The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1909, Page 19, Image 19

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It, 1
ion nai.i; KiJAh i si ai i: ju
View -
The Better Bay
Ocean Resort
, on Tillamook
' .I
. ',''
Easy Payments ;
J. W. Ferguson, Jr. ;
505 Boardof Trade BIdg.
A Fine City Home
Lnt37xtS, wltli 4 rooms and hath
. and jianliy, w n1 full haaoiiient; a
how, mi Icily M.xlorii liounrt ami a
beautiful lot, , tli.n lo t'nion eve,
tnl KlllliiHaworlli. I Mn ka to rr; .
$le(iO; $400 1'hhIi and balance
monthly or yeari at irr cwit.
Lot 40x66, with fine mo1rn 4
, room bungalow, baseim-nt, 4
, blocks to cur. -6 ml nil ten1 r Mo. la
tare; $950; $500 cash, lerma.
V No". 15J 60xl0o, S Mocks from
W. W. car. 4 Itirge rooms, pantry,.'
bath, toilet. -'i'lila-ta a fine HUie
, home; 11950.
No. 164 100100, a flna corner,
S room limine and amatt barn,
.wondhousn Hi!!, ainalt fruits, all
fncnl with wlr netting: house
all plastered and painted; 4 blocks
, from good i-r servle. Thl la a
'. frood buy and very chenp: $1700.
caah. lfyou .don't find tt hero,
coma tn. , ,
XEYcrctt' &-"jcLcoa';":
Room 517 Rothchild Bfclg
ion nam: 2u.11. 1 m un iu
Win tou my .
A rood thin v. hen you ret a ilianra?
Curm-r hit, ll'illl giadcd ttela, Hull
Hun water;1 $:' down. $ prr Inulillt will
handle this. Price $bo.
.-S. Ctcesman '
107 Villa Ave. . . Phona Tabor !,
I rooma, corner and a beauty 812.500
T rooms, a 00 rear on B. oar..811000
T rooms, Inside lot, fin locality SS50O
... :4
60x100 cornar, fine, house..... -SS50O
Chapin & Herlow
832 Chamber of Commerce,
4 " " " j- - -v- - ' . . -v .',
(All Improvements In. Lot ,1a level
and in good neighborhood. $2600,
.Buv My 8 RooVn House
'-,' it GOES -AT, A BARGAIN.
1 1 have left the city and am now
.living; on my farm; I have within
.: the city limits of Portland an elo-. -aant
new 8 room houae, corner
lot, 87x100, .nice . lawn . and &0 . .
.. strawberry plants act out, con- -
, crote walks all around the houae; '
this Is one of the beat built houses
In Portland. - I built it for my
home; IF has full alia concrete
basement; atatlonary tubs, double
floors, 2 tolleps, porcelain bath ,
' and wash basin, wood lift, closets, ,' -pantry,
t porches and - 8 large
halls, 8 nice rooms and large at--,
tlo; It Is-plastered, tinted, elec
tric lights . witt) costly fixtures; '
only 2 blocks from carllne;
have authorised - Hargrove 'and .
Sons, at 113 H th at. norths cor-,
ner 6th and Gllsan, to make me '
a quick sale at 13000, and In
structed , thorn to make good
terms to the right party; see '
them at once. :
$llHOUSB tllRO. i
:. - 3S0-JX)WN-.360.
-; . $io. -.-
A Month . . .
Until cald for. S. W. corner east 22d
and Pacific with a good substantial 4
room house, concrete walk, on 22d st
to Sandy boulevard, where new carllne
will soon be. running. TakA Rose City
' A Dandy Buncralow '
8 .riMima and hiill; Ultte bathroom.
bt-Mined cellliiKM, rhlim uluart, 1 linen
clnn-t, tiaiiKled dlnliiK rooin, reinetit
basaniont. cjnent floor, 1uuli1e walla
and floors, toinrnt laumlry irays. kns
and tlei'trtcity. flxturt-a In, eornrr lot:
a hnrgaln. as. owner Is anxious to soli;
$!650, torma $350 caah. l.tilani'a fli er
month, 4 per cent Interest. ' .
, Hawthorne Realty Co. T
Corner K. S4th and Hawthorne ave.
Tabor 61.
It)lt H M L ULAL 1 ilAli; la
l'inc Home Near Hawthorne
lar wll arrassc-d lunina, all. Una"
dxia ltlarii arlci.and imll. unr-U-i
llllltllS I.M.IU, Hl.o t. lff. l, jMlt. U kliclll II,
f r ..ii t and l a ...r. Ii, kfi Inn porch,
flue tmtli. dutil'le wlla an. I fi.M.ia. llt-d
f. f (I'l'i.u r, ! i -1 1 1 dika and atr.a
aroun.l liiitiae, fluo rll..n. bull. ling rr-
k rl.-llnnx; (I, la la a f.aignlii fur in
onit d"lln a well built li.nn-: I J:' ii
ttiin 7iiU rauli, baltii'o iii.uitlily. W
Invite ymr to ini"v.t this thoroiiKhly,
Hawthorne Realty Co.
Corner K. Itth and Hawihnrrra ave.
Tabor 614.
Kilt NAIX i-ICl.AL I si All; 10 J
CCKin irliu liuinni on easy
' tnrma lolt Ii.,.irdof Trad
AfItlllGr ' 57
of fsrnn, acreage and lota
pear carllne.
Nice fi
Schoolcy & Cadcll
tOt Main St., Oregon City. Or.
riioiics .Main III, A
$42O0- room modern liouse. built fpVnnt ; eny U rms.
I years ago. splendid view of river anl; wOL'NT noun LiK
city. I blocks from school, H, blocks . xV.Vn ssio
from rarllno, flue district; 'owner leay-J . ; '" ..fZ,.
Save $250
Owner conip-l led to move away, offers
nia s room liouaa near 1'tnon ave.. run
Acreage '
An exrclleru oii tunlty to get
.In aiirad f i)velupinnt la of-
fered In
Columbift County
, . Acreage
; $20 Per Acre and Up
.W ithin one hour' ride of Port
land, doll thul will produce In
an abuiKlani'B. near a good mar
ket. trunaiurtatl!i by rnll or
water. ' tor further particulars,
write or call on us, . t
Columbia County Invest
ment Co.' v '
101 1 Board of Trade, 4th and
Oak bis.
i:t if m;i; Mist.
