The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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nniTinPi 10
rr 1 1 1 niii i i
be comete; mn
- as
Supervisor Beach Says He Pays $70,000 Cash for Old
Wilt Employ Good
Alnslie 3IU1 Site Gets
; Bargain. ;
Convicted Jiiffffler Claims
Ko Crime, Since Criino
Brought (Jain.
New Ynrlf n,- 11 r l.a IT,,lt.l
States circuit court a animal forfav
affirmed the derision til the case of
Charles W. Mnru vh - - a........,....!
ii ...... it - I.." 'DaIikIbIii Ictiarge of the work of counting the peo- chase of the block bounded by Slxtenth. ,'o II years' imprisonment In the fed-
iTOSeCUllOn III KCinSlClU- Iple lu the Hecond district of uretjou. Seventeenth. Petty trove Mi Qulwbf prison at Atlanta, for wrecking
Moras surrendered himself to United
Blatra Marshal llenkel ahnrlly before
nwii, nu wna imtncoiateiy taken to the
Tomb to await hla tranarer to prtaon.
The court of appeala ha a granted him
forty days' atay of execution. During
the .interim Attorney Unit-ton wlll.ep
peal to tha United Htatva euprame court
for a writ of certiorari. .
Aforae'a cava Ima been under' conald
ration since laat June. J la mi char. .4
with misapplying tha fund of tha Na
tional bank of North America, of which
ho waa president at tha tlma of tha
panto of 1807. and of making, falaa en-
Cenaua taking la purely buslnesa
proposition, and i vnpeci to conduct it.
onus ot census supervisor or tnia on
trict In aucoraatice with that thaory."
said tteneca C Uracil, who mill neve
John Klernan. prealdant of tha Oragon
Transfer oonipany and ona of Portland's
largest . holdera of central property.
closed deal thla morning for tha pur-
That Names Have
Tampered With.'
TWclnilPr Pnr. Trip t ft km knoVratnaii; ever man whom -treeta. Tha prop.rty Is a part of tbt
v. ....v , h ihi. .....r,i... ir. hi Alnalia .atata and waa aold Is Mr.
rOIlVinffi COlirt and I lirVl U1tr,cu "' en who ai Klernan for $70,000. Tha deal la under-
,r uuami-a to ao ma worn will get ,tood to hava bocn caah tranaactlon.
11 hr . -vortino nnra mnn ( i .... .
I tntund to nik mnnA in thla work."
continued Mr. lieacb, "and In order 10
do ao 1 rouat havo capable anumaratoi.t
and 1 am going to tind tham. 1 hava
alroady received acveral hundred appll
ratlona for pualtlona aa enumaralora.
Their recorda will all ba looked into.
and only tha fit given plact-a."
I nera Herat to oa m. general Imprea
GOES 111
Lola 0. Baldwin
Take a Trip to
Whan aern today Mr. Klarnan aold
that ha Intended bulldlna; large brick
atabla on tha north half of the -blork.
for tha Ilea of th Oregon Tranfr
company; but for tha preaent he had
no plana for tha Improvement of the re
mainder of tha block.
Keal aetata dealera key that Mr. Kler
Uaurtca Relnateln. prealdent of tha
' Portland Brewing company, and 8amuet that gupervlaor Beach haa tha ap-
nan got a genuine bargain In thla prop-
, Brealauer, bookkeeper for tha earn
firm, were placed on trial In clrouit
; court today on cbarg . of forgery
. by tha mutilation of public document.
Thouefc five ' wltneasea were ex-
. amlned. nothlna of a aenaatlonal na
. lure developed. ' Evidence waa given
principally by A. I Jiarbur. auditor
of tils'- city of rortfind, and Jamea
. Ulll, deputy auditor In charge of tha
recorda of tha office. .
. Sam Lotan.. former deputy auditor,
i who la accuoed of being an accomplice
of the brewery men in the alleged
. forgery, waa in attendance all tnorn-
Iiik. but waa not called upon to . take
, iiie atand.
i tot tlma today It appeared aa if
counxel for the defense would make
the Issue of tha caae an attempted
knowing of the testified fact that tha
excise board petition, commonly known
as the McKenna petition, the alteration
and eraaure of names on which ia
charged, was never a publlo document
because It did not contain sufficient
' member nf legal elgnaturea to make it
. uuh. Therefore, it aeemed likely that
the defense would' attempt to ahow that
lorgery waa not possible. -.
Attorney John Logan, however,, dla
. oved thla suspicion by earing that
' that Issue would ttrobablv be dropbed.
' end that the - sole - defense would .be
' the innocence of the accused.
Auditor TeaUftea. ,'
i , A. L. Earbur, auditor "of the city of
, Portland, waa the first witness called.
point ment of the apeclai enumaratois
who wui look ud tha farmlna. manufae-
turlng and Induatriai - growth -of tb
a Late, aa a large number of applioantai
hava written Mm aaklng, for a place in
thla branch ef the cenaiie work. How
ever, ha haa nothing to do with tuei
appointments, which will ba made di
rectly by the chief of the cenaua bu
reau at Washington. Mr. Beach has only
to do with the actual enumeration of
tha population of thla congressional dis
trict, in tne capacity or cenaua aupervi-
aor, ha will have tha appointment of be
tween 300 and 400 enumeratora. .
