THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 2. 1000. Ill KILLS fill A8M:U UtArLAIH ADOPTED S Toronto FoliVe Ifold Woman Who Is Alleged to Have Sfiinlerwl Infants En- . able Case Ma.v Develop. Authorities Sav He JV! Ax on TimlxT in the KeserU'. The. as nf N. Crouch hae liniugM him lulo tntirv Iroubla than cr ilii tli liutiht-l of Dip Immortal limn W'u.hln Ion. Tha hatchet Iml.latil brought faina lo Ilia irulhful boy I'luui li a iix tiaa Jiroiiuhl an Infui inUmi aaitlnal lilin lit I tic I'nlted States tour! ami na soon aa he la brought within the aruao of I Im a.nd nf tha la, he will b prosecuted fur violation of the law. Ilila morning I nlled Hlalia District Attorney John Mct'ourt nlml n Infor- f fiiw-t l 1I. Pnn-ifl- I '"'l'" In tha federal conn ch:tiglng misled 10 nei ltfiuaik-i rrurh with i.itiK cut snu.onu ran of valuiibla t-1 1 w pine and rlr limber which belonged lo tha I'nlted mates government. The lanil upon which Ilia 1 r-i- grew waa dettcrlbed aa tha east half of the northwest quarter of section lu. township It anulh of range 4 west, bring land In aoulhern Oregon', yellow Dine ball. There la a federal atatuta carrying a heavy penalty for lha punishment of any one who cut timoer rrom govern, mailt land. Attorney MoCduct contend in Ala mroaaaauon mat croucn na a-vio late tbia .unite. - TUFT PASSES CITY WILL PAY SYSTEM m onrr n flnnnnP TO rr n n rnn H.ruii. uiuniiuiu i.i riJiiiihn. riiii' IU UULIIIU llllllllill III L.IIUUUII I Ull I I I : COLORADO AT ONCE PRESENT a ; , . 1 I ennn liih in mi mamm 14 III Is I iiiiinrnin rni mnr 1 JIUU JKIAL Lllilll IjUMIUfl Frederick EDodgo and Mrs. Major Simon Puts Three 0. U. Connors Worked Un- Councilmen on Com- l (VotUt Pr LmM Wlra.) -Toronto. Ont.. -Sut. 22. Mri Maud TTrrtfeYSs In lall here follow Ing Ufa discovery VfSs'nve.months old baby lying dead near a railroad ' track aot far from Niagara Falls. The authorities claim they have evi dence to prove that she strangled the Infant to death In this city and packed the body In a shoe box and hurled it from the train near the . falls. Following the apprehension of Mrs. Turner the police have received a score of letters from persons In different sections of the country, whose children she has adopted making Inquiries re garding their babies put In her charge. ... .When taken into custody the woman had another child with her. Tha police 'have obtained information leading them to believe she murdered ..the children and threw their bodies Into Lake On tario. ..Mrs Turner Is also known under the aliases of Gylan and Gwenlln In To ronto, and under these and other names the authorities have discovered she ad vertlaed st Ban Francisco, New York. Toronto, Buffalo and other cities of the continent. It is known she was given $10 recent ly by the parents or tn dead inrant and It Is the theory of the pcllce that she has been making her living by re- ceivlng payment for the adoption of babies or which she ria nersen py strangling them. MRS. TUBNER PUT UP PIETY FRONT; LUNCH BOX WAS SUSPICIOUS (Special plipatcb to The Journal. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 2. Tonight will commence the Inquest In one of the ""most mysterious baby murder eases in" the history of Toronto. Mrs. Turner, who is now in Jail awaiting the issue of the inquest, was highly respected here by the few peopel by whom she was . known. ' At some place in this city there is a house, say the police, and in that house a certain room to which a baby a few days ojd, whose mother had never seen it, was taken secretly and strangled. r trst wnri a cora "around its neck, and then, because It died too slowly, somebody" hands grasped the small throat and squeezed out what little life was lat, ;i Theiaby was the new born dauxh ter of Mrs. -Annie Authers, that had been taken away from a maternity hos pital by a woman who was to adopt It. who she was, who the woman was, or the man who strangled the baby, and wnere we nouse is, no one Knows, but , available when congress meets in De- Views Beauties of Great Council Adopts Report of Winter Resort and Gar-; Special Committee and si den of the Gods On to Pnehlo SM'eeh on Taxa tion at Denver. Records Will Be Cleared of Many Old Cases Death Blow Given Vehicle Tax. suspecting : JInstand; Prsderlok (alias Lam tart) , podg and Mr a. O, B. Connors ara la tha eoun .mlttcc. : Mayor Simon this morning appointed Councilman Baker, Kubll and Kill a rii i.i i .1.1 I :r" i-NT --u P, -o'' imjnoicr UlluUliC XUilll VI iVlim X'aa-1 ; """"i'V "" . uonnora sent to l ins rujp " . ir Hiinuy, Ana saying ' Dwreteat I poiea. I na friiv Vnt'olmuis TlnH.'s f a tootay -woutay," with things followlna put In for t "h ' "l' vi w wh oh the Inanafltnr n.ll. m..h " a.. Attend Banquet Tonight was not long enough, so an end was cut out or each and, the one teiaaoopan into