The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 24, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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.. , , . ggggfgggggggtir
U ft JACk-OK . Pbll.h.f
faMMtoe rttry "iln lifpt "'M "l
r nwnlna .1 The Jean.! N M
Inf. nlfc al VasiMll air!, l-urll.. 1.
., .1 .1.. ,, i..Mt-. .1 fertUM. Or .
All 4 van turn ! r.-h-1 br b auiM"- .
Tail ik mTt. wbai oVrtpit rm waul.
tWtamta A Kmi O... H-nawlik ntMtat.
tis Klfll. a-nur. Ka Y.; louT-Oa ..-
building. Chiracs.
Tea tiI I" fll ! ilaa1.
t b effl of Tn Jnrnal'a Knllh rrnrr-
MiiiiitM, r. J. iiMi ';
llml. i antwcrll'tloiia ud aiWmarweiita
Will ba irW?d. '
Bi.Urrl.llna -in. br aiall ot I.. nr iJwi
Is; to Ualti-d lute, Canada of Urilou;
..."1.00 On atonlb 9-
Oaat fl SO ! Out month I -23
Oct rear IT.80 I Out month I .AW
Solitude fa Ronietlmes bent
And abort .retirement unfes
sweet return.
HIE COUNTRY cnn well believe
that the United StateB Is about
to pass Into a period of unsur-
Dassed prosperity. Sfens of
Jt were enumerated In The Journal
yesterday by Mr.' Benjamin of New
York.-. The Idle mills have resumed
and are running full time. After
looking over the country, business
men have bought heavily abroad
and the Importations for August
were the second greatest In history.
Newspapers, magazines and other
agencies of publicity are carrying 25
to 30 per cent more advertising than
last year, both local and foreign en
tering Into the increase. Old ad
vertisers have increased their space
and new ones have appeared. In
every part of the country building
activity has reached a high tide rec
" ord never before touched. New
York bank balances, an unfailing
barometer of the health or illness
of the country's business, never ap
peared more favorable. Such are
the omens Mr. Benjamin points to
and tbey are good ones,
1 And there are others. Prices, ac
'". cording to statisticians, are back to
the high water mark touched before
the panic of 19 07. There Is scarce
ly a line In which not only the, top
figures of that period have not only
been reached, but passed. It is par
ticularly noticeable in farm prod
ucts, which are peculiarly sensitive
to business conditions of the coun
try at large. In these there is re
flection of a stimulus such as indus
try and commerce has seldom seen
A further omen of the universal
lpulse toward an unusual activity
the vast volume of gold pouring
from the mines Into the lap of in
duBtry. The mines are yielding as
at no other time in the world's his
tory. In almost every gold produc
ing district on the earth there is an
increased output. In this country
n 10 years Ihej circulation has risen
flO or $12 per capita. It is human
experience that great periods of gold
production have been invariably at
tended by unusual world prosperity.
The launching of capital enterprises,
the construction of great railroads,
great plants and great buildings, the
universal enlargement' of activities
and larger conceptions and exploita
tion In all fields of endeavor is the
product of such periods. Apart from
the question of how it may fare
with the average man, we may well
believe a great commercial, indus
trlaf'and financial movement has
begun In the United States and
that we are to witness, a period of
very marked business activity. v'
for 1809, Portland la credited with
a population of 130,000, and Scat-
tit with 2f,000. The Hrd Hook
1 very widely circulated puhllca-
itlon, found on all railroad IIhh and
In till the liotelii and other pubic
pltt of the country. II In a book
much consulted by tourlnts and
other, find an In the case of the
United 8intea renmm. It advertises
Portland hh one yf (ho minor towns
of (he radflc coat.
It la a uioHt unfortunate ultua
llon It Is n condition (hat comU
Portland heavily In proetlge and
pood repute. It- exists in eplte of
the- fart that wo of Portland are ex
ploiting our r.00,000 cluh. Jt In
preHont In the face of the fart that
we are collecting great sums from
our people and spending It In pub
licity work. It is here notwith
Htandlng the fact (hat we have pub
he bodies devoted (a (ho upbuild and
t-xploltatlon of tho Hose City and It
lnterents. It exiRts in spite of the
efforts of The Journal, In season and
out of season, to secure for Portland
that classification on the census rec
ords and in current literature that
Is her Just duo.
TJjere ought to be a change. We
are a people blind to our own Inter
eats if we do not demand a change
We shall be disloyal and ungrateful
to that Portland that has been so-
good to all of us if we do not secure
a change. We shall be untrue to
our own individual business activi
ties, untrue to our own homes and
untrue to ourselves If we do not rise
to a full understanding of what this
never ending .. misrepresentation of
Portland means and apply a correct
ive that will correct.
