The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    Alii- Uia.uUN DAILY OUi.:.'AL. i'UuiLANU, 'iiiUKolAV i-Vi-NlIJU, OCiOHi.K 11, IbuX
Salo Ilanui'cfer's Odd Lot
500 Tpeotry
Table Covers
Itich Coloring's, Hog". 01.7 5
02.00, 02.50, 02.75 Values
,For tomorrow, an unusually attractive offering of 6i0 Tapes
try Tabic Covers,' consisting of a very Special purchase ox an
pad lot at far below real worth. The assortment consists of
an unlimited showing of the newest design in bright, rich col
orings in shades of red, green, brown, tan, etc. They are all
8-4 size and finished with deep knotted fringe. Only one or
two"of 'a kind. Regular $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 n?
values."" All to go at one price, while they; last, Friday
. . .
Volour Flannels, 15c
Quality at 10o
Curtain Swiss, 15o
' Quality ot llo
Spetlal1 tomorrow, a sale of
White Curtafn Swiss, full 3d
Inches wide. Comes in a
wide variety of neat designs
M ' figures art all size dots.
Uur regular 15c line Triced-
for Bargain Friday '
.Special tomorrow, a sale of
; new Vclo'ur Flannels bf full
width, shown in a large va
riety of designs and color
ings in light, medium and
dark shades.; The best 15c
Suality. Priced, for 1A
argain Friday at U , 1 UC
35o Whito Linon Squares at 21o Ea,
Special tomorrow, a sale of White Linen-Finished Hemstitched
Squares, suitable for, pillow shams, centerpieces and .table cov--ers.
. They come full 30 inches "square and are shown in a num
ber of dainty hemstitched designs. Our regular 85c ot
line. ; Priced for Bargain Friday at . , , ". . . . . 1C
Now Idea
All Stylos
and Sizes
Hail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled
Express Prepaid on Orders of 05.00 or Over
Now Idea
Piity Cents'
t Year '
Sale Sion 'Laces
-s-i -Fine Edges tn
(TO 10o to 25o
Jb . Grades
Insertions in
lOo to 25o
Grades ,
50,000 Yards of
the -Most Beauti
ful Edffes and In
sertions on ; Salo
at a Hidiculously
Xott Price Friday
This most extraordinary sale offers an exceptional opportu
nity for economy purchases of durable fine laces of exquisite
beauty. Thousands of yards of; edges, ' with insertions to
match, are shown' here in a full assortment of the new sea
son's best designs. If you are in need of laces for any purpose
in aiy quantity, you cannot afford tp overlook this sale. Reg
ular 10c ' to 25c. ' -;f:-: ' ... -' ; -: ' : ' :;
Zion Laces are priced for this sale at 5o Yd.
ft J,
"I ! ;)!'
I. 'V"Ht,''',','lli,,i-i,!i,i'i - 'jjii-'giij"'"-'4
1 1
I A A,,, ..a I
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiviiiilniiiMii li
I iliUllllLli.AiM.UI WiUll-lU:
inftri fmmil'irfll
if ilU I M lili I 'I
1 , ;
The 516th Great Bargain Friday
: v ; v;;;; at ;' Roberts Bros.' Store
Is a day. dedicated to the economical, prudent, careful l?uyer--he or sheto whom
the saving of money is a matter of importance. ' It means one of two things: The
saving of fully one quarter of the money you arip-now. spending in the goods we
deal in, or the purchase of fully dne quarter more goods without spending any more
money. Bargain Friday may well be termed an"underpriced day' that, is, all
goods advertised for this day's selling are offered at less than regular prices, and
every article , is seasonable and' eminently desirable. Quality and economy are
pleasantly united in your behalf Thus you are assured of the highest satisfaction
and need not fear any unfavorable effects. 1,1
Here Are Tomorrow's Offerings Well Suited to Illustrate the Point
Wool Sweater
Tor Women. Fitted ( ) rl
Styles; in All Sizes ; C )
Best 03.00 Valnesfor
Bargain Friday Salo
I 4 (k. vJ ,
I )
A very important sale of Women's Wool Sweater Coats, a sale
not met with every day. This offering consists of a very.spe
cial purchase at one-third less than real worth. Fine knit
Sweater Coats, shown in fancy weaves, in both fitted .waist
and bo back stylesin colors-navy, Oxford, cardinal and
white; all sizes; regular $3.00 values, specially ff AO
priced for Bargain Friday at....... .......... 01 VO
Ladies' Union Suits
856 Values 50o
A special offering of wom
en's fine, form-fitting Union
Suits, made of . excellent
Juality white . cotton, warm .
