wi
) ....... i, ..I HkilaiM AllL.
- tvhAa . tern. a a I von. buys 10 acre
farm having 21 cleared, fair njua. I
a. -res orchard, half mil school. 1 m lies
H. K. latto and boat landlnc. miles
, Woodland. . i.k
11 M bur acres a00" ,n, ml,n
1 Mio.ouo feet limber, I miles from here,
but In sight of town: rash df1-
8. a. I.AKK, Woodland. Wash,
UAKK me offer on 7.000,000 U section
Henton rmmy, T-!6 Journal
(From the. Northern Idaho News.
Keep Year Eye cn tic
Swastika .-;
Keep Cog!, Wc Have ,
Mines, Ore In Sight
Webber, Keep Cool and
Swastika - Have Millions in
msiness chances
Wlrvlaaa and .railroad lelerapliei a In
(real demand. We iioaltfy young rut"
and b jre thm poallimta paying ImbkIii-
Imra liD to tyu er month, , UlwiatliiM
alv ..irii.l.,1 fvleaianh M,-tioola . femi
io liv.vou, nearly an c-iiiuie meat-nan- i uy all railroad bud wirmleaa ooiiiiaiilea,
tflaa; old established bualiiaae, doing I KiKrr now fur day - or night ar.aions.
wen ai mt pranent unie, in una eon. 1 National Tcli-am tin IiiaKltiile, MS tin st
ty la me t oiuuima rivi
A stock that will "(nvolr from 1 1000
mumiy in I ne i oiumt.ia river vaiiey. X IcTw W7nt"haTi i7.lnkthTul.I
Si"1 -S ,i-JJSt or hi b.-rth- Ion. ' rr"' ' " hy cl.anc.
Ui Tn lia? ln??lVfJ f In lol' w.S t01"1 trompany and Willi .H.d
i-T r..iii in!ii M.ailoa k Til prPrty. Wa wantn.on wb r will.
V..i InvaatUatloa. , -. I ty w will (how you low. Aak for
"rn"- - ,- lair. Illckok.
i IN A ,
40 Acre Farm
Ind all fenced: 10 acru now undrr wia equlpp
Sight '
a.... VI.. ik. Ijkavlw mlnlnf dl
rl,t 1 w. Vrrua)n aava inm n
""Ka'l"i vjiwvvij uvuivsi I Hoard of Trad, bl.lar
SnaDS.'' IWANTKU man
1 !
84 4th at.
ttli llttla
work a
h,,-in.:.t w- l....l..t ak.i vr. .nt Pl'l rKprnoncr;
1V hava nna for ll'&rt on U'a.h at I Pr 0,,nt " "lart, IllUt h mora lalrr a
ll i'"v!.rP iJJ'5'.0.?... VL"l aood aalarr: no riDarlnca rnulr.
win "-hoV-book "of f in. aaMnVt.m r,l'r:m0B7!O', C"" ' " r.,.,.r ,t. n.1. hla I Waal li I n t on at .. room B I J.
nioney -to
ctlva on poultry farm; hava
win quaraniea id
WANTKH t aparlen'd aaleawomon.
If you wara convinced that our iroii-
allloa la ataolullV on in a' aim
tliat atok now orfrrej In tha lrat com-
I'anv of lla kind In tlia world at II
iMr ahaia will aintn aoll at 16 and $10.
could you aetl 1 1 T If luu can w hava
aomethinff to ptttr you. ion . Urag onlan
rtijiaj. -
nuraery ati
Una; caah eo
rnuraery ( ox
W'A N TtlTW LJul y i i i t a to aU plioto
con tract a. - C. blniora Grova. , 141
waaninirton at.
Tth and Ankn ata.
tha heart of tlia city." .
Nawly fiirnUtiml, iipwly docoratad. "
Klirl heut.
A drllahtrul wlnior ho n-
Wi hava furnlh4 and unfurnlahail
houa-kreiiir room a. aaat or weal alila.
What lva youT Wa hava lonanta wait.
Ini; lit walkliia- dlatanca. Tha Hullabla
Iteiital airoiii-i', room 1-4. Orand Theatra
bl.1l Main tl4.
KLLt urn ialied houaakaeplna rooiua:
. w "auwui wiiiioi i, ....... i. luruianeq fiou aaaaepinar iwni..
'lla-' I..OI..V ;naJa'"aaHli'i"'ouV Va,w htUm- r" l'hoi.a. fraa bua. fr a. for ij 10iilh; front ot
tJck" mrt dInmnd. "f?M vtlL. rat-a for p.rnmii-nt uala. joilara, l4; four room low.r flat, lla:
wmlZXSX BaJam 1 Io' 'r" t--U hava prUat. i, 44 North J4h at, w.j
141 TfiC MftfidV Hfille jSl'U'Eof t rm eomptalaTy furnlahatl.
an . Jr. ,"5X, P:.;o . ranta. aluk. ?r. phona, bath, hot
" a-,. DAND JKKKnbON 8'f8. water heater, nlca jilaia. no chlldran.
1 77 m nui.a, m hiiiimi ""'"i jm run at
B3 " "aiiington and Id; juat
.u.menini a, not and
uat co.rpi.tad: naw XfJ-oVJC"
co1. ? ? raaaona
Keep Cool, "Wablirr and Bwaatlka mlnea
wia aqulppad with tranaportatlon, that
r.inw haTanra nearly all ready to plow: la, I mean a railroad all, miiea " "
F a-Kl iU ofViteV. "billdln-a all Ikevlew. the., mlnaa alona
nearly new I room h'ue. all well fin- cr-aa tha population of Standpoint and
ulTedf frama Urn? palntad: itr.n.ry. LaJtarU lS.000 In on. year'- tmJTho
cream noun, woodahed. chicken houae. Keep Cool inlrio alona haa lJIMMwortn
hoKhouaa. all ftnlahod and painted: of ori blocked out. nd tha 'r.
frKn. on m..n road, milch cow. ., I .aid to hava VJ..l"
nora. narneea ana muh.t , .... ....j.. Uuh.i. ... t.,r
menta. oata. hay .and potatoea. ararden, I which haa only been In operation for
cream acparator, hogu and ehlckenaj fine I go daya, haa 600 tona of ore on the
cropa ralaed thla yajir: oata 80 buaheln. I dump, which when figured up 1
. i, '. - 7 k,..h.ia .nil corn ?S buahala I .,, nt tiana In leaa than SO day
p. r acre; I mile to achool. on cream I work for four mlnera. Suppoelnf that
roiito. R. T. li. and telephone:. terma on th.M mlnea were enulpped with ateam
part; all goes for 13000. tranaportatlon to the Bandpolnt ameiler
land worKing a. inouaanu mmn. -
per day. the ouipui. wouia i rnuimv..,
not Maying anything about doaena of
Inllmr mlnea in. ine camp nai wumu
developed ana pron
the KecD Cool.
and the payrol
opportttntty ui;-we've aomethlna good.
