If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL! PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 30. 1908. mmm mmmmMmm ends " , II IIIJIIIIJIB III ttlvra In these umtttvotip4 proving. ! . rale that 10 yar wilt find 8.000.000 U A F I B V 1 1 A U L L L) minnii riht rz:.frfe nfl ift n hflnrin i w v v w ' --aw W V w w w w mm Stupendous Hallway Devel opment and Colonization v' Projects Being Carried Out in Eastern Asia Fu ; . ture Forecast 111 do In 19 yeare more In Australia in that Husal than Kngland haa dona 1 a orntury In the inallvr of bulldlnr up population. Qovernmaat Aldf rarmars. These Immigrant from Kuroiwan Iluaala a rr being provided with land, with Implements mid with all klnda of government r ivouragemmt. Their eatate la not, and never will be, com- C arable to that of American farmera, ut their condition In (lie Amur la o much better than It waa In Kuro. Ceau Huaala that the effect will be to ring up the standards of living-, and to Increaae the regard of the neonle for their government The (lowing reports of the fertility of thla region, carried back to Russia by the soldiers of the " ' . When the time cornea for a. Anal settlement between Russia, China, and Japan, the result will be different- from the Russo- . Japan war. And the recurrence of armed conflict is Inevitable. . It mar be 10 years, it may be 10, but war will surely come, 4 Russia's treatment of China has allied ' that nation on her side and the settlement of Amur with several million people who will ' stand ready to fight for the Rus- lan bear, all combines to put an entirely different phase on the question as to the outcome. To morrow Mr. Haakln will tell what Russia la . doing In Man churia and how she treats her Chinese allies. great army which fought the JapaneHe. and the agrarian depression in kuaala. were responsible in a large measure for beginning thla groat migration. Ilut It could not have proceeded without gov ernmental approval, and It could not have reached Its present enormoua pro portlona without government aid and encouragement. All great natural migrations of man kind have been westward and south ward. The race originated somewhere on the plains of northern or central Asia, and from thence the various tribes wandered off, always to the west If we except the doubtful can of the American aborigines. From thla ' very country of Manchuria and the Amur went the tribes which have at various times invaded Europe under the names of Huns, Tartars and Turks. The Moguls of India and the Manohua of China originated here. All through j tne centuries the tide of the human flood has been away from this part of mo worm. Peaceful Conquest of Asia. Now, In the 20th century, aided by railroads ana teiearanhs. snurred on iv dreams of commercial empire, the Rus sians reruse to accept a military de feat as final and plan this great peace ful conquest or eastern Asia, Tne ml Victim of Knocks on Guar anty Law Will Pay Out on Its Own Funds. These Spec- ( Into Aw,. ft Sale for Frl daySat'rday and Monday Only Shop Early , mm GBEE G00 V0 iinniirprriri rntr -a rt 4 tin rrigrr fT Momtc WVlt 10 J-Xil-Xia HllltX JAe ead Taa&m These Spec lals Arc On Sale for Frl day,Sat'rday and Monday Only Shop Early By Frederic . Hasklo. - . ' Washington, Sept SO. That Russia's ambition to establish Itself as an Im perial power on the Paclflo coast of Asia was not thwarted by the unsuc cessful war with Japan Is proved by the stupendous program of railway de velopment and colonisation now being carried out by the Russian government , In eastern Asia. The Japanese victory merely caused Russia to change Its mans a mtie it did not affect the itusaian purpose in the slightest de- ' 31 ee. . Amor Country Ziike Oregon. Across the Amur river ' from Man- ' cnuria lies mat