. 1 13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 22. 1005. DEATHS NEW TODAT. NEW TODAY Crowds af the Livestock Show The attendance t the Portland Fair and Livestock Expoiition has started wIl, and should exceed 150,000 for the week. Every progressive citiren of Portland will be there for two reasons: , FIRST To cc the atock .how and enj?y the races and general program of enter tainment. SECOND To promote the spirit of enterprise that will keep Tortland in the van of progress among the cities of the Pacific oast. Let the news ro forth to the world that the people of, Portland are always ready to turn out en masse to boost local enterprise with true loyalty to their city, and it will do more good than tons of advertising. When you go to the Fair, you will have to pass through the beautiful new resi dence park, about hair way out, formerly known as the Ladd "Hazel Fern Farm," now known as N The Addition with Character It is called the "addition with character" because it is in a class by itself. It is distinctive. It has a character peculiarly its own and cannot be compared with any other residence district in any city on the Coast It is a mile long and three-quarters of a mile wide, and it will be occupied exclu sively by individual residences. It Is healthful. " It is very accessible. g " It will have all public improvements. , It is most beautiful and desirable. It will be a most excellent neighborhood. It will be occupied by people of refinement It has a hundred advantages that will suggest themselves to you when you see it. Stop on Your Way to the Fair and See Laurelhurst With all of its advantages, the prices of lots in this addition place them within the reach of all thrifty people. The prices range from $750 to $1500 each at the present time. That is just about one-half what similar property would cost elsewhere. Our terms of payment are easy, and we can assist you financially if you desire to build at once, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS will be made to those who purchase this month, ' also to those who will commence building this year. Call and see os, or go and see the property. Take the Montavilla or Rose City Park cars both lines run through the addition. Office at East Thirty-eighth street KATAOKA T. Kataoka, 'it. Saptem imt l. II miniiiieaia. ADAMS 1. R. Adam. uv, 0ptenbr RICE Mlsa a. U lite, city, January o, as fv, urawniui. M'COl--C. McCoy, city, September If, SEiUKitLIXU H. J. ltvrllng. 12IU Second street. September IS. tM Hi suicide. lilt 'HELL Mia ft. Illckell. city, Sep lemuer la. mm" is. auiciiia. M'lJONALD Mute M. A. WoDonald. I'd Ion avenue, Itepiemoer IS, ag pulmonary tuberculoal. UOWKN Mr. A. llowen, city, Septam hrr 30. bko 4; typhoid. MACK KNZ I E A. Mackenal. 464 Thir teenth street Hcplvtnber 19. u 47: acuie ncpnrma, LAItllAHKK Huth M. Larrab, Eaat Thlrty-alxth and IJroadway atresia. nrptamDer it, as; i ion a. KOllfw Mrs. B. Kolin. 114 Salmon street. September IS. ag 77: cerebral lif morrliair. What the Deschutes fight "Peans HOOD RIVER APPLES FLNKIIAL NOTICES Or "Just aa food" may ba raised almoat anywher In ilia Wiltanietta valley If "treated white." Newoomara will And It to their advantage to call on ua for In formation regarding the beat location In thla aeotlon for raising either fruit veeelablea. a rain or for dairying. A fa- Neap the ceocranhlcal eenear of the) I nilUarllv with all parts of Oregon for lata of Oregon and of Crook county I to year quantise ua to know about theee and almoat at the heart of the ! 1 thing. Call and our Hat of farma. chutea uro (net. the larcaat Irrigation I lara inH email. a Ian rdlv nronertv year; com p lira- pro led In the country, la the bustling home and lot.