Room a I and 4
(Ira nd Theaire'lllk.
STToO-b anyone .whTTTadfhTANt: f"ho1l,?0'cf,'",!t5"h Addv
on Excavator In Sunday a Journal da- I;,0n 'r Tonntnfah
aire to learn anything further about the " ,N u "TiLV-0-. .T?P.Pf Jl! "j
WANTKU ialaamen; many make 10
to II dm oar montn: aoma even mora:
atock clean, grown on reaarvatlon. far
caan advance w
reaa Willi
mirhma or to hwnm. IntereatfMt In thai CHIN'KHW INHTlt UCTOlt
worklnaa of thla nnmninv. will ea 11 at I China la wldo onen for trade: any
the. offke. ail Commercial bldg.. td and young man winning to go there for that
waahlngton. between 10 and II and 1 I purpoae ana eucceea. oome ana irp
to I and aak for Mr. Harrla or Mr. I he Chlneae language. Kev. Fung Chak.
Henhurn they pirn be accommodated. I Chlneae Inatructor, 61 Id at.. N.. room 68
ilenkle & Harrison,
1 111 Oerllnger Bldg.
, Gem Drops-
liarcains ana onans 1 .1-mah ri.u men, for his-h cuaa buai
So lit: wa hava rlaar atnrea. arrocerr I naaa Dronoaltlon. In Portland. Good
atorea. confectioneries, anloona. rooni-1 money If you hay ability. Boom 701,
ing liouaes. furnished and unfurnlsiiau I oregonianpiog.
nnuaekeeplng rooms. We nave the
i . ii... i . i -1 . n a .
K.. V'. TiSKSS: n-n': ' HELP . WANTED FEMALE 2
ta Agency. Main 81 414.
Let Me Tell You
THE Wing School of Shorthand, day
and night, 10 per month; no
. .. r . . . ...tilirailAR IK I .llf r.rnl mlnea
a-nod lr.VZ' 'pVaYur: 2 we... hum they never hummed before, and
. a, I lkt. aa I aa A kalat aukA Kaaaa aa arl I I ID Mt V X IT. At in lliuntllah AV a W " W w a
u.c" "" """,.uV r;uV.r.V':"' "I '.7 -V" tuition freV Individual Inatructlona
la at tile amelter and can get a hxtf Interest for HSf that from ' n f "'J
would make these towna will get large returns. I Paclflo coat. Sixth floolr, CommercUl
I ' i1 Will 'alii in ins i la i I
neu I M a fArffat t ha 'ri nfftlltl fnllBUIlei IlllllfJa I '
"hard 7 room houae, well furnished, 2 for she la a hummer right now. . . URRE U your ohi
JVr..rnir other buildings, close to Three montha ago tfie Prlnces Pan- handling grocerk
.hooL R F. D. Price II& per acre, lama waa selling for 10 cents. Today it I produce; central,
smout. . I, ... r i- .eiilnar for &0 cents per share. The I trade: man runnl
GIRLS to work In candy department.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and
Davis gt. - v v. '
BARNAH ) ft CO.. a
tit Worcester bldg., Id and Oak.-
tnca to buy market
a. fish. - poultry and
old established fruit
n m tlia nlaca la a-olna
JS0 acres, 100 'acres cuitivaiea, o i swastika la toaay selling a i vr i on noroesteaa; win leave aoon; owner
. i . . m wtrt n. nnnu i. MA . a. . mirim . nm r, i.l . u hu inaa i . rn. mnmr . i .. u . . n r . n
timOer. DAiaiirV Jinn I U I w. " . ' "WI,' ' t WU. " " . . I . kiinmw vH t I il j.J L J L .rt... ..,r.i.innt.
i 'o.i n ih.r mi thin iiiina-a. di neaa i mn at anv time, imce inn ewniiiiia i nie notn niacea. -Make ma nrrer at onca. jai Kki. hMHi & uunn wunnjino.
..r i, Knr... a a-nata. hoara. etc I .i. .i.rtni In an noward direction It I See fish man. Fourth and Yamhill. I Permanent nosltlons to thoroughly e
vehicles, tooia, gaaoiine cna"'. i win aavance vtry uyiuij, if you have a little money and want io ncuvei i cumwimui
13000. Terma. . ' , ' advance will , t-nade. on Miuai iroj go ,nto th4. poultry buafness, call and plv ' Kwira, m
Winn ev ft ( :adell. , P.rovta 50"a,"n" fi..V,",i,:r.r''. and Kt In at the ground floor. "'" "rpm".i,
v..-y " - - line taci mai we nr Vij . we nave pCntv of real estate to make
"r""" ' ning ore. ana noi irora aioca iiiii.u.- vou mur We want a few m
charge cjf al-
Main st.
Fine farm. Il acres, on Molnlla pral-
rln. all level. .160 acres in cultivation.
40 acres timber, running water, roada on
ping ore,
Office, -room 16, 268 aireei. oun.
day hours, g to 3.
M M. A R CO.
work active with ua on tha farm. 316 U
Washington st., room- 613. -
men to I TWENTIETH CENTURY Garment Cut-
3 sides, school, church, telephone, man I Are making a special orrer on ineir
dally, good team.' 60 tons or hay. im-1 POpper stock at 10c per enare. par vaiue
nif menta. in cattle. u aroaie, n"ni 11. rniiv naia ana non-niw"":.
cmcKens,' everyming s"f. iu '"lis in or in
will cut up nicely: 60 per acre, i-ro- mlnea In the
lln, a IK II
room furnished houm In & rood local-1 ?9ur
a . . . ... . . I aV4T naaaal a
ity on the west side; must have fur
nace neat.
tins- school: catterns cut to order:
anaclaltw of tailored aklrta and CO
tumea made to oraer; notning meir
Chicago costume nouse,
Morrison at.. Puptla taught.- M. 1416,
Viouaekrrijlna room. modern.! -
heau elaotHe l .t - ll h.lla balluK reaaoimijia. ,.0 n- froot room.
