Vs. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 23. 100ft LJLMU, ..-J HI- DUDES HE FOR DEATH OF HIES )iiane'LiiMnr.ffJr Bmimj all rmp. iiunme 2 fiEns Southern' Taflfic Extension From Crabtrco to Be Built Soon Franchise Asked of Lebanon Council for Use r of Streets; Manuel Hal lack Jfakcs Star tling: Charges in Di vorce Action. Charrea that a cruoL necleotful mother left cupa of concentrated lyl iid earbotlo acid where her children cuuld reach them and that two chll- dren lot their Uvea by drlnklnr the I con tan t ef th cups are charged In I me circuit court ry ffldavlta filed In ' (BcecUl Plapatcfc te The Joaraal) ' Albany. Or. Sept J. Right of war a Titian ob for the extension of the Southern Pacific from Crab tree h . btn a ecu red and today deed vera filed In th Una county rcorjJerg of ' S to la UiU city. Nine dead vera made out to tha Oregon California Railroad . company: by Mary J. Soderburr for 11160; Sueen J. Drewater for 11000; 3. A. Brewater for W00; C V. Ora- ham for liooo: J. W. You a a" for $400; rnu nnrlrh for 1700: Buean J. Cott reU for 1850; O. II Smith for 11160; C B. Montagus for $3500; C. M. Rathburii for 81S00 and O. W. Cruaon for 11000. Th. railroad com cany haa presented an ordinance to the city council aakiny for a franchise ta run tracks along and aoroee certain atreeta. It la axpeoted that tha company will ba granted the franehla and that wow win atari at ' Ann. y The bridge across tba Ban tiara will ba erected Juat north of the county wagon bridge. ' (mUBDERS BROTHER; " , FACES PRISON TERM L RivM-fal niinatrh to The Journal. Seattle. Waah.. 8ent. 2S. Jean For- tier, on trial for the murder of his brother Michael laat May, was found ; guilty of murder In the aecond degree 1 this afternoon. The jury waa out tone hours. Fortieths attornya gave notice . of an appeal. They uaed the lnaanlty . plea in their fight to aave Fortler irora ine gaiiowa. i Georjre F. Van Derveer. the prosecut ing attorney, announced after the ver dict had been read that he would rue ' an Information against Fortler chanting htm wltii the murder of hla brother' wife, Mrs.- Marie Fortler. 'Fortler la alleged to have ehot hla brother, etole a team of horaea by forc ing a small boy to turn them over to hlra at the point of a gun,. then driving to the Fortlers' home, where he called Mra. Fortler to the door and ahot her. She died within a few days. Manuel liaJlack to support his refuaaj to pay ajimonv to (Jura IX ilailack. wnom ne ta suing ror ojvorca. uauacx aiiea-a has leen poealbly that a - third child permanently Injured by the cruel treatment of Its mother. Me ia now taking niring a nurse with mone care of the child, a monev borrowed from .hla brother, ba ave. Ha obtained i a restraining order a Tew days ago to I prevent airs.' liallarlc from kidnaping the child, aa aha attemuted to do one mam iaat wee a. Tell In a tha aiorv of tha other chil dren, Jlailack aaya that hla wife placed Cheater, I years old, on a high chair nuar a table ona day last March. The child reached a cup of ooooantrated lye and drank it. dying afterward In great agony. , Tha body of tha child is alleged its limbs dollar. jpSmj;;. 'Ranges li , , -- ' FX GOOD PLACE TO T-RDElTI BjjafjjjjBjjjafJaaaftJajaaJs Cloiing of the season grid windup tale of Acorn. Di rect Action and Garland Gas Stoves and Ranges. s alleged to have shriveled up until mill were no largei r. Tba other chll lack, la alleged to have died from drink 'ger than a stiver hi Id, Violet Hal- -TAXICABBIES QUARREL ; SKULL IS FRACTURED ...