THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. OCTOBER 2. 1009. PIIICIIOI HEADV ; FOR THE FRAY CHURCH SLRVICtS' Su festive Question on the Sunday . ' V School Lesson hy Rev. Dr. T. S. Lintcott "H-adlne J'eople.- tlllnletar Sunday Bchoel oriarii Irurhtri and .there latareetad ar lnvll4 writ The Journal briefly their vltwi aa lo lha worth of IbaaouaaUoB. particularly If thay ronalder Ibam of value la (lialr work. Tha Intarnatlonal Nawapapar blbla Bluuy club la for tha purpoa of pro moting la an unfettered war tnonf lla niaee a wider atud of lha PI Ha. tha baeal truth of Christianity, and tha probUma wpjch eaur Into vr man's Ufa. It la eompttaed of all thoaa who ln a local Hub. and take op tha lmpl eoure barela outlined, barring only ordained cl-rg yruen. AU who ban not inlaid ara warmly Invltad to do ao and to compete for tha nrlaa 1'araor.s may Join tha club at any tlma during lha year, but must, of eeuraa, anawar tha II quaatlona hereinafter eiplalned, to ouallfy for th prises, and lha bark quaatlona may ta oblaluad by addreaelng thla offloa. Thla pa Pr haa aaourad tha tiaht to publlah tha International gundav tcbool Laaaun quaatlona by Rav. Dr. Llnacott. which bava aroueed ao much Intaraat alaawaara, and thay will appear waokly in both tha Saturday and itundav laauea of Tha Journal. Ona of thoaa quaatlona oach weak la to ba answered la writing and utxi these anawera the prlaaa ara to ba awarded. Ooadittoa 0t tb eontoat, 1 a-a..v .jtK.A. i . m sm ki. hav family jmnm k & cafMartfeaa la 11 riper", n order to qualify fbr memberabip in tha Interactional .Nawapapar XiibU ludr club and thla local club. I. Each contaatant In thla local club muat anawar each or the written quae, tlone for II conaecutiv week commencing Sunday. Starch 14. and the anawara SDuat all ba In tha Doaaeaaloa of thla paper vlthia two weeka of the 1om Of thla period. 8. Each quaatlon muat ba anawered separately, and tha paper written or) on aide only. No anawar muat exceed 100 word In length and may be lee. Each anawar muat have the name and addraaa of tha writer at tha bottom of the anawar. 4. Tha anawera muat ba delivered to thla office, and they will bo collated at tha eloaa of the conteat and forwarded Co headquarter for Indrpendent amlnatlon by competent aaamlnara. The ' prize will then- be awarded ao eording to tha hlf heat number of mark a, won by mem ban of Tb Intarnatlonal Nawapapar Blbla Study club. x arise Flrat Berleo cold medal to each of tb flrat fire oonteatanU. flecona Barlea A allvar medal to aacb of tba nest five contaatant. Third Barlea A Teacher' Blbla. Drlce 11.19. to each of the next five oon- teetanta. . - Fourth Brlea The book "Tha Heart of Chrlatlanftv." nrlca It Bo. to each f Pie next II oonteetant Jch medal will be suitably engraved, giving tha nam of th winner and for what It la awarded and In like manner each Dlbla and book will ba In- icnDM. People and President With Him, Ho Says; Congress Can Bo Enlisted. Ktrat Whit Baptist, Temple. ' Tw!fth and i Taylor, Jtov. J. Wliiicomb xirouslier. If D. 10. "One Accord" prayer uieellnk : jiioie acnooi aarvlcaa y. I, v.. I. Tuple. ''Wanted, a Good Poaitloit," "Every Man i'raldanc Lord a atniar obaerved. fccoiid Seventh and Kaat Ankany: Rev. II. 8. 1IU. k. 10-10 and f.80; Ulbl school. 12; li. X. f. U- f.10. .'antral Last Twentieth and Ankany; Rev. W. T, Jordon. 11 and I; 8. .. 1:80; T. F- U., S:80; communion. Kvan- In. inrniui hv Hav. V. N. Monro. Arlata Rev. K. A. rlmlth. 11 and I; R 8., t:ii, li. Y. P. Sermon by lr. C. A. Vooddy and Mia Carry Ulllanau. Hlahland Alberta and SUth, Rev. 1 A. Leonard, pa a tor. J( ana im, v. P It.. SO: 8. 8.. 10. fiellwood Taooma and Eleventh, Rev, n W Thuraton. naator. 11 and I: B. 8. 10: Y. P. I'.. 7. Topic, "l ha Lord a Prayer," "Hinnera In tha Hand of An Anarv Ood." Calvary Eaat Ktghth and Grant, Rev. 1 N Monro. 11 and 7:10: 8. 8.. 10: U. Y. V. V.. t tO. Topic. "Advent of th Holv Hnlrit." Evanlna: larmon by Rev, W. T. Oordcn on "Wltnaa of th Holy Unlrlt." Immanuel Jone Hall, Qlbb and Front. Rev. A. U. Mlnaker. 10:10 and 7:10: S. 8, II; B. X. P. U, 1:10. Toplo, "A New Creature In Chriat Jaau." Evenlne- union rvloa at Fourth Praa- hvterten ehuroh. Grace Montavllla: Rev. Albert B. Patch. 11 and 7:16: 8, 8.. 10; T. P. 17.. :I0. Topic. "Boclal Prrvatlv," "nmm n varau worKina. University Park Rev. A. B.Walti. B. 8.. 10. 11 and I; B. T. P. 7. 8r hv Rev. A. P. Jobnaton. Sunnyalda (German) Forty-flrt and Hawthorn; Kv. reiaraoiu. n, o. a.. 1:41. 8t. John (Oerrnan) Rev. C. Feld natk a :46: aervlce 11 and 7:14 Bt. Johna Rev. C. I Owan. 11:10 and 7:80; 8. 