great and fertile, tract ..which takes its name from the river, a territory as large as Spain. It lies In the same latitude as Oregon, Wash- lngton and British. Columbia,, and Its . ; agricultural future Is Intrinsically as bright. Further, south, and lying east ward of Manchuria, is the Russian lit toral. The coast Is not promising, but further inland that- section tapped by iiie ran -una irora , viaaivostoK north to- Khabarovsk may be compared to the "inland empire" of the American norths west A railroad from Khabarovsk westward along the north of the Amur to a connection with the TrnrmKlH-rijn railroad in. tho . Trans-Baikal country will soon be built; a project which means about the same thing as the mjiHruciiim, m :im uanaoian Pacific .meant to .British' Columbia. - Much has tjeeTrsMa or late Tahout" the great tide of immigration Into, western Canada. . The "American Invasion" of Canada has called forth much comment. .,. and statistics have been published to . show that as many as 60,000 Americans have crossed over . into Canada in a 1 single year, seeking new homes.'' .The J settlement of the northwestern states j. has been wonderfully rapid, and the , bulldinsr UD Of Oklahoma and. Tm ( has excited the wonder and admiration of the world. . . gratlon eastward of 2,000,000 people in a period of four vears ia absolutely uniaue in tne history or the world. It Is by far the arreateat mle-ratlon of one people known in modern times. The great stream of humanity which pours Into America from Europe is drawn from a soore of races and nations. rnture of Karbln. Ten years from now Russia will have a new province lying immediately north of Manchuria and Mongolia having a population greater than either Canada or. Australia. Wheat fields will be de veloped, and Harbin will become to the world what It is now to Asia, the great est nour producing center. The 8000 mile railroad to St. Petersburg will bo double tracked, the road through the Amur will be. built and the probabil ity is that tne railroad rrom Peking to Kalgan will be extended through Mon golia to Lake Baikal, thus cutting down the time- from Peking to Moscow by three days and giving China and Russia a route of direct communication wholly independent of Japanese Influence or Interference. When these things come to pass, as they surely will Russia will men De impregnaoiy intrenched. Then. the ambition to own an Ice free port that hope which is never dead in the Russian breast will inspire to action. The Japanese will lie between the Rus sians and that goal of all Muscovite aesira, , n.. It is imnosRlhle to conceive an lnrief- juiio cuiiLiuuniJuH ui me present peace ful and harmonious relations between Russia and'JaDan In this country. Both are here for the purpose of carving ou a new embire. Both have the same da. sire, both have-the same contempt and disregard for China's sovereignty and rights.. Each understands the other's limitless and unscrupulous ambition. For the time being they have set a line between themselves, dividing; not. their territory, out that part of China's ter ritory which they, still occupy and con trol in npita of- their solemn ohl Igatlona to' withdraw .''entirely and completely.' Bnssians Are Z.ying low. Realising- that the eyes of the world are most attracted now to the Japanese rJrilt4 rra Leaaes Wka.) Oklahoma City, Okla.. Bept 10. Thai failure of the Columbia Bank A Trust I company, one of the largest banking In stitutions in the aula, was cauaed by an attack on the guaranty system at the Chicago banker a' convention, ac cording to Htate bunk Examiner Young, who la now In charge of the bank s affairs. Young declared that during the attack i on the system It was termed "wild cat" and the Columbia bank was cited as an example. Following the