Mr. Beach la consiaerinr the advisa
bility of using the comical subdivisions
or precincta aa enumeration districts
In this county and in other countlea In
tha district. 'when the plan la practlc-i
able. "The precinct lines are already es
tablished and are very generally known."
said Mr. He.ach in discussing this fea
ture ot cenaua tak nx. "I believe that
plan will work more satisfactorily in
thla county than any other that can ba
devisea. '
In arranging all the details for tak-
aa-fv mm miarlaw Itl Lf at nsaf mn fivnrih
altuated but in tha aama vicinity havejtrlee n the book a of the bank."
aold for 120,000 to f ,ooo in tha paat Ji
To endeavor to solve tha nnlaoni1
tea mystery. Mrs f.oia U. liaMwiu. su
perintendent of public aafoty fur Wummi,
will be aent by t hief t o tu tiealiln.
where tha pulnoned package cams front.
In orji r to collect evident a agulnat the
person who mailed tha tea. Whether
Mrs, Baldwin will be a mora capable de
tective than a member of the detective
force remains to be seen, but Chief
Cox evidently believes she will, for ha
haa taken It upon hunnrlf to send the
superintendent to Beartle.
No evldance of a tangible kind la la
tha haiula of the tiollce. although C Ci
Vaughn.1 husband of lira Vauithn, the
woman who also received a package-of
eolaooed tea on the aama day aa Aire,
aldwln, la In the county Jail awaiting
devclonmenta. Vauahn la Held on
contempt of court charge growing out of
his failure to leave tne city wnen na nau
promised tha court to do ao.
aira. ueiuwin is aspeoiea o iwn
City Llffhtlne: Committee
Takes Up Street Lamp
i two poura
llabtlng com-
rains arrives h
Ilia aantenoe waa pronounced aa long I PArii.'nii inniihi nr tomorrow morning
ago aa November of laat year-after foP .he aound. - . ' ,
jury naa spent weeics nearing tha
testimony and had decided that be waa
guilty or via charge In tha lndlctmen
. ' aateaaa' Cuta aTe TUrin.
After" being aentenced to aerve these
IS years at hard labor In the federal
pvnxieiiuai y mi Aiianii. aiorse, tnrougn I . 'f
iiurnoy. uuiainw,! wrii or error,
brought hla caae before the court
appeala for review. Argument on
appeal began before the court laat
a una, wcui via iwl mvw all IUUM 111
afterward and waa concluded on Jun
17 of this yaar, whn tha court reaorvad
Fast Harriman 3Iail and Ex- -jn j Board of Horticulture Dis-
press Beaches Portland
Today, Late.
The first fast mall aAd cxresa train,
reducing the running time between
Council Bluffs. Iowa, and Portland nine
lng the census, I shall visit every coun- hours and 40 minutes, arrived In Fort
ty In my district In reaching the In
terior or Harney and Malheur counties.
it will bo necessary to travel 600 miles
land this mornlnn at 9:05 o'clock. IS
minutes behind schedule time.
To meet the fast time of tralna re-
from Portland, but the 'trip must belfnUy Installed by the Hill roads, and panic
10 of hla friends.
. Paid Bia Dabtavln rriaoa. '
Btnce that day Morse haa been ' out
of the tombs, where 'he nd been Con
fined alnce hla trial . begu In October
of tha preceding year. Bave for a trip
to Maine na naa devoted nearly all of
I hla time to attending to hla 'business
here, has paid off nearly the .whole of
hla $7,000,000 indebtednesa and haa
lately coma Into control again ot tha
steamship lines in which' he was so
heavily interested at the time of tha
cusses Fruit Ship
made aa there ia no other way to "be cer
tain of naming the-right men to count
the people In that remote district."
It is not believed that Mr. Beach will
be Influenced by politics in naming the
enumerators. Alreadv a number, of
Democrats hare been asked to take cer
tain enunfaratlon districts . "Fitness to
that James QUI .waa tha
rlnnutv. mttfr uuufto,A it thA.Hiitv if
caring for the initiative and referendum d ,thls. two,ic wlU bo the only qualifl xir iiirhnr um h I cation that I shall demand of an aDDll
ments in question were placed in what I cant before appointing him," deolared
la krmwn Am the "hack vault." . ... ir. omcu.
to retain the lucrative mall carrying
businesa between Oregon Dolnta ana
the middle weat. the O. R. & N.. a part
of the Harriman system, alao instituted
a fast -service, wiiich when' In effect,
will reduce tha running time of mall
and express trains between Portland
and New York by 24 houra.
AH man on these trains is maae up
Final Agreement Between
O.'B, & N. Machinists
and Officials.
Ordinance No. 16311. which Mr. Bar-
bur testified having first seen on April
.4 6, 1909, was introduced as evidence by
Ieputy District Attorney Thad W. Vroe-
- Further, Mr. Barbur averred the work
of checking the excise petition was be-
; gun on the morning or April it and con
tinned in the lute afternoon. The off!
t clal testified ' that ha had the petition
,? filed April 17, 1909, not putting it on
2 record until that time. Me isdmlttcd
filing the petition before he had the
3 opportunity of checking over the names,
Question. Brings Argument.