8., 10; B. T. P. U., :I0. Chinese Mlaaloa 161 H Oak tret 8. 8., 1: preaching-, . oy Rev. Fung Flrat German Fourth and Mill; Rev. J. Kratt 11 and 7:10; 8. 8., :45. uerman aaorrja aircoi anu - J John E. Iathrop. Waahinicton, tx-t. 1. "The people a never befora aupport oonaarvatlon. th lrealdent 1 fully committed to conaer. Nation and J will go ahead aa prrore, aa foraater. Thla waa Gifford Plnchofa anawir whan ha returned yeetardny from lila til montha vlalt In th weat Wlirn aakrd concerning the politic In lha controversy h anawered with a lauah. "Not a politic" , tie proceeded to comment enthualaa tlralty on the fine reception ha had In tha weat everywhere. "Oood prorreaa," he aald, "ha been made In correcting tha boundaries of rational forests. 8eoretary Wllaon, Curing tb summer, gave epeclal atten tion to that work and dlacloaed the 'rrowing aupport for foreat method; among those who hav bean , opposed lq past years." . , , ' Xiunbama fall te XJaa. Plnchot expransed deep aatlafaotion with th diapoaltlon of lumberman to urrort bla work.' '-The war aomewhat antaronlatlo at first" h said, "but now Uiey ar with ua bearty., ' . H apok of .th meeting- of lumber men at Portland and other eoaat clt la . and reported proarraaa toward corn plate cooperation between the foreat aervic and lumbermen aa to fir pro tection, economical timber cut tin and general forest conservation policies. "Recalpts from the national forests are Increasing rapidly," he aald. lhla means th share going, to tba states will be larger." . Answer power Grabber. He waa asked to reply to Federal Judge Hanord of the state of Waah- ington, who denounced Plnchofa water power policies as meaning non-use of water, which would be left to run down th mountain - unutilised. He aald: "juon ti&niora miRunaernuuiui inr i a . Ideas as to water power. Ware for K j av(.nue; Kev. F. Bauormann, 11 things which Ood had wrought through the development of power sites but be- a g ,;l , mBl-try among the Gentile. Should lieve th government need not give rfrtv.firth street Corner East Christians alwava tall each other of Main; Rv. B. C cook. i:id ina Blbl echooi. 10; B. Y. P. O.. fc4e. Fare well aervlce by th pator. - Lents Rev, J. F. Heacock, B. 8 10; 11 and 7:80: B. T. P. U 1:10, Barmons by Rev. A. B. Walts. Mount Olive 8eventh and Kveratt; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:80. Swedish HOVl ana ruieenin; ijt. atreet, Rav.. C. U Hamilton, 10:80 and B, 1J; K. t.. !. lopioa. "Chiiet and the ConnuoU Korwaslan PanlaH Vancouver ave nue and Skidmor. Hav. C J. Uaraaii, it and I; H. XX. , Hwadlah PkoiihwIcK and JReach. RT. Jol.a Ovall, II and 8: B. U, 10; li 1. 7; aermona by ltav. Andrew rfc trail of Be at 1 1 a. Mnt German Fifteenth and Hoyt; O. A. Waaaa; 11 and T10. Second Uerman -Slanton and Rodney, Kev. js. ri uartsiar, it ana ; m. a., ; m f. 7:10. Jananeee Mlaalon ill North Flf teenth, Rav. KUaen Rlbara, 1:80 and 1:10: 8. .. 1:10. Sallwood Kaat Fifteenth and Tacoma. Rev. Leeter C. Poor, 11 and 7: JO; J, E. ton'-Kellv Memorial Thirty 1'owaiL nav. jsmai L,eon Jonea: 8. 8.. 1:41: 11 and I: F.. I. 7 Montavllla Kaat Pine and Eighteenth streeta, ev. Jiaroid UDarg; u and a; S. 8., 10: class meeting, 11; E. I. 7il5. woodlawn William J. Iougla; 1 and 8; 8. 8., 10; E. U, 7. University Park Dawson and Flake, Rev. w. k. jerrry. j.: it ana t:io. African ZIon Thirteenth and Main, Rev. ,w. Mattnw: 11 and : 8. 8.. Sermon by Kt. Rev, J. 8. Caldwell of rmiadeipma. oianoo or th California uregon oonrerenca, Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty rirat, 4. w. aicuougaii: ii ana t:io Woodstock J. I. Vooej 11 and 7:10 8. H.. 10: k. I, f :I0. . patton Michigan avenue and Carpen tr. D. A. Wattera; 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10 fi. Ia. T. Lenta Seventh and Gordon. Rr. W. Boyd Moora 11 and 8. B 10; B. U. "Th Church Mmbr Vfia'fcllnl ninth and All .who ran writ and hav Ideas, ar utwed to taka aa theaa atudlaa r gardlea of th dagre of th4r ducatlon. aa th papers ar not valued from standpoint, out irom th point of view or u an educational or lltararv ogancy of their reaaoned Idea (Copyright, 1109. by Rav. T. 8. Llnscott. October B, 180. Paul a Prisoner Th Arrest. Acta 81: 17 to 82: 19. Golden Text Thou therefore endure hardneaa aa a rood aoldler of Jesus CbrtsL 8 T m. 2-8. Verses 17-19 Why Is It that there ia no claaa of people who so love each other, and rejoice in each other's fel lowship, ss real, earnest Christiana? Why did the Christiana at Jerusalem receive Paul so cladlyT Paul told them about tha wonderful away sites while encouraging their de velopment. ' .... "This power question will furnish tha big fight befor congress this winter," he said. : -It Inevitably will result in legislation that will sav to th people ihelr water power, preventing for all time th formation of trut to control the sources of Industrial energy, light ing and heating, when coal becomes too expensive for common use." Harts' Game Vqt Yt Flayed. Ericlc Bcherstrom. 