The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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lit RING $001
jiajoic Kennedy is niiiniif Am mnTU
ELECTED S ECU ETA R Y 1 1 M fl It V i 1 1 1 I ( I
Gcorgo Sollers , and j Mrs.
Noyes Intend to Get
Twenty young' Men. Resent
Smallness of ''Treat," ,
ThenM'ay for Prank.
Ohw Bollara, who f Iturad In a
satlonal suit last winter for alienation
of. tue affection of Mrs. Josepuin
Noya, It bow a candidate foe, matrj.
mony, with Mra, JJoyea ai hie running
mate. Thle fact dlscloaed yeafer
day afternoon when he applied at.lh
ofrlo of the county clerk, for a mar
rlnite llcrnae. . - - -
lint CuiiI J e deputy did not wear nia
tiaual mile thla time. When he learned
that Mr. Noyee haa been divorced from
sA. J. Noyee only a little more than
. two month he frowned and mourn
fully . aliook hla bead. Holler waa In
.. formed thai he would have to wait until
alx snontha have elapaed from the Urn
the divorce waa granted.
After a trial before a Jury In Judaja
Morrow's department of the circuit
-.court la at winter Noyea secured a. ver
dict for IBUOO damage against Boll Pre
for alienating the affections of Mra
Noyee. The testimony In the cave was
of the spicy kind. Noyea secured an
attachment on a portion of Rollers'
property, and It Is understood that he
ultimately received about ll00 for his
'wounded feelings. Noyes afterward sued
for a divorce, which waa granted . Jn
(ftpaclat TiUtwtrb e The Jearaal.)
Paytoii. Wanli., Sept It. Twsntr
yoona bovs found themselves in the po
lio station yeaterdajr morninn. the re
suit of a, charivari larty who carried
fun Into iillffilnr.
When the 40 odd sarenaders first at-
tacked the house of. (ildeon liolman and
his bride, he treated iliem courteously.
Th boya demanded 13 with which to
buy refreshments. Till amount was
I ilvon and the boya left. In leaa than
half an hour th band reappeared and
demanded more money. The request
when the sereoRdera returned for th
fifth time-Mr. Hoiman Informed them
that he would five them no nore.
Throwing; the amount already extract-
led from Mr. MOiman at nis reel, me
leader declared they would have more
or nothing, and ordered hoatllltle com
While th
was again granted, SO cents being alvi
The gam waa repeated again witho
protest from tha happy bridegroom, b
boy war ransack
Jlolman called th
I in tha y
no lea. Bi
aters were aware of It, they wera
the hands of Offloer Dorr. t V ,
The leaders wera compelled to clean
ud tha yard and remove every trace of
their . depredations. ... ' -
J , . . -. ' ' " " " i
,-v ; . . '.
(Special Dispatch to IS JoarnaL)
,1 Walla Walla, Wash, Sept. U. Tha
Yeaidents of "Little fit Petersburg," aa
' tha Russian colony la called, laat night
' beat Jacob Huffman- and stripped th
clothe from , his wife and heat her.
Huffman can giv no reason for tha
treatment, and saya he does not know
' his assailants. He had hut recently
moved Into tha Rusalan part of the
city. Th police ara Investigating. Both
th .man and hla wife bear marks , of
violent treatment
Y Major J. P. Kennedy.
Major J. T. Kennedy, waa elected yes
terday morning by tba city civil ser
vice commission - to act aa secretary
for that body. "He will take th place
mad vacant br the resignation or- Beo-
retary W. W. Mcintosh, which will be
come errectlve October l. Major jven
nedv In a nloneer resident of tha city.
He was clerk of the circuit court for
two years and Is at present chairman
of the Multnomah county central com
mltte of the Republican party.
After months of preparation we take pleasure in presenting for
your inspectionwhat we believe to be the GREATEST
SHOWING of HIGH CLASS CLOTHING ever attempted in
this city EVERY GARMENT has been selected after
the most careful scouting Not ONE thread of cotton has been
permitted in our vast collection DESIGNS and PATTERNS
have been confined to "this store ARTISTS have
designed the models--MASTER- TAILORS have built them. .
Degree Team Goes to Drain.,
v (Special Dlwatch to Tha Joonul.)
Cottage Grove. Or., Sept 18 Th
degree team or uohemia camp No. 260,
I W. O. W.. will arn to Drain on the .vn.
inar of October 11 t put on the floor I turning . down-of
work for the
Head Conaul T. T
' Boak has requested th captain, F. H.
osnterg to - h&v bis team in readl
nasa., , - .... .... ., ., V
neelil ntinateh to The JoarnaM
Ontario, Or,, 8ept 18. The second
me jviaineur project
rreat lna 'rolllnar in he I bv tha arovomnient has not materially
neia mat evening.
