mmM : of Ym jowmb THE JOURNAL C. B. JACkBOM. can they stand the constant rise of neae In Mukden In whichthe popu- in he suteenth ! infantry and at the prices? .Up, up, continually, go the latlon In 100,000, but 800 are armed f,'-."!.?' lVlt"iZ" lfuli'hl prices of mom food -tuff, and other soldiers and S00 armed pollc.. Lu.ti ! N hi reguEr'sW ..l a..! necessaries, almost ever) thine ex- The country (a sparsely settled end lieutenant lit served In varioua Cent wages. Tba Review of Reviews with hut KtM nt itm ifn r-.,-,.... rarta of the country and roaa throuah i'..i.i.k.j .ib faxvnt ftenaart an I i. iv.i ,1.. . 1 1 v. .i ' . . .. . I tha several sradaa of tha servio to ' V.; a. a.ia at tu. j..r..i fcaiij. , u v ,V"Y aa Hni, into use vnina wans ror tn rank of captain, which ha att.lnad 1 .a. run yuau atrw. or. supplies for, every household Is 49 Japanese concessions Jn the region j in mi. During tha war with Spain a.".L. .. ,rr, .1 rwiu.d. or.. fc Pr cent mora now man in loan, I to expire and armed aoldlora do I ha aarvad -in Cube ana suDaequenuy in tr.n.miMiu uinuk u ! awa4aae 1 The Increase during the past few I guard duty bere and tbere, complt ' ' " months baa been greater tban ever ling the picture of the armed peace 11 1 HMio.vrs-Mi tits;, home, before, and. the proapect 1. Will be In which the rerion Mnia to ait till, vnder the new "beat and await the call to arms. tariff law ever passed. Meals, coal, COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SHALL CHANGS tha Philippines. Ha reached tha grade ' That horaa show la something worth aeeingj aura. . a - a Display horaea aerm to know that OltLCJON SIDlOJGUTS Trll lb airu otut dVprtait T . I greater of colonel In JJ0 and tha neit. year I mey ere nanaaome end being atHnirea I ruture. retired fron active aervlce with I ' " woman. Money in hoa. In any county In tha state. Bukar county also, haa a fins fruit 1 Th, REALM ai.Hirinw Af.vKnTigi.NO HKi'BHtNTATiva. I vw xonu 01 uuang inun. me accne ti'-'r.Biia' Krator o, Bntaawir noiMins. ugar, coal oU, Bteel, farm Imple- changea to Russian domination, and nni t.., Kw.Xuti ioui noa mcnts, household utensils, clothlnp. every visible form presages the-tin - I'ul""?-..clr"a', f ; : everything, are "going up." and if alterable purpose of Russia to re- .."tTJMiur tb" 18 rrosperity we are main. The soil changea from the -nuiiTA. - c-. J. lurdr a Co.. so Wtt prosperous. The consumers aeem red of southern Manchuria to the .TU TrT4.ubcrtfUu" 4 d"r,UM,.Br"tt not to be grumbling much yet; the black of the more northerly latitude. m age earners are noi going nungry, I Russia owns and operates the rall- -vrma br asall ar 10 aar aaaraai ,,, .,... -,i- I . . ,. . , . . . . lu U Uult4 Bute Oasada ar MiU: I " mv vu ."-" '"ft. vuiiiuaua avuu hi n prvpinn( tur ui- Attr. : V - lew tnis go on intlenalteiyr ; tie Is double tracking them. an. act 'tha rank of brlaadlor trneral. Blnce his rfttrrmont Oeniral Hathaway has made his noma in I'ortland, Or. CUfellnwa will Thar la no hnpo now that Cook and) brick lu Condon. a build Peary can sat tugalliar and polaboiato on ina uiavovary. . a Now that tha harvaat la moatly over, food roada aliould occupy a larga atiara vi jiuuuo aiieniion. . . a "W'hataver tha weather, there la al waya an abundance of water in a boo 4 many or ilia atocka. , a. a that on at Qreaham next week should like I'nto Peacocks. , MANr "queerjulpa and marry Jeats" ara perpetrated at tha exponaa of woman on windy days, and , It muat ba oonfeaaod that they are a a - I freitif.nMv m.,i. Linn county, man tus I than imagination. Portland experienced a windy day not long a lute, and It r vealnd many t v'l tale sights in many woman's wardrobes, but nothin which cama Into much mora publlo view and painful prominence than alioea. It was quite evident that many women do not realise the Importance of shoes a two-story finished In One ymr. ...... .B.1.00 I One swath...,.,. .. t BtlNQT. : Otte year, .,..,12.00 I One tnnnrt. .'.... Dlir. AND, BCXDAT. . Ana year... IT. 80 ) Oue awnth. ...... .1. Ml THE WORLD HAS MOVED .t M Sundays observe; think when 'the bells do chime, . Tis angels' . masic. . ; George Herbert." - GETTIXG TOGETHER T most suggestive, for the traffic Is scarcely enough for; a single track. The settlements are sparse and every he. dairyman is not a vaga- residence and railroad station Is but- bond. On the average, he Is treBsefand barred for resiBtltg at as fair and honest as the rest tack. . No effort is made to popu of society. Generally speaking late Manchuria with Russians, but ho. Is a sincere, earnest citizen who in Russian owned, territory. on wants to do right Bad mUk Is not (either' side; Russian population. Is bo much the 'result of design as thelbeinar rushed with feverish haste. lack of ' Information. Mt has . taken I That Russia will never a-tve un the "8 J microscopes, chemicals and cultures I north nor Japan abandon the south to prove the dangerous content car I of Manchuria is thd 'belief of Mr. rled by bad milk. Sanitation In I George, and In the situation he sees dairying as in other fields Is a com- food for the future ferment of Asia. It has been avr niuaa ovaajtoLT- PTim frAir.TVrt nte man. , A frOK slipped lnt9l,nilr," m-ny rortiand peopia, a aumy pona . ' - At 1 ellppery spot ; The Philadelphia. Press says William v- of (which 'twas Jennlnaa li,-yan la the "Peary of the fond; lemooratlo party."' Wonder who's It , It didn't stay till It Colc . ' But it climbed! The further Taft aoes the more the suit la over S3 pounds of pnlon seed. back on tne nana People like him." aava an eastern ti I , a I KNOW I ! tT C An Onkvlll 100 buehals of dried prunra, Threahln not yet quite flnli the Cove, Union county, locality. . e a A Milton man ttatd tllO for 11 young Duff ilock chicken In 8L Ioula. e a . rnnl.1.rt.lila hullillna haa been folilg I aa an aanet to rood unnraiK nr If on In Jlalnaa all summer and fall. I they do and -then neg:leut them, they a a ,r . I evidently trust to luck in,i ' Dandon school attendance on opening skirts to keep tbam out pt stunt Hut day was 338, 80 more than laat year. 1 thy reckon without their boat for shoes iwaye tell their own Ulna. Wallowa county fruit Inspector finds pests. , Orchard owners must sprayi . e . a . . , A Umatilla county olrcult eoiurt law- I I . and croaked. M xVooater t .a gardea p the THE GET-TOGETHER spirit pat I ent In the cities' and towns of paratlvely new subject I Illinois could be profitably ap- Impossible for dairymen to tecome , plied elsewhere. It has been familiar with all ts rules and re manifested in many efforts for con- quirements. The crude processes In cert of action . In matters affecting vogue on dairies that are now un the state and . the Interests of all sanitary were In universal use once, the cities.' It appears Just now In a and nothing wa thought of it. j movement for legislation by the state 1 But the world has moved. ; Civil- assembly that will enable any nil-f Izatlon has advanced. " The or yoke vnoIa city, to adopt the Des Moines land the grain cradle went into the Blan of municipal government. The scrap - pile. Truths have been IXCREASIXQ THE POLICE A' N ADDITION of 60 : men is asked by Chief Cox for the police force .of Portland. It Is conceivable that the swift growth of the city should bring about conditions requiring more men in the service. , It is also con ceivable that some men on a police mil for th lee-iRiatlnn la lasned bv brought'to light by the microscope force are more effective than others. thARAtafi firocers' asaoclfttlon of the and chemistry. We now now that Quality is generally believed to have state, which, hai, affiliated organiza- the 'milk of otW days carried In quite as much as quantity to do with tlons in aU the cities.'. The perfect solution many, unwholesome impurl- an efficacious surveillance. ? ! organization of grocers makes it the ties. We have ascertained that cer- - Catching a criminal necessarily In test vehicle for promoting the com- tain measures of cleanliness will volves a sincere, desire of the officer .mission plan and it ; Is believed minimixe these impurities. But, all to really make a catch. ; The late by the Chicago Ne that its cam- these means and methods of cleanli- grand Jury had convictions on "this paign-wlll be effective with the leg- ness have not yet become known , to pomi tnai it aia not nesuaie to maice lslatore. V , ; V I ; all dairymen, and; In the main that public. - After an exhaustive investl- The.get-togethersplrlt vigorously is the secret of bad milk. To point gatlon of the Real case, it concluded applied .-Is a 'Wonderful agency in out these methods and to see that that certain Portland detectives atate and citv ljundins. The State dairymen employ them is what were a hindrance rather than a help Deveibpm'eht league in Oregon em-1 makes the need of Inspection and tin arriving at the truth. In an of- bodiea this idea,- ahef has exercised inspectors. It. is the only, way Dyjnciai report it aeciarea mat tne cir change. No, the nearer he cornea more they like him. v ! a a ''' : -Soma people f-ar that the tall of Halley'a comet -will aween atie earth. Well, It needa aome sweeping. A comet-I of potatoes,. . ...... 1 . 1. . . - MM, ,UUb W ii IlUlt IVII V J. V1VV114, - . e Horace Greeley McKlnley Is "ansa- andlmloally inclined": la "quite pale"; hence. perhaps, hla Imprisonment la aimoat nominal. Hard physical labor might do tne swinaier goou., . a As far as The Journal Is aware, not a newspaper In the United States side. with Peary aa aaalnat CooK. unleas It -PK. "'It'.i.Ikl.'