The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 28, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Town Topics
.. , M . -
Pungalow .."Cameo Klrbr'
llaker "Teise"
Oriiheum ...... Vaudeville
(Irand ..VauUavllle
'I'dlUIU . . .Vaudeville
rnar ...... 'Tli Cowboy end the Lady'
1-yrlo ........ .........."Thd Ociopue'
Mar Follow WUl Boon, Another
death due Indirectly to bad water used
iy - tne in-tners , or me nvaugsticei
church In tlialr camp meeting at Jeu
Ulnar liif last numntur la momen
tarily expected. B. F. -Tyler of Unit,
wIium aged wife waa ona of tha victims
of typhoid fever, now Ilea at hta home
critically ill. Mr. Tyler la over yeara
of age, and complication of dlaraaea
and Internal troubles brought about
through tha worry attached to hla wife a
illness ha finally laid him upon tha
UK Ued.t Hla wife waa 111 for nearly
six weeks botora her death and be waa
unable to atand tha atraln. "Hie condi
tion la being o lonely watched by 'tha
residents of Lenta, among whom he la
vary wall known. .
" voraon oraager Ton weeiuigvuor.
don Granger post. No. 71. U. A. K-. held
a special open meeting In the poat hall.
. , Woodlawn. laat Friday afternoon. This
la in ma tine wun nit policy amiine a ; BtrMr
; by tha poat for holding a numbiT of'"
. these meetings during the winter. I)e
partment Commander J. P.- Shaw waa
afternoon at I o'clock In the com mil tee
room of Die civil aervlca commission at
Ilia city iiaiL .
ArttoUa of XaoornoratloauAtsndard
Investment and ' wotka. capital of
lle.OUU; Weert Bthmarker. Theodure
UeusineV and Jeaaa C. I'eppert, Inuor
puratura. .
Boeeat It ! OoodK-Ohloken pie.
mlnred yval with grren pepper, and
huckleberry pie, tomorrow at Woman a
Kiohanga, 1U Hh. .
Wa Sponga and Tr Tear Clothes,
nine, your ahnea, all for II. to month
Main Hi, A-4114. Wagona run every
where. Unique Tailoring Co.. lot Stark.
teamsr Jeeaie Barkina, for Camas,
waahoufai and way landing, daily
rept Hunday. Leavea Waahlngton gtreet
coca at ip, m, - .
reaalnav 4ult
leuvral court
a Klamath
Charred With LUeral
haa been filed in Tha
agalnat Lew la ' Oerber,
county cattleman, who la charged with
illegally Incloalng about 100 aorea of
land, and using tin aame for hla private
purposes.. , ,
M. C oheefer A Oo merchant terror.
Corner Slath and Waahlngton at re t a.
Kaleigh bulldrng. rooms it ana 11.
Dr. HaaraWL veterinary surgeon, with
n. A O. T. Co., ith and Da via. Phone
Main 1077. ' . . -
Bhlnherd'a aTnrlnaatr. W. D. afe
Nary, medical director; S. X Shlpherd.
manager. ,
BV Hoorehonee At Oo-Art mater.
lata, picture framing, ill -Waahlngton
the apeaker and after being Introduced
by Poat Commander Major Chvrlea K.
York gave an Intereatlng addreaa on
, the hiatory of the O. A. R., lta alma
a and lta hopes. The meeting cloned with
an address by Major .C. 1. York,. In
which be extended the tliankf of the
Gordon - Granger poat to Commander
thaw. A program of muatcal number
' waa riven. . . ,
- Breach of Promlae Oaa Ends, Fall
li.g to appoar In Judge Morrow'a court
r' yeaterday when her auit for breach of
' promlae waa' called, the caae of Eileen
M. Davis against M. J. Connor waa non
: suited on notion of the defendant'! at
- tomey. John tV Loran. Oammana A
' Malarkey represented the plaintiff and
' . told the court that the woman had de
110.000 damages orlirlnallv aaked for.
' The court awarded Connor $10 for coata.
