THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY 'MORNING. OCTOBER V 1909. CHURCH SLR VICES Baptist Very ltev A. 8 Utlr. Iaw maaa. 6. 7 nj l 'Id. iliKii riiaee and ermoii, lO.o, Von, era an1 1;l. Marred Heart. Mtlweukle Hv. Ore. gory Kohla. n S. U, l .w inn. 6. lln and Sermon, lfl. I J, ur aud bclitHllCtlolt, tljll. Holy ruaa. Lnlveraitv Park Iiev. J. P. Tlillluiau. C. H. O. l.nw imu. i:J0. Jllgb maaa ami Bcriuon. 10:3l. Vuu.ra ti,i heue.lleuon. 4.. Holy tedriiiar. Portland and Van- eouver lt.v, fc.l K. Cent well, c K. K. Low uiaaa, 8. IIUU uua and sermon. Suggestive Questions on the Sunday . School Lesson by Rev. Dr. .T. S. Linscott .Ministers. Bunday achool teachers aad .there Intereated' are Invited ls write ilia Journal .briefly their vlewe In ilia worth of lAaaa "queelluoa.' Uartlf ularlv If Ihev euiialder them nt vain. In II.. I. anrk I . . Tin jnternallunal Niwipium b hla Btud eluh la tar thai nureoi. ef Dr moling o an unfettered f around the niaeaea. a wider study of the Bit la. trju.l church Y'nml VI n rwr Kw Iwoeu Jrlfty-ihlrd and itfty-foanh airveie. jlev Murine .V. -.rr. II ... . ciase stealing, f;lU. 1'iira iirancn anaelon Becoml and Ankeny. .a. Walla, superintendent. Meetings everr .t.ulni at i: mui.,i. I VattaxUa. fn.u.w -a u .... . nr.Livhir. T-.m.ii. t rtn anniiusn 1 1 i . r , ... . a i sua umiri iruini nr nnii sniiv an.. ,r. . i . . ... a..,!,.!. ..,.. mr. a..ri i ... . - - . - - . . ..- Taylor. Rev. J. Wiiluomb Jirou.uer. U St Andrew'. IVInth Td Alberta man's cii.poeed of aU those who Join local club, and taka VP the t7 hj lot 11 n ''u i. A.u! ' ? U. 10. "One Accord" lirayer meeting Rev. Thomas Kleftian. Low maaa. t. s"np.e ourea herein ouillnrd, tarrln oalf ordalnad clergyman. All h0 bav rt.-' conimi.nY..n J 7a. . "i 1 aorvlcea, 10;JO and 130; 1HIU v'm Hi H"ith maaa and b.tmoi. 10. Vair, lu- .""S J"l"ad ara warmly Invlud to do ao Add to oou. pat for tha prlaaa. rrl?ar'aal iTii v .if 17 .a " " Y. 1'. U.. . Tvplca. .-Wanted, a Uood airuatlon and bfi.e.lloHon, 7:30. 1'eraima may Join, ma club at anr tlma durln h aar, Vut muaV t oi I Ti tudv f 'rhi'ru! w ni !"! 1'oalllon." 'Kvry Man a 1raaldont." 1st Miei.han'a. J. lrty-BM-oi,d and Kat r".Ur"' HTST Lthf. '""- hereinafter .aplalnad. fo .juallff for tba Zm I J?iui. A?tr.i!. .l ! Uord a aupprr ol'aarved. Tlor Av. WkA. Waltt. Low meea ' bark gueetlona may ba obtained by addr.aalna; U.le offka. Futura.' " av t 2a .i. f W i?f.AU' M. .'!. ' w.r . . . i . ami ihi. .. ia.... . Thl rmnr ima it. ih. . ....i.hIk i.. i .. .7... f u. f uiura. b. av. f:tu; adult ciaaa. 11. lu. Ilev. 11. d. black. 10 3D and 7;Jtf. iilOle I Tgnatlua, Knry-M"coiid and 1'owell f'noi Iaaon queatlona by n.v. Dr. Llnarott. which hav arouaed ao much clioo K i P U , Valley roadiUv. K. I'llloii, H, J. iw nterat ; alaewhera. and they will appear weekly la both tha Saturday ami Ceiitriil Laat"TWenUth and AiikanTJ I . I and J0. Maaa aartnoa and Sunday taauaa of Tha Journal. One f theaa queatlona aach week la to b- f 1 Rev W T Jordon 11 and b. J., I btndloilon. I0:0. , . anawar4 t wrlUn avd upon theaa anwra tba prUaa ara to ba awarded. cat uniH v p ii a an- MinmmiiuL kivtu- nt. Bianiaiaua. Ajarymnn and Faiuna lna- aarmon bv Itew. F. N. Monroa. . ""..aai. i.ow oiaaa. . .un riata M.i. u Kniltn. 11 and I: I ee man aermon, l R K. U if.. It V. f. II.. :4S. Kerinona by Dr. C, A. Wooddy and MUa Curry) Iptaoopai. i - ... wBiuaoaia ox ibo conun. . wnwuiri, or in a ir ner lamiiy. avoai ba a anbattrroa vo uu lapau. . . I Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett TW. ona for 61 cuna-utlve weoka. coiiimenolnc Sunday. March 14. and tha anaw Jlla-tiUnd Alberta, and SUth. Rev. Kj A. A. Morrleoiu 8. U and 7:S0. R. a. uat all ba In tha poaaeaatoa of tbla papar vliLlo .two waaka of tba ot Leonard, paator. 