..i. h.' . I Is the one that put up part of the money The morals plain, though the rhyme la for pear--, journey. . A . man uh..,tJ k. ' V. K . . I " - - ' ' A iew jereer jtoudk min irieu iu i u u , tii maaauia a girl's face with a. watermelon rind. I ferehce. and she knocked him down and broke lew to a sardca catch And found a place I wnere lie couia scratch: He didn't eat till he had a load. ,But ha flew upon . the fence .crowed. . A man went down to a nearby Joint And took a drink d'ye see the point? He stayed that nlrht and all next day Till his wife came down, then be slunk , away. v ' - There Is some little expense attache to the keeping shoes In perfect repair, but it. usually comes In bits at a time, and Is worth twice the price. Itun down heels are unpardonable, and will do more toward ruining the shape and ap pearance of a shoe than aimoat any one thing. The two of three times in the life time of a pair of ahoca that tha heels will need to be straightened up ; will not come to more than Ba or 7S i An Oklahoma man arrived -In Albany I rents, and the shoea will 'always wear! Whether Milton ehall have a new ho tel Is a leading question in that town. ' a a - Fourteen acrea of 'mountain" around near Weaton yielded 10 bushels an acre says IS more families from his neigh borhood are coming to uregon soon. , ' ' a . .. Newtown Pippin apple trees planted 50 yeara aro near Corvallla and never aprayed or cared for till two years ago, are still bearlna their product, aelllnff at 11.60 a box. . . w - A Bandon man has a four-yaar-old apple tree, of the Wealthy variety, which better, look better and feel better. Ten cents' worth of shoe polish will ' do wonders toward keeping sUoes out of a state of slovenliness. Unpolished and ! worn looaina shoes will ruin the prot-' tlost costume that a, woman can put on. If a woman does not care to be troubled with the care of her pwn ahoea she can , have them polished at a atand for about ; 20 cents a month, and provided she will ; enough. .... -i . r SOME ADVICE TO THE CHILDREN. naa u appies on it, every one aa smooin i wi. tam off vrv iv hnna ih.v nd symmetrical aa apples oouid be. I , !. "TV , i ll inches in circum ' ''(fed nation-Wade applause. v, 1' .-- a . After havlnr swlned and sold or bar tered Cook'a suppllea, apparently with u aDOut B00 000 the Intention of fnaurlnjr hla death from D0U ,0UHM"'' , will always remain neat and good look ing, i ' . Two other things which detract great' w i.iia isct in - nut i it irom ina anDflarAUM nr annaa are one box of peaches has been shipped missing buttons and shoe lacea which raesitM Vf Minn aa Vvaam ntaiai ilnvlMo f-haa I . . r.Vr!.nV ..M:.t i.iM- ?lr not ln good snaps. One or two but- kill any good looks It aver had. Knotted shoe laces and missing buttons are pret- eooo Ym.vsAi Dear children, are you living stra.lgh.t ui and manly lives, or are you becoming addicted to the terrible unloaded-gun habitT If you feel the symptoms com ing on you, flee flee before It is ever- starvaiion np norm, T "K5VL" Timothy BrownhlU of McMinnvill prise for, "gall" in now attacking Coo. ha, returned from his thlrd trip to - a - 1 southern Alberta. All hla land .custo- A Kansas woman who has naa six I mers have been so well Dleaaed there husbands, without any divorce or death I that they have bought property or taken meanwhile, says she is urea or matri-1 options to buy tana in tnat region. , mony. But, HKe a woman, sne win i . a nKnA It.v mln hn llh fill f tT I 'Ttmm , V. . . . . m.. jalL , j ' Of any kind ever held in Coos county for TX&'iASZ Xt", I' - - , ' I the ourDOae of benefiting the entire I f Acooramr to tne uree-oman. juairy I count v was held ln Conuille citv lat ana r oon commissioner nauey is a very evening, wnen oo aeieratea irom an aec- h ty od indicators, of aome sloppiness ln character. Jn these days of low shoes, broad laces and big bows there are sev eral things that every woman should Dear in mina. une is mat torn, irayeq and shabby ribbons are about as bad aa run down heels, and should never be worn. Ribbons should be brushed after In buying tan shoes It la well to buy I rnm rn, than rf.pb.n Mm ttmr . r. fine, active, capable, userui oinciiu. ix i tlons or the county held a good roads nH .oii.v, T.r.V .T- i. anyone doeant believe it. let him go meeting, says the Marshfield lalL Here TT' at ttKOfc.rfli! &Pll tl I0k ?meU Wne tie. toPi!onil!,w "mPU '0r ther CUn " :r.0wansd'0r of the dairies. - ' , ' to "Uow. - Unless Women can afford several hn.nnmBnni infii.entv-In unreatlina' which reform can be secured, for it cumstances In the Real case .