After the caae waa nonsuited Mlaa Da
" via explained thnt her reaaon for non-
appearance la that an Important witneaa
la absent. She intimated that her eult
W. A. Wla and aaaoclateg, pHlnleaa
oenuaia, inira ana wamingian. , -
Aaaarlcaa Bank as Traat Oo-lxtk
anq uac, pays intereat on oepoalta.
Zaay Shine ithoa folUa Wa nt Agents.
" aaaBBMaaMaaaBi
: St., a. O. Brown. JCya-Ear. , Marquam.
Abendroto. Jeweler. 141 Waah.. near T.
North Alblna will araln feel tha In.
fluence of the North Alblna Push club.
i ne . nrst meeting of the new aeaaon
will be held tonlaht In tha hall on
. . i i i M A. i ..... n u. ... B-vMUV. siinvLluil VJ. U.
ri. J?I i": 'icera and other bualneaa contingent Upon
the reorganisation of the club will be
taken up.
The aecurlng of a sufficiently large
sewer to take care or the whole Penin
sula district is to be the principal work
of the club this winter. Varioua mem
bera of the club have worked on the
measure for over two years, but no real
success has been obtained. It la planned
to lay hard surface pavement upon
many of .the streets of the Peninsula.
but nothing car .be done till the aewera
are laid Jn these streets. The club will
consider Its winter work well done If
It secures a sewer or sufficient slxe
through the year's work.
' will be reopened later on.
All ' Differences Adjusted. Directors
of the Portland Fair and Livestock
Association met in the offices of tho
association in the Hamilton' building
yeaterday afternoon and made a aatls-
zactory adjustment of the differences
existing between them and President
Wehrung- over the claim of the latter
for a salary allowance of $3000, Whilq
the baals of the settlement was not
made public. It is understood that the
arrangement waa entirely satisfactory
to everybody, concerned. A resolution
was adopted Instructing the president
and secretary to mail checks to all the
creditors of the association.
Report In Zipman Batata. Adolphe
- Wolfe, Horace L. Ramsdell and Her
man Metzger filed their report' with the
county court yesterday as appraisers of
the estate of the late Solomon Llpman.
. The total appraisement amounts to
$330,541.23, the principal .Items being
surplus account. Llpman, Wolfe A Co.,
$199,429; real estate (Johnson addition)
' $6800; notes and mortgages $32,600;
Masonic bonds, $4100; other stocks and
bonds, $10,900; 070 shares Llpman,
Wolfe & Co., $67,600.
Chauffeur Had no tloense Harry
Dean, a chauffeur employed by the
Graham Motor company, arrested yes-
fArrinv att.rnnnn at 4 -Aft n'nlnr-lr .-Hv 3b'
i..tro lmA.- Vassay-at Sixth -and-Wasbln g-'
ion streets, ana cnargea wun operat-
ing an automobile without chauffeur's!
license, was fined $5 by' Municipal J
Judge Frank 8. Bennett. Dean testi-.
fled that he had made application for i
- a chauffeur's license about a month
: ago but that he had not received one ,
as yet. ' ,
Land Restored to State. Decrees have
been obtained in the federal court in
wnich 430 acres of timber land in Doug
las cpunty have been restored to" the
state. The land in question is to can
eel the patents to three quarter sec
tions issued to Edward ft. and A. K.
Downs, and Rev. Stephen W. Turnell.
The three were jointly indicted, in 1905
on a charge of conspiracy, and the two
Downes have absented themselves from
the state since.
Indian Summer in East.
This Is the most comfortable season
to visit the east The O. R. A N. will
sell round trip tickets to Chicago Oc
tober 4 for $72.60. Ticket office Third
and Washington streets.
Free to Men.
Dr. Taylor's $10,000 museum now open:
admission free. 284 H Morrison St.
, ;
By J, F. 8.
Living wag a comparatively, eay
problem la the thirties. If you wer
gentleman you were reasonably sura of
having a lovely lady fall In love with
you and endow you with her estates.
