THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 0, 1903. WILL DEDICATE HE!'! EDIFICE a-reinonies n't First" United Presbyterian; Church ,To morrow. CHURCH SLRVIC1LS Sucstivc Questions on the Sunday School Lesson 1y Rov. Dr. T. S.Xinscott W . ? !! I--..-. - - j, if i 1 m:i 1 k. MS juptiat. First Whit Tempi. Twlfth and Taylor. Rev, J. Whiuswinb Brougher. V. l. 10, 'Viio Accord ' prayer moetlng BrvlcBM, 10:30 urn! 7 ;30; lilbl aoliool U: V ! I'.. . Tonka. "On For All and All Fur One." "Rcmwmber Lot- Wife, a Kt-riuon for linn and womrn to hear. M-nnd Hxvrtitli and East' Alik'ny; Rev. H. S HUi k. " J;S0 and 7:30; Bible school. 13; H. Y. P. U.. 6.30. t't-iitral East Tweiftleih and Ankeny; Rev. W. T. 11 and 8; 8. -. .ao: Y. I'. U.. ;.0. . . . . . Arlcia Ut-v. K A. Smith, 11 and 8. S II. Y. I. U.. 45 Highland Alberta "d Wut A. Leonard, pastor. 11 and (i IT a 111' H K. 10. 'seliwiHMl Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev. P. W. Thurston, pastor, 11 ,ni ; Kins. ill Trounifii run. Oil vary kmi u-ikiuii nnu mni. " J. N. Monro.-. 11 and; a -. Y. 1". I ., 6:30. Topics, T i)iilinuiii"ii ui th HfllK. "David a t internes up. ImmartuH Jones nuii. umi" nnw Front. Jtev. A. H. Jlluniier. n .11): K. H . 12: 11. I. I . . . Service In evening at rourtn resu .....If,., ,hitm-H Crace Montavina; " ' nt,., 11 nnd 7:Sfl: K. B.. 1 l'., S.S0. Toplca, "TU Law Fulfilled, T ..alitor Knlrlfa I' l'ark Rev. A. B. Walt. a e in it n.i u- M l. ". u.. I. Sunnyaid x.ermani roriy-iiroi tnu Hawthorne; ov. c 1'cmaniu. t o. a. A K stl - John (German) Rev. C. Feld- meth. 8. 8.. 9:45; aervicca ii mu ii. tt. John" Kev. tj. J. wwcti, n. and 7:J0; B..B.. 10; .B. rr Jt:..u-- Chinese Mlaaion Ji v ."-- ciw S.. 7; prettthlng. , by llv( iung .hak. . 1 rn. First oerman rourin nu Rev. J. Kratt. 11 ana :au; q. a., Second Uorman aiorris tiwi Rodney avenue; ltv. iiauerniann, u Rev. Frank Do Witt Flndley. The nr First tTnlted Presbyterian church, corner or Sixth and Montgom ery, will be dedicated tomorrow with fitting ceremoniea. The pantor, Rev. Frank D Witt Flndley, will deliver th dedicatory sermon at 10:30 in the morn ing;. Other pastors of' the city will also rive words of greeting to the pas tor and hi congregation. At noon the Bible school will be held, for which an especially Interesting program . has been prepared. At 3 o'clock a rood fellowefiin meeting will be held. '.This meeting will be addressed by Rev. Lutber R. Dyott, DI.. I. H. Walker. DD., J. Whitoomb Brougher, 1D., B. F. Toung;, D. D.. and J. HWU - eon, D. V. A union Christian Endeavor meeting will be held at 6:30 in the evening, the societies of the Second and Third churches joining In the meeting with ' the society of the First church. Union services of the First, Second and Third churches will "held'at 7:80 in the evening. Rev. John Acheaon and Rev.- S. Earl bu Boise, with the choirs from their churches, will assist in the cervices. . - This church was the first of the de--nomination m to establish .a itself e in the large cities of the northwest It "'has -had a healthy development and, has Talwayt. taken active part in th mqral Uplift, of, .hprcity. The present pastor holds " his degree from Monmouth- collcgln -Illinois' -and Theological seminary in Pttsburg, Pa. Hs- has had interesting and successful pastora tes In r JUarshf lelLr and Wells ville. Ohio. ' 7 ' missionary W. R. Stevtnson. appoint ed by the Board of Home Missions to explore - the northwest came to Port land in November, 183. The iPresby- tery of Oregon appointed Rev. 'Drs. S. i Irvin. T. J. Wilson: and XV. R. Stev enson a commission i.o orKftnlze a con gregation. The xongresation organized April 2. I8$4, in HaH street Methodist Kolscopal ohurth, now the Jewish Synagogue,- - .-.' . A chapel 'Tvas-built on the corner of Fixth and Montgomery etrpets and was (indicated in ..February, 1885. rThe list of. pastors Is as follows: . , Rev.- Dr. W. R. Stevens, ' November, 1883. to November. 187: Rev. Dr. W. W. Logan. May,,. 1888, to December, 1891; Rev. Dr. George E. Hawes. January, 1893, to October. 1898; Rev. Hnber Fer guson, April. 