-..aecll Dlttch tr Th Toflnial.T ' Seattle, Wash., Sept 26. Because he took hla comrade to task for being stub born when accosted by the police. H. K. Fisher, a driver of the Seattle Taxicab company, was struck on the head with ..a heavy monkey wrench wielded by Louis Stabler, another driver, in the . . garage at 1403 Broadway, . , FluUer skull waa fractured. He was . taken to the Seattl General hospital. Immediately After the assault Stabler -was discharged from the employ of ; the taxicab, company, . He J la now a ? fugitive. ' A-- - . i Both Fisher and Stabler had been ,.j arreaiea ior violating the ordinance lng carbollo acid placed on the1 sink woere uie cuiiarin were aoouatomea to drink. Hallack ImDtfaea to hla wife a da. aire that the children mla-ht die. al Wing that aha once told him, "I will not raise any children for you," at I the soma .time calling him a vile nam. Hal lack says hla wife works in a restaurant and la able to defend the divorce . suit ha has brought Ha is out of work, h says, and unable to pay tha flOO that aha ha demanded aa auit money. Mra. I Baldwin, who Is nursing th surviving child, has made an affidavit supporting ilallack'a cnarres arainat nia wire. Mrs. naiawin says that when Mrs. Hallack came.' to tha house and tried to steal" th child aha .pretended to be very friendly until .the llttla ona was in her-arms. Th resulting com. motion brought 100 people to tha place ai miunifrni. ama wnen ine nurse again took chara-e of the child, aha sava. aha louna inu in innuman mother had pincoea it unui it was black and blue. 131.00 Direct Action Range. .. .f 23.80 $33.00 Direct Action Range... fa-a.TO, $39.00 Atom Rang. , . f 26.30 $50.00 Direct Action Range. ....y...f 39.00 $35.55 Carland Range.... faT.OO' $4175 Garland Range. 32.50 fJOIIOESO 0II NOT AUTHORIZED Portland Man Makes Inter esting Statemens on -;, ' f Coinage. '', Water Power Washing Machines During the afternoon shopping hours we were last' week compelled to turn away many patrons who would not wait until our salesmen could get around to therri. We have more salesmen this week; but would like to suggest tcuour friends the comfort and convenience of shopping in the morning.' ; , We call special attention to the fact that we have everything necessaryto furnish your home complete. One small payment each month is all that is required. Kitchen Safes forSM 0 i Mad oi hardwood, well finished, 26 inchea wide, 79 inches high and 16 inches deep. Exactly aa illustrated, excepting there ii no glass in upper doors. Remember, the price is the lowest ever -made in Portland on these. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD sBjrrK4M Mvssa ft? toe We are agents for the celebrated Coffield Washers. Jtf i guaranteed to do the work. Put hot suds in machine, 1 1 w1 drop in your clothes, attach hose to water faucet (cold), turn on the water, and your washing will come out white and clean in ten minutes. Three styles. - Tills $90.00 TTircc-PIccc Dining Salt Special at $69.50 True mission style, weathered finish, large buffet, rood china closet, and six-foot table, three oiecea. i . .- 'f ' . . - . -.' " . i 20, 025 and $33 One "Dollar Down, One Dollar Weekly. While tha .coinage -of money- la one i among the essential features of this government and tha finished product In circulation cornea within tha cos. session at one time or another of every citisen,therjB iesa knowiLof ah his tory of the coin than any work done by the government or any necessity used by th people. Especially is this true of the early coinage A Portlander. who has given consid erable study to numismatics Is D. A. I Browne, 814 Bavler street, who has the toiiowing to say upon furiosities In I.UUI - j. . 