OH 'hU.U'" OI,t .M.V
l n h i
PiUN'l'IMI to exchnnga for .mtln
alilnifllng, t-ari'mtrriiiK, cuiicut or
ether wora. O-Vd. Journal
h m a a 3
t. -
ilaV. I
I Villi llt'lkl 1 V V tiiir ,ti.-ti'l- V l-il
PKI.I, OH Tit AUK- 1.IHT.W ITIf T rt. . 4''00 4(1 acres, 24 nitb-a fr..,.,
v'K tlKT ItKHHL'l rl. V AltI itKl.TV '1 't and b..l l.iu.i.i hi
1NV. CO. 105 AUINU'IUN . UlUHl.t" I ltrae couniy. I mil. tnni I
main i7o;
Wan ffc! o or two
rraldoiica aialrlct fr
lots In
lowest caah rirlce: Irvlnitun preferred.
i-jUS, Journal. -
V AS Vt.l To exi-lutnae t'4ii Indualriiil
tM-k In Portland cointmny for wiuity
small caati
Globe Broka'ge Co.
404 Marouam bids. A-4IK.
For amnll or lnro furnia, see us. We
in city and must sacrlfleef part cash.
203 iienry piag. , ,
'A new 6 room cottaire. bungalow
style;, full cement baaement; double
floor, lurge attic, wood lift, cloauts,
pantry. Urge, china ' ctiplHiard. bath,
toilet, lavatory, tank, sink, double waxh
traya. gas. wired, fixtures up, lights in,
wood fiber plaster, two porclu-s, ce
ment stens and walks' around house
nd to cars, lawn seeded; close to good
school; 2.t0, 1500 down. $16 a month.
h,vV, ,en interest. 47 Ii 41st St.. 7 room house, full lot, eleetrio lights,
1W blocks hortb from V-R carllne. No basement, bath. 2 blocks from car- price
lot, fine lawn, fruit and flowers; coat
in February: will accept smsii
basement, furnace, hot water, hath, gaa. j have anything In the way of land that a
liinil i:ui, wjall, ,
1 lt acres, xtra fine farm; 100 acres
In In It', i atnte or cultivation; fine house
mid barn and one of the finest orchards
In tho .country. No better or finer
onuntry home in the west; M6 per acre.
As : You Wish
Do you want to be your Own bosa
and have a home that will keep you, or
will you -slavo. overv day to keep your
bom? We can sell you from 9 acres
to 3 acres, only It miles from Portland,
on It II., for $360 per acre, of the finest
land that ever was known for fruit or
any kind of crom easyterms. Call and
Lwe will shew you. We will go with you
to sen tun nina.
- 404 Marquam- bldg. A-4N16.
The Best Bargains Ever y
1 Offered .
New, modern 4 -room cottage, 20th and
Alberta. $1860, terms, .
New 6-room modtn-n bungalow, near
Alberta and Union ave., 13300, $500
cash. J
7 -room modern residence on Manhat
tan and fnlon ave., $3300, terms. Call
QS Manhattan or phone Woodlawn 1749.
Ill auliurhun lot a
difference. V-250
U A"NTKlJi--I'rm
ownera on
elrutt line, riiuao lota, on Installments.
M-26, Joiirnal. i
VVA NTl:! I a-r In Itennonlo Heights;
will pay $600; p-163, Journal.
n mii'i; z air In lino aiata
Ii culllvatl..n. aavnal acrra mi i n
rl vrry raaily cli-arrd, all levrl, on
M main i-mitity ioa.1, in-or a hm.t,
8 flna liH-atlun, It-vel gravid road
H Portland, 1 aerra liiarlng orrliard,
H t aa'rra timber, new rixim It. man.
hi fair barn, tam. . m-w wagnti, bar
ti iicaa, alt fmni luipli-inimta, I ewa.
rl 76 Chii kiiia. !!d tons ha v. a. una
Mount ! 2 grain, a a'-rva spuda; all cioi'S,
tt " .
WhyJPay Rent?
FIVPJ ROOM 'COTTAdtS, bath, 'toilet,
cement basement; ft blocks to
- car barns.'- .' '
$2600. - ' '
280 CASir $25, PER MONTH,
Board of Trade bldg.. 84 4th st
$1360. $300 down. 711 Rothchild bldg.
Phone Main 3510.
Bungalow, $150 Down
Pretty bungalow home, located close
in, Hawthorne ave. district, near car
I line, good service; modern convenience
l throuirhout: full basement and attic.
Price $3260: $150 cash, $16 monthly..
1 420 Swetland Bldg. Main U61, A-2482
Choice Mt. Tabor Lots
$300 lots M $130
If taken this week, water level,
We have the choicest Mount Tabor fina fir treea. 80 feet to macadamized
lots, situated near the Laurelhurst street. This Is the best little specula
tract, and are going to close them out I Hon buv in Portland today. Parties
!,at a very low price. Street and otner lars 626 Henry bldg.
Close to Electric Railway
Buy Improved Willamette valley land
close to Portland, double your money
soon. A little cash, long time on bal
ance, will handle 10 perfect acres of
my foothill fruit land, all cleared, under
cultivation, rich, deep soli, smooth sur
face, gradual rolUng, perfect drainage,
only 24 miles from Portland, In the fer
tile and highly developed Sprlngbrook
Newberg district, Yamhill county. T
261, Journal.
car to 2th ind Sand v hi Ward, in I improvements are going on M wm do
'. 7 - - . . : r - - : ' . rnmn tnl in
west to 23d st Number of house, 734
rtciiio st Then aee .-.
Frank L. McGuire
618 Board of Trade.
for Three Years
We will sell choice residence lots at
University Park without any cash pay
ment on the purchase price for three
years to tnose who will bulla modern
cottages or homes. Monev to loan to
homebullders. No commission to agents
on these terms. ' . -
Francis T. McKenna,
617 Commercial Block. '
one vear. All lots are
large siie. 15 minutes' ride from cen
ter of city, asy terms, come ana
see us.