A time to begin the campaign is
now, and the objective point should
be nest year's census. False enu
merations "by incompetent officials
were the beginning of the mis
statement. No censiis that was a
census or that anybody respected
has ever been taken. ' A farce pre
pared through political processes for
the sake of drawing salaries rather
than finding the true population is
what we have had, and it Is at the
bottom of the mischief. The thing
to do is to take means to prevent
In Oregon another census absurdity
like those to which we have been
' II I '
that date and by the enactment of
which it la honed to give Chrlatea
dom a sane and safe diet
The movement would seem to
challenge the attention of men. The
leaders In it are paying their own
expenses and aervlng without com
pensation. Their efforts are aolcly
In the Interest of humanity. Such
disclosures as the use of rotten eggs
be removed, and we aball all know
If only another lawyer now could be
ecured to find out whether Cook
got to the pole.
Not until two' days after Senator
Bourne's return to Portland n the
Orexonlan able to find apace to
chronicle, the event. Seven line auf-
ficed to cover the news. How time
for food aUniulated them along lnihve changed mnce me iegiaiauve
their activity. They have learned waalon of 103:
lht fhrt ArinltArntfira a m nalno tliAl f -
-f I . .. . At
Kftm rhomleil In rnrln JVOW inai Wiry allow II rol iiumu
food that the Egyptians used in em- ,ot "1ore n,oney procew.
halmlng the bodies of their dead. perhaps Multnomah citlfona wou.d
The evlla of adulterated foods fall "ot vo,p lo nave ine Bnerut lova lu"
heaviest on the poor. They are pnaouers.
lower priced than the genuine and
for that reason are most consumed
.u j j nrfachw doubt es feels that he U
strucdve of health, bnt they lack "gating the devil with fire.
In permitting smoking ut hla af
ternoon servlco for men, an Ohio
Many of them have
little or no food value, their cost
being many times what they are
worth In sustaining life. Observers
claim that the high mortality and
frail physiques among '.the poorer
classes is In part accounted for by
adulterated foods, rollktfncluded. By
chemical treatment, substances with
out life giving powers are made to
resemble, the genuine and are sold
as genuine on the- market. There
is u heavy profit In the industry, the
materials for the counterfeit cost
lng little and serving life even less.
It is because of the Inordinate prof-
Its that the extraordinary spectacle
is often presented of opposition to
pure milk and other pure foods. It
Is a case wherein profit is played
against human life with men soul
less enough to array themselves on
he side of profit. It is a clrcum
stance that makes the White Cross
movement a world benison.
Still. Joy riding is not aa fatal to
population figures as is the govern
ment census. ,
by muaa ovaanoLT.
Good bye, at raw hat; so long, old pal;
'tis hard to see you tro. -
You've stuck to me when I was full
n. V. ..n T ... ,.11 n mna
HERE Is feudlsm among the You have been sadlv at unon when we
school ma'ams of Adams coun- were with the boys.
That llvvttock ahow la treat
Oood avenlut; milk better, eht '
You're all right. Dr. Cook; no liar.
Anybody can get a Job In Oregon.
Portland ought to expand In area.
The great men will talk rather too
Protection Is a fine name for a great
fraud. '
t t
Let's see to It thkt we get a good
That was a grand opening the Gun
nlsuii tunnel. '
Let's save (he babies, and help them
to grow up.
coma to Portland
All great men
hence, Taft. '
Quality of mTk Is more Important
man us price.
Many aaloona a, still working for
aiauswiue proniDiiion.
A 1:11 gait doesn't beat the world's
record,, but It len t bad.
Peary will also get a welcome, but
ne nas partly spoiled it,
Oo out and see about the finest ani
mals on earth; It will do you good, i
"Tf all the profeaalonnl Joy riders were
klllod, the world would be no poorer,
It seems that neither Cook nor Pearv
brought any Pole back with them,
after all.
t t -s
A man prints It Annaktok. not Anna.
took, aa we have been wrltlnr. We're
regretful about this chanre. because of
remembering something that Anna took
when she was about 14. But she gave
It back, .all right.
Wheat aells for 7 eente In rrlnevllla.
oats .6. '. . .
Ijrge Inureasa In Ontarle achool at.
lentlanre. ' '
Willamette university "g'ounda will
! btttullfM. . ; ,
.Echo school attendance Is' II mora
than last year, , i :.
e e 1 ' , i. ., . . ,
Bnlendld trout fishing on Drift creek.
above Wwldport. - . . . 1
lWr rut ned a young JO acra orchard
In Curry county. - - j ,
, ,e . ' " - v
There has been only on Jury trial In
two year in Curry county.