-were laatlngiy too late. Bhun the mussle of larmony f and a Vigorous purpose Is the -only practical way in which such that an earnest; effort by the hmiesa" asyoa went a the rules of sanitation can oe taught I aetectives enouia nave, iixea tne re-1 ue or a hungry calf. ji-.v a m antn n H.irvtnen SDonslbilltv within a few hours. This L V110 -1 knew a . utla toy with ourly iuus no; m ayicouiuB swu v"""yv - , - - - - - nair ana a stepmother and no mo nK eyed lit wan caoclij, tuo ) iud sicfti uoujr i wiin 'an oia run that had not been throughout itfie? state, long way in spreading lngs of cooperation and union, FAMOUS GEMS u OF PROSE Each. For Each and All For All By Theodore Roosevelt the unwilling ' among ' the rest (From an address to the workingmen LUILC 1IE&U Dili UBBIl I ' . ai- . . . . I . .. . k . . .... s a a a . u;. i nr f nif nwn r t,.iw,irin ncificuiuai r" ..Mimnthh . !- !- ttiAr ,l no minh InRnecMon. Obvlons- 01 tne PTOPie OI rortlSSa naa an tne yw;,nu .wvuranyi -".- - . " vision and distraction cannot Or- ly there, will be no improvement, for time. , one cold. damp, day and blew the little I It mun always be a peculiar privt ganlzatlpn has been Invoked to an otherwise dairymen will remain un- iu ' -7ft; wKrtrthat'S lege for any thoughtful public , man extraordinary degree s by the great Informed, and therefore unsanitary, question whether the 60 prospective no WM Pckei n it Waa found that he to address body of men predoml commercial. Industrial and railroad It Is a work that cannot be done bj policemen are to be like many, of f1!!!.: composed of 'wage-workers, for -i mAAn .. nfVM hm nfffAiai ' atronta , :'.: oftrntr me men; now on ine iorce. , earnest i . . a i. . i - .,.... i mo .uuuuu . " " . cuLoiimocD oo;. ,. uiwu..i; , " i "o-""- . r - - t ... - , j , .;" uujry kjii i tiira reata. noon the material and moral tne - tore- ei rta nmflt Tt hn WnmA thn with aiitliorftv.- for to no other kind ana genuine criminal cnasers, or are . doum. loottea aown me tnroai or K,. vuw. v.. . wT , .. , . tl . . . .T , . . . I A n , flirt Ihnt awn Thar h,H haan an old shotg-un that had been dug from the around alter? the war . of .1812 Other j Which had never been known to shoot slogan of workingmen as evidenced of person will dairymen" pay heed. I some of them to be mere make be-th(S i mA .aafw if : is nniv nff k ii inf orvontfnn I lievM. inen tnera is one otner i wni m n..,...-i..:... ; t. vl niiAkUnn that : ''natnfallV Hsea In tha I because there was no place tg Insert a eauaiiceu t-ueii luteicoi-o. ii van, mo uiu mo cuumuis hwu carmage, ana it went orr ana toon lit- employed with equal effectiveness cldent that a reform of the milk taxpayer's .mind.4'; Would it not be tUr Susan into the golden subsequently, by the cities and communities in supply can he secured. Portland Js cheaper to weed out from the force iJllSrt advancing ttitflr own and -the com- now on the right track, and In time the kind of officers the grand Jury stand it any longer, brace up. Do not monweatth's welfare.' ' Their pur- will have one taOre among the many refered to. and in adding the 60 fr-fs-nTlo'adedBl1 im poses are best served by -union, advantages She nas to neraia ner tojnew men, uu ma vacant piaces who ana eat a green apple. .rather than by, Inharmony and an- the world as a safe and delightful detectives wno wni.aetectl A spirit of one for all city in which to , live tagonlsms. and all for one would be a mighty Jpfluence in serving the purposes of each.' It would be of wonderful effect Just jiow-when there is need , for a vigorous campaign for ade quate appropriations J for Oregon rivers and ports in the coming rivers COM3IEXDABLB ACTION T HE UNIVERSITY of Oregon's policy of : decisive action in cases of hazing is satisfying to B well-bain, v the intelligence, round after the war of 1813 and j sight, the sanity, the sense ,oi uty. and tne- wnoiesome patnoiiera oi ,iu wage-worker. This im doubly the case now: for. in addition to eaou man' in dividual action,, you hava learned the great lesson of acting- in combination. In addressing you, the one thing that I wish to avoid Is any mere glittering generality, any mere hlgh-aoundlng phraseology. When we come to dealing with our aoolal and Industrial needs, remedies, rights and wrongs, a ton of oratory la not worth an ounce of hard headed, kindly common sense. Before us loom industrial problems, vast ln their importanoe and their com be obliged to Withdraw , some I eompanled by tha name and addreai of tba I plexlty. The last half -century has been ine wuoe win not Da nsea ir tne I one or extraordinary bociii inq iuuub ka that It ba withheld. Tha Journal I 4...iniiafif : Tha rhanm huva Japan and t JJ f-f .tba " t ap.reachinB: -oni. of them for good JAPAN AND CHINA ' Letters From the People TO T.TTTT.R Janan is Ukolv to Ittera to The Jonraal aUoold be wrlttea ea . - " - lone aide or tba oaeer obit am a ben id ba iiv of Its tentacles, over Manchuria. M a i a.i ... a ..... a a . ' i I w wa-aa aawMfc