4 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINO, SEPTEMBER 2. 1003. LATEST NEWS OF WmiB'S . MAESMETS. - 23 CEillS FOR CHOICEST HOPS 4aBssssssssi BssBBsaa Advance Is Offering Inde pcndenco Crop' Shorter ( Than Expected. Oraal Short of Mop. According to Conrad Kreb. th largest producer of hop In Oregon, th Independence section. , which I considered tho boat In th stst. will not produce mora than two third of a crop or bout 1(00 bales thla aaaaon. - aV TODAri hojj;saJ markets. !Sc offered fdr choir boa. Hop hortsg la acuta. Egg market la softer. , ,j f Poultry market holda. " Poach season cloelng. . .' TnmatAM scarce and n I If It. 8harp rlaa in canned frulte. ' Butter and cheea firm. Ktrat cranberrt In market. Good peer ara acarce. ;. Swet potatoe lower. potatoee and onlona quiet Offer t3o lot Cholo Bops. Wbll th quality of Oregon's ltOI crop of hopa will be better than ex pected; very few choice hope nave peon baled thta season. For thla grade lie i. nnw helns- offered a-rowera and ao far as known none of the offere have been accepted beeauae more money la wanted. Even the holders of prime hope are asking 5c ao It la quit im probable that anyone who haa etrlctly choico hope would let go under 2io or JSC a pound. Several additional aalea have been made In tha hop market during the east 24 houra and while the names of purchasers are withheld for business reason It la practically confirmed that 2c haa been paid. It la known poal tively that 13o haa been offered, how-aver. Old Hope Are Being Hough. ' Beat quality of last year'a hop crop la being aought by dealers and lie was offered yesterday afternoon In the country ior a canoaa 01 iuo. , in ! th highest orlce reached thus far by that growth and Indicates the grow LOCAL l IS ISHEEP F0IE HEAVY LOSSES III HIGHER AGAIN IH LOCAL YARDS STOCK MARKET ' Changed Conditions Abroad No Arrivals at Stockdale Heading and Harriman In and at Other American Since Dast Friday ecu terests Principal Lowers and Stock Hos Slow. Former Down 3 Points. Centers Bring Itise. Za Oral and rlomjr, Wheat market advanced le to Ic. Differential between club ' and blueatem cut le. Oats market Is ahaded too a w ton by moat buyers. Klour trade and price ahow 4 4 no change. . PORTLAJVD JVHlfATlND f LOm. Today. ear Ago ub wheat I .It rt '. . 0 Za XJvestoek Karkat. . Sheep were never so acarce In 4 4 Portland aa today. There were no arrivals In that Una during . 4 the paat 14 houra; In fact none . 4 aince last Friday, when only a 4 nominal showing was display sd. a Club Hluestem HrJ Russian latent flour, Kxport . . . . Oat . .lVfc 6 10 20 17.(0 .4 .17 4.19 I. If 11.15 Top atuff Steers . ...... Cowa Heifers f Iamb . W'ethera . ... . Calvea . Hogs Today. , .14.65 . I IS . l it . e.to .. 4.00 . 1.15 . 1.00 Tear ago. f4.2 1.75 1.00 4.25 1.60 4.60 7.25 Saturday Friday . . Tburaday Northwest Harvest AVeatlier. Oregon Fair and warmer tonight, I Wednesday iliuipuaj m l . iiuiuivi ij wiiiub, I - . Washington Shower west, fair and I Monday warmer east portion tonight. Thuraday fair east; ahowers west portion; eaat erly wlnda. Idaho Kalr and warmer tonight Thuraday fair. Wheat la Again Higher. Changed condition abroad and the better feeling at Chicago and other American center yesterday and today, brought about a reaction In the wheat market here and' an advance of 2c la UNION STOCKYARDS RUN. Hog. 206 lit , ITS 478 Cattle. Sheep. 211 ... 114 71 iio 41S ins strength of the market. it an nnar ha Aefinite.lv stated that brewers have begun to realize the great . shortage In the Oregon growtn ana they are freely offering 20c a pound for ordinary coods but .cannot aecure them at that figure. Crop Will Be Very Snort. v rnnrjift Kreb the Independence srrow- r. who returned from his yarda thla ... morninsf-told The Journal that the. In dependence yard did not turn out more than two thlrda of the hopa expected and that the general quality In that ' section will be prime. '"There are not ' manv choice hopa In the district." he : nv. "hut a. rood manv orimes will be shown. With the exception of two or three yarda all will be short In the district, in our-Brooks yard this year'a crop la 78.000 pounds less than a year ago. There are lOO.acrea In. una yara and a yearago the production Was 88.