- W hav a new aswmlll young town or omona on Hie Columbia river with 15.000,000 To men who understand tha Central timber a anap. And other timber. Call Oregon eltuatlon, Hedmond la a magic ana eee ua word. You cannot take a Gunman to Hedmond. not yet. at leaat: a ataca trio of come 70 mllea from Shanlko la neo eeeary, but thla la luat the re a on for the Interval moneyed men ara taking In thla moat promising center, tha rail road contractor at Ihe preeent moment nave over ivu men and teams- at worn VOll BALK ItHL L'STATB 18 Take Advantage of This Her ar I lota each tOilOO. thai ara going at a aacrlflo. on eaat aide, near carllne, fenced and plan ted to potatoea. 1'rlce 6o for both. 4400 cash will hen die them; liberal dlaoount for caah. Here a another Just aa good: S lota, each JOiluo. on eaat aide, fenced and . . .IT " r " t vmw w. inrn will go lur 1440, only $2o down; two of I hem for Ik ro. with $400 caah; tha three or only niOO Caah Owner iavtn. cllw , All are dealrabla for resldvnoea, and a fin propoaltlon for an Investment VUKIT lewis, 116 H Washington at.,- room 104. Look! 8WENSON In thla city, September SO, at the reaidenc or nar aiater, atra. I. Anderson. Ill ttoulh Klret aireet. neral acrvli-ca will be held from tha St. I grading wlthla a few mllea of Redmond, m reacrri it in a lew weeaa. Geer & Mattoon Ablngton Bldg., J0I Third SL. M. till. Jaraca Kngllah Lutheran church Thora- ""d will reac S3, at a p. m. ricnua Tited. lulerment Ureen ood cc meter v. OilKKTS September Z0, at the Old Kolk' Home. Bunnyalde. John Neleon Roberta, mgtnl 83 yeara. Service at reinatory Thuraday, September I, at m. fTiomm reapectruiiy invitea Redmond CAPITOLHILL attend. Remain ' parlor. r tha Or.Ha dectrla railway. la m www ynmywwvmn w.awe.T. I... far. tnalde lha-eirv Ilmlta. 1 1 mln oaMwa TA mi raw Mtwag.l'"" rla rom in ouemea center, ait I WTW xaoai aiw B-rlIi- fuU joUi loxlOO each. Improved street 1 ' I a - m - 2 i - a -m I mrA aids mux 1 Wst i,llv avnf mAimtaln vlnar raRn.-nn' TII4KKH .... P"p inia aaaeruon. rno o "r": . "f " n . - I . . . w, ... " -- . . "n.i una i. i. " i Dunaji empires in tn Darren . xieiaa oi mw v .w kw DE MARTINI and family aend their I th mli1.Ua autea. together with title perfect: complete abatract of titles ground ror depot, anopa, eidinga and apur for Induatiial accommodation. A good tock ofgrooarlc for ala for only too, 3u0 down, and balanc on eaav terms trt anil l,nv , u m k and a etora with room for a home a tip piled by th aeller. Within 25 block of court houae. rent on building I0 per month, Including living room. A good chine for th right peraon. TU Rolh child bldg. Phone Main 4510. DEAR MADAM: I ahould Ilk to call your attention la the prettleat horn In frvlngton. It hae laevnn beautifully dealgned and artli tlcally finlahed room and every conven ience that th modern builder can da viae. Wide porches, a aleenlna-. bal- . . ... . ... i . & . . th rear add to It comfort. Plea let m near rrom you. R. F. BRIAN eV CO., . 101 Chamber of Commerce. A-mT, MhIII-IIH. Incere thank to the friend who at tended th funeral of Dolly May FVr rera- for their klndneaa and floral of fcrlnga. FITJKRAL DIRECTORS DUNNING. M'ENTKE A OILBAUOH, undertaker and embalmers; modern In every detail. Seventh and I'lne, Mala 470. Iiny aaalatant. The eaat aide undertaker. Lady aaalatant. B-1S8S; Kaat 7S1. 420 Kaat Alder. - LERCH J. P. Flnlcy & Son Mr1 I.ady attendant. Main : A-tStS. ZEI.LER-BYRNE8 CO., undertakeia, 270 jKuaeeii; Kat long, uny aaalatant. M'ENTEE-ERICKSON CO., undertakara; laay nn 409 Alder at. wotn pnonea. ROSE CITY CEMETERY. Phone C-2114 and A-4444. EAST SIDE funeral director, aucceas ora to F. S. Dunnlnir.Inc. E. 62. B-2625 EDWARD UOLMyAN, underUker. Sd at 220 una or tn blggeat railroad magnate on th Pacific coaat bought a bunch of lota in Redmond within th paat week. Redmond haa now a bank, two general tore, hardware atore, drug atore, good hotel, several livery ha. ma. rood actiool and two church organisation. Stage line run eaat to frinevill. west to Clin Fall and Slntera. Automobile lines run north to Madras, connectln with train at Shanlko and south to Bend, connecting with all points south. Redmond I because to dat f urnlahed rea to every pur chaser. Take the Oregon Electric- car at Front and jerrereon treet ror cap- Itol Hill and for yourseir. CJiOKXMY k nmSi Main 1068. 