1 . ; 248 Washington Bt.
$800 NEW BUNGALOW r- $300
Fireplace, TINTED WALLS; Electric
. rlAiilnba Auu l.V.
I.tOn rJAKII. 1215 ner month.
Board of Trade Wdg., 84 4th st
in & Herlow
332 Ch. of Com,
How would you like a nice 6 room
bungalow, on a large corner lot 60x125
Teet. ail fenced: almost new; batn-
room, combination fixtures, woodshed,
large attic, tinted walls, assorted fruit
trees. Price SZS50. SI&O down, balance
30 per montn, one oiocg rrom rariino,
on E. Yamhill st.;. best car service in
city. Charles H. Thompson, owner, 128
Sd St. ,
60x113. level: ' east front; PAVED
.': All Improvements PAID.
- ' : Only $1560, half cash.
Board of Trade bldg.. 84 4th st.
New, eosy, fine plumbing, full lot, al
ley, native" treei .Alberta; only .$1200.
880 East Washington. East 1115. B-1487.
100x76 foot lot and 9 room house, oor-
ner Holladay ava and E. 2d st, busi
ness block In near future, good location
for apartment house, investigate this;
price $16,000. terms. '
250 ',4 Alder st.
Chicken Ranch
6 2-S acres, 8 miles east on. electric line,
10c fare, hourly service, house 16x24,
two large chicken houses, brooders, etc
Only $3600.
603 McKay bldg.
WANTING farms or acreage? We have
them alt prices, sires and locations.
Terms to suit; got some choice city
property, small payments down; fine
buy in 7 acres close in, well improved,
4 room house, other buildings, $1300.
102H 3d St.
Best 54-Acrc Buy Near
64 acres, over 40 acres In a high
state of cultivation, balance easy
clearing: good 7 room house, t
large barns, all kinds, of out
buildings; t ' acres orchard of
choice varieties, lots of berries.
This farm Is in thef choicest
farming section adjacent to the
city, only miles city limits,
right at stores, schools, churches,
etc.: has telephone, milk route, R.
F. D., on Uvo public roads. The
land Is a dark loam, exceedingly '
rich and f re of. gravel; the house
and barn located so that it Is
never wet or muddy around the
premises, and affords a beauti
tiut view;. nice strong, never full
ing Spring of pure water right at
the bouse, piped to the barn lot
for the stock.. Personal property:
3 horses, 1 colt 3 milch cows, I
yearling. 3 hogs, 130 chickens,
wagon, harness, hay rake,
rlows. t cultivators. 2 harrows,
8 tons hay, 800 bushels oats, 60
bushels wheat, and you will get
t acres of spuds If you buy be-,
fore they are dug and marketed.
Everything goes for $7600; about
$4000 cash, balance 6 per cent.
We have known this place for a
long time, and guarantee every
Uiing as advertised, and if you
wish to dairy, raise spuds, fruit,
hay, grain, or anything that
grows In this climate, buy this
place, s It would be a bargain at
$10,000. Go see for yourself.
Hargrove & Sons
113H 6th St N.. Cor. Gllsan.
7 acres, improved, orchard, house,
barns, chicken houses, on . carllne, t
miles east of Portland. $7000. Terms.
This Is a snap and think how close in.
Main 7498. A-7650. 606 Board of Trade.
All In lawn and fruit; good 7 room
$2350 buvs a 6 room house with mod
ern improvements, cement basement and I
hIMr will, : . . .. , I
$375 buys a lot 25x100. Both prop- house, nice barn, hen" house, 10 minutes
erties in East Portland Heights, and from Hawthorne car; lots near selling
must be sold this week. They are bar- for $500. Tabor Z25 or Mam Bbio.
Henry Bidg.. 4th and Oak.
.Look Here
Almost given away in, order to make a
quick sale; house ana lot only isvo; au
fumlslted, ready for housekeeping; $60
easily balance $10 per month. Inquire
of owner at moat market, Kern Park.
Take Mt. Scott car.
leave citv. . '
$1400. $6B5 CASH.
Board of Trade bldg.. 84 4 th St
If You Are Looking for
Close In acreage ' er small, well 1m-
f.roved farms, af low price and on most
Iberal terms see me, I handle my
own properties.
Good 6 room house on G rover st,
wallrlna- .llgtnnraf a harirftln at 32000.
Owner, going to $500 cash, $20 per. month; beats paying
rent; It won't last long.
10 acres of fine fruit land at Beaver
ton, mile from station. This will
go at $175 per acre if taken at once;
investigate this.
Telephone Main 7681.
,,,Your Opportunity.
Near Estacada, your; own choice over
several hundred acres In 20 acre tracts,
$800 each; very easy terms 224 Lumber
Exchange bldg. ...
' r.Ai BARGAIN. . .,
5 acres at Courtney station, only 20
minute ride from Portland. Only, $1400,
This is a snap. , X;M. Kerr;p Co.,25!l
n omujBi.(-. ivmii. -ji- ;.?;,;
17 ACRES, all cleared,' most, fine or
chard land, fffrne beaverdam, close to
station: also S acres most bearing or
chard. A. F. Frewing.. ODnosite school-
817 Board of Tmde Bldg" 4th and Oak, j fegy JKra station, Oregon Electric.
100x106, improved streets ,eto., three
JUST think, $350 for a 6 acre tract 1?
miles from Portland, near carline, on
Need Money!
Must e 11 this weejt, corner lot, 100
100, Improvements all In and bonded, on
17th Kt., in beautiful Irvington; this is
a fine view lot, convenient to cars and
some one will get a snap as I must let
go; $1600 cash, balance on your own
time, xjwner. '-fnone juast bit:
: . :;.Som fit Tabor
, Two Large Lots 63x184
Must b4 sold this week for $875 cash
to satisfy a mortgage; same ground ad
joining sold for J16U0;' best-speculative
buy in Portland.