- ' OOQ poiHda,vi.1Tna decrease i iwnunj, ,.', CraBborrlaa Arrlre. First cranberries of the season have , arrived In thla-city and areon display In a Fourth street market. The berriea are small and rather underslxed but compare favorably with former initial shipment. The supplies came from I ' Tillamook. Egg Market Is Softer. With eastern fresh eggs being freely offered local buyers at materially low er prices than formerly, . there la a weaker feeling all through the Front street egg market Receipts of local . eggs are not very liberal but the press of eastern stock at lower prices Is hav ing its effect and nothing is now be ing sold above 22HC a doten. chickens are just about steady. J Butter and cheese continue firm at former prices. Xa Front Street. ' California Fruit Canners' association has announced advances of 40c to 65c a dor en on gallon peaches and 50c a , dozen on gallon pears. Both canned corn and tomatoes are firmer with an advancing tendency. Fresh tomatoes are scarce and higher. Local -peach season Is closing, arriv als being very limited today. Prices higher. . Market for sweet : potatoes Is about He lower with more'liberal supplies ot tering. OnionB and potatoes remain dull with no outside demand, in eight quoted in club and 'Jo a bushel In blue stera. The market is really the former amount higher, but the differential haa been cut lo between blueatam and club. New price are 96c for bluestem and 88o for club. Oats market ahows some increase In activity, but prices are down 60c a ton in most Instance. Some are still of fering as high aa 127.60 for No. 1 white, but most intereata say the market will not stand over $27. Flour situation shows no change. Good Cranberry Crop. South Bend, Wash.. Bept 22. The Portland Cranberry company, which haa extensive holding In cranberry land on what la known aa "the Peninsula," In this county, will, according to J. M. Ar thur, who is one of the principal stock holders In the company, this year har vest about 1000 barrels of cranberries. FRONT STREET QUOTATIONS Bops, Wool and EldM. ' 'HOPS 1908 crop, choice, 17c; prime to choice, ISc; prime, 15 He; medium, 16c; 1909, 20?23c lb. "WOOL, 1909, Willamette valley, 22 ' 24c: eastern Oregon, 20 23c TALLOW Prime, per lb, 8 4c; No. S and crease, i&ZMe. SHEEPSKINS shearing, ioibc each; short wool, Zbetf40c; medium wool, iOe&ll each; long wool. 76c9 11.25 each. CHITTIM BARK 6e lb. HIDES Dry hides, 14lo lb; rreen, fUioe .o; duiis, green sait, o per jo; Kips. He: eaivea, green, 100 per id. t MOHAIR 1909, 216240 lb. Butter, Errs and Poultry. ' BUTTER Extra creamarx. 26c; fan ey, !4(S86c; store. IJHcJ r - . BUTTER FATT-SWiwery t o. b. Port- jana-weei aream. atc; sour, izftc iuuua canaieo. select, izszhc; or dinary run, lie; seconds. 30c; eastern. Ztrie. CHEESE: Fancy full Cream flat, 18c; triplets and daisies, 18c; Xoung Amer ican, 19c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, ISHc; fancy bens. He; romtera, old, 10 11c; aprlngs, lc; Reese, 10c; tur keys, alive. 18920c; dressed. 26c; ducks, 12Vtc pigeons, squaba, f2 doa; dressed poultry. ltHtoc higher. . Orala, no and Hay. - BARLET Producer' price 1909 Feed, $2(: rolled, $30; brewing. $26.60. WHEAT Track Club. 8sc; bluegum. 94c; red, 84Hc: forty-fold. 88Hc; Tur key red, 87c: Willamette valley. 89c MILLS TUFFS Selling price Bran. 121.60: mlddllnrs. 812; altorts, 227. 60; chep. I224J28.: alfalfa meal. r-r ton. FLCt'R Old crop Selling price Fntm Oregon patent, 84.25. straight I 20.0: export, f 3 90; bakers, o 43 4 25; valley, $8.60. New crop, patent. ii li: atralght 14.86: baker. $4,655 5 00 Willamette valley, $4.0 bbl ; graham. U, $6 49; whole wheat, $S.8f; rye. 6c. ilia: balea. 31 OATS Spot delivery, new, producers Friee TracJl No. 1 white, 127.69: gray. I I. H A T Producer prc -New timothy. Wlilainett valler fancy. 