B-U T . - I ll.l.l
l, "Aiansen a O.J lavatory. convenTentT rooms large, light. Z .t ' Jerreraon. near
OKNEJtAL EMPLOYMENT AOKNCIES, Yl alngle loom a rr auiiea; parmanent j , 1
Main office, 14 N. td St.. Portland. transient. S, 4 and i per weak. OSh. large front parlor. alao other
Ladloa" department, 7th and Wash, ata, I'hone A-t7Sl. Main S4S.- . rooms with or without liouaekeeplng,
414 Uf-ronVrvP.0rtL, ' VumtiSitU alcove, hot nd tl??U
: . . IT-M 4n.t..,6Bn Kra&. .' ,lr? fWiiVtlmllnW ThoM , UOt'SEKEEI'IXO KOOM3
. KatJedITi " Ml'ji L .Jia '.'Lite . . iZAHT SIDE , - 4S
1 1
city nir KnHn.iNn
270 Madison "TrluJ ,
Male and Female Help
Furnished Free of Charge.
Main 8656! A-66J4.
alngle or ensulte. at reaaonable prices;
modern conveniences; opp, the Plaaa. i
The Blsmark
Ith. Mrs. Mae Mo
ron RENT Modern furnished house
keeping rooms. IS month; sleeping
rooms IS per month. At the Arieta
rooming bouse. Arieta Mt. Boott car,
one block south of station, ,
THE. IAMBKUT". 13 V . Ujilon avT! '
housekeeping and single rooms, brick
i.niwA at uirui,i.ninii.utaini 1 1 .. . . ' - " .u iMiuictrpin ana wniit rooms. priCK
CO., headquarters for R. B. work. Si,1rJ??(.4,,2. building, efectrlo-lights and batl?:
- d L i " ' t vAtii''NTtN ,ai,i .,, i,h Mim.ZL 101 H BUnton at.. V car 11.16 week up.
a opi-MTirii u , tMM ' H to W weekly,
workmanahlo and nrlcea rliht. H. A. I ISth. coi ner Taylor Buacloua. tun-
Ouetikow. 287 13th L or phone Main ' y alcove room; nicely furnished;
am. ,
VOUNG man a
wants place
board. M-266, Journal.
modem conveniences: agreeable aur.
ttendtng business college t?HMJb
to work , (or, '-room audi rEW LY , ;
POSITION In grocery etore by youn
man, s years experience, oest oi rei-
erence. w. H. H.i 6B Thira at.
furnlHhed bedroom. steam
heat. -hot water, all modern conven
iences. Apply flat 10, 44 Morrison sL,
cor. -16th. , '
HANDSOME parlor, suitable (or gentle-
men; . everything strictly mooern
FOR RENT 4 modern unfurnished
housekeeping rooms and two. room
houses. Owner, 614 Brooklyn t. -I3-
UNION ave., to rent, nicely fur-
nlshed housekeeping rooms; ateam
heat st 6844. . .
FOUR furnlahed housekeeping roomaj .
140 E. Burk at.,' cor. 12th; on children.
I both phones. 456 Ith at. Hot water all
me tin-
YOUNG man expeHenced In furniture
business, wlslfes . Dosltlon. Willie
nmuK, vdv t-'matina ave.. dkiiwiiwi. i . . n . ..
GOOU' carpnter wants employment by NEW IY' luriiUhed front .foonv parata
Hw oe AAnlrirl all renalrlna. 174 Y' ' . tu i""i""v.
M t HanfiinT Malti 1210. pnyate family. . 609 Morrison between
nnmofl ice "ork. V ySlriSS 3xST' call at 211 . 12th , and see our
' 7 854 jinTr - L rooms; can be made suitable for 1 to
' w- Jt;- i. ' i 7T 9 P"ons; hot and cold water In rooms.
EXPERIENCED watchmaker wants po
sition at once. Y-Z61, journal.
WELL i furnished bed-aittlng room, to
single may or gentleman; occasional:
Otto & Harkson,';
133 H First Bt.
Khnw fre.
Large and small tracts, -v
E. P." Elliott & Co.,
ptrstton Bldg. ' Oregon City. Or,
Wheat Farm
.1500 Acres-
One of the best wheat farms In Ore-
pon; can plow aoove luu acres; rouse,
liarn. watered by never failing springs:
Thoroua-blv exDerienced and compe
tent, wanted In a number of our de
partments: permanent position to the
poU I right persons.
Now I WANTED Two ladies to train for lady
We are taking out and I P,,rcnaaing rums outngni irom til wreauerv ana io g on um rua, i, 11
.....v ...... r - . nk. Amenran ana to international inm man-iweian nut icbo ini. uu iuuu..
sacking ror snipmeni BomB oi "" I Ufacturrs of hia-h arade motion Die- 112 Macleay bldsr.. between 6 and , 7
ftev'i' Ivd&T LAKMMLE Film Service removed from
8eV..ii J oomnlete 214-16 We is Fargo bldg. to over Pan
2iS2?e ar.laCntm with tage. . theatre, 4th and Stark sts. Now
rtn.esl rl 1 1 rfiq fl "Will m tnrOUKll OlHCe. I wa hlVa
...... . . . --..nil I """ " " : --2- "i.u I tanes meai
Mill HM lome (iniliciu iiauc I steam Sna air comproi " l n,lrl.,.,. eilma ootriht from 11
1. ... j ' , . I j, 1 1 1 1. f - I.. Ir In. .Iir DnH I ........ - - - r,-- - -
machine drill.
e.t Conner ore in the sUte, assaying " ?"u.r,
I . . . t a . 1 . .... . . n I I1IIIIB.