401 McKay bldg. SPECIAL TODAT. 1 0 room, modern houae on west ' Id, few minute walk from ' "poatoffloa, nlc all lot. full 'ce ment basement,' atatlonaxy waah traya. ga lighted, street Im provements. Splendid view of surroundinr country. Thla 1 a nap at t&ZOO; term. 208 Allaky bldg. TL Mala 7S81. Exceptional Bargain ilith? In th welt known fruit dlaErlct of I North vamhlll Thla anlendld t.rm eon- nd Is and has been prosperous alsts of 2SS acrea, 185 of which are in of It tremendou resources a high atata of cultivation. Buildings NICE LtTTLfi BUhfOAlLoW' hOMPi- On top of Mount Tabor, 6 rooms, mod ern, beautiful view, excellent car serv ice. Price 12500 cash 81000. LARGE ROOM bunaalow. 1 block car. 20 mlnutees' rlda. Sa" fur. Prine $1100 cash 11000. VI VIP A DAU mmtAw- k....tl,..l w1tn2u!vVet ".!!" J8 mok ,or ar llrst claa. ha water system, phone, corner lot, on oar line. Price $3800 haa arnata saw hlafla 4" a aa f 1 Jm m f n I . . m B M . I )4SiA I neard tn wniaue or a so you can aee that railroad train. In v n tn Thla la a dandv dairv or $1000 caah. fruit farm. , can and get my booklet ahowing Port- iiuiu (luinrB tor eaie. M. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bldg. Price $20,000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS PACIFIC Title Trust Co.. th leading abatractora. 204-5-6-7 Falling bldg. y enry Bnflding. Phones Main 2565, A-5234 " " , No. 522-526 Corbett Bldg. Phones Main 1505, A-1515 aoo 200 150 150 691 42,600 1,800 600 r.7ISS OLD STARS FROM OREGON U, Means and Scott Will Not Eeturn Ealph Dodsbn's Parents Object. champion of the world, when Henry BOiomon meets mm in an exniDitioji match. Solomon Is one of tha best players in the state, but It la at pool that he Is a star rather than billiards. Solomon consented to play the conqueror of them all yesterday. Willie met Wilkie Dunlway last night and ran off his 400 points while Dunl way was making 87. Runs of 72, 56 and a couple of 42 distinguished the flay of the champion. He nursed the vories about the table in a marvelous manner. He left himself, it seemed, nothing but the best of shots. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES i (Special IHiDatek to Tba Journal.) . - TTntveraltv of Orearon. Kuarena Sept. ;22. Thirteen football men reported for the) season's first practice today. The quad was in charge of Coach Forbes, assisted . by Assistant Ooach George Hug, who handled the line men. Trainer Hay ward and Captain ciarae aiso as sisted la soaping up in ouncn. Those present at th practice today included Captain Clarke, Pinkham. Main, Michael, Latourette, McKlnley, Gillie. Klltx, Henderson. Kellogg;, Grant, Tay Chuck Taylor, who played a star half iiaclt on tha l07 team, is DacK alter a year at Cornell, where he made good on the freshman squad till incapacitated by a broken shoulder. Ben Grant, a lineman. Is also back after a year's ab sence. Considering the heat and hard field the squad was given a hard workout in running, kicking, charging on the ball and running back punts. Coach Forbes took charge of the can didates for the end and backs, while Hug drilled the heavyweight aspirants for line positions. Glen Scott, the giant center of the 1907 team, was expected tQ return this fall, but Scott Is nowngaed, In the real estate buSinesaand his return is doirbtf uj- .Kw men who ar expected to maXe good are Henderson and Kel logg, both of whom were In school last year, but did not turn out. Pendleton Boys Oat. 48pecla blspatrh to The Journal.) renaieion, ur.. Sept. 22. In connec tion with the football proppects at the university or Oregon, much baa been said about the number of old men re entering college. Among these were mentioned lister Means, the freshman center or laet year, who made such remarkable showing, and Glen Scott, the giant lineman on the '06 and '07 leama. ' Both Meana and Scott are Pendleton boys, and. though It la not generally known, neither will reenter the univer sity this fall. Means will assiat Ma iamer in me management or Lehman Bprtngs and Scott is contemplating