The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 10, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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your hoi.or." enllimrd MUr, and hale
a inaa iio tae a woman. I lv her
,, than a...i.a In ine world, ai.d
hava aoum avcrylhlng to h.r
hi.i.y. hut ehe won ! fltrt to ma. Mr
J l.R-ka brlaht, and 1 -. her my
Una bok. BJ.d how we r.u gel along
Uul ah alea ia mad. and won I
"lilit? fJrui.r elated that bla Uj
houae In ord.r. 11 alao aIJ tliat
had to take care of the two Utile chil
dren, and each Sunday morning gate
them raady for churen. and take, them
Wlirral''irUr charged that on Octotxr
I. har hualwnd twal har l"ut th head
and pulled her hair. Thle haa bwn
rtoiia aevaral tlinoa, aha taaiifled. ma.iy
(liuaa the paai few monllia. That he
cmly hr lil t! i 1
and rfu4 t at i u I r
thr nad In aeiilii." a
aha lnaliur,1 avarl n-u, n
farther 1 Ut h '
Ii, home and h-r ei.i.i
wlndowa. Meier alle.t the t' the ttooia 111 It
oarryln away the furultur.
t.,1 ever tlu 1 t"'s h J '"J
ii uii
.t,t to kl hr ai.e ",
?r. B l.aif "t tta h-lgMa thl
Wn.r. Ill nfth aira-i. - aad i W
JU.le linnet in Btunlf l ,?" -'hTa
trrlay when cnraa wiw. -
ch th' thrown out r','M JL
I Li
would not eoi pie maata. or "f "-
j ptTvi a m
Mobile Han Says Alabamans
Are at Mercy of Spito
V and Officiousncss. it;
New York, Oct I. "Bo )rae!t are
the provisions, of the new prohibition
law In Alabama, that a condition p
proachlr, anarchy, and which U en
tirely Intolerable, lift . been broufht
bout. in 4 tha larie Mes, at least."
. said N. B. lUuhards, a prpmlnent man
of Mobile. Ala., who arrived here today.
"Unleea the la-fc-lnlature take prompt
action amending- the Uw." continued
Mr. Richards,' the consoquenoos era
likely to be serious. Under the provl-
ions of thla act. tha poanaloa of any
. alcohollo com-octlon constitutes a votla
tl.m of tha law. Tha Vu ottlewu r
given pruetleally unre-trtcted Hunt to
Search. Thla lio'1.
In abus-e that have caused tha moit
Violent feline; and la tlly to result
.'in very aerloua. conflicts.
"People hava taken advantage of tha
law tolodra complaints srnl"t lwnl
. enemies, of technical vlolatlona of tha
' law Ralda and arreata have followed
'. and Bood. law-abiddlna; people, Innocent
of any wilful violation of the ,1a w. hava
", .-juirVhinoflt . honaawlf. mjkl.f
; WaokVrry oordial balnr
1 llabla to arrest, nd If an tll-temperea,
. iuful i"ihbor calla tha attantfon of
?ne Bherlff to tha matter har noma 1
"naVtht-a'tWnw aro not ov.rdr.wn
I. ahown by an Incident that ao ually
happened on tha streets of Mobile re-
e"2Ay' lady bad been shopping ' and
bouht s7 corset. An officer waS In-
' formal by somebody with rrudire
ualnat tha shopper that tho bundle
contained bottfe of" whiskey. To har
S?at embarrassment aha was eora
Klled to open tha bundle on the-street
ajid axhlbll har purehaaa. . .
a mn who haa a flash of brandy
In Ma home for medical purpoaea la
W&g&M 'the' merit, of prohlbj.
, t!on I am very wur. that the peopla of
,; iiihimi will not eubmlt to the w aa
U i stands toda and aa H U onforcad
J in W state." ; - Vv .,
perinntf hoole, ha. MUle aym
ta.thr with lerlslatore who paae laws
ttSlrt tta tha trouble to lnveatt
ate tha subject of their legislation.
Ihi xpreaaed haraalf with a jrTgor that
left no doubt ot her meaning and lricl
SenUv Sav. the , ."ChlperneW
"klndneaa to. Wilmala", law a verhai
"StK&Vwi' tha moat thoroji hly
foollah atatute. I have aver aear' aald
Mra. Younff after aha had epent moat ot
aaftarnoon with the board of ramr
; Intanderfta. trytn, to dovlaa a plan for
who taewVotUr r7US: hlnJrUt
rlrula, of tha atata. It adds nothing to
oar corriciilum In Chicago, but It gTrja
(in i aituatlon that' la very ouiicuii u
bajodle." . -
f 2Trw Xir Pocka Teaolara.