10:46 B. 8.. 18: B. Y. P. U., 6:80. Third Knott ana Vancouver. th victories of their faith and works. or la It liable to engender prld look Ilk boasting? Verses 20-28 Does -a good man al ways "Glorify God at tha auccess of othereT ' What, either among men or angel. s tha greatest cauee for lovT (Sea Luke 10:7.) and 7:41; - What is It Rev. R. arson earns While absolutely refusing to discuss Schwedler. 11 and 7:20; 8. 8.. 10. Topics, the- controversy with Balllnger, It Is "Our Cltlsenshlp." "Our Guest" know her that Glavis' report, with other salient facts relating thereto. will be given to the world soon and la a manner-to create the greatest Inter est. The controversy haa not been set tled at all but remains merely in a vtage of preparation for future disclos ures Independent of PInchot's partici pation In such disclosures, ' Hawaii and Keclamatlon. ; Director F. H. Newell of th reclama tion service has also returned to Wash ington. - He says tha sentiment of the people of the west is for a Broad inter pretation of th Jaw, not for legal quib bling which prevents th accomplish ment of the Intent of the reclamation law. lie savs this sentiment Will com pel an expression by congress permit ting officials to ao 1 to carrv out the SDlrlt refused to discuss the differences be tween him and Balllnger, but itjs be 11evauTiere"har6WeTlremaTn "abso lutely loyal to tha conservation side f th quarrel. 1 Woodstock Forty-first and Hoi gate; Rev. V. E. Dark. 11 and 8; i: servicea each night Topics, "Christ Our Sufficiency." "Light Weight People." Presbyterian. Firsts-Twelfth and Alder, Rev. V11 Ham Hiram Foulkes, 10:30; communion message, "The Upper Room." 12:10; B. S 6:45; T. P. U., 7:80; "Greater Port land; special service. - ' .. Mizpah East Twelfth and Powell; Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:80; S."8., 10; C. E.. 6:80. Topics, "The Appeal to Men of the Sufferings of Christ," "Confes sion and Denial." - Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker. 10-.30 and 7:45: REV. B. C. COOK ; .-.LEAVES PASTORATE Rev. B. Clarence Cook, pastor of the East Kortv-nrth street .Baptist cnurcn, corner East Forty-fifth and East Main streets, haa resigned and closes his work with th two services tomorrow, Mr. Cook has been in the work there for the last two and one hair years. When he began work April 1, 1907, there was practically nothing done on the field. Without salary, with no organi sation, and with only 1 a lot bargained for at $600, and on which $50 had been paid, he gathered some of the Bap tists, and began securing funds. June 1. 1907, a Sunday achool was organised with 40 members. . Since Mr. Cook has been with the community he has had the Joy of see ing the mission grow into - a church. which has become a permanent ractor. ' Mr. Cook has preached 275 sermons, made 1525 pastoral calls, and organised a church of 2 S members two years ago. which has grown to 75 at the present time. Today tha church' has a property worth approximately $2500, all free of debt. Mr. . Cook Is a Portland man, having come her in 1890, was a T. M. C A. secretary on the east side, and was for a number f years a member of the Second Baptist church. Seventh and East Ankeny streets, where he-was or dained to the ministry in 1899. Mr. Cook haa - accepted work tern porarily with the Baptist city board. Minister Called to Washoagal. Special Dispatch to Ska Journal. t Forest Grove, . Or., Oct 2. Rev. Cephas F. Clapp of this city has ac , cepted a call from the Congregational church of Washougal. Washington, and will leave for his new charge in a short time. Rev. Mr. Clapp waa . for many years state home missionary for the Congregational churches of Oregon, and is one of the well known clergymen of the state. For the past few months he has been pastor of tha Congregational church In this city. Jllgb School In Athletics. , (Bpreial Disrates to Tha Jcarnal.) Chehalis, Waelu Oct 2. The Chehalls high sen 00! boys will enter the football contests this year for tha first time in a long while. There haa been little attention paid to athletlca of thla sort here for years, bat a fair showing will be attempted. Professor E. O. Arnold has the squad In charge. what 'is necessary Bible school, noon. Topics th Lord s It of that law. Ha supper will be observed. The Bargain Fourth First ana uidds; kit. jjonaia clcettttrlO;$ 0 7 wna7 :8 0-, .s-r 1 8 r . E, 6:80. . , : ' ..... Hawthorn , "ara i wwin ana nan Taylor: Rev. E. Nelson Allen. 