net tling on a large tract of farm land. Not only will theae old men be lack ing, but Ralph Dodson. who waa choan by some critics sa All-Northweat end lflt year may not be In the line up this season. Dodaon Is a Baker City boy and atnpped off over Sunday In thla cltv Hie parents object strongly to his play ing and he stated that he bad made ap his mind not to don a suit again Hep. Oregon will get en old roan tck who has not been counted on. Ben Groat of L Grande, who pU,yed guard two year ago. paased through her laat wee on Ma way t Cugene to continue his course after a year's abMnc Tracer Baker, explain and fullback of tb Pendletoa high achonl teem Uat go" to th l ntTr!tv of V aehJnrtoa, where he will matriculate. s&tar, ufust" fcod w HEXIir S0LO3I0X VLXYS (YOUNG HOTTE T0XIG1IT '8",u' ,' Penlaad c erpert Wui racet V uit Hori-e. tt yomLLXul At Pittsburg. Mrst game R. H. E. Boston o 3 Plttsburz 2 7 Batterlee Curtis and Graham;. Adams ana uidboii. Second game R. H. E. Moston .... o 6 Pittsburg- 5 9 Batteries Mattern and Rarldan; uunmu ana uiDson. Brooklyn-Chicago game postponed; rain. New Tork-St Louis game postponed; rain. At Cincinnati: R. H. EL Philadelphia a 7 1 Cincinnati 4 9 4 Batteries Moore and Dooln: Ewlni ana it o tn. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES At Washington. R TT V. Detroit .........3 6 2 Washington 1 2 0 Batteries wuiits and Btanare: Grav and Street. At Washington Second game: etrolt . ; . . . . . . . . . WeshlDaTton k... Butteries Killlan and Johnson and Street. R.H.E. i..O 1 ...2 1 Schmidt; At Boston. Cleveland Boston Batteries Young and Hlgglns; Smith and Carrlgan. R. H. E. .3 7 2 .7 11 2 now in readiness for occupancy. The Duuaing was constructed by Messrs. Wright & Hewitt. Rev. Cheater Gates of the St Johns Evangelical church will jive a series of special sermons this month on Tarns." Mr. Gates is an eloquent aeep imnicer, ana will uuuouess ao me subject justice. jnuiuii linger, cue neBB man, is on a Oregon. E. K. Johnson, a truck farmer, brought n a load of potatoes yesterday, 16 of iii, Allien o iwu Buenei oag. Otto Schi er. a vnn n cr mnn nt A TIT vchlrA, waa. "everely injured Saturday by falling- from a wire cable near the uity uuciu R. W. Stark and wife of Holdrldge, Nebreuestr of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stark of this place. be popular young busl trlp through southern MEETING NOTICES I07. CAMP r.W.o.w. CAMP meets every Wednesday evening in W. O. W. temple. 128 11th St. All members requested to attend. Visitors welcome. ,E. H. DEERT, C. C. HERMAN SCHADE. Clerk. M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camo. No. 87K Mondays. Selling-Hirsch block. 10th snd Washington sts. M. W. A. Wednesday evenlnars. Aliabv hifr tA " u invilinun DIB. avergreen camp, 6466, meets LIU S75 S.600 500 827 6,000 362 iOO 2,800 MARRIAGE LICENSES 28, and At New York R. H. E. Chicago 0 2 New York 5 8 1 Batteries Scott and Evan a; Brocket. Warhop and Sweeney. R H. E. 2 7 2 1 3 1 Kllllfer; Mor- At Philadelphia St. Louis , Philadelphia Batteries Bailey and gan and Ii Ting-atone. Aberdeen 8, Seattle O. Seattle, Kept 22. Aberdeen ahut out Seattle veaterday. to 0, Eddie Slever ofin- tne enigma. Score: Seattle flOOOOOv. AtTden ...0 090 5 00 I O I 12 Batteries MUler and Shea: Klrr and O'Brien. Harvey W. Freeze, Portland, Anna lone Hume. 9S George Boilers, 855 Gladstone avenue. 65. and Jospnnfnif Knv., ao John Stephen Rogers, 608 Montgomery e" tree t, 21, and Florence Coleman Big- ra? I pownell, 169 Park street. 32. and Elviva M. Oeorgpens, 32. Thomas J. Kearney. Aberdeen, Wash Archibald Eugene Burns, 469' Sacramento ouccl, u, una tann imogene Hob tetter. 28. John D. Prudham, St. Johns, 27. and iue m. m til sy , 44. Robert .Brunner, Woodstock, 82, and ar I lt7UU CV Cm 1 1 . ( , H"J? ,9; L1"""- Cascade Locks, 24. and Natilla Bee h man n. 24. w m 'ni so cr5r w- o- smith Co: Washington bldg, corner 4th and Waenlngton sts. CLARKE BROS., florlats; fine flowers and floral design. 29 Morrison at MAX M. SMITH, florlat. 