rrom iou to nmwi m" yr' "
' . . ...I, v. ... ' PHOTOGRAPH gallery; best gallery In I WANTED Young ladies to study teT-
... ...... - . , . . . nii l . i aiumj ton-it ui ivuv i.iib ouwi Ri.t"7. . 1 " j " " " ..v.. ...... ,
phone and other oonas pougni ana , town, none other in county, good wagrn when competent; day and
sold. C B. Fletcher,, izd ADington omg. cro. this year).. 1300 cash takes evening; classes. Oregon Colrege jf
IF YOu wlft to ouy or sen mininn i mis snap; reason for selling, cnemicai Teiegrapny, bh atn st
stocks, can on J. c rircen, owm i poisoning. Moore i i-noto diuqio, uoi
le. wi
St.. room lit.
i'SSh. -
PnlTDMS attention a cnmnlet nrlnt
S00 acres summer fallow; will be seed-1 nrioMtvn TtntTSFJ? iron KALE 531. Inr office, 6 col. new Diamond press. I ness Ideas.
fall. R.-R. station at the farm. . .. - - -T77, Z TTJwvnjv-i I I0i5 Gordon Jobber. 10 inch
ill sell on easy terms or take prop- ,VT , rnnmm tu ter. .stapler, composing stones, job anq WANTED Experienced hands on lack-
In or near Portland In whole r" w J k . mB.v forrlrht Mrtr tvP' case" na cks' tc-i wl1! ets: must be good seamstresses and
pay. If you are . .Interested In .i,1' hC0? r,JSL Oo- tH?.?r J'S1 understand alterations. Eastern Out-
tieat farming you snouia see US SDOUl "r "IT". ZZtU r nZ.Tri,,.i : I estate, -.aureus news, rarest urovr, jt, fitting Cn. '
i toner irni lviu. w.. i . . . . . . r . . . i .. : -
1 1 I btiu Hh N"H.r. mitininir. ranm. I ... . ...t r.r , . . , -. . -r
..;.- o, V,Vi 1.1 , i wapiicu ouu iBuiKH io ouy sampio
Inaulre 104 Macleay bldg. I .,. tmm . r,,mmav ni..
UI IM auaaa, aa hiwuiimvi w aaawaa. kj.
ed this
this one.
611 Gerllnger Bldg.
. Dairy Farm Snap
80 acres, 15' in cultivation, 20 more
slashed, burned and needed to clover,
good house and barn, fenced, good well
end living water, very rich ' soil, lays
level, family orchard, 10 tons hay, 3
paper cut- J bldg.
A highly remunerative proposition for
laaies who possess bright, aiert, dusi-
cau , room 70Z, oregonian
18CH Washington st rooms
remember, no fake, Hamilton' bldg., 131
1 i sa st room ss.
WANTED A first-class children's
WANTED Railway mall clerks, post-1 nurse: must have references as to
net mrr to Westmoreland see the
a-raat hnma huildina- movement now! J10""'.'
aire. In pototoe ctoS to graded school uWj!l&SS? i tfl Franklin" Institute.
, .iv,n i v,,..a Jkna a it Westmoreland is the place tor your j .,. r xt r v, . J-
milea . to a-ood R. -R. town. 22 miles 1 home. ' 3 . " ' I Hir t- esi..m.l v. .u .n in...
amith of Portland r very cliean at this COLUMBIA IKISI tJt'li-AI, x tC7,"i.rj. " " -v"" a"" ' XIV .i:
- . - - - . . . I TnmA Tnfl. KlrlO I UUUIL 1 UnilDIICU. VU v. , u.iv, u '
nerie. eiarka earriera- aaiarv i860 to' good character and ability:-wages ISO
11600. Examinations in Portland Novem- per month. 780 Hoyt st
Preparation free. write xor i WANTED Wf man with executive abil-
api-I . ity to tattn run charge of anoffice:
good proposition for right, party," Room
j unamners Diag., 200
Alder... near 3d.
price, 12800. only 1-1 cash, balance long
time. " .
' 622 Worcester Bldg.
f taaiiUAM. A Jj4ubb Araonpi Will",
WK HAVE customere every day looking oVenco. Or., via Hillsboro.
Art wAMnnlnM. llAtlA. ...I.II1. Rf N 11111 I .
ior roonunif uuuscn, i . . ' . z. ,qc.
business charTces. List yours with us; I mux w. P'"" ."P"' 5-' !.";
in can sell them oulclc Phone Main 1 mm kohi Vu...a
mio or call Volet ft Lewis. I26H sy. "?a. work:- lessons feaaonao.-.
Washington st. room 204.
62 Washington St.
Jand, 80 NO cleaner, more porfitabTe Investment WA1ftI.It"tnKrefn
! springs can be found on the coast than the L 1100 to start-real ' "yn
l(fx28. 4 poultry business: absolutely protected "plumbla.
i i I C. ..i.t. . Tin na now mil a-et In I 1st., near uoiumms. .
IBS acres, 40 acres -bottom
acres cultivated, water by S
and creek, small orchard, house
rrnimi and Dalnted white: RBill
miles from rostoffice. . 12 - miles from I at the sround floor. Investigate,
Woodburn; 11500. 1 Wah. St.. room 613
WANTED A first class presser for
The Mnrhla Steam Cleaning and
Large sit of land from one acre up. I DECIDING to retire, the best general gvelng Co 766 N. 23d.. cor. unurman.
ill and see ua I M ui 0ina la 1 Phone A-8ZB0.
.. . ! i ji . . -v.'.' ! , , II1KX LimilUMlf UUOHlt.u w ( I .... 1 .
now offered for sale, - Only rarely ars I ANY Intelligent person may earn gwa
such chances had. Stock aireaay vastly income correBpiinaina; im ,iarvi.K
fXm to betwe 16000 and IS000. In- Address Press Correspondence Bureau,
D. K. Bill & Co.,
Masonic Bldg. Oregon City, Or.
400 acres in Washington county, good
8 room house, large bam, milkhouse,
spring water, 70 acres cultivated, 200
acres line timoer, Daiance pasture, tim
ber cruises 9,000,000 feet and Is worth
all 'we ask -for the place. Durana ft
Barrett, 218 Couoh bldg-.
EiSE our list of close to Portland Ore
gon and Washington farm lands.