S - The' simple question, asked tha city
; auuiior oy mi uenuijf uiotnci auume;,
s if there were sufficient names on the
" netltion to entitle it to go on the bal
f lot. raised a storm of ! argument
- Whether or not the petition was a pub
lie recocd became the Issue. ; Ati-orne-y
; John Logan asked tha auditor , If there
- were enougn legal names on tne petition
5 to make it a legal dooument. -Mr.vVreo
5 land objected and after some argument
m the objection was sustained by judge
i ilorrow, .Mr.' Barbur went ofr tha
5 stand. ' ' ' - , --
De.Dutv Jamea B. Emlth was the nex
S witness called. - He told of leaving the
7. office of the city auditor on the night
3 of April 19. about 9 o'clock, and of
; opening the "back" vault the ; next
Z morning, to find some one had been In
; the apartment during the night.
5 Sight Janitor . On Staaad. '
r E. O. Eilers. night janitor and watch'
r man at the city hall, was-next called. , TVf 'FirpT'E'!Q
- He asserted he had seen former Deputy I vr IS jX JiJDOO
Sam Latan in the auditor's office about
i 9:46 o clock. Later he saw Mr. lotan
and two others leaving.
He said they walked down the main
railway ana out tne- irtn street en
i trance Jn an ordinary manner, not
S seemingly fearing discovery.' Eleven
fifteen o'clock was the time the trio
left the city hall, he averred.. i-
John Devroe, . night janitor at tha
J city hall, was put on the stand by the
state. He saw Mr. Lotan in the audl
j tor's offiae during the evening. ,
; - Deputy Gives Testimony. " .
i James Gill, deputy city auditor, was
I next to testify. He had charge of the
; record department, and was supposed
to care for the excise petition. Also,
i he waa one of those who checked 'over
I that part of the petition mutilated. '
j . utiiecuon to tne introduction or tne
petition in evidence was made-by 8.
( B. Huston of counsel for ' the defense,
f Before the, document could be offered
: be said. It must be shown that altera
' tlons and erasures had been made.
Judge Morrow sustained the objection
but the Jury "was allowed to look over
tne aocument in quesiion. strong
' reading glasses were used for Its In-
The examination of the excise board
petition by the Jury took, tip the great
er part or tne session.
w w V I . . ...
v .,.i..i . . c..,iar, a.t hn leonviciea illegally
it hr. it rmiiT for rilatri. mony showed that
butlon. Postmaster Toung Is greatly
pleased with the new order or tninga
because it will materially reduce the
work of his busy clerks at the post
office. Tha. new service ia also of great
advantage to the business men of Port
land, as it will enable them to fill or
ders more quickly, and peri'shable pro
ducts expressed to Portland will arrive
in better 'Shape.
The fight between the Hill and tha
Harriman ayatema to retain the mall
and express business has been on
for more than a week. As soon aa the
Hill roads announced the new schedule,
the Harriman roads followed suit. This
was almost compulsory tn order to hold
the mall business, which is apportioned
by the government i according to the
running time made. Neither system has
a permanent contract with the govern
ment. . 'U . - . ' " r "
, The new mall and express, which
heretofore arrived 'in, Portland at 8:30,
f. m.. Is now schedulel to reach here at
:60 a m. V On the former schedule the
mall was received, too late for distri
bution., before , the following; morning,
Because tha 01a Had Profit.
Borne persons thought it was all over
with Morse when Judge Hough sen
tenced him to IS years In the peniten
tiary, but from -the moment he heard
the verdict of "guilty," Morse began to
fight for hla freedom harder than aver.
He haa contended all along that he was
because the teatl
the bank had not
been defrauded but had actually pro
fited from his transactions, and also
because the trial judge erred is telling
the jury that convicted him that it
waa not necessary to prove that he had
Intended' to defraud, but only necessary
to ahow 'that he had deceived the of
ficers of the bank.
Reports of the success of a new
method of shipping fruit In " the ' yil-
lamette vauey ana otner Oregon rruit
sections were made thla morning by
the membera of tha State board of jfror
tlculture in aesslon In the office ofthe
secretary's room, 103 Henry bulldtnjr.
President W. K. Newell, Herretary H. M.
Williamson and Commissioners Judd
Oeer, R. H. Weber and A. H. Carson
were In attendance at the aeaslon, Com
missioner Lownadals not having arrived I
as yet.
after a seaalon
tlils morning tha aix-clal
mlMea of tha city oouncll drafted an or-
dlnanre, tha jMtaaaie of whlrh. It la ex-
pee I ml, will cure to the city a uniform
ayaifin of lllunilnnnia, with which many
atresia are aheady being provided, and
will settle the keenly waved controversy
betweaii rival llkhtlng cumpantra.
Hereafter. If the ordinance tentative
ly prepared today la approved by a ma
jority of .the council, all lighting posts
muat ba of tha same uniform alae and
ahapa and tha city engineer will be em
powered to designate the type of post
u u uvea,
Ry this stipulation the oily streeta
will eventually be Illuminated bv a har-
monloue and symmetrica! . aerlea of
boulevard lights ,
The new ordlnanoe will contain -thaia
provisional ,
All new poata erected shall ba of uni
form alsa and tha minimum distance be
tween posts shall be 40 feet.
Poata muat ba Installed within DroD
arty lines: no posts shall be allowed on
street corners and all permit a for such
poata heretofore issued ahall ba re
No permits ahall be Issued fpr bracket
llahta and all auch' llshta now In exist
ence shall be removed within one year
from tha data of naaaaae of tha ordi
nance, .