arraignment of the. guaranty system, six rural Oklahoma bankers who were attending the ses sions promptly withdrew their reserves from the institution and the strain was . such that the bank waa forced to close. Four hundred depositors of tho Co lumbia bank wore today paid the amounts of their depoalts from funds of the state banking board. So con fident were the depOaltcrs that the board would make good their deposits that the customers of the Institution made no demonstration of any sort and there has not been a semblance or a run. , . The exact state of affairs of the Co lumbia bank Is not known at this time. Knnk Examiner Young refuses to talk since his first statement of th cause or to wreca. DTCKEASE SHOW IN 0. A. C. ATTENDANCE (HpecUl niapatrh to Tb't JoaraaL) Oregon Agricultural Colleae. Corval- lis. Sept 0. O. A. C. will have ap proximately 1600 students if the open ing day increase is maintained. When I class work started today 840 collegians I had entered upon a new year or work. This Is a little over 14 per cent more than naa registered on tne opening aay last year. The faculty were very much gratified when the registrar ngures were given out, as it was expected that last years future a would hardly be bet tered, in view of the fact that the en trance reaulrements have been raised.) I and it is more airncuit ror a student with Insufficient preparation to enter. Of the entering class 118 are from high schools, 10 from academies. IS from oth er colleges and from normal schools. The total number will be' largely added to during the week, and on the basis of a 14 per cent increase on the first school day there will be a total regis tration of 1S45 students. 85c Veil Rem nantsIVow39c Theia ' well Veil Remnant! com in the newest, shades and are yards long. All the latest mesh and dot effects. Sold regularly at 85c and are offered as a matchless bargain. Sale price, length ..39) Sale on Colgate Drug Sundries Colgate's 25c Talcum Powder, sale v.;..-...y. ,15jJ Colgate's .25c Tooth Powder. ., sale .... ,15 25c Dentaf Cream, sale. . .15 50c Almond Soap, sale price, per box .V.-, .Z5t all : - fflk an ,'.'wyii'MfiVvv Jill IliVt V'.' M'lJ' ' I s mm mm .v $25 and $30 Ladles' Suits, Sale Price $15 . A suit bargain you pan't 'duplicate any where else in Portland. There are 100 OF THE TAILORED SUITS, every one of all-wool broadcloths, homespuns and fancy mixtures. The coats are 42 and 45 inches long. Good, Substantial 'linings. Trimmed with large jet buttons in all the new fall colors. Examine the fabrics, the workmanship, the finish and the styles. You'll say they're as good as you nave seen at $25 and $30. This is a remark able bargain at the sale price d1 C of only tMD Voile and Panama Skirts at Half Price CIO CA Tf;nJn Sale Price $6.98 In all our sales we have never offered as good a bargain in Women's Dress Skirts as this. These sweH Voile and Panama Dress Skirts are really-wonderful values at $0.08. They are the newest fall mod els and all are neatly trimmed. They are values to $13.50. Sale price g Sale Prices on All New Hair Goods program, the Russians have adopted the wise policy or Brer Kabbit. They are . How Rnisia Emigrates, i But over here ' In eastern Asia, all but unobserved by the world, the Rus sian frovernment has organized and en couraged a misrratton and colonization which throws even the western Ameri can aeveiopment into the shadow. In ,1908, the year after the war ended, no less than 180,000 Russians moved from Europe and settled In the Amur and the Russian littoraL In the following year the number was over 400,000. Thus In the second year after the war, after , Russia s eastern Asiatic ambition waa supposed to have been destroyed, the Russian government throws Into this ... uui, uuiiuuiDiiea country half as