the other and the body put into it. Sid a Business la "Undesirables" Thrf detectives ara now looking fr permits of the baby whleh Mra, Turner aaya she brought back from tha h'alla. and are confident they can be found. Mrs. Turner says aha got it from St. Michael's hospltsl and Is getting no money from its fsther or mother for keeping It The woman is said to nave once oeen a nurse, and is tnererore wen accus tomed to handling babies. Inspector lunran saya tha police have a number of clues of other cases of adopted children , having disappeared. aome or tnem cnimren or unmarnwa young women wnose disgrace nas ao far been kept secret, and the polloe will try to convict Hre. Turner exposing the woea of these girls. (United Prtat Laa4 Wlra. I Colorado Bprlnga, Colo.. Sept. 12. Colorado la untertalnlng Prealdent W. II. Taft. At 130 o'clock this after noon the train bearing the prealdent pulled Into the elation here, where it waa met by Mayor 1L F. Avery and oth er city officials. A record breaking crowd also greeted the nation's exec utive and as he ateppad from hla car he received an o vat tun. Judgb H. Q. Lunt. chairman of the reception- committee, escorted Prealdent Tift to an automobile and a tour of the city waa made. Following this trip the party proceed ed tj the mesa overlooking the moun tains and the Harden or the Uods. Upon their return from thla trip the Draal- dent waa taken to North ark. where he was greeted by 6000 school children. Here he made a brief address, which was frequently punctuated by appluuse. In order to prevent Albars Bros. from obstructing tha property on Lovcjoy street de slrod by tha city for an approach to tha Broadway bridge an ordi nance Introduced for this pur pose by Councilman Menefee was passed by the city council thia morning. The ordinance prohibits tha erection on enlarge ment of grain elevators and tanks without a permit from the city building Inspector. s IMPORTANT WITNESS FOUND IN HUSBAND OF ACCUSED WOMAN (United Preea Leitaed Wire.) Niagara Falls. N. T.. Sept. 12. De tective Wallace of Toronto took the body of the 6-monihs-old Infant that waa round near me iracKa or tne jew York Central railroad Thursday back to Toronto todav. where - Mra. Maud Turner Is under arrest, suspected of having strangled the baby to death. The noltce are now lnvestlaatlnar the dlsooeltlon of the children Mrs. Turner )ias adopted. ' - The woman s nusnana nere aamutea this afternoon that his- nm ie Hasry Matin. Mrs. Turner is the daughter of a Methodist minister who died at To- ronta several years ago, and she was formerly married to a man named Tur ner. Matin, when questioned by the au thorities, stated that the woman had told him that Turner was dead, but that he had recently learned that Tur ner was alive and ltcvlna somewhere in California. Matin and Mrs. Turner seoarated re cently. f ... ... J l KMAUAn .nt v.mnf. tn At 8.10 o clock this afternoon theJh , ... ftnn ,-. lanoaed of prealdent left for Pueblo. I tne smount of 2o,000 were aisposea oi At ixnver last night President Taft this morning wnen tne city council spoke at the Auditorium on the cor. adonted the renort of a special com- poration and Income, tax meoaurea, the I mlttee appointed several weeks ago former of which was enacted at the by Mayor Simon to make a report aa to p.ii peBHion or congreaa una tne iat- I tne claima or warrant nwuor. ter Submitted to the atatea in the form fhnlrman T. C Devlin of this com of an amendment to the constitution I mlttee. assisted by City Attorney J. P. or tne united statee. He said he had Kavuiaurh. have made a tnorougn ex at first favored an inheritance tax but I aminatlon of the recorda and their re the objection that the statea had annro-1 nnrr envera nubile Improvement war prlated that resource had been con-1 rants dated as far back as 1887. In elusive against such a meaaure. I many Inatances the owners of property iaii aerenaea tne corporation tax bonded rerusea to pay ineir uaes- as against the proposition to Impose menta and the property could not be a, direct Income tax. which he said sold for the costs because no one would seemed likely to pass the senate when bid on It. The city, "however, guaran- the corporation tax was devised aa a tees the warrants and purchasers may compromise. The president strongly aue for Indemnification. But In most urged, however, that the states ratify cases the amounts Of each warrant the proposed income tax amendment to are so small as to make litigation un- the constitution In order ta make such profitable. a tag available In time of necessity. The committee found that there were ay Corporation Tax Bast. 000 worth of claims outstanding or , The president declared the corpora- ,p.h,s hi"'?!! "We rfifd"? tlon tax was in itself the best form l .hi ntw Mt of Income tax that could be levied.