Tha Chtoerf leld law, which came too
light, aa far aa Chicago tewharara
concerned, in a bnUoOn sluad bj-Mrj.
t Young- thrw , day. o Provide, that
' voted'Tnrth. ShootV ?o
of "humane jrana.n- r
ii mi i in y " ey
' ' " ' '
i : . ' .
f ' ...
i . - . :
' . : - -' - 1
-. - : : r.-- i J
- ; .
K v 1 . v. - t i
l. -v.) j
' .. ,, i j
, . Miss Antoinette Oawam, daughter of former New ork State ftutot
xn.arih u Oftiiam who will have the eupport ot her father la her d&
SSiASStST Mm. Marshaii Clark, Charging MU. : 0af am
with the aUenatioa cot the affection! of Mra Clark', husband, an , "aa
r'hknrnaa Professor Nlblo. Oiuiam, Who wag partly
hffJriouB Kentlworth Inn at
nSior C doubts hi abi lty to see hia daughter, who., he declarer
f. vSlkeci a Srisoner in the .bome of her mother, the divorced wife
ot 32 WtSa S5will V Cut Sclude. picture of the profeaeor - and,
Mrs.' Clark. . "Y ' ' -J-
P Who rail. TO ooinyi? l
, Job" ahaU bo docked f Vrj$: ot ,hlr 1 1
' young waa nesiesea wX..vk,
' era who "wanted to know'' about the
locking provlaion and bewildered prln
, clpala after lnntrtictlona as to tho en
forcement of the law. , - '
ChlcaKO,- Oct 9.new0f .the laat aeU
tof the late Charlaa T. Terkes, on to
. traction magnate of Chicago, who left
in ca?ate eatimated at 10.000.000. wa.
to atrlke from the, number of hi. bequest"-115.000
that had been left by
will to alx ofhls Bervanto. . - .
Wht purports to be a oodlfl to W.
final testament haa been - filed wlth
Judee Cutting in tho probate court by
Walter W. Ross, counael for Louis S.
Md?SrWl Yerjce.' eur
- i?aaLreprsennt0e? 1? oSurl M
William Mannbardt, who ; promised ;
' stubborn fight Held waa tevorad
servant of Terkeo. He waa left ISOOO
by the original will -b-1,v.
. If the codicil be .uatalned, the YerTtea
hospital wf .New- Tork. an Institution
thTFTm be eatabllshed under . the
terms of the already much battered in
strument. wl be enriched by $16,000.
WTu" nU v. tt1i1 will be baaed on
the contention that the codicil was
drafted by Mr. Yertcc. tinder tho in
fluence of "delusions" that his servants
were oonsplring to hasten his death In
order to benefit thereby.
A: V-'" '.Y;., ? atai.aajaaaaaaaas'"''' Y .V' V' X X .-v-
New ! York. Oot " I. -Tha 'cannon
salutes of tho warahlps In, the Hudson
during the Hudson-rulton celebration
b?oiglt"o the aurfaee the bodlea of
. Koe. who . have been drowned recently
In tho-river. For the - third time in
as many days a body rose tojhe sur.
fao. of Weat Fiftieth Street The body
waa that of a man appearing to be
about J8 years old. was i Five feet eight
Inohas tall, weighed 10 poundB. and
had light complexion, sandy hair and
amooth - ahaven face. Among th er
1 eota were 19, and a memorandum book
coMajrirS the Same. "Moarath, Ko 431
East nfty-flret Btreet and "Henry
fiSfOi H7 Ninety-third street."
Thomaa MoOrath. a saloon keeper at
Forty-eighth Btreet and Flrat avenue.
Urea at the former addreaa. He aald
he did not know the man. One of the
n ts.r hoHaa brouaht up by the
cannonading was found off West Flf
Klftyalxth street
Frederick W. Peabody to
Expose Christian Science
Frederick W. Peabody. a noted Bos
ton lawyer, la delivering a mwm
lecture, on the Paclfio coast under the
general title of "Christian Science Exposed.'--
He will speRk Monday night,
October IV at the White Temple.
" Mr. Peabody, for the past. 10 yrf.
boa had occasion to carefully invesU
gate christian Science and speaks with
IllJSJ fLVI IUU1 4l VI niivn.vwa)-
-the real character of the moyernent and
its leader, xie naa iuuo
the history of Mrs. Eddy and the heal
ing system which aha calls her own. .