many people as come from Europe to the United States in a year, and far more tnan Canada haa been able to at- tlon into the Amur, according to of- Piles And Purgatory Begin With the Same Letter and Ibere Are Other Resemblances. surfer? Oh, nor "Suffer" don't ei- tTAt AV-x?1 tV? A" the "PYRAMID , PILE CTjRE. It s a Cure that comes to g'vea one a rresh grip on XT FXOXISESj TO CUMX and keeps its word. Even to the last ' Ji made lhat w,y- This is why. And it is not expensive within the easy reach of every one. Only bO cents a box at your druggist, and a box goes a long way. TOVBS ZS THE WOBST kind and of long standing? Already tried everything you ever heard of Plscou raged? Well, rather. But the PYRAMID PILE CURE waa made for . jubi ui-n inpB. lours is not a bit worse than hundr-ds of other cases : mat tne -yramid file Cure has cured. BxxPTzcAXif aro ram? No wonder. But listen. We are so ure that our remedy will cure you that we wUl send you a Free Treat ment This will begin to show you what enough of It will do and then you can go to your drug store and ret much rou need. It won t be more than a box or so. lying low. Thev have- rjroved thnm. selves much more considerate of Chi nese rights tnan. have the Japanese, and they have . not set any obstacles what ever In the -way of the trade of other nations in northern Manchuria. For these , reasons their position is not so often discussed as7 that of the Japanese. By comparison the Russian behavior appears to be quite altruistic. But one must not expect unselfish altruism from St. Petersburg. The Russian rul ing classes do not think in those terms. It all means that Russia is bldinsr Its time, and Improving the shining hour by developing Its eastern resources. Both Japan and Russia are in Man churia for the same purpose, but as they both seek the same prise, a prize which cannot be divided, their positions are naturally antagonistic. Neither na tion has any right In Manchuria,, as both nations admitted when thiv rati fied the treaty of Portsmouth. Both na tions claim rights In utter disregard of tnai treaty. China Zfeets Obstacles. China, awakened to a sense of, re sponsibility and aroused to the neces sity of adopting western methods of government and Industry, should have the right to devalon Mnohurl Th oniy possinie ground upon i which Rus sia and Japan may base a claim of ngnt in Manchuria Is that they will de velop the country, something which China would not and could not do. But now that China in attempting to do something for Manchuria along modern lines, it finds itself In trouble with the Japanese fox and the Russian bear. Chinese Superior to Bnssians. The Chinese, under a form of govern ment older than Christendom, and with out any of the advantages of modern western civilization at all, have main tained the largest nation upon earth in both area and population. That nation, ) uK ,.-1 ihc nuiTieni wrientai condi tions, was and is more prosperous and LINN COURTHOUSE . HAS A BUSY TIME (Special Dlspatrh to TBa JonrnaLl Albany, Or.. Sept. 30. Wednesday was a busy day at the. Linn county courthouse. Recorder Froman was flooded with a large number of instru ments to be recorded. When all were filed on the fee book, a whole page waa filled. Although the Instruments were small ones the fees for today amounted to 3.i!0. . fftuntv flrlr WIllAt V at inmt mm hiiav as he issued six marriage licenses be- skips looKtng arter tne regular amount of routine work. - They werji to Charles Harat or apringrieia ana venora Der rick of this city. Robert Rlnao and Julia Anna Michael, both- of Albany; J. am- E. Slmnson of Eugene and Bessie Ci eron of Albany, Kobert F. Montgomery ipson ofEug f Albany. He of Brownsville and Maude Evalee Ward of Halsey. Herbert N. Millard of Shedd and Ida Bayne of Shedd, Ernest E. Jones of Med ford and Laolla M. Hicks of Albany. Four of the couples were married today. 