Butts Palls mill, will probably run all
winter, moetly on railroad ties,
-e , ;
There will be an Immense lumber bus
iness bef6re long In the Wlleti region,
e e 1
Eugene expects a population of 18.000
next June, when the census -Is token,
- e
Three new linemen have been added to
Women in tho Public Ke. .
Princess K u n I,
-wife of l'rlnce
Kunl of Japan, Is
now -vlaJttnet - thla.
country. Tho prin
cess has accom
panied her hua.
band on his trip
and has expressed
berstlf aa highly
J.ieaaed with Amerce,
Women to the IWcue.. '
VEBT day bring to Jlgbt new
Instances where, women are re-;
- 1 i - - L . . . 4
yiaciua men or wnera iney are
'ireu vuimiov a,i ine same worK'
and make so good that they r
in. Wlliameue yaoey oorapany ioro iv, th- .,
ru or worx I " . "
they are put to the teat baa been
to keen ud with the large amou
about to be dona here, aays the Eugene
A recent example of hbw sucoeaa.
runy women can do man's work when
Curry county has a new Jail, built over chronicled In , m,mh- V 'l" " .,,
two years ago, but the Oold Heach Globe "'ni'nnum,be' t Vvrn sJl
saya It has never had Its doors oloaed .veKr th country. It la a tale of the
a criminal apd Is now used as a bos-1 Nebraska, grain . fields. Now,, hitrvest-
pftal for the poor. . . I loa not eaay work and It la nroh.
i e e i amy somewhat surprising to know of
A Hlllsboro man. tells the Araus. I American women enthuslaatlaaJlw an.
brought home a piece of jawbone from I gaging In such departments of labor
a whale that ta stranded on the Tllla-1 Wnrir nt .k.. -1 .
mook beoch. He worked on the carsass r'.'Z.,'Z:"'m'
awhile and brought home the piece as JTr V.r- iJ 11 ,,, if, ,.na
a relic. He staiea that his whaleshlp ar,","om ho "'H probably raise
was e0 feet long, weighed, estimated, 18 ,the 'anUlIar cry that women are crowd
tons. -and his jawbone, when stripped, ,n men out of their rightful work, but,
weighed 1&00 pounds. A rib was 10 as Is frequently the case, it Is the
, 1 r,r, tr a riA A n n .4 I n n V. k a a 1 - I . . . . .
.1.1 t tpi. i. , k 1 "u latuu ana . inia .case la no
.'in n.. i ,it inwuvuD wn ui. mi uu vnanriAn " .... wA
from the beach, over a cliff 110 feet DeruaJ h , ,: !, 1
In height He thinks that the leviathan perUBal " h following atory.
should have had credit In any port in
the world If Jawbone goes for any-
N SEATTLE! a number of butch
ers have been arrested on com
plaint of the deputy dairy and
food commissioner. The alle
gation is that the butchers UBed a
compound .called commercially "free1
aum," which preserves meat and
ha? the effect of , disguising -meat
dangerously near the line of decay
or which has already passed it. It
Is used mostly' In hamburger and
sausages, and among other effects
gives the meat the appearance of
freshness. The Post-Intelligencer
says it is a notorious fact that the
use of this or similar compounds is
widespread, Indeed, to the extent of
Injuring the trade of the butchers,
because people aware of the facts
refuse to use hamburgers and sau
The incident illustrates the ten
dency of the time. The chemistry
that made rotten-eggs salable, aids
In making meat that Is dangerously
near the spoiled limit, marketable.
With a little coloring matter and a
little gelatine, it can make straw
berry Jelly that never saw a straw
berry. Out of acids It can make a
counterfeit vinegar that passes cur
rent in the market for the genuine.
can make almost any kind of
(From a speech on a m of Ion to refer
the Roman. PAthnlln ntlHnn tfi a ram.
I Vmu'wa mnTA .. wKa. T w ,,11 I ... ... ... ...