-Some of, the things he aay. are fa
miliar to many, but moat of the things
aro new and are aupported by evidence
that cannot be repudlatedf; at least ,m
far tha Christian Science authorities
have never taken oocaalon to dlsprov
the statements of Mr. Peabody, mntk.
The Boston Herald saya: "His speech
waa an avalanche of wit and Mttog : sai
caam." At-tho same i time i his charges
are so plain- and so definite that there
la no mistaking , what , the speaker has
t0Ati'os Angeles 'the Temple Auditori
um waa packed with 4000 people while
3000 more-are reported to have been
turned away, unable to gain admission.
Th Ii alio true of W Francieco,
where the lecture waa given In a great
rink. For the lecture at the White
Temple no admlaalon wUl bo charged.
Bradford. Pa.. Oct 0.-artay Cole,
division freight agent of the Erie rail
road eotnmltted suicide here today by
taking poison. No auae la assigned for
tho act ' - ' :
' : - Notarial Oommigsione.
Salem. Or.. Oct . Notarial eommls
.JB. hava.been toV J. Bannon.
cannonading was f ound off West Fir- gumpio j.iL aJrehaer.
tieth street and tha other off West Bouie. s,5-- ralry.
Xrfviits .
Out-of-order Kidneys are
regulated ending Bladder
I misery.
Out-of-order kidney, att Rne and
fcacksche or bladder misery 1 re! r-d
afl-r a few doaea of Tape e tleurt!e-
Paine In the back. aide, or loins,
rheumatic talrgee, 1littatlrf hi1
rha BM-roueneea. d'lnea, a.eepla
ttK Inflamed or swollen ej-eil-la.
out felina and many oter rantows
of cloggel. Inactive kldneya .trpir
rrenbeut painful and oorontm.AMe
orlration du o a weak cr irtitbit
b!a-".-!er la iromr'lV 'rfura
TTe raornent jou, scr-t any
Madder f-T vr'- ry r. . rdT cr 1l
r;m.iltn e r.r.g taVlff '
ttni'ii ret-r. with te na.e-se
that there no other medicine, at ary
price, made anvwhera else la the worii
which will effect aa thoroush and
prompt cure, ee a cent traatment
fif I r'. liuretle, which any druggist
CTMsrunu'nal preparatloa g-a dlreot
to tha out-of-order kMneya. bladd-r M
urlnarr ayatem, cloanina. beaaof ajd
atrenslhenine teae organs afld tianda,
and coropietee the cure before go rea
UA,lf.w'ttmeot with Pape".
IMuretic mmns -len. artlTO. .ty
ldn-a, e..adder and arliiarr organa
acd you fel fine. . .
Tfif r"'"1,w fhanriae'at. haakar
rr It' ner"-f ie rrrf wl.i tMf1
t at far. ThnmpK." Par ' f
ri'r.atl la a l'a and rr'W M!l
c. nfin. Uirturt:y worifiy af rur
foiYt "or'T rr-ee rd iU ot
tH,,.r ri y drug aTcre ary-
where I" tv.e
m.Mnrir.n 'DnL lAi inaulry" has
been Inaugurated by Postmaster General
Hitchcock Into tha cost to the railroad
companies of transporting tha mails,
for which the oompames receive u
nnnllv frnm tha aovernment 150,000,000.
Thla 1. not intended necessarily to .re-
- . , aAa a 4. e a e all WrfV A 1 Ba
On tha contrary It may afford tba rail-
m m. intira.A.Tfit AnnnrtiinltV CO
demonstrate that they are underpaid.
This has been their claim at all times,
and while no one has believed it, it has
afforded basis for a spirited resistance
In congress of every attempt made to
rauuoe uie conjpauu
. . Asks tho maHroads. . ,
MrY Hitchcock has sent a olrcular let
ter to all the ; railroads, asking mat
each Inform him in aetaii oi me mimi
coat of the transportation of mglls, - In-
and all other Item, of eipen.o to which
tha railroads can hardly ba expacted to
.UaMaalwaal IHV ihg WOnt Af ' it 11
KirO iijoiu.oi v oar 7 - ' -
their reports, tho information mav . not
DO 99 vaauaoia m.a uio way.
htniM waa aiireatait hy the sec
ond assistant poatmaster general, who
nas cnargs or nu ra"w7. "
of the postal service. While the de
partment does not assert that the rail
roads aro overpaid for the actual carry
ing of the malls, It is held that in tho
charges made for postal cars the govern
ment Is required to pay higher rate
than .any other claaa of shippers.