117.99; ordi rsrr. $14: eastern Oreron. Ill 69 mued. 114016: Cle-rer, No. J, $14: ht III; ebeat. 111.61014; alfaif. iHI'Mi. XiRN Wfcole. Ill: cTeke4. 8T torn It-aita aa Guard Grapes From Frost. North Yakima. Wash.. Sept 22. Owners of vineyards in this section are beginning to adopt the orchard beatera to keep the frost out of their vineyards. Those who have used them report ex cellent success. There has been occa sion to use the heaters the last few nlghta because the temperature has gotten down to the danger point In every case where the heaters have been used there has been no damage. It is believed they will come into general use in the vineyards In this section. 40 PER CEHT SHORT According to advices reveived in this nltv from w S. Offner. the prominent onion authority of Walla Walla, the late onion crop or mat aeciion win oe nouui 40 oer cent short. The late crop was attacked and damaged by thrips. Early onion crop of the walla Walla section amounts to about 260 cars, moat of them already sold. Fear of frost in the Beaverton sec tion and other Willamette valley places will cause earlier pulling of onions thi season than expected. According to A. J. Fanno, president of the Confederated Onion Growers' association, pulling will start in his section tomorrow for the early crop while the late crop will be pulled about October 16. W00DBURN HOPS SOLD AT 21 CENTS POUND Union Stockyards, Stockdale, Sept. 22. As was iold yesterday in Tha Journal, there was a continuation of the dis crimination agalnat poor quality today. Thla may ahow more In the hog mar ket than in other lines, but the dis crimination was so plain that anyone could ee it Feeders and stockers are not now wanted in the hog market here at this time and those who make shipments of this character do so with the certain knowledge that their ahlpments will be looked upon with disfavor by those who buy and sell. While almost any quaiuy oi iiveaiocn can be sold at any time providing tho price Is made sufficiently attractive the price now being offered for poor hogs not xncouraorlna: to thoae who shin. While none can safely say what will be th. eiitnra nf th tins market so Tar llttn. . V. - la i.An.am,H thj Oil 1 1 OOlt looks I .. u t'A with 1Mltna Of 14 POlntS, h, . imon4 for all thai TnrV rvntral followed other Hnr- tti y ui i.ii, u "---- - - - - i . . ; t, v. w-.- - - vine tnai can vuaniuiy u yi v-1 riman Biiur mm m .w... -. "rvfi. an steel shares were weak. but not nearly so depressed as the ...iia Tn fact, all Industrials showed a fairly steady tone, although most were fractionally lower than last n's-ni. a i.fA, nf tha American Steol Foundry ompapy is authority for tho statement that aiviaenas on mo Will b started in January. ... American Telephone & Telegraph haj declared its regular quarmn, of 2 per cent and Central Railroad of L. Jersey haa declared Its regular payment 4 4 New Tork, Sept 22. Early bullish ness In the stock market gave way to ward the end of the session to extreme bearlshness and pricea in practically every issue had a heavy sag from last n,fteading shares were the most active of the list and in the common the sell ing pressure developed considerable proportions, resulting In a closing low nf Ttnlntr romnared with last nlKnu Harriman Pacific shares were weak and lower, with Union Pacific very ac tive and SH points lower at me cios- Southern racmc wa iinewioe n- World of rtnanoe. New Tork. Sept 21. The Wall Street Journal says: James A. Patten say h ts a bull on cotton and talks IT cents for tht staple. Preliminary figures of Reading -annual report make unfavorable Showing. Harriman Peclno roads havs now under construction 1000 miles of extensions with ex penditure approximating $100, 000.000. Prices for all classes of steel and Iron continue to advance. Ontario A Western orders 4000 tons of steol raila. Fair sales of Electro copper at 11)4 cents. Pope Manufacturing company declares regular Hi Pf cent quarterly dividend on preferred and accumulated dividend of t per cent Americans in London irregular but mostly higher. DECEMBER WHEAT s GAMS SHARPly Holds Good Advanco While Other Options Lose in Chicago Pit Todajv COSTS MORE TO FEEDPIMERS . : . , I i i i i i New System Proven Kipens he to County Taxpayers. Sept lec. May CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Bept I, eepi. ii. ioa. li". Sept ..106 . 