leeced lined: erarments in
corfecf fall weight. They
come in all sizes ' and are
splendid values at 85c. Spe
cially Dricecf for Bar-
gain Friday at .... . '. . OJC' '
Women's Uaco Hoio
60o Values 2Go
A.' special offering "of .wom
en's fine Maco Cotton
Stockings ; made , full fash
ioned throughout, with rein
forced heel and ' toe. They
come in - hand-embroidered
silk patterns, in all colors;
regular : 50c . values in ' all
sizes, specially priced o
for Bargain Friday at, uC
BkMMHJ 1 'f"''''',,
Great Special Offering"
; Children's Pajamas, .
Sleeping Garments or
Nisntgowns r "
Begrular 75a Values at
For Display, See Third-Street Window
Now is the ideal time for providing the little tots; with cold
weather raiment. A great display of Children's Night Wear,
consisting: ol - Paiamas, Sleeping . Garments or Nierht Gowns,
made of good, -heavy Quality outing flannel, daisy cloth or
canton flannel, m solid colors ;pmk, -.-blue, whjte or cream;
also neat pink and blue-striped ;r all well made, good full size
and neatly trimmed. ,They come in sizes for children from 2
to 14 years of age ; regular 75c values. Special for A(
Bargain Friday v .r C
Topaoow's Snit Special
Tht Uost .mportant feature of , tomorrow's sale in our Ready-to-Wear Section will be the $15.00
out Jipecial. 4 A limited number at , this price. This offering consists of a Two-Piece Suit with'
long coat and pleated or full gored skirt. A strictly tailored garment of serge and hard-finished
worsted. - In black,' navy, gray and other equally desirable colors in
the new tones. Regular values worth to $22.50 the suit. Special for
Bargain Jfnday at, the suit
1 aClgC dllU UdlU-llUIMICU
$4 Skirts tor $2.95
Skirts of a fine quality worsted panama. Col
ors are black, navy and brown. Pleated and.
full gored 'effects; plain or finished with straps"
of same cloth or satin. Reg. Cht
J4.00 Skirts. Special Friday. . P(tjO
Black Petticoats"
at 98c
Ninety-eight cents is-the price quoted for to-
morrow, baturday you pay l.Zd tor tne same
identical petticoat. Of a good quality sateen
and imitation hcatherbloom in a half dozen dif
ferent styles. t)eep flounces, in plain strapped
effects, some shirred, and with ruf- Q
fle.?Reg. $1.25. Bargain Friday at,..70CJ
Waist Special 88c
A table full of these waists at 88. Waists
that would readily bring $1.25. to $1.50. A big
assortment in materials- and styles. Made of
linene, percale arid dimity in plain white,
stripes,, figures and dots in "various colors.
These waists in several- styles, plain, 4pleated,
tucked And tailored effects; iUb a very pretty
style of sateen in plain black or black and
white checks." Regular $1.25,' andQQ
$1.50 values. Bargain Friday at. .. .QqQ
Wrappers 77c Ea;
A House Wrapper, of fine quality percale, an
exceptionally pretty style. Stripes, . figures
and oolka dots in black, erav. blue and red.
I nese are our regular qa.uu. arm $i.zo
wrappers. Special for tomorrow ....
Wonderful Sale ot Sillxo
Plain Heronles and Vic
tor Tafieta Silks oi Splen- ffi fiA f1
the Best 59o Quality at ;
This Extraordinary low
Price, Bargain Friday
t '
EXTRA SPECIAL A sale of 2500 yards of Plain Hercofes
and Victor Taffeta Silks in chamois finish Silks of splenjdid
weight that will not split, break or slip. Shown in all the
popular new shades for fall and winter browns, greens, -tans,
grays, blues, lavender, pinks, rose, ciel, champagne, lemon,
cream, etc., etc Silks that sell everywhere at 59c V0 -
yard. Priced for Bargain Friday at ............ ...jOC
English Corduroy,
$1 Quality 60o
of 27-inch' English jCorduroy
of extra weight and beauti
ful finish, A very fashion-;
able fabric and one that will
never wear out. Shown, in
shades of brown, castor,
gray, navy, cardinal, wine,
green, black,; etc. ' Best $1.00
quality. Priced for
Bargain Friday at,.. .