626 Henry bldg. 4th and Oak.
J. O. Elrod
620 Corbett Bldg.
This Is an Unusual Buy
$2600 bungalow of 5 rooms and den,
new, modern in every respect, next to
corner and on E. 22d et, 1 block to Car;
you don't get a chance often to buy a
house like this so close in,, and this
wont last long. Better call' early. W,
Aiain ieo, or ima ana unnxon.
flellwood 49. . H-13
Verv Fancv Bungalow
One half bloc to Hawthornecar.. 1H
story new 6 room bungalow, full base
ment, cemapt floor, paneled dining room,
oen. juicn Kiicnen, tziioi; zou casn,
$16 per month. W. M. Conklln St Co.,
407 Wells Fargo bldg. Main 3869, A
1747, or 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor
K06. 8-4
$325 Per Lot
$50 down and $10 a month will buy
a lot in an ideal location, Deautiruj
a'nd sightly, fine view of city, 2 blocks
from the W'averleigh-Woodstopk car
line. . Room 613 Henry bldg., 4th and
uex sts. , , .
FOR SALE, by owner, strictly modern
bungalow; large grounds, trees and
shrubbery; fine location. This, place
goes at a bargain ir eota soon.' f or
particulars see owner ' at house, 30 E.
61st st., N., on west slope of Mount
yaoor, or pnone xapor my.
The Best Offer Ever $2000 buys my
A room hitnralow. 2 lots, mission and
mahogahy furniture, everything modern:
better see this; terms on $1600. 1084
East 25th N.. half block "A" car.
Fine Flat Site
FINE 620 acre eastern Oregon wheat
and alfalfa ranch, "good 10 roorh
house, big barn, fenced; all farm im
plements and stock go with it; mile
of R. R. station. . school.- church and
stores. Will take stock of merchandise
as part payment Price $14,000. Brong.
Steele Co., 110 2d st. i
FOR SALE, by owner, strictly modern
bungalow; large grounds, free from
shrubbery, fine location. This place
goes at a bargain if sold soon. For.
particulars see owner at house, 30 E.
61st st, N.; on west slope of ' Mount
Tabor, or phone Tabor 1089.
$350 Heights Lot $350
' 60x100 lot near car. Including all Im
provements, : with an unsurpassed view
of the mountains.. This la on the west
aide, only 16 minutes' ride by car;
tarrna. Act quick.
Frank L. McGuire
" " -' $18 Board of Trade.
- 8 Room House 5 ; -
East Taylor at., rr'ce $2400. Street im
provements paid; lot 43x142; fruit trees
in rear, or will exchange for small Im
proved acreage on electric line close in
at rock bottom value. - ,
f . 502 McKay Bldg. Third and Stark.
A BARGAIN S i "room new house, full
basement; on carllne, modern, hit 40x
107. Price $1350; $300 caah. balance to
suit- at 6 per cent.
16 Hamilton bldg.
v.- Will Sacrifice
Beautiful, - new modern J-room bunga
low on Manhattan street, near Union
avenue. Call 405 Manhattan or phone
Woodlawn 1748. Woodlawn or Williams
ave. cars to Manhattan.
'IVK room bungalow lot 80x100. on
east side; $1800. $200 -'cash, balance
monthly. Worklngman, if you want a
homo and to stop paying rent, look
618 Beard of Trade bldg.
ONLY $37.60 CASH I Cl... ln .not Ma- lanlv- nnthtnc
- nm uuy donjuo jevei tuu rasi iruim wior nniv xzinn- tprm nurrv.
graded street city water,; not way out MEIKLEJOHN.
buV near good carllne and 10 mln.rido agg E. Wash. East 1115, B-1487.
?r A lailce 5Fl.:if;i2' . ST. JOHNS BARGAIN.
"i",.t.iv 7 I""-,""'''riB"nut- lOOxillV,. business. St. Johns nronef
ftl-t quic-K. Pio Kuiugiuu mug. , - "ho. hln n,.tU- flnlv 9SnO-
house,.1 "InconT. $50 S month? $2500 I ""JX- W,-Bracy. 15 Hamil-
nrnn am i : .
Main 7498, A-7650. 508 Board of Trade.
For a Few Days Only
105 acres, all fine land and In
full state of cultivation, 2H miles
from Albany; small house and
good barn 40x80, good hay barn,
17 head of cattle, 1. walking plow,
1 disc plow, i sulky plow, 3 sec-"
tion harrow, 2 wagons, potato
digger End planter, 1 dlso pulver
izer, 1 cream separator, 500 bush
els oats, hay for the winter, 1
nearly new McCormlck binder and
large grain drill. This is an Idepf
farm and is only on the market
for a few days. ' Terms,' $3000
cash and 3 to 6 years at 6 per
cent; $95 per acre. We have fine
wheat farms in the eastern part
of the state, and In the Willam
ette valley. Some' fine dairy
ranches running as high as 1800
acres, and well watered and on :
R. R., and lots of good farm
land on each. Keep your eye open
for our ad in next Sunday's Jour
nal and Oregonian. Wo have fine
city property and cheap homes on
.Everett. & IHcLcod
Room 517 Rothchild 'Bldg.
H - .7.,. .