Such action
Mathew Jaricigaj
c f 8
v.." '.. ':-"' :
; i
r - i
r y ly
Murderer of Mary Smrekar, who
. lias, been condemned to hang at Sa
lem on Friday, October 22. JanclgaJ
ihot Mary Smrekar in July of 1908.
affected business here.
had been anticipated.
Tha Bolae-Owyhe High Line com
pany is willing to extend its canal to
In Malheur river, providing land own
ers will alam contracts. Another pri
vat eompanyt, Is making preparations
to water acres above vaie by
conserving the flood waters of Bully
creek. This company, ; claimed to be
Washington -capitalists, haa purchased
th I Jr. fitevey and O. Johnson ranches
on Bully creek for a reservoir site.
This almost natural reservoir can be
made complete by putting In a -dam lot
feet high, or higher If neoeaaary, The
canyon here Is not much over 100 feet
wide and ore and rock for the dams can
be drawn from the hillsides. t
Ther Is considerable talk of i)rsanl-
zing-an Irrigation district for th pur
pose of watering lands in the vii-lnity
of Ontario and vale not already under
canals, and the upper Dead Ox Mat,
while landowners of the lower Dead Ox
Flat are arranging to secure water from
the Snaka river by meana of pumping
(United Preaa Leeued Wire.)
Milwaukee. Wis,, Sept 18.-At the an
nual meeting of the" stockholders of
the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad today John D. Ryan of the
Amalgamated Copper -company was
elected to succeed Henry H. Rogers aa
a member of the directorate. General
Superintendent Bush was elected to the
position or.generai manager, to succeed
General Manager Underwood, who Is In'
capacitated wlnr to protracted Illness
H. J. Earlln. son of th president oi
tha road, was elected - to succeed Bush
aa general superintendent.
Socialist Paper for EUensburg.
JSnerfal Distmuh to Tba Journal.)
EUensburg, Wash., Sept. 18. Another
newspaper may be established in El'
burst in tne ruiure. socialists
the stale propose to print in this city
party organ which will not deal with
local affairs, but which Is Intended to
report the work of the organization in
all parts of the county with special ref-
moter of the schema, says that he is one
or me siocanoiaers oi uie new paper,
and that others of the party are. suf
ficiently interested to supply the mone:
to buy machinery to start. Plans an
still in the embryonic stage. The new
fiaper is to be located in a building of
ts own.. The new bulldtnsr will be of
concrete ana large cnoucrn to comrort-
ably house a printing plant. -
Three .of my best witnesses did not
bow up at th trial, but I am going
to find out wlit If 1 can, aa aoon aa II
ara free," said R. T. Dlckeraon at the
county Jail yesterday afternoon. H. I
expressed confidence ' that he can ao
much better at another trial If ha la I
given the opportunity. - '
Dlckerson was sentenced '-. to serv
three years In the penitentiary by Judgal
Gantenbeln yesterday. Mi attorneys
were allowed five day to prepare a
motion for new trial, but they acted at
once, filing the motion yesteraay arter
noon. They allege errors in tha admis
sion , of evidence and state that they
have discovered new evldenc that
would have helped them substantially
at the trial.
This new evidence, they say, would
corroborate Dickerson's statement that I
he borrowed keys from Mrs. Harry Ald
rlch to open the trunk of H. A. Garrett,
whom he suspected of -Improper rela-l
tlons with his wife. He shot Garrett
on the morning or June zi, tne next
day after he opened the trunk and
found the Jlncrlmlnatlng lettere. accord
ing to the story he told on the witness
stand. The other new evidence, It is
stated, would corroborate the testimony
of Herman Braver that Garrett tele
phoned to Mrs. Dlckerson from tha
Palm Leaf saloon.
In nassine sentence on DleKersonf
Judge Gantenbeln said ha had inquired
of tho Jurors why they appended the
words, ''No recommendation" to their
verdict, and had learned that a great
majority of the men who heard tha
teatlmony wanted to recommend tha de
fendant to the mercy of th court,
while two Jurors insisted on recom
mending the extreme penalty of the
law. Tha eourt also stated that tho
motive for the crime appeared to be
the alienation of the affections of Dick
erson's little girl by oarrett, rather
We are showing them in the most MODERN STORE every
garment hanging in cabinets. ' ""'7
They have been PRICED as is our usual custom MOST
MODESTLY. We invite you to call You will not be
urged to purchase--
Men's Suits and Overcoats $20 to $50
Our Juvenile Department
... ' ' - ' ' -
Contains all that is NEWEST and BEST Second Floor, "
take elevator.
- i
Tlie Appetizing
and Distinctive
!5? .ft? L.yA.rft. PENDLETOJiT FAIR
iitai liiv July unu cuiiniuneu uii. ill
rlvlng at the verdict of manslaughter,
paying little heed to tha theories of In
sanity and self defense.