- lr,V?u??n ,? wl11 0ther c,a,m8 and pointed out that it contained many m ',nt,"f 'J,. .mtm .o thousands of dollars in alt will be taken up by the city and their holders indem of the beat feafnrea nf the Inrnm. tax law of England. He said It would tsx as to Include every desired feature n,rlea or an income tax except the levy upon incomes derived from actual salary and professional services. i He opposed a direct income tax ex ty Jan.-their fond ambition to locata con1,m!V, lo ndov" arrange an permanently jn Canada with money I und tia comciui n.i irii.n.i PnfniJltnr tn n)nVPnf lnu4u.1w,iUnclr'.,urn,"nl by Connors, rin-l JUway. tight Power company with AUolJlWlMClo J 11 tUIl 1 1 illlUisT ally fruatrated. . . I refereuca to the Installation of atreet TlloiniiimivA I'lVMiAolMnn - ""I oaoy I iignia at ins mteraeciion OI HSVelltn JJISCOUrae lrOpOSltlOn I0y of mine." begin some of the letters and Washington straeta. uuui vuiiiiiiicia av iwrmiii - rrom engineer to matall their light eiacirio lights are to be he Heventh Wtroet Improve- oclnllon whlt'h 1 a i.nm iw..m4 a? Uodga answered. His letters-also ara I merchants and bualneaa men who ara on Ilia. ..... I seeking to make of (Seventh street from Innocent and wearied wifehood that of lighted boulevard. i the woman, ilow they hua nulled thai The Portland Gas company has tha wool over an easy going, affeotlonaU I oontract of putting In the lights for husbands eves forma baala for a. itnri I almllae nnrnoaa on Waahlnaton atraait Silahfalutinar notiona about chanslng I which tha postal authorities daalanate I from first street weaL tho form of addressing envelope, re- " JJ' ovinu uui uoiu Bircvuragaurcni v'l u, n. connore was s rural mall ear-1 oilman Dakar wanta soma arrangement hands of the presidential postmasters of I rler at CorvaUla. Ua cottaidered him-I made by which ths lighting schemes Oregon this morning. The ths delegates who gathered at muretal ninth tA Aiamiaa . V1TI . . . .u. left him. aaaAHl.. 1 a a Its. KaIi-ISV Yt ft ft I t h.r m t h Si T hsl nil t if fin fat. sa aa n I u I VUVU1 Sta iS,tWl Vt . aw vvaaS yvsiw v I "w . - a- --waa, l until they were out of office at leaat. "iuri- f1 vr .M and it looks as thought the good old and her voles breaking, with tha sor form of John Smith. 12 Jones street, row ana felt for her actions. Connors r-ortiana, ur, wnn nw nnw ir. nw neia tne aoor open ana affectionately tha state and city last will still be ds- bade her walk right In and get sup- creea as me oniy ewitvi I per. uiaouaaion oi me aauiwaiui uucuuu i amn cama j-roaaa. i am a noarai in. i . . ... . . . M . was precipitated by a raqueet from one spector, a special agent, an officer of .tick Vltlon this Zriln. m. Vh. of the out of town postmaster, that the Uw." he stated with ' emphaela. I fAnowln iwaMa- whatever could tie aaia in ravor oi ins i men ne arew nacg nis coat, witneaaea I r"L - z . w . ... . ... change be. placed before tha meatlng. say. and displayed a large and imp re a- u r "TJ? PoVdaid .,T,' Theri were several who said they be- slve official star. . second Md fourtS' T. iiw n lleved th style of placing tba nam of . "Tour-wife." continued tha emphatic S wu tU imh i. .i' th cUy and state la the center of the en- lupur. -filed on a timber elalm.. at c."rror ."year-oTdt Ruby took fiVTt velone'and tha name of the party a aha did wrong, very wrong. -The way .1. rnJ 2 dressy and W-.Vt .tj -- atthahi x ra ln one mat can ao . it lor . yoiti ' - or B poaimaaier wuu.u w " TI Me' vnur 1ltll. trl v. . I mcuuu. two aiier ii . iT. "".. - VT stmaaters of rler at Corvallis. Ua cottaldered him-1 made by which ths malorltv of haPPr mmv lor he ha.d an appar- I will harmonise. , aUr,ewIa w.fe and thre fine chll- ..,,.,,.- aya of lm- But 'ha moved to Shed and his wife llllinnnMlfiT lT PORTLAND FAIR lng for the first year or was inaugurates. Bemarkable XmproTemsnt. woman aha won t need lo .have her Ufa I ' "T '-'""l0"1. mares. Brown won shadowed by disgrace; here, your own :h,,V 4 nZ. ' ,?.coa- end Ruby feelings to be considered." " I third. Gordon won first and fourth feelings to be considered. Connors says that ha w der rrom tne aeparimeni i -"- """w."" ".A ""'.V1" whloh four were the a-et nf nn- .le. The postmasters,.ctlng upon an or- Ojnnor. My.that h. wa. thoroughl, ieconV and thl?d""in1h. WTr at viV IOVV aa - . L - r' . " t-n ksva hAAD VI HI E 111 It Itll BCUUU1I 111 I vspwinuy M Ul WI1.TJ. Oa. UAIUBUU BUCC" their d strict! and instructing the pu- Utor. was even more Beared and im- "UD , IB to ," Pile In i the belt wayi of iaddressingfet- mediately agreed with the official that ,fl"up Jef'ter"A tl"ns. fi knd flllln-- out money orders. They she had done wrong. Constance won first In produce from say that thi "fmprovemet ' mall sen? Dodge took away'th. $600 It I. under- "LSL STdbulla Kl. &rSBr!IF ffi.rSJ? !a,n cam. Bodg. "Tour wUe, .he Tehtola Tax rails. The vehicle tax ordinance passed by the counoil at a previous session and afterwards vetoed by the mayor failed cept in cases of emergency and he be- to become a law over the executive iWUrUB BUUIT iuo.fc o-s.vvv.vvv DieceB UI IllIVll uin-lici wu.w ..! . , ., t . , , . .