If nu were a rambler Into the bargain
your rham-aa were so much the belter
pwbum you wrri muc-ii mvw ,
llo. The thirties fed more on romance
than doea a tnlasea' boarding school or
today. Cameo Klrby being both a gen
tleman and a gambler -and a very to
mantle ona at that, fought hla duels at
lh. Ilimiiliiw laet ntallt. tOVed with hla
tarda In a rather non-4rofeslonal man
ner and left ua. It's true, but with the
comforting aeauranr that be would re
turn, reformed, marry the lovely lady.
and live on her estates ever after.
Booth Tarkington's and Harry Lon
Wilsons play of "Cameo Klrby" Is,
kiUii.j nniin aiuf etlata uDon a founda
tion of the romance that made living
for some people so easy In those dava.
It might Just as well have been called
t!arda and Pintola for Two." That la
the spirit of the play. It cannot be
denied (hat It la a very good thing to
n.ka a r.Uu- eKnilt There la never
any reaaon for a lack of action. And
there never la any. From tha first to
the last act Is baa Its thrills, cameo
Klrby had been given a good atari. We
were told In a darky dialect how. as a
hnv ha tA heton brava and thoushtful
of others. When he grew up he became
a good gamoier ana 1 1 .-uwm j
were told had restored money to those
he had fleeced. If most of hla good
actions were performed off stage that
perhapa waa due to modesty, which la
Itself a virtue. He left others to tell
of hla goodness. We were placed In
the position of always waiting to aee
him do one of hia kindly acta, but were
doomed to disappointment. We knew
Cameo was good, not because we wit
nessed an example of his kindness and
generosity, but because Larkin Bunce
and Croup told US'" so.
However, all that is merely inciden
tal to the story. It Is on the whole
cleverly told. Is almoat alwaya Intereat
lng, and when It Is ended leaves ona
with the comfortlna- feeling of having
been Interested and entertained -enougn
to Insure the success of any book or
play. ' The Plot ia obvioua from the
flr.t the action la aometlmea blurred
with too many people on the atage and
too much of the wild screaming that
aome people ' still believe the correct
way to herald the approach of a mes
senger bearing news that effecta the
mrv hut In unite of these defects it
is a lively and somewhat diverting tale.
worth tne seeing.
Mr. Dustln Farnum Is the star, need
less to say, and appears as the gambler.
We are wearying aomewhat of these ef
forts to find a "proper vehicle" for Mr.
Farnum. The simple truth of the case
la that Mr. Farnum Is a mediocre actor
with what once was sn unusual ahare
of personal charm. There Is little of
the fine work that one might expect
from so "fat" a part as that of the
romantic gambler. There Is too much
of posing and of reliance upon the good
will of his audience. McKee Rankin is
In hia oldtlme form in the comedy role
of Tarkln Bunce he does It srtlstl-
cally and carefully and is comical in
tne extreme.
Miss May Ducklev might be termed
'cute." She's an attractive young wo
man and hasn't been sooiled by her ex
periences in "stock." But aa fine a bit as
waa In the clir was the (1 rosea Pqul
rtta ttt Ituth Ijtiyd. With not mure
than a score of words to apeak In the
eveulng, kl lea Llord luada ee,li count,
tier rl (hat of a lulalana quad
roon la (he kind that la usually filled
in by any one. Jlut her small iart waa
perfectly dona. Gordon Johnafuna Was
a tiolsy brother to tha heroine, John
Harrington waa a rather- entertaining
villain, and Donald Gallagher had a
juvenile rle that waa glided by that
g reatrat of charma, naturalness. There
are a great many small parts, well
played aa a rule Individually, and the
piece la delightfully taged,
Good Dill at the Oprwum.
Valerie Drrgere easily holds the top
noicn or interest at the Orphvum (till
week In a playlet entitled 'Ulllle's First
Wife," which gives her about as mucn
opportunity to show her versatility us
any one can require. Ae the genius who
acorns ine nnmeatio routine of tne every
aa stag people usually do with the
euuiiteiit orawi. ...