89H ,102!B ept 98fe ioi S W 17 97 9 3 Gain.. It coat tha county, of Multnomah 11171.11 mora to feed tbs prtsooera at Kliy butts during the last six months, from March to August tacluslva, than during tha preceding all months, from fcopimiibvr, 190. to March. iurlig thi tlanj the number of pris oner and the number or meais varied but IlllU, but during the laat alx niontha tn meal lyv boea furnished by the. aheattf ondoV the law adopted by th peopIV at the preceding election. In tha earlloi1 alx month, used for the purpose: of compsjlsoni Kally butt wa in charge of to county court and to meats wr runusnea oy oounir. The ricurea given ara official ones, eoniDlled by J. W. Kersuaon. the county Xpert, who haa for months past been going over I lie doom or tne county oi rii'ia.a. Ill work enables the . first definite comparison to be made to show the working or tn new Jaw. revealing a blr profit as a aids Una for Sheriff Stevune.. , , i r ' 1. . fa hi- iZZZZl rvten he AouTttynra-furnishing the .'."."i? i,JRUu .!? fWeaU to the prisoner, la cost was 'A.La mL1,2 a.h oout 1 1-1 cents per meal. . As nearly a can be eatlmated. tn county served penoa RETAIL GROCERS MAKE Old KICK IO Anaal. flent. ll.Tha fallfArala Orousr aud Halall Marchauts' soolit tloa la eoDVslilluQ lo this ally haa elared war on wnoleUrs wbo infringe A dlsouaslon ot tha Whnlaaalara lit. road on laa-ttlmata retail iri. a prlpltate4 whan J. M. 8uUvaa read a report of the trades abuse eommuta. Tb guilty whoiaaaUr war referred to aa thoe who a teal tha bread from our publishing re adnutaH unanimously: this publication will bo made through the agency of th.tU.asso. moutha Keaolutlons In favor of the name of thasa daalnr wero ad elation' periodical. The delegatsa of the convention will be banqueted tonlabt at ter hotel. the Wcstmln- Chicago. Sent 22. The wheat market started with a hesitating tone, with pricea a fraction lower to a fraction higher. Closing waa fee lower to. c llisnar. Forelm Indifference and unaettlement of condition at Liverpool gava to thla market It irregular ton. At Liverpool the market opened Hrt higher, but closed na lower to ik a nigner man yeateraay. December wai It save a ahowl scarcely diminished even while ether option lost all their early advance. It atarted T4o hlrher at ttc and ellmbed Reaction in otner aeliveriea to $1.00W affected the Decern be r to tha extent of 1c, and it closed 1c under the hlfh point, or 4c better than yeaterday'a final price. ' Stronar caah price are still shown st this and Other marketa, and 'the buying la good. St Louie reported a big de mand for cash wheat there, and wired that recolpta of wheat were email today na a rood aeai or tne stocas in ele vator was ts go out cash pricea: Wheat No. t red. 11.11(01. IS; No. I red. ll.05Ol.lt; No. t hard winter, 11.0501.08; No. 3 hard winter, 11.02V 1.07: No. 1 northern soring. $1 0801.08 No. I northern spring, 11. 04411.07: No. anrlnar. 11. 0001.07. Corn No. 2. 674 67 14 e: NO. I wnite, 67U67Hc; No. 2 yellow, 7He 77Hc: No. I yellow, 67tf68c 67c; No. 4 corn, B5HO 67 140 Range of Chicago prices furnished by. OveroecK cooKe uo.; WHEAT. Open. High. . 105 ,107 . 99X 100 . 103 103 CORN. 67 60 6 OATS. Sept Dec. May Sent Dec. May LOW, 1024. 67 60 52 V4 o 62 Close. 105 09 102'iB 66UB 604B 62H c-or.fl awine that can poaslbly te pro duced ere during the next few years. DESCRIPTION, Woodburn, Or., 22. O. ti. Bar- Sent. ber has sold his 1509 crop of hops, weighing 9000 pounds, to Fred Dose at 21 cents per pouna, 90c sack: beets. 11.60; carrots 11.25 sack; cabbage, local, 11.26; tomatoes, local. lancy, &oc per crate; orainary, ztxptuu fe crate, hothouse. 11; beans, lo per b.; cauliflower, 40cl do; peat. 6c lb; horseradish, 10c: green onions, lOo pcu doz. ; peppers, bell, 6c per lb.; head lettuce. 