ty, Washingtonand the sltua- "Sw i n.11 S ibw. KVJ"te5. l"e wno,e hou.!e' th!.-
tlon is as tense as the tltrht And In the morning early when my head " T" . i ""'" "'.ti,
iiou ia hh leuse hb ins ugm Ko, Let us reflect on the necessary limits
rope in a circus. The differences I You fit it Just the same, old pal, nojof all human legislation. No leglsla-
are not over the abstract question I matter if twaa large. i ture nas a rignt to make partial laws;
of Pornnrnl nnnUhmcnf for rmn!la " ' ' " Mi n no ngiii 10 maae arourary jaws
. k, .... r . youve nia in many noons, . I mean laws contrary to reason
or any otner aeoataDie topic or ul wnen you wmve rna cause that is beyond the power of the
scnooi government, wor aoes n in- It.B hard t0 part with anything that aelty- neither has it a right to Insti
volve nnv mipntlon nt femnlA fittir ever lent one style. tute any inquisition Into men's thoughts,
' I T ' A . ... . l.J 1 . 1. . 1 j J I , n . 1.. I. i -
or any gossip In which. a male man for a$e . religion, it can have no power to make
is concernea. u goes aeeper inra i biih i a nm uie man wno wro, in i a religion for men, since that would
the eocial pabulum In that realm T.f "'Jl.'. E .nA- win- be to dethrone the Almighty. I presume
where the school ma'am moves and beat new ones bv the score. " wulnot De arrogated, on the part
-j .-..--- And ao I aav. mooA bve. old haL and I of the Brltlsn legislature, that his ma
aaininunera nr ruie. t,n". ..hlnn ho.H I 1etv. hv and with the Hvlr nf the
A man caused all the trouble, ac- You re down and out, you re more than lords, spiritual and temnoraL can enact
cording to the Ritzville Times. He ripe; oia nat. you ve gone to seei. that he wliv appoint and constitute a
wan o nrnfPRBor In tho atata .nllo -rwir AT.ii!f T.iip Pi-APmra new religion for the people of this em-
I ' "vv"' I nlro er that hv a H nrnr In nn nnl 1
at Pullman and during an address at pea-ver any agubi. growing ,
a teachers' institute he declared that there," said the Salem liar. "But I ectB might be suspended. Nor will it
teachers should know how to nlav worked it pretty- slick. You see, I be contended, I apprehend, that any au-
' 1 won r a eto TTaf1 Tvt xr tw
on the censiiH records at
' Washington challenges fur
ther remark. "With an official
estimate in the census 'bureau that
this city's population in 1909 Is
119,607, Portland is heralded as a
, non,-growing, non-progressive town.
It Is largely from these records that
. the average business man in dis
tant states gtns his estimate of Port
land. He sends to the bureau for
information, and as in the case ciifd
" in these columns yesterday, the di
rector gives Portland a standing but
little removed from the village class.
Investors, homes'-ekrs among the
, wealthier Classes, and others who
- count, feeding on this false report.
. very naturally get a
foods tha't to all appearance are
toothsome and wholesome, but which
are worthless in food value. It
makes fruit extracts out of other
things than fruit, and they bring
the price in the market, but are
practically valueless. It makes drugs
for the sick which for curative pur
poses are worse than worthless. It
originates deleterious preparations
that are put in milk to preserve it
just as "freezum" is used in spoil
ing and spoiled meats. The part
that chemistry plays in these coun
terfeit foods is the reasoh why the
important office of dairy and food
aommissioner has been established
in all the states, and for which com
petent, conscientious and aggressive
incumbents are everywhere essentia!.
r.n .m Va.A.l nfcW mv. a v e I 4 VM,I 4 n el at a Aa 1HlaiIel.. 1 A
cards and dance and Should be able cottonwod tree and in the anrin lo. e h. hwhamiM whoi.
to instruct yonng people In these ipon sftie blooms disappeared the ever belongs to the authority of Ood,' or
forms of amusement. Naturally, frCtsf 'twmttri: t0 of, nature' 18 cesSariiy be-
the statement afforded grounds for
controversy. The younger school
ma'ams present applauded the dec
laration to the echo, and the pro
fessor was emboldened to elaborate.
I always notice that where there's
will tnerea a lawyer."
yond the province and sphere of human
Institution and government. The Roman
Catholic, when you disqualify rjim - on
"Ha," said he assuming a Consldlne the , ground of his religion, may, with
attitude, "What, ho, varlot. Am I a great Justice, tell you-that you are not
mere actor that I draw unto me eggs?" v.. th.t hA nnV moM or fa-Mon
He raised his eyes and mw passing H, ,B,h hv vn --. ' Wh on.
'u' " 7UU,UBJWU iu wwiui.!,.. ?lm"ww,tf1. bli faith by your decrees. When
The more advanced ground he took Jhh? ctXIrreis Ind Uan goes out of his sphere, and
ine more explosions or approval
T IS not forgotten that until re
cently rotten egs had a com
mercial value-. They were bought
and sold in the 'markets for a
value that could be put on them for
U6e as human food. They were
treated chemically, sold to bakers,
prejudice j made Into pastries and thence went
againRt I ortiano. its apparent fall into human stomachs as a daily diet.
nre to grow la accepted as evidence - Tln industry consumed thousands
that it is dead, that Its resources
. are not capable of sustaining a larcf
i population, and that therefore It is 1
not a fit city for investment r '
: nomesecking. I
In any city, population Is the key'
to the question of what are th- as- j
uf dozns of the .ilthy and' unwhole
some eggs, until pure food experts
exposed the secret to a disgusted
public. The Incident is illustrative
of the depths to which commercial
ism will stoop In ita greed for gain.