1899, to November, 1902; Rev. Ai W. Wilson, November, 1903, to January, 1909. The present pastor. Rev. Frank De Witt Flndley, was called in June, 1909. The congregation became,' self sup porting eight years after the date of organization.: -.From it has sprung the Frscond church at Grand avenu and Wasco, "i" organized In November, 1892, and th Third church, at Hawthorne avenue, January 31, 1909. The present house of worship was planned about one year ago and built at a cost of about $13,000, the other building being retained and used now a' the Sabbath school assembly room. The edifice is. therefore, well accom modated to aggressive work. .Ministers, Sunday school teacher . and thr Interested ara InvlUd tj writ Tli Journal trUfly tlialr vlaws a to th wort of ths "Quealluoa, particularly if they ronalder than) of vain In tlirlr work.) Th International Newspaper. Blbl Study club I for th 'pun ef pr rooting In an uiftterd way among th ai", a wider tudv of th Bil l. tl basal truth of Christianity, and th problems wMh ntr Into ' man' Uf. It la composed of all tho who join a ioosi ciuo. ana wm R " J 1 1 WMW " w fktdmor. Rv. I). J. Thorea, 11 a CU, I, . .... Immanuei uartnan vorner itin ana Ih tHrllwoodj, IL C tbellng. 10. Iv rt. a. a.-xs - (Irac Kngllsh Roilney nrl Ivy, AI bliia. II. tbniing, ?.iu. Norwegian Kerby and Fc) street. tev. u. Htov, it. It la comoo-rd Imp! cours herrln outlined, barring only ordalnsd clrgymn. and -to compel for th prlif. ' tlm during th yar, but must, naftar xp(alnd, to qualify for of th not lolnad are warmly Invited to do ao Person may loin th club at any miipu . n,.r t th a ftf niljial Inn. rirln ' - I,.' l. ',:..7in. ... 'k. .k..i. k .i..i.l (hi. afflce. Tnla paper has sourd th rl)t , to publlah th InUrnallonal Sunday Vtlnnl faaAn AUMllfim hv nw. T Ir. T .1 fM-f I rhtih ha.v. Arouaed SO mUcn lnfrt alnshirL and ttii wilt miwir .-lt 1 v In- Hoth th Batarday and Sunday laauea of Th Journal. On- of; thra question each waek Is to b answered In writing and upon thea-answer th prlsa ar to b awarda. OondltlOM of th tjronUst I ITa.Th nnlulial A. Kla n hap flmllv ami Va a. amtarlbS 0 tat .1. r ' VP,r in order to qualify for membernblp lit th international Nawspaper xi"i 'ArJ f-; Btudr e-lub and this local club. ....... 4.4U, 13. a. 4 Earh Minl.itinl In thla local club must answer aach of th written ques tions for 62 consecutlv weeks, commencing Sundsy, March 14, tnit in im"" iut all b In th posslon ot tin paper vlthlo two or in Of this period. - t. Each question muat b answered separately and th papr wrlttea on one aid only. No answer must exceed 80. words in length and mav b laa Earn answer must hav the nam, and 'address of th writer at th bottom cr trie answer. 4. The answers must b at the cloaa nf tha contest ant amlnatlon by comnetent examlnera Th prise will then b awardad ar cording to th highest number of mark; won by mem bant of Th InUrnallonal Nawspaper Blbl Study club. First Series A gold muAi to each of th first five contestants. rVcona Series A sliver dedal to ach of th next fiv contestants. Third Serlea A Teacher' Bible, prlc ffi.tO. to aach of th next fir con testants. Fourth Series The book 'Th Heart ot Christianity," prlc 11.10, to each of the aext IS contestants. ' Each medal will be suitably . engraved, giylng th nam of th winner and for what Jt la awarded and tn like manner each Blbl and book will b in scribed. , All who -ran write and hav Idea, ar urged to tak up the studies regardless-of the degree of their education, aa th paper ar not valued from an educational or literary standpoint, but from th point of view ofy th vuiciiu7 mcir reaaonca iucib. delivered to thJ fflr, and they will b collated inl forwarded in headquarter for Indrpendant Faat Fortv-fifth street Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook. 11:15 and 7:3D; little school, ju; . i. . ?- ,n. Lents Rev. J. iVHeacock. S. S.. 10; U and 7:3o; B. Y. P. I'.. :S0. Mount Ollv Seventh and Everett, Rev. B. B. B. Johnson, ii ana :. SwedlBl atoyt ana ruwenui, ."f;- Erlck Scheratrom. i:a ana i.. 8.. 1Z; B. i . f. U., n.av. Tki K'nnit and Vancouver. Rev. n. Schwedler, 11 and 7:30; S. B.. 10. Topics, Communion," A rrMuropuoui uwu Woodstock Forty-first and Holgate, Rev. F. E. Dark. 11 and ; o. a., ju, services each night. Presbyterian. TMi.t Tweiftti and Alder. Rev.' Wil liam Hiram Foulkes, 10:80 and 7:30; S. S 1210; Y. P. V.. 6:45. Sermons by a'Lv Rnhort Mr.ICpnzie of San Francisco and Rev. Ernest F. Hall. Pacific coast secretary, board of foreign missions. Mizpah Eaat Twelfth and Powell; Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:30; S. S.. 10; E 6:30. Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and- 7:46; Bible school, noon. - Fourth First and Olbbs; Rev. Donald Mackenxle, 10:30 and 7:30. .S. S.. 12; C. I., 6:80. Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30, :B0" B. B., lZ, U. fj., o:.iu. iupicB,, fthalt the Oia Faith Be Thrown Over board T" Stcreopticon lecture, "Round About the Wells of Jerusalem." Forbes SeHw-dod - and Gatitefibein; Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; S.. S., 10; C. E., 6:30. Piedmont Cleveland -and Jarrett; Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; S. S.. 12:15. ' Chinese 146 First 7:45; S. S-, 6:46. Westminster East Tenth and Weld ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and .7:30;, 8. S.. 12; Y. P.- S. C. E., :S0. - Mai-shaU . Street Marshall-and- North Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. , Hays. 11, 4. Mount Taho-f- Behnont and Pretty mah; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 8; a a, io. Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10; C. E., 6:30., Third East Thirteenth and pine; Rev. Andrew j. Montgomery, io:ao anq 7:45; S. S., 12. Hope Montavilla, Rev. J. a Dunning, ll; s. Hi. lu. Kenilworth Eaat Thirty-fourth and Gladstone.. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S.- B. 12; Y. P.. "7. Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town send. Services 10:30 and 7;30; fjrat, third, fifth Sundays; S. S-, 11:40. Anabel Rev. A. Hurd, 11 and 7:45. Trinity Dakota street, Rev. A. Rob inson, 7:45 p. m.; C. E. 6:45;- S. S.. 11. Vernon Wycant and East Nine teenth; Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8; S. S., 9:45; C. E.. 7. CknrrOtlal. First Madison and Park. RV, I.uii4er It. Dyott. D. !.; Kv. Our U Dl-k, assistant; 11 and T;4&; 8. 8., 1:4a Topics, -unusual iowrr "opportuni tie In Oreaon." Laurelwood .Rev. XV, If, Myers; 11; o. jo; t:. :o. . Bunnyalde l5at Taylor and l- Thirty-fourth. ltv. J. J. Staub; 11 and T:o; a., io; c. Jt, :30. Topic. "Tha.llead of th Corner. Enm-h- Maklng Event In th Life of a Church." M. John Rev. U. W. NvUon; 11 and i; n. id, University Park Hsven and Dawson, Rev. a. W. Riga's: 11 and T:80: S. B..' 10; C. E.. :0. llasaalo Street Eaat Seventh and Hassalo, u and 7:44; S. 8., 10: C E.. :4ft. Hermona by a. navldaon Dui-han. en of Soul Africa and Rev. J. R. Kno-dell. Highland Eaat Sixth and PrescotL Rev. K. 8. Bollinger. 11 and 7:10; B. 8., 10: Y. P. C. E 6:3. Topics. "The In fluence of Othr Worlds' "TheWorrv Drmon." I First German East Seventh and Stanton, Itev. John H. Hopp; 10:10 and T.SO: 8. 8.. :18; C E.. :S0. Pilgilm Shaver and Missouri avenu. Rev. Dsnlel p. Thomas, 11 and 7:10; 8. 8.. 1:45. av and Wui'o. Rtv. H. Earl Da Rla 10 JO and T - M. 8, 1 iL. 1 terpi lallun for th draf avery Hunday morning. Thtril lLt 'l hlrtv-BVnih and Clay Rev. J. I Aehoii. 11 and 7; JO. 8. vaaflloU AtaoolaUoaa. First Enallah Eaat Sixth and Mar ket, F- I Culvr. 11 and 7:10; Y. P. A- .ju; m. ri, ia. . rlrat German Tenth and Clay, F. Bona, 10:46 and 1:4(; H. 8., 1:10; t, P. 7 p. m. Tftplr. "God In III Bubllm Sef-ExiaUnt'' "Th Curs of Spiritual jilinaneaa.- Memorial Eaat Eighteenth and Tib belt. Morrl lievsrlina, 11 and I; a 8. io. , . ' . Tree Methodist. ' First churchEast Ninth and Mill. David M. Cathay.. 11 and I; 8. B., 10; I. t. M- ?. cWcoud church Eaat Flarnlar. be tween Fifty-third x and Fifty-fourth traeta Rev. Wllliur N. Coffee, 11 and 7:J0: 8. 8., 10; cImi meeting, f:so. Ollv Branch. Mission Seoond and Ankeny. A. Wells. suDerlntendent. Meetlnci very" avanlna at 1: Sunday at i. i . October 10, 1908. (Copyright, 1909, by Rev. T. 8. Lin scott. t). . ) Paul ' a Prisoner The Plot. Acts 22:80 to 23:35. Golden Text I will aav of tha Lord ne is mv rerure and inv fortress: m v Gott-ia Ji! -- Ps. 91:2. verse 30 Which showed th fairer spirit toward Paul, tho Roman chief captain or the Jews? If you had to be tried on a ouestlon of religious doctrine, basing your de cision on history, which court would you select, a . committee of secular judges, or a committee of professional priests? Verses 1-2 What was It. in Paul's opening statement, which caused the nign priest to have him alapped on th mouth? When Christians these days profess to live all the time well pleasing to God. is it a popular testimony with average Christian people? Why did the high priest obect to Paula profession of having "lived in all good conscience before G" Is It possible, and Is it the duty of every Christian, to live al th time, "with a good conscience before God"? Verses 3-5 When either pope, bish op, priest or parson, acts like a dema gogue, why should he not receive the treatment due a demagogue? - Should the fact that a bad man la on the bench, or at the bar, or in the pul pit, secure for him the respect of good man, ivi uj.5 ot mo. oiiice, or or Verses 6-10 When Paul saw the spirit of this Jewish council, did he probaoly change the style of .his ad dress, and If ao, why did he do so? When a jury Is packed, or prejudiced against tha prisoner and there la no hone for