Dress Flannels, the
50e Grade 39o
of 36-inch All-Wool Dress 1
Flannels of splendid weight.
Shown in solid colors scar-.
let, wine, cardinal, brown,'. '
green, blue, navy, black and
light, medium and dark. gray.
Best 50c quality. Priced for
Bargain Friday at,
the yard . . . . , . ; v.
Scotch Suitingrsthe
; 75c Grade 40o
of 54-inch Heavy I Scotch
Suitings, "in "neat patterns, in
shades . of , castor - and me
dium,4 light and dark gray.
A very fashionable fabric in
correct weight for fall. One
of. our new 75c lines. Spe
cially priced for one day
! only Bargain Fri- , A
day' .at ....'.. . . . Tflf
it ; v (
Black Fabrics, 75c
to 01 Grades 58c
of. 44 to 46-inch All-Wool
" French Batiste Wool Taf
feta and Nuns Veilings, ' in
black only; finest of foreign
. and domestic weaves, perfect
in color and finish; regular
' 75c .to, $1.00 grades, at our
prices, Bargain ;V "ro
Friday, yard....... ..QQC
5 M
ITarious Topics of General
Interest Will Be Dis
ciifssed. ' .
r- Municipal offlcera and "other Droml-
- sent men are promising their- services
as speakers to the C'lvlo institute to
u ov iibiq in ino now i. . j. a. huui
. torlura November 81 9. The first week's
program will be ready for detailed an-
"nounceipent in a lew days now, on the
day devoted to city government, George
I xtaKer, yrpsiueni vi nv council, will
I ppealc on the "Present Problems of the
f Council." and ' Dr. C li. Chapman, who
I headed the charter ; commission ; some
f months aro, will speak on "The Com
- mission Plan." - -
'- "The commission plan Is still a vital
1 subject, said Lr. Chapman, "and needs
adequate presentation before the people,
fit is not true,. as some have suggested,
' that It has been so thoroughly discussed
ithat people are weary. of It, It has not
j been presented to the general public, or
3 discussed by them, in any thorough
fashion, I shall be very gald of this
opportunity to bring before a general
, meeting,. Jnterted in' ctvio affairs, the
question which is agisting so many
I of our leading cities t the present
r 6n one of the days devoted to child
III,. . 1 t K 1..U..U. .
I has been' arranged. Previous to the visit
Mr, Teuscher will speak on the "Proba
I Hon System.4 and L H. Baker, - who
r tm ill v i i (J v. " J v, .v.i i in.. ii
on Telinquent cnildren.- The vartoui
ors-anlsatlons which care for dependen
children will outline their work very
W'i.i. MMa-it rt ttin arwclttl visit I.
'the court air. leuecner says:
"In some cities the Juvenile court li
, open to the publle and nuob a visit can
i be made at any time. Iut we have for
reome time adopted the policy f ahut-
tlner out the nubile from these cases.
because so many merely curious people
uroppeu in, io wcose gaze we Old not
care to expose the children. The juvenile
court work becomes a fad with some
people. : But we are willing to hold a
special opening session for the Civic
institute because we approve of its pur
pose in diffusing knowledge of our civic
; "Of course, there are certain tiroes
of cases which are never under any
circumstances tried in public.. But
there conte up every, week many cases
wmcn are or interest in snowing conai
tlons in our city, and which we are will
ing to have presented before such an
audience as this will be. 'The judge
will arrange a set of typical cases to
come at tne time wnen tne- civic insti
tute visits us, in-order that is may be
as interesting as possmie.
On the day devoted to jails. W. L.
Parkinson's talk on "My Experience in
Taft and Hitchcock Warn
Arizona to .Bespect Di
vine Right of Interests.
''(United Prets tued Wire.) '
Grand Canyon. Aria.. Oct. 14. Post
master General Hitchcock, who Is trav-
the City Jail" will be followed by an m,a"ieL tint .ffine7 T2,Lk
.h,i... k m -nr.i,in. r I eling with President Taft through Art
Future Cltv Jail." Mr. Watkina la on na. has been In the territory for four
the eommitti rwA t rtrenarinir days, ana tne poiiucians or.ooin partieji
olans for the futufe clt laif and he r8 fever of speculation over the
. . . . " I IDhl
will -take ud with authority the Ques
tion of improvements needed. ''Our
D resent Jail Is not Ideal." said .Mr. Wat-
kins, "though ' I am inclined to believe
It is run about as well as it could be
why and wherefore.
in company with ueiejrate earner on
and two or three others, the postmaster
general nas riaaen norseDacic xrom town
to town, and It is believed by many
that he Is on a tour of Investigation
under the present conditions. We rcog- f . , ??uIt "h e.Ti
ni.e the umA ot .nnth.r 1.11 .nd decide the statehood question.
nlse the need of another Jail, and are
preparing ror. one.