Long ago In reports Of several post
master generals, it was suggested that
the system' of paying rentals for the
rates for all mail carried waa a dual
method or compensation rrom wiiicu
tha railroads derived all the benefit The
general auggestlon made from time to
time haa been that the government
ahould build Its own cars and pay tho
railroads, for hauling them, the Same
raiaa aa ara naid by other owner, of
private cars. This system it has been
anown wouiu rui ouw u m
mall transportation very materially.
. kHMV... , Mfiitmntlnn Af mafl
oara by the government would require
and this expenditure congress has been
unwilling to authorise. .
Just what recommendations Mr.
Hitchcock will baee upon tha result of
hla Inquiry ho doe. not know himself
and cannot know nntll he gets the to
fonnation he has asked for.
New Haven. Oct Tale onlverslty;.
foith year opened with t fslilna off In
the number of freshmen entering and a
sllrht decree In the number of atu
deata la attendanea at the gradJM
Tho report of Treasurer VcClunar.
however, show, that the university haa
net only been livinr within Ita means,
est 1. ll.eo.099 richer than last rar.
The total assets of the university tn
ereaed from MI4144 to l.Sltt?t.
and tha andnwTnent funds roeo from
ti X Ct to i '
m tha 1f ta mer tinned Is Oo of
IJoeoo from Otto T. Bannard. B
rnbllean apmlnee for Mayor of Near
Trk and gooayDOos gifts aggregating
M4I.T7S. .
-X lrra aay wife, yodre. I love wsv
two baMea. aad waist te make a grd
rme f r tfcem. Vrit sVa la mkie.g 1
w . w- v - mA t V ira. r
is rt " o't ir. fcy her i
Young Men Take Notice
. Ttflor who create Young Men's Clothes exclusively, and who
lire, breathe and work In the spirit of youth, have produced the classi
est variety of suit atyles for this fall ever known in the history of
Young Men's Clothes. ' ' -
.Havlne chosen our new lines from these specialists, we are in a'
position to show you a veritable shower of lively, snappy models, fab
fics, patterns and colors. They're all ready for your criticism and
comparison, and marked especially low at , , . ' (
$15, $20 Up to 40
' ' ' ' ' " ' :'"
Moit clothing sold by the average store js NOT all wool nor Is tjie sarng
wholly and completely hand-tailored. Often their clothing is called that
Lt when you press them to the test they s.y they mean all wool commer.
dally " That mtana nothing, except that there is cotton mixed with the
wooL And cotton has no business in good clothing. v
Arsin the fabrics in much' clothing either are not shrunk at al or but
half shrunk In Totally Different- clothes, all garments are shrunk in the
That's one reason why we can guarantee them to
hold their shapes indefinitely. ' ,
nf the most fastidious dresser-in Portland have selected Full
f0! g.JJ?r "coU iSixomovit stock and declare them to be su
?erior to aSStaf they hive evS worn. Our stock, complete in every
qeuif is open to your examination, inspection and companson.
'Till T):U;rr QQironTri an rl Rtnrlr
GRANT PHEGLEY, Manager otu ;
ssssssaasaasaaaw-wss ' '
ii(D)MS Safe I . 5
IQ00 lanteedl
Values to $2.50 at
A big special offer for Monday in 5000 waists, plain
tailored and lingerie effects; made in India linen
Madras weaves and Dimities; in white, white and
Diack stripes and shadow effects; some with pleated
bosoms -others with raised madras work; sizes 34 to
44 inches, waists that are worm anu
sell regularly at $2.50, on special sale
for Monday only, at
sec YamHIll QW
: I Window Display , ; "
You should see those new Fall Suits that we are of
fering this week at only $25. No such values sold
elsewhere in Portland. Our easy , terms of payment
meet with hearty approval You are invited to open
a charge account and pay as you can. Large sizes a
specialty with us in Suits, Cloaks and Skirts 32 to
48 inches. .. ' , .
We carry a very extensive line of Furs and Fur Coats
moderately priced and sold for cash or on credit oa
very easy terms. ,
Long Coats, Capes, Skirts, Millineo'vove?.. etc.,
in all sizes and of the very .latest styles. Inspection
is. cordially invited.
e a J
Ladies', Misses' and Men's umoreius, in a sIC"
ennahlv r.n "f :
variety of styles. Standard goods reasonably P
Vomlifll r
,1 C oi ry r '
m . ' w