8 $5000- IA acres, 1 mile from
w town, on the Columbia, river, all H
S fenced and beat of antl; 6 actoa S
U I. .a ....i.i i .j
am I ' ,iiiw piaif ui riuiivaii.iii ftiw n
l IH from atunioa. family orchard. 1 h
H story, room rustic houaa, bath, S
H water piped Into houae and bain, :
H fine chicken park, good team, t rl
K yrs old. IT head cattle. 7 plgn, K
rl poultry, ate, wagon, harness and i
H all kinds of farm Implements and 8
H machinery; terms.'. r
H . . 8
rl 1534 acres, 4 miles front Wash- U
H otigal, Clarke county, 100 acres In d
H fine state of cultivation, S.oou.Oni) h
H feet of good saw limber, riear aaw- 8
H mill; 6 acres bearing orchard, moat-
H ly apples; small creek. 3 good H
H jtprlnga: water In house, new T room 8
H tuatlc hoifse; 3 large barns on B
S new. This land Is nnarly alt level, S
a very best of black soil, no rock or r
8 gravel, on main county road, it F. B
H D. and telephone, near school and
8 church, fine location; personal prop- S
S erty t cows, - 11 goata, 4 doxen 8
H chickens, 15 tons hay, 100 him In-la 8'
8 oats, 25 bushels wheat. 2 waaotia, 8
8 one new hay press, new hack, mow- 8
H er, rake, disc, all farm Implements, rl
8 Price, Including all personal prop- S
8 erty. 390 nr acre: terms $3I09chhIi. 8
8 balance 6 years at 6 per vent This B
H is one oi tne best buys in ctarita e
8 county, guaranteed a advertised. 8
8 .-. 8
8 $6500 80 acres, 3 mill's from S
8 Canby, 20 miles from Portland, 23 8
8 acres In cultivation; several more 8
8 acres nearly cleared, family or- 8
8 chard, 60 acres level, - balance 8
8 slightly rolling, new S room house, S
8 modern 24x40: new barn, very best 8
8 of sol), flna location, near school. 8
8 team worth $600; 1 colt. 6 cows, 4 8
8 calves, 13 hogs, .2 wagons, buggy, S
8 harness, food 'chopper, separator; S
8 all farm implements: terms,- Vi 8
8 cash, balance i per cent , , 8
8 - ' 8
8 $2400 IS acres, H miles from S
8 Portland, U mile from good town S
8 on 8. P., H in fine state Of cultl- S
8 vatlon, balance very easily cleared; S
8 SSb acre orchard, moatly apples. 4 8
8 room house, good barn, chicken 8
S house and park, good well at door: S
8 land all level, all fenced and cross 8
5 fenced, very best of soil, fine loca- 8
6 tion; a snap. ... ...'-. ' 8
s :' - '- 8
8 40 acres. miles from Camas, 8
8 easily cleared, large spring, fine 8
8 fruit land, gentle slope. Price, 8
8 $800 cash. 8
8 " ' ' 8
8 $0 acres, 2 miles from Camas, 8
8 unimproved land, fine agricultural S
S land. Prlca $800. i 8
8 205 Gerlinger Bldg., Cor. 2d and 8
8 Alder. Office, Main 8430; real- 8
S dence, Woodlawn 2163. Portland. 8
S 8
325 Acres
FOR BALE 300 ACRES, 5,000,000 FT.
$10 cash, ''la month, 2 acres, $825.;
electric line, fine soil. Angeles TruA
co., wasnington st.f room 417.
FOR SALE I acre In, Bensonlo, Height
rrziii, onrnai.
Some Good Farm Buys
40 acres 11 miles of city, 7 acres fine
orchard, 1 acre small fruit, new 7 room
house, barn, on fine graveled road. 6
miles from electric, and 3 miles steam
rond; mile country town, and will
sell for $7500; terms.
205 acres 6 miles of good town on
R. R.. 135 In cultivation, well watered,
orchard and lots of small fruit, 6 room
house. 2 good barns, school Ii mile.
store Hi miles, phone, mail and cream
route, 2 horses, 5 cows,. 20 goats,' some
hogs, chickens, Li ml or, wagon, plow
and all other tools with tho place be
sides hay, potatoes and 500 bushels of
grain; all for $40 per acre, good terms.
Wo. also have lota of other farms to
"' : 1 ' cash:
Under value. 76x100 In Piedmont SELLERS REALTY CO..
north one block from unloa ave., fine Main 7498. A-T630. 606 Board of Trade.
view, east front; owner has instructed
us to ' sen at $1145. sea. us lor terms.
Poulsen-Ratcliffe Realty Co., 320 Lura
bermens bldg., 6th and Stark.
CHOICE Alberta property our specialty;
some exceptionally 'fine bargains are
now being offered. Call us up and let
us tell you about them. Elliott Realty
Co., E. 30th and Alberta sta. phone
woodlawn zans.
4 beautiful lots In Kenton, near new
hank on carlino. - These will go quick.
t'nee lltim; terms,
Tel. Main 7581.
lnf T wilt noil for 110 ner month
with interest; Improvements in and paid
for; full lot; alley; nice home on eaon
side; 150 feet from, car, ; D-246. Journal.
2 blocks from P. O.. 1 block from
depot; lots 50x100; will sell or trade
for anything of value. Will pay cash
difference If necessary. 16 N. 5th St.
OREGON and Washington property for select from? Come in and Vee Tis Lin
eastern' states property: Minnesota. J clt-i";h. V.In "i1 "ee.V?" ,n.
Dakota, etc., property for Oregon, Wash Wa"hlnal on , it '
lngton and California property; city v " " 8t- i- ;
property for farm; farms for business Uroit Trrrnin
and city property.- For.-trade of any) "uuui
kind, write or call on the
4i rtenry bldg.
16 Acres
Choice piece of land, fronts on main
thoroughfare, only S miles out from the
KLltbcultivtLtlo above 100 choice bearing
rows of loganberries, raspberries, some
Trades! Trades! Trades!
We are tradlnr all the time and
kinds of properiy. If you have any: . ' in. .tr.whiZ haSi;
thin- vou want to trado nail and talk I apPle ,-re.e8- f oe strawberry bed, long
. . . 1 . ' - 7..
with Anderson,
deal every time The GlobS I Kooscberries currants and grapes; nlo
Co 404 IftaMuamhlda ASis S "arden' lfood 7-room house, all plas
i-.o., m xwarquam mag. A-8tt. .. holl i.tH ,.niaa r.n,..
THREE new room bungirlows, in a
....... nl,-.lnA inn.llli, n I I. n ....... 1.1 .
thorouahly -modern: terms to suit: will
sejl whole or in pnrt. call or phone,'
0 Swetland bdlg.
Genuine Bargain
1150. cash and $16, per month buys
this new modern 6 room cottage on Mt
Scott carllne; owner compelled to sell;
Room 613 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sta
. Four Room Bungalow
$400 cash. $30 per month: price $1600.
Overlook addition, 16-minute car service.
kt 60x100. Owner lives out of city and
must sell. A-J42 Journal.