All nermlts for lights not now In use
shall fe revoked and the ownera given
SO days lit whlrh to remove the posts.
All oosta ahall ba sainted a uniform
ran FOR
w m m rmt w n ri m mm
IS 1
City Council Authorizes Ai-
pointment of Special -Of
ficer, Who Will 15o Direct
ly Responsible to the 'Pure
Food Committee.
, An Inspector who will Inspect, whose
duties as special . officer or police
man wlU Include tha - collection . of
milk samples for bacteriological test
as brought by every possible meana
of convayane to Portland, "who
will demand 'exhibition of license '
from ' every dairy wagon" driver, who .
will institute needed prosecutions, and
whoae aalary will not subject tha tax
payers of Portland to ona cent of ex- .
penaa, was authorised for appointment
today by tha city council. In response
t A ' sin unruial --nr fthaa ii ba 4 ,.. nnnt.
a . . i T gaaa sjusrwaaai a vav vww a isvs visa
The ordinance shall apply only within (,,... , 4Ki
the fire limits of the city. mlttee of the Conauroera1 leaguo. - w
Renraentatives of both tha gas and I Thla collector of samples and In-
electric companies were present at the gpector of licenses will be directly 'ap-
ewerabie to the pure food committee for
the efficiency ot hla work. Ha will re
ceive his Instructions as to compelling
the dairymen to have liccnaea ready to
exhibit from Dr. Alan Welch Smith.,
meeting and as neither of
rornoratlnna would agree to proposl
tlons made them by the committee, It
the rival
vwas decided, upon suggestion of Mayor
hlmon, to take the matter out or their
hands bv alvlnr the city engineer the
arbitrary power to fix the type of light
ing posts to oe usea. ,
Of course, the city 'cannot compel
nronertv ownera to use either gas or
electricity, but it can refuse permission
to erect any kind of poat. and this pre-roa-attve'
will be exercised In the Inter
est of the community at large, without
regard to the points at Issue between
tne two companies, - aeia Mayor eimon.
Tne com pet i
I president of the olty board of health;
". he will leave samples, of milk for teat
" with Dr. Ralph C. Watson, state baa-
married cout
would be better for you
According 'to a statement made this
morning, the committee the ma
chinists, association on the O. R. & N..
and the fficiafs of the railroad have and alfmatter had:to be made op at
. m, w.y. i.i-.Bu.ii.v the local office, under tne new ecneauie
where it Is believed .all dancer of a TL" L-ZTt i . . v.
strike ha. been averted and that final and 'distributed 1 fhe carHers" toll
agreement will be signed within a day an bour &tter (t8 arrival. The merchant
orrw0-1 ''ii'ii '..' i' . i. therefore, will receive hla letters -al-
it is said that a compromise has been . n h..r.a unnnar than nnd.i tha
made both as to the pay scale and rulea former system "
and that the railroad and the machinists Xhe new Bchedule will effect not only
are agreed on all essential points. I irf ... t th. n.t
What the terms of the agreement are .V." .'"V Zt. wo.hZ
j, hour" than mm-
Event to Tak;e. place ,Noye,m-
ber 8 at the White
terloloslat. and from that official will.
receive Instructions as to the carrying
on of this part of bis work. -
In securing the appointment of thla '
officer the pure food committee makea
Itself responsible for his salary.-. The
k. I .. W ... nx I. II.
iCrSor"iirh... ,?Prlted men. and women sufficiently in-
t?.U K t u " I tertsted in aldintae campaign for pure
er for you both if youln.ui .i. .v.. .... ..,,in. nn
,7?r, .r7 . , . t . . should agree." continued the mayor, 0 tnjl Worit .
While thla method of ahlnolns fruit I , m Pr..M.n. .TA...ivn ne h otI.n" wor-- ... . ..
has been tried in other sections of .the IwtV S mnv - i -ne .vuraxooa committee.naa securea
M,mtrv thi,v u.. . th tir.t tiro, it . V,: : - .v.- line auinoriiy ior me appomimeni as a
had been used in Oregon. It was tried tlon. declared that his firm had al-
Wlth many Of tile Drunes ShlDDed OUtlrenHv nrdnred ISO nnata tn he used In
this year and while not aa profitable lighting Washington street, and that ulZJ2S32n5".Z2rlZ
as was supposed, brought a larger profit these posts could not be used that the ""."uY '."r- 1VV
haa- hun nnaalhl. , tn nht.ln . .,.j 1 I . jcireiai. J lie III iriluru I" mu
tii Ann ' "uu,u regular officials In bringing the oam-
xi-T-i. t. ... . .h. t,. paign for control of the milk supply to
ne.i e2,t.-Ji I Zntu., .itiin'h auccesaful conclusion, and to accelcr-
P?IT?.ZwahnVh rSilVV ih2 iti" the work now being carried on. .