John A. Jeffrey announced that he
will apneal the . case to the supreme
court. Dlckerson will be released early
tomorrow morning on ban. hw bond
was ready last night- lacking only thai
approval or tne court. As none of the
lodges were in reach after the bond had
been prepared, he was compelled to re
main in Jail over Sunday. His bond
was xea at JJOOO, or 11500 in cash.
(Special Tltupatch to The Journal.)
Chehalls. Wash., Sept. 18. At the
plant of the Chehalls Lumber enmnanv
at Lit tell, four miles west of Chehalls,
this afternoon. C. F. Jones.
of the mill, was killed by logs rolling
over him at the pond ekldway. Mr.
Jones, In company with the log-etna-
crew, wnn neipmg to unload a carload
of logs when they got away and before
Mr. .Tone could escaoe he waa unrht
and his life crushed out
Coroner Stlcklln was called Anf enn
sidered an Inquest unnecessary.
Mr. Jones came here a few months
aro and took chare- of th mm man
ager. He was a stockholder in the! ........"Timber and
plant and had an Interest In tha wti..i.lHon. W. R. Campbell.
er Lumber, Bridge & Supply company I ........"Water and Water Courses"
or ues Moines, lowa, where he lived I Hon. Oram U. Dlmlck.
prior to coming west Th deceased
Onlllf 3n vr . u .. rt
I Governor Frank W. Benson.
nr tm , ..m -- i oiam oi urKon
LVblUE ALTU llUiljV Hon- 8- Peterson.. "Lawa of Oregon"
l.l.--t-i i I nun, xv, xv. ij uiiimuu . xue uroKua xar
T7T?mTTTWS PT?TQmsnT?a Hon. a A Notson
"X'Uiij Jxi.jjvitiiito "Orearon District Aericultural flnctat
- Octobsr 1, "PnhUo School Day."
Program under "direction of Superin
tendent F. K. Welles and Professor p.
T. Land era
October St, "Trayalara4 y."
.Under direction of Addison Bennett
. (Special Dlapatch to The Jour nil.) -Pendleton,
Or., Sept 18. The pro
gram for the coming district fair IS
just about complete, and it la avldent
that tha entertainment to ba offered
those attending tha fair is to be fully
up to tha standard of former years.
Th list of speakers contains tha names
or some of the best taient in tne state.
In addition to the program as given be
low, McElroy'e military band will give
concerts each afternoon ana evening,
.Those who heard the band when It was
here before know this will be one of
the features of the fair.
The program follows:
September 87. "District par."
Hon. F. H. Bartlett "Irrigation"
Hon. S. F. Campbell "Fruit"
September 88, "Xlonr Bay.''
Hon. Jay Bowerman
"Pioneer Oregon"
Hon. j. T. xieuanen. . . rteminlsoences
Hon. John Ourdane. . . . "Reminiscences"
Hon. David Taylor. .. ."Reminiscences"
Dr. Andrew S. Smith. "Pure Food"
Bsptamhar 29, "Conservation.
Hon. J. N. Teal
Timber Lands'
September 30, "Oregon Day.
. . 1 . I
k-U m lr . 1 . .
-a-.a- M
Wins favor anyllme.
r anywhere ' .
Irom Everyone
Made of White Corn
into fluff, g o 1 d e n
brown flakes ready to "
serve from the pkg."Y
with crffam and sugar
" ?llt Memory incrj"
Mmrit rnxu co-
SatOa Crak, lOca- -
During th laat f w day th
police department automobile
haa been equipped with a siren
honv such aa ha th fire de
' partment machine, with a aob
and wall Ilk that of a lost soul
la dlstresa. Friday morning Pa
trolman Chauffeur Letsy was
testing out tha hark-y In front
. of police headquarter.
"Isn't It awful!" gasped on
of th female prisoners on th
top floor of the Jail.
"Horrible!- ejaculated another.
"Them third degrees must b
awfuV'sald another.
"Just llrften to that man
groan!" cried, tha fourth. Thos '
detective ara murdering him.