11 and 7.J0; U. T 8:45. Morning aerniun by iila hop epauldJ of thla period. . 4 vuuio two waaka or ma ci I. U.t 6:110; 6. .. 10. . ling of Utalu BviV?,.?:V Mattbew'a. Flrat and Carutlier--: i i v . 7, "Ii v ,.;U. r7- ' oruimiinou and aernion at , 30: y. V. U.. 7. 'lop ca, Th Lord a KVi Wf lu M Urok. Hot r -rayer," oinnara to iu wiua u. 7;30' 8. B.,- 10. Pervlfo ar Angry God." - - . Harvait Homa ealebratloa Calvary kmc ikunin ana urnnL nm-r, Rt AndrewaL' Pertimnulh '11' ul I; B. a. 10 a, m. ArcUdeacoa Cham I Ilolv W. T. Oordcs on "Wiuieaa of , Uto Holy KnlaltL' I Immanuel Jonea Hall. Olbba and I Ir Wn,i officiate. rrJ.nH, "v-..AuWMin,?eri..1AU:,2. VP "t- Mark'a. Twanty-flrat and Mar- i:av; o. c, o. . . "a y I naJL Kav. J. JC Ji. Klnipaon. Holy "A . Now , Creature In Chrlat I eucharlat, I and 11: a 8, t.4: matlaa Divanina; union aarvwa i iurm nee-land litany, 10:16! avenaong; T;0. byterlan churoh. I Churoh of 'Our Bavlor Woodatook. Grace MonUvllla: Rev Albert E. I H and . Arobdaaooa C&mbera will lllCil. it ana i ;ovt p. . oirioiaia. U.. 4:30. Toplca, Boclal PreaarvaUvaa." 1 fit. David'a , Eaat Twelfth and Bal , "Dreaming Varaua Working." , .1 monC . Rev. Henry Koaeejl Tajbot Holy . Unlvaralty faric ev, a. a. vraiw i communion, caw: prayer ana aennotu. B. S.. 10, 11 ana a; ts. x. r. i.. oar-1 ana a: o. d. :o. . xnona by Bav. A. F. Johnaton. I St. John'a Churoh Mnltnomah and Bunnyalde (German) Forty.flrat and I Tfyior. ii ana t:So: k.. i Hawtborne: Hev. C. Veldmeth. 11: B. S.. Oood fchepberd Graham and Van Cbxlatiaa Bolaaoa. Firat Charch of ChrtatBcottlah Rita inourai. luorriaon ami ini,ini ii p. d. o., it: auuieci or leaaun aerinmi lrnreaty., ti ... nr.. m . E"2i oonteaumt In thla local eUib tnuat anawar eaoh of tha written auea. -""" oToaa! TTalted XrvangaltoaL I f Ta. fl iuti Tlai u aal r i 1 1 - ' a. iIJErnl,,u"vt,0,, mu"t b JBwared aeparately, and tha paper written on Rev. J. Howeraox. 11 and 7:10; a 8 5?!?- only- S'l ""' ,nuat exceed S0(f worda In length and ma be laaa I 10; C. 0:30. ' too Doiiom i irat jtajt Blxteonth and Poplir. Kav. 11. A. ieck. 11 and 7:30; . H., be collated I 10. 'Tonlca. "Knowlmr On.!" ti,. Independent er. I Great winnowing. ' waroexi ae i tsncono Fargo and Kerby. nv. CI r. and John,' Rev. ball, corner OrafiJ aveirfle and Caat I'liio, l(ev. J. IK Corby, 10 U; . g, , bueclaj aorvlea In ui neat Ion wliti the planing of the orneraluue of the new churelt, lireadway aud Kaal l'wenty lourliw Adaraaa by 1'reaid.ul Tafu i : 11; 8. n., to. I f L " auar-aa oi mo writer at r oommunlon. I . l1 rS,?fw."r: .... t- ..... ... . ' id .rmiin. Ill !' wrrw nun urn oeuverea io irgo orrice. and ther will ii 1 ine cioae or the eonteat and forwarded Co headquartora for loly BpirK.'' Evening germoq by Rav. S R R ' w" ' Tho wrUag, . G P. TaUa. a 6V, 10. T. lnrdr-n n "Wlineaa of Uto Uoly r.. . Vu . . . .... . ' Flrat Beiieo A rold modal to aach of tha nr fi , Flrat Beiieo A gold modal to aach of tha f1ra -flea riecona fierlea A allvar miwlitl t. ak n . . . J 111 rfl BMrlaa . A 1 Muhr' Vlllil. n. IK ia . . ...w . . . , . .. . I . , ...w . v.wv. i.v hcii in dh uri wit Fourth Berlea .Th. kAAlr.Tlt. Tr .. . . . ..... tm .. -. I atroata. (I llafnal na . - . . . . . . uw aaw. . w . .u. i.l i.iii r r rmoM a 1 an in n . . . or irie next IS oonfetanta. ' ' 1 10:45 a. m. and I p. nx; a 8, t:S0 a. m.; - Xaformad. Flrat Oerman Tanth and Stark ator. Servtcea for ShCah. W.ll", ",W,fffT.!lBA '.rthr winner .n T. -.-- w -""v. wu oiun ua dwi wiu oe to- i P. 8, 7 p. m. .wohfhVdot.;d3u M,Bn,f rtr croVThV.raiotde:rliK1 &ut r-'srws o?' m .SoV:riotcsioMa a. 45 icouver. Kev. jonn Kt Jnhna rGerman Rev. C. Feld- 7:30; a B.. :46 meth. S. 6.. 