"?.,ey,iu'f1litJ?2fi? 'mhih' Ii1"?' The pure food committee will arrange
to give to the nrens of the city freuunnt.
reports of the officer's work in order
measure in addition to their anneal uoon
housewives to alao submit milk samplcg
to the bacteriologist. Such work, it la
W. Peabody of Boston, who will
evening assau Christian science
openly at the White Temple, was intro- i
ouced at the meeting or
(Continued From Page One.)
i Public Spirited Business
v 3Ien Will Meet on
Indicationa pnint to a large attend
ance at the confternce to be held Wed
nesday between the Oregon congree
elonal delegation and members of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce,
Members of the transportation com
mittee, of the harbor Improvement com
' mlttee and trustees of the chamber are
anxloua to work out some plan which
villi be effective in securing a larger
appropriation for tha government .of
Oregon rivers and Harbors. It la prob
a Me that members of the Port of Port
land will alao attend the meeting and
' Word baa been received from Con
greftsmsn Kill te the effect that a
prior engasement will prevent his at-tr-ndanre
at the conference, Congreae
maa iiawley has made no statement as
tn whether ba will be in attendance,
fioth Pee a tor tfourne and Senator Cham-
i-riain. n'fwrirr, win ill v im Bf
r prentaUvea . of . the chamber . of
the same orocess of being tied with rone.
in neuner instance aia tne .robber gag
tne victim, na tnrew raincoats over
the Imprisoned mens heads and then
quietly leit. . -
So Description Obtainable.
It was only few minutes later that
Slmonson ' succeeded In ' loosening his
bonds. He immediately released White
and notified the police. Sergeant Clar
ence Carr was the, first to arrive, and
he found the) lua-tner unit overall left
by the band ft. ''
The victims of the bold holdun were
able to furnish only a meager descrip
tion or tne oanmt. . 't ney potn say he
was snort ana neavy set. He wore a
black mask, which covered the lower
part of his face. An engineer's cap was
drawn well over the eyes.
Simontion and White appeared at po
lice headquarters today and to Cap
tain of Detectives Tennant told a
straightforward story of the robbery.
Biraonson has been in the employ of
the Great Northern Express for some
time. White had been working but
three days at the time of the robbery.
An almost absolute lack of any. de
scription of the bandit leads the police
to believe he will never be captured.
The exact amount of the loot will not
be known until the local officers check
up with tne 6t Faul offices.
A sack containing $500 in silver was
cut open by the bandit but ha left It
behind apparently because of Its wela-ht
ana DuiKiness.
BW E ii
til U If
T. -t fend prrrf-elAf r eVrnrtrhente
Emily J. Noon haa filed in the county
court her final report as guardian of
the persons and estates of her son and
daughter, Ralph A. Noon and Alma E.
Noon, both of whom have attained their
majority. The reports Shows 13297 re
ceived and 4241 disbursed for Ralph
A. Noon. The receipts on account of
Alma E. Noon were IJ247 and the dis
bursements 13077. with- additional re
ceipts of 144 and expenditutrea of $501
ainca miss Aoon became or age.
Mrs. Noon explains that she haa made
no charge for hoard or lodging or for
manr other items of exnenaa aha haa
Incurred. She also refers to the four
years of litigation over the' estate of
W. C Noon, her late husband, in which
her contentions upholding the claims of
tne nei re were urnelfl. Ralph A. Noon's
Interest in the W. C. Noon Bag com
pany has been aold for $12,411. but be
will not receive the proceeds until be
la IS ytars of age.
The waya and " means committee of
the city council this afternoon awarded
$160,600 on the 10 year 6 per cent im
provement bonds. The bonds were aold
to the Lumbermen's National bank of
Portland at. a premium of 3 8-10 cents.
This is the highest premium paid .on
Improvement bonds In the history of
Clyde B. Altchlson, state railroad
commissioner, spoke before the Civic
Federation society of " the Norwegian
Danish Methodist church yesterday,
choosing as his topic the relation of
the transportation company to the gren
eral, public and the government. He
outlined the work of-the commission
and showed the great Influence trans
portation problems had on taxation and
various other phases of governmental
macninery. ine reaeration win aiscuss
publlo service corporations at its meet
ing next weeki .
the meeting of the Baptist
ministers this morning and greeted with
applause. Mr. Peabody said he felt
that he was confronted with an attrac
tive opposition this evening in the
Bryan lecture, but that lie was neverthe
less loaded. .
. Monday. November 8. was thla- morn
lng chosen as the date for the annual
Baptist rally to be neia at tne wnite
Temple. It was unanimously the opin
ion of the body that they should be con
tinued, as they have proved so popular
in tne past, xne rirst year, tne attend
ance waa only 600, which grew the next
year to izuv ana last year to. i yuu. Rev.
John Bentzien was made .chairman of
a committee of five to be selected by
mm to mane tne arrangements.
The plan of having district services
Thanksgiving day of this year Instead
of the usual union came up for discus
sion, but was deferred till next week.
The ministers will leave next week for
Roseburg to attend the state conven
tion. Dr. C. .A. Wooddy asked that the
ministers speak publicly to their con
gregations -of the Baptist paper of
which he ia editor, urging the people to
subscribe. -
The Daner of the morning waa read by
Rev. A. M. Petty, secretary for the Pa
cific coast of the home missionary
work. He spoke on "The American Im
migration Problem," and his paper waa
voted one of the finest ever read before
that body. - Hla theme was the Chris
tianizing of the foreign element that It
might take on the Americart' spirit and
turn ita energies toward mission work
among its own people. The pastors '
BDokB strongly on the- subject and
brought instances to bear from the Ital-
than it haa' been possible to obtain
from drying the prunes. - The fruit is
shipped while still green and "by the
time it reaches the intended, market la
ready for selling. It is called the "ship
ping In the green" method.- .