va. wtieauuuuRUM, r UVUIU I . . -. . . mr . the Public It is worthy ' of I wina xaieiy enterea into a tie made aa brief aa possible. Tboaa wbo wiab I and some or tnem jcor evu... x is not m t. . . , . ; , ., . . . . ... .. - .treaty reeardlne: the Mattchurlan I ,w le"" reiurneo wnea not aiea anouia la- arlven to the wisest or us to see into ine . UM. " " O v I I . m . A il.l . . Oregon issues are suspended in the the state. Four students who vio- ranroaa, out tins ranroaa m balances.. . . - - hated-,; the faculty . regulaon : in r0,ve".:,ni?ef n wreign , m- which hazing is prohibited were bus- erce. enma is or itseir neip- TIIE 'STARVTNO SUFFRAGETTES pended for one year. The action Mess, ana naa aeree to wnaiever will be nrofltable alike to those sua- ', years . . 7 7- 1 A--. -1 . or etatementa of eorreaponili-uta. 1 rlli ra ne made aa oi their lettsra r, I close nostaea. Correapondents are notified that letters as-1 eeedlna: BOO worda ln laorth. mar. at th 41a. c ration oi ua atutor. Da eat aown to that limit. " Where Are We At? Dundee, Or., Oct 4. To the Editor nt Th .Tnnm a Will n,t ,1.... I F THAT certain suffragette dies pended, and to those under whose " ut swer a iew questions 7 where ara we In a London prison, it will be a notice the facts will pass. 'H All . wiU ''Jrr Sdent of ' laa't t be taught that decent reepect for I a"ZVZ"Z:LV "hot Lawrence during a friendly sere- college .regulations is a prime ' es- uy-v. nada ar8 w4 of the BtaU 0( or sentlal to an orderly college life. Jhe also demanded the open door becoming a race of hoodlums and in this respect, it is as valuable a orlent for commerce. Af er Ztci lesson as any that can be obtained ho Russo-Japanese .war Japan in- "" . a- III from college text books. formally guaranteed the open door was never used ava In danger, or to A fnrthfir honefirlal nffpr In tha wluun uer uuiiibiuh auu piiuere ui. I proviae zor.tne aauy menuT : l deplore paramount iniiuence. aut future with absolute clearness.. No man can be certain that he has found the entire solution of this Infinitely great paira of shoes It Is foolish to buy some pronounced style or color., such as col ored cloth tops or tan shoes that must he worn with everything; she nuts on. For general wear the black shiny leathers are most satisfactory, because they will do for morning, afternoon and aU ordi nary evening wear. For white- party dresses and many white costumes white and Intricate problem, and yet each man shoes are always correct, but they must of us, If he would do his duty, must always be in an absolute state of clean- atrlve manfully so far as In him lies 'n0' flViVLil n voin Kin 1k, , . or money to be spent on shoes, those to help bring about that solution. . whloh mftteh the costume are quite the we can build up the standard of In- order of the day.. , dividual citizenship and Individual well- Great care should be exercised ln the being, wa can raise the national standi buying of shoes the same as in the buy- ard and make it what it can and shall be jn of or ny other piece of wear-: ba made. , only , by each of us stead- LnKr?pp-hrAi'. Lr f-ff?-- tharA.? fastly keeping in mind -that there can J-h,,rS '1 JF' ..l?W0" T-j ...v.ii,,. m j.l -i- - tail :vtuuut r jwui vsuuti tit ljiiss "3 be no subsUtutetor the world-old, hum- speot.; for you Will rue it most of the drum, commonplace qualities, of truth, davs of your life. : . justice and courage, thrift, Industry, If you are tempted to be neglectful of common sense and genuine sympathy rnur footwear remember that most beau- with Others. 1 The h&tlon is the aggre- ,ful of birds, the peacock, whose feath- gate of the-individuals comnosina It. wouW faU u ever looked at ltB and each individual American ever I .- at , It t ' raises the nation higher when he, sol conducts himself as to wrong no man. I "Going some.;' as to suffer no wrong from others, and I a LICE DONEQAN, a younar woman as to show both his sturdy capacity for A of Australia, challenges any mem-seW-halp .and his readiness to extend Xl ber of her sex to a 100 yard dash, a helping hand to hla neighbor sinking M,.a nonean has a record of 10 4.S aec under a burden too heavy for him to t.'i! ?21e??" LIaSI . t i w.iuo, mitt . " . t v lv . j v. .iiv 11 o Dear. . , '' - I woman In that world to An the inn under Let US strive to make the ennitltlnna I 1 1 aooonda. - She la In Tvtndnn anil has of life such that, as nearly as nosslble. been arlvlnr the Enallsh exhibitions of each man shall receive the share - to her sprfntina ability, in addition she which ha Is honestly entitled and no In for hurdlina and has won many more; and let us remember at the same ET J,"? JLL fn.l 'fl"S ,w05 iuiioi vna -.