Twentv-one countries are to be
eta. There must ha material re-! represented at a gathering In Paris
sources with which to -ustain and net month In which adulterations of
maintain population or there can he I food will be the them of dlacus
no large c(ty. If there is larfrejston. All that the world has learned
growth it la an unfailing sign that; on the utject will be available at
there are large assets, and If then' the congress. The gathering Is the
are large aasets it la an unfailing i second of four to h held under the
ign that ther are large opportuni-! aupioes of the Society of the White
ti. By this Infallible test. Port- j Cros. the first haTlng taken place
land has swept into a position of ; at Onera last year. The third oc-
great protnlneace with more than a
quarter of a million Inhabitant. !ut
ke ! catalogued at Washington a
a !eal tow,f 11,C7 popvjUtioa.
Nor ia this alL la the Red Bok
. l- " - ,
curs at The JIagae next year and
the fourth at London fn Ull. The
last will formulate and recommend
legislation that will embody the
findings of scientific research . to
there were among the teachers still
in maidenhood.
But a change came over the face
of nature. Another man in the per
son of the county superintendent
shied his castor among the applaud
ing misses. He said he had attended a
circus and had seen the monkeys
dance. He did not, he said, consider
that extraordinary Intelligence was
required to learn how to dance. A
salvo of applause came from the el
derly school ma'ams and the battle
was Immediately and aggressively
on. A pretty maiden recently from
Minnesota, burning with rage at the
allusion to the dancing monkeys and
aflame with indignation at the ap
plause of the older wielders of the
birch, jumped to her feet and shout
ed: "See the old hens; see the old
By this time, the show was worth
many times the cost of admission.
Pandemonium, reigned, according to
the statement of the Ritzville paper.
For a time the discussion overshad
owed all other concerns of the insti
tute, but the next day the "Pullman
professor slightly modified his views
and the storm blew over.
Meantime, apparent peace is on the
surface, but beneath the fires are
F.mouldering. Adams county is the
scene of a controversy in which those
concerned reck not who found the
pole. On bot.h sides there are those
of the sex that always manages to
have the last say, and one faction has
been compared to monkeys and the
other called "old hens." The prayer
ful should send up their petitions for
the relief of Adams county.
boxes, followed by butter of every de- he will legislate for God, he would, in
Hcripuons. in vain aia me aviator sin ve i met, maice nimsen uou
But this I do not charge upon the
parliament, because. In none of the
to climb higher; he had reached his
"Any time I outfly butter arid eggs,
it won't be when I'm going up, " said
the aviator as he slowly munched a day after the Inauguration of President
piece of bread which was spread with! Taft commenced to restore to public
In Nebraska when the grain harvest
was ready there was a great dearth
of help. Thla condition, It might be
said, extended through all the west
this year. Three dollars a day, board,
lodging and washing did not attract
the city man. The college tftetudents
wont to the rescue in large "numbers,
but their numbers were limited, and
when a farmer at Beatrice. Nh nt.
penal acts. ha. the parliament Imposed 'er? She r? 'h?
a rellgtous creed. The qualifying oath. Themselves. ' ' " " C"
Rel igion Independent of Government By Henry Grattan
Democrats and the Opportunity.
From the Oklahoman.
Grover Cleveland was elected by Dem-
control the lands which had beelf w!th-
drawn by .President Roosevelt. Within
the month of March alone he reatoVed
millions of acres of such lands .and con
tlnued to restore other millions in April;
ocrats at a time when the outlook for and no sooner had he commenced to re
Democratic success seemed not nearly store these lands than water companies
so favorable as the chances for Demo-j commenced to take oveithe water fnw
era tic success in lsis now appear. Home-j lieges for electrical purposes,
une utfitiauB lb was i emu mm
the Democratic party could always ha
counted upon to make a fool of itself
Just at the time the outlook for -its
success seemed the brightest, unfortu-
Kw n wT wili democracy make a I)ont,ca, rather than a mral v,aw '
I foo' o7its7f in 1WlI21?tCn,0cracy Blake affairs To have held against Ba. lngor
Franklin Pierce, an eminent N
lawyer and author of that excellen
nomical wok, "The Tariff and the
Trusts," In a recent communication to
cratlc opportunity in a manner that and, t?hc?ck' ".T.'f "f?T?w!
Many Prove Poor Politics.
From the Pendleton East Oregonlan.
It is now explained' that in ruling in
' favor of Ballinger, President Taft took
. T v would have disrupted the cabinet, for
iuZt Zr Hitchcock too Is lined up with Ballinger.