20c dox.: hothouse. II per box; radishes. 10c doa, bunches: celery. 16& ll.dos; egg plant, 67c lb; rhubarb, 3c per lb.: corn, sogpeoc sacx. Orooeziea, Nets. Etc SUGAR Cube, 16.45; powdered, $6.10; fruit or berry, 16.05; dry granulated, $5.95: conf. A.. $6.85: Extra B.. $5.15: golden G., $5.45; D yellow, $5.35; bar. rels 15c; half barrels 60c, -boxes 66e advance on Back basis. (Above quotations are 10 days net caah Quotations.) SALT Coarse Hall a-i per ton; 60s, 18.60; table, dairy, 60s. -Half ground. 100a, II ' FRESIf ITtt lTS Orange Med. ., $; Valefxama, 61 6 rr bs, t-ansrtaa. 6 Vt la.; IcnMMi. t(t4 boi; rat-fruit 4; taloupe. 6ftc 1 69; i-- tia. faj-y, 61 Ji; ofyfJnarr. 1( !l I $1: rrp. K-cfffllJS. r VU1V6V JotHl4V IUI a II c.et 1 K i. XAIiLa.il x.rw reruira. Oregaa 11; we.ta, lIHe $16.50; 100. $16; bales, $2.25: extra fins barrels. 2a, 6s snd 10s, 4.6O0a.O; lumg rock, f ace per torn. -' RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. I Hot No. 2, 6c; New Orleans head. &97c; Creole. 6 c. HONET New, 16e per lb. BEANS Small white. $7.25; larr white. K.S6; pink. $4; bayou, 11.75; Llmas. $5.26; reds, $6.60. Keats, rish and ProrlsloBs. HAMS. BACON ETC Portland pack (local) ham, 17 He; breakfaat bacon, 174& 2Bc; boiled ham, 23 24 c; pic nic. 18c: cottaare roll. ( 1: reaular short clear. smoked. 16e; backs, smoked, lc; plcklei tongues. 16e each. DRESSED MEATS Front street hora. fancy, 10c: ordinary. I Vie: veais. extra. loniOHc: ordinary. 9fe 10c; heavy, 9c; mutton. 7c: lambs. 7c, LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a ibc per id.: tiM. io per id..- b id. tins. It Vic r lb.: steam rand ere lea jc oer id. . il liua ht in ray pound. 10. 9 Vic per lb. CLAMS Hardshell per bog. 11.49: raior clams, out of season. FISH Rock eoL IC lh.: flnundera Ic lb: halibut ia7e lb: stnned baaa. 16 id.; catnan. ieu lb.; salmon. cblnooK. c lb: herrlna- I 1 lh: aolea lb: vhiimps. 12 He lb; perch 6c lb; torn eod. ivc per is; looatera, Ise per lb: iraab mackerel. ( ) per lb.; erawttsh. tie per ora.; Bxara-eon. ue per lb.; black baaa. !M per lb.: Columbia smelta ( I per id., surer smeii. e per lb.; Piaca coo, "He per lb.; CTb. ( par doa. OTSTER8 Shoalwater bey. per gal lon. 12 6; per 199 lb. sack. 6; Olympi. per rail on. I J t; par J lb. sack. tf.II; canned. fe can. lie dosaa; aaatera la hell. 11.76 per 19s. LTNSF.ED OIL Raw. febla, 5c; eaea, boiled, bbla, Jc: caaea. Tie; per galloa lota of 66 gallons, 1 Uaa; oil ease aseai. lit toa. ROPE klas.Ua. ar; slsaX T lb. BENZINE 61 degreea, caeca. 1 par gal; Iron t-Ma. 11 He per gal VJ'X.sJls'1tln T7e per gml .WHITE LEA D Toa lot. TVs pi ?i: ' i Pr 17; leea lota. Stock Sor leU Itower. Stockers and feeders sold about 25o lower in the local hog market today and buyers wers not overpleased at tho pur- chasea rteitner were tne euer who the sales. . Real good hogs are arriving very slowly In the Stockdale yarda and noth ing was received during the past 14 hours that sold beyond 8. This, how ever, was for good average stuff, al though the toppy quality of opening days was not in evidence. . Oood Demand for Bast Bteers. For beat steers the local market never showed a stronger nor better tone than it does today. Demand in tnis line is so good that ihere is instant sale for ae lect Stuff at top price.' A In the awin market the call for medium stuff is only fair, while poor stuff is rather AmaL top. Ho... - . . A . CIBaaa anM . Ia 4VV am Hi4a I -a a-a nara to mo dwch m . ; um, u. c today as low as s ror stocxers, out Am-c. & F., p. something closer to top quality, sold upAm. cot. Oil, c to $4.25. There were no rancy select l Am. Loco., c. steers in evidence, aunougn me sales were about as good .as . has . been recently received here with the excep tion nf the onenlnsr dav. Stags and bulla are not arriving; very Treely, out tnere is oniy a iimnea ue mand for the latter around $2 2.26, al though stars are brlnclnar around 13. 