9:4&; aervlcea 11 and 7:30. St. Johna Rev. C.L. Owen. 11:30 and 7:80; a B., 10; B. Y. P. U.. e:80. Chinese Mlaalon 8524 Oak atreet S. a. 7; preaching, 8, by Rev. rung Chak.- ' Flrat German Fourth and - Mill; Rev. J. Kratt 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 8:45. Second German Morria treat and Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Eauermann, 11 and 7:80: S. 8.. 8:46. East Forty-fifth atreet Corner Eaat fpn- nv k C Cook. 11:15 and 7:30; Bible achool, 10; B. . P. U 6:46. Fare well service by the pastor. Lenta Rev. J. F. Heacock. 8. S.. 10; 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Bermona by Rev. A. B. Walts. . . Mount Ollvo 'Seventh and Everett; Rev. Ii. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Krlck Scherstrom. 10:45 and 7:45; S. 8., 12; B. Y. P. V.. 6:30. Thi.-rl Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R. Schwedler, 11 and 7:80; a 8.. 10. Topics, "Our Cltixenshlp," "Our Guest." Woodstock Forty-firat and Holgate; Tfv v TC Dark. 11 and : o b.. iu (Copyright 1808. by Rer. T. a Llnaoott. October 3, 1909. Paul a Prisoner Tba Arrest. Acts Uawaon. 11 and ai: 17 to 22 "ti. Urace Memorial. East Seventeenth L.?lden Text Thou therefore ondura and Wclrtler Hev. Georre B. Van Wat- r.?n.8S! ood soldier of Jeauo tera. Ifoly communion. Prayer and aer- ""si. i Jim. 8-3. moo, 7;80; 8. 8.. 12:18; services held In ,"" 17-18 Why Is It that there is the new parish house. no. cia of people who so love each Ascension Chapel Portland Heights. Pinet', nd rejoioe in each other's fel- a 8.. 8:80. ,ow.?,p',.a reaJ- earnest ChrlstiansT All Saint's. Twentr-flfth and Savier. w,nv djd the Christians at Jerusalem Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Holy com- S1V? 5aul "O :ladlyr munlon at 8; prayer and sermon. 11; a B.. 12:15; sermon by bishop of Oregon. St. Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. C For. sythe; 11 a. fn.; S. S., :4C Bishop Morria Memorial chapel. Good Samaritan hospital. Rev. William R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. m.; ward servlca, 8; prayer and sermon, 7:16 p. m. Methodlat. Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young. D. D., 10:30 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 12:10; E. L., T . . ...ft V . n . . . T fn- a. ..""""-"ly..."- "! .- oraun. v;. - .V.'. ... na ';aw mo19 scnooi. 10, v-nriHiian wno, rrom prein- . u mink iiniik dice, aneaka vii .nn;v.. v.i..f. I sx. XL. inurca Boutn. and these Jews who sooke falselv of I Union avenue and Multnomah street U .ia IDauCI U llAHiMa. 11 Ka-J 7 .1 A . an n a a Verses riumiM K L.. 6:80. Tonics. "The Church nf opinion or spread a rumor from mere -nnsi. -upporiunmes. apppa ranees 7 Which a-nnarall. W. ... citement and why; a rumor of some thing good, or of something very bad about a man? Verses 33-40 What la It In human natoro whiih makes ono class or race or polltloal part or religions body, so rue! against another class, or race, or tTnlvarsallst. Church of the Good Tidings Unlort Vlaoellaaeoaa. First Uplritual Boclriy Thrlateaeen balL Eleventh and Yaiuhlll etreata. 11, 1:30 and 1:41. r1.l leu Curpa Balvaiion Army 416 Burnaida. 11, 4 10 and t. alaJluiiia' and Mlu!et-ra Aaaorlatloo AudMorlum bulMlog, II. 8 and 7.45. Hwllah Free All union MlaalHalppI and Bliever, Rev. Aug. ulaon, lu. and 6.00. letter Day Saints (ilormona. m -. . jr . . . .. T i.uii antj onerniao. j. x.. weaiersard prealdlng elder, II and 4, ri H, 10. hi,. J iiai oo'iierauce maelina.. 10, 11. JO uuj 6:00. 1 Advent Christian Bemad, between nan ann i.mcoiiu r wauca Bliupard. 10 80 and 7:10. Volunteers of America Zti Burnalde Street. 3:30 and 8:30. Divine Truth Center 20 1 Allnky building, Rev, Thaddeua 11 Mlnard II; H. 8.. JJ. Herniun by Henrv Marrlaon Urown of California on "WhoNoevor Jlveth a Cup of Cold Water In My Name Shall Not Loan ilia Id-ward. " New Thou all I iCaat Thirteenth and Tenlno, 6. Itev. P. J. Green. Church of Naxareno Kuat Seventh and Couch. 