"The fruit Industry atill has room to
grow," is an extract from President
W. K. Newell's report Several hundred
carloada of fruit and vegetables are
shipped In here from California In a
year, according to thla report and even
grapes from Delaware and1 Pennsylvania
are shipped In. President. Newell sees
a great future in the fruit Industry.
Commissioner Carson spent much time
in his report in telling about the fight
Rogue River valley has been making
against pear blight and frosts. A Tha
rights nave been very successful and
tie nopes to see an even more success
f ul year in 1810. s
a H. Stelple, who. with his wife,
owns the famous 1000-acre Stelple ranch
near Eugene, ur., is a prisoner at the
county Jail, charged- with obtalnlngk
money under . taise pretenses, spe
icanv sminift ia rnarg-en witn ranh
ing checks on banks In which he Is al
leged to have no funds. Stelple today
averred he and his wife had an unin
cumbered Interest of between $30,000
and $40,000 iln the ranch, and admitted
having drawn the checks in question,
declaring that he had supposed he had
sufficient funds to cover all drafts. His
bankbook, too, shows that several times
before he . has overdrawn amounts
larger than he Is now charge with ob
Stelple was' arrested Saturday and
charged with passing a worthless check
on the Hotel .Perkins. He had not re
tained an attorney us to a late hour to
day, and declined to make a full state
ment until he had interviewed a lawyer.
(nation of Seventh atreet. The commit
tee decided to let each company usei
the poets and lights It had contracted
for on these streets, but these will be i
(he only exceptions to the rule.
that thev mav know which, are law-
obeying dairies and which to be shunned
aa violators of the lawi
Expects Jto.jtnd Vigorous Mrs. Josephine Brunswick
Suffragists on the Pa- Files Brief Reply to Hus-'
C1I1C toast. hand's Titm rr Hnmnln int. "
fdalted Pre teased Wire. ' T,,, aXTr.Jv: .,1v to
London, Oct 11. '1 want it distinct- the charges and explanation made by
lv understood." said Mrs. Julia Pank- Adoloh M. Brunswick in his answer to
hurst, president of the National Worn- her suit for divorce is "they are not '
en's Social and Political union, who x-l"HeP r,ply wft, piacMi on t In the
ni.0ftU ?haf Trwm0nhihthaC.? c'rc"t court today and Its briefness iq
VLL Vtti in sharp,. contrast to the voluminous
ahswer filed on Haturaav'oy ner nus
hnd, - wherein he denied, that h had
tried to force her to forfte the will, of
her father, said se had represented an
ember of our union to visit thm Uni
ted States in the interest of woman's
suffrage. .
"i know tnat one, or two , jtmgusn
equal suffrage, but they did not repra
sent the suffragettes, I Know, too, tnat
pleaded with' him- to da so, and gave a
long hfBtory of his domestic relations.
on taking their leave tney crUlcl4l th
American women as weak and willina-1 6 i. rr .i j -
American women as weak and willing
slaves of men and aa not wanting to
vote. . - ,
"I am not like that Englishman who
told ell about America 'From a car
window.' I do not claim that I can
rightly gauge a country or a
after an acauaintance of a day.. ,
I am optimistic or my coming visit
to the, states. I have had warm, ear
nest letters from hundreds of American
women declaring their interest in the
D. E. Buchanan, the widow of hia wife's
Mrs. Brunswick admits that a rew or
movement and pressing upon . me thoir
A.- H. ' McDonald, an employe of a
St Johns planing mill, has been ar
rested on a charge of passing; a num
ber of worthless checks. . The checks
were passed three weeks ago, and will
aggregate $500. The amounts of the
checks -range from $15 to $40. :
i n i u i a tiot rvi r i in nN.ui ss t vexr rt rran a a
lan. the Germans and the Jews, whoaa i t.wntr tn th nnii . tha
energies might have -been devoted to show, he wae charged with making the
, wiiuii. moil i,wi,.i njtji uiey same Kina or speculations last April
themselves been properly
Christian enthusiasm.
A warm fight between Benjamin
Berg, a tailor at Fourth and Stark
atreets. and A. Nalo. an employe In
which hot pressing Irons and long
shears were tinea as weapons, was In
terrupted by the police this afternoon
after each or the combatants had re
ceived considerable facial damage. The
fight arose ever Nalo disobeying orders.
Naio demanded hla wares on the soo1
and In the row that followed the tailor
ing Instruments were brought into Pie
Both men are -under the care of Phya
Circuit Judge fiantenbeln Is trying the
caae of the Drexel Hotel company
againat the Oregon Short Line railroad.
In which a itttie more than I4O00 dam
ages ta sought because of the loss of
a carload of rumiture ehlrped from
Portland to Valek. Or., and burned on
the way. The case is likely to occupy
several aaya -
Pendleton. Or. Oct 11. The trial r
Mike Ryaa for murder was brourht to
la adi-n and unexpected : termination
,ii"i iwi,K wurn l was fl r-v t. . uk. , , . ...