acquittal, what is the next best thing for the prisoner to aim for? Paul defence was clearly the truth, but was it the whole truth? Is It always wise or right to tell the whole truth? What was Paul's real crime, from . JMJ?,8ters' Funay school teacher and others Interested are Invited to write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions." particularly If they consider them of value In their worlcl the standpoint of this Jewish council? wnat was the difference between tne belief of the Pharisees and th Sad- ducees, as to immortality? What good reason' Is there for the belief that tho soul will live af.tef death? , What did Paul' tactics result In, be sides dividing the enemy? Is it always or sometime true that, "when rogues fall out honest men get their dues,'' and how did It work in thla case? Verse 11 -Does God generally time his visUs to us when we need him most? In what guise or shape did the- Lord appear to Paui, and how did he apeak to him? There Is no way to take the miracu lous out of the New Testament with out destroying it, now in view of that fact, why did not God rescue Paul. In this Instance, as he did from the prison at Philippi? ' can you trace any rule by wnicfi ooa was governed in performing New Testament miracles? Verses 12-16 What was the blot which was formed to bring about Paul's death? Is it possible that these 40 men. with such a murderous intent, could think; they were doing God's service? Verses 16-24 How was this murder. ous plot frustrated"? How can yon trace God's hand In this natural deliverance, as clearly aa If it had oean don miraculously (This question must Io answered la wrltUur by members of th club.) Verses 52-80 What fault can you find, or what can you commend. In th actions of this Claudius Lyslas from start to linish? Verses 31-85 Was Paul Just as much under the loving care of God, and wer his best interests being served aa If he had been at liberty? Lesson for Sunday, October 17, 1909. Paul a prisoner' Before Felix. Acta 24. Christian. Central East Twentieth -and Sal mon; Rev. J. F. Ghormtay. D. D.. II and 12 Bible school. 10. Tonics. "Small Ha glnnlngs." ."Heaven's Mossage to th Twentieth Century," sermons by asso ciate naator. Rar. f. l. cook. First Corner Park and Columbia, W, F. Reagor, minister, 11 and 7:10; a 8., :45. Topic, . "Th Transfiguration , evening sermon by V A. Emerson. . Hodney Avenuo 1 ' Rodney and Knott; Thomas G. rioton. 11 and 7:44; 8. 8.. 9:46: C. K., 7 p. m.; morning sermon by W. D. 8wain; evening topic, "ennst, th nonr " Kem Park Pitt and Mldburn: Rev. A. A. Brry, 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; C E.. 7:30. Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla. lo-aft anil T:K ' Wood lawn Rev. G. M. Melllnger, 11 and ; 8. B io; u. 7. United Brethren la Christ. Ftrat East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. Q. EX McDonald. 11 and 8; a 8., JO " C EC 7 Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. Oa- car A. Martin, ii ana i.iv; e. a., iv; C. E., 6:30. Third Boutn Mount Tarjor; ev. tj. P. Blanchard. Bible school, . Alberta East Twenty-seventn ana Mildred. Rev. B. E. Emerick, 11 and 8; S. S., 10. Tremont wisaom ana curns streets. Rev. H. C. Shaffer; a S. 2:30; preach ing. 8:30. TJnlted Prbytrtaa. First Sixth and Montgomery. Rev. Frank D. Flndley. 10:30 and 8 and 7:30; S. S-. 12; C. E.. 6:30. Special dedication services. The Church of the Strangers Grand Vattartaa. ' "! Church of Our Father Yamhill and Seventh. Rev. W a. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T L. Eliot,, D. D., minister emeritus, 11 and I: 8. 8.. 1.46: adult claaa. ll:So: Y. P. F.. 6:30. Topics. ."Over-Anxiety and Under-Anxiety. "Th Faith or th Unchurched." . Christian Solno. ' ' First Church of Christ Scottish Hit cathedral, Morrison and Lownadal. ll; ; 8. 8H 12: subject of lesson sermon, "Ar Bin, IMaeas and Death Real 7" Second Woodmen's hall. East Birth and Alder, 11; I: 8. 8., 12: subject of lesson aermon. ''Ar Sin, Dlsea and Dath Reair . . tTnitad XTaaffeUoal. Ockley Green Gav and Willamette, Rv. J. Bowersox, il and 7:10; a 8. 10; C. Bl. 6:30. First East Sixteenth and Poplar. Rev. H. A, Deck. 11 and 7:80; 8, 8.. 10. Topics, "Spiritual Dynamic. 'Th Divine Touch. Second Fargo and Krby, Rev. C C Poling, 11 and 7:10. St. John's Ivanho and John. Ttev. C. P. Yetee, 8. 8., 10. Xeformad. First German Tenth and Stark streets. O. Hefner pastor. . Services 16:46 a. in. and t p. m.; a 8.. 9:10 a, m.: x. (p. B-, p. m. rrfeads' Churoh. Sunnyside, Main and East Thlrty- nrtn. L.inaiey a. wens, ll and 7.30; Bible school, 10; C. E.. 6:10. Lents. Center street. Myra B. Smith. 