11. New Church society (Rwedrnbomen) t;ivanth and AhK-r. Knlghta of Py- mmr nail, iy service ami aermon. 11. Htate Hplrltuallata aaa'x-latlon Knvla hall. BL Johns, 8 p. m. Mrs. H. 11. elp, Topic. "Tha I'ower of Thought." Non-Sectarian Odd Kelluwa' hall, Bust 8Uth and Alder; 1.J0, up to dtte Hlbln studies; 8:15, scriptural discourse for Christiana. Church Of Now Thought Selllng- liiraon nail. Henry victgr Morgan) I and 8. Evening aermon bv Henrv liar rlaon Brown, on "The Curae and Cure or the Twentieth Century Unrest" Center of Right TblnUlnr-W. O. W. timple. Hi Eleventh and Eighth streets, Mrs. B. Sherman Olney; 8 p. m. Topic. "Power of tha Spoken Work." Y. M. C. A. Civmnoalnm of new build ing, Sixth and Taylor, 8; mass meeting for men; address by H. W. Stone, gen eral secretary, on "Physical Life of Men." Latter Pav Saints East Snventy lxth and Irving. Elder Walter Bar ker. 11 and 7:30; S. S.. 10:46. And still Hood River land prices go up. KICK FA KM in. MVl.s IX OKANlTi: CA . JTalrU O'ove, Ark, tvt t tha most prominent an ii farmers of thla eat tton. h la mi . tlvo memr of the Nattonul m union, has dwall! in a cave fr It ts piobably the moat palutul Io the world, and (a fitted uu with modern eoavenlenoea. Inclullia bet ' cold watvr. electiio fana, eiei trli M, an sieain heat. lie il Ui'uvirr, i ava at tha top of a mounUlo lluj 1. nirn. - 1 he cave la 78 fact long by !5 i ' and 13 feet high. Tha walla are , . beautiful granite, which baa been U- timely polished. Tha selling la 44 I i thick. The front of tha cava la of eU which the owner and occupant, Ii. Mobbiy, put In, tqgethar with hanlw.i. I Moure. The fluea for the rooking rin - i pane out through the moutlt of t. i cave and extend outward a dlataii i f nc.irlv 40 feet. Movable screens permit the Iiicimim In sIbu and reduction riKma ut the pleaauro Of the oouupant . A flue spring at the tup of the lii'iui tain furiilnlua water throush a orlvtii' ayMleui of waterworks. 1 lila novel dwrllliimr waa mtmnli'tc i about two yrara ar It Is appruucho I t y a rxauiirul rund ascandlna' the nmi of the mountain by caay atuges snd tl, j rrounds above tha cava ara kept In perfect condition. The Oceupanta. 0' clure that it Is tha cooleat. dwelling In Bummer and the moat comfortable In winter and tliey hnve no fear of cv clones, which are freijuent n that r gtou. Neither heat nor oold penetrate tl.. , . rr I ... I I n .... . . . th. l. I' . nm .1.. ... t . Kl. lie- Tl, .. cave Is in easy driving distance of tl.l town. . . . , . Insane Man Jailed. ' ' (Rpeclal Dlerxtrh to Tbe JoamaLt ' I Ellensburg. Waah.. Oct. S. lJibortr under a hallucination that he bad fall, heir to a aum of money whloh nine, In amount from 126.000 to 250,imi James Delahoyde, a Milwaukee liilore la confined in the count v 1n.ll for ! keeping. Delahoyde had been workn on the Milwaukee conatructlon n- Hockford and arrived In the city Frld . afternoon. He was arrested on cm. plaint of Dr. C. L. Hoeffler. who svi poo ted from tho man's actions that 1 waa insane. , Paul told them limit eh. nn..fnl i'?,nK". which God bad wrought through h,L" .'""try among the Gentiles. Should Christians aiwava tpll oaeh tiir e tho victories of their faith and works, political party, or religions body, whan lo'ok like boai'tlngT enendar pr,l9 th1 Plons get stirred? (This uas- Varses 20-22 Does a -rood man al. lftOthers'ak,rU: 00d" l uccess of i .t.i - . 6:30. Blunders. Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John ri. (,manpp. D. L.. 10:80 and 7:3": 8. S.. 12:15: E. L.. 6:30. Toplca "Effectuid Prayer," - "Discouragement, Its Cause services each night. Topics, "Christ Our Cure." Sufficiency," "Light Weight Feppie. i Sunnyslde East Yamhill and Thirty- firth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30: S. a. Presbyterian. 