Ilent eco- . ... , ,r,i,,.
a life long corporation' lawyer, is nlso
of the same way of thinking as Balliajref
politic to have decided against these
ineii una ugttiiiBi liiu pncuui itn-jitii.
back of them. On the other hand it was
easy to say that Glavis was wrong and
to kick him out. He is a small man.
But if the president acted as he did
because it was the "easiest way out'
he acted unworthily and he has shown
himself a shortsighted politician. He
should provoke earnest thought.
say s :
No other party in the history of the
world has ever failed to recognize the
existence of Issues on which it could
triumph aa has that party. Not one
Democratic leader in a hundred appre
ciates the popular force which' might
11 1 I I a . n J A , . . V. T"l
Tl, A l.t.lAl. K411 ....."-t ... '- "- .-o".
Of the seven that traveled at the
pace that kills at Seattle yesterday
morning, two have hopes. The oth
ers are dead, or the objects of se
rious concern In hospitals for the
wounded. If given" plenty of rope,
joy ridinK might automatically re
form itself through lack of further
raw material.
It is well that the postmaster gen
eral has been here and seen for him
self. Otherwise, the census bureau's
guessing at onf population might
have dropped the Portland pot mas
tership from the presidential class.
Three straight victories for the
week ao far Is a pennant pace. It Is
a jUme.wbea one woald rather be
on the basebal team than a mem
ber of the committee to welcome
the president.
A lawyer has bora retained to find
oat whether or not Conk elfmb4
Mownt MbKlnJey. Happy thought,
for the last venttg of aoofct will aew
publican party
enacted imposes duties upon 4000 or
5000 separate imports which will amount
to about $500,000,000 during the com
ing year. A great proportion of these
articles are practically prohibited from
Import because the duties are so high,
but these duties although they will bring
probably about 1250,000,000 to tSOO.000.
000 Into the treasury, allow the manu
facturers of the country through com
binations to increase their prices over a
reasonable price to the extent of the
doty, an1 they will extract during the
year at least $1,500,000,000 of the hard
earned money of the consumer. Thus
9i0,no,000 consumers, more than three
fourths of whom depend upon their
earnings by manual labor and In clerical
work, and all of whom ha Ve comparative
ly little money, are required by the gov
ernment to pay that $1,500,000,000 of
enhanced profit to manufacturers to
swell their tens' of billions of dollars
nf wealth accumulated through past
tartffa Infamous for their Injustice. Tens
nf millions of the poor .are required by
this law to take a considerable part of
their hard earnings to unjustly enrich
the few, manufacturers. If the leaders
of the Democratic party had brains
-nnugh to appreciate such a situation
and courage enough to present It to the
people, they would . blow the Republi
can Twrtr so high , that the .laws of
gravitation would not art upon It,
There ts but one end of legtslatini.
In our- dar. and that Is to rare for spe
cial Interests. , The ordinary legislator
dfea not seen to appreciate any other
object. Deputy Comptroller Kan, for
many y-ears ta the offlc of the comp
troller of the ecrrency at Waa'olngtnn, re
cently eaid: f the it acts amendatory
of the oHgjnel enartnent referring te
the aaitlonal cocking act) which be-f
been opt"d etnee that date February
2a. 11(1) practically all have been In
the litTt ef s-reter latttode f ptiv
IW te the hanks;" and he tel't
that It ran He said that none rf tbew
aeta h4 fnr Ita e)ct the peculiar r4-
fare ef the tr." Mr. future-.
secretary of the rntertor, on the a-t
before the country. Elected as the
friend of Roosevelt land as the oropnr
man to carry out the work started by
Roosevelt he has turned his uuck upon
the Roosevelt policies the first time he
has been put to the test.
It cannot be denied that In indorsing
Secretary Ballinger as he did the pres
ident struck a heavy blow at conserva
tion and at all those who have been
working to protect the-publlo from cor
porate greed. Qlavle had discovered that
valuable coal lands had been filed upon
by "dummy entrymen" for a syndlcat.
That the entrymen.- were "dtrnmles"
goes without" 'individuals couM
not have developed): the - Alaska cpa
fields. The entrymen were being "used"
Just as thousands - of - entrymen were
used by the timber syndicate in secur
ing control of the timber of the west
The entrymen would have gotten but
trifling aums for their claims; the coal
syndicate would bare - gotten valuable
property that should have been retained
by the government until It could be de
veloped In the Interest of the general
public. '
It will be Interesting to hear from
Glavis the full particulars as to the
coal ease. When the full facts are
made known, it may develop that the
president is a very poor politician. If
he has driven the progreeslve. or Roose
velt element, of the Republican party
from him In order to hold euch men aa
Hitchcock and Ballinger he. has blun
dered Indeed.