11 and 7:10; Bible school, 10. X. a. Church South. TTnlon avenue and Multnomah street Rev. E. H. Mowre, 11 and 7:30: S. a. 10: E. L.. 6:80. Morning topic, "Commerce and Religion." . UalTarsalUra. Church of the Good Tidings Union hall, corner Grand avenue and East Rev. J. D. Corby. 10:48: S. fl . 12. Topi.). "The Avt of the Apostle Up Pine, Hal' f ' - ' MlsoUaaons. ' First Spiritual butioty Cbrltansn halt,. KUvrnth and XauthUl ' streets. .1.1:80 -and 7:48. Bwndibli Corps Stlvatlon Army 4S0 Burnalde. 11, 4.30 and i. Modiuina' and Minister Association Auditorium building,-11, S and 1:45. ' SwedliO) Fre MIionr MJxalaslprl ana unaver, v. ug. Olson, iu:a ana :00. Latter Day Saints (Mormons) East Tantl and Sherman. J, C Wtrgrd, prealdlng elder. 11 and 6: S. B.. 10. 8i- i-lal conercne Difetlnga, 10, 11;80 and 6:00, , . Advent Christian Second, between Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Sliepard. 10:30 and 7:80. Volunteers of America III Burnslde Street. I;80 and 8:30. Divine Truth Cnte 01 - 'Allakv building. Rey. Thaddeua M. Mlnard. 11; - a., m 4 v.'iu, i. i onail J. AIIJ" thing in My Nam I Will Do It" New ThoughtEast Thirteenth and Ten I no, I. lUv. P, J. Green. .Church of isaxarene Eaat Seventh md Couch. II. New Church Bootetv f Rwadenbora-en V Eleventh and Aldor, Knights of Py-. tnias nan. utxy service ana sermon, ll. Mtate Hnlrltuallnta' aa.rx-U t Urn ball, St. Johns, 8 n. m. Mrs. S. B.. Selp. . Topic,. "Who AJ" W?" . Non-Sectarian Odd Fellows'- hall. East Sixth and Alder; 1:80, up to dat Blbl studies; 1:11, sorlptural discourse for Christians. Church of New Thought Selllnar-' Hlrsch ball, Henry Victor Morgan; t ana . Center of Right Thlnklne W. O. W. temDle. 128 Eleventh and Alder streets. Mrs. B. Sherman Olney; Ip. pi. ' . Y. M. C. A nrmniuliim nf new brtllM- tng. Sixth and Taylor, 3: mass meeting for men; address by Dr. George B. Pratt and outline of work by R. R. Perkins. Latter Dir Sainta Raat Seven tT. sixth and Irving. '.Elder Walter Bar ker, 11 and 7:80; 8. a. 10:45. Chinese Students Coming. ; Shanghai. Oct 8. Booked for passage on the Amerloan-Paoiflo liner China, salllnir tomorrow, are SO students who ar going to study in vartoua American sohoola. This wilt form th first depu tation of students to be sent to America in conneotton with the remission of the Boxer Indemnity. - When the American government announced its Intention of remitting to China the unexpended bal KUm flX L1IH lIlUHUUUir. Ill 1 II 1 !1IHH VI1V. eminent, sent an -envoy to Washington io convey tne appreciation or nis gov ernment ana to say tnat tne money would b devoted to paying theneost of educating Chinese students in America. xne ow siuaents were cnosen at com petltlve examinations recently held In Peain. v Notable Church Event. ' DavenDort Iowa. Oct. 9. In St Mary's Catholic church, of which he ha Kaan na.lnr frw 9R VMri h'i.lhr T T Rnran will be invested tomorrow with the title of monslrnor. The ceremonies ttendfna- tha event will be the most eiaooraie ana xne gainering ot aisun ruianea uicjair. 1,110 ii kosu r.or cfi?vii 111 his city. Kisnon uavis win orriciato and the sermon will be preached by Monslgnor Dennis O Callahan of Bos ton. Episcopal Church . Council. : ; Sioux Falli S. D., Oct 9. Many prominent clergy and laymen of the Proteatant ? Episcopal church have ar rived in this citv to attend the third I benediction, 3 :30. Cathollo. . . St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. J. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9.: High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:45. - , St. Joseph's Gorman), Fifteenth and Couch Rt. Rev. James Rauw, V. G. Low mass, 8. Higrb mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers, benediction, 8:30. St. Francis, East Eleventh and Oak Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass, 6, 8:30 and 9:30.' High mass und sermon, 10:30. Vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:30. . St Lawrences, Third and Sherman Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass, 6, 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:50. Ascension, Montavilla, Rev. J. P. Fltzpa trick. Mass and sermon, 9 in chapel of SfsterR of the Precious Blood. St Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savler Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass,. 8. High mass" and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and "What War Most 'Need," "'What the Bi ble Teaches About the Intermediate Stat$. Is It Purgatory or Soul Sleep?" Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11 and 7:30. . . Laurelwood Rev. E. H. Bryant; 11 ami 7:30; S. S., 10; E. L., 6:80. Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth and Davis, Rev. K P- Nelson, 11 and 8; S. S., 10. Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo street. Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 12; K. Li., 6:30. .-Norwegian Danish Vancouver ave nue and SKidmore, Kev. C. J. l.arsen, 11 ana 8; S. B., 12. Swedish Borthwick and Beach, Rev. UMl'.l VV(411, j, 111.. O, J- XV, XU. XU., I, sermons by the deaconess, Mrs. Olivia Bostrom. Kev. Clarence True Wilson will speak to the young people at 3:30 First German Fifteenth and Hoy-t; G. A. Waasa: 11 and 7:30. Second German Stanton and Rodney, Rev. e. jtiertaier, ii ana s; s. t v:4& E. L.. 7:30. Japanese Mission 121 North Fif teenth. Rev. Eilsen RIbara, 9:30 and 8:30; S. S., 3:30. Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma, Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30; J. E. Li-, 2:80; E. L... 6:;. The. Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty- ninth' and Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon Jones; S. 8., 9:45; 11 and 8: E. L., 7. Montavilla East Pine and Eighteenth streets, Kev. Harold ODerg; ii ana ; S. B., io: class meeting, lii; b. ii., 7:l. Woodiawn William J. Douglas; 11 and 8: a S.. 10: E. L.. 7. University Park Dawson and Flske, Kev. w. H. Jeriry, j.; ll and 7:30. African Zion Thirteenth and Main, Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and 8; S. 8., 1. Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty first, J. W. McDougall; 11 and 7:80.' " Woodstock J. D. Voce; 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 10; E. L., 6:30. Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter, D. A. Watters; 11 and 8; a S., 10; E. L., 7. Lents Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11 and 8; S. a, 10; E. L.. 7. annual council of the sixth missionary St. Michael s (Italian), Fourth and department Aopropriate religious Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, . 8. services will mark the opening of the Hiph mass 1 and sermon, . 10:30. Vespers I gathering tomorrow. The business bps-. ana Deneaiciion ' , EplsoovsJL ions will occupy Monday and Tues- f Immaculate Hoart of Mary. Williams j Tr,,fv nineteenth anrt trv.rttR day. The department embraces the and Stanton Rev. W. a. Daly Low Trinity N neteenth and Everett Rev. state of Iowa, Colorado. Montana. Mln- mass, 6 8 and 9. High mass snd ser- A A. forfnson ; b'.L- snalrt' nesota, Nebraska, Wyoming and North!?10". 1:3- .espers.and benedictlcm, I f-6- horning sermon by Bishop Spauld and 8outh Dakota, all of which will be j 7:30. mg or Ulan. well represented at the convention. Fore- Holy Rosary. Eaat Third and Union St Matthew's. First and Caruthers moet among he participants will be ! VeT Rev- A- s- Lawler. Low mass. , Rev. W. H. M. Breck. Holy communion, th venerable Bishop Tuttle of Missouri, j ' A and 8:30. High mass and sermon. 7:30: 8. S.. 10. Service and sermon, 11. fcW Hwt M11WU1I& On P--Chedral of St Stephen, th. -??.cf,pl,51ri: ? uwu.?'ne- I Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. IL Kry iKiure, kj. a. a. iow mass. o. ign rtnmsav 7-20 11 .nd 7 -SB n m muss -mr! .frmnn 10 30 Viur -JFr'- 11 an1 ''' m- benediction, 7:30. Holy Cross, Univeraitv Park Rev. J. P. Thillman. C. S. C. Low mass. 8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Veaoera Uiues ma lor tu A. Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van- New York, Oct . Members of the 1 couver Rev. Ed K CantwellC. S3. R. . low mass, .- nno mass ana sermon. .i' the presiding bishop of the American church. Among other prominent church men in attendance, many of whom are already In tha city, will be Bishop Mann nf North Dakota, Bishop Brewer of Mon tana, Bishop Johnson of South Dakota, and Rev. T. P. Thurston of Minneapolis. It, and 8; S. S.,8:46; morning sermon by Right Rev. F. g. Spauldlng, bishop St. Andrew's. Portsmouth. 11 and 1; S. S., 10 a. m. Archdeacon Cham bers will officiate. St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Mar shall. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson. Holy eucharist 8 and 11; a S., 9:45; matins and litany, 10:16: evensong, 7:30. Church of Our Savior Woodstock. 11 and 8. Archdeacon Chamhora nru officiate. St. John's Church Multnomah and Taylor. 11 and 7:30.- S. S.. 10. Good Shepherd Graham and Van couver. Rev. i John Dawson. 11 and 7:30; S. S., 9:45. Grace Memorial. East Seventeenth and Weidler Rev. Georpe B. Van Wat ters. Prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30; S. 6.. 