-co. duo so atifjiu sis uuiiui v feet S inches tall, with aquiline features, dark eyes and coat black hair. St ; St X time that our efforts must be to build up, rather than to strike down, and that wa can best help ourselves, not at the expense of others, but by heartily working with them . for tha common good of each and alL for the advancement of the human race printed ln tha English language. , -; ' JAMES MORRISON. T , heavy blow" to those who op pose votes for women' In . Eng land. With other suffragettes, she was arrested for attacking Premier iAsquith's carriage and - thrown , ln . prison. , 'All rerusea to-eat, and the prison ..officials with v a stomach pump conveyed beef tea into their ptomachs. The suffragette in ques tion la gravely ill In . consequence, , and there are apprehensions for her safety. The incident, even if she survive, Is exactly the agency that, has proven most effective in the growth of the age Englishman is ready to be sym pathetic. He likes a spectacle and the present affair is a spectacle par amount. It will penetrate to spots nasi sobuaci HituuicuiB iu iavor OI Votes for women would not reach. It is apparent martyrdom, and mar- -tyrdom in the essence of the suffra gette campaign. The growth of the movement which In cash and adherents is one of the most remarkable in the his tory of England, is omen of how ef fective are the plans of the suffra gettes on the English populace. Ti tled Britishers of both sexes are now numbered among the supporters of the propaganda. The performance that a few montha ago was looked upon as a futile comic opera by weak women. Is becoming one of the notable affairs of the 'world. Whether it wins or loses, even those who decry the methods resorted to ira rnmrtelled to admire tha nlnrk of the English womn. - It Is doubt ful If the same methods would be t 'fertlTe in America, where the na tional tf rr.peraiaent Is widely dif ferent. In any event, all will hope hat the experiment may not be ira.- . Taft on Inheritance Tax, From a Speech at Denver. X have already aald In a speech which X made at Columbus in 1907, how our great fortunes could be divided with out 'drastic confiscatory methods. It seems to me now, as it did then, that tho proper authority to reduce the is tne state, ratner Japan tne result or that evenmg a visit, where than the central government. Let the has scarcely .kept this promise, and ?" m S,, widow, with lo father- tate pass Uwa of inheritance which m-' J . Mo,.m--o- I". h"dren, and. cast a blight on the Bhall require thS division of great for this move in Manchuria indicates iife of a trueting- bride. ; There was no "unes between tha children of the de- notice to distant parents that hazing Is , under control at the .university, an A in thatr anna m a v ha eonf vor vui.nna .nrt- r f "at she Intends not to keep it, hut accident, according to the evidence. ZTw rJL -Z L. :l " . """r rather to monopolize that commerce Wn ? ou5Bia a loaded gun in to the exclusion of Europe and dtai AfteP fair warning that the gun America, as far as possible. Hence was loaded that man went out and the interest of the - United States shot his friend to his death. Then aM9 IT-11 rnnA In tha f anltiirfan f t - I what of the bride? Bhe would have been nation, and hence. It la sunnosed. th S"'r " 5hh' "reb?en born- stated Bhare ln the proceeds of such ' ' i v licit ui tna aeaa idkdi iuhuv. i nr i . . - ....,Mni. ah nf mhk whinh summons of Mr. Crane, the new will learn a leaaon to never so where I Oonld hardly have been, brought about minister to China, to Washington, they are not Invited. In a social way. j save through lu protection and Its aid. for further instructions. Again. I aaky where are wa atT Will lB this ws. gradually but affectively utiAv aieaaiun i tha concentration or weaim in one nana oaaa a law mabtnar It m. irladam.ann, I . . . l. 1 1 1 v. . . . . , . ... ... I ... u . . y rtjw uauiua wilt vq iivuuiiacia uiu An nriUnann) wnlrn nrnhnhW trill I a i ... 1 " ' . . . .. ... .,n..A,t,l ' I K ""'j "'" turiiha auinr to tne repuDiic mat naa .i.w s"- be passed, is pending before the Chi- months' sentence the penalty? Or shall bf.en anticipated by a , continuation bdoui. .... .,ii .N..MI.. iiii I they nunt up all cranks and,.,h nrHnm nf ani-h aroumulm Falling Leaves. ' Amidst the Indian summer base The forest's - regal hues unfold ' With richest crimson, cloth of gold. Russet and scarlet, all ablaze. How aulcklv have the davs-flown hv . Since Spring her first faint colors I torew In pure relief against the blue Of charming April's sunny sky! The buddlnar white oak's rnav tint The summer changed to vivid green; xne iienaer mrcn i aiivarv ihAnn . Was heightened by, the sunbeam's glint . i " 1 New Idea. , I N ODD decoration on a dinner table 1 which was cool and refreshing ; looking was a rose bowl filled with sparkling mineral water with the stdws of the nasturtium and their