9:60; E. L.. 6:45. Topics, "Where th First Twelfth and Alder, Rev. Wll- uvme Master couia do uhuo oood He- llam HlranT Foulkes. 10:30; communion ot OpposUlon and Unbelief " "The miw "Tha i;oor Room." 12:10; B. Sheep and the Goats, or the Problem of '8 6 15? Y P 30T"toater Port: the Sunday Evening Service." land; special servVe. . - , v L W!81- UeWart; 11 w8: T,eMTLReVdaTlVi Eworth-TVenty-slxth "and Savier, Jnr S. -The I'DBil to Men Rev- Charles T. McPherson; 11 and 7:30 riJ'iu'tt7rtSn'o?aatM- S" S-" 10; E L" fr:45- Topic,, "Stoning of. the bufferings or Ohrlst, monies JeBus. Reception to new members, alnn and Denial. 'How to Reach tho Masses." rYekJfa.BJ'A??I: Centenary East Ninth and Pine;: Thomas Holmes Walker. 10 .80 and 7.46 . riarerice True Wilson, D. D.,' 10:45 nnd Bible school, noon. Topics the -Lord . . Tonics. supper win ds ooserveu. "s' "RcconcUiatlon." "Is the Immortality ul..Le. .nd nfhha- Tiev Donald ttl. pui inherent or Acquired , ' i 7 i ..n j ? Tn a a i v- o xnroug-n unrisi tDy request,!. . i Mackenzie. 10:30 and 7:30. S. S., 12; CI fr-iit u..iTii,;i,.nH .iov. t .i. . a , ij a faa..wj -t j juhv - jini anu vjra ai v hid Paftt-TWAWH anAianrf-rr. sJ!'"h: JL"4 7:80. B. U, 6 .an; g. n.","r""., rT M.i-nn Tiift " lo-oo l- P':'8. "tiro oanctincauon," A "a 1 9- r P -bov fon ci com vivai sermon." T:80; a B.. 12, f (.80. 0PC' Chinese Mission Chan" Sing Kal; 11 munlon and reception of .members. nj -,9 " ' Stereopticon. lecture on "The i Holy Land Lau'rel'wood Rev. E. H. Bryant; 11 and Ancient Shrines of Jerusalem. and 7.30. s g lft. el. 630 i rVSllWvrt- trindsoR 8 ! -'NorWeglan - Danish - Thirteenth and ?,ev'HrryeilnPratt' 11 a ' - " Davis, Rev. H p. Nelson, 11 and 8; a S.. IV; C. E., 6:30. 10 Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; Central Vancouver avenue and Fanro HeVw J- Snyaer 11 an4 7'30' S S" street, Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 10:30 and ?tfin.U First. 7:45: S. a. 6:45. 11': Vo- ReVi( pa80Ct6E 30 Md Norwertan Danish-Vancouver ave- 1 Marshall i?fect-Ma8klf knd8 North 1"?" J" 11 Seventeenth; Rev. C. W Hay s. 11. 4. Swedish horthwlck and Beach, Rev. Topics, "The Lamb of God, A Song. Jonn 0va j, and g. g s ,. j; j 7. No evening; service. t,.., sermons by Rev. Andrew Farroll of Se- Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty- attle man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 8; Flrst German Fifteenth and Hoyt; B- a, 10. . .. G. A. Waasa: 11 and 7:30. Spokae Avenue East beventeentn Second German Stanton and Rodnev. What, either imnn. man rvr Mni1e is tho greatest cause for JoyT (See Luke id ; ( . What Is It a a I en of. when 'a narann criticises or is not glad when ha learns of the goodness of another? , Could a Christian, either then or now, be fully led of the Holy Spirit, if at the same time guided by, or "Zealous of the law"? In bridging the two dispensations. Is it likely that God. so to speak, winked at the apostles trying to graft the law of Moses Into Christianity, or was It God's plan that Jewish Christians should still keep the law? Is It likely that even .Tamea n fh. elders at Jerusalem knew of the full uoerxy or unnsrs gospel, or that "the law was to tie anaminned? n.i 6: 1-6. Heb. 8: 8-13 et seq.) Verses 23-26 Did .Tamea and ev,. .1. ders give Paul good advice In this mat ter oi tne vow, ana snaving their heads, and can you conceive it as possible that they were directed by 'God In the advice they gave? Did Paul do a wise thing to Join with these four men In the matter of the vow, and what he must h; known to bo a useless ceremony in connec tion