160 5th at., op poalte Meier T'ninVg. Mln 721 B. BIRTHS EVANS To Mr. and Mra. W. H tvans. 41DH Vt aaco street. SeDtem. ber II, a son. CRAWFORD To Mr. Crawford. 208 Fifth and Mra E. street. Septero- Polnt View Real Estate Co. to First National Bank of St. Johns, lots 29 and 80, block 1, Point View First National Bank of St, Johns to W. H. Guile, lots 29 and 80, block 1, Point View W. Frank Lea-a- to John F. Jordan et el, lot 3, Flegel 1,250 Guy H. Travis to Eva Bassett, lot 10, block 24, Termone place Florence L. Day and husband to Josie Davidson, lot 6, block 23, Tremont place Fred H. Fruiht and wife to Ed ward L. Dunn, lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 7; lots 43 and 44, block 2. Lee Bow Park addition ...... Frank E. Dooly and wife to Claude D. Starr, easterly 25 feet of lots 7 and 8, block 256, Portland J. O. Leonard and wife to Albert L. Blgelow et al. lot 8, block 10. Park View extension Moore Realty Co. to A. L. Blge- iow et at, tots s ana s, mock. 2. Lorrlnton John Frederick Snuffin and wife to J. Jj. and Lulu Gray, lot 5, block 12, Oak Park addition No. 2 to St. Johns a P. McKee and wife to William J. Hay et al, part of lot 7 and 8, block 43, Sunnyside J. A. Houck and wife to C. O. Dies, lots 12 and IS, blook "C" Portsmouth Villa extension.... R. L. Stevens (sheriff) to Carrie W. Coey, lots 15 and 16, block 49, Vernon Mary Manner and husband to Florence L. Vaughn, lots 17 and 20, block 4, Willamette Heights Metropolitan Land Co. to Jacob G. Peterson.aiot 5, block 1, Nut grove , F. A. Reed to Nordby-Craven In vestment Co., 36x65 feet com mencing at southeast comer of lot 6, block 6, Swan addition.. Hattie C, Burton to Lillian M. Hannah, lot 2, block 9, Glenco Park Minerva E. Kellogg to Abble E. Fowler, lot 7. block 4. Glenco Park James H. McAllister and wife to Alfred A. Baker, lots 17, 18 and 19. block 15. Portsmouth 4.000 Artnur w. Glese to E. W. Reaer, lot 4. Dlock 3. Glese s addition. . C. W. Davis to Charles L. Schieffelln, lots 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 and 27. block 5. Villa Hill.. Same to same, lots 14, 16, 18, 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. block 5. Villa Hill Sam Kern to W. R. Grout, lots 10, ii. biocK 81. Tremont naee.... A. p. Bernln and wife to Charles West, lot 5. block 88. Sellwood Anna S. Peterson to James Law- son et al. lot 7, block 4, Bona-dalr John M. Plttenger and wife to Ernest G Ruedy, lot 6, block 104, Irvington 1,600 J. H. Mlddleton and wife to Ad dle Stephens, lot 2, block 3, Stacy Park Nellie M. Porter to W. M. HarelL lot 3. block 12, subdivision of lot 22. G'enhaven Park T. H. Walsh to W. M. Harell, lot 4. block 3, Morgan's addition. . . Title Guarantee & Trust company to Page Harris, lot 2, block 1, Tllton's addition Edwin R Coffin to W. J. Mur phv. lots 5, 6, block 2, Sunset Park J. Rueppell Arlington to Frank McHugh. lot 4. block "A," Park View Extension 2,200 Hannah 8. Norfhfleld to H. Par lev Kimball, lots 1, 2, block 19 Clifford addition 1,700 Solomon Blumauer et al, execu tor to Anton Gleblach et al, 2 Vi acres in Terrence Oulnn D. L. C. section 36. township 1 north, rang 1 east Irvinarton Investment company to Mrs. C L. M Inkier, lot 7, block 54, Irvington James D. Hart and wife to L. D. Heater, lot 12, block 19; Tabor sld H. B. Conner to Martin Wester eard. lot 3. block 4. Woodstock this fall. W. H. BUOY. Owner 610 BOAJUB Or TXADB BUM. Redmond i am zxpomTAirr Tows? mxawr vow It will be all right to follow th crowd with a few dollar In Redmona some time In th future, but you know rourseir mat preceening tne ouncn, get ing in there in th lead, has this beaten to a frartie, and a crush there certainly win oe just as soon a you can sit on a cushion and go. for Redmond Certainly Has a Wonderful Situation We can show you absolutely authen tic data regarding business and resi dence lota in Redmond, and are so en- thusiastlo that we want to talk about I this district if we never sold you any- rood terms. Neal Brown, 709 Swet- "5' I The residence lots, 60x100, are $100 ana biou. The