- . - I mr. V Y XJ .'a T. i. .ham isnnn dImm for m J 'Vin I , "y.V T." - ctL V .V. Tin i;n; .Sun. Mra Dodge with tha same strange KV M"?"0.?.- ""F yeaning, mat ma- TaV " - pathos aha had shown before, agreed aie, tt. west, senior calves, Lady of daun. country nostmaster said heh ad tf! .""S had better skip. But finally ? B.. H. Weat- Benbo of Scappoose. .T .v.. k; . ...r. hla numl. I waa aeciucu inai bob cquiq come i.oi- v. . . "-z .' """"J?. """v. ie wa. tX hoM a loan rni- Oresham. 14 mllea east of here, woere L wraei; urown iennes, n. west. Sf..0!1"6"." 1 h.d . she would be safe from proaecutlon. , Three-year-o d cows. Zamolla, D. H. bltlon of badly directed leuera every h th ..., fni.l Looney: Mosle of 8. B.. H. West: Bannle an nftan In IMA TXCtUt nTTlom room. Hall. . ' . Z r . . . . I r.-n i t-v i m i ,"w y v . i L.ur iow.njr ciues. ana iea oy tne susdicious i ch, a. r. lwvib. i wwywr-uiuB cows. kept a rack .for the !. k"? nj" confeLlow if th husband, arrived" Fury Golden India, t.H. Looney ever ha trot & nartlcularl V baa COllec- I t. t-v j ni I niJ- n xr uraat t9aitA ti -i-- " "m t-i mt tha 1affAt-s. aUHtt',. living frilrl IflO I . - sk.ui areata- BOURN BACK TO RELGOBE PRESIDED (Continued From Page One.) tion of mall he would post the letters d mapector. Another extract Pride, A. F. Domes: Fern's Lady of and cards on this rack .that aU who .ran from another letter explaining even thia B. B.. H. West. Senior yearlings, Em- lleved it to be a'prime fault in the fed- disapproval. The council sustained the ' g""J 0rder from the" departmenr but JL" hr'.hfiSl inl eral constitution that no provision was veto unanimously. Councilman Baker fit seems i to have proved effectual in sL"Jy.2lZ m..?n?, ll4t:'sn' nd Will made for a direct levy to meet war- stated that his vote was influenced l r.i... nn.a the police say it was Mrs. Turner that took the baby away from the hospi tal. They say positively that they have traced her rrom tne time she took the baby,, from its birthplace, to the time sne is said t o have left the city for Niagara falls carrying a small shoe box. That the woman went to Niagara f ans witn tne baoy is admitted by Mrs Turner, but she declares she brought It dock witn ner. She eecured the chllof under the name of Mrs. Miller. This Mrs. Miller, whom the police say was Mrs. Turner, went to tne Auwiers nome ana saia sne was tne daughter of a minister who had been preaching 27 years. She Dosed as a re fined and religious widow, and sang nymns wnue at tne Authers' house. They tell the police that she impressed - them as a good, kind, pious woman. In one of her lettera to many women who negotiated with her regarding the Adoption of their babies, Mrs. Turner stated that she wanted "Onei that I could raise as mv own and firtve a moth ers' love to, aa I am very fond of chil dren." ''This, say the police, shows her hy .. poerisy. for they may If necessary put a Toronto doctor in the witness box who will swear that Mrs. Turner said to him that she' "Just hated children." This doctor attended her during her own , accouchement. j Babies' Cries Heard. Peteetive Inspector Duncan says he Will produce witnesses who will tell of hearing the crlea of the little babe as It waa being strangled. The people who were on the boat go ing over to Niagara with Mra. Turner w-IM tell that she excused herself for carrying ao large a lunch box bv say ing ahe had to prepare it in a hurrv. She showed some fear while on the boat that the I'nited' Statea customs officers at Lewlston might wonder at her carry ing so large a lunch box and ponnibiy want to InveFtlgate It but ahe was as sured she ahould not hide It. She Walked boldly pant the officers and was cember. "Bijt while I regret to have this work Interrupted, it will be a pleasure to me to meet as many of my constituents as possible and to Join my fellow citizens Sn welcoming and entertaining the president of the United States. Honor to tha State. "I feel, as I believe do all the people of Oregon, that It is a great honor to have the president as our guest for two days, which is a longer 'time than he will stop in any other city except New Orleans. I am sure that the well known hospitality of the people of this state will be fully manifested on the occasion of President Tuft's visit and that every, thing possible will be done to make his stay enjoyable. "I have made no definite plans for the entertainment of the president dur ing the time he is my guest, for, as in the case of any man who is my