50c Hair Bolls Now Only 55c 24-inch Sanitary-Made Hair Rolls. V They're lfjfht and can be washed. it .t,.j. cn c.i. only . . . . 35 53.50-54 Real Oair Polls, $1.95 Real Hair Puff, your choice oi 5 different styles. They are sanitary made and in 'all shades. Regular $3.50 and $4 puffs. Special sale price , .$1.95 S6-$6.50 Pair Switches, $3.95 Real Hair Switches, natural wavy hair, 24 inches long. They are sanitary made and in all shades. They are values to $6.50. Sale price only .... . . ..... .$3.95 $1.50 Fall Waisls Twenty dozen new Fall Waists in all the newest checks, plaids and sfripes, in the latest shades and styles. An elegant waist for fall and winter wear. Reg ular $1.50 kinds. QCn Sale price , sOC ge New Silk Waists tic Silk Hair Wets Wow 15c 50c Hair Barrens Wow 25cy your Sale Frlce83.Qg W. C. T. V. May Meet In Yakima. (Special Diapatcb to The Journal.) North Yakima, Wash.. Kept. 30. The eastern Washington W. C. T. U. con vention for next year is to be invited to meet in North Yakima next year. A large delegation will go from North Yakima earlji in October to this vear's convention which meets in Spokane to Invite the convention here for next year. In the coming year the local unions Intend to carry on an active campaign. They Intend to have, a new building be fore another year, and thev will non- duct a number of Demorest contests for tne purpose or raising runds. .Mi.ii.1 ia in iiii, hi i. I. in. , Hi! ...I ii . in, , jhiii uiil .JIIIIIHII llligilWHWVOTWMVmMmBVMMMMIBnMiMMMMH. HMM.teMMMt. IIM.IH . i, .1 . . , I II Illll flllllllflll I ll If 111 .. it.,' ... ii..t.--. rmr: .-r-.. n iii.inu. ! CIA imiwr ' I f ix mm mmw i gr .I II I tTTii'i CM DEFIED SIX HOSPITALS Doctors of Two' Continents Could Make No impression on Torturing Skin Disease All Treatments Failed for Nineteen Years October 4th Last Excursion of the Season October 4th $72.50 . AND RETURN $72.50 Tickets on sale at TEB OBEAT KOBTBXBN CITT OT. FICB allow. 10 days for going passage and good for return .until November- 80. Good going via TEB OBBAT 1TOBTK- EBXT, returning same route or via any other direct line. 'Choice of routes eoing either via Seattle or via TKB HOBTK ; BAKX BOAS. , : ' ' THBXB TBAHT8 9AXZ.T The Oriental limited . : The Fast Mall The Southeastern Express For tickets and sleeping car reservations, call 'on or ji- r ri mm ay .a jf ., jt .ar t m m 0 kifil A- Bit7: rJUMM s r as" If ils ! MM Bookkeeping,ShQrthand,Typewritiiipr,Civil Servicejlrithl metic, Spelling, English, Penmanship, Commercial LaW All n ktaeia J a.1 . . .. uivDv buu cku anu iiiniiv niiiprii rati rrn AK.a f . schooL Enroll now. ' ""c,ia m our n,nt Holmes Business Colleae "The School That Gets You a Good Position " ' TENTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS THEN CUTICURA CURED SWIFTLY AND EASILY DOa"T TTTT OPT getting rid of this terrible trouble Of Itself It la hard moiifh t rndure but It lads to things worse. ID truth It badly disarranites the etsUre lower bovr! tract; creates uh-rra. abaea and a rla of evils any one of which can aeily prove falal roarT Txrt orr nairg tor toe tree trial parkaga Wa Mid thla to show now great our faith i in mil rur. 11 w 014 aot tvlltvf In m w ""a ma uiil OTrer. To day I the best day you will rrrr hare to end for It. Ix your writing plainly there will W n ssiataka Fin out t-w!pi; tt won t take a nlaote time rd mall It f o. contented than either Russia or Japan There is no class of Chinese equal to the gentry of Russia In learning, but neither Is there a class of Chinese so low In the human scale as the Russian moujik, when relative values are con sidered. The Chinese ha VP not Af.nm- pllshed as much as have the Japanese In the western arts of war and high fi nance, btlt thov are for nn.