If the postmaster general finds that
Arizona win be in tne Republican cot
aiany of our most active citlxens; who t.hriT'V win
e working for the public good, are "fifc n wavi if greased If
be found among the women, and M"?4?-- ?.w?y?T.u15."?r,Aj
these too. wUl have a place on the vro-1 "y. '"."r'.iL. "44"V.1' ""V"
: r t i. gi r-- ,in a tKii I ,lir lias vuuieiruvvi wiui 1110 itwuiug
woman4. auxlllaV? to the pollci Z?- me" "d Politician, of the ter
rltory that the Democrat, are likely , to
capture the two senators to which the
new state would be entitled, the launch
ing wui certainly not tatte piace next
winter, and perhaps not for several con
gressional winters to come.
, When Hitchcock was asked about hi.
mission In Arizona he changed the sub
ject and talked about ' the weather.
- President Taft Is making the definite
promise to the people of Arizona' that
he wUl do all in his power to secure
statehood for them, bu. la warning them
that they must not frame a constitution
like the Oklahoma instrument. If they
do, he hints, they will cut out an enor
mous amount of trouble for themselves,
It Is believed by some of the busi
ness men With whom Hitchcock ha.
conferred that the postmaster general
is quite - much concerned in discover
ing what sort of a constitution is likely
to oe rramea as ne js over tne probable
political complexion or tne new state.
"The president la quite right in warn.
Ini? the people against .repeating the
Oklahoma constitution," said Dwight
B. Heard, a prominent business man
and Republican of Phoenix, yesterday.
"A very strong element In the territory
is in ravor or state oanK guaranty,
and it Is almost certain that even a
stronger element would Insist on curb
ing the railroad power, in the constl
tution itseir." .
t "Havipff takes year wonderful Casc-
' rcu for three month, and bemg entirety
. Cored of stomach catarrh and drprpma,
X think a word of praise 1 due to
S 'CascarcU' for their wonderful Ctrrr; posi
tion, i bare takes numerous other so-
called remedies tut without avail, and X
find that Caacareu relieve more ia a day
thaa all the others I bare taken wouUia
to8 Mercer 8t, Jersey City, N. J.
FV!t. ISilts.. IVot TuN CVx4
r tcw5 Ke SiclM f.rlp
Ip. ZSr, JOo. Kwc 'HI hi bei. The r.
r year atoorr eeca. aj
ment. will give an address on Pro
tective and . Preventive Work for
Women." ' Mrs. . Baldwin's department
is one which was originally organised
under the xoune women s Christian As
sociation, and which proved Itself cf
such public value that It was taken
over bv the city. It has proved tht
precursor of similar work In Seattle
Tacoma and Bellingham. a fact not
usually known by the residents of this
city. To Portland belongs the credit
of breaking ground In this most 1m-
Dortant department of clvio activity.
Among the other speakers who have
been secared are wiuiam n. neraman.
principal of the east side high school,
who will rive an address'on "The So
Cleanses the System
rial Influences of the Schools" in which I rV,-
he will treat ofthe "extra" things donel iASDClS CCUlS
bv schools about which few people are I .
and lie
tv schools about wmcn lew people erei ..-..
adequately Informed: ili.s .Mary . CXw0 VrCfUSOX0W:
isom. wne win speex or inti . . ..
v'lii . . iiv w ... i v. i. I . .
Kducatlonat Work of Libraries," with I Aptt nwxli rtrre. fn 1 I no reference to the work for chll- I v. .y, w
. . . . , . .i mi. u . ii I . V -
will tell about -Work Under the Child I ttAAXVCtVV&.
Labor Law.'
Best (or MctaMWctx axd.CVii
IX EARLY MOIiyiXGS fQ Ws bnc5ca cjJccU
Vy tke
Fig Syrup Co.
Itor-ause ef making repair, to
the draw, the steel bridge wUl wi
remsln closed to traffle between
the boar. tf 1 :tf and I tomor-
e row and ftatorday morning. f
T.lef''r. ! '"wits the tfrvmt
- Medlord to P.icaa bar Is eon.