10:80, T:0: g. S II: C. E.. 6:80. Topics, com munion and reception of members. Stereoptlcon lecture on "The Holy Land and Ancient Shrines of Jerusalem." Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbelnj Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; 8. S.. 10; C. E-. 6:30. m . Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; Rev. 1, E. Snyder, 11 and 7:80; S. 8., Chinese 1454 First7:45; S. 8., 6:46. Westminster East Tenth and Weld ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:30: 8. 6., 12; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:80. Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays. 11, 4 Topics, "The Lamb of God, "A Song. No evening service. Mount Taoor--leimonr. ana tretiy an: Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 8 8.10. Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 and 7:30; S. ts., iu; J. n., e:nu. lopics. The Essential oneness or unrisuanuy communion). "John Calvin." Third v.nmt Thirteentn ana fine Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, 10:80 and ' Hope- Montavllla.. Rev. 3. 8. Dunning, 11; S. 8.. 10. Kenilworth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S. 8. 12; Y. P., 7. Millard Avenue iter, jonn A. xown send. Services 10:80 and 7:80; first. third, fifth Sundays: 8. a.. 11:40. Anabei Kev. A. Mura. 11 ana 7:4 a, Trinity Dakota street Rev. A. Rob inson. 7:45 p. m.; C. E. 6:45; S, B., 11. Alberta Nineteenth and wygant Rav. John Ovall. 4 p. m. Service in Scandanavlan lanaruage. Vernon Wygant and East Nine teenth; Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8; B. is., :d; u. Sin 1 a sign of. when a m criticises or Is not glad when he li or the goodness or another? Could a Christian, either then or now. ca fully led or the Holy Spirit, if a th same time guided by, or "Zealous of tbe law"? . In bridging the two dispensations. Is It likely that God, so to speak, winked at the apostles trying to graft .the law of Moses into Christianity, or was it Ood's plan that Jewish Christians should still keep the law? Is it likely that even James and the elders at Jerusalem knew of the full liberty of Christ's gospel, or that "the law" was to be abandoned? (See Gal. 6: 1-6. Heb. 8: 8-13 et seq.) Verses 23-26 Did James and the el ders give Paul good advice In this mat ter of the vow, and shaving their heads, and '-can you conceive It ss possible that they were directed by God in the advice they gave? Did Paul do , a wis thing to Join with these four men In the matter of the vow, and what he must hav known to be a useless ceremony la connec tion therewith? Paul Is one place states In substance that he became all things to all men that he might win men to Christ How far can we carry out that rrlnclnle wiinoui oeing guilty 01 aeception? (Bee' 27-28-What 1. th. lffr,o ft?'!?0 f t"m fenifnV 5rr . Chrl.tln who,, from pr.lo- keVThe'onhl?- Schoenberl aioe, apeaas vii k or anotnar cnnsuan hm Waj and the. Jew. who apok falsely of 0af,e8BJ , Vera-39-80 Should w aver form an opinion or spread a rumor from mere apnea rancea? Which generally raises th mora ex citement and whv; a rumor of him thing good, or of something very bad about a man? Teraas 31-40 What Is It In human, natur whiob make on class or race or politloal party o religious body, go cruel against anotnar class, or race, or politloal party or religious body. wha tfcalx passions gat stirred T (This ques tion must be answered In writing by members of the dub.) Chaptjer 12: 1-5 Ought the fact that Paul had once been ona of themaelvaa. and had changed to be a Christian from convictions of duty to God, to have given aim ravor wun uoa rearing ana reasonable men? Verses 6-21 Is the narration of our personal Christian experience a dutv. and Is it an effectual way to preach the tospei 10 sinners, a pa a help to be ieversT Hera is a man- with hatred in hla heart for Jesus, on a mission of perse cution to Jesus' followers; on the road he sees '(1) a great light from heaven: (2) he Is stricken to the ground: ill he Is spoken to by Jesus: (4) he asks Je sus who he Is; (5) Jesus answers his questions; (6) those with him saw the light but heard not. the voice: (11 he asks Jesus what he shall do; (8) 'Jesus told him to go on to Damascus and he should there get full instructions: (9) he is blind and led by the hand to Damascus; (10) Ananias restores his sight and gives him instruction what he must do; (il) be Is bapttzed. Now what are, the most striking features in this experience of Paul's conversion? Verses 22-29 Did Paul's experience stir their anger because they did not believe hie- testimony- or- because- th thought it was true and that it was likely to cause his release by the Ro mans? . Lesson for Sunday. October 10. 