-4n- '... Japanese in trie civilisation of their everyday lives. China, as opposed to Russia and Jarjan. haa not nni h. lfgal but the moral right to develop its w w is in iiiui.ti "I contracted mr disease at school in London, England, when I was four teen years old I am now thirty three. My father put me under tne care of our family physician who diag nosed my disease, as itch. But after, several months' treatment without receiving any benefit, I was advised to go to a hospital. I attended the Hoe pttal, London. Then and on two other occasions, without . my get ting any benefit, they treated me for eczema. My next attempt was trying address H. SICKSOB, TVktManl Or" Tiilnnh & p. as r. Portland. Or. Telephone Main 680. A-228S. 122 Third st. different ointments from doctors anc I druggets. Then I tried patent medicines, including , ana . I 1 passea examinations 1 or govern- vnua nas aurnt, otners aDgnt. 1 In this triangular fight for the con- of the" fu7u7;:"china na. tlghTand' ' ?L ,W" &R, RuMia and Japan have the misiit a I iect the medical examinations. greater Japan, a Japan the captain of Arter three attempts to enlist in the Asia leading the tltantln British armv I auori(HAH at nnt hnit w r " "iinn ' 1 1 i rriia r on ffl rT n a annarnvi rvn auvniiric nx mw nmmi m a r m trim A . m TJ , . -1 .1 . i . . - - - " " v. nunnMii urrniDH. A greater Ruasla. a Russia with In warm southern apnrt on the Paclftr anrt great merchant marine and navy, mana free Vickzse Cod poo. r!ll cot tfce Hafk l!rvS below wHH your am an4 aadre. rat r-, rrra. f". o4 tratl te . the PTRAMin f HI-, rOMPANT. ill Pyra.Va 1- At. Mart,il. Ml-k. A trial uk. mm- if ( great Pyrarau! Tile Core ,! fr, i mt j at ewe b n- l. H.EE. f4ahi wrsipatr. Ktot -...-........,.,.... t T-t a- fata. .. . , The disease waa confined to face, arms and legs, my face being actually raw at times. I came to America thirteen I h. nt a I m rA r,, . n , 1 1 ' . . i mail mn Klifc m V. tmsm K-wamA -wama .... iiu . ii .nuri i k -v 1 1 ( 1 1. 1- ( 1 1 Tne1 m i " " r ... v " vi Rising Pan of Japan as the light of a , possible. When in New York City I . arreaier V hlna. a was lanaM to go to IlospitaL iainf ,t" own- ,,!n,,'1f l whence I waa sent to the Hospital hariy of" t7r mld'tt I" Brooklyn. I was put under the ear of in? Mr W.prpetT.,e.nof "bothMuV, I f to the and Nipponese ambition. m-am a p,,ice-i n0mb", f Unsuooeerful attempu. I ful Asia, and a prosperous -pitrn ' returned home to England and tried the world. It la to th advanuge of the I Hcpital, Liverpool, the nations of th w-t, morally. phrMcally HospitaL London, also the world -famed and flnarvlallv. to uphold th Chln..i Uku.i a . i s-"wis a a vcyi a . IVU w ILUUIIIi HBa ting eared. I came back to America i rights and nwvetit br tv-rr,,i m urea thr great ronfHrt which ntherwl-w lnerltaby again, will tarn Manchuria Into a field of blood. Xrw Taper, for Forest Grwrr. ttm-rt.l ntaw-w to Tto In-all rvwl G rtrr . Or fl-r.l . la a pnb'lr-itloa will t Trt-d Jn thla eity la the ttrmr futar. vn6r the trna-- n . I . . ' " - i i. fun inq av. Kian-k th fwr r t fare four rage aavt r- tvo all io-w frlnt. Botfc fiten aro r--nea4 ta newim. f-r work. Mr Kiawa. ia a aauat ef v law oeperrwTt ft t- 1'nlwwtt. vf Vi-rmrta. l-g a r- ar-r. ' ef Cnmrn I"W of tKe t"?il--r-itv of Wahlrgt. H w meivftH wl-h Tri r-t.rfi J"iMt-aV-a Wf'-T r-ltr 1 Ot..