, . . . - . . , , . , - - . I . . 1 ' " , , , , , ii.ini aijr-T.,
irtTi th. rjlTt., skI.M .-.fc,m lmg'.iO, wbe offered Chief r.f Pa
S. V. Jf i , Oeorga nixon.ilk Cx I; ft If he would illow him t-
C - " " " name or orn a bae ror Immnrtl r-urrxwa.
hla 1-lCtim. IMlrk-t Attornev Phelr'-a rantlnnnl tn nunirln-l
ef K- V i - n a ri th miA ro t tunof. JdM ftot wish to ro the r1fc cf revrraal .y)n.rtar H as -m nmA from
.'inorii it s mm of W cwM -rrt ' ne f at the hands f The stij evne' custody under ti hJL
!. Trti ant Talr. Tii- art trr-art. ' -ouM - he snored that the Indlr-- Vient ! . - - . . . .
"-t . I fe 1 at 1 e.-f-k. f j .-? , r i;mlrA. Klrren tnrym-a ilrl ntwt a . t- rt -.. ...
i 1 rr Hwss -ef Ra;.r,.,l.-jr lo-k and key alnn. Friday ier.l w .f rn.i. i. R- IT
- i . i . . K. . -. w . . , .f VI rifrlMl . - lis. r . aa ail t . . ---- . - . - . - , - '
- ' ' - , - -" , . , . mt'ym ,.a , m w , M rm rtm m aaa. a . . . , w
1 ne "a -fwf.e-n tiiio t ir-. rraad Jury.
"' H t'.e f-a-r.tirge.fl Jt t exrrted te -ww ill he ediltff !
-i i-r,,rt .-,-e arrargtsj ini' hl ' mt the legality of a see
r. lccictmect. -
(Sperlal I5patch' to Tba JoarnaL)
Baker City, Or., Oct 11. The cltlsens
of Baker City are aroused over the
great number of robberies that have
occurred the last few days. Several
houses have been entered. Last night
thieves entered four jealdences and se
cured money, iewlrv and other vaJ...
ables Ihe home of W. W. Hawley. an
employe of the jotofflce. waa looted
by a thief, who wallteA through aa un
locked floor and secured (1 in money.
He overlooke4 S60 In a room. The
home of A, J. Flah. a plumber, waa en
tered out little . was secured. . A. N.
Inrla, living near by. lost a aultria.
containing t ana ciotnwig. The real
dnco of E. Steward on Center street
waa entered but little of value waa
taken. Tha work appears to be that of
A' writ Of habeas enrmm was la-nat
about noon toda by Clrcurt Judre Oa
tens for Mn. Hannah Purser of -aver-ton.
n Inaane patient at tha Crystal
Springs sanitarium, where aha was
flared trf tier ruardian. The writ Is
riumaoe iueor nernint at . ia
crkwk. Hr a-iardtan ia Ir. W. ft
Wood f H'ileborot Aftorn.y H. T. B-
y or Kiiifr trr M Tnr tN. ar,r
dwlarlng tha woman hod b lilerai!j
detained at the sanitarium.
Mrs. Klpp Fnnd. .
Twe rextre rnf rihutt'wa hare h ta-
f tm tt.. .,aa -1,1.1. .a -. . - -
t'ona In te ftrcn mtmi atTfo r K rp m t:ne art Tia
tr A-T-P ta'r tra-'re-l to tha I t;m .? r-ew artar,. .r ft:i Tk.
ft the (.)r if e"r,m-rca la I t a jem-ripw r" ie1 are T A. P
1 fonwt
-I tta Ct
err.roerxUi Owb iiiM.rf.
It at 4 M. JRekcahl c-(a
He is 35 years -old and lives with bis
moTher at ' tst. Johns. - constable Wag
ner, who has been . working on the
case," caused his apprehension Saturday
night The case will be heard Tues
day in municipal court. " ,
H. A. Tuthill, proprietor of the Star
pool room. Who was arrested Saturday
evening for allowing- gambling- In his
f lace. was given a fine of $2$ and costs
his morning in municipal court Those
ar rested In a. rati on the place were
Loula Hahoggie, John Feyeres, Albert
Browning. It Richards. T. Turk. H. 8.
Cooper and Arthur Oray. They were
shooting craps and fined $S each. -
Policeman J. 8. Gould looked Into the
mussle of a revolver early this morn
ing when he opened a door to a room
at the Oxford hotel, Sixth and Oak
streets. He was looking for a different
man,' but preferred a charge agnlnnt
John Parker of pointing weapons Since
the effalr wae all a case of mistaken
identity, tne cnarge was dlaraiased. -
" H. Scott, a saloonkeeper, rharsed with
violating the Sunday rloslng law. rn.
tered'a He ef not ruilty. and will he
heard In municipal court TueeiWy.
James Wrreleti waa arrested with two
hottla Of whiskey and -Ttrat reported
i nf siaa pun:iwg 1 1 xrom ccott.
hospitality should t decide to visit their
cities.' - -..- . ' --'. ."
"I want to tour the west, because I
havA hnen ' told that thfl fnrthAf weat
you fro the more energetic, original and
independent you find the women. I
bave met some -New York women, and.
While I think I may claim I am not
complacent under my wrongs, those New
York women nearly took . my breath
away., What must the women of Cali
fornia be!" ,
Mrs. Pankhurst is tha widow of a-phy
sician, wnen ner aaugnter ennatauei
took tin woman's suffrage Mrs. -Pank
hurst was grieved. The" daughter was
sent- to jail ana tnis proor or devotion
to : the cause aroused the interest of
tne mother, i who , haa served two Jail
sentences' herself." - .?.