business lots. 25x100. ara 1150 and $200. Tl.aA VtflMaa a4) MH.aak awt11 W . ? ktm. suuadob re j. uj i cnang-ea witnout notice. B. S. Cook & Co. 503 COBBETT B&DO., FOBTXAITS. APARTMENT KITK. Full Int. IHoallv I Or will ell half Interest to soma one west side; Income pays 44 per cent who will Join me in planting to apples net on present price. Only $9600. Lib eral terms. Fine half lot. 19th and Nnrthnin a be sold at attractive price If sold soon. Owner thinking of building himself this fall but offer it now for short time, investigate. FOR SAXE REAL ESTATE 16 $2-88 Lafayette bldg.." .Washington and sin. fnone a-yH3. Holladay Park Home iAraa ln( KAvlAfl ami th anrl AH fit I front, located In Holladay Park addt- ?om rtl!tlovi,un.'0Awt; w.,th ,uU tlon; 8 large rooms, sleeping porch, all cement basement, for $2000. It is so sleeping room have large closets, all P'ce and coy we can t tell you all about lower floor hardwood, beamed celling , ' "w s rooms aown- riininornnm And ,in. Finest selected l stairs, 2 upstairs, pretty lawn and fir materials used throughout Two baths and two toilets, hot water heat, radi ator In every room; Seat of light fix tures; built iy owner for home. Noth ing lacking to make It beautiful and modern. in one 01 j-oriiana a moat fashionable residence districts. And is a rare bargain at. 500. can make Read This SlowJv trees: easy terms. W. M. Conklin & Co.. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 2859. A-1747, or 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor. 806. P-27 land bldg. Beautiful River View west side, modern 8 room house, Vi block, magnificent view of tb Willamette, only 1 block from carllne, will sell or trade for acreage near Portland. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. 918 Board of Trade. Attention, Investors! An 8 room house on Eaat Ankeny st between 22d and 24th, In fine condition, plumbing, large sized lot, 7 minute car service. Will go at once. Price $2600: terms. First call at 760 E. Ar.keny and look at it; next be first in the lineup tomorrow morning at 206 Allsky bldg. If can't "line up" phone up Main 7681. 1,100 900 1.200 325 750 415 125 200 200 750 625 DIRT CHEAP That's the way we sell lota at GREGORY HEIGHTS. Com and see. It's cheaper to live In your own nom man to. pay rent. Let us ox Money Talks Here All these are sacrifice prices. $400 east front lot on Mount Tabor, sightly, take It for $285. ! $2600 ranch in valley, fine bottom soil, take it now for $2200. $1500 6 room house, river view, lull lot; price slashed to $1350. MEIKLEJOHN. OWNER, 808 E. Wash. St. East 1116, B-1437. 1200 New 6 room 2 story bouse, full ...Via o inllat. w5EN.FOR . 8I flreple! builMn China cablnlt. Dtch a. jya wwa. as AUAlfjr Why Pay Rent? Here is a modern 7 room house, street Improvements in: electric litrht. ?ood basement; 1 block from car; only 300 down. $16 pec-month. Price $1, S00. 711 Rothchtld bldg. Phone Main 3610. NO money needed for a home, I furnlah both. If you have a house started I will complete it for you, or If you have a lot I will build a house, or if you have a little money I buy the lot you like, build the house you like, you pay monthly payments. Money at 6 per cent per annum. EDWARD MILES, 121 Main St.. Lents. for you. See our beautiful lots for only $160 and up; $5 down and $2.60 a month. Also build homes and sell on your own terms. No forfeiture If pay ments deferred account sickness or loss of employment Come In at your own convenience, bring this ad and we will take you out in our automobile and show thla aplendld property. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. R room mnHprn hiinff-nlow. cement place, buut-in cnina caDinei, oicn c - trie "Tights: linoleum on Utehen sad "I.ftt! lot 60x100. price $3250. y Klnlra ft-itn xarl nA' hllllt fnr "'" home: must sacrifice; $500 down will handle. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO., 605 Commercial block Bargains at Portsmouth 18 lots right at Portsmouth, close to car, all set to fruit; price is reasonable; alSo 100x100 with 7 room house and 10 full bearing fruit trees and lots of small fruit. This is a snap at $2600. Can make terms on any of these. Neal Brown. 