The double trio of strolling singers
do some excellent work aiuf prvaent
tlialr turn In attractive manner, 'llieir
voices are all good and they do not
good, though the Frenchwoman haa' as turns cleverly and hla pantomime Is at
much trouble with her I'srialan accent first amuaing. out ty it
cheapen, trrnl
ale. If tho I
r art by'alnglng cheap mu-
day housewife, she allpahods around tin
nous m ' yellow negua
white striped petticoat
How neglige and rvi and
ed oettlcoat and Ilka the
mythical Diddle Diddle Dumpling my
eon John, aha has one ahoe off and tha
other ahoe on. Her makeup could not
well, be leaa prepossessing. ,but It Is
exactly characteristic of - the part she
plays and serves to make stronger the
contraat when ahe awakens to man's
love for beauty and dona the "creation."
She shows herself eoually clever 'n
light comedy. In character work- and tn
tragedy. And best of sll the little sketch
has a real plot, presents something new
and la Intereatlng and consistent to
the end. Mlaa Bergere s support Is
snpranoa were stronger, the
ensemble work would be better, for
even' with the two they were almoat
completely drowned out by the other
stronger voices. There waa a charm
ing tenor voice of the unusual mellov
aualltv. The baritone and contralto both
Id aome excellent work. Most sur
prising to relate, though they were six
they did not even hint- at the Lucia
sextette. .. .'
1 .a ura Buckley gave a elever presenta
tion of aome typea. The changea In
coatuma and make up were effected In
full view of the audience and their
progreaa kept the people In a constant
state of curiosity and Interest. Her
Imitations were decidedly good; Bob
Carllo and Oeorge Clarke, Oerman come
dians, did the usual partner stunt that
they all do, and the keynote of their
difference waa "father" and "farther."
It waa amuaing aa such turns alwaya
are, more or less. The alx GHnaereitls
are novelty gymnasts who turn flip
flops from shoulder to shoulder snd lo
varioua clever atunta mat comoine agn-
never snd.
ins leas descends Into the silly. - The
inoaio and moving pictures complete the
bill. , . ,
An lowan haa patented an electrical
Ice harvesting marhlne In which a
motor, mounted oir a eled, drives a
circular saw le rut the Ice and a
toothed wheal for moving the appara
tus forward.
I - - ii. i
Kills weald-Be gnayar.
A merclleaa murderer la Appendicitis
with many victims. But It. King's
New Life rills kill It by prevention
They gently stimulate stomach, liver
and bowela, preventing that clogging
that Invitee appendicitis, curing Conall-
ration, Blllnusneaa. C'hllla. Malaria,
ieadache and Indigestion. 16c at Wood
ard, Clarke A Co.
TIF.lEofllie YEAR
ros a iiw run 01 bbzsob
Tvery Night This We. k.
Special fries klauoees Wr.t. and rUl
In the Romance of Love end Advsnture.
By Booth Tarklngton bid! Harry I.eoH
Wilson. Llebler A Co. Managers.
Kvenlngs. $ to76c; Jjeia.l I tn In ja-x
Geo. L. Baker, Mgr.
Tonight all week. iar..m matinee)
Wednesday, lie any seat. The
Great Western l'Jay, , ..
By J. Maudlin Felgl. atrong raat; beau
tlful ecenery.
Kvenlngs 15c to $1. Pat Mat tla
to iOc.
Next Week Alburtua. the Hypnotist.
MAXB , A-IOflO. Mats.
fk Bx, Boaoays aag
of Sept- 87 falerle Bergsre and
Itv and atrrtiath. Their lavender aulta I a. .i a. . .. .. "
made pleasing appearance and gave a rum." 7h "'Vrouhlel hlle the wsrrn it P7 J ""W.' TU .
tirn.Ti.rn and flnlahed air to the turn u,n or other troubles while trie warm Tuscany Troubadours, glx OUBsarsttsa,
Thev are eeDtlonaMv sood In the whr ' O"' PimtT "'v2 'ft CarUa and Oeorge Clark. Joe Jack.