Her executive ability and forceful elo-
quenco as a public speaker soon brought
her to the forefront' of the union of
which she Is now president
She will lecture first in Boston. V
tha ntatements made by her
In the answer are true, but as .to all
peopicjeral dentaL She admits tha.t ha paid
out 1140 to redeem ciiamonas tnat sne
had pawned in California, aha being
then the wife of F. J. Cotton, and also
admits that he advanced her $20 and
paid for clothing and other needs All
of this money she repaid, she says, but
nevertheless Brunswick kept the dia
mon da.. She savs he -has pawned them
nn amifl nriara.! the innntv.
The. filing of the .reply makes the
pleadings of the case complete and, ,C
may now be set for trial, probably to
be reached in the December term. -
i mpertal Dlptcli tq Th Journal.)
Medford, Or., Oct. 11. circuit Judge
H. K. Hanna this 'morning overruled
a motion made by the city to dissolve
the Injunction restraining the city from
entering upon the premises of M. F.
Hanley on Little Butte. reek for the
purpose of laying the gravity water
line. ' The case will now be tjarrted
to the supreme court '
The Injunction was Issued upon con
stitutional points raised by A. B.
Re'ames, attorney for Hanley, ques
tioning the right of the governor to
send Judge John 8. Coke to this dis
trict to hear the rasa When It reaches
the supreme court the validity or the
statue - passed by the last legislature
and under which Judge Coke received
his appointment as well as the one
under which . the governor acted win
be tested. ' - .
Wood literally Is mined In upper Ton
kin. " A forest believed to have been
buried by an earthquake witltln com
paratively modern times, has been dis
covered which yields timber which
practically is Indestructible.
Building permits to the value of $59,-
0S0 have been .issued as follows:
Hawthorne estate, repair two. rfory
frame store. Grand avenue between East
Salmon and Fast Main, builder. C. W.
Tanstone, $600. - , .
P. Bruno, erect one story frame gar
age, Kant Twenty-first street between
Clackamas and Wasco, builders.. Rice A
Mehan. 1200. - v -
S. Allegranl, repair two atory frame
laundry, $48 Hawthorne avenue between
Second and Third, builders, 6. Mori aV
2 waKavma, izsoo.
H. Hoffman,, tear down, two story
frame building. Fourteenth V,reet. "Cor.
ner Couch, builder, J. R. Clark, $100.
R. T. Stflnleton. erect on. anrl on.
run i story irame awpuing, cnei r our-1 , , . . ,. . .
teenth street between Braaee and Knott No ' eentaina Saraaparilis,
builder, same, $2000, - but becauae H la a medicine of peculiar
a. . uiKiiuivui, , , . ' 1 1 v nii, unv
half story frame dwelling. Gladstone
etreet, rorner of Thirty-first builder.
K. A. Krlckson, $SO0O.
J. Mueller, erect two etory frame
dwelling. Graham avenue between Van
couver and Uantenbeln, builder, C. II
Allton. $350$. '
fltv At -Fftrflart a t t v.
brick flreriouae, Montromery treet. stomseh, liver and bowels.
(HUf , a
iWhy Does It Cure
merit, composed f more than twenty;
different remedial agents itch fireaC!
strengthened" and enriched by tkia pa
euliar combination. - It effects pha
norr.anal cures ef troubles ef tne bleed.
Broe $$.
Baraaparin. carta
R. N. Brown, erect two etorv --ne ' av-roftila. trtfrna. knemla. rhenmatUm
hetweam T.l-. ' . . T . .
Pprinklinir Ca DUmlmexL
Albauv. Or . Oet II. Norman Oerke e I I'"1, IZ
was dl-mlea-4 from the rity re- 1 11 ' T it a(,i
Tdera rort this morning, the cfy re-J h y
rtr tr
eordef heift'rg that ta. lra d.d ant
warrant trial. Kvaareliet Mrtxsnjid,
former-lr J!ge !.' ra Mrlv.nald ct
tf urrifr eoirt f F-w.kan..
fJri-a arreriM Hutuftv for t-rol-
w!r on h I tti' arm .-thi iar
t!a were let f f wlt.vot ceeta v
dwelling. Or-ron etreet
t'eth and Thirty-ftr-t. builder. F.
Dl. a- . U St I iifl a a . . at ....
. a L IK f T at tin f nA aktrtv a.
lory immt iTfirni, mi Yktvt -v- av vw
i r(ra vu uuj mnj prrparauon Bala la
catarrh, nervousnera, that tired feel
for It. It
FIey. repete -one and on.
rmlf atory f-arre rwell!rg. Kmnt Thir-'
tet) street ttwe- Anaeiy and Aeh.
$lf. . -i
J-n'it Ufrup. era( two atory f -an .
e i-s. U,H are-iii. K'lt" f'tw.i
t ar,4 I-ajni. ta-'ltr. B. C. fe.trg.
be "j-Jt as rood you may be sure It
Is tnfeTior. coats les to make, anl
ye!de the dee'ey a farrer peoff.
' M N e4y H 0e err! tWrV.4 fa er ta
m ix., a. . .