guest, I shall consult and try to comply with his wishes. President Taft has had many months of hard work. He not only gave close attention to the progress of tariff leg islation at tne special session, out during that time and since, has been working earnestly upon those large time or other extraordinary expenses, chiefly by the fact that If the ordinance arasrai Tonon tne Bondholder. had been passed nnany tne city wovitu Taft declared it was the supreme have been unable to collect a. largo court decision declaring unconstltution- amount of delinquent taxes under tho al the Income tax law passed by a present vehicle tax law. He said that Democratic congress years ago, that he would vote later for another ordi- prevented the leaders in congress dur- nance to, take the place or the one now ng e session recently closed from in-I in erreci. eluding in the corporation tax measure A communication from the police committee or tne executive uuaru, arm ing that, an engineer be appointed to ress Lass, Silver Lad. A. F. Domes: ,amolia J., D. H. Looney; Fern's Isa. curing the careless ones of some of But what makes Connors madder than Maid. W. B. Davis; Topsy of S. B., their mistakes. What the other seluats I h. a.a 1. .v... .it .v.. I u wa.t- viiaa Tin. r it rn.. of this campaign of publicity were the time his wife was at Gresham, Dodge, Senior calves, Moren's Queen. D. H. postmaster dldn t vouchsafe. keeping utr the appearance of friendship Looney; Nancy. H. West; Lilly of S. Tom Richardson was the first speaker carried letters between them. B H. West. Junior calves, Gibson of called upon by Chairman B. W.Johnson. The hearing of the couple will be held 8. B.. Midget of a B.. H. West: Annie's a provision for a levy upon bonds and bondholders. To tax bonds would' re sult in the' reduction of the rate of Interest and hence would be a direct tax upon the individual holders of the bonds. The president based his argument In favor of the corporation tax as com pared with the direct income tax,, al most entirely upon the results of the lneome tax in England. He pointed out the tax there was not a direct levy, such as was recently defeated In the senate only through a compro mise, but that It laid the tax upon the income before it came Into the hands of the Individual. Operation of the British Act. The English tax Is levied, first on the declared dividends of corporations; second on rents before leaving the hands of the tenants, and third on the individual directly. It was found in England, that a direct Income tax at 10 per cent did not produce as much revenue- as the present method of taxation. This, Taft declared, il lustrated the premium the direct tax r laced upon perjury and concealment t IS a question, the president declared, whether Incomes earned In salaries and from professional work should be taxed as heavily as incomes derived from investments or not taxed at all. The latter, he said, was the effect of the. corporation tax. Provides for tha Deficit, operate the new harbor patrol boat. Elidor, was referred to the ways and means committee. Permission was granted to the owners of Laurelhurst addition to Improve theif tract with water and sewer malna and asphalt pavements. "Plans for tho same will be made under the supervision of the city engineer. The council passed an ordinance em powering the free employment bureau to select any convenient location In the city and immediately afterwards grante-1 permission tor ine oince ui uw uuitou to be moved from the city hall to 270 Madison street. The owners of this building will rent it for 3B a month and furnish light, fuel and Janitor service. Ordinances revoking the restaurant liquor licenses of B. J. Mackay and G. D. Miller were prevented from being passed at this morning's session of the council by Councilman . Watkins, wh imori hla nnniamentarv Dnviieee to od- Ject to the third reading of the meas ures. The liquor license committee, by a vote of 4 to 1, Monday afternooc recommended the revocation of both licenses. Street Oars Bight of Way. The traffic ordinance recommended for passage by the health and police committee was rereferred to the com mittee, In order that a number of amendments may be Inserted. One of thetfe amendment gives streetcars the right of way over other conveyances on Mr. Richardson s subject was "Wise and jn United States court. Vtuoi tt itc, nuu , ucz tv saw " avwvs v jj i &prXKXK the, Order? VETERAN OP INDIAN w . w. DlllCHtue, yvBiiuasiDr u.1 nappuer told of the troubles of postmaster, of the third class. Insufficiently paid as sistants and lack of proper accommoda tions are two of the thing, that are worrying these postmasters according to Mr. Bmeaae. me report or me secre WAR PASSES 4WAY (Special Dlspateb to The Journal.) SUverton, Or., Sept. 22. H. D. Mount, nna nf the earliest ttler. died at hla tary and treasure waa read. Squire home In this city at 11 o'clock last BSt challenged. The do DOllce sav thev will ftrn." .Mm Turner boughf ie box. . There-are'in rearit. two boxea. One Taft touched briefly on the tariff, saying that while a revision had seemed of irovern mental nollcv which I esae.ntlal. there wan alao a deficit- In ......... tn .Ka loot D.ntihllMn i Vi . li-BQ.n.v tt V,a T!.!. ... 