aa to the afeat number of offices, and "At the lunch counter whoro
aa to seats In parliaments, scrupulous- farmer stopfted before leaving for home
ly evaaes religious distinctions. A dls- "i""1" ' me circumstances and a
senter. of any class may take it. A waitress asked him if girls could do
deist, an atheist, may likewise take it. S?i-wuM do i? if uVJ1 J'S0"
The Catholics are alone excepted; and foubte'd" if ny' 'f" nemWwoulaUC5S
for what reasonT If a deist be fit to to go into the harvesting field, to
sit in parliament. It can hardly be urged she replied that if they would give
that a Christian is unfit! If an atheist the same wages as to a man they
be competent to legislate for his coun- would.
try, eurely this privilege cannot be ... 's? lt transpired that evening that
denied to the believer in the divinity of '?jB PvHe ?h. wUi! '?n,T glr,l
our Saviour! If it be contended that to J" WHL a! the end of U,e dayWthe
support the cnurch, it Is expedient to farmer told his wife that bo novr hnd
cdntinue these disabilities,.--1 dissent had hapds ' who worked to better nd
from that opinion. If lt could. Indeed, vantage. The neighboring farmers
be Droved. I should anv that vnn haA soon noticed what was going on. and
acted in defiance of all the principles tney, als0 rve to town and offered
&mtjXffi pVa?dttoK,rtimaa1nad 't
indeTtS IstiblhTouVTwn: "and'ln' XT CUld haVe WOrk ,n V hrvat
afterwards attempting to secure thatl "An enterprising employment agency
establishment by disqualifying the peo- advertised for 100 young women for
pie.-una-compelling . them at the tome worn, oriering j a day, noara ana
time ta nay for Us euDoort. This is tolwahing, and the next day the place
fly directly In the face of the plainest a". "r?wJiL P" Ther?
oanana y , iwukti, n u u I were allium umuncia, aieuugrnfineriana
canons f the Almighty . For the bene- colleB;8 giria, as well as those who had
nt Of, 1100, tO disqualify 4.000.000 Orltrnrkri In IamtiHHm cafes nnrl filAriu
6,000,000. Is the Insolent effort of big- at $6 a week. These were sent out,
otry, , not the benignant precept of and to their credit be lt said that the
Christianity: and all this, not for the Kreat majority of them made good. They
preservation of their property for that WOI"ked through the harvest and w-ent
was secured but for bigotry, for lntol- home with tidy sums of money In their
erance, for avarice, for a vile, abom- ""v,l.v .
inabie, Illegitimate, and atrocious usurp- "Doubtfess there are many who con-
ation. The laws of Ood cry out against slder it a crying shame that women
lt; the spirit of Christianity crtes out have to work in the harvest field.
against It; the laws of England, and These are of the same class of -people
thj spirit and principles of its con- who think it is a shame that women
stitutlon crv out amlnst .,,rh . must work in the business capacities,
uuiuwon, cry out against eucn a system. .. hot tn hr wnririn
long hours indoors or at home at tasks
recosmitinn nf hw cfflMan !, I which are Just as hard and nerve rack-.
leader of the Marine band Mr. Santel- and for ?hlcn ne n
mann recervea" the degree of doctor of -perhaps It is a little hard for women
music from the George Washington uni- to woi in the harvest field, but aa
versity the first of the many leaders a general thing it will not hurt In
of the famous band to be so honored, the least, but rather do her good. One
The band, which is one of the best th.ln" is certain. If erne is given more,
known musical nmninHnna .K. chance at this hard .employment she .
tnrM rtTJL. L m. . w. i wln develop physically accordingly, and
world, dates from 1798, in which year from being the slender and deflcat
it was created by act of congress. house animal which she now is she
will grow Into a strong and gloriously
Henry George. I developed, woman, fit mate for her mus-
. . . I cuinr a.n(i n2iiiii v ji ueiifmiu.
Zr.uya uarr!s,on- ln Tho Public. -To .hje,d one always from hard
Wfould thou wert able to revisit earth work sometimes Is not doing er any
Jftnl note the bounteous crop that from favor, but rather an Injustice, as the
thy seed one shielded grows stronger and the on
Cheers the wldeVworld, sown by thy vho shields grows stronger." .
word and deed . . .. , . , ,
In dav nf snrrnw anrf e ,i,i "There is one good thing about girt
f.oJiy. f parching clerk )n dPy goo3s gtores; they do
not smoke while on duty.
from humble!
Unceasing wonder that
Come the Messiahs who mankind have
freed, 0 .
Recasting human thought, eubduing
Through revelations of life's priceless
t at k
Sweet Potato Biscuit.