T110iiiA3 WlTln'COMBE has walnut
groves with a- speculative value -of
thousands of dollars per acre, which
be sens ror a rew nunnred and easy
payments; see him at 21 Hamilton bldg.,
i'ortiana. ur.
i HAVE improved and unimproved
property In abundance for sale cheap;
also acreage; farm land for sale and
trade and housea to rent Call or phone
ML Tabor Realty Co., 4ith and Belmont
H-2696. -
FOR SALE $1000--! m proved - acr-.
- houfe, barn, 3 Mks.- to school, j hlk.
Tt'. t bl. . of I .rents echoolhouse. Peck,
owner. Mt Pcott car. -
FOR SALE East Ankeny residence. No.
674. near'.lSth ml.? Colonial styla,
rooms, nice - yard, shrubbery, good
neighborhood. handyMo high school, at
the right price. What terms do you
antT can Tor particulars.
GOING to Switzerland; will sll my
home for $450; worth $5S- Uottlieh
Mnttt R. F. D. No. I, box 60. Hilla
ial.. .Or.
$100 down and $15 per month will buy
a swell .modern 6 room bungalow on
Montavllla car. A 'good buy.- Poulsen
Ratcliffe Realty co.. $20 Lumbermens
bldg., 6th and Stark.
A SNAP Good home in Rose City Park.
-. must be sold at a sacrifice. eaay
terms, rooms groijnd floor, operi sleep
ing roorrl, corner lot, 1 block from car-
line, furnace and all modern conven
iences. 429 E. 49th st. north.
5 rooms, full attic, . strictly modern,
cornor lot, one block to car, near 35th,
easy terms.
Main 7498. A-7650. 606 Board of Trade.
. In Central Albina
I room modern house, lot 60x100, east
front: a nice home at the right price.
ROOMING house, 30 sooms, -want farm:
fin 6 room house, want rooming
house; wheat farm, want gool .rooming
House; rive lots in uowendale, want
store: general mercnanoise, want rami;
beautiful 4 wom- house for farm. The
Olobe BiokfigH Co.. 404 Marquam bldg.
j tered, hall, closets, fireplace, pantry.
WILL trade at par! whole or any por
tion or iiu.uuw or local nigt class in
dustrial stock of 10 years' standing in
perpetual business now . paying 6 per
cent dividend, for Improved Inside prop
erty and pay some cash in exchange.
Give particulars by letter. 602 Corbett
MODERN room house with
fruit trees and lawn; 100 ft
Hawthorne carllne: lot 60 by 109.
12600: $400 -down, t-0 month. Call or
phone. The Stewart Co-, (09 Swetland!
blclg -
EIGHT room modern house, cn Broad
way; paneled rTining room,, sleeping
porch, fireplace, furnace. Improvements
all In; price $4300. T. B7 Byrnea. 245V4
$200 Cash, $15 Per Month
New C room modern rottage, I block
to car, only $1800: a bargain. Monta
vtlU Realty Co.. 49 F- Hftth st
FOR KALE Two room modern homes.
60x100 in Vancouver, Wash., 4 room,
old bouse, on Main street near 8th.
Only $12,000; terms.
Main 749S, A-7650. 606 Board of Trade.
EIGHT room house, entirely modem In
every respect; furnace, gas, bath, elec
tric lights, near 22d and E. Burnside; a
snsp at $4760 if taken at once. C-256,
160 acres, near city, on cariine; finest
platting proposition on market; only
160 per acre. Will take good city prop
erty up to $20,000. ' Ground adjoining
an piattea now, bo iienry piag.
etc.: good frame barn, workshop, etc.
1 team, 1 cow, wagon and Implements;
nay m tne oarn. i-rice ior au only
, 611 Gerlinger bldg.
Columbia river ranch of 225 acres,
situated 9 miles below Vancouver; 1
mile of deep . water frontage, 6-room
house, barn .60x66, dairy and euthousen,
young orchard, .100 acres under culr
iivation, balance very easily cleared :
running water through land. ' This is
an ideal stock and dairy ranch, Per
sonal, property; 38 milch cows, good
bull, cream separator and farm Imple
ments go with. 2he place. Prica only
$27,000, one-half cash.
V 20 Acres
Good rich garden and fruit land, 12
acres in full bearing orchard, balance
all cleared except 2 acres in cotton-
wood grove on river bank; two-story,
five-room house and outbuildings, fic
spring water at house. ' This place has
750 feet deep water front on the Co
lumbia river; railroad and station with
in mile and is 3 mile from Vnn1
couver; K. jr. V. ana teiepnone, - rreo
delivery of groceries, to. ; acre tracts
adjoining sellins fromf $500 up; price
$16,000. An ideal home, suitable to
subdivide into acre tracts.
152 Acres
154 acres, overlooking- the Columbia
river, Vancouver and Portland, 6 miles
from this city, on fine road, new 8-room
house, nearly completed: fine barn and
other necessary outbuildings, excellent
well, hi mile from railroad station and '
boat landing, stores, churcn, etc.; u
acres' in orchard- of assorted fruits, 7
acres cleared. This la an ideal home
Price $3750; terms. ? t
Thompson ' & Swan
. Vancouver, Wash.,
Or-:,', '...'
102 Second St., Portland.
J - IIAVE SO' acre farm 6 mtlea-froni
"i- , '( I T i-vnm 1. m . n n
irl"ll VI17, I iwv", lluun:, ii,
fruit trees, about 16 acres cleared, for
sale or trade for city property.
46th and Belmont. Tabor 2696.
WILL exchange business lot with hand-
mtai Locations
We can locate you on 160 acrea
or 320 acres of good wheat land.
In central Oregon, non-Irrigated .
the dry farming belt If you i
have , already proved up on a
quarter section your right is Still
good for 10 acres.
620-622 Board of Trade.
Some Fine Buvs
80 acres fine level land, no gravel. T
acres cleared and in cultivation, 15 acres
slashed and seeded, very easily cleared,
some, good fir and cedar , timber,' 10
assorted fruit trees,, grape vine and
assorted berries. Good 2 story house,
barn 18x36, With 10 foot sheds, alt out
buildings, fine well; improvements are
worth at least $1200, which leaves tli4
land $20 per acre. This Is only 3 miles
from Vancouver, 4 mile to school and
t miles from country town. Price only
$2800: $1000 cash, balance easy terms.