60 for good stuff. Cows are firm with top pers around 13.26 and poor quality sell ing: down to 1Z.0U. However, in Lier grade are hard to move. Sheep and jvambs Scare. For sheep and lambs the trade is still showing a famlahed condition. Recent receipts have been so limited that only the laraer packers have -been able to buy any at ail and even these did not have more than quarter , enough to fill their regular orders. This applies prin cipally to the lamb market but sheep In general stand In a most promising condition. : Tho who Supply th Stark. J. E. Reynolds of Arlington cam down the river with two loads of hogs. M. B. Hoffman or Norm xamnui was a stockyards visitor today. Mr. Hoff man was offering a load of valley hogs. R. D. 1. Brown of Wellsdale, Or., brought in a car of cattle. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as follows: Cattle. Sheep. Z13 135 90 2S1 28 Sept Dec. . May . Sept Jan. , Sept Oct Jan. Sept Oct Jan. ... .2400 ....1820, ,.TTll22 ,...1215 ,...1077. ...1195 1167 ... 962 , 40 U S9U i 39 39 19 V4 42 41 4U PORK. 2410A 1820 1817 1817A LARD. 1330 1222 1230A 1220 1215 1217 . 1077 1075 1076 . RIBS. 1197 1197 1197 1170 1167 1167 965 . .960 9C0 Range of New York prices furnished by OverpecK ee tunne ron"i Hogs. 305 710 619 189 257 1909 1908 1907 1908 1905 95 A year ago today all lines of livestock began to show a slight lull in demand but prices held steady at unchanged figures. Yards' 2prentativ Sal. Following are representative of latest transactions in the yards and Indicate demand, supplies and quality offering: STEERS. Av. Wt 10 medium ...1164 It stock ....1021 1 stock 1380 cowa 11 oowa .......... 981 17 cowa 1067 lCOW .,.... m ... 1210 1 cow 960 8 cows 1041 STAGS AND BULLS. 1 stag 1620 1 bulls 1460 1 bulls 1106 HOGS. 71 hogs Ill 1 hog no 26 feeders lOo 26 feeders 160 The following Is the general range or livestock valuea In the yards: CATTLE Best steers, welgmng line pounds. 14.50; medium steer,-. togf 1.76: best cow. 11.25; medium cowa. tl&l 25: beat heifers. 13: bulls. I2.Z6. HOGS Best east of mountains, 18; Willamette valley best 17.76 08; stockers. $7; pigs, $7 07.76. SHEEP Best wether. 1404.16: ordl nary. 11.7661.66: spring Iambi, 15.160 6 60; straight awes, 11.76; mixed lot. $1.86(74. CA.LVES Bast. 16; ordinary. $1 0 4 Hogs Up la East. 11. Hogs, 16.00; cat- Price. ' 18.60 a.oo 4.26 ts.it 1.26 2.60 2.60 1.25 13.60 2.26 1.00 18.00 7.00 1.60 7.26 ro. Sept ..COO; eheep, 86.00. . Hon, tc Chic . 1 - a . , itv. la.vvv. higher; left over, 610. Receipts year ago, 1 ,&". Mixed. 17.7 e 1 4S; heavy, $. t.t; rough. t7.l90T.lt; light. 7.1t.f. CatUa Steady to le high fhD- 16e lower. Kansas City, Sept. It Hogs, 12,000; cattle, it.: aneep. ix.ee. Omaha. Sept 11. Hoc. 1299: cattle. 7909; abe-p. 1L99. New (Ike. Xrw Tor Tork. pt SriTer. 11 Bar silver. Free to Hen TV. Taylofs tit a4) as-mse-ant nerw epa: admiaotoa free. 114 Morrtaoa st Am. Sugar, c. Am. Smelt, Am. Smelt, p. . Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. Atchison, c. ... Atchison, p..... B. & O., 0. b; & o.. p. B. R. T Can. Pacific, c Cen. Leather, c. Cen. Leather, p. C. & Q. V?;, c C. M. & St P.. . C. & N. W., c... Ches. & Ohio.,.. Col. F. & I., c Colo. So., o do 2d pfd .... do 1st pfd Corn Products, c do pfd Del. & Hudson... D. & R. G., c... do pfd ....... Erie, c ao za pra .... do 1st pfd Ot. Nor., pfd HI. Central Int. Met, c do pfd ....... Louis. & Nash... Manh. Ry M.. K. & T., c do nt a Distillers Ore Lands Mo. Pac Nat'l. Lead N. T. C...... N. T., O. & W. N. & W., c N. & W.. p.... N. American... N. Pacific, c... P. M. S. & Co. Pa. Ry. P. O., L. C. Co. P. Steel Car, c... Reading, c , Reading, 2d. p., Reading, 1st p. . R. I. 8., c... R. L 8., p. .. Rock Island, a.. Rock Island, p... St I A S. F.ldp. St L. & aF.latp St. L. & 8. W., c. St I ft 8. W., p. s. pacinc, c... Southern Ry., c do pfd ..... Texas aV pac. . T.. St .L. ft W., c do pfd ...... Union Pac, do oCd U. 8. Rubber, e. ao prd . . . U. S. Steel Co. do pfd ... Wabash, o do Dfd . . . West union Tel. Wia. centraL, .c. do j)f d ...... Weatlnghouse . . . Utah Copper I.. Tnira" Ave. Con. Oas . Big Four . K. C Southern.. do pfd Alton Con. .... do pfd Railway Spring do pfd American Can . do pfd PC 118 80 183 44 162 162 160 23 21 194 48 no 117 79 182 84 46 63 194 48V 35 35 35 41 41 41 37 90 137 60 94 62 164 163 16 48 153 83 44 53 22 192 47 37 83 72 90 137 50 95 62 153 162 14 47 153 83 167 35 148 116 49 171 70 89 135 49 94 PRODUCE PRICES . NORTH: A! SOUTH rtTnlted Preat Leased Wire.) San Francisco. Sapt. 22. Eggs, per dozen: California fresh, including cases Extras, 43 c; firsts, 34c; sec onds, 80c; thirds. 