therewith? hrM-K-B-Pe- states In substance mat ns Became au inings to all men that he mlfrht win men to Christ How far can we carry out that principle niuiuui. uuiug.guui oi deception f (See uoa must be answered la writing by members of tho club.) r;Chaptjef 22: 1-6 Ought the fact that ''" umie oeen one or themselves, and had changed to be a Christian from convictions of duty to God, to have eiven mm ravor wun God fearing and reasonable men? Verses 6-21 Is the narration of dur personal Christian axnerinnr-. Ht., and Is It an effectual way to preach the' Buopci iv Burners, ana a noip to be eversT TTAe. 1. . m r. n I , I. . . ft a . . . . ' . "w "uu iiu.Liea in nis heart for Jesus, on a mission of perse cution tO JeSUS' follnWAraf nn th. rnaA he sees (1) a great light fromjieaven; (2) he la stricken to the ground; (3) he Is spoken to by Jesus: 4t he sus who he Is; 6 Jesus answers his questions (6) those with him saw the light but heard not the voice-. 1-7 h. asks Jesus what he shall dn- a t... told him to go on to Damascus and he should there get full instructions; (9) he is blind and led by the hand to Damascus; (10) Ananias restores his sleht and e;iveR him Instruction what he must do; (11) ho Is baptized. Now what are the most striking features in this experience of Paul's conversion? Verses 22-29 Did Paul's experience stir their anger because they did not believe his testimony or because thev thought. It was true and that it m. TiRely TO oau'80''s''''faleaso by the JRo- lUClllD i Lesson for Sunday. October 1 isnn Paul a Prisoner The Plot Acts 82: 30 to io; 90. riLrinloft a-.... ..... . . . . .. . . acuooi leticners ana oiners interested are Invited tn write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of tAew Questions!2 particularly if they consider them of value In their work.) -questions. and Spokahe; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 Rev. E. E. Hertzler. 11 and 8- S S 9-4S-' and 7:30: S. S.. 10: C. E.. 6:S0. Topics, S ."T . i-fn ile"z,er' na - ,wn. ra.anllol nnnnfttt. rt Chrlatlnnltv" I T . i i . . . communion), "John Calvin. teenth. Rev. Eilsen Ribara, 9:30 and inira n, luiruniiui .nu rum, s:3u; . tj., 3:30. Rev. Andrew X Montgomery, 10:80 and Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma, 7.:45; 6. 8.. 12. Rev. Lester C. Poor. 11 and 7:30; J. E. Hope MonUvllla, Rev. J. 8. Dunning, u, 2:30; E. L.. 6:30. 11; S. 8.. 10. ' The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty- Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth and ninth and Powell. Rev. Ernst Leon Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson. 11; S. 8. Jones; 8. S., 9:45: 11 and 8: E. L 7.' 12LY; p" ? tv . m MontavilOa East Pine and Eighteenth ... Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town- streets. Rev. Harold OberR; 11 and 8; send. , Services 10:30 and 7:30; first 8. S.. 10: class meeting, 12; E. L.. 7:15. third, fifth Sundays; S. 8., 11:40. WoodTawn William jTbouzlas; 11 Anabel Rev. A. Hurd, 11 and 7:45. and 8; 8. S., 10; E. L., 7. Trinity Dakota street Rev. A. Rob- University Park Dawson and Flske. lneon. 7:45 p. m.; C. E. 6:45; S. S., 11. Rev. W. R. Jeffry. J.; 11 and 7:30. Alberta Nineteenth and Wygant African Zion Thirteenth and Main, Rev. John Ovall, 4 p. m. Service In Rev. .W. Matthews; 11 and 8; a. S., 1. Scandanavlan language. Sermons by Rt. Rev. J. 8. Caldwell of Vernon Wvaant and East Nine- Philndlnhhi. htnhnn nr eh. roiienni.. ft . 1. . r nr ft .) 1 t. l-".""'-7 " " leeuiu, nm. uir w. Ain'a, uu "iiuregon conrerence. Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty first, J. W. McDougall; 11 and 7:30. Woodstock J. B. Voce: 11 and 7:0: S. S., 10: E. L. 6:30. Rev. Pattoni Michigan avenue and Carpen A. Berry, 11 and 8; a 8., 10; C EL 7:80; Rally Day In morning. Evening ser mon on xne jaroinernooa or Man." honwood iileventh and Umatilla. 