1 .. k. I CTOflB BtreetS. Platform and elaborated by him in his ! met partly by a cut of 140.000.000 to I . A" ordinance granting -a franchise to recent speeches. President Taft's work $50,000,000 In the appropriatlona tdl be tn? - Kr ..w- """yaa company was did not end when congress adjourned. I made by congress and partly by the referred to tne sireev committee. j ne incomes rrom the new cornorat on V""H"a"y "b-"- ." aw Third street from bleust Pine to Haw- It waa exnected that the nrealrto'n thorne avenue. The use of the street address last nlirht would he nn th. Is desired in order that a switch can topic of conservation, but evidently he desires further consultations with Sec retary Balllnger. He will probably make his conservation address at Salt Lak4or Spokane. Condole. With Mrs. Johnson. Taft yesterday sent a letter of eon- Hls vacation at Beverly has been largely devoted to the formulation of plan, for the next session of congress and at the close of his vacation he has undertaken a 12,000 mile tour of the United Stated during which he is discussing at length many of the Important questlona now before the American people. He will come to Portland at the end of a week of hard work and I have not thought it wise or conmueraie to matce any nl.n. that will V-1 . ..(.iirln. a reM here. If he feels the need of it ! Science to Mrs. Johnson, widow of Gov- ti nur iiuiiuBuii AYiiiuirBuiiL, who uietJ Thsre is no Other Vanilla Extract made that can com pare ia any way with the rich, Mbafiag ctrength and the delicious delicate Savor of BURNETT'S VANILLA Thit ii aot Merely aa mi erasing boast. It aa abso lutely Iras suteawaS which it waa trial of Barawtt's VaaOla will ptwwa, Yees froosr caa Mapply yoa srt the best vaatka ada iawaa wm etnag ft. Burnett' Vanilla rs yesterday,- He expressed personal -grief over. tha death of the governor. Tn his letter to her he said: "Had Governor Johnson lived his po sition In the state and country 'was Such that he would have certainly been called to fill an Important place to as sist the .progressive movements which .he conslatently advocated during his life. His death is a source of national regret." Declaring that he thought It a good thing for women to have a. voice In the government of the country, Taft In an address -at Llmon, Colo., yesterday, con gratulated the women of Colorado upon their possession of the ballot. He ad vised the men to vote the way the women did and they would be sure to be built to a number of warehouses. BAUD CUT III SOUTH PORTLAND Some Time for Best, "I wish that all the people could meet the president personally, and I know that he would be glad to meet them; but Iiam sure. we shall at gladly acquiesce if the picwkK'nt desires to spend of hla time here In rest and I relaxation. ' "It Is mv desire to return to Wash- Ington as soon as practicable and renew j the work I dropped to come here. The I people of iregon elected me as one of ' their publlr servants at the national I capital, and I deem It my duty to be I there unless Important matters calPme elsewhere. Oregon Is much Interested ! In river and harbor improvements, con j cernlng which the chief of engineers Is - now preparing his recommendations, and 1 thla atate lm varlnnc ilh.r tnf. ... ! affected by the action that may be taken TOte r,Kht- , by the heads or departments. ' "I have recently held conferences j with the chief of engineers, the secre- ' architect and other department officials. ! Cleaver fc KaveUck, Bew Firm, Opens , 1 ,"T nl,ou" ,l hat 'j1 re '""Ii Blagaat Zstablishmeat on Waahing" ' advised as to the needs and Interests of . "-hi 'Oregon. While we can not hope to gett" B Street ! ail we want and all we think we are Monday. September the twenty-aev-entitled to. I have been trying to help enth. Cleaver 4 Havellck of Indianapolis. : make aa atrong a aborning as pAsslble ' Ind., will open their new store at 409 for Oreson." ! Washlnrton street between Tenth and Eleventh, with a new and complete line f win play ror tne people weir neat aum- APPAREL FOR WOMEN . . South Cortland's people sigh for the music of a good brass band. That they may sigh thus no more, the Journal Carriers' band has arranged to give a concert Sunday afternoon at Terwllllger parx. tne nour. oeing rrom a to 4 p. m. The concert is given complimentary to the people of South Portland and a. an evidence both of The Journal', and the