Un Afburtua and Altua do a iSggllng mouth , "Jural expression, and will .,, uxn BaekUy, Bam Albert as sad
line. Aiourtua ana Alius, ao s muggling pro, . lasting cemfor. t..- ntn. M,inn. nheate.
act wun tne most laooreo comeoy con- 1 . , I . .,
ceivatue. joe jacxaon noes some Dicycie i i
L ' g f ' 1
Daily Bulletin
No. 57
1 X Vila? lot e3f islFault
Have you een watching with interest the rapid
disappearance of that ragged old outline of timbers
so recently called the Madison bridge?
Do you realize that every timber removed is a
step nearer a fifteen-minute streetcar service to
Do you know that WESTMORELAND is build
ing up more rapidly than the bridge is being torn
down ?
Watch the disappearance of the one for the index
to the growth of the other.
Fifteen minutes from the business center to
WESTMORELAND, in the best cars in the city,
demands attention your attention.
Board of Trade Bldg.
r v
JiniIIILnilVL Manasers
Hoth Phones: Main 77BT. Home A."0S,
Tonight and All Week. Matinee Wcdki-Se
day and Saturday. Henry HfRae -Htoi'k
Co. Presenting
Prices 26 to 4f) Cents.
Next week the Khubert attraction,
"Going Some." tNew York cast.)
rresldant and Mor'".
33 Tears Bstabllshsd U VortUnd.
We will give you a good -k gold
or porcelain crown for 3.50
Molar Crowns I. SUM)
m bridge teeth . 3.00
Gold or enamel fillings 1.00
Bllver fillings BO
Inlay Fillings of all kinds g.50
Good rubber plates 6.00
The best red rubber plates 7.60
Painless extraction .60
Painless extraction free when dates
or bridge work is ordered.
Work guaranteed for 15 years.
The Palling Bldg., 3d and Wash. gts.
Office Honrs 8 A. M. to 8 F. K.
Sundays, to 1.
Phones A and Halo 3039.
raOiril Mala 4888 A-lOflS,
prices -30, SO and 10 Cents.
Week 8'pt. ?. Athon mock Co. Presents
A Thrilling Lirnma.
Gold Watch Given Away Friday Evening?
Matinees Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday at i:16; every evening at
8:15. . . . .
THE 6A Stamnff BCon. Mat, Sept, 8.
BUTI.XB A Pages A Byron,
BASSBTT, Alda Wooloott m Co.,
KATTxra ' TVa Fattersoxv
lUTixo BlHOBttW ft Bewmaa,
OB pred Bauer, ,
BXAJ. XC0B Oraadaaoope.
Matinee srery da a Ss30. Admlssioa
16o any seat, Evening performances
7t30 and 9:15. Admission ISO and 35o,
Boa seats 60c
May Attend lieotnre. Dr. Edgar L.
Hewetl's lecture on "Three Excavations
at Puye." at the Art museum last
night, was well attended and was heard
by an appreciative audience. Tho
Archaeological Institute of America is
preparing to carry on complete excava
tions in the government reserve in the
Pajarlto region of New Mexico where
the dwellings are believed to be 1000
years old. , 4 -
;tJ,. Ti 2'. . ' ' ' ' . '
Puneral of Br. Cordlner. Funeral !
services over the remains of the late
Dr. . Charles A. Cordlner, who died st j
the Good Samaritan hospital last Satur- ,
day afternoon, were held In the chapel i
of Finley and Sona at 10 o'clock this i
morning. Rev. Charles C. Hayes read
the services at the chapel and later of
ficiated at the grave at River view ceme
tery, where the interment took place.
Prifhtened Girl Jnmpa. Frightened
by the explosion of a fuse on. an Alberta
car. at Union avenue and Russell streets J
at 11 o'clock last night, Miss Emma
Ferris, living at 264 Vi Taylor street!
Jumped from the . tram while It -was i
running at a good speed. Bruised and !
shaken, the girl was taken to the Good i
Samaritan hospital, where today her !
condition is reported as good. .
Tried to End Kls XJfe. Nelson Fie-
be insane, made two Ineffectual at-i
tempts to end his life Sunday after-
noon at his boarding house, at S10 :
when he slashed his throat with a raxor I
he drank a quantity of carbolic acid. ,
Taken to the Good Samaritan hospital,,
' the man Is being closely guarded.