11009 .
Will handle this, if taken at ono: 1H
acrea good soil. 7 acres cleared, balance
good cordwood timber. There Is enough
wood on thia ta ray for It; good S room
house, fair barn, well, eta; 6 miles
from Vancouver, on good road and V
mile from trolley line. This la a snau
at $2600; $1000 cash.
Something cheap 40 acres fine land,
part beaverdam, 4 acres cleared, lOtiO
rords of wood. 5 room box house, harn,
woodhousn, etc.; rood spring and creek.
some fruit: adjoining land selling ror
$76 per acre with no improvements, 10
Look at This One
85 acres of land, all cleared and 30,
acres in cultivation; a good 8 room farm
house, a-ood barn and other outbuild-
so-nn-cottare on Union ave. for va- inttn. nice stream throuah th place and
....... 1 .. 1.. I I..IU.I... .. . . .1 e . a ..... I .l ...... 1 I n ... H w ...... 1. J 1 ...... .
Vttiil. H'la 111 jn.iittu.ij nun in rii.'JinilIIL ! K""i t ft""H r ..niii ,11 uri - . --- . 1 1 1 n .
cash valuo $6000. Give particulars, de- I ing and 3 acres young orcnard. This Is milea from Vancouver 1 4 fnllea from
scrlption. prlco. M-257. Journal. one of the best little homes in Wash- country town; price, $2001!; $1200 eauh.
T E . . . ..U r. i"T.i. 'a inston county, only H4 mlla from in-I ' " SEE TIU8.
BT owner, st a nargaln; modern $ "wel? mnVoved mid ho iJrn'-n!!'"''. line and 1 mile from R. R. and ?" iJLi Acr? "LW-?.
room bumtnlow- on river hank. onIynhar,l t hm int n,.a, ii. i town, irice !, including gotm team. " jrn-u ..... ":""--';
1 minutes out. R. Hoard. 682 Cramp, 1 thornc- ave J L Wells Co 634 Cham. 2 " h"ne. wagon and buegy, mower j ln "rjfr,' "ou ' ,' J ,
ton St.. block, west Gratton a grove, berf Commerce Iddg "Bd rake plw and. harrow and all " outbuildings windmill an I
fW-llwoAd car. - y.r or iV"l!p.fJlfJ.,L2gu . , .small tools and impW-ments; barn full nk; s-vetal for; 1 team, wagon. 2
nun wu iMin-a i, mi . uviiiuaion St., oi good Hay and Straw, and -oatS for uKi-. l macuinrrj, inn inu.i.i.-
wun living room; muai go tnis wefK; I feJ and meed: a bargain and a nloe'mnte are worm. aion-. tiuun; omy i
otner interrstp. iu trade -for lot : home tleo W. Turner. 418-1T Roth, miles from Inrtland anj I miles from
l-iinri mam ! child hldr.
$76 cash, $10 month, buvs nice
riouso and lot. snap.
326H Washington St.. Room 417.
Home for $650
a kA..a .f .1 .... 1 .
FOLK room cotlaxe. with reception t " T,I 7,. '
hall, bath, good location. $l.,e-, very , rnont near station, sillier.. 41 Cham
easy terma Aptdy or pnone the g,a-i berof Commerce-.
art roiHpiinr, 60 Swetland bldg. LNlVF.RSlf f PARK home: must eell
WHO wants a aichtlv uxlOA en Ai.- modem, 7
wants a aichtlv fidxlOi
worth ave. for I..7S ra
FINK southweat for, fftxTS.
eate.. Watpr and Curry sta
wpiiirwn j i nisiai". iir.
LlS'T vour property i:h ua. Ft Lou:
nr 10.. ZaM ahlnrton c
nwim fhrc full wit rr.
iLjit n'!-! street Improvements in and peld
0 -' . a.ti.a.. M.h t-
I 1 ' 1 --ii , n . 1 1 . , 9 , - , , i. v m .-v.,
a Ill III InttrA.I
to aaitlla ' i. . 1. ' i -
Mali 20?,
.A -4
HxiO Jot. near H 5 ! ami Hawtfmrr.e
Impmred atrat. rhnl" locations bar.
rain. Ihcne VMft - .
C. ci'4'T'l e""1 Broadway. 6059 - facing
1 i ' 1 1 i , ' it. " w mi j w ,im, TT1-
jr"-i. n.i"i i "i'i in of n 1 i niTi
41 B"rt cf Trade t.Ms.
O.N K room rottJg Ir
Tor aa '". rr lurm-f, t
2d '
I HAVE an U -al l"t la tVwi morU "4 s
ahlrh I win a-i at a r- tuition. fi-e i
ra a t erica T-rJ. Ju--,l
FOH 6AI.F, by ir. a tamtifd tnivi
em t rom California bungalow cor
ner Jt dull"). farntahM. f"-r $:.
wl-H trma. 41 Onford el . Cor. E. ta.
pi A-477S or .Main I'l!.
In lite !.fl of titr.
a i ptf.tve.
Ladd s addition, terms easy like pay- 1R SALE All kinds of real esUte
oarrains anil wumnrFu rii.iu-rs. ou
Louis Realty Cot. $46 Washington at
M aln 2033. A-4T - -
NEAR new Jrffieon hlth school, mod
ing rent. Come and see the owner, 72
I,ocost Ladd add- - j'none t.-llH. Thos.
, am
room house, Fplendld location.
I0?R M-it-yiairn iv. vxm. CO.
H ILL riiilld you a modern bunga
low, full heeament and A-l plumbing,
I rooms, for 11610. 4 merni fir 1IKOO L.
F. Clwrlt o. 411 fwi-n ndg.. in 4tn.i,.- you own lot will build you a houaa
$41.000 Inside rrnrrly, guarantied f "on t rma. Eastman Co.. 303 Ablng
per cmt ret Income 8 ton Mdg. Main SJ39.
BTEKL drills for sale or trade sise ij '
inch. 30 feet long; one drill 1 inch. 20!