Sava m from such aa expert
anc!" Anna Delaney, Inebriate, went
Into hysterica, and floundered
about on th floor until a drink
of whisker and th Information
that it waa only aa automobll
siren. Imparted by' Matron Mrs.
laabelle Simmons, was offered. '
. "Well," declared the Delaney
woman. In' defeaae of her weak
ness, "I know thoa detectlvea
poll flngera and toaa off ojf prls- .
oners hands and feet to auk I
them , tell where they hid tha
awag. I coca read a novel a boat
how th palio dowa la Soath
American towns ved ta eat off
th ears of prisoners and, thea
cook 'em a-d make tba faUawa
(Special Dispatcfc tn Tba JoanaL)
Dajrton, Wash, Sept 18. Plans for
'the second Touchet Valley Agricultu
ral fair are about completed. Secretai
Leon B. Ken worthy Is making an
fort to aeoura tha Arnold Amusement
company. ,
Horsemen of Oregon and Waahlngton
towns have written for entrlea In the
race meet and some of the- fastest
horses on the coaat will be here. Work
of repairing th track and grandstand,
and construction of bleachers, stables,
booths and fence haa commenced in
charg e( E. E. Eager. ,
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
North Powder, Or., Sept. 18. The of
ficials of Carlesbad Sanitarium com
pany will bold a meeting here Monday
to complete arrangements for finish
ing the temporary bulldlntr for the ac
commodation of bathers and campers
and for the erection of the proposed
1160.000 stone and brick edifice to ba
opened net year.
Manager F. M. Qulnn has a force of
men putting Mud lake in condition for
use and clearing off the site for a 20
room wooden bulldmg, the material for
wmcn is now on the ground,
(Bpedal Dispatch to Th JoarnaM
Pendleton, Or., Sept 18. A course In
agriculture may be addded to the cur
riculum of th Pendleton high school.
Tha proposition was taken ud bv tha
board at the special meeting Wednesday
evening and Superintendent Landers
waa Instructed to present to tha board
an outline of tha work to ba covered by
tha proposed course. This outline la to
be presented at the meeting next Tues
day evening and In the meantime Pro
fessor Landers has written to President
Kerr of O. A. C concerning the possi
bility of securing an Instructor;
The course is contemplated for two
reasons. In the first nlace It will sun.
plement tha work of the high school in
preparing students who desire to enter
tne stata) agricultural college, and sec
ond it will furnish those who cannot
take a higher course with information
which would be very valuable to them
in case they desire to take ud farmlnir.
As Umatilla county .is- primarily an
agricultural county, the Innovation is
expected to prove popular.
Snaehaoa Pre Tomorrow (Sunday)
from Boon to a o'Clook.
The new Nom Kin Low restaurant
will open tomorrow with a free lunch
eon of cakes and tea from noon to 1
o'clock, in their new building, 78 north
Fourth street, between Davis and Ev
erett (upstairs), in the heart nt new
Chinatown. You ar Invited. After 1
o'clock dinner a la carte. Chop euer
and noodles. Lee Lung, manager.
1 (Special DUpatch to Tha Journal.)
EUensburg, Wash., Sept. 18. -Prying
open a window- In the rear of tha ahop,
burglars entered the American bakery at
202 North Pearl street laat nis-h ..r,H
took several dollars' worth of pies,
cakes, bread, suaar. flour and nth..
baking material. No money was taken,
as the cash drawer had bean emptied
by the proprietor when ha closed th.
plac for tha night . f
- Silvio Traverso, manager of tha Cen
tral Messenger & Delivery company, left
last evening for a trip to Seattle, leav
ing Albert Daniels, his assistant, as
manager during his week's stay.
W. Louie Fliedner leave tonight for
Tale to continue his law studies, vrr.
Fliedner graduated from the University
of Oregon Law school last spring. ,.
Tomorrow (Monday) la tfca
last day for discount on east aid gas
bill. Read "Gas Tips."
Journal want ad a coat 1 cant a word.
MaamM Stove WaetedD?
Tenai Towrnaatrat. .
Walla Walla. Weatu tvrt. II Th
final tenti'a tnrTnn t ef tha year
r-en HoTxIty at T. hi. , A. ftsr
r' H in-ai rT r?t m rBwrlifct
ef thla ctr. Njrh lntrt I tnn :tl
aed aiaey ttui tar ba aeaue.
Fa settle.
. aji rjrrxKXAx. atnror ro
nr rra KAjrr .roues.
m tama.
rV-tatle 1 Ner-rae Headarhaa
Nevrala-1) I Nearalarle HnlwkM
Not anaaa I KtrMn httMn.!.
a.rrplaaBsa Krvs Affecuoa
Whslamla aa Beuil fA-eggtst,
K& 4 VanM! Su, Fertlaal, Cr.
By all maaa eall and laspact this
... atiia vanrary . envra.
aTwad Maatar Vara an ra ef
Vara an
-waaa. ka. hard aad son aoaO,
aaaa, aaaylara. a,watj u faoa.
Is the
' Stove on the Market
Saves Yon ' Money
n rxacts
READ CAREFULLY-Scientific men claim that by the ordinary
method of coal consumption at least 75 per cent of the heating
power of coal is wasted. The Howard Heaters not only save this
wastage, but will more than double the heating capacity of given
amount of coal in an ordinary stove.. If ou wish to know fu"y
how it is done, send for booklet Or ca!l and interview our stove men.