10:30 and 7:45. Woodlawn Rev. G. M. Melllnger, 11 and 8; S. S., 10; C. E, T. TTclted Brethren in Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. G. E. McDonald, 11 and 8; a 8.. 10; C. E., 7. Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. Os car A. Martin. 11 and 7:30: S. S.. 10: C. E., 6:30. Third South Mount Tabor: Rav. C. P. Blancbard. Bible school, 3. Alberta East Twenty-seventh and Mildred, Rev. B. E. Emerlck, 11 and 8; S. S.i 10. Tremont Wisdom and Curtis streets. Rev. H. C. Shaffer; S. a 2:30; preach ing, 3:30. United Presbyterian. First Sixth and Montgomery, Rev. Frank D. Findley, 10:30 and 7:80; & S. 2Jn ,E- 8:? Topics, ordina JSm? ""l ' Church Member Out In a Revised Version." The Church of the Strangers Grand feand.Wasco' Rv- S. Earl Du Bois. l: S- at12- Interpretation; . ""'J ounuay morning. Rev, 10. ThirdEast Thirty-seventh and Clay; 9V. J. L. Acheson, 11 and 7:30, 8. 8., ai aai SK--sai '"'I aaaaaaaw md . LI Evangelical Associations. First Entrllah Riut Slrih First German Tenth and Clay. F. Benz, 10:46 and 7:45: S. 8., 9:30; Y P T5,c.?u'Be4,oIa- Ho Cometh With Clouds." "Tho Curse of Spiritual .Blindness. Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb betts. Morris Heverling. 11 and 8; 8. a , Prea Method! at. First church East Ninth and Mill. When looking for SUBURBAN PROPERTY that METZGER ACRE TRACTS are not the size of CITY LOTS. We are selling ACRE LOTS, only 30 minute ride from Front and Jefferson Streets. Take car at Oregon Electric Railway Co.'s Depot. (Sa lem line.) m . These acres are at METZGER STATION on the Oregon Electric Railway, con taining the best soil obtainable for the raising of all kinds of FRUITS, BERRIES and VEGETABLES that can be grown in Oregon. You have a very large tract to choose from. You can have either cleared, partly cleared or timbered park-like tracts, with creeks running through them, making: them IDEAL HOME SITES. ' There Is No QtherFract Like This One There are no gulches, no gravel, no hills, in fact nothing objectionable whatever. ; We want you to visit our tract. Our agents are always there to show the property, which we sell cheaper than any other land SO NEAR PORTLAND. Just think of it 1 You can buy an acre of ground within 30 minutes' ride from the heart of the city at $250 and tip per acre, on easy terms; 10 per cent down and 3 per cent of the pur-, chase price per month. You have to pay more for a lot further out, in other directions, than we ask for an CRE. For plats and further information, call at our office, 226-228 Front street, Port-' land, Or., or at our office at Metzger Station, on Oregon Electric Railway. HERMAN METZGER, Owner City phones: Main 474 and A-1274. Metzger Station phone: Main 6409. iii i-ii i irm-niiaii.TmsiiBiiinihiiii ii liiwi a .m Miinii. Ufc Ui r r "i,e Oil LAI . XVO V . IjrVI MQ S., 9:46; C. E., 7. Oongregatlonax First Madison and Park. Luther R. Dyott D. D.; Rev. Guy L. I ter, D. A. Watters; 11 and 8; a S., 10; Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:45; 8. S., :4ft. E. L.. 7. n i-tnis seventn ana uoraon, Kev. w. Boyd Moore. 11 and 8; 8. 8, 10; E. L.. i. and Topics. "The Stand of God in Human Affairs," "A New Era In the North west" Laurelwood Rev. W. H. Myers; 11; 8. a, 10; C. E. 6:80. . I Untneraa. rfWMttZ-'fWK.i'ttl. Swedish Immanuel-Nineteenth ? Vn. 'a l a "in. r v ' i-Tn " f rT. Irving, ll and 8; S. S., 9:45. Hel Kith Korni'rhlr flrfefi" a Hfnf.Ti L.- Norwegian Bynod East Tehth and Religion." a 12:10 "goeS. " 7:45; S. 8 l"?Z-MT- "' .; ii ana Betania Danish Union and Morris; 'University ParkHaven and Dawson. Rpqv Jj03 1JJ$?Ji S'r &. A Rev G W Rims' 11 and 7-20- S S 10: . 