-. -. . ... -
Portland division , No.;. 6. Order of
Railway Employes, will meet In general
session Thursday evening, ' October 21.
The annual election and installation" of
officer, who will serve during the en
sulnff year will be a feature of the
meeting. Member, or the order will- be
Honored by tne presence of their su
preme secretary. A Llndsley of San
Francisco, and the supreme treasurer.
pi. a. v eaten, wnose nome is in port
The Order Of Railway Emnlovea en-
roue ita memoer. xrom an branches or
steam and elnctrio railroad service, and
its chief function Is in health and life
protection of Its members. The local
crder has a membership of 1400 and
whs organised four years aro. Local
order, at various points along the Pa
cific coast have been adding to their
membership at tne rate ot about 100 a
Engineer Strauss of Chicago
Appears Before the
Xew Schedule rieasea Wallowa,
(KMrtal M-etrk ta The norsM ,
Wallowa. Or. Oct, 14. The schedule
en the Wallowa branch of the O. K. A
N. has been changed so that the mom-
ng tram arrives in tnm city at ll and
be afternoon train. arrives at 1:4$. roak-
ng it much more convenient for the
puMlo in general than the old schednle.
uwwr .wr.irn tne rooming train arrived
a tne city at :J9 aal the even in a
train amvea at - . Iferd of Hereford.
fVUl Msp' ( The Joeraal
Wallowa. Or.. Oct. 14 O. A. Hunt.-
a well known stockman of this vicinity.
puiTMwfl te entire herd or rerle
rM Herfnrds formerly ewnH hy Frl
;aklii of I Orsnd. Mr. Huntr win
WT.-:V.'r dispose of bis stock catt). snd
vt his time t rnl.lng rriet.rmd
' k. as be eonalder. thrm more pcttflt-
. Engineer Strauss of Chicago, inventor
Of the trunnion bascule draw and
member of one of the best known firms
of engineers In the United States, is In
Portland to interest the city adminis
tration in his invention which he de
sires to place in use on the new Broad
way bridge.
Mr. Strauss carries a small model of
nis bassule with him and at a snectal
meeting of the bridge committees of the
city council and the city executive
board he exDlained the advantasreoua
points or tne trunnion nascuie and
showed how Its adoption would save
money not only on the Initial cost but
in the maintenance expense.
Trie enrineer stated that 14 tmnnlnn
bascules are In operation now and that
11 more are In process of construction
in various parts of the country.
In Chicago where there Is the rrent-
est diversity of tvDes in movable
bridges the trunnion draw, although the
latest develGDment. according ta Mr
Strauss, has found favor with the lead
ing engineers and has been sdopted by
the cltv government. The draw
or mis type in existence is one
wide across the Chicago river.
engineer say. the trunnion bascule can
be operated by two men where the lift
draw requires the attention of three. -Present
aT the meeting were Mayor
simon, uuy Kngmeer Morris, (Jeorge W.
Brown, J. F. O'Shea, H. L. Corbett,
Councilmen , R. E. Menefee. John An
nand, J. T. Kills, li. W. Wallace and
Ueorge W. Bates.
Bend. Or.. Oct. 14 In addition tn i
"heart" central Oretron now has a "hub.
The Journalistic phase of this country's
life has received an impetus in the form
of a new publication. And the new
comer styles itself "The Hub." The
budding town of Redmond, 20 miles
from Bend, on the banks of one of the
Dig irrigation ditches that flow from
the Deschutes, is the home of the new
paper. ,
The Hub made its initial appearance
last weeic - Tnere is every indication for
a bright future for the new paper, as
its chief source of advertising revenue
is said to De tne real estate men. whose
numners rattier outbalance all .others.
This is the sixth parer to enter the
Crook county field.
Prlnevllle. the county seat. In a recent
publicity publication, announced Itself
as tne iieart ot uregon. now that
Redmond comes forward as the ."Hub"
the solving of the Question as to which
town in really the pivotal point waxes
st. joiiks does.not: . v
The plan of the Portland Realty board
to annex St. Johna to Portland before
census will be
1Tlthe taking of the coming cei
I Wlim IM I l i al l mm
used hv tha rhln.n A K k...... iv a sn joiu 11 suu. pro-
Leabo Faction . Alleges Un-
. fairness in Barbers'
Union Election.
(Special Dtapatcb to The Jonrnat
UUwaukee, Wis., Oct. U.-r-T. M. Lea
bo of Portland, th Inaurnnt c.n,t!.
date for president of the International
Barbers union, was defeated by a nar
row margin. The convention .ikImI !h
a feeling of discontent and dissatisfac
tion, ana it is predicted that there will
be a secession of a number of union.