10. Ascension Chapel Portland Heights. All' Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savler. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Morning prayer, many ana sermon, ii; o. s., 12:15; evening prayer, 8. St Paul Wood mere. Rev. J. C. For- sytne; ii a. m.; s. 8., 9:45. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel, Good Samaritan hospital, Rev. William R Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. m.; ward services, 8; prayer and Bcanuii, cio p. m. A TtolirlriiiiQ TWirilr I JL JL " V11VXV7 VV7 JUT JL JLJLJLJ. IBsikerps (Cocoa made by scientific of the best tropical fruit. Ask your grocer for the package Ii bearing this trade mark blending Registered -U. S. Tat Offlo DC he HE LIE S. S. 9:45. St David's East Twelfth and Bel mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy communion, 7:30; . prayer and sermons. tutheran. Swedish Immanuei Nineteenth in' irving. ii ana e; a. s.,:9:46. Norwegian Synod East Tenth and orani; Kev. u. Hagoes, ii and 7:45: S. 8., 13:10. ' Morning- service in Second HTvangellcal cirurch, Fargo and Kerby. Betanla Danish TTnlon and Mnrrli Kev. j. cott, ll and 8; s. s.. 10. St. James' Eno-lish West Park- an jerrerson: J. Allen Leas.. 11 and 7 if. 8. S., 10; L. L-, 7 p. m. Topics, "Renew ing me covenant," "Narrow Minded Re llglon, or Calling Down Fire." United Norwegian 46 N. Fourteenth; Detmar Larsen. It and 7:80; 8. S 9:45. V.1V. Zlon's Ga-rrnan-Chapman and Sal- St Paul's German V.axt Twelfth anil uinion. uev. A. Kxause. 10:30 and 8: S. R, 9:80. Trinity German rMIssnurt evnmn. ninianiB ana eeuwooa: J. A. Kimharh :i; ., io; 7:30. Swedish Augustana Rodnev anil Mnnton; Kev. C. A. ToIIn. 10:46 and 7:46; S. 8.. 9:30. Swedish Mission Seventeenth and unsan; Kev. ii. j. Thoren, ll and 8: a. o., u, x. t-., n:du. St John's Peninsula avenue and Kilpatrlck. Rev. C. Buechler, 10. - Ellm Chapel Michigan avenue and ' Tontfva inmmitlM aF flia Vsllnn.l trl ucatlonal aasoclatinn met In this -cttv lvv-. wnrarciron. St. Andrew's. Ninth S.rd Alberta Rev. Thomas Klernan. Low mas. 8. High mass and sermon. 10, Vespers. In struction and benediction.' 7:30. St. Stephen's. Firty-second and East Taylor Rev. W. A. Wait. Low mass. 8;30.. High mass and sermon,- 10:20. j T . . . : . . , . , i , rTOBSer te ElCt City Officers. Valley road Rev. F. JJlllon, 8. J. L-.w (SnecU! Plrnatca to The iffliroal.t . ! mass, and -9:30. Mass, sermon and Proer. Wash., Oct, 9. Prosser wlHJ benedictiort. 10:30, ' . . m ...... v ... . . v . ' v r mm today to consider the date and place for holding next year' convention. Several cities have entered a soirited contest " secure - the convention, -among them Milwaukee. Atlantic- City, Boston. As bury Park and San . Francisco. - St Stanislaus, Maryland and Falling Mav. ts. eyeroski. lxiw tnaaa. s. tilth mass and sermon. 1. Xtbodis; - Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young. D. U. 10:10 and ":X: A 8, 12:1: E. L, :J0. Topics, "ATrcrie Fall." Th Cen ter Pin of the Moral. Ufa." Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev.-John H. Cue H pp. I4 IK J:3 and 7:2; fs. 8. city of tha I Mm rlaa on Dnvmlwr Registration for th various offices is now going; on. . , , I - - ' i BETTER THAN SPANKING FpaiVIng dos not cur children of tea-weiing. There I a constitutional rai fw this trouble. Mr. U. Sum mer. Box . NOtr Dame. Tn.f m ill i I it- c t. c Tm.i " ni -end free t any mother her uocesrul j"Wl,at About HeJl?" '""ma Ireatrnent. with full instruction. 8unoyt,ir Knut Yamhill and Thlrty--ed no money,', but write her today I fifth; W. T. Easter; 11 and 7:20; 8. 8 , If your lfrn ImiMt -oa In this war. 9:60; E. L, 6.44. Topics. "Elijah Under J.'U . ?L1-lt? c ir-. .J. hnct ,r the Juripr Tree, or th Backslid"- " , "a.4- . J "? Th Temptalions of th tlty cur- 1ult and nr-6 pop,e troubled J Th clerk ul Touna P-ocla k! 1H wHn J!ffWtiTtl. hv y or right 'fii, Z I"? ta(Ia11AVaVBaMltAVaavAtaVaVJMaavAvaM va a-vrs Mw v a m J I T fSa i St Johr 8. It Ixwart; U and ; & i i: k. a, . Epwortb- Twent--lxth end fSTlr, Rev. Charle T. MiPli-twi; II nd . S E. L, :. Tritify tt and Grant; Ie-w1 T eiria.; 11 Td ! ; L U t: K I, 1 TepV- tbriKt te Coouei'or.'5 "CHt lr th Int- Citnery Et, N.rli a.l Pine; rin-efi-e True VMWen, r D, :e sol 7.J-); li L, f iv; rd. S, .ti. Tpjlca. ir-renss la : a chtM subject to rr p I a ear l4lfiMoa cf th a I r'. ' of th d!e?. If CStribrlin' - ! g' at c.nca cr en ';-r tt '"wrr coofti fei appeared. f l ! rt t ttrk, CotttalD ho i ' - PUBLISHED TODAY The TTTT ini Plctares tn color by AlATOAKD Dixon Aaslnst lerrrst