1809. Paul a Prisoner Th Plot Acts 22: 80 to 23; 35. r.Bthra. Rwedlsh Immanuel Nineteenth and xrving. 11 and a; 8. 8., 9:41. Norwegian Synod East Tenth and urant; Kev. U. lUgoas, 11 and 7:45; 8. 8 13:10. s Betanla Danish Union and Morris; nev, j. aicoiu 11 ana ts. b.. in. Bt Jam' English Weat Park and and 8: 8. 8.. D. m. Morning sermon bv Rev. Theophll Schoenherg of Belllng ham. Wash., oh "Tha Prefltableneaa of Godliness." Evening topic, VSeelng th President" United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth; Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:80: 8. S.. 9:46. v:io. 1 Zlons German Chapman and Sal mon; W. M. Behrens, 10:15: 7:45.' B. 8. 8t Paul's German East Twelfth and tnnton. Kev. A. Krauae. 10:30 and 8; a, 1:30. Trinity German (Mlasourl aynod) William and Sellwood; J. A. Rirabach. :it; . 10; 7:30. Swedish Auguatana Rodney and Stanton; Rev. C. A. Tolln. 10:48 and 7:45; 8. 8., 9:30. 8wedlsh Mission Seventeenth and GUsan; Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and 8: 8. 8., 10; Y. P.. 6:80. Ellra Chapel Michigan avnu and Skldmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; 8. 6., 10. Immanuel German Corner 15th and Leo (Sellwood), H. C. Ebellng. 10:30; S. S., 8:30. St. John's Peninsula avenu and Kilpatrick. Rev. C. Buechler, 10. Grace English Rodney and Ivy, Al blna, H. C. Ebellng, 7:80. Norwegian Kerby and Fargo streeta Rev. O. Kagoes, 11. Cbxistlan. 4 Central East. Twentieth and Sal mon: Rev. J. F. Ghorwlcj'. D. D.. 11 and 8: Bible school. 10. Topics. "The Utl- mat Church," TVatchman, What- of the Night?" First Corner Park and Columbia, W. F. Reagor, minister, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 9:46. Tonics, Triumphant Christianity a Certainty," "A Vision of Redeemed Humanity.'' 8. S. rally day at 9:45. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott; Thomas G. Picton, 11 and 7:46; 8. S., 9:45. C. E. 7 p. m. S. a rally day at 9:46. Evening sermon on "The Word of -God." ' . Kern Park rPItt and Midburn; Rv. A. A. Berry, 11 and 8; 8. R, 10; C. E.. 7:30; Rally Pay-In morning.-. Evening ser mon on "Th Brotherhood of Man." Sellwood Eleventh and , Umatilla. 10:30 and 7:45. . WoOdlawn Rv, G. M. Mellinger, 11 and b; b. .. 10; u. ts.. t. tlon addraaa. Out In a ltnvla.: V.r.l..n " The t'imrih of the H trans "re Orand ave. and Waecn, Rav. 8. Krl Du Hole, 10:30 and 8; 8. 8. 11, InterpreUtloa tor ina uear every Sunday morning. Thlrtl tjat Thirty-aavantit and. Clay; Rav. J. Acheeon, 11 and j;IO, 8. A. . - ; .1 w ' , . -' Xvangalical Asaoelatleas.' Flrat English East Sixth and Mar ket, Y. B. Culver, 11 and 7:80; Y. j, A :su; o. p., is. Wlrst tleruian Tenth and day, f. Banc, 10:41 and 7:46; 8. 8-, 9:10; T. P. 7 p. m. Toplra, 'Behold, II Cometh With Cloud,' "Th Curs Of Spiritual Bllndnaaa." , . Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib betta, Morris livrllng, 11 and 8; & 8. IV. ,.'( - . . . . '' , Free Metnodlst. First church East Ninth and Mill. 8econ church East' Flanders, be tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth a tract a. Rav. wiitnir v. rnffu. 11 ana i:u; b. h.. 10; olaaa meeting. 8:80. Ollv Branch MIealon Second and Ankeny. a. Wells, superintendent Meetings vrr vanlng at 1: Sunday 9. - TJnitariaa, Church of Our Path Tamhtll and Bevrnth. Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr.: Rev. T. L. Eliot, li. D.. mlnlator amarltua. 11 and 8; communion servlo, 18; ainglng rehearsal, :30t Y. P. F 6:30. Evening tODia "X Btudv of Charlee W. milnt'a Reoent Lecture Upon 'Religion of tb Futura' " 8. &; 1:41; adult crass. 11:10. Chris tlan Boiaaoe, First Church of Chriat SrotMah Rita cathedral. Morrison and Lownadala, 11; 1: 0. 0., 11, auojact or leaaon aarmon, Unreality." tluniiitWiuiliHiii'. tialt ail-.t. and Alder, 11; 6; & B., II; subject of lasaon sarmpn, - unraaiiiy." .'tmit4 XraaolloaL Ockly Graan -Gav and Willamette. Kev. j. Boweraox, 11 and 7:30; a & First - East Sixteenth and Foralar. Kev. it A. JPerK. 11 and 7:80: H. s.. 10. Tonics. "Knowlnr God" r ureal winnowing." Second Farao and Kerby. Rav. CL C Poling, 11 and 7:80. 8t John' a Ivanho and John. Rav. C. P. Yatea. 8. 