5. James English W est Pari and Heli ui .XV 11 ana ' 1U- Jefferson: J. Allen Lfas 11 and s- H h 'toet:tT.ff't-7 S."- ReV.ShoJhll- ShobSrl'of'lnS! p-Sermon by' ReV. Z.rnTne &n" & ' j nev1Bnonrnger8'Vl,.nd,,7-3e8 n't' Norweg1an4ir N. Fourteenth; 10; YP.- C. W Tor' "' "The ftV"' " n1 7:S0 a S- :: ."Ln" .f...A"urnc'" "The LltUe ' lion's Oerman-Chaoman and Jul. V". Wl."-n... o v ... W. K Behrens, 10:15; 7:45; sT S Kin R.."! u,.'.,. :L..8..IU,1 German-East Twelfth an3 .i:3; a. H., :it; t,., b:su. STRIP PRESIDENT TAFT AND THEN r SEE BR AZE Pilcrlm Shsvtr and Missouri avenue. Rev. Daniel p. Thomaa, 11 and 7:80 8. 8., 9:45. . " Cathollo. St Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davla Most Rev. A. Chriatle. D. D. Iow masa, 6, 8 and 6. High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers, lnslructioa and tenedictlon. t:4. St Joaepb s (German), Fifteenth and ouch Kt. Kev. James kiuw, v. G. Low tnaast 8, High masa and sermon. 10:39. Vepra, benediction. 8:30. St Francis, East Eleventh and Oak- Rev. J. Ii. Black. Low maaa. 6, 8:86 nn i in, jiign masa ana sermon. w . Ve.pera. lna true tlon and benediction. - St Lawrences', Third and Sherman Tlev. J. C Ijurhee. Low mm, 6, T and 6 10. Hlga maaa - and oermon, lti. Veeirs and beneHrtlin. 7:20. Aarenelon," Mentavllla. Rev. J. P. FltBpatrV-k Mae and eermeB, I In chapel f Slatera of the Precious Blood. et Pa trie a a, Nlntenth and Svl-r Rev. E. P. Murphy. lw maaa 8. High tnaaa mni r-nnoa, 16.39. Veeprt and er4Jcn. I It. f-t Mirraela flfallan. To-irtii and V II Jerult Fathera. Iw-cw m- 8. Ii fh ma and r"oa. 14 23. . Vespers er-t rndi'-t li" 7 la. lm-ar-.j Fi-art ef Mary. Wi;2!ar-e 4 tuo"-- P.i. TV. a Ily. Ixw T-ia, an'l Mir nma anl w f""v. 16 It. Vrra asd beeteasrtKwi, i.-Ty r raary. fart Tt,!rd and Us! cimiun. nev. a. iirauaa. ie:xo and 8; a 8., 9:80. Trinity German (Missouri synod) " ''"ms, ana eejiwood; j. A. Rlmbach. r.jn, o. r.. iv, 4 :aw. Swedish Augustana Rodney and Stanton; Rev C. A. ToUn. 10:41 and 7:45; 8. 8, 8:30. 8wedlsh Mission Savemteentli and Oil -an: Rev. B. J. Thoran. n and 8: a a, 10; Y. P.. 8:30. ' Film Chapel Micblran avenue -and Skid mora, Rev. B. t, Thoron. 11; & a. Immanuel German Tomer istn .. Leo iSellwoodi. 1L C Ftellna Ifl a 8, 8:30. " St John's Peninsula avenne aad KJ!patrIck. Rev. C. Buechler. 10. I (irare Knell h Rodney and Ivy. AJ blna, IL C fcbellng. 7:30. ' INorwegian kerbr and ram Rev. O. kagoes. It Chrlrtlaa. Cent raj East Twentieta .i ' mon; Rer. J. F. Ghort-ilv, IX H. 11 and : BiMa acb'Kil. 18. Topics. "Tae I'll-' mate ChurcfcC", "Watchmao, What of Lhe Mi'itr lirat Corner Park and Colimhla. - w P. Reeeer. rnln'e'er. II and 7 Io- a k " ' 8:45. Txlca, Triu-iiihMt Cfcrtetiaeltr Carta iity- "A Vialan ef hWnl U-jmar.ity.- S 8. raiiy day at t ei ) KfK,ney Avnue rio-Wy and Kxt;' T"mas O.-P.ctnn. II and T:4l; K s i 9:i. C H 7 p. m. a K ral'v dv at i I Fvealtg sermon oa "lhe Word 1 ! fcf V4 " i Kern Park Mt ard il.atara; A. 1 1 See the President lay the cornerstone and then see the subdivision where a whole dozen corner stones have been -laid during the past month or so. See Brazee Street Addition because it is convenient and because you ought for your own sake. Brazee Street Addition is the latest development in the great Irvington district, and it de mands your attention because of its remarkable character, because of its location, and because of its price and the terms upon which you can buy. , Home Bnildcrs May Hear of a Special Inducement at Our OHices 7 - ' ' ' Lots in this beautiful tract may be had now at a remarkably low price but not for long. Terms 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. Leave the church after the ceremony and walk four blocks north. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY BOARD OF .TRADE BUILDING