A ft . . f f a a-ni.1 Im f,vm An , a An f 1
feet: about 13 feet of Short drills. Strik.' roarl tcinVna- town of Kru.h Trairl
I'11! hammer, also, jas Holman st IWami; rrice S09; i acres partially)
IU KAt l A.VUt; ACreaae c cue to Van- imnrnveu. aujiunini iwn ,. Iininn
couver for houae In Knrtlan.1: lna ' Prairie, ah.. on railroad
fifftlMI. ZV-Zfi'1, Journal.' r.nncr ui win.
or acreeige; zv arr"
Vancouver. Price $t'0; U raah.
Lobby Hotel Ft. Elmo.
; Fifth ai, d vahptm ta
Vnr.-nnver. Wah.
....V1. ... HOMEJ4TEAl8. farm lands and
J.a-i i a-fii-ia: t'-n c-i. ri 'Kirn ill.
WANTED to trade I or $ lota on ear at
side for rooming house, value about
$S0. P-25, Jo.iroaL
rnnn ri Tt V
price $5om. MoUU CUI -
plat In town lots- ln are, some alaalied. burned ax f
aoioimng snove i eri'-d l grass, 6 room nouaa.
town, price $3il0n. Will take art pay. i Karn, will trii living wetar on
iiruati Corf .rnnd. th R. F. I. laihono
7 ' I Prairie. Wmnh
Alberta wheat lAad. If location
C. . Brown. owner.
n J rood o,L c!-e ! school and atnr-, .
1 .od .mad. with R. F. D.
i m3ia roula at door; timHar tnf.ui'
' Ih to more than pay toe it;
A. Macklln A M Bl rial.
Iis.0 K.riTTlrt rod w.t Rmlt'h'a addl-, tS VaMngtn St.. room tt.
1,-... in, tftn Rax Owiim. ii? 1 1 t r: 1 V.. a m rr-r-r-
llnrcr tl.ig.. 2d and Alder, If taken at tie ra.h. I'4 Lumber Kirf,i... '.11 .j........ tk. aa.n.. . J!:
s , ! srd PJark. ' j far tr4e: for eavaaiple. honavaholi f-ooae, i land: all good roll: rr-rtnt f g j 'ore i-t !. ? 1 a
tAii'i ner r.ui,.nn euee. naMnitj.CT your profrty with Eleal a CoT ' vittn wcyciee. type-wnwre. uvtitoca, 1 pl.-nty oC water. pr acre.
tr--B; wat Westmoreland tract. Bell-! tc UorrlioB at Ph one vtain t ivehiclee, aatotxyeMlaa, clotbing, ate. Tae , The above it only two f the miry
W"-i y. i-4S j oarmaj has eagref-ated tola elaee ef eda . goo. pVa.-s .f frl hr t 1 . v. 1
..ufIPI'Kr KARVt.
1 acres, all fTfed; fair hulldlnra; I of outage range for alo. a;
.m-0 ijnwi cre-k. well and aorl' ft; live et'w k. from ..tro . . n,v 1 pr .t
Vnaar thia classlflratlea wCl appear i tools and alt rrup. for JS'i. .This we. : caaii. . 1 hir k f t a f trart c f I
10 er ; acres. II tnii.-e ftim, rrt- 1 Ji1". i;--ai k-ir t. t
tllw r A 1,1 r. a
. i-.niirrn. I I , , i . 1, r L u l.k
7Ifn.l-.ii r"tn NnoloiT, Jwt ; NKW. modrn hnif In H0:adar'a mA.
awn or 'i;'r"i r.irn '.o.i. ynr , rtltion. H. B. P.lce, 9 Uasce. Both
i o r -r w . . , i fli .r, 1 '-1 Tr I
i 7a e -r, 1 1
APT.IN ULAtlt ni.
412 Jwar- ' 1-Hr
$: f
f joHI'll H. JtiHv.-Tii.V
,?f-t 1 -l'r. 'afc end ti. ' gr rl at
f Ri'Hifcl coltaae "n
nion, ava, cb eap
fc- Kn at.
Inquire 649
, 1 At I.K at Ixrta. (
a r'..n rno.1. rn r.o.ia.
K j"t on I r.i'.n in fiaa;i r,t. ri F a'. il" in. c, a.r
f-.r reaidtr'e rror-rtv In Huliauay frlrrs if old a-.-on. J. La Vel.s Co- Cal,
dmnt JauiDiL 1 C. C tiig. - - I
11 II'.U!WK lr1 aiTlhlna; U FT!
rot. , t' e rt 1" eiva. CM Wt. ihmti 7 l'-rd of T r. . Ma'e M
: S a P
i mi. iMri ; i i' t-1 or i r. ya'e .
,P.iri f 1 rt r H - 1 f rsh a ! 1 t la-art ' tPranra asl"
Dairy Farm
Into the trip eolaaaa (or tae eeayeaU ! lrd rarrr-any, t and A I l"r
a am ra-J ior wr a wa lr . .,u i.,a .. r ni.
, : Wr4 per Uaertiea. T taaerti.Ta for the ,t,,rea chur.a. r- tofiio. a1 a
e-ar ynoe oi m.ior caaa mb. nru aaa j ,, itivated: r-fl !": r a, , -
i. tsvfl Ml r Mill pf Ul m HIM. i r,ri. ar?r a. .' I'. i-ar J t . l-
I l u PAI.I. or lrtu far limlr, F.-rn- fi A I oar '
t o. I Inrton tvpa-erltar. No. ;
. ; a a r.
,. r. t-1
g tin..
'f a
,- ... i r f j r'mi':i ik sitaatlon; iron ewntr.
Mtf . I w,jn JUii. K-.2. Jvurral
raw. fhora V' a. n 744 4.
JtRALK or f "r eaie. hora-e. mon aai
ha-o-: pojnr e:t of e.jir.e. aiira
f'.oe tiails fiat i tat 14 t'nioa ate.
fmm I -or Mil !-,
1 years tir"- .
- i A.S-U va THl 'T
aai.-if i'.'B u
i .
tr- ;
. ,-om 417.
?? v.
n t 1 1,
I fca