1 Of coins of the tenth century I might state there are very few people who know much about them.' I am re minded or many curious racts about an i early oolnag whlclt-ia vry little known I outside of numismatic circles. For instance, how many know . that the I .V. v -A 2 V Royal Gran ite Special Ten-quart Granite Dish Pans, worth 45c, now.......25f &.SS.e3 governing automobile traffic. At tha I words "B Plurlbus Unum" which have , Kfse risner complained that Stabler'i . habit of talking back to police patrol i"'? rajBln" Prejudice against V"" onren. i n argument raged until Stabler hit Fisher with th heavy arage Fisher complained that Stabler' appeared on various united States cuius ana are on tne standard silver dol-1 iar ana tne nicKei o cent piece of to day were never authorised by law to oe so piace a. Vry fewj no doubt, know that the later motto, 'In God W Trust." which appears on all the minor coins was like wise originally stamped on them with' OUt authority from the covernmnnJ The" motto 'E Plurlbus Unum' first ap peared on an American coin in 1788. Ther was no mint then and in fact no United States. The constitution form ing the union not having as yet been adopted. There was a private mint at Newbury, N. J., and hi Plurlbus Un um" was ilrst placed on a copper coin strucK at mat mint. very rew col lections have specimens of this coin. It is very valuable. In 1787 a New Tork goldsmith coined a piece of money which waa known aa tne sixteen dollar uoia Dlecs and unon it tha motto was stamped in this form, "Unum E Plurlbus." . Only four of these coins are known to b In existence. They are valued at mora than S2000 each. New Jersev Issued various copper coins In 1787 with the motto stamped upon them. A great many of our early coins before ther was any legal authority for na tional coinage were mad in England, most of them were coDDer and wera coined for different states and all bore the words "E Plurlbus Unum." The IT. I S. mint was established In 1793 but tha use or tne national motto on any of the goia. silver or copper coins was not authorized Or directed by any of the pruvisioni or ine act estaDiisning It. The motto remained on our early gold and sliver coins until 18S4 when It was omitted from the cold coins. In 1M It was omitted from th 26 cent pieces una in is. i irora an silver coins it was not stamned on any coin inln until It appeared oh the nickel and the sianaard Sliver aonar. The words "In Ood We Trust" were first placed on the 3 cent piece which came Into ouf subsidiary coinage in 18, but is now no longer part of It. The motto was placed there by di rection of James Polloc. then director of the mint at Philadelphia, and not by any legislation of conrrena in- thorlxlng the minting of the t cent piece. The motto was suhKeriitentlv stamped on our silver half and nnarter dollar, the mint thus boldlv derlarlnr tne rneoiosirai status or the country rerardles of the constitutions! attl tude on th subject. BUILD P0WEB PLANTS - ALONG LINK RIVEE , ' (Special Dumateb to The Journal.) Klamath Falls, Or., Sept 25 It is : the intention of the reclamation service to make preliminary arrangements for the establishment of power plants along u.ua n"i. iiio Buverument already owns one site on th west side of th 'iver ana an option haa been taken on another site on the east side. The "waier ior ine latter win te taken from ' ma- Anaeny canal which passes through the city and which jras re cently declared a nuisance by health . vi.i icers. ' Th power to be created will be used in operating pumping stations in con nectlon with the Klamath reclamation project The complete drainage of the mniBu oiea oy me rauroad grade will b accomplished by pumping. This wouia reclaim about 40,000 acres of . .iicn na wunin a very rew years. In Every " Package of Crisp, Delicious, Golden-Brown Post Toasties There a Little Book, -Tid-Bits made with Toasties' It tell how Post Toasties improve two dozen or more familiar dishes. at Grocers. "Th Memory Uners' . UsOM, Craek, SOea. Closing Out Sale Three thousand yards of this well known, fabric, priced IN ROLL LOTS, PER YD. 79$ IN CUT PIECES, PER YD. 89 SEWED AND LAID, YARD 99 20c fhcYd. Ml DavcnporJs Grcally Redoccd $27.00 Gate-Back Davenports . . . . . ; . . . . r. :. . . .t: ;Sj1900 $35.00 Golden Somersaultic Davenports S2650 ......... 