I-- - 210 Star a at
Vancouver office 711 Main st. ; .
TWENTY acres of land,' all clear, at
Tigardville, 400 per acre. H cash,
balance easy terms, 6 per cent. V-269, ;
Journal. '
quire hastily of H. Marks, Roseburg, Or. Washington. D. C
With growing trade in live town, at sac-
-ia n AnnA V- a 1 , , ' . at
invoice of 13000 to $4000. This is a
bargain. Call at 608 Rothchlld bldg.
WANTED--Partner to explore the most
, . 1 .. .. AUnnuaMJ mmA . fl.M. Of
Alaska; experience unnecessary; have
20 years or practical experience m
South America and Pacific coast mln-
ing region. J.-zou. journal.
Call for booklet descriptive . of that
choice fruit belt 80 miles from Port
land on survey of Mt Hood Electric
rnan; vveaiem jiooti witii oral ji aoit
elevation, etc.; la an' ideal commercla
apple orchard proposition, from which
immense profits realized, as the recent
Hood River's crop , sale attests. For a
limited time prices 130 per acre up. In
tracts rrom io to leu acres, ana set to
trees if desired. Don't delay, but call
now. Vanduyn A Walton, 61S Chamber
of commerce. -
- ... Fruit Lands
SO Miles from Portland In the Hither
' Hood Country. ,
Large and small tracts; prices ranging
rrom fio to fioo per acre; some tracts
on easy terms; one quarter down, bal
ance to sun purcnaser; near Alt Hood
electric survey, and good automobile
road. Our best sales have been to Hood
River people. Come and go with ua
ana we will snow you. Mt. Hood Land
Co.. 711 Bothchlld bldg-. Phone Main
THE owner needs money; 20 acres of
H Jod River fruit land, all under irri
gation ditch; electric railway survey In
front of same; at 1126 an acre, Z-256,
188 Chamber of Commerce.
We bive spent montha examining
all the districts In the interior of Ore
gon, where government homesteads are
nil available, and can save you val
uable time ad money If you will profit
by crur experience. We have taken home
s'eada there eureelvea which we. would
not relinquish for 1 10.004. and can show
vou others equally aa good. Rich, fer
ti.a valley soil, plenty wood, abundance
rood pure water 14 to 16 fet deep, ideal
i t mate, atorea schools, rbarrhea. saw.
n iiia and railroads now under con-:
trutl!n. Call or write.
P e 111 Commercial KMr . i4 A Waeh.
WANTED Good man, with some
money. Tcu will "receive good salary
and large profits. Money absolutely
guaranteed py suuu real eeiaie, v-aii
3ZBi Washington st., room oia
HIV , cylinder 80 h. o. Thomas Fly-
er and a business that will net at
least 15000 a year for sale if taken at
once for 14000; let xne prove this to you.
0-266, Journal. - -
WOOLENS guaranteed not - to shrink;
like mother usea to ao. i-none main
3073. Hand laundry, 262 Sd.
wanted 2, first class carpenters
mahogany and oak finishers. ,1509
Belmont at ,- '
WANTED Drug clerk; give age, ex
perlence, salary wanted. , F. H. Cald-
well & Co.. isewperg, ur.
MONEY MAKER Solicitors wanted;
either sex. Call at 290 V, N. 16th.,
room 11. Call Sunday 9 e, m. to 4 p. m.
- Diamonds, any size; also old gold, (or
caih. 328 Washington st
WANTED Experienced packing house
clerk used to nananng provisions, a.
ft S. Co.. Macadam Hoad and 8eymour.
WANTED A man or woman presser
1.JU.' A.I Tl . 1 a Vk...-ii.
luf jcujc ft a. vi UUIQ u 11.1 L
ting co., zup aa st. ,
SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 use of kitchen If desired; every on-
Ivanlence. Williams. 498 Clar. A-4B49.
TWO nice rooms, each suitable for two,
in privute family; board next door.
uartment Competent
furnished upon application
charge, ysa YamniiL
- m l in invuie iniiniy ,
free Of M. 3746. 193 N. 17th
riirr a...11 tUJt outal,. MAAmaTliU
VAttiit " t J 1 I t, V-L- I aV V WCII 1UIIIIH1ICU WUIOKIO a Wilis VJ
YOUNG lady wishes position as book-1 th d y 0 week . modern, centrally
Keeper; reierencea. -none vvooaiawn located. 164 -West Park. -
For Rent Cheap
Modern l-roomed house, complete, fir. ."
-ptace,. verandan around three ernes
of house; large lawn and (lower -.
garden, over 160 rose bushes, Targe
- shade trees, all In perfect condition; '.:
also large vegetable garden under cul .
' tlvallon, orchard ot ' nearly. 10 trees,
cherries, plums, pears, apple, quince) '
and peach, raspberries and blackber- .
rles, barn and chicken - .house, 11
' .Milwaukee avenue. . Owner leaving; -city
only reason for renting.- For key.
- and further Particulars sddIv
Hartman ' & Thompson, fi :,:
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
mono tixn. zo or a-zosu. - - .
FURNISHED rooms suitable (or one or I WHEN 'you' more you'll need sew (ur. .
- more: bath, phone and heat 226 12th. I nlture. Buv It ludlcloualv and the .
near Salmon. , - I savings will exceed your moving 4.x.
ELEGANT furnished rooms, steam heat I P"""-..-: ' .
i.i ....... i.. i tin .n(1 Our NO-RENT PRICES made ua one
the day; washing, ironing- or hou"B- 112 per month A-6280 " I of the largest furniture houses In-the
cleaning. Call mt li N. 9th st IrF" . . . . . city In less than wo years.
wywn room, auiiauia xor ""- j,ooKers are shown the same courtesy .
tiemen, steam teatea. moaern. reason- I as buyers
ile. 373 Taylor, corner West Park. ' I unnm vatrufuv irTTmcTTTro-n! ' r '
nt.vvi,i rurnisnea rooms, steam neai, i uinna ave., cor. to, Btarg sr.