carriers' esteem for the residents of that portion of the city, and In response to an urgent invitation on the part of the park board. Terwllllger park is considered idesl for band concerts, and an expensive band stand has been standing for some time unused. Necessary funds to pay for music have not been forthcoming, and thia Is considered the probable reaiton. But after hearing the quality of program given by the Journal Carriers' band at the opening of the city park, the park board ha. been very anxious to aeure the same musio for South Portland. Response to this appeal bring, an as surance that the Journal Carriers' band PENDLETON MAN IN JAIL FOR FORGERY of Ladies' Suits. Coat.. Dresses. Cos- i ber. without coat to any one. tumea. waists. Skirts. Automobile Ap parel and St'k Pettlcoata Mr. Cleaver. t)ITprkpv V7 T Y2 A VTTV who Is opening the Portland store. lliLlllrLi JC JJ-4.1 io.' 1 1 1 I states that after traveling 2i.OO0 mile. and havine visited almost vet-v nlaa i rftpeetal Marat's ta TWr JoerMLI prominence In the United flfalea he 1 Pendleton. Or, fept. ! A. L. ramp- . found no city with the future before It i eii oi t-rooie,n is in jau nere. rnsrged , that Part land has. and therefore deter- PROOF ON MURDERER Va he 1 'aaeaj ... M SB mm-a In eoanerlMaa with Oiamtr-Wa-S Coitc Chalera and taarrhne Hewte f r tt knaaaa that It aevev fslla t t are ekarettoea. drwerTy r how. 1 ram tlWeta. It Is pkMt take and e-iaallr valuable for children and aduita. j with having attempted to pass a forgea mined to locate here. Mr. Havellck and draft on A Brows for I2ee. , family will arrive In October. Is epede4 .pa-,- i. . e CHICAGO-BROOKLYN i " n7 nargw. e all like lo -ear. and whn , nl1lrD iiu-thaiti, ' . f-eel.l H.o.v- ta Th. r.I I ' v.' J.i' ; wounded a Kurgtar whoa he found -n- terlng -h. rwmnlifmirli a window thla W1e I j morning. . Brannea reported to the ik- Oilrago. at 21 The tw tms Hof that tie had hit him talc when he K-he-luled ta t r-layed this afternrn started wtrtTins hla autntnatle nn at Ketweea the "tilr ard Brnnklvn i hlr teanta ft the KatioraJ let.. a ware peal- J rr-ond. City Aetertlvea have- heea - va acTvaas rain. ab.e te The bargiar dropped to tha trace u. waaaded bariar. (apertsl fHapatcb ta Tto fcanuL) Seattle. Wash.. Sept 22. Presaging bitter fight, counsel for Jean Fortier and the county proaecutor r lashed thla morning In tha opening of Fortler'a trial for tha murder of his brother Jo seph, and the latter, wife. May 1 Laat. Counsel for tha defense, in the drawing of the Jury, -maintained that It would be for the atate to prove that Fort lev waa sane, bat Judge tJ ill htm upheld Lhe prosecutor a coeton. to the Una rf queatlonlng employed tv ronneet fur Fort ter tn th. examination of Jarara, In dicatiiig that It would b for tba W feasa ta preve Forlier tnsaaa Farrar of Sklem, .poke on "Postal Edu cation and tne need or tne public Be ing better advised on how to send mall through the postoffice and the following comtmtteea were appoint by President Johnson: Committee to meet Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock, J. L. Page, B. M. "John- ..... C 1 TAh. r. T-n, . auu, ouuiia 1'nuai. tfuiui a vuug o. 11 v. F. E. Whitney. Committee on resolu tions. Squire Farrar, T. P. Randall and F. J. Carney. Will Arrive Tomorrow. Postmaster General Hitchcock and a number of Washington postmasters will i reach Portland tomorrow morning ana will spend the day here, leaving tomor row evening ror tne east. Amona- the - cities and postmaster represented are: Astoria, F. J. Carney.: Albany, J. S. Van Winkle; Ashland, J. R. Casey; Arlington, A. Wheelhouse; Arleta, N. E. Chambless; Corrvallis, B. W. Johnson; Drain, C. E. Hasard; Eu- Sene. J. L. Page; McMlnnville, H. M. osklns; Moro, John M. Parry; Oregon Citv. T. P. Randall: Rainier. L. R. Far- rls; St Johns F. W. Valentine; Salem, Squire Farrar. This afternoon the convention is lis tening to a paper on "Sin. of Omission and Commission," by C. E. Clement, postoffice inspector of Portland.. Postal Clerks' Banqust. At the annual banauet of the local railway postal clerks at the Perkins hotel grill tomorrow evening, vice ires ldent P. J. Schardt of the National As sociation of Railway Postal Clerks will deliver an address. Other prominent speakers will be Congressman W. C. Hawley and United States Senator George E. Chamberlain. The railway mall clerks will have as their guests a number of prominent business men. member, of the Commercial club and chamber of commerce. F. A. Shopp.e will act as toastma.ter and Introduce the speakers. The oblect of the banauet and ad dress of Vice President Schardt lu 'O . acquaint local business men with th I fight being made by the national organ; ; lzatlon of railway poatal clerk, for an i expense allowance. Railway "ostal j clerks are said .to be the only