NTO a quart offlour through which
has been sifted two teaspoonfuls
of baking powder work thoroughly
one. pint of boiled mashed sweet po-y
tatoes and two tablespoonfuls of but-,
te.r. Season with one teaspoonful of
If death ends all, which thy belief de-salt and add one half cupful rich milk
niedy I to mane a aougn iimi u 'um nu
lated sugar. Haae in a quie oyen un
less death.
Content with immortality of pen.
But if, with an Imperishable trreath, -Thou
in another sentient realm abide,
u may st tnou reel the gratitude of
til light brown. Serve warm.
A Reqnest.
A REQUEST has come in to the
Realm Feminine for a pickle Jelly
recipe. If any of our readers have
a1 particularly good one and care to
send It ln, we will be glad to publinh
It for the benefit of the inquirer. Wall
it to the Realm Feminine, care of The
William Kantelmana'a Birthday.
William Henry Santetmann. leader of
the rnited matee Marine band, wee
born acptetnber , Itit, tn Offene-n.
Hanover. Germany. He received We
final education tn practical and theo
retical tnawie la leirsiK. where be else
eerr4 la the military band trt the 114th
rMlmnt of Infantry. He came to the
United Ptates 1n 17. and after com
plctlna n.'erfiltfent.C'f four notitlie
rhi;a4eIfJ"ia, en'.fated tn the MaHoe
baoL In !!. arse af pointed l-acer
te eact-eed France see FaacluUl, la
This Date in History.
1664 Fort Orange (Albany, N.
surrendered to the Britishv-
1680 flamuel Butler, English poet,
died. Born Februarj g, 1612.
1755 John Marshall, chief Justice of
the United States supreme court, boro.
Died July (t, 1835,
1829 Thirteenth amendment to th
constitution of the United States rati-j
nea by a two thirds vote.
1854 United States ship Of-war Al- ' tContrlbnted to Th looroal by Wilt Maaue,
bany jeft AsplnwalLt and y was-never tie fa moua Kanaaa poet. Hla prr-pnaa ara
again heard of.- I r-a-alar feature of thla coluian lu Iht Dally
iii urrav nre m Minneapolis, in ' t
which 17 firemen were injured' by ac .... --
explosion A H n1 pompous citlien purauee
108 Andrew Carnegie gave $1,-50.. bis stately way. "That man Is worth
000 to found a hero fund In Great Brit- five million bucks." we hear admirers
sin. ' ... I iay: and folks salute him aa he goes.
and wear the servile smile, and while he
Weeton Defies Normal School Killers lingers In their view, tiiey talk about
- From the Weston Leader. t,e- Jt" a ,0na nve mm Km
Weston's schools are flourishing, and f half a million leaa, but be
wlU continue to flourish.? The condi- B "er ! mean that you are
tion oi the high school, established by auccess. Of all the' gifts the.goie "
unanimous .vote, is particularly gratify tvMtow- ,h" commonest. I wot. la that
lng. Best of all, lt Is the community's of nki" ,n " ca" ul etlon ,
own, and U not subject to the whims them hot. There Is ne rrossroads ia
and vagaries of the school killers of th "! ., Z pI!itocrai' "om
the sute. Westoa really feels relief '" Astorbllt who hoerda. and grows
over the dissolution of ita virtual nart-' "'cceaing rat; oui viiiagee are rax oe-
nerahlp with a capricious and exacting
commonwealth. It would never consent
to reestablishment of the normal except
on a basis of absolute permanency. It
anape Its fingers In derision of . the
Bower na. Blnghama and Co lea
.Monument KxiterpHae: It la reported
that the power project headed by H. V.
Oatea, located aeveral anllea above thla
ttac hae faJlen hy the wayside, nabf
to the fact that Mr. Oatee made a ria.t
tn the dsTnalte fortnf.M ara tr the
purpose of meseurln the wa t-r at 1 w
ater. which b fnund tnsuff ctent for
Ma perpoB. The water at that tlas
was the low-ewt erer know a and may
rnfrt te aa low aaata.
tween, to Jodge from late returna. which
breed a future Millet, or a follower. of
Burns. It a rood to nave fire million
backs. If they're net eeaterfett; It e
nice to cbaae yourself around, and ferl
that yon are It; teat If yoa bare ne
ether claim to onfideace ana love, t trt
Jumplnr-off place you sbwuld a-, end
give yourself a share. I'd rather keea
a-plugging en, with ltttte to dtshtji-e.
and Journey to the bowrrard ia the
c inty poor farra'a ' here. and Ha
folks way I trlewl rry b-t te da my in. .
tie part, than leave a t of rr-cke be- ',
hind, and' net a mm irnlng heart
icrVH tena.
tVa-e M - aa