YOUNG woman wants housework, small
family; no objection to children. M. I
R. Journal. ' . -,.
A NORWEGIAN girl wishes work by
SITUATION wanted bv a stenographer
with 2 vears' experience. . Address 409 I.kiI
tt . v li ,1,4 I
vuuen uius. iriai ii vm
POSITION by young lady from ut,l not nd water; walking distance! East Ankeny,' Montavilla and East Sid
nyLJ.'4l. Jeffersonrcor. 11th
tile business. C-266. Journal.
WANTED-r-Position by experienced ste
nog-rapher; very rapid on Smlth-Pre
mier typewriter.- ' A-aatt, journal.
MIDDLE aged woman wants day work.
. wood lawn 248. .
YOUNG woman would . like work by
hour, day or week. Phone A-6725.
MAN and ; wife :-" want f work, hotel- or
camp. C. A. Hatn, zto Montgomery
st. Main 4469. - - - -
6ne airy front room, in private family;
electric lights, bath. 88 N. 17th. Main
831 12th Fine , rooms newly furnished,
every convenience, splendid location,
I mock rrom il tn ana ntn st. cars-
line cars pass offr door.
TWO newly furnished frpnt room
- separate entrance, , nice baths, gas
light. S71 3d, or. Montgomery.
HOUSES for rent. - cheap; furnished or
not 235 Glbba st
8-ROOM modern house, with gas, eleo
trio lis-ht hot aJr. haatlnar. larrn at
tic, concrete basement, garden, -city
Water! nna block- - tmwn parllna and
666 IRVING One sunny front single schoolhouse; rent 35 per month. "1390
room. 18 Der' month:, one lafger 110. 1 E.Tavlor at., near v.. ioth.
modern, 'walking distance. Main 6389. WHEN yoa .tlnd th, bou,a you will
MODISTS-eAW kinds ladles' tailoring.
caues ana princesses,, reasonaoie
trices, perfect satisfaotioif guaranteed.
94 Hood st Phone A-2Q93,' Main 7566.
WANTED Operators on- overalls, also
beginners, paid while learning. 75
ist st.
WANTED 2" girls at 273ft Burnside st.
shooting gallery. good wages
WANTED A- girl to do llrht house.
work in small family, 287 Morris st.
near wmia-ms avenue.
WANTED 2 -ladies for bhootlns- a-a.1.
lery, 249 1st st 10 to 115 per week.
i,au ai once.
A NUMBER of iadles can find employ-
ment with the Oree-on Citizen.
Henry bldg. '
Diamonds, any size; also old gold for
caan. ma waaningion si.
GIRL or woman to assist in house-
work.. family of 3:. no-objections to
. , . m. - m m. . .. - .
roreigner. zbb unerry St., iiat 4
YOUNG trirl to asslet in houneworlr. An.
ply 63iEast STthst, or phone Tabor
WANTED Woman orugiri fort house-
wora. - jurs, L,avy. 4o wasaington
St.; open until iu p. m. jiam 8su.
GIRL to assist at light housework. 187
N. 16th st. .
YOUNG lady as clerk In candy store.
aweuanq s. za-g Morrison. 1 i
80 acres Irrigated land to trade, price
14000; all fenced and Improved,
miles from railroad on Deschutes river;
will take merchandise, hardware pre
ferred. Box 83. Laifliaw, ur.
WOOLEN guaranteed not to shUnk; like
mother used to do. Phone 1073. Hand
laundry, 162 8d.
WHY Pay 10 cents for what you can
r get for 6 cents? Food best, quantity
greatest Owl Rice Kitchen, 66 4th at
1400 OF YOUR, spare money and an
- hour of your spare time each , week
will add 1Z6 to your montniy income.
See me at once. M. A. A 1 bin. SI 7 WOr-
ce.ier urn r.
CIGAR and confectionery, doing a good
business; cheap If taken today; will
invoice; call and see thla Owner, 227
1st st
I - JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, from 13 to f 5 a day. Phone A-3250.
12-33 Lafayette Bldg.. Washing-ton and
Bixtn ests.
SALE OR TRADE General merchan
dise. gents' furnishing, dry good a.
shoes; 18000 to 14000; 12600 In trade.
balance cash. rt-zo, journal.
WANTED Men to have their shoes harf
soled for 60c. 222 2d st
I HAVE a good location for a good bar
ber. Phone Tabor 1449.
WANTED 1 or 2 men to saw wood by
cord or day. W. li.- Nash, 288 E. 35th.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special membership Y. M. C A.
CHEF headquarters and helpers. CaU-
fornla wine Depot l4 la.
. - FEMALE -.' .. - 29
For graduates last year;, men and Wo
men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn IIS
to 126 weekly; expert instructor; tools
free; write for catalog;. Moler System
Of Colleges. 85 N. 4th st. Portland.
ADD 126 to your salary while emoloved.
1 hour a week and 1400 spare money!
secures tnis; see me at once. M. A.
Albln, 617 Worcester bldg. , -
MAN tailored suits, . coats, skirts, prin
cess dresses: your own material. Elite
L--' lies' Tailors, 641 Washington, near
18th st . . - -
WE have just opened dressmaking par-
iors at oai
Main l77.
2d St.; All work guaranv
--j . T., ,
PLAIN sewing solicited on ladles'
children's clothes.-
Reasonable charges.
70 North, 9th st
NEW parlors. Suits, shirtwaists, etc.,
good work, reasonable. 629 East Mill.
Phone mornings, B-2068.
LADY would like plain- sewing, darning,
mending, by the day. East B687. -
PLAIN sewing. 1133 Stevens. Tabor
633' EVERETT A commodious - front want a nice piano. We rent new pi-
ruuui in up in nam. uu. v.iui uicr anoa a, i ana t per montn; an rent,
Friday and Saturday. -- money later applied toward purchase.
TWO large-front rooms, newly fur- I Sherman Clay ft Co., opposite postofflce.
msnea, su is. loth st, near washing. I in.i us rent your ' vacant houses or
rOOma. We have rellahla tenanta wait.
rooms, . ; modern I i" ,r l7LSuliSclra J" "ovance. tail
213 13th st Nice furnished rooms, mod-,
em conveniences; suitable for two. -
ONE large well furnished attic room,
- separate entrance, suitable for 1 or 2
men; close In; reasonable. Main 7285.
WO outside rooms,. 12.60 and 12.25 re
soectively. well furnished, each suit-
able for 2 gentlemen. - 812 3d st
COZY room In a cosy place, clean and
reasonable, central location. Try ua
The Plaza. 213 3d.