govern ment employes who are forced to pay ' their own traveling expense, while on i duy for the government FRENCH AVIATOR ' KILLED BY FALL l United Press teased Wire.) . Pari.. Sept 22. Captain Ferber of, the French army waa Instantly killed ' today whlje attempting a flight in aj Voi.ln biplane at Boulognc-.ur-Mer on the French coast The machine fell to ; the ground and Captain Ferber was . horribly mangieq. When Captain Ferber's machine i struck tha earth it somersaulted and j he waa burled beneath tha debris and ! hnrrihir crushed. Although there wa. ; a breath of life la hi. body when he , was releaaed rrom tne wreckage, na died on tha field aad before the arrival ' of .urgeona I Captain Ferber waa one of the beat . ' . i .... fc. a-I..M. U. . I ' Known oi iiw -- . " 1 - I I . mA hla fllahta under tha nam of "Deroe." because hi. family, which la aa aristocratic ana. objected to his using the family name when he made I his aerial trips. . Captain Farher snade aevaral dare- devil night, during tha recent teuma-i iaaaa.iaaaIaiaaMaiaaaiaaiaaaai I night Funeral service, will be held Friday. Mr. Mount was commander of the Indian war veterans for several years, and a member of the Odd Fel lows' lodge for more than 60 years. He settled in Silverton In the early '60.. Last. D. H. Looney. King Valet, owned by H. West, won first for champion senior bull, and Em- melt XXIV, owned by Mr. West, won the stake, in the champion junior class, and also won the grand cham pion ribbon. Zamolla, owned by D. H. Looney, won first in class for cham pion senior cow, and l waa declared grand champion cow of the Jerseys, ' - Fpnr-YeaivOld Girl Dies. St. Johns, Or., Sept 22. The 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trumbo died last night The cause of death was rheumatism, which affected the heart. II FEW DOSES END PiEl tB AND WE LAI BACKS FEEL FIE Out-of-order Kidneys are regulated and Bladder trouble goes. A real surprise awaits every sufferer from kidney or bladder trouble who take, several do.e. of Pape's Diuretic. Misery In the back, sides or loins, sick headache, nervousness, rheumatism pains, heart palpitations, diasiness, sleeplessness. Inflamed or swollen eye lids, laok of energy and all symptoms of out-of-order kidney, simply vanish. Uncontrollable urination (especially at night)," smarting, offensive and dlar colored water and other bladder misery ends. The moment you suspect kidney or urinary disorder, or feel any rheuma tism, begin taking this harmless medi cine, witn the knowledge that there Is no other remedy, at any price, made any where else in the world, which will ef fect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Dluretio, which any druggist can supply. It Is needless to feel miserable and worried, because this unusual prepara tion goes at once to the out-of-order kidneys and urinary system, distribut ing its cleansing, healing and strength ening Influence directly upon the organs and gland, affected, and complete, tha cure before you realise It Your phy.ician. pharmacist banker or any mercantile agency will tell you inai rape xnompson tt rape, or Cin cinnati, ia a large and responsible medi cine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence.' i - - , ' Only curative result, can coma from . taking Papa's Diuretic, and a few days' treatment will make any one feel fine. Accept only. Pape's Dluretio fifty, cent treatment ny drug' store any. where In the world. . 1 visitors to the Eirosmojr Win Pad Mat sl wfa Ore Seet If tky Win aai ATWaa rat-ra. as sattserlte I ihi, taa tk4r aaava feet etamaa avt. I Ora a aaai te aHIHra . a thla ww-M 1 fssMHM w.estva aer aanag tfc. rum- laiitu i"a at HfW e4 aeerl. : May at St. ban it ear tlra. erttfea. aaiiea. his ""t r.t wane raa r.w. aaai - - - - .- Ajm a SAe wmrtam a illa- Vm.. i I raa tay at ear arvaciat. Seat aanyt aayl R lii OCEANLAKE AND WHEN THE "TOOT" OF THE ENGINE ON THE NEW. P. R. ft N. RAILROAD NEXT SUMMER AWAKENS IT TWILL BE WORTH AT LEAST $200 As its name implies, OCEANLAKE is a beach resort with an ocean and a fresh water lake. Oceanlake is the Better Garibaldi beach resort between Nehalem- and Tillamook By. The new railroad being- built between Port land and. Bay City, on "Tillamook Bay, will be completed next ear. The railroad station for Oceanlake will be built near the ocean and the lake. This hat been contracted for and trains will be running from Bay Gty this winter. LOTS $40 UP EASY TERMS If you wait for the trains to take you there you will have to nay st least foor times present prices. Come in snd see beautiful photoirrsphs of OCEANLAKE and the famous profile rocks which characterize OCEANLAKE. Few Cre agents ran be kept busy selling OCEANLAKE. lots. " (Tillamook Bay Company. Owners) , Bay City Land Co. 139 LUMBER EXCHANGE, SECOND AND STARK ' Phone Main 1I1S V