709 Swctland bldg. imVE5TMENTC0. 411 Corbett Bid.. 6th and Morrison. MUST SELL At once corner lot. 100x100. on'l7th mt Irvington, close to carllne, worth $4000 terms, ui any mans money; my price ror the next few days $3100; $1600 cash will nandie it; time on the balance. Phone owner feast 014. s EAST YAMHILL ST. HOUSE, $500. Nice K room, story and half house: street ImDrovements and sidewalks In and paid; on E. Yamhill, near 21st; price. SZ760; 460U casn, szo per montn; peats paying rent; walking distance. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8699. A-2653. ' IRVINGTON LOT. Fin lot on E. 8th. near Thompson, BO xlOO: all Improvements In and paid: cheapest lot In the district; $1650; some GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON-HOLLADAY DISTRICT. A fine 70x100 corner that Is very cheap at $2500: this is the only low price corner left in this district of fine homes. R F. BRYAN & CO.. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A-1227; Main 1963. WELL built, well arranged house of i large, light, warm, airy, cosy rooms, of good material and workmanship throughout: on fine lot. in good loca tion; sickness; must sell; It s one of our best home bargains; come sea it; only $1700. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. FIVE ACRE TRACTS (.000 950 150 Four miles from Dostofflce. on county road; level and In cultivation. Syndi cate price. $275 per acre. Terms, ha'f casn. Twenty minutes- ride on wot side. Soil, water and environment per- UNITED TRUST CO. 917 BOAJtS 07 TBASB BU0. 450 CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title ar Trust company. T Chamber of Commerce. 1 st. joirxs (torrUl DUpatr f Tha Jul aaL St. Johns. Or.. Sect. II Oltlcena are protesting a c a Inst the improvement of Fesaender etrevt and tb granting of tfc - of the street to th railway roi P"f. A Bujtnber of cltlsen eri pree ent at the last rotating af tr council to object to th proceedings already had. U J oh aa baa a city aryaoek fee Tn tewa fcaa bom th mirnmm mt W wltbfmt any cwnsblerabl rrrraa. that aa effort U U be saa4 U diap af Ut 4w ( wym. lb Eaat at Ink, bki hna- ln Cwrapi'eie Mtirdar. as la i H. M. b tier 17. a eon. i hilui ro air. and Mra J n urn. 408 Hojt atreet. September 1, a daughter. CANNON To Mr. and Mr M. O. Can nan, 168 OUn atreet. September eon. , MC LELLAXD To Mr. and Mr. . Mc Clelland, ill Clackamas street. Sep tember 15, a ion. ' ALPINE To Mr. and Mm a W. McAlptne, 67 Glbb street. September 19. a son. Gribble, 3il Tunvet avsnu. Septem ber i. a daughter. PETERi!ON To Mr and Mrs. O. H ' Pvterwvn. 1521 Emt r.llua . r.. , PepmNr II. a aon. LAWYERS Abstract Truat Co.. room 4 Bnard of Trade bldg.; abstracts specialty. ABSTRACTS of title D. Alexander ab atract office. 413 Corbett bldg. Main f. XEW TODAT. DEATH HACKER P W Hack-r. E,t - Twer.ty-fhlrd treu cpmbrr 2L ar 61; vaJvalar fcurt diaaM Hl'LIT Urn. K w. Hollt. if Gn teibe4a avwnu. eVpteiaber . ace II; beat 4UafTwa FIATS West Side, modern: pavs 15 pef cent net on purchase price and 20 per cent on money takes to handle. -i5 ENRY BLDG. Hood River Apple Lands 30 ACKXS, slashed and burned. In best district, near railway station, im proved properties all around, best $34500 11 ACSX8, 359 1-year-old apple trees; eaay term S2200 11 V Acmes, S mile from town, well improved; eaay terma S6250. 90 A.CXXB, 4 acres bearing. acre 1- y ear-old. 5 acre ready to plant, no wast, all under ditch; easy terms . S70O0 Other Improved and unimproved bron- erttes. M. A. MOSER ltH Third St Main 1432. Seaside Lots 2 blocks from P. O., 1 block from depot; lots 50x100; will sell or trade for anything of value. Will pay cash difference if necessary. 15 N. 6th st. Notice Me I am a fine modern bungalow of 6 large rooms, fireplace, basement, near car. My owner, well, will take good $400 lot as first payment, balance $15 monthly. 