331.00 $45.00 Mission Somersaultic Davenports Special Sale pi Twenty Patterns at ACTUAL COST In this sale are included six patterns of Fine Dressers made by John Widdicomb Co. of I r-l ,jn-!J. ! a urana xvapias. 1 ''''"''jl I ... ... .-. ....... . .. ,, .a:, -.1, L. J saar r m r. aw w-m m m - v Ubthh MM sm oi E9i, mam m : m vi m :m c j m st sz sv-ai r s k x wi z. .t "w. t. apppsr..., ,mf i Best $10.00 Heater Thfs Heater, nsually sold ft $11.75, we are putting out this season at. 10.00 Castiron lining,- eastiron bottom, ctsttron top and front door, nickel top rim, urn and legs, lift top, screw draft, takes 13-inch wood. We claim this is the biggest and best in Portland for the price. i i - 1 ri --, t 1 f ' Special price this week on good - Jap Matting 50c a Set Special ' price this week. Carvinfl Knife and Fork 3r.i?iNE rours office AT PAN FRANCISCO Heart ffawa br tsmtnt Vnm4 Wlr.l Washington. Kent. 2S. A dlvlalnn of. iii-e ot ine marine corps win t eatab nanea 11 nan r ranciaro October 1. Mar jor Henry l- Roonevelt will ba in rh,r.. of the office Dlabnraement a a .11 ktnda. except for public works and trans portation or mannea. will tve mtl. from thla offlc. The arnanrement win h of nrrai omrii 10 ronirsciors and others recelvlar money from th mirh. on th Pacific coaat. as It will save momii aaya-ta tne receipt of money I John tfatr. omm rjonfer. fM1al Dtomtr a. Tha l.l The Ill, Sept. Si -John Oate, f 4 years of are. died at the hnm. r Ki. daughter. Mr. WlUlam r"rlseli t Cas cade Lorka Tuesday nlrbt. He was b"m lD Hot In county. Kr, VlrrrlT 2 111. Whan 1 of are he moved to Ifieaourt. and en ard In farm ina until a rt rst ( alifornta by tha aMsrvrv of r,14. Me " "rri-y 10 nerab fi. 'trie. Feb ruary J. M7. H; wife in ivi. ftity ta itt. rmtr cMirtreai were Ii r.f wtima ar llvirg. Mr. Oatea. I tm anrin. . lata yin4 a trtf of fry4 hunt-r-a. awi ieaylrr fcla wife and Infant iirttn with Mra Gt' Larnia crowi lha lain to California, an4 mined about larysville, accumulating several thou sand aoliara. tie in n umiuci v 1851 ha started for .home by way of the Panama route, and rejoined hla family In November. Mr. uatea, in 1853, again aUrted for the Pacific coast, accompanied by nia wue ana da-rf.-Vria at Portland In October. and the first winter waa epent at Wap- PORTLAND GIRL'S. VOICE WINS PLAUDITS IN THE OLD WORLD Mm. Edith Harcka is another Port nato lake. The roiiowinn rwr 1 , ' . - ., . moved to Lana county. attUng on Long lander who baa won dletlnctlon tn tba young man apparently am-rwn i " Z,. r- on aay ourina- n man raa iww v"".' Tom river, IS miles from Eugen. where Mr. Gates assistea in tncunf m ' flouring mill In that part of ths vVllla raett valley. - H lived at hU place on Long Tom river until 1881. when he TS'WI hta'fad.0"- AN INCIDENTAL SWAP OvereoaW far Watch, Watch Traaad for Othmt Tlat ls amd afoawy. An incident of Tank aagacfty and business amima waa rvja, oy J, nmaii Th cop a oami dealer offered practically nothing for th rmrment". A wan ad In tha "awap Inmn of Th JournWI wa iorfMted. The young man tried and wa delvred with offers of various rtlci in i- r.anre for bl top rarmenta. Tha-moat accettable offer waa an fcJgln watch. which, after an elimination waa takaa to trad for tb tw overooata. Having roe Wlio witi-h in n 11m verrture this traoer go 1 vwao habit. It a'lverUae U wtf aain for trade offer, AS rult of the aocnd trad ha waa th jeaor ef li la r"ld and an epesj f" wau-h of th SJtnie majiufaetar. t bis youca naa ta atlll Iradinf Ha la bt na ar xhm many harrr patrons of Tha JnaraaJ tmtun.n. n