leaves Immersed in it After a short time the flowers and the foliage became covered with a masa of frostlike moia- I limb. It gives parents a confidence ln entrusting' thelr sons to the con trol of the university authorities that should be effective in increas ing the institution's enrollment It la besides, a reflection of those wholesome conditions that are prop erly ln keeping with thd state's uni versity. President Campbell and his faculty are entitled to praise for the cedents and shall not permit a multl millionaire to leave hla fortune in trus so as to keep It In a mass; make much more drastic the rule against perpetu Ifies which : obtains at common law, and then Impose a heavy and graduated Inheritance tax, whloh ahall enable the THE FERMENT OF ASIA W HEN and how is the crisis to come in which Manchu- .a E j a a at - I vaidSSS r snaan w aT M UVa IlKOIV - LU UU January 1. 1912. all railroads en- any harmT -t,the state of Oregon tering that city must electrify their 1 rearing a race of hoodlums and cranks? lines for a distance of at least eight es education educate in a moral mffA from th rltr hall Prartirall' 1 nereis a nan on college has- mires irom tne city naii. rracucany, ,nr The coUera hould ab- t0 no smoke-belching steam railroad teach Us students that it la cowardly a , a. it. at-.,-, .al I l amuoiu. uw b aa, vuwaiuii rla Is to be the theatre of engines will after that date be per- for is or zo healthy young men to go Pr -f r is . marching on with , t s'rii t with tl who haT .b v,rr to f'l tlftn to boy. f-wbo buy ar 3 4 tot f !1 am ' ITO;"TOUS, too, bet low lecg another great war, is the mitti fo nter tha dtv. This u a thought in an article by Henry Bign of the Umes. Other cities are George Jr. In the current Collier's. Ukeiy to uke 8imiUr action. The Mr. George Is on the ground, and primary object is to get rid partly the impression left by his article is of thA ,moke nuUance. The noise that the present peace is but tern- nni.anM may i-o ba diminished. porary. Troubles, be hints, ara yet But by that time electricity will be to ans uai win seep Asia in ai seeming ierment. nerever ne without ordinances or laws, turned he found bayonets and nn- . - rest The Japanese are in control! The Wefls-Fargo EiDresa eora- ot Mukden., and are strengthening I pany U fighting the state corpora-1 the their fortifications at Port Arthur and Dalny with an apparent purpos never to give up the fortresses over cne of which they fought two wars. The railroads of southern Manchu ria are of American eflnipment, but are Japanese owned and controlled. The line of Japanese control of Manchuria penetrates to Chang Chun. sight's rlie north of Mk dn. asd rrtrywher. the air is that cf prepared !b for perpetual orcw paUoa. There art oi.!y tliit Ja;a- and take one helpless freshman out of his room and subject him to indignities. Vhereare we at. again? At any fair or publlo entertainment where there la a college, it seems aa If hell was turned loose when the students get theret Why Is this? There haa been both Idiocy and death from haslng. Now, for my remedy: A law to pre- qulte general use on railroads, I vn serenading after dark; punishment tor iniracTioo oi some so caya la tha county JalL la case of any person ahooting another at any serenade, even If said serenading la prohibited by Isw, the verdict should be menslaughter; term. z years nara laoor. Now for the college hoodlum: Make the tndrnta frrub oak and fir stumps for their board and tuition. If they re fusal, pound then Into aubmlaaloa with aa oak eluh. Hare their paranta with, hold all allowances for Joy rldea and s-um until they hare aiulrd the moral n and mar.hood of their riorr fathers.. I fcave earned my rl"tfce itlnce years of ar. my liH ant rlotre 11H yeara nA. i have Trr wf a dollar t 9il tt mrk tnr sal I Jn't ale-p n.ihe ar ro r.unrry. I w,t at any ta ronrl iae that Th OTrti I a'!r Jrvrnmi Hon tax law. Of course; the more a public service corporation gets out of the peorle; the more millions It piles up for doing what the people could Just as well do for themselves; the more privileges it enjoys and the richer it gets; the harder it fights agaittt paying taxes. i . j rorrrt II. Hsthaway's BirtiWay. r1ffli-T 0raral. Frrt H. HotH away, tttt "f"ia intr, was torn at F.t Pamarl. Vt, tr1oNor J, lit. la itfl te er.iiata aa a ynate erxat rrcgreasire and fftriras a4 Is tka a li vocate I are Ing fortunes will be obviated. This Date in History. 17S5 Anti-stamp , Act congress met In New York City. 1777 -Second battle - of Saratoga Springs, which led ten days later to the surrender of Buraoyne. 1780 Americana defeated the British st battle of King's Mountain, South Carolina. 1801 Lewis and Clark entered Ore- on territory at Lewlston. HIS Napoleon defeated the Russtana at the battle of the Moskowa. 