crfmiuls and hoc flic Miittmeat bnrt yomg E$Uru eltt Mrtos boaM ta Out catU cntry. . Dy KATE and VHTGIL D. COYLES Aslfcwi ad -IAXCFOU Ot TU BARS FOR SALE EVERYWHERE A. C lleCLCUO 41 -, rcmiSHTRS , Gi Without the Use of Drugs You can't cure rheumatism with drugs. There's no use trying. Prugs, or rather poisons, will stop th pain for a while by stupefying th nerves, but that does, not remove the caose, so the 'pain comes back. J You know that rheumatism Is caused by urlo acid in the blood. There's only one thin on earth that can get at this urlo add and driv It - out of your system. That's elec- . trlolty. It soaks Into every vein and tissue of the body and drives the poisonous acid through the circulation, back to the kidneys, which filter the blood of all Impurities. My Electro-Vigor has oured the worst cases of rheumatism after drugs and other methods had failed. When electricity goes in the -body, rheumatism must go out. There's a whole lot to know about apply ing electricity so that It will cur. I've spent a good many years, learning haw to use it successfully, and I give my patients the ben efit of my knowledge. Electro-Vigor Is a body .cattery of dry cells, which pumps a s tream of electric life Into your nerves and vitals while you sleep. Astoria, Oreg-on. Br. Xall El ctro-Vigor Co. Gntlmni X am retting along vary nicely after using your treat ment Ther is no doubt about Elo- tro-Vuror onriar any on who uses It oorrectly., Th appliance ha given m good satisfaction, for all trace of Khumatlm la any .leg's and hips hav entirely disappeared, and Z fl a different man altogether. Assur ing you of my wUllngnass to ro ommaad your treatment at all times, Z remain, yours truly, - ' EXiTOlf JOHITSOXr. 693 Harrison Ay. Electro-Vigor is not an electrio belt It never needs charging, for It makes Its own power continuously. No tain can exist In a body charged with electric life. You can have no rheumatism, no weaknesa. ""parts, because the life generated In thla grand force gives health and strength to every organ. no lnactlr The whole tory of Electro-Vigor cannot be told In a advertisement If you appreciate the blessing of ,f ool nealtn. send for our dook. wnicn we rive rre to all tnose wno as ror It and read about this wonderful In vention what it Is and what It does. We do not claim that we discovered galvanic electricity, w do not claim tbat w own a monopoly of it, but w do claim that w wer among th very first to discover It cura tive cower when ciorerlT used, and we hay figured out th beat way of applying this wonderful fore to th body o as '"to restore Its narvona power -tt vitality and w say that when people's vttelHy 1 UP to stand ard they ar stranger to feebleness, paina. ache and di . Th world look brlgbt to them, they ar nappy- Kont ire. 1, Box I, Xolalla, Or. ElBctro-Vlgor ha brought an won drf al result. Z lp better, at better and your Elactro-Tig-or has cured ma of o&rtl patio n. Thar is not a symptom of my old trouble but haa yila4 t th effect f th car rot and Z bar gained tare pounds la SO y, Z would not tak its-wclrM la fold tf Z ooold not get another en, aad ywa ar at liberty to us my Bean and fiv my address to any on who can can oa m or writ aad Z will gladly fiv my tint la tLUa wbat it kaa doa for ma. Tenr -retry tmly. f rra,TjB nnusBOTT. your yste.n hours at a time all night long? That's th right way to get the effect from this wonderful remedy. That s .Electro-Vigor. Poor or rich, jrou cannot afford to be sick. You want to enjoy life. You don't want to be a cipher.- You want to . be strong, vigorous and healthy. Then if you are eufffring from any weakness of your body; If the vital tone of your system is below par. you should get acquainted with the Electro-Vigor and what It. is doing. Klec-tro-Vlgor Is not like" the ordinary electrio belt It provinces a continuous-current of Galvanic Electricity; require no recharging: is always ivady for use; can be uaed day or night Don't you want to read about ItT - SKND FOR OCR PKAUTIFU7. 1 PAP.K ROOK. WftlCU TCP tvtl T. Do you hheve that yon caa build i f CTTJ MMMD 1MH OTT. I MAIL. SEALED. TO ANY ADDRESS up tbe vitality or your body with I FREE. Till BOOK IS FULL P drugsT Doee It look reeonab(T ---a-aa-. THIIifjS TqU OUGHT TO KNOW Ever vae electricity? We mean, did yon vr rjs ItflAPOtT. CALL TODAY. IFTOU CANNOT CALL.SEND right applied la th form f Galvanism Infused Into JJ COUPON FOR FREE BOOK. ' . DR. 15. A. HALL E:icctroVlaor Co. 1X14 I P1a avad me a copy of poetage palX JtXiCR ...... ADDRESS . .. d Av. attla, W tbat book., f r- 10-9.CI aad SEND THIS COUPON