no iwt r it, 10 reveal y'r Identity nle rea cr Uv as ire H ad 4 atam or Mrni "vwap" a ta t rnr AlsooaaJ at Tba Journal offtc.. muslo field and has returned to Fort- land with a, measure of success crown' ing her efforts. Mme. Harcke was M3a (Mark, a daughter of Mra. Bessl Clarke and a enter or Clark Bros., noriats. She haa been visiting with her mother for a few weeks and w4ll leav tomorrow for Now Tork. here ah will sing in concert tinder the management of li. H. Hanaon. who managea th tours of a 'number of big artists. In March she will sail for Germany to fill aa engage ment In grand opera. As Miss Clarke, th sopran lived In Portland many years ago. For the past five year ah has studied la Berlin under th famous teacher. Gorg Ldr, who bears th honorary title of kammer aenger. - lierr Leder was for IS years draroatlo tenor -in the opera at Lelpsio ana nas been ona or in leading inatruo tore In Germany for yeare. lie com menda his Dupll'e voice highly. Mine. ' Harcke haa a soprano . vole wnicn oy the entice is pronouncedncn. pure ana nign. sn nas a large reper toire, embracing 17 roles, from th lead ing operas, and 'most of the standard oratorios and song from the .classic and modem com pox era. She is said to combine vole, method, style, intellect and personal charm, and she has ceedlngly flattering press notices from leading papers In Germany and In New xork.- She also bears the indorsement or many prominent musicians and crit ics. It is a natter of regret that her urn ell not permit her to rive a con cert in Portland before leaving. Through out her concert work she la accompanied oy Jienry uarca. - BOY STEALS HONEY TO BUY SCHOOL BOOKS ' . tapaetal Map. Tha law sal I Mnaoew, Idaho. Sept. IS.-The sneart peculiar aod aeneatlonal raaa of ur rlary e-ver known In this section ha juat ben bro.jrM to Ita-ht her. T ateJ a Hlcyel to rid to Jtd frn-m th Idaho aitat vntveralty. and a few daya later break Jnta a store tn tba snail hour ef th Alrht. ta a euh reantr for th purpo of Nrinnf money, with wrlch ta mir-haaa awki to b a4 In tha nnlvarwl'r. was the f taa oatllrM and ee tfnily ramd nu cvec-tloa tf Oordoa K.te, th 14-rear-nJd' ao of Thnana Ete. pr re farmor llvtna; aWat atx saUe tren kIocw. POrCLAK KALAMA GIRL "WEDS BOSTON MAN (SjpaeUl Ptapatck ta Tba lowrvtL) Kalam. Waatu, Sept ?l. At th nom of th bride parent, Mr. and Mr. Adelbert D. Clary of k'al&ma, 00 Wedaaday afternoon. Miss Wlnnlfred Lona, thia daorhter. was given la marriaa to Harold 8rDeetvedt ef Bos ton, Mas-. Bar. W. K. Cox. pastor of the M. K. chnrch. offlciatlnc. Mra. oalaaohn a wdiner tnaj-rh waa played by Mr. If- A. TarVir. and In th march th antnlater, pnotnaid and boat man preceded th brtria and groom. M:as Garnet Witen arting aa brl1einald. and W. P. Mofft bt man. Th cere mony Wa performed In th preaenc f iscbtr, ef in rt ted friends of th contracting parties. . , Refreshments were served In the dining room. ' Miss Clarey la one of Kalama s moat popu lar young ladles, while Mr. Syunesvedt Is treasurer of th Northwestern Fish eries company of Boston, and a young man of excellent '. Attainment . and marked success. - 1 OonncOman Roelgns. ' (Silera Buret a ef The Joanul.) ' "J' Salen. Or., Bept 6. Counerhnaa Fred R. Water of ward No. 1 ba r signed for tha reason that ha haa re moved into another ward. A a u ocas so to Mr. Waters win be elected at tha next meeting of th counplL r. UGGESTIONS LEMON SETS ." SANDWICH TRAYS - MAYONNAISE SETS aaBaaaaaaanBWaa- Ideal wedding gifts, leing useful and beautiful and at the same time inexpensive. Displayed in great variety and of the very latest designs of the siiTersmith. Must be seen to be appreciated. ' , . SS-2S5 WashLiton Street, Between Fourth and Fifth , ' Leading Diamond Importer, Jewelers and Optidaris S S I 1 A