OE newly furnished room, bay wln
dow, fireplace, phone, close in; suit-
giPie tor z gentlemen. pnone m. 7Z86.
house, winter rates 11.60 " up. v .83 I lali'i''lRri,lUy 'SP11 'MencJr
tat at :.,?.... , . I rooms 8-4 Grand Theatre b!T.
TWO' nicely , furnished ' rooms;, also 3 FOR RENT Partially furnished housed
attic rom. "667 Everett st Main 8122. oat of four rooms; electrlo lights;
fiuoa location. w ui taxe part or rent
n carpenter work, Mala 1963. :
FOR RENT 4 rooms; lot 100x100; barn.
Chicken house. Inaulre- Mrs. - Lnve-
green, Arche place, Mt.. Scott car, see
ond house east of Anabell church.
ONTt! or more - acrea hmtaa ho pn nr.
NICELT furnished front room, closer in; j chard, hear school; good for garden.
- gentleman only; private; rent reason- cow, chickens; 110. month. 416 Ore
able. 288 Larrabee. East 4441. ' I gonlan bldg. e
Privntp Fami1vne or w.w ron FOR RENT Seven room modern house,
X-JTlVdlC r sillily rooms, bath -clean freshly tinted;, full lot; large porch!
rooms. Call 36 Hawthorne. East 4127 1087 E. Main, near 87th; two blocks to
LARGE front room, bath, phonej will 1 gar; 22,60, Phone Tabor 651.
give DreaKrast and dinner; furnace FOR RENT Half of store, suitable for
heat. 314 Holladay ave. candy, butcher, employment agency
ROOMS for rent furnished , or unfur-I Of other huslnees. F-265, Journal.
nlshed, 842 E..BtarK st. , FOR RENT Large 6 room house in
FIVE rooms furnished. . close to steel Fulton Park. 1 6 month. Inquire 450
Bridge. - t:ast 4622. ....... i. in ion ave.
A LARGE, comfortably furnished front
room in modern -flat, for srentlemen.
suitable for 2. 422 Jefferson.
FOR RENT 1 nicely "furnished room 1 1 8 Four room house, sink, small sta-
reasonable, on 81st and E. Ellsworth.
ONE large room- for sleeping or house
keeping. 451 E. Yamhill st i " J.
TWO connecting -unfurnished bed rooms,
- suitable for housekeeping; In fine lo
cality. 452 Market St.. near iatn.
A CLEANLY well furnished front room
In a cleanly cottage, every conven
ience. 583 Northrup. cor. 1 6th.
SPLENDID front room, suitable for two
gentlemen, running -water. furnnca
neat, moaern. 4i Harrison, corner 7th,
MAXWELL HALL. , 207 14th, -modern"
rurnisnea -rooms,, single- en suite;
ranslent ' -
SALESMEN 'wanted to take our cash
weekly aelltnr choice' nururv atnek
Outf 1 1 free. Capital City Nursery Co., 1
Daiern, ui.
Hotel Mason IVtttf Zl'ZX
r rrg pnone e.nq patn. - -
ropean and American pian.
ble: conveniences: snaD. Tnnnlra is
Cherry St., Reservoir park, Mt Scott. '
GOOD modern 6 room house, furnished
or unfurnished, near school and street
car. Call 749 Mississippi ave. ,
8 4 room house. 227 Millard ave., 1
block Mount Scott car. . Inquire at
Store. ; . - : '? ' -A
COZY furnished house of 6 rooms,
' modern, close In, west side, carllne.
81 N. 16th St. Inquire 675 Everett.
SMALL cottage and barn, 16.60 per
month; east side. Apply J. Wolf, 565
yraa.,ingiun at.
HOTEL PORTLAND, , European plan j $12 4 rooms, furnished for housekeep- ..rT ,
only: 11. 15 day.
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder.
Ing, gas plate, steel range.
S Main 4529.' -,
618 7th
DESIRABLE front room
cor. Hall, A-6301
walkina- illi
tance. bath,. two carllnea - 414 2d st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, 667 Eve-
- reti. - t-none Main izz.
NICE - furnlahed -room, - furnace heat.
, ,cij .iwiunioie, XM. ZlSl ST.
FINE meat market doing good business
In a town of about 2000 Inhabitants:
must sell .on account of sickness. 214
East 76th St. Montavilla. Or. '.
15000 yearly
Call on or write i about the 120
. r r-rtmeeteed lands nvr earreyor has
t loraied la canlral Onna. Tbea
wl.l ba ef eqaal value of other
fii lamia of tt rortfiweat w ben
irarprrttka la afforded fcr railroads
.ar K.,iMiirg Tea will ls Sueaaed If
k-u da tn wiiH a.
H. -. C(.K ft oo . r
It fnevit Mg
' A i.f - A l,'. laa,4 r ' no .it a
.I- a aHrv 7,-1 T , J-MimaL
AN oDDOrtunitv to earn
to active Man: no chances taken;
some raoneyi required. Cheuvront 11 N.
tth st
TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt sb-
solutely guaranieen, ail oargaina. i
to 6. Northwest Typewriter Co., 120
Ablngton. Main 8870. '
WANTED Neat young man with little
money as partner in line real estate
affiee; experience unnecesaary If Will
ing to learn. Room 110, gwetland bldg.
PLUMma'O ahop for sale. 1400; doing
good bualneaa, worth investigating.
Lewis P. Starr. Washougal, Wash.
THE only original. perfect Russian
oath on racirie cos at. . isomer rani
nd Sherman. Main .411.'
WANTED Partner to invest equal
amount In motion plctare theatre bus
ln. Call 624 Waa hington st
1000 bualneaa cards. 12; 600, 11.21: 100,
Tie. Rose City Prlntery. 112 Id st,
jat aoutH Baker theatre.
LKV O STORE and rnilldiAsa. a ieo a-en-rat
merchandise- stor and hiiildlnrs
at eaTlflce. rr. Ererea-t ComeHus. Or.
RWTAl'RAST do!g a-ood bualneaa and
paying rlear profit f 2 per month.