8., 10. Heformed. First German Tenth and Stark streets, G. Hafner paator. Services io:4& a. m. ana p. m.; a. a., t:io a. m.: v. a., 1 p. m. r.lORE fJONEY: i ' FOR MRS. KIPP KJnd .Ilcartcd People Ec spond to Call for Assist . anco. Hflp for Mr. M. JKIpp, whoa oldest son was klUad last Tuaaday by treat- car, thus removing from , tna sgea woman her only means of support, con tinue to coma Th dollar with whlob J. W. Croaalay headed tha relief fund. -ha bn multiplied a number of times. f at th Hat la by no mean aa long aa t may beoom. Contributions up to date ar from: W. Croaalay .$1.00 1.00 1.00 .50' .50 .60 8 00 8.00 1.00 ra in . . . r. 1 L. ruiiu ,. Cash . J. O. Elrod C. K. Cochran J. Edar Cash Mr, Elian CNell I I L H. ' CIaly a a a a a a auat Mr. L. C. Davlsoa ....1 Further contributions will Da to Mrs. iy Th Xlpj J TJnlvarsallst, Church of th Good Tidings Union all, corner Grand avenu and . Eaat Pine, Rev. J. V. corby, 10:45; 8. 8.. 13. fecial aervlce In connection with the acing of th cornerstone of the new huroh: Broadwav and Eaat Twenty-. lourui, Aaareea oy freaiaeni Tart rrlends' Church. Sunnyslde, Main and East Thlrtr- nrtn. tanaiey a. wans. 11 and 7:30c Bible acbool, 10; C. E., 6:80. Lents, Center street Myra B. Smith. ana 7:so; iJioi school, 10. SUNDAY SCHOOL Q1TES RALLY DAY Tb Blbl school at th Rodney Av nu Christian church, corner Rodney avenu and Knott tret will render their ajhoual "Rally Day" program, Sun day morning, beginning at 8:48. a m. gti tb mewing Tb naator. Rev. unaay acnooi K. S. Church So nth. Union avenue and Multnomah street. Rev. E. . Mowre. 11 and 7:80; 8. S.. 10: E. L, 6:30. Topics. "The Church of Christ, upportunities. ' rMInisters. 5uneay school teachers and others tn'.areatad ara invltad fn write The Journal briefly their views aa to the worth of these "questions." particularly if thay consider them of value in their work. Congregational , First Madison and Park. Rev. Luther R. Dyott D. -D.; Rev. Ouy L. Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:45; S. E.. 9:48. Toplce. "The Stand of God in Human Affairs," "A New Era in th North Laurelwood Rev. W. H. Myers:' 11: S. S.. 10; C. E;, 6:80. " Sunnyslde East Taylor and Eaat Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Staub; 11 and 10: 8. S.. 10: C. E-. 6:30. TODlca. He Hath Borne Our Griefs." "A Helpful Religion." et jonns Kev. u. w. nelson; 11 ana S. 8.. 10. University Park Haven and Dawson. Rev. G. W. Rlggs; 11 and 7:80; S. 8.. 10; 6:30. Hassalo Street East Seventh and Hassalo, 11 and 7:46; 8. 8.. 10; C E. 6:45. Sermon by Rev. B. F. Zimmer man. Highland East Sixth and Prescott, Rev. E. S. Bollinger, 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 10; Y. P. C. E., 6:30. Topics, "The Mountains of Assurance," ,fThe Little Demon of Surllness.': First German East Seventh and Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:30 and 7:80: S. S., 9:15; C. E.. 6:30. Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue. Rev. Daniel P. Thomas, 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 9:45. Catholic St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie. D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:45. St Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and t'oucn Kt. Kev. james auw, v. o. Low mass, 8. - High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers, benediction, 8:30. St Francis, East Eleventh and Oak Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass. 6. 8:80 and 9:80. Higma8s and sermon, 10:30. Vespers, Instruction and benediction, 7:30. Bt Lawrences'. Third ana Sherman Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass, 6, 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Ascension, wontaviiia. Kev. j. f. Fltspatrlck. Mass and sermon. 9 In chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood. Bt .Patrick's, wineieenin ana wavier Rev. E. P. Murphy-' Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 8:30. St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. , Low mass. 6. 8 and 9. High masa and ser mon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Hoi v Ropuinf Third and TJilInn . very Kev. A. a. iawier. l.ow mass. ana b:so. High mass ana sermon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction. 7:30, Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rev. Ore, gory Roble, O. 8. B. Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon, 19:80. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Holy Cross. University Park Rev. J. P. Thlllman. C. & C. Low masa. 8:30 High mass and sermon. 10:80. Veaoera and benediction. 4. . Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van couver Rev. Ed K. Cantwell. C. SS. R. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10.SO. Benediction. 4. r St Andrew's. Ninth i-nd Alberts. Rev. Thomas Klernan. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon. 10. Vespers, in struction and benediction. 7:30. St. Stephen's. Firtv-second and Vxmt Taylor Rev. W. A. Waitt Low mass, 8:80. High mass and sermon, 10:30. St. Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell Valley road Rev. F. Dillon. S. J. Low mass, 8 and 6:30. . Mass. sermon and Deneaicuon, u:av. St Stanislaus, Maryland and Falling nev. j. oerosKi. low mass. 8. High mass and sermon. 10. United Brethren la Christ, First East Fifteenth and Morrison, Rev. O. E. McDonald, 11 and 8; S. S.. 10? f!. k.. 7. Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. Os car A, Martin. 11 ana i:v; o. ., iu; C. E.. 6:30. 1 Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. C" P. Blanchard. Bible school, 8. Alberta East Twenty-seventh and Mildred, Rev. B. E. Emerick, 11 and 8; S. S., 10. Tremont Wisdom and Curtis streets. Rev. H. C Shaffer; S. S. 2:30; preach ing, 3:80. a 1 ' Tnltd Presbyterian. First Sixth and Montgomery, Rev. Frank D. Findley, 10:30 and 7:30; a S., 12; C. E.. 6:80. Topics, ordlna- - .Miscellaneous. 1 First Spiritual Soolety Chrlsteosen hall, Eleventh and Yamhill streets. U. 1:30 and 7:45. Swedish Corps Salvation Army 430 Burnslde. 11. 4:30 and 8. Mediums' and Ministers' Association Auditorium building, 11, 3 and 7:46. Swedish Free Mission Mississippi and Shaver, Rev, Aug. Olson, lu:4 and 6:00. ' Latter Day Saints (Mormons) East Tenth and Sherman. J. C. Westergard, presiding elder, 11 and 6; S. 8.. 10. Spe cial conference meetings, 10, 11:30 and 6:00. Advent Christian Second, betwisen Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Sheperd. 10:20 and 7:30. Volunteers of America 185 BurnsM street, 3:30 and 8:30.. Divine Truth Center 201 Altefty Duuaing, Kev. Thaaaeus m. Minard. il; S. 8.,-12. Sermon by Henry Harriaon Brown of California on "Whosoever Glveth a Cup of Cold Water in My Name Shall Not Lose His Reward. New Thought East Thirteenth and Tenino, 8. Rev. P J. Green. Church of Nasarene East Seventh and Couch. 11. Eleventh and Alder, Knights of Py thias ban. lay service ana sermon. 11. State Spiritualists' association Eagle C. Ink.. fl m m 1LT.... Q TJ CaIh Halt. fc?v w ui.ii", ... ,u.n. w. Topic. "The Power of Thought." Non-sectarian oaa . Fellows' nail. and continuing through th mewing ' cnurcn servic nour. T. O. Ploton. being speolailst, having eerved alx years as stat superintendent for California will deliver the principal address on "What th Sunday Sohool Means to th Church.' Ii F. Snort, superintendent, will give a short . talk on "Forward Step' This Rally Day 1 the closing; of a Class .Conteat of which G. C Tay lor la captain of the ''Red" aide and P. H. Durham 1 captain of tb "White." Th aim of th Rally Day is to arouae th interests of the Sunday school work and th committee In charge have set th mark . of "800" present. Each scholar and visitor In attendance will receiv a souvenir pro gram, also a button for th special ' day. Opening song. No. 18, "Loyalty to Christ"; responsive reading; prayer; song. No. 92, "Th Wonderful Story"; leason study; assembly; song. No. 109, "A Song of Victory'; roll call f classes; song, "Hall to the Flag of the Sunday School," choir; greetings, -Miss 1 Lenna Melton; song. No. Ill, "Gather.' We Here"; recitation. "Send Out. tha Truth," Claud Roycroft; aolo, "He Ten derly Looked at Me," Pauline Sanders; recitation. "The Old Log Churcb," Ger trude Hungate; song. No. 108, , "Reap ers"; address. "Forward Steps," D. T. Short, superintendent: baritone solo, "Fear Not Yet O. Israel" (Dudley Buck). . W. G. Mannon; addresa, "What the Sun day School Means to the Church," T. G. Picton; epeclal offering; song. No. ; 110. "Tha Bong of Triumnh'": secre-. . tarys report; communion service; bene diction; postlude. TOM" BROWN ?0ES TO PENITENTI A E Y (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) CheJialis. Wash.. Oct 2. Tom Rrnwn. the young man who murdered his father near Eagleion. about four yearaAKo. ha- Dean umen 10 me penitentiary. Recent ly an attemDt was made to aenur Ufa release at a hearing before a iurv. but this failed on account of the fact that when orlglnalv acaultted th Iurv round him not guilty by reason of Insanity. East Sixth and Alder; 1:30, up to data Rlble studies: StlS, scriptural discourse for Christians. Church of New Thought Selllnt; Hlrsch hall, Henry Victor Morgan; 3 and 8. Evening sermon by Henry Har rison Brown, on "The Curse and Cura of the Twentieth Century Unrest" Center of Right Thinking W. O. W. temple, 128 Eleventh and Eighth streets, Mrs. E. Sherman Omey; 8 p. m. Topic, "Power of th Spoken Work." Y. M. C. A. -Gymnasium of new build ing, Sixth and Taylor, 3; mass meeting for men; address by H. W. Stone, gen eral aecretarv. on "Phvalcal lAt nt Men.