24c. Butter, per pound California fresh. extras, 32a; firsts, 80c; seconds, 28c; packing No. 1, 25c. New cheese. 4er pound California flats, fancy, 16c; firsts, 16c; seconds, 14c; California Young America, fancy, 16c; firsts, 16c; Oregon, 16 c; do New York, 18 c; do Young America, 17c. Potatoes, per cental River whites, 60 80c in sacks; Salinas, $1.26 ii 1.60; sweet potatoes 1ft crates, $1.401.65; ex car. Onions Yellow, 070e. Oranges, per box Valencias, 11.50 $3.00. SEATTLE PRODUCE MARKET Seattle, Seph 22. Butter, per pound Washington creamery, firsts, 37c; ranch 2627c; eastern creamery, 31 84c; process, 27 28c. Eggs, per dozen Local ranch, 89 40c; fancy white eastern, 35c; eastern, 28i82c: Orea-on. 34c Cheese, per pound Cream brick. 18e wheel Swiss, Zlc; block Swiss, 18c Limburger. 19c; new Tillamook. 18 Wo TinamooK xoung Americas, isc; Wis consin twins, 18c; Wisconsin ' Youna American, upisftc. Onions Green. 80a per dozen: (Tali forma, lc per pound; Walla Walla, Potatoes 90e$l per cwt; sweet 2a 31.6H0 meals In th six month named, a total cost of USUI 49. Th county now pays tha sheriff 11 cent per meat lie served 11.117 meals from March to September, a total Of 14114.14. There Is no means of telling what th meal cost th aherlff. If th culinary department Is run as economically as tiie county court ran It his personal profit Is th difference between 11 cents and 7 1-1 cents on each meal Addles In the cost of meals for th guard, tha total cost ot meals during th six months of county court man- agement was 11601.74, while th cost for th sain service under alx months! of Sheriff Stevens has been 14551.01. Still another comparison la ahown In the net coat taking Into consideration the um -received from the city for the board of city prisoners. 'Th city pay l-s cents per meai, ana on tnis tne county made a small profit The net coat under the county court rule of six months was 11616.99. and under an equal period of th sheriff 13858.77, or 12142.78 more for th sbsrlffs six month. A comparative statement ot th amount of rock crushed during the six months from March to August thla year ana tne corresponding montns or 1901 show that tho aherlff has fallen behind the pace set by the county court From March to August, 1908. the production was 18.463 cublo yards, and for th like month this year 17,061 oubio yards. 11 11 "v-- - REMOVES BAN FROM "FRATS" Under Supervision of Fac ulty Students May Main tain Societies. New York Cotton Market. New York, Sept. 23. Cotton: Overbeck & Cooke Co.) (Furnished ty Open, ...1290 17 147 41 4I 41 til nr2 91 44 108 8 76 68 .71 17 111 11 70 I5H 61 71 108 106 64 121 R4h 128 20 b0 77 108 88 .1300 iisio. Jan. . Feb. . March April May . June , July 1304 Sept 1285 Oct 1279 Nov. 1286 Dec 1292 1299 1284 1296 1297 12971299 1306 1293 1305 ' 13058180l 1110 1197 - 1309&13U 1308 1308 1294 180701108 1296 1286 12931294 1297 1279 1296$1296 129531297 1302 1288 12991300 Dallas Prunes for East, At Dallas, space has been secure! for a- packing nouae ror tne orating and hipping of green fruit to eastern mar- Keis. mis wiu prov fictor in Increasing- the F. M. Relsenberg an Important fruit industry Dallas aa ad- of Portland coller-tlna- prunes. He expects to shin out 10 carloads of prunes, of 1000 crates each, from Dallas this Season. The fruit vrlll be sent to an eastern house and auctioned. by giving the farmers a larger market I Ii In U vance man for W. N, Ayrea lx. dlv. 1 per cent Total aalea I.OSt.009 hara. NORTH WiST BANK STATEMENT rvrtUaa Baaka. today .11.114.11147 . L1M.447.II Clearing Tear aga Gain today .......... I Ti it tt BjJejw today ...........