V-li. J"rr.l. erjhi B-l I SI,
BAKHEK aliop frr rent la auharb; new
tut Apply lea- ttotncBUd Mdg, 4th
arvi W BhlKtrvn -
, I ef- e ft tln-er em t i
. i r r 1 tr' tn that f . .l i
t a iir . t r-JK If i-jrrli.Ml ttASITI
FOR SAI.L Snap; coma eulck. aaw
wi'11; t'enty of goe4 tlcbtr. 416-11
I le-rr T.H -
it i i KHAN grorwr. with living r-m.
f tance for man and wife. Pnose
7 7. .
La:, v
i r
e"hr ri. tti 1 !..
j r "-4 e ii.-y fr
Phone Your "Wants" Today
and Every Day
The Superior "Want Adn
Telephone Service
Of The Journal is unsurpassed.
Anybody who has a telephone
can call op The Journal, ;
And have a fWant Ad" printed
as ordered- Bills for ads will
be sent to owners of telephones
after publication. '
Your Name
In the Tdcphohe Directory
Is Reference Enougli for Us
our ads will appetf inThe Journal the f-ime dar if receivf i at
the office before 11 a. m. They will be properly claifie4, b-o.
'A (ew most' desirable rooms, espe
cially fine during the rainy season:
steam heat private phones, baths, all
night elevator service, free billiard and
pool table and other clubroom accommo
dations, new . furniture, grill room
eaualed bv feV in city: gentlemen of
frood taste wil find here a most home
Ike place. ' 1 '
Corner"Grand and Hawthorne avea.
W. W., W. R.. B. L., a W. P.. or E. 8. L.
tans you to tne opor.
COTTAGE -for rent oa. west side. In
qu!re H. Slnshelmer, 72 84 st, be- .
tween Oak and Pine.
EIGT room house, all modern, electrlo
lighted throughout. 221 - Morris st
Phone Main 1747. A-46B2.. '
! FOR RENT 7 room house and bath; on "
hi. J8tn between Pine and oak. Price
118. Call 128 Id St. Thompson.
FIVE room house, llth near-Hall st,
12, Phone East 5271. - - - r
HIGH CLASS, private, 8 room boarding1
house, clearing 850 over all expenses; '
LARGE front room and board In private jail or part of handsome new furniture.
family.- all modern conveniences, rea
sonable, suitable for two. Phone B
2368. or E. 1240. 105 E. llth st
A ROOM that" Is clean and well fur-
nPahed. board that is aeiectibie;.. mod
ern. 46 TamhnL near 17th st
FURNISHED room suitable for 1 or 3
must be sold at onoe.
404 Clay., Mala
, NEAT I room house and grounds.
Grand ave., near Burnside;- rent only.
110: 6 -rooms rented, furniture cheap:
reasons. Apply 8 Grand ave. North.
Fl'RNITURE of 19 rooms, close Int
low rent; house full; clearing 1161 -per
month. Phone owner. East 1375.
TWO choice rooms, double and single. EIGHT room house for rent furniture
in cnoice inrauon, noma cooxing, iirat
rentlemen. with
115 10th st.
board ; references.
rlasv. 442 Jefferson, near llth.
for sale cheap: all nev: a-ood location
for roomers. Call at once.-II N. llth.
FRONT room auitable for 2, good home I FURNITURE of 10 room houae for sale,
saenrire; must be sold this week. Ill
4th st. half block from city hall.
NEW furniture of I room flat at a bar-
sain if taken at once, lot 6th. A-7041.
268 12th st
cooking., heat phone.
ROOM and board in private boarding
bouse for 4 boys. 47 N. Tth of
KOOM and board In private family;
home com fort a. tlx Morrison st
GOOD large front room with rood .fam-
lly boara Tor i; zt eacn. n n. i7tn.
JEWISH ' young man . of reflnemsnt
wiehes room and board In private
jewih rsmiiy. itm. journal.
FURNISHED apartment 4 room a. com
- plete: finest la city. Prudential Ad
vertising Co., 211 Washington, over
Public Market
THE WESTMINSTER. Ith and Madison
sta; unfurnished 4 room apartment
and single rooms.
aTEVERAL' nice bounekeeptng room a,
verrthlna onvenient ie yard, t
Mor from Waahlogton. 41 N. 14th.
Vain t7. ;
ONK connecting suite .. running wa
ter; alngle ault 111; quiet people; pri
vate family; walking d"ane-. r-J 4th.
lt fbermaa, fowlh Pornaad. II t
week vp. lerta. clean, rjmleNed noviaa
er'rf rw: r rlr. linmirf, V- t h.
TWO rjfei.v fi-reihed hnitfW.r
rooms, front fine ae'gbborAood; . Ill aaa . -:-Tf-a ,i.
cIShHIL-.K -'if ' -ForwiK4 r.ov
ti I rwrna, M and Morrfeoii at
THKiJi f "-.- wrftir.
r.e4 bftuMlMT-'r.!
rra ',v wtr a rvi t,-trM! i.M.
4 it e-e I
K,t .-i , f f --.. ' V- j
- r ' ' r "." V aj J
SEVEN room flat, newly papered and
rutin ted. all moiem, not air rurnacer
take 8 or F car. tl Corbett st -
HOliF.HN 4 room rials. Fhonea and
lisht Included. Call 111 Far st
Pho n e K-I7I9 or M atn 604.
THREE room modern flat reasonable
rent HI BUnton street- Fbone East
M i. -1 -K R N 4 room flat tear J11 and
Waatoinrtoa. west aide, reaaonahje.
f"'! e-nrTl"r a"-1-yeTif y-a. Htln 4"',
KITS t Nom Tat. moira flra r)c,
eoleti-lt- velhtTbood. Jooee Drug
i., i.-ert l ee F Cam
T I K r.v th I ,a L. .rtnt-er 1 waikir g
ij, fyrnace; rer.t 111 14. Io-
jx at
F fV E rrn r----Jre f'' IT1 H 7-a. -ifta
at; rt li Fim1!. Wa'kina A
vr v ;
in -
t r altt fM.,
11 n r i Tvr wt eaarke r
f ;a I ; : Ar. 4:4-11 H-rr fcidg.
' -
V- a . a
I ' t- i
I at T'
fit, r- - o '
. a 1 a t I i ; 4.