Bar Association Meets. Members of
the Multnomah Bar association have;
Hfl nntlftwi hv RMMtarv irlhn Tjinv. :
' gutli that a meeting of the association 1 1
wiu be neid tonignt. Tne lawyers are j
to assemble in the courtroom of depart
ment No. 1 at 8 o'clock. The evening's
discussion will be opened by Attorney
Jamea Cole on the new rules of the
justice court.
nit of Clothes Stoleav C. & Mason.
of 407 Board of Trade building, haa re-'
ported to the police that he purchased
a new suit of clothing at the Browns
ville Woolen Mills store Monday after-,
"-nonn. and that a few -mlnut,. I t- r 1
- while lie wsa In a nearby saloon, it
was stolen from him. He haa bo idea!
as to the identity or the thief.
Katehea Start Plrv Fire yeaterday,
, a.aA aim Ak - tA
nimuL .av v vjuvk. uiu imui S4VW
damages to the grocery store of C
K. Dye, East Salmon street and Grand
avenue, and the two story frame build
ing in which the. establishment la lo
cated. - The blase la auppoeed to have
started In several boxes of snatches
atored In tha rear of the store.
Don't discharge the office bby, Mr.
Business Man. if your letters are blurred
after being copied
It may not be HIS fault
More than likely it's the fault of the "tools"
he has
Using sJedge hammers to tack on shingles would
undoubtedly make a botch of the job
On the same basis :
Poor office "tools" make office. work difficult.'
5oneo (Copier
installed in your office will relieve you of all "copying worry"
For it copies Letters, Bills, Statements, etc., automatically,
without water and without carbon paper.
Blurred letters are impossible.
On the other hand, a big saving of time, temper and money
is assured every user of the RONEO.
See it in our Third-st. window today; or we'll send one to
your office for demonstration if you wish.
'TTie Piano With a Soul"
has been personally selected by Mrs. Rose Ploch-Bauer to ac
company the voices of the Quartet at the Autumn Opening at
Tull & Gibbs, this afternoon, from 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock.
The Chickering represents the highest human
achievement for the making of melody string by
string and key by key, it has been brought up to
absolute purity of tone and responsive touch.
The home that holds a Chickering has the best
the world can give. "
Beautiful art-style Chickering Uprights and
Grands included in our present exhibit.
Chickering Pianos sold on the Coast exclusively by
The House
of Highest
dispensers at
and Best
jtatrir . r -.. .
IN our salesroom we-
show a large stock
of Roll Top & Flat Top
Desks many of them
In the new sanitary
base design, with
square edges and dull
wax finish.
We unconditionally guaran
tee our "Standard Desks"
not to shrink, warp, crack
or split.
We also carry a complete stock
of Y&E Sectional Filing Cabinets
Printing, Bookbinding, Stationery
65-67 Seventh St.
SeereatlOB Vark,
Corner Yang-ha and Twanty-fouxth lta.
sept, as, as, 30, oct. i, a, 3.
Games begin week days 3:30 p.- ra.J
Sunday, 2:30 p. m.
Admission Bleachers. 2Ec; Grand
stand, 60c; Boxes, 26c extra. Children:
Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, 25a. v ,
ladies' Day Trlday. j
Boya under 13 free to - bleacher
Sixth and Horrison, Opp. roatoffloa.
Rent a Piano
You will want a piano in your
home" this Fall . and Winter. It ,
will afford you much pleasure.
Perhaps" your- f eet - that- you are -not
ready to purchase tha piano
you desire to own. Most musl-.,
clans look forward to the time
when they will own a Steinway
Rent a piano from us and all
money paid as rent, up to six '
months will be applied toward the ,
purchase of a Steinway or other
We have the largest stock of
pianos in the olty and the finest '
line of the oU standard, reliable
makes. v
A. B. Chase
The cost of Interments have been
areatly reduced by the Molman
Undertaking- company.