- " ". Latter Dav Saints East Seventv. sixth and Irving. Elder Walter T?aj- ker, 11 and 7:80; 8. 6.. 10:45. Don't be misled by imitations ASK FOR BAKER'S COCOA bearing this trade-mark A PERFECT FOOD PRESERVES HEALTH -PROLONGS LIFE 5K2 IaLrT4 r w "". a mm - ' ' vv SplsoopaL 4 Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev. A. A. Morrison. 8, 11 and 7:30.- S. S, 9:45. Morning sermon by Bishop Spauld lng of Utah. St Matthew's, .First and Caruthers Communion and sermon at 11; S. S.. 10. iwv, creuiL jnoiy communion, b. iu. service ana sermon, H starves c jtiome ceieorauon at .11. Fro-Cathedral of St Stephen, th Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. M. nam say., xl ana v:su p. m. 8. ss. :4t. St Andrew'. Portsmouth. 11 and 1; a. b., iv a. m. Arcnaeacon Cham' Ders win ornciata St. Mark's. Twenty-firat and Mar shall. Rev; J. E. H. Simpson. Holy eucbarlst. 8 and 11: S. 8.. 9:46: maUns ana litany. iv;i: evensong. 7:so. cnurcn 01 ur oavior woodstoek. 11 and 8. Archdeacon Chambera will orriciaie. St David's East Twelfth and Rai. mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy communion, 1 prayer ana sermons. 11 ana e; 0. a., w:o. St. John's Church Multnomah and Taylor, n ana v:u: . a.. 10. Good Shepherd Graham and Van couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and 7:30: S. S.. 9:46. Grace Memorial. East Seventeenth and Weiaier Kev. ueorae H. Van Wat ters. Holv communion. Prayer and ser mon, 7:30; a 8., 12:18; services hold in the new parish house. Ascension Chapel Portland Height S. a., :ao. All Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savler. Rev. Roy Edar Remington. Holy com munion at 8: prayer and sermon. 11: 8. S.. 12:16; sermon by bishop of Oregon. St Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. C 'or- ayther 11 a. m.: S. 8.. 9:46. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Beraaritan nospitai, Kev. William K. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. m.; ward service. 3; prayer and sermon. 7:10 p. m. ICetbodlst. Taylor 8treefc Rev. Benjamin Young, D. D.. 10:30 and 7:30: a S 12:10: E. L. 8:80. Topics, - "Love va. Far. "Big uiunaere. Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rav. John M. cuaiipp. u. u., i:.o ana 7:1": H. 8.. 12:16: B. L, f:80. Topic "Effectual Prayer." "Diaoouragement Ita Cause and Cur Sunny-side East Yamhill and Thirty- fifth: W. T. Euster: 11 and 7:10.- 8. 8.. 9:60! E. L-. 8:46. Toole "Where tha Divine Master Could Do Little Good, Be of Opposition and Unbelief." "The Sheep and the Goat, or th Problem of the Sunday Evening Servic" St Johns 8. Ii. Dewart: 11 and 8: E. L 7; a 8. 10. Enworth Twenty-slxta and Savler. Rev. Charle T. MrPhersofi: 11 and J:10: S. 8.. 19; E. L. 4:46. Topic, 8ton1ng Jeru ReoepUoB to tew meaobarrs, "How to Reach th Maaae Centenary Kaat Ninth and Pine: Oirsiif True Wllawi. IX D- 19:46 and! 7 i: to. I.. :!: ffl. 8. i:4i. Toolra. "Keconcllla tion." "Ia tb Immortality of th foul Inherent or .Acquired Through Chriat" (by request). Trinity Kaat Tenth and tlraat: Iw a F. Smith; 11 an T:3: E. L, ; 8. 8. 8. Topic "Eotlr 8aatlfleUoa.s "A lievlvai Sermon." Chinese aUsaton -Cba Bin Kal: 11 and T:39. f Uor.IPwl-pev. E. H- Ttryant: II as HI: ft g . it: E. L. ' - . Dana, RavE. P eiOa, 11 a a 4 I; 8. 8, 7 lira VkLim, OF Personal KNOwtEDGJ Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate possessor in the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is dewed it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., it an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component Parts ancr has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the world, who know,ot therr own persona knowledge and from actual use that it is the hrsjt and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made This, valuable remedy has been lonz and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative prnicjple, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Weil Intormed or the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of' Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully desoiutire of the remedy. but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to. get its beneficial eflects, always note, when purchatmg the fu Mine of the CcsTiparry CaWornia Fig Syrup ' Co. printed 00 the front of every package, . whether you call for Syrup of rigs m to 1 mi by the full name Syrup of rigs and Elixir of Senna. - LOUISVILLE. KY. 7, SAN FRANCISCO.CAL. ,n, ae, NEWYORK.N.Y Cntral TancuTf areo ar I Psrg