64 H 6th. Splendid Home A new, modern, extra well built, 7 room house, for sale by owner. 766 E. Glilan, near 24th st Cheap 6 room, modern house, lot 60x100. 772 Grand ave.. N. Price $2300. J. J. OEDER. CeivfQfand ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR VTODA-ONLY. Fine, full sizea, high lot near Kelly school; sold at a sacrifice first come, first served." 206 ALISKY BLDG. Telephone Main 7681- A Home, for Sale Strictly modern, 6 room, on Belmont st, near E. 86th; blinds and fixtures; 13250. Bee owner, 1084 Belmont st OWNER has lot 60xl00, graded streets, cement sidewalks and curbs, dtv wa ter, electric lights, building restrictions. beautiful new; ov; improvements paid. A. Backus. 519 Board of Trade. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, on KenU- worth ave.. 40x100. eement sidewalks. street improved: $400 cash, terms. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., 618 Board or i rape piag. -Splendid 6 room modern house. located on highly improved corner let. $3200 east and south front streets Improved, cement walks, near two car JlneM, close in; this price Is $500 under valuo, but must sell. Telephon owner, Tabor 1079. FOR SALE by owner, a beautiful mod ern 6 room California bungalow, cor ner Jot 60x100. rurnlsned, for 12900; Pnonea a-ti or main im. 5 ACRES $375 rim at $271 to $66 near Greaham Ideal fr home or laveatmeot: tits caah. $17.6 per month. FIt at Multnomah station. 29 mtn tee out, a real Investment; $2769; terma On at Gray Crossing In elt u wilnot ervce, fin location; $1269; terma. onnnt a roain 47a, - Lumbers toe. 4 Ja fee tso cash, new 6 room buncalowi U block to car, rine lucauon: eiecino llghta. set laundry tuba, etc This is a dalay. Ros. Laurelwood. Mt Scott car. FOB SALE Six room house, now, 1 carlinejLt large rooms, first floor covered with . carpet and lino leum; 6 nice fruit trees; house built of good material; price $1600; easy term. Room 610. Buchanan. $760 each for 2 fine lota, half block to car, near Thompson and 46th, with paved streets paid; each lot $250 cash, $10 monthly. Quickness necessary on these. Jas. C Logan, 326 Washing- ton St.. room 4m. $2000 room house, electric lights, full plumbing, good basement small barn, J roses, close to school, etc; H block to. car; iiiau casn. Dai. a years, be ownar, at 29 Taylor at., Laurelwood. A BARGAIN. ' $!200-r-$ room houae, bath, pantry and closets. 4 fin lota A. C. Harrla, Lincoln srve.. south of Myrtl Park. Phone SeHwood 1176. . . AN ACRE of ground, 6 room furnlahed nouae. on canine, close in. for chicken ranch. caah. Jam A. dock. 262 Alder at pnene Main 1174. EAST 12th and Powell rood Blare only $1600; $609 vYK WILL build you a modern bunga- low, full basement ana A-l plumbing, roome, for 11600, roomi for $1100. L. F. Clerk Ar Co.. 411 Cotich Mdg, 109 4tn $60 New 7 room bungalow la Ir rlngton. Jut completed, elerantly fur- nlard. race real, lot svni-. jfrmi. Pacific Realty VQ.. II gwetlsnd btdg. FIVE room modern bungalow, lot Px fcrtced; I see cwsb, bal. monthly. PORTLAND StCCE. REALTY CO, 1 rVwrd of Trade Ptdr. FOR SALE At Flrland. Mt Scott line, lot 40ni. 2 room hue. fumlsbed; $45. terms. Pacific .Realty Cox. 329 Swetland Mdr $5 4on and $i montHy, fine lots close to car; prlc III. , Mt wtt cer Rosa. Laurelwood. GOING lr: iU !! iot at Ti'-lmont cheap; tenaa 0ar, feec ili, st Jchba, Or. L cash. nalance-Z yesra. rcr cent. POKTLAN1) BUCUESS REALTY loOxlOO; 44 t. ecu 416 Board of Trade bide-. WE have all a. lode of trading propoal tlona to offer. For anything la th real estat tin Marrull 4k Schav bach, room 417. Tird of Trad. FOR aaything tn Portland real taTaT COLCMBIA TRrT COMPANY. twrq rT i rn Hint. $50 rash, $16 per month. 4 room boae. i iota, cioae to car. I1&09. Roaa, La- relwood Mt S-ott ear. ' fTile Ann acra, close to rarlin anl good achooL Ross, Laurelwood. Sett car. I 69x104. en Overt. ct.oic ob H.,l I, ration, $. trms t Pam Tr.1. WF tr5 infcfr. IL F. Le t CZ fTT Pir4 er Trale. Vati wr.si id kt ltUft: view trrr. : r ru. i : it, Ca:i 4 Afrl-etrt V;i. G "D tne'wm rr-a hiee cm Urai 119 Hjri ( Trad, r