It iS Said that th.1 m.nn. In
the election1 of officers was conducted
will be appealed to the membership of
tne organization. A number h.v. ...
sorted that they would make a demand
for a referendum immediately.
railway and carries UOa trains a dav
The demonstrator nmiiwrnl th. wnr-v
tngs of the bascule draw with others
usea in tnicago and atated that the al
most universal sentiment of engineers
the world over Is in favor of (hi. ivn.
of construction.
The principal argument in favor of
ine trunnion oaacule, an made by Mr.
Strauss. Is thst It Is cheatr to main.
tain and glvea better service than the
lift, the rolling contact, or th. awl..
orww. Ksnv or iae ma in oojertiona fca
maae to toe lirt craw le that It la
operated by cable, which are liable to
at retch, aa no antomatio method of
taKirtr tin tne Slack nas Iwra v.i
provided, he ears, the eudden stretching
oi on rnn vnaiq greatly Increese the
strain on th. other aad n ttil cava. It
to break with disastrous reeulta. Tke
. Vwept Ore aiacare
This terrible ralamltv often hannena
Heeaese a carelms boatman lrrwr tti
rivers wamlnga growing rlppl's and
faster enrreat Natures wamlnaa in
kind. That dall pain or - ache is the
naca warns yot the Kidneys ft. at-
ntlon lr ron wro m rc.r, ratal end-
i Tr-my. er Brtght s eis
i Take Electric Ritters at nnr-m and
s Backache fir sod ail rr Kt 1rl.
Ings rtuna. "After long svffenng f-trt
weak kldners H Itnt terk. 1 1
Ktle wholly ' n fd r. wrte J R.
f" ef hlK lean. Only laeat
tAcredard, Clarta A Ca
posed to the St. Johns cltlsens. aa is
reported to oe tne intention.
Many of the residents and taxpayers
of the suburb are of the opinion that
the freedom of action and Individuality
now possessed are worth muclt more te
the ' town than any possible benefit
that might accrue from becoming part
er t-or liana. t-romment citixena surn
ss C A. Wood. Meyer Hendricks, F. W.
ainnne, ur. aiccnesney. ueorge lli'l
B. F. Horwman. T. i. alonahan and dos
ens of others, while admltttna that t-t.
Johns will in toe natural course ef
events at some future time bnm
part of Portland, are anenlmous In tha
opinion that the time ia not yet ripe fur
ini move.
Thr and many others also ear that
It would be Impossible to secure pmjr
police snd fire protection, a. wHl aa
tne Dwnatrr street llahta sn4 ether
needs er a rapidly arrow .ng section.
The fond for the rell.f f lira It
Kif P was wl todav by a uir-r'f-
tnm er l.i ent t. ter t reman Th
J '-u rr I . Aiiprt.r H. Krr. :Wr.
K jp te sfatefal for tr .".a .r4 ir
t-h. Is no m ta sh f't,. that r.
capar'. ef Hf for t fti;.
"ihav-nt.l ihrun Tte JafT.a.;
la 14 i
Kodol IsToraposed of the
Natural . Acids of the
Healthy Stomach Onlj. It
Jfakes "Weak Stomachs
Strong .
Kodol conUlns, In llootd form, aJI cf
Natures natural l.rmmia, and nui,
Such aa pepsin, ranfreatln, f j dro. h ir
C acid and aromjtic limtcav ( hui .
ahllng It at vero te d'r"M ev.rv
ticle ef food with whli t It rnrnrn I i
eontact- A taMesnoonful of K ivi, I f .
r8 14 peuRde of f.t A i i
Kol.iI digcets (wHiaita ef f-l -
It make aa d I f f r-n-e w 'at k 1 . '
food It ouv t-K'lfl Hl l-..-t i
and w hr thre la frffrt rt'r-.; -i 1
the smrrah. i e-.ii . . .. a - -
fort snd .Mi!(i iiunw li. A i
kallh v '. I . .a trrwo... ran a . .
t i.ar4 to y-.r". .t.-n.). 1 v m".
l't ir a tv-i t of K- t"I I . -tlr
rii ,-.f It B' w -.1 i ,
4 net h.a to K I . -.
li ei tr !- it
h. r1 . If r f
i",Cl ' t . . . i -i i
I i o K
C ' t".