Heretofore it haa been the custom of
funeral dlrectora to make charges for
all Incidentals connected with a fu
neral. The Edward Holman Undertak
lna com Dan v. the leadlna funeral di
rectors of Portland, have departed from
that custom. When casket ia furnished
by us we make no extra charaea for
embalming, hearse to cemetery, outside
box or any aervlces that may be re
quired of us, except clothing, cemetery
snd carriages, thus effecting a saving
of $25 to ITS on each funeral.
3 Days to Chicago
4 Days to New York
If you take the Yi
Electric-Lighted train de luxe
North Coast Limited
No Excess Fare
Reduced Fares East sn Oc
tober 4, over the Scenic Highway
through the Land of Fortune
Particulars upon request,
355 Morrison St, Portland
Streetcar Bewar lad William Far-
ret t. streetcar rowdy, arrested oa tha!
owl Falti ear after midnight ty Des-i
Mtj fherlfT W. P. LJllia. waa fined fit:
by Muot-lpJ Judge Frank 8. Bennett'
today. Numemua coanplainta hava been,
rwlred bv the authorities of the;
rowdrlsm Drevalline oa tha asl Fnltrt :
and Soutlr Portland, earn.
rsrUaaaeat-rr BmV Mrs. Vara-aret
rhrtatias will have charge f the f"o
tnm at Central W. C T. WMnnMir
afterttooa iihI firt a artlamentary drlU
In rnotn Vxdrtjh buil1- xij
Interested cordially Ilte4 te a Head.
Baavalaatlon ef Caaafremra Te ait-
tomot-de reststrv rwl will ld ei e.
aj&lnaUoa for chauffeurs ant Friday
SOBOS WOOBVOBTS, City ruwat Agn oa OorWtt BmJUlmr. .
r Rl Tf I PTIM - Cl A
S3 . -ew-j-i - a - V,; ,
haa contracted with the UNITED WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COH PA N'T for
the equipment with ireleew Instraments of the steamships "ROANOKE" and
"OBOROB W. ELIER." Altbengh theM boats have been equipped with wife
leaa tnstna tents for several years, tbey had the Massle apparatus, and as
tMs system has no land station, the outfits net of little rractll vain.
With the UNITED roncorn s chain of coast stations the boats wUl bo able
to keep In tench with land at all Uinea on thotr runs to Baa Frenelsoo,
from rortland. 1
JUDGE ROTAL A. OtTfMHOX. of lenean, Alsska, Ms Wn epiwnted
.)akn. His 4otl i wtU be ta take cat ot the legal Interests of the Cowy
pa ay in the North. .
The Big Paint Store"
llinnfaclnrtrs and Jobbers ETcrjUilog la Pilati
Ttie Healer
Edw. Olney
was greeted by
a n appreciative
audience Bunday
evening In Wood
men of the World
Temple. The Ol
ney syatem of
healing Is a groat
boon to humanity.
People whose
cases are pro
nounced hopeless
are healed In one
or two treatments.
One gentleman
with asthana ofli
years standing healed In two trent-
menta. In place of writing, rail; be
healed. Oet free booklet and names
of those healed. Parlors. BresUn
hotel. 412-4 Wah. 8t Honrs. a.
to p. m. Consultation ire.
Hi- j
I 1 9 i I
Writ for estaliis ee aa4 tirleea m
wor Blr. ehlssnev Mi araia tJlo,
water, well and cnlvw rt t pip lm
sepOe tacks, eta. . .
C6i I lutlstfei 'Snrcr Pipe C.
a at. rBOarr mw
- '
Geary Street, above Union Square
Jnst eeneam Besd 8c Vraaos
Eoropeaa Plan $1.60 a day vp
Amencan Plan $3.00 a day n
He- wl sad Wick sn m ram. Fwni4 at
tmmt wt llO ee. Er torrjon mr4 c
n1 Oacaalis l ussa Isrr as aa soer
ettv. Ornabi n-taa as4 te
. tend tsr esuet K map W tea I raoejace
niM aa Foeeira f7n1 ,
flClU CO- t V AO I TT, I i
tMIMt, t i.