185S First synod of th Roman Cath olic diocese of Albany, N. T.. met. 18M Confederate steavmec Florida captured at Rah I a, BraaiL lll Equeatrlan atatue of General Orant ,ln Lincoln Park. Chicago, un veiled. ; lrij Harry A. GarfleU Inaugurated president of Williams college. Tlllajnook Has More. From the Tillamook Herald, la the Partnaw river. Michigan.' In the laat tt years there bss beeq.manar facturM I4.t.110.1l feet ef lumber? Bat Tillamook rotmtr haa more It haa Mvpfl sn1 0.c08.0,00 f e t ta fa-tur. Fifty yer of prorrity if ' ran ft water traaa portatl'B over a Jo hmw ao that we ran rut wnd 'p thla lumber, anil we Ttitt have It twfore the fires en tt or tres hf.n to nry rot Oar twee r:e ax t raaAy foar tat a a a. ture which was decidedly pretty. javwier oiiew, , TOBSTEK stew, as one finds it rrfa Casco Bay shore dinner, is not so well known to the average house wife as It deserves to be. Heat a quart of milk, and in the meantime shred the TT . . . , I aaarat ywnu yt ' Iri!r" ..." " f .1 "rC."Pa orownea, and heat it In two tabiespoonruia or but- With cutting wind and blOng frost , ter. Then turn the butter and meat into wn? nth2eV 'lJ.tuUmfl tofJ? nd to5'ed' the milJc season with aalt.-and aerve Will fall and wither on the ground. ; hot. To add onion or any other high fla- t .t,j. - ,' vored seasoning to a lobster dish Is to B u-Pt,nhJJ05Sb? SK?-r.1iden thet' " destroy the delicate flavor of the crust- ' ShelteredV from winter's winds they lie. J ' Be Bt to Although each limb and branch ba bare. I An so our Uvea mn.l UA mnA ' r RlC SuggCSUonS. warmed by the aunchlne of Ood'a love, T KoTEAD or wasning rice oau a aosen Showered bv merciea from ahov Till we ln health and beauty glow. L Thua mld the froata of sorrow, atlll . We shelter those lives yet to come, ' And when we fall, our voicea dumb, , They live to do the Father's will. From the Farm Journal. - A Fickle Crop. From tha Granta Pass Outlook. The present season's markets are but another proof of our statements In the past, that the hop is the most fickle, vacillating, elusive product to which a farmer can hitch hla hopes and hla ener gies. Only yesterday at was a pitiable. I tlmea ln cold water to remove the at arch, rinse twice In very hot water and the same results are rained. Few nortnerners succeea in - getting the annarated ara Ins. such as are al- waya aeen on southern taniea. To ob tain them throw rice slowly into rapidly boiling, silently salted water, and cook 20 minutes uncoverea. BettervTLsm Boodle (OoBtrtnataS to Tb Journal br Walt Uaaoa, tba rataoaa Kaoaaa poet, lit a proae-poema ara a reaaUr Saetare ef tkla autaiou lit Ike Dallr neglected vagrant ln the mark eta of thai'0"'1-' : world, looking for purchasers at from to 10 centa a pounds today It is the cock of the walk, with a price mark of If you help a busted pilgrim. Who's been out of luck a while. If you stake bim with a dollar and a stogie and a This I it. mtA von aat hla haa-afard featuroa "I light up with a glow or joy, and you IS centa and a prospect of SO. sort of a rise In the world will lot of grower, to thinking again and hlm try to murmur that you are a they will overhaul their old yards with I i ,, "J... .C .... . ' . ief-r.r"00 th hOP' BOt ,bad Ure from' the life yotlre leading here; av. ' - aa. Kattlav tfilfisrsi thlfl aVrwva4 laa lea Entitled fo Thanks. From the Sea aide Signal. If It Is true that the Portland Journal's exposure of ths dirty this little whirling sphere. If you write la friendly letter to some renow rar sway, who's so weary and so homesick that his hair Is turning gray, be wilt feel a whole lot better, and the cheerup dairies of Portland which the Oregon-I ami! will come, and he'll sail lata bis Ian endeavors to protest has hsd any thing to do with destroying Dairy and Food Commlsaloner Bailey's boom I "t for rovernor, then The Journal la en titled to the thanks and etneere fxl will of every good cltlxea of the state and we believe it haa A Noted Star. The star cf Bethlehem Is visible la the eaatera aky every morning- Juat at dartreak. It la the fcrishtert or amor he count! thouMtnda to t aeen ana rrav t eaa'.iy etatis'iiaHel. A;ro mrs 'l us that this star la v1ib!e every yeara triat It wui not osae tgala waul U;s year 241. duties In" a way to make tMnga bum: then you'v done a thing to help you when St. Teter calls your name; ther are better things -than boodle la tV little haman game. If you a B-8tniarl!ang to retain aome ground he a lost some ene who's been if esalnat It knocked aont and tmpat toaad. and you turn around and be!p him to his place with ether man. crying hme upon the knockere who would drag him down sent, then you're" shown that you're a erltter ef a rrltsceiy airain of hlooal; there are tw!r thlrrs than an tlis little ball f mil