-i Mr. K tt hsl 1! rial wv-Mir-rt f y""--t Ortrrm Tim rr- '-n to i -,1th Waafelngtoti Ctt.ty News , five yt-ara ago, I had overlooked the Cutirarm fbwsedies. doems of times, hot three months aro 1 decided to give Catfcmra trial and I can safely aay I am cored of one at the meet torturing skin die-aaos a man erer had. Richard Ooriey, New Canaan. Conn., Jan, 1 0.'OO." "I am familiar with Mr. Curiey's ease and his cure and believe his at a to writ to he trui. , 4oha F. Burke, iew Canaan. Conn.'' cra. AH the rarre Ml Mank ere ghrea la fufl ta Mr. CvrieTi leuw. u ' Sherman Pay & Co Sixth and Morrison, Opp. Portoffloa, Rent a Piano Tou will want a piano In your home this Fall and Winter. It will afford you much pleasure. Perhaps you feel that you are not ready to purchase the piano you desire to own. Most musi cians look forward to the time when they will own a Bteinway piano. Rent a piano from ua and all money paid as rent, up to six months will be applied toward the purchase of a Steipway or other piano. We have the largest stock of filajios in the city and the flnest lne of the old standard, reliable makes. Btelaway ' "" . i an .. . Brarett I A. b. Cnaee I x.adwir . mJf riT Packaxd r Con over ' Klngstmry If Sstoy - Mi Xnrtssaaaa . aLl Esnasoaj "a- M WatUag-toa " mm " ms r.tmt tm4 ti'wmaj T- Miii r" h mm tmwwm mt ( -w Kt ta ! rt (vum hi iw i m f (V.f ( nm4 -. 7ht m mi ft rwa ..m t j t n aai i at aaa aw mt wrttaru t alii a Saiawa PATEWTS Valto4 aTtatoo ead rorotgw CrklH rwnwd. rf m4 i3U1U PaVCiXM coast riiirriaiaTCT, za awcciom, vau. CI 3 Days to Chicago 4 j)ays lo New York If you take the ) Electric-Lighted train de luxe North Coast Limited No Excess Fare Reduced Fares' East , on Oc tober 4, over the Scenic Highway through the Land of . Fortune. Particulars upon request A. 1. CHARLTON. A. a F. A. ' 333 Morrison St, Portland roruana. . or. western - n.niimmmm "TWanty-firat Tear Departments are In OFEKS SEPT. BO charge of experi enced teachers. Gymnasium Is la charge of skilled director. Field and track athletics. Three courses for college entrance Classical, with Greek; classical, without ureea, ana scientific. A Commercial Course. Including Pen manshlp. Bookkeeping, Freehand anc Mechanical Drawing, Physical and Com merclal Geography, based on a atrnn y""" vi uiiiiisn, rim lory, elementary wui.iicMiai.iuB, ana. elementary science. A modern Language Course, aiihati. tutlng French. Oerma.. unit Hiatnr a portion of the Latin and Mathematics. A Primarr and (Grammar Ruhnnl mr. ing cloae attention to the essentials and doing the work of the grades In 7 years CATAXOa SZITT OST APPUCATIOV IVIany lVIen Are Not Weak nJ J?W ntfr from' "Vrwma terity. Thla anworlna Morf'tU. a. F'n"T ooo to aeryoemooa or local Irntatioti. p:la;iy 'of tbprntaio My "Maa-Buildlrg- treatmt oiti-i cure prvfMtwrit v. Ao gvlrvk ethauation. vital wakt,oe. dratro led loaawo. tc w rtto for anv Ir trtlpr wv yt.. .-I'-.r-a- I't rraa. lilaa rjt q M rK'PfcRTZ. II Boiertt BU4'ng. Det-ot,, Columbia Universit) 1 fafhnli DnKiill.it ..J r... p.lL.iX n vuiuunv, uuaiuiug auu way ocnooi tottsto una' aits bots CoIIefllale, OIgh School and Commercial Courses Grammar Grades for boys ' over tl. TZSKSi jk rd'X!.V.on. ..'".nOry, HOC i ylaom-"""rm "egiate Courses. ras7sCh0laH1",, 8chool Conrae Day arhnlnr-. . Prlvati .m. ."i,."r"9B". . ri-.-T-.". .- mug io tocat: Ir on request. Nvt rra opens September 14. , REV. JOSEPHOALLAGHER, Ci, "'BMVSaW Ya CWA aaM mm t V. ulZH? "Jd S"wo CoairwI. Staia, Art. Einrstinai mr4 (V'laa.mal L-. . naniMt aUM Itar Mnorua aloraJ mmm Imtmlimttmrni 1 ratals mrmmjam. b. mmrr (Aruiawj .PoarfXAjra NORTH PACIFIC C0LLEGP; ncnooia of a Dentistry and Pharmacr utTn.nrpaa 1. equlpm.nt and dvaa-j The reguUr session begins Oetoh-e M Fnf l11naH m ' " I Khnt .ddr:l",, , , el i DB. tHinv n ' wr ' Cor. 1m and Couch eta, Portland. Or. j . 211 iFraicSsc Incloding Vfealt and Berth. Si-rA n.' LOW RATES TO LOS ANGELES Tram Time JEealed-2 Xigbts to S Francisco. 3 to Log AnU- O. taANSAS CITY i J t. lu 4 A-142 niofif-Maiii 204. Amsworth ltHMtHMMMMHvMMHMM 3 I I . A AJmt t IXk- a J0UKXAL LLNTII3 COST L1ITLE, ACCQlLTLlSll llIcn