$ 1S1.724 IT Year ago 117.111.17 Oeartnr tnday Balance tooay Oartnr to4y Balances tada- .1! T7! MtM . I6L4IIM ........ LM Til M ........ 11.711 Liverpool Wheat Market. Liverpool. Sept 12. Wheat: Open. Close. eept 7a $d ....7 7d 7. 7d March 7 7d 7 7d Y0UXG BAIKD GETS YEAR IX COUXTY JAIL Confessing to a ntultltud of robberies, Oeors L. Balrd. son of Captain Oeorg Balrd. well known pioneer of Astoria, Or, today pleaded guilty to larceny In th municipal court and was sentenced te one year In th county Jail by Muni cipal Judr Frank 8. Bennett. Balrd waa arrested In 8atll last week by Detective Pt Makmey, after evldance had been fathered against him py the arreeting officer and Iietectlr Hellyer. Rrousht bark to PertlaiwL Balrd waa fseed hr vral persona aha complain. arsjnst bins. the soy was aceeaed ef steallna- a suit rase from th Norton la hotL then of th tHeft of Ii from tha HeMnaa partmenta, Fowrtewth and Columbia street and tb rrtitery of a Bagget pla frm the room tt a frtara. Balrd ewr feaaod everything la tha da. laeuve. He M cmiy it y&ra old. and fw the reaaoa that It waa the first tiwnu hm ha4 eee an mrrrA, ottl r enrnrs"t wa pmi against hlmt j Car-fa 1 a I-air tha ft.r mt ik. Vw 1 V" riTJ1 t! ror every XX log stele ty t (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Walla Walla, Wash. Sept. 22. 'Frats," hitherto under the ban at Whit man college, will hereafter be counte nanced by the faculty, according to an nouncement made . yesterday. The rrowth of the school has tended to sep arate tha students into cliques, and this Has tiad a irreat deal to an witn tno new ruling, which is almost revolu tionary in nature, 'directly in opposi tion to the previous policy. The clubs, societies, or "frats" are to be subject to rules, whlch, the stu dents take it, are nominal. However, It is generally felt among the students that the step means much toward the advance Of student activity and in mak ing- the college attractive to new stu dents. Already the "Illahee" club own Its own quarters, and has a well equipped and regulated house. The rules made by. the faculty for the governing of the organizations are: iso literary or social organisation may be maintained which does not hava the approval of the faculty. No college literary or social organ ization shall: (a) Include academy stu dents as members, (b) take In or pledge members before the end of the first semester of their residence, (c) have a membership of less 4han 20. Every college literary organization must: (a) have at leaat one faculty member, to be appointed by the presi dent after consultation with the of ficers or committee, (b) prove its value to the entire college by some public ser vice at least pnee each year, (c) fur nish a correct list of its members and of Its officers and a copy of its con stitution and bylaws to the faculty, (d) maintain a good standard of scholar ship and character1 among its members V: Bonds Investments CALL' OR WRITE T. S. McGrath V Lumber Exchange PORTLAND, OREGON Bitutithic Pave ment Brings Satisfaction awo anratAsrocB in tasttb or ABtr-rnaa norisrf tOM VHAZf ABTT 0UU VATElDBjrXi . BECAUSE - It Is trarabl. avar cracks. snakM no nolsa or rumbls from passing vehicles, collect no dust or mud. furthermore. It give a sura foot hold for horses. AutomoblUs mill not akl4 Warren Construction laiiy sir BBOX BX.1.. POTX,AHT, oxsooif. ; alksBi Overbeck & Cooke Co, Cciririfcsfcn Mercbents Stocks, Bonds Cotton. Grain. Etc 2 1 6-2 1 7 Board of Trade Building Member Chicago Board of Trade, Correapondenta of Logan tt Bryan, Chicago. New Tork, Boston. We have th only privat wlr eon?" ting Portland with th eastern exchange. W. M. T.1TIP, President T. B. WILCOX, Vice-President fir -,ir at il '.ll L a l ,w ar-hw IC Best nsurahce : o J Anybody-. J o J JL COOKTBTOKAIC, Vice-President JOXl-IOI, Bee rotary. S. P